draft final program ched - gordon collegeijl/pc/draft final program, 244th acs...draft final program...

Draft Final Program CHED DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION S. Fleming, I. J. Levy, and D. Rillema, Program Chairs SUNDAY MORNING Section A Pennsylvania Convention Center 111 A/B High School Program Financially supported by ACS Education Division K. Anderson, Organizer, Presiding 8:00 Registration. 9:00 Introductory Remarks. 9:10 1. Why do we need green chemistry in the classroom? E. Brush, K. Anderson 9:50 2. Exploring the 2012 ACS Guidelines and Recommendations for Teaching High School Chemistry. D. Cook, C. Rulli, B. Kennedy 10:10 3. Products of the Target Inquiry project: Quality inquiry materials made for and by high school teachers that stand up to student scrutiny. E. J. Yezierski, D. G. Herrington 10:30 Intermission. 10:45 4. Health and medicine from a green perspective: Ready-to-use resources from the Journal of Chemical Education. L. Slocum, H. Wilmoth, D. Cullen, G. Rushton 11:15 5. JMU ChemDemo: Lowering the activation energy to do chemistry demonstrations. C. Rogers, K. L. Caran 11:35 6. Fun and chemistry? Yes, they go together! T. Smeltz, K. M. Kaleuati 11:55 Luncheon. Section B Pennsylvania Convention Center 112 A Practical Applications of Using Visualization Techniques in Chemical Education P. Todebush, Organizer, Presiding 8:30 Introductory Remarks. 8:35 7. Web-based simulation engine for 2D interactive simulations of molecular systems. C. A. Ashe, D. J. Yaron, M. Karabinos, L. Bartolo, J. Portman, W. Carter, D. Sadoway 8:55 8. Making their own visualizations: Introducing students to the techniques and applications of biomolecular simulations. D. A. Barr Draft Final Program · 244th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphi... http://abstracts.acs.org/chem/244nm/mmadmin/index.php?conte... 1 of 33 8/12/12 1:22 PM

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Page 1: Draft Final Program CHED - Gordon Collegeijl/pc/Draft Final Program, 244th ACS...Draft Final Program CHED DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION S. Fleming, I. J. Levy, and D. Rillema, Program

Draft Final Program


DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATIONS. Fleming, I. J. Levy, and D. Rillema, Program Chairs


Pennsylvania Convention Center111 A/B

High School Program

Financially supported by ACS Education DivisionK. Anderson, Organizer, Presiding

8:00 Registration.

9:00 Introductory Remarks.

9:10 1. Why do we need green chemistry in the classroom? E. Brush, K. Anderson

9:50 2. Exploring the 2012 ACS Guidelines and Recommendations for Teaching High School Chemistry. D. Cook, C. Rulli, B.Kennedy

10:10 3. Products of the Target Inquiry project: Quality inquiry materials made for and by high school teachers that standup to student scrutiny. E. J. Yezierski, D. G. Herrington

10:30 Intermission.

10:45 4. Health and medicine from a green perspective: Ready-to-use resources from the Journal of Chemical Education. L.Slocum, H. Wilmoth, D. Cullen, G. Rushton

11:15 5. JMU ChemDemo: Lowering the activation energy to do chemistry demonstrations. C. Rogers, K. L. Caran

11:35 6. Fun and chemistry? Yes, they go together! T. Smeltz, K. M. Kaleuati

11:55 Luncheon.

Section B

Pennsylvania Convention Center112 A

Practical Applications of Using Visualization Techniques in Chemical Education

P. Todebush, Organizer, Presiding

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:35 7. Web-based simulation engine for 2D interactive simulations of molecular systems. C. A. Ashe, D. J. Yaron, M.Karabinos, L. Bartolo, J. Portman, W. Carter, D. Sadoway

8:55 8. Making their own visualizations: Introducing students to the techniques and applications of biomolecular simulations.D. A. Barr

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Page 2: Draft Final Program CHED - Gordon Collegeijl/pc/Draft Final Program, 244th ACS...Draft Final Program CHED DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION S. Fleming, I. J. Levy, and D. Rillema, Program

9:15 9. Visualization and interactivity in the learning of chemistry. B. Venkataraman

9:35 Intermission.

9:45 10. Boosting laboratory preparedness and experimental comprehension: Integration of online pre-laboratory modules.D. R. Quirk Dorr, M. Hadley

10:05 11. Visualizing concepts in chemistry: A case study in physical chemistry. E. M. Ndip

10:25 12. Single class period activities for the science majors' chemistry course covering an introduction to the gas laws. P.M. Todebush

10:45 Concluding Remarks.

Section C

Pennsylvania Convention Center109 B

Mobile Devices, Augmented Reality, and the Mobile Classroom

H. Pence, A. J. Williams, OrganizersC. Powell, Presiding

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:35 13. Mobile devices and the future of chemical education. H. E. Pence

8:55 14. Case study in mobile device usage: Mobile enhanced inquiry-based learning (MEIBL). C. B. Powell, J. Hatherill, D.Zhang, L. Nicholson

9:15 15. Blended biochemistry: Using technology outside of class to better reach students in class. A. L. Sutherlin

9:35 Intermission.

9:50 16. Demise of the textbook and rise of ... something else. D. I. Lewis

10:10 17. Integrating student-created videos into research papers. L. A. Benedict, H. E. Pence

10:30 18. IM-Chem: The use of instant messaging to improve student performance and personalize large lecture generalchemistry courses. D. A. Behmke, C. H. Atwood

10:50 19. Putting chemistry into the hands of students – chemistry made mobile using resources from the Royal Society ofChemistry. A. J. Williams, V. Tkachenko, W. Russell, A. Pshenichnov

11:10 Concluding Remarks.

Section D

Pennsylvania Convention Center112 B

Public Outreach

M. Kenney, Organizer, Presiding

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:35 20. Possibly the nation's (world's?) largest and longest ongoing university chemistry demonstration outreach program.J. J. Fortman

8:55 21. Students participating in chemical education: Teaching chemistry through interactive demonstration shows. B. T.Sargent, A. Killeen, H. W. Kerby, B. DeKorver

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Page 3: Draft Final Program CHED - Gordon Collegeijl/pc/Draft Final Program, 244th ACS...Draft Final Program CHED DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION S. Fleming, I. J. Levy, and D. Rillema, Program

9:15 22. Learning through experiments, awareness, and demonstrations: The chemistry LEAD program at the University ofVirginia. T. L. Vickrey, B. Venton, J. Houck

9:35 Intermission.

9:45 23. Sustainable-chemistry based outreach to Bay Area schools. R. Das

10:05 24. Are you really reaching your public? M. Sikes

10:25 25. High School outreach staged demonstrations: Benefits and pitfalls of introducing young students to the process ofexperimental design. D. A. Laviska, K. D. Field, A. Goodman

10:45 Concluding Remarks.

Polymer Science of Everyday Things

Polymers for Energy Saving Strategies

Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by CHED and PMSE


Pennsylvania Convention Center111 A/B

High School Program

Financially supported by ACS Education DivisionK. Anderson, Organizer, Presiding

12:15 26. Chemistry for everyone: Teaching, learning, and the power of the human factor. M. Shearer

1:00 Introductory Remarks.

1:05 27. Integrating green chemistry into the high school chemistry experience. T. Natoli

1:25 28. Teaching equilibrium using safer starting materials. W. R. Smith

1:55 Intermission.

2:00 29. Greener approach to endothermic and exothermic reactions for the high school lab. H. Paul

2:30 Intermission.

2:35 30. Bioplastics in the world today. S. C. Rukes

3:05 Intermission.

3:10 31. Green chemistry in context. T. Natoli

3:40 Discussion.

Section B

Pennsylvania Convention Center112 A

Advances in Teaching Inorganic Chemistry in Laboratories

R. Langley, Organizer, Presiding

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1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 32. Physical and photophysical properties of [Ru(bpy)3](PF6)2: An advanced inorganic chemistry experiment. D.Rillema

1:55 33. Coordination chemistry experiments with numerous possibilities, for the undergraduate, inorganic lab course:Including links to the organic lab. M. A. Benvenuto, M. J. Mio

2:15 34. Solid state experiments for advanced chemistry students. M. Blanchette, R. Langley

2:35 Intermission.

2:45 35. Teaching inorganic concepts through descriptive inorganic chemistry experiments. R. Langley, D. Dizon, A. Mora,M. Cameron, A. Soliz

3:05 36. Comparision of the transition metals through descriptive inorganic chemistry experiments. R. Langley, D. Dizon, A.Mora, M. Cameron, A. Soliz

3:25 37. General (microwave) chemistry for first-year undergraduates. M. J. Karney, G. S. Vanier

3:45 Concluding Remarks.

Section C

Pennsylvania Convention Center109 B

Mobile Devices, Augmented Reality, and the Mobile Classroom

H. Pence, OrganizerA. J. Williams, Organizer, Presiding

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 38. Engaging students in learning through the use of mobile webapps. L. B. Lewis, I. F. MacInnes

1:55 39. Development of tablet software for learning Lewis dot structures. C. Yuvienco, J. Kim Montclare

2:15 40. Mobile learning in organic chemistry: Discussion of the student's role in the 21st century classroom. M. Tsoi, P.Coppock, J. Paredes, S. Park, R. Pennington, D. Pursell, J. Sloop, D. Gabrell

2:35 Intermission.

2:50 41. Learning organic chemistry through gaming, Part I: Nomenclature. I. Kobrsi

3:10 42. Chemical structure diagrams, reactions, and data: Anytime, anywhere. A. M. Clark

3:30 43. Using HTML5 to build immersive teaching materials. K. J. Theisen

3:50 Concluding Remarks.

Section D

Pennsylvania Convention Center112 B

Public Outreach

M. Kenney, Organizer, Presiding

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 44. Chemistry magic of toys, polymers, food, and more: 35 years of public outreach. D. A. Katz

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1:55 45. Week-long interactive science experience for deaf students. C. Rogers, K. L. Caran, D. M. Downey, G. MacDonald,D. K. Havey, C. A. Hughey, T. C. DeVore

2:15 Intermission.

2:25 46. Validity and application of a pre/post survey assessing children's attitudes and motivation at informal chemistryoutreach events. C. Bauer, M. Emenike, J. Reed, J. Raker, T. Holme

2:45 47. Chemistry camp: A science outreach project. J. D. Houck, C. B. Jacobs, T. L. Vickrey, B. J. Venton

3:05 48. Redesigning the chemical demonstration show to promote investigation, interaction, and concept learning. C.Babiarz, H. Kerby, J. Cantor, B. DeKorver, M. Weiland, K. Megna Yarnall

3:25 Concluding Remarks.

