Page 1: Within This PowerPoint, You Will Find Directions on: *Annotation of Author Biography * Thesis Statement *Intro Paragraph *Preliminary Outline Assignment

Within This PowerPoint, You Will Find Within This PowerPoint, You Will Find Directions on:Directions on:

*Annotation of Author Biography*Annotation of Author Biography **Thesis Statement Thesis Statement *Intro Paragraph *Intro Paragraph

*Preliminary Outline*Preliminary OutlineAssignmentAssignment

*Intro Paragraph*Intro Paragraph*Author Bio Paragraph*Author Bio Paragraph

*Plot Summary Paragraph*Plot Summary Paragraph*First Lit. Elem/Theme Paragraph*First Lit. Elem/Theme Paragraph

Page 2: Within This PowerPoint, You Will Find Directions on: *Annotation of Author Biography * Thesis Statement *Intro Paragraph *Preliminary Outline Assignment

Annotating Your Author BioAnnotating Your Author Bio

*Now that you’ve printed your author’s biographical information, please

choose highlighter colors to annotate it.

*I will also stamp your chart for author bios and the completed handout.

*You will be marking each one for the following items:

*Career highlights & awards

*Personal events that impact writing style

*Major themes/ literary focus/style

Page 3: Within This PowerPoint, You Will Find Directions on: *Annotation of Author Biography * Thesis Statement *Intro Paragraph *Preliminary Outline Assignment

Thesis StatementsThesis Statements*Let’s put together a strong thesis statement that

connects to both literary elements and your chosen theme.

*Points to consider:

A thesis statement expresses the focus and argument of the essay. 

•It must PROVE something.  It must take a position.

•It should be specific, arguable, and interesting.

•The thesis should use action verbs in PRESENT tense. 

•Use active voice, not passive voice – meaning that the subject of the sentence should have the action.

•No "be" verbs are allowed: am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been

Page 4: Within This PowerPoint, You Will Find Directions on: *Annotation of Author Biography * Thesis Statement *Intro Paragraph *Preliminary Outline Assignment

Thesis StatementsThesis Statements•Third person ONLY (no I or you)

•Is NOT a summary of the story.  It is a judgment or evaluation of some aspect of

the story.

•Each paragraph of the essay will be built to support or prove the thesis.

•You must “go through” the entire text in your paper…and thus, your thesis must LEAD you through the entire text.  Your

thesis does not just address one aspect of the text; you must include the ending!

Page 5: Within This PowerPoint, You Will Find Directions on: *Annotation of Author Biography * Thesis Statement *Intro Paragraph *Preliminary Outline Assignment

Thesis StatementsThesis Statements•Each paragraph of the essay will be built to

support or prove the thesis.

•Please remember that the literary work imparts numerous messages about life in general.  The

work will use the particulars (character, conflict, symbols, setting, language and literary devices, etc.) to represent general truths about mankind

and life.


•Creon is too proud to yield.”  (NOT a thesis statement)

•“Creon’s uncompromising pride in dealing with the burial of Polynecies ultimately leads to tragedy

despite his eventual realization of truth.”

Page 6: Within This PowerPoint, You Will Find Directions on: *Annotation of Author Biography * Thesis Statement *Intro Paragraph *Preliminary Outline Assignment

How Do I Know If My Thesis is Strong?How Do I Know If My Thesis is Strong?

Ask yourself the following:

•Have I taken a position that others might challenge or oppose? Thesis statements that are too vague often do not have a strong argument. If your thesis contains words like

"good" or "successful," see if you could be more specific: Why is something "good"; What makes something "successful"?

•Does my thesis pass the 'So What?' test? If a reader's first response is, "So what?" then you need to clarify, to forge a

relationship, or to connect to a larger issue.

•Does my thesis pass the how or why test? If a reader's first response is "how? or why? your thesis may be too open-

ended and lack guidance for the reader. See what you can add to give the reader a better take on your position right

from the beginning.

•Does my essay support my thesis specifically and without wandering? If your thesis and the body of your essay do not seem to go together, one of them has to change. Remember,

always reassess and revise your writing as necessary.

