draft wildlife bc-mt mou technical committee meeting april...

BCMT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Transboundary Flathead Technical Committee Meeting April 30 th – May 1 st , 2015 |Cranbrook, British Columbia Provincial Government Offices, 1902 Theatre Road Implementing the BCMT MOU: May 1st, 2015: Terrestrial/Wildlife The following report reflects proceedings from a meeting of the Technical Committee for the BCMT Memorandum of Understanding for the Transboundary Flathead. The meeting was convened by the Province of B.C., the State of Montana, and the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GNLCC). Participants discussed activities to date under the MOU, reviewed existing science and management for transboundary fish and wildlife and discussed opportuntities and actions moving forward, for overall implementation of the BCMT MOU. Attendees J.Williams N. Newhouse, G. Mowat, S. LeBrecque, , R. Davies, C. Downes, P. VanEimeren, T. Their, T. Graves, M. Proctor, N. Anderson, T. Szkorupa, R. Klafki, T. Ayele, P. Holmes, J. Krebs, E. Sexton, M. Heller, S. Bischke

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Transboundary  Flathead  Technical  Committee  Meeting  

April  30th  –  May  1st,  2015  |Cranbrook,  British  Columbia  Provincial  Government  Offices,  1902  Theatre  Road  


Implementing  the  BC-­‐MT  MOU:  May  1st,  2015:  Terrestrial/Wildlife  The   following   report   reflects   proceedings   from  a  meeting  of   the   Technical   Committee   for   the  

BC-­‐MT  Memorandum  of  Understanding  for  the  Transboundary  Flathead.    The  meeting  was  convened  by  the  Province  of  B.C.,  the  State  of  Montana,  and  the  Great  Northern  Landscape  Conservation  Cooperative  (GNLCC).   Participants   discussed   activities   to   date   under   the   MOU,   reviewed   existing   science   and  management   for   transboundary   fish   and   wildlife   and   discussed   opportuntities   and   actions   moving  forward,  for  overall  implementation  of  the    BC-­‐MT  MOU.    


 Attendees   J.Williams  N.  Newhouse,   G.  Mowat,   S.   LeBrecque,   ,   R.   Davies,   C.   Downes,   P.   VanEimeren,   T.   Their,   T.  Graves,  M.  Proctor,  N.  Anderson,  T.  Szkorupa,  R.  Klafki,  T.  Ayele,  P.  Holmes,  J.  Krebs,  E.  Sexton,  M.  Heller,  S.  Bischke  



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*  DRAFT—October  1st,  2015  

2   Implementing  the  BC-­‐MT  MOU;  April  30th,  2015:  Fisheries/Aquatics  



Table  of  Contents  

Implementing  the  BC-­‐MT  MOU:  May  1st,  2015:  Terrestrial/Wildlife  .......................................  1  

Background  ............................................................................................................................  3  

Overview  of  MOU  and  Work  to  Date;  E.  Sexton  ......................................................................  3  

Jurisdictional  Synopsis;  Management  Priorities  for  the  TB  Flathead  by  Agency  or  Entity  .........  4  

B.C.  Fish  and  Wildlife:  Kootenay  Region  Wildlife  Update;  T.  Szkorupa  .....................................  6  

MT  FWP  B.C.-­‐MT  Transboundary  Wildlife  Update;  T.  Thier  .....................................................  6  

2015  GNLCC  Transboundary  B.C.-­‐  Kootenay  Wolverine  Inventory;  J.  Krebs  .............................  7  

Elk  Valley  Cumulative  Effects  Framework  (CEMF);  T.  Ayele  .....................................................  7  

B.C.  –  Nature  Conservancy  Canada  Flathead  Agreement  –  Progress  Report;  P.  Holmes  ...........  8  

Long-­‐term  Grizzly  Bear  Research  in  the  Flathead;  G.  Mowat  ...................................................  8  

Discussion:  Opportunities  and  Next  Steps  ...............................................................................  8  

Appendix  A.  –  Meeting  Agenda  .............................................................................................  10  