Polymer Science of Everyday Things

Energy Generation and Storage

Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by CHED and PMSE


Pennsylvania Convention CenterTerrace Blrm I

General Posters

S. Wuerz, Organizer

7:00 - 9:00

49. Where is Penny the Pony? A forensic investigation for elementary students. J. D. Houck, T. L. Vickrey

50. Murderous molecules: Teaching an introductory toxicology course at an undergraduate institution. C. H. Jaworek-Lopes

51. Evaluating outreach: Results from assessment surveys at National Chemistry Week, Chemists Celebrate Earth Day, andInternational Year of Chemistry events. G. L. Heard, R. Machado

52. Dewey to McKeon to Schwab: Tracing the origins of inquiry science education in the 20th century. D. J. Wink

53. Fostering green chemistry through a capstone course. I. Montes, R. Rivera

54. Chemical free chemistry: Can a world without chemicals really exist? G. Ruger, C. Drahl

55. Renovating general chemistry laboratories: A pain in the...pipes. E. K. Haub, J. M. Fleischer, C. Bhattacharya

56. Renovation of laboratories and upgrade of cyber-infrastructure to enhance undergraduate research program. M. J.D'Souza, M. Yaeger

57. Formative assessment of student learning in an online community for computational chemistry research. D. Yaron, L. M.Bartolo, L. E. Agwaramgbo, G. Leinhardt, L. R. Louis, L. Y. Strong, G. J. Gordon

58. Withdrawn.

59. Mentorship program for the freshmen general chemistry course. J. C. Aponte-Santini, I. Montes-González, V. Bonilla-Rodríguez

60. Qualitative to quantitative and from spectrum to report: Developing an instrument-focused research methods course forfirst-year students. A. Thomas, M. Boucher, C. Pulliam

61. Assessment of community college students participation in STEM research projects. C. J. Foley, N. A. Leonhardt

Draft Final Program · 244th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphi... http://abstracts.acs.org/chem/244nm/mmadmin/index.php?conte...

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Page 6: Draft Final Program CHED - Gordon Collegeijl/pc/Draft Final Program, 244th ACS...Draft Final Program CHED DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION S. Fleming, I. J. Levy, and D. Rillema, Program

62. Course-based approach to undergraduate research. P. Fu-Giles, G. A. Moehring

63. Building bridges: Integrating mathematics, science, and engineering on the South Plains. E. Oliver, L. Singer, D. J.Casadonte

64. Broader impacts of research on student success. D. Baker

65. Withdrawn.

66. Are we really doing a service to students by teaching dimensional analysis? K. M. Abayan, K. A. Schug

67. Math preparation of undergraduates in general chemistry: A gatekeeper course required for biophysicists. C. F. Craig, C.A. Stanich, S. L. Keller

68. Thermodynamic concentric multipolyhedron diagram and its applications. Z. Li

69. Teaching of organic chemistry and analogies. V. R. Koganti

70. Evolution of organic chemistry textbooks: A comparative study of contents and organization over the past 20 years. P. T.Pham, M. M. Bader

71. Design of new experiments for the organic chemistry laboratory. P. T. Pham

72. Withdrawn.

73. Modification of the mixed aldol condensation experiment in the introductory organic chemistry laboratory: Aninquiry-based approach towards determining unknowns following a systematic thought process. A. M. Balija

74. Chiral analyses of ephedrines, pseudoephedrines, amphetamines and methamphetamines in the teaching lab. Z. Dai

75. Analysis of authentic vs. imitation perfumes. D. Miceli, B. Montalbano, J. Iorio, G. Vaswani, S. Karimi

76. Isolation and quantification of FD&C Red Dye #40 from cranberry flavored beverages. H. F. Rossi, J. Rizzo, D. C.Zimmerman, K. M. Usher

77. Sodium chloride crystallized with sodium ferrocyanide: Powder X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy, andmiddle school inquiry. S. D. Wiediger, S. Elkins, T. Hembruch

78. Development of an aesthetically appealing example of oxymercuration of alkynes. J. C. Quirke, J. E. Quirke

79. Aesthetically appealing benzyne trapping reaction via mixed aldol and Diels-Alder reactions. J. C. Quirke, J. Miksovska,J. E. Quirke

80. Animations help general chemistry students learn thermodynamics. X. Xiao, D. Kong, L. Hu

81. Invitation of professors from the top universities for a short-term visitation. L. Hu, X. Lv, J. Chang


Pennsylvania Convention Center111 B

Introduction of Macromolecular Science/Polymeric Materials into the Foundational Course in Organic Chemistry

Cosponsored by CELL, CP&RM, PMSE, POLY, RUBB, and SOCEDB. Howell, Organizer, Presiding

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:35 82. Macromolecule/polymer foundational course content in organic chemistry. B. A. Howell, W. T. Ford, J. P.Droske, C. E. Carraher, Jr.

8:55 83. Incorporation of polymeric materials to enhance interest and learning in the foundational organic chemistry course.B. A. Howell

9:15 84. Extrapolation from small molecules to polymers: A simple and effective way to promote interest in both organic

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chemistry and polymer chemistry. E. Bosch

9:35 Intermission.

9:45 85. Using polymer synthesis, reactions and properties as examples of concepts in beginning organic chemistry. D. E.Bergbreiter

10:05 86. Industrially important polymers offer an excellent didactic tool for learning many of the fundamental principles oforganic chemical structure and reactivity. M. M. Green

10:25 87. Polymer chemistry in an undergraduate curriculum. S. L. Goh

10:45 Intermission.

10:55 88. Integrating macromolecules into undergraduate organic chemistry courses - it's important and there is room. J. P.Droske

11:15 89. Polymers in organic chemistry – a fine balance. D. Baker

11:35 90. Polymer concepts illustrated in the context of biopolymers. A. L. Parrill, D. L. Baker

11:55 Concluding Remarks.

Section B

Pennsylvania Convention Center112 A

Advances in Teaching Organic Chemistry

New Laboratory Experiences

S. M. Schelble, Organizer, Presiding

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:35 91. Comparison of students' abilities to interpret NMR in discovery-based and traditional organic laboratories. L.Martin, N. Dunlap

8:55 92. Flash chromatography: A safer method for teaching this important and ubiquitous technique. B. DeBoef

9:15 93. Collaboration and guided inquiry in the organic chemistry laboratory. S. S. Hershberger, B. W. Gung, J. Marshall

9:35 Intermission.

9:45 94. Green chemistry metrics for choosing a reaction: Incorporation of independent green chemistry studentassessments in organic chemistry lab. J. W. Wollack

10:05 95. Synthesis of organic conjugated polymers in an undergraduate teaching laboratory. M. Levine, P. Marks

10:25 96. Illustrating the primary kinetic isotope effect in the organic lab: Make your own deuterated cyclohexanone andstudy its reaction with iodine. A. Kraft, A. Lee

10:45 Intermission.

10:55 97. Tandem one-pot aldol condensation/Diels-Alder reaction sequence as a green synthesis for the organic chemistrylaboratory. J. E. Wissinger, G. T. Hoang, T. Kubo, V. G. Young

11:15 98. Preparation of tetrazines: Undergraduate research for teaching about pericyclic reactions. M. Druelinger, S. M.Schelble, D. Dillon

11:35 99. One theme, many reactions: An innovative approach to teaching second-semester organic chemistry laboratory.J. K. Murray

11:55 Concluding Remarks.

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Section C

Pennsylvania Convention Center109 B

Nanomaterials in Undergraduate Education and Research

D. English, D. Heroux, Organizers, Presiding

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:35 100. Nano first with atoms-first. D. S. Heroux

9:05 101. New advanced nanoscience course at Union College. M. Hagerman, P. Catravas, R. Cortez, B. Cohen, S.Amanuel, S. Maleki

9:35 102. Nano science research at Queensborough Community College. M. Chauhan

10:05 103. Development of a nanoscience research program at a primarily undergraduate institution. A. L. Marsh

10:35 Intermission.

10:50 104. Nanomaterials for environmental applications: A gateway to chemical education for the non-chemistryundergraduate student. M. D. Cathell, M. Bradley

11:20 105. Withdrawn.

11:50 106. Introduction to nanomaterials at primarily undergraduate institutions: Modules for advanced physical chemistrylaboratory. A. Thomas

12:20 Concluding Remarks.

Section D

Pennsylvania Convention Center112 B

Partnerships with Industry

Q. Gu, Organizer, Presiding

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:35 107. Enhancing chemical education: Academic-industry collaborations. R. E. Partch, Sr

9:00 108. Benefits of academic-industrial partnership for chemical technonogy programs. A. D. Ross, T. Pagano

9:25 109. Talent and technology: Academia as a strategic supplier to industry. J. S. Manka, D. J. Moreton, R. W. Day

9:50 110. From academia to industry: Things to know for faculty starting up companies. C. A. Hultman

10:15 Intermission.

10:25 111. Shimadzu academic partnerships: Translating innovative research projects into powerful new life scienceplatforms and discoveries. C. Jelinek, S. Rayavarapu, F. Hays, B. Feild, H. Juzwa

10:50 112. Industry-academia partnership in curriculum development for the part-time graduate program on safetyengineering in China. Y. Sun, Y. Liu

11:15 113. Partners to products. J. C. Gebler

11:40 Closing Remarks.

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Page 9: Draft Final Program CHED - Gordon Collegeijl/pc/Draft Final Program, 244th ACS...Draft Final Program CHED DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION S. Fleming, I. J. Levy, and D. Rillema, Program

Polymer Science of Everyday Things

K-12 Science Teacher Workshop

Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by CHED


Pennsylvania Convention Center111 B

Introduction of Macromolecular Science/Polymeric Materials into the Foundational Course in Organic Chemistry

Cosponsored by CELL, CP&RM, PMSE, POLY, RUBB, and SOCEDB. Howell, Organizer, Presiding

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 114. Use of historical events and personalities to facilitate the incorporation of polymeric materials into the beginningorganic chemistry course. B. A. Howell

1:55 115. Radical chain reactions in foundational organic chemistry. W. T. Ford

2:15 116. Importance of macromolecules in industry: The case for inclusion in the undergraduate chemistry curriculum. L.L. Kosbar

2:35 Intermission.

