draft agenda resources subcommittee subcommittee rs 2013/… · draft agenda resources subcommittee...

RELIABILITY | RESILIENCE | SECURITY Draft Agenda Resources Subcommittee January 22, 2020 | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Eastern January 23, 2020 | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Eastern Florida Power and Light Lejeune Flagler Office 4200 W Flagler St Miami, FL 33134 Day 1 Meeting Information: Teleconference: 415-655-0002 | Access Code: 735 105 408 | Password: RS2020Q1D1 Click here to: Join WebEx Meeting Day 2 Meeting Information: Teleconference: 415-655-0002 | Access Code: 730 344 477 | Password: RS2020Q1D2 Click here to: Join WebEx Meeting NERC Antitrust Compliance Guidelines and Public Announcement* It is NERC’s policy and practice to obey the antitrust laws and to avoid all conduct that unreasonably restrains competition. This policy requires the avoidance of any conduct that violates, or that might appear to violate, the antitrust laws. Among other things, the antitrust laws forbid any agreement between or among competitors regarding prices, availability of service, product design, and terms of sale, division of markets, allocation of customers or any other activity that unreasonably restrains competition. It is the responsibility of every NERC participant and employee who may in any way affect NERC’s compliance with the antitrust laws to carry out this commitment. Any NERC participant or employee who is uncertain about the legal ramifications of a particular course of conduct or who has doubts or concerns about whether NERC’s antitrust compliance policy 1 is implicated in any situation should consult NERC’s General Counsel immediately. Participants are reminded that this meeting is public. Notice of the meeting was posted on the NERC website and widely distributed. The notice included the number for dial-in participation. Participants should keep in mind that the audience may include members of the press and representatives of various governmental authorities, in addition to the expected participation by industry stakeholders. 1 Antitrust Compliance Guidelines

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Page 1: Draft Agenda Resources Subcommittee Subcommittee RS 2013/… · Draft Agenda Resources Subcommittee January 22, 2020 | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Eastern January 23, 2020 | 8:00 a.m


Draft Agenda Resources Subcommittee January 22, 2020 | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Eastern January 23, 2020 | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Eastern Florida Power and Light Lejeune Flagler Office 4200 W Flagler St Miami, FL 33134 Day 1 Meeting Information: Teleconference: 415-655-0002 | Access Code: 735 105 408 | Password: RS2020Q1D1 Click here to: Join WebEx Meeting Day 2 Meeting Information: Teleconference: 415-655-0002 | Access Code: 730 344 477 | Password: RS2020Q1D2 Click here to: Join WebEx Meeting NERC Antitrust Compliance Guidelines and Public Announcement* It is NERC’s policy and practice to obey the antitrust laws and to avoid all conduct that unreasonably restrains competition. This policy requires the avoidance of any conduct that violates, or that might appear to violate, the antitrust laws. Among other things, the antitrust laws forbid any agreement between or among competitors regarding prices, availability of service, product design, and terms of sale, division of markets, allocation of customers or any other activity that unreasonably restrains competition. It is the responsibility of every NERC participant and employee who may in any way affect NERC’s compliance with the antitrust laws to carry out this commitment. Any NERC participant or employee who is uncertain about the legal ramifications of a particular course of conduct or who has doubts or concerns about whether NERC’s antitrust compliance policy1 is implicated in any situation should consult NERC’s General Counsel immediately. Participants are reminded that this meeting is public. Notice of the meeting was posted on the NERC website and widely distributed. The notice included the number for dial-in participation. Participants should keep in mind that the audience may include members of the press and representatives of various governmental authorities, in addition to the expected participation by industry stakeholders.

