Page 1: Y y, · Q Pages vol-lll PI.AINPIKI.D N. \k 8ATukli*Y. AUGUS T 4. (8»4. MORE BOROUGH IMPROVEMENTS *MQ T*Y ARt AW WHUU TKY A« Ukr° > Ainl


vol-lll PI.AINPIKI.D N. \k 8ATukli*Y. AUGUST 4. (8»4.



Ukr° >Ain<>l<l te«'l Juitriee i r ..• L.-'. i I• b o w i n g ' l n t " « > l l e i - t e s j * l t ? Mme '•• « w it N




-for \krwm IroM July '• "» <.<*ie, an'

Heer rn/»l--y Kileil. IJterK Arnold•hnwrd Him uf tin* motiiP* dm-the IJ.*.oagh from M N. .spenc-r, eact 53 wanon baud lo the endK of ill* Karon* haeeoont, 8 1 " n "5 to the credit oT lijtht

J^M-mant, making a total of 8L.9U6 -

petitlo"* were rpcfIT&I i«Mvr.t Hifji'i'1 i;rit'?i> I Bt<lmacadam r,-\\Ir.nn' Willow lo Qlftttd avenue*, 8200tivinit been MIIHK.TIW<I, and to

Mreei to Linden »venn», s u m »nFiieii. Croat-

o'itkpd ror

It Wii-iione I 'M*. Referred. An elect wiliBbt WM Ji.kfd f.rt- «t the jm.ciion otirwil Itr.> K nml Cljain.ui sireel, liemn» i,r,.k'-. ' Et-f-rr..-ii. <*

Tbe i>..mitiili^e oa Fire. WatfTMMl,iin11* rp|i"rl'*"l llml tlie elerrrir Illih nnn f Vern|>h nymeni would l>e

o H-ir

imif b"t» i MY-. EM

i belli

it fur th* HfrtilK'T ISiilulms f'T e'erii purposes hHil not t(wn made, mi<

m.ivr-.l ilio mutter tie referred io ih<r.itiuh Onu'liel, So orderedMriiman [.iqnannry reported Kr»m''il * I w w of abaense foi

ne IIHJS l.i I'Dirl Marshal pBtntiiorti.1 ttiBL he iiiicii'l>.! giving (lie mar

r-hor a, time. The Street Commiu^treported Uwi itn- improve men. ofcfrim-trwi UINI lint) twetl dei-iilf.l H[. .1,•rime two werk'i B(tn, aim Itmt S'IUI)bail Hern or-iered expenled Kw Hier> r|>i>t*». The (.Jonim litre on Stntiun-pry rei»iripil tliat Uie rint uf jiririiniK] in*" i-ojiira of the nfiiernl-0 ordinances• uiilil l.i- gift, Imt tfie c u t Mr ntl theurttiiiaiife* vronii] be Slim. In regardto ivj-e wniicrj eopWi uf ibe amn-dedt d i l i m > twelve r l d l tt lLEd

j . . r SL.'."p o r t in . Itoporu lilpd.n'fl adopted thai 1/n-

! ii.e 8303 bUtMcrtbed

','•:•! el jf!'.i), iiii.l mat a crosswalk belaid from the Elm :•.,<<•• bridgei'tiatliaui ilrcet. (Jarrwd, MaUna awl WIIFOU were grimed niionoi ten.d*yi each The on*

llglil |>ule« in Uie llonm^n iover to . the ncxi icfctiuK. ClerkArnold rejKTied ihat tlie A M

time, siul it *aa ordered tbU

•lav evening, Aui(. If! Tfie Cominmeeon Fire, Water>ad Lumps was smlur .

"Veil io Hell itie old liose cart lo Ilomsev I

Ha an ' •• -t tut Tfc nlar TIHM i i f i u &., . . e

ID lh* White Mm • ! • ! • •

. . I t" . Iir Ritmn and fanlly riartMWMtoUpMq

. w i Eizhtlil - i l l C o Mtin.U; to Ytmiern," for

Wum» Mtornev i .. i m-i'.n


V .K«* . Andrew Hi-s>-n>sin, of B-II<me, will \'re»t\i in Trluiij Befurnfl«t

rperatiUon.n Van Kirk, nt lth«ca, in \l.«lt-•l-itr, Mrs. Mnrray Hun Hi, ol

PUlnfetd .veooe...Mre. K /; !•,(•!•, Fanlks, of Newark.

m F*uHn, orHoulb Plalufl*].!.. . I ) . Ite Witt Ilrokaw »n-l tamlly, of

• . • • • • . • : ••,. •,•!(•. RO to Andi)ver,NJ ,<u 'lay lor tbelr summer oauae.

..Rev J a ltraker,o< SooUB Plains,will enter-B)II lilt conwrvKation aguin

mirrow by a 'tpreoplie 't» diPpliy.. .Mi-UPS I/>nella and Fannie Mill*,

of Earn Fifth ("tree', .ham L'i>oe to the;na«miDDnk Muum«ln« for a rounUi.

. . T h e w i f t o f C'h«r!-«« FnitetMo,f New street, ilwd Wi-rtueiilay nlntu

..UbHC refit. Kreat<lent of ih« W3. T: i : . t wi:l •.]![«»« tlie Ooi.p»l Tem-

a Relo H d U

. Itev. E. H. M»wnri, of I'ntiion.tin., maoe a strnn vim to his father,MM Kiewar, of ['luiuOeld avenue, lastrlit

. .Mias draco Kowlsnd, of East Sec-

em] sometime wilii Miss Sadie Run-

. Mr. and Mr*. Ihme) F. Uinna and


;JI >•' very loneaito, when the {treat

iclo| ii-die Idcliimary Hrsl ajipea

anon, backed ti> some ol tbe m

B, and presenting numerous filining io ilie ideal dictionary,never before beta pm i< lo |ira

i« was boon pul fontl—one ibaten naatily prepared, Jmd been bddlyI to |iieceR, witu much oiiglca! i "

, of Wayneood piece, WHO bus been lick forsnm

Ime p u t , was out ii<;isn today qnit


t PlB

nS ye. lt*v. and Mr*. Ernwt IJ

i, u! Son in I'-ii-Mimi. reti

MiiMletown, S. Y.Mr. and Mrs. David C. Allen, of

• rnson avenop, «re trloiced over tlierival uf a con and heiV wlio U]is theIBDI al eleven pounds.

Mine (trace l l i ^ i n s , of Wpstnirih h'n cr. and Mis« 11. li-i, .l.,li:non,B.'lle Mead, sre visiting Uiss Joaie

Mud, i. M r . and Mrs. w . n Towtmi: |>lm:P,f X(>ect to remove t<-*i- :-J i.i-sir-f.-i. Ill where Mr TOWD-ud will engage lu business.. . L t i r n r H. .11. Jil»on,ofSt. Joaeph,•>.. H H ii»en in town iu searrh of Wilm LocKe, whu h<u ftpen left sole he)i

. .Prol I . O, Orptmwr, of Mnn-

todsj lo Waterford, Ms ••«,

red from

U r . J « n . t « I I . . , . , i . - . i n . n f O a * . S

IIUTHWARV t « l T 0 >

With Ten rchu. T»re«ente<] atT u iHKiEa office, entitles

• I he bolder ID one cojiy of


.A fpw lines ju-l rccKJward I^>*c, of Knst N

Eusrtauil. say Ibat he arrive,safely ID Liverpool in Rood bestb. IIMl at ©nee lor bis own home Eastbo u rue, Sasaez.

. .Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Slirpard are

on tiy-ihe-Sea Mr. Snepard i)!her"oi the late Elliot P. Shepiil bears a strong resemblance to Ii

— ri)ilsdei|ihia Times..Prof. W. E. MacOIymont,

U> Asbary 1'ark for ibe bJance ofitiii aioulb. Daringplace at the rresbj-ieHau vtiurch organwill be Oiled by Mrs. B T. Baraes,

. . Mrs. Irving LsJng and family amiliss l i t t le iJuultier. H I M Carrie Lalngif TrvBtoo, and Mt«a Su»ie Usgood, of

iiVle, WiUiam Manning, of fuUntieldivfHoe. Mr». l-aiug also arrived ~~

day. Tbey were former PlaJtttieldi. .Rev. Dr. B. E. Easel, of Syracuse,

N Y. Visited Rev. B. W. Hand yesle.1M>- Mr. Eotel will preacb iu I'iauHeld SRIKIBJ evenings after next weeklor a lew weeks aA least, at tb« Cbarchof CLr&L Elder it•••, i will deliver "farewell sennae, lo morrow eveolng


Ols« Msrwblc h t | « i j .

Tii'- lui.i-f owned ftinl nrcopied bylira. II. M. Creirler »uil femlly on Park

lue, was liarnfd to the irroaed yes• j at i-rr.i in aboui 4 30 o'clock

The onlr evideoce of a BOOM DOW reni»in<fi|f la nne npri^ht pie-'e of timber•i.d two cbimn-)> whicO uti.l t t w l .

Tne fir»i iniuBBtion of II was ulitiinni by some partiei pasilnn wbo saw I

fc.imlii is was ir.nii a ilumney. Aiule la'er Mr*. Vrvgiet was cslhxJ oul

J to ai-i OUL s n o d deal of Lhe )ur»i-ire. Tfiat In iiit> u;i|ier part cwifrioi be reachtd. The origin oi tne firei a mystery.The fain ly WAS assisted TO rei

An I t w I j Bm.

TB« prrMuotBra of I ha CTrm-isim <.-'IDI[»IIV irnirb e i , *•,-<•,t.">i !•; * line iron New Ywk in Pnitade:pt>|« to DSB Ilio troiltj Mw n j i t in

' *rn>L' a «iEKVMioa IP btteUwivurMFifi'iu Munrhen to $vain PUmmelitbeoee to tin* ctiy b; way of Pialn-

I • veo oe. IbquiHea b»ve beenla by tne '•ompaiiy M to tliey ol tDat runte for to much

i Bad MTtral good ptiioIB fmvi .•tijtediliennelves. Oiie if it* oppor-

si.j r r a>inpihe puw<rt>tine i i U r1 at >..u,s Piainllekt I . Ui« <!>i -' tbal portion of the ittute.Id abonM be built ovtr Aha* line it'.i1') give South Plajlefleld• boom

build up I'lajnfield sveniie, to thaittuwLh .j[ t i n ctiy •o»U be- In Uwtjirot'Tii'ii. That growiug iatnfb bai

some •ulTBjit*i;es wnith *ili doubtles*out dof be i a rued lo

Tbair lhe limBill by C"«.Hue year* »(£'• «'"! cost in ibe vlcinl*i'l. .! Si1.',ii'iD It had a ) l l

odefu imp rove men 16 and was lighii

t lias been perulia

JAFANtSE GIVE* UP[ES wtttE TO TBK DDUR1ER.]«DbK, i n s . 4.— A dtipateb froi

Tiea Titu BBJB"inat the ifclneen Jspaise who were forcably tiaken prison-rs,r.nn tDe British steamship Uhun Kiiitr.iivc been releued anJ an apology,!T«re<t: to tee Hrliwli Consul by ibe

Ll l e l l

menu" mailer inaened. It •>pnuied, toe word! beiog Hard

ij«jn tne page, Ana mere fceing ooiu mien to relieve the e \e la run-Ihrougb tbe work. Taeii cameae EoevclOf'teUic Uiciiunary— lbelUlbonzed American eJiuon which

ig lor leu ceuia p«r part a im uuem. Every woiu BU<1 Iraiiic ufriginal English edltiun wan retain-

«caa adoed nuder the etfluieiii«di-torshipof Prolentor Lnartes Moms, uf' tadeiuy of Natural McleuceB o

1L-J|.U>LI Ttie diff<irei>ce betweei

rote III !>..-[

ol Messnwrll JtCo , Lbe puDtiaaera of the ong-Knglisb ediUoo, uu.l tins editionbe obtained tnron^b no otber

rce in I1 »,i in'!.: iban tbe Coaner.lemember tliat one part Is iasned everyM-ii, L'iii-li part uobcaiuing trom 9C LO'I JI.I^-P. and Hi at eacb jian cosi^ you

the only edlliou of Tbe Eucy'ciopiedieicllonury «lni.-li vnu can rely upon »»ing auiti6nlie «nd complete. Parts

To* A. 0. H. Insc.atu u d Inii l l i .Tbe Connly oilin-rs of tbe A. O. H

net al Ebubeib Tsuraday night wheibe officers for in*> eusuiag six montbi

were losUUed. Those installed fortb.Flamfield Diviaion were:

President—John F. SbeebVice President—Edward

un.Kscreiary—WTliam MeCanhyRecording Secretary —Uorutlio* Bei-

Tressorer—P. C»sejTen new members wen Initialed for

i c vaiiona divisions In the coinry,hree of wbom will belong to tbe Piain-

fleid DivlaJon.

Tbfl Bre alarm from box il thU nng was turned in by Officer ("njoney wbobought lbe reflection of a Sre In Stel-en was enooga to warrant bim In tail'up out lbe nre department. Ua son

acDoe, or whatever else yon mlfcblcall it, canted many a faithful firemanto lose ins sleep. U bas been suggested taai tbe PolictTBoard fnniiih Coon-ey with a pair or doable magnifyingspectacles tbal be may be able to di»tlegnish the diffemce between Stedtooand West Seventh street

A Isall Kat Kjiurico* SakboT-

Yeatenlay •Aernooo, during tnetemporary absence of J. E. Townae- *from bis office, some one aMU-dctlollar's worth of |osuge lumps from

safe, whieli he left open. He WBJ__j away from his office live minute*and none of bis employees taw anycater or leave during tbat tine.

W Coerfer waat a4» p«y.



ilrilaonlii'ii note nliowunec was •>*)


ilk H u r t st lbelany are seriously ill, b it fatalnfence* not reared.'v i f P. .i»-ti Sehaler,

oftiit W. J. Cntral. j

JBOSELLE, N . J,, July 1, 1891.O My JFriends and too Pab'lc:1 I'.ke pleunre in nulling public i

let Ion: to the remartible care whiT. Llgjntbtll aaectPd in my case. Kle past ten yean I had been atSicted

with a severe form of piles wblch finally'A ma lbe greatest pam and distressrly il l tbe time, am) irom which Iil'l lim obtain any relief, lu tpite

1] my effjrts.

—Oof doi* concert at the Arlingtonnight.


A lawn ff«i>a' MI to beglTen at thesidcm-e of Mra. Zelst, or Chatham

" , oil Tuesday afternoon and eveningjL'ii-t IC. for the heneBtoi tbe poorUie B.(roaiti- The festival #111 be

nder i.M; dl>eclk>n of the Christianittor .!HI.i..ri> of Warren Cbspel.LBtian Zeisi will have charge ol

ne ice cream, Hits I.illmn Huberl)',f Hie lemonwle and Mist Ratb Oeick,I the sake. Tlie feBlivial will lam from

niil ten o'clock an l no admluioaillUe charged. ,

:A TIP TBiT srv«R nti.

A tip o " t*1" racea has been theBans of npplnj; many a >UUIIK man is.tne IDuonHal despond. There areme MJ.I, however, thu will profit aan; idr instance—a tiptbat tbe winner

f sure Mtislaotlon la lie wbo Uhes niswatchea. clocks and jewelry to Collier's,03 Par* avenue for repair.

BU> CALL 7E0B A PORCH-•Ir • ,George Tier, of Bank place,

bad fail from tbe porto today ocount (ft tripping wtowi olng down lbesteps. She broke her nbse lo t*ie fa"

ipectacles were also broken andonder the glass dill not it jure her

IW JUSTICX CBOSSLET'S COURT.James Haley, arrested tuii morningr soliciting money on Lbe sireets, wai

• spa thiny daja, Uh«rlef Williams,or beinr drunk ami disorderly, was

i iweniy-fWe days Both. to tne count j jail.

SWEDISH GIRLASWEDISH OlIKL wants sii chamtterm^dfniiiiiy. CaU

stutionor Eener»l909 W.

C O R SALE orr houw in. Knat, three miuiita walkfrom depot, for brnue or lot in PLunfitid,Achlr<« Hotuc. Coaricr

Annjmatic•TX)R SALE—OH A j D17 er, almost new, moit approved patent••ill give excellent service tn Urge fusil?,

ANTED—Two Ubje boarden. Refererir** givm «ml. required. Addros

lUBterdan, Cnnncr officeJ J X4 tfWA

TV> LET-tT»U in Hie ' That* Nock, 1!X inprofOKBtt, cor I O M M and Craig

pUct Apf*t to Ala. Tbon. r] Sonxn4M tf




<6 JIRIIN'.IIIS P U C E ,Piunfield, N. J., July 17, ISN.

I ail profoandJJ grstefal to Dr.iirhihlil cs* his sticwdT and radicalare of a nifRt painlb! nattily of ovn JI>MM' «snilin«\I defm it proper to say to all alHic'

to piacfl themselves tinder the careoia skillful physician t#d be penua-•eutly Ijured.

I wilj;ebeerfally Inoart any iDfirm;ion I (kMsees »ben (alk-il upon.


A^PPYEIPBIIENCE[ Tettimoar of Mr. W. E.

IIi»anneof uniimlicror cures wblebur Ligbthll] affected in similar cases, Ilaced rnywil ondpr liin cere, and 1

rejoice \o say he effected a completeare in tny case ami pave me new life, .loint so, for I a-n sore that I couldot have enilnrnl mr misery much

^r~ And il will be t. mwier of ra-anda to ttote who are snlTehnK

oni thjs disease to learn tbe hsppyact that Dr. Lighihill effected BIT cure

• fr.iui ray Work.'W. E. DILT9.

C a r ( from Mr. T. BJ VAX ZASDT,Of Xos. 304, and 306'Part Ave.,

! Flsinfleld, N: J .

I certify with pleasure that Dr.Li^ht-ill hasliBffectnally cured me of a mostainfnljcftse ofi>iles. For eoma lime

- J:»d been subject to iu attacks,. , ,. hist attack was BO exceedinRly

palnfullthal it completely npset myrbole system. Tbe pujn eit^ndeit L0

my leglj and in many oiber directions.


IfvllL ri 1-LI IUL K I I U U B »j I w:KT JIJ I yri \- aii'i

dUtres . Sach was my «oudliion whenappli ill to Or. Lig.ithill forrelief, andam f lad to say that as goon as be

took In lid of my case, 1 begun to im-e, |nnd in a short time found my-eotapletery cured. : Dr. LJRhlbill

rO*0 effected a radical and perma-. . _ . chre in a moat terrible case ofpileso* HIT cousin, Mr. J.V. Z.Griggs,of Bo- j Hill, N J., Whose flattering

lal i» io Dr. LlgbtblU'a poses-

T. K. VANfcANDT,304 and 306 Park

LiGHTHILL•HO bd consulted dally (except Thnrs-lavs) an all CHBONICL OBSTINATE

~)MFL1CATEI) diseniea of theivstem of whatever name- - bia office and residence.

No. 144 CRESCENT ATE.Deelneaa, Caurrh u d Diseases

be HfsuJ, rnroat and Looga succei' nt U«Ued.

Pile i of the moat aegrarated natu' aad permBoeeUy cured la

:», wtinoat pain or detentionincea, and all other rectal -lit-9 treated wltb CqosJ toece

MMui mud Nerroo* DerangemeoUEt-iiepey, IHteasea of the Skin andBloot1 BbeumaUc, NeonJr:c

ABeeUOM. .

•f lhe Heart, Stomach,uverj Bowels, KidnBT aad Bladderare BOeceMfnlly treated, even When

' - - - 1 UlU ha* (atled.



y, What?

Where to get iiCOSIK TO PECK'S :



0 . W. +IVDE.

The Art tile Payee;*! «t M m l . r

iloubtc roll. >yvtU\ pncei for the

PUTNAM & DECSRAW21O Wssc Front Street,


Cbllilrea's Fast Black llo»e (lliii) L "-•">••., worth 30cChildren's Fast Black Sib H O M (.lonble knee) ISO, worth 23oBoyt' Bievcle F a » Blacfc Bib Hone (extra UWTJ). ..20<j, wonh 25oGents' WOT#B Stripe Madraa Oaiing ohlrta « 0 i worth 75cWool Challies, LiKLi Colors - 14*. worth 19eWool Cballies, Dark Colon '~<\ worth 20cSpaoish Crepe, all Colors 13a. worth 19cTne Beit Cotton Sweaters la tbe city for SO ceuu

While oat Tlsttlngr h my Ire," Is wliat she said.

TTT (iarilncr'n H. M. Bread. Try Sarduer's " . H. cake.*• *• Creasa Bread. " •• Ice Cream.

/ /••• emvttued Aat there U a jfrs/-r/.ws Bakery nl 42 Sinnertet



Dong'ola ButtonBoots M O



Commercial Palace, Babcock Building:.WE CLOSE AT 7 O'CLOCK EVENING:*, SATURDAYS





In our Waist Depart

Tbosf, that wet* $1.00, for «9c «nd 76e; " " SI 25, for -.«: t u t

>• a 81 3'J, lor 99c each

AF^Ilsulshirt Warn SMB.IodetUnctable Pearl

10c, for.,

»TTt Duck Snita, well made andneffect fit. Tbose tbM were»3i75 for « "3

We *0Dld eall special aUraUoa tooar Hne Cberiot .Suit* BL 83.7S

Lot Genti*price 25c,: u>

G«nU' Ontmg Shirt*,

Hci> B' Eilt Cambric Soils that wereS*?, for.1...- «aft Kilt Solta wltb White Blouse:t'tiat were esc, at «fl eta

We Cany in our Hosiery Department•lbe Bast Hakap sod f oi:ow]M Dr«:

lenhsdoff. Smitb Jt ADgelbi snd» a * F. from 10c up to SI.SO p*ir

Jewj Iry IV art

rnisbi g OffrriBpt.

xtra Offrrinss isUndefwrar I «parttn«nt.

Comet Covers, V Ir

Laiiiee1 Skirts, Urn

Ladioe'Cowna, 3

Wool French Flannels tbatrereTOcjJor 45e j

: to 82.00 wtPini, regular


#1 I'.1, at 11.001.39*1 1.192 00 at 1.69

69c at S9c




m MORE borough

improvements What? OF DR. LIGHTHILL’S

SUCCESS, ‘ . . Rr v n l. »<vtr1Hi and wife arv In Ihs While MooMmlns. fUf Dr Harass **iti Tandy riarieti •hi IMr v~-.ifo.. lil|> today «»t G Hitman, M._,. .rj.,™., * Where to get

COM® TO PECK'S Tbe lnHM owned mi.I nrra|iled by Mr* II. V. f'rvvler a..d family on Park arr«u», >u Iroraed »o lb* sroosd jm tvrday al mow about 4 30 o'clock The only evidence of • b»u«e now re- maining la n*e upright plwe of limber two rl>*<m.->a whteo *U!I Ston-l. Tie Brel imimaUm of il »m otnala- e*l oyr some parties passing ttouv • UUe amok* nxulriK from iba roof bot «h..o«iu li was ir.Kn a thimae.f. A llule later Mr* Cregier *u called oul by some «m«- eiaa who saw ibe roof oo lire An ala-m *>< give* am) ueigbhora came I mm all iberioaliv anti nnnag- ed In get nut a «ro<-1 deal of lb# Jnral- tara Thai In ilie Qpi«r part ehald ool be reached. The origin oi td« fire la a my Mary Tne fa«a ly was asauted lo remove lo lb# imru nrar by, which >u arrang- ed ongina'ly for «* -opancy by a coarn- raan a faml.y, anti are noil# <-omcrrtaUe lor the lime being. The home *u ouiii by < apiaio tM'.ron, of this city, am *g-< anti coal in lha vicinity IX) or •I2,(hki It hs.l ail ice improvements ai.ti was ligblrti >> a marhin «»n the prraiwa wire a a* of inum- filled in witb •I barurti ur-n^ Ibe loss. Sira. Crecler

Uhty of that rveia for ao much ol tba Una aati saverol good poiaia bare pce- muted tbemaeivea One is ibe oppor- tunity fx wing the po«» r oi ibe »at»r fall at S^.b PiainOeM (.r Ik* dynamo, •or that port ion of tne louts. il the read akonld be built over tarn* lino It woolti give Soatn Plainfield a boom and Oolld op Plainfield arena*, ao that tne g'owtk of tii-s euy aoaU bo In tkat uireetioa. That grow tag aouaib baa •owe advantages waw-b «111 .foubUewa oue dag be i a rood to good account.

Btr.r-1 mill go Monday to Yoaksr*. for teo week* . .Count* ttfnrnev Cod agton anti fail! ly go to Miiliogtoo for real and re- rrea'lun toilai • Rev AmTrew liegeman, of H«Fle- *ille. VIII nreach in Trloliy Reformed Cborrb lo'inrroe Sir*. >1 H. Lnnr. of Par* a»'na*. went t'Mlav to Oeeoa Or* ve lo remain a coop's of **ee«a F II Will*, oi \r Granite arena#, went Ibla moroing ui the m shore lor a abort recreation. . Mia* Van Kirk, of Ithaca. ia *1*11- • h«-ral*irr. Mr*. Mnrrav Smith, of l*i<dfiflelJ arcane . .Mr*. K '**‘>eiii Fanlke. of Newark. -mu- vrwerday lo vkaii her sou Wil- iam Fan Ik a. ol Booth Plainfield. I >5 Witt Hrokaw anti lautilr, of WaabiagUMi avenue, go to Andover, N. J ,»o day for tbelr reimmrr nnliiMr. . . Itae. J S. Ilraker.oi 8*-uien Plains, w»*l enter aio bl# congregation again tomorrow by a slcreoptic n display. Mi«*ea ie>udla and Fannie Mills, -»f Eaat Fillh atrec'. have tloua lo the Shawangonk Moontataa for a motiMi The aifk of t harlea tl Franc««co. of Vew nlreet. tiirti Wrdneatiay night

of Slaiur e.| •> bove l««l night'a f’oaocil '• ulona n»tx. S. J., July 13, ISM.

ED. WOLF, puonb i»»- M.tly .rad I will rberHolIv l.Mit any Inks ikm 1 poaea .cm dooo. Jons Diet Kiel LATE NEWS. spencer, tv mill ol tl.« to Ihe credit

PUTNAM & DEGRAW ("TtCUL TO THE <T»C f’owa*. An#, a — Figila the I'nnce of Wales’ ftrlu o|*on sea race here to day. Tae IniBQing umealibel boat wu: ' LI llriianula. j..

received lo have, el anti macadam i-W •and avenue*. t300 WILL SELL FOB THE BALANCE OP THIS MONTH, THE FOL- LOWIKO GOOnS AT SPECIAL PRICES.

