Page 1: Which knowledge will be lost? New preservation strategies for the cultural heritage of the post-industrial societies Jørgen Burchardt Preserving the Present

Which knowledge will be lost?

New preservation strategies for the cultural heritage of the post-

industrial societies

Jørgen Burchardt

Preserving the Present for the Future June 18.-19. 2001

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The knowledge society

16,000,000 pagesin 0.08 seconds

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Price media

$ pr. GB (Wall Street Journal, June 26. 2000)









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Preserving through copying

digital copy

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Spreading information

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The History

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The knowledge explosion(US patents)




















Page 8: Which knowledge will be lost? New preservation strategies for the cultural heritage of the post-industrial societies Jørgen Burchardt Preserving the Present

Why the Dark Age

• Metadata are lost

• The law: delete data about persons (Persondatalov July 1. 2000)

• A technical obsolescence

• No institutions for the new medias

• The medias become defective

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More reasons(for museums and archives)

• Cultural elements have a short existence

• Cultural elements are complex and often huge

• A multitude of cultural elements

• Complex relations among people

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Strategy for collecting

Preserving the past

Preserving the present

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Consequences of collecting the present

• Commercial interests (copy-right)

• No nostalgic feelings

• Privacy

• No distance to the collected (culturally blind)

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The history of pollution (Case: culturally blind)

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Collecting the digital heritage

Internet - open

Internet - deep


Other computers

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MigrationConversion / copying

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File formats 1.lwo, .lws, ANSI text, 3DS, Abekas, AI ai7, AI, ai20, ai30, Alias Pix, AMFF, ANI, ANS, APM (html), ARC, ARK, ART, AS, ASCII Text, ATT, AVI, AVI, AVS, BBM, BFF, Binary Group 3 Fax, BMF, bmp, bmpadd, BMP LINK OS/2 Bitmap format, bmpfrmat Windows BMP Format (MS Word), BOB, BW bw Black and White image file format, C4?, C64, CAL, CALS Raster Type I and Type II, CAM Casio Camera Format, CDF LINK NASA Common Data Format, CDR with TIFF header Versions 2.0 9.0 Corel Draw, CDR Versions 6.0 8.0 Corel Draw, CEG Continuous Edge Graphic File Format, CGM (MS Word), CIN, Clipboard, CLP, CMP LINK Leadview bitmap, COB Caligari Truespace COB and SCN formats (RTF), COL Colour Palette File Format, ColoRIX, CPK, CPR, CTBL, CUR, CUT/PAL (Dr. Halo), CVT, D64, D71, D81, DBF, DBX, DCS LINK Quark Desktop Color Separation Specification 2.0, DCS, DCX Graphics File Format, Degas, dem VistaPro Landscape Format, DEM LINK US Geological Survey/National Mapping Division, DIB Windows Bitmap, DICOM LINK DICOM Medical image format, DJVU LINK Complete DjVu specification, DL, DOC, DOO, DORE raster file format, DPaint ANIM, DPX Cineon Image File Format, DRW Versions through 3.1 Micrografx Designer, DRW Versions through 4 Micrografx Draw, DWG LINK OpenDWG Alliance, dwg_ff AutoCAD DWG File Format

