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Revision Guide 2014/15






Exam Period:-

Monday 13th April to Friday 17th April 2015


Page Section

2 Preparation – A message from Mr Page

3 Exam Timetable

4 Arrangements for Students

5–35 Subject Revision Guides

36–39 Revision Planner

40–42 Example Subject Mind Map and Revision Notes

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Revision Guide 2014/15



(A Message from Mr. Page)

These rehearsal examinations are the first assessment of your levels this year and

therefore are extremely important to your progress in Year 9. The exams that come

first will test you in every subject, apart from your Creative Arts subjects, in which

you have already been tested and if you've not already started, the time to start

preparing for them is NOW!

Year 9 Exams are important

After these exams you will be attending a Parents’ Evening to hear about the

GCSE choices available to you next year. You should therefore be ensuring you

do your best in all subjects, but possibly especially well in the subjects you want

to take next year.

How to use this booklet


Prepare a revision timetable. Use this Revision Guide to list the subjects you will

revise each evening between now and the end of the exams. Then use the Revision

Planner in the back of this booklet to list the exact topics you'll look at each


Make sure you cover every topic by the exam.


Don't just read your notes; write out in your own words the key points to

remember. Turn them into a picture if possible. Make up rhymes to help things

stick in your mind. Get a friend to test you when you think you're ready.


Tick off each topic in this booklet as you learn it and ensure that you know when

each exam is.


Remember when you go into the exam that you can only do your best. Relax, give

it all you've got and then check your answers through. Don't stop working till the

teacher tells you that the time is up.

ALL the best!

Mr. Page

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Year 9 Rehearsal Examinations – April 2015

All exams will take place in the hall, unless otherwise indicated.

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Arrangements for Students

All Year 9 students will still attend assemblies as normal.

French and German Listening exams are to take place in your usual MFL


If your exam begins in tutor time, your tutor will issue your seat number

before bringing you to the hall.

Your exams always begin either during period 1, 3 or period 5 (other than

Thursday morning’s exam!). You should go to your normal lesson first to

get your mark and seat number. Your subject teacher will then bring you to

the hall for the start of the examination. Therefore you should not arrive

without your teacher.

For your Thursday morning exam, your tutor will issue your seat numbers.

They will then bring you to the hall during tutor time for an 8.40am start.

This will allow us to get a more prompt start, as this exam is a little longer

than the others!

You will be brought to the exam hall by your tutor/teacher, in silence. You

will be escorted back to your lesson, at the end of the exam, by your

teacher in silence.

If you are not scheduled to be in exams, you should go to your normal

timetabled lesson.

French listening exams are scheduled during the week for all sets apart

from set 5. The set 5 listening exam will take place on Thursday 26th March

in your usual timetabled lesson.

The German listening exam will take place on Monday 23rd March in your

usual lesson.

The German reading and writing examination will be invigilated by external


French and German speaking exams will take place in one of your usual

timetabled lessons before exam week

No bags, coats or pencil cases should be brought into the Exam Hall.

There is to be no communication in the Exam Hall.

You should use the toilet before exams. Do not ask to use the toilet in

exams (unless you have a medical card which allows you to go).

If there are any arrangements about which you are unsure, please see Mr

C. Potts in Room 244.

C. Potts

January 2015

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Subject Revision Guides


There will be two papers both taken in the same session:

Paper 1

Reading - 1 hour 15 minutes

At the start of the exam you will be given two extracts from the four

anthology stories (Two Kinds by Amy Tan, The Pieces of Silver by Karl

Sealy, Leela’s Friend by R. K. Narayan, The Red Ball by Ismith Khan’;

You must answer all questions based on the extracts and your wider

understanding of the stories;

You will be tested on your understanding of the text;

You will be asked to comment on how language is used to show characters

and themes in the stories;

You will be expected to use quotations to support what you are saying;

You will be asked to compare the two extracts and how they present a key

idea in the stories;

There are 30 marks available.

Paper 2

Writing – 1 hour

You will be asked to produce a piece of narrative writing that fits a

particular title or image;

You will be assessed on your ability to write in a way which engages your

reader and shows an understanding of language and structure can be used

to achieve effects;

You will be given a choice of two options and must answer on one;

You should write a minimum of two pages in your answer book;

You should pay special attention in this section to your spelling,

punctuation, sentence structure and paragraphing;

There are 50 marks available.


Ensure you are familiar with all four of the anthology texts.

