Page 1: What would Jesus see to praise about you right now? · CALENDARIO LITÚRGICO Misas de fin de semana: Sábados: 4:00 p.m. (Iglesia)

Joyfully Proclaim the Presence of Jesus to the Total Community

10 Willow Avenue at Belair Road • Baltimore, MD 21206 PHONE 410-665-1054 • FAX 410-665-4024 • Email: [email protected] •

St. Michael St Clement School ~ 410-668-8797

December 17, 2017 – Third Sunday of Advent

What would Jesus see to praise about you right now?


Rev. Jojo Opalda, Administrator Deacon Henry Davis, O.S.F., Pastoral Associate

Brendan Fitzgerald, Seminarian Mrs. Nikki Lux, DRE & Parish Manager

Mr. Rich Olkowski, High School Youth Minister Mr. James Kraus, Director of Music & Liturgy Mr. Kevin Callahan, Organist & Choirmaster

Mr. James Spangler, Facilities Manager To contact Pastoral Team members by email type “first intial+last


ST. MICHAEL ST. CLEMENT SCHOOL Mr. Paul Kristoff, Co-Principal Dr. Jane Towery, Co-Principal

ASSISTING CLERGY Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Tewes

Rev. Salvatore J. Livigni, In Residence Rev. Gonzalo Cadavid-Rivera, In Residence

PARISH CENTER HOURS Entrance is located at 10 Willow Avenue

Weekdays: 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Monday – Thursday Closed Fridays and Saturdays

Closed for Lunch 12:30-1:15 p.m. Weeknights: Receptionist on duty until 8:00 p.m. Sundays: Receptionist on duty from 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.


Weekend Masses: Saturday: 4:00 p.m. (Church)

Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. (Church) 12:30 p.m. Spanish Mass (Church)

Weekday Masses (Marian Chapel): Monday through Saturday: 9:00 a.m.

Holy Day Schedule: As Announced in the Bulletin

Confessions: Saturday: 3:00 – 3:45 p.m. in Church Additional times during Advent and Lent

Eucharistic Adoration: Following the 9:00 a.m. Mass on the first Saturday of the Month. The Blessed Sacrament is reserved in the Parish Center Oratory and is open during regular Parish Center hours for private prayers.

EQUIPO PASTORAL Rev. Jojo Opalda, Administrator

Diácono Henry Davis, O.S.F., Pastoral Asociado Brendan Fitzgerald, Seminarian

Mrs. Nikki Lux, Directora de Formación en la Fe

Mr. Rich Olkowski, Ministro de Jóvenes

Mr. James Kraus, Director de Música y Liturgia

Mr. Kevin Callahan, Organista & Coro

Mr. James Spangler, Jefe de Mantenimiento Para ponerse en contacto con los miembros del equipo pastoral por

correo electrónico marque: “primera inicial + apellido” @


Mr. Paul Kristoff, Co-Director de la Escuela

Dr. Jane Towery, Co-Director de la Escuela

ASISTENCIA CLERO Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Tewes

Rev. Salvatore J. Livigni, En Residencia Rev. Gonzalo Cadavid-Rivera, En Residencia

HORARIO PARROQUIAL La entrada se encuentra en la avenida 10 Willow

Días Laborales: 9:00 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. Lunes a Jueves El viernes y el sábado está cerrado. Cerrado para el almuerzo de 12:30-1:15 p.m.

Entre Semana en las noches: Recepcionista en servicio hasta 8:00 p.m.

Domingos: Recepcionista de turno de 8:30-1:30 p.m.

CALENDARIO LITÚRGICO Misas de fin de semana: Sábados: 4:00 p.m. (Iglesia) Domingo: 7:30, 9:00 y 10:30 (Iglesia),12:30 p.m. Misa en Español (Iglesia) Misas en días laborales (Capilla Marian): Lunes a sabado: 9:00 a.m. Horario Días Santos: Tal como se anuncia en el Boletín Confesiones: Domingo: antes de la Misa, 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. (Iglesia) Temporadas adicionales durante el Adviento y la Cuaresma Adoración Eucarística: Después de la Misa de 9:00 a.m. el primer sábado del mes, y los sábados durante el Adviento, Navidad, Cuaresma y Pascua. El Santísimo Sacramento está reservado en el Oratorio localizado en la oficina parroquial, y está abierto durante las horas regulares de oficina para la oración personal.

