dymond sarah first for schools trainer six practice tests wi


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Six practice test to FCE (not 2015)


Page 1: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi
Page 2: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi
Page 3: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Contents I J

Introduction 4

Training and Exam Practice Test 1 P1j>Or I R••d1ng 10

P~r 2 Writing 20 Paper 3 Use of English 32 Paper 4 listening 46 Papor S Spc•klng SS

Test2 P"4)er I Reading 63 Pa.per 2 Writing 72 P>per 3 Use of English 84 P1pcr 4 llSlcnlng 94 P.aper S Speaking 102

Practice Tests Test3 Paper 1 Reading 108

P1j><lr 2 Wrlllns 114 Paper 3 Use of EngUs.h 116 Pa~I' 4 listening 121 Paper S Speaking 125

Test4 P'!"'r I Rt•dln6 127 P~r 2 Wrillng 133 Paper 3 Use o( Engtish 135 Paper 4 listening 140 Paper S Spe•l<lng 144

Tests Paper I Reading 146 Paper 2 Writing 1S2 Paper 3 Use of English 154 P.apor 4 Llstcnhl8 159 Paptr S Speaking 163

Test6 P.ipcr 1 Reading 165 Paper Z Writing 171 Paptr 3 use of English 173 Paper 4 Us1enlng 178 Paper S Speiking 182

Audioscripts 184

THcher's Notes & Keys Tests 1-2 202

Practice Test Keys Tests 3-6 231

Sample Answer Sheets 236

Acknowledgements 240

Speaking Appendix Cl


Page 4: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

f.tt.Sl. do the gram~r ind vocabu&aty extfases on e~h Training pigt. Then do the Wlcon the b.un pr.tctice page and check your ansv.'ef'5.

How do I use this book?

This bool< ls ulr.d Tr>lnof' bowM II Is Ml ol txe<clsti 10 help you got betle< •nd bectenl doint t.tch P"'" of First for Schools so. complete au theexft'cisg theft do .a• ttw priaaa p.aptrS' If you llJ1n .and WOflc twd, yottl soon be reillcty lo U.k~ Fini for Schools

Why is this book called 'Trainer'?

If yov 11e 1ged betWttn 12 and 17 .and WJint to t.1lt First for Schools (FCE). this book b fbtyout

Who i5 thi5 book for?


Page 5: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Introduction I S



r- Part 1 Pnrt 2 Part 3 Part 4 - -


Paper 3 Use of EngUsh

Tests 3, 4, S and 6: WMn you finish Tosts I "nd 2youwlll bo 1eady to docomple10 First for SC:hool• pr•ctke tests. Tesu 3. •. S aOO 6 are just like re.a.I Firtt for Schools Ruchng. Writln.g. Use of lngllsh. Listening and Spe•lcing p•pcr<. Doing,_,.,., will glvo you Mr• help to proporo for w exam.

Keep a record of your scores as you do the tests, You may find that yotX scores are good in some parts of the test but you may need to practise oeh« parts more. Mab simpk> tables lib this to Mlp record your scores.

On Exam practke pages you will find: • .i Ftrtt for Schools enm t-.uk fol' vou to tty and compl(tl~ • .. dvke to htil'> you with d.rftfent parts of the t.<llk.


Tht1e ~re qutd: 1eminders about grJmmt11r polnt.J °'vocabulary that you should learn, Foroumple: To change di red questions to ind Ired questions:: Wf>. questions: What's the time? - Oo you tcoo.v what the time is7 Yes/No questions: ls John here?- Do you know if john is here?


Thtse .i1t kfeas to help you dowell 1n the Oltl'.ll'n Fortx"mplo: To find th« onswtrt In Reading Pan I candklares 1nay rtttd 10 tn{tt tht n1ea.nJng ft'om dun in the rtxt

\@ Cambridge learner Corpus This~ information ab<M.I( mista_kes that some FCE candidates make. If you do these usefvf exercises,. you will learn not to ~l:e these mi5rakes when you do First for Sc;hool$.