Plan a variety of different stories and focus on the structure and organisation of


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Sources of Information

BBC Revision Website:

Geoff Barton’s Website:

Resources on P Drive: P:\English\Y9 Revision 2014-2015

‘Around the World’ short story anthology

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You will sit two examinations: Listening (done in class)

Reading, Writing and Grammar (75 minutes)

The Listening exam will be held in classrooms. All examinations will require

revision of Units 1 and 3 of Expo 3 Vert for sets 4 to 9 and Expo 3 Rouge for

sets 1 – 3 plus information given to you in class by your French teacher which

covers FCSE Unit 8.

Topics to revise: Unit 1and Unit 3

TV programs and what you like to watch

Types of films and types of reading matter (books / magazines) you prefer

What you are going to do / will do (tomorrow / later on in life)

Illnesses, healthy living, understanding and giving advice

Using the past tense to describe what you did to keep fit.


You must revise the 3 main tenses: Present Tense (what you usually do) :

Past Tense (what you did last Saturday) : Future Tense (what you are

going to do / what you will do)

You must also be able to use these tenses and phrases to create your

own passage of writing.

Rubrics / Instructions on what each question is asking you to do

Chosis la bonne lettre et écris 1'heure - Choose the correct letter and write the


Mets les lettres dans le bon ordre - Put the letters in the correct order.

Lis cet article – Read this article.

Choisis la bonne image – Choose the correct picture.

Écris un paragraph– Write a paragraph.

Remplis les blancs - Fill in the blanks

Choisis un dessin. Écris ton opinion - Choose a picture. Write your opinion.

Réponds à ce texto – Reply to this text message.

Revision Tips

Vocabulary: revise 10 words/ activity phrases a day, from exercise books.

Reading: some revision reading passages will be given to students. Practise

skimming and scanning to pick out the key words and phrases.

Listening: make sure you know the meaning of words for all topics covered

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so far this year

Writing: practise writing as much as possible on all the topics above.

In the writing section you will be asked to write an essay on the following :-


My family

Likes and dislikes

Daily routines

What I did last weekend

What I am going to do next weekend

What I used to do when I was younger - *

What I do to be healthy

The section labelled with a * is for Higher candidates only

You are allowed to bring into the exam a prompt sheet with up to 40 words

on. These may include past participles (e.g. joué, allé). However, you are not

allowed to write down conjugated verbs (e.g. je suis, je vais etc.)

Sources of Information

Class notes

Text Books

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The exam will be 1 hour long with a number of different types of questions, you

will need to answer all the questions on the paper. Some will be short, but other

will be longer and will need you to develop your ideas. You need to pay careful

attention to the mark allocation for each question; this will prompt you to how

much you have to write. Study the command word in the question – think

carefully about what it is asking you to do.

Topics to Revise:

Across the Border

The main countries of Europe

What is the EU, its aims and potential problems?

What is a Superpower and the factors that make a country a


How countries can develop into an Emerging Superpower

Who wants to be a billionaire

Definitions of employment structure, primary, secondary, tertiary and

quaternary industries

How employment structures vary from country to country

What globalisaiton is, it’s positive and negative impacts with examples

Risky World

The layers of the earth

Location of earthquakes and volcanoes

Plate boundaries

Features of a volcano

Key worlds

Volcano or earthquake case study

Revision Tips

Read through all the work in your books since September. Work through your

books in more detail and make revision notes to help you remember things.

This works best if you try to limit the number of words you are using and just

record the essential details. Make up your own bullet points, tables,

annotated maps, diagrams and cartoons to show the information.

Sources of Information

Class notes

Revision Lessons

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CPO 10


You will sit two examinations:

Listening (done in class)

Reading and Writing (75 minutes)

Topics to Revise

The exam will deal mainly with the topics in chapters 1-2 of Echo 2 Express

Holidays (what you did, where you went, where you stayed etc.)

Shopping (at the market, in the café, what you bought, pocket money etc.)

Vocabulary: this should build up gradually, learning a small section each


Grammar: Revise thoroughly the past, present and future tenses and also

comparatives (i.e. bigger than/smaller than etc.)

Writing: Practice writing as much as possible on the topics above. Do this

without reference to your notes.

Note also that the exam may draw from any previously learnt material in

Year 8.