1 Antitrust Compliance Guidelines

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Agenda – Resources Subcommittee Meeting – January 22 - 23, 2020 2

Agenda Items 1. Call to Order

a. Introduction and Chair’s Remarks – Chair Sharma

b. NERC Antitrust Compliance Guidelines – D. Richardson

2. Administrative (15 minutes)

a. Roll Call and Introductions — Chair Sharma/D. Richardson

i. Announcement of Quorum

b. Arrangements & Safety Information — B. Benigni

c. Parliamentary Procedures* — D. Richardson

d. Participant Conduct Policy* — D. Richardson

e. Meeting Agenda* — (Approve) Chair Sharma

f. Previous Meeting Minutes* — (Approve) Chair Sharma

3. Liaison Updates (60 minutes)

a. Operating Committee — S. Crutchfield

b. Operating Reliability Subcommittee — C. Pilong/D. Moore

c. Planning Committee — M. Olson

d. System Analysis and Modeling Subcommittee — H. Singh/J. Harris

e. IEEE P2800 — M. Osman

f. Inverter-Based Resource Performance Task Force/System Planning Impacts of DER — R. Quint

g. Electric/Gas Working Group — T. Coleman

h. Standards Committee — C. Larson

i. NAGF Generator Report — B. Shultz

4. Resources Subcommittee Action Items List* — Vice Chair Park (30 minutes)

5. RS Working Group Reports (30 minutes)

a. Frequency Working Group — FWG Chair Croop

b. Inadvertent Interchange Working Group — IIWG Chair Henson

c. Reserves Working Group — RWG Chair Nguyen

d. Scope Documents & Rosters for the RS & Working Groups – Chair Sharma

6. Quarterly Review of Frequency Performance and Outliers — D. Baker (10 minutes)

7. Quarterly Review of ERS Measures (30 minutes)

a. Annual Assessment of ERS Measures – B. Gordon

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Agenda – Resources Subcommittee Meeting – January 22 - 23, 2020 3

b. Measure 1 Interconnection Inertia Reports — M. Varghese

c. Measure 2 Rate of Change of Frequency (RoCoF) — M. Varghese

d. Measure 4 Frequency Response — W. Wu

e. Measure 6 Ramping — R. O’Bryant

8. Quarterly Review of Interconnection Inadvertent Interchange (15 minutes)

a. Eastern Interconnection Balances & Trends — B. Henson

b. Western Interconnection Balances & Trends — S. Rowley

c. Eastern Interconnection NERC NIA/NIS Error Checking Tool — C. Drake

9. Quarterly Review of Interconnection Time Error (15 minutes)

a. EI – D. Kimmel

b. HQ – H. Nolet-Coté

c. ERCOT – N. Mago

d. WI – S. Rugel

10. Quarterly Review of BA Performance (Anonymized) (30 minutes)

a. CPS1, BAAL Data Trends – Vice Chair Park

b. DCS Trends – T. Pruitt

11. Quarterly Review of BAA/RSG Changes — RS Discussion (10 minutes)

12. Documents under RS Review – Chair Sharma (60 minutes)

a. Balancing and Frequency Control Reference Document – S. Rugel/T. Pruitt/D. Baker

b. Reporting ACE Guideline and SAR – Vice Chair Park/S. Rugel/D. Croop

c. Inadvertent Interchange Guideline – B. Henson

13. OC/RSTC Recurring Approval Items – Chair Sharma

14. EEA2 vs EEA3 Declarations – J. Seidel (30 minutes)

15. GO Survey – D. Deerman/ T. Blalock (30 minutes)

16. BAL-003-1 (15 minutes)

a. Standard Drafting Team Update – D. Lemmons/R. Hydzik

17. BASS User’s Manual Update – P. Wiginton (5 minutes)

18. Order 835 (BAL-002-2) Informational Filing – B. Gordon (10 minutes)

19. Schedule Future Meetings (20 minutes)

a. April 22 – 23, 2020 – Birmingham, AL (Alternate: Dallas, TX)

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Agenda – Resources Subcommittee Meeting – January 22 - 23, 2020 4

b. July 22 – 23, 2020 – Montreal, Que, (Alternate: Vancouver, BC)

c. October 21 – 22, 2020 – Tucson, AZ (Alternate: Atlanta, GA)

d. January 20 – 21, 2021 – TBD

20. Adjourn

*Background materials included

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- 1 -

Parliamentary Procedures Based on Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, 1990 Edition

Motions Unless noted otherwise, all procedures require a “second” to enable discussion.

When you want to… Procedure Debatable Comments Raise an issue for discussion

Move Yes The main action that begins a debate.

Revise a Motion currently under discussion

Amend Yes Takes precedence over discussion of main motion. Motions to amend an amendment are allowed, but not any further. The amendment must be germane to the main motion, and cannot reverse the intent of the main motion.

