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Blog by Anuj Chugh

Your first responsibility is towards Your Own Self

May 27, 2017 12:00pm Edit Delete

Your first responsibility is towards yourself

Fuck the world !

Become selfish

You try to do good for the world

It will backfire on you

Cause the world is in it's place

But you are not in your place

In the end,

You only become the ultimate loser

Page 2: Your first responsibility is towards Your Own Self. life-and-living.pdf3 VIEWS 0 COMMENT Blog by Anuj Chugh Your first responsibility is towards Your Own Self May 27, 2017 12:00pm

So learn

The virtue of selfishness -

Think only about yourself first

Do what you love and do only that

Do what makes you happy and do only that

Do what makes you click and do only that

The world will take care of itself when you do,

What happiness can you give to others

When you yourself are not happy first ?

What good can you do for the world,

What good can you bring to the world

When you yourself are not in a good shape ?

-- Anuj Chugh



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Emotion & Belief - The Peculiar Picture....!

10 signs that your life is demanding adrastic change

Chirping of birds and pleasure.

Man tharapth hari darsan ko aaj -A hindiBHajan



Live "Happy" AlwaysLive "Happy" Always

You are the Creator!You are the Creator!

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On Scars and Losses ...On Scars and Losses ...

Evolution of Creative EnergyEvolution of Creative Energy

Feeling Enlightened Like a Buddha :)Feeling Enlightened Like a Buddha :)

On hurt relationships ...On hurt relationships ...

Mystery behind Letter X on your palms (Only 3% people in the worldMystery behind Letter X on your palms (Only 3% people in the worldhave it)have it)

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Blog by Anuj Chugh

Stand a firmer ground !

May 22, 2017 12:09pm Edit Delete

When your happiness does not come from within yourself and depends uponsomebody or his / her actions / decisions, you are either doomed or at the veryleast, you are sure to get hurt bad !

Stand upon a firmer ground in life. Guard yourself from others by creating a life youwant for yourself, and by doing all the things that you love.

If some people don't fit into your life plans, then let them go...

Love and Respect,
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Anuj Chugh


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Emotion & Belief - The Peculiar Picture....!

10 signs that your life is demanding adrastic change

Chirping of birds and pleasure.

Man tharapth hari darsan ko aaj -A hindiBHajan



Live "Happy" AlwaysLive "Happy" Always

You are the Creator!You are the Creator!

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On Scars and Losses ...On Scars and Losses ...

Evolution of Creative EnergyEvolution of Creative Energy

Feeling Enlightened Like a Buddha :)Feeling Enlightened Like a Buddha :)

On hurt relationships ...On hurt relationships ...

Mystery behind Letter X on your palms (Only 3% people in the worldMystery behind Letter X on your palms (Only 3% people in the worldhave it)have it)

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Blog by Anuj Chugh

The Dao of Life

May 25, 2017 06:42pm Edit Delete

The Daoist philosophy basically says that some times in life we have to take a fewsteps backwards so that we can have a better step forward.

You take a few decisions which are uncommon, non-conventional and those kindof that seemingly brings us losses in the short-term instead of gains.

But these steps / decisions are taken keeping in mind your higher long-term vision/ goals.

You sacrifice the lesser things for the higher ones.

But you must maintain your fight for your ideals and goals and never give up, nomatter what.

-- Anuj Chugh
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Emotion & Belief - The Peculiar Picture....!

10 signs that your life is demanding adrastic change

Chirping of birds and pleasure.

Man tharapth hari darsan ko aaj -A hindiBHajan



Live "Happy" AlwaysLive "Happy" Always

You are the Creator!You are the Creator!

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On Scars and Losses ...On Scars and Losses ...

Evolution of Creative EnergyEvolution of Creative Energy

Feeling Enlightened Like a Buddha :)Feeling Enlightened Like a Buddha :)

On hurt relationships ...On hurt relationships ...

Mystery behind Letter X on your palms (Only 3% people in the worldMystery behind Letter X on your palms (Only 3% people in the worldhave it)have it)

What is the mystery behind the last door at PadmanabhaswamyWhat is the mystery behind the last door at Padmanabhaswamytemple?temple?