1M, worth 30c Child™.’, ra Black Bom (Mi) r Child™.’. Put mart Rlh Hom | >.«) ISA W’Ch Bgy.’ Ilirtrki Ful Black Rib Hot* (-nr. Baarj).. VH, worth I.'c Gents’ Woven 8tnpe Madras OoUog nblrta t»c, worth 7»« Wool Chmllles, light Oolora lko, worth 19e Wool Cbailras, Dart Color* 1»C *ortb 2oc Bpaalah Crepe, all Ootora ISe, worth l*c Tro Ileal Cotton Sweater* la Ibe etty for *0 cento

bnck Bokelle. N.X, July 1, 1894. To My jprieoda mod Ibe Tab le; | take plmmore ia rwhiog public ai- tentIonic the remarkable care which !>r. Llifbtbill affected In my case For Ihe past ten years I D*ti been afflicted with a severe form of plies which Anally gave ms ibo greatest pain ami dlttreo* nearly *11 Ihe time, anti from which I could *ot obtain any relief, la apue of all my MTxta

TWMTY-FDJR POiSONED [*rctiu been peculiarly 1 THE reCRIOL J I'LAliTEnMOCTB, Nohl, AOg. 4 — Tweotytlour |*ersona at the S owliog ll Mirdiag-House liere were poisoned Tuqradby, a drag being placed la lb# milk Mfrvfd al (be broakfast uble. -Many are a#rloaaly III, bwl fatal conae •juenc*-* are not feared, aze#f4 io lb# case of Rifwn Schaler, a men bant.

Iv*vmg her young A L1TLLI llOir ABOUT A B.’Q BOOK. Not very h*ng ago, shea the great F.ioj K'tiH! IMriionary drat appeared in Englaad alter dlteeu years of prepa- ration, barked by aouie Of the most eunueui aciiolara and actcnilat* ol ih«- tiuiea. ami preaeming nutneroua feat* uro# thal liasl loag been •Irri.iuel ufajw |B naming lo me ideal dicilouary, but Bail never before beta pul n lo pra u- “*■ '•”*“• was an immediate . out a cheap edition for illoD ID Ihla country. _ pm forth—one tom had been haaill, prepared, had been badly cut lo piece*, with much oilglbal Valu- able material leli out, and a quan’iiy ol worthloae, irn-aponaibic, ao-callcd •• American" matter maenad It was badly printed, the eords being oard to uod ui>oo li.c page, and there teing no utun rule*, to ralleve Ihe e\e lo raa- mug toiougb ibe work. Tueu come iuc uu« Fury no i irtiic Dictionary-the ouly «uibor,/.«<i American e Jit.oo wbiclt ia me one that our readers are now getliug lor tea cents per part with one coupon Every woiu and feaiaie of tne original Eugosb edition was retain- ed, and a vast quaam/ of Abktm.'wu and *|»cial acieiiuAc and t#chuical ina- lenal waa asloml under tne effluent gill- U.rahip of I'rufeaoor Cnariea Morria, of tbe Academy of Natural .Scleucea ol puiladeipnia Tbe difference between the two ediuoos is very marked, not only aa to columns, bui also as to i*e- l>er, prim aixl general make-up Toe Courier edilsuo ol Tbe Eacyc.opardic Inctmnary ia ihe only American edit loo bearing u,-on Ibe cover of each number

I bad a slice your U. M. Bread; I never ate any While oat visiting Mr* William Faulk a, of South sfl-i'l, retarued ica'crdsy sf|*-r- ■ irou a v.ait lo Irtetiala in«. JAPANESE GIVEN UP

IOr Win* to THE CWCRir.IL J Lonts’df, Aug. 4.—A dispatch from Tlea 1 iru «ys mai ihe tBIrwen Japan cae who were forcably taken prtaon-ra, ir-»m ihe BrtUab ti^mship LUuo Kloc. have been releaaed and- an apology, offered lo ibe British Consul by tbs

I lev K II M*wsn. of pMtstoa. I’eno . inane a shun visit to his faibrr, John Kiewar-, of I'ialnaehl svenae, Iasi bight . Ml** Grac- Rowland, of East Sec «»nd ainet. wen today to Evooa to •fiend aom«-time with blioa Sadie lUn- dol,.h Mr. and Mr*, lunisl F Gmna and Miaa Glnna, of Watrlmng evevioe. will g<» Monday to the mountain* for a

BARGAIN MONTH m*ti item ra^e< e referred i<»ib ALL THIS MONTH TOD CAN BUT SUMMER STOCK at dost, and in some CASKS WAY BELOW. WE IIAV^E A FEW LADIES'

tiered POP*-' Marshal I’angliorn.

—OiM dog concert at tonigliL the Arlington Dongola BOOtS In idi

Button Mi** Brsvie rornv d place, who baa h past, *m owl as ioudoi rooE re fiBWBa. A lawn fcwiTa' I# to be given al the resldeoro of Mr* Zeirn. of Chatham Si , oi. Tuesday anuroooo and evening Augtikt l«, for ibe lieoefll oi the poor of Ihe B iroash The lootival will be under the dlrooOow of tbe Christian Endeawor Junior* of Warren Chapel. Mis- Lilian tela* will have charge ol che Ice cream. Miss LffUaa Htberij, of the lemonade ami Ml#s Hath Dclck, of the cake Tn# featlviil will I mi from l»o nntil ten o’clock and no atimlsaioo fee wilt be charged.

today quite . Captain George D. Morrison will • |ieak at Waablnglonville' and Erncal AnhwrCrane al Mouul I’leaaaut lo- morrow evanlnw. V/ ..!>». an<l Mn Ernest D Thomp- son, ol Sooth Plain Be id, returned y ea- ten! m from two weeaa' visit viau in Middletown, N Y. Mr sad Mr* David C. Allen, of l|•rnaou avenue, are rHoioed over tbe arrival of a son ami heiV woo tips Ibe beam at eleven pound* . Mias Grace Higgins, of West Fourth strvat, and Niu Helen Johnson, Of Hello Mead, are visaing Jome Waldron, of Martiuvilla. Mr and Mr* W \) Townsend, ol Craig piiw-e,expect io rrmove tomorniw night lo (ienrweki, I I whefo Mr Towo- •end will vagage in businen* . . l-awrer II H. Jikaon.ofS*. Joseph, Mo., haa l*^en in town In aearrliof Wi| iism Locke, who baa been left sole heir lo a snug fort use by hia aunt. .. Prol A G Carpenter, of Man- niog • venue, aenmipiinle.1 by Joseph j Sailel*. go today to Waterford. Ma ne, to remain for tti4 balance of tbla mouth. .. A few lines )u*t received from ' Edward l»vr, of E«sl MulQ street, ; now »« England. a*»y that he arnvekl safely m Liverpool in gooil heath, lie l-n at once lor bia own borne East- bourne, Sosaex Mr. and Mr* A I> Shepard are a*noog tbo n.-iablo guest# al Avon lun, Avonliy-tbe-rtea Mr. Sncpard las brother oi the late Elliot F. Ktiep*A|l and bear* a strong resemblance lo him. —I'ullodetphia Time* PM W K MacClymont, of Waabington avenue, want tins morn- ing to A ■bury Park for Uie balance of Ibis month Durng bis abeeoce bia , place at the Presbyterian > hurrb organ will bo filled by Mr*. B T Barnee, Mr* Irving iAiag and family and Miaa laxxie Guotber. Miaa Carrie Lolng of Tvwwtoo, and Miaa Susie Uagood, of I'cuuaylvanla, are visHiog toe latior’s uncle, William Manning, of Piaiafleld •.naan Mr* Iwuag also am rad to- day. They were former Plain fielder* . Uwv Dr. R K. Knaei, of Syracuse, N V. visited Rev B W Hand yroier- “ will preach iu Fiaio- ungs after next week ■ t .1 ■ I .

rKallua- IfeariDg of a number of cures which Dr. LigfitMll affected in almilar caaea, 1 placed (nysell nodcr hi* care, and I rejoice (o say he effected a complete core ln;m.v case ami gate roe new life In «k»lng so. for I am sure that 1 coeld not have endorvd my misery much longer.. And it will be a mailer of im-

WHICH HAVE BEEN HELL- !\<1 AT *3, *4, •* ard $6. WE MUST HAVE ROOM FOR OUR IMMENSE FALL AND M INTSE STUCK SOW BEING MANUFACTURED. 140, but tne emt for all the ,r#a WnBld be 9Ilia In rrgar>1 mniien co/ors of tie am- <fc*J

|lx. ICv;H>ru fl’-d. adopted that l. n- tie*wern I Sycamore avanue, lie *3'i3 aubacDbedj e- l»e mat a lamur.:

«™x. .» will be a m»iter of un- to those vrh# are aeffertrg i disease lo learn the happy I*r. Ligbtblll effected my core giving roe pel* or detaining my work W E. DILTS. DOANE 11 EDSALL A TIP TEAT RYU TXT4.

a* been tbe foongman It- — —r___. There are some tip*, however, theft will profit a — - tip that Ibe wiaoer i bO wbo takes nla

i reel be m»ra-Umi« d Irom t To 1.1'ideD av« no# on pay- >i>, and that a crosswalk be ie Elm place bndge acro«e i reel. Cametl Maratmla lays each Tha ordinance • to Ihe plan ng of electric m the Boroogb was laid

w man;lor inatgoce — of aura satisfaction watche* docks and jewelry to Collier's, 103 I’ara avstrae for repair.

| from Mr. T. R. VAX ZAXDT, Cos 304 am! 106 Park Are., Plainfield, N. J. U»y with pteosnrathai Dr.Light’ i effectually cured me of a most jease of piles. For some lime kad been snbjeet to iu attacks, i last attack was so exceedingly . that It conpMolj U|wet my fyntem. The pain cxleodetl to i and lo many other directions. |de mo so nervous that I eon id j slcep, ail down, lie down or move wlthnai seriona tiisromlorl aud k Such wa# my coudiiion when fkl lo Dr. Llgiiiblll for relief, and (fad lo say that aa soon aa b« fed of my case, I began lo Im- ■rtl In a shori Ume found my. ■npletety cured. Hr. UgblhlU 0 effrttied a radical and |*enna- 4re in a most terrible case or f my cousin. Mr. J V. Z.Griggs, iy Hill, N J., whose Caltering £tal la In Dr LightbllTa powaea-

T R VANEANDT, ■ 304 and 306 part aveoo#

Commercial Palace, Babcock Building. •*D TALL rtOK A VOkCH

lira George Tier, of Hank place, hnd a tiad Call from Ihe [K>rrb loday on sc- eouot OT irlppug whan going down Ibe step* She broke her nose io Ihe fall. Her apectm«es were also broken and II is a woodsr the glass did not Injure her

WE CLOSE AT 7 O’CLOCK EVENINGS, SATURDAYS EXCEPTED, UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1st. that tbe Assessor's ready hi two wt-eka i ordered that wiies t do so until Tnura- |f. The rommiwoc »d l.nnik-a was author- 1 h«-«e cart to Uem«ey HO and Conned ad-


Why? Because! *


Tha A. 0 H. Inuua ud Imatalla. Tha Ooonty offleera of tbo A. O. H met al Elisabeth Tonraday night wlisi tha officers for tbs ensu'sg «« moolhi were iu-tailcd Those Installed for tbi noiuficld Division were: President—John F Sheehan Vico President—Edward Minting

IV JC4TICX C BOSS LET'S COUBT. James Haley, arreatatl this morning for soliciting mooey oo ike streets, was flnsti thirty day* Charley Williams, for bcinr drunk and disorderly, was given twenty-flee day* Both wore

OUR BUYERS ARK SCOURING THE MARKET F AND HOLIDAY GOODS. THEY ARE ARR1VIN0 D4 PROFIT DON’T OOUNT OS THE STUCK NOW U Hferetory—William McCarthy RecordingSweretary—Coroahoo Mor- ««* Treosnrer—P f^ssy Teo new member* were Initiated for the various divlalooa In the cotuttj, three of whom wiu belong to the Pmln- fleld Division.


conaohsti daily texcepk Thnra- a all CHRONICL OBSTINATE >MPLICATED tiiacaare of the system of whatever name and at bis office and reside pee. d Ssnday No. i44 CRESCENT AVE. Eider Hand will deliver his rui«»n to morrow evaoiug. Sljis Coupon

With Ten (You. prreentnl st Tk* tm sick offlee, entlllca ’.he b-Hdcr to one copy of PART 7 EwvrUfirtk I'lrlkurr

D. W. F

At Ei ] M. r- |

r>«itB FariMi 1 Lot Gealf Wash prlcw 23c, to close 15 Offrinc*. n™, ramur U J for Gents' Onunc Shirts, wsre iic, for 41e

Ext. or-riQRH in rar Udics I'ndrrH'rar IVparlm-nl.

UonK lO.BTi, V mini, nn tic u IV: LradM-anil U, Ul« pereffl Zfiatffi oo •• 1 39st 1.19 “ 2 00 at 1 69 “ *9e at 59c •• 85c at 75c •• 91.49 at $1.25

Free eh Pannuls that

Page 2: Y y, · Q Pages vol-lll PI.AINPIKI.D N. \k 8ATukli*Y. AUGUS T 4. (8»4. MORE BOROUGH IMPROVEMENTS *MQ T*Y ARt AW WHUU TKY A« Ukr° > Ainl

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lit I I H - I H IHJIPI miHir> - ' • , ' , i , , . . . • • 1*- ™ tj»«»dm*. * „ , , ^

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•era] pul4rrvl*H>b anil pUprrln-

t IK- »uil la herrbj amended ifl

S. And he ll ™ r W , Thai ril iJPBM |l \- *- . t •• -'>!'• «'ltl«» nl tlu* • u n u i j a a -appniiirtMtfilMi Iwrri-.f-.r.' ,,,»•!. i" «n> ..lh»r ur..veau» . t r f « ur strpei*. or t h e n -I.-ird 'ird«j»i-1lnnil In aaMrlT) forilMr rtpalr ,f. , i .d i,. | * I > I U I l a p m l lor tlw c « ( l

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pd. Thai all arl* ana oilirr lr«lhi*11i eor •i*»-i*L In^im-i-i.-'it *i^rinl I.* 11,. .-*if tl.h. HI . ar» h.-Tb> .,1 iliflat.<l-»nd

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r<.ai«n bonds. . * the i.,--r.-- •; , •• '"•• , , fc . , , ,-:•,, , . . „„ , . . , ( H ] MI.II rr j . .n midm*y d l m - 1 , mini «*inl r - , .r - kL• I 1~, -•!- IP."' , h, . ; . . , , 1. ;, . | j o - hirvr il,-- u m f ali&lL 1*

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"l i lnrranl ' teDdrro ." (ur t l ip p u r i x w .'( t h i -

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1 a uppclai mrrttiiK of the IFIIBIdiatriclat any tln.e when. In I be

f trU*l*W, Ihr Inirn-I- uf III.equlre it. *rhl<-h mrrtllik *h*ll W«• tnannrr provided in wttlonthiaact. and no bnnfiKw iinii! f 111. ' * . - t . I n ] . • . m i l l 1 1 - 1:1 ' . • . •

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I l l V . i l - l H , I - '-f '-.I 11 ll - l i . ' . l !•'• [ I . r

i I -.,. i t H i , - I . I,- -.1..1IH,- l l . .

. i , , l - u . : , . . t > i n , ! - , - . - - • i . 1 1 - IJ- • 11 • i - I . I ; • , . r j . , , ; , , ; - • , ( . , „ , . , . . , . , • ! , „ . : , : i , , , ; , .

a m o u n t n u t * a r j t o ! . • ; • t L » - - j i n - - . u L, u , M i

. . 1 , . ! , - I M I I I • - • • • - 1 1 , 1 . , ! . . , . I , I ; . . I , I . . . . : , . . . , , „ . u . i ( , . „ ; „ , „ ! T ! . . . I . a : I, 1 ' i i . .111.1 , , . : i • I I , . - 11' •! I- .,1 . , . ! . ! • . ! ,•• . . . . . , . ; , . . . , . . ' . , , , .

. , L . • .. _ . , . . , - , . , . ' , , ' - . ' . . ' " ' " ' '' ' ' 1 _ '^.

a W&al mrrtlnn ot the leiiaIi dltlrict . l i tnrvn- inn -f.'iirll

v,,l.i- sliall i.m-i-1 Ilu'lr. li*dn: and In IW null<-« talUnsmitiK-h.ll U ln«.-rt«ltl« |.ur«a tianit-d 111 Mini |* lil..nir «

f ' . r t l . i v l i j , . 1 . L I \ . T . .L I " l i b . , . | T i , . r . , : - I I I ih , .1

i - l i * r i f t - d u ' i l h U , f d u t y o f r o i t r t t J u j f u t r* ft- , - I .»[1 r.-.-01-ct [ f . r - a i n ^ I n a U x i k t o b e p r c* ft-, -I .»[1 r.-.-01-ct [f.r -ain^ In a Uxik tolid.-d I..r thai pi.ri—f HI Ihaaxpaua

, III-mid wla. :, -.!,«![ Iv ..i--n lolHitilt.I , >l, K l ,h ' I |U i l | " I' I ' l l »•- Jl , - l - ' , 1 , II ih-->

' . . • . - - ; - , liill,ii..',,1i.|-. 11 !:i 1 - ! . . , : I |M 1 " . • n1.'. 1V B - t h t - , , h.rtl. , ! „ . . , | , . » | . | i . t r i , - t i.r | . . . tt l i ero i l lur w h i V h t h e ) luive bn>n ag.l'i l l itcand l a k e . In e a i l , v r . r . i lnrii .B tin- munl l i

Ml.'i . - , -nVi.- . - l ,.11 r l i l l i l t . - i i 11 -I ' l l

-r I 1 ,' !iV<l7iiK Il^i'ToTd

u i u ' l . T ' l l i . i r r.--i»-, I L M , l .nr l . r-I n d 1 » - n ptiii. l . i l , T ' . » I n .

I I. I , . . - , : , 1 , 1 : 1 . . . I" l , i l - : i i i . - II

II In | , r . ' |xr l..rru a n d 'thr |m'f u r t h e r ifuui o l I » r i , I i - l [ t i i l . i l l u r -

s3- • • • • • : .1.- • • - ! I.-. ..mi i.,,t 1. : , ; , ,J i - l r l c l : . ' l . - r i i o r . i I i u T | - T - , i i "r j-.-r

],..:ii1, il 1,. r . k i rl i.-ii-. r . 1 hr . • - *-

i j i - trirl g |

f r o m t h e w v ^ r a l , -mI i i t l e .t h e jM.- -ernl IHMI-IIA ftt a » ( « » i . r a

I..- OMI,-.- .'f '.I tin

- ! . . - . ! l«i eoual to nve dol

•""•I"- I ' T < a u n p i - t i . . i n - n u l l l a l . T n l ~ -

- f , - l U l'h i M l l l . . ' I -Tl 1 . . I i l T ' l l . I'l tJ-l- C'OII

it enacted. That eecthm eljthlyrM» niul U ben-by auieudr.1 w u

"SS'SHKi".-.1.1, . , ;:;:;;,•:::'::

^sn%:cBraa r 5 Tray, sr:l,»t tlieviiK i-in.-.,m, uli.-.h.iln-t n, wlf .if IIH rn

1 i ^ - 1 . . ' I ' - i i ' i i " ' " ' ' \ " - ' *'\ , .- .'- - i - " , . l - - 1 1 • • *r iieri.-S ooui-aou.— « i * W a. N . ^ i i - ' « . - . . : i t f .Ut- i , ; . - : ^ - f r . . . B t i « d . i( • m H Mftie nn-^fci»rj. *ill i "1 l»nlrmttie_iain»-. aim A

11 ral * m l i i " * n «r c i i j : a n ) f a i l n r t

l n r f madf in ti., . - . . : , . ;• , ; . _ .:,,,,1 , ,


•ioaitfl#4 b» i... -i.i ...... ei«M»

III*tbr Urn nablu •>» i >rk under Ibe m al of I •*-!! H-W- O III# UTWMhtp fur lire

rHAfmcoczzzzn. s^isxSTT^s'sr^L'i: I'*" • W-1 f-T ;Q.tfe.lte<*.»l*»« •pr«"; *■' AlXU lik XM «>—-c^ Mtl I . » Uni A.. ml. w<«iinlM<4 r-iull- 1 ir~«» ur !••«» ■ball ■TiVrml' mtaw-Tal ■■ in.iN. « bo.ball ■ U'etillr offender* at X •• b>rrluri>r j.rm Uk) It api-tnird a* I..I

br raiwil wlllilu is.

t»er*b> ..rM and ihnald oSrfra,tea XXXII. -ba.i ■*'•'•!*» i.ifnm fro ml In fa... K> U- U|ua iialillr nr.|>ntal« of Ilk# grade in » p» and U» mulaii ->flirr daliva a» lb* Ml'

. i.-t —initaM*

'in x*'"""1 •rtiooia. paptla and ■nlarc* >»r Imprm* •\M*tnMV ttirktale O! .'r« .li-T-TV

'f*«kTi^rt vr-uUV loelod* all kind* wl elUtaln*. under- ; i Ami ' Vr || enacted. TUal 11A [ ''Itloerant leader*.^.* the ^ j »rr*^n&1. 7iT^uTu* 1* ami itfeotA. V IttViSrsrEra fr« pace- j“ ***“'• «M-r,,i^ * * Ar-I *e tl ana. ted. Tbal I lit. «1 ■ar r?l2l \ ri>»w “^r"'V* Ulna ” *r7i i * ’ •aim Of tf»«dv »arm a-id w n liaffd tbe *trret_». or to paddlrr. froni »-»|n Ka.krta or |>a* k« Tarried i>f» Kir lA': a hr riff*. i'*iUW" it okiirT »mbllT -

wn •■ITT ll.T-1 - •.aalllt^d and af l«a»t lUnaftM on .art. da>* UM>Tllt of IW i-ianl «. And be il rurlid, and dutle. n. n i-ed M i MPT**

idltt-lr i

i»«T fraudulent am m'f‘’i?rri,alr'1?r J^driv CHAITER 0 i fix mu

' M^r^arooa|«n>Tri ‘tf^ap iW hi 1 t.U t be'dut >thlrt5lJi *tf * twi it balk.n. I iJBS! passSSb Itfnalr the dk.lrt-l . Iiartfwl

thereto i. . i._ i. .ra-s: ' iWrr.-if

a'W'i; lU.ILVrK, ImiTriermeiit

’nrr^il Bss dMrki I imbllakli

.ml trUef. «.r. lb. blank. I limb eirr-er. to the .late • aiTrl-.teti. natrurtMm. n« •* before tba nl -f ml...,I clle.1.d

i Will eolltUd dlalrtrt. llr-nij

Inimdrnt ..f 'paUI. •u« <.f aaj dMrU l nlln tMa aju .t a I bat tl^ , •ra11711.Til.1n tlTTM/f r-

'v"jcrr^ 'rf n.r d'Mlar.. an rail am i. UItt U« Ic-tfaUt iUumI." I .lark ...a

|*. And It u rna. t^l ■nb> br iXful fi« ll.. .... ill§Fv:'

trd. aad aifroUbla. and pa>abU af -i» li nun -*( 1 ‘-I'a'i-T fifes* JS2Sn!> «i“r ’'m.m rr

r:r\:: •*7«wE2,2f£a, t - ‘ i aSrft* *»!*!•: -2}t nr

Page 3: Y y, · Q Pages vol-lll PI.AINPIKI.D N. \k 8ATukli*Y. AUGUS T 4. (8»4. MORE BOROUGH IMPROVEMENTS *MQ T*Y ARt AW WHUU TKY A« Ukr° > Ainl

raf« of a.I per rmtLrn

netedlnc three ) « n : ( r . i n diu the mayor and council

•iMf may provide fur Vedtmpdnn prior totrie date died for

t And be Itfor the

de«nite period

eeft!nc*tee of

tbiee referredauthorised byrutl exc-pedlna- flve r«**.discretion proi'de

therein namedL arM pa

f.Tif-li.- amr.™! fVhro.i-1 ninth, one U-«-f"r*j--»ls." infiTHi Fvfar rTHLnrli "nr tr*-»-WM rlrktliundrM u > l > u i i i ) ' i i . - be and

• - • . , • • • . • ; . : • • • • . • • • :

.! li.-n.-nil * • " " f*l«ilv- I- li.f :>uI•!{<-«<i,,n ,.? ill* I . - , ™ " « f fane in »nj «™nt

"••' „.•'. :.::'. . :-- .•ji:i:r,L™i'jJn«Sir,A.tr5». " • • - * - i i r . - r . . . ' V ' ' I ' ' ' ' • r f i r T I T J - T ^ n i l p k w i n r

. . - I , . r i l ' - l r . . r - l . n i i » , . - . . . r I , I l i . - > l ' » > ' m i . f I I I . ' m r i . i i . l . , ( - • k « - | . l i . i l • • • . I I . . - " > ' " • ' ' • • - " " « > - » " T ' " ' - I " ' - l u

. t . - - i , . . i - ' - ' - • . . i .• T . -• _ 1 1 , . , , . , . ; - , ! - , , , . M , , , , . , I n . . P . i>, I ; ' 1 1 , 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 • ; ' [ . ' " " : ' " • ' , • ? ' " ' " ' " '

ha ilolfans, WE fTTc.<en H. Ineormll.

fl.r HMtnltng llw H*Ki»ry 1

"iw dol •

6SdrS&S|>«stl"n" "^ 'J« *""IcmNVil. To The Etectrlc Col-

m N,.. tL To Tlie F'lVo LellerFljetiiiblne^andJnaex^L


•r'll. N'i. I.". T.i T l i- .I--?.], I. IXT• i['1.11 i I' 11J i! I -11 i l. Lr ' ' i. j 11 i •' i'. i . '-i' r

1 s t ^ t k i n ^ r y r u r n i ^ l . r . i t in- i,.ri-ii-

, i ru l l l . i t l y i i i u ' - i . i i i . J r i 'Ll,1

^' ' I n . -

i l . f r ' :,TII.':.I r i . ..'1 1 -A . '• I1"' i- ••".••• 'i.. - i ' i i . i . niKMirnrral

i . ' . ' ! ' ' , I V , " . ' 1 " !,„•" i. ~"--[ l i ' . ' i - ' - i ' » i . ' " " i i l ' . : r " r " ' • l i ' i i l « > 7 f • • ( ' » [ [ > i n n ' . . . i i H i ' . I [ . u t t i i . M

• . • • - : • • . . • • • ' • • • • • " • • ; • . . • • • • • • • •

N... tr. Ti. Tli- J,.hn I- Jl

phi h & S i .Swmar.i.i.'i i-i>i(.ij-ikvt ous-iiuniJredtha ;

?4« * I r i^uiL r i - ' i -n l -.IJU'LT.-- ..I f|i'- Truln il I M : H - \l'-m- I *"" ""•• —"-rul '« l - " t th.> iTrinlatyuT ijt Neur

IIIH Jorw> n s i w U n i t iiHltuirlmT eflui-aiinn and

,r 1,1 LI' il.i.n.-vHinl fluht haii- :l»n<l n i i i f i i - f . i i i r . two hun- 1

.!.-,.! M.,.I - . • ! , 1,1. .'ii iiniinri). < ;N.i. -11. T ' I )'.. l i ruy . jun ior , !