Reconsider a Motion already approved

Reconsider Yes Allowed only by member who voted on the prevailing side of the original motion.

End debate Call for the Question or End Debate

No If the Chair senses that the committee is ready to vote, he may say “if there are no objections, we will now vote on the Motion.” Otherwise, this motion is debatable and subject to 2/3 majority approval.

Record each member’s vote on a Motion

Request a Roll Call Vote

No Takes precedence over main motion. No debaterequired, but the members must approve by 2/3 majority.

Postpone discussion until later in the meeting

Lay on the Table Yes Takes precedence over main motion. Used only topostpone discussion until later in the meeting.

Postpone discussion until a future date

Postpone until Yes Takes precedence over main motion. Debatable only regarding the date (and time) at which to bringthe Motion back for further discussion.

Remove the motion for any further consideration

Postpone indefinitely

Yes Takes precedence over main motion. Debate can extend to the discussion of the main motion. If approved, it effectively “kills” the motion. Useful for disposing of a badly chosen motion that cannot be adopted or rejected without undesirable consequences.

Request a review of procedure

Point of order No Second not required. The Chair or secretary shall review the parliamentary procedure used during the discussion of the Motion.

Notes on Motions Seconds. A Motion must have a second to ensure that at least two members wish to discuss the issue. The “seconder” is not recorded in the minutes. Neither are motions that do not receive a second. Announcement by the Chair. The Chair should announce the Motion before debate begins. This ensuresthat the wording is understood by the membership. Once the Motion is announced and seconded, the Committee “owns” the motion, and must deal with it according to parliamentary procedure.

Revisions. Technically, revisions to the main motion are accomplished by the Amend procedure. However, immediately after making the motion, and before it is announced by the Chair, another member may ask that the motion be revised. If the original “motion -maker” agrees to the revision, then the revised motion will be the one debated. The original “seconder” need not be consulted, because the original “motion-maker” plus the “reviser” constitute a motion and a second.

Agenda Item 2.c RS Meeting

January 25-26, 2017

Typewritten Text
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NERC Participant Conduct Policy General Consistent with its Rules of Procedure, Bylaws, and other governing documents, NERC regularly collaborates with  its members and other stakeholders to help further  its mission to assure the effective and efficient reduction of risks to the reliability and security of the grid. Many NERC members and other bulk power system  experts  provide  time  and  expertise  to NERC,  and  the  general  public,  by  participating  in NERC committees,  subcommittees,  task  forces, working  groups,  and  standard  drafting  teams,  among  other things. To ensure that NERC activities are conducted  in a responsible, timely, and efficient manner,  it  is essential to maintain a professional and constructive work environment for all participants, including NERC staff, members of NERC committees, subcommittees, task forces, working groups, and standard drafting teams, as well as any observers of these groups. To that end, NERC has adopted the following Participant Conduct Policy (this “Policy”) for all participants engaged in NERC activities. Nothing in this Policy is intended to  limit  the  powers  of  the  NERC  Board  of  Trustees  or  NERC  management  as  set  forth  in  NERC’s organizational documents, the NERC Rules of Procedure, or under applicable law. This Policy does not apply to the NERC Board of Trustees or the Member Representatives Committee.  

Participant Conduct Policy All participants in NERC activities must conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. This Policy includes in‐person conduct and any communication, electronic or otherwise, made as a participant in NERC activities. Examples of unprofessional conduct  include, but are not  limited to, verbal altercations, use of abusive  language,  personal  attacks,  or  derogatory  statements  made  against  or  directed  at  another participant, and  frequent or patterned  interruptions  that disrupt  the efficient  conduct of a meeting or teleconference.   Additionally, participants shall not use NERC activities  for commercial purposes or  for their own private purposes,  including,  but  not  limited  to,  advertising  or  promoting  a  specific  product  or  service, announcements of a personal nature, sharing of files or attachments not directly relevant to the purpose of  the NERC activity, and communication of personal views or opinions, unless  those views are directly related to the purpose of the NERC activity. Unless authorized by an appropriate NERC officer, individuals participating  in NERC activities are not authorized to speak on behalf of NERC or to  indicate their views represent the views of NERC, and should provide such a disclaimer if identifying themselves as a participant in a NERC activity to the press, at speaking engagements, or through other public communications.    Finally, participants shall not distribute work product developed during the course of NERC activities if that work product  is deemed Confidential  Information consistent with  the NERC Rules of Procedure Section 1500. Participants also shall not distribute work product developed during the course of NERC activities if distribution  is not permitted by NERC or the relevant committee chair or vice chair (e.g., an embargoed report), provided that NERC, or the committee chair or vice chair in consultation with NERC staff, may grant in writing a  request by a participant  to allow  further distribution of  the work product  to one or more 

