drying weatherlib.catholiccourier.com/1951-august-1952-january... · f*«rp«fuaf help unit set*...

".•jtt-«-'„'lff^v •*'"i\, <f ?4 V £l£ {so. *- , 1 lift > V* -« >* j, \ JW^rT , ***W |, fc f. I •* *s •a? m s Bible In Color Edition To Be Sold In Diocese Father Walsh 111, Lecture Is Postponed D w ta> t i e Ulnosu* ol Us* He*. Sowar* A. WsJea of George- town University, the Thomas Mote Series fceetHfe scheduled for him OBtea.IT at Colum- bus Civic (.'.enter ham been postponed to late tn Feftfusry or early In Msrea aeeordlog to the Vary He*. Msgr. Sohm S. KamlsC, eerie* director. Fatter Walsh because of hie ooodttkn ha* been dented by hbi doctors the accepttag of may speaking dates until his conditio* bnpiwes. The next lecture In the aer- ies, therefore, will be that of George Sokolsky, noted news- paper columnist, on Feb. 5 at Columbus Civic Center. Ftar «8» first ifese 6fc *fce tjj*. • Dennedtomake the Bible as ey%<atetef ud easy toi?"* "* * J ** ttea ' * !**?^ read as 1852 style newspaper* aod pictorial magazifi«, the « « a i t o « from « p*:«i »»««**• sew Holy Family editkm will be offered for gala In th« ***> «*«fc®** 6 * fjf «* **» C**!** EUoeese of RocSester bettering «f S i Peso Bmea *t ESmixa &e> Jan. 15- formslcsry, Sstssrdas? night, ISe> W&h rise pasters' pe^xnissta, cess^bcr -39. <tar-to-dssr s*3fe| of Una «sfr Xh* ftessry j ^ g r a a WW «&> pises in tota* than 30 year*. tattf®* 1 ^ ««****«* 0* coa^»tttJ»- been approved by the Very IUv. > Umu receft'Wt from differed •Jamas C McAnJff, cfea»sa:ltar © f | p a « s «*f New YorJt St*4» sad the Diocese of R^taatar. I Pennsylvania. Tim Rotary w«* The BffcSe breagh!, oat In a«5* taatrd <w a BMlesr imwsak or- ens. eotorfal dress, ha* appeared? . ,, .J™v M m_i-«. una»?r the edtteru saperv-tsta, * «»»"*** «" « « * ®mim. , of tlw Ri?v Jcshn O f OEttea I ** w *« vwjr topr**i*irt of Chicago who w«j jwsjjncd by | uSisaea, u> itsas «sd sreotte Use HI* Eminence SarattU Cardinal Rosary wttij the temtte* of tJb* Strttch to complctt tfae taut J ReJonsatory . u^tafea.icr,re-! f PtllOSKEBS ABZ tb« C^th ictsaed ttoe flwt ball of tte«|ir«y«t»' I ^, P m *l ^ f ^ N ° rth - *««» a* r^orata rfere given ky |2Hleisig«n Av«.. Chlcafo. ' ! The rtcftiy masH»tf4 tfitloa ! 1.732 pages. Txio inch**, tm the second to appear with the Con- fraternity of Christian Doctrine's new translations of both the Psalms and ih«» new TlMtaraent. I and tnctudmg the Confraternity's ' New Testament text Among unuiuai feature* are- L-A 25S-p*lT predial Dic- tionary of Biblical and General , Catholic Information. ; 2—A thumb fadestoquick lo- Consignor lane. cation of th* variou* boola of ***# «xplaln«S Aquinas Grad To Head St. Mary's Training Plan Dr. John Butler. »on of Mr and Mrs. John J Butler 110 Elmdorf Ave^ vs-as named direc- tor of medical education at St Mary'i Hospital to Implement the specialized training program linking that hospital with Georgetown Cntvprsttya medical college, is an Aquinas Institute graduate. The new program was an- nounced bv Dr Leo F LaPalm. chief of staff, tn the Courier Journal, Dec 2S issue. DB. BITLEH, who will head the Rochester end of the pro- gram, recently made a prolonged vtait to Georgetown to prepare plans for tha operation. He studied at St Michael's College, t'nlversity of Toronto, before attending the University of Rochester School of Medicine of which he Is a graduate. After graduating here In 19-14 he serv- ed his Internship at St. Albans Naval Hospital. Long Island Later he passpd his medical board examinations for specialty In Internal medicine at Emory University In Georgia, while do- i lng poat graduate work there. , Recently he has been In practice at Wooster, Ohio. Ha Is tha first person to hold the newly-created full-time post of director of medical education at St Mary"* Hospital. I o , I f*«rp«fuaf Help Unit Set* January Meeting The first 1952 meeting of the Perpetual Help Society of S t Mar/ft Hospital will be held In ths nurse's home Wednesday. Jan. 9. at 2 p m Mrs. Franklin Farle has ap- pointed th« following committee to serve lun«-h«*on. Anne Cirrr.!l chairman, assiste<! bv Mrs. [) J Coakleyi Mrs J J Clean.