Page 1: Yellow DeGraaf Taylor Co., Special - Chronicling · not prova snatker It, atece of Die Imppy «Jestlny




WHiTELwv mil) the ouest on ???????.-m:

JiAKKS IIY G???? B. LXWRFM ??/??? 1.


WAY, W7I.I.I V>I II. M'.'-'LIMY. .1 IMES

vv. Al.) X vviil'H, MC: vr HAL

PP1 vii XNii 0TNBR8.¦emilhlag whkek appertained to sffeeUanate regard

and ?,??? follow hi ¡? «ana esstrndied in the dlaner girenlast ertolng by tie Lotos club t«. Whitest* Beat, a

former «ar«sadent <>f thai ingsiilislluu it aras ¡? home-ejsasjsag, ? beau rai teal ¦sattaea·, t·. aa aseortst». aadit yvas evident Usti Mr. Read sRseeslsted tisi rordtsRtyof the offerings of g«xi fellowship, by a bodj "f

men between whom Md Blttsell Ih' re arc

many tics of fi.ondship, sotas of which ar.· )·>»

aarred t<> be made eeassoaplaee in atereotypedprint. The dinner wo* gtren bt the efctkhesat·. bedmany members of Wie club soneenéed to occupy Beataat sablee an Ihe aasesti Bear, rather lhan forego an

opportunity la Join In the feaUvlttea,Prank H. Ima/rea·)·, arestdeal <>f the club, an uri

at the contre tabla an the Brri fl"or und Bf, il.

White. vice-piv-bl-nt, ruled the Bftj gentlemen who ssf »t the tablea <"i il.««""I

floor. At tho main table éVraa statrs, by th«· side OfMr. Lawrence, sat the guest of th·· craning, Ir. Retí,and at his right was ex Mayor Abram s. Hewitt, whoso

presence wa, greatly appreciated. Charles Stewart

smith, president of th«· chamber «>f Comaterre, -ut aithe left of Mr. Lastlauee. Others ut the same matewere Mil rat HaNtond, 1). «*. Mills, st. Clair MeKelway,J. W. Alexander. William Winter. Cenerai Wagerswayjie. w. ii. McRlroy, Thooaaa W. ??.·?. ?··! Dana,Robert at Renner, Aiihar P. Bearers, ConteArmstrong, VtaetMUM Pnul d'Ahaac and E. B. Thurbee.

At the other tables arerà R. B. Harper. F. Banner,J. Etc-igii Fuller, C. 1, laud·-«·. John Mutton, S.

Shcthar, C 11. Coffin. T, Henry Isso·, G. P.

Mason, K. .). Moses. Jr.. A. 6. Loria,John W. Vrooman, F. P. Morris, VV. II.

Jarju«. O. F. Donne, .-. I. ?. Oaken, W. &Johnston, J. G. Outdid, \Y. H. BaBaaley. H. 1.«« HwoikI,F. L. Montague. C. R. Wnylaiid. T. W. Wood, A. E. 3.

Tovey, E. C. Jumes, ( W. 1'. iris. Henry Mspleson, K.

«lover, (». H. IcCateiatay, C A. Geriack, Dr. L. Lbeanifin. J. E. Milh'illaiul. II. W. OtnnOB, Cuson Lake,S. W. Wruy, I. N. BeligStSB, A. K. Klin,:. C. T. Cntlin.

William Hurt .-niitli. George H. Jones. R, It. Roosevelt.A. P. Bnrbank, H. R. Akten, A. T, Hills, R. A. win

haus, Rdvsrd Mulini, il. E. Locke, ?. W. Brlttan, W. P.

Phaney, A. P. Dariley, M. bk*ntgrlck», it. .'. Data, W. B.Kiiiuiyveilei. 11. t.. Burign, J. T. Hand, \. c. Heynes,Praaktya Fylea, v. P, Ulhaey, M. II. Robertson, ?¬

? rank gaehaniso·, P. R. Wilson. C. W. Price, A. Boeko-wltr., 0, F. Maedonald. (¡corco lircch. C II. Webb. Kb ?

Flympton. ?. F. Tait, Qeorge II. story. ??. Wstterson,W. e. Darla, R. it. Vallentin.·, w. P. riiiiiip-. S. A. Roh-llls'.n. E. f. rnolfa. William Crawford, w. Parsons, U.WladnmHui. A. O. HaH, H. v. simm-r. o. W, Btocklcy,Chester s. Uurü. T. R. Pickering, T. W. Bracher, R. M.

Phtnips. s. g. Packard, D. Boasutao, A. R. IcOtutsii,Finley Anderson, J. Van Iktka, P. d. YnengMag, ««. F.Vletor, W. T. Kvans, Jumes Raseorar, J. H. Joliuston.

CBnrleg Oetmberiara, R. F. Itoyt, Jehu* Chambers, ?, ?.

Hurnhiim. 0«rerge Irans, T. JE Howefl, L, C. Woehare,c. h. Lc.sior, m. Valsali r, W, s. Logan, C. c. Buckley,T. »aunders, R. I. Murray, M. C. BterabacB, A. C.Hand. John Achtet·, E. 11. Roberte, .'. K. lanaoa,K. Manin, J. M. Ashley, ji., George II. Daniel·,William H. Bradley, M. Zimmerman. D. B. Mekett,W. il. White, R. Lathers, John RMerida, J. B. l'.uid.

J. M. Hnrney, Uriah Welsh, J. s. Afcaeatts, J. WUBamde iBgjBi (¦· P. Benisaün, J. H. »pregan, E. n. Brawn,J. F. Postlrihwaite, K. P. Btepbenson and c. «¿chatte.

The «lemmi mis cogitated oí im «.il painting of Mr.

Rei'l. lull kntgth, ou <m »ble «.,' »·. Ill li was the Hug ol

the ratted Bastee and mi the other that of the Republicof Emine, "? th·· apposite side of the ????? was a

painting of the steamer I,a Champagne, on whteh Mr.

Rc:d returnel Iroffl G? inc. and nuovo It was tJio in¬

ter!pilo¦ : -s!: kraaght oar gnest over the sea from

honor-, sbroad ?·> greaur tt-tnon ni koste."

?*?..??.\??(. the si:i:i:ciiMAi;iN( xvai after io o'ctotth whaa Dr. latarreoee called the

assemblage to order. In rising to hateedSSNtlie guest ot Uie evening he said :

The gentleman In whose honor we assemble kVBJgMrequires lesa than ray atan aa introduction t«> themembers of the I.«it«.s nub. The charter of theclub, by tlie Legtektture of the Peate, was grsntodtoase twenty year* ago to Whltelaw ?··?<? anit othert· ststaien, Mr. Reld'a name being th first upon the ? ?.

^?-??? then until ¡invv be his been actively ldctitnnslWith the club, Bttd has always luid a SjreetMt ptsetIn ill« regard of its member-.

When, some thus· «/ears ago, Mr. ReM y»as ? bi s.-n

by the PresMenl of the Cnlt-d States la till ? hokoawable oSka of Minister to th.· irrat -. 1er republic of Prance, the stembsra ,.f the Logea clubwere asaong ih«· ii:-· to expreas theii- sense of Ihefinies ol me «eleetioa; f>r taey, better than alinosiany, knew the sten, muí knew boat many at "·«-

(ji::ill!ied t'> dlgnlfj ;.d sdora the station ta .ridekhe wa-s called. We ? irted from kim with hlgbcsl «¦aselatloiia of whs1 m woaM schiere, snd bos» lasthe has letaisted, v-'uu .very anUrlpatioii reanaed.whoshould icjobe more bOBrtily tlian his old frb-nds undeostsaotoas ul ihe L is (lub I

\\«· knew b·· must soreeed, toi what coaM s«. n«le-«¡ii.tely prepare ¦ can tor a diplomati« eareer ast· fear In tie» presldenr.v of this orsunbuitionMieli a eotme «,' trentanni i> perhap, sev«îre, but theitsrtivor U qaaBBed tu «"?;»·.' with any nation what-soever. (Lasghtc.)

.in««· his retri, ? ni abre <i. ir, ReM has been¦síblUly entertained, 'tt-i by th«· «oririy composed oftbe -'.us of hs estive Stai ·. and then by Breitesttasorlatlon of merchant·«, H-e Chamber ot Commerceof Hi". City of Bea·-York: und up m those orea/don«!mack, though bt no means all thai niL-ht be aald,L'.s been altered In ¡.i- praise.

\<i POBMAL WELCOME Mini'.!'.

To nlpht he hai rome lume. Me would m mo:·,,

e.xj^ct a tormal grteting kere than al his own BreridelYet even Beret, yvheve we are not Btwaya lerioaa,

som·· serious w.,r!s hon Id Be utter'd to ihost thnt

not mere,y as friends, but as citizens who partakeIn all tisa add· t» th- «lory of our eoaatry, wo

honor nnd Rjotee over tho greal public services of

Mr. Wattela« ReM, (ApyJaaae.)t« his serviles io rematerce the merchants «,f the

reentry knee already given lestiaaony. <»f bitearnest and arda «aa kthora the treatlea ketrreaa thl-teaatry and Prance stand a- moaasteata. Vi t arhalbe Iihs dono in the dire« (Ion of Lriistrti·y mor« closes'BaRSibee the petsple of the two countries c périma·iis Pirat h serví«·· as any and there are away gentle·men present to-night who cas tell from peteoasl esperlene«· how deBghtful m» the relation establishedund maintained bj Mi H"i«t among the people of the?tat. biave and 1¡iliite,i nation lu «hose COBBtrj h··nns lately ie*lil«"i.