2:45 117. Including polymers in organic chemistry. S. A. Fleming

3:05 118. Inclusion of polymer concepts in organic and other undergraduate chemistry books. L. H. Sperling

3:25 119. Enhancement of the laboratory component of the first course in organic chemistry through the incorporation ofpolymeric materials. B. A. Howell

3:45 Concluding Remarks.

Section B

Pennsylvania Convention Center112 A

Advances in Teaching Organic Chemistry

Innovations in Teaching Methods

S. M. Schelble, Organizer, Presiding

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 120. Flow chemistry and continuous processing: Teaching the tricky stuff. R. J. Tinder, C. Wiles

1:55 121. Can organic-style arrowpushing be used to teach descriptive inorganic chemistry? Exploring the limits of theapproach. A. Ghosh, S. Berg

2:15 122. Teaching chemistry in the context of a cross-disciplinary research seminar. R. E. Glaser, J. Hart, J. Fellabaum, E.Ludwig

2:45 Intermission.

2:55 123. Constructing a web of knowledge in organic chemistry through supplemental instruction. C. Gabel, R. Fitt, D.

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Politica, R. Walker

3:15 124. Peer teaching/lecturing in organic chemistry: Insights gained and lessons learned. C. M. Bump

3:35 125. Some thoughts on changes in the organic course due to changes in the MCAT. P. Y. Bruice

4:05 Intermission.

4:15 126. Organic chemistry principles in context: Backwards learning. M. M. Green

4:35 127. Novice problem-solving of organic chemistry items. J. M. Trate, J. Raker, T. A. Holme, K. L. Murphy

4:55 128. Study of student growth through the use of a practice ACS examination. S. M. Schelble, K. Murphy

5:15 Concluding Remarks.

Section C

Pennsylvania Convention Center109 B

Nanomaterials in Undergraduate Education and Research

D. English, D. Heroux, Organizers, Presiding

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 129. Lithography of polymer nanostructures on glass for teaching polymer chemistry and physics. J. M. Vance, C. M.Drain, A. Sahar-Halbany

2:05 130. Research training program for undergraduate students--PbS nanocrystals synthesis and characterization. Y. Pan,H. Zhang, Y. Li, D. L. Akins

2:35 131. Interfacing nanoresearch to undergraduate physical chemistry laboratory. D. Son

3:05 Intermission.

3:20 132. Single-nanoparticle spectroscopy in the Instrumental Analysis Laboratory: Quantifying oligomers of Alzheimer'samyloid-β peptide. R. K. Lammi

3:50 133. Engaging undergraduate students with research in nanoscience and its applications to energy and medicine. M.Ellison

4:20 134. Soft nanomaterials as an undergraduate introduction to Poisson distributions. D. English

4:50 Concluding Remarks.

Section D

Pennsylvania Convention Center112 B

The Green Chemistry Commitment

Financially supported by ACS Green Chemistry InstituteK. Anderson, A. Cannon, OrganizersE. Brush, Presiding

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 135. Green chemistry: Theory and practice. J. C. Warner

2:05 136. Green chemistry commitment: Transforming chemistry education. J. C. Warner, A. S. Cannon, K. Anderson, E. J.Brush

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Page 11: Draft Final Program CHED - Gordon Collegeijl/pc/Draft Final Program, 244th ACS...Draft Final Program CHED DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION S. Fleming, I. J. Levy, and D. Rillema, Program

2:25 137. (gc)2 Green Chemistry @ Gordon College. I. J. Levy, D. J. Tshudy

2:45 138. Green chemistry PhD program at the University of Massachusetts Boston. W. Zhang

3:05 Intermission.

3:20 139. Committing to green chemistry at Bridgewater State University. E. J. Brush

3:40 140. Bringing green chemistry into the curriculum at the University of Minnesota. W. B. Tolman

4:00 141. Using green chemistry principles as the framework to incorporate research into the organic laboratory and theresultant effects on the entire undergraduate chemistry curriculum. R. Gurney, N. Lee, C. Chen, C. Lavoie

4:20 142. Development of an interdisciplinary green chemistry curriculum at UC Berkeley. J. Arnold, M. J. Mulvihill

4:40 Panel Discussion.

Section E

Pennsylvania Convention CenterHall D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Cosponsored by AGFD and SOCEDE. Jensen, E. Cook, Organizers

2:00 - 4:00

143. Investigating the influence of Japanese knotweed diet on the fatty acid content of chicken eggs. S. T. Krauss, J. R.Kraly, D. M. Junge

144. Fate of cooking oil during heating and frying: UV-Vis studies and iodine value determination. C. S. Miller, M. L. Murr, B.Clement

145. 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural and 5-sulfoxymethylfurfural: Exploration of metabolic adduct formation with2'-deoxynucleosides and DNA. C. Hovey, D. R. Quirk Dorr

146. Open-air mass spectrometry analysis of artesanal hot cocoa aroma by DART-TOFMS. L. Hernandez-Torres, C. A.Mejias-Cruz, M. Z. Torres-Toledo, R. Cruz-Lucena, M. Ocasio, J. A. Dane, A. Peña

Section E

Pennsylvania Convention CenterHall D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Analytical Chemistry

Cosponsored by ANYL and SOCEDE. Jensen, E. Cook, Organizers

2:00 - 4:00

147. Monitoring denaturation of soluble proteins by near infrared spectroscopy. E. Morgan, A. Soderberg, E. Ciurczak, C.Kradjel, S. Lee

148. Determination of the refractive index of solid compounds by the laser pointer method: Extention method. J. Lee, R.Cho, J. H. Shin

149. Ni content of the US nickel coin determined by X-ray fluorescence and visible spectroscopy. S. Jagdeo, E. J. Shin, J. H.Shin

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Page 12: Draft Final Program CHED - Gordon Collegeijl/pc/Draft Final Program, 244th ACS...Draft Final Program CHED DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION S. Fleming, I. J. Levy, and D. Rillema, Program

150. Application of the laser pointer method to determine the refractive index of solid compounds: Out-in method. S. Ham,R. Cho, J. H. Shin

151. Self-assembly studies of DNA/dendron conjugates for DNA sensor development. C. N. Warner, E. S. Vint, Z. Hunter, R.Jamieson, B. S. Day

152. Defensive secretions of the carabid beetle Chlaenius cordicollis: Chemical components and their geographic patterns ofvariation. T. M. Mattingly, K. M. Naccarato, N. J. Holliday, A. E. Holliday

153. Imprinted polymers for the detection of metal ions. B. K. Lindner, S. M. Fetner, S. E. Stitzel

154. Impact of polymer cross-linking on spiropyran-based sensors. S. M. Fetner, B. K. Lindner, S. E. Stitzel

155. Determination of the thermodynamics of retention using an octyl HPLC stationary phase under varying mobile phaseand temperature conditions. C. Galvin, E. J. Williamsen

156. Cyclic voltammetric study of an anodically polymerized nickel(II) salen film for catalytic reduction of 1-bromo-5-decyne.K. J. Griffith, D. G. Peters

157. Constituent analysis of Panadol via paper analytical devices (PADs). D. M. Vega Pantoja, T. Barstis, M. Lieberman, V.R. Darling

158. Simple field analysis of antibiotics: The PADs project, antibiotics division. M. M. Bevilacqua, E. Robbins, J. Firth, T. L.Barstis, M. Lieberman

159. Flow behavior in microfluidic devices. S. M. McMahon, R. M. Keltz, J. M. Karlinsey

160. Improved methodology for removing dihalomethane carryover from SPME fibers. C. M. McGuire, E. Harrington, M. J.Krisch

161. Quantitative determination of gallic acid in various tea beverages using HPLC. M. Lin, P. Irigoyen, P. Svoronos

162. Spectrophotometric determination of the total amount of antioxidants in juice beverages. S. Enriquez, S. Svoronos, M.M. Moe, P. Irigoyen, P. Svoronos

163. Use of a microscale freezing point technique to determine the ionization constant of carboxylic acids. F. B.Nazumudeen, P. Irigoyen, P. Svoronos

164. Use of the Folin-Ciocalteau method to measure the total amount of antioxidants in tea samples. K. San, S. Svoronos,M. M. Moe, P. Irigoyen, P. Svoronos

165. Spectroscopic properties of tetracyclines. M. Rozov, E. E. Mojica

Section E

Pennsylvania Convention CenterHall D

Undergraduate Research Posters


Cosponsored by BIOL and SOCEDE. Jensen, E. Cook, Organizers

2:00 - 4:00

166. Synthesis and evaluation of non-natural PFTase substrates capable of copper-free bioorthogonal cycloaddition. K. R.Peterson, K. A. Lange, K. R. Poss, B. Monson, J. W. Wollack

167. Ribosomal proteomics in five species: A biochemistry teaching laboratory. Y. Miura, K. Bendinskas

168. Investigation of the antibiotic mechanisms of bacterial 5'-methylthioadenosine/S-adenosylhomocysteine nucleosidase(MTN) inhibition using enzyme specific inhibitors and targeted gene deletion. A. Eberly, R. Knippel, S. Eidemiller, K. A.Cornell

169. Investigating structural changes to green tea extract (EGCG) by monitoring the effect on cells using QCM-D. D. E.

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Fagnani, M. Garcia, J. Chen, J. Xi

170. Inhibition of porcine pancreatic lipase by various tea products. E. Wolfe, T. Wignot

171. Bacterial membrane permeability assays for evaluating antimicrobial peptide mechanism of action. A. L. Picciano, S.M. Misenko, Z. M. Ridgway, G. A. Caputo

172. Sequence specific DNA binding behavior of GCN4. D. M. McHarris, D. A. Barr

173. Mass spectral analysis of glycated cytochrome c. J. D. Collins, L. M. Frost

174. Understanding the mechanisms of copper induced lipid peroxidation mediated cell death in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.J. Ramlall, N. Gadura

175. Role of calcium in anionic mixed bilayer. Z. Michalak, N. Haque, D. Fartash, S. Lee

176. Staphylococcus aureus cell wall proteins targeted by antibacterial plant extracts. K. A. Leamy, K. Cote, J. Cunningham,S. Reap, G. Bazinet, D. F. Moriarty

177. Effect of copper surfaces on endospore-forming bacteria Bacillus subtilis. J. Long, N. Gadura

178. Mössbauer studies of the dehaloperoxidase enzyme from Amphitrite ornata. D. Miller, C. V. Popescu, J. Birabaharan,H. Chen, R. Ghiladi, R. Dumarieh