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Now It’s Your Turn: Thesis StatementNow It’s Your Turn: Thesis Statement


(Lit. elements---sensory imagery and characterization; theme: inner workings of the human mind)

The sensory imagery and Roderick Usher’s inner conflict both demonstrate the thematic issue of the the inner workings of the

human mind in Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Fall of the House of Usher.”

What could be adapted here?

Example: In “The Fall of the House of Usher,” Edgar Allan Poe utilizes the mysterious, morbid and often disturbing Gothic imagery

of the Usher House, as well as the macabre descriptions of his corpse-like hypochondriac main protagonist to develop the Victorian

Period’s “Dark Romantic” genre, which focused on the inner workings of the mind.

Page 8: Within This PowerPoint, You Will Find Directions on: *Annotation of Author Biography * Thesis Statement *Intro Paragraph *Preliminary Outline Assignment

Correct A ThesisCorrect A Thesis

In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown,” I think the In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown,” I think the struggle the main character goes through about his faith and the struggle the main character goes through about his faith and the characterization of symbolic Biblical figures is demonstrating the characterization of symbolic Biblical figures is demonstrating the theme of faith versus doubt during 1690’s Salem. theme of faith versus doubt during 1690’s Salem.

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Corrected SampleCorrected Sample

Within Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Within Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown,” set in religiously Goodman Brown,” set in religiously strict Puritan Salem, the strict Puritan Salem, the protagonist’s moral dilemma and his protagonist’s moral dilemma and his encounter with symbolic Biblical encounter with symbolic Biblical elements exemplifies the struggle elements exemplifies the struggle between faith and doubt. between faith and doubt.

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Fix This!Fix This!

In Ray Bradbury’s futuristic, virtual reality house in “The In Ray Bradbury’s futuristic, virtual reality house in “The Veldt,” the author evaluates the parent-child conflict and Veldt,” the author evaluates the parent-child conflict and the setting of the nursery to display the theme of man vs. the setting of the nursery to display the theme of man vs. machine. machine.

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Corrected SampleCorrected Sample

In Ray Bradbury’s “The Veldt,” set in In Ray Bradbury’s “The Veldt,” set in futuristic 22futuristic 22ndnd century, the power century, the power struggle between parents and struggle between parents and children and depiction of the children and depiction of the predatory nursery emphasize man’s predatory nursery emphasize man’s overdependence upon technology. overdependence upon technology.

Page 12: Within This PowerPoint, You Will Find Directions on: *Annotation of Author Biography * Thesis Statement *Intro Paragraph *Preliminary Outline Assignment

Preliminary Outline AssignmentPreliminary Outline Assignment

*Now that you’ve got your author bios and a basic thesis statement, let’s organize the areas of your essay with a preliminary outline.

*You will need a sheet of your own paper, for starters. In your outline, please leave room between each numeral—about five lines.

I. Introduction with Thesis (roughly 5 sentences including thesis)

II. Author Biography Paragraph (roughly 5-7 sentences including quotes)

III. Plot Summary (Don’t write yet)

IV. Paragraph One with 1st Lit. Element and Thematic Connection

*Include TWO quotes from your story; TWO quotes from a source**

*MUST HAVE TEXTUAL DETAILS, TOO!! (in bullet points)

V. Paragraph Two with 2nd Lit. Element and Thematic Connection Include TWO quotes from your story; TWO quotes from a source**

*MUST HAVE TEXTUAL DETAILS, TOO!! (in bullet points)

VI. Conclusion

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Intro ParagraphsIntro Paragraphs

Introduction: Introduction: Write Write one paragraph (about 5 sentences plus one paragraph (about 5 sentences plus your thesis) your thesis) that begins with a “hook.” Consider a quote, a that begins with a “hook.” Consider a quote, a rhetorical question, or a life connection. Using two transition rhetorical question, or a life connection. Using two transition sentences, relate the “hook” to the thesis statement. sentences, relate the “hook” to the thesis statement. Do not Do not use use “I” or “You” in this paper! End this paragraph with the thesis “I” or “You” in this paper! End this paragraph with the thesis statement. statement.