- Mrs Frank Ciouch. sn<! Mrs Joseph Carltn. THAT BV<Ctt a program! should ortglnst* from the Efcnlra Reformatory was made possible thxough tha cooperation of tihe Rr_ Rev. M*gr. Francis J. Lane, Reformatory Chaplain, and CoL Leroy Weaver. Spertntendent of j the Ratformatory. The program «as under the di- rection of the R*v. Albert I* SlmonettL pastor of S t An- thony's Church.. Elmifa, ant) Father Slmo- liiivssMiiwiiii \Q --' IN FIRST Homty ****** **»• *'fm* stimtloa. IN the setae *»SY« feat St. Urn Mm$ amael of Itatra IW*wm**rr- At tiM «*m- plwM t s « . are ****** m*Hm 4, l+m, Keterkategy Cbapiats ft Wmt, *^W» I. » •Mpm^r ippa|afi^w ^^ pppifff' •flpgt^f^^. - ^ ^ ^ " I^WIF^^I^^* •"WBajaj^Bl^^f Wrw jaW^t-prSR.'.W^ap: «^| , ;^P^ ^EaWip^BF '^•^•^•^ i. _. inn. 1 II T" r/'t'.f-ii i'-~'r- - ••'""•-"'-•' f'-r. tr-t.iT-(nftt-iiF-i-inn...im..i», the BiWe. : said the Introductory prayers and 3. -Reprints of thre* Papal 'meditations. Encyclicals e««njraglRf the read-1 Monslgnor Lane In explaining tag of the Scriptures slang with 'he activities of the Inmates, other Papal documents on the **W ; Bible. i "That this broadcast should or- .... 4. - A special pictorial session iglnate tn a penal institution may' Mass to bt celebrated ACeefdlrass illustrating the Family Rosary, i he the cause of surprise to some | to the Bytsaitlne-Stivoai* RIM ©* vrith notea by the Rev. Patrick *«d * source of oewttderment to i the Catholic Church will b* Peyson. CSC. director of the olhers If so. It may be because>heard from BL 3o*eph»t*» FAmily Rosary Crusade ! lh *> **» not imdersland the real Church. 303 Hudson Ave?. enStaa*! 5 ^ A series of pictorial naps < * * « « « *< the' men confined Uon WVCT (1380 kc> thtt Sttf* of the ow Testament grsphically ta a,e »«««"<»«». day, Jan. 6. portraying the history of the "All between the ages of six-, Highlighting the solemn lllury. Eastern Rite Christmas Broadcast Set For Ukrainian The Eastern Rile 3*lal>iflH iilliSi ^SBL lsX Mik Sit ttioiics Trinitarians To Observe 5 Yean WH^wl We ih4r «U» >»w o? wort J»tt»Umm ^ ^ f l n f f i l i a n ^ iseartsMlsl a? *r^^-i2*s^«^sB^e^Bl'^S?tts»m I .4taj£. jsstt«i» Mi Hi •"•'•if' ftsutfll Iksv *ntth*«»*ly* .. i^r m mBttPHMni ii,— Atjprs«#ni, th«! Skttrs «jrt,-s*. •KM. Butrtop To 6r<^ Laiti/ At Residence, Sunday R^atrjfe IM|> C#4f1*« KWi |M* srW ftanjfct r*W*# wM*»fWjt.gftfc lartwtrit***! farb, th*y ar« ; tjMtrurowUl kt orgahWnt 1«» M* iiii» nMtsm mmigmLZ *m to.tw csihoue A««st»,tymr Hii Exc«Uency Bishop Kt*m«y *fll *X«h»W» J8«* iMfi rrwUnf. with peortte of MMMMF « I Sufid^y, J M . ,,. fc . - - - , , , , D. P « « ! of tiw Ep!ph»ay. whin 'W IMHI «f>«i mm 1& UraeUtes and another series on te «»n »«d thirty, admit that they which istothe old Slivwnio Utt»- th# m^ w ^, *pis«^al rsai.,--"- "•'• •*• — -"•-"""••"",'"" ***"" erU*»tl Ml tftt •scsfKi «f*w SH th« XttliMM! Prints ot fJw dkM»ns •». «hsjft|td New "tfssr* IrHHh#l wlir. lh* Wahop at IS* r«W*nC< the New Testament tracing ™*<h nusUkes, yes, but who of; U sg». will be U » S (Speila Itnag- dene- 94? £|SJK AVS. evcnU of Our Lords life. '*» has notT In passing Jcdgrnent lng of a ©-vote* mixed choir. j -^ trsdltkaul custom «1 ft.-A Stations of the Cms. "P° n •"»•«• " ^ ^ ^ Lf" 1 Ths Rev. N^holsj Wblentkar. LsJ^tai ^ psopto stths begto ,^ n v.