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NERC Participant Conduct Policy  2 

specified entities within  its  industry sector  if deemed to be appropriate. Any participant that distributes work product  labeled “embargoed,” “do not release,” or “confidential”  (or other similar  labels) without written approval for such further distribution would be in violation of this Policy. Such participants would be  subject  to  restrictions on participation,  including permanent  removal  from participation on  a NERC committee or other NERC activity.  

Reasonable Restrictions on Participation If a participant does not comply with this Policy, certain reasonable restrictions on participation in NERC activities may be imposed, as described below.   If a NERC staff member, or committee chair or vice chair after consultation with NERC staff, determines, by his or her own observation or by complaint of another participant, that a participant’s behavior is disruptive to the orderly conduct of a meeting in progress or otherwise violates this Policy, the NERC staff member or committee chair or vice  chair may  remove  the participant  from a meeting. Removal by  the NERC  staff member or committee chair or vice chair is limited solely to the meeting in progress and does not extend to any future meeting. Before a participant may be asked to leave the meeting, the NERC staff member or committee chair or vice chair must  first  remind  the participant of  the obligation  to conduct himself or herself  in  accordance with  this  Policy  and  provide  an  opportunity  for  the  participant  to  comply.  If  a participant is requested to leave a meeting by a NERC staff member or committee chair or vice chair, the participant must cooperate fully with the request.   Similarly,  if a NERC  staff member, or  committee  chair or vice  chair after  consultation with NERC  staff, determines, by his or her own observation or by  complaint of another participant,  that a participant’s behavior  is disruptive  to  the orderly conduct of a  teleconference  in progress or otherwise violates  this Policy, the NERC staff member or committee chair or vice chair may request the participant to leave the teleconference. Removal by the NERC staff member or committee chair or vice chair is limited solely to the teleconference in progress and does not extend to any future teleconference. Before a participant may be asked  to  leave  the  teleconference,  the NERC  staff member or  committee  chair or vice  chair must  first remind the participant of the obligation to conduct himself or herself  in accordance with this Policy and provide an opportunity for the participant to comply. If a participant is requested to leave a teleconference by a NERC staff member or committee chair or vice chair, the participant must cooperate fully with the request. Alternatively, the NERC staff member or committee chair or vice chair may choose to terminate the teleconference.   At any time, a NERC officer, after consultation with NERC’s General Counsel, may impose a restriction on a participant from one or more future meetings or teleconferences, a restriction on the use of any NERC‐administered listserv or other communication list, or such other restriction as may be reasonably necessary to maintain the orderly conduct of NERC activities. Before approving any such restriction, the NERC General Counsel must provide notice to the affected participant and an opportunity to submit a written objection to the proposed restriction no fewer than seven days from the date on which notice is provided. If approved, the restriction is binding on the participant, and NERC will notify the organization employing or contracting with the restricted participant. A restricted participant may request removal of the restriction by submitting 

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NERC Participant Conduct Policy  3 

a  request  in writing  to  the NERC General  Counsel.  The  restriction will  be  removed  at  the  reasonable discretion of the NERC General Counsel or a designee.   Upon the authorization of the NERC General Counsel, NERC may require any participant in any NERC activity to execute a written acknowledgement of this Policy and its terms and agree that continued participation in any NERC activity is subject to compliance with this Policy.    