Your First SentenceYour First Sentence To get your paper off to a great start, you should try to have a first To get your paper off to a great start, you should try to have a first

sentence that engages your reader. Think of your first sentence as sentence that engages your reader. Think of your first sentence as a hook that draws your reader in. It is your big chance to be so a hook that draws your reader in. It is your big chance to be so clever that your reader can’t stop. clever that your reader can’t stop.

As you researched your topic, you probably discovered many As you researched your topic, you probably discovered many interesting anecdotes, quotes, or trivial facts. This is exactly the interesting anecdotes, quotes, or trivial facts. This is exactly the sort of thing you should use for an engaging introduction. sort of thing you should use for an engaging introduction.

Consider these ideas for creating a strong beginning. Consider these ideas for creating a strong beginning.

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Surprising fact:Surprising fact: The pentagon has twice as many bathrooms as The pentagon has twice as many bathrooms as are necessary.are necessary. The famous government building was constructed The famous government building was constructed in the 1940s, when segregation laws required that separate in the 1940s, when segregation laws required that separate bathrooms be installed for people of African descent. This building bathrooms be installed for people of African descent. This building isn’t the only American icon that harkens back to this isn’t the only American icon that harkens back to this embarrassing and hurtful time in our history. Across the United embarrassing and hurtful time in our history. Across the United States there are many examples of leftover laws and customs that States there are many examples of leftover laws and customs that reflect the racism that once permeated American society. reflect the racism that once permeated American society.

Startling information:Startling information:This information must be true and verifiable, and it doesn't need to This information must be true and verifiable, and it doesn't need to be totally new to your readers. It could simply be a pertinent fact be totally new to your readers. It could simply be a pertinent fact that explicitly illustrates the point you wish to make.that explicitly illustrates the point you wish to make.If you use a piece of startling information, follow it with a sentence If you use a piece of startling information, follow it with a sentence or two of or two of elaborationelaboration. .

Lead Up: Lead Up: A few sentences explaining your topic in general terms can lead A few sentences explaining your topic in general terms can lead the reader gently to your thesis. Each sentence should become the reader gently to your thesis. Each sentence should become gradually more specific, until you reach your thesis. gradually more specific, until you reach your thesis.

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Broadly discuss the topic within the parameters of the literature

Share your focus with the audience

End with one-sentence thesis

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Intro No To Do’s…Intro No To Do’s… Apologize. Never suggest that you don't know what you're talking Apologize. Never suggest that you don't know what you're talking

about or that you're not enough of an expert in this matter that about or that you're not enough of an expert in this matter that your opinion would matter. Your reader will quickly turn to your opinion would matter. Your reader will quickly turn to something else. Avoid phrases like the following: something else. Avoid phrases like the following:

In my [humble] opinion . . .In my [humble] opinion . . .I'm not sure about this, but . . .I'm not sure about this, but . . .

Announce your intentions. Do not flatly announce what you are Announce your intentions. Do not flatly announce what you are about to do in an essay. about to do in an essay.

In this paper I will . . . In this paper I will . . . The purpose of this essay is to . . .The purpose of this essay is to . . .

Get into the topic and let your reader perceive your purpose in the Get into the topic and let your reader perceive your purpose in the topic sentence of your beginning paragraph. topic sentence of your beginning paragraph.

Use a dictionary or encyclopedia definition. Use a dictionary or encyclopedia definition. According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary,a widget is . . .According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary,a widget is . . . Although definitions are extremely useful and it might serve your Although definitions are extremely useful and it might serve your

purpose to devise your own definition(s) later in the essay, you purpose to devise your own definition(s) later in the essay, you want to avoid using this hackneyed beginning to an essay. want to avoid using this hackneyed beginning to an essay.