Page 2: What would Jesus see to praise about you right now? · CALENDARIO LITÚRGICO Misas de fin de semana: Sábados: 4:00 p.m. (Iglesia)


Baptisms: 3rd Sundays at 2:00 p.m. (Spanish), and 4th Sundays (English) at Noon. Parents and godparents are required to attend a Preparation Class. Please call the Parish Office to arrange for both Preparation Class and Baptism.

Penance/Reconciliation: Confessions are heard in chapel on Saturday 3:00– 3:45 pm as well as by appointment. Parish Communal Reconciliation Services are held during Advent and Lent.

Marriage: Couples planning to be married should contact a priest or deacon at least six months before the anticipated date. All engaged couples must take a Marriage Preparation Course as required by the Archdiocese. Do not set a date or reserve a hall until after you have met with a priest or deacon.

Pastoral Care of the Sick: If a parishioner is in the hospital or homebound and unable to attend Mass and wishes to receive Holy Communion, please contact the Parish Office. In case of emergency, call the Parish Office anytime, day or night. Please notify the Parish Office if a parishioner is in the hospital and wishes to be anointed. Those who are seriously ill or persons advanced in years should be anointed. Masses of Anointing are celebrated several times a year.

RCIA: If you are interested in becoming Catholic or completing your initiation by receiving the sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation, contact the Faith Formation Office.

Priesthood, Diaconate, and Religious Life: If you feel God may be calling you to ministry as a priest, deacon, or member of a religious community contact a parish priest, deacon, seminarian, or call the Archdiocesan Director of Vocations, Rev. James L. Sorra, at 410-547-5426.

MINISTERIO SACRAMENTAL Bautismos: el primer, tercero y cuarto domingo a la 2:00 p.m. Los padres y padrinos deben asistir a una clase de preparación. Por favor, llame a la oficina parroquial para organizar tanto la clase como el

bautismo. Penitencia / Reconciliación: las confesiones son escuchadas en la iglesia los domingos de 11:00-11:35 a.m. y con cita previa. Servicios parroquiales comunales de Reconciliación se llevan a cabo durante el Adviento y la Cuaresma.

Matrimonio: Las parejas que planean casarse deben comunicarse con un sacerdote o diácono por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha prevista. Todas las parejas comprometidas deben tomar un curso de preparación para el matrimonio como lo exige la Arquidiócesis. No establezca una fecha o reservar una sala hasta que se haya reunido con un sacerdote o diácono.

Pastoral de los Enfermos: Si un feligrés está en el hospital o en sus hogares y no pueden asistir a Misa y desea recibir la Sagrada Comunión, por favor póngase en contacto con la Oficina Parroquial. En caso de emergencia, llame a la Oficina Parroquial en cualquier momento del día o de la noche. Por favor, notifique a la oficina parroquial si un feligrés está en el hospital y desea ser ungido. Los que están gravemente enfermos o personas de edad avanzada deben ser ungidos. Misas de Unción se celebran varias veces al año. RCIA: Si usted está interesado en ser católico o completar su iniciación recibiendo los sacramentos de la Eucaristía y / o Confirmación, póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Formación en la Fe.

Sacerdocio, Diaconado y la vida religiosa: Si usted siente que Dios lo está llamando al ministerio como sacerdote, diácono, o miembro de una comunidad religiosa, póngase en contacto con un sacerdote, diácono, seminarista, o llame al Director Arquidocesano –de Vocaciones, Rev. James L. Sorra at 410 547-5426.


Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Today we are told to Rejoice always. But why?

Do we rejoice that our Christmas shopping is

done? Do we rejoice over things we have? Or are

we rejoicing because we are close to the birthday

of our Savior and Lord – Jesus Christ?

The third Sunday of Advent is called “Gaudete

Sunday.” Gaudete is a Latin word for “rejoice”.