^ ,, ^"i ^ «*«•»« the Mass. Born In Perm ' *" Would that we all had as sin- section with illustrations In color reproduced from paintings tn the convent of Old St James Church. Chicago. 7 A collection of text*. The publishers declare the edition: "the first Catholic Bible in many decades that escapes the somber, forbidding appearance So typical ot most editions of the' nearly four hundred men Scripture*." 0 , than six hundred, who, answer- ing the sppesS ot Mary, Quttn ot Fstims, have pledged tbenv selves to say the Rosary each day tn Her honor, for the conver- sion of sinners, the restoration sylvanla In 19t«, h *J™*J ,r * n jy* d ney after he took charge ot the (jg j^sw ^fa»Mr f0*V< Members of the Monroe Coun- ty CsthoBe W«r Vtttrsm «n planning en early call duriag the reetpUen m from 3 to p. rn. MKAM OF evher lay crgsn- liatlons. of men ,and Wsms-n, with their delegations, ifetrsj, county an* etty oUkAals. pem< latent buslMfte and profestloiMl ^sesTthe^ mJ LhoTn. ll l n PW>«»"»PW" «» 1 W i ^ D1,h0 ? Rochester 8e«. ^L^K , ^ K ^Jf" Constanttoe Bohschiv^y irsd aembketl here In the chapel t h l s , WM fa ^ cfeaacry to PhO.- evenm *- Idclphis for nearly W yetn. -THI9 BBOAOCAST Is but s tMrector of the choirtaPro- public exhibition of what takes U ^ ^ Kyryle (Cyrfl) Capsnda. place here in the Refornutory ^ n i m , 0 tberUBlt « d Stgtsjf every day in the year. We haw U ^ uuat two yatrl ago ifi*f nearly tour hundred men out o f L ^ ^ JJ^ y * m ^ ft pj,, a Cai ollc popuUUon of less pij^j Peraon tn c«np In Mwn- kh, Osrmatiy. More Iheai hilt tEM choir are recent, Dps, Catholic Nursei Slate Dinner His Excellency Bishop Kearney will be the honored guest at the annual banquet of the Rochester Council of Catholic Nurses. The affair wfli be held In the Shers-, - , , —, «»«t!— tin Hotel Thursday. Jan. 10. at.devoted almost thirty years of ^ ^ T ' ^ ^ , ,_ _, . I his life In this penal Instltutloa I Other than dffferentces In eel- •* ) p m - In the service of God. , endar. language Still some Cswe Principal speak" will be Dr ^^ RoMry prognm of ihf monlels. the Esatem R«« C^Qio- Fnvlcrlrk Rosenheim, of Boston., R«(ormator>- had the full ap- "c 9 * re one w** ,ne lmm probation n nd support of His Church. In direct eommualon F l u e n c y Bishop Kearnev. The w»h the Pope in Rom*, bellevm* Rosary is ordinarily heard esch «he same truths of Faith, reeeiy I Saturday st 10 o'clock from the lng the same Ssersme-nts srul ol> ! Shrine of S t Anthony*i Church serving the sameroorailaw. on WELM. S T . JOSrHTIATl Churcrs U Total population In Bmira Re- one of 131 partshee Sn the SDio- fonnatory Is more than lJOOicese of the Byuntlne Rile Ccov- Inmates f Continue* «n pant" I) •WT^^W^W^^^Wl |t --..-.I-- -'»',--r -PC - 1 -w "j, ^^^^ W^^^^^m. w*^J# ^I^^WW ^^•^•^^••^ ^e« l^aj .jja^a^j^ew ,|pp»F»Wt rttt iiiVUUti it*tt» «K* s.ll«wins T water ' eaiPW"#awj^#i»j*sMji»t < . •itlat* Biseaeth 'J**»L f e f i ilsrte, «N^*f 'lev..., ..... ,,.. ™* J %|FWW1WW^P| ^PPI^s -*iflr^^^' WVF snitfv 01011?' v e s M N i ' "*e«flf Auburn and l^om, % WMtrelU wifji Mrs. Leo Mu<*le M, ^^i»i*^iyr . sssstseisie' ire tffll m i i M I *JW Ff#Hest*i Aesf* tna f^MMsssa. ITaaeria seaissHeie. !