Guidelines for Use of NERC Email Lists NERC provides email lists, or “listservs,” to NERC stakeholder committees, groups, and teams to facilitate sharing information about NERC activities. It is the policy of NERC that all emails sent to NERC listservs be limited to topics that are directly relevant to the listserv group’s assigned scope of work. NERC reserves the right to apply administrative restrictions to any listserv or its participants, without advance notice, to ensure that the resource is used in accordance with this and other NERC policies.  Prohibited activities include using NERC‐provided listservs for any price‐fixing, division of markets, and/or other anti‐competitive behavior. Recipients and participants on NERC listservs may not utilize NERC listservs for  their  own  private  purposes.  This may  include  lobbying  for  or  against  pending  balloted  standards, announcements of a personal nature, sharing of files or attachments not directly relevant to the  listserv group’s scope of responsibilities, or communication of personal views or opinions, unless those views are provided  to  advance  the work  of  the  listserv’s  group. Any  offensive,  abusive,  or  obscene  language  or material shall not be sent across the NERC listservs.  Any participant who has concerns about this Policy may contact NERC’s General Counsel.    Version History  Version Date Change Tracking

1  February 6, 2019   

2  February 22, 2019  Clarified policy does not apply to Board or MRC 

Addressed participants speaking on behalf of NERC 



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Meeting Minutes Resources Subcommittee Cal i fornia ISO 250 Outcropping Way Folsom, CA 95630 Administrative A meeting of the Resources Subcommittee (RS) was held on October 23 - 24, 2019 in Folsom, California. The agenda and attendance list are attached as Exhibits A and B, respectively. RS Chair Tom Pruitt presided and Elsa Prince announced that a quorum was present. Chair Pruitt read the applicable Notice of Public Meeting and acknowledged the NERC Antitrust Compliance Guidelines. Chair Pruitt reviewed the Participant Conduct Policy and recommended that participants familiarize themselves with the written document. The subcommittee reviewed and revised the RS Organization and Assignments, the RS Roster and the RS Survey Contacts. Resources Subcommittee Confidentiality Agreement E. Prince reviewed the list of those individuals that have signed the RS confidentiality agreement. October 23-24, 2019 Meeting Agenda The subcommittee approved the October 23-24, 2019 meeting agenda, with minor modifications. July 24-25, 2019 Meeting Minutes The subcommittee approved the July 24-25, 2018 meeting minutes, with minor modifications.

Liaison Updates Operating Committee (OC) – S. Crutchfield gave an update on the OC activities, it is attached as Presentation 1.

Operating Reliability Subcommittee (ORS) – C. Pilong gave an update on the ORS activities.

Planning Committee (PC) – M. Olson gave an update on the PC activities, it is attached as Presentation 2. System Analysis and Modeling Subcommittee (SAMS) – Chair Singh gave an update on the SAMS activities, it is attached as Presentation 3. IEEE P2800 – E. Prince gave an update on the IEEE P2800 activities.

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Minutes – Resources Subcommittee Meeting – October 23 - 24, 2019 2

Inverter-Based Resource Performance Task Force/System Planning Impacts of DER – There were no updates for the IRPTF activities. Electric/Gas Working Group (EGWG) – There were no updates for the EGWG activities. Standards Committee (SC) – C. Larson gave an update on the SC activities.

NAGF Generator Report B. Shultz led the discussion on the activities with the NAGF, it is attached as Presentation 4. Resources Subcommittee Action Items List Vice Chair Sharma and the RS reviewed, revised and updated the action item list.

Working Group Reports Frequency Working Group (FWG) – Chair D. Croop reported that the FWG met on October 22, 2019. Inadvertent Interchange Working Group (IIWG) – Chair B. Henson reported that the IIWG met on October 22, 2019. Reserves Working Group (RWG) - Chair T. Nguyen reported that the RWG met on October 22, 2019. Quarterly Review of Frequency Performance and RMS1 Outliers D. Baker led the discussion on Frequency Performance and the 3Q19 RMS1 outliers, shown in Presentation 5.

Quarterly Review of ERS Measures M.Varghese reviewed the Measure 1 Interconnection Inertia metric and the Measure 2 RoCoF metric; W. Wu reviewed the Measure 4 Frequency Response metric. R. O’Bryant reviewed Measure 6 Ramping metric. The presentations can be found in Presentations 6 thru 8.

