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Business and Workplace Etiquette

Treat People as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being.”


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Generational Graciousness

It seems that today the rule is to break all the rules! Unfortunately, when it comes to how we treat one another, some people don't even know the rules. Or maybe one generation knows them and another generation doesn't. This can lead to challenges, upsets, miscommunication and lack of fluidity in interpersonal communications.


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Basics of etiquettes

The only way this challenge can be overcome is to return to a few basics that aren't so much about strict etiquette rules, but more about good old-fashion kindness. This will keep the courtesy going and make working around multigenerational mixes more productive and profitable.


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The First Basic: Respect: We all want respect, no matter what age we are. Not only for what we can contribute but also for the simple fact that we have survived for any length of time. The more mature worker may feel that the years they have put in have earned them respect, while the younger worker feels their skills and newly acquired education earn them respect. Both are right. The challenge is not to think that one is better than the other in terms of who deserves more respect. The key is to know that each person, no matter how long they've worked or how adept their skill set, deserves respect, because we are all experiencing the human condition.


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Show Respect

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Call people by their formal name when meeting them for the first time unless you are introduced to them by only their first name. Otherwise address everyone formally until they ask you to use their first name. Do this with everyone you meet, it's a sign of respect and it's ageless.

2. Introduce everyone, no matter who they are. If you want to break down barriers, between different ages groups, genders and nationalities, you need to make people feel valued. The best way to do this is to introduce people to each other whenever the opportunity presents itself. Always over-introduce and you will show your etiquette savvy and important allies too.


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A few Respect Ideas

. Be the first to extend your hand for a handshake, and look the person in the eye. This small act of courtesy goes a long way in making sure all generations work well together. In today's more casual society some people have forgotten this very important gesture. Everyone needs to learn to give a good handshake that conveys the message, "Welcome! I'm open to engage in conversation with you!" If you have a wimpy handshake, work on improving it since this gesture will backfire if instead of showing your confidence and charm you show your lack of it.

Say "Please" and "Thank you"! This little courtesy is vital to show respect, make people understand you are aware of what they can and have done, and also to help you in all communications with others. When a person forgets something as simple as a "please" or "thank you" it shows lack of concern for others which is disrespectful and degrading


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Say Thanks

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The Second Basic - Kindness Anyone who thinks that kindness isn't a

necessity in today's work environment isn't thinking. Kindness is one of the most important skills in dealing with people of all ages. Every living thing responds to kindness. Use this skill and good things will happen.


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Help others

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A few kindness ideas...

1. Ask others if you can get them something while you're up or while you're out. This will show your willingness to help others and also that you are thinking of more than yourself.

2. Pick up after yourself so others don't have to. This is a kindness no one will notice unless you don't do it and then it will not only be noticed, but talked about and resented.

3. Keep gossip or hurtful information to yourself. This is one of the most beneficial things for everyone. Gossip is not kind. Would you like someone to gossip about you?


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The Third Basic - Integrity

When we make a promise or give our word we need to follow through on our word. If we are unable to keep the promise or fulfill the commitment, we must be prepared to make things right. Trust is a fragile thing...very easily broken and very difficult to regain. People who have integrity are people we can trust.


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Business Etiquette Essentials Experts suggest applying these basic guidelines to managing all

business relationships:

Start with consideration and respect. No matter whom you come in contact with, that person deserves respectful treatment. Even if you dislike someone or his or her own behavior, you’ll come out on top if you consider that person’s needs and maintain a respectful manner.

Never interrupt. In casual work environments, people can easily forget basic courtesy, and interruption becomes a real problem. Remember that it’s always rude to interrupt, especially when someone is making an important point or addressing a group. Walking unannounced or uninvited into someone’s office is another form of interruption, and it makes a bad impression. “You may not need to make an appointment to see your boss or a colleague,” but you should always make sure the person is not busy when you want to talk.”


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Business Etiquette Essentials Leave gender out of the equation. Coworkers are peers, regardless of gender. It

isn’t necessary to compliment a man’s attire or hold a door open for a woman. In fact, some professionals see such behavior as insulting or demeaning. “People confuse common courtesy with chivalry,” says Gregg. “If someone is struggling with a load of books, it’s only polite to offer to help. But if a guy holds a door open and says ‘After you, ladies,’ he may be viewed as a pig. The office is not the right place for chivalry.” Of course, dirty jokes, off-color remarks, and discussion of certain private matters are no-no’s, period.

Language counts. Your point won’t come across any better if you use rude, derogatory, or obscene language, no matter whom you’re addressing. Talk like a professional and you’ll be seen as one.

Be careful which “crowd” you associate with. It may be more fun to hang out with the group that talks loudly, cracks jokes, and makes fun of coworkers, but doing so could leave a bad impression with the boss. “It’s nice to fit in “especially when you have to spend so much time with the same people. But work isn’t a place where you hang out with friends and laugh it up. It’s a place to get work done.


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