drink milk before you down

Drink MILK Before You Down Alfina Alfiani, Aliatunnisa. Faculty of Medicine. Universitas Muslim Indonesia. Osteoarthritis is a chronic degenerative joint disease that related with the damage of joint cartilage. with a high prevalence among older people. According to WHO the prevalence of oa in the world reached 151,4million. vertebrae , pelvis , knee , and ankle are most often affected OA. Based on who data, 40% of the world population aged over 70 years affected oa of the knee. The prevalence of radiological knee OA in Indonesia is quite high, reaching 15.5% in men and 12.7% in women. Because of the relatively high prevalence and it is chronic-progressive, OA has a socio-economic impact in the developed and developing countries. Oa is one of the most prevalent condensation resulting to disability particularly in elderly population. It is estimated that 1 to 2 million elderly people in Indonesia suffer disability because of OA. oa patients usually complain of pain during activity or if there is loading the affected joint . The predominant symptoms are pain, a decrease joint range of motion (ROM) and stiffness, periarticular muscle weakness and atrophy, joint effusion and swelling, and physical disability. Commonly, OA is characterized by structural changes of the entire joint. Partial to full thickness loss of articular cartilage, subchondral bone sclerosis, osteophyte formation, and thickening of the capsule are the typical clinical and radiological sign. Age, weight, trauma are the common risk factor of oabut there is also gender and genetic factor. Several factor including cytokines, leptin, and mechanical forces are the pathogenic factor of OA. osteoarteiris can occur at any age but increases with age . oa almost never occur in children , rare in the age under 40 years , and often above 60 years .why? because when we get older, our bone will start to fragile . Obesity is clearly a risk factor for developing osteoarthritis. The risk for obese men was nearly five times greater than for non - obese men .Being overweight strains the joints , par- ticularly Reviews those that bear the body 's weight Reviews such as the knees , hips , and joints of the feet , causing the cartilage to wear away . Suffering a joint injury when you are young predisposes you to osteoarthritis in the same joint when you are older. Injuring a joint as an adult may put the joint at even greater risk. A long-term study of 1,321 graduates of Johns Hopkins Medical School found that people who injured a knee in adolescence or

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Post on 02-Oct-2015




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Drink MILK Before You DownAlfina Alfiani, Aliatunnisa.Faculty of Medicine. Universitas Muslim Indonesia. Osteoarthritis is a chronic degenerative joint disease that related with the damage of joint cartilage. with a high prevalence among older people. According to WHO the prevalence of oa in the world reached 151,4million. vertebrae , pelvis , knee , and ankle are most often affected OA. Based on who data, 40% of the world population aged over 70 years affected oa of the knee. The prevalence of radiological knee OA in Indonesia is quite high, reaching 15.5% in men and 12.7% in women. Because of the relatively high prevalence and it is chronic-progressive, OA has a socio-economic impact in the developed and developing countries. Oa is one of the most prevalent condensation resulting to disability particularly in elderly population. It is estimated that 1 to 2 million elderly people in Indonesia suffer disability because of OA. oa patients usually complain of pain during activity or if there is loading the affected joint . The predominant symptoms are pain, a decrease joint range of motion (ROM) and stiffness, periarticular muscle weakness and atrophy, joint effusion and swelling, and physical disability. Commonly, OA is characterized by structural changes of the entire joint. Partial to full thickness loss of articular cartilage, subchondral bone sclerosis, osteophyte formation, and thickening of the capsule are the typical clinical and radiological sign. Age, weight, trauma are the common risk factor of oabut there is also gender and genetic factor. Several factor including cytokines, leptin, and mechanical forces are the pathogenic factor of OA. osteoarteiris can occur at any age but increases with age . oa almost never occur in children , rare in the age under 40 years , and often above 60 years .why? because when we get older, our bone will start to fragile . Obesity is clearly a risk factor for developing osteoarthritis. The risk for obese men was nearly five times greater than for non - obese men .Being overweight strains the joints , par- ticularly Reviews those that bear the body 's weight Reviews such as the knees , hips , and joints of the feet , causing the cartilage to wear away . Suffering a joint injury when you are young predisposes you to osteoarthritis in the same joint when you are older. Injuring a joint as an adult may put the joint at even greater risk. A long-term study of 1,321 graduates of Johns Hopkins Medical School found that people who injured a knee in adolescence or young adulthood were three times more likely to develop osteoarthritis in that knee, compared those who had not suffered an injury. People who injured their knee as an adult had a five times greater risk of osteoarthritis in the joint.heavy work and with the use one of the joint continuously will increase the risk of OA . the injuries of the joint and the sport that always make injuries for the joint can make the risk factor of oa become higher. . Certain activities may be a predisposing oa traumatic injury such tearing the meniscus and ligament instability

Generally, oas therapy is symptomatic, like controlling the risk factor, exercise, physiotherapy, pharmacology therapy and in advance phases needed surgery