Appendix  B.  –  BC/MT  Transboundary  Flathead  MOU  ............................................................  12    

Meeting  Objectives  /  Desired  Outcomes      

1. PAST—Review  past  efforts  under  the  MOU  

a. Mandates,  sideboards  provided  by  the  MOU  b. September,  2012  MOU  Technical  Team  meeting  c. Aquatic  Adaptation  Framework  d. May,  2014  MOU  Executive  Committee  meeting  and  out-­‐comes  

2. PRESENT—Focus  on  transboundary  collaborations  in  science  and  management  

a. Review  of  existing  transboundary  science  and  management  partnerships,  including  key  fish,  wildlife,  and  ecosystem  initiatives  in  the  Transboundary  Flathead  

b. Discuss  jurisdictional  barriers  and  opportunities  related  to  transboundary  collaborations  c. Discuss  interface  with  regional  initiatives  (Forest  Plan  Revision,  CMP,  GNLCC,  etc.)  

3. FUTURE—Next  Steps      

a. Opportunities  for  science  and  management  applications  b. Future  projects—planned  and/or  possible—with  emphasis  on  collaborative  efforts  c. Discuss  next  steps  for  this  technical  working  group,  including  setting  next  meeting  

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*  DRAFT—October  1st,  2015  

3   Implementing  the  BC-­‐MT  MOU;  April  30th,  2015:  Fisheries/Aquatics  



Background  The  Flathead  River,  which  originates  in  British  Columbia  and  flows  south  into  Montana,  is  

considered  one  of  North  America’s  wildest  rivers.    Its  water  quality  is  pristine,  it  harbors  abundant  and  diverse  aquatic  life,  and  it  sustains  the  full  complement  of  mid-­‐  to  large  carnivores  that  have  thrived  there  since  the  1800s.    As  such,  in  February  2010,  the  governments  of  British  Columbia  and  Montana  signed  a  Memorandum  of  Understanding  and  Cooperation  on  Environmental  Protection,  Climate  Action  and  Energy  in  recognition  of  the  high  value  of  the  natural  resources  in  the  Transboundary  Flathead  River  Basin  (US  North  Fork).      Recognizing  that  the  Flathead  River  Basin  includes  Waterton-­‐Glacier  International  Peace  Park,  a  UNESCO-­‐designated  World  Heritage  Site  and  Biosphere  Reserve,  this  unique  area  merits  special  protection  from  risks  posed  by  gas,  oil,  and  mineral  development.    The  MOU  outlines  a  framework  for  the  signatories  to  work  together  with  Federal,  State  and  Provincial,  Tribal  and  First  Nation  partners  in  the  United  States  and  Canada  on:  1)  environmental  protection,  2)  climate  action  and  3)  renewable  and  low  carbon  energy.      In  2011,  Secretary  of  the  Interior  Ken  Salazar  appointed,  and  the  government  of  British  Columbia  embraced,  the  Great  Northern  Landscape  Conservation  Cooperative  (GNLCC),  as  a  vehicle  to  implement  the  partnership  to  accomplish  the  goals  set  out  in  the  MOU,  while  avoiding  overlap  and  duplication  of  effort.    

Overview  of  MOU  and  Work  to  Date;  E.  Sexton  Erin   Sexton   provided   background   on   the  

history   of   the   Transboundary   Flathead   MOU,  from  its  signing  in  2010,  to  the  identiifcation  of  the  GNLCC  in  2011  to  assist  with  convening  and  implementation,  to  the  creation  of  the  Flathead  Executive   Committee.   Erin   described   the  transboundary   Flathead   (Figure   1)   as   a   place  encompassing:  

• a  strategic  linkage  area  between  BC  and  MT,  US  and  Canada;  

• multiple   species   of   wide-­‐ranging  transboundary  carnivores;  and  

• a   critical   spawning   area   for  transboundary   bull   trout   and   genetic  stronghold   for   Westslope   cutthroat  trout.  


