dye degradation

Mathematicalmodellingof photocatalyticdegradationof methyleneblueunder visiblelightirradiation D. Sannino *,V. Vaiano, O. Sacco, P. Ciambelli Department of Industrial Engineering, Universityof Salerno, ViaPonteDonMelillo,84084Fisciano(Salerno), Italy Introduction Largeamountsof colouredwastewater aregeneratedin industries whichusedyestoimpartadesiredcolourtotheir products (food,paper,rubber, textile,plastics), andaredischarged intonaturalhydricbodieswithundesirableconsequences tothe environment andtohumanhealth[1–5]. Thepresenceof dyesin naturalstreamscancauseseriousharmtotheaquaticlifeby increasingtoxicityandchemicaloxygendemand, andbyhindering photosynthetic phenomena throughreductionof lightpenetration [2].Also,somedyes,suchasmethyleneblue(MB)(3,7- bis(dimethylamino)-phenothiazin-5-iumchloride) iscommonly usedfordyepaper, temporary haircolorant, dyeingcottons, and wools. Suchextensiveuseoftencausesproblemsandthus adequatetreatmentsneedtobeemployedforitsremoval prior todischargeintoreceivingwaterstreams. MBhasacomplicated chemical structure; itisdifculttoberemovedfromwastewaters bycommonlyusedtechniques(biological treatmentandchemical precipitation). Toprotecttheaquaticenvironment, manymethods suchasadsorption, electrocoagulation, ultrasonicdecomposition, advancedchemicaloxidation, nanoltration, andchemicalcoagu- lationfollowedbysedimentation wereusedtoremovedyesfrom wastewater. Speciallyadvancedoxidationprocesses(AOPs)involving hydroxyl radical, averypowerful chemicaloxidantthatcan destroyawiderangeof toughorganiccontaminants, are introducedtotreattextiledyesefuents. AmongAOPs, Photo- Fentonoxidation[6–8]andheterogeneous photocatalysis are studiedbothforenvironmental applications andtoproduce organiccompounds withhighaddedvalues[9–13]. Inthelastyears,photocatalytic oxidationwithTiO 2  inpresence of visiblelighthasbeengainingindustrial andacademicattention. MoststudiesonorganiccompounddecompositionwithTiO 2 / UVinvestigatedsomefactorsthatmightinuencethedegradation rateof theorganiccompounds andproposedsomekineticmodels toexplaintheirresults. Inadditiontheyusedtraditional UVlamps toirradiatethephotocatalysts [14–16].Nowadays, LEDsare replacingtraditional UVlampsinmanyapplications, owingtothe muchhigherefciencyinlight-electricityconversion, sincethe lightemissionbyLEDsisinducedbytherecombination of electronsandholesexcess[17–22] .Furtheradvantages of LEDs derivefromthesmalldimensions, robustness, andthelonglasting (hundredthousands of hourscomparedtothousands of hoursin thecaseof classicallamps)[18,23–28] .Ontheotherhand, onlyfew papersregardingthemathematical modellingof thephotocata- lyticdegradationof MBundervisiblelightweredeveloped. This lastissueisimportant toproperly designaphotocatalytic reactor, effectiveinthetreatment of organicdyesinverydifferent operatingconditions. Forthisreason,thisworkhasbeenfocused onthedevelopingof alumpedmathematical modelfor  Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 1(2013)56–60 AR TICL EINFO  Article history: Received7February2013 Accepted17March2013 Keywords: Methyleneblue Visiblelight Batchphotoreactor Mathematical modelling ABSTR ACT The aim of th iswork was the developing and the verication of a mathematical model for the photocat al yt ic degradat ion of methyl ene bl ue (MB) wi th N-doped Ti O 2  und er vi si bl e li gh t in a batch pho tor eac tor . To dene the reactio n system and its adv anc eme nt, an inn ovative app roach, con duc ted bot h perfor min g the mass bal ance on car bon in liquid and gas eous pha se, and det ermini ng the rea ctio n pro ductsin gas eous evo lve d pha se,was pro pos ed.Totaloxida tion of MB wasachi eve d, yie ldi ng CO 2 , SO 2 , N 2  and Cl 2  as gaseous pro duc ts. The mat hemati cal mod eli ng of the system has bee n dev elo ped by usi ng the Langmuir –Hi nsh elwood typ e kin eti cs for MB con sumpti on. To con sider the eff ect of photo cataly st screening, a Lambert–Beer type relati on for the ef fecti ve li ght energy received by the N-doped Ti O 2 par tic leswasused. Mor eov er thedepen den ce of rea ctio n rat e on pho tonic uxwas mod eled consideri ng that photons can be treated as immater ial reactants. Mo del parameters es ti mati on was real ized by indivi dua tin g the bes t agr eementbetween thecalcul ate d val ues and exp erimental data as a function of ir ra dia ti on ti me. On th e ba sis of th es e r esult s, th e ac cura cy of th e mod el was t es ted in dif fe r en t experimental con diti ons , evi den cing the ability of the mat hemat ical mod el to be pre dictive. 2013 El sevi er Lt d Al l ri gh ts reserved. *Corresponding author. Tel.:+393207979024; fax:+39089964057. E-mailaddress: [email protected] (D.Sannino). ContentslistsavailableatSciVerseScienceDirect  Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering j ournalhomepage : www.elsevier.com / l o c a t e / j e ce 2213-3437/$seefrontmatter2013Elsevier LtdAllrightsreserved. http://dx.doi.org /10.1016/j.jece .2013.03.003

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