It is a command taken directly from St. Paul’s

first letter to the Thessalonians. Paul begins by

telling us what we must do at all times. “Rejoice

always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all

circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ

Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16)

The life of holiness to which St. Paul invites us

this season of Advent is the life of God in us. It

is God in us who makes it happen. Our part is

mainly to say YES to God, to surrender totally to

Him. It is hard for us to live a life of rejoicing

always. But the One who always gives us what

He commands. He is faithful, and He will do it in

our lives.

Sisters and Brothers, let us rejoice,pray and

thank the Lord; these are important elements of

christian living that St. Paul wanted us to

remember always.

God Bless Us Always,

Fr. Jojo

It’s Christmas!

Please pick up a 2018 calendar from the Welcome Tables as our small gift to each

family here at St. Michael’s. (One per family please.)

Page 3: What would Jesus see to praise about you right now? · CALENDARIO LITÚRGICO Misas de fin de semana: Sábados: 4:00 p.m. (Iglesia)

Saturday, Dec 16 4:00 pm Cammie Roberson

Sunday, Dec 17 Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11; Luke 1:46-50, 53-54;

1 Thessalonians 5:16-24; John 1:6-8, 19-28

7:30 am Sr. Marian O’Keeffe 9:00 am Edward Supik 10:30 am Thomas & Muriel Huber 12:30 pm All Parish Member Monday, Dec 18 Jeremiah 23:5-8; Matthew 1:18-25

9:00 am Donald Oakjones, Sr.

Tuesday, Dec 19 Judges132-7, 24-25a; Luke 1:5-25

9:00 am Mary Benhoff Wednesday, Dec 20 Isaiah 7:10-15; Luke 1:26-38

9:00 am All Parish Members Thursday, Dec 21 Zephaniah 3:14-18a; Luke 1:39-45

9:00 am Robert and Frances Fortenbaugh Friday, Dec. 22 1 Samuel 1:24-28; Luke 1:46-56

9:00 am All Parish Members

Saturday, Dec 23 Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24; Luke 1:57-66

9:00 am All Parish Members 4:00 pm Cammie Roberson Sunday, Dec 24 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Romans 16:25-

27; Luke 1:26-38;

7:30 am Dick Jewell 9:00 am All Parish Members 10:30 am Nicholas Pociluyko 12:30 pm All Parish Member

4:00 pm (church) Jack Donahue Terry Peach 4:00 pm (chapel) Marie Kotschenreuther 6:30 pm (church) All Parish Members 7:00 pm (chapel) All Parish Members Midnight (church) All Parish Members

Community Life

Welcome to St. Michael’s! If you are visiting with us this weekend, or have been away from the Church for a while, we invite you to become an active part of our parish community. Registration forms may be found in the bulletin racks. Please fill one out and

return it to the Parish Office or drop it in the collection basket. We encourage all to share fully in the life of the parish by being actively involved in our ministries and being faithful stewards of time, talent and treasure. Please prayerfully consider how God is calling you to proclaim the Good News in our parish community. If you have a change of address or phone number or are moving out of the parish, please notify the Parish Office as soon as possible. Also, when adult children turn 18, they should register under their own names as soon as possible. If you are not Roman Catholic, please know that you are most welcome. While we are unable to extend an invitation to our non-Catholic brothers and sisters to receive Holy Communion, please feel free to come forward at Communion time and ask for a blessing. Bienvenidos a San Miguel! Los formularios de inscripción se pueden encontrar en las estanterías que se encuentran en la capilla y la Iglesia. Por favor, llene una y regrésela a la Oficina de la parroquia o colóquela en la cesta de la ofrenda. Animamos a todos a participar plenamente en la vida de la parroquia, participando activamente en nuestros ministerios y siendo administradores fieles de tiempo, talento y tesoro. Por favor, piadosamente considere cómo Dios nos está llamando a anunciar la Buena Nueva en nuestra comunidad parroquial. Si usted tiene un cambio de dirección o número de teléfono o se están moviendo fuera de la parroquia, por favor, notifique a la Oficina de la Parroquia tan pronto como sea posible. Además, cuando los hijos cumplen los 18 años, deberán registrasen con sus propios nombres tan pronto como sea posible.