On Training pages you will find:

Page 6: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Spe•tcln1: t• minutes The Spe1.bng ttst contains four patts; sh0rt exch;inges With on. tymlntr •nd a.nothtr candidatct; 4 Olle·nUnutt 'h>l18 turn',._ collabontlve wk lnvolvlng both c.andklates: a d1Ku.SS4on. Usw.lty anchdatH llkt the st>ta•lng tlXt Wtth [ust one othtr andid.t.l«. but sometlmfl candklatt'i take th~ Speaking test In gt<>Upsof thrtt. Cindida1es art assessed on tht'r ptrformance 1h1oughout

Use of English: 45 minutes The paper contains (our parts. The tasks are multiple-<koice doze. open cloze:. word formation and key word translormarions. for Parts 1. 2 and 3 each correct answer receees one mark For Pi.rt 4 NC:h correct answer receives up to two marks

Ld:tening: about 40 minutes The p.i;percont.alns four perts, The text types are monologws (answerphone mesAges. lntOfmat.on lnleS, commentaries, tadio documentouies and features. •ns1rucUons. lectures, news. public announcements. adverti~ments. reports. ~stones and anecdotf'S, Laib) •nd Jncttdct1ng sptokett (convtN..1.Uons, d1ie.usslOM. 1ntf'tv~ qutUH. tadto p~ tRm.acuons). Each correct answer receivH one mark.

Writing-; 1 hour 20 minutes The p.lpef contains two paru. Ccindidates are required to complele two tasb: a computsory one in Pan 1 and one from a choke of five in Part 2. Each qutSb!>n on th.s paper carrif'S equal marks.

Con·t•nts F"" for SCll<><>ls has fove P"pe";

Rud1ng: 1 hour The pi~ contains three pi'rts, One ~re may contain two or more d'iiont'f rebted lt'Xts. The t.sk rypes are multiple choke. gapped 1ext and multiple matchma. The texts are approximalefry S50-700words long. making about 2.000words overall. for P.trts l .nct 2 each correct ansv.<er .-.c:erves rwo marks. !:or Part 3 each correct answer rec.elves one nwrk.

Cambrid9~ English: Flrst for Schools

• AnJwer shfftS look at these to see wh111 the F'lnt for Schools answer shffU In the les1 look ldce <1nd learn how 10 complete theni. Aile your 1eacher 10 photocopy ttwm se 1h.lt ,ou u.n uw tlltm w'Mn you do your pr.c1ke tcs~

• Thr" audio CDs IJsltn to these to pr.iak.e 1he lkt-Onlng pJptr. You wUI llffd to lts'Cen to thtie to ptACUS. some p.aru of 1M Speakln1 pApet too.

• Visual m•teri.al In lhe Spe~k:lng test Lht ex.lminer will give you a bootltt w•d'I pll«Urts and pho1og.r11phs in it. Thevtw.11 m1.terial In the colour secuoo from pages Cl-C16 wil ht-Ip you prJClise •nd btcome f.vn11b1 ~·th lhe type of pit;turH and photognphs you will see In lht c.m and h~p you incre.ue your confidence.

Other features of the First for Schools Tramer

Page 7: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Introduction I 1

Buie use- Independent user Proficient user

Al A2 Bl 82 Cl C2

Key tor Pre-liminary First for SChools for Schools Schools (KET tor (PET for (FCE for Schools) Schools) Schools)

Results ere reported as three passing grades (A.Band C) and two failing grades (D and E). Candidates who don't &fl. a pass.ng grad~ but show that they ha~ ab1llty in English at a sli~tfy lo;yer level (Council of Eu~ L~ 81) get teve-1 81 on their certjflcare, Candidates who score below levet 81 get• fail grade.

What grade do I need to pass First for Schools? , ,

Nole that different Sh.Jdents ~ difff'renl strMgths and weaknesses, Some may be good al speaking but not so good at writing: others may be good at re.xting but not so good .it listening. The 82 1.evel 'Can Od st.atemenls simply help teachers understand what 5M'st for' Schools candidates should gener;illy be- able to do .ii this level

Al this level a &earner shoukt be a~ to: • use the main structures of the language W1lh some confidence • demonstrate lcnow~geof a wide range o( vocabulary • use approl)(iate com.munowe strategies in a variety of social situations • peck out it~s of factwl information from spoken languagfl and written text • diSlinguish betwffn mam and subsidiary potnts • distlngui5h betwttn the ost of a text and specir.c detail • prodvcewritten texts of various typesshO\ving the ability to develop an argument~ wel as

descnbe or recount events. For more infor·mation on 'C.n Do' statements go 10: http:/Avww.cambndgeesolorgle:ums/exams•info/cefr.html

What level is First for Schools?