[ n .TIr i v . r L tr.*'*'J t'T ilj<- iirwfi- r

.1. LLT "( Thr srnatp, anil one i

• ; , • • v 1 . : . : . , ; 1 : . . • ; • • " • « ,

• . • •

u. n i ' . ' i . : . . . - .i .. ..I .'.'. / ! I . V t y h U""• i-i Mil- -'•** A-v^iiihlj iljTilrii In' .' - "I 11.-- -'••ii-. :i- l»i T.-IIL irtifi iileil; ULHI Hie- « , L . , U...I -1,1,11 1 - , , , „ - . , , . , 1 „,,„ ; , . , , , r . . i ) . . l»i " '-"••-•' ••• iri(-ii-.«

i l o u i n K |wr -'Ei-> UEtci Lh


. ' , , ' . ' , " • • : • • • : • •

1 • • , ' , ' , - . - • • • • " ! • • ' n . ' • ' . • ' • > ! i n n . ; • . ' . .

frrir Zrltunif. fur* rriu»i*tiiij[ I

r -Sn. a. T,, I. I).ilM-orttiiyf, trmlDllm^. ;

i-ai N.. :. T.. I1.-.....I..11 I II!-•- -liri.w. [i.r.-lir.ii- li.r u-.' n I.hi-

i.f - , ' i r . t , . HI..- I.HI i '1,-1.-'

' , ; - , , ! • • • ;

d provro, aai

»"d "negater™ D«n lh«jdue ami payable. «nd ni

» IIIULL'-IIJILL In- i lis 11 ' l,ii TILH.' 1. rni I.I UI.I1 i In- ;-hin ,• .il i,.iri . A In' . •>.! O,- UM iir^.-fLuiii

Jy. for£jiu -T«-i-unnnltlrfiif tb« lionw

nii-mlV™, "tntTrraiiiiiriy^timr. tifly d»ll>n. | M

T.i Adiua KriiBlmr, =

a« hundred u l jn , . • •,. .. - ^'.. .' , . . • i , , . . . - > • , :,, !-• !L ..-.1 - : . iL . - • •

i r l' "- ' y ' V",','


- . p . i.I 1 » « ri i l luwv • f t . r i i i rn . l -T . ,.( l»<,r.t ..!,-1 *!'' ' , ' „ ,n Milf iTnii i

npmdTh»t the

wltb tbe advice "nlcouncil *b*.H appoint, MT

appointeduJin* tke

M.TI1M Hi.

On account of error in makeup the F«

lowing chapter il repfiated:


H aet entitled



I III 3 Em Ri Sdlay. i No. M. ToTk* INiW nkl>( •'« nkahlntf alBtlMM . .1 - - —“

’.’i-h tf-i-iWI •pedal i-ibll.

MlnMIn* ."aft

Monday fallo-ln* fo* annual * and to untr. th« 4#at of th« council It elated after pryslM. aad Jhrrraftrr II * In the dlacreilon oil the Major « or not h# •hall prl*h1» at any 0«>U<anr. f<w ataUoorry l«r. hi-MtUwrraUrriif tba ««n. ate. (our and ninety-flr* on* liuiidwltba .MUra W 41. To The KWtrlc fnt- lar* l oapani. tar <nUerr f»r- n •ti«*l llir •rraMiit-al aiiu> of

ml <11% of priMMI*. and nbj.n «|| !*«• ami rvwtMa- •urlll. anil ll-lr Jaltrm nr* «na<ird. That I be met railth-d nlui cdiIiJm) .to Kl lo «>.< anal of the (all* I tlo- i-i-mer. |i. tli. manth* of I--*, from II- • liecllT* to (I- ••W <li«fri. f tkreo ballot*. lUnhln

•aular council Em, ran If) lilwnah ,|> *«

nh-bliitf *MAHTKR UVXUX

Ithnuiy thirty one-bur

■undred ana «l«lit>-eitfbt. _ ml I.. II. a...... •11.1 -light* 4 urine • f • arrjlDif out ami InUntof II- nipplr — ,.f Auau-t tiUrtl ii.iMr-Tai-1 ninety. f.U l.m j-.i—. ml!..n Uiotnaml Until band «i- OrotiaaMl eight ■ l^ge* nail '“"< le^" JSTSr^l’all- aria of tbr Ugtalalwr* - indbatnal eda-at i -I—f; dial for (he t IIAITCK tXXTJM. • defray the incident a ij rtv •lal are of New Jrr-r•> f*r tl. Uiueand *1*1.1 l.audred and ; rnartnl by »b- -.naieand

•aw Jrr—> lo !*>• *]**[ll<* .oi'.r Vr- follow

h*r*b> il— -l Mayor •

HAKTKK IM XI.IV. •l-al an art entitled - .■ M—ht—nluf I'laoa-n f •rv.h-ld.r- (

bUwba. one tw <*« than- nnftl fluadred amf nfartj-f and two for OH thoiaaand rt( hundred aad nine'> .three. Krrir 'Mtmng. 1>* elghly- N«. X To lllbbert Mn4b<* (vruMilan ititiuii-tm for.'

To Harry Hr hr. f,« h- clee* to tbr oenmH- in.tatruial r jjb'Ii—b. l»4«llarN fa lenar la.twl.ien. far ■rb--»K “TV'S?.

Ut.»l» aanlvrnarj, ej •'ri* /-TutI,a. for print!* rm—'a n—M* 111 »M Ultra h.mlrwl and l«r| f • at » -a»»a t. uov- h urwl r«-l f

Itaiulrwd and nl»»«j<four. tnnaiml aad thirtj-niaa ;..,MI.-I


TT » wtrah Ola - a M L“S«sjsrfc

w. 23

: .v.'i:2^Ss [J,,. ‘m 1T,”1 kW*nTr"*M . CHAITKK tXT.TI. IrtilHIn! "An

•lollar. M»r aiaaa ^ I'dla* a kali f- undrr Hie dirtata* aod «?h* J*-1' ''7*n' '**' •*' "•* *-»' ^ h3t

7* v1 rJr.1 ^^ * ^T"*,vfr!.,4 ■ .

Page 4: Y y, · Q Pages vol-lll PI.AINPIKI.D N. \k 8ATukli*Y. AUGUS T 4. (8»4. MORE BOROUGH IMPROVEMENTS *MQ T*Y ARt AW WHUU TKY A« Ukr° > Ainl

, . . , , , , • , , . . . - . . , : • • - . <



r , W. b . T « , Mtar Hrf Pi t» i«» ' .

Co. 101 IMT 1*H» 9TWVT.

Fint Floor.

Mrmrrttml fit AM f j* . ** urn/ rfafi iirtT".

• u , . - i " . [ - I - . , n . . f l , r .1"- :«r« . )"«r .< r f l " ) <*n t .

<r*a bf e*rr1«n, t « m u a wwfe


ITHU *f tk* Vj.

One of lh« b*«t rworda yet notedunooc tbe teen 's ol Ore m«nranee inMt d iy U ibat of J T. Vail, of Son*• i-iine. He b u i~*ti in the fiosm-na(iebt Tears, anrl . lorn? that time b wbandied ni my hundred poltciM. but by

lirt-ii \*t fin uiDs'ar.fp, not i• imiirtinpii he haa Insarrdbemed. Me has net 1*40

• « BrMhcn.[iu U t n 1 mAmUIe a rniung tcbobl

I t Will, Come


Y<>u will enjoy yourvacation the mote ifyou leave your adrdreSs at The t)ai]y

' Couner Counting-Room.

TUB man «mo Ihongtit two years «ROthat one p&nj waa as good a* ibeother for the msnaeemen: in nsnaffair*, l i u rliari^ed hi* mind.

3I t s geitmg to be <••:••i timi "»t:cn ji Some

kissed she e>ea." Yu-

We are anjlotisly waiting to betbow large a <Top of seventeen jear Jcugla was barvpsteil In Japan ai:i if:i.n' Tbsi <-W" on lhnlocu»t*wingsOld mean war, after all.

I MW.-ui .-M .11- miu. "In I l.'i'iii-jtmii-i i.nid a body of iui-i: 18,00')carrying a bunnef Inscribed, 'Cldren Cry rjr Bread.' Amilbeye<l etraighl lo a tneBM groudrank 1,400 keg« of beer.

iboUIiy Of i'iainOdil,f L'mou, and bu ti. Aekerman."

crat, woo ft out after -I.iUi; T . Iiuun•eat, Is expected ID I'laluBeld Iu a fedays to hold a pow-wow with the locchiefs He is tMMikinir sirtnipt oe It

It said has receiFeil lull mutton that s

not seem to tie taking any interestIhe proceed)n«», but he.baa an eye <tliHiu :n>i ;!,i> mini , HII 1 alien It-la atention Is attracted elsewhere he bag•lick politician lo look after local mat e n Iu !ii9>lich!.l(

RELn t-uriuu* crealure. Tlie <Itsliwaj [)«inucr»t, iiieommHie circular le'.njr iiantdMartin, ul nran«e, Bunoiinias a mil :!.:,!:»• for ttio Demifirensloual uoiuinaiion in t

i i r r t i soli

denounces tic Ualljing wivn trmtsi ! • " . i"- i n sir r n i i r j i i , - a • . • ' ; ! " "

T h e • • B O I I I I P - - i n o < - r a i i c d u c t n n e ,

« • • ! • : < • I'•••!. . i : r c l e r s . i i i b e

nuGchilion of Jqbn T. Hunn, of thepresent Uongnu, — in met Of everyihtug, whit-r. IN- lummy «diu>r bai

troulilu wiui ililie lean Ihul

lnatHiJ uy ih« I>

(tubw editor

*iuthf: TicUrJ f, r nlwtf Codn

A dentloD wan rendered in thijibau'a Oi urt at Sjoiervule JBMiliy Judge lid nine m (be i-aire of litTS. M ,rv L Feller, »iiiun.i- I

1 was H Judge W, K,JuJi;i Mori. a* id T

i p ay t ru tn t b e lu i tds o

or'a I'tlla, in pn>r, Mr*, vouuai* s Tt»e smut

oi. ihe cuurt <lt

Ci|n''f«l » HII htsiBUi.Junea Jotinnoa, of South r .\ \ l \ .':

i n HIBIVIL wi U|K>t> laat iiitln aicorner of From »treKi anil V..t\ m

Obj a o go t

paaaed Ii\ and asked the former Uway. but eiWenlly thinking Mr Jnhi•too wax ifftag u> fool ii.s- ! -!>•-. formrr on ainl wfctil pjme on* else. .-•»:lafinl t.'iat the direction From the Mb*waii-nrrfct Be rptarued u d fcegantour'-brattl Jsr JOUDMOO for vying u> mis t . ,a.m. Toe maiUtr did cut get to blowsbut for a muaiei.i it seemed likely

—When moving In» ow , .faoae 1 'outt.1 a boirte <MCbamb«rUlo'B1'aiti Halo Ml b j i former lei.ant. Oatbe l»!wl I loond the ataiemeiii t• U good for cat* «Dd bum*. 1leatify lo 'he iroth ol iM» Naibiall my experience baa foasd IU qfiir treating blMen or boroa. P. BBAKKETT, li.iiager Le Soeur SeaUael,Usmrar, Won. l'»i»B*lm is aleoNTs ('are (or rlnininsliw. For Mi? _BeyooWi PMnnarr, Part apd Northarennea, T. & Armmncg mmai '

pon to pay0 Ihat tjDir

One of th<a tin* rann

has am etliao 93,000 Tor loaei

pcuiiar incident* of life>e spberr, waa Bothsueet Ittat mi: In (Mat

llama, wbo Is a coamopolltan byire, simple of habit aodago-aa-yoQ-.**• Bon of a fellow wearing uojewellidicate ptiffeit op pride, DOi ej«-e! of onii.Hti'iiej', stepped Ine sncl nicre [>i>nre<l on1 a. fotati• Jdn-u upon tbe evils of Intemfter-t. It was a good effort iorbimfcnil

niii.-!i tfidu'ii be baeded lor biwa whiffeol tieanaaka.

• iW -HI,f.' I t [«-.•-*alter leavingti of several I

a Courier repn

il it M a (juestioD i( any ulich of an o j BHnd Idea

baH w reach thtlite bowJer'B bandmaticea was madetentative laat I

tbe Board Of Trade alley* and :ill tbe baila o t ccpW three ae<

ins trie head pin down. Ei Eioburjr «bo rods a very•ill sligbtly irss Krin Ihree secotids.

Ibere abon'il be V

Hid of tlbeard*

en been noticed Ijy tbeir friend.y themselves joke about It.Ht has ]iumori>n*lj remarked tbatiimaelf uirght some day get mil 'm; the - lii'innt;. and drift ir;t..•tor's pulpit wlieu no one even himf would tiotice Ihe nii«t*ie amjuti to peak. He r-ui.] ineo 1


—The shrubtjery Iu depo; Jiark bi

—TbiB is • I-; "ii'i. day with Ju^tlolash, and 'iu»;. IB OO name (or it

—Tbe First CreibjteriaffCbnrvoe cioaed tomorrow, the pastor

N 1 O l

let-trie railway is lo be ueld In a lewB\BII> lorio ainulual iv^ueQt aasocia

—It waa a pretty picture preaeotetUL evening In Itie West at Ihe m 'r tbe -nil. It >as like a view

— Car No. 3 which is being re<l WHH not pal iniu u«e Wedoesius espetted, the jiaiiu noi being dri

^ o m e r s e t street, near Green

» been placePlamBeld pe use of pel

OUutry roads were betl

icxdam was wasbeil off

fI,. Mii4erbn t i* .1


Mica a «»« ••»•

P . B. Dicktsaoa, a v t d - l M n nata-iist and laxidermUt, wbo tires on tbe.uki fit the I'aawtf li.Ter, rx-ar Cli»l-

, _JM, N. J . , haa for jear« b*eo 'Rgag.frofei e<t IB tbe ralUratloaV o > 1 *- 1 ( e b a *

- ' what ma; be termed N>


T. To,W,<rf High uretLcnYertaitidkK 1'lainfccid fjimds.

Fred Neiacm j s [.urihami a fine pkii pt

a. of f Uinodd, « nutinbwn, of Hign una. T

.__.. j | ««h inp O « *»>»«, . -1

iinmg cgmp* nf from uUt of town.( Pbiladclpbia, i. mc», n n t b l u s u ttrccLanAim, . of Somenrill,r . Aif«d Kafcelolpl, of Front t&cet,molbn at Deal !•,.

• • V Ccaig at: £ u t lli^b i

Heights, is viiii B$ML, and 1U*. Jono 11

lc, a

ida lo neat Dpon b(a place. Ttie IiT-re-1 were In *(.Vrar-

•ctlum or tjnliota loga, cloaed atid* and providea wilb cuavealenti

jJm. U*!B like t»at t o n a l ttiitur, I.!, as a r*,iiti, Mt Dickinfon «e|>t I. owlery wvll rtim'sn! with lame•clmeiif*, W!JI*.'[I he lovfc aa IludgHii|!9'in the ut»'B aud rsjaed IJV band. Hea ui-ik- a neat mm on; ol the .-RJSS-•*, uecaom there 1» alaaia a gooAd i-r.-fi «i!ie (Barfcetjfur atuffisd u».->

wls in a differeoi -*BJ-. and as luU'l*-:A few ytars ago ts« Cbatbam F.t.h- ".ame ProtecUrr AfSociatlDQ la--

pay UMral but tiLlea lor ttie cap-ireor slauphitr of tiawka and nai.s.

anil t-be bo-ya I

d r

...:i CuiumiuiKht.. J. Kmnfldy »nd children i

, wbo h»»e^lJ«o viliung IQ tiosi

. vijiihe

Tbe weather f ig*Eugen K u


• J

.rning light

bejEati 10 trap ,-in in tbe easiest |>M«li>le manner.!.). waa J.-ne "ti* l-i-flcfi u

•mull ateM (rap \ ujion a stake |r |-ole krt up ill a meadow or;

i. Held. The iru;,3 are fastrned tu Ipole* with a lijthi chain r«-i|uirebatting. At nigljt they c»[nuro

land in dayliuieluwks. Mr. !>itk-m saya that these devices paKmti-

ly decreased the uii'"ter of luifka- " - of all kinfl.. They uerer

'a, bowevei'j because theserue birds know too mach te ligbt upon

polesime lime ago ibe rWreury of Ibe

lety pol tired of this

perron look Paul Krjdar motnin,;. He f<

uncle. J

displayeil bitt

many person*... > went fishing at tin

n Lake 1 ''-• ..[-<-.-]• night, w> vvi]

Church, thepaslrr , K M . W. C. Kmsey \h upon ihe lop.c, •• I t u w Allici

!t«daj> mortline, while Frank Nc!luidltng a tt>i*e in hia brother'* Uvs , i re .niniail kickrd him in his ti

R M t h I m r H Ii t s tpiscopil Cburch, n ho has bit I B hii vacation, will c-ncluct %tnv church [oinh"*Qw as usual.

urch,Ket. Mr. Rinse?, of t

ll k Y. M R ? ,

will ?pdak at a Young Peoples

i* pu'prt will be filled t>f a speaf--t. Hi* pu'prt will be filled t>f aon PliinStld. |The Junior League of At Mti

hurch met * d f h

mk. Gfn)« were glaredtime was! had.neral of Stephen A. Doty wai

of Mrs.1 '•. Ml,.,.I- • 1" f

K f P f.I 1 f

K. of P. of l'i»infie!d.« «h Knightt from th.s

!phen, and *a* cnntluc

" . " - 1 - " „ ' • > • • " 4wat prewm locelpUrt. Tht flonl

—The V. M.


UacbiBPRs ii

tlie M-OHHI and toureufh week.

— An ipvilMioiilast nlehtjln T. A. Hdt.nti: Ilnrtj couplesaffatr was gotten upKt-ere and P. Mark.*us lumnheil tiy I'n

oomiupled byrhoir will nine.

iil he luniiflhed.prompUj at five

i Weduesday ol

i I'I e was !ii'..!hull, at which

.• P. Reville*. 1),Hmir lor daneine

<<* Eeiiley

: for • w

;tdi>- in the Lite hfiVc.lcr.Iij monii»iJ

the guests of Mr.

«ra, ii «I Ihe Nel

lilze, P u r i i k Ln^r" of Liuneileo, taughl a

pDnixlai Uiher fiirierincn Kvre equallyCMsful.

Mis. VanKuren,, of K.iomown, N. Jwho ha* been vi4itrHg her U'her Abncr C01li-ll, i-tet to S i i a t o ^ rr"IerJii r , for a shoi

J*lainficl,l, «her*

have bought

Cat. »ri, <K No. ! 1trsei Thurs*l»v, whicb Ifi depriving hi11 me use of«..">e arn. . 11. bad eon*

ome diaUnce, ainktnc on bis banilufh a way as to break his wrtst.

— A hennery at Jounce V. W. N«s;bonM* i.n l*nj*|f rt avenue was strniv liehtning yesterday uornlnK whihe .'notice aat m>ti.ig at IL. He sayahe ball of tire looked artout aauntil apple. One bra m i l

hem waa amaJl daoiage otiier 1

— Kei


Gimad EaunpmMt of tk* J^Bteht-

tkla* of U* WorW.

Tbe bienn.aJ M«kiaq»mcDt ol thfrvroe L o d ^ ao<] .<r*uil enoka»i>r the Kui^nu «5T rfi-tbia* .if t»|,Vorldwill be •1.-11! at the Xaiioual Capitu:Auau^t 2T 10 sejHfaber 5 . f -

For ibis oceanoD tn« Baitimore suJOlno Railroad "~

h Bfiemore ^xl t&e tootlut reociTe a sm»li bottl

'Main's Uollc. Cholera aod I>iar-Itemedv wbeo three memberaamiiy were aiek with amall botUe eared then allbad aome left wbicb be ptve to

Oeo W H»ker, • prominent merchantif U»e plae«, I.-•».-,,,., s . c , and It

blm of the tatee com[>JaioLtroubled wltb dTeeoterf, dial-.robe or cbuiera mortio*, eve

eowdj a (rial and JOB will bethan pteatwJ with u » re»aiLaise thai naturally fottowa tta

ucuim and n*e baa a*Je it n r jpopabu-. U aGJ 50 cett bouies from

ediced n U i from nill-oiuis 00 iu lhMa es i t of in ei-t.vcr. ADfrntt 231 KM 28 tuclnvalid lor return WO noill SoptemD,a further n : t n ! son ul UoM tor Septem-ber 15 ran be gecbred, provided the

j C.,o**, beforeT'lemlier 6Tue rate froto Philadelphia, will be

H . Htt«t,nrph fS, Camberlatid $i S51 —reapoDdiuglj tow rate* from ai

3UoUier ataiiom

— 1Q order to lmrodoe« Cbamber-.m'a Ceogt Rented j ben we aoMjveral doien bottle* on airtct goMmn-tmaa bave foood every bottle didood twrviee. We nav« n t*i , t oorsrrca wad ibiak l[i aap«fioi- to u v

OUMT. W. IXovitn. 'other. W. LMowitn. JFor aale at Bevouhl's" J Non . STMBM, T.naaacer.

: '11



No. 77.

r Ibe u


G A S H !Or Easy Payii«J

ooe »ud Foarts St.

Still Selling at GfcatlvEeduced Price^. Dopbui's Cigars

I'lckin o do (• the privilege ot keeHnir ibed», Ibe society refaik.iug 10

'. Otctluson •-.!- •• ,-i:--.. ••.!, 1 •>,-;ns*hicb were difficalt to procan

-- -.y.facid owli". »hii-b are 41this latitude! Tbe ir»|j,M-Lioui Injured 10 any 1

uui-h butler for the l a in

.crt\•i'i ''"I I 4'iolcssioual

Civil Engineer a

Pi.Mlnber o( CUT M»>

e been

a SCiRCE IH IVOSA.ast evening five jork Hipp, Howard

(ijuld, llarvet and JaDDttitC,

aes SK-CoiaiiLiiuTs

ibe five,I Evona. BelwtItetu pounds Qlxhtones were told, sougi wore «unggeneral good time wat bad.

Th0 Gretteat SajT.rfn ::. ta* Wotldre women;their delittste organizaitlnn pank-ultrly siiscept.ibi» to

urt aze. !

mrd^clne In Ihe world.

turn*AT I E S T I C U .

I^eaytie i c m c r in tirace chufch at 7 o'cln

K * . IterWrt V. ka^iolph &j"hart*. " "6hurch of Our SanoBlj Rev. S.

Kinlp»on: Holy Coromuniri ai 7-Ju a. 1Surtd.iv School at 9.45 ai m.. S e e

tvtDinj; Prayer. In TIIC al.e^iicc "f the nnt,;the Kcv. Fatber'Iobn«o4 of me Chm

"Vr t stagei a* B*B*V ! ""

Congregaiional Church, ^fat ; ih street.

•Hi fee omiiteJ during August The Chris.

>,<_• IVi inciday e.e

F u k A . c n u e Bapiut Churth,10.45 * » - ™» 7-4S, |..lra ,

. t i Kobbtoi, uf Nor« alk, C*II.II.cho*l at 9.45 a. rn.In ll.e Tnnity IMormcd t . _

ig lif Rev. Aniiir» ll-.,w...i,,, ,,( [i">-J"»- <"• '-i 7.45 l im.

at g.lja.h of (.'liri

LMr. Zion Camj. at V»,r s (-..ofe, p r a d u E

.(I day, The Lamp may con i iuc anofbw

man UUwuf l Church on b ' o v e rtrtct.H •c;iia-s at lo a. m. artif 7.45 [V ni

•Grac» Church, It

b^iiist Charch. Prrsehiftg sia. in.. foilo*etl by Ibe L»V, Smisr

J-4^ Snml.y 4ho-!l .. . . .«- m. f U Rev. U.

I • 1



R™ T O 1

^JELSON BUS O u"1'1 N" fari Thu','ic.Orvicss-Comer Kran St. and Par t 4<-l





CARPETS?>o V^Q ueed Ttew ones, or i.i.:."


S. J. NEAL, jKo. 21S West I rant Etjto

i i i i ' l 1 * - ! , , ^ " ' - I'I ' k l > > i " f V ' i , - " i l , ' " . - , , . - '


Excavators. Cesspools andVaults cleaned and dlsin

iected a t short notice.^.?.-''• work guaranteed. OrcUra

ft at E. C. Mnirord-a, I " Norih M

P. O. Unx C66, or residence, No.

.rj*- i. \ \ i - , 1,1 :.r LaGraode An.-.

A.. 1A. RUKTOK &. 3Q1H, )

UndertRfeere and EmDalmeii

W L§3 S

r';i * Tmiyson.


L. W.

11'| NT-^rhi'r ^OOd 1 j ' l ' i ' I • i 'ion->nt valueph> QHLIIIIB nnd. Glj- tie lla:r T'-"iif, rnr re-jlijt DoiMniff. alluylna'.tit; Scalp, ('riKDi.iinK;(jrnwili of Hair, hiu ?

Bottle', 50peius. " j


P\WYH vAiJEi in IKY.!•<•** MILK rrnm J . •*•» r•.«.»,,,. - , . . r , ,


1 Planinglli.rd W,»<M| Plucirldir. Mould

m i n , wiodovr PraoiBi,

Tumiaar a r . i Scroll Snxving,Steam Kiln litiod KIQIUJD^ Wood.


lnratw»r and- Hnaon'fl MaterialI.-. A. HheMm«, A«n..




PLAIKPHLD.H.J.A First-class family Hotel'

: Stable* and Ullllards


Bowling Qprj Billiard1Alleys


7fl a n l iBl foraeraet Street,


Theodore WilsonVAULTS, CESSPOOLS 4c.

CLEANED.Cheaper than b t anybody. Orders can

be left at

G. S. "VAK KKST,i »-• >un-r«, i BL. Or rear Oitf JIHK

NOTICE!Now Is the time to order yourtt"iw*r Bnpi>ly of Coal.We are erecvlniJ B lar^e plailtou Soutb Avettae, and van ltt(i-j>lt jou with best quality olLeh1j;li c» ) in the market. All'nrdera protnptlv atleaded to.HtifBtoiieFlaKftW and Cur ft] og.12 Isrce barryld ofDett KlntllloKWoo.llor«2 oo


»ro tj,e t^t i

Th.- pnl.Ii,. U

to try th«a/


Porter, Ale and Wine

A .

Van EmburghSpecialSilkHaiidkerchieiSale.


Sentlentm, this is your golden opportunity.

Never bt fore in the history of the Silk Hand-

serchief rade do we remember such prices asblwe are i ble to quote. We off>r just 21G

Gf nllemen'» ^fhlle Milk

In illal Handkerchief's



Regular Price 50c.I


No. 77.