Dilly-dally. Get to it. Move confidently into your essay. Many Dilly-dally. Get to it. Move confidently into your essay. Many writers find it useful to write a warm-up paragraph (or two, even) writers find it useful to write a warm-up paragraph (or two, even) to get them into the essay, to sharpen their own idea of what to get them into the essay, to sharpen their own idea of what they're up to, and then they go back and delete the running start. they're up to, and then they go back and delete the running start.

Page 17: Within This PowerPoint, You Will Find Directions on: *Annotation of Author Biography * Thesis Statement *Intro Paragraph *Preliminary Outline Assignment

Peer-Editing of IntroductionsPeer-Editing of Introductions

1.1. Read for basic understanding; comment Read for basic understanding; comment upon content and flow of paragraphupon content and flow of paragraph

2.2. Check grammar (use your packet) and Check grammar (use your packet) and make corrections on their papermake corrections on their paper

3.3. Evaluate thesis; what is the thematic Evaluate thesis; what is the thematic issue? Is the statement clear?issue? Is the statement clear?

4.4. Y/N Is the author, title and area of Y/N Is the author, title and area of analysis present in this paragraph?analysis present in this paragraph?

5.5. Write 1 strength and 1 weakness and Write 1 strength and 1 weakness and offer ways to improve this workoffer ways to improve this work

6.6. Sign your name as peer editorSign your name as peer editor

Page 18: Within This PowerPoint, You Will Find Directions on: *Annotation of Author Biography * Thesis Statement *Intro Paragraph *Preliminary Outline Assignment

Author Bio ParagraphAuthor Bio Paragraph

1)1) BirthBirth

2)2) Time Period (ex: “scandalous Roaring Time Period (ex: “scandalous Roaring 20’s”) 20’s”)

3)3) Personal experience that influenced Personal experience that influenced writing (connects to thesis concepts—i.e. writing (connects to thesis concepts—i.e. theme)theme)

4)4) Main themes or focus leading to your Main themes or focus leading to your short storyshort story

5)5) Internal documentation (should appear in Internal documentation (should appear in the last sentence—just one)the last sentence—just one)

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Partner Author Bio CheckPartner Author Bio Check

Use the following as a checklist to edit your partner’s paragraph.Use the following as a checklist to edit your partner’s paragraph.

1)1) Read through the paragraph, noting key points. Does your partner Read through the paragraph, noting key points. Does your partner make a connection to an element of the thesis (perhaps, theme??)?make a connection to an element of the thesis (perhaps, theme??)?

2)2) Edit it for grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. Edit it for grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.

3)3) Do they mention the following elements below?Do they mention the following elements below?


*Time Period (ex: “scandalous Roaring 20’s”) *Time Period (ex: “scandalous Roaring 20’s”)

*Personal experience that influenced writing (connects to thesis *Personal experience that influenced writing (connects to thesis concepts—i.e. theme)concepts—i.e. theme)

*Main themes or focus leading to your short story*Main themes or focus leading to your short story

*Internal documentation (should appear in the last sentence—just one)*Internal documentation (should appear in the last sentence—just one)

4) 4) Underline one interesting tidbit about the author that caught your Underline one interesting tidbit about the author that caught your eye.eye.

5) Suggest any improvements. 5) Suggest any improvements.

6) Sign your name next to that paragraph. 6) Sign your name next to that paragraph.

7) Turn to your partner and make any comments you think might help.7) Turn to your partner and make any comments you think might help.

Page 20: Within This PowerPoint, You Will Find Directions on: *Annotation of Author Biography * Thesis Statement *Intro Paragraph *Preliminary Outline Assignment

Writing a Plot Summary Writing a Plot Summary (DUE TYPED on BLOCK DAY)(DUE TYPED on BLOCK DAY)

To begin with, please either turn your outline over, or take out a sheet of your To begin with, please either turn your outline over, or take out a sheet of your own notebook paper and follow these steps:own notebook paper and follow these steps:

1) 1) Using bullet pointsUsing bullet points, list the main components of the book. This means , list the main components of the book. This means that you’ll have to describe the setting, the point of view, the that you’ll have to describe the setting, the point of view, the protagonist/major characters and theme. A good way to summarize the protagonist/major characters and theme. A good way to summarize the book's plot is to talk about the climax and resolution as well -- this helps book's plot is to talk about the climax and resolution as well -- this helps narrow down the most important events in the story.narrow down the most important events in the story.