179. Purification and characterization of the lectin-like domain of thrombomodulin and complement component C3. G. R.Soloff, A. Schaefer, K. Iro Kalu, J. R. Koeppe

180. Characterization and interactions of complement component C3 and the lectin-like domain of thrombomodulin. K. IroKalu, A. Schaefer, G. Soloff, J. R. Koeppe

181. Impact of plasma membrane unsaturated fatty acid levels on copper surface mediated cell death in E. coli. R. Hong, T.Y. Kang, N. Gadura

182. Synthetic and spectroscopic investigations of oligomers of α-aminoisobutyric acid. T. Jacisin, M. A. Kubasik

183. Expression of gamma-synuclein protein in cancer cells. J. Boroday, U. Golebiewska

184. Reactivity of tris(trimethylsilyl)phosphite (TMSP): Synthesis of a bisphosphonic derivative of bicine. L. Najjarian, L.Vargas

185. Synthesis and characterization of efficient Nek2 substrates employing solid phase synthesis procedures. D. A. Novoa,S. Kumar

186. Enzymatic deglycosylation of bicupin oxalate oxidase. B. Immelman, E. W. Moomaw

187. In silico design of sequence-specific DNA-binding peptidomimetic compounds. M. Convertino, S. Salman, D. Barr

Section E

Pennsylvania Convention CenterHall D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Chemical Education

Cosponsored by SOCEDE. Jensen, E. Cook, Organizers

2:00 - 4:00

188. Incorporation of green chemistry metrics into independent synthesis projects. K. A. Lange, K. R. Peterson, A. E. Jones,J. W. Wollack

189. Performance differences in life science courses. L. R. Creech, R. D. Sweeder

190. Green Chemistry: Adaptation of experiments for a laboratory course. L. Valdez, M. Rozov, R. K. Upmacis

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Page 14: Draft Final Program CHED - Gordon Collegeijl/pc/Draft Final Program, 244th ACS...Draft Final Program CHED DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION S. Fleming, I. J. Levy, and D. Rillema, Program

191. Use of coconut water as a better sports drink. C. Bhattacharya, B. Swain

192. Tennessee women in chemistry: The Bio Project. R. Davies, M. Daughters, E. Sharp, A. Talamantes, J. Iriarte-Gross

193. Using a homemade flame photometer to measure sodium in beverages. I. Pelse, K. Elvy, C. N. LaFratta

194. Tennessee history and science: An innovative learning community. A. M. Harvey, J. Iriarte-Gross, M. Hoffschwelle

195. Inquiry based 5E lesson on VSEPR theory, effective modeling in a high-school classroom. A. Cook, M. Day

196. Nitration of phenyl benzoate: Development of an undergraduate organic chemistry laboratory. E. Sylvain, C. Weinreb,L. Bonner

197. Limiting reagents: A 5E inquiry lesson. S. N. Overstreet, M. M. Day

198. Development and incorporation of sustainability principles and green chemistry into chemistry curriculum designed toincrease undergraduate retention, performance, and interest in chemistry through biodiesel synthesis from the microalgaeBotryococcus braunii . D. Del Castillo, R. W. Lee, K. Owens

199. Efficacy of teaching alcohol toxicology using the case study approach. P. Falzarano, K. K. Bagga

200. Outliers amongst the minority women scientists: Their challenges and successes, a comparative and investigative casestudy. S. McGann, K. Bagga

201. Contributing factors leading to the success of various women in science through the ages and the struggles they facedand how they overcame them. L. March, K. W. Bagga

202. Women do not like competitive environments in the classroom? Group competitive exercises imply not so! K. Cannon,K. Cannon, M. Breen

203. Synthesis of 18-crown-6 and its applications as a phase transfer catalyst for organic chemistry laboratory students. N.R. Petre, D. Jensen Jr.

204. Improvement and expansion of the selective oxidation of alcohols: A greener green chemistry laboratory experiment.N. G. Chmura, I. J. Levy, T. E. Safford, E. T. Whitman

Section E

Pennsylvania Convention CenterHall D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Computational Chemistry

Cosponsored by COMP and SOCEDE. Jensen, E. Cook, Organizers

2:00 - 4:00

205. Thermodynamics of cellulose solvation in novel solvent mixtures. R. Das, A. Gross, J. Chu

206. Computational chemistry study of the boiling point trend in fluorinated and chlorinated acetic acid dimers. S.Herrington, P. M. Todebush

Section E

Pennsylvania Convention CenterHall D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Environmental Chemistry

Cosponsored by ENVR and SOCED

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E. Jensen, E. Cook, Organizers

2:00 - 4:00

207. Logistics and procedure that ensures New York City's water quality. F. Ali, F. Jacques, C. Neptune, P. Meleties, P.Svoronos

208. Iodine doped carbon nitride polymeric photocatalyst with visible light response. J. Yang, S. Chu, L. Luo, F. Kong, C.Wang, Y. Wang, Z. Zou

209. Determination of water quality indicators in the Belmont water supply and Saint Joseph's University campus. A.Feairheller, J. Kesler, L. Serentis, J. M. Smolen

210. Role of cysteine concentration and particle size in the reductive dissolution of goethite and the subsequenttransformation of nitrosubstituted compounds. A. DeBernardo, A. Kusterbeck, D. Kaneps, J. M. Smolen

211. Withdrawn.

212. Pyrolysis and oxidation kinetics of corn and coal blends for energy generation. P. Cicilio, A. M. Celaya, J. L. Goldfarb

213. Fracking fluid in natural gas extraction: What happens to acetaldehyde that is left deep in the earth. M. D. Kilmer, L.Tribe

214. Cocoa and coal: Pyrolysis kinetics of locally sourced coal-biomass blends in New Hampshire. L. E. Pappas, A. M.Celaya, J. L. Goldfarb

215. Historical trace metal profile of Lake Michigan sediment. R. Muterspaugh, D. Nowicki, C. W. Avery, G. F. Peaslee

216. Withdrawn.

217. Analysis of compositing samples of various sewage treatment plants at the Newtown Creek facility of New York'sDepartment of Environmental Protection (DEP) Agency. N. Yu, P. Svoronos, F. Jacques, A. Negatu, P. Meleties

218. Analysis of water samples at the marine science department of New York's Division of the Environmental ProtectionAgency at Ward's Island. M. Giwa, P. Svoronos, N. Yao, F. Jacques, P. Meleties

219. Analysis of the rain water of the Puerto Rico wet season of 2012 using simple electrochemical sensors: Simple on-sitemethods for fast screening studies. M. Z. Torres-Toledo, D. G. Ortiz, M. Ocasio, A. J. Pena-Quevedo

Section E

Pennsylvania Convention CenterHall D

Undergraduate Research Posters


Cosponsored by GEOC and SOCEDE. Jensen, E. Cook, Organizers

2:00 - 4:00

220. Infrared spectroscopy of hydrocarbons diluted in nitrogen ice: Implications for planetary and astronomy studies. S. E.Lee, R. Mastrapa, M. Kress, C. Phillips

Section E

Pennsylvania Convention CenterHall D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Inorganic Chemistry

Cosponsored by INOR and SOCED

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Page 16: Draft Final Program CHED - Gordon Collegeijl/pc/Draft Final Program, 244th ACS...Draft Final Program CHED DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION S. Fleming, I. J. Levy, and D. Rillema, Program

E. Jensen, E. Cook, Organizers

2:00 - 4:00

221. Synthesis and reactivity of tungsten and molybdenum carbon dioxide complexes. R. G. Carden, J. J. Ohane, P. M.Graham, R. D. Pike

222. Using carbon monoxide (CO) as a probe to study the electronic properties of the tris(triazolyl)borate copper(I) complex.J. Kraus, N. A. Dixon, E. T. Papish

223. Efforts towards the template synthesis of novel hydrogen bonding chelates using tris(3-aminopyrazole)ZnBr2. L.Serpas, I. Nieto, M. Zeller, E. T. Papish

224. Novel synthesis of high-valent and low-coordinate manganese clusters. S. F. McWilliams, S. Vaddypally, S.Kondaveeti, M. J. Zdilla

225. Formation energetic analysis of gas and solution phase iron(III) aqua hydroxamate complexes. K. R. Curry, J. L.Sonnenberg

226. Hydroxylated dibenzylideneacetone complexes of palladium as metal sources in the synthesis of organopalladiumcompounds. B. A. Harding, W. B. Barclay, P. R. Melvin, F. E. Goodson

227. Toward the synthesis of the ansa-metallocenium charge transfer salt [((C5Me4)2(CH2)4)Fe]TCNE. C. A. Calvary, M. P.Castellani

228. Scalar relativistic density functional theory investigations of M2(COT)2 possible formation reactions. R. Wong, J. L.Sonnenberg

229. Investigation of natural bond orbital partitioning schemes for metallic systems. K. R. Diller, J. L. Sonnenberg

230. Metal-organic frameworks with triangular Cu3-pyrazolato building units. R. Cruz, L. Mathivathanan, R. Raptis

231. Syntheses, characterization, DFT calculations and activity of tridentate SNS or NNN zinc pincer complexes based onbis-imidazole or bis-triazole precursors. J. R. Miecznikowski, W. Lo, J. P. Jasinski, M. A. Lynn, E. E. Butrick, A. R.Drozdoski, K. A. Archer, B. E. O'Loughlin, A. P. DiMarzio, L. C. Keilich, E. A. Powers, J. T. Panarra

232. Alkylated 1,10-phenanthrolines and the photochemistry of their copper(I) complexes. K. L. Cunningham, J. Schneider,L. Ayensu-Mensah, S. Kraft

233. Synthesis of bis-tropolonate tungsten complexes and their reactivity towards 4-electron donor ligands. A. B. Jackson, J.Becica, W. Dougherty, W. S. Kassel, N. M. West

234. Solid state synthesis and crystallization kinetics of mixed metal oxide surfaces. T. Potter, V. Martelli, K. Downey

235. Reductive elimination from aminotropiminate dimethyl platinum(IV) complexes promoted by sterically hindered Lewisbases. E. Traversa, J. L. Templeton, H. Cheng, M. M. Mohadjer Beromi, P. S. White, N. M. West

236. Spectral studies of the solvation equilibria of proximally-substituted copper(II) bis-phenanthroline derivatives. A. T.Krakowiak, J. E. Lusignan, S. P. Watton

