Page 1: Worship… - Amazon S3 · 2017-09-19 · Joseph Maida †Pray for the happy repose of † Harry Lutz Jr., Janice Ward, Rev. Joseph Sheehan and Rev. Jim Sullivan 1 The Bread and Wine

Dear Friends, I recently read an article by E. J. Dionne, the Washington Post columnist. He was commenting on the association of organized religion with a conservative political agenda. The American “cultural wars”, i.e. serious disagreements about abortion, same sex marriage, end of life issues, has driven a large number of people, especially younger ones, from the religions of their parents. This hasn’t meant that these folks aren’t still interested in faith. They are. They just aren’t interested in “the worldly aspects of religion,” preferring to be “spiritual but not religious.” They are turned off, he said, when they see religious leaders pushing for laws that would restrict the rights of LGBT people. Dionne cited some important research for his view. If the studies are accurate, then we’ve entered into a new phase of an old argument: religion is private and it should stay out of the public square. Just recently, some U.S. senators questioned whether two nominees for federal judgeships were right for the job. The reason: the nominees were deeply Catholic and their religious fervor could taint any decisions dealing with capital punishment and abortion. Is it better to be private about one’s religious beliefs? Would Cardinal Tobin, for example, been more politically correct if he had not made statements about DACA and about the riot in Charlottesville? Is it better for religious leaders to keep to the pulpit and stay out of issues in the real world?

What do you think Jesus would say about this sense of being “spiritual but not religious?” I think he would have a hard time with it. I know, didn’t he say “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s but give to God what is God’s?” But he also said, “I didn’t come for peace. I came for conflict: father against son; daughter against mother; mother-in-law against daughter-in-law.” The fact is that Jesus was more political than we like to think. He publicly forgave a woman caught in adultery. He chose 12 disciples to represent his desire to renew Israel. He challenged the religious leaders on their positions and their privileges. He confronted the Temple system that made a place of worship into a marketplace. He protested his unjust execution by refusing to engage in violence against the Romans and instead forgave them. The great English author, C.S. Lewis, once observed that there finally are only two really human questions: religious and political. Why? Because both are essential to how we relate to each other and to ourselves. Religious people can surely abuse their take on what God says about the issues of our day. But, the excesses of some can’t negate the importance of publicly grappling with the morality of the political, social, and economic issues we all face. In the end, if we follow Jesus, we really can’t be “spiritual but not religious.” That’s much too private for the health of our democracy.



Page 2: Worship… - Amazon S3 · 2017-09-19 · Joseph Maida †Pray for the happy repose of † Harry Lutz Jr., Janice Ward, Rev. Joseph Sheehan and Rev. Jim Sullivan 1 The Bread and Wine

Worship… Called and formed by the Word of God, we

worship our Lord primarily in the Mass. The Eucharist is the

center of our Christian life. It grounds everything else we do,

from prayer to our daily tasks to our ministries. If you have any

comments, please feel free to contact any of the following

Pastoral Council Representatives: Fr. Colin Kay, Deacon

Rich McGarry and Michael Kohler.