We Pray for the Sick If you or a loved one wishes to be remembered in prayer please call the parish office. Currently we pray for Dorothy Abel, Jack Resop, Karen Kielar and Kelly Green, Betsy Rickter, Sarah Rickter Sentman, Greg Sentman, Claire Conger,

Ray Conger, Peggy Via, James Via and Greg Via.

Prayers for Those Who Protect and Defend Us Countless men and women place their lives in harm’s way each day, many in areas riddled by war and violence. May God watch over them and protect them. Please pray especially for Deputy Sheriff Michael Burgess, Corp. Isaac Carl Rush, Sgt. Christopher

Baldwin, Pvt. Cole Hagley, Officer John Rogers, Cpl. Michael Smith, BCPD, and Wilbur Smith BCFD & EMT, Officer Buddy Pugh, Officer Christopher Robinson, Officer Norman Rogers, Jr., Lt. Victor Barba-Sorra, Col. Robert Wojciechowski, Patrick Cook, Lora Hamilton, Sgt. Richard J. Peschek, Lt. Kevin Flaherty, Daniel Michael Ging, Officer Mark Flaherty, Officer Joseph Robinson, Officer Anastasia Robinson, Officer Michael Forish, Sgt. Raymond Conger, Lt. Joe Conger, Michael A. Violanti, Jr., David R. Edwards, Jr., Sgt. John Kollar, Officer Dennis Gunther, Capt. BCFD H. Vern Jenkins, Officer Zachary Adams, Private Jordan Ussell, USMC, Tyler Adelsberger, Seaman, Officer Donald Oakjones, Jr., and all who protect and

defend us. To have a name added or removed from the list contact the Parish Office.

Advent Giving Tree Thank you for warming the hearts of our less fortunate brothers and sisters during this season of giving.

Parish Office Hours for Christmas Dec. 22nd – Parish office closing at 2:00 p.m. Dec. 24th - 9:00 am – 1:00 pm (Auxiliary Coverage Only) Dec. 25th – Dec. 26th - Closed Dec. 27th – Dec. 28th - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 31st – 9:00 am – 1:00 pm (Auxiliary Coverage Only) Jan. 1st – Closed Jan. 2nd: Office reopens for normal hours at 9 a.m.

January Wedding Anniversaries If your wedding anniversary is in January, plan to join us at the Anniversary Mass on January 6th at 4:00 p.m. Call the Parish Office 410-665-1054 to register for the celebration.

Pipe Organ Donations We are still seeking donations to help cover the cost of replacing 5 reservoirs in our 1931 Möller pipe organ. We are just beginning our journey to our goal of $10,000 to cover this important cost. For more information or questions, please contact our organist, Kevin Callahan.

Health Care Committee We will gladly check your blood pressure at no charge by the side entrance of the main church on the 1st Sunday of each month after the 10:30 a.m. Mass.

Pastoral Council 2017-2018

Executive Board

Lizzette Vargas, Chair [email protected]

Maria Luque, Vice Chair [email protected]

Sue Saumenig, Secretary [email protected] Commission

Greg Krasowski, Chair, Liturgy [email protected]

Amy Unverzagt, Chair, Evangelization [email protected]

Tom Maher, Evangelization [email protected]

Joyce Contrino, Evangelization [email protected]

Charlie Stevenson, Evangelization [email protected] Clint Elliott, Chair, Service [email protected]

Dennis Boland, Chair, Youth [email protected]

Teresa Propst, Chair, Faith Formation [email protected]

William Sullivan, Chair, Comm. Life [email protected]

Belkys Pinson, Chair, Hispanic [email protected]

Chris Borowy [email protected] Parish Corporators

Mike Brown [email protected]

Cass Roberson [email protected]

Page 4: What would Jesus see to praise about you right now? · CALENDARIO LITÚRGICO Misas de fin de semana: Sábados: 4:00 p.m. (Iglesia)

This Week at St. Michael’s Meeting Rooms: Parish Meeting Room (PMR) Conference Room 1 (CR1), Conference Room 2 (CR2), Upstairs Conference Room (UCR), Youth Center 1 (YC1) and Youth

Center 2 (YC2) are in the Parish Center; Chapel Meeting

Room (CMR) & Youth Room (YR) are in the Lower Church. For all Parish Center meetings come to the main entrance of the school at 10 Willow Ave. Sunday, December 17 9:00 am Children’s Faith Formation (Gym)