237. De novo protein models of binuclear non-heme iron enzymes. C. L. Kanya, S. E. Butch, S. N. Cimerol, A. J. Reig

238. Oxidation of phenols by (µ-oxo)diiron(III) complexes of 1,10-phenanthroline and tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine. C. A.Bange, K. A. Perez, W. D. Kerber

239. Rhenium(I) pentylcarbonato complexes as anticancer agents. B. V. Powell, S. K. Mandal

240. Kinetics of the reaction between cycochrome C and copper(II) dioxime complexes. J. T. Schmidt, M. J. Prushan

241. Intramolecular ligand exchange at chiral eight coordinate rhenium polyhydride complexes. S. Dos Santos, G. Birudala,A. Patel, G. Mejia, G. A. Moehring

242. Carbonic anhydrase as a model for matrix metalloproteinase inhibition. T. M. Woodruff, D. L. Tierney

243. Use of molecular micelles modified kaolin for lead and cadmium remediation. S. D. Cosby, A. M. Taylor, S. O. Fakayode

244. Remediation of chromium, copper, and nickel using SDS and Poly SUS-modified kaolin. Y. Pauldin, S. S. Owen, C.Myers, A. Taylor, S. O. Fakayode

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245. Spectroscopic investigation of the binding mechanism of arsenic on human serum albumin. A. Taylor, A. M. Taylor, C.Myers, S. O. Fakayode

246. Synthesis of large lanthanide-manganese complexes. M. R. Azar, C. M. Zaleski

Section E

Pennsylvania Convention CenterHall D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Medicinal Chemistry

Cosponsored by MEDI and SOCEDE. Jensen, E. Cook, Organizers

2:00 - 4:00

247. Inhibition of quinone reductase 2 by novel resveratrol analogs. J. M. Jespersen, J. G. Hood, C. N. Streu

248. Progress towards synthesis of a transition metal coordination complex analog of the neocarzinostatin metabolite core.P. R. Di Iorio, N. Anzideo, C. Streu

249. Synthetic ligands that modulate the quorum sensing receptor BmaR1 in Burkholderia mallei. J. W. Brummond, D. M.Stacy, C. D. Majerczyk, E. P. Greenberg, H. E. Blackwell

250. Synthesis of hydroxylamines as indoleamine-2, 3-dioxygenase inhibitors. M. M. Rahman, W. P. Malachowski

251. General diastereoselective preparation of N-tert-butanesulfinylaziridines via organocatalysis. G. J. Davis, M. Schulte, C.Lindsley

252. Synthesis of modafinil analog 2-(benzylsulfinyl)acetamide and its derivatives: A series of potential dopaminetransporter inhibitors. J. R. Pace, L. A. Bonner

253. Synthesis of the quaternary form of mecamylamine. J. V. Cristello, J. Troisi, L. Bonner

254. Towards the synthesis of novel boronates as potential HIV-1 protease inhibitors. M. D. Frank, A. L. Faulkner, J. J.Jennings, K. Sigurjonsson, J. D. Schreiber, L. Fabry-Asztalos

255. Toward the synthesis of a novel dopamine transport inhibitor. D. Martin, L. Bonner

256. Antimicrobial activity of plants traditionally used in Puerto Rican folkloric medicine. R. Maldonado, I. I. Rodriguez

257. Chemical profiling of fungal endophytes of the genus Xylaria isolated from Coffea arabica. A. L. Placeres, S. O.Figueroa, I. I. Rodriguez

258. Synthesis and evaluation of potential amyloid-β aggregation inhibitors. C. B. Stevens, J. M. Hanna, Jr., R. K. Lammi

259. Design and synthesis of inhibitors of ornithine decarboxylase using hydroxamate functionality in the polyaminebiosynthetic pathway. A. L. Genzling, H. Shin

260. Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of novel small molecules as antifungal agents. M. J. Williams, M. A.Corsello, M. A. Alam, C. E. Sleet, G. L. Nelson, B. P. Wight, B. J. Penczuk, K. M. Twomey, S. C. Jonnalagadda, V. R.Mereddy

261. Design, synthesis, and evaluation of novel small molecules as mono carboxylate transporter 1 inhibitors. M. A. Alam,S. Gurrapu, J. S. Kumar, G. L. Nelson, M. J. Just, C. E. Sleet, L. R. Drewes, S. C. Jonnalagadda, V. R. Mereddy

262. Chemokine production in inflammatory bowel diseases. R. Loh, Y. WU, E. Lin, A. Nguyen

263. Effect of various compounds on the prevention and degradation of staphylococcus aureus biofilms. M. M. Moe, M. Lin,E. Vanegas, N. Gadura, K. LaMagna, D. Maloney

264. Effect of O-acetyl L-carnitine hydrochloride on MDA-MB 231 cells. D. Dacosta, M. Regan, R. Sullivan

265. Effects of resveratrol analogs on cell proliferation and migration of mouse melanoma cells. F. B. Nazumudeen, M. M.

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Moe, V. Morris, C. Spatafora, C. Tringali, S. A. Rotenberg

266. Reactivity of tris(trimethylsilyl)phosphite (TMSP): Synthesis of a bisphosphonic derivative of β-alanine. T. Lildar, L.Vargas

267. Identification of mycotoxin and chemotherapeutics by FDA Northeast Region Laboratory. F. Nazumudeen, S. Cox, H.Chauca, J. Obando, P. Svoronos

268. PCR and statistical analyses of the observed variations in the CCR5 gene. F. E. Raposo, J. B. Palenchar, B. S. Selinsky,J. Rucker

269. Photonic crystal fiber bending loss sensitivity for design of fiber sensors. A. Lee, G. Constantinez, L. Mora, D.Kokkinos

270. Relationship of hydrogen bond interactions of inhibitors in the active site of HIV-1 integrase and Lipinski's rule of fivefor drug-like properties. J. B. Ealy, S. Israel, R. Huff, T. Katz

Section E

Pennsylvania Convention CenterHall D

Undergraduate Research Posters


Cosponsored by SOCEDE. Jensen, E. Cook, Organizers

2:00 - 4:00

271. Synthesis, characterization, and applications of ferrocene-functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes. S. W. Caudle,R. Spidle, K. Ofosu, A. Wanekaya

272. Surface engineering and roughness study of SAM surfaces of 1-mercaptoundecanoic acid and 1-undecanethiol towardsbiosensing. R. L. Pasquale, L. N. Swiger, R. N. Senevirathne, I. C. Senevirathne

273. Investigation of tetracycline-functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes as a drug delivery agent. K. DiJoseph, M.Chorney, M. Ellison

274. Functionalization of single-walled carbon nanotubes with the antiviral drug acyclovir. C. Goodwin, G. Lewis, M. Ellison

275. Surfactant assisted high energy ball milling of γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles for bionanotechnology. P. S. Burnham, C. H. Li,A. J. Viescas, N. Dollahon, G. C. Papaefthymiou

276. Development of a method to manipulate movement of actin bundles within a hybrid microfluidic device. C. B. Higgins,R. Ragland, M. Tanner, E. Blough, B. S. Day

277. Computational study of the adsorption of glycine to the surface of single-walled carbon nanotubes. E. McCarthy, R. C.Brown

278. Self-assembling hydrogen bonded aromatic diimides for optoelectronic devices. D. F. Swearer, N. M. Johnson, H. Ji

279. Generation and analyis of glycine polymorphs: Micro and macro approaches. A. Moffat, J. Robustelli, C. Veilleux, P.Vitale, S. Lee

280. Preparation of silver nanoparticles conjugated to siloxane gels. M. Chauhan, S. Delva

281. Preparation and study of molecular single source precursor containing cavitnads. K. D. Wright, N. Adhikari, J. J. Pak

282. Partial sulfonation of polyaniline nanofibers by co-polymerization: Effects of monomer ratio and polymerization initiator.J. Kaur, D. M. Sarno

283. From nano to macro: Constructing free-standing papers from inorganic nanosheets. R. D. Weimar, M. Davidson, T.Salguero

284. Synthesis and property investigation of single-walled carbon nanotube-magnesium nanoparticle composites

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(SWNT-Mg). L. Condon, T. Hemraj-Benny

285. Screening of various nanomaterials for the removal of lead ions in aqueous samples. A. J. Porrata-Doria, A. A. Falade,E. E. Mojica

286. Characterization of noble metal nanoparticles: Study of pH effects. S. Tun, A. Thomas

287. Investigation of the use of double-walled carbon nanotubes in organic solar cells. E. Cave, P. Fronheiser, M. Ellison

288. What is the best bimetallic nanoparticle catalyst for alcohol oxidations. A. Earle, T. Mahon, R. Mitchell, J. Petroski

289. Investigation of the use of single-walled carbon nanotubes to deliver an antifungal drug to common yeast. K. Greco, M.Ellison

290. Binding of proteins with different nanomaterials. D. B. Collins, E. E. Mojica

291. Binding of different proteins with different nanoparticles monitored by spectroscopy. C. Sobolewski, E. E. Mojica

292. Withdrawn.

Section E

Pennsylvania Convention CenterHall D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Organic Chemistry

Cosponsored by SOCEDE. Jensen, E. Cook, Organizers

2:00 - 4:00

293. Reactivity of tris(trimethylsilyl)phosphite (TMSP): Synthesis of the bisphosphonic acid of 3-(Trifluoromethyl) phenylchloroformate. M. Morales, L. Vargas

294. Reactivity of tris(trimethylsilyl)phosphite with chloroformates containing electron withdrawing groups. K. Chavez, L.Vargas

295. Synthesis and evaluation of a non-natural PFTase substrate capable of photoreaction with diaryl tetrazole. J. L. Rowe,K. Zelikman, J. W. Wollack

296. Synthesis of oxyallyl silanes and their application as homoenolate equivalents. D. E. Mitchell, F. Y. Moslimani, J. A.Pigza

297. Total synthesis of (-)-tatarinoid A. O. Inozemtseva, C. G. Lucero

298. Total synthesis of (+)-tatarinoid B. Y. Slutskyy, C. G. Lucero

299. Total synthesis of (-)-tatarinoid C. T. Johnson, C. G. Lucero

300. Synthesis and photochemical studies of substituted diarylnorbornadiene derivatives. K. J. Spivack, J. V. Walker, B. R.Rupert, K. M. Usher, F. E. Goodson

301. Synthesis of substituted diarylnorbornadiene derivatives: Variation of the groups on the norbornadiene skeleton. M. J.Sanford, J. V. Walker, K. M. Usher, F. E. Goodson

302. Solid state synthesis of a series of tetra-substituted porphyrins. P. Mackin, T. D. Hamilton

303. Diastereoselective synthesis of tetrahydropyridines via rhodium-catalyzed C-H bond activation. C. Lu, S. Duttwyler, J.Ellman

304. Studies toward the total synthesis of quinazoline alkaloids: Vasicinone, luotonin, and nigellastrine. J. A. Boerth, S.Rasapalli

305. Synthesis and characterization of naphthalene based fluorescent conjugated polymer chemosensors. M. Alherech, D.

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U. Anugo, A. M. Oakes, M. E. Fegley, S. S. Pinnock, A. Pfeifle, J. Duffy-Matzner, W. E. Jones Jr.