Pray for the recovery of: Marie Recchione, Maria Iozzia, Ann Rempel, Joseph Fernandez & his family, Emily Capogrosso, Jerry Marcom, Eileen Meyer, Anthony Esposito, Marissa Anderson, Helen Masefield, Timothy Dolan, Marie Kazazian, Rowen Ru, Hannah Dougan, Marie Ciezobka, Marianne Cummins, Charles Cummins, Alexa Kazazian, Meghan Curley, Romeo Malungcot, Angelina Perez, Kathy Nahra, Joe Hackett, Baby Joseph Mount, Sean O’Malley, Dave Gondres, Mark Reeves, Dr. Kevin Jeffrey McCarthy, Tommy Maher, Betty Young, Gabrielle Paradiso, Baby Charles Michael Tansey, Marianne Wilde, Lois Dekker, Adele Lombardo, Mary Golabek, Amy Dong, Joy Leonard, Mark Reeves, Mercedes Cepeda, Joey Bulger, Tom Pagano, Catherine Kurnath, John Coons, Thomas Paulhus, Mary McCarthy, Nellie Salazar, Ann Garripoli Petrie, Jennifer Crespo, Jimmy O’Hanlon, Patricia Sisti, Albert Gravel, Margaret Hoether, David Guerra, Jessica Pavoni, Debbie Carlotti, Jake Rudd, John Bohlig, Michael Reyes, Frank Morano, Sr., Bill Keegan, Richard Kennelley, Veronica Reichert, Robert O’Byrne, Julia Fedorchik, Jillda DiNardo, Marie Brancato, Helen Konarski, Mary Ludlow, Jason & Justin Leider, Dianna Miranda, Brandon Higgens, Ann Millstein, Carol Gravel, Wendy Gratale, Richie Policastro, Jackie Manning, Stanislaw Tecza, Louis Frances, Jarret Adamo, Matthew McGovern, Sarah Valenti, Stan Tomon, Violeta Arva, Ken Macagna, Todd Hodge, Emily Rao, John Rao, Carol Verbovsky, Kenneth Bodzak, Janice Ward, Anne Llewellyn, Les Wolf, Gary Beal, Diana Lambouras, Thomas Brown, Nicole Schepps and John Falcone.

†Pray for the happy repose of † Harry Lutz Jr., Janice Ward,

Rev. Joseph Sheehan and Rev. Jim Sullivan

The Bread and Wine will be offered this week in loving memory of Gloria Puente as requested by Barbara Puente.

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week in loving memory of Pat Hannon as requested by the Ferrara Family.

Monday, September 18th

7:30 - Msgr. Joseph Slinger – Mildred Placa Peggy Kenly (Living) - Family 8:45 – Fr. Joseph Doyle(Living) – Lily Oyog & Family & Walter & Marie

Tuesday, September 19th

7:30 - Lilly Mallado – Belinda Garcia Alisa Deljanin (Living) – Mom & Dad 8:45 – Mario Pelligra – John & Tina Rovetto George Regala – Ronquillo & Cuisia Famlies

Wednesday, September 20th

7:30 - Peter Britz – Lillian & Peter Britz Gloria Puente – Barbara Puente 8:45 - John & Mary Agner – The Doka Family Rosemarie Calabrase Morone–Daughter, Maria

Thursday, September 21st

7:30 - Alfreda Burrego – Belinda Garcia Robert Cappello – Ralph & Mary Ann 8:45 - Kristin Casanova – Ellen Kovarik Carlos Jimenez - Daughters

Friday, September 22nd

7:30 - Kevin Escorcia - Family 8:45 - Sheila Gillespie (Ryan) – Wilkes Family

Saturday, September 23rd

8:45 - James Whalen – Son Arlene LaDuca – Cynthia Pensabene Millie Gispert – Nogueras Family 5:15 - Sigmund Golabek – Family Kenneth Harges – Ken & Dorothy Sullivan Robert Abate – JoAnn Magarelli Regina McGuire Peter Leone – Joe & Diana Torregrossa

Sunday, September 24th

7:30 – Fr. Joseph Doyle – Lily Oyog & Family Hermogenes Gonzalez - Jeanette Joseph Maida – Daughter Maria Gorete Goncalves - Family 9:30 – Norbert Wilde – Wife & Family Cira Staropoli – Donna Stickna Salvatore Barone – Wife & Kids Peter Leone - Family 11:30- The Pietrowski Family – Sonye Family Sam DePadova – Elizabeth & Martin Ward Jennifer Jimenez (Living) – Family Joan Schulz – Michael & Diane Albarella





Page 3: Worship… - Amazon S3 · 2017-09-19 · Joseph Maida †Pray for the happy repose of † Harry Lutz Jr., Janice Ward, Rev. Joseph Sheehan and Rev. Jim Sullivan 1 The Bread and Wine

Let us pray for those in our armed forces especially

for: 1st Lt. Markus Landers, USMC; Cpl Bobby

Cimmino, USMC; PFC Richard Marchese, US Army;

Pvt. John Pagios, US Army; Pvt. Kristoffer Burger, US

Army; SPCE4 Kyle Milnes, US Army; PO 2nd

Cl Jimmy

Guerra, US Navy, PO 1st Cl Nicholas J. Vanni, US Navy;

Major Gregory Sugalski, US Army; MM2 Nicholas J.

