
What are you interested in?Why Grades 7-9

Based on the video Identifying Interests, this activity helps students identify their interests and shows how those interests correspond to careers. In the video, Carlos has just completed an interest inventory at his school and takes his research a step

further. Use the suggested activities below to help students begin their search.

1. Show the video to students and ask them to think about their own interests as they watch. Hand out the attached questions for students to answer. Have a discussion about corresponding interests to careers and ask students to journal.

2. An interest inventory is a good way for students to begin researching the many careers available to them. A number of resources are available for free:

a. A short interest inventory is available through the OYOF Future Finder.

b. More extensive information about careers is available at Adventures in Education.

c. The Bureau of Labor Statistics site matches careers based on interests.

3. After students find careers, have them research them further using Programs of Study available through Achieve Texas ( Careers in the OYOF Future Finder have already been mapped to the appropriate Career Cluster and Program of Study. The attached Achieve Texas Career Search worksheet may be used to help focus their search. Starting with a career, the students will find the appropriate Career Cluster, find out what education is needed and the salary range for the selected careers, and list some of the suggested high school courses.


Each person has different

interests that will lead them to

their future career.

What are your interests, and

what careers seem exciting to


Which adults can help you to

further explore the career? || Texas GEAR UP Identifying Interests

Suggested Activities

What Interests You?Identifying Interests

Use the questions below to think about Carlos’ career exploration. What does it mean for you?

1. Carlos was interested in being a veterinarian because of his love of animals. What careers interest you? Why?

2. Carlos discovered that becoming a vet would take eight years of college after high school. What education will you need for the careers you listed above?

3. Carlos shadowed Lisa to see firsthand what it’s really like to be a vet. Who could you talk to in order to find out what a real day is like for the careers that interest you?

4. Carlos discovered that he should concentrate on advanced science courses in high school. What courses would help you to prepare for your future career? What activities or clubs could you join? || Texas GEAR UP Identifying Interests || Texas GEAR UP Identifying Interests

Exploring CareersPrograms of Study and Achieve Texas

Use the questions below to think about Carlos’ career exploration. What does it mean for you?

What are Programs of Study?

A Program of Study is exactly what it sounds like: an academic program or degree plan designed to help you study what you are interested in and turn your interest into a career. Programs of Study are based on the 16 Career Clusters and cover Agriculture to Transportation and everything in between. Information about Programs of Study in Texas is available through AchieveTexas at and from your guidance counselor.

How will Programs of Study help me?

It’s hard to think about careers when they seem so far away, but it pays to think about your future. Planning early saves you time and money. If you choose a career direction now, you can pick classes and activities that will make you highly marketable—and highly paid—when you look for work. Planning early allows you to explore different kinds of careers and decide what you want to do.

Programs of Study can help you to build a graduation plan that focuses your education through high school and into postsecondary education. They can give you access to dual credit and internships which will help in your future job.

What if I don’t know what I want to do?

The OYOF Future Finder ( is a quick way to discover potential careers based on what you like to do. Choose an interest and see where it leads! Each career in the Future Finder is linked to its cluster and Program of Study through AchieveTexas. || Texas GEAR UP Identifying Interests

Exploring CareersPrograms of Study and Achieve Texas

Use the questions below to think about Carlos’ career exploration. What does it mean for you?

What are Programs of Study?A Program of Study is exactly what it sounds like: an academic program or degree plan designed to help you study what you are interested in and turn your interest into a career. Programs of Study are based on the 16 Career Clusters and cover Agriculture to Transportation and everything in between. Information about Programs of Study in Texas is available through AchieveTexas at and from your guidance counselor.

How will Programs of Study help me?It’s hard to think about careers when they seem so far away, but it pays to think about your future. Planning early saves you time and money. If you choose a career direction now, you can pick classes and activities that will make you highly marketable—and highly paid—when you look for work. Planning early allows you to explore different kinds of careers and decide what you want to do.

Programs of Study can help you to build a graduation plan that focuses your education through high school and into postsecondary education. They can give you access to dual credit and internships which will help in your future job.

What if I don’t know what I want to do?The OYOF Future Finder ( is a quick way to discover potential careers based on what you like to do. Choose an interest and see where it leads! Each career in the Future Finder is linked to its cluster and Program of Study through AchieveTexas.

Achieve Texas Career SearchUsing the OYOF Future Finder or results from an interest inventory, choose at least three careers to explore through AchieveTexas at Make notes on the chart below and save the information in your portfolio. || Texas GEAR UP Identifying Interests

own it!

After completing your search, ask

yourself thefollowing questions

1. Do these careers interest me?


2. How can I get the education

required for these careers?

3. What courses should I sign up for

next year?

Career ClusterEducation required

Salary rangeHigh School

courses to take

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