The   MOU   provides   a   framework   for  collaboration   on;   1)   Environmental   protection,  2)  Climate  action,  and  3)  Renewable  energy.   In  2012,   the   Province   of   B.C.,   State   of   Montana,  and   the   GNLCC   convened   and   executive-­‐level  committee   among   US   Department   of   Interior,  US  Department  of  Agriculture,  Canadian  federal  government,   Tribes,   First   Nations   and   the  Province  of  B.C.       The   Executive   Committee   out-­‐lined   a  commitment   to   address   portions   of   the   MOU  dealing  with  Land,  Water,  Fish,  Wildlife,  Invasive  Species  and  Climate  Change.  In  2011-­‐2012,  both  the   Flathead   Executive   and   Technical  Committees  were   convened   to   develop   a   Five-­‐Year   Work   Plan   (Appendix   B)   with   provisions  for:  

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*  DRAFT—October  1st,  2015  

4   Implementing  the  BC-­‐MT  MOU;  April  30th,  2015:  Fisheries/Aquatics  



• Cooperating   on   Fish   and   Willdife  Management  

• Facilitation   lf   strategies   for   climate  change  adaptation  

• Sharing  information  pro-­‐actively    


Jurisdictional  Synopsis;  Management  Priorities  for  the  TB  Flathead  by  Agency  or  Entity  J.  Krebs  –  Province  of  B.C.    –  Up-­‐date  the  original  MOU  ,  refresh  the  scope  and  add  the  Confederated  Salish  and  Kootenai  Tribes  (CSKT)  and  Ktunaxa  Nation  as  signators  (witnesses  under  the  original  signing).    

1. Natural  Resource  Priorities:  a. Species  at  Risk  (SAR)  Management  b. Connectivity  c. Long-­‐standing  Grizzly  bear  work  d. Co-­‐management  with  Ktunaxa  First  Nation  

 G.  Mowat  –  Province  of  B.C.  

1. Connectivity    S.  LaBrecque,  R.  Davies–  U.S.  Forest  Service  

2. Flathead  National  Forest  Plan  Revision  a. Additional   recommended  Wilderness   –   108,000   additional   acres   (Tuchuck   and   Jewell  

Basin)  b. Transboundary  Flathead  is  important  connecitivty  habitat  in  the  FNF  FPR  c. Lynx   studies   in   the   North   Fork   –   in   partnership   with   the   Rocky   Mountain   Research  

Station  d. Community  engagement  in  North  Fork  (Bear  Fair)  e. Conservation  easement  management  f. Land  acquisition  g. Grizzly   Bear   Conservation   Strategy   –   de-­‐listing   -­‐   Amendment   19   for   grizzly   bear  

management  carried  forward  in  plan  –  manages  road  density  for  bear  habitat  security    T.  Graves  –  U.S.  Geological  Survey  

1. Threatened  and  Endangered  species  management  2. Climate  change  3. Connectivity  4. Habitat  and  Bear  food  

 N.  Newhousse  –  Nature  Conservancy  Canada    

1. Work  with  B.C.  for  retirement  of  Flathead  mineral  rights  –  funding  2. Private  land  conservation  easement  purchases  3. Cumulative  effects  threats  –  forest  companies  not  under  Forest  Stewardship  Certification    4. Identification  of  threats  and  values  

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*  DRAFT—October  1st,  2015  

5   Implementing  the  BC-­‐MT  MOU;  April  30th,  2015:  Fisheries/Aquatics  



 J.  Williams  and  M.  Deleray  –  State  of  Montana,  Fish  Wildlife  and  Parks  

1. MT  catching  up  on  MOU  implementation  –  recently  engaged  2. Support  Province  of  B.C.  and  counterpart  agencies  -­‐  have  B.C.  biologists   implementing  work   in  

B.C.  Flathead  a. Funding  capacity    b. Manpower  

3. Habitat  restoration/protection  through  conservation  easements  4. Collaboration  is  key:  permitting  and  data  exchange  across  the  boundary  should  continue  