Magarelli, USN, Master Sgt. Michael VanPamel,

USAF; Sgt. Michael Bourke, US Army; PFC Lindsay

Newarski, US Army; Staff Sgt.. Matthew Bauer, USAF;

Brandon Motto, USMC; Lt. Marc Sabatino, USN; LCPL

Storm Odom, USMC; Airman Michael Diffin, USAF;

CPL Justin Scales, USMC; LCPL Dominick Rizzo,

USMC; PFC Jonathan C. Sulinski, Warrant Officer

Alan Harty, US Army; Sgt. Bert J. Frullo, US Army;

LCPL. Harrison James Bruining, USMC; LCPL Steven

D’Argenio, USMC; Capt. Kip Rainey; SP4 Monica

Saucier, US Army; Spec. 4 Brian Tarantino, US Army;

PO 1st Cl. Mike Tarantino, USN; Lt. Col. Marshall

Denney; Lance Corp. Marshall Denney IV; Col. Patrick

Frank; Capt. Daniel Curtin, US Army; Staff Sgt. Joseph

Sullivan, USMC; A1C Richard Baldassari, USAF; Capt.

Donald Pump, USMC; and all those serving in Iraq and



someone who is considering having an abortion, here is a

number they might call that could be of help to them to

consider an alternative to this practice. The number is

1-800-395-HELP (4357).

For the month of September, Pope Francis asks us to pray especially

...that our parishes, animated by a missionary spirit, may be places where faith is communicated and charity is seen.

NEW RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Because of our need to downsize the rectory staff, the Rectory office hours are 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday through Friday and Saturday and Sunday from 9 am to 2 pm. As we evaluate the rectory use during evening hours, possible adjustments will be made to the schedule in October.


There are still 2017 intentions available for the Bread &

Wine, Altar Candles and Sanctuary Lamp. Please visit

the Church Office to request the Bread & Wine, Altar

Candles or Sanctuary Lamp in memory of a loved one or

in thanksgiving. Weekly intentions are $15.00 each.


-Mary Karr

In the back’s low hollow sometimes

a weightless hand guides me, gentle pressure

so I tack soft as a sailboat. (Go there)

Soften the space between your eyes (smudge

of eucalyptus), the third eye opens.

There’s the wide vermilion sky

that cradled us before birth,

and the sun pours its golden sap

to preserve me like His precious insect.


24th Sunday in Ordinary Time “For if we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord; so then, whether we

live o die, we are the Lord’s.” (Romans 14:8)

This is the essence of stewardship – everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God. We aren’t “owners” of anything, we are merely “stewards” of the gifts that God has given us. Especially our very own lives. Pray to God, daily, and ask how He wants you to use the gifts He has given you.


Creation At The Crossroads Small Groups Small faith-sharing groups meet to pray, read,

reflect and discuss Pope Francis’ encyclical

Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home.

Watch for all details in September bulletins!

BTOR -- Gospel Study We will be starting our regular weekly sessions on Thursday, September 21,

from 1-2 pm in the Faith Center. See you there!

Women’s Cornerstone Reminder…

Core Team Meeting is scheduled for

Wednesday, September 27, 2017 @ 7:30 pm

in the Church Hall. New Members to our Team are always Welcome.