It is oeeesloaall» s;ii»iie-te'i by those who tarar es¬treme simpiioiiy in oar gosreramenl thai ajplomutleestablishments abroad ar« onelesa t;> a country llko oursitid shoaM not in» maintained. Thnt suggestion rln·!·.\U empirie iiixl perlées; answer In the diplomati·cureer et Mr. Reir). (Apparat·.)

We liesir It said, tip-m C.· other kand that Ikefrilted ¡states should dignify Its diplomatic some.· bybesUvwin;: nn seandlng titles spnti those yrh'. repr.ssent It In Foreign countries, in order that the Minis¬ter Of the PnrtCd States at a knsRgB cut may nolonger be eatraakei by Ihe Ambasaadnr .,r every foroJgn Cower. To in this s"ems of Utile miment, forIt Is a happy ttreaaariance in the itsttory ol «.ur Ck>v-emment ticxf In <· creai, nsanher of Instance« th..-.· whohnv-e represented it in fortdgn roantries nave been mettrita rtee »onerlec lo rank ..r titi.·: «.nr pis-atest andour best. We ie«all yylib [iride that the ????t? toG?-sncp. whlih Mi. Reid ha-. Jit--» Laid d yarn, wns w,rl'est h«»!«l by PrankllB and Jefferson, while almostcontemporaneously In dip'omatle sprVieo yylth our

pte-sf of to nicht was the lament,, I James Lu-s-llLanreB,

A HIV!" \T SOMETHEVT HIOTTPR.Mr. Rc'd ht· resides! 'L Mtatsiry IO Vtnnrc nini

returned sstesm aa, ihe tatae «jesdal. Madly, enafferi <igi-ntlemen as In veins -one bv. arid be trossM bat· ?

think that he ha= laid «!o^·. ? pui.lie riot fir po«^l endall. Yet. 'analerer atty be iris belief «r «Jaadre, ? sskyou, without «tt'inptii.r to cast an BSgnry, ml-rht itnot prova snatker It, atece of Die Imppy «Jestlnyxxi'ic'i so hang has rui'-d ear conniry if. in |ke future,so t>picai an Aaaeriasa rrBssa, p.. ssased of character so

pure and nbiiitv so spicdid, alttnM h.· eaJed msorve his roaatrr at lioui" in a ahttloa store eaaBegthan that which he las lately uceupled abroad 1 (Applauso.)

Hut. «jeatlemen, you ars rasar to hour our gaerit.As Citizens, ««.ninni·;'.·!-, friends, we greet Mm: Hi·l/'tos fu', treh-oaies «une. ii·· will lind -?p?-eliangfjs bere, but there cían i» no changa In tli" sffeetioii o' ihe members of :!>·· Lotos Club for Wlnt.-'i ·.·

Rctd. (Liud end protongrd spp!ause.iMR. RRID*fl I.M.HLV

Tlie remarhs of Mr. Lawrence aan fracjgently int?r-

niptrsl by app'ause. When Mr, BV II SMI b·· iramost h«MMik si.ved. all risine to drink his liealth at

the suyiostmn of President I.:iwrei:«o. Ilo spolie ?«follows

It Is evident that the traditions of Ihe late· Hub nre

pis-.seiv.-d. We always ..uv pu esani tlm«too much !

It seems to me tliat. In d.iys ajpae *«>. 1 bare some¬

times heard the ? otea ssaken «>f also ¡>s tin· ehtk wicix·they always entertain for.-limois;. ? ?,?» |f distinctlyunders-tood that this \< no oceiolon of that sort. Yonare etit.TtalnliiL' no for.'lvner to SSgkd.

Furthermore, yon nre entertaining a p. ? who feelsuncommonly at home. Several things hav«. happene«!to Inspire such a feeling. I haws ridden uptown hangIng to a strap In a -Ixth «v.·. r|«vut«-d with th«msrkri enskei of the vvoaian lehlnd poking m«· InIke libs and the keel of the man lu front routing ou

my mo. ? have bees levitasi te deliver ß Untere, ans? bar« tuai un opportunity to B«ke ß poNUralspeech. My friend the reporter ha· lt*ter*/iewed.

¡one.· twit«·, ? think: and I bare eren been e*ked to

arrlte for the rnwapspt-rs. ? hedal Bndei twenty lourboon tin ¦ sui -ertptlon pnper eras piesentaA Invitingmc to join my -nlghtaor* ir raising ;i (Und t.. hire a

man tu svt.'i'p our -tn-et Bed la It-oMng over ny las

i·· Ipl· ? found that our paternal rlty gorernrnenthad dlarkaricd Us daty In presenting Its osm little

¡lulls for not doing tin· tane srorfc. ? beve llkevd-e

enjoyed the privilege of raving iron Ihe borritale 1ertors uf ¡? HngfHng death by ttattn rêverai r-entleroea«ii,. bad bad nothing fo eat lot Ibe pan lortr-elghthours, and imd na pnce to sleep BnU night. Their

Ifarea \»<·?,· familiar, bat it «track ne tant ttaet badfattened a little on their -olaer* daring the pest Ihreeyears, and that Iheti One eonph-aBn· bad an eree

ni'·:· glow ll :.p ever.

All ibese, yon \»iil admit, are elt-nnttanee· Ihal

oaghl I" inaili· alatosi aiiv old New-Yorker feel SI

h .m«- ;?µ????. no natter hott krag hi« eheenre.And ibes Itaere at* Ibe rane ritortomi sansblny

|*ble« above as, and tin· rai.hntHe ¡ur about "-.

whether In the Btroo-phere or In the people. Thereu the une a-SBRcielBn br boj littlepublic scrvue me muy hare been siile io render, aid

ihe -mu.· truly taterlran nedlnee· to pardon nlttsBeain recognltltKi of an boneei m »uve. Ttaer- u the sinn·

osen banded hetnaallty fron eU eta-ore «,f a rom

iniinity that permita pentirai dlffereore· t.. interferetaja· witii its aortal good-will and penaitre frhndineaaIban ajiy other on the wee of tii«· globe.

In thla ?, ? .tub Hie,.·»· ere probably now, s· thereslwayi were In th* part, more Deeaorteta thaa Re

! pataheaae. Political rrBlr· were stwrntoaard epane-

time· lo point lo ü,at ¡h a fair neasare of ny prrsouallaaaenee. it seoned lo an a fairer ¦*a*an of ihalbrood minded which CBBiarteriBN ??··?? ofHi? large woild. and whteb lie- at ili.· very fontraattoaof our donnilaUii loatltaslons, a geaalne bellel In ibe

maxim of Hi·· Iranertal *eotchnan, that whatevet UnrBnerenee In birtii, or in tortane or in fatata, "a nun*·a innti (or a' that-*

? \. ? \i;\fV WITH G?'.??? EYE».There la one adventos· ol a long ab*r*n«*e fren home

that iiiruishes u «ertela ¦Uetantton. You rom.· bookto your own roBBlry »?* fresh eye«. And It is ninn/.-

lug what thing) yon «?«;, and bOW much better ? M

¡so·» bbon. Never did I reiiHr.e «o fully the beaattXlof our iiieouijiaiable Outrai Park a« wlien 1 remeo. u. aftei a thru· years atase·«*· froth from tJi<· IkS«ib· Boulogne, ib" roen is a publb enemy who s «Mdefare or curtail it ami 1 lui«· ihi« rlnb and all men ol

µ,«.?? taste and good will in thi« whole oonnuoliy allí«uppi :; the »ptriied young preatdenl of the 1'ariiCommission, and hi- colleague*. In their resolniedefence ol it against every «potion· sebean of »? ¡? ,-

lion, from whatever quarter it nay eoun.limi thtre ?« oar architecture. We are upi. '¡? ?

shamefaced way. to say, "Well, Nee Vert must lookraihei erode, sfter the oplendM arehlteclure of t»e greatEuropean cantal·.'' But the freeh eve tells a differ¬ent itory. H does not deretve us by taring tino »e

bave bere a Louvre or a Madeleine, or a Place de laConeorde, or oven a Betel de Vili··. Bui M d<*

Istarile ? with tía.· revelation otan ??????|?,.?«·.? beantiila sin li ß -hobby old gen m Ute Cïiy Bata; H d>e·mnke en old newspaper man leel preti* well «nu**

fled «Uh Printing House square. t<i say nothing "fWall «t. and linedway and it d^-s abow a »ini··'? ru,d

¡a beauty of arebltectaral vthtr apiown thtit begin« towarrant u« noe In being as proad ol the .»??··..- olon;· hour«« n« we long have been ..f Ihrtr Interior*.