 S.  LaBrecque,  R.  Davies  and  P.  VanEimeren  –  U.S.  Forest  Service  

1. Flathead  National  Forest  Plan  Revision  a. Additional   recommended  Wilderness   –   108,000   additional   acres   (Tuchuck   and   Jewell  

Basin)  b. Inland  Native  Fish  Strategy  (IN-­‐FISH)-­‐  carried  forward    into  Forest  Plan  –  enhanced  river  

corridor  riparian  protection,  300  foot  buffer  in  fish-­‐  bearing  streams  c. Wild  and  Scenic  River  designation  recommended  for  key  BT  spawning  streams  d. Conservation  easement  management  e. Land  acquisition  f. Grizzly   Bear   Conservation   Strategy   –   de-­‐listing   -­‐   Amendment   19   for   grizzly   bear  

management  carried  forward  in  plan  –  manages  road  density  for  bear  habitat  security  2. Research  Branch  

a. NetMap  Watershed  Assessment    -­‐  restoration  prioritization  tool  b. Climate  shield  temperature  data    

 C.  Downes  –  National  Park  Service  –Glacier  National  Park  

1. Wildlife  connectivity  and  habitat  2. Eagle  productivity    3. Loon  monitoring  4. Wolverine  5. Bat  work  

 T.  Thier  –  State  of  Montana  –  Fish,  Wildlife  and  Parks  

1.  Ungulates  –  fencing  and  connectivity      M.  Proctor  –  Independent  Biologist  

1. Connectivity  –  particularly  in  along  Hwy  2  and  3  fracture  zones    T.  Skzorupa  –  Province  of  B.C.  

1. Setting  objectives  for  SARA  2. Predator/prey  dynamics    3. Trapping  and  hunting  quotas  

 T.  Ayele  –  Province  of  B.C.  

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*  DRAFT—October  1st,  2015  

6   Implementing  the  BC-­‐MT  MOU;  April  30th,  2015:  Fisheries/Aquatics  



1. Cumulative  Effects  Analysis  for  the  Elk  Valley  2. Transboundary  CEA  and  management  in  the  Elk/Kootenai  

 E.  Sexton  –  University  of  Montana    

1. Implementing   the   language  of   the  BC-­‐MT  MOU  with   respect   to   fish   and  wildlife  management  and  climate  change  impacts  

2. Transboundary  Forestry  Exchange  –  corss-­‐boundary  participating  in  voluntary  BMP  audits      P.  Holmes  –  Province  of  B.C.    

1. At-­‐risk  plant  species  (3)    2. Tailed  frog  3. Screech  owl  

B.C.  Fish  and  Wildlife:  Kootenay  Region  Wildlife  Update;  T.  Szkorupa• Mule   deer   –   50%   decline   in   EK  

population  2008-­‐2013  • Currently  monitoring  –  42  collared  deer  • R.M   Elk   –   Relatively   stable,   but  

declining  in  trench,  declining  in  FH  • Bighorn   sheep   –   stable,   decreasing,  

depending  on  area  –  issues  with  mining  impacts  to  habitat  

• Mtn   goat   –   20%   of   B.C.’s   pop   –most  declining   –   2-­‐year   intensive   surveys  underway  

•  • Cougar  –  may  be  declining  since  2012  –  

Developing  management  statement  • Moose  –  minimal  monitoring  • Wolves   –   unknown  harvest,   impacts   to  

ungulates   –   Developing   management  statement  


MT  FWP  B.C.-­‐MT  Transboundary  Wildlife  Update;  T.  Thier  • Long-­‐term   trend  monitoring   for   female  