Page 4: Worship… - Amazon S3 · 2017-09-19 · Joseph Maida †Pray for the happy repose of † Harry Lutz Jr., Janice Ward, Rev. Joseph Sheehan and Rev. Jim Sullivan 1 The Bread and Wine

Word… St. Anne’s is a family of faith formed by the Word of God, especially as this is expressed in the person of Christ, in the

Scriptures, and in the Tradition of the Church. As we hear this word and take it more and more deeply into our lives, we become ever

more truly the People of God. If you have any comments, please feel free to contact any of the following Pastoral Council

Representatives: Donna Stickna, Melissa Rovetto-Ruffner & Marianne Cummins .


Congratulations to our First Grade teacher, Mrs. Mappa! Hers was one of 82,000 entries in the 2017 Scholastic Book Clubs and James Patterson Partnership Giveaway chosen to win $500 toward building a great classroom library. We salute her commitment to ensuring that every student in her class finds great books they will love to read!

It’s not too late… registration is on-going for preschool as well as for grades kindergarten through grade seven for the 2017-2018 school year. Information about tuition and fees as well as other information can be found by visiting our web site at Follow us …. @StAnneFairLawn


FALLFAITH SundayFaith: NO CLASSES September 17; classes resume September 24.

If you missed the 1st Home Study or Family Catechesis session, please contact the Faith Formation Office

[email protected], or 201-791-1616, x218 or 224

SACRAMENT PREP Reconciliation/Eucharist…There will be a meeting for parents of children who are eligible to prepare for the

sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist this school year on Wednesday, Sept. 20 @ 7:30pm OR Thursday,

Sept. 21 @ 10am. Both meetings will be in the Church Hall—you only need to attend ONE meeting.

A child is eligible to prepare for Reconciliation and Eucharist if he/she is a baptized Catholic and is in the


year of either Catholic school or Faith Formation.

Confirmation…There will be a meeting for parents of children who are eligible to prepare for the sacrament of

Confirmation on Wednesday, September 27 @ 7:30pm. The meeting will be in the Church Hall.

A child is eligible for Confirmation if he/she is a baptized Catholic and has attended 8 years of either Catholic

school or Faith Formation. Questions? Contact the Faith Formation Office!

Did you ever wonder what RCIA is? It stands for “Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults”. But what is it?

It is a process for people seeking to become Catholic, but beyond that it is the

forming of lifelong disciples of Christ.

RCIA is for adults who…

…did not receive all of the three Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist)

…are not baptized Catholics, but would like to become Catholic

Could this be what you have been searching for?

If you would like more information, please call Donna 201-791-1616, or email [email protected]

The introductory session is Monday, September 25 at the Rectory.

Page 5: Worship… - Amazon S3 · 2017-09-19 · Joseph Maida †Pray for the happy repose of † Harry Lutz Jr., Janice Ward, Rev. Joseph Sheehan and Rev. Jim Sullivan 1 The Bread and Wine

Service… Impelled by the Spirit of Jesus, St. Anne’s strives to reach out to others. In works on behalf of justice, charity, and human development,

we seek to imitate Jesus in bringing glad tidings to the poor, liberty to the oppressed and captives, and healing to the blind and the sick.

If you have any comments, please feel free to contact Fr. Joe or Fr. Colin.




Also needed: Small bags of rice, small canned hams, cereal pasta, spaghetti sauce, Chef Boyardee, peanut butter, jelly,

tuna, cookies/crackers, mayonnaise, shampoo and conditioner, cleaning products, laundry detergent, household cleaning

products, dish detergent, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant and feminine products.

If any parishioners are in need of baby seats, baby car seats and child car seats, please call Michelle at ext. 217. Several

pieces have been donated to us.

Please do not drop clothes, books, baby items, house hold items off at the rectory without checking with Michelle first.

ST. CAJETAN MINISTRY NETWORK for the Unemployed & Under-employed

We meet every two weeks as follows: St. Catharine’s Ministry Center - next meeting: Thursday, September 28th

. Next meeting at St. Anne’s Rectory is Saturday, September 30

th - from 10am - 12 noon.