The Writing Section

In the writing section you will be asked to write about the following :-

Part 1 – write about a shopping trip to Doncaster last weekend, about

your pocket money and what you do with it

Part 2 – write about a previous holiday (make this up if you need to)

You are allowed to bring into the exam a prompt sheet with up to 20 words

on. These may include past participles (e.g. gegessen, gefahren). However,

you are not allowed to write down conjugated verbs (e.g. ich habe, ich bin,

ich werde)

Sources of Information

Class notes

Text Books

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CPO 11


The Exam

Questions using Sources - analysis and evaluation

A long answer question from a choice

Revision Topics

The British Empire

Civil rights

Causes of World War One

o Alliances

o Murder in Sarajevo

o Competition between powers

Course of World War One

o Schlieffen Plan

o Race to the Sea

o Trench warfare

o Weapons

o Generalship

o Battles

o Reasons for allied victory

Exam Technique

Read the instructions carefully

Read the questions carefully

Take note of the number of marks allocated for each question and write

answers accordingly

Read the sources carefully and examine the picture carefully, think about

how PANDA can help you.

Plan your answers to the longer questions

Check your answers for Quality of Written Communication (QWC)/Spelling,

Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG)

Sources of Information

Class notes

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CPO 12


The Mathematics examination consists of two papers, one non-calculator paper

and one calculator.


To succeed in your Mathematics examination you must prepare carefully. Make

sure you have:

Your old exercise books so you can refer back to the topics you have

covered. Try correcting your work and reading your notes.

Ask your teacher about any topics you are unsure about, you have a week

before the examination to ask questions.

Use the internet there are some very good websites such as Bite size, SAM

Learning and ‘My Maths’. Remember in the examination you will have to

write out your answers.

Equipment, in the examination you will not be able to borrow basic

equipment. Check you have a pen, pencil ruler, rubber, sharpener,

protractor, compasses and CALCULATOR. It is no use revising carefully and

then not having the correct equipment to answer the questions. Staff will

not be able to lend equipment.

In the examination make sure you read the question carefully and show your full

working out. Be PRO ACTIVE in your learning.

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CPO 13

A grade A student can … N



Rationalise the denominator of a surd such as



Use index notation and index laws for simple fractional powers such as 4



Use index notation and index laws for simple negative powers such as 2-3

A grade A* student can …



er Simplify surds, such as 4(3 + 3) and (2 - 3)(4 + 3) in the form a + b3

Use index notation and index laws for fractional powers such as 4



Find the upper and lower bounds of more difficult calculations with quantities given to a various degrees of accuracy




Simplify harder rational expressions

Solve fractional linear equations with the unknown in the denominator such as 212





Solve harder quadratic equations (a1) such as 5x2 -3x + 5 = 0 by using the quadratic formula

Use completing the square to solve quadratic equations

Use completing the square to find maximum and minimum values

Solve cubic equations by drawing appropriate lines on graphs

Plot and sketch graphs of exponential functions

Recognise the shapes of graphs of functions

Transform the graphs of y = f(x), such as linear, quadratic, cubic, sine and cosine functions, using

the transformations y = f(x) + a, y = f(x + a), y = f (ax) and y = af(x)




Use trigonometry to find sides and angles in three dimensions

Find the angle between a line and a plane

Understand the graphs of trigonometric functions for angles of any size

Find the volume of the frustum of a truncated cone

Solve more difficult vector geometry problems

Draw tree diagrams and use them to find probabilities of successive dependent events

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CPO 14



Factorise harder quadratic expressions (a ª 1)

Solve direct and inverse proportion problems

Interpret the graphs of direct and inverse proportion relationships

Rearrange formulae where the variable appears twice

Explore the gradients of perpendicular straight-line graphs

Use the points of intersection of a quadratic graph such as y = x2 - 2x - 4 with lines such as y = 2x + 1

to solve equations like x2 - 2x – 4 = 2x + 1 and simplify this to

x2 - 4x – 5 = 0

Solve quadratic equations (a=1) such as x2 -3x + 5 = 0 by using the quadratic formula

Solve a pair of simultaneous equations where one is linear and one is non-linear such as y = 3x

– 5 and y = x2

Construct the graphs of loci, including the circle x2 + y 2 = r2

Solve simultaneous equations graphically, such as y = x – 1 and x2 + y 2 = 9

Shape a

nd S


Calculate the lengths of circular arcs

Calculate the areas of sectors

Calculate the surface areas of cylinders, cones and spheres

Calculate the volumes of cylinders, cones and spheres

Prove the angle properties of a circle

Prove the tangent / chord properties of a circle

Use and prove the alternate segment theorem

Enlarge a shape by a negative scale factor

Compare areas and volumes of enlarged shapes

Find the upper and lower bounds of more difficult calculations with quantities given to a various

degrees of accuracy

Add, subtract and multiply vectors to solve vector geometry problems

Understand the relationship between parallel and perpendicular vectors

Find the area of a 2-D shape, given the area of a similar shape and the ratio

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CPO 15

Find the volume of a 3-D solid, given the volume of a similar solid and the ratio