Frequently asked questions:

Page 8: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

a I lnt.roduclion

F1~ for Sthool$ IS mOfe sultab .. far Sludents who are at school and ag«I from 12 .. 16 but It Is p-nttatty suited to students who are- stdl at school. To make sure that tM material is intert-St1ng for lhi$ a~ group and n()( too ditfKUlt or too e.uy fer the 82 ltwl. aD the paru of the reading. writing. use of Engttsh, l1sten1ng and spNking papers ire pre•lested ThtS means that different groups of students 1ry the mat...WS b ~ach pa1t of the test first. TM mater1al will the1\ onty be USofd in re11 ex.t.ms If the rewlt ol the pre·test sbow that they are su1uble for candidates who w01n1 to t.l.k• first fof Schook.

Is First for Schools suitable for candidates of any age?

kfottyou set 41 C4tft!fiale you wtll set I~ Slateme.'1 of Reulu telhng you how well you dlcl in f1nt for Schook. As~• as r<MK rewlt arwl your scort CM ol 100 11 also glv<K y0\1 your ~ndtd1te Profjfe'. This I'S •n ffSY•IO•re1d gtaph tlu1t sh0W1 how you performed on all 1he p.aptn of the tflt co1npa1td to the 1tl tM other c"ndktatt"S t.iklng the same test. If you do not get 0-.e $COre that you w;inted. lheCancUd1te Profile will show you which of the skills (re,dlng. wrrt1ng,. use of l!ngllsh. listenJ"I or spe.l.tcing) you did well in and whkh you nted to ln1provt'

How can I find out about my performance in each p.:ilper of

FirSt fo1· Schools?

U.ndidales do not hilve to get• certain ma rte to ~lSS e-ach paper in the test, The fin.JI m,1rk for FllSl k>f ~hools Is the totJJ number of marts from au tivt papas.; b:.-.ding and W11tlng. USf> of Englrsh. Ustening and Speaking. Uch paper ccntnbutes 40 m•rb to the examination over.111 mark of 200. Candidates rt<.~ i graphk.11 State(nent of Results .\net.-. stJndardlsed sc0<e tor NCh paper out of 100. This me .. ns thlt tM- KOr~ a c1nd1d•te net<h to achteve a passing grade W.l •lw•y< be 60. ~A•80·100 G,.~8•75-79 Grnd•C•60-74

What marks do I need to pass each paper. and to~an Aor Bin the exam?

Page 9: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi
Page 10: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

RNdlng P.,rt 1

c llpil 1 Dao I ""'°")" WO nw.id\ ll:lo\ll WO! ih nS f:iq)'mo0!1~ ht )'OU don't ~ -)'Oii 'TlaY find you dorl'l l'ltfd to IMat'I' •I """1 IO #'lWottt ... _

l r..,: ~~ J'OU'W locMd )'Our •nswet ., ee ttxt. kd: lor ~ w s-¥ • ...,. 1n thf op1!()nl .. WC'lfih N nwn """'* hlg\. or ~ NI 1tt ~In.,..._. w-.~ Ocw,.t ;i... try to ""'1rh die wmr ..... fl .... ltXl .tncf lht °'*°" .. M lfll)' l'ICll pw you h Cl)f'l'e(t -

10 I Tttt111"~

b "'""reocl 111< four options bdow Which ono k !ht - ., ft ~ thlt you marktd In the ttx(' A Thowr.t« felt 11 dur·lt\.g tl'ltJOUln'Y I It lll\lO!.,.ed a IC>f\Gl!l' boat ,ourney than usWll c Tht wNtl'w mack' trn.V'C!l·1na di'f +eult 0 tt WM •mpo5~lble to land on tht bfatl'l a' uwa~

l Rad the nnt scaion of the text on ~ 11, Chtck )ICMlr ~ l>y .,,....mg the followl"I! quostlons.

't\'tlat were the witer cond tlons like uound tM :sland1 2 When d•d they ao ~ore thflr 11nort-l 1nc1 l Y.'hat d•d they~ from there?