If you think you may be interested please contact Ed Grzesiak 201-321-5144, John Lederer 201-286-9354, Lou Cuomo 201-657-3838, Eamon Jennings, 917-841-2558, Steve Zmuda 201-819-9026, Jim Trousdale 917-363-9977 or Joe Bonis 201-390-7169. You can also email us at [email protected]


Saturday & Sunday - September 15, 16 & 17


Hollywood Entertainment – All Weekend – Tunes/Contest/Games

“ELVIS” (Tommy Walker) – Saturday, 7 - 8 pm

Pony Rides on Sunday from 1 – 3 pm

Hawthorne School of Dance will perform on Sunday at 4 pm

Performance by St. Anne Stages Sunday at 4:30 pm

Alan Quinn Big Band Sunday @ 6 pm

50/50 Raffle every few hours plus 10 Games of Chance and Tricky Tray Baskets

FREE “Toddler Garden” & “Kiddie Park” – Sat. 4-6 pm & Sun. 12:30-6:30 pm

College & NFL Football games in our “Beer Garden” on Saturday & Sunday!!

Mega Money 50/50 Raffle will be Drawn at 8:00 pm On Sunday

FABULOUS FOOD !! Some of our known favorites and many new options!!

Page 6: Worship… - Amazon S3 · 2017-09-19 · Joseph Maida †Pray for the happy repose of † Harry Lutz Jr., Janice Ward, Rev. Joseph Sheehan and Rev. Jim Sullivan 1 The Bread and Wine

Calendar Alert! On Monday evening, October 2

nd, the Parish of Saint Anne

will host a meet-and-greet visit by Cardinal Joseph Tobin, our

Archbishop, to the parishes of southwest Bergen County.

He will offer Mass with us at 7:30 pm, followed by a listening

session: we will listen to him and he will listen to us, sharing

with one another our hopes and concerns as Catholics in this time

and this place.

Pray for him and for all of us that he may lead us to a greater unity in Christ.

And mark your calendars. Details to follow.


In response to the Trump Administration’s decision to end DACA, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Newark

Immigration Assistance Program is offering a clinic to file DACA and

Work Permit renewal forms for current DACA beneficiaries whose DACA and

Employment Authorization are scheduled to expire on or before March 5, 2018.


Monday, September 18, 2017 - 9:30 to 4:30pm, Catholic Charities Bishop Francis Center for Legal Immigration Services, 970 Broad Street, Newark

HOW TO REGISTER? Pre-Registration is required. Please call 973-733-3516.


1. Employment Authorization Card 2. Social Security Card 3. Passport (valid or expired) 4. Approval Notices for prior DACA and employment authorization 5. Advance Parole 6. Certificate of disposition for any/all arrest(s) 7. 2 passport photos 8. Check or money order made out to USCIS for $495, for filing/biometrics fee

Cardinal Tobin Is Coming…

Page 7: Worship… - Amazon S3 · 2017-09-19 · Joseph Maida †Pray for the happy repose of † Harry Lutz Jr., Janice Ward, Rev. Joseph Sheehan and Rev. Jim Sullivan 1 The Bread and Wine

Community… Formed by the Word and by the Eucharist, St. Anne’s builds

community in the ways that we live and work and celebrate

together. In these ways, we experience the living presence of

Christ. If you have any comments, please feel free to contact

any of the following Pastoral Council Representatives:

Junie Fuertes, Laurie Hessman, Joe Murray, Joan Piela,

Stephanie Kedersha, Joe Barone and Terence Curley


Monday, September 18th SAS Adv. Board Mtg. – 7:00 pm – SFR Umpires – 7:00 pm - CAF Choir – 7:30 pm - C AA – 7:30 PM - LCR

Tuesday, September 19th Early Morning Men’s Group – 6:00 am – FC Prayer Shawl Mtg. – 1:30 pm - CR SAS Back to School Nite – 7:00 pm - CH FC Board Mtg. – 7:00 pm – FC Wedding Music Showcase – 7:30 pm - C