And do von know that, to a nmn who baa Wnhauntln« ibe old booh-ahop« on the Qnat Voltelre andl>.-liin.l It. or the brlr-a-brar .«hop- beyond the I'm«de la Repnbnqno or tho old ,11«· of the Bastln. ·? whha- oeoaslonolly, on nights of political excitement,explored the heights of Montmartre, or the byways ofihe Faubourg St. Antoine, Ihe «treet* of Bew-York do? ,t took s« badly, In man» quarter* ai least, a« hehud expected \\'e ha·.·· imitated Parlatan m-:h»,is it..spinili in unexpected advantage, if noe »re eonldml« Impoii th·· "ft, en. ? of the Parialan broonlThis nornlng I remi Iti the new.--iiajj.Ts (aal ae were

to haie the pfeasni.I Ihe rompan* here thl·of mv distingui«1!·-! «orce-eor neni the Ooveraneol ofIbe in neh Reptil lie. This raTternooo he t-ld roe be badbee· summoned to r. >-t· a. ? altould have been glad toextend to him b»*ie m» rongratobUlons and beai trishe"

when ? <aw BTfea bed be wet In the tntahl of hi«sueeeteftil dîniomatlr w..;i» in the fruitful Pan Amortcan OongtOaa. I wlh ??'? Ihe vnne «at ees* and Ihe«me enJoym*»n1 In the brillino .aii.tal f..r arhlt-h heis now nottlnated. And ? tal».· this opportun III lo¦eeaeare bin a« |a any Star« rtmn-rnlng it ««?,?,??our B-w-paper dtopatehe* for the barí fe«· days ma«

have aroused. He n.«-«l bove ?« apptvben'ioua thaiJ'art- will le blown lip and «..itt-r··-! fo 1!,·· Kind«(»«.f,,!«· in- irets itaere. it he* bea* a ?·>?.? Itanebnltdlug, end it »»ill not ?·· denroyad in .« harry.Neither ??-.-d be areeai t·«· literally Un rtorj Us ¦f.'W oxptoah-ns of bkistlng nnt*-rlal have ^t;«n.??-<? -·1ih·· l arlslan » The* bave wem tone «erloa* ihir.··in Inetr dfty, und'th*-v nr·· n··t en«|ly «mnvnedrd.The iiiy that w.-nt raroogh the Reign oltasi knew both Ihe .Jtarry nn-i tlK· downfall of Uie?easest «>idi<T sntea Cacear, that endured Ibe -dei:·«by the i.emiiiiis. and it- own CoauBOBe, im^ ktarnedleverai Itatnge fr«im this varied *>ip*Miewre amongaasen, how to deal with nrntlee ??.? nob«. ?·nraatay, I siwild goad «nW naraelf lo-rootTow in in^.·> mpanv ol m» frk-nd the Preferì of Polire In??:?!< then 1 Should on one of «he Uni. <,f i.\«Hier friend, John II. Stalin, on tin· ne\t G·.???!? ,,f.inly plonle. Wliat^-v t hnpn-ns te-rnorroa .'·?-non haery It win in· nothing.Mr. CooUdge will Budhlm-<lf. wlien be present« hi rredentlalt, In whal.111 !·« still Hk· «t??»«!, the plea«nnt«*«u endmoal beeatlfal rlty of ihe world, and be allí ;? i??«?· a welcome a« cordial s« the national friendshipit repteemte t« oM.

TiiK nr.ii vtAcr. bept yon is a great pleasure in retarnlng hone sBer «

lore abaenre lo timi ttnl one'a t.Ih.·«· be« been beptfoi Un, that be baa not ?>"<?? forgotten, und that«while the proetssloa has certainly nored on with·out bin. It nu, ^1 ill civ.· Mm roon lu it.-, mnk«. itIs a peculiar ],?··:?µ??* to be i-o-iv.-d bere, Baal? min,-(enees do not Ike plu«»e end the SUI «undine*«all up: what noniori-s ol thla l-all. gad of Ihe old. rone tu ?r\ int' Piare, nexl «l.nir In tn·· Amdemi .,fMusk·, when life wh- young ami J·.» wa- un.,mud. There an» gr«*->ted nation KinL--irV and Lordliooeliton and Rublnal In and the Kin« of the Hand»Irk I-land.bal ore ,,f them left now, and hi-, verelgn In ¡ni. li·t«· «re gtv-riVd mmde ind MatIhew Arnold ninl, IrMng and fount d,· l^-ta*·-*«:??| William S. Gilbert and sir \rthur Sullivan, andwhat ? host i.'-ide. And t.. name >.niv ibree of oarfi»«n j»isip).., eat) :mv on.· fall t·. remember with at.-iid-i' ?···?.·?«·??· >· our last dinner h.-r« f.. JohnI'rotirham, Lester Wallach »nd John «¡iib.rt· Ahin ¦· In «pite of t!..· Lotos (In?,, the world is growingold!

? eaanot thank you ?,,,, ararti, Br. I«te-adrnt, orih-· «¡nb you «o wnrihil«. iepr«*a«-nt. for ibe klndne -

whidi ha« Butrked every detail ol this rooal grurtou«reception :.for tii« rare with which you have gather*·«!many old friends to ratei ni", »nd for the .-G?.?? tobiinii still others. Two of your letu-rn to-night,nOI m alludi- io m .ny Otbeñ, bave foin hed ne m

f'ii'dlv: tin· m ,st generan« word« of George WilliamCurtis and Edmund Cuirenre Stednan.

itfit ? nasi bring tin« lambhng talk to ? rióse.I nm not bere ?a ñrlghl lo entertain, even If I ronld,lut to I»? enl'Tlalned. And ??<·?«?-·-. there ha beenJu-i a little ?,?> murli of my votre lourd In Iheland f. r the three weetas or more <i have been onAmerica* Ml. ? bave an «risk ? wear atti ??Weimar«·, und i meen le «lay her* me rime. l'I ,???»ih·· hour Im« struck for a brilliant MaAti Of atleta-efron ne. ? Unnh you ? ihou«and iim<r fir all yourpn-i will and vonr ?t?^? opinion· would tfeal ? ?<·-erred them better, I rejoice with vu In the in-..·perity of the ?'nod old rlnb. and I drink to lh* goodbeaPh, hnp»iin''-s »ud long life of Its pre«ld''i:t and .fall Its member«.

EX-MATOB ABRAM S HEWITT.When Mr. Held resiiin«·!) his seat, Mr. lewiOWie In

trodaeed ex-Mayor ai,run ,s. Uewltt, who apoke as

followsMr. Preiktanl ««ed BeottaneS of the u>u>* Ofcsh;

Your -ertddent «aid be was rrtnelant to interrupt th.·proreoSlntM by the aoand of snv other voi,·· than tin.,··whii h bave already been beard, ? »hare with himmo-t profoundly In Ihal n«.iird. ani I thought andlalak bow thai it la one of the r/rivlktgee of «»id a·,·.·to be allowed to n-.t lu qulel roulemplutlon, and inlin» pi"¡i-iire of bearing oiiiers lain for bi« InRttucUun. Sir. ? feri we ??\-?1\ ..f ttaosigbt, andmore oartteulartr of wtatea. which comes to too-** wh«ha.v.· loagkt tli.· Istttle of life und been i«Btire«l. i-, ease ta peinan the, dm ? ataluh we uii i«iu··here tonight so v.lllliiglv to pi rform, in Mfflng toMr. Hi Id how loui'soine »ve huv«· bean In his üb».·!!·and how the s, of loneBnosa, no amount of talk.political or OtheTWbte, has |?«···?? ubi.· io maJu up.

Mr. Held ¡mil I have been friend toi n.m» » t . -

end, although v»e have sad our poilu ai dlff*eenr<*s,they have eever invaded tor one ?µ?µ??? th.· g... -«?il..limili of friendship. When I have iiui.t.· ih. groatmístalo s of aiy pul.lie career, 1 say now that noone sema to m<· mo fraakt* add so freely In privai*·and beaougkl me to >··.. |he .¦rror of mv wuvs andBegrpd sa« u- roncal mikI go to tham Mr. ?;<?·?.(Applause.) And I »»III »ny now thai If 1 had followed his advice, on more thai.e occasion, It wouldhave bee· better for m·· njid perhaps '"' th,· countrv.

When Mr. Keld was .-el-i t.-d I., till the dlsttllgUtahedofltre wtalrk I»· has )net resigned, I think bo one re{oared more than 1 did, und no on·· b« lieved more than? cd that ih·· Adnlntadratton bad pu' the rirht manin Ihe right pin«··. (Apalease.)