~your answers ~th your p.tl"lntr'

hi Re.ad thts question about the SKtion of tex.t tNt you tvw: ;s rNd. ~ WO:l 11M~l)f(.1td about rN rup co M• 1 1?ttd'

Reid through the text and under1ine the Pift wt.ere !he illl.SlWr


On Satwday, my f-arnily and I went out to CM.It fawlut•lt island ID do1 t.1 of WO'ickWa. lhr Ir~ 1..,~ wk11t wt'd tfiwql't would be •I" t1\j(ly9blt Ollic·to.if ti.l 1* tolllf 116'1 out 1n tn. lOgtt to tht snontclhng area nC"ar ue island. The first part of tht 1"p was tnr.as."" ·~ dow to UM' tiartlnur, bu! a~~ H Wt hit Ol)f'n wa-trt, tht .-J"" fOI ~ ll'd 9C rnfdtd juQ ho"' windy I rtally Wl'lt. 11w1Y frDm tkt 9-c_ttcr o( lhr be-.-:h..11'( b:lal ni8cd aroi.i• "'°I sudDmly bt9an to fC"ar I'd fttl sras1ck- I iomdJMt5 dl)oo bcu.ts. But allllOll • ioon as. td hid that ~'it, ou-f boat lard~d on~ rsl;ard_

l ~ Reid #Youslh k 'Al'lole '"" first ..... ,OU ....... good'"" .. ........ -.it. for t.:.arn(>ll' ~ l'llt ...-. 15 ¥\Ct lWhy hy an Wlibng b How try to answer the follewting question\ to chtck 'f04ll' ~

1 'Who t' l in tM ,,....,,,do .,.01.1 lhlnlc? 2 ~reartthey?Whowith? 3 ""'11Ct1v1ty tre tMy planning to do' • How art mty 1ravolhn17 s Viha.ti !ht wcathrr like? ' How dott the Wfltf'rfeel ,, I rt1Ult1

t. !\Nd quocldy 1hrcMlgn lhe - ol ltxt below._, ...... .,,.., ,,. ""' ~ 1111 "' IOI iour "'''',.'..,.. hil)ptn<d. 1n iour - -

fnthltip&rtofthittest you: • tMd alon&tht • answer "ghl multi:ple--chociC!" qvestl~ • chOOM t'O'Ur answtr from four opliOM (A.. I C or O}

Reading Part 1 Test 1 T1·aining

Page 11: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Tm 1 Trolning I tt

6 Now IOok It the qutSbOn and optionSit Ind undttlint in Ott ~•t wtltft you find lht •nswtr. Why m tht ocher optK>ni wrong? Compott your'""""' .,,lb Y01K portntr. How dod tlw wnttr fttl wl>tn th<y ~ Wf<ll -1ttfl<19 1n tilt S<o?

A son-y that lhty liadn' 1ont soontf a !Idled at Ill• thougllt ol wn.1 rney'd rind C ltt 00.... by th•.,,. ohom• fi<h they saw o kttn to ,..Y und<fwottr le> as '°"I as poi•bl•

Fin1lfy the belt h,adcd btC'k to 1hc aliwtd 1nd wt.,,, IOOft btC'k at th, b(kh. '"c 1fl Jt9rtcd 11 had bctn wo.th gNing up pn:clOIA Snofkcl1ng rWnc 10 do the boat lnp, but now we were kttn to gtl ~lo lllc w~ttr ourstlvcs. Wt qi.;91,:kty th~d into our iwiMmutg gear. 1nd Ii ¥rt di'ltd dovin unc:kr 1.ht w-avn. wt IMtt b11Zz1ng 'W1lt'I uc1tcrntnl. wondcuftl) wh~t ltnd of 'ft11dl1fc we'd cn<ounttt. M 1t twncd Gut. wt w<rc.l'l't disappo.nttd ... a sh~J of bny flamc.·<olour<d fut! swam nght by us ;i-s we W(ftl down into th< depths. foliovt(d by somc othc.r wondtrful 519hts. al of whith ""*a perfect end 10 out tt1p

S Now l'ffd me finol st<tion cl tl>t ttat. As Y'"' rud, dlink 1bout wlltthtr tM wnttr is posibW °' ntigative '1bout this pan of thw trip. Which words •nd tJt.P(ts.Sions ttl yOu thi$?