*that of J T. Tail, Of Non* He bu hM la ib# bMim tr* aad dar.n* that Hina bM rauiy bsodred poitriaa. hot by collar rirromraarc, not many albtlaga be baa taanrod bar# wed Ha haa n«* »*ewo railed ;*ay mote thaa *2.000 lor kora loaa, cloned at trUh cuOFtuleot1 at sort oi thing | Dtcfciaaoo |ept I *«d viib tame Mik aa fledglings j led by UaoO. Ha im of th# p#eai>#r incidents of life ilua mandate sphere. vaa noii-ed vt eat Front aireel laat nigtit C.hartra ililaui*. who la a cosmopolitan by orr. simple of habit and a fo-aa-yoo- <%%» aovi *>t a fallow *»»iwg uoynsNU Indirate puffed ap pride, noi even * )***' Af eo«aaat*nry, atrj»ped Into a ire aodniere pukreaoa' a volorao- • address upon tbe etna of lotemtter- re. It waa a gnud effort forhlmhnd a vbich • boo'd be belled fur be <n>a wUereol ha sneaks

aeaa. nerose* there la* a good aud proB at us marked lor stuffed uw.a. I Nov Mr. Iftell.aoo'is .4.1.101 nr bis owls In a different vaa. and aa loUdv*:! A few yrars a go lie Chatham P »fc j and Game PrwecUrr Association be I an to pay liberal buiaittaa lor me cap- ture or aUngbisr or banka aaJ oela. I and ibe boy a In the nakghtvortiood look | advantage uf tbe • •ff.w to make acme l-nri monf) Knokl ig me habit*, hawks and owla, ih«> began to trap th»-uj to tbe mini |> tMioie manner ,

HAflTRHAV. AVOI'HT i !■»* LtUieji CASH ;

Or Easy f’ayifients ’HffFl-

Still Selling at Greatly Reduced Prices.

AMveftaany persona bat* rolled on the *>w.|ng alley a or stood ■ althlng tb« games, but it M a question If any of '.bea. have mock of an oJ kaml Idea how long it takes a haM to reech the piua after leaving Uia boeler'a baad A tea- of several Instances was made br a Courier representative last night at tbe Hoard of Trpde alley a mod acar- l» all tbe belle otcftpled three aeconda eac*. One or two a ere tour ae^oada getting tne head pio does. Harry Van Kin burr who a vary awl ft ball * »ialigtitiy>aa than three seconds

Heights » via yon. Tbe Mg alas

The mao woo that one party other for the rr affaire baa chan, 0 thought two years ago 1 waa aa guud a* lbs management Of national aged ln» amd.

The editor of tbe Bo mar* I lie Demo- crat la gett-ng to be exper-eneed He aaya that ••■hen a Some vile girl la kissed she cloaca bet eye*.' Ynm.yuu. crashed ajooc on North awnoe ’ thorough rotanj- jaidiUj. after

l* la «xn#lklog of a •tog*<»t’ coloci- dei.ra that there aboald be iwo men in (be city so Closely rea*o>Mlog earn oilier in general makeup and fkrlal ap- l^arance av Her Hr. A H Lewie and Walter JfcOfL Both are Ull torn and ■e.l proj-irtioned, both wear beard* alike, and of the same color It caa often been noticed by tbrir friends and they ibemssirea joke about It. Mr Siotl has bumoruoaly remarked that be blmeeif might aotu-dai get mixed up snoot ms vm iarlty aad dofl Into tbe • Uh'tor's pulpit wheu no one even tum- aelf would botlre the mtatake entil be begao l» #r«ak He »ahl then be felt aonae of the cotigrvgaiiua woo d

VtoltaMonal iLakOa We are enxlooaiy welting to be«r bow large a crop of seventeen year lo cuata was barvrs'ed In Japan aad ftntna That "W on tbe locusts winga did mean war, after all

C'Til Emriiwr jnd Samjur.

SkM Pmall aeya: “In Cb'cago I saw marching a t»ly of men l-,oon atro*ig. carrying a banner luarnbed, *Oor Chil- dren Cry f^r Bread ’ AnJtheymarrh e*1 straight to a picnic grouml and drank 1,400 legs of beer.

pciaona. i fishing at th i *,Jh,’i^dT!

rtIDDIXOTOX. C<»C!«8« LU) K-aT- LA V, . Mule Lake Ihur :cs»luL He yau^bt CBlCKESa SCARCE I> ET0IA

l.aat evening fire yoi^ig meu named Mark 11 |.p, Hovanl Maunlng, Cnar.en ti^ald, Harvey and Jaraca McCormick, ha*l a chicken feasi In ■annlng's vows to Evooa. Beta ecu ibe five, over brteen pounds ulxlnrkea were eaten Muriea sere told, aongaecre sung and a general good time wat bad.

"Bur. Itahway Advocate growa prr phvlie. It aaya In rererenew lo th next Congressional H-prvseiiUlive fioi thi* district j "The next CvDgreaaina from this district will be e Kepubiicat and we hoi* exi>eei him alao t bail Iron lbs City of llaii.Beld, la th Coanly of I'oiun, and bia name l

I LOAM K. McCW Bill. THESE AMD ITIlTVBIH —The shrubbery In depot park bad ita usual trimming today —This la [tension day with Jualice Nash, and boat ta no name for It. —Tbe Firm i'reebyleriatr Cbon li will be cloeed tomorrow.'ibe pastor being

Turn or ran morning is tbe Method!* Church, the pa*t| •, Krv. W. C. RlDaey ail l«uh ths topre, **lhr«« A Inca o Yesterday morning, while Frank NVlaoi wa. haii41.Bg a l#»r»e m hu hrorher'* liw* an mil kicked hun ib hi* ugh aide. t-«u»ing him ^verety. The Rev. Mr. Hieipa. rector of Holy in nncent'. LpracopSl Or-k -1"* •— *~ ab»ent »■ hn vacation, m hi* chorch lomErrow The Rev. Mr. Kiw*r, of the Methodist Chuck, will .,«! at a Yoaag People* Vaasa meet mg at bn V ill .tone tomorrow right. H»a putpif will be ftlled by • speaker from Plainfield. The Junior I-eagne of the Mt’hodisi Charch met yeateeday afternoon at th* home o| th< kev. Mr. ko«**y and irorcanned for the fall work. (Jam*, acre played and*

CKTON ThaOraaUat Iifcrtn ia tha W«,u are woman; tbelr delKetb orgaoizaunna n«lng per. icnlariy to de. rsngemeni sad dlsrese. |.r Krnoe«lF’» Favirite Remedy, of liaftduat, N. Y , pOriBes Ibe bu>od and cure# all th# airknraeea ]*wuilar to the aex: it Tor.- •flea the m item again* tbe diseases •ucidetit to old age It IS the l*al mrd'cine In the word.

WIDE AWAKE ( l’eapt appreciate good qoali- . tr,lion-st value . Baadblpti'* QttUlne and Olj , . cetwie lLa:r T'Wi»e, for re- , m<>viiiK l»-ndruff. allaying' ’* I Tom.mug i haa '

"Jamie" Maktiv. tbe Orange f*etno- crat, wno Is oat afler John T I'aon’a seal, IB expected in HalnflelU In a fea day# lo bold a pow wow with Ibe local chiefs lie is benklng strung us the ■eppi.rt ol I'lainOcM Hemucrals snd it Is said haa received lutimailou that all be need dina to a«t for their aupp<>rt. Mr. 1‘nnnlain Washing'on aod does nm seem to be taking any interest lo the proceedings, bat he.baa an eye on them Just tLe aatns. and alien Ins at- tention la attracted elsewhere he baa a Slick politician to took after local mat- tvre In biwbebaif.

— At the council fire of Miattlonotno Tribe N*» 118, L O. R M lest night one pale face was adopted. —A meeting of Hie eo)|.ioyeea of the electnc railway la to be Leld lo a few data to form a mania! i.euedl sse-xia-

c.-rxloct scrrlcc

of Hair, ha# a Srriokler 50 eenta. COMMUTERS | ray buy your Clear* tn New T w« « Mo akrr-a. I*T »on» A**- yoocma «•

nisnn nvn akd tsm*! hutahT rouur.

—It vi( a pretty picture presented last evening in tbe West at the setting of the aan. It ass like a Tie* from I airly Ian 1. —Car No S which Iv h*to« repaint- ed was not pot into o«e Wednesday a# »«■ exported, the j«int out »*emg dry It win be run tomorrow — .womeraet atreet. near Green brook road waa covered by water to the depth uf nearly ti'ne Inches daring tbe storm yeatvnlay uornmg. — A Boating dock baa been placed the water at South I'lamfleM pond near me lugl wiy »or the use of peruna to and from row boats —Bdertwmes are beelcnlog to he discovered by the amsll buy who uses ‘hem to make ink, slid by tbe older persons who like them lor sauce. — A» the cooatry roads were better ycateiday alternuun oo account uf the r-m. was washed off clean aud the larnly roads hantsnwd — Washington llo.-k lo**m« np m Ita •bite coat oi lime. r«*ry dlsuortly from

RANDOLPH Fiwu nw.1 S«ti|*<t. ••lir llightv ' »' J.4S P- ”> >* cli.fth, S^th Ma.arw.4. Su'.jrcij ••||ittint- ike ma#k al an haii'i lntnl’.h." I'mon Epwori). l-eague acrvic* in time chuich at 7 o’cliKk. SrSaion* <4 the Sun.lav»c>..v>;» at u.oai. Kev. Herbert F. Kaniiolpk a charge. Church of far Sa« kev. S. P. Sidpviii: Holy Comnunna ai a. m.. I Sun. lay SchoM at 9 45 v m.. Scc-i-1 XVlrUaiion an-1 jjwm-n al i 11 a. m. No KvOnag I'ray.r. lo the alienee- <4 the rec- tor. the Kc*. Father Tuhnv.m of the Cbmcl. uf ikf Kcdrrn.*., New Y...I* will .^T.tiata i«V a'agea at u»aXt. ^Chngrrganoaal Church, tfear yth Ural • ill be omittcj durin*; Au^ud. T** O n- ,i.n h-iravo. «• 7^.. m . and the W c.inr!.1-y evening i maeluig w..i


IH> y«o need ne« ooes, oi ltpgs oi Poriltrea* S- J. NEAL,

Kc. 213 West Trent Street, •Viit.*u»M tlwJurnWhlmyjoocker

A KKAl. i*kl-laablo»ed l*em<--rat i# a curious i-real are The e-lilor of the Rahway Oeniurnit, in commenting upon ibe circular letter issurd by J»mr* Martin, ol orange, anoou-'iciog himau.l aa a can lldate for the Democratic Con- grtwaluiial nomiiiaiion id Ibis district, says: "He act. forth sums solid Democratic docinnc ie hta letter amt ilcnon net-a me dallying wnn uu«u ami ■ono|>uliea lo arranging a tariff." The •••oliil I*-m<KTatic doetr nc, " to • Inch Ibe Democrat rclera. la (lac de- BUbclation cf John T. Duon. of the present tJongrr.*,—in lart of wary, thing, wbict. th- Rahway editor baa lweu cotaniVMlmg lor monlba back Tlic trouble with tfm lUhway editor is

MASpiTTAN HOTEL nnit Billiard

Parlor BI.Ei ATTACIlrD,

1 f ;mornet Street, li H!r%f*t Prop.

Bowling Alleys

UN I 17fi «nl 1


floral. Knight

*axut. 1 Irange, »;«ni yeatwda* at the Neivoi llmo. Mr an-1 Mi*. Aip ■» Qtmahy and chiUirrn. if Morriuown. arv :hc guev;s of Mr. ami klra. L. Netaoa. Mr*. J. II. Butkler. <jf I'Uinheil. lca-lei * the !-*•«•<• ••rfh«*tr*. » at the Nelw.o Hoa*« for a week. Theodore \ ruo» and hi* children, i4 hambcld. •aughl a t«»kct l-ad of hah ye.-



•ndidatc a|>pruviitic- JONES & GO. KKUi c.Ivermcii equally meeting toioor- • conducicd by aftrroooa

and icmonaile will he ou-ctlng will close promptly at five A dci talon aaa pbari'a f* urt at (• by Jmlgc It.rune -Tbe International Aaaoclatloo hiuista li»vc changed their [daci Uirg (ruin Keil Men’s llall to »e:i DivU.oo rmwi ar <1 »1!1 m •vcoao and loorib Wrduaaday

L Fvltrr. of PtainlMld, Excavators. Cesspools and Vaults cleaned and disin- fected at short notice.

Thorough work guaraotaril. orders left at R. C. MoirorfO Norb Ava. T O. Ilux CtC. or ravldvnce, No. *6** Kensington At*., near Ay*

Jadge •Urge J Mealing C. T. >1 Hunday. The br»y* had fcomh ltainfirt.1. %.her# rf gifftl — An invitation aoctab'e «u h»ld, l—t night lo T. A lt. ball, at which atM.u! thirty rooplae were preean'. The affa.r waa gr.ttcn op bv P Rcvlflea. D, Kr-cfe and P Marx Msale k»r dancing ' foratahed by Prof tf RcilleT and a (•leasant time ■•> aad. — A aeverv a<. ujeot happaced to ■ Herbert Pat-can. of Oove street Thursday, whir* ia Jepctnng bim ut ttiv ua# of one sr n. lie bsd gone | op s tree lo remote a swing and fell | •..five distance, sinking on b* bam] in j ruck a way aa Vo break bis wrtat 1

— A hennery at Juafe* V W. Naab's hnaa# on Prospuct avenua waa atrwcx bv lightning ye«erday morning while tac JoM.i'e sat Mokiif at |L He mti the ball uf fire looted about aa targe aa a small appla 1 *ae ben was Sllle 1. but ibvre waa amali damage other wvae

ie Hirsts «.»<# Chore!.. Rev. ft. M K-dirnu^ kcc •or. IJrventh huuday after Tnan,. Ear. C^leb-al*.n >4 llnly ( omnutniSn al y.j

Vt«r al 3. yo p. m. » irw baj i.u Chursh Irrarh'Sc al 10 4 a nv. MW b» iM s«;r*r. **^0* .1 y 4J. Smdtt an. U* Ttird Street Miuioo. C.^ a: > p. m.. l<d by Jao l. .Spa» ' Sun.J.y

“■ “*' riciiL~' Umch o, lb. Ilcil, l«» X.. T a-lisuiiaitad-ai ,/ ,he Holy Comrr.Bidon af 1,

mil* ID |»ei. leva, « oui.ecl Jk. IA. RUXTTOK U SON. lodemiters and Embalmeii

• ouid Indicate after due ronaid- ded that the cueta e must Drat be i Oraad buaiarft Sf tha f algkl* of 9j. th;as of Ue Warld. ( Tbe earkmpmrnt ol ibe Su (•rvoie Loilga aad grand raanaspnirn. | of 1 he K oiefau 4f Pythiae .* f ike world ) will be beid at tbe National CMpitG August JT 10 nepitmber A. * ! Fur ibis occaMoa toe Kale.more aud 1 Olivo Railroad Companr will sell round trip tirkeu ac redared rates from all «*" ue east of the Ofiuv Kt»er. Aogust 23 and 18 tnclnwv*. valid I or return uifi uo-U Raptemoer C: a funber exteotvon l>i Uma to Septom- her 13 ran o# aeeSirwJ, provided the ticket is deposited «ub tbe joist agent at Waaklagtoa, D ; C , oA or be tom .•^Member € Toe rale fro* Htilodelpbia will be • *. nuabargh fff. Camberiaad t* Si and curmapoadlkgiy low mice from all (Knar stations |U

Cagvawfal l# Hu Uferwui J.t me# J on oat "0. ol Bomb Plainlleld, waa aiaK-at a*l u;-.!. Ism nltfbl al the corner of FTunl atrrvl and Park avenue by a man »0<* wanted lo go lu Orargv street ami ruuld not fiud me way. He passed by and sake*] tbe former the ea». bet evidently thinking Mr John- stot. was t/)tag to foul Hi». weni fanft. IGLAS

UBe*i Ibal ibe from the oiber waa correct be reiaruot sad began to op- bnud Mr Jotiaeion for trying to mislead kim T»« m«u.r ,l..l aut ,,l lo bloo.


If WHkCome ToYou!

Yin. will enjoy your . . vacation the more if

you leave your ad- dress at The l)aily

' Courier Counting- Room.

IHlh I.* f. WAKTIV rs nauKjrAHrrtf-. r> r. mm ,u>t roont

■r\v*AM '*f-TEl |.\|RV. )f>b.n’s Cigars »#• ir-wei'r #u-i.«i-iu.

E E OOOFBII, w«»r. rwr TntM rur— tn-w. w# kail lin#:«f f«-

"l'l<1-M 'rel.irH, | New Planing Mill!

Hard W««| Flni.rlhg, Mould tors, v% Inflow Frame*. Turn Inf ana SeteT. Sourin*. Stejin Klin l>rtMi KiadUa, W


Van Bu-rn t lioipMia. ht-iil KntHte

- INSURANCE, , N..-.4 «L opo-nti- (,uniher and Mawn's Material

*" r'f" " v~ V~‘ l~ A.®, Af-v, H IIMIABWAT. JOHh h. hEEKHOWKK. ^rop

CITY HOTEL, kah* aw. oov.saa asouso 9r

TLAUITl *LD. SI. J. A Firet-class Family Hotel'

For NnMMt **4 Tr&nalaal Own. Ht»blea mad Billiards Attached

Theodore Wilson VAULT8, CESSPOOLS 4c. CLEANED. i Cheaper than by anybody. Order* caa

O. H. VAN NEST, •Pnmerare ft*. or rwar C.ty Nina NOTICE! Now la ibk Hoe t«» onler jour Wluier aiipptv of Coal. We are eroding a large pladt oo South Avenue, and can sup- pit you anh best quality *>i Lehigh cjoI in the market. AU- orders promptly attended tu. Baritone Flagging and Corblog. 12 large bamda of bast kindling Wood lor 97 00. onter# at OStcr, 1 r Nona avenue. uppuMt# drp«- M. POWERS & SON.

a. trrzi.vtjEH.

Van Emburgh

£ Special

Qnn Silk

All [ I Ilaiiflkei'cliiei

f^ale. 1


GcutleniQn, this is your golden opportunity. Never before in the history of the trilk Hand- kerchief rade do we remember such prices as we are i ble to quote. We off.*r just 210

Cienllemen’M Uhlfe Nilk In Hal Handkerchief’s


EACH Regular Price 50c.

Page 5: Y y, · Q Pages vol-lll PI.AINPIKI.D N. \k 8ATukli*Y. AUGUS T 4. (8»4. MORE BOROUGH IMPROVEMENTS *MQ T*Y ARt AW WHUU TKY A« Ukr° > Ainl


1 5

Plaiafieltf SoirairSolid SILVER Spoons

I 00141EKS.


- fmpi Jta niiBni r.-

at's Murderer Moat Die bytbe Guillotine.

„ . . ThUCaosei the Hitch in the Ttrifl Encenraeing Reports from the


r*«r*cUoNj Inform lU patron IMid tbe pnblle generally tft-t lh«j crtwlllnn their meau a: price* prev»lliBg

the ••nt#. It It oredlmES^"™^"^^'4^

E. J. Richards,


rniture uckvd "nd #b£ pana. OiaenpTomptl;

N . *O5 West Sa l M,, ror. Central l i i -



Kept constant]y on bard.Office, 97 North Are one wtihW. ABTwd,20e Vadl*9DATODQ«,opp.BlM

Will Rt^open Sept. IVtb.

HnviDg purcliateti the cut) but-OfJobo I&tflrld, I am pr*>

pared to furnlae tbe best qualityLehtgb. sn.: Hdney Brook Ood Inb ket. jJHlckory aod 0*k

given ID Tel*grapbicTall parllenUrs, ad-

aa. John fMlziel, Principal, 01 t j



Yard, £86 &o$h Second StTMt.

First ClasB Attendance.Woolston & Buckle,

»•. Hi SafU !NEW LINE OF T A I L PAPEESHe tvporu thit the gal

DREIER,Pawnbroker,EAITT LihiKTr Pa. Am 3—Caille uerkei

Bnrfa.w,d. Bog, •hoc brrr. Philadelphia*. «


Miney advanced on all kinds of




It now receiving deposits pay-

able 6D demandJ witb iDterest.$jO. $12 and $!S SUITS at

9S.0O.$12. $14 and $16 SUITS at

; $10.00.^r^tn^Hrr1^;^ 0e6r Park * Oakland,j ^ j h P crest of tJie iHeuhanies. '

{WAIN LINE B. * O. B. H.) \



N OPENS JUNE 23, 1894.RstB>. 8C0, 87S and *30

accnri1)nK lo location. AddressGEQBGE D. D E S H I E L D S , Manager,

Cumb^MaDil, Md , op to June 10; afterLhat dsie, either I>eer P»rk or Os*>

Ten EycklA Harris,EBVHIS



109 KUBI FrcDt SL

; ?™ '"..r^sut!'»". • «•«• o-"'"»"

n J tu Ul l w rmitilrvninti Tbr munieriT, who

burned black, anil then b i".i »li«l.i hone T|;V. . nwad bini iponej. 1'i.e inurdi-rxvl

b!'Alll.-rJ™'o IIMU'HJ' 1 ™!!™ " HiHifrnliiT bj (hpj'ulluiau 1'sl- S M

u»n"prn>t-nt that under no clr- t>e*4i. .v.ii* rt>Mjin«.

Iba Pgllinu Mrik« ConalttM ii

lwr>uiuliuii tlir workmen M itrike.

•J.Lr">b- " ™ .

at W .-l.i'i.'i.'ii.irrnnl bvrecotake cbarg

lj»f«jr uuiuii ol tttiii ei'j Mr. Xifjhliicuniiuruced bin work Immediately.

:iiuii at Benwnod last ni«ht brokerow. Jnhu Knntaafrer ansanlteil

jilly ii .- i hia wife. Two other

I in. ! ternoon vincted thr«» drlmaies t«lh« coo• !»»,«, ..[ *mJv lbl .W»ul;. dW » l C ; ^ , , r , I ^ B , b^,k. *Hn. aOd»«l fPr*U« to I* held lo Ihi^ pi.™ tht. afKr- fc,d (atallr wonnded hbk«U.muli „( liijunn n-«*iT*« while aulMluK# . . - ~ J V j l o - ( ^ Mllow*, and noou «riiu iiittrucllooa to TOteio ia»orol Th« sitaation In northern Pera tlw w..rk .» ih^bdy'dpld. She w « op- ^ ' ," Z . "f_jVo the pl.tforni. returuLu* U> wort. » - Won*. Th. Sn.arBeoti S n t l n a . . g»r i l l .•ratiua.Lur^- rnkr. <ch*u in* hona ran . ^Tj - j Wkrfan. T*l«ni iu •*• anbject M a n n -

H'£?; Ha-HI. X Y

ir niitlii elbl

» « • • — , •

ra*4 •* Death. and tfa* following i«i>l* •Mrs. loabrlla Inrio*. o»eironmaf die- William Connershead by faUtnc bHek. willeorer: Tonj- Camfro. boroed

n . ( h . . ] - . • . " Mas e>

n s » dwell

, atrac,.r..l,.t


. , - • < ; • . . •


!!'.«.'.k M



Fair; variable mudi. becomiiuj north-

Tm . fiEL. faj. , tAnfr. 4.--A. lone high-w . p u . u held ftp tb« Traekee and Taboe•Use *1 a point three mllee from Traekee.

thtj had. and contrib-ited tU to Ik* higl

. accident. Oneni1

.he Dnfortunat* vlrtjms i u found

.horilr pillar l.sirni-l 1.1 a crisp, and thtither three arc siill mi«ioB. The out

lg. 4 —Th«I offlciallr

BomiJIPTos, Aug. <—The BritunoieMM

ye^erdaT.preparatory M loday'n mm.hrace. The fl^nm ihowtbatthr 'X'l iTantcarrin 1.200 nqnare test knore c n n n l h uthe Hrit«um«. and tbat ^he latter iaa foot

tan the Vigilnmt on the watciThe VlgilaBfii ratios

Britanala'* IS The Britannia's time* will be reduced I

and four seconds. leViirilalit Bfitai

11 ;rt>-.I. ^ j


Henry Dohme (hot aid killed hi. wlf,• A*hiu>d: renne, Chicago,

. SHARK EY, AgentI T H E G B O C U

SOB BlchMMd Stre*t,i»r. Third

: keept a well Kkcted slick of

I GrocCTi1* and.Prorisions.( M O T GOOD , BUTTER,

I CHEESE AM) EGGS.I Constantly on Hand.


Pdraiture and Pianos

Frei?Ht Trunks and Baggage.C A R T A G E181 North Avenue

CaD Ml.

Popnllat twket.Near Dahl«T«a, 111*.,, tbe boiler of a ^

•agine upJodeji t>* a farm, re- j be re_ ._ Iba laatant death of tbne per-

m , a l d t h « eerione attd peobabl, fatalInjury o( two ni.--re.

Mn. Ella AatboarBlcMMcnm. Ta.. Aae. *.—RtpreeenteHTJ — £ „ „ , | a e y l » •« C n n l w .GesCB* D. Win wrttee a card withdraw- u b ^ ealUo* heneUiba tan breaM eadtoTtoUfwwhrrr"*-***•••nil..Mi- :ttoJ,wSTW*fcaitf«-'t*fc--'r*-r

TH£OD0R$ GRAZ.MASON: AND MTRACTOB,EiUm&tM given «ml renairtni; prompU

i r to.(IT HILWDE A ¥ •

Central Hole! Cafe,118 EAST BBONT BT.




Real Estate

And Insurance.

169 North Kf

The LatestMen's

@. M.