6:00 pm Boy Scout Meeting (SR) Monday, December 18 7:00 pm RCIA (CR2) 7:00 pm Boy Scout Committee Meeting (SR) Tuesday, December 19 3:00 pm Brownie Meeting (SR) 6:30 pm Cub Scout Meeting (SR)

Wednesday, December 20 3:00 pm Daisy Troop Meeting (SR) 6:30 pm Secular Franciscan Fraternity Gathering (PMR)

7:00 pm Luz y Salvacíon Prayer Group (Chapel)

Thursday, December 21 Parish Office closing at 2:00 p.m. for Christmas



Mass Attendance – Dec 10 4:00pm 115; 7:30am 69; 9:00 am 84; 11:30am 388; Total 656

Celebrants Next Weekend December 23rd and 24th Please note this schedule is subject to change. 3:00 pm (Confessions) Fr. Sal Livigni

4:00 pm Fr. Sal Livigni 7:30 am Fr. Sal Livigni 9:00 am Msgr. Tom Tewes 10:30 am Fr. Jojo Opalda 12:30 pm Fr. Gonzalo Cadavid-Rivera

4:00 pm (Church) Fr. Jojo Opalda 4:00 pm (Chapel) Fr. Sal Livigni

6:30 pm (Church) Msgr. Tom Tewes 7:00 pm (Chapel) Fr. Gonzalo Cadavid-Rivera Midnight (Church) Fr. Jojo Opalda

Catholic Faith Formation

CHRISTIAN FORMATION St. Michael St Clement School: A Catholic, faith-based education rooted in strong values and service to others serving grades Pre K 3 – 8th grade. On-site before and after school care is available to all full time students. Options available in Pre-K include half day and full days as well as partial or full week options in Laboure Hall. For more information, contact Natasha

Farzad 410-668-8797 or Children’s Faith Formation: The Faith Formation Office is open weekdays from 9 am – 3 pm. Sessions meet on Sundays from 9:00-11:30 am for Grades Pre K-8 RCIA Monday evenings, 7 pm. Call 410-665-1054, ext. 106 or email

FORMACIÓN CRISTIANA Escuela de San Miguel San Clemente: una educación católica, basada en la fe arraigada en fuertes valores y servicio a los demás, sirviendo a los grados Pre K3 – 8 º grado. En el sitio antes y después del cuidado de la escuela, está disponible para todos los estudiantes de tiempo completo. Las opciones disponibles en Pre-K incluyen medio día y días completos así como opciones de semana parcial o completa en pasillo de Labouré. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto en Natasha Farzad 410-668-8797

Educación Religiosa: La Oficina de Formación en Fe está abierta entre semana de 9am-3pm. Las clases se reúnen los domingos de 9:30-11:30am, para los grados K-8. Recepcionista español disponible el lunes y el jueves 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

RCIA Español: Los domingos a las 9:30am en el CR2. Llamar

al 410-665-1054 para más información

School News

Did you Know....

We have a 1:1 iPad/Chromebook to student

ratio. We are one of three schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore to offer the PRIDE program to students with learning differences.

Students who attend St. Michael-St. Clement School come from 37 different zip codes! For more information, please visit our website at

High School Youth Group

Christmas Party-Thursday, Dec. 28 -7:00 – 10:00 p.m.

Join us for our annual Christmas party. This is a great chance to catch up with friends over the holidays and even meet some new people. There will music, games and food.

Every person is asked to bring a wrapped gender-neutral gift ($5-10) for our gift exchange game. We will also have the “ugly Christmas sweater” contest. This will be held in the school gym. It should be a fun time. Bring a friend!

Day of Reflection-Sat., Jan. 20-8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. “Claiming our faith in the world today” Our youth group will be joining the youth group from St. Clement for a day of personal reflection, discussion, prayer, fellowship and fun. This will be held at the St. Anthony Shrine in Ellicott City. The cost is $10.00 and includes

breakfast and lunch. We will meet in the youth center at 8:00 a.m. and return around 4:30 p.m. Permission slip is required and adult chaperones are needed. Take a

winter day to relax, put life in perspective and claim your faith. Please sign up by January 13.