C ~ Vovr MWw.t'I ~ Comt from cht 1txt. noc from 'fOt.11 OM'I opnions

b How look 11 tht four optms. Which OM is c10m1 1n mt.tning to the "1Swtr thil you undtflined in the ~•I? Why lft tilt other thre' options wteng? A The W01ttf ~ vt<y c!Nr wMrt they wtrt 8 TM ait.a WIS wttl knOWtl for its d1tf~tnt fi~

c ~~"'-•led to bnrc them tom. boot o ~ gutdt told m.m tl>t na- or all tht fl<h

4a F"ll\d thf aiuw« to ~ followtng quHttOn and undtfteM 1t M"l lhe ltXL

Why d<I 1/lt ,.,,,., gt< ro ,., ''"" o wrtitry of fish I Compott your 1nsw.r v.llh )'OIK ponntr.

~lj.j.ind & su1:ndcd by smalt« .. ~ m.aking die- d(.a.f bewC' w.at« much c1tmcr Bvt th1i I uee. bcfotC' we weat snMkdltnlJ. w< Ma bo:ttdtd the famous glass-sid«f boat WC''d heard so murh abcM.IL Ifs par\~ lhc~ 11trmarxnUy to lh:ll -mitors can Vl"1 $OmC or the (1$h tti.al they a.n iwim .among Owtct we W'(tt on our WW'(. a vu1dc tokf us wh.at the fish wcrt all calltd, and whith 00<) we were li\cty to kc Thm hC' th1cw JQmt bread into the waltt, which att~ctc:d ~lb of bc:1u•t1ful.,. colouttd fiih of all ~apa 1nd W6. Thc:y wddtnty appeared and iwn past the obs(rnoon window

Page 12: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

1 J I Tnl 1 fa..,, pridke

I WIS curious about 1ht ~gns tMt pointed aw11y UI) endiHS long dtJWWl)'S to lln9lt h~. •nd St4'rled lO woOOtt •bout tM liW5 of ptopltt fivin9 thtff. But immtd~tefy tM thought of !Wint in tu<h a quite. '"'ot' pS.ct made my he1u1s.in1'.1nd I thoufh1 klng"9}y of my own l'W>u~ thousands o.f miles away.

If w.. ww. hoping to'" IOMt wlldllfr. we wtttn't dlQPPl)in1ed. Ufgt iCMI k..w'lgMoos were a c:omn1on s~ht as thf' wn .Stlfltd 10 90 dowt\ fttding off the rather thin grass on the rOl<bidt ... ptObibtybtQuse on the othtf side of the ftn<t$ the ante Md ft1'tn .tnoiutf'fy au tht nictt stuff, so nothing tt" rtmaintd for chit poor k•~oos. Luckily they sc•ytd ~from ~so 11 IHU M ~en'I in danger of c111shin9 into them.

Fwthtr .aottg lMw•y. we Mti IOMf' CJltlle drown who'd been drMMJ thttr am. thouunch of mlets ewer a pe1!0d of month'­ tow.tcts llm wMtt they kntw there'd beeo smal amounti of rain. Thtte Mff' just fivt of tl\tm to look-'lft« n101e thin a tl'louilnd 11\imih. Md we lffrnt that they just dro~ thfir CJ1tlt tOWJrds: wNf....., iC rjjnfd, They ntver knew what woukl happtn from OM di)' to the ntx1, whkh setmed • StlM'19f. uN~ wt ot ift to~.

Thf.n we~ Appn»<htd •big town, where thtte w1s 1 h1i9f zoo. By tM tmt. wt tt.llly w1nttd to 9tt out of out CM and do~ so wt pr11ked up and went In, Tht 100 Nd m.ain.,. AUWJilin •nlf'nrlt:s. some ol wlikh we'd ahNdy come ~10Js lloft,g the Wllf, towt wttt qu1tt kHn to find out mote 1bout dMm. Wt ww 1 aocod11t show, whtto thoy get aocodilft 10

j~ out ol mt Witff by Mn91119 some meat In the a11, f:•1 f1om b8tt tM quit( .,_mlk they toott w11en they're fas:t aslttp on• n"verblnk. lhty ~t ttind0tmed Into tittc:t. snappino ae.ture-1 lhlt rtmindtd me of al'lcifnt, terrifying dinosaurs,