Quarterly Review of Interconnection Inadvertent Interchange B. Henson and S. Rowley1 lead the discussions on the Western and Eastern Interconnections, the presentations are attached as Presentations 9 thru 10. Quarterly Review of Interconnection Time Error D. Kimmel, S. Sharma, H. Nolet-Cote and S. Rowley led the discussions for the Eastern, ERCOT, Quebec, and Western Interconnections, shown in Presentations 11 thru 13.

Quarterly Review of BA Performance

1 The Western Frequency and Time Error Report are combined in one presentation.

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Minutes – Resources Subcommittee Meeting – October 23 - 24, 2019 3

G. Park led the discussion on the CPS1/BAAL trends and T. Pruitt led the DCS discussion, shown in Presentations 14 and 15. Quarterly Review of BAA/RSG Changes The team discussed the changes to the BAA and RSG. Reporting ACE SAR Update S. Rugel, G. Park and Chair Pruitt led the discussions on the Reporting ACE SAR. Fast Frequency Response White Paper J. Matevosjana led the discussion on the Fast Frequency Response White Paper, as shown in Presentation 16. Sept 15 Southwest Event C. Loutan led the discussion on the Sept 15 Southwest Event, as shown in Presentation 17. Aug 9 UK Blackout B. Cummings led the discussion on the Aug 9 UK Blackout. GO Survey T. Blalock and D. Deerman led the discussion on the GO survey analysis, as shown in Presentation 18.

BAL-003-2 Drafting Team D. Lemmons gave a presentation on the BAL-003-2 drafting team, as shown in Presentation 19.

BASS User’s Manual Update P. Wiginton gave a status update on the BASS User’s Manual.

Update the Scope Documents for the Working Group The chairs of the working groups, D. Croop, B. Henson and T. Nguyen, gave an update on the scope documents for the frequency working group (FWG), the inadvertent interchange working group (IIWG) and the reserves working group (RWG).

BAL-003-2 IFRO Validation Update B. Gordon gave a status update on the IFRO validations.

Potential RSG Guideline D. Baker shared his thoughts on the potential RSG guideline. Potential Data Review S. Rugel shared his thoughts on the potential EEA data review, as shown in Presentation 20.

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Minutes – Resources Subcommittee Meeting – October 23 - 24, 2019 4

Data Collection Process Chair Pruitt led the discussion on the future of the BAL standards data collection processes.

Future Meetings January 22 – 23, 2020 – Miami, FL (Alternate: San Antonio, TX) April 22 – 23, 2020 – Birmingham, AL (Alternate: Dallas, TX) July 22 – 23, 2020 – Montreal, QUE, (Alternate: Vancouver, BC) October 21 – 22, 2020 – Tucson, AZ (Alternate: Atlanta, GA)

Chair Pruitt adjourned the meeting on October 24 at 4:30 PM Pacific.

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Assigned to Assignment Action Item Updates Due Date Status

Brad Gordon EPG Software Application Users 072512. The subcommittee decided to annually review the list of those having access to the Resource Adequacy (RA), Intelligent Alarm (IA), Frequency Monitoring & Analysis, Automatic Reliability Report, and NERC Inadvertent software applications.

Address 072716

102715 Completed for 2015. Review again at the July 2016 RS meeting.

10/26/16 RS discussed vetting for access to EPG applications. NDAs required for access to the RA, IA, FMA, & ARR EPG applications. Access to NERC Inadvertent application will be vetted through IIWG and Regional Entities. B. Gordon to review.

7/24/2018 Agenda item on the July RS meeting4/25/2019 Agenda item on the July RS meeting



RS ERSWG Measures 1,2,4, & 6 Support ERSWG Work Plan and Sufficiency Guideline development

Measure 104/19/2017 -

Measure 204/19/2017 - ∆F/∆T - The RS needs a new name for this analysis

Measure 401/25/17 Chair Blalock to lead the development of additional metric reports as identified by ERSTF Framework Report Measure 4

04/19/2017 - The RS needs to determine how the information should be presented. For example, using a histogram to put all the interconnections together so they can be on the same scale. The graphs should also make sure they state which dataset it came from (M-4/BAL-003).

04/20/2017 Chair Blalock will present sub-team recommendations to the ERSWG.