#el^ «*aej|lmpp|FW™1 y*e/e^sesse^ps (er^Es^w^P^'^iP I«ll{y MN||^ mjmii/m eeaWfWWl^ rmvr Col^ga. • wttl sArraeslu^ weenbtne ef tJNi AnuJ»M Mefli- •I. Aeat ^teeMbeaeV Mjtftf&SSSmfag '' lift Hey a^^^^^^^^-j^^^, '^sSKssMsi^iawt ^,J^ asset-* ^L^sssfai^seS H^^i^L ^ ^ i s f ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^ ^ ^hss* ,^y»^b^fF ^)*eV 'seaaatt ' •BBBBateWei' -*lM ft ,1 : ^•i^^**!ssjAkimw M| HsamsaveekaBBBaVW ^•TeflSt VfseaaJs^f ilsAllseaeefeael S^seaJslVI tryfJB« Tefst Ut3jn_Chyaryh, which eteetfwia the., l^^lMBfjii, sAikjitesMc nisa.. » fstorsuon ^ ^ J ^ S ^ T S H f ^ « «** ot p«ace. and the conversion of <?">"* r ° !low » tta Sfmti {< **" K»Jf«i Of Russia, Where will you And an Calendar. UigUsti WU1 -«juai record smoni an equal! That is why. for the n»re t * a n | Z ^ ? *«' ! number ot men-yes. and this U 6f» families of St. Josfpn«li a penal Institution 7" : parish. Christmas D*y will, or i The above ^ o w . the love of, ^nnday. **^-"!%££; ! . priest for his floe*, who hss | «^L«»L 0 . , ..T**' m ?^* .r , T* w r*T-" T T. v, «i!3sui ers Cli»e» s* iSMH^Taesiday, Jan. wWi^ t« «e «Ne eeiseeeei •wie|»|*^;*^P?** wm^m^mmm' eTfH l*Hs^phWB I i t i i y j A V & i ^ i l s i d y i i altreaealt.- vim (he JKibop'sjed by « r * . ;»*w O'rtex* Among the jruests will be Miss Anne 11.>u. •. enecutivo se<Trtar)' of the National Council of Catho- lic Nurs**s [-'roicuishu J 39th annua! i anuaru -jrur Jjale EVf RY COAT IN THIS SALE IS A PRO- JANSKY FUR COATI A plain statement of fact with a tremendous meaningl Ponder over it and you'll realize that the coats offered now at such substan- tial savings are from the regular Pro- jansky collection of Fine Qualify Purs and NOT COATS BOUGHT FOR A SALE! There's a diffeVence! Qoaltty for Quality Style for Style Value for Value you' will find that Projartsky's January Sole prices are unmatched. IUD6ET ACCOUNTS INVITED /fa/a'nJtcy 39 EAST AVE I Love those words "RIADY CASH" * "teaer? cash" h these bills in Jensjiry. June aw any month ef tha year. Mods It your lit retoluficfl far '52 *9 start a savings s&cewtf emd iev» regularly . , . at Ine ef Coae- BKmity's 4 cemrenieflt wAcei. $3 Is star! your accevnt and %S •v«ry week does Jr) Stesrt tem»e> Out other umy to tiki of] \\x>%* "jesr end »/««" . ; • JOIN COMMUNITY'S CHIISTMAS CLUI emd have $25. $50, $125, er $250 next Neventb-r. Me service charge . . . no penalty far net csewplittrig ysvf C!i*fa. E?'« fun . . . Jain new. Co>..\ii'\in f ;<'.' ''J///i HAN K Ag^Buasaa^Vea^LaeaMf fj^iH^-a-U awe/es^Hssjs; sfjeaeav^Bsi •fll^^'eeWf tipi>a«c> OawrsSsfr _J; DRYING WEATHER S24995 Your IL G. t> E. Appliance *epr«- senloftve stilt has a limited supply of ieftef* Gas Dryeri SM/rchosad b«lore the reavefKeer tax {ncreoie. At soon •» ihaty are sold, tse prica wSI jo from $249.95 to $274.05. fN JArftJAItY ONIY yo« c«n alio io*e the *»®el $20^30 Inilerflorlefl «o»t, Vcur fotol •«^»9 if you buy now .. . $JS5X>0- See 'h«» soonl fto n—4 f* fell yett cheer wlfrre* «<•**«* eVylftfl Ivt ee y*# kfff f*«t vr|set # fefft, tiMWi sleet eftef'«)l ye«re>y< ~ lrt# mrtm wnlffc wnh el i+n«*rf ^g net save howi ef work every wsfnecy at thoutondi of home^skefs ore already doing? Sfoa losglng heavy clothe* bos* ketsl $fo» the HooplnB, slf*lchfef # lift- lng Ihot goes with the e!d-f«tilone«! way> now IU) Ihe lendtg Dryer do ell lht»* jobs ewfemoticeoiir for you! In ssjnut** ye«f wewh is tweet and ftoffy . » damp elry for Ironing er bone dry for ilorjftg. AIHI you'll tikes* the lendlx excluilva power vent, which send* «ll the N e t , eeMesftJve) ertd lint etrtiide yat»r home. SPECIAL SAVE M5oo DUniNO JANUAHY HOME APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT Flwne LOcttit 7000 - KOCMcSTcR GkS •* a n d EL t C T R i ..gsj | ^ ^ A Mesa jff I'jg, TMNP R^MMIi ^ mtln ef ?:*- eaekaaaeHeV V H ; ^ss^la^^UE ^aeaeef l^ea^Wdsl iaMi^eM^ aettJattlaf sw^F»»^eT^^« r *t' ^le^api' "pi^We^r iv ^lk^tt^E^M.^ssL jtaj^s^kauM usef^B^^M^ •Pa|#»e^eW W l P ^ ^^^W ^ J t ^ ^ J JBsssaa. A^saeealK^saeaW ^a*^ ar^avay^av j ^^a*" ty a^'^ay^^^v * U > * + 7 y n #* y- j v jfcfVijfr J~Mft /^ TOO ^iwetp>e> ! Jut. a«!%^»;g^^-r:^^«y^,^>?»^i^nte-jiftijgi#ig s^^^SSSK**;*