Prove that two triangles are congruent

Prove the construction theorems

Use Pythagoras’ theorem in 3-D problems

Sketch and draw trigonometric graphs

Use the sine rule to find the missing sides and missing angles in any triangle

Use the cosine rule to find the missing sides and missing angles in any triangle

Use the formula for the area of a non right-angled triangle

Use the conditions for congruent triangles in formal geometric proofs


Handling Construct and interpret a histogram including unequal class intervals

Use stratified sampling methods

Understand dependent and independent outcomes

Understand probabilities associated with mutually exclusive events

Use tree diagrams to find probabilities of successive independent events

Derive simple algebraic proofs using reasoning

A grade B student can …



Find the least common multiple (LCM) of two or more numbers

Find the highest common factor (HCF) of two or more numbers

Round to a given number of significant figures

Convert recurring decimals to fractions and fractions to recurring decimals

Identify recurring and terminating decimals

Convert between ordinary and standard index form representations

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CPO 16

Use standard index form with and without a calculator

Work out reverse percentage problems

Understand how to use successive percentages

Work out compound interest

Calculate proportional changes using a multiplier



Solve fractional linear equations such as








Expand and simplify two expressions of the form (x n)

Factorise quadratic expressions

Simplify rational expressions involving quadratic expressions

Solve quadratic equations such as x2+ 6x+ 8=0 by factorisation

Rearrange formulae that include brackets, fractions and square roots

Explore the gradients of parallel straight-line graphs

Solve more complex linear inequalities such as x + 13 > 5x – 3

Solve a set of linear inequalities in 2 variables & represent the solution as a region of a graph

Solve a pair of simultaneous equations in two unknowns such as 2x+y=5 and 3x+2y = 4

Know that each equation can be represented by a line on a graph and that the point of intersection

of the lines is the solution

Complete tables for, and draw graphs of cubic functions

Use cubic graphs to solve equations

Complete tables for, and draw graphs of reciprocal functions

Use reciprocal graphs to solve equations

Shape a

nd S


Use the angle properties of a circle

Use the tangent / chord properties of a circle

Distinguish between formulae for perimeter, area and volume by considering dimensions

Find the upper and lower bounds of simple calculations (addition and subtraction) involving

quantities given to a particular degree of accuracy

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CPO 17

Interpret velocity–time graphs

Discuss and interpret graphs modelling real situations

Match sides and angles of similar triangles, given some dimensions

Find the distance between two points from their coordinates

Use sine, cosine and tangent to calculate an angle in a right-angled triangle

Use sine, cosine and tangent to calculate a side in a right-angled triangle



Construct a time series graph and plot the moving average

Use the trend line to estimate other values

Construct and interpret a cumulative frequency diagram

Use a cumulative frequency diagram to estimate the median and interquartile range

Construct and interpret a box plot

Compare two sets of data using box plots

Use relative frequency to find probabilities

Complete a tree diagram

Show step-by-step deductions in providing a full mathematical explanation

A grade C student can …



Find the least common multiple (LCM) of two simple numbers

Find the highest common factor (HCF) of two simple numbers

Write a number as a product of prime factors

Find the reciprocal of a number

Estimate answers to calculations

Solve numerical problems involving multiplication and division with numbers of any size using a

calculator efficiently and appropriately

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CPO 18

Find minimum and maximum values

Understand the effects of multiplying by numbers between 0 and 1

Divide a number by a decimal such as 1 ÷ 0·2 and 2·8 divided by 0·07

Work out a percentage increase or decrease

Express one quantity as a percentage of another

Do calculations with mixed numbers

Do calculations with simple fractions involving division

Solve more complex ratio and proportion problems, such as sharing out money between two groups in

the ratio of their numbers

Solve ratio and proportion problems using the unitary method



Multiply out expressions with brackets such as y(3y – 8)

Expand and simplify two expressions of the form (x + n)

Use index notation and index laws for positive and negative powers

Write the nth term of a sequence or a series of diagrams

Solve more complex linear equations such as 3x – 12 = 2(x – 5)