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Blog by Anuj Chugh


May 27, 2017 12:14pm Edit Delete

Work to the fullest,

Live to the fullest &

Love to the fullest. (In general, I mean)

Rise above hate. Rise above hate, bro !! :)

Cause' this world already got plenty of hate.

The world doesn't need your hatred.

The world doesn't need any more problems.

The world already has plenty of problems.

The world needs solutions.

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If you have solutions, contact me, meet me

I'll help you implement and execute or get started !!

P.S - Mondays are the best days.

Your energy is at it's peak after

Sunday's relaxation.

When you are disappointed and sad, in pain, in sorrow,

REMEMBER That the best is yet to come.

-- Anuj Chugh



Simplicity is at the heart.

Inspiration of "lostlove"

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Feeling Enlightened Like a Buddha :)Feeling Enlightened Like a Buddha :)

On hurt relationships ...On hurt relationships ...

Mystery behind Letter X on your palms (Only 3% people in the worldMystery behind Letter X on your palms (Only 3% people in the worldhave it)have it)

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Blog by Anuj Chugh

Don't 'stay' there ! Get out of 'it'

May 27, 2017 12:46pm Edit Delete

This life is b%t*& and the world is b%t*&....It's not bad to land up in a hole....Youwill eventually land up there or keep landing up there maybe, many times in yourlife....The only thing that is bad 'for you' is to make no effort to come out of it ! Thepeople who are stuck are and will always be looked down upon, will never berespected. Period. This is the way of the world and I am fine with it, and I don'teven want it any other way. Live your life, earn your respect. Be a king, don't be abeggar.
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-- Anuj Chugh

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Emotion & Belief - The Peculiar Picture....!

10 signs that your life is demanding adrastic change

Chirping of birds and pleasure.

Man tharapth hari darsan ko aaj -A hindiBHajan



Live "Happy" AlwaysLive "Happy" Always

You are the Creator!You are the Creator!

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On Scars and Losses ...On Scars and Losses ...

Evolution of Creative EnergyEvolution of Creative Energy

Feeling Enlightened Like a Buddha :)Feeling Enlightened Like a Buddha :)

On hurt relationships ...On hurt relationships ...

Mystery behind Letter X on your palms (Only 3% people in the worldMystery behind Letter X on your palms (Only 3% people in the worldhave it)have it)

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Blog by Anuj Chugh

The Past Is 'Dead'

May 27, 2017 01:01pm Edit Delete

It's easy to think that you can move on...

but you can't truly move on unless you

leave all your memories behind...

by recalling and remembering things,

you are simply reinforcing all the shit

that happened to you...

it's like being a prisoner to what happened

to you...

you are basically reminding yourself,

rather taking yourself back again and again to

and re-living through that exact same moment in your mind,
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when you were totally helpless and getting back-stabbed, betrayed etc

and you could not do anything to protect yourself...

don't try to copy others...

or try to be like them...

Their's is a different story. Just leave them

But however in fact, learn from your own past

To create your own better tomorrow

-- Anuj Chugh

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Emotion & Belief - The Peculiar Picture....!

10 signs that your life is demanding adrastic change

Chirping of birds and pleasure.

Man tharapth hari darsan ko aaj -A hindiBHajan

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Live "Happy" AlwaysLive "Happy" Always

You are the Creator!You are the Creator!

On Scars and Losses ...On Scars and Losses ...

Evolution of Creative EnergyEvolution of Creative Energy

Feeling Enlightened Like a Buddha :)Feeling Enlightened Like a Buddha :)

On hurt relationships ...On hurt relationships ...

Mystery behind Letter X on your palms (Only 3% people in the worldMystery behind Letter X on your palms (Only 3% people in the worldhave it)have it)

What is the mystery behind the last door at PadmanabhaswamyWhat is the mystery behind the last door at Padmanabhaswamy

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Blog by Anuj Chugh

Street Football !

Jun 01, 2017 01:19am Edit Delete

In Mumbai street football, there is always gotta be one striker who plays withextraordinary energy and zeal and every person in the opponent team hates thatguy.

He is the Messi or the Ronaldo and gives everyone a hard time.

He gives everybody else a complex.

Though we hate that guy, we also love him cause' he makes the game interestingand brings all of us into full-throttle action.