In the einl\ Ueterj ol OUI country Jerfen.oii undAdam-· and o:h.r of our PraaMonts tboogbt Ihalforrign Ministers were not of much aoa oevertheless,the» always aaat men abroad u> till tarsi ota¦ ¦· uii-.-l rid of liOiibh'som.· poiltl'luns ut home. (Laiiciiti-r.[.here are anay examples in our eoanfry, Ihe bestknown of which is John Randolph who \»,iv senito H sin to dp·, and uh« OBSM back borneti die, to the «rc«»i grattoratton of hi·.mend«. (Laughter.) Bal Itaere v.,is snotket rea ß.When the Diplomili.· bill was attacked on the groundlint the ¦aariaa w«-re loo i-'ivn aad that our roan tryoaghl t . dl«c.,nliiiu·· G« f,, |gn Mil ;-'.·?·-. I had rhiirywof tho bili, aiti I p,.iiil.-d out to the House an.I Inev.r h«*ard aJiy objection nade afterword, although ??·?· ¡? Im- .« on an o·«« a>,ioii quit·· recently- Hintu was qalte serwenry lo edarate our Mlatst<-rs wl ?we sont f. foretaje porta, ami ? ?,??-? any ina« the Repnblli ?? Ai|iul'iJstr«l|i,.| (Whlcti ha. -il. c...-.|m| (I.X«eedingtV able and patriotic Intaoeratlr Aandnlstrai.bau mad- u rareel dMcovery, nimrtr, ihey bave .-»?··. t.Hi·??··:? Who ha«l been J. ·:?<1, tiiliicl m a ? palei «eh..·, un» ior««li:n remmnnft* or any government tiudeiwhich the otdtnan rule« of dlp'otnaey exist they hn»···"!·'«,(? men irainod in an rdltorkil rapacity. The»have pteked oat the eree who know Sven trick andevery motive which loiaeoeea human action-, \()alean).)

I think thai the vciv inni«· or liumaii lateflbanH ewan exhibit·«! by the Presldnii whan be chose as themim to repn'-etit u-. ander very peculiar dinVulUrs intho foiirt Of Frnnco a man who was bon, .nf| )?G,.,\ jn'filo, and who had been graduated In the rltv of N«-wYoth In the nilttst of our local poHnra, it iiehtet«ad Bj-plense.) I Un-r. p-rf-.u,· w.-u thnt .kat**verhe did would be well dono, J that al) he JLtl as

Moth-Proof Chests,

£=S6-50 to $11.00.I

tiii:ee Sl/.E-st

g ???'.? ¡S l'I ET "' IN' His -I PUT.A tttogvsrd a-aiii-t Hi,· «J strnctfiil niolli, which «¡;i

tow - tin u, n .«:.·¦ i'* ravagea11,.- an i. as> · Ik* b -t redet lu Use moat durable

,.:...·,, wltt paaekri «Me« ¦""· «"f- «·*¦ -u,"t ''¦«-·"·

,,, ?,:, u ·, ;n «J sbselBtely strik srsaf

DeGraaf & Taylor Co.,? ? ? EES OF CIVE EC UN ITC RE.

47 and 49 West 14th Street.REAR CI ILA VE BIW.TORR.

Minister to Elance would ? «b.uii'l to the cns-llt of his

Now. for the Editor of Tl.» Tribun«· f·. bare arrivedat ? ho .inclusimi that a foreign treaty «an t.· n«l-

vanbtgeona to aaybtal] and rhut it is not a crime thaiought t.. Im· suppressed. Is in mv mlndevMence .·; theenormous value thai ?? «bTived from sending editorsabroad u- the representative« .»f our great astrane,I.I ..... ...» ._1.

? i.niiL'i'.nT.iRow, 1 <lo nut Know Ml) man .f luv n«'«iuuliit.-iii<e

m m Bring perhaps I ataj know som.· who ere dead-wiui ha·. .· g..i together a· man) gi ml iMngx as Mr.Rdd ha-. Before he went nbr>ad h·· (pu a ¡?·-? -].-, ?-1-totrrih*r, and connected ?«, it h that newspaper he coia pnmp of editors ami reporten wtthoni ? uperior ?a primp? crp- pcrhapi althoul an ranal.In ant liiie c-tnb-llshmeul In Ine worM. (Applause.! lie u· ? a tin«·building, and, If I may be permitted In Ms presence lo-av ii. he got a rhannlne wife and a most admlraldefamily and a bean Ith-iil of ? futlt-r It. law. lApplauhé.l

Row, «1.» von aro «1er when a man look- si thingsof Hint «ort'whleh he bas gol together that h«· (roesb. work .m.? a.ivi-..s m her peuple t·· -..t logrihrr,(laughter and applnu· e

Wall, I Know Hiat I am willing In sacrlflre mv·" ..? the aliar .¦' repntiBi in Institution if thai M lo

be the result, sn.i if I am t achieve a many delightfill and plesaanl things as mi friend, Ir. Reíd.I Lang), tei

So*·, with his profound knowledge of Internationalrekilton«, nn«! with io- reputation which be ¦¦«

qitli si, not nnh In Cran.··, but In tmerii... IhereI- no felHng to whal belebt« h" may attain IfIt «hi uM liappri Itati ihe pe .pie of this ron itrt «houli,lu ß spa-in nf extraordlnari Intelllgei.laughter), ree

ogni re ihe enormon advantage wMch It woeM '"

f.« ili.'in bv scrurlng In Ihe MshiM executive ohVt·of ih.· land ?.rvlce» ri u trained ¦ diplomat, s.,

trise a Btatesman sa Ir. Ci«!, there is ut ton«! oneli.'iuocr.ii In this i.i' .? land who will n d «a) Mmnay, and «!><> aiB ?'···? 11¡:,t virtue ims had Ita re

ward. (Cheers and applauseHARLES STEWART svniil

Mr. ??.-win's speech ami sreB recelved, and st its

ri bearti ebeen »ere rjern foi Ht· es-Mnyoi <>t

New York, i'«'i't ii s,, high m pert bj .«Jll the ritisena..f tti" fii'-tr «poils.

Flscnual Paal d'Abete iben made a le· feUcttaenremarks

Then Ir. Lawrence railed upon Chart·· StewartSmlib, presiden! ,,f Ihe Ctmmher .>f Commetta, win,

laM :ii.M·- it not occur to y«.i. Mr. ? ualrmta, that ?

« rtiiK «?? Ihe dinners, ? ß? Ion ?.? ih ¦; ¦¦

?,.-?? tendered t. Mr. Brid -tn.«· lu, return, he «- badab'viit> enough t.. t..:.. Ihe bead "t .1

¦?:,-??.:<· (lian µ. .? ,·?.·-: l im·· beoti su ,,'«·¦ u«·ib-i ..f uni listener io all Iba! ?.,- been .. »·? «edd

In prri.1 bis public sn-l tot ..1 Bfe. I dud Ih I I«?? .?·· range of hie virtues has be 11I1I.1 e y ;· ·¦

and lib! "(<··?, 1,. th«· admiring p.I bis .'rien.l-hi.µ-.·., keying almo·! ha eri la IMnh ol «nethli ;

ime and compllni, lUiy that WOuM b·· sBghtl) ???'ßami not eoUrëh n chestnut. Poriuostelj I call lumind .??..· .'¦¦·! it *i bed wllh jroui gisest eotncago la ?'.??·. in rblcii lie gave me kmm M . ol t ·«·

din,, nie. lie had In enirlng a passport for the vm rlcan,?·,. Hie market. .·' Frai ··

in «li·« II--I ?.- tin- matte srit'i the Minister «f 1Affair·, H al .·· ntl-i ·'. IV« II it . Mo ud u I.«

(«ire \.'i lb.1 In to otfrr to Era lire lo lettini fu 11.1.

gri .,·¦:, ¦· wl h c d« «le ¦¦ il li in

produci ,f ·. our. ..unir·. 01. yon adinll tre» or redor·I bo ii .". up .1. 1 reni li li cai ·· ,; ·· repliedvii. Reíd. "We are '»-1 be, «mine a hai wiiie-gi ·lag country, »nd I' · i«"t probable n.t Orniwould «oiiM-nt to thai.' vt·. 1 d< ???..·?-..??..-, Mr Helda'.l ?-, hi ? nd iMnk a p Igln

mi-ait French plctan I ···." and II rem erara·· ..r row g'.!·- t Rial br threw it,·- greatInfluence ..f hl Je 11 il si d ·- 1x«-ubili- \«l"i l|ie lawmakers I, Ws ??¿toh 111

fsv.,· of nia «salina Odi ridicalo« .-·,·? .·.·<. aponligi,«, knoa ledge and rrtlnemenl lAppl-ius

Mr. « "liiiii m.??. ".,y take the apportatili,re '".l Is thl ¦ ·..;,-in 1,, arg· upon «. -.r. ¦ ,1onir Stènda ;, .1 gae '-. b. "s·· Hu- ci- it Infla«which cbi-'r· around Ihl« hiaspitatde board :,, se«tust- IbS pu-lig«· of a bill bj Congre* which shalllake Ihe eutj ,,·! all genuin·· ''.Ik. ,.f art, ami thn«remov«· ? et-i ding repnavk opon the lodgment, ta-t>-and rti. 11 /;.- si "f "m ooamtn

l thi· k. >t « inn: unni, ibi,1 ihe , tuntry 1 to becongratulated upon the appointm-nt of G. J« If«tonnage .,- m. -.-..? t.. vi· ReM at Peri·. bevaknown Mr. OnolMge for Itrenlj live year·; h·· Is «

y.eii «ralpped gentlema p "i resnarkable eseentls-epowers; he has the reputntion <>f accomplishing wbali" und.u',· s. I knoa "f ? in.m :n ??·· e,iiinlrv WhorouM till Hi·· ..nie.- ,,f Mlmater m cran..· with moreability, grace ami dignity than Mr. CooUdge. (Appllllls,·.)

