Page 1: Why Chatbots Will Transform Mobile Intranets

TangoworkChatbots for Internal Communications.

Why Chatbots Will Transform Mobile Intranets

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Chris McGrath Founder, Tangowork Chatbots Twitter: @tangowork

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It’s a software program that runs inside your messaging app. When you message a chatbot,

a computer responds.

What is a chatbot?

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Tangowork IntraTeam Event Bot

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Google Allo Google Assistant

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It’s a UI that mimics speaking to a real human, whether by text or voice.

What is conversational UI?

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AI is advancing rapidly…

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AI is advancing rapidly…

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Chatbots will completely replace mobile intranets. Why?

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1No installation.

You don’t have to install chatbots. The underlying messaging app is already there.

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2Instant upgrades.

No need to upgrade an app. Any upgrade happens on the server.

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Conversational UI — especially when text-based — consumes very little bandwidth.

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4Read in minutes.

Push notifications are always turned on for messaging apps. 90% of text messages

are read in 3 minutes.

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5Easier to read.

The medium forces brevity. Short messages are fast and easy to read.

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6Easier to write.

The medium forces brevity. Short messages are easy to write.

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CNN Bot Tightly edited news

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Text- and voice-based UI works brilliantly for users with disabilities.

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Tangowork with large fonts

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8Works without internet.

SMS-based chatbots work without internet on 4.5 billion mobile phones worldwide.

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6 Ways Chatbots Are Being Used

Use case Example

Personal assistant Google Assistant

Subject matter expert Visabot

Engagement Whole Foods

Purchasing Sephora

Finance TransferWise

Information consolidation Tangowork

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Personal assistant Google Assistant

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Subject matter expert Visabot

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Customer Engagement Whole Foods

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Purchasing Sephora

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Banking TransferWise

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News / Info consolidation


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9Easy to use.

No interface is simpler than chronological speech bubbles.

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Computer skills in Scandinavia

Can’t use Terrible Poor Medium Strong


You are here

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You are not your users. 93% of people can’t use this.

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Even on mobile it’s difficult for most users. There are dozens of places to tap.

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Everyone understands chronological speech bubbles. Chatbots will enable intranets that, finally, everyone can use.

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TangoworkChatbots for Internal Communications.

We can help build your chatbot.

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