Solve linear equations involving fractions such as 2



x or 543



Find a solution to a problem by forming an equation and solving it

Form and solve equations such as x3 + x = 12 using trial and improvement methods

Rearrange linear formulae such as s = 4q - 7

Recognise the equations of straight-line graphs such as y = 3x - 5

Find the gradients of straight-line graphs

Draw graphs of harder quadratic functions such as y = x2 + 3x -5

Find the points of intersection of quadratic graphs with lines

Use graphs to find the approximate solutions of quadratic equations

Solve inequalities such as 3x < 9 and 12 ≤ 3n < 20

Solve linear inequalities such as 4x – 3 < 10 and 4x < 2x + 7

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CPO 19

Represent sets of solutions on the number line

Shape a

nd S


Solve problems involving circles such as finding the perimeter of a semicircle

Solve problems involving circles such as finding the area of a semicircle

Calculate volumes of triangular prisms, parallelogram-based prisms and cylinders

Solve problems involving surface areas of prisms and cylinders

Convert between measures of area

Convert between measures of volume

Classify a quadrilateral by geometric properties

Solve problems using angle and symmetry properties of polygons and properties of intersecting and

parallel lines

Calculate exterior and interior angles of a regular polygon

Find the midpoint of a line segment

Use and understand coordinates in three dimensions

Reflect shapes in the lines y = x and y = –x

Rotate shapes about any point

Describe fully reflections and rotations about any point

Find the centre of a rotation and describe it fully

Shape a

nd S




nued) Combine reflections and rotations

Translate a shape by a vector such as



Transform shapes by a combination of translation, reflection and rotation

Compare the area of an enlarged shape with the original shape

Enlarge a shape by a positive whole number or fractional scale factor

Solve more difficult speed problems

Understand and use compound measures such as speed and density

Recognise accuracy in measurements given to the nearest whole unit

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CPO 20

Calculate complex average speeds from distance–time graphs

Construct the perpendicular bisector of a line

Construct the perpendicular from a point to a line

Construct the perpendicular from a point on a line

Construct angles of 60° and 90°

Construct the bisector of an angle

Match one side and one angle of congruent triangles, given some dimensions

Use Pythagoras’ theorem to find the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle

Use Pythagoras’ theorem to find any side of a right-angled triangle

Use Pythagoras’ theorem to find the height of an isosceles triangle

Use Pythagoras’ theorem in practical problems

Construct accurately loci, such as those of points equidistant from two fixed points

Solve loci problems, such as identifying points less than 3 cm from a point P



Find the mean for grouped data

Find the median class for grouped data

Find the modal class for grouped data

Use measures of average and range to compare distributions and make inferences

Draw a line of best fit on the scatter graph by inspection

Identify possible sources of bias in the design and use of data collection sheets & questionnaires

Specify hypotheses and test them

Understand relative frequency as an estimate of probability

Use relative frequency to compare outcomes of experiments

Understand the difference between a demonstration and a proof

Show step-by-step deductions in providing a basic algebraic explanation

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CPO 21

A grade D student can …



Estimate answers to calculations involving division

Use the terms square, positive and negative square root, cube and cube root

Recall integer squares from 2×2 to 15×15 and the corresponding square roots

Recall the cubes of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10

Multiply two decimals such as 2·4 × 0·7

Convert decimals to fractions and fractions to decimals

Do calculations with simple fractions involving subtraction

Increase or decrease a quantity by a given percentage



Multiply out expressions with brackets such as 5(3x – 2)

Factorise expressions

Write the terms of a sequence or a series of diagrams given the nth term

Draw lines such as y = 2x + 3

Solve problems involving straight lines

Solve linear equations with unknowns on each side such as 3x – 4 = 5 + x

Solve linear equations with brackets such as 2(5x + 1) = 28

Substitute numbers into more complicated formulae such as 9

)1( DAC

Solve problems involving graphs, such as finding where the line y = x + 5 crosses the line y = 1

Draw graphs of simple quadratic functions such as y = 2x2 and y = x2 + 2




Find the area of a triangle, parallelogram, kite and trapezium

Find the area and perimeter of compound shapes

Calculate the circumference of a circle to an appropriate degree of accuracy

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CPO 22

Calculate the area of a circle to an appropriate degree of accuracy

Reflect shapes in lines such as x = 2 or y = –1

Rotate shapes about the origin

Describe fully reflections and rotations about the origin

Identify reflection symmetry in 3-D solids

Translate a shape using a description such as 4 units right and 3 units down

Enlarge a shape by a positive scale factor from a given centre

Calculate simple average speeds from distance–time graphs

Draw a quadrilateral such as a kite or a parallelogram with given measurements

Understand that the lengths of two sides & a non-included angle do not define a unique triangle