MURAT ll\l.-H.\!)S WIT.The asari speaker upon whom Mr, Lawrence aaked

w;·- Maral llateksad, »im -poke ¡,s folto··:Mr. ??·, stdiuit und Geatlemen f Ihe Lotos Cbtb in

the Intereal ,,f loumaliMii mj remark ?»'.«' '"«·?? reiiii'.sj u, typewriting. iLiugbtr.i The able and able«bodied editor "f Iir··<»L 1\ ? an,I I nuil s|n.i, with some

confidence for Iwa «? them no· silUna to light it nut.m it,! line ñilh the bonored gu.i «>i the evening, ?it lakes all summer. (Laughter.) ine u (lie Ihlrdlim,- v.,· have rallied, and U «..· are »till rurther alluredwith Mv luttions tu raactoattng fei»U, we shall persia:·entiti respond with sn appcerlttlv« »cceptance aad .i«lyam.· "while glow Hi·· le>av.-i s with Hi«· bu-t steps of<ia\ .» ··· ii.· Bridge, resolved u> do ,.'ir dmy, and ret.»111 io Mi·· shadow- of our rhurrhe 1,¦¦.,..".· ihe bmii...hen our g.Hiih <Hv I- overwhelm.d with th« muida)i!.\, -;m|^T 11, ihl·. ,···!¦

The »in«# »h let ? bed th«· honor of during ih«· egMinister lo Prance, ani the physlrtlly large und inlotieetuall] Intensé Hmoklvn .-.iit-rs anere Ihere represeiiiing betii sUi.-s ..f th,· Rlaskwlppl Valley. (Anplans«·.j ihe ddBght· of thai dinner bave noi laded,Htul w. shall not. I trust, her- and now resume Hi -··

remlntecencea and recotlecttonii thai m«· stimulated l>vthe bto· oniing of the bm baye tree, that u Ihe chestnutof Prance, ulti. Intoxleatlon In its eBoioacenre. (Laugh1er.) Atid \<i one mav -\»u\^ genti) "f the nail hyvstern e ru.-r of (ihlo. I shall ?????<·-?? refrain fronigiving 1 b ,.f Um sten born th.-r·· «i>>, have turnedtheir fares to Ike ?«1?? of the Essi end entered Intopublic life on iha Atlantic frontiers. II mav not beInspproprint«! I«j mention thai Ike tnthnr .,f 'Ohio Inlb.· Win" bad embariBMIIHIll In the ->?(µ·???,??????????' <·

of material for bu bug·· n.i band· voium.·., thenish of i|ch.· beginning with (¿encrais (»rant, >liermaiiand Hberidan. (.Vpplaase.) After tiv aword came Ihepell.When I r«·. Ite Ibi f..' t thai mi pen llonrlslu·«! ;, good

deal In the com,,· of the war, I am 1,1 «red rather C) ?sense of JuaHee ?«.wad others, thai) a spirit .f vanityus |o myself. I a rertained earl) ami was remindedlote, that the rnndld hlstortan Is not roustmllv ap¬proved h\ ib«· roa 11nering hero; end I was noi alwayasoBtory In my pari af the rountn lu thai experienceot inf illation. (Langh'cr.)

Daring aeveial rears bave re« lead from the youngrenilernen ahe are stleged to be pursuing fhrirstwUea In the numerous and varions Institutions .iflearning lhai adorn and (¦> .1 certain extent Illuminaleour mutili-, ??.???,?'??. atl'.-i requesting Vie·'« uponfjrhooH if Journalism. I have n«-v. :¦ returned nnadequate an ver. bul studi now attempi «loin.· n, luiiaip.ii.ii'h Ihe in af school ,,f loumslùm «se amr written on th.? ti-ld, ami In tiu.i schoolth·· gaests «.f c«· Lotos this evening, grodnaled srlthhigh honors. (Applaus.*.) I «IM not (.??.· ta« a«lvanta,' of the «trinali, bring gradoaied as 11 war.·In another. In th¦-·¦ day« before Ike V\'ar when Skimoon, n- there L nomthem authority, «¦;,. r nstanlilinger than she has bsM sikr«·. (Lunghi 1.1

0P.JC1 I'.iCS WITH ?G??? i.i biii'i'itit tpeerk at the OMa Boriety· Ms

nee paid..u ibeM fie,|uent mfersners t.. dialog ouiIr. I.iid refe,ird t.. me as his ,,?,? opp.?,?.·' |.bad se\,¡.,i ,1.1 .,|i|i,,i;eui-, anil remember ikem keenl)ami Madly, Mil I have often ImkI t.. routes« a weakm·»· in Ike srearieg atraj of my hatefurnes«. ?lined to bate ? man Stars I'..111 ten or llft.-,-?? vais ,,

twenty or (Mm rtajsj and Mr. ReM fins ?.,, ihr appe Ile ««' a kstsful ??.??--.·?··. |«Adead, abettadlag inrenile les. Ha has bag penonsl i.reindle.^. ?.. ,i.nwere g. 11·· ilh' In bvor if, latlur t,',aii BSattrU, peopleHo occasionally tflled his eaoCBlB« wil'i htttdne« ,!lins had eiperleneea of being ????,.,? for ??.· truth··-.«?,.·: sad ens ..f ?,.· ?--..1,- (.. 1,.· «jernetlmm ittiztuHi Ik· Mgh schob, of ?,p,?,??-,?. is (he µ?? of proBeai wl-dom to t II Ike truth wlOi « ,.i,s ,|..p.?,· r s ·

valions.' r s G

r·, lii^t mue 1 knew Mr. ReM t.« ?.· baarttlt am..u-.csiv.^ .,,,,-·s, j unew jus, . well .« ?, phis offence was reckj«asrie»s in writing that which »aso. rtearl) even body goew what th.· mnttei wasbut a ui.-.jorltv of Ids, ft,U .w-eltua-ns und ru-ksorersdid ari ras* v> hi, «^eeae, t -· ;·?·: r,n ,rR,,ramnotara ami saw him ni hst resene himself Th»I- Vhal a felle· has |n .|. *;,., |.. gets ??,ß a .ren.J.for forcing too m ai ta is tvddsol] afoo urn people.

? »hail inn teli wbal the tight ere« about, ? was ¦ t It." iLaughtrr.)\l ,,»»¦ m«· ile· use ol the editorial -we' for ;·

parugntph. Be ol ·· The ClnclnnaO Commenial,"hadb'own Into the war from our olnce .1 good deal,,· talent, and were proud ol oat wttei ti un ?··

front. Mayor; Blckhon was Ihere, and Mr. I'limn-

Ion wa- liiere, and our circulation was be·..min·.; lit-iii,,-t appalling. ' ""' competios contemporary, -The< luminili i.a.'ett,'.' did not gel left ? -in« ni-.i ·

¿¡often a« p »bould. (Laughter.) It« page* cm-I'liu.ii ? «tream "i lettan thai were oileualvely in·?;.,. ¡-? ;,,,i signed "?;:.t··." IVc did noi ll,.' thaikind ol peliblc. It -parll.-d too mucli. uid Iherewn" .1 n-!i.i'n thai the deraed thing might be ¡«

dlnmond (l-iiigbn'i··M la-t. «.arv of this competilive well-lotng. we

li seined ??· p «derou· thai Ihere should beruption of loitrimllam like Ihal <>n Hie .-1«.¦..¦(«Of ¡he l.l-lb· Miami. That «ari Of the rmiotri had

been r.inaiUal.h· for the Yellow Springs, fbe burning

poetr».isiiifiitu» fur mant arasle-baskets. . .

', .ini -.¦·. Hi .,..>nih,-l«. the blackinewder andwhite lime are -till binning on the old d "7 ·'". ' '.noetrv ita· .I-, Mned m quantity, but Improved ?

l.i'ilV»,"" 1 bastan to aaff. if Mr.^Befclrver wrcto

¦N-etiy. be wn« never within mv knowledge ennet

al II U'l. Ibe "Agata" rorreap.tance bevamiramtUar. Il wi.jbwtrd thai serrai notable ed¬itorial had app-«ared In "The Xenla Bews. < n.-or

them .i the few ??.-'. if ini the very srst, ita.;

aehted th.· nane ol Abraham Lincoln a« a soasarlerreridenl of the United »tata«. J MftS«··-, ,,???,.

Mr. lt.·!«!'« return to enjoy 1 reriful '''",,.'?"';il is 11. n. will prore the sane «orto« su. .·.·«... tuoin-

Bad In auffng away for a ipilet time abroad. Per-.ui- be l« not for a rarn-r of renose, lie

:"·!,·. airead lo ha««· supplied a long fell want Inih.· militi.- of the State. The Big Iour Is · LargerFive' aad Um Improvement Is arjsrjictoue. (Laughterand appurare.)

ST. CTAIH IfeKELWAY.Mr. Ilnletesd't rpseeh wa« of that kindly character

which one rnret-srfUl Joumattri Inrdows npou another.

