
An anonymous author wrote a spiritual work in the late fourteenth cen-

tury called: ‘The cloud of unknowing’. It is a work of Christian spiritual-

ity and suggests that the way to know God is to abandon consideration of

God's particular activities and attributes, and be courageous enough to

surrender one's mind and ego to the realm of "unknowing". What this

work is saying is that our mental and rational faculties take us so far in

equipping us for everyday survival in our world, but if we truly wish to

know God authentically, then we have to be prepared for laying our-

selves before total mystery. And we know that when utter catastrophe

strikes us, either globally or personally, we can be left devastated or bro-

ken. This is because our everyday framework for coping with the world

is woefully inadequate. Isaiah, in the first reading today, encourages his

people in the midst of their limitations; whether faint hearted, blind, deaf,

lame or dumb. Deserts and wastelands will become like paradise. But

none of us can see this (whether three thousand years ago or in 2015). It

takes the attitude of surrender and prostration before

a God who’s love for us is so intimate, so over-

whelmingly powerful that our conceptual way of

thinking is left floundering. ‘Courage! Do not be

afraid,’ as Isaiah says. And his words prepare them

for the wondrous power of God working in His Son.

Our limited rational thinking cannot encompass a

deaf and dumb person being able to hear and speak,

but immersing ourselves in the cloud of unknowing

enables God to work His miracles through the mys-

tery we are all a part of.

Whitnash and Bishops Tachbrook

St. Joseph’s Parish Murcott Road East, Whitnash CV31 2JJ

01926 772712 Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Robert Devaney [email protected] Emergency-only contact no: 07591910176 St. Joseph’s Primary School : Tel. no. 01926 427552 N e w s l e t t e r

6th September 2015 23rd Sunday

Services This Week Events

6.30pm Vigil Mass: Well being of Martin Dunne 10.00am Mass: People of the Parish 5.00pm Mass: Dette Woolley

S u n d a y

6th September Twenty Third Sunday in

Ordinary Time Psalter Week 3

Coffee and Tea after 10.00am Mass Children’s Liturgy Group

No Youth Group until 13th September

No School Mass 7.00pm Mass: Eric Craig RIP Novena to Our Lady

M o n d a y 7th September


8-9.00pm Dancing

9.10am Rosary 9.30am Mass: Dave Parkes & Family

T u e s d a y 8th September

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary


School Term begins

10.00am Tuesday Club

No Service

W e d n e s d a y 9th September


9.30-11.30am Art Group 8.00pm Choir Practice

7.00pm Mass: Fr. Desmond Curran RIP

T h u r s d a y 10th September


10.45-12.15 Music Group

7.30pm SCJ Meeting, 26 Green Close 7-8.00pm Weight Watchers

9.10am Rosary 9.30am Mass: Fr. Raymond Legge RIP 7.00pm Novena to the Sacred Heart

F r i d a y 11th September


4-6.00pm Karate

9.15am Morning Prayer 9.30am Mass: Fr. Eddie Whelan RIP 10-10.45 Exposition and Adoration Sacrament of Confession

6.30pm Vigil Mass: Bob and Stephen Rogerson RIP

S a t u r d a y 12th September

Saturday Memorial of Our Lady

8.30am Slimming World

10.30am Slimming World

7.30pm Parish Bingo Night

Racial Justice Day 10.00am Mass: People of the Parish 5.00pm Mass: Private Intention

S u n d a y 13th September

Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Psalter Week 4

10.05am Children’s Liturgy (Sundays outside school holidays)

Coffee and Tea after 10.00am Mass

Kim Pope

1-4.00pm Rock Choir 6.00pm Youth Group

Collections £378.74 Banker’s Orders (weekly average) £112 Many thanks for your donations

Last Week

30th August

Attendance: 201

Safeguarding and Documentation

For volunteers within the church, could those who have

not yet been given forms please see Fr. Bob or Honor

Hynes [safeguarding co-ordinator] so that we can com-

plete the process and make sure all documentation is up

to date. Many thanks for your patience and understand-

ing. We do rely upon our generous teams to allow the

parish to function. At present we are receiving refer-


This item remains because there are still roles which

need to be covered by the Safeguarding forms.


Our Website

The new website for St. Joseph’s is now up and running,

having a new look. It is intended to develop the site and

to include more information and links etc. If there is any-

one who would like to be involved in providing material

for it, e.g. taking photographs of parish events and mile-

stones - please see Fr. Bob.


200 Club

The next 200 Club collection will take place at all the

Masses this weekend. Please ask the team on duty if

you are interested in joining - the 200 Club is a valu-

able, consistent contributer to the Parish Maintenance



The Little Red Boxes

We always, first and foremost, need to thank all parish-

ioners who hold these Mission Boxes in their homes for

their great generosity. This is a very generous and giv-

ing parish.

It is time to do the regular collection of the boxes again

and we would like you to bring them in this weekend,

5/6th September, please. They will be emptied and re-

turned to you. Boxes may be given to Lennie or June or

left in the sacristy. Please ensure your name is on the

box label. Very many thanks.