[email protected]

RCIA – The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic Church? Perhaps you know someone who has been asking

about what you believe. If so, bring them to a Monday evening session. Our next gathering is Dec. 18th. The topic this week is “The Early Church”. This will be our last class before the New Year. We will return on January 8th with the topic Church History.

Preparation for First Reconciliation The parish of St. Michael the Archangel would like to

congratulate all the children and their families who received

the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the 1st time this week. You have begun a special time that you can share with Jesus in seeking his mercy. Please love the sacrament and use it well.

Children’s Faith Formation

Today is our last class before Christmas. We will gather at our usual time … 9 a.m. We will then be enjoying a long winter break until January 21st when classes resume. Join

us for a specially themed Mass on Christmas Eve at 4 pm in the Chapel. If you can bring a small baby gift to support the Pregnancy Center North it would be appreciated.

Page 5: What would Jesus see to praise about you right now? · CALENDARIO LITÚRGICO Misas de fin de semana: Sábados: 4:00 p.m. (Iglesia)

Epiphany Pageant The annual Epiphany Pageant will be held on January 6th following the 4 pm Mass in the Church. It will be a good opportunity to sing

the carols and enjoy the story one last time before Ordinary Time. See the Christmas

story as only children can tell it. Practice for the Pageant will be in the Church at 12 noon

that day. If you want your child to be part of the pageant, please call Joann Hacker at 410-812-4515.

Catholic Question Corner Question: If God is good, why is there evil & suffering?

A: Scripture gives us partial answers. For example, in Job

we see that suffering can help us grow, and that good can

come from suffering. Also, while the world is on a journey

towards perfection; it is not yet perfect. Finally, some evil

comes from the misuse of the freedoms given to us, or is

unleashed by fallen angels/devils.

(This is a feature of the Evangelization committee. If you have

a question to be answered, let us know.)

Service and Justice

Helping Hands Committee The Helping Hands Committee gives a hand when you need help in a pinch with errands, food shopping, a ride to the doctor, mass, etc. or relief for a caretaker. If you have a need or would like to help when available call Jane

Oakjones at 410-866-8674.

Food Pantry Donations We are in need of pancake mix, syrup, boxed potatoes, peanut butter & jelly (small jars), small jars of mayo. If you or

someone you know is in need of food assistance, please call 410-665-1054 or come

by the Parish Office weekdays. Food is distributed from 10 am to 12 pm Monday - Thursday. Gift cards are greatly appreciated, and can be left or sent to the Parish Office attention to the Food Pantry.

Respect Life Committee Needs Chairperson The Respect Life Committee exists to encourage members of our community to embrace a consistent ethic of life; that is, life is sacred from conception to natural death. If you are interested in leading this mission or would just like to volunteer, please contact the Parish Office at 410-665-1054.

Suffering Post- Stress? Call Rachel’s Vineyard Baltimore

Project Rachel 410-625-8491 / email [email protected]

Heart of Mercy Healing Ministry for Women The Sisters of the Good Shepherd offer counseling services with a licensed therapist. Are you looking for help dealing with depression, anxiety, post-abortion healing, relationship issues,

spiritual difficulties, improving your self-esteem or other issues that keep you from experiencing the fullness of life that Christ offers? If so, please contact Sr. Mary Frances, RGS at 410-245-0870.

Resource Exchange Program at St. Vincent De Paul

Church The Resource Exchange is a program of the Social Action Committee at St. Vincent de Paul Church. We place homeless persons in apartments in cooperation with Health Care for the Homeless. We are always looking for gently used small furniture pieces and household items. The complete list is on our website at For more information call 410-657-5874.

Parish Activities

Congratulations to our winner! Congratulations to Michael Kowalewski who

won our 1st $10,000 raffle! And thank you to all who made the raffle possible. Your generosity enabled us to have a new sound system in the Church and put us on the road to more needed improvements to the Church. The drawing was

held at the parish Christmas Party last Sunday. With your help we were able to improve the sound system greatly and not go into debt. If there are funds remaining, they will be held for future needs in the Church.