Construct and recognise the nets of 3-D solids such as pyramids and triangular prisms

Draw plans and elevations of 3-D solids

Understand the idea of a locus



Calculate the mean for a frequency distribution

Construct a stem-and-leaf diagram (ordered)

Construct a frequency diagram

Interpret a time series graph

Draw a scatter graph by plotting points on a graph

Interpret the scatter graph

Classify and know the difference between various types of data

Design and use data collection sheets and questionnaires

Use a variety of different sampling methods

Use a two-way table to find a probability

Understand mutually exclusive events

Use the fact that the probabilities of mutually exclusive events add up to 1

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CPO 23

Decide with a reason whether a harder statement is true or false

Identify a counter example

A grade E student can …



Round a number to one significant figure

Multiply and divide negative integers

Add and subtract decimals

Find one number as a fraction of another

Do calculations with simple fractions involving addition

Do calculations with simple fractions involving multiplication

Calculate cubes and cube roots (with and without the use of a calculator)

Use function keys on a calculator for powers and roots

Compare percentages, fractions and decimals



Find a particular term in a sequence involving positive, negative or fractional numbers

Write the term-to-term rule in a sequence involving positive, negative or fractional numbers

Simplify expressions with more than one variable such as 2a + 5b + a – 2b

Draw lines such as x = 3 and y = x + 2

Solve equations such as 92

x or 4x – 2 = 22

Read from a conversion graph for negative values

Interpret distance–time graphs

Write an expression from a problem

Substitute negative numbers into a simple formula

Use formulae from mathematics and other subjects

Plot the graphs of straight lines such as x = 3 and y = 4

Complete a table of values for equations such as y = 3x + 3 and draw the graph

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CPO 24

Shape a

nd S


Show that the angles of a triangle add up to 180° and use this to find angles

Show that an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the interior opposite angles

Use angle properties of isosceles, equilateral and right-angled triangles

Find the area and perimeter of compound shapes

Find the area and perimeter of compound shapes

Calculate interior and exterior angles of a quadrilateral

Investigate tessellations

Find the volume of a cube or cuboid

Find the height of a cuboid, given volume, length and breadth

Reflect shapes in the axes of a graph

Enlarge a shape by a positive scale factor and find a scale factor

Find the measurements of the dimensions of an enlarged shape

Use map scales to find distance

Solve simple speed problems

Draw a triangle given three sides, or two angles and a side, or two sides and the included angle

Draw a cuboid on an isometric grid and mark its dimensions



Calculate and compare the mean and range of two distributions

Calculate the ‘fx’ column for a frequency distribution

Construct and interpret a pie chart

Interpret a stem-and-leaf diagram

Design and use two-way tables for discrete and grouped data

Understand the difference between experimental and theoretical probabilities

Understand and use relative frequency

Decide with a reason whether a simple statement is true or false

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A grade F student can …



and A


Add and subtract negative integers

Round numbers to given powers of 10 and to given numbers of decimal places

Write down the place value of a digit, for example, what is the value of the 4 in 0·24?

Order decimals, for example, which is bigger, 0·24 or 0·3?

Multiply any three digit number by any two digit number without a calculator

Divide any three digit number by any two digit number without a calculator

Multiply whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100 and 1000

Divide whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100 and 1000

Add decimals to two places

Subtract decimals to two places

Multiply decimals to two places

Divide decimals to two places

Simplify fractions such as 20


Arrange fractions in order of size

Work out fractions of quantities such as 5

3 of £20

Estimate square roots

Calculate squares and square roots (with and without the use of a calculator)

Understand that percentage means ‘out of 100’

Change a percentage to a fraction or a decimal and vice versa

Work out a percentage of a given quantity

Solve simple ratio and direct proportion problems

Describe number patterns and relationships including multiple, factor and square

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Simplify expressions with one variable such as a + 2a + 3a

Use coordinates in all four quadrants

Plot points of a conversion graph and read off positive values

Use a simple formula such as P = 2w + 2h

Substitute positive numbers into a simple formula

Solve equations such as 4x = 24 and x – 3 = 7

Shape a

nd S


Express fractions of full turns in degrees and vice versa

Recognise acute, obtuse and reflex angles

Estimate angles

Measure and draw angles accurately to the nearest degree

Understand the terms ‘perpendicular lines’ and ‘parallel lines’

Know angles on a straight line add up to 180°, and angles at a point add up to 360°

Work out the perimeter and area of a simple rectangle

Draw all the lines of symmetry on a 2-D shape

Give the order of rotations symmetry of a 2-D shape

Name, draw or complete 2-D shapes from information about their symmetry

Draw the line of reflection for two shapes

Convert one metric unit to another

Convert between imperial and metric units

Make sensible estimates of a range of measures in everyday settings



dling Find the median for an even set of numbers

Write down the mode from a graph

Compare two distributions using the range and one of the mode, median or mean

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Sources of Information:-

Class notes

Understand and use a probability scale

Express a probability as a fraction

Display outcomes systematically

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The Year 9 exam will cover all the topics completed between the beginning of

September and the exam itself.