GB  in  NCDE  • Wolves-­‐  first  track  in  MT  in  1976  –  came  

from  BC  FH  • ST  Grouse  –  attempt  to  establish   in  MT  

using  BC  source  –  not  adequate  habitat  

• Lynx   –   Do   not   have   trends   in   NW  MT  from  tracking  data  

• Badgers  –  MT  gave  BC  15  –  doing  well  • Wolverine   –   working   on   TB  

coordination    • Ptarmigan   –   GNLCC-­‐funded   surveys   in  


Sheep%popula*on%trends%MU Herd 198

6 1991 2001 2005 2008 2012 2014 Trend

401 Flathead 40 40 40 60 80 80 80 stable 402 Wigwam 130 235 160 270 300 215 220 stable

Galtons 115 125 80 120 120 120 120 stable 421 Estella 55 80 20 10 10 10 10 decreasing

Premier 100 140 20 45 70 60 40 decreasing Marmalade 55 40 55 65 70 60 40 fluctuating Wildhorse 50 35 20 10 0 5 5 decreasing

422 Bull?River 100 120 80 100 160 150 120 stable Lizard 85 50 50 50 50 30 50 stable

423 Elk?Valley?E 395 370 390 485 550 720 720 increasing Elk?Valley?W 170 150 175 175 130 90 90 decreasing

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*  DRAFT—October  1st,  2015  

7   Implementing  the  BC-­‐MT  MOU;  April  30th,  2015:  Fisheries/Aquatics  



• Hoary  Marmot  –  important  data  gap  • Bighorn   sheep   –   Koocanusa   herd  

declining  –  issues  with  domestic  sheep  • Mule   deeer   –   sharing   telemetry   data  

across  boundary  –  declining  in  MT  also  

• Mtn   Goats   –   concerned   about   climate  change   impacts   –   Sun   Road   impacts   in  GNP  


2015  GNLCC  Transboundary  B.C.-­‐  Kootenay  Wolverine  Inventory;  J.  Krebs  • GNLCC   funded  work-­‐   includes   B.C.,   AB,  

MT,  KNC,  NCC,  GNP  (Clevenger)  • Initial   work   from   1970’s,   Krebs   (2004)  

showed  BC-­‐MT  TB  critical  for  species  • Copeland   –   does   Spring   snow   cover  

define  the  biocimatic  envelope?  • BC   Harvest   –   very   low   in   Selkirks   and  

Purcells,  30/yr  in  Kootenays  • No   quotas   –   Poor   data   on   harvest  

impacts  • Cumulative   impacts   of   additional  

threats  unknown  • Study   objectives   –   est.   abundance,  

assess   harvest,   connectivity,   predict  habitat  quality  

• Survey   occurrence,   occupancy   model,  density  and  gene  flow  in  CCE  

• Management  scale  –   is  habitat   limited?  Sustainable   harvest?   Genetic   isolation  and  connectivity?  

• Selkirks   and   Rockies   complete,   1   year  left  in  Purcells  and  S.  Rockies  

• Low  numbers  in  S.  B.C.  • Kootenay  Parks  –  64  ind.  



Elk  Valley  Cumulative  Effects  Framework  (CEMF);  T.  Ayele      

• Support  area-­‐based  decision-­‐making  • Pilot   CE   Framework   in   the   Elk   –   plus   3  

other  pilots  for  Provincial  CE  Policy  • Ecosystem  values  and  Risks  to  EV  –  risk  

mapping  and  trends  • Elk  Valley  initial  values  identified    • Working   group   established,   5   priority  

valued  components  (17  total)    • CEMF  products  available  by  Jan.  2016  –  

Risk  maps  and  trends    • Challenges   with   industry   permitting  

timelines  and  expectations  

• http://www.elkvalleycemf.com    


So Far…..