Wednesday, September 20th Play Group – 9:30 – 11:00 am - CH Bible Study – 7:00 pm - FC 1st Reconciliation Info Mtg. – 7:30 pm - CH

Thursday, September 21st 1st Reconciliation Info Mtg. – 10:00 am – CH BTOR – 1:00 pm - FC Family Choir – 4:15 – 5:15 pm –C Cub Scouts – 6:30 pm – CH/CAF DAWN – 7:00 pm - FC Choir – 7:30 pm - C CWV – 7:00 pm - CR

Friday, September 22nd Stages – 7:00 pm - CH

Saturday, September 23rd Stages – 1:00 – 5:00 pm - CH AA – 7:30 – 8:30 PM – CAF

WE ARE BACK!!! Are you a stay-at-home mom or dad of children age 5 and under? Or perhaps you care for your

grandchildren during the week? If so, come join us for our weekly Play Group this Wednesday, Sept. 20th from 9:30-11:00 am in the Church Hall. For info, please Ali Curley at 201-693-3474.

Our Choirs are back ... Choir rehearsals are in full swing! New members are always welcome! If interested in becoming a member of

one of our choirs, please join us at rehearsal in the Church as follows: Contemporary Choir – rehearsal is Monday at 7:30 pm and sing at Saturday 5:15 pm Mass. Family Choir – rehearsal is Thursday at 4:15 pm and sing at Sunday 9:30 am Mass. Adult Choir – rehearsal is Thursday at 7:30 pm and sing at the Sunday 11:30 am Mass. Those who sing pray twice! Please contact Alan Quinn at [email protected] with questions.

ST. ANNE’S Basketball Registration 2017-2018 Grades 1 through 8 -- (Grades 1-2 Clinic)

REGISTRATION DATES: Wed., 9/20/17 6:00 – 8:00pm St. Anne’s Gym Sun. 10/1/17 9 am – 1 pm St. Anne’s Gym

Any questions e-mail Diane:[email protected]

Forms will be available at registration.

Jimmy O’Hanlon Fundraising Event

Jimmy O’Hanlon is a longtime Saddle Brook resident who has recently had a heart and kidney transplant. Please consider attending this fundraising dinner on Wednesday, September 27th from 6:30 to 10:30 pm at The Brownstone in Paterson. Cost per ticket is $75 and includes dinner, beer/wine/soda at table and cash bar. Featuring Tricky Tray & 50/50 Raffle and Sports & Entertainmnet Memorabilia Auction. For tickets & info. contact George Ryerson at 201-638-3272.

Saint Anne's Seniors - will meet on Sept. 25 at 1 pm in the Church Hall. This meeting will feature a handbag sale. New or ever so slightly used handbags will be sold. John Rendzia, our Tour Director, has Oct. 11 as our bus ride to Atlantic City to the Resorts. The cost $25 with a $25 return. Bus leaves 8:30 a.m. sharp in front of Saint Anne's Church. Call Lucy at 201-791-3440 if interested. Get your tickets, before bus is sold out. Tickets will also be on sale at our Sept. 25 meeting for our Halloween Party. If Flu Shots were not given at our Sept. 11 meeting, they will be given out at the Sept. 25 meeting, remember bring your Medicare card.

Bergen Catholic High School will host its first Open House on Sunday September 24 from 1-3. Registration can be found on the Bergen Catholic website. Any questions email Matt Rosa, Director of Admissions, at [email protected].

Page 8: Worship… - Amazon S3 · 2017-09-19 · Joseph Maida †Pray for the happy repose of † Harry Lutz Jr., Janice Ward, Rev. Joseph Sheehan and Rev. Jim Sullivan 1 The Bread and Wine

DRAWING THIS SUNDAY AT 8 PM! Win up to $12,500!

MegaMoney 50/50 Raffle

You have a chance to win up to $12,500 in Saint Anne’s Sixth Annual MegaMoney 50/50 Raffle! We will sell up to a maximum of 500 tickets, each priced at $100 per ticket.