And I.·· whs Mlovrvd bv another Journalist. SCrO s ,le>

I Bast River, who «aidMr. Itendent and «entlernen: Not tans Mb ? »?:.«

lai ft dinner given lo the guert Of Sonor as 1111 Ohio Idea

in ibe citv of Btnr-York. A wee* hit*« l wa· al an¬

other dinner as a botnebrluglng le ehe relurning Min·

later of Itae lulled stateti t.- the Ooeerometa ol Pranee.

t.. night l an glad lo ? .dp <>'n. by la pari helping lo,sinner to S/hltetaw Retal. (Uughter.) We do noi

here loi.-t the Immigrant. We do noi bere drink to tho

.llpl mat. We Ju-t greet and lii-cl tin· ???,??. ll·· I«

Mre denuded ol dignities, lie at sere dripped Of ic

,,..-o.|.·«. lier.· not «hat be hut been or SOUe or -ur-

tared I el· bruti d. What bel· blnself as he B en¬

gage« our regard The Uovernmen! found oui ol what

.mir be wat nade by tending kin abroad. (Appfanu-*.l\\ . knew th·· ecc bel ..¡unid, for Ve had lalon his

neasare at homi.·. Tho Ohio Hortet) and ihe 'hon ei

..f Commerce appUuded bin heran*«' b« bad tanghi the

¡Kreuch Un .star span Banner, by in« skill with n

IwhUih) Bosse . ..·· tell ol an a.ricas pig·(Laughter.) Pori Un imp-bin.· principle of theirapproval. limagli bean» m spirit, their tw Ialini

were, a ·. peak, hoggish In can·-*. (LaaghterLoto* < loh lancet* that 1 · was en envoy, :.o they knowtain m m»· klgher rota of an ea-preaktant, iu.y diacount bla ratal a« a B««gotaator ol treaUos, for theyrecognise bis lar great«· '..m as chairman of 'heir

I(luvetnlng Committee tot o tanga Une Then revs

jin Paris us Minister are as nothing to fonrfeen re... ,· ., , 1.1.1 of tbbt club. The dlflli tagst« t --? the ir

nier ji -ululi are «mall 1 impared with the exaction* olihe 1.,n·«. w .,1 ." ·¦ Hfl) years .,f Rump« to

.,1 Lot« uduilnl imil ·:. (L uightai and sp»1·

v. ·.. ? \\ Ml s 1 : weal to Pari« h<· bad to 1»·

r··.·.».·! |i- the li-e-rl,!,· ,,f thai Republic; bulwhet wa« that to him who in youi name h<·:·· r·« i»· IUn· king« ni img, lh. reign» ol irt, theworker· in ti,·· reaun id ),'·¦.',:··. the monarch of1.tbetli world ¦¦ ulti and greatei rompan)

etiti greeted here hi lilm Unii theie greeted him.LAppltase.i it '.. l'ori good American« go wlron Uieydie, !·, N'en \.>:k soud fureigiter« u..v. ·¦ ?·· III untarthai til·-» ma) f- G lit· w« lh living. Hut Ameif·-! :-. - ui nscrtve thrm, ani the Lot«*« lub ?Hi eel ol approval ipnti idem. The ?. Club .·

the lenii 11g honte f Ihe inoli··, t, coi0 of 1 ·. \\ :. ¡,

,. d. Wli 1 tulle '·· 1 l :·· h - ull »y lu It. > 1

li ,.,? .1 .· un : · · 1 1

1. (ornali) ll< <*n eu ·· ,?'·· «··

lucri totioU» Ihe;... ·¦ behalt >,f th.·VOU · la' U '. 11 I. Uhu G?

.1 par. and a fulling'«rio« »»!..:. 1- a reUnfi·,a. In alati ·· '. did iht« und« r VIIRrtd'a pi, kksii y. ll idi d tu poli« » It ··

bla departure. It onlj Ml.·»»- ¡; fauction when it:¦··>'·./· be ha won M right lo b* r.Ivi i»»bere In »onr norm be did rt ret

¦? ?.?,??'??'? I .Ut nirt ??. G Pt.W? ?·· mm knew »· » (at leer hot

? ·. il·· 1··ire 1 it·.»· 1. pn dnu.g thl« lub. lie l· »ro -·? 1. ·» 1, »

pi dent bj bold that oltre Is .

-« My. 11 - dati diptbe im iled how 10 live, as h d, on

Bftet ¦!· · ,. kill In nrbltiUna ma-1 larve been tever-alj taxed ;·. ·

... t|J. |.. VI.-. I, |l,,?,.? lio« ?..

apprêtai ··

e· ol Ute bus ? imi the bulletin» Ile ·» -pip.a 111 ij

a..», imewhul duiwn <,n bl< Bue poliil bui timi is

ig In .· ,. Irai ·, ,·? rluli ·!i-i· Inn« und 1.? ',, -.,·. nothing

. ¦t palm ·.· imi h nh ·. Ipp m 11, n- w»«¦' lo high pion for f -ni.? ? or-. \»i-ii II

»»oui.t .·. II n, W I,., the |·?-|,.·. ? t·, »»'-le. I,,,»v I, · -!-.|III Wllll Ihelii: »»ImiIi.i lie »'.?- «le. I il ,· I',.11« I·. ,? .ifi-i the <<>niit llnd b-ei edited,

Mer.,1 un ire » m .1, all glad thai he h ?.na airee

f"l man. If his ur, -.-? |U)- ?,,·,·,, bullt ,11 th.· «;..ilU.1 an) one etao' rlgtil I bave «et 10 taam ·?it. oppiati«e. I baa rei tallii) not ·??.· lo liItuht ih·· ibi!.,,ti.' ,,??,.·? ,;,, ?? ti,.·?· rundemunII ¦!'. "i ?·.·.'?···? ih Jcali ? » mixed with It, li?·> m·· lu h.,»- ir·,··, bu entirrij {Itimute au···,?,?·.«? on, industry, fair play, h.«i«i 1. and .1

puri. t,. magni') 'he «cope ,,? s.ral )oarn-.ll«m,iiiliilnilte u,.· n-:.i!n,·- ,,? t, ·?·?. :>? Joumnllam nini.od tire ¡«??·-» .,t peeaonal Journillsni, (Appluu«e.)

.Ir." -ild a m I., Hen]tkinlll ??.???,???. .-.. .11,,1 fhu- the :»,,ili\ ,,| ., um,,>ii ,·??.,·." ··, ,?????,,,?, Clise,"rej.ii.«? the pini,,-».ph-r. -1- not a fa« alt) it l« the >:·?libitum of all the faciliti··...'· 1 . me it «rem« ii.itUlla ?· ultimati ? -u.. -«sfili min ?,.1- an -smlllhrlum idail th·· fu. ulti.-, ??.· bas sentiment, bul un mi muchas t.. mult- him »».-ak. lie lui- regard 1, u 1:·, ;,.in ,· »o much a« io make bin a slave to routine ,·? aserf ', -u]-r llHon. lie bai ta«te. bol noi thaiovecplu« of It which deprive« hi- prore ,,tteeth \«iih which to bit,·, ll.· im« judgment,but not udì u rigid finality ··( it a« to denyhui the pleii-ur.· of inking chance* ..11 a nohleini s avene il- ha* learning, bulkm ei.«lit- 1- r«rgnnlaed fi* n*e, not -t.. ?.·.| for «famigeamid ni r gntliellliU dU*t. Il·· ha- |,·»||\ which Is -,

tar :·¦ trained a- 1.. *.!»·<· him from ever becoming thedown ofoceaaloii. ll.· bs*. humor without buffoonervlie ha« wn with.iiit malic,.. n- hai ter1«-u«nes«without iiiL-gi-lui.-,. ??,· i- ¡, Pn-thyteii-iii wltlsuHa-.,i»:i, i«m a 1;,-pillili.¡m wtlhout bigotry; a polltlelanWithout J,.l.l«-rv; an American who I- the friend bulni tho bull», of hi- country. (Applause.)rhere n>· other editor« who nit harder hutUrey hurt Itartr barata more tium the bead«,.f their antlpalMes. There ;ire other editor«.no plunge more desrepitely, but Hie ruuldlt\ of their «level,, pillent Tl-Kv ,| 111 fi irtll It V. Thereare editor» «ho mala· 1!?··??..·|?.· more ,1 perl olthrtr work, but none whose work pi.·-, n.·, in llkonr««7' IV" .

:,s i*L·. ?,""\ wtm h" " »»''vfron It. 1 am glad be has been «uccessful for be ha»been worthily «u, .·.·« ful. 1 um gì ,·? he is mit poor,im be ha« lurnounted porerty wltnoul Irirker) end he"lui.- a'llueii,.. »»iih nu arrogance, I wish he r;i··worth a hundred million i!,, und riratat not «leuuntil he gave lee half of It. l^ilght.-r. Ile »·. ,,,|,|however, never Bod In in» j.-nil edited by hlioaelf? .ur.· for Insomnia. (Laughter.)

