


Yearbook ContractRESPONSIBILITYAlthough you will be working with other members

of the Dreamscape staff as a team, the duties that are assigned to you are ultimately YOUR responsibility. You will meet all deadlines on time, and give 100% effort in everything you do. You will do this not only to ensure the success of the Dreamscape team, but because you have a responsibility to the entire student body to create a yearbook that accurately accounts for their experiences throughout the school year.

Yearbook ContractDISCLOSUREThe information discussed among the Dreamscape staff is strictly confidential. This includes any information pertaining to our theme, coverage ideas, headings, photo content, etc.

Team Rotations

Pre-Week: Determine what your team will cover and form a

detailed plan outlining your spreads (dominant copy, mods, ACD’s, etc.)

Meet with Coverage Editors to review master calendar and ensure your coverage plans meet requirements

Delegate tasks for completionMeet with Copy Editor to brainstorm and plan

interviews and/or other coverage devices

Coverage Week:Cover all events for the week (academic,

conservatory, student life)Photographers: keep photos organized and

upload according to proceduresWriters: get interviews, quotes, etc. and

develop an interesting storyDesigners: make layout and mods, keep in

contact with team members to ensure efficiency

Team Rotations

Production Weeks (two weeks):Writers: Work on your first draft, edit, revise, form

final draft, spell-check all names on spreadPhotographers: Choose photos, edit photos, upload to

eDesign, place photos, write captionsDesigners: Edit layout, work on mods, place headlines

and graphics, finalize spreadALL TEAM MEMBERS: read, re-read, and read

again! Work together to ensure it’s PERFECT!Submission Week:Submit printed spreads, checklists and rubrics to EIC’s

and Adviser and receive grades.

Team Rotations

Yearbook Team Rotation Schedule

Yearbook ContractDEADLINE REQUIREMENTSOn the day of the deadline, at the BEGINNING of

class, you must bring the following two items:A printout of your completed spread. (Create a PDF

document in eDesign and print in color.)Rubrics (one is required from each person on your

team)What does “late” really mean anyway?

If you do not have the previously mentioned items by 45 minutes after the bell rings on the day of the deadline, your entire team’s spread is considered late. None of you will miss your deadlines. However, if such a tragedy occurs the following policy will be in place:

Your Responsibility grade will be lowered by 10% for each class meeting it is late.

Yearbook ContractGRADING POLICY60% Yearbook Spreads: ALL team members receive the same

grade on assigned spreads.Yearbook Spread grades are determined by specific rubrics

(writer, photographer, or designer).Rubrics are scored by the Adviser with help from the EIC’s.

20% Self/Peer Evaluations All staff members will grade themselves based on a given rubric

that measures overall effort, timeliness, focus, and teamwork skills. Each team member will evaluate their teammates on these areas as well, and these scores will be averaged together. Self/Peer Evaluations will take place twice per semester.

20% Responsibility (meeting deadlines, returning equipment, etc.) All staffers begin with 100%, and this grade will be lowered by

10% for each day a spread is late (see late policy above). These points can be earned back by submitting work early (at least one class meeting before the deadline), covering extra events, and helping other teams with tasks.

Yearbook ContractCAMERA POLICYYou are only allowed to check out cameras that

you know how to use effectively. Cameras may be checked out for a maximum of one week, and you must keep it with you at all times. In order to check out a camera, you must complete the Camera Check-out Log. Before you return the camera, it is your responsibility to make sure your photos have been uploaded according to the photo organization procedures. Late camera returns will drop your Responsibility grade by 10% each day. The cameras may NOT be used for personal photos.

Yearbook ContractCOMPUTER USAGE POLICYYou may not bring materials and/or

assignments from other classes into the computer lab. While in the lab during Yearbook class, you will use the computers to work on yearbook assignments ONLY. Although it is tempting to visit other sites, you will NOT do this, because you will use your time wisely and effectively. There is absolutely no food or drinks allowed in the lab.

Yearbook ContractSTAFF COVERAGE POLICYYearbook staff members are only allowed to

appear on one extra spread in the yearbook (in addition to the yearbook staff spread, publications spread, senior ads, and portrait). Yearbook staffers are not allowed to place themselves on any spread that is assigned to their own team. Exceptions will be made only with EIC and Adviser approval.

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