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Page 1: DRYING WEATHERlib.catholiccourier.com/1951-august-1952-january... · f*«rp«fuaf Help Unit Set* January Meeting The first 1952 meeting of the Perpetual Help Society of St Mar/ft

".•jtt-«-'„'lff^v •*'"i\,

<f?4 V £l£ {so. *- , 1 lift > V* -« >*

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~« f. I •* *s •a?

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Bible In Color Edition To Be Sold In Diocese

Father Walsh 111, Lecture

Is Postponed D w ta> tie Ulnosu* ol Us* He*.

Sowar* A. WsJea of George-town University, the Thomas Mote Series fceetHfe scheduled for him OB tea. IT at Colum­bus Civic (.'.enter ham been postponed to late tn Feftfusry or early In Msrea aeeordlog to the Vary He*. Msgr. Sohm S. KamlsC, eerie* director.

Fatter Walsh because of hie ooodttkn ha* been dented by hbi doctors the accepttag of may speaking dates until his conditio* bnpiwes.

The next lecture In the aer­ies, therefore, will be that of George Sokolsky, noted news­paper columnist, on Feb. 5 at Columbus Civic Center.

Ftar «8» first ifese 6fc *fce tjj*.

• D e n n e d to make the Bible as e y % < a t e t e f u d easy t o i ? " * "* * • J**ttea' * ! * * ? ^ read as 1852 style newspaper* aod pictorial magazifi«, the « « a i t o « from « p*:«i »»««**• s e w Holy Family editkm will be offered for gala In th« ***> «*« fc®**6* f j f«* **» C**!**

EUoeese of RocSester bettering «f S i Peso Bmea *t ESmixa &e> Jan. 15- formslcsry, Sstssrdas? night, ISe>

W&h rise pasters' pe^xnissta, cess bcr -39. <tar-to-dssr s*3fe | of Una «sfr Xh* ftessry j ^ g r a a WW «&>

pises in tota* than 30 year*. tattf®*1^ ««****«* 0* coa^»tttJ»-been approved by the Very IUv. > Umu receft'Wt from differed

•Jamas C McAnJff, cfea»sa:ltar ©f|pa«s «*f New YorJt St*4» sad the Diocese of R^taatar. I Pennsylvania. Tim Rotary w«*

The BffcSe breagh!, oat In a«5* taatrd < w a BMlesr imwsak or-ens. eotorfal dress, ha* appeared? . ,, .J™vM m_i-«. una»?r the edtteru saperv-tsta, * «»»"*** «" « « * ®mim. , of tlw Ri?v Jcshn t» O f OEttea I ** w*« vwjr topr**i*irt t» 0 » of Chicago who w«j jwsjjncd by | uSisaea, u> itsas «sd sreotte Use HI* Eminence SarattU Cardinal Rosary wttij the temtte* of tJb* Strttch to complctt tfae taut J R e J o n s a t o r y . u ^ t a fea.icr, re-!

f Ptl lOSKEBS ABZ tb« C^th ictsaed ttoe flwt ball of tte«|ir«y«t»' I ^ , P m * l ^ f N ° r t h - *««» a * r^orata rfere given ky |2Hleisig«n Av«.. Chlcafo. ' ! The rtcftiy masH»tf4 tfitloa ! 1.732 pages. Txio inch**, tm the second to appear with the Con­fraternity of Christian Doctrine's new translations of both the Psalms and ih«» new TlMtaraent.

I and tnctudmg the Confraternity's ' New Testament text

Among unuiuai feature* are-L - A 25S-p*lT predial Dic­

tionary of Biblical and General , Catholic Information. ; 2—A thumb fades to quick lo- Consignor lane. cation of th* variou* boola of ***# «xplaln«S

Aquinas Grad To Head St. Mary's Training Plan

Dr. John Butler. »on of Mr and Mrs. John J Butler 110 Elmdorf Ave^ vs-as named direc­tor of medical education at St Mary'i Hospital to Implement the specialized training program linking t h a t hospital w i t h Georgetown Cntvprsttya medical college, is an Aquinas Institute graduate.