7/26/17 Added to RS Agenda.11/1/17 Agenda item for current RS meeting1/24/18 Agenda item for current RS meeting7/24/2018 Agenda Item at the current RS Meeting10/24/2018 Agenda item on the current RS meeting



RS Interconnection Frequency Performance Analysis 04/19/2017 - T. Bilke will pull out the largest RMS1 outliers in each Interconnection as a test case to see if we can find the underlying contributors to the daily frequency variation. T. Bilke will forward to reps the info for analysis. Reps from each interconnection will report back by next meeting on what they were able to discover.7/26/17 Added to RS Agenda.11/1/17 Standing agenda item. Agenda item for current RS Meeting.



RS Generator Survey 4/21/2017 - The work in HQ is wrapping up with suggestions for the excel sheet. T. Blaylock and T. Reynolds will get together to coordinate the next steps and timeline for implementation in the WI.7/26/17 Added to RS Agenda.11/1/17 Agenda item at current RS Meeting.1/24/18 Agenda item at current RS Meeting.4/25/18 Agenta item for the current RS meeting.7/24/18 Agenta item for the current RS meeting.



IIWG Monitor Inadvertent Interchange accumulations Standing agenda item Ongoing OngoingRS [email protected] Email Distribution List Update the distro list with the following folks: Tom, Sandip, Brad, Elsa. We will revisit this distro list annually.

4/25/2018 annual review of lists will be completed in July. Will be updated by NERC staff.Ongoing


Elsa Bubble Map update? If NERC agrees that we need to update this map, we will create a subteam to help out with updating the map. Members include Dave Kimmel, Bill Henson, Gerry, Terry, and Elsa. What are the three top compelling reasons that we need this map? Tony used it for BAL-005/006 compliance purposes, industry uses it fotraining and tagging paths4/25/2018 Elsa will take the NERC staff lead. Registration will help. 7/24/2018 Agenda Item at the July RS Meeting #19. Update the bubble map to include AVRN BA creation (July 31). On Dec 1, 2018, OVEC plans to integrate with PJM.1/24/2019 Show the RS the updated BAA bubble map4/25/2019 Gerry asked for the other NERC maps be updated i.e. RC map, interconnection map, regions map. Will provide an update at the July RS meeting. Action Item goes to NERC Staff. RS Team – please review your BA area and verify the map for accuracy. Complete in about 30 days and no later than EOB May 27, 2019. Email/phone Elsa with updates.



RS ORS meetings and RS meetings Gerry - consider having the ORS and RS meetings back to back during the same week. Tom and Brad will follow up with Dave and Darrell Moore.4/25/2018 Tampa is Jan 2019 meeting. Dave agrees, we will follow up with Hassan.1/23/2019 Continue to explore opportinity to have a joint meeting with ORS in 2019

TBDIn Progress

Resources Subcommittee Action Log (updated 102319 eap)

Page 14: Draft Agenda Resources Subcommittee Subcommittee RS 2013/… · Draft Agenda Resources Subcommittee January 22, 2020 | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Eastern January 23, 2020 | 8:00 a.m

Troy Industry Education 04/26/2018 Develop multi-pronged strategy to educate industry about frequency control in general including governor response, governor deadband and sustained governor response. Sub Team - Troy (Lead), Greg, Sam, Brad, Alex/Luis, Danielle, Bill Shultz, Terry Bilke7/24/2018 Additional discussion on this topic will be held in October-2018, RS meeting. Troy will lead the sub-team, added Bill Shultz to the sub-team.

TBDIn Progress

Tony FRAT Enhancement Team 07/24/2018 Sub team formed, the FRAT Enhancement team – Tony (lead), Sandip, Clyde, Jim, Bill H, Bill S, Warren Wu. Terry suggested we follow up with the vendor and the cost for the improvements. The cost of FRAT enhancement will be minimal with support from the DOE/NERC.1/23/2019 Some minor improvements being planned in coordination with FWG. More focues is needed with a timeline. EPRI did make a presentation on a tool similiar to FRAT.  TBD

In Progress

Terry/Dan Update to the "Balancing and Frequency Control" Technical Document

Epsilon can be updated in the BAL 101 document (Danielle/Sam). Terry and Dan will complete the analysis and reviewed by Clyde, Sandip, Antonio, Sam and Hubert. Will present their analysis in the October meeting.1/23/2019 Terry provided inputs which are included in the Balacing Control document. Substaks of Balancing frequency control review initiative.10/23/2019 Currently with NERC Publication 



Terry Event selection guide Terry will provide his insights to the team working on the event selection guideline.1/23/2019 Terry gave his input to Danielle (FWG chair). Addtitional dialogue needed between RS and BAL‐003 SDT phase 2. 