TIM: TO no t? STORK ? ;\i\.S'..»v that von have »«,·!, ,m,sl kin home,

be "in here lo co 1.1 work. Th.riv ronliriiialloii ri·,.iti,,11 of his excellent -in«-;-ov

to in.> win lenre bin without ekenm· ninfa longerto refrain Iron touruattsa*. it·· cannot forever InaisiUni hl ¦-¦ od ere not yet throogh the ration h u«e,nles« he Is saspected of uadarvolastlon, they -??,.??.?

have been Iferoagh weeks ago (Laogtater.) He cauaol al»».u nalatain that fat« town residence is in :, chaoticanfitrión. Thai remark, pretty - on, win be regunlcd.i- a ??.,.? of verbal rather than mural decoraUon. ll«·l'annoi m,uh longer «uggtMt thai tue «en himi?« ,,? ',,·! otl hl* hl'e I iginelilary ? s-lbllil|. n ¡u·.·noi eternal. iLaaghter.i Nor «in fa" npuhigeltanlti alludet" the Inconptate condii.011 .1 In faim, f (,-t w.-. -11 \ «1 nini

do noi bellore ti i- » fui m al ali. 1 believe liun estate. Be lived m .1 palace In Part« ami culled

II a I1..11».·. He I« quite Capebta of livlug in .1 cluileaiiin Wistchestci «ni) sud calling || ? hui of prempUng a town-??? up there atri referring to ? ;|, n

(·¦»» air·- tLauguter.) \n these pretc\<.»ill -.? hev t«i I«· dropped from ?··\?·.

da not m,en K.rlpfnrel fexU. foe of then lie·?..µ?. -am.ipol) to another. I Laughter.) IrXls. Il" WUI bare U) «tau· hl- hand lu ThlIrli.une. and that 1 Ig n eail«He 'iiioLi/.'d ??·.,?.·.!,..ii" it ARnny, imi 10

the Ohio men h·· «pota al in- eoo*! «IgniBeaniexempta of «ffree Trade'1 lu tit·· worldour Intcratuta tiimeict. t.Vppluuse.) Ufo »»holitter from III·,. \»11l no vini, Juggílllg with »» ¦:

he for Itarrtaou! 1)1 I- he for lihilnet B'e »»ingive him until after the Mlnnoapoll Convention to¦i-wer. Irtil not 11 dai more. 1>·ß Ira h..|>., that ii.,·

lUter side vili nominal· Cleveland or thai t:.< »

will nominate Hill \\?· pun«., for ? reply, sub-' t·. th.· d.ii-ion >.r the n··» t ? ..lini,nui, NationalV invention. (Uughl r.i AH th suquc-ttlonim it he netil·· muri b kennt >·? then, Mereli ?· he bos noiinn., h- cannot claim a right to Like Preocfa lest

f living qucalhiiH .um burning la-arcs. When ?gii ?.»e, pat* ,.? th- armor, mai Un«upporl he has had fromill pani-« a. u Blnlitec broaden and belter hi advocaci.' ¦·!:· and lemper hi teal again«! lbs other. Ma) theaigenes ,.' i,i- rountry·« h.irt. which 1·, In feu

i.'itig against hit own, convince him thai petrtaUamp.iiiiiai 10 neiiher parly and is predicable of l.,i|,

Maj Un dimenili.- ?,. Bnd* in Hooring Republican.',·..-· ? m,.· Ii 1111 .hiii.table (OWerd lem .imi dorelleion«, und ma» he hold u rio« a rein on prejudice 1

«t mv timo to be Bbtaj rally the h-.t tig'HTiit on hi«»ido «lia t..« beat tuoukiit ou the ?;her olile for Uta

aé t,?? riDELURY SAYS

(Frork Coat. Loiiiig.i and Met·Mg Cat Suit-.)

He tina importe«! a I ai rae nn«! lliind-toine Slock of

Besteh Chevista and B«sesasarsaa ta nil the New toi-

oiiriiigN. which he I« making tin In Hie popular Lounge

Morning Coat Huit« lor*¿'»¡ positively Hie »Bine goods,¦'rie, nuil woikinnn«lii|» «¡iniioi be puiclinaed from

any oilier reapon«ible House iiiulrr SttA unii Stil.-nmplra, iu-li iiciions tor VIi-u-uriii«. and Album of

Cii-iiiioi» «ill! on Applieiillou.Try our MeeMoh Sirlne» and ('heck Trouaera ??

mensure ni $«.3U, or lwo pair» lor 8 Ivi· They lire

very sulrnble for «lyliah mid rongh.nnd-rcndy wenr.

Tailorand Haberdasher,6th Ave. and 14th Street.

I'.I.i'« R. R. BTATIOB AT THE DOOR.Bfew.Tork Times ^v« Mi·.·, "Driory's new-cut Hiding

Habita bave been prouoiuieed 'perfect' by tie· roori expertr II r ,"


rlgbteoui administration arni li shonM be demanded <>tnil publli ervenis, whstevei Ihrii poHUc», when mnthev bay·» ?· ? clothed with the duties ol repi.·«tini.«l with the obligations «f rule. (Loud anicontinued applause.

JAMES rV. ALEXAXDKR.Kverybod) presea! pronounced Mr. UcKelway'i

sj». ii «.no "f the btguaei order, and be erasin-null·, applauded during IU deUver) end whenhe sot «Iowa. Then RilBam B'later, «>f TheTribune staff, irati ? poem. Mr. Winter*· poem was

pronounced bj ll. who beard it ·..f (be beri in-

had ever given iii*>ii .m aller «linn· r occasion. ThenMr. Lawrence Introduced J. W. Alexander, who - «l«i :

Then· «as noi one « «rd »aid In my Invitation abouImaking 1 «p.Ii. I dona complain ol ih:-, b.-··

a deal, dumb and blind man ought to have beardand seen enough of oui distliigu ·· friend, Mr.?:.·??, to be to pronounce .1 eulogy upon Mmwithout preparation Bui 1 wonder why I arts di-

rrtmlnated igalnsl and stade to speak on the »purof the moment, when Mr. Hewitt, end Mr. Smith, andMr. lini tend and U otkei sta w Mently been.M g ? Bd) for I.,' ?-· il.atlg'it.

-¦«· by yoar book thai Hie Loto« club irsi organ;>·? to ¡iron. ,re «orlai iiit.-r., -etween Journalists,ari '-. musician« and members ,.f the theutricalprofession. ut there 1 not one wisrd about theAmerican II·,' Sol thai I am rlasrifying myerif??·:,?.·? the J ii uighl n. alt mlgbl be1,.ij.jn to belong lu 1 bod) tor wMch the gocal ofthe evening ha- shown each a dri-Med pjrilallty.(Laughter.) li·· in» certainly r-.« up that rumodltyf1.,rii a condition "f degl'i.I lib«? and made il reversing II.¦ Umenl expressed in thelines Hudlbra

I I- I; .M I- pre 10 s and «I '¦ In '.

?,,, ?, a pern f,·. miai striae.''··.:,· other» who have nj« ted oui frlend'a

.· American Hog and be

,. Hu privileged · !« ses who form the constituency.. As tu .?G,?-t-, ?.,, example, there

real mas« of the American pe pM who barttVtenough i<« buy picture«, haven't -kin enough

la ? Int, laven'! t. t.· euougk t<> Judge, and haven't. ?-.· enough ?·, keep i|ulet. (Laughter.) fhla largeu ?,1 InfluciiHal b-:\ 1 up|>ose 1 rrpresenl to-night.La ightcr.l dont hm.v. whether inipie**!« nieta e ime

rad of artisti or not. In fact, )i is bardget a definiti.if what nn Ira pre stoniti le. An

am -t m New Jet ej 1 ntbed his musUiche with a toaden went oui to Watt IU Mie SMonHght

¦..", 1 ) mg lady. Wheu t».-. canto hrto the oriniviUghi ..? the ? irtor her far louta I like oaa <«f u lustier'·

etchings, and the) mM bs araa en impi«--,«... ·.

.I.,111k.·.'But ·, r mind the d tl 1 le nl .«· hut drei

ami illudi lilis an'· me ou! ? ever) thai sandenl in doing honor t" oui sccompUsbed Blend,

n we ere ore to be righi art m > err bulrauuol ml ." Then, as to muslclana ant

??,.-.,? ¡.1 people· srs cannoi ill belong that b s

bui we ore «Ii going I lie air f« the ben 111 <>i the\ ? id, and we can all !.¦ wt-fted Into fairylandi,\ the mugli ol Padcrew ski, and 1 represen) ..ll

a ?,, know 11 thing technical!) ol music or the draasji,ui admire tliem neverthel«

l»| rei vi:i G??» Oi m ??? KN \i.l-sl-.