The new program was an­nounced bv Dr Leo F LaPalm. chief of staff, tn the Courier Journal, Dec 2S issue.

DB. BITLEH, who will head the Rochester end of the pro­gram, recently made a prolonged vtait to Georgetown to prepare plans for tha operation.

He studied at St Michael's College, t'nlversity of Toronto, before attending the University of Rochester School of Medicine of which he Is a graduate. After graduating here In 19-14 he serv­ed his Internship at St. Albans Naval Hospital. Long Island

Later he passpd his medical board examinations for specialty In Internal medicine at Emory University In Georgia, while do- i lng poat graduate work there. , Recently he has been In practice at Wooster, Ohio.

Ha Is tha first person to hold the newly-created full-time post of director of medical education at St Mary"* Hospital. I

o , I f*«rp«fuaf Help Unit Set* January Meeting

The first 1952 meeting of the Perpetual Help Society of S t Mar/ft Hospital will be held In ths nurse's home Wednesday. Jan. 9. at 2 p m

Mrs. Franklin Farle has ap­pointed th« following committee to serve lun«-h«*on. Anne Cirrr.!l chairman, assiste<! bv Mrs. [) J Coakleyi Mrs J J Clean.- Mrs Frank Ciouch. sn<! Mrs Joseph Carltn.

T H A T BV<Ctt a program! should ortglnst* from the Efcnlra Reformatory was made possible thxough tha cooperation of tihe Rr_ Rev. M*gr. Francis J. Lane, Reformatory Chaplain, and CoL Leroy Weaver. Spertntendent of j the Ratformatory.

The program «as under the di­rection of the R*v. Albert I* SlmonettL pastor of S t An­thony's Church.. Elmifa, ant)

Father Slmo-


\Q --'

IN FIRST Homty ****** * * » • *'fm* stimtloa. IN the setae *»SY« feat St. Urn Mm$ amael of Itatra IW*wm**rr- At tiM «*m-plwM t s « . are ****** m*Hm 4, l+m, Keterkategy Cbapiats f t Wmt, *^W» I . »

•Mpm^r ippa|afi^w ^^ pppifff' •flpgt f . - ^ ^ ^ " I ^ W I F ^ ^ I ^ ^ *

•"WBajaj^Bl^^f Wrw jaW^t-prSR.'.W^ap: « ^ | , ; ^ P ^ ^EaWip^BF ' ^ • ^ • ^ • ^

i. _. inn. 1 II T" r / ' t ' . f - i i i'-~'r- - •• '""•-"' - • ' f'-r. tr-t.iT-(nftt-iiF-i-inn...im..i»,

the BiWe. : said the Introductory prayers and 3. -Reprints of thre* Papal 'meditations.

Encyclicals e««njraglRf the read-1 Monslgnor Lane In explaining tag of the Scriptures slang with 'he activities of the Inmates, other Papal documents on the **W;

Bible. i "That this broadcast should or- . . . . 4. - A special pictorial session iglnate tn a penal institution may' Mass to bt celebrated ACeefdlrass

illustrating the Family Rosary, i he the cause of surprise to some | to the Bytsaitlne-Stivoai* RIM ©* vrith notea by the Rev. Patrick *«d * source of oewttderment to i the Catholic Church will b * Peyson. C S C . director of the olhers If so. It may be because>heard from BL 3o*eph»t*» FAmily Rosary Crusade ! lh*> **» n o t imdersland the real Church. 303 Hudson Ave?. enStaa*!

5 ^ A series of pictorial naps < * * « « « *< the' men confined Uon WVCT (1380 kc> thtt Sttf* of the o w Testament grsphically ta a , e »«««"<»«». day, Jan. 6. portraying the history of the "All between the ages of six-, Highlighting the solemn lllury.

Eastern Rite Christmas Broadcast Set For Ukrainian

The Eastern Rile 3*lal>iflH

i i l l i S i SBL l s X Mik Sit


Trinitarians To Observe 5 Yean WH^wl We

ih4r «U» >»w o? wort J» tt» Umm ^ ^ f l n f f i l i a n ^ iseartsMlsl a?

*r^^-i2*s^«^sB^e^Bl' S?tts»m I

.4taj£. jsstt«i» Mi Hi •"•'•if' ftsutfll Iksv

*ntth*«»*ly* .. i r m mBttPHMni ii,—

Atjprs«#ni, th«! Skttrs «jrt,-s*.

• K M .

Butrtop To 6r<^ Laiti/ At Residence, Sunday

R^atrjfe IM|> C#4f1*« KWi |M* srW

ftanjfct r*W*# wM*»fWjt.gftfc •

la rtwtr it***! farb, th*y ar« ; tjMtrurowUl kt orgahWnt 1«» M * iiii» nMtsm mmigmLZ *m to.tw csihoue A««st»,tymr

Hii Exc«Uency Bishop Kt*m«y *fll *X«h»W» J8«* i M f i rrwUnf. with peortte of MMMMF « I Sufid^y, J M .