306. Asymmetric synthesis of primary amine and its conversion to new calcimimetic analogs. I. Martinez, S.Espinosa-Diaz, J. L. Alvarez, M. Ortiz-Marciales

307. Investigation of various synthetic pathways using methyl salicylate and menthol isolated from over-the-counter topicalpain creams. J. M. Henain, J. T. Wasacz

308. Synthesis of precursor dipeptides for the coordination of Pt(tpy) in the formation of mono- and di-metallic peptides. A.K. Le, L. Ray, L. A. Levine

309. Green oxidation methods for porphyrin synthesis. H. Shy, T. D. Hamilton

310. Greener synthesis of subphthalocyanines using microwave heating. D. Nissenbaum, C. McConnell, M. Jurow, C. Drain

311. Dual Brønsted acid/nucleophilic activation of carbonylimidazole derivatives. T. Fu, S. T. Heller, R. Sarpong

312. Applying solvent-free conditions to the synthesis of ferrocenyl chalcones derivatives. F. J. Correa Delgado, J. C.Aponte-Santini, I. Montes-González

313. Spectroscopic studies of a new ion-pair receptor. A. Contractor, K. N. Skala-Jordan, F. A. Khan, M. Fujita

314. Structural studies of oxazinoquinolinespirohexadienone “photochromes” and related molecules. B. J. Pollock, J. G.Gillmore

315. Synthesis of aspernigrin A and analogs. K. Eldredge, W. Tidwell, Z. Cureton, A. Reeve

316. Organocatalyzed reactions for the asymmetric synthesis of Fmoc-protected β2-amino acids. J. M. Kontra, N. C. Boaz,S. J. Bowen, T. J. Peelen

317. Synthesis of chiral amines via reduction of oxime ethers with spiroborate ester. K. M. Santiago Fidalgo, V. E. TorresClaudio, M. Ortiz-Marciales

318. Development of a novel asymmetric alkylation of superquat-derived glycolyloxazolidinones and its application towardthe synthesis of majorenolide and majorynolide. J. Bing, D. L. Jacobs

319. Thiomorpholin-3-ones via a solvent-free tandem amidation/cyclization. C. Wallentin, J. E. Park, C. R. Stephenson

320. Synthesis of 3, 4, 9, 10-tetracarbooxylic acid derivatives as a chelating agent. K. G. Colon, K. Yamaguchi

321. Rapid synthesis of N-(4-isopropylbenzyl)formamide. J. A. Collins, H. Namanny, L. I. Bobyleva, M. M. Bobylev

322. Byproducts in the rapid synthesis of N-(4-chlorobenzyl)formamide. K. O’Keefe, M. Huesers, L. I. Bobyleva, M. M.Bobylev

323. Rapid synthesis of N-(2,4-dichlorobenzyl)formamide. M. A. Falkenberg, A. W. Bauer, L. I. Bobyleva, M. M. Bobylev

324. Rapid synthesis of N-[1-(1-naphthyl)ethyl] formamide. L. W. Uran, M. M. Bobylev

325. Unprecedented azine formation via proton tautomerismof isoquinolyl-1-hydrazones. K. Cannon, S. Lauro, A.Schmiedekamp, C. Wang

326. Withdrawn.

327. Stereoselectivity of Diels-Alder reactions in protic ionic liquids. S. Szewczyk, D. E. Mencer

328. Wet-lab approach to stereochemistry using 31P and 1H NMR spectroscopy. B. R. Sculimbrene, O. S. Fenton

Section E

Pennsylvania Convention CenterHall D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Physical Chemistry

Cosponsored by PHYS and SOCED

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Page 21: Draft Final Program CHED - Gordon Collegeijl/pc/Draft Final Program, 244th ACS...Draft Final Program CHED DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION S. Fleming, I. J. Levy, and D. Rillema, Program

E. Jensen, E. Cook, Organizers

2:00 - 4:00

329. Modeling muscle contraction as a stochastic ratchet. S. G. Desjardins, A. Finnegan, F. LaRiviere

330. Chain length dependence tribological properties of self-assembled monolayers of alkyl carboxylic acids. J. M.Walbridge, T. A. Mcclain, M. S. Lim, E. S. Gawalt

331. Measurement of heterogeneous rate constants during the reaction of allyl chlorides at indium surfaces. K. M. Delaney,G. Mylod, T. Sullivan, A. N. Hill, W. Bowyer

332. Pyrolysis products from the thermal decomposition of butyraldehyde. C. D. Hatten, A. B. Combs, K. M. Keown, L. R.McCunn

333. Can current forcefield models accurately simulate peptoids. C. R. Michel, V. A. Voelz

334. Interactions of osmolytes with neutral lipid membrane. N. Haque, Z. Michalak, D. Fartash, S. Lee

335. Reaction kinetics of Colorado, Chinese, and Estonia oil shale semi-cokes in air. A. A. D'Amico, J. L. Goldfarb, I. Külaots

336. Single-pair FRET analysis of structures and dynamics in amyloid-β dimers. E. Amenson, A. Bradner, R. K. Lammi

337. Computational study of the adsorption of cationic and zwitterionic lysine to a mineral clay surface: Adsorption energyand vibrational frequencies. M. Zekarias, L. Tribe

338. Withdrawn.

339. Effect of capping agent molecular weight on catalytic activity and selectivity of nanoscale palladium catalysts foraqueous phase hydrogenations. K. M. Gross, A. L. Marsh

340. Theoretical study of the adsorption of L-cystine and L-cysteine on layered double hydoxide surfaces. T. Huynh, L. Tribe

341. Electron transfer kinetics in ionic liquids using DMPD-coumarin and a series of coumarin derivatives as controls. M.Harries, R. Musat, J. Wishart, R. Abdel Malak Rached

342. Photolysis at the liquid-vapor interface of dihalogenated methane solutions. A. E. Delgadillo, C. M. McGuire, B. Ramos,E. Harrington, W. T. Nebel, M. J. Krisch

Section E

Pennsylvania Convention CenterHall D

Undergraduate Research Posters

Polymer Chemistry

Cosponsored by PMSE, POLY, and SOCEDE. Jensen, E. Cook, Organizers

2:00 - 4:00

343. Accelerated curing method for the synthesis of nanoparticle embedded organic monoliths. B. Bell, R. Hougas, S. Lum,S. Gross, E. Pfaunmiller, D. S. Hage

344. Visible light curing method for the synthesis of nanoparticle embedded organic monoliths. S. Lum, R. Hougas, T.Greving, S. M. Gross, E. Pfaunmiller, D. S. Hage

345. Ion permeable microcapsules for water purification. G. L. Jackson, S. Gross

346. Diazaborole-linked 3D covalent organic frameworks. S. D. Brucks, D. N. Bunck, W. R. Dichtel

347. Investigating the photophysics of fluorescent conjugated metallopolymer chemosensors in the solid state. S. Dill, D.Anugo, M. Fegley, S. Pinnock, W. Jones

348. Crystallization of poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(caprolactone) diblock copolymer films at varying temperatures. E. C.

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Hasenkopf, R. M. Van Horn

349. Preparation of poly(o-toluidine) as highly porous micron-scale spheres. D. LaFaurie, D. M. Sarno

350. Vapor phase polymerization of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) using copper(II) catalysts. N. A. Ravvin, K. H.Skorenko, K. LaFever, P. N. Kariuki, J. Weiss, L. Sabalka, P. Borgesen, W. E. Jones

351. Synthesis and characterization of 1,3-bis(4-vinylbenzyl)thymine and its polymerization with vinylbenzyl triethylammonium chloride. N. H. Vy, N. E. Lee, R. W. Gurney

352. Isocyanate functional benzoxazine cross-linking agent with model reactions to glycerin and poly(vinyl alcohol). K.Chiou, E. Hollinger, T. Agag, H. Ishida

353. Photosensitization of water-soluble polystyrene copolymers of vinylbenzylthymine and vinylphenylsulfonate. V.Nowakowski, R. Gurney, D. M. Martino

354. Terminal functionalization of atactic-polypropylene oligomers: Toward the development of polymer-bound ligands andcatalysts. B. Lin, D. Lawler, C. E. Hobbs

355. Examination of functional group placement in dendritic structures: Preparation of "mixed" dendrimers for theencapsulation of pyrene from an aqueous environment. O. N. Monaco, A. M. Balija

Polymer Science of Everyday Things

Polymers for Solar Energy

Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by CHED and PMSE


Pennsylvania Convention CenterHall D


I. J. Levy, Organizer

8:00 - 10:00

49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 63, 66, 69, 73, 76, 77, 79, 189, 190, 192, 193, 194, 195, 197, 200, 203. Seeprevious listings.