Announcements OUR SICK

David Harwar, Roy Stanford, Enda McSharry, Seren Robertson, Eileen Hiorns, Patricia Robinson, Brian McCann, Rory and Peggy O’Rourke, Edna Hales, Sue Cleary, Shelagh Price, Jenny Bamber, Sue Day, Michael Gallagher, Miceal Murphy, Phil Lane Heathcote Chrissie Fitzpatrick, Paddy O’Connor, Elizabeth Gaston Kenilworth Grange Margaret Handy The Lawns Bridget Hunt John L’Estrange Ellen Quinn, May Dorgan, Peggy O’Rourke, Mary McCabe Clarence House Winifred Galvin Eversleigh N. H. Mollie Benson Clarendon Manor Mary Jenkinson, Marie Kelly Stratford Monty Jenkinson RLS Nursing Home Bernie & Robbie Burns

Anniversaries Santo Fragola, Anna-Marie Kelly, Barry Dorgan

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord



Baptism Preparation: In the first instance an appli-

cation form should be collected from and returned to

the parish priest at the presbytery. Once a date has

been agreed the parents will be invited to a Prepara-

tion Meeting which is normally held on the last Mon-

day of the month at 7.45pm in the Holy Family Room.

Please note that the child’s Catholic parent/s need to

be practising.


Scripture Reflection - Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina, or our Scripture Reflection Hour, usu-

ally takes place on the third Friday of each month at

10.00am in the Holy Family Room. The next occa-

sion will be Friday 18th September. All are very wel-

come to this gentle reflection on the coming Sun-

day’s Gospel.


Parish Pastoral Council

This meets next Sunday 13th September at 6.00pm

in the HFR. An agenda can be found on the notice-

boards near both church entrances.

Next Week—13th September Eucharistic Ministers: Readers:

6.30pm Vigil May Murphy, Josephine Whittington Carol Bowler 10.00am Myrna Harwar, Pauline Mills, Tony Harris Sophie Morton 5.00pm Shelagh Price, Kim Kearns Anne Kirby

8th Sept Autumn school term begins

12th Sept 7.30pm Bingo Night Parish Hall

13th September 6.30pm Parish Council HFR

18th Sept 10.00am Lectio Divina, HFR

26th Sept The Circus, St. Joseph’s School

26th Sept 1.00pm SCJ Sponsored Walk

22nd Oct Confirmations

16th Nov 4.30pm Finance Meeting



A Bill attempting to Legalise Assisted Suicide in Eng-

land and Wales, will be debated in the House of Com-

mons on 11th September, 2015. The bill will have a

free vote, so it is vital that as many as possible make

contact with their MP in good time before this debate.

Our MP’s name is Chris White, address House of

Commons, London SW1A 0AA. There are sample

letters in the narthex to help those who are writing.

Sources of information:



Here is an opportunity to take some sort of action on

this very important issue for our Christian society.


Parish Bingo Night

The Parish Bingo Night will be next Saturday 12th

September at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. Tea and Cof-

fee will be provided but please bring something for the

supper table and your own drink if you wish.

Do put the date in your diary Saturday

12th September: £3 for a book of tickets—

cash prizes! It would be good to have

some extra novelty prizes; please bring something

along if you can. It is in aid of our parish mainte-

nance fund so do think about taking part. It should

be fun. If anyone would like to help out with preparing

refreshments please let Fr. Bob know.


Primary School Vacancy

There is a vacancy for a Deputy-Headteacher at St

Patrick’s Catholic Primary School Leamington

Spa. The governors of this ―good‖ school seek to ap-

point a suitable qualified, practising Catholic to this

post from January 2016. Closing date for applications

is 29th September. Further details are on the school

website or phone 01926 425958 or email:

[email protected]

NEWS FROM THE DIOCESAN YOUTH SERVICE If you check the church noticeboard you will find a pro-

gramme of events organised by the Birmingham Catholic

Youth Service (Kenelm Trust). These run right through

from the summer to December.



The Circus is Coming! This will be at the

school, booked for Saturday 26th September

with two shows in the day. You can email

[email protected] to buy tickets and they

will be on sale here at St. Joseph’s after the

Masses on the weekend of 12th and 13th


_____________________________________________ SCJ Sponsored Walk

The Sponsored Walk which assists the SCJ Missions will

take place this year on Saturday, September 26th. It is

good to help the work of the SCJ as they gave many long

years of service to this parish when Fr. Brian and Br. Mi-

chael were here. The walk will be on the Clent Hills and

will begin at 1.00pm Walkers and sponsors are required

for this event and transport can be provided. It is a spec-

tacular venue which caters for all levels of walkers and a

great afternoon is usually had by all participants. Just

come for the picnic if you don’t feel like walking.

Please see the forms on the table in the narthex.


Coming this Autumn................

This Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham Registered Charity No.234216

Parish Centre

Weekly Events (during normal time) Monday: Dancing Tuesday: Tuesday Club Wednesday: Art /Choir Thursday: Music Group / Weightwatchers Friday: Karate Saturday: Slimming World Sunday: Youth Club ________________________________________

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