2) If an event marks a turning point or directly relates to a large event in the 2) If an event marks a turning point or directly relates to a large event in the story, mention it. If it has no bearing on the direction of the story, leave it story, mention it. If it has no bearing on the direction of the story, leave it out.out.

3) Discuss the overall 3) Discuss the overall moodmood. What sense did you get from the story (whether . What sense did you get from the story (whether it felt depressing, lively, hopeful or scary, for example) ?it felt depressing, lively, hopeful or scary, for example) ?

4) Using those details, now write 4) Using those details, now write one paragraph one paragraph of of plot summaryplot summary (no more (no more than three of four sentences than three of four sentences in your own wordsin your own words. This paragraph will . This paragraph will include: 1) a topic sentence with the include: 1) a topic sentence with the author’s nameauthor’s name and the and the title title of the of the short story (in quotation marks). Story details should provide an short story (in quotation marks). Story details should provide an introduction to the main characters and the background for the story’s introduction to the main characters and the background for the story’s theme. theme.

(For extra help, see the SAMPLE essay’s plot summary paragraph)(For extra help, see the SAMPLE essay’s plot summary paragraph)

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Crafting Your Lit. Elem/Theme Paragraph(1st DUE TYPED on BLOCK DAY;

2nd DUE FRIDAY) Now is the time to write the first of two larger paragraphs. Now is the time to write the first of two larger paragraphs. Work on a Work on a topic sentencetopic sentence that connects to one of your two that connects to one of your two literary literary

elementselements(Ex: Faulkner’s use of flashbacks proves that Emily’s greatest flaw is her (Ex: Faulkner’s use of flashbacks proves that Emily’s greatest flaw is her

inability to move forward or let go, making her an outcast of the inability to move forward or let go, making her an outcast of the Southern society she lives in.)Southern society she lives in.)

Write your Write your analysisanalysis BEFORE you begin incorporating BEFORE you begin incorporating textual textual support in the form of support in the form of quotesquotes, both from the story and your , both from the story and your literary criticism. literary criticism. Each body paragraph will include 2 story, 1 Each body paragraph will include 2 story, 1 lit. crit. Quote.lit. crit. Quote.

Work on including connections to the Work on including connections to the theme theme within this paragraph. within this paragraph. How does your first How does your first literary elementliterary element demonstrate it? Be specific. demonstrate it? Be specific. Use textual details from your story to help support your stance.Use textual details from your story to help support your stance.

NOW incorporate NOW incorporate quotes.quotes. This way, you will not be summarizing what This way, you will not be summarizing what they say, but rather, supporting your own arguments with scholarly they say, but rather, supporting your own arguments with scholarly criticism. criticism.

Craft a Craft a transition sentencetransition sentence to paragraph two, which reflects one to paragraph two, which reflects one element of your element of your theme.theme.

For Paragraph 2, you should have a For Paragraph 2, you should have a concluding sentenceconcluding sentence that that wraps up the demonstration of you 2wraps up the demonstration of you 2ndnd Lit. Elem and THEME! Lit. Elem and THEME!

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How to Incorporate QuotesYOUR OWN WORDS SHOULD CLEARLY DOMINATE.YOUR OWN WORDS SHOULD CLEARLY DOMINATE. You are in control, not your sources. If you rely heavily on other people's You are in control, not your sources. If you rely heavily on other people's

words, then you are not writing the paper; they are. You need to paraphrase words, then you are not writing the paper; they are. You need to paraphrase and summarize your sources as well as quote them. and summarize your sources as well as quote them.

