dps analysis


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Post on 10-Mar-2016




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Page 3: DPS analysis

Second Double Page Analysis Article main image


Body text Drop cap

Page number

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Again the main image of the double page spread is the main convention. The image of the singer and model Cheryl Cole takes up a whole page of the magazine thus portraying Cheryl Cole to have a dominance power over the whole magazine. Cheryl Cole taking up a whole page of the double page spread shows the audience that Cheryl Cole will be the main focus of the double page spread as well as the magazine itself. The magazine choosing to use Cheryl Cole relates to their genre that the music magazine is trying to promote Pop and R&B. Cheryl Cole is represented as elegant and beautiful. The image used for Cheryl Cole on the right hand page of the double page spread portrays her style and beauty. The image is a medium shot showing a quarter of her leggings, her whole top and her stylish gloves. The medium shot of Cheryl's outfit gives the audience an idea of what the article may be about. The image shows her aggressiveness and style both at the same time. Her aggressiveness is shown from her facial expression and the way she is posing in the image and her style is shown through the cloths she is wearing and her make-up. Having said that her make-up also portrays a sense of aggressiveness through the use of her red lipstick, dark hair and black to dark purple hair. Her make-up is effective and gives the audience an idea of what the article is about.

The double page image used has the same style, idea, aggressive and mysterious atmosphere to it. Which shows that Cheryl Cole throughout this magazine is trying to cogitate Cheryl Cole as a fashionable role model to the magazines target market young women aged 18-27 year old. Cheryl Cole has consistency throughout the magazine showing that Cheryl Cole is the main facial point of the magazine.

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The background colour is white and Cheryl Cole is wearing all black including her cloths, her hair and her make-up showing that as well as having a sense of aggressiveness portrayed in the picture the white background evens out the audiences feeling towards the double page spread and the feel they gain from it. The title across half of the left page ‘cheryl COLE’ shows that the magazine wants to emphasis her surname the most in contrast to her name. the audience from reading the title may get a sense that the article may be about Ashley Cole her ex husband because of her aggressiveness and the fact that the magazine has chosen to emphasis the COLE bit of her name.

This double page spread has not used a headline going across both or one page of the double page spread. I find that having a headline across at least one of the double pages is very beneficial because if allows the audience to have an idea or sense about what the article is about before they read it. This not only helps the double page spread look organised but it also helps the audience to gain an awareness or idea whether they would be interested in reading the magazine or not. It is extremely important that if a double page spread does have a headline that the headline is bold and interesting to read thus attracting the individual to read the article. Without an interesting headline individuals wouldn’t want to read the article as they may think it’s a waste of their time. When creating my double page spread a headline will be extremely important as this is what allows the individuals to decide whether they want to read the article or not. Both pages in the double page spread have used a white background in order to make the audience acknowledge that the two pages are linked with each other making the double page spread look controlled and more suitable for their target market. Having two different coloured pages for the double page spread may confuse the audience and may give the audience the sense that the double page spread is not suitable for their age group or target market and may result in them not purchasing the magazine again.

The C covering the whole of the first page of the double page spread emphasis Cheryl Cole and the important role she plays throughout both the double page spread and the magazine as a whole. The letter is in red and as a result has a much bigger effect on what and who the article is about because this is one of the main conventions that stands out in the double page spread alongside the main image that takes up half of the double page spread.

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Drop-cap Kicker Button


First Double Page Spread Annotations

Body text

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The main feature of the double page spreads is the image, fonts, layout and the text. For many double page spreads the main convention is the main image, this applies for this magazine as the most important item that stands out in the double page spread is Azelia Banks image of her standing outside a shop. The main image takes up a whole page thus making the main image dominate the left hand side of the page. Having a whole image dominating a whole page informs the reader that the article will be about the model on the left hand side.

The use of the colours throughout the double page spread is consistent. The colours used all contrast each other well as they all go well with the image and layout of the page. In this double page spread, when the artist wants to make a certain text stand out she/he has used either a pink box to make that actual text stand out or uses the title of the paragraph with a bold text.

For this double page spread an inspiration i have gained from it is the title used at the bottom of the double page spread that links both the pages together. I have chosen to use a title just like the double page spread in order to make the title stand out as this is what i believe is the most important convention in double page spreads followed by the use of the images used. My title however will not be at the bottom of the double page spread but will be at the top as this is the main convention that needs to stand out the most as this is what introduces the whole double page spreads and gives the audience the incentive to want to read the double page spread article because of the catchy title used.