Section B

Pennsylvania Convention CenterHall D

Successful Student Chapter Posters

Cosponsored by SOCEDE. Jensen, Organizer

8:00 - 10:00

356. Allegheny College ACS student members encourage students to follow their dreams through “Women in Science”program. B. M. Rauzan

357. University of Maryland, Baltimore County student chapter. J. Yoon, T. Carpenter, S. Johnson

358. Chemistry outreach at Iota Sigma Pi: Hydrogen Chapter at the University of California at Berkeley. R. A. Murphy, J. K.Kisunzu, P. J. Klemm, J. D. Douglas, O. P. Lee, H. Doan, K. M. Weeber, L. Rubin

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359. Benzene and Benedictines: Saint Anselm College's chemistry club. K. Demirdjian, J. Pace, J. Cristello, T. Cooke, K.Lunny, R. King, N. Eyet, L. Bonner

360. ACS Student Affiliate Chapter the Molloy Chemical Society from Saint Joseph's University. B. O. Werkheiser, E. Ang

361. UC Berkeley ACS chapter this year: Research, tutoring, outreach, and student-led class. R. Das

362. Loyola University Maryland Chemistry Club. E. Schehlein, J. Hoos

363. Bridging the gap: Getting local 8th graders interested in science. M. Fletcher, Y. Liu, A. Stoddard, L. Agate, E. Cannan,C. N. LaFratta

364. Urban student affiliate group integrates activities with public schools and technical colleges. N. Nelson, A. DeCatur, J.Lathan, S. M. Schelble

365. Student Affiliate Chapter of the American Chemical Society: Minot State University. L. W. Uran, J. Collins, K. O'Keefe,M. Falkenberg, M. Bobylev

366. Science Society honored by the American Chemical Society's ChemLuminary Award for the outstanding student event inthe nation. J. Araujo, J. Osorio, V. Arredondo, S. Pappatheodorou


Pennsylvania Convention Center111 B

The Power of Chemistry in Public Health: Drug Development from the Lab Bench to the Consumer

GSSPC Symposium

Cosponsored by BMGT, COMP‡, MEDI‡, ORGN‡, PRES, and TOXI‡

Financially supported by ACS Graduate & Postdoctoral Scholars Office and Dow Wolff CellulosicsE. Obuya, OrganizerR. B. Congdon, Organizer, Presiding

8:30 Welcome from Dr. Bassam Shakashiri.

8:35 367. Strategies for the discovery of innovative therapeutics. M. Abou-Gharbia

9:15 368. Evolving role of chemistry in small molecule drug discovery. P. R. Bernstein

9:55 369. Structure-based discovery of a novel Factor Xa inhibitor, Eliquis®/Apixaban, as a new anticoagulant and thediscovery of Chan-Lam coupling reaction. P. Y. Lam

10:35 Intermission.

10:50 370. Chemistry of inflammation and cancer: Lessons from inflammatory bowel disease. S. R. Tannenbaum

11:30 371. Chemistry and regulatory in drug development. B. A. Charpentier

12:10 Concluding Remarks.

Section B

Pennsylvania Convention Center112 A

Guiding the Trajectory of Chemistry Education Reform: A Symposium in Honor of Susan Hixson

M. Cooper, P. Varma-Nelson, OrganizersT. Holme, Organizer, Presiding

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8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:40 372. Susan Hixon and her support of NSF projects for community college students and faculty. T. B. Higgins

9:05 373. PLTL implementations: Different environments, different issues, similar outcomes. P. Varma-Nelson

9:30 374. Still becoming: A career born in systemic reform. J. E. Lewis

9:55 Intermission.

10:10 375. Trajectories of reform: The role of chemistry content. A. M. Stacy

10:35 376. At least they don't throw things anymore: One chemist's views on curricular reform in undergraduate chemistryover the past twenty years. R. Moog

11:00 377. Cooperative chemistry laboratories: A 20-year study. M. M. Cooper, S. Sandi Urena

11:25 Concluding Remarks.

Section C

Pennsylvania Convention Center109 B

Chemistry and the Premedical Curriculum

Cosponsored by CPT and SOCEDJ. Shulman, Organizer, Presiding

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:35 378. Effect of the SFFP report on the MCAT exam and medical school admissions. K. Mitchelll

8:55 379. NEXUS: Developing competency-based undergraduate science curricula. C. M. Bauerle

9:15 380. New model for physician education: Opportunities for curricular change in premedical education. B. D. Pendley

9:35 381. Chemistry for pre-professional and biological science students: A 1-2-1 approach. M. Loudon

9:55 Intermission.

10:10 382. Developing a one semester course: Organic biological chemistry. K. S. Åkerfeldt

10:30 383. Response to MCAT2015: New chemistry and biochemistry major course sequences at Washington and LeeUniversity. L. T. Alty

10:50 Panel Discussion.

Section D

Pennsylvania Convention Center112 B

Women in Chemistry

Cosponsored by WCCD. Schmidt, OrganizerE. A. Nalley, Organizer, PresidingD. Nelson, Presiding

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:35 384. Changes in science faculty demographics FY2002 - FY2012, as quantified by the Nelson surveys. D. J. Nelson

9:00 385. Supporting women scientists via the NSF ADVANCE program. G. A. Arbuckle-Keil, P. Gleason

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9:25 386. Studying the climate for female faculty at a teaching focused school with increasing research expectation. P.Cobb, S. D. Wiediger, L. M. Maurer, L. C. O'Brien, D. L. Brown, C. C. Johnson

9:45 387. Solutions to problems women in chemistry face in their career advancement. E. A. Nalley

10:05 388. Careers in college teaching in non tenure track positions. L. S. Sremaniak, A. L. Nicely

10:25 Intermission.

10:40 389. What I wish someone had told me: Managing your own professional life. L. M. Balbes

11:00 390. Withdrawn.

11:20 391. From career inception to career progression: Turning obstacles into opportunities. A. K. Wilson

11:40 392. Science teaching for the new economy. M. Hughes, S. Lunsford

12:00 Concluding Remarks.


Pennsylvania Convention Center111 B

The Power of Chemistry in Public Health: Drug Development from the Lab Bench to the Consumer

GSSPC Symposium

Cosponsored by BMGT, COMP‡, MEDI‡, ORGN‡, PRES, and TOXI‡

Financially supported by ACS Graduate & Postdoctoral Scholars Office and Dow Wolff CellulosicsE. Obuya, OrganizerR. B. Congdon, Organizer, Presiding

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 393. Health by design: Dow Wolff cellulosics excipient innovations for the pharmaceutical industry. B. Maughon

2:15 394. Development of blockbuster drugs in the 21st century: A personal journey. M. Hurrey

2:55 Intermission.

3:10 395. Forensics in the pharmaceutical industry. N. Lewen

3:50 396. Chemists, chemistry, and the FDA: Building quality into drug manufacturing. E. P. Cormier

4:10 Concluding Remarks.

Section B

Pennsylvania Convention Center112 A

Guiding the Trajectory of Chemistry Education Reform: A Symposium in Honor of Susan Hixson

T. Holme, P. Varma-Nelson, OrganizersM. Cooper, Organizer, Presiding

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 397. Interdisciplinary projects in DUE. H. H. Richtol

2:00 398. Improving STEM student success and beyond: One STEP at a time. M. Scharberg

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2:25 399. Preparing the next generation of STEM faculty: Integrating research, teaching, and learning (CIRTL). R. D.Mathieu

2:50 Intermission.

3:05 400. Emerging best practices in assessment: What constitutes a good measure of a good measure? S. Bretz

3:30 401. Leadership of Dr. Susan Hixson in DUE at NSF. B. E. Holmes

3:55 402. Trends in NSF-supported undergraduate chemistry education, 1992-2012. S. H. Hixson

4:25 Concluding Remarks.

Section C

Pennsylvania Convention Center109 B

Chemistry and the Premedical Curriculum

Cosponsored by CPT and SOCEDJ. Shulman, Organizer, Presiding

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 403. Second semester organic chemistry options: "Bioorganic Chemistry" or "Organic Mechanisms and Synthesis". A.Matlin, J. Belitsky

1:55 404. Building a stronger foundation: Redefining the chemistry core curriculum at the University of Memphis. A. L.Parrill

2:15 405. Development of a foundation course that integrates organic, inorganic, and biochemistry. C. P. Schaller, K. J.Graham, B. J. Johnson, E. J. McIntee, A. A. Peterson

2:35 Intermission.

2:50 406. Evaluation of W&J's realigned “organic first” chemistry curriculum and the potential benefits for MCAT2015

preparation. M. F. Harris, S. M. Malinak

3:10 407. Organic chemistry teaching at the University of Oklahoma. D. J. Nelson

3:30 408. Juniata College “Organic First" chemistry curriculum: Addressing the needs of the premedical student. R. R. Hark

3:50 Panel Discussion.

Section D

Pennsylvania Convention Center112 B

Women in Chemistry

Cosponsored by WCCE. A. Nalley, D. Schmidt, Organizers, Presiding

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 409. You do not look like a chemist – periodically speaking. R. A. Woodall

1:55 410. Don't let the men have all the fun, being a female prof rocks! Advice (for men and women) on how to reach yourfull potential. E. T. Papish

2:15 411. Collaboration is critical for the success of women in STEM. J. M. Iriarte-Gross

2:35 Intermission.

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2:50 412. Ethical issues facing women in academia. S. M. Schelble, K. M.

3:10 413. An industrial chemist's perspective. D. G. Schmidt

3:30 414. Malta Conferences: Helping to improve the professional status of women scientists in the middle east. Z. Lerman,E. A. Nalley

3:50 Intermission.

4:05 415. Saudi women in science: Challenges and opportunities. S. I. Islam

4:25 416. Support for women scientists in Japan. Y. Souma

4:45 Concluding Remarks.


Polymer Science of Everyday Things

Sponsored by POLY, Cosponsored by CHED and PMSE


Pennsylvania Convention Center111 B

Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL)

R. Moog, Organizer, Presiding

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:35 417. POGIL and The POGIL Project: An introduction. R. Moog

8:55 418. Incorporating POGIL in the chemistry of food and cooking. G. H. Webster, A. G. Glenn

9:15 419. Revolution in university science education: Integrated Concentration in Science (iCons) at UMass Amherst fortoday's students and tomorrow's leaders. S. M. Auerbach

9:35 Intermission.

9:50 420. Global climate change: POGIL activities for the general chemistry curriculum. D. King, J. E. Lewis, K. Anderson,D. Latch, S. Sutheimer, G. Webster, C. Middlecamp, R. Moog

10:10 421. Development and implementation of guided inquiry experiments for physical chemistry. S. S. Hunnicutt, A.Grushow, R. Whitnell

10:30 422. Assessing the impact of roles as they relate to student learning styles in the POGIL laboratory. D. R. QuirkDorr, M. Hadley

10:50 423. Student evaluation of POGIL in large chemistry courses. S. M. Ruder, S. S. Hunnicutt, S. Polich

11:10 Panel Discussion.

Section B

Pennsylvania Convention Center112 A

Research in Chemical Education

Higher Education-oriented Papers

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C. Bauer, OrganizerD. Wink, Organizer, Presiding

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:35 424. Evaluation of the chemical origin of life as a context for teaching undergraduate chemistry. B. Venkataraman

8:55 425. Comparison of two online learning systems in general chemistry at the University of Washington. C. Craig, A.Carroll, P. Reid

9:15 426. The question, understand, do you? Divergent interpretations of exam items by faculty and students in generalchemistry. E. L. Fought, N. J. Barrows

9:35 Intermission.

