

l. Applications complete in all rsspocts, on prescfibsd form aro

Jammu & Kashmir State for tho following posts:

invited from the permanent residenG of the

S.NO. lallre or rtte Posr PAY SCALE GRADEPAY




Deputy Director(praA)

CampusesDeveloPment Ofticer

15600-39'.|00 7600 01 Open

15600-39100 5400 01 Open

3Assistant Manager(University Guesl HoGe)

9300-34800 4600 01 Open

4. PhysiotheraPist 9300-34800 4600 01 Open

9300-34800 4200 01 scl5.

Laboratory Assistant

9300-34800 4200 01 Open6. Field Zoologist

7. Computer Assistant 5200-20200 2400 16Open 9, ALC 1, SC 2'ST 1, RBA 3



for Research on Goiri &

fs.m-i Prot"tsion-"tI rcsistant

Pahari tanguag

l;rr***tos and Cu

t;,Iture (Poonch CamPus)

01 STI

01 ST ,I

9 Computer Assistant 5200-20200 2400

0'l Open 1'10. Orderly / Library

Bearer4440-7 440 't 300

The posts advertised for Poonch Campus are Non' tran3ferable and are exclusively for Poonch Campus only'


Qualifications: -

Deputy Director (DIQA)

a) Masters degree in any discipline with at least 55% marks from a recognized University'


Campus Oevelopment Officel

a)-GoodacademicrecordplusMaster,soegreewithatleasts5%(50%incaseofSC/ST)ofthemarksoritsequivalent grade of B in the UGC Seven Point Scale'

b). Desirable: Minimum 5 years experience of dealing with offsite campuses'

Assistant Manager (UniveBity Guest House)

Master's Degree in any discipline preferably MBA'/M Com /Master's Degree in HosPitality Management'

PhysiotheraPistBachelor of Physiotherapy rom a recognized University with 2'3 years' experience

5. LaboratoryAssistant(Goography)

M.Sc in the sub,iect concemed.

6. Field Zoologist

M.Sc. in Zoology (with 50% marks) with skillin feld of Zoology and Ecotogy.

7&9. Computer A$istantGraduate with one year Diploma in Computer Applications.

8. Semi Professional Assl3tant

Graduate with Bachelors in Library Science

10. Odedy / Library Boar€r

Middle pass

ll. Age as on 01.01.2014: -

i) Minimum for all candidates: = 18 years

ii) Maximum for:

a) General Candidates = 40 years

b) Socially and Educationally backward classes

viz. weak and under privileged dasses

(Social Caste)/ALC/SCyST/RM candidales = 43 years

c) Physically Handicapp€d = 42 years

d) Ex-Serviceman = 48 years

e) 40 years in case o, candidates already

in Government Service / Contractual employees = 40 years

lll. Application Fom

1. Prescribed application forms can be obtained ftom lhe Offce of Assistant Regastrar (Foms & Slationery), University of

Jammu, Jammu, personally on payrnent of a 700/- for pcts ftom I to 2 and < 500 for polt from 3 onwards drawn in

favour of the Regiltrar, UniveEity ot Jammu, Jammu l8(xx,6 p.ysble at Jammu.

2. The application torm can also be downloaded trom the University Website www.iammuuniveBitv,in. Those who submit the

downloaded application form shall be required to enclose Bant Drafr t 75{, for Post from I to 2 and ? 550 for Post

from 3 onwa.d3 drawn and ln tavout ot lho RagBtrar, Uniysrsity ot Jammu, Jammu ,8(XXl6 encashable at Jammu-

Tt|e candidate shall, however, be required to put his/tEr signature with dale on the bottom of each page of the downloaded

application torm.