And then there are lots of Hindi curse words and abuses among the opponentteam when he scores a goal after goal :)

and laughter among his own team =D B|

These kind of strikers bring the energy, excitement and adrenaline-rush in thegame....hahaha !!

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That's how I come to understand what life and business is.

Don't resist competitors, don't cry because someone seems to be a smart-ass.

Just play the game ! Enjoy the game !

Because these people make the game of life and business more interesting,

All the while challenging you also to put more of your energy, bring in more of yourcommitment and more of your dedication into the 'game' :)

-- Anuj Chugh



Success Spark before 'Money' kicked in!

How did I develop and what do I want?

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On hurt relationships ...On hurt relationships ...

Mystery behind Letter X on your palms (Only 3% people in the worldMystery behind Letter X on your palms (Only 3% people in the worldhave it)have it)

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Blog by Anuj Chugh

Life is in simple pleasures ..

Jun 05, 2017 03:23pm Edit Delete

Some random thoughts...

Chicken biryani khaane ka mazza jo haath se khaane mein hai woh chamach sekhaane mein nahi hai.

Jo mazza thele walo ka dhanda karane mein hai woh mazza five-star hotel meinpaise gawane mein nahi hai.

Jo mazza dosto ko khilane mein hai woh mazza akele khaane mein nahi hai. Agarkoi dost saath na ho toh kissi garib bache ko hi apna dost bana k khila lo.

And lastly,

Jo mazza logo se apni dil ki baat kehne aur karne mein hai woh chupane mein nahihai.

In all cases, I have done both so you can trust my word to the letter. I have learnt

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to live my life to the fullest by being more kind and compassionate. Cause' I haverealised that this is the only way to be. So now, I am more at peace and at easewith myself. Sometimes, food can give perspective to our lives... :)

Love and Respect,

Anuj Chugh



Stay Fearless Stay blessed...

Fake, Man-made gods meant to divide &rule humanity

The Past Is'Dead'

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God does he or she really exists ? Or is itjust a belief in our head ?

You are theCreator!

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Emotion & Belief - The Peculiar Picture....!

10 signs that your life is demanding adrastic change

Chirping of birds and pleasure.

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Mystery behind Letter X on your palms (Only 3% people in the worldMystery behind Letter X on your palms (Only 3% people in the worldhave it)have it)

What is the mystery behind the last door at PadmanabhaswamyWhat is the mystery behind the last door at Padmanabhaswamytemple?temple?


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Blog by Anuj Chugh

Release all that 'mind-fart' ! xD

Jun 09, 2017 09:59am Edit Delete

The only question ringing in my head that wintery day was 'What did I do todeserve this fate ?' I never got my answers.

Never realised then that some questions did not have any answers.

I kept asking myself day by day while trying to keep myself busy in the pursuit of'wealth' as my only happiness.

Each day I would get variations of different answers, different logic, differentspeculative possibilities until today I finally decided to laugh it all off....

Some things in life do not always makes sense ...

But you can't pursue your happiness while deep in your core, deep in your psychethose elements of hurt and injustice in this world that is 'unfair' to you are stillpresent ....

Your dreams get blocked and you start to function in a zombie-like state of being

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alive but not really 'alive' ...

Then one fine day comes the final solution - to laugh it all off, forget about it andrelease all the energy associated with it from my mind .... it's like 'mind fart' ...

Just amazed that it took 581 days for this simple thing to click in my mind !

- Anuj Chugh



Some Quotables by my facebookfriend...

The Past Is'Dead'

Losers are the 'problem'!!

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Inner beauty v/s outerbeauty

Budget Friendly Gifts Ideas for Friends onFriendship Day

600 million children will be dead ordiseased and suffer malnutrition by 2040as water supplies will shrink!


Live "Happy" AlwaysLive "Happy" Always

You are the Creator!You are the Creator!

On Scars and Losses ...On Scars and Losses ...

Evolution of Creative EnergyEvolution of Creative Energy

Feeling Enlightened Like a Buddha :)Feeling Enlightened Like a Buddha :)

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On hurt relationships ...On hurt relationships ...

Mystery behind Letter X on your palms (Only 3% people in the worldMystery behind Letter X on your palms (Only 3% people in the worldhave it)have it)

What is the mystery behind the last door at PadmanabhaswamyWhat is the mystery behind the last door at Padmanabhaswamytemple?temple?