December 10, 2017 Envelopes .............................................. $ 5,280.00 Loose Offerings ........................................ $ 884.65

*Total ................................................... $ 6,164.65 2nd Collection…(Retired Religious) ............ $ 1,461.57 Year to Date Offertory (24 week) Envelopes ............................................. $165,336.56

Loose Offerings ..................................... $ 13,968.25 EFT/ACH .............................................. $ 11,419.98 Total .................................................... $190,724.79

*Average Weekly Offertory ....................... $ 7,946.87 Average Weekly shortfall $131.57 Our budget is based on weekly income of $8,078.44 (envelopes and loose). Thank you for your generosity to our parish community.

Second Collection This Weekend Religious Education Your donation assists the parish in meeting the expenses and needs of the Religious Education program for our children

Second Collection Next Weekend Ministry to the Young People Your generosity helps us to

fund our ministry to the young people of our community.

Memorial Donations Donations can be made to St. Michael the Archangel (Church or School) in memory of a loved one in lieu of flowers. St. Michael's will send an acknowledgement to the family of the deceased. For more information, please contact the Parish Office @ 410-665-1054 or the School Office @ 410-668-8797.

Online Giving for Offertory/Credit Card Capability St. Michael the Archangel Church can now accept online donations for Offertory through the website at In addition, the School can accept donations for Annual Appeal on the giving page. You will also

notice there is a button for most of the upcoming events that allows for online registration and payment using a credit card or ACH Check. If you have any questions, please contact the Parish office at 410-665-1054.

December Poor Box Donations Poor box donations received during the month of December will benefit the St. Michael’s Pantry.

Page 6: What would Jesus see to praise about you right now? · CALENDARIO LITÚRGICO Misas de fin de semana: Sábados: 4:00 p.m. (Iglesia)

Christmas 2017

Holiday Concert

Sunday, Dec. 17 ~ 3:00 pm in the Church Join us for an afternoon of Holiday music as the Choir, the Contemporary Group and the Spanish Schola delight

us with seasonal sounds to help us to stay focused on the season.


December 24 – Christmas Eve 4:00 p.m. – Church: The Contemporary Music Ensemble.

The CME will present a program of Christmas music at 3:30 p.m.

4:00 pm – Chapel (Organ & Cantor)

6:30 pm – Church (Organ & Cantor)

7:00 pm – Chapel (Hispanic Mass)

Midnight – Church (Cantor, Choir, Organ)

Lessons & Carols begin at 11:30 p.m.

December 25 – Christmas Day 10:00 a.m. – Church (Organ & Cantor)

FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY Saturday, December 30

4:00 pm Church (Cantor/Organ)

Sunday, December 31

7:30 am Church (Spoken Mass)

9:00 am Church (Cantor/Choir/Organ)

10:30 am Church (Contemporary Music)

12:30 pm Church (Misa en espanol)

SOLEMNITY OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD Monday, January 1 ~ 10:00 a.m. Church (Organ & Cantor)

EPIPHANY Saturday, January 6 ~ 4:00 pm Church (Cantor/Organ)

Sunday, January 7 ~ 7:30 am Church (Spoken Mass)

9:00 am Church (Cantor/Choir/Organ)

10:30 am Church (Contemporary Music)

12:30 pm Church (Misa en espanol)

EPIPHANY PAGEANT Saturday, January 6 at 4:00 p.m.

The feast of the Baptism of the Lord concludes our observance of the Christmas Season. Join our youngest parish

music ministers as we celebrate the 4:00 pm Mass in the main Church, followed by a Pageant presented by our

students - complete with shepherds, angels, and Magi. Refreshments will be served following the pageant.

Page 7: What would Jesus see to praise about you right now? · CALENDARIO LITÚRGICO Misas de fin de semana: Sábados: 4:00 p.m. (Iglesia)


For ad information, call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at 410-578-3600 or write P.O. Box 13103, Baltimore, MD 21203 - © 2017

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Page 8: What would Jesus see to praise about you right now? · CALENDARIO LITÚRGICO Misas de fin de semana: Sábados: 4:00 p.m. (Iglesia)


For ad information, call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at 410-578-3600 or write P.O. Box 13103, Baltimore, MD 21203 - © 2017


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