Solid SIL ER Spoons CtrnaX't Murderer Must Die bj the Guillotine. *

TbuC.UK. the Hitch in the Ti Conference.


the ue of WVtlnp HE GEM itnllriH

Uukit. Mho ~-Ol IMO»* an.] tefuaed t« withdraw f*.-m . ha U. fnrtb.-r sunk • transport r*trying Chines* w.ldwr., an*' bar art loo ha* l«*g condemned by oUmi pnwara Tbe emperor places all tv mil lr»ry authorities Ohtlrr Vltiwj 1.1 Haiti Chang. »h« will protect the rights of ib< . If an great a* pv I Interest., bnt at •y to dutiijul-i A. J. GflOLLMISCH, OLMEi •bly Inclined toward* the robedule. la-' caa-r I bey brllc.e ibal It define* exactly rtle> extra limy *n he paid on reflrt«1 .near* and la fra* from the objectl«u tjrgrd “*»"">•« the eotuMe erhedale. that OlHll|] Utlhe « ''filing of tbe/cbedul* I* Mi loi- poMlblf U. trll beyond thr onrcgblh rd a «-^»t differential what the duty won 14 U- OB the refined article. They are of the ofildloa 'hot the duty In tbe schedule imiw presented will he confined to tha ..neej Bftb uf a rrot differencial. It la under

J!ssr.Jsa S>. ion ffr.1 9>4 M„ rer. lrelr.1 Are. LEHIGH COAL there ha.'

ilierly uf tollable atrengt achieving a d. Dry Kindling Wood PLAIHFIELD ROMANCE OF The oeep.

r bar* la IhLa. Sait Fgasciaco. A«|. A—The British •hip I'imhnaa fbhf. .opp.—1 to haea bean loat *b routa to Ct-qulmbo. and on

i. Ane « —A dl.patch ha. be. here from a German official Tbe Yallure* the jolted S« •amt week laa OffleA, IT North At Tanl 300 Mad a Of SCHOOL 809 Eaat Front Rtroet,

Will Kr-opra Sr pi. I»th. Hra4«treete' say*: While little aignifl cane* in attached to the moderate I la pmrr*fBt in traala' at t*an Francleco. r*inahnnr. RallhnOM. Augusta and Ab laota.'wheo It la added that clearing bouae total, for July rr;-»rt twenty-nine etttas With larger aggregate* tban la July It .... -- --.raaled with the Juna re- .. •tallied only eighteen dtica •» larger than those In Jan* 'H m perceived that there are — wi-rk at the interior lamp In the volume of bci.ia~«* . denoted in .ympatby with com. on Inrrra-.d orfl»r* and reporta of crop danmtra front Abroad, while corn'* y. • harp advance la doe partly to exagger- ated noti<n-a of damage from drought. 1 There bUttle likelihood of the com crop lwlng in,.I lev that, iq either of the two _ preceding yean. notwithstanding our ad *W« oj -J3 per cent, damage In Kaneaaand «0 per rent. In Nebraska. Southern crop excellent

lOrmecL I harbor at Taltal. Chlla A letter from 1 Captain Thotraa waa received hem yea •| terday Several weeks ago tha British' 1 a hip I»ee. from San Kraaelaco. am red at ’ Valparaiso. haeing on board the wife and child of Captain Th-maa and aeeeral of - the crew of the Cambrian Chief. They reported ibe Cambrian Chbf a* probably loat. During a terrific gala the eeaacl bad bera Ju.t at night fall the Dee sighted the Cambrian Chief In distress. and succeeded In getting a boat to bar ThU Mu* rwurd Mr. Tbomaa, her child and aeeeral of the Cambrian', crew A brood (mat frv m the I>ee waa aeiit back for Captain

gale iocrroaed. and In .be dark area thr

Haring purchased (be coal bua • Deaa of Jobo I tfleld, I am pew- P«rwd to furaia Ibe but quality Leblgb end H( *y Brook Coal la ibe market

tloo la now given lo TeU graphic Ing. For fall particulars, ■<!- Jobn I*a|x»et Principal, Olty inlay finally it Lieutenant - ’brdnle objectionable laat year, c port. Which eoltnf killing Captain Heiberg at Fort

had lieeti previously tried ’ and acquitted by the cell court. a 'barg. «f murder. Thr ibarge preferred before the court m*r<lal »*• conduct unberomlng an nffl-

only faile-l t-» Indicate a uillingneaa HENRY G. ADAMS, INSIRAME. iw south avime l dia Cow panlee fire. Ufe.PMe01aw^ Aca-l.l-nt at »,weat ralea Pottcies delircred prumptir. rw V<rt OlWce. »l Cedar atrert.

Ilkkory and oak for •l.oo. CHAS. W. DODD,

OFFICE, 140 PARK AVBNC1. Yard, 686 Soi Lb Secood HtroaC

tall. lt»4*y c->twidered .* noaroeptable. I tj wa« tin. rapr«Ml«t> of ot-tulon on their, part which left the allnattna In aurb d<Hitrt when the ronbrenre a<l;ournc-l. an«l rendered It poe%lble that Inatead of an agreement being reached the reanli; might lira tllaagreemwt t The proa .or w tni ■ bill I. » ■II--..U It. lb. p*r’r. bow ' reer. that the probabilities are .Ull U»or-! able to an agreement on aome line.

tbia charge be found guilty and aev Irtawl t4> lie imblb-ly repninaiMlnl. After a thor.ugheaannnaih'Bof tnecaae, which * »*ka. Keereiary Laniont eadnraed ui-.d the department." ThU dually end. the First Class Attendance. WooUton Buckle,


to PEB CE> f LESS Than UK yen*'. Laat yen**. Mod at

Great Reductions Paiour'a ■rppUoa.

g.llty pro«|«fU generally chapter of thla thrlllln* Ult now come* from Pa plait » reports that the gallant roe reprimanded clulled today It to (r reali*ed. tbe coa- ferree. all! Lave to put In a very long day While the .ugar ached it >e baa twen tbe grmt atntnbliog block lo tha bill, there

nut an Intricate, will prove dlfScalt of adjustment Almost tha eon re time of the present conference has so far l«ea pjjj ClMCKmi, PUCTIflL OPTICUS Ev»a annhathw 44* Sarlk twaw, ud I—Ij with a penknife e« ■ Alderman Ororg* P N r a dreperate fight U-., night. The fight occurroc tnaaia were rigged, and brlan Chief «aa got ni the Cambrian Chief re

ittrrmUk SAMUEL DREIER, i— Pawnbroker, 103 MADISON AVENUE, Cor. Front Sl Money advnoced oil all klndit of ae«urlfy.

’bed Taltal tha • tabed 1 •wnal quarrel. Fr tbe final r^a r4.T* “^JShu7* Co»s»U.MU*. Pa. Aug «-Jeffrie,’ Torferr*. fi'.-Ko-l *■. retunsoa la Common area. era. nombenng at»>ut »». AVJ5 lij plga *'i-> U good i arrived hrte ia-t nigh* When the Haiti •»*«• -*-1 rsmgl. —a **g. 30. more and Ohio freight No Tfl pul lad out ■K-baagud pneae. for the a boat 0 o'clock tbe crowd ; ___ ■ i made a ra.h to capture It When about a mile out of tb- yard iba train *a.stopped SPECIAL

getbe, on the1 ground, tod with H ru.h III II I*tl II *0 •wept down the oppwiOnn and crowded Into boi onr.. Then the tnnmeo. rein >'<>■ * T- ® *<> »0 P- ■ | foreesl by yardmen. ma.|a a oombinesl nod no deli very charge and another battle ensued. Toe ... attacking partv ware mat by a storm of HSllDUt atones. cluM. links, pin. and scrap. Yard Cod I man George Workman and Ca.hler Blue Tbomaa were badly injured, f-.m. of tbe W<*AlC army aaraped, hut about iw ware beaten ’’ eB K . b^k Into tha ram and locked In Tbe FlOUnderS train va. run heck to town and the pros Salmon

had nine w..u neck, barely >anpactollr black dy Injury

Closings SAYINGS II John 'hr church* Mltrbe lose of tbe day as| of tha KepubU-

alrwady ICogti-s.

Deer Park4 Oakland ob the cresl of the AllcxbaDtcs.

(MAIN LINE B 40 R. R) 810.00. JOHN W MrRRkY', PnmlddBL


r of them said tha might be given iilldph. cole k. stabbed REDUCTION ON ALL SUMMER CLOTHING

>4.f Darlington f4.r i whisky rt4»t there . ,« -ulb.ugh, L A N . and Henry Appelt SCII""ED BROTHERS, 109 Kaal FfCDt SL

’bar lea

of oil. a Car of garoilbe. 9. SHARK EY. Agent Tub Gkoou

Wt BlrkM.4 Htr~t,;r.r. Tklr4 »trw- THEODOI SON AND

l GRAY. rONTRACTOR, rai>um( prompt- ! Groceries and Protiskui.


• laundry i illeges tba

Central Hotel Cafe, 116 BAST FRONT 8T. CHOICE WlNES, LIQUORS


by the Central —me^a, Mr N .ghuugalc Tfc ivdlately. rarrim l.i the HritaunM. and thatKbe Utter laa longer than the Vigilant on the w line. Tbe Vigilant', rating la lfl». Bnteani.'a 11U. The BntannU . tlmt lowanoe will h* reduced to two tnln and four aecon U Tbe VlgtUnt has fc Moagiand*# WnmiNe, chrialeulug a

tially Injured thtrty-elg

NUGGETS Of* NEWS nenry Dohme shot a»d killed I at 1«M North Aahlaad avenoe. t feud fatally wounded klmeelf. ; The situation In aertlwa P««

Filrniture and Pianoe Edw. C. MULFOBD, Real Estate And Insurance.

KrvlybL Trooks ud Batrtfe. CARTAGE

Otnaa. 161 North Coal Delivered in Bag's.

lejwrod aa - Chl^gw rtro. CwtCACo. Aug. 4.—Three frame dwell Inga at »1. *» •■<! ** ">• Taylar atroet were destroyed by flrv yesterday afternoon, and the fo!lowing P**l>*« -«• Injured Mrs. Isabella Irvtne. otreroome by amoke. Thorn has moved MdNEY to Loan !

a.r. I.nrtird from bl. feet, fallew rouiitrrmat. T» ...i r, I..1, w,. bnnieil ... ca|Unre<l within /•it rne41 I'! ai'k! a "Ml 1 J..t '.'"iw b 'lZ JSJ,,"1’ “il'b '"IT., tlr,

Page 6: Y y, · Q Pages vol-lll PI.AINPIKI.D N. \k 8ATukli*Y. AUGUS T 4. (8»4. MORE BOROUGH IMPROVEMENTS *MQ T*Y ARt AW WHUU TKY A« Ukr° > Ainl


JottT .id*, bcy.fithai * Bnmbng forward an

•Ddtbe Bid:an thi« #id>. They an going

their fire on the porthole*'



Th« last n l d of tbe India™, em tbeonrland t n i l through rTtuMi i m iiinrtla IM7, anil mrh was lta Krentrth ih.,rCar two Week* rl.. y had |- — — LTI of 10

l b K d Itann,,| t

H n dtbia time SO

Omen•oMieniwerekilled. S-vnc.«wh-ta. two w»(ton traiim and aine Marion*ware banted, and tOO nr mnr<- flne.b<m«awvre ran off <if ktllrcL T)M only -t"vboo Mt»l I M Reilly't, mil l i n g oIng to tell yon the Morj.

Th* M m company had aoked for ml.d im to twin 1«-AI tbe Indians off, hot

late i!u: in only

EI that If I .__a m ib- (table* she wmold not bare

T b m were nine of the fineat:!,-• whole line, (in- of which

for raddle ataoa It t h*-y were to•lir, it n i -nr>!v more merdfol tosnoot tln-m than to 1ft them rooat todeath, and It w « a standing order withtbe oompanytb kill and iWtroy ratherthan i- nuit anything to fall into thehands of t!>• redKldna. It - . tm-1 likeninnhT to go among them revolver inhim.], anrl when I left tbe •table I hadsomething of that frellng which mustcome m the man who has plotted andrjutiwl out a rold Mo*»df*l mnrrler.

"It had to be done, and no oue willblame yon," said Joe'a wife a* I re-joined her, "and now everything isreadv for a match."

The Indians had opened flro long be-fnrf, and the men In thq dngont wereanswering hrixkly aa we started tbe con-flagration. It was a dear 100 feet atopen Knrand we bad to traverse, and anwe - ' . - • ! Imitating for a moment the

••Drtt't stop fa- me when we stWaf- yonr hot to 1ft them know we'•.:!,<!„• That's itt Now, then, here

1 r .' ';• 1 out for hrr hand. 1-nt shenovel th*'io both to gather up h*T nkirtA.W« i 'i ' • •! out from behiod one of the

1 h.i v-t rwk- JdHt as a rlood of black smokeIwo or three cases ooulii the trmpfT! swlrl<-d d<rwn to bid* u*. bnt I bearcibe planed. Six of OB made a 30 milf rule the whii of 50 ballets before I tumbled10 Btilly's by night,- bnt only t«ar '"to the open ilcmr at her heels. A 1ml-reached the ploon. Tlio other two were M cnt tho cl'ith on my right shoulder,Wiled aa we blnnder<*l int.. a camp of | anil one p a w l through a uleeve of herwarriors jmit befnro daylight. Tin- *ta- dr.-m. bat nedtbor 0* ns Wastion coBBlated of a •odlioo*'. a. utablu of Oil lbs wi-st side about 20 Indi;the same matrria), two or tbn«> liny- Rall<>p>-d up to within pistol shot, and•tacks and a dugout. This latt-T was bnt for tliH hot flro which the three

i ! dier* maintained they would have rodena riowti. The door wan hantly shot

Were used to moke a wnll all arounil wherj the winian wan on her feet andthis pit two font high. On top of tiic ! eavinu:wall was a roof of pott* tuid •.ml-. At | "N"tuKrvala in tho walla were loopholes fur ' '•>*» «rifles. Neither thu hiraxo nor ibe Btatilo shuot like a rin->. -race it cool mid seeoould bo <W«udi-4 against a .Lr.-rmiufd , if von can't hart some one. Here—letattack, but three or four nieu mul.l nw »1]<JW yua anhnt. "

I Sho hwl a Henry rifle, which I be-lieved helrnifrcd to mie of thi' station

1 nieji. The Indians wen <-mvrilnl &l>iuf•table, probably hoping

a doeprnklo Bunt InWe expected to rearh Rt-Uiy's l*'for

the Indiana conld attack. They WITDO Ihiir way there and only flv» mihmdistant when we ran into thi.-m. Theypumaed tu to within rifle nhot of the '

"iiuiit<tfl over l*l*l ui'iunT< «j warriors eu-cinliiiR the, spot. We, exported to flud

it least one mnil ridor and p.-rbai» nconplo of paHBcngcru who h:vl gone wortby tho last coacti. We found <

tbe i

' •I 'm'

I the wtnokr to lift The nWTBDOt With herprtwiitly called olfur that i rhe

url a

spot t . i l pnny. Hi>'« behind thu big stack

now. A h . 111.-™ he

Her riflu crarkeel as slie uttered the

rabrhu-f, thn-w up hi- hands and hcadl'>ug. l oo t through the bead.

" V o n can d o l t if you take t i m e , " n b eMid na she withdrew her rifle front theporthole. " N o w , Joe, how's the, leg?"

" N o v e r iiiiii'l thu li-g t i l ] the fight is

o v i T . " h i - r v p l W .

••Bnt 1 shull. I ' l l wash and draw&nd tht-u have the boys prop you op fa shot at Tiraruld i

kill at lc ist

The. l u d i a n s c o u l d n ' t s tand our Or

lotjd, having no shelfrr, ajid w h i l e Joe'wouutl was ln j i i i g i l re s sed t i i e w h o i o g a n g

of them, w i t h d r e w o a t of ranire. W t

WIT*> rertaiu of haviug ki l led two anrwoniKlwl thns.- or four, aud there w e n

four dead punies ly ing between tbe sod

The woman wax thi' wi fo of tbe • . • - • : • ;wl m a u , w h o w a s J t * Harper, a s t a g *

driver, and the dead mail wan uue vt ill.-

<)n th« afternoon of tl ie day befora

milea^ away. l i i s w i f e and two pros-pnctoTB WtTo paaseugem. Both p r w p « -tura w e r e o a t i p n f the ntage. B*»th were

i k i l l ed and fell t o t h e gronnd, and the

driver rcwjiVud a bu l l e t i n the leg, but

had been fired mi w h i l e ont looking fora s t r a y horse anil had rt-achnl abelUC to4)B an IKJUT hrfnrc onr arriraL B a dt b e I n d i a n a probed f ' irwani aud altaok-

»d they would have hod an ea^y victory,bnt having no tear thnt U M Ktatimiw o u l d l>' re-fufiTt^il duriuK the n ight

they decided to w a i l nuti l next mum- 'II;,

F T h e r e hod b w u another s t a t i o n

hand, but early in the ntorning, uu-k n o w n t o tho w i m i a u and her woundi-d

hnsband, he hail mountnl one of theaorsea ami (!• •: for MH life, though i t I

vras subaoquetitly asccrtaiutil that he •« u oaptun-d about vevim miles away ;Mid put t<j de^th by torture.

W e had, th in , when w e - '<••••• to talk 's i dtfeuifc, four soldiers, a woniKlnl jman aiicl a woman to beat off a huu- |b e d bloodthirsty Indians. W e left tiut ;^be man anil the woman in onr count," IU d as the dawn h-'caii to creep over the jpla ins and render objwtn distiiigui>iU- '

tble w e looked about to H V what cuuld 'ae doutv We. hn>l talked w i t h the

* .HI. in :m ! hrr •• i-L' li. I in the Md-Uouse anil iu total il^rknens. not fiariugIO Hhow 3 l i g h t " I V E BKEM BHO

Wo knpw that bewa* almost helplesH tnuiil Ivin^ on a <M 1>lant tH, aud hous- and thejudging from her tonea I attoaslbolifViil UH, the wicd chaug«d and swept theaer to be a faint hoarted Vouiau who smoke anil smell uut on the plain aa thevoulft scream at the report trf a rifle, flre ragrd for doveral houm. and thw odoratke oam» oue to us Bfl we we«\peering from the roasting horses was terriblytbout, and we found her to be1*, swii-t strong. Long enough lirfor© tbe red-faoe.1 woBian not over 2j years uf age. stina made another move Joe had been].-• Harper, as I may tell you. wtiile made an nmitortable as possible uaderNerving as a Btnge driver. » M yet a ni^ii the Hrmmstaiicex. 0y the aid of blank-it good family and education. Th^nt ets and crarker boxes we propped hiixuimnge w u a bit of a rumfturt- and \ u p at a porthole, and now that we hadlad taltuu place only a few months be- Ux riflts to blaze away with there was!m. BtV fuar that twice an many Indians

-Now, men." began the little wow- could drive us out. It was an hour afterm in a brisk way. ••there's but oue noont»for" tiny developed their plan.&ing to be done. We can't Sght the They had Uvn re-enf'iroed until theyIndiana from the nodhinw or stable, lie- nuniberAi 123 mounted men. Keilly'anuse they'll sot flre to the haysiacks the was the i^ily oue nf tlw 10 station* they,lrst thing aud buni everything up. had' not TtH, di«tioypd, nitd thi? wereWe ninst take to the dogwut Serpyuit, desperately iIMenninod that it shouldrun aud ooe of your men carry Joe over not escape theW They could not "humibere, and the other* will 9" t b e water us oat, and the *all» were bullet proof.ftarrvl aail bvlp me to get tbe food. We I mean that they could Dot burn nx outntiM work fast, for tbe Indiana will at- by netting fire to thWrnuf or sides, but>ack withiii an hour." thiiv WUT the door and its (tanin The

She took eoramapt) HO naturally and door could stand against bullets, but•ho waa no snJ aud quiet is giving her door and frame must bdrs if fin- w uVden that tu>ouoeven lookeilnurpriswi placrd against them. ThWe w*-re twoWncn 1 went into tbe Bodboose with rjonbolus on a side. Loua • nteiBh beforaMr, -iii- - iiil ri> her husband: , any of ua mem bad made otit tbe plan

"JOB, we'll carrv TOO to the dugout Joe's wife Inmrd from one <d kbe port-rigbt away, aud I'll wash and dn«s holm and acid: \tour wound later on. Then, are nine -W» want two moro porthol^a on

~ lae hor»M in the stable, and I'm going this side to defend the door. Aa j««X*«a leave there to bum up. If I can make out. they are gatht ruis> dWAer're got to b» lo« to the iiaiipaay. grao* andtwuting il irit. bnndlea ThaVit's better to haw them roasted than tu B r m ih-.-r are going „*,,.. with aBe run oB t? tbe Indiana. " rush. nirQr down a doaen bundle* and

"Tea, lbat'» ao," replied Joe. "Bo then Cry to set Ore to then and thewr* to bring over all the anna and au. - door " With onr naN-n we workeduuuiti.m We'll bn holed ap here for throogh the eod walb and made twoikrw or foor days prubably. How aboat eirra p-irthnlfw. Tbry were only flnish-* '. *-' WDO> ">•• scheam of the redakitu was'••Don't yon worry about anything, patent to all

Now. boy* lift htm e a ^ and W . ._?*>*. * » " . • • « tta littlestombJc - "

p —.to tie done. U tbe Indian* sue theboosas and stacks for cover instead of "Well, bere are extra cartridgoi ifbBTuiua them, tbey will be twiiWt yon want (o reloadT U I'm hit. dont geeatawtow. Tbow-bonMrnoMbekillHC «haky and ROD riwoting. If tbe tUaoor creatore*. and thro we mnst - 1 , grt bold of that door, we'll he

* ^ ' « " « ' « » ^ 1 1 ^ t h i s t n w What are they dofnc

g . eworry mbovt their ballet*, bowev.-r. M

; tbe> a n t flre af an angle. Now theyaro picking up tbe bondlcn of B I

, can aee three or four of them withbraafawood torebM all alight. Joe, do

! yoa want • nip of wbiaky to brace yoornerrea? Boy*, how la it with you?'1

None of n- wanted tbe liqoor, and itwas not brought loot. We were all p*le-faoed and tumbling under the strainwhen the Indian got tbe signal fromtheir chief. That charge baa gone downto history as the jbvmvwt one ever madebyawar party tatf Sinnj. They knew

iftli and coolly reaaoaod ong or -ik-ht men. It had been

decided (bat there was no other way toget as out, and tbe Wfiiow who borethe bundles of Lrasa and torch** werpalt yoong nun Wi volunteers. Therewere two partiei of 30 each, and theylaid aside rifles and blankets and madetheir «tart from point, j s n beyond rifleratwp. A hot firi wan opened by all tbeothers, and the Inunle of my carbinewaa struck twice before I had fired aibot

Theresaitof I bat man has been gi<in military an-1l t b t t lin ylets began to tel

ft heaved agi

ntber reports. Oar bal-sa loan as the warriors

fair I ange. but we coold notF t rteen ont of the 30 men

;lo»e np to tbe dugout,b f he dry gnus

Fi fy ginst the- door. Fiv

torches at tbe startand wonnded the fifth.

sixth w rri'.r who seized thetorch from the rounded one was like-wise killed. Thtf got the bandies wherethey wanted th in, bnt coald not sotthem on fire. Ch the other side Joe andbis wife kilted five and severely wound-ed four others,jaod not ft warrior got

than 10 fbet It was a dtwperatebat nseleaa • •! nr/i •. At sundown the In-tiaas had sighted Cnskr> column mov-

ing up, and theyi made haste to get safe-ly away, bearingleaving 'their d :\i\. An hour later ourcomradesopened tbe door

and burl i

nt hand, and when wethem Joe's wife sat

her face in her hand?

when Rha finallyaway tbe last ofher hand and sa.showing your orbut I 11 turn ov

and look after J<

off tbe wounded, but

and nobbed lite a child. She waxa heroine, but a woman above all.Ueneral Caster 1 imsclf stood beside her

looked op, and wipingshe held o

"General, I've beeni bow to kill Indians,tbe

M. M. DUNHAM'S OFFICE, 167 East Front Street,•ver> TbondainOM VZ*-Z*- >o I r • J




Receptions Teas, Weddtnsrs and Parties

14« NOKTH AVimtDlk. I


J. T. VAIL,R»al Estnla and tnsur«nc«


"lii-i t>

Bla+ Ston* Flmtttmt, Etc


r Ion r, Gra in ,FEED

Go to •!

CAREYStor your Bed aDd Bedding

also Dining and Bcdro;::) - __.iiture.

ptorage for Furniture, eic

Cor. Fiont and Grove Streets.

Great Bargains

FishiuK'" naid a man who litBlake street, "why, I went flshing inHew Jfsrsfy and caught the biggeststring of eels that you ever beairl o lThere Is the tandem eel that you ha'all beard of. Wben they go down or istream from their quarters for the wi:ter or rammer} they go in single nipone behind tbe oihi-r. like thn priiman. They leaVe exactly Bii iuclspace between Itheir nones and the taiof the eel in fniut. When an eelthat the fellow ahead is lengtheningthis space, be jtmijw ahead, and t»the tail dt the offender in his ipulla him back into place. I dn . .my hook down njil 11 in front of a stringof those tandem eels, and the bait was

accepted, and I jerked out the oe-L Tbone behind, seeing that the fellowahead was miming away, obeyed hH istnictions and «-iml his tail to pnll hiback, and no ateo did the one behiiand eo on to thd last one, and I palledthem oat hand over bond till I hadgreat inasfl of slippery eels about me.

Wales one day. kud it has hem suggested that ha •••.•,;;.! do no more populathing jnxt !•• ,-,v than to have the announcement majie at tbe Eist«ddfodbis intention toihave hia boy taught tWelah languaie. The Welsh peo]have l"Titf felt aggrieved that not a HIgle member of (he royal family has taken the trouble to learn their languagealthongh all , ,f them can talk in suetrelatively unimportant tongues as Englifih, German and French, and thequeeiherself haa mastered the mysteries oHindodBtacee.

Search is being mode at the .time in the cellars and dungeons of tbefamous Kremlin at Moscow for the library of Ivan the Terrible, which, it ibelieved, has btMu hidden somewhere inthe great builqing since 15TU. The library. it is saidiuablo Ureek and Latin manuscripts,which ]• i- - (l from the hands of tbe ~cantine emperors to those of tbe rx

ia believed that tbe maouscriptK, i:discovered, will clear up many darkan/1 uncertain oansagea of history.

The cupboard portion ia simply madeup of dmwirs and shelves, for which n<special claim ol originality is made, bnitbe whole oombtned ia wcDderfnllyconvenient As illustrated and describedby Bural New Yorker, me moldingboard forms the door to tbe middle por-tion of the •upboard.

The deep, rounded molding at tbaback of tbe board prevent* any flourfrom falling when closing, and alao ren-ders tbe mixing totrd a suitable planefor keeping the rolling fin. Tbe boardis supported by two "'rtops,'1 me *are found In old fashioned desks.


tba drawer X kwp flour and floor aift-•r. Under t h \ drawer is sufficient and

. Iftthe_l> to ample

. itea Ia tbe d n r W C to a parti.Coo. ao that both graham flour aadomnneaJ are kept in i \ The drawerbelow contain* tea towelsNand kitchen

- clipboard to>s left, B.

V I C T O R S $ I O $76

W. II. ROGEEi,4O8 W.1 Fifth St Telephone} ISO.




POTS Sidred at the low Rate of FOUR PER CENT,

Gsrmeoti left for Repair During the SUMMEB MONTHS will tw StowFree o! Cbarge.


W h y p a y niope W H E N T ^S5 BDY

New Potatoes, per butbel ,31 noBwl Elgin Creamery Batter, i*erlj». 22cExtra FaL Mackerel, each |...ffoAll KlDdiAfTeaa, 3 lbs. ior 501Powdered Bogar, per 1b \-*%v

FRESH! VEGETABLESat lowest prices.

J S - O D Satardav each purchaserao tbe ftmoant of $1.00 (s:

receive a DBefal present.


Save Money


Do Y o u Ever D r i v e ? w'"°yonJO•"*""*>B"BLAIR'S


STABLE.>0rtfc Ivenue, nearly opposite the Depot.


DLE THEM.Call up A. 0. Blair o r Frank Day, by Telephone 172.

Bargain Counter n£

What every careful housekeeper ia looting after 1B Ibese h

•nWafftW lie least money.



:c Uaeil for H jean.a<! cheap. SoW by


M. J. H^

Meijchant Tailor


We clem tben In tbe old w»j u d •Joof wmlch.

Vyo* have SMASHED Ya*r Wa

TAX EPS, Jeweler, l l» Part Avej

XAHSH, AYEHS & COj,1« *—t Froel 3tro*t.