And then 1 to jouriiull see thai :·. ? 0 meiir-i m ellglbllH) In >¦ .-unni.? the Lotos club..vnd w.ii tlteej m a-: it I, not .i\,-ii to all ,,f as ;,.be j.'ii. n.ibsi ., 1,11, t'hai n ploie--...?, il grown l"1»·: When y >u bay, doue «oiuefjilug iliai you waul?,, keep "in ,,t the papera, u «eeoia as || everybodywas .. joiunali-i, .m.? ytuir front door tep 1- Invadi lbj em. (Luaghter.i VVheu you have a iteri«- -ai'which .-"ii waul li In eri gratis, 11 seems a- 11 therew.i- put a Journalist in Hie laud. (Laughter. 1 repreneni Uta targe «las- who would Ilk, t ;, journalist«.\\.· look «un ewe up .11 thai mysterious personugs'who. shrouded under the Impenetrable pi lection ofthe Imperlai ¦.we." wields u power ? hl· h mav well«¦.xeitc the envy of a Caarl Perhaps no one >.f tie·1.1-s commiuids .1,· womler than Hie nmii who getsup the Min.i.iy edli (Laugh! ·· 1.The journalist .pie .1 niche fur higher than the

poet. The poet w, ?.,! seem to iicbleve greatness inpp.p .rjj.ei 1., hi« imomprehenslblUt) (laughter); thej"i.rn.ili-i m prwjj .1 ii..n 1, his truth and (orce (Api'laiis,·.. ? «aw a 1.1 imeni In .1 es papi r Intel)thai Walt Whitman wrote his (».eiiis on ¡i tubici bitm ids lap«. -We think mu iub-<>ribera should havethe sdvuutoga of ;,i- ut unni,' ul the editor,"tiernuse n«oad) rnn k. 1,. leading one ul vVultWhitman's poems what II c written on." (Laughter.)Ih., fono of the «d.i.,rial -we" was obseivubk» In apurugraph In a Western pnpvr which unt.»d that SimJones -aid: "Nevi to .. prett) w ,iuan I Ilk,· a f;,.ihorse." "W.· don't," commented the editor; -whenwe ire tf-xt lo s pretti women, we like thai kind ofa hois,, thai you hau· to builds Uro uuder tosai bbuOfl of a snail ????." (Lailghti 1.1

Rot t" dwell on ban vali 1- in gen.-ral. |e| nie SSVthat, speuklng for the ma who uro nul joiiruatls·.I am proud ?., be abb. t.. pu tribute 1,, n. Journalistuh,) ha- Honored himself and bis profession bj «nowIns to what nolde «mis itial profession mav 1<·?,1when practised to ¦ i»u,·. rhilur!) and I <,. i,.. \|,. ¡ ,-,-.;,|,.r., ,,,.,, ,,..same mua who began ,, Joumull ·. li ·,,¦· boa Ùpure and able pu p.t could !>¦ made :.. ... ,.,| ,,. | ....,reJb'd to represent his country nod di.t it t,*.'i.s andhis ...uiitn s rrrdlt. Is p,«· one wl. unie coni-sOrsi in Ih- lisi ,,r ti.. organisers o( (he 1., tin',was for man) rear« Us president, and 1- tonight |uwelcome guest. H could be »nW ol him during thewar- when le· gnkted Ihe iilhiiue. ;?, ||U!wer Raid.? "?"

' lus charm tei ||«< seemed an .-iiibod'l ·,?journal. Including the leading article«, the law reportsn.rvlgn iiii'lii,', ,. ·. HieiHHiri calendar, down ,. births«leale- Ulld in Ilia -, ,,,,.,, ,,, ,,,,. (lj ,,,, ,.,,one ha-- only to remember ilia« ho was .·, .|::·,, .pnmgus in th«· soil of Min·., watered bv i... ,v| ,1 ',·, 0fHorace «Jr.·. I··: ¡md ripened 11 der th.· suiishlne ,,fthe l.vlos lab. (Applause.)

1 am reminded 1.·. ih* ,..· of y,,iIP club of the»'ory of 1 iv so« and i.|. 1 ompanl. u ? ufi rIbey had «ojourned among the I.«-eaten mid ? <rtaken of Ibelr food, forgot their native ml endnever wanted to go bom« ngnl 1 hope that nowthat Mr. Held ha- ign|u tnsttd Hie f,.»i ,,r ß Lotosrob. ??-, ?.· «, will ',· oven· «rue with limi hapn)languor ami will Im· contented t< «ray among ns undnever leave as sgsln. lAppluuse.)

Mr. Alexander was followed by Qeneral Wagersu as u,·. Caul Bene al »> «poke.

WII/l.l\M II. MeKLROY.Then W. ? MiKlrov. of The Tribune «teff, aidMr. President and (lenUemen of the Loto· Club:

Cei.linue.l on l-'ilih I'nge.~


PARASOLS.JlanilsoiiH' lot famv rJrjbin «iiiipcd Coaching

l'iir.isins.till «.ha«l«'s.u Bargain fl 1|.:ion very tane Cbaitaeabla silk, «-lose-roued

l'arasdls, with «ases ami tussd to match, ¡ri;·.19Special Plico.

Luií;·' loi JlxlMi-iiuh Suit I'mbi-cllas, withBat assorted baodles Bad |)aiu;'oii fnurios.

CHOICE AT 95c.Elegant lac«· trimined and fringed

Parasols, at closintf priées.

Special SaleGenuine Imported L*qRhorB Fhtta, whito and

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Walking Jackets, Top Goats, Reefers.Large assortine???? In G??-,????? Serges,

CgpBWltUB and Kcrtcy < loth.Ladios' ¡ill wool Cloth Jackets, tan naw and

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Ladies' :i!l »vfM.! Hla/.er Suits, BeJ] Skirts,$ß.??.value 99.··,

Ladies' tine ciaj Diagonal Oapea, with rib«bruì. $8.00.urorti $12.00.

5,00« MISSES' RKKFEB COATS. PBOH 4TO I I VIÍAR8, AT |1.25, $??$ AND 81.75 j

Half Reputar l'rices..Jim Misses' ¡ill wool tlrjitnel (loth S«h«iol

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Ladies China Silk Waists.Faacj plaited troat, in rad, naw and Mack,

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Special lot ladies' lose rat shoes.includine,Doñeóla leather, with tips and piatii toes brownSuede v* it h patent leather fronts, si/«-s ? ?-·_· to7. 98e. pair.worth 92.99.

Ladies' tin" >ofr Dongola leather Olfoffd Ties,patent leather pointed toe caps; also, eommonsense saapt.$l.:i;» pati -worth $2.25.Large assorted lot Ladies' Button Boots, in«

eluding Kreuch Kid, Dongola and straight goatleather, hand sewed »volt.·» and hand sewed turn(·« 2 1-2 to 7, width« ??. to L. $2.'¿lpair.worth 95.00.

MEN'S SHOES.Half usual prices..Sizes 6 to 11.

Fine Calfskin in button, lave and eag^prjgg,82.08.worth 80.00.

Fino Calfskin Shoes, lace and elastic sides,82.30.worth ·*.*>.tin.

Extra quality Calfskin Shoes double sole·,lace and congress.Excellent wearing, tl.99-·north $4.00.

EDWD. RIDLEY & SONS,..0.9, 311, S11J to .?21 Grand-Si.. ? f.

Newest Thins: Out!



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a S uno.)


FRfifi s? t? 1» li: ¡»otiles.?,G .Mm·. Carolin,'s |ir> µ.????|,·??< ur··«,.,?,?? u,» I«.l.» caliti till« ful·G>» \?\µ »»,,.,; st ever} I ul>'· eJujtie,I «aat'ite of th.· ir,«t¿iiU»i .-».u» Urlìi·

1 ,_ V»v^\ '·¦ R 11..». .? Saia Ga·?( ..r llmr»?·* *¦">««% '· '" il j«r "i Briján Cnata.

L·,SMStM >!l '''' .·¦¦:».· ·?· ?«? on!« ·» ¦¦·¦ -?·£*.¦» ;,.,| .?,,,· ti,,· Lin ,,r ,»,r> aleas b,

Int. alao iios.tlM'l.y isn-o«. nrlii«!·**.I't. atiir»· »>rliiMi«« dl«apt*·*· ?*? tir«!:?·.?.??,???,..11. lt. !>.·,(, ipilll, I« tint»«lille you .11«, trian tJtu. rharmii.g

lot. noi nut!,',n',!,·. it ??,?,t MlaSeta the »ktn and i«

ikti an "Itti·!· lu «4 ??? bottle. ? lau u Frenenhalt itMotsr, no <i\ ball itaiw -v· t***esta auid circa·

·.., ·,.?.»,·?? ·¦ (rae .,? "t,· rvatton. » uusuiutiontIn Un fo.i^ Mutin Suiguagas SaUj t* by Uten free of? tiurî.·.

M Ml·', t ABOLINE, K.i.iü.· I'.«.·.' Si., .ialist.Mi .".?? iv , 111, aast a??>»<· tí.

FLINT'S FINE vi,«? have serai looked Utreagb "'if amieaeeaai ree sughi from tar low priées that ve k.-pt only

Ian-Hoe ruruittir.. .x OBEAT MISTASE; KOBB BELL PIXER OOOOS. BORI siioxv st'Cll liRK.HT,PRKSH si'i'i'i; vi.?, ini'. TIME. We sever imv ? ,.,,-n to keep·ß -p?.?.» talfl it beeeeteteld, Twice » year«·· ci.-an ap thai room ·¦¦<¦ be had t,> <!i ¡:, toe mmpl« ,,f n· « ityl la |g«ati«ara. Whea kat regular rsSritasg«Imply la dell Ihuei abetaia fr. baying we must. ?··;. Iconica rsssisg, m are gatokxy »«ll asg surplus whUaII Is m«.




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