The exam lasts 1 hour and is made up of the following modules:

The structure of the exam

Section 1 – Keywords

Each keyword definition is worth 2 marks.

Section 2 – Opinion

These are based on the GCSE b) style questions and each question is worth 4

marks and you will be asked to give your opinion in the answer and give TWO

reasons for your point of view, each reason needs evidence/explanation or


Section 3 – Explaining

These are based on the GCSE c) style questions and each question is worth 8

marks. You will be asked to EXPLAIN a theory or a key issue. You need to give

FOUR points in these answers and EXPLAIN how they link to the question.

Section 4 – Understanding all opinions

These are based on GCSE d) style questions and are about being able to

evaluate, give your opinion and understand the opinions of others. They are

worth 6 marks and you will be tested on your ability to give BOTH sides of an

argument. You need to give your opinion with three reasons and explain with

another three reasons why someone may disagree with you.

Exam Content

The Apostle Paul’s Early Life and Worldview.

You should know that as a Jew, Saul (Paul) would have

considered being righteous a matter of circumcision, sacrifice at the

temple on the Day of Atonement, and following the traditions of the

elders alongside the commands of God given to Moses. Such

traditions included the practice of ritual cleanliness (washing in a

religious way before meals) and observance of the Pharisees code of

conduct on the Sabbath (not working in any way).

You should understand St Paul’s Jewish worldview as Saul of

Tarsus and how this led him to become a persecutor of Jesus’

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followers. This includes his belief that only those born Jewish and

therefore into God’s covenant people are seen as righteous with


The Apostle Paul’s Later Life and Worldview.

You should know the story of the stoning of Stephen, the

conversion of Saul on the road to Damascus and his journey to

Jerusalem meeting with the apostle Peter and the church of Antioch.

You should also know some of key events on Paul’s three

missionary journeys, including the exorcism and riot at Ephesus, the

saving of the Philippian jailor, and Paul’s speech to the philosophers

of Athens and be able to use these as evidence in your answers.

You should understand Paul’s revelation of ‘Reconciliation with

God.’ Paul understands that everyone Jew and Gentile is separated

from God by our sin, that none of us are righteous and need to be

reconciled by a mediator (Christ, Jesus) with God.

You should understand that Paul’s revelation of ‘Salvation By

Faith’ means that good deeds like circumcision, ritual cleanliness or

even offerings to God will not make us righteous. It is only child-

like faith in Jesus as the Messiah and humble repentance for our

past and present sins that brings assured salvation.

Sources of Information

Attend ALL revision sessions offered by the PTE department.

Learn key definitions in each topic by creating definition cards and

going through them every day.

Ask your teacher for some practice exam questions.

Revision notes which are short and snappy are essential. Try to use

techniques which are useful for you- try the look/cover/write way of

memorising and create mind maps for each of the topics you need to


Ask before the exam if you are unclear on any point and need it

explaining again

Make sure you revise each topic in enough depth - you will need to

write in quite some detail (especially in c) questions) if you are to

secure all the marks available

Pay close attention to the detail of the question, make sure you

actually answer what is being asked for.

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SCIENCE - Sets 1 and 2

You will be tested on all the Science covered so far this year. There are two exam,

each of which is 1 hour long.

Most questions will be short answer questions. Read the questions carefully as

you will be asked to complete diagrams, complete graphs and tick boxes. The

number of marks tells you how many different points you need to write (e.g. 2

marks means you have to write two valid points). Answer all questions.

You will need a ruler and calculator for the exam.

Topics to Revise

Revision Tips

Make sure you learn the key words.

Don't panic, if you prepare properly and thoroughly you should do well

in these exams.

Don't forget chemical formula, equations and the organs of the body!

Don't just read you exercise books - this does not work! Write key

Words and definitions, summaries, test yourself - anything that gets your

brain working!