Paints, 0% and Varaiiheft

Wall Paper. ,

Country Produee.!.IT~< U4HM.WMMU1

X Broad-way,










Henry F. Windham,

Hotel Arlington


(Proprietor.)70 n»<l 71 s,imi'r,,-t Kt. Nm Hi ri.iinfl.! I



Boi,Ce,~Runyon & Co

C(ftL LUMBERMason's Materials, &c,

..a an now prrparal with oarinciHRt(kcilitic*, (having purchucd il ijtc' .- , ..,

d of Mourn. A. p. Cook 3*1,: - I | |U l-il til ordan u d tolicil too. pt.t>


John Neagle,E13 W. Fifth St.


Upholstering and Mattress Making.


Mrs. John Brown.(Buooraos TO JOB* BURII )

Cesspools, Vaults, etc., Cleaned,2 5 hi Cent. Cheaper

Uua by toy other mesa*


imnlo Mill

Diamonc 1


Link Brace.*

Pnt|youp head on ice


WII,I,ETT,1 r r I ' A 111- A - . - - . .

And deliberate coo]/.Don't sweat and stew overthis matter of shoeing.Come in and let us fit you.We'll do the sweating.

youP h o sPD i ' tes of Oranges, Lemons.

Raspberries and Grapes at



ONLY A WOMAN. Heury F. Windham,

Hotel Arlington

■7 CHltl.n B. LEWB OL QUAD.

-J OP PHILADELPHIA rJ Eye SpPc<all»iN A- Mfc* sf fira nil to ftoto M M. M. DUNHAM’S OFFICE. 167 Ewt Front 8t«et,

•*« T*«4.ff»OM ICO«’ «*»MU Hotel Grenada 7<-> EAST FRONT ST. J. T. VAIL.



A. M. GRIFFEN TCNISON, 7* u. 71 Mwnr! M. North CHOICE WINES. M

AND SEGARS. r, Grain, , HAT, STRAW, ■IL Vrcrukk* Country Produw.

liam J. Stephenson, CATER R«c«Dtlons Teas. Weddings *nd Parties

Wmrmmmt ene **w» IM NOKTH AtRunA 'UnmBA

"Don’t stop tar in** "hen we start. Wat toot hat to I*1* th* m know w* arr coming That-* It! Now, then. here w* go!” 1 racM <<ut fur her hand, hot shr um>! (linn bth to gMlh-r up Jkt skirt* We ru-h.d oot from behind one of the 1

hay-tack- jort aa a 'loud nt black amok* ] swirl*-1 'horn to hid* u-, hot I heard th. whix if 50 bullets b*f«jre 1 tumbled j •*pcn» 11*or at her b<*la. A hoi- ,1 the doth on my until shoulder, paired through a sleeve nf hex ” at neither of ns wa* M-ratobcd. j w.«t side about 20 Indiana had !! ffulli (mmI op to within pistol shot, and • hut for th.. hot Are which the three «>l |' dierw maintained they wiaild hare r-le ; oa down. The d<-c wa. hardly that when tb* woman «u "H hr f«t and '

Boice,Runyon & Co

awl at leaet jo tiuncbr* of the « were b»«v*d sgsin-t the dour, the party carried IutcIhu at t We killed four ,-uhI wound*.! and a sixth wfcrrior who re e HKB RirLK < Rli I ED two or three rare* coaid the trooper* be plant'd. Six of oa made a 20 mile rid* to Reilly's by night, Imt only four reached the plrew The other two wre killed aa we blunder'd Into a nwnp «,f and warrior* Just before daylight. The *ta dre* Uon coaalatnd of a sf-lbno.-', a -table nf • »«* < tha earn* material, two or Urn- hay ■tack* and a iloipml. This latu-r «w ■Imply a hole or c*.cavatiou about in feet -quart. by 4 deep. t*»I* and -halve were used to make a wall all aniuiel this pit *Wo ftwK hlt(h. On top the — wall waa a root of p»l<« and emU At liitorvals In the walla were loopholes ha I'd* <d rifWw. Neither the Itoure me the -table -hoot h maid be defended against a d.»<niiin.d if J>m r attack, but three nr four men con hi «“*' »**’” make a d<*p*rnt* fight in lie* <lofp-ut. We expected to reach Reilly's before Ueved the Indiana coo Id attack. They w*re uu tbefir way there and uuly five milt* llw *•“ distant when uro ran into tie m They umtf u puraoed Qa In Wlthiu rifle *}*4 »1 Ibe Wmtfrwl ■talba, and whmi dayliifht cane, w- "■ w»»r

W. H, BROKAW, CARPENTER. BUILDER Mason’s Materials, &c,,

«• I. A. PiAVn. W* arc bow prepared with oar lecies /aolifira, (hsrimg ,.«ihM.I* yard* of Mtmn. A. D. Cook JPbio. i, promptly Ul all order, and aohat your ,

lor your Bed and Bedding also Dining and Bedro

l hie wife killed flee ami wrwvly wound- | td four other*. Mod not a warrior not nearer than 10 frwt It waa a d-»p»rat4* bat bw-Ipm <*har|r. At eandowB the In diana had slyht.d Carter j column mar. inx up. ami they made bite to *rt *afe- ly away, bearing off the wound*«L l»ol lnarina thrir dead An h-wr later our comrade* were at hand. an*l when we opened the do>w to them Joe’* wife eat down and borir-d hrr face in b-r bands aod rnbbrd like a cfatkL She wan a heroine, but a wotnau above alL General Cuat*-r knnadf stood Uaide b*T (when she finally looked up. and wiping away tho last ./ h.-r tear- she held oat her han.1 and -aid. "(iooeral. I re been •hewing your» how to kill In>Uana, lint I'll tom over the command to you IV *w and look after Joe’* hurt "

liture. Storage for Fumiture, cio.

Cor. Front and Grove Streets. buy*, you are throwing away ■ ■! b'jii. Tb*"*' ,i|iOK*r* ll<m't • a rifle. Take it cool and mm u t hurt BOOM (tie. Hen*—let ■Lire work . Walla drlran, i Aopplled and repaired.

ncr & wilson, Somerset Street,

srinlcwl Brtlmatr* frrety ri*e*

kinds ■ pampa. Great Bargains MANUFACTURER

rinding the -put. We t*i find tlicn* two *tall'*1 hand*, a -tag* driver, at least oo*« mail rkl.i asul i- rh,»|- a eoapW of paavng-T* wh-i ha*l gitw w.»t try the lart nwU. Wc f-wiid only a woman, a woandad man and a coryw^ The woman wa* the wife «if the wound rd man. who waa J<m* Harj-r. a -«»«*• drlriT. and the Awl man waa one of th* Uati u Latvia. On tlv* afti-nii-m at Ilie «L*r 1- f<ir* Harje-r'- stag** bivi U» n att-v k.-l eight tulle., away. His wife and two j»r«. parlor* w,tv paeMigTa Both pnepio-

‘‘Plahlng!" said a man who lira on Blake stm*. "why. I went fishing in New Jerary mud -*aughi the btggwt •King of .hIa that rrm rrrr bewrd nf. There U thu tandem eel that you barn all beartl of. When they go down or up stream frvnn thnlr qhartvr* f«ir tb* win- ter «r Bum inert tlwr go in single file, one behind rlie other, like th- pnmiTa) man. They l*«v.> exactly six tochre of rpace between their ncra and the tail of the eel in frput When an cel sera that the fellow ahead i* lengthening this space. h*» jflmp. abeml. and seixing the tail of the offender in bis mouth poll" him back into pla*-v I dropped my hook down fight in front of a string of those tandem eel*, and the bsut was accepted, and I Jakrd oat the ®*1. Tb* oue twhind. swing that the fellow ahead was running away, obeyed hi« in- strortimis au.l rtia-i hi- tail to pal! him bai k. and mi ab*> did tho one behind and so on to tho lart me. and I palled them oat hand over hand till I had a great mas* of slippery uela about mo" —Lewistm Journal.

Of all klnda John IVeugle,

213 W F.nh St. VICTORS •nbrhicf. threw up hi- band- and tain- bl«d htrtill'tng. slv4 through the head. “Y«ia <-au doll if you Ink* time,”she •abl as she withdrew h*e rifle from the pi*lh<df. "N<*w. Jnt(. how's the leg?" "Never mtivl tho log tall the fight is But 1 shall. I'll wash and drra it and then ha* .• th* Urr» prop you ap fur • -hot at your old <ri. »>.- If r,m don’t kill at l'-art <**•. y m wm’i rcuaomber




408 W. Fifth St Telephoni* 160. FURS CLEANED. REPAIRED*® PACKED

MOTHYLEWE had been find <«» while oat lokring far ■ stray borsu and had rvochcd *li*lt*-r Pi die an Ivor befusw oar arrivaL 11.vl the Indian- pu-h.d f-^ward and atla.-k sd they would haw had auray nct<cy. tml having no Umr that th- »tan m would t— rv a-aforced daring the night they d<<rided to wait until m-xt morn- ing. There hivl been an >tha r Matlm ban*!. Imt early in the ni<atiing, on known ui the w<itu»n and her wnundeal uoeband. ho had mounta-l <m* of the Bona and fled frw his life, though it was suLacqurntly ascertain*-! that be waa oaptun-1 sUnl srvaoi uiikw away •nd put to death by bet are. W* had. then, when w* came to talk sf defaxig-. f.rnr wildirr*, a woondid at an and a woman to beat off a hun- dred blood thirsty Indians. We k/t - rot the man ai«l the wiauau In our coam. and as the dawn began toeiuaporur the plains aim punier ubjecto disttugm-h- able we lookr.1 about to •*.« what cmld d*aie w.. had talke.1 with Uh<

Upholstering and Jlattress Making.



F*r* S1QK4 at Ue lo* Rat. of FOUR PER CENT. Gannami left for Repair During tea SUMMER MONTHS will be Stored free of CDarge.


(Suoccaaou to Jon Btnxxm.) ils, Vaults, etc., Cleaned.

25 Per Cart. Cheaper

Why pay more WHEN TOD CAN BUY AT FULPEBS ad that ha do no new* popular thing Jnrt ...o* than U» have th* an nouno mout ni*li- at the Eintoddfod of hi- intmtion toj have hi- boy taught the We2*h lafi.-u-gv. Th* W. L-h people hare l-«jg felt aggri-* -I that not a sin- gl* meniW ,4 ||,* r«iyal family has tak- en the trouble to learn their language, although all of them can talk in such relatively unintportant tongue* aa Eng- lish. Herman and French, and the queen h*vwlf haa mastered the myatcrire of nind.—taiK*>. AtUe a rwiw Library.

New Potatoes, per bushel Beel Elglo C rean ery Buuer, per I Extra Fat Ylas-kentl, each Ail Klnda efTeeg, 3 iba. lor... Powdere<] * Save Money

Soger, per lb.^e FRESH VECETABI

at lowest prices. «*-Oq Sefenlej eech |»rrhe«r *o the emonot of gl reteire e awful preeenc MAKE NO MISTAKE IX TH* NAME.

We knew that be waa almost helping mix imuam* ’ and lying on a t*-t <if blanket*. *•»! boo*- an<l tho haystark* Luckily foe Imlgiug from lvr Uai*w I at U*»l br!lev,*1 qm. tho wied .-haugvrt and swept the xer to la ■ faint hearted woman who smoke ami sni. ll .iut m the plain aa the i*»>uJjJ -rrmm ai the report'yf antic, fir* rag-<i f<»several hour-, andlb*«*kc rtv cum* .-it to n- aa w* were ptering from th.' rousting tvrm wax t.rrihly •bout, and w* fond h.T U> b* a -wr*t string Long *-n .ugh lirfara the rod- ia»*l w-aoan not over 25 year* of age. skins mail* aii'Kher move Joe had been Joe Harj-r. aa I may tell you. While mad- a* comfjrtabl- as powiblc nnd>-r a-rvlng as a rtagv driver, was Jet a nun. the (-Irvuinstauoiw By th* abl of blank- if good family and rslucatioo. T.V11 <U and era kcr buses *• pruppisl him nimage was a bit of a rsnanc. and op at a p.rth«.l*. and now that wo had lad taken plaru uuly a f*w nmtlu U- »> riOsw t*. blare i*v with tlsre was Sue*. so. fear that twlcw a. many Indians "Now. mm," began the little worn- could drive o» nut It was an h-sir after ui in a bn*k way. "there s but on* n.-ui t*for- tls y drvrUrprd their plan. Jiing to be dosm We can’t fight tb* Th.-v ha<l Uvn n-mfumed until they In.tians frmi the sodh-u—<» stable. W- Barab-ml IIS B.>uotod am, Keilly's muse they’ll set fir* to tin- bayssacks »hv was the only ore- cf tha 10 -latinos ih.-y inti thing and bum everythn>g up ha.1 n.g nH destxoyed. and tb«7 wer* tV* must take to the dugout Sergeant, dmperatolj dvC*mm»«vl that it «h<»uld rvu and one of your rum carry J<a- over not rarap.- thclu. They <xmM «ii< bum Jwre. and the othei* will fill the water us <*t, sad the kf*IU were bullet proof, nml and help m- to g*t the to-L W. I mean that they Vnl.l ** bom a. .ml ansi work fart, ha the Indians will ak by retting fire to ihk r*«f ca sid^. but rek within an hoar. " tlwre w. re the d.« ahd its frame. Tha Hbe U*<k mmmaDd so naturally and door could stand lucahu^ ballets, but ih* was mo oool and quiet in giving he* d.w» and fratu* mo-t 1 «tm If fliu was «*» that re.uooerai looked sorprfd pl*c^| against them Tb«. were two When I went Into the smlhoare with orrth.»lre ,« a snbv Lug. urh brf<r*

(•agar excrpied) viD SOUTH SECOND ST. PLAINFIELD, N J P 0. B0I3II*.

— — w time in the cellars and dungeons of the famous Kremlin at Moscow for the li- brary at Ivan the Terrible, which, it is heln-rcd. has tarn hidden somewhere in' the gnat bulldog since 1»?U The 11 Wary, U is sai.l contain*OBtauuoly val- uabl.< tlreek and Latin manuscripts,- which pa—1 from the bands cf the By- zantine emp>runi to those of the exars. It is believed that the manuscript*. If disoresred. will clsar np many dark aigl uncertain nasswgrs .f hisUgy





call ap A. 0. l«,l, or Muager Frink D«j, be Teler Diamonda ROANE’S Watches

R. W. RICE A CO. *8, dfiy ana Friday this week.

Put.yonr head on ice And deliberate cooly. Don't sweat and stew this matter of shoeing. Come in and let us lit We’ll do the sweating.


Ac. Land for is



R. J. SHAW, Phosphates of Oranges. Lemons. Raspberries and Grapes at

xL 1. COYNE, Merchant tailor

Page 7: Y y, · Q Pages vol-lll PI.AINPIKI.D N. \k 8ATukli*Y. AUGUS T 4. (8»4. MORE BOROUGH IMPROVEMENTS *MQ T*Y ARt AW WHUU TKY A« Ukr° > Ainl

; _reported Mtmpltani to

w l t " whuwwto fnl<tf"cp(

"if they find onr tfaratfc iotalent Bftba as. they'll be 10

MM tfittSa ben ," aba said bnsfdfyif w«-re not gone—oderis, d«u. 1

drink at • little nroddy poolreeds, though their lips sad tbroata•o pareberf and swolles by this ttnwthat daring the period of waiting tbejbad hardly been able e r a to whisper aword to

Mm Clare, with pi*»t dfmctton.

Mr plnngMl' Iwr hot fees deep into the

when she bad slaked ber thirst ed a,€bo«sand times in•o the full lertnt f.«Tn»

| "Lave me alone. It's got to last a* ' Dice she met atill f get back." >•< I fare to fact, who Mopped bo- and gave

"Back! Where?" Mrs. Clare askad, ' ber acme "chnppanies" {coarse mealI but was abashed by the. rrp'y. I cakef) and a drink of: "Shore, an is it Jave me child fa : warded ber earnestly again*I good I'd be .:-[«:•" to the town, signifying, by: O*-rtn«le bont into tears, Ber Ions well as word*, tbe fat« which had befall-

ing iit bad confused her. and abe , en I*r frier.ds there. She .to and drankreproached hertclf bitterly. ravenously of what he gmve, tint only

I- "All. bow could I let yon! And yon shook her bead at his advice sad hasten-whom I've often looked down on! Why , ed on. The Parsee went hi* way, shak-didn't yon leave me instead?" ing Ushead. Evidently the i*.»>r worn-

"Ye're a woman yersei'," s*id Mary an had been driven mad by tBe slangh-ly. "An could ye be aftber lavin terta" those belonging to bet. and h«

AHtn. J J. VIM tart. IS * H rlaiafte d (uJtn^srii-iiiA^XisrvaaiV

iiVBiaiilUrt •K*z""~i''^::--—

l«k dirtl.? A. to the boy, actah- UnueU by rrjing tog AM'then

itsin. »«»»««»

'Shorn, an aren't tbs —f'T •afther enterin the depot, an onr sol- 1•ti.Ti. drugged aforehsnd, an no shot 'fired to stay thim! Hark to thim, dearl ;rhere's a cry! Onh, bnrry, aa ye'ra a 'livjc woman I Tbere'li not be w n alivean hour blnce, nor wa aither if we'rem.t Rone from oeraT"

"The srpoys bcre?" stammered Mrs.Clare. "Do JOB mean out battalion ha*

"An bare let li

altfi. AMI ttf « n M VMD t

flaooapleofnundhred , 0

ntho t 1 stumbled

*™Ths mtimPIrt marched out to Fntter- h i m hacked thruo an thru* Shore, antobadsTh^rterore-wiAiire.hwln, *?!"* £??* TV *" niTer " ^f , ,„,. „ I ' , . , , | M I I * p-,ldi«rs' wlva, « " Iffotbere. for I knew 'twas 1n yer

l ,i iMrYii uii.1 ihr •nviliuus, an Eng- **& ye were, an none topnrtfect ye."T »<v\"< aTl I-> m-n to wwawe p, " "Thank yon. » said Sfrs. CUro faint-twI,., l l,,.1r...[*.al*'.thUyonugwiftiof4J. ii"d J W P*1P. but still holding

powering bfafc dm """* ""---"- 'Kj4wcf TTr.' 'I& Mm n,,f health ' I " "

galfiw f'.r ill-' Invalid,Tli.'. Iti rw ilip-liiul failed into evening

•I fast, iii>' evening of thu day nftur theAppitrlnrv of. tliu tr'xips, and -Mrs. Clare].,v on Ji. t orach. II»T ayuh squatted ontho tl'->t tM'hirlo lit'/, with her infant inher anus, anri the imiikah waring withmuailUjHira* ragiilaiir* ov*» bar hood asIt was ' • i to mill fru by a servantMtod In Hi.' veranda Ovlatna ThecrraiLiii« of tbofr>Ji,f> i-onld bo lii'urd dis-tinctly frum the i««>l hi tlio dmi-nedgordeli i-l.iw, mingling with tbo nbarp"dteep .liii'p" of tbe-Usatdl and anoccasional murmur from tlio eauton-mentor the shrill - ' tarn" 'if tlie.buglel,ir »Oppcr, but it was not to theno con-bomary Mnndf that Mrs. Clan was lis-UiuiuK iw KIIO li-amil ratlier" forward on

"Waal can it I*-?" the said at last."Don't you hoar it. Zivna? Can it betbe With returning?"

•The ni-in Hululi i* Zownah-ar mmutg ut all, ami tbe suliib Clareau'l iU' rtixlli mil g» to tuma back till

m bark In _He alive, and if not I—I w(

"Die, is it?" criod Mary <:

oza tbe other sid« *owi_. _. . _know where wr can hide, an they'll notbe fijlkrin fnr fearo1 bein cutoff by onrmen. Only kape tip yer heart, for thelove <.' God, an thry.'

"I will do my best," answered Mrs.Clare, "bnt if I drop, leave me. It willnot be yonr fault, and 1 shall not mfferlong."

Mary said nothing, but squeeied tbeslim, white hand in her brown andhomy one, and then only waitinglift tbe mercifully sleeping childrenthey resumed their flight

But before they had reached thefarth<7r extremity of the cornfield Mrs.

napped of h ^ » 3n accord, war


yer child's brains dashed ont on thestoops, as Hi. y did will the chil.ih, r atMoerot? Miwis. I'm flTin for Jim's sakean inf boy's bt-re, an I'm not goin wid-Ont yoa, for the captain's bec-n grtod ankilid to Jim. Come, ma'am, burrylTe l l walk betthcr yenel' tlian tf yo\vi.r*' *[mi to a ifnn an dnven. nere.

honW o' that i^iawl while I rowlilder together. I'll cairy thenx


o6mpari*on*s sTrTngTh Ewl "v" nlglicome to an end. A new idea seized her,and taking ofl i;> r clonk she succeededIn strapping the infants onto her back,then making Ura. Clare take her armled her on. cheering the sinking woman

whistn hill v

aluire yerer breath. This way— 3 1 " ,

"Ilul « . .iliHin bHlny,sago, t'nuld

Cr'tlTa.''-"• T h a t " w

ifn.l' i,. I,thiro

Uilng !


ho am

avo hi-ard fromhim bufti uo moa-sav« hupp-iied tc

•g near me thiaa Smyth, aa sheaoaa, yon mual

llble enough in-L cry fr.mi th<' cantoni

g"t»twenn n •bt iekand n RboDt,ondiweil by a cuifniu-d buin of mtuiy

Tbo'will of the Irish" girl was para-mount today, and tho Imly followed,with the meekness of a child, in herttXMttffp*.

The eaflt^rn f=ky \ras red as blood fromthy bluing rwif of ht*r oyrn bonse in theofllriTH1 qoartera, and in that scarletlight Mrs. Clare could see the hill-i>l<<amlythtt "walbi of the cantonment flnttoilover with black flgnres, while tho wholeHir seemed alive and quivering with aturmoil of shrieks, crifes and yells ofagony or triumph.

One look was nnfP-ipnt, ann then, asthe whole history of their successfultrtacbfiT burnt ou her mind, GertrudeClare cowered closer to the side of theIrish girl whose very existence she hodhiih. rtn so loftily ipioml anil clung toJi'T murmuring: " \ \ e shall Lever ea-oappl What b..pc is there for as?"

'•Lavobonldan folthrne fur yr ," Mary muttered inn-ip-itise a* cbe dived into a dpnaethicket of prickly prar and Jungle grasa,tramping a path in front with her strong(»•[ anil luaving many a frogmpnt ofher rainrod garmeuta. many a streak of

• Rot rtruntc — mad,"tli.. thu , yet


blm-k note."•'It i* ncw

inuV ZecrtfiKnn

Zeena, give nie "JKI baby andrun Up 'o thu rjJiloiiiin-Iit ainl *-ewhat it is anil ask M n Smyth tocome W k and staj the night with an.Miikn hnnw -run." Ami <u> tlte lailyclnppi-i! li-r bands tmpadentlj ZotmaniKt< with (he Kil< NI ilix-ilirj- ••/ IXT clasa.and only vraitiiiK 10 lay (lie lufaut bytin tn-iih.T IUI<1 pitfiH a tunibl.T of cocil-

unch to disturb the snftdy,brown -kinncd 8 mouths baby or thetiny infant of uparcti twice as manyilny*. which she carried so tenderly aoIwr right ami.

(>n aurt on, tearing their feet andhand* «tc>,)pin(r their hrofU low, pray-Inp imrardly t)w> whole rime, theystraggled fur half an bonr. treadingthpir way at random throngh tbe scrub,only trying fur the time to put HO muchmore -[•(.-• lretM7een them and their foea;on aurt on, the Iriflli girl walkiiiR with

tie treiwl of one well cwd

tlm low, a

iitw plail

j.,! lUmrway n

anility 1D-

ita fur theK, aud that

" " ' ' •rch; the 1

in. RRwt Bitdteroail wna iiiilug " i at. uautonnenl was inont aii'lmurO evi-nt. tin.'i. a ahrlH 'ty mw fauit'y intoa nlr; torn oanu ilia utmrp i-laiig of aII ii. imhfamly -ui^.r, —;i. and yi-t no

r druigiT or t» beraulf

slacker mid more aucrrtain, until theyrpnclnil tbo outskirts of the wood andfound themselves on tlto edge of a largefield of Indian corn, e.vrrlng the snin-oiit of UM I.IW bill wb<To thry (toad.Then, a» Mary otoopad1 lower with berbonh'u, that l».r head niiRht ncit uliowatnive tlio tall gri»ii stalks tlinmiihwhich «)IP nlkiut to muko )icr way,

O n1 c do n

w, but every stepwan a mnmut**, every breath a prayer,and they had gained such a little dis-tance.

Suddenly Mrs. Clare reeled, and tbehold on Mary's arm gave way. The redspots nn her cheeks had died out, and amortal pallor wu there instead.

"Mary, " she said, every breath com-ing with a moon, "leave me now, Icommand yon. you've dona your beet,God blefes you. Go, take your child andgive mo mine. It could not live longwithout me, and I can go no farther—

And looking in her face Mnrr Kir-wan saw it was true. What was to bedone? For a moimnt she stood still andmate; then a scarlet color mailed IntoJn r cheeks, and she fell on her kneca."O Lord Christ, I see away, but it'shard. hard. Help me to do it, for there'sDO other at all."

It was a moment's prayer, and nosooner uttcml than she rose, undid thechildren from her back, handed Mrs.

.jClare her m t , and tenderly wrapping

. up the other in her cloak darted awaywith It among the cornstalks without aword.

When she came back, her arms wereempty, and her face wa.1 white as death.

"Mary I" cried the English mother,"where Is it? What have yon done withit—yonr child?"

"I've put itdown,"ber lipsqniver-Ingas she raised the other. "Maybethey'll not be afther seein him (for it'sin a bole he in among the corn) widouthe cri<*. an he'll not do that, the darlin,when I've nursed him bnt tbe now anwrapped him up warm to slape."

"But, Mary—myGodl 'What do youmean'r"

"Mane! Shnre, that I can"t carry yonan the childhet, too," said Mary sim-ply, "sji it's tbruti ye ran"t walk any"further. Och, don't be ttlkin, bnt honldyer own tight while I lift ye. Shure, it'«not tho featherweight ye are. Don't betalkin. I fay," choking with an al-mci«t Ccrt-e authority tho resistancewhich -Mi'- (lore world fain have of-fered as sho was lifted from the ground."But :•• yrr never ai"i the mother o'God to prtir fur yo an yourn, as ye're amother ywnel', ai h(* now for me."

And mi Kho strorlo as she *|Hike, walk-ing for mom swiftly now under her^mrden than when the had to accommo-date h^r nt<'i* tn the fragile creative 1-"hiud h.T, tli.mirh BOW and then a sob(,(,.]. t i . : • . ' » - lii.r. iKiiiiK tho heart

l i -f • !'• woman she carried.Yft It wa* n..i tho weight which

dtitrawvd her. It was tho mother'sheart in hit. flKiittnff and breakingfor tbnt utanly, 1FT.>WTI alclnnod in-font whom evrry «<'P P»t farthtv andfarthiT sway tnno hot, and still shebnrried on more swiftly ft,r the agonyIn ber mind, umierimes tunning, »anie-tiiops stumbling, somrilmm nratly fall-ing, nev.r dnring to panm or lift betben/1 ••nee lor a alnglo bMlh.