3. Application forms accompanid with attested copies of qualifc€tion cedificates/testimonials including experience certificates

issued by the competent autho.ity, alonguith sef-addrossed envelope affxed with postal stamps worth Rs. 50/- be sent only

by Registered/Speed Post to the Deputy Registlar, Adm.(CAR), Room o.ll2, Old Adminbtrativo Block, University of


Jammu, so as to .each him on or before 27$ Juns, 2014, Employos of Jammu University desirous to apply can

deposai has / her form by hand till the end of last date.

Complete detail is also available on University Website

lV. Note:

L ln the seven point scale with letter grades O,A,B,C,D,E & F shall be regarded as equivalent of 55% wherever thegrading system is followed.


GRADEO=OutstandingA=Very GoodB=GoodC=AverageD=Below AverageE=PoorF=Fail

GRADE POINT5.50 - 6.004.50 - 5.493.50 - 4.492.50 - 3.491 .50 - 2.490.50 - 1.49

%AGE EQUIVALENT75 -10065-7455-6445-5435-4425-34o0-240.00 - 0.49

lf the number of applications recaived in response to this advertisement in respecl of any of the posts is large, the Universitymay shortlist the candidates on the basis of qualifications and experience highe, than the minimum prescribed or byconducting a screening test.

The interview letters shall be sent under Registered /Spe€d Post. The University shall, horrever, be not responsibte for anypostal delay/lapse.

Applications of Governmeni Servants should be sent through the Adminisfative Authority concerned, by the UniversityEmployees through the Registrars of lheir resp€c1ive Universities and by the persons employed in the private Firms andlnstiiutions through the Heads of the Firms/lnstiMions concamed. Applications noi routed through the respective channels areliable to be rejected. Candidates may sent advancs copy of the applicaiion alonwilh requisile fee (wherever appticabte)befo.e the last date of receipt of applicatioo.

Applications received late or on plain papel or incomplete in any resp€cl will not be entertained. The number of vacanciesshown above is tentative and lhe same may increase or decr6ase, determinable ai th6lime of seleclion.

Candidates selected for appointrnent will be placed on probation for one or lwo years as per recommendation ot the seleclioncommittee.

Candidates selecled for appointnent will have to produce the original documents relating to their age, qualilications,experience and tilness, etc., before ioining the post to which they are appointed.

Terms and conditions of appointmeni of candidales shall be govemed by the provisions of the Kashmir and JammuUniversilies Act, 1969, and the Statutes and Regulalions made there under ftom time to time. Where the University does nothave its own service rules, tho6e prescribed by lhe State Govemment for its employees are, mutatis mutandis, applicabte tothe University employees also.

ln addition to pay bands, D.A. as admissible under rules is abo payable. Medical Allowance as prescibed by the StateGovetnment for its employees is admissible to the University Employoes which, al present, is paid at a uniform rate of Rs.300/-p.m. besides coverage under J&K Civil Service Medical (Attendance) Rules 1990. City Compensatory Allowance andHouse Rent Allowance are also paid lo the University employees as is being paid io the J&K State Govt. Emptoyees. Limitedresidential accommodation at the University Campuses is available which is allotted on lurn under rules.

Candidates who are eligible for applying for more than one po6t are required io apply on the prescribed application formseparately for each post. The single applicalion form flled in for mor6 than one post shall render the application liable torejection without nolice.

Candidates invited for interview ryill have to pregent themselves for interview at their own cost.

lmpersonation or submission of false / fabricated / tampered documenG or making inconect / ralse statements by a candidate,wall, in addition to debaning him / her permanently or for e specific period from any employment in the University, also renderham/her liable for criminal prosecution.

Canvassing in any form by or on behatf ofthe candidate will lead to disqualification.

All enclosures attached with the applicalion form should be self-attosted by the candidate.









15. The Unive6ily reserv6 tha right not to fill up any of the vacancies advertised, if circumstance-s so wanani, withoul assigningany rcason thered

16- Envelope containing duly filled application form should be superscribed as 'Application for the postof.... ....................advertised vide Notice No. ..............dated..................'


No: Adrn/C&RY14l1 1 1 1-1'160Dated: - 06.06.2014

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