Analysis for my third double page spread

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Kicker Pull quote


Main image

Third Double Page Spread Annotation

Article Artists

Body Text

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The more images a double page spread uses the more eye catchy it will look appealing more to the magazines target market. For my double page spread I am going to try and add more than one image to help vary my double page spread and help increase its uniqueness from other double page spreads that usually only use one main image.

The layout of the text on the double page spread looks professional because its in columns which is what you would expect to find in an actual magazine double page spread. The layout of the text helps the overall view of the double page spread to look better and more efficient.

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This double page spread has an ongoing black, orange and white coloured theme. The double page spread has only used maximum of four colours (including the image). This double spread has an ongoing theme of ensuring an even amount of colour is distributed throughout the double page. However if more colours where used it would had made the double page be more appealing to their target audience. However judging form the double page spread the magazine looks like its targeted at young men. I think this because the main image is all men and when targeting the magazine at men the magazine will make sure not to use too many bright colours as this way they are attracting the opposite sex oppose to their target market.

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The title used on the double page spread is in a bright orange colour. This will help attract [people to view the double page spread because of the bright colour used. On the right hand side of the double page spread the article has used a little amount of the orange throughout the article to change the overall flow of the article. If the double page spread didn’t use the orange the article will look really dull as the only colour text used was black. By using orange it helps vary and attract some attention to the article. The double page spread hasn’t used a lot of colours which if an advantage because the double page spread doesn’t look over flowed with colours which can help the reader assume the target audience of the magazine is children.

Most of the images used at the bottom of the page are tilted which creates an edgy effect for the whole double page spread. Most double page spreads don’t use titled images. This makes the double page stand out from the rest of the double page spreads because its used more than one image and different angled images and not just one main image. This helps vary the double page spread which can give their target audience a higher incentive to buy the magazine .

Third description of the Double Page Spread Analysis

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Pull Quote

Main double page spread

Body text


Main Headline

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The double page spread seems to have no title however has ‘2:54’ that seems to be the magazines title. ‘2:54’ stands out from the main double page image because its in a bold pink colour with an eye-catching font towards the middle of the right and left side which draws the audience to view the article because they want to know what this ‘2:54’ means and why its in a bold font and colour. It shows the audience that there is a story behind the ‘2:54’ as if it wasn’t important it wont be in the middle of the image in front of the main image.

Third Double Page Analysis

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The main image of the double page spread takes up generally most of the double page spread. Because the image takes up more than half of the image it draws the audiences attention more on the image than the text. Having the image take up more than half of the double page spread can be seen as a good idea as the image will draw the audiences attention to the double page spread which will then allow the reader to more likely to read the article on the other side of the double page image. Furthermore because my magazine is aimed at adolescence and young adults they are more likely to be attracted to images more than blocks of texts. Blocks of texts is usually targeted at adults and more of the elderly audience which won’t be suitable for Musicaa because this is not their target market. I must make sure everything in my double page spread links back to my target market. The colours of the texts, font, image size and layout. The image has both bright and dark colours. The ‘2:54’ is in a bright pink colour which matches the text box on the left of the double page spread and the button on the top of the left hand side. The mix of the bright and dull colours helps the double page have a smooth flow to it. It doesn’t make the magazine seem over flowed with colour which can put the audience off viewing the double page spread if too many colours are used. Because of the variety of colours used it makes the double page spread have a uniqueness and individuality to it because usually double page spreads don’t have two very different colours used that go well with each other.

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The colours of the double page spread has a dull and cold feeling to it. The trees and black cloths the models on the image are wearing creates this atmosphere and theme to the double page spread. This double page spread is unique because the colour of the title bright pink balances out the cold theme with the image of green grass, black cloths and branches on the floor.

The double pages bright pink, black, yellow and white theme is seen throughout the whole double page spread. This makes the magazine have a flowing overall theme.

Second Part of the Third Double Page Analysis

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For my double page spread I will make sure I don’t use more than 3 colours as more than this will make the double page seem childish and could possibly attract our target market away from buying the magazine it self because they may assume its not targeted at them. The font size is also important in this magazine double page spread the fonts used are basic and not too unsophisticated. The font used is small and basic. An example of the font used may be Calibri. This font fits in with the description of what I would like to use in my double page spread and what the double page spread has used. Because the image is taking up more than half of the page it is important that the font used is simple and basic because this double page spread is aiming to make the main image the most important item of the double page spread. The font used in the double page spread is simple however it still balances out the image and masthead ‘2:54’. The double page spreads aim is to focus the audiences attention on the main double page spread image which means the magazine is maintaining their attention and aim.