KNOW WHEN TO USE QUOTATIONS: KNOW WHEN TO USE QUOTATIONS: Use quotations to support your argument. Use quotations to support your argument. A short phrase or sentence is more easily understood than a long quotation. A short phrase or sentence is more easily understood than a long quotation. Look for the "kernel" or the most important part of the quotation and Look for the "kernel" or the most important part of the quotation and

extract it. extract it. Paraphrase a quotation in your own words when possible. Paraphrase a quotation in your own words when possible. Do not forget to include Do not forget to include internal documentationinternal documentation (author page #) at the (author page #) at the end end

of the sentenceof the sentence you incorporate your quote into. you incorporate your quote into.

DISCUSS YOUR QUOTATIONS.DISCUSS YOUR QUOTATIONS. Don't just pop in a quotation and run. Introduce the quotation so that the Don't just pop in a quotation and run. Introduce the quotation so that the

reader knows its relevance to your text; then discuss its significance in the reader knows its relevance to your text; then discuss its significance in the context of your paper. The longer the quotation, the more likely you will context of your paper. The longer the quotation, the more likely you will

need to double the number of your own words to discuss it.need to double the number of your own words to discuss it.

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Incorporating Quotes Part IIIncorporate quotations smoothly into your paper:Incorporate quotations smoothly into your paper:

1) Combine a paraphrase with a quotation.1) Combine a paraphrase with a quotation.

Original:Original: Tania Modleski suggests that "if television is considered by some to be a Tania Modleski suggests that "if television is considered by some to be a vastvast

wasteland, soap operas are thought to be the least nourishing spot in the desert" wasteland, soap operas are thought to be the least nourishing spot in the desert" (123).(123).

Revised:Revised: In her critique of soap operas, Tania Modleski argues that some view In her critique of soap operas, Tania Modleski argues that some viewtelevision as "a vast wasteland" and soap operas as "the least nourishing spot in television as "a vast wasteland" and soap operas as "the least nourishing spot in

thethedesert" (123).desert" (123).

2) Introduce a quotation by citing the name of the authority combined with a 2) Introduce a quotation by citing the name of the authority combined with a strong verb. strong verb.

Examples:Examples:Thoreau Thoreau believesbelieves that "a true patriot would resist a tyrannical majority" (23). that "a true patriot would resist a tyrannical majority" (23).

Eisenhower Eisenhower admitsadmits in retrospect that Sputnik created two problems: the "near in retrospect that Sputnik created two problems: the "near hysteria" of the American people and the need "to accelerate missile and hysteria" of the American people and the need "to accelerate missile and satellite perspectives" (211).satellite perspectives" (211).

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Incorporating Quotes Part III3) Describe or identify the source of information if it is 3) Describe or identify the source of information if it is

available. available.

Example:Example: In In The Coming of AgeThe Coming of Age, Simone de Beavoir contends that , Simone de Beavoir contends that

the decrepitude accompanying old age is "in complete the decrepitude accompanying old age is "in complete conflict with the manly or womanly ideal cherished by the conflict with the manly or womanly ideal cherished by the young and fully grown" (65).young and fully grown" (65).

4) Use key words from the quotation and make them a 4) Use key words from the quotation and make them a grammatical part of your sentence. grammatical part of your sentence.

Example: Example: As William Kneale suggests, some humans have a "moral As William Kneale suggests, some humans have a "moral

deafness" which is never punctured no matter what the deafness" which is never punctured no matter what the moral treatment (Acton 93). Remember, always provide a moral treatment (Acton 93). Remember, always provide a context for your quotations -- explain to the reader why context for your quotations -- explain to the reader why and how the quote is relevant to the topic. and how the quote is relevant to the topic.

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VERB AND TENSE.VERB AND TENSE. Don't Don't overuse "says" or "states." overuse "says" or "states." Here are some Here are some alternatives: alternatives:

   acknowledgesacknowledgesadmitsadmitsaffirmsaffirmsarguesarguesasks asks 

believes believes commentscomments

considersconsiderscriticizescriticizesdeclares declares 

defendsdefendsexplains explains

expressesexpressesinsistsinsistsmentionsmentionsproposesproposesrefersrefersreveals reveals speculatesspeculatesstatesstatessubmitssubmitssuggestssuggeststestifiestestifieswriteswrites

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