draft policies map - tower hamlets · 8 riverside south 9 hercules wharf 10 clove crescent ... 13...

! 25 ! 20 ! 18 ! 13 ! 19 ! 10 ! 16 ! 21 ! 5 ! 4 ! 11 ! 14 ! 2 ! 22 ! 26 ! 3 ! 17 ! 12 ! 1 ! 7 ! 9 ! 15 ! 6 ! 8 ! 23 ! 24 Town Centre Hierarchy ^ _ ^ _ ^ _ ^ _ ^ _ ^ _ Employment Areas Transport ! ! ! KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Parks and Open Space Green Grid ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( Local Nature Reserves ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### Lee Valley Regional Park Water Space Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Heritage and Conservation ! G ! G ! G ! G ÕÕÕ Õ Õ ÕÕ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ± 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Landmarks and Views k j k j Waste Management Sites DRAFT POLICIES MAP

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Page 1: DRAFT POLICIES MAP - Tower Hamlets · 8 Riverside South 9 Hercules Wharf 10 Clove Crescent ... 13 Marsh Wall West 14 Millharbour 15 Oban Street 16 Crossharbour Town Centre 17 Chrisp

















!1 !7

























All e fforts und e rta ke n to e nsure curre ncy a nd a ccuracy of spatia l d ata a s pe r tim e of printing.Inform ation ca n not be gua ra nte e d b e yond this d a te.Utilises Ord na nce Surve y d igita l d ata a nd incorpora ting surve ye d revision ava ila ble a t this d ate.© Crown copyright a nd d ata b ase rights 2016 Ord na nce Surve y, Lond on Borough of Towe r Ha m le ts 100019288Cre a te d b y: Lond on Borough of Towe r Ha m le tsProd uce d 20th Octob e r 2016

LEGENDBound a ry of Lond on Borough of Towe r Ha m letsPropose d Site Allocations (se e num b e re d site na m e list)

Lond on Legacy Deve lopm e nt Corporation Are aSa fe gua rd e d for Gypsies a nd Trave lle rs Accom m od a tionNe ighbourhood Pla nning Are a

Town Centre Hierarchy

_̂ _̂ _̂ _̂

_̂ _̂ _̂ _̂

_̂ _̂ _̂ _̂ Ce ntra l Activities Z one

Ce ntra l Activities Z one Frontage

Prim a ry Shopping Frontage

Second a ry Shopping Frontage

Sugge ste d Prim a ry Shopping Are a

Towe r Ha m lets Activity Are a s

Ma jor


Ne ighbourhood

Ne ighbourhood Pa ra d e

Tech City Bound a ry

Employment Areas

Loca l Em ploym e nt Loca tion

Loca l Ind ustria l Loca tion

Pre fe rr e d Office Location

Stra te gic Ind ustria l Loca tion

TransportNationa l Ra il Station

! Ove rground Station

! Und e rground Station

DLR Station

! Crossra il Station (Propose d )

Tra nsport Inte rcha nge Are a

Crossra il Bound a ry


Sa fe gua rd e d Wha rf


!! ! !

Cycle Supe r Highwa ys *


!! !

Towe r Ha m lets Cycle Network *

Parks and Open SpaceMetropolita n Ope n La ndPublicly Acessible Ope n Spaces

Green Grid



!( !(

!( Local Nature Reserves

# # # # # ## # # # # ## # # # # ## # # # # ## # # # # #

Site of Im porta nce for Nature Conse rvation

Lee Valley Regional ParkAre a of De ficie ncy of Access to Nature *

Water SpaceFlood Z one 2

Flood Z one 3A

Flood Z one 3B

Critica l Dra inage Are a s

ÕÕÕÕÕÕÕ Tha m es Policy Are a

Blue Rib bon Network

Heritage and Conservation

!G !G !G !G

!G !G !G !G World He ritage Site a nd Buffe r Are a

Statutory Liste d Build ings

Loca lly Liste d Build ingsLoca lly Liste d Wa r Me m oria ls

Lond on Squa re

ÕÕÕÕÕÕ ÕÕ Lond on Vie w Ma nage m e nt Fra m ework


Õ Õ ÕÕ Conse rvation Are a

! ! ! !

! ! ! !

! ! ! !

! ! ! !

Archa eologica l Priority Are a

Sche d ule d Ancie nt Monum e nt

Liste d Pa rks a nd Ga rd e ns

Historic Pa rks a nd Ga rd e ns

±0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000Metre s

1 Aspe n Wa y2 Bishopsgate Good s Ya rd3 Bow Com m on Gas Works4 Billingsgate Ma rket5 Ailsa Stre e t6 North Q ua y7 Reute rs LTD8 Rive rsid e South9 He rcules Wha rf10 Clove Cresce nt11 Lim e ha rbour12 Ma rsh Wa ll East13 Ma rsh Wa ll West14 Millha rbour15 Ob a n Stre e t16 Crossha rbour Town Ce ntre17 Chrisp Stre e t Town Ce ntre18 Wood Wha rf19 Westfe rry Printworks20 Leve n Roa d Gas Works21 Lond on Dock22 Ma ria n Pla ce Gas Works a nd The Ova l23 The Highwa y24 The Dockla nd s De live ry Office25 Whitecha pe l South26 Millha rbour South

Landmarks and Views

Stra tegica lly Im porta nt Skyline

Loca l De signa te d Vie ws

kj Loca l De signa te d La nd m a rks

kj Stra tegica lly Im porta nt La nd m a rk

Waste Management SitesSa fe gua rd e d Waste Site

Site or a re a suita ble for waste m a nage m e nt

* – This d e signation is und e r re view a nd m a y b e a m e nd e d .The following spatia l d e signation will b e includ e d within the next ve rsion of the Policies Ma p: -Are a s of Sub-Sta nd a rd Air Q ua lity (A PDF m a p of these a re a s is ava ila b le within the Environm e nta lSusta ina b ility policie s section)

GIS for De ve lopm e nt a nd Re newa l