Whflt wt wttt d'ltlt. two new cro<od!les a11lved. The two Mtults Md bffn fOWMI lnf1,11td In the wild. •n<l tronsporttd to tht zoo in• p&lne, imide \pcocill long woodtn box ti dnlgned to btp croc-odilir\coot •nd quiet during 1 jou1nqy, Ona they w... at tM ZOQ, tl'lfy wttt 1tkistd into lhth 1>0nd. and they 1-an st11tght w.iothf wittf to cool ot(. sinking dOwn until just thtir t')'fl wtft~

Theft wt' ~l otr to SH some k6nga1oos. This ~ne, rathtt th.tn just~ iMM from afot. you could touch thtm Sf you Wjf\ttcf and t.t their sof1fvtOn11<tU1ltyhtd11 baby in itJ ~I pouch.'*•• littlt ~with just tht baby's till 1tld<in9 ovtt The ketptf Npptntcf io mtnoon th.tt adult lu!ngaroos an kkkat thdr ~ tH'l/it fitf<tly, so I dtddcd against 9ttti1'19 too ner.1 thot modwt, twn 1t1ou9h she was with the keep&J, aoo just sttt~ for• pholO l'IStNd.

The KfM'l'Y MS inosdy dry pWtns, spone<I with tuatyp1us UffS 6nd •few tlowtfing plints KimfhOW mAnlOiA9 to survtvt tM climate. It Mtfnfd fUSI •bout th1 lon1lit)t pl•<• rd ev. wwted. W.dtow through wv.r.tl towns - 1iny 91oups of housts wit.I'! a Nndful ot Storts- stpirared by miles ind miles of tmP'Y rOld in bKWttf\, M>Mtdmes putKtuated by the odd house on mt ~chicle heft .tnd th«t.

Australian road trip Dad Md bffn df"Mn9 °"' fMnitr through tM ~utlful counuyskte of Aush•1't for iomt d•)'i. main ty tlong ttM co.m. JMn ht iuddtftly dt<idtd wt ihould txpb• what the Ktnef)'WH libint.nd ~so~ rumfd awwy from the sta 11nd cff~fOt mlltt through 1ht counttyNdl. o.ct wu vtry opt1mis1lc abou1 wh111n ldvtnture it

wouk:I be bu1 it w..sn' tong bffort tht rest of us suspe<ted it Wo'IS 9oin9 10 be prtny dull not to ~lion uncomfortabk as th~ ro..ds wefe now full of hazardous holn.

~ Rc.t !he iutrucllons 11\d h: Wt ol !ht ltXI RtJCI quietly ihroogh tilt wf"* lcxl. Wtwtl is it about>

You are 9<*'9 10 read an ex1rac1 from lhe biography of a 9111 called Sarah. who is "'"'hng Auslrolia. For qu•sllol\S 1 - 8, choose the ansWOt (A. B. C or D) which you 1hink fits bost according 10 the 1ox1.

Matt< your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Reading • Part 1 Test 1 Exam practice

Page 13: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

, ~ l«td cl Ol""" WOT l/tc ...."' u.p«l#!g, - ,,.. cOUlO)'lidt!

.f "'1lf cton s..m 1()1t ot.iour ))ool'' kOl~1

s ~ ~1 dol'1 S..ot'I ~'°def<~ ma '°"ir ctovm· fki'l-'A'ly!

8 At tho zoo, Sarnh managed to A pllotograph s001e kangaroos. B see how kango.roos defend thomsolvos. c ask the kangaroos' keeper some questions. o stroke the kangaroos.

7 Satah says that the new crocodiles at the zoo A appeared stressed by the Journey they'd had. B had boon transported thore In an unusual woy. C seemed pleased to be In their new home. D had been brought In because they were babies.

6 When Sarah saw the croeod~e show at the zoo, she was A frightened by lhofr behaviour. B disappointed that they were asleep. c keen 10 hove o better look at them. 0 attmcted by their unusual appearance.

5 What did Sarah feel about the cattte drovers' way of life? A She envied them the~ hfestyle. B It was very unpradlctablo. C It was physically exhausting. D She decided she'd like to wor1< with animalS too.