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File formats 2 AutoCAD R13/R14 DWG File Specification Version 1.0, DXF AutoCAD version 10 File Format, DXF AutoCAD version 13 File Format, DXF Versions 12 and 14 AutoCad Interchange, dxf_make Minimum Requirements for DXF Files, dxf_r14 AutoCAD DXF version 14 File, Format (Windows Help format), ED5, ED6, Electric Image, EMF Enhanced Metafile Format, EPS TIFF header only Encapsulated PostScript, EPSF, FACE, FAX, FBM LINK Fuzzy Bitmap, FFIVW LINK File Format for the Interchange of Virtual Worlds, FIG LINK FIG file format, FITS, FITS, FITS LINK Flexible Image Transport System, FLC, FLI, FLM, FLX, FPX Kodak Flash Pix, FRZ, GCA, GDS, GED, GEM/IMG, GemRas, geotiff Format Specification, gif Graphics Interchange Format, GIF, Japan, GIF compress LZW Compression, GIF gif89a Graphics Interchange Format, GL, GML LINK Graphlet File Format, Graymap, Group 3 FAX, Haines NFF, PLG, HAM, HDF, HGL, Hijaak Browser, Hijaak Pro, Hijaak Draw, Hijaak TouchUp, HPGL Hewlett Packard Graphics Language, HPGL Version 2 Hewlett Packard Graphics Language, HRZ, IAX, IC?, ICA, ICC Kodak printer image format (C code), ICL ICon Library format, ICO, IFF/ILBM, IFF, IGA, IGES LINK Draft for IGES 5.x, IGF, ilbm Interleaved Bitmap, ILBM lbm2ppm C source to convert LBM pictures into PPM, Imagine, IMG GEM Pain, INDIGO Indigo Graphics Format, INGR LINK Intergraph Raster Format, IRIS, ISQ LINK Wavelet packet

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File formats 3Scalar Quantization Format (postscript), Japan MKI, JBIG, JBIG2 LINK working draft; standardized bilevel image compression, JFI, JPEG Compression, JPEG Progressive, JPG, JPG (JFIF), KFX, KIPS, Kodak Photo CD, LBM Deluxe Paint File Format, LBR, LHA, LINK Utility for creating AI files, LINK Acorn Drawfile Format, LINK Acorn Graphics Formats, LINK PNG‑16, LINK Macintosh PICT files information, LINK AutoCAD DXF (version 14), LINK JPEG information, LINK DjVu Image Files, LINK Digital Moving Picture Exchange, LINK Magick Image File Format, LINK Information about animated Gifs, LINK Portable Network Graphics Specification, LINK CGM Open Consortium, LINK YUV colour space pixel formats used in PC video, LINK Acorn Sprite file Format, LINK More information on WMF files, LINK Adobe Photoshop SDKs, LINK Cyberspace Description Format, Lotus PIC, Lotus Snapshot, lzwexp LZW, Mac Paint, Mac PICT, Mac PICT, MAC, Mac PICT, MACDRAW, MAG, Japan MIFF Machine Independant File Format, MLI, Alias polysets, BRender, CAD‑3D, Coryphaeus .dwb, MNG, LINK Multiple Network Graphics, Movie BYU, MP2, MPA, MPEG Audio, MPG, MSK Autodesk Animator Mask File Format, MSP Type 1, MSP, MTL, MTV, MUR, NAPLPS North American Presentation Layer Protocol Syntax, NEO, NIF, NITF LINK National Imagery Transmission Format, Novell PerfectWorks (Draw) Version 2.0, ODF LINK ODIF ‑ Open Document Interchange

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File formats 4OMF, OOGL LINK Web Object Oriented Graphics Library, OPENGL LINK OpenGL Web site, OS/2 Bitmap All versions, P10, PAC, PAL Dr Halo PAL files, PAT AutoCAD Patch Definition Files, PAX LINK PAX Secure Image Format [Smaller Animals Software], PBM Portable Bitmap format, PBM Portable Bitmap, PC?, PCC, PCC, PCD Kodak PhotoCD format, PCL HP Printer control, PCP, PCPAINT/Pictor, PCX File Format Technical Reference, PDF, PDS, PDW, PGL, PGM Portable Greymap format, PGM, PGM Portable Graymap, Photo CD, PI?, pic Autodesk Animator PIC/CEL File Format, PIC picfile LOTUS 1‑2‑3 .PIC File Format Details, picpro Autodesk Animator Pro PIC/MSK File Format, PICT LINK Macintosh files information, PICT1 & PICT2 Bitmap only Macintosh, Pictor, pix File Format Information, PIX lumena LUMENA .PIX and .BPX file formats, Pixar, PixelPaint 1.0, Pixmap, PLY Autodesk Animator Polygon File Format, PM Postscript, PM, png Portable Network Graphics Specification, PNG LINK Portable Network Graphics Information, PNG Version 1.0 Portable Network Graphics, PNTG macpaint MacPaint File Format, PortraitART, Postscript, PPM Portable Pixelmap format, PPM Portable Pixmap, PPT, Prisms, Pro/E .slp, psd Adobe Photoshop 2.5 File Format, PSD Version 4.0 Adobe Photoshop, psd3_4 Adobe Photoshop 3 and 4 File Formats, PSEG, PSP Paint Shop Pro File Format Specification version 3 (Word)