, , . fc . - - - , , , , D. P««! of tiw Ep!ph»ay. whin 'W IMHI «f>«i mm 1& UraeUtes and another series on te«»n »«d thirty, admit that they which is to the old Slivwnio Utt»- t h # m ^ w , *pis«^al r sa i . , - -" - "•'• •*• — -"•-"""••"",'"" ***""

erU*»tl Ml tftt •scsfKi «f*w SH th« XttliMM!

Prints ot fJw dkM»ns •» . «hsjft|td New "tfssr* IrHHh#l wlir. lh* Wahop at IS* r«W*nC<

the New Testament tracing ™*<h nusUkes, yes, but who of;Usg». will be U» S (Speila Itnag- dene- 94? £|SJK A VS. evcnU of Our Lords life. '*» has notT In passing Jcdgrnent • lng of a ©-vote* mixed choir. j - ^ trsdltkaul custom «1 ft.-A Stations of the Cms. "P°n •"»•«• " ^ ^ ^ Lf"1 Ths Rev. N^holsj Wblentkar. LsJ^tai psopto s t t h s begto

?« ,^n v.^ ,, ^ " i ^ «*«•»« the Mass. Born In Perm ' *" Would that we all had as sin-

section with illustrations In color reproduced from paintings tn the convent of Old S t James Church. Chicago.

7 — A collection of text*. The publishers declare the

edition: "the first Catholic Bible in many decades that escapes the somber, forbidding appearance So typical ot most editions of the' nearly four hundred men Scripture*."

0 , than six hundred, who, answer­ing the sppesS ot Mary, Quttn ot Fstims, have pledged tbenv selves to say the Rosary each day tn Her honor, for the conver­sion of sinners, the restoration

sylvanla In 19t«, h*J™*J , r*njy*d ney after he took charge ot the (jg j^sw fa»Mr f0*V<

Members of the Monroe Coun­ty CsthoBe W«r Vtttrsm « n planning en early call duriag the reetpUen m from 3 to • p. rn.

MKAM OF evher lay crgsn-liatlons. of men ,and Wsms-n, with their delegations, ifetrsj, county an* etty oUkAals. pem< latent buslMfte and profestloiMl

^sesTthe^ mJ LhoTn. l l l n PW>«»"»PW" «» 1 W i D 1 , h 0 ? Rochester 8e«. ^ L ^ K , ^ K ^Jf" Constanttoe Bohschiv^y i r s d aembketl here In the chapel t h l s , W M fa cfeaacry to PhO.-

e v e n m * - Idclphis for nearly W yetn. -THI9 BBOAOCAST Is but s tMrector of the choir ta Pro-

public exhibition of what takes U ^ ^ Kyryle (Cyrfl) Capsnda. place here in the Ref ornutory n i m , 0 t b e r U B l t « d Stgtsjf every day in the year. We haw U ^ uuat two yatrl ago i f i*f nearly tour hundred men out o f L ^ ^ J J ^ y*m ^ ft p j , , a Cai ollc popuUUon of less p i j ^ j Peraon tn • c«np In Mwn-

kh, Osrmatiy. More Iheai hilt tEM choir are recent, Dps,

Catholic Nursei Slate Dinner

His Excellency Bishop Kearney will be the honored guest at the annual banquet of the Rochester Council of Catholic Nurses. The affair wfli be held In the Shers-, - , , — , «»«t!— tin Hotel Thursday. Jan. 10. at.devoted almost thirty years of ^ ^ T ' ™ ^ ^ , ,_ _ , . „ I his life In this penal Instltutloa I Other than dffferentces In eel-

•*) p m- In the service of God. , endar. language Still some Cswe Principal speak" will be Dr ^ ^ R o M r y prognm o f ihf monlels. the Esatem R«« C^Qio-

Fnvlcrlrk Rosenheim, of Boston., R«(ormator>- had the full ap- "c9 *re one w** , n e l m m

probation nnd support of His Church. In direct eommualon F l u e n c y Bishop Kearnev. The w»h the Pope in Rom*, bellevm* Rosary is ordinarily heard esch «he same truths of Faith, reeeiy

I Saturday st 10 o'clock from the lng the same Ssersme-nts srul ol> ! Shrine of S t Anthony*i Church serving the same roorai law. on WELM. S T . JOSrHTIATl Churcrs U

Total population In Bmira Re- one of 131 partshee Sn the SDio-fonnatory Is more than lJOOicese of the Byuntlne Rile Ccov-Inmates f Continue* «n pant" I)

• W T ^ ^ W ^ W ^ ^ ^ W l |t - - . . - . I - - - ' » ' , - - r -PC - 1 -w " j ,

^ ^ ^ ^ W^^^^^m. w*^J# ^I^^WW ^^•^•^^••^ e«

l^aj .jja^a^j^ew ,|pp»F»Wt

r t t t iiiVUUti it*tt» *» «K* s.ll«wins T water ' eaiPW"#awj^#i»j*sMji»t < . •itlat* Biseaeth 'J**»L f e f i ilsrte, «N^*f 'lev...,.....,,..