Mary f. it sure that could she onlyreach a sbcltar she knew of—namely,an in;- !• i,' tomb balf hidden amongJnnglo^idciwpers in a thicket — ....rlvtt, anil which, though once oftenmwl OH a nlri'ping place by tramp*, fa-kirs ami smoKglers, had by »oni« acd-

on. Haimore," and linking do«ni fniiitM awayat her btinilib' fri<'inV* fve& At tin? iMMBAII tba lottir'n baby, nrakoMd l<yUwawUaa ibcwkat tlH'fallniK boiiy,u]> a ]iit<viiw wail.

Half t- -i !•• )M I - if. Maryfenra, hiwhliiR II.T lialiy to her l.rnsrtwith oni! hand, whllowith th« othtTshekocaanwl tha fulntinKwnmnn'ndress bar fiui' upward thut llit> niwbiair might ri'fnwh (W.

a drop of water livixr to moisten tb.0hi- iiln ri.ii blnck and T1"''" '• ' "' Jl(l"or a brlrf whJI* whrn b.-r child, bringfed andanofhod, hwl filipn anlnip again.sho laiii botti •'il- n <!• AVU by Mrs. Ctar*and cn'pt ha bet hiiiuU oiul ktiwK to alittle eminence, where •>)>« eooM havoa view of Mi- -.r •ammntliug*.

Poor Oatmdel She WB» ronsed fromhet mcrriful stnpor by sororthing sharpand Mluginft. and opening her eyea sawMary l.iuiing over with a branch of• •••;:•• thorny plant in her band, but no*

of bnrrnr ->n tne gtri s lace. uran im•ToUe* me—sol' tho latter whisper- : from Sot! i -

ed. and crawling behind her (1. rtroilo • And she did. As the eastern sky flush- route by the body of mutineer*, came to a point where, peeping through ed into a delicate rose color, tinting patched for thatl purpose, who, bythe sheltering stack of the Indian com, earth and elond with an ineffable opa-' baraaBtng and then leadiog themthey could M tbe valley beneath. They line glory, b.-r sore and weary feet parsuit, hart, the lost of n

i, with a snnbnmod. tno- ^ «he«w live armed figures, their black took the bt"wn hands, to which she heat atI face, hnng round with tangled fa^s and while torbana plainly discern- owed her life, in her lit!

reddish elf locks and lit by a pair of lble i n t h e pnn, irhite light asUnghinR blue < ea, bare arm* hugging - - - - -BtMMainf Uko a dingy bundle^of rag*to 1.. r hstim, henielf clad in similarrags of divers hot.*, badly covered by anold plaiil cloak, thrust herself into Mrs. - l M , _ .Clare's dainty presence—tbe girl tuck- flpon u,e wnamed "Irish Mary," wife of a soldier \ J » „ thein the Sirth and a kind of self conatt- ™*^tuted sutler to tb* corps _

She seemed beside betself BOW, for ^ ^ ^ i , . , abont tn search of•fter a panae for breath s b s d a t M * . Man's band sJos«4 « !t»

in words, "wasn't it betther mist from before ber eyes, aieto lave him awhile, an be alaping like ber knof« in the maiie fle)d, and Inmangel in me ould cloak, that's for , front r* her was the very hole where theahil tbe worM tbe color o' tbe groun? had laid ber infant with tbe rusty plaidShure, I tuk him to the font roeseii cloak cromplBd onthe edge of it.afore i w we left Calcntta, as is more ; Bat the child?than IV.T ye've been oftber doin for Pflr » moment an awful devoir seizedyours, I'll be bound, the purly wee ' her, ami a cry broke from IKT lips, aocraythori So I'd the clans right to say shrill and unearthly that it soared awayto onr blessed Lord, fit's yo be belong! a conplo of vultures who were boreringto now, so take car* of him till I'm | lowirfier somethinga yard pr two dis-Oomin back, for it's dKaelf is takin care ' tan', A little cooing, gurgling note ofof a poor unbtfavin aWl for ye, • I said, pleasure answered, and turning she a»w•n whece ivonld that he el I didn'fT" ! a rodnd, rosy face among ihecornstaiks

"Bat Mary. Maryidcar," cried Mrs. andjapair of fat hands and sated dim-Clare, weeping more freely for tbo girl's pletffeet trying, by stretch infrand crawl-sitnplicity and confidence, "don't go ing, to get at tbe mother who had leftnew. It will be only throwing away , it. jyour own life, and if they have disoov- I Tfhen Captain Clare, accompanied byered him—oh, pleane God, they have , four; of his men, entered th* same fieldnot*—it will be too late, too late to «are. < in search of his wife's preserver, theyDon't Mary! The Sixth will be bete a ! fonad Mary quietly seatori on thefew hoars hence, anfl tlicu we will go' groind, ntmiDg her baby, and tbe ring-back together under good gnard and 'search frrr him, and he shall never wantfor anything again ff I can help it, oryon either. Only stay!"

Bat Mary shook her rough head dog-gw«y- ! ,

"I could thrust him above to help mewhen I was thryfn {to help him,"i>h»•aid, "bntef 'twas Carin for meee'f Iwas—*n shnre anyhow is it I could sith a t an me purty,: bright eyed boy.Jim's one bairn, tugging at me heart-strings a' tbe while?"

And yet It Was v.ith a stern, beauti-ful patience that she delayed another10 minutes -to reed Mn. Clare's tiny In-fant, -which bad nakened, cryingwithahunger which was no longer warded offby raptd movement, au3 wnlch Ita pooryoung mother bad nb power to relieve*Then, bet work of , charity completed,tbe private's wife gave the babe back toits mother, ami cautioning the latter tokeep well within shelter till she sawrelief at hand anrt undaunted by thegrowing beat of the sun, ber terriblefatigue and bleediag feet, nn troubledeven by the almost certain prospect ofdiscovery, she salliotl forth on the returnsearch for her chi*4.

Left alone, the hours passed wearilywith tbe officer's wife. She was wornout with fatigue mid agitation. Shewas faint with hunger, and do what abewould ber child wailed and fretted.

The hours wore on. Tbs son rosehigher and higher till the low entranceto the rain glowed lite s yellow mouthof a furnace The child, tired with cry-ing, fell asleep again, and she herselfwas resting in a sent of balf slumber ofexhaustion when a' noise from withoutstartled ber Into a sitting position, herheart sick with tctrror. There was atramp of bonet' feet and the regulartramp of many men comingnpthe road.

Was it the Sixth, or was it the partyof mutineers which had separated fromIbeir fellows?

If It were tbe former, and abe re-mained In hi-r hiding place, they mightpass ou and leave her to perish of hnn-get and weakness. Tf the latter, andshe were to show1 herself, God onlycould foresee her fate in it* full horror.And the tramp, tramp, came nearer andoaarer. She conld,hear tbe rourmnr ofToioe* and onti-h no+r snd then tbe gleamof D I M among the! trees which hid the

Tho sucpeRse brcamo Intolerable.Laying her child gently In a dark cor-ner, sho crawled to the entrance andlooked out. A i' •!. of troops werepawing, had alm4t passed. She couldsee tlu> K-nrlct niilf..riin of the Sixthand the Hootch csp> and gray Jacket* ofCaptain Donaldson's im-n. She couldalmost hear th* WT('« of the soldier*as at quick mareli nnd in doubl.they passed along", their Merely venge-ful fsoea telling of the bard work tinyhod I*-en n*o*iip. Oio work they wereabout to do, mid y< t. whvn she tried tocall to I!H :n. I.' r tongue clore to hermonth, a miat rmie before her eyes, andwith a faint cry she sanMsce foremost,on the ground.

When she reooVerpd, she was in herhatband's arms, and his graceful tearswere on her lace., Little did that youngc-ffloer, wbo had Ueard of the attack on

D*iri».Joiiaib*i, M ft. i l b i n n u~- IV i hiid Mrs r . . .

Flrmt-r. ^Al-nti r .n .1 , H. ^ r r,..iT *l --Fl*h> r. EM At) am. h J, i. • ' n. M w

IllirJ > r W . -•—.•—;;.•-_-;-i:—_-.• —

ing'cheer which greeted the sight mightba<re 'shown her how her heroism wasappreciated by these brare, niggedhearts. She hardly heeded It, bnt Just

1 Btaed-np, dropping her courtesy to the•fflccr. and then looked round at theOthers.

"An Where's my Jim at 411?"There wns no immediate Rutwer. Tbe

men did not eeem to hear.umd CaptainClare began thanking ber in an agitatedw ^ for all that she had done, and urg-ing her to hasten with him' to the car-

i nape at the loot of the hil*,'/wbere Mrs.Clare was waiting for her/ which wasto take them both under a strong guardto Busi and thence as soon at possible toCalcutta. Mary courtedied again.

!*Thank ye, six. It's verytgood ye areto IQ* »-ni I'm not wantin/ to lave mehi^band, thr.n;h It's not 'on thestiengtb'I sm. Shure, I ' l t go down tohipi the now, since he's .no mind tocome up to me. Maybe, though, be'no* got lave to fall tthat."

The last words «••her eager, eiciti^ blioncer's kindly face. \ 017 gently netopk- her arm.

"Coma to the carriage first, Mary,airway. Mrs, Cluro wants .-to—to speakto you. My good girl, my brare girl,y<iu're not going to givo way now I"

;"I> It kilt he la?" she asked hoarsely.Slid then, before any reply could Ugtvf-n save ttie'mnte answer of tba eyea,the child fell from bet amts, she toeledkti'l'li'iiiy and dropped, a scnseleM,enim-pled heap, at the c. ,J..I.I imti r - fuel.

- When Mary recovered frtnn tho shockOfcanioned by her husband's doath, shespoconpaniMl Mrs. Ctareito England

I iui'l was ever ;if><-r her aonstant com-IKti.i. n The two boys^bocame fast.

I i>i- n'K and when yotu^f Kyle—Mary'i1 !»JT—imw to man's estate Mrs. Clanj bjui him mtabllibed in n small busli

(or, as she said, "she coald nevowaagh for the son of th* woman whohnd so generously saved i e r life."—Catkolio Elome Ah — "

e, t u g h ,' the ranks for

said piteonaly,l i f d h


A TlBB l i t In.).. . I fnc,Tbe Hercules beetle (fynsstea her-

of the largest^ if not reallyknown species hf thecoleop-

beetle I

expect to Me hi, wile . U Y , todThe 9l,tb h-d i . d « i ».« U d » •I-OTB. «,,tl,«n uid hvl been

OPEN.H. hAHD, Proprietor|

Charle^M. Wilson,


aiid H B M a>[ ooveied bead. SbiTbad lost a ahoe, anddoor again and again sbe ponrsd thanks and; bca- feet

re- blessings onthrough the gardenwhich the two

y pHark!" Mary wnijipered, and

tba handkemhiefa qnjte damph»rs the anrraceof tbe mirrormaking h « sick and giddy, and as tbe

n n grew hotter and honor a spades ofdeHrto.eemedto.eta.heT. Sb» s«w

wind the faint cry ofKaaiW found that thalr


«DdTlBw*™llif'isi"li»"'fi"a«iiit"w•n1S'i?Uu1ir* v r'liWk'H,I'wstiiin,sia™"t'wi' iC v i."«tt.' "iii" w'4 r " r j T;ib*iVv'u";wft:«»«iwarrts??T.(KSrv'lVw uTtiiw'w


. . jT"S^ .u« A." v y,' ait ('•'.• "iw v « •:

LanUiinM'H;'*Y.S-K ii F i e J mL, • tt.r'l. Win J. r 1 awl •, ui 11 A. 13M

Lei>n»r<l HiVc &Tn«Sd"., of Ii A. 1

Leonard" An"™"!, briesTflpk i* 'it.' I

Loumu A'itl'JtT'v"iT'lCB "ft | " » -* ' *lt f-lVUE

La'tnil?*Jticri'i'iiL'aw'ii! snd'i'ie'w 'ii

Loouuklltce. h li l.iwVt Wlj p.-aoestl

Vl"n'i'i' ,.•. r-r li1. ii.^l.'.l'lBrlfl. Il^A, U

- • • • I ( | . . J , - i : , , . - , | .

hnmi, Xis. . . V

Noel, Vri'.""."J.


OwCun.i\"j\ "j


M£'sa,'r1na> " *

m ISr:i,"» KVrscd; " " •

; swiina'stree'". 4 *

ild*)- of June, l . D .







IRISH MARY! CITY OF PLAWFIELU ■ tto early A*7* •* *he ■'T°7 ibi) the n-roll bad alrtadj b» rr> Fcrterbatod. a emaJJ jpr»r-

;.4 ...uj,t««l »«y of to*. otmVt Cap- Liam. though bet llii. two day* b» l.-c-Wk arrived h a ikx« fn«u tb* tto iwlghbortng uc-Catdain Don- • -poyuttoru tod



•lore Inr «« left Cplcella. u ia more I>«1 Urn child? j CiuftTf LtL than Iver y*-r© toen aftber doln for F^r a —1 an awful de^air aeiued •tnu*. - .... ytmra. I’ll 1* bound. tto Party wee her. and a cry broke fro®, brr lipa, ao ***•"" M- * * rrarthop' Po I’d the Harts right to aay ahrlll and unearthly that it soared away tot A."s"fe to nor Menard Ixrd. It's ye he belongs • «*ple ol vulture* who wnr hovering MS'ffTil to now. an taka car® of him till I'm lowtoue* -nothin* a yard Or two dis .,^. 7 Com la back, for it'a meaelf la taktn care tan*. A little cooing. gurgling note of ' L of a poor oabrlarln ^»wl for ye. • I said. plcaanr® answered, and turning aha saw Ds«.u«. w AUm an where wnoJd that be rf I didn't?" a rutmd. may face toirni the rarnatalka »«< "Bnt Mary. Mary dror." cried Mr*, and a pair of fat hand, and asked dim- tfwnSSJ are. Clare, wwping more freely for the firl'i pMfeet trying, by stretch Ing-uad crawl- Mmpllrtty and confideooe. -don’t go In*, to get a* the nodwwko had laft * TsirJwiute now. It will be only (hmeing away it , ( Field. Mr. v 1.10 It. yoor own life, and if they hare diacov- When Captain Clan, accompanied by wed him—oh. plrwM <iod. they hare tern of hi. mm, entered the uim told r.iricfc. tx*l—It will be too late, too late to aara l» aaarch cd bla wife'* pugtrver. they Don't. Mary! The Rirfb wlJJ be here a fooud Mary quietly mitf on the few boom hence, and then We will go ground, naming her baby, and the ring- bark together under good guard and ;

Rut Mary shook her rough bead dog- ”1 coaid threat him abore to help me Tffc>& \ wWw I waa (kryla to help him." aha TfllK- ' •aid. "but cf twaa carln for mroelf 1 MVwjvtli Y, waa—-an shore anyhow la It 1 coaid alt

fol patience that delayed another 10 mlDofor to feed Mr* Clam a tiny In- TZ^ hunger which waa no koger warded off * by KiW moTcnicnt. and TOIch lie po» lgj^W young mother bad no power to roller* * 1 ^g'1^ t» Then, bet work of charity completed. the private's wife gare the babe back to _ . . j |ta mother, and cautioning the latter to u u kM ^ ^ oAed Aoorsrly. keep well within shelter til] abe aaw log ehs*r which greeted the tight might relief at hand and undaunted by the bare shown brr bow her heroism waa growing heal cf the nan. her terrible appreciated by thoae bra*a. ragged t-uinala arr- fatigue and bleedihg feet. Untroubled heart* She hardly heeded It. Mit Just fcuiB1.. eeen by the rlmoat certain prospect of atood.op. dropping her rourtroy to the , dlaorwrry, ahe aallied forth an the return e«cvr. and then looked round at the rJinaotT. waroh for her chHA( otimr* tomjK E-am J Left alone, the flmro peaaed wearily "An where'a my Jim at *11?" |w5?!^a with the offlrar'a wife. She waa wren | Tbcrr waa no immedJatojgwwrr. The *«*2d •*•?« oat with fatigue and agitation. Khe m« did not aeem to hrar.Wl Captain ESafiTH.Tr, warn faint with hunger, and do what ahe Clare begun thanking brr In an agitated •,'erV.^>' would her child walled and ftrttrd. *r*T tor all that abe bad dc«c. and urg- fcr75ji« wrom Tba bouru war® on. Tb® ran raoe Ing brr to haatm with him to the car- —mb A. higher and blgber till the low entrance rlage M the font of the hill, where Mm UmSm M M. to the rain glowed like a yellow mouth Clira waa wnlting for her. which waa u.mxd w« J of ■ furnace Tba cfclld. tiled with cry- to t*** them both under a *rong guard »|iV Ing. fell aaleep again, and abe heroelf to Rati and theo«w aa aooo aa pnatible to m no waa rearing in a aort of half alumber of Calcutta. Mary courtroied again- t#°?»r.*w exhaustion when a nefae from without !Thank ye. sir. It's eery- good ye are , ■tartled her Into a tilting position, ba ton* Si I’m not wmntln to laee me UMSS^n^XJ heart tick with terror. There waa a htotoad, Mtongh It'a net *on the towStaBml tramp of Ixauea' fret and the rognlar ataerwth' I am. Bhnre. I'll go down to h..« tramp of many rom oruning op the rtmd. him tbs now, since b*'« no mind to Waa it the Bixth. or was it the party crone up to me. Maybe, though, be'a UM£l£JUa?’ of nntlwen which had separated from nc* got lare to fall out o’ the ranks for bw«i. * Hiee.’;

wtlltolwrk il.if-.lvm?. ,,,. if ha b°rl*T <Mt*' *nd lh™ W»1Un* to rh,id~

tinah ii', bru?wT ?,».b.»pui.,o«. yrr-1!-” * to • lo Iba Ha.V h^thnu. „ “• “w W»« “?*“ '»* j-r rMW. brelm onl ... lire oorep^.1,®'. rtrtiin, U3 V,TI il61, atonra. aa th*-y did wld tim rkildhi-r at enro* to an cud. A new Idea w ired her. Meerut? Miatia. I'm Pyinfrc Jim * sake and taking <41 brr cloak abe aurcaMled an me toy's tore, an I'm not goto wid- |n errapping the infanU < bor beck. «i* too. t-a the captain . b~-n good an tton making Mr* flare take bet arm klml to Jim. tome, ma'am, hurry! led her on. rhereing tbe tinklng woman Ve'll walk heritor ycrocl' than 1/ ye r.t-ry now nnd tton with an nicoww. wrm tied to a gun on drlrrn. Hem |Dg whlaprr Uke hould o’ that ahawl while I rowl It was dirom hill now. but errry step the childrr tfgrtb.-r. I'll carry them, wan a ■tumble, t-rery brewth a prayer, an y„u kepe clone to me. an don't spake and they bad gainwl such a little die- atore yer brralh. This way—uof". Uncr. Tto will of the Irish girl was para- Suddenly Mm Clare reeled, and the m'*aM* today, and the lady followed, hold on Mary's arm g*TC way The red with the mrekucue of a child, in Let spots on tor cbn-ka had dl*d out. and a foiK-V*p* mortal pallor «w there inatrad. Tto .ky waa rwl aa blood from "Mary. " abe iwld. r^ry br^eth ocan the fluxing r«j<if eg torown bouse in tto Ing with a moan, "leave me now. 1 offlcwV quarters, and In that ecarlrt commnod jou. l'ou 're done your beet, light Mm Clare cvuld see tbe hllUlde Gcd bl«*a you. take your child and antl^ihe wall, of the cantonment dotted giro me mina It could not ll»ft long or.* with Mark flguna. while the whole without mu. and 1 can go no farther— •Ir seemed allre and quircrlng with a not on. Mrji'' turmoil of tiirlt-ka, ertea and yell* of And looking in tor face Mary Kir* ag'SiT or triumph wan aaw It waa troo. What waa to be Oue look wa« suff-letit, and then, aa d<*ie» F<«e a moment »to atoud still and tto whole history ..f ttotr »ocx»rofal niutr; then a scarlet color ruahed into treartory Imrat on tor mind. <*.-rtnul» Jkt ches’ka. and she fell on tor knrra Clgru oowcrvd cloasr to tto aide of tto "O Loci Christ, 1 are a way, but it'a Irish girl whose very m.fence ato had hard. hard. Help ma to do it, far there's hith? ri > so loftily ignored and clnng to no other at alL ” her mormarlni:: "\Ta ahaJJ terrr I* It waa a roorocDt'a prayrr, and no cape! What hope la there f<* oa?" sonner nttcre.1 than ato rcee. undid tbe "Lare hould an fuller me, or It'll he children from tor back, handed Mm

rr<rtu tto dej«< and a ganten thickly u aii l tulip trew. ■f luipruriaul bun-

r.Jn?>. BeraUarui'hkl. ttf^ IWTerrll OaJbruMk. Joki li h CieVl. t* ^ Founii ssSssi 'jtv* in ira to BII<1 fro by a serrajit veranda outtiile. Tto frogs could to luartl dis- pool in tto diwitted iiiluglmg with tto aliarp of Ito l**ar»la ainl an rtnur froan tto canbui- ill "ta ra" «d tto bugle

that Mrs. Clare waa l amd ratlicr'furwartl

ire baa bevn no im*- ng bar® ba|)j.-n«*«l to that! Au-I yet it is ■ near me tbU Miv Huiyth. aa ahe Zactia. you moat FROM PARC AND NORTH



kindly fa 0E0. W. ROCKFELLOW gbltig


. .S*v,Mor y flretaw d (atm). Carpenter and Bulli

17 tiHAMDVIFW AVI, NOKTI PUAUinBLD. and. while with tto other she * fainting w.onan'adrees and far upward that tto night JOBBING AND REPAIR8 X SrXCIALTT. ra There waa nro ,n nlo-l, m • to moisten tha afuuibltn parcb.Nl. but aft- jnfc neve* rtar . . i h.-r child br ing brail <or® for i ___ d. had fallen asleep ■•relu. at Y A ■ k(/| ahe laid bth lairs dosru by Mr* (.lare much a tiirltr mI*’ - Bn and my?! mi her haitda and kurou U> a m auriet.t to VVM ^ W little eminence, where she eouU hara junglwetHlrre. \A« ** Y VI “ ’dew of ttoir •uroum-llng* rir.*, and wfc w V' Ii Pt*r fb-rtrudel t*he wm» rooaed frron aa a alrvp H 1 he* merciful stnpr* by anucthlng sharp fctrs and «msf Bi * ' ^■0* and stinging, and .-j. ulng her ryro aaw dent, myaterita JIaVV J' 0 DO Mary l.wning ver with a branch of tom ' *1*3 . fc" some lb? my plant In tor baml. but not shunned tone-

‘^Cfj rreo the seemingly m»el method nf tot polluted epr* Vr ® rerlrel renllrel 1»T •) mochM U» fact Breluwin .llki gS. of born, <u Uw (M’l f««. Ih«. Oil U» -Tatar me—w>r th. Utter w?*tnwr from . rt, ami crew Unit twhlml bet Ownk Ami ■!» ?»* loti crett. rrew«a u. ortwrf to , ly,lul wbm, p^u^i "'to«gh ritoto . w .5.rLTmw th. •b-lt-titut .tm-k o( tb. lodtut crew, rerelt ukI clot, they tc-ml tat • »mti. m.d oo«lLb. .h—, t.o-.tb Tl,-, 11m. .I<rj. be ..“Cth. cjjlikt. fortUU nf th. HtmW than half . mil-m the NwnbUd bre- o. ItrlM|BPIUu; (WtaI 1™U wlU W|tatolt, amp. I, lV )<*> whld, Ow bml th- fnrntic. Umort clonuj bretm An- d<mM> ^ -fo tbo other to -monk, mid there • cbnw -rf ^ la!u ,< , glob- rf • n? ol thu fremrnl Aire. In U»—. «»7 Don, tattatm. hre-7 Cloth cnruln drepln« Urn krekmd ,o „ MtonI, o.«redo foil Thor wore . dorewv re roorhly Bn, retd-, ud • b|aad A<n hoc roire And Mre C e->n« rank With • renbwro-d. freo- re dm rew floo remed fldnrre, thrtr blnck tank th. bf-n klcd toco, hnnr reond wire tm|IM ■ f,.* uwlwhlu torhmw pUlnlydlwren- tnred hre-life. clJUh -If lock. .0.1 111 hr • twU “ IbU In th« core whit- ll*hl re tho. retn« thmn wl tanihtnn bin- tjjre bnr. nrew h-CTlo* Ihrou[h cbe fredre, u th. doer »nd ■*» rew,.. chine Ilk. . dln«y hnndto.rf i»e iron which th. two women had K1 ta- bUrelng. on hi to hre t.mre. b-reolf clad in dmitar wl hre. ree of llrere hare. bndljcOTtred by re | --Hrekr’ Mncy wbt^wcod. and rere -TO.! No old rl.1.1 Cl.wk. three b-reolf lata ■» w)ft th. wred. th-re crere to Urea Stare if- — <-l»re ■ duotj ptrecoc—re. »t»l tank- re. wind th. tala, cry of bndUd mw fare Urn a nuoat - law, Mrey." wihof-reldlre re. rerettare. food thre three thine pare, a tl U tb. Sure red . kind of taf ooorel- ' red repf Tim arel more-at { Mre'. -Otc, t.M retire to Um awpk to tare, nmhlad Uta th. «i»dre Whk Uofhta* red

lj* alrra.lT WEST SIDE

HOUSE, naatro tor- f not really thacleop-

•he re«v<vered. ahe waa In tor !'* anna, and his grauful Iran tor face. Little did that young BT beetle faml In the United (Pormerlj BtilUlB'i Hotel) HCOTCIi PLAL18,

Npw OPEN. H. >1 AND, Proprietor

Chkrlkl H. 0111. Carpenter A Builder. flrnl-h-d on all *red« of work. Jobbing prompt-

Page 8: Y y, · Q Pages vol-lll PI.AINPIKI.D N. \k 8ATukli*Y. AUGUS T 4. (8»4. MORE BOROUGH IMPROVEMENTS *MQ T*Y ARt AW WHUU TKY A« Ukr° > Ainl



mm^mDyspepsia Pills

line of Cotaj Lielk" * • M

Nub wilb a Fa»* Matter'

y**t«rday. air irip of reer>mlOB to t to

re. Their little dmntrbier, a*e-l twobait tear*, while eaeaping Ihe

ei or Hie mouier for • moment, weoin the doek near Ibe rtob boa*e ath th« family *a* Mopping and fell

d h

\ e » J e r i y ba. )S6 milei of n t t m t W Company D-g.n tortay « « r i , ^

g of aecdeots andTnerekere 34i p«opk> lu-47 fciLleJ. Ibe deadfjcoui.-

did tta work for r.n employee*, butiio<l«) ai U »t» 11.00. a tu. i Li.ui. ui , i. *,

, every man, wo-man and child can bare all theworld's knowledge »t their elbowby Ukinfc advantage of the unperboffer we are now miking to crnrreadera. When the busy braintired'student ia plodding orer hiibook* and papen through tbe

,t hoar*



H e ,


ready for liiiof which tl;

tn before, ani the toil ane than one half

That tlicra book the tikworld ha* neverwhich will red.•trees of Btndy n;The busy nianconfronted \>y a hundred puzzlinglittle problems threnghont thday c fu? never tell


> H e


A l)ig etmk of old/MbioDtd rerenie books whether be ie righor not. Or vise Le allow* tlmatter to pa«s liim b j entirdjoften to the detiiinent of bueinesand certainly to the .(basement thi* own intellect. But thereDO longer any nae for this sort <tiling because




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By bringing o nding





. 1'AItT

The Courier0 0 0 POM

reabonta of ibe littleer bare been known bat for a bosl-n wbo I U rowng aboat tU* dock

d a doll which btd been itnU b K t i v*

ODCB a'otuert, and a searching parTUe body has

tpart-liroten parenmpathy or a)l « 'le lutle one »*» a

faoiiiy bad beeidaring "'

ibem. forniversal favor-lie,at tbe ihore Uiree

Mra.i leer ider's mother, on af*dl<on avenue,ng that tbey would be borne todaycould not nndorsrand it, becausewas v%;>r-r-iifi•> to 2'i there today

mini tbey aboold return. Theegram j nnrest, for

d b dTl £•<. . _ireil some dread Hceulenr

ppened to tbe family, l>at DO inU:was given her ol it.r and Mr*. Kyder reinrnedufield Uiis nooti Tbey *a j thatjcr trace or l b s body has been

Oficar C M I I T it looII Is all right enough f<watchlal of his duty, bi

r tbaa 8 tell ton. 111!& reconf was tbe

at the fire *ppai•arily dlstarbiui?

a done It

on officerIt doea set

bt baoe Uke

crossing trucfca tbin1 6 killed; waHwg LtiiieJ; working un train* » injm

and 1 tilieJ; ct-ttioK on aod off car*,.ioreO; tailing off i-arn, principally

by persons aiBBiiag ride*, 18 injuredand live killed, i

4 and Bound BrookBailiray, which is tbe Philadelphia ei-

•a*ioti of We Nflw Jersey Central, in-ired fifty-two people aod killed ten,

• iy heavy list for Ibisroad leeaDSB in tm

•r of injured, a I killedTher* were injured couplingMMfl

Car*, »ii; Iiracka, twngoo train*, ioor;

ID*, two; falling

ite * coChe one i y b!cte filled•traet from gu'ter lo autiej lu placef.• —The Cbrtstiao EndeaT* Society olU'arreo Cn«i>el will gi?e an eoterwlr.