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Blog by Anuj Chugh

On maturity ...

Jul 10, 2017 09:02pm Edit Delete

"We live in a world where we are surrounded by constantly streaming images andvoices of negative, and rarely positive, incidents.

Many of us may be in a better position in our lives wherein we are not goingthrough bad situations, but we still live with negativity because of what ishappening around us."

The reason why they call it as the American dream is because you have to beasleep to live it ! Wake up, sheeple !

Maturity is when you realise that even though you studied so much, you still don'tknow much !

Maturity is when your fake beliefs in fake Gods and fake religions have ended.

Wisdom, not intellect, is the right compass !
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Compassion for all living beings - All beautiful and shining in their own way !

Love is an existential need. It need not only take the form of romantic lovebetween couples but compassion for the whole of humanity.

-- Anuj Chugh


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Choose to be happy!

CURE 100 % Cardiovascular (Heart)Disease with Ayurveda & Yoga.

This powerful video on body positivity issomething that every Indian girl must see

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On hurt relationships ...On hurt relationships ...

Live "Happy" AlwaysLive "Happy" Always

Evolution of Creative EnergyEvolution of Creative Energy

You are the Creator!You are the Creator!

On Scars and Losses ...On Scars and Losses ...

Feeling Enlightened Like a Buddha :)Feeling Enlightened Like a Buddha :)

Mystery behind Letter X on your palms (Only 3% people in the worldMystery behind Letter X on your palms (Only 3% people in the worldhave it)have it)

What is the mystery behind the last door at PadmanabhaswamyWhat is the mystery behind the last door at Padmanabhaswamytemple?temple?


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Blog by Anuj Chugh

Improve your 'life' now !

May 27, 2017 11:07pm Edit Delete

Change your outlook in a positive way and take meaningful actions in the now.

Slay every 'perceived' limitation mercilessly.

People do not require help for all help is to be found within themselves.

People just need timely guidance and direction.

Seven billion people in this world yet only a few are able to realize their fullpotential.

Timely guidance and direction if not received and hence, suitable action /remedies not taken only makes the problem worse.

For The rule of Nature is that "If you are not getting better, you are only gettingworse."
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I am a flawed, evolving human just like everybody else

Yet, I try my level best to run my own life affairs and business based on the samephilosophy and principles that I preach to others.

Bringing more light and rationality to the world.

I am also a firm believer that mostly the message of all authors is more or less thesame, its just the different way in which different authors say it or write themessage that appeals and makes all the difference to all kinds of readers.

The only thing that matters in the end, is some positive reinforcement leading tosome positive action.

-- Anuj Chugh


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Chirping of birds and pleasure.

Man tharapth hari darsan ko aaj -A hindiBHajan


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Page 65: Your first responsibility is towards Your Own Self. life-and-living.pdf3 VIEWS 0 COMMENT Blog by Anuj Chugh Your first responsibility is towards Your Own Self May 27, 2017 12:00pm


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Page 67: Your first responsibility is towards Your Own Self. life-and-living.pdf3 VIEWS 0 COMMENT Blog by Anuj Chugh Your first responsibility is towards Your Own Self May 27, 2017 12:00pm





Blog by Anuj Chugh

Life situations are always new

Jun 07, 2017 04:18pm Edit Delete

Every person changes.

Given the same situations again, I would act more differently and maturely, showmore leadership.

But alas ! I won't be given those same situations again.

People change, places change. Maybe that's what life is !

Constantly moving, constantly changing.

Even if we like it or not.

Even if we are ready or not.

Life doesn't care !

- Anuj Chugh
Page 68: Your first responsibility is towards Your Own Self. life-and-living.pdf3 VIEWS 0 COMMENT Blog by Anuj Chugh Your first responsibility is towards Your Own Self May 27, 2017 12:00pm


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Page 70: Your first responsibility is towards Your Own Self. life-and-living.pdf3 VIEWS 0 COMMENT Blog by Anuj Chugh Your first responsibility is towards Your Own Self May 27, 2017 12:00pm


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Page 71: Your first responsibility is towards Your Own Self. life-and-living.pdf3 VIEWS 0 COMMENT Blog by Anuj Chugh Your first responsibility is towards Your Own Self May 27, 2017 12:00pm

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