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File formats 5 Only Paint Shop Pro 6, PXR, QDV, QFX Quick Link Fax Image File Format, QRT, QT LINK Apple QuickTime, QuickDraw 3D, QuickTime Movies and Stills, RAD, RAS LINK Sun, Rasterfile Format, RAS, raw, .tpoly, Raw GRAY, Raw RGB, RAW GREY, RAW graphics format, Raw RGB, RAW GREY, Raw YUV, RAW RGB, Raw CMYK, RAX, RenderMorphics, RFX, RGB LINK colour space pixel formats used in PC video, RGBE LINK File Format, RIFF, RIP ripsc154 Remote Imaging Protocol v1.54 (MS Word), RIX ColoRIX file formats, RLA Advanced Visualizer files, RLC, RLE ULAH RLE Format, RMI, RTF, SBP, SC? (ColoRIX), SCD, SCE, SCF, SCG, SCI, SCK, SCL, SCN, SCO, SCP, SCQ, SCR, Scrapbook, SCT, SCT LINK Scitex Continuous Tone, SCU, Sculpt, SCZ, SDA, SDW, AmiDraw, Sense8 NFF, SFW sfwjpg to JPG converter code (C code), SFX, SGI RGB, SGI Image Image File Format, SHAM dynamic colour tables, SLB AutoCAD Slide Libraries (.SLB and .SLD), Softimage, SPC, Spectrum, Sprite, SPU, SRK, SRS Sun Raster, Stereolithography, sun Rasterfile Format, Sun Raster, SWF LINK Open‑SWF specification (used with MacroMedia's ShockWave‑Flash player), Swivel, Symbolics, System 7 Pict Icons and Previews, T64, Targa, TARGA Version 2 Truevision TGA, TG4 Tiled CCITT Group 4 fax file format (Word), tga image file format, TGA tga2 File format specification V2.0 (Acrobat), Thunderscan, TIF, tiff 5.0 Specification, TIFF LINK TIFF 6.0 Info, TIFF CCITT Group 3 & 4 Versions t 6,

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File formats 6tiff_f Tagged Image File Format Class F, tiff6 Specification (Acrobat), TIFFBitmap, Titleman, TN?, trueSpace, TXT (text), Usenix FACE, Utah RLE, Vertigo, VICAR Vicar 2 Image File Format, Video FX, VideoScape, VIFF Khoros Visualisation package file format (postscript), VIKING, VIS, Visio Versions 4, 5 and 2000, Vista DEM, Visual Image Directory, VOC, VORT Very Ordinary Rendering Tool Kit files (C code), WAV, Wavefront OBJ, Wavefront RLA, WEB, WEB LINK Open standard file format for vector graphics on the Web, WIF LINK Weaving Information Format, WMF metafile Windows Metafile Format, WPG LINK file format, WRA, WRI, x Microsoft DirectX File Format Specification Version 1.13 (MSWord), X Screen, X LINK DirectX SDK & resources, X11 XBM, X3D LINK Xara file format information, X64, XAR extensions, XBitmap, XBM X BitMap Format, XBM, XBM, Utah, XBM x10 compatible X Windows Bitmap, XDM x10 compatible XWindows Pixmap, XPM PIxMap Format definition (Acrobat), XPM, XpM x10 compatible XWindows Dump, XWD, XWD X Window Dump files, YUV yuv411 format information, YUV, YUV12C, ZIP

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Routine at a digital archive


Migration media/refreshing

Migration software & hardware

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The collecting institution







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The paper can be found at

Jørgen [email protected]

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