9:50 427. Student outcomes from undergraduate chemistry laboratory innovations: A review of projects funded by the NSFbetween 2000-11. H. Sevian, G. W. Fulmer

10:10 428. Quantitative analysis of the ANAPOGIL project. R. Cole, W. Schatzberg, J. Lantz

10:30 Concluding Remarks.

Section C

Pennsylvania Convention Center109 B

NSF Catalyzed Innovations in the Undergraduate Curriculum

C. A. Burkhardt, OrganizerR. Boggess, Organizer, Presiding

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:40 429. Luminescence spectroscopy in molecular assemblies and new energy conversion materials: Integration across theundergraduate curriculum. J. E. Pemberton, J. Pollard, D. Belle-Oudry, O. Monti, S. Saavedra, J. Jenkins, E. Grumbling, E.Smith, I. Novodvorsky

9:00 430. Professional readers for STEM student writers: How university alumni and professional staff can help STEMstudents develop communication and reasoning skills. C. Moskovitz, C. Roy, T. Woerner

9:20 431. Integrating science for preservice elementary teachers through foundational big ideas. J. Rice, L. Markham, S.Jackson, D. Wilson, P. Maldonado, J. Doherty, C. W. Anderson

9:40 Intermission.

9:50 432. ChemPRIME/ChemPaths: Using an online resource for chemistry teaching. J. W. Moore, J. M. Shorb, D. Storer,D. Carter, L. Smith, J. Schwehm

10:10 433. Promoting learning through authentic and relevant research experiences in environmental monitoring andremediation across ten chemistry and biology laboratory courses. S. G. Cessna, L. H. Leaman, T. S. Kishbaugh

10:30 434. Coupled science core courses: Designing, delivering, and evaluating interdisciplinary courses for non-majors. L.K. Steffen, K. A. Nantz

10:50 Intermission.

11:00 435. Analysis of halomethane water disinfection by-products by GC/MS and negative chemical ionization (NCI). P.Chiarelli, T. Higgins, C. Abrams

11:20 436. Integration of NMR into chemistry curriculum at WKU and ECTC and assessment of factors leading to asuccessful collaboration between 2- and 4-year colleges. R. Zhang, D. Dahl, L. Pesterfield, C. Webb, S. Kellie, S. Ballard

11:40 437. Improving the biochemistry curriculum through innovative and collaborative hands-on and virtual laboratory

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experiences. F. H. Bellevue III, T. Chao, J. K. Tillotson, J. Skrivanek, M. Condon

12:00 Concluding Remarks.

Section D

Pennsylvania Convention Center112 B

Chemistry and Art

R. Kamen, T. Spector, Organizers, Presiding

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:35 438. Relationship between the history of synthetic chemistry and artists' materials. E. Bosch

8:55 439. Chemical matter and the vision of artists: Three exhibits at the Chemical Heritage Foundation. C. J. Schneider

9:15 440. Chemistry and contemporary visual art. T. I. Spector

9:35 Intermission.

9:45 441. Chemical worlds, chemical senses: Building a sniffing booth. S. Ramakrishnan, V. Vesna

10:05 442. Art as a catalyst for connections in chemistry. R. Kamen

10:25 Intermission.

10:35 443. Teaching chemistry to community college non-science majors by active learning methods utilizing art relatedtopics. T. Hemraj-Benny

10:55 444. Using theater-based learning to engage children in chemistry. C. Babiarz, H. Kerby, J. Cantor, M. Weiland, K.Megna Yarnall, B. DeKorver

11:15 445. Drawing the similarities between scientific and dramatic prose to improve students' technical writing skills. R.Hudson

11:35 Concluding Remarks.


Pennsylvania Convention Center111 B

Innovation in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Undergraduate Teaching and Research

D. Mencer, OrganizerD. Rovnyak, Organizer, Presiding

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 446. Finding NEMA's vinyl protons: Unusual chemical shift variability in 1H NMR spectra at low concentrations. W. A.Price, A. M. Abud, R. F. Dyer, M. Zeller, A. D. Hunter

1:55 447. Strategies for incorporating multinuclear NMR in coursework and undergraduate research. R. Stockland

2:15 448. Understanding the liquid structure of ionic liquids: Some examples of NMR-based undergraduate-poweredresearch. G. Moyna

2:35 Intermission.

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2:50 449. Solution structure and function of the Ig1 domain of the giant muscle protein Obscurin. N. T. Wright

3:10 450. Use of NMR in determining the absolute configuration of glycerol menthonide isomers. A. Kiessling

3:30 Discussion.

Section B

Pennsylvania Convention Center112 A

Research in Chemical Education

Pre-college Papers

D. Wink, OrganizerC. Bauer, Organizer, Presiding

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 451. Understanding high school chemistry teachers' reflection during planning. M. Dianovsky, D. Wink

1:55 452. Students' views of chemistry as a science and of chemistry studies in their classes. F. Mumba, A. Banda, V. M.Chabalengula

2:15 453. Implementation of a research-based lab module in a high school chemistry class: Examining student-student andstudent-teacher interactions. M. Pilarz, R. L. Pritchard, G. C. Weaver

2:35 Intermission.

2:45 454. Zambian pre-service science teachers' interest in and conceptual understanding of electrochemistry concepts. A.Banda, F. Mumba

3:05 455. Teachers' abilities to identify misconceptions on electrolysis. A. Banda, F. Mumba

3:25 Concluding Remarks.

Section C

Pennsylvania Convention Center109 B

NSF Catalyzed Innovations in the Undergraduate Curriculum

R. Boggess, OrganizerC. A. Burkhardt, Organizer, Presiding

1:30 Introductory Remarks.

1:35 456. Chemistry within the NSF's Division of Undergraduate Education. P. Brown, J. Grabowski

1:55 Discussion with NSF Program Directors.

2:15 Intermission.

2:25 457. University of Wisconsin-River Falls organic first curriculum. D. B. Rusterholz, R. Jilk, M. Kahlow, D. Marchand, B.Nielsen, M. Pala, K. Peterson, J. Rosenthal, J. Schneider, S. Stoffregen

2:45 458. Creating a student-centered sophomore organic lab curriculum using microwave-assisted organic synthesis(MAOS). S. S. Murphree, J. D. Mason, T. G. Bean

3:05 459. Integrated, instrument intensive project-based biochemistry laboratory for enhanced student learning and

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research. T. P. Silverstein

3:25 Intermission.

3:35 460. Applied energy curriculum at the University of Southern Maine. D. M. Martinez, T. Wagner

3:55 461. Experimental structure determination in the undergraduate curriculum. D. H. Johnston

4:15 462. Breadth and depth in elemental analysis: A tale of transformation. M. M. Bushey, B. E. Surpless

4:35 463. Raman spectroscopy implemented into undergraduate science education. M. Hepel

4:55 Concluding Remarks.


Pennsylvania Convention Center111 B

General Papers

S. Fleming, OrganizerK. O'Connor, Presiding

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:35 464. Collaborative teaching innovation in freshman chemistry laboratory. L. Wang, K. Klara, N. Hou, A. Lawman

8:55 465. Purification techniques as the theme for two foundation laboratories. K. J. Graham, E. J. McIntee, A. A. Peterson

9:15 Intermission.

9:30 466. X-ray powder diffraction for the quantitative analysis of a solid-state mixture: An undergraduate laboratorymodule. K. A. Rosmus, C. D. Brunetta, J. A. Aitken

9:50 467. Setting the stage for the development of critical thinking skills and green chemistry metrics using catalytichydrogenation in the organic chemistry lab. K. J. O'Connor, D. Fry

10:10 468. University/community college collaboration in professional development experiences and sequentialresearch-based laboratories to engage community college organic chemistry students. S. D. Starnes, B. Ni, B. Jang, W.Whaley, L. Brough, F. Jury

10:30 Intermission.

10:45 469. Checklists as a means to decrease error in the organic chemistry laboratory course. K. K. Bagga, P. Falzarano

11:05 470. Use of virtual labs for electrochemistry. I. C. Hawkins, A. J. Phelps

11:25 471. Microwave induced demulsification of cooking oil as potential source of biofuels. A. Mitra, S. Ragunath, S. Mitra

11:45 Concluding Remarks.

Section B

Pennsylvania Convention Center112 A

General Papers

S. Fleming, Organizer, Presiding

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

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8:35 472. Creating the first forensic science course and the first forensic chemistry course for Walsh University. A. J.Heston

8:55 473. Energy! A general education science course. S. Hunnicutt, A. Baski

9:15 Intermission.

9:30 474. Getting more biochemistry into organic chemistry. S. A. Fleming

9:50 475. Teaching an organic/biochemistry semester course to non-majors in the health science fields: Putting thebiochemistry first! D. L. Warner

10:10 476. Organic chemistry and the "structure-mechanism-reaction" paradigm: Structure knowledge is a powerfulpredictor of student performance. S. M. Graham

10:30 Intermission.

10:45 477. Natural bond orbital model for teaching chemical bonding: Bonding teaching with research. M. Ayoub

11:05 478. Electronegativity and the chemical bond. P. Wepplo

11:25 Concluding Remarks.

Section C

Pennsylvania Convention Center109 B

General Papers

S. Fleming, OrganizerS. Ruder, Presiding

8:30 Introductory Remarks.

8:35 479. Drug discovery, human rights, and protecting the intellectual property of indigenous groups. A. Greer

8:55 480. Enhancing STEM education via the creation of student-constructed STEMWikis. D. Larsen

9:15 Intermission.

9:30 481. Practical perspectives: Learning chemistry in a chemical technology program. D. Baker, M. Faleski

9:50 482. Learning outcomes-based assessment of individual performance gains in general chemistry courses as part of theEmerging Scholars Program at the University of Texas at Arlington. K. A. Schug, S. E. Hardee, P. M. Martinez, E. Varona, K.M. Abayan, D. D. Carlton, A. L. Thomas

10:10 483. Application of clickers in a small inorganic chemistry lecture class. J. F. Kirby, J. J. Anderson

10:30 Intermission.

10:45 484. Professional practices in chemistry: A course using active learning to teach important career issues. S. M.Ruder, S. S. Hunnicutt

11:05 485. Fostering international collaboration, education, and training: Outcomes of the ACS GREET Program. S. R.Meyers, B. D. Miller

11:25 486. Chemistry for future presidents. D. A. Katz

11:45 Concluding Remarks.


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