Selkirks and central Rockies done

1 more year in central Purcells

1 more year in south Rockies













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B.C.  –  Nature  Conservancy  Canada  Flathead  Agreement  –  Progress  Report;  P.  Holmes  • B.C.  –NCC  MOU  Agreement  on  Flathead  

–  data  collection  on  key  species  funded  by  GNLCC  

• Gillet’s   Checkerspot   butterfly-­‐   new  suitable  habitat  –  25  WHA’s  est.  in  2014  (restrictions   on   logging   season   to  protect)  

• W.  Screech-­‐Owl  –  34  WHA’s  est.  in  2014  (4,700  ha)  

• R.M  Tailed  Frog  –  10  WHA’s   in  FH  –  50  sites  sampled  in  8/2014  fr  eDNA  

• WS  Cuthroat  –  joint  population  sudy  b/t  B.C.  FLNRO  and  USGS  in  TBFH  

• Identified   critical   habitat   –   looking   at  WHA’s  or  Fisheries  Sensitive  Watershed  designation  

• Other   species   –   W.   sapsucker,   A.  badger,  RM  Bighorn  sheep,  GB  Heron  

• GB  –  McLellan,  collared  females,  DNA  in  FH  and  Elk  

• Wolverine  –  TB  connectivity  



Long-­‐term  Grizzly  Bear  Research  in  the  Flathead;  G.  Mowat  • McLellan;   1978-­‐2014   –   Determinants   of   population   density   and   change   –   clear   link   between  

Vaccinium  sp.  and  bear  abundance  • Hunting  has  an  impact,  but  not  the  greatest  cause  • Availability  of  higher  energry  foods  increases  resilience  to  human  impacts  • Mowat;  Bear  mortality  concentrated  around  Hwy  3  –  source/sink  dynamics  • Hwy  3  –  high  point  source  mortality  –  sink  effect  on  population  


Discussion:  Opportunities  and  Next  Steps    Collaborative  opportunities  


• Complete  Transboundary  BC-­‐Kootenay  Wolverine  Inventory  (need  better  coordination  across  entities  to  avoid  duplication  or  competing  funding  proposals)  

• Potentially  apply  CEMS  for  Elk  to  TB  FH  –  need  metric  for  measuring  connectivity    • Support  wildlife  crossing  structures  for  Hwy  3/Hwy  2  –  need  funding  for  structures    

o Develop  better  system  to  record  mortalities  on  Hwys  o Citizen  science  work  to  monitor  -­‐  Miistakis  App  o Alberta  implementing  with  WTI  

Rocky&Mountain&Tailed&Frog&(Ascaphus(montanus)&•  10&exis:ng&WHAs&(2005)&in&


•  Montana&F&W&surveyed&for&Bull&Trout&(2008J2012),&detected&frogs&in&areas&previously&thought&absent&

•  Sampled&50&sites&for&eDNA&in&August&2014&

•  Visually&confirmed&presence&in&Elder&Creek&

•  Analyses&of&water&samples&conducted&at&University&of&Idaho&


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• Grizzly  bear  -­‐  Need  more  data/research  on  bear  foods  and  dispersal  –  both  BC  and  MT  • Expand   BC-­‐MT   MOU   outside   of   the   Flathead   –   all   Grizzly   bear   work   is   in   larger   context  

(Elk/Kootenai,  Yaak)  o Bear  mortality  threat  is  outside  of  FH  –  Hwy  3  

• Bighorn  sheep  -­‐  Risk/Threat  analysis  for  native  sheep  -­‐  share  MT  sheep  strategy    o Zoning,  Augmentation,  Disease  Protocol  across  boundaries  

• Transboundary  fencing  inventory  and  mapping  (cross-­‐border  data  layers  for  fencing)  • Ungulates  -­‐  Transboundary  management  and  datasets    

o Coordinate  surveys  (flights?)  o Coordinate  Management  Units  o Share  Management  Statements  for  each  species  across  boundaries    o Develop  transboundary  datasets  for  each  species  o Coordinate  funding  proposals  

• Porcupine  –  big  data  gap  –  what  is  happening  with  this  species?  • Mtn   goats   –   B.C.   could   provide   disease   free   source   population   for   MT   (Elk   Valley   –   high  

population  density)  • Transboundary  Forestry  Exchange  to  share  best  practices  • Traditional  Ecological  Knowledge  

o Needs  to  be   incorporated   into  MOU  –  see  recommendation  to   invite  KNC  and  CSKT  as  signators  

o Hold  next  meeting  at  CSKT  or  KNC  offices  o KNC  have  good  model  for  Conservation  Officers  and  Stewardship  