P1.1.1 Infrared radiation

P1.1.2 Kinetic theory

P1.1.3 Energy transfer by heating

P1.1.4 Heating and

insulating buildings

P1.2.1 Energy transfers and efficiency

P1.3.1 Transferring electrical energy

P1.4.1 Generating Electricity

P1.4.2 The National Grid

P1.5.1 General Properties of Waves

P1.5.2 Reflection

P1.5.3 Sound

P1.5.4 Red-shift

B1.1.1 Diet and exercise

B1.1.2 How our bodies defend

themselves from infectious diseases

B1.2.1 The Nervous system

B1.2.2 Control in the human body

B1.2.3 Control in plants

B1.3.1: Drugs

B1.4.1: Adaptations

B1.4.2: Environmental change

B1.5.1: Energy in Biomass

B1.6.1: decay process

B1.6.2: Carbon Cycle

B1.7.1: Why organisms are different

B1.7.2: Reproduction

B1.8.1: Evolution

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Sources of Information:-

Use the following useful websites for your revision:

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SCIENCE - Sets 3 -10

You will be tested on all the Physics covered since you started the course at the

end of January. There is one exam, which is 1 hour long.

Most questions will be short answer questions. Read the questions carefully as

you will be asked to complete diagrams, complete graphs and tick boxes. The

number of marks tells you how many different points you need to write (e.g. 2

marks means you have to write two valid points). Answer all questions.

You will need a ruler and calculator for the exam.

Topics to Revise

Revision Tips

Make sure you learn the key words.

Don't panic, if you prepare properly and thoroughly you should do well

in these exams.

You will be given a sheet of Physics equations in the exam. You do not

need to learn these, however you do need to be able to use and re-

arrange them confidently.

Don't just read you exercise books - this does not work! Write key words

and definitions, summaries, test yourself - anything that gets your

brain working!


P1.1.1 Infrared radiation

P1.1.2 Kinetic theory

P1.1.3 Energy transfer by heating

P1.1.4 Heating and

insulating buildings

P1.2.1 Energy transfers and efficiency

P1.3.1 Transferring electrical energy

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Use the table below to plan your revision carefully. Aim to revise three subjects

per day, spending 20 minutes on each of the three subjects.

Day/Date Subject Topic(s) Completion



Mon. 23rd Feb.

Tues. 24th Feb.

Weds. 25th Feb.

Thurs. 26th Feb.

Fri. 27th Feb.


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Use the table below to plan your revision carefully. Aim to revise three subjects

per day, spending 20 minutes on each of the three subjects.

Day/Date Subject Topic(s) Completion



Mon. 2nd Mar.

Tues. 3rd Mar.

Weds. 4th Mar.

Thurs. 5th Mar.

Fri. 6th Mar.


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Use the table below to plan your revision carefully. Aim to revise three subjects

per day, spending 20 minutes on each of the three subjects.

Day/Date Subject Topic(s) Completion



Mon. 9th Mar.

Tues. 10th Mar.

Weds. 11th Mar.

Thurs. 12th Mar.

Fri. 13th Mar.


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Use the table below to plan your revision carefully. Aim to revise three subjects

per day, spending 20 minutes on each of the three subjects.

Day/Date Subject Topic(s) Completion



Mon. 16th Mar.

Tues. 17th Mar.

Weds. 18th Mar.

Thurs. 19th Mar.

Fri. 20th Mar.


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Use the table below to plan your revision carefully. Aim to revise three subjects

per day, spending 20 minutes on each of the three subjects.

Day/Date Subject Topic(s) Completion



Mon. 23rd Mar.

Tues. 24th Mar.

Weds. 25th Mar.

Thurs. 26th Mar.

Fri. 27th Mar.


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YEAR 9 REVISION PLANNER – Holiday Revision (Week 6)

Use the table below to plan your revision carefully. Aim to revise three subjects

per day, spending 20 minutes on each of the three subjects.

Day/Date Subject Topic(s) Completion



Mon. 30th Mar.

Tues. 31st Mar.

Weds. 1st Apr.

Thurs. 2nd Apr.

Fri. 3rd Apr.


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YEAR 9 REVISION PLANNER – Holiday Revision (Week 7)

Use the table below to plan your revision carefully. Aim to revise three subjects

per day, spending 20 minutes on each of the three subjects.

Day/Date Subject Topic(s) Completion



Mon. 6th Apr.

Tues. 7th Apr.

Weds. 8th Apr.

Thurs. 9th Apr.

Fri. 10th Apr.


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CPO 40

Example Subject Mind Map

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Revision Notes

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Top Related