

CandidatesGuide to

About The Positions

The President is the SU’s figurehead. They are responsible for ensuring that the Union develops alongside the 3 year strategic plan, so that the SU runs as a sustainable business and that it campaigns successfully for the student body.


Community Officer Education OfficerThe Community Officer is responsible for ensuring that the Union supports and promotes the welfare of all students as well as providing opportunities for students to engage in the community.

Sports Officer

The Education Officer is responsible for representing students on all educational issues, ensuring that the academic experience is of a high standard for all.

The Sports Officer is responsible for the running of SU sport, working with the Sports Co-ordinator to enable as many students as possible to access sport, train and play.

NUS delegateThe University of Gloucestershire Students’ Union is affiliated to the NUS. This means that we are part of the NUS, and can have our say in the people who are elected as the leaders of the NUS and how things are run within it.

This year, your Students’ Union is holding an election to decide on the students who will represent The University of Gloucestershire Students’ Union at the NUS conference.

Hope Fawsitt

Community Officer CandidatesThe Community Officer is responsible for ensuring that the Union supports and promotes the welfare of all students as well as providing opportunities for students to engage in the community.



hoping for

HOPESupport the welfare of students by being approachable and providing drop

Represent students

on a personal,

university or local level

Help to increase inclusion across all campuses

V o t e H o p e f o r C o m m u n i t y O f f i c e r !

in sessions

Lucy Joy Martlew

Zasha Whiteway-Wilkinson



Be Safe

Improvements on night out


Be Connected

Building connections

between all students

Be Noticed

Bringing morefocus to socities

Katie Simmons-


Education Officer CandidatesThe Education Officer is responsible for representing students on all educational issues, ensuring that the academic experience is of a high standard for all.

Raphaella Ward







Do you care about SU representation? Don’t forget to...Y

Have you ever used a campus bar?


The Community Officer is responsible for listening to your suggestions and influencing their improvements.

Don’t forget to...

Are you in a Sports team? Student Sports are run

by the Sports Officer that you elect.

The President leads the officer Team and is in charge of SU representation

Do you care about your Education?

The Education Officer is elected by students. They are responsible for developing and shaping the quality of your education

Don’t forget to...

Do you think your VOTE counts?

Voting is the easiest way to do this!

Don’t forget to...

Do you want to have your say?









The SU is led by students who you elect every year and who shape the Union and represent you

Presidential CandidatesThe President is the SU’s figurehead. They are responsible for ensuring that the Union develops alongside the three year strategic plan, so that the SU runs as a sustainable business and that it campaigns successfully for the student body.

Liam Sandford

Sports Officer CandidatesThe Sports Officer is responsible for the running of SU sport, working with the Sports Co-ordinator to enable as many students as possible to access sport, train and play.

Cody Lwin

Part-time Officers

There are 14 Part-Time Officers• Seven of the Part-Time Officers chair committees around specific areas e.g. Education, Events, Sustainability, and work with the Students’ Union on improving things in these areas• The remaining seven are Liberation Officers, and bring the views of under-represented groups e.g. disabled students and Post-Grad students, to the Students’ Union during the SU Executive Committee meetings. All Part-Time Officers sit on the SU Executive Committee and hold the Full-Time Officers to account on the things they are doing, as well directing how the SU is run! You will get to have your voice heard, as well as being actively involved in making a positive change. This year, the SU is trying to ensure that its officers are more front facing. This means that your face will be known around the University, and will give you the opportunity to talk to loads more students!

Being a Part-Time Officer can be very rewarding, as well as equipping you with a multitude of skills that will be invaluable to you in a future job as well as helping you to become employed such as managerial and leadership skills, confidence and team work.

Why you should be a Part-time Officer?

How do I become a Part-Time OfficerThe Part-Time Officers are elected by the student body during the October Elections. You can find out more about each of the roles and how to stand to be a Part-Time Officer on the Students’ Union website:


What Is The NUS?

The NUS stands for the National Union of Students. It is an association of more than 600 Students’ Unions across the UK. Through these students’ unions, the NUS represents the interests and views of over seven million students. They are responsible for promoting, defending, and extending the rights of students, as well as championing strong students’ unions.

We are affiliated with the NUS. This means our students are represented by the NUS. The NUS provide:

• NUS extra. The NUS extra card is one of the benefits you receive from being a member of a NUS affiliated SU. • Training for Students’ Union Officers and Staff. This means the officers and staff develop their skills enabling them to be as effective in their roles as possible.• A community, so that we can share ideas and best practice with other SUs.• Funding for projects e.g. The NUS provided us with £300,000 to fund our Green Fund Project which will make the SU environmentally friendly and sustainable.

Our relationship with them

NUS Delegates

During the February elections, 3 delegates are chosen to attend the NUS conference. These delegates will be responsible for voting on the behalf of the 10,000 students at the University of Gloucestershire, to decide:

1. Who will be the NUS Officers for the following year.2. Which on future NUS policies.3. What students want the NUS to campaign for.

Last year at the National NUS Conference 2014, delegates passed a policy to ensure that delegations to National Conference would be made up of ‘at least 50% self-defining women, rounded down’.

What happens at the NUS conference?



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