• Bats,   Harlequin   ducks   –   other   species   of   concern   -­‐   also   need   transboundary   datasets,  communication  

• Transboundary  Data  Share  –  potential  new  project  through  MOU  o LCMap  can  facilitate  and  set  up  with  permissions  for  sensitive  data    o Communications  page/portal  for  sharing  information  

• B.C.  fulfillment  of  agreement  with  NCC  continues  to  be  a  priority  • B.C.  testing  transboundary  collaboration  with  GNLCC  • Re-­‐sign  the  MOU  with  Tribes/First  Nations  signatures  • Develop  Over-­‐arching  stewardship  objectives    


• Formal  invitation  to  KNC  and  CSKT  to  sign  MOU  and  join  Executive  and  Technical  Committees  • Apply  MOU  beyond  the  TB  Flathead  boundary  

Collaboratively  put  projects  forward  to  GNLCC  for  funding    • Pick  a  discrete  Demonstration  Project  –  Transboundary  –  

o  Example   –   WSCT   work   between   FLNRO   and   USGS,   funded   by   GNLCC   –   important  transboundary  dataset  

o Transboundary   Forestry   Exchange   –   field   tours   of   forestry   work   in   Flathead   on   both  sides  of  the  border  

• Meet  annually  right  before  GNLCC  Steering  Community      

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Appendix  A.  –  Meeting  Agenda  

IMPLEMENTING  THE  BC-­‐MT  MOU:  MAY  1st,  2015:  TERRESTRIAL/WILDLIFE    8:30   John  Krebs       Welcome  and  Introductions     BC  FLNRO    8:45   Scott  Bischke         Review  discussion  and  out-­‐comes  from  Day  2             Facilitator                                                                                Overview  of  agenda    9:00   Erin  Sexton       Overview  of  MOU  and  Work  to  Date                              University  of  Montana   Framework  for  the  Flathead  MOU  and  Transboundary  Flathead  

Work  Plan  (brief  summary  for  new  participants)    9:15   Representative         Jurisdictional  Synopsis  -­‐  Round  Robin    

From  Each  Agency  or  Entity                  Each  agency  will  have  3  minutes  to  update  on  top  priorities                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                for  wildlife  in  the  Transboundary  Flathead    9:30   John  Krebs/  Jim       Joint  BC/FWP  wildlife  research  and  management    -­‐  brief                                                                     Williams                                                           overview  -­‐  Tara  Szkorupa  &  Tim  Thier    10:15   Break    10:30   Jim  Williams       Glacier  National  Park  Mountain  Goat  Project;  Update  and  Future                                                                                                                                                                                    Needs    11:00   John  Krebs/Jim  Williams   GNLCC  Transboundary  Wolverine  Project  Up-­‐date  -­‐    

BC  FLNRO/MT  FWP                                                2015  4-­‐state  WAFW  Wolverine  Proposal                                                                      11:30   Taye  Ayele       Cumulative  Effects  Pilot  Project  –  Elk  Valley  Project  Up-­‐date                  

BC  FLNRO       (Tentative)      Noon   Lunch         Eat  out  locally      1:00   Peter  Holmes       Nature  Conservancy  Canada  –  B.C.  MOU  Results     BC  FLNRO       (W  Screech  Owl,  Checkerspot,  etc)    1:30   Garth  Mowat       Long-­‐term  Grizzly  bear  research  in  the  Flathead                                BC  FLNRO        2:00     Jim  Williams/Tim  Their      Up-­‐date  on  Management  of  Wolves,  Sharp-­‐tail  Grouse  and                                              MT  FWP                                                                                          Transboundary  Elk                    2:30   Scott  Bischke       Discussion  

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Facilitator                                                                              1.    Opportunities  for  collaborative  management     2.    Opportunities  for  future  collaborative  projects     3.  Next  steps  

5:00            Adjourn    

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Appendix  B.  –  BC/MT  Transboundary  Flathead  MOU  


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