IJI connBiiDB of apeaklitK aod BIDE-daring tbe l»St week of'ihis moat1-

t Ovalsnfferedbad Washuj

l lasijn ih« IOOK(teen all grot&dey repai

—A tum

valsnfferediitl-l. Tteb d

AEOtt PEOPLK *SD FUCM.. .Miss LUIIA baris, of Weatberly,

l iitreeL

wick, 1*

visiting r

EJa Enjard, or New BisitlDf m e i s on Ray

GB eooDiSRToa s cor,-?.:edyoflbe Two Johoii >Uted. John KieJy*D'l Jobnpie Dn«d «s each lor _

They bad been arrested

Mn. Augast, Wolff, of Harmony.._et, id euienai^mg lier nJece

Albauy, » . Y. TLewis W. Bird and family, of

mmit sveuiie, jipent yesterday ailyiiWB Beacb. '. .Charlea Johnson, of street,• returned from, tils trip of «n weeksFall Hirer, »BSS.. J . G. iiu."T f aad '.irnily, of Ihir-

ing and

e and Jo

-ankenuew OD Boatblescn lor

| OT.r

One of tbe effects of tbe ligbloinwlilcls struck the Ititik Building ye*iei

ling n i noticed by Charlesr East Fifth street He was

landing ID the door-yard about tochick

yben ibe shock <

dmeat bin feet appeared rivetedB ground. At last be siagge 1.,.•]-", and wassometimegeIt Toe sodden .fright Baa ae nelson ol bis heart

Fir* it Scotch Pulni.3e li.irii on tbe place former!*TI as . Spencer's located on tbntain bac( of Scotch flama aod iend of JobDHtou'sdrire, wsadeatro]iy Hre yesterday with most of n

coo ten is.

LOOSE arOKIS.Miss A4i)ie Weaver, ot Grove stree

went to New Harket on ber wheel i, jsi! friends,

V7. B. (irannntt, Jr., of >Unninirenae, went on his wheel lo Metoebebis aftarooon taking bia llule daugl

Biding in the conntry yesterday wii'•• <-'• A *!<'..J';:. 'l':ie roads were Dice.ue air was cool, and mai cytiers i


H Ibelr

•en ings agoi city, andairom Metuche

tuem. The i

itlDjf entis on Raymond

.me damage•H IL Workmfen i re busytg it. |

mule by a Wddle an g w w. Sawer Has l»>

moved from a J J J » near Ibe wither*> a veterinary, wbo made " good jo:id the horse is (}oing well. I—U Is a Ion? stretch on V'e*t Frontrect irom Mualc Hall :o; i'ci-k's

rneryLbtor". w e n di l vaf«i lo toe•taffn

Dtaiuit; th t 4u»t or itie tancml of Garrel *-he—Lust nv-t HO0J-00 K«lloii»or#a .re ibnn usuil •«« pumj^d by tbe

a w Supply Comi*»nj on iceoum • Ihe iiol wsve" Yttsterday «nb todayas about regniar 450,000 igallon* a

i out lag.. Mayor 11. E. Needbam, of Jack,avenue, baa almost entirely retuv-

red from nls indiafosuion...Charles A. Smith, of Chorea street

;ret't, near Seventh street.George A. Newman, ol 0\ _d SnuJay wuoi his brotaer Ii., of Wen Fntb street.F. E. Kinsman continue* to imn hi* railway signal appliance. 11rvceived Snattier patent tor It.J I I M G . CooleV and Mi»* Linda

Haghea, of Sowersfec snbeen vlutiug In Brooklyn, returned la*ilghl.

M iia Bessie J>ay, of Colon, wbo. » beco visitiftg Mrs. WilliamL'Drhan, of Begetii street, for tpost week, returned borne yesterday.

J F. Buckle, <M Westervelt a'went this UiOrning lo Fniladelph

a week and returning will bring bichildren home from their recreaUuo.

Mrs. B. M. Folutalo, of Jackaooune,haii rcuruci; Iromir, Mn. McClus^y, of Newton, L Iis now enierta;

irned with her.

. Rev. Cora*ltus|& Bristol and wife,Urilord, Cdnn.jare vwiiiug »t in

borne of Dr. i l . H. Lowne, of ParTomorrow Mr Bristol will

cupy ii « Char» E. Mnrpby, of '

it with h



lJ Ibeiie, tbey

r friends about tbe hard sboweriroagti wbich tbey bad passed bat asj toark* were to be lonnd on the

IrleDds are disposediccldeot.

cyctea, theirmake light o

uialus will beCemetery.

, .At the fuoeral _.;Renck, Of HuiniiBg avenue, will:ikea place ibis altemooo, tbe moi

will be rundered by a (juarusue uoupoMU of Mrs. U. dLeloer, Mlts MillHunce J. Maruu audJ. K- Towuww

i* JOcTtci I U H I cooxr.William I'riea, cbarged wlih gettini

romU umlor falM pret«a*e* from A<l liritfn, K U b«hl lu floo ball toiwall the action at ike CJraod Jrii.iiu-u Mnir watil the »ur»ty.

Tli* rain of jesurday aenordlnf t>unu from iha roauirj did not wt

•iiwu ton mail tncb.

OkM.Tu* r. r. v . • •••'.•! Irani ot n ,an »•-• tlbaje *l«i*|*r«, dininf far »i<l

day cuw-tiM, hMl«t \>J Miurtin-l liy *l«in>'it*, N*w York tuCtnrlnnaU and ltHi\*i\n*, Ha Waah-iii,'i..r,, wlthtMt Kira faro, ln>M N«wY«rk riady bf (••ntntlvaala lUllnwl,iOOp. a. , miadelcOla, 1 40 p. OLJt m r r i CJnHtinaU, « p. a . nelt day;Loaisvil]e,»,tW; Chlniffo; a.SS ami HtLoaia, 7.0A next Bonilni;. Tbe ODCID-nat! eij.rws leave* New\ ork,weekday** 00 a B-, I'tiiladrlphia, 10 10 i

ne iii,i-in.-iMI, T.3U next moihica^o 5. ami rtt- I^iola, (.SO p.

giving diract (roonnei-tioBa to point* be

JODd.Firat-fla*a il«;--d rates fron Kti«a-

bcU 10 ClKUUkall, «1<; Loouvilie ( I J.50; Si. LOOM, ftl.SS. Calilonila one<raj and eirar«t)Q uctet* i t grwaiyredacetl r«tea. Through ticket* aodbaggage check* at Peauylvanla R ~Station, EUnbelfa,

F u n KcCoxnu, P. A.363 Broadway, Sew York.

a W. FTLLM, S. K A.


'eat jSecoad atreet,hts aii#n)opn tor homeInneral of UIM Elizabeth Vanlook place this afternoon •>-evidance on East Filth stree

lated. Tbe reIn Green'

—Tie Hi. inj *y*ti llt

PARIS Aug. 4.—Dr. CofO*t!i« Her».»b*

4.—Tbe Itnynl GiriTfd » tvIcwlold conflrminft

MASOH&HAMUN136 Fifth Avenue.

NEW! YORK 01TT,fktgt utoixaicnt ot Grand and Upright

contaiDiog Iberr impi

Ihlnki > relit

4.-IH (be Tailed

nTloted by a Jury of je-

hen tbe rareen.i— One of

n lamed tlie yeliaw lea r

be trolley cars 1>

mails l .T raCualtwEb there wen I Vt fined them 1

o haodlf•e BomewhaCt discon'- ro»d m<•boot the > a y Hie mrdina

ach. Hit leniency inrprised the Ameri-IAU Raltvrar TIOIUQ xnea. who bmd watcb*cb* trial cloulr. A large number of TrialJad alrlktn will now ba Irird.

e iu tbe switch near <he ioe lennino* last night and joirrark If bad lo be bafked .

distance berore getting rl}t>


i n bwn flbe pitraoooh.Ticc«d

:LETCTS. Pm., An». * . h I > M. . _ , and her ft-Tear-old dnni/hter Ii

w e n driving down (ha moaotaln sir£hvpptnD their horss Uck fright BIiway clown the s!wp rood. Th* el

imr F U DTcrtarnrrl nnd both wa• rown out. Mr*. Gray »truck tL-Broni

ber heiul and broke b«r neck, dying 1*few minute*. Tbe child w u borrlbl;mgleJ. bm. will t«DTti

Clarkson.-N. Y, Nov. 13, 1892.—i?e used Oilmore'a Aromatic Winy famlTv and for * del^ilitaied svsiere i« nothing to equal It io re-io:igor and siregth, and for female wr!Bs it stands wllhoat it ilval. I i•artily recomtneDi] it to all wbo m»yi Bafferine from chronic malarlionsnewi." REV E J wBintev. F H

lebbanl k. Co., 114 E<i*£ Fro t iSilmoru •% Arowutic Wiue at »1 00

per bottle.

light at the lire increased II•gainst bltn. Fopnlar frelint

inn agaan«t bttu that there '

Ire, at hn (n.tigiitLoii. thej- plotl«laolt bfm. Mnrj informrd bim.

Miry'i bnUl, forcnl 1witi tb» crltiii-. »nil bi

t lo AbrnjHD t° eMBpe.irtnre the honM am] barn

in b* claion Kata Wi

a {'barn* him» t (ollofed.

L*rlwi| loTng II™ * th<

ery DEU Wm,

ttaHlaW fcltuw a* tm.fli .

l)in,,,Mi'li I hwl an UadlT. s Imy ln>.i-tri.l K Iw dhln'l lov» RM to-»'l Ii" ».«.lrlfJ t m/ UH> XlNtitoM »t-

- r . -S«r Y<?*

thin* I ibouRhl otO l l C b l d I

i ChambcrUi*1

Oollc, Cholera sod I'iarrhi_ __ .of It MUled the natter•oimd aod well. I be*1 tbl* remedy to all p*n

nlTetto*; from * like complaint I *-Eu i » < r any icqeiries repmrJitifr il wli«if(«mi> Is incioMd. I refer to any eonoii

a* to a y reliability. V *J. P., Pnrarov, Campbell Co,

A C u p of I


U« by tot fifuature la blue oa ere


Trefz Finest Export BeerFor Family DM.


Rockview Horns

Day Schooltrill SrptFMbM- 10th. 18M

MI.SSKS PICK, I'rinclpal*.U1KH EDITII BOND, Klwl*rfart«a*r

.117 \:i-\ l ru . ,1 "


l H a p . m. way Tor lM«l>n. <-mnrctln«• t Junriiuii tor ulitliau on tl. L.* W. K. K.

olown, M.uuh chunk,mmaqum, Bunbury



CASHGranulated 0UfftlT 4 1 2*lbFiemington Flour 48obaePotatots • • 86c busheli (• „ i . . . . * • „ , « •

OlneerSnspaSoda CrackersMilk Biscuit •Graham Wafers

4Ibs25G• 6elb

• 8G ID- 13c lb


The Only

3rt Tile Soda FountainIN THE CITY

i t .ItiliVim.i )nva uriiiliiKl trait « r r i » In Itia worM.

i«M .•l..-iNi.-.U.,r-v»-rv .Ji--ri|.ti'.(M. AIM • JII- .H.V

irvi'turto* .-i mmii t ilulo uf nil tlitf n l t i « uiMtrliy l'luinfluM, for I IM

11/ who wbljL



LOVE'S, cor. North and Watchung ires.Ariel, fluO. Ariel, little u«d last teasoo, *75. Beroington«7S. Hew Home,' «100. Call in and wo tbe beautifulRemington Ladies' Wheel, list price $135, sold for $90.We are making tbe sate to n&e tho room for immense gtockof Wall Papers, Paints and Oils. Painting and paperhanging done by first-clae* workmen with beit maicriaj* at .price* t« tuit tbe time*.

UTWb UlUhllll iir vp i-

Dr. Deane * Dyspepsia Pills l of I ho roll -

loo looir inp o' wow w* “• Mori Thoir IKUo danehier. lee , •o.l rare Da" jeara. wbde oo“P*nIE «« ><« of 1M mwf for • raoweet. oooi ool oo 10. Oort on lira rloo Boooo at notch Iho la only nu doppia* hod Ml j o*. So ooo me the aerldanl. ood (ho , •DareaDoat. of ibo lluJd oho Bid'll i or. or boro boon ooono bot for h boat* - moo. oho *•■ roeing oboot Uio doch and Kraod o doll notch OOd Oooo lOo HUB 000*0 plaything. Haaplrtoc noo •i onco nmur. ood • aaereolal party ••« loiiitotod. TOO bod. boo noc broo brand Tne haart-Droken parent* bare too fcBooihj of oil nno boon them, for iho litUo oionli ooirorool fooonio Tb. toinlif hod boon ol Iho abort three nceko doling Mr. R*der*o rocoUoo. •nd Dod nnuoo boon thol (boy notild •toy • nro( hinder Tootorthy alior- noon mere cam* • l.lwam lo lira Kyder’i mother, on Modinra orenoe, raying Uihl (hoy noold bo borne lod»y. She noold Dot nndararaod It. becaeae •bo nu ahpeetleg to fS there today to •toy uotil they Bboold retorn The telegram doro bor mocD onrrw, for •to re»re.l aome dread »ocidoDi b«d happened to Lbe family, bot do Inlima- uoo «u given her ol It. Mr amJ Mr*. Itjdcr re lamed to llainbeld thio DOOD Tboy ray vh»t no farther trace of the body h«o been


InbbrM. •lour rboew OOD nicu Him MIIM Darla, of Weatherly, • , !■ rioitmd rnlMioeoon noararael

136 Fifth Avenue. SEW YORK CITY, nr uuornw of Grand ud Uprl«bt

Oflrer C«*i»j la *•• i*>U». Il is all right Enough for an officer lo be watchful of bla doty, tail II doaa accra ! it \( FoUcsmaa Gooey might have taken a little trouble to nave s-Uafled mmacif mat the Are for which be pelted the a. arm Una morning waa aotaewbet a ear- er inan .Mellioo. Ilia over anx’ety to make a record waa the meana of taro ii g out the lire apparatus aod of on- i.crraaarlly dUtertMug ibe memf*era of Hie depanneni. It la not the flrat time he baa dooe It.

hi’wi*. An*. 4. —Tb*UnyalOaograefcV • I wocteff k*» rwrrlv*d a iflivwn If*™ laraa H.admefcl-M rooOrmin* the be. I (be •learner KaeDVald J*«l. which «*•!» Ilaron II* nteb«k>ol>l ■*.«• mnllauaet north wart 1 U . Vr»y With r«V*Mt*dl It n-« M M< -el llay. TbSt >llru». hilt lb* pr"Vl.|4n- rill not hr .ufflrlrnt. Hr •*pvdltl«*n UelEwlrabU.

Mi»a EJa Eojard, of New Hruoa- viaumg inetada on Rayaoed wick, la avenue. . Mrv August Wolff, of llnnuooy a tree I, la em*fiaJau>ff uer alec* Irutii Albany, S. Y. . .Loots M Bird aod family, of f*nmintt avenee, spool yfialortay at Bcyuion Beech. .. Charts* Johnson. of Third atreet. haa returned from ala trip of SIX «eeka to Pad River, Mna» . J. O. Ilstwri# aod family, of liar- ujoay aireet, go tomorrow U> Hojbion Beach lor an ontleg- E. Needham, of Jack- i almost enurwly recuv-

TCffsl tb* I*olar tb* |i»nr < a* llkrly to rrtur lb* -wr-ll-h b LISZT ORGAN, k* rartOV awl Oiaicbro, la Ibe mot

. Mayor II »ou avenue. b< ereO iron Dla indispcsuiou . .charlea A 8a»ltb, of Cboreb atreei I baa removed u> bla new tiouae oo Jobe atreet, near Seventh atreei. . Georg* A. Netrfiaa, ol Orange, will ; apet.fl Sea llay Witn bit brother H. O. .sewruan, of Weat Filth atreeu . .F K. Kin*man conUonea lo Im- prove hie railway afgaal appliance He nu rrceived another pateat lor Ik .. Mim O. Cooley and Miaa Linda Hag bet, of Somereet atreet, who Hava been vlaiutg In Brooklyn, reiurued laai night. ..Mim Beaaie I»ay, of Union, who l-aa been vitiUbg Ma William rurban, of Itegeiii atrwel. for the ,-tnt week, returnhome yeetenlay . J V. Buckle, e< Weaiervelt ave- nue, went \bva®o«i»Uig\*> l>ailadwi|ttite, lor a week aod returning will bring bta children home from their recreatkiu. . Mr*. B. M. Foantala, of Jackaoo avenue,baa reinmed Irom a vtaii U» her water, Mra. McCioaky, of Newioo, L I. aud la now entertaining her net who r yturoed with her . Bev. Cornell oa & Brtetol and wife, of Hartford, CkWn are viwtlug at lbe borne of l>r. U. H. Lowne, ol Park areuoe Tomorrow Mr Bristol will oc* copy ftirace Chorea pulpit. .. ( harlea K. Murphy, of Waycroaa, i Georgia, went '.bia morning to New York afier a visit with b» uncle George . Wbiviock, of Went Seeood *treet, aud will eail thia afternoon lor home The laoeral of MEl.aabelb Van- , deaberg loo* place ibis anernoon at . tue late rewdeure o* East Filth atreet. r Rev. c. Sctteoc* offlcuicd- The rw- I main* wui be intamd in Greenwood r Cemetery r .At the funeral of Garrett a r Schenci, of Manulag avenue, wbl:h i lakes piece line aiwnioon, the mna.c ■ will be nu-dered by a quartette eom- . ..r u» . • «■!•■/ Uiu if ill.

Almmt 0*crc*w« by Ughlatac. One of the rffiwie of tbe lightning which atruck the Rjnk Building yester- day morning waa noticed by Cnarlea Cinch, cf Beat Fifth atreet. He ■■* atandtog In the door-yard aboot to feed lbe chicken* when theaboci came. For a moment bia feet appeared riveted to the ground At laat be staggered to tbe boo**, and w#a aomeilme getting over il The na-lden.lnghtna* affect- ed tbe action ol bie heart.

HASLrroB, Pa. Aug. 4.—'White Mr. Gray and her »y**cold 4*u*fat*r Ida wm driving down the mouuUta teda near f*bcp,>«on ibelr home look fright and ran away down the ateep road. Tb# car rise* VU overturned uod both w« thrown out klra. Gray atrnck tbegrvund on her head and brok* her nack. dying »• . turn mloulu. Th. rblld wa. homMy mangled. 1*n\ will r*w«t A VICTIM OF CONSPIRATORS

r’i.pXns fABULES

»fy a Wamaa** »»lv. • Baltiwohk. Aug «-AB ■ pelican k<* been filed with Governor Kr°wn I lb* pardon of George U*r»wr II* u ronvicted of anon at’ Elklcfc. C* trem a IfMasfim Mlnl.lar a.r»«0D. N. Y, Noe 13. IM? — hare used Gilmore’s Ar.>roailc Wine In my family, and for a debiliiaied ayaiem .here la nothing lo equal It la re-loring vigor and atregth. and for irmale weak | ncM It Manila without a ilval. I moat firartUT recommend it «o all who m.y f» • (offering from chronic malaria or mlioaenana. ” Rev E J wnrr«ET. F If. HebbaM A Co.. 114 E«a: Fro t mreet *«lla Gilmoru ’a Aromulk Wine at $1 00

tea yearn’ Imprisonment In th* *wuU*> tlfiry Tto# wlid«»» upon who** tfpt.moa lygher waa movlried. after fiv* year .lienee, tuu ooel~e^ tbat .be lerjate berarlf at th* trial, aud that ah* war* i 11 id nu L» bvcauM b*r ak*(*r h< goUa The *tcry l« both romanticasd paihetl A lew weak* prior to 1/rte'i l»tal ar cowrictlon in* boa«* and ba/n of I*ai Btrbank, near Cbnrrhrlllc. Hnrfm cennty. bam*d to the gronnd Snrptclr fell oo l»fber. who bad worked f*r liu hank, and lb* fact Ibat be dUappean tb* night of the fire inorv.w.) tb* y* against lum Fopulav feeling grew t •trong against bin. that tb*r* «a*.talk lynching.

Tbe barn oo tbe place lormerly known a* Spencer’s located oo the ruonutaiL beck of Scotch Ham* aod at lbe end of Jobnaloo'a drier, was destroy- ed by dre yesterday with most of it* contents. too** trOKEfi.

MIm Addis Weaver, of Grove street, went to Marsel on her wheel to vi*:t friends. W. B. Grsnastt, Jr , of Mwoalng avenue, vnt on hia wheel to Metocbeo tbte afternoon leElog bis luue daagb- i rcmrtiag Mary WeeEa. 1*t her .(•took adi.Dk* to him and d.o could to embitter Mary an him. At la»t rb* tartly *ucc*vd4d. «n<I thnatencct that *h* would get blowout cf tb* way II ah* bad to .end him totb. penitentiary. Fb*gotth*m*nab*utlb« place down o« him. *od th* night of th. flm at brr |n*tigatloo. tb*y pMt*d to a* satdt him. Mary Informed Mm J>f tb» plot and h* went lo Aberdeen «o Afl« bU departure lb* hon** and hart* caaght flr* and wa- burued to lb* gW>und, tb* family parmwly craping with: thru n**a Af'er t he fir* b* claim* Kai* Week*, wbo bold M>m« •rrrrt or*r brr sa>.t*> Mary * h*ad. torvnd her to rharg hint witb the rvtme. and hie arve.« foil.,Wed. Mary Wwk. took th. .(and and wur. tbal on Iba bigbl «*f lb* fir* lyrlw^ ini. her that he Intended ertllCg fir* tb* boa**, and *»# after It In C*m« A lo* of other damaging ••Mitnony wa* pcr»

Biding In the country yesterday was qnuu a delight Tu* roeda were nice, tue air waa cool, and many rycierv die- covered these favorable oimdiiiocs. A few evening* ago while Willett Ho**, of this city, and a comiianloo were retarniog Irom Metuchen oo their bi- cycles, sob* unknown persons threw •tone* at them Tbe missiles rattled about their Baciilnes uni fortunately ■lid no rarm Oa reaching home, they

Et'CE.VE HftERSTER, Trefi Fioest Export Beer For »aniiiy l'**. ALSO ALBM. WIN* ASJi fOWTKH S4 aoO maomvenr.. North M

Rock view Horn 3 Day School

will Rc-opcn Sc plant brr l(Hb. I«t®4. KiMifihuavTfiN. I'HiMaar II JOfTICI mu couir. William I Tic*, charged wlih gsulag Co.rU under falsa nmeaaaa from A M Grltffn, waa held Ui #100 ball la await the action of tha Greed Jury. Tdobiis M«ir wept ibe serely STOCK AMO PROOUCE. MARKiTS. MI HUES FECK, Fr! oclpfita. MIMA EDITH BOND, Klfidevfanwer.

.117 KAat Froitl - The raia of yesterday according to a. cuwnia from the r«enl»y did not wet do*a a*of* man inch.

Tne f. f V , g solid i ram of rail man v*a ubwla *l**rwr*, dialog car atd day roar be*, heatml be steam, aod liguled by ele*tf1rlty. Nsw York to ClndonaU and IxeUvIUe, via Wash- ington, wilheui estro faro, tear** New Y..rt dafly by Fsaosyiva^a BeJlroa.1, 1 00 p m , I'MIaate.pbla, • *0 p. m. j p a. next day; IxHiiavin*. t oo; nurogo.’« ft» and * 1-K1M. : 05 neit morning Tb* »ecte-

IbrnnlW.*-! Orwnuiaicd Buf»r HeminEton Flour Potato#* . c

White City Art Fan Couoon

Glneer Snaps - Soda Crackers Milk Bleeult . Graham Waters

HI nil

U.ii*im EnrrUtieg, tni ererj man,

area aad rhiW can hare all the world', luxmledga at their elbow b, taking adranUge of th., Mtprrb «dlor we are now making to uor reader.. When the htur hrain- tired erndent i. plodding orer hia

and paper, throngh the loog^ight hour.




Knows That there U now ready for him n book tho like of which tlio

•rial ha* nerer acen before, and which will red noo tho toil and l of fitudj more than one half. The l-ney man at hi* office desk confronted by a hundred pnxzlinR little problems throughout the day can never tell


• He

Consults A biff slack of old fn*hloncd ref evwace-books wbeHwr he ia riffht

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