RS GO survey design next GO survey design. Let’s be more systematic and organized, put some thought into it and be more deliberate.4/25/2019 Next proposed GO Survey – tentatively July 9 or 10 (Tues and Wed), verify with NERC staff. Look for events in March/April/May time frame. Early hours in the day (before noon). NERC – determine what the limitations for the WebEx participants. Tony suggested to include the Canadian participation for the next GO survey. Troy concurs, all are welcome. Troy wants BAs to communicate to the GOs, then aggregate the data that’s collected. No need to pull the data for your units. Encourage GOs to participate.a. Pre-letterb. NAGF/RS webinarsc. 45/60 day turn aroundJim has some ideas and opportunities to improve the items on the BA survey workbook. Action Item: Tom – will send an email to the RS to review the forms, will place them on the Extranet. Note – the (4) documents have been added to the RS Extranet. David Deerman – EI, Sam Rugel – WI will work on the GO survey work.10/23/2019 Agenda item #17


In Progress

Elsa NERC websiteCreate the RS a job aid with screenshots on how to verify they have signed up for a NERC meeting, navigate the RS website (public) and the RS Extranet (RS members only). Sub team will review the job aid, members include Gerry B, Nitika, Dominic, Sam.1/23/2019 Elsa will schedule an hour meeting to go through the documents she recently shared with the RS members . 10/23/2019 How to navigate NERC RS website (BASS and extranet) ‐ ELSA


In Progress

Terry UTK 1/23/2019 Terry will reach out to UTK: During item #7e, discussion on performance based frequency metrics: Tertiary Control (slide #10), screenshot attached.10/23/2019 Dr Lu will assign some of the RS task to incoming grad student (update provided by Dan Baker). Actual events vary from FNET estimates. Dan Baker is leading this effort. TBD

In Progress

RS Regional Reps NIA Tool

1/23/2019 Need the BA Manager and IT support to help resolve the bugs found by the NIA tool. 10/23/2019 Christina Drake (MISO) provided updates. Wide Area ACE Viewer (WAAV) is the new replacement to NIA and NIS tool. There will be a presentation on the new WAAV tool a the January RS meeting.

In ProgressRS Guideline 1/23/2019 Reliability Guideline: Integrating Reporting ACE with the NERC Reliability Standards. Target Dec 2019 OC meeting. Sub team to 

review the document: Sam (lead), Terry, Hubert, Sandip, Tom, Antonio, Clyde, Dan, Elsa. Terry shared his thoughts on this guideline – will submit a SAR, change in ACE glossary definition. Elsa ‐ send a Doodle Poll for May 20.Agenda Item for 10/23/2019 RS Meeting 


In Progress

RS Time Monitoring Reference Document 1/23/2019 RS has a supporting role, ORS is taking the lead. Target – Dec 2019 OC meeting. The RS provides the justification for any changes – manual time error corrections. Add a table of key parameters (is in the retired NAESB business practices). Sub team to review the document: Tom (lead), Luis, Tony, Sean, Greg, Hubert, Elsa



RS Dynamic Transfer Reference Document

1/23/2019 RS has a supporting role, ORS is taking the lead. Target – Dec 2019 OC meeting. b. The RS has a more active role for this one, heavy edits required. Sub team to review the document: Rodney (lead), Danielle, Clyde, Tom, Greg, Phillip, Tony, Dan, Christina (?), Elsa



RS Analysis

4/25/2019 Rodney, Tim and Brad – work together with NERC staff to develop the CPS 1 data analysis using PI Historian. Granular data would be helpful (Tim). Song is helpful if you ask her for data (Troy). Adam – has python and would be able to help the team.10/23/2019 Scott will replace Tim. 


In Progress

RS Review Inadvertent Interchange Guideline  10/23/2019 RS to review Reliability Guideline for Inadvertent Interchange, review is due in 2020 Dec‐20 In Progress