™* J %|FWW1WW^P| ^PPI^s -*iflr^^^' WVF

snitfv 01011?' vesMNi' "*e«flf Auburn and l^om, %

WMtrelU wifji Mrs. Leo Mu<*le M, ^^i» i*^iyr . sssstseisie' ire tffll mi iMI *JW Ff#Hest*i Aesf* tna f MMsssa. ITaaeria seaissHeie. ! # e l ^ « *ae j | lmpp |FW™1 y*e/e^sesse^ps (er^Es^w^P^'^iP

I«ll{y M N | | ^ mjmii/m eeaWfWWl^

rmvr Col^ga. • wttl sArraeslu^ weenbtne ef tJNi AnuJ»M Mefli-

• I . Aeat ^teeMbeaeV Mjtftf&SSSmfag ''

lift Hey a^^^^^^^^-j^^^,

' sSKssMsi iawt

^ , J ^ asset-* ^L^sssfai^seS

H^^i^L ^ ^ i s f ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^ ^ ^hss* ,^y»^b^fF )*eV 'seaaatt '

•BBBBateWei' -*lM ft

, 1 :

^•i^^**!ssjAkimw M| HsamsaveekaBBBaVW ^•TeflSt

VfseaaJs^f i l s A l l s e a e e f e a e l S ^ s e a J s l V I

tryfJB« Tefst Ut3jn_Chyaryh, which eteetfwia the., l lMBfjii, sAikjitesMc nisa..

» fstorsuon ^ ^ J ^ S ^ T S H f ^ « «** ot p«ace. and the conversion of <?">"* r°!low» tta Sfmti {<**" K»Jf« i Of Russia, Where will you And an Calendar. UigUsti WU1

-«juai record smoni an equal! That is why. for the n»re t * a n | Z ^ ? *« ' ! number ot men-yes. and this U 6f» families of St. Josfpn«li a penal Institution 7" : parish. Christmas D*y will, or

i The above ^ o w . the love of, nnday. * * ^ - " ! % £ £ ; ! . priest for his floe*, who hss | « ^ L « » L 0 . , . . T * * ' m

?^* .r,T*wr*T-"TT. v , «i!3sui ers Cli»e» s* iSMH^Taesiday, Jan. wWi t« «e «Ne eeiseeeei •wie|»|*^;*^P?** wm^m^mmm'

eTfH l*Hs phWB I i t i i y j A V & i ^ i l s i d y i i altreaealt.-

vim (he JKibop'sjed by « r * . ;»*w O'rtex*

Among the jruests will be Miss Anne 11.>u. •. enecutivo se<Trtar)' of the National Council of Catho­lic Nurs**s



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S24995 Your IL G. t> E. Appliance *epr«-

senloftve stilt has a limited supply of ieftef* Gas Dryeri SM/rchosad b«lore the reavefKeer tax {ncreoie. At soon •» ihaty are sold, tse prica wSI jo from $249.95 to $274.05. fN JArftJAItY ONIY yo« c«n alio io*e the *»®el $20^30 Inilerflorlefl «o»t, Vcur fotol •«^»9 if you buy now . . . $JS5X>0- See 'h«» soonl

fto n—4 f* fell yett cheer wlfrre* «<•**«* eVylftfl Ivt ee y*# kfff f*«t vr|set# fefft, tiMWi sleet eftef'«)l ye«re>y< ~ lrt# mrtm wnlffc wnh el i+n«*rf ^ g net save howi ef work every wsfnecy at thoutondi of home^skefs ore already doing? Sfoa losglng heavy clothe* bos* ketsl $fo» the HooplnB, slf*lchfef# lift-lng Ihot goes with the e!d-f«tilone«! way> now IU) Ihe lendtg Dryer do ell lht»* jobs ewfemoticeoiir for you! In ssjnut** ye«f wewh is tweet and ftoffy . » • damp elry for Ironing er bone dry for ilorjftg. AIHI you'll tikes* the lendlx excluilva power vent, which send* «ll the Net , eeMesftJve) ertd lint etrtiide yat»r home.




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eaekaaaeHeV V H ; ^ss^la^^UE ^aeaeef


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iv ^lk^tt^E^M.^ssL jtaj^s^kauM usef B^^M^

•Pa|#»e^eW W l P ^ ^ ^ ^ W

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jfcfVijfr J~Mft / ^

TOO iwetp>e>

! Jut.

a«!% »;g -r: «y , >?» i nte-jiftijgi#ig s^^^SSSK**;*