If all 500 tickets are sold, three lucky prize winners will split $25,000: 1st Prize: 50% of Winners’ Share 2nd Prize: 30% of Winners’ Share 3rd Prize: 20% of Winners’ Share

Drawing will be held on Sunday, September 17, 2017 at 8:00 p.m. at Saint Anne Street Faire. To purchase your tickets, please complete this form and return it with your payment (checks payable to Saint Anne Church) to the parish rectory during regular business hours. We will then mail your portion to you. Good luck!

MegaMoney 50/50 Raffle

__________tickets at $100 per ticket = _________ enclosed.

Please check one of the following options and provide all of the information requested:

I am an individual purchasing this ticket for myself only.

I am the contact person purchasing this ticket for a group. (Please write one check for full payment of ticket(s) purchased and attach the names and phone numbers for

each person in your group on a separate sheet of paper.)



Home Phone #:_____________________________Cell Phone#:______________________________

This is a 50/50 cash raffle and winners will receive the following breakdown of all proceeds collected: 1st Prize = 50% of winners’ share; 2nd Prize = 30% of winners’ share; 3rd Prize = 20% of winners’ share.

No substitution of the offered prize may be made. Winner subject to all taxes. Winner need not be present to win. Only 500 tickets will be sold.


Ticket #______________________issued on:____________________________.

Payment Rec’d: Cash Check #:________Amt:$_____________ Name:____________________________

Page 9: Worship… - Amazon S3 · 2017-09-19 · Joseph Maida †Pray for the happy repose of † Harry Lutz Jr., Janice Ward, Rev. Joseph Sheehan and Rev. Jim Sullivan 1 The Bread and Wine

Finance/Administration… A Christian community strives to steward its resources so that they can provide the material by which its various ministries can reflect the

parish’s mission to reflect Christ’s presence in all that we do and say. Finance Committee Members: Ed Hughes, Bill Ball, Sheila

Abate, Loretta Stachiotti, Steve Palermo, Jerry Cunningham and John Weiss.

Buildings/Grounds: Carl Shoemaker, Dave Lee, Kate Humble, Steve Zmuda, Ron Barbarulo, Adrian Menichelli

and Michael La Rocca

We are also grateful to the 1,536 people who worshipped with us last weekend and contributed $13,658.00 in the offertory and $2,203.00 through Online Giving offertory, which along with

other fees and donations, totaled $21,344.00. Our weekly expenses average out to $20,348.00.

Sponsors for the 2017 Street Faire

Many thanks to you all for your support of Saint Anne Parish!

Platinum Sponsor

St. Anne’s Men’s Cornerstone

Gold Sponsor

Ameriprise Financial, Maria Nigro, 201-221-2723

Shop-Rite of Fair Lawn/Inserra, 17-17 River Rd., Fair Lawn

PediatriCare Associates of Fair Lawn, 201-791-4545

Peggy Long, Coldwell Banker, 201-956-1974

Silver Sponsor

Patrick J. Conte Funeral Home, 201-796-0600

JJ’s Pub & Grill, 25-01 Broadway, Fair Lawn

A. Zerega’s Sons, Inc., 201-797-1400

The Rail Yard Tavern, 14-22 Plaza Rd., Fair Lawn

St. Ann’s Knights of Columbus Council 2853

Gail & Josh for Council

Bronze Sponsor

Empress Diner, 13-48 River Rd., Fair Lawn

Kuiken Brothers Co., Inc., 6-02 Fair Lawn Ave., Fair Lawn

Auto Sumser Inc., (ASI), 201-797-7680

Columbia Bank , 201-796-5550

Cosmos Club, 33-02 Morlot Ave., Fair Lawn

Plymouth Park Pharmacy, Inc., 11-12 Saddle River Rd., Fair Lawn

Zago Manufacturing Co., Inc., Newark

Firestone, Broadway, Elmwood Park

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