4 When Sarah first spotted some wild kangaroos., she A hoped they woukln't be the only wildlife they saw. B was afraid they might be dangerous. C felt concomed nbotrt lhofr tack of food. D was surprised at their size.

3 How was Sarah affected by the remote homes she saw along the way? A She began to foel quito homesick. B She was keen to know more about the owners' lifestyles. C She found the thought ot llvlng thero scnry. o She wondered why people wonted to live so tar from other people.

Sarah says !hat when her dad drove off the coast rond to explore tho countryside A he quickly decided he had made a mistake. B the family were relieved to be on better roads. C he was ttviUed with the views they discovered. D the family soon reahsed the drive wouldn1 b<I very exciting.

2 How does Sarah describe the towns they passed through?

A Thera was no slgn ot lite between each one. B They were located very tar ap311. C There were a lot of gardens in each one. D They had quite a few shops.

Page 14: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

RNdintPMt2 14 I Tttt 1 Tr1lnlng

A Takt 3 pot dog, for tic.1mplt • 1t wAI usually~ to ht 11'1 tts flvour1tt basket.

8 What's more, they pref et to lle down and sleep outside as it's mort natural for thtm.

C Horsts. on 1ht 011lerhand.1tnd 10 steep swidong up.

Comp•re your 1111swcr wilh your p-.-intr. Why att the Olhtr two sentences: wrong?

P•ople and a.nin1e.l• 1lttp in \ltry dlffertnt way1. Mott ~opl• can f.m.&gmt nothing better when they teel tired tha.n lying down Indoors in a soft, oosy bed, and many pell have adopted the same hab11. h mny look very uncomforl.ablt 10 ut, but for them, lyin9 down lo aleep can actually be qwt• c:Wlc:ult.

R~ ,,_ r- ....... - hl'erm ·11 • ..,.,,.,. '""""' - "'" ..... Cft lllr Gewf Nnd ... """""" ""'-"more" ""'

.,.,. .._ ... - -

( Tipl Vo.J1 ntt'd • ~ wtwt lftd o1 WOf$.., ptlt,as,n af't C:OOWllOll) U$C'd ift • Im 10 hold II f09t'lh« tot OMflPk _____ ,,.. '9'11- ""'"""'- -

J Rtid 1he following pmgraph •nd choose lht corrtcl sen1tnce (A. B or C) below to fit 1he 9•P·

2 Whll ore 1he worcls •nd phrtses doing in 1-87 Which ien1ences: .t ttlt us whc:u tlfflt tht wnttt is talking about? b tt{tr batt 10 somttlhlng afttadv menuonfd? c ndd a sJmlfaror conlras:llng piece of 1nf0tm1t1on?

6 I don't !Ike going out tn w1nte1 .u 11'1o so c:old,. my fr,.nds aten1 ketn euhtr sowe 1end 10 11ay •• homund play on the computer!

7 . I hadn' go1 any money to spend. I sijl went on10 town to look Mound tht! shops.

8 tf yoo're making a C4kt, first get al your 1ngred1tnu togtther. ··-··-·-·-··- switch on tht even to let It warm up ..


3 . I oully enjoyed my new 1<hool. but _I began IO f1nd thlnp about It that I ddn't ltke.

4 My 1<andfa1h1r spends a lot of lime In hli garden. seems lo keep him very busy

S My uncle changM )obs all the time. He's .. nt o foal wptrmorlcel, and he's tnJoylng n.

t Look at tht kinds of words that are lr11pQrtan1 in P•rt 2 in the Rtmen>Otrt box. O>oose WO<ds and phrases from 1ht li11 to complete the senctncts below. I My brolher lovti waichlng films a11he contma

gots whenever a new. comes out. 2 ltvins 1n a city 1s 1xci11na... .. lie 1n 1 viii.ice is much


• choose tht corrtct stnltnct 10 fit e1m pp 1 t11tt wnh 1 numbtt of ~tencet mKMng • read

In this part of the test you:

Reading Part 2 Test 1 Training

Page 15: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

, __ ,,.,_~ -~--~---"""'~ _m<V<,,.. .. -by __ .,...,,, IOWW•~---~ ,,. ....... :I~""""~ l'tltt' fO.,, ~ gcp'

swim my long1h w1tnout any pt'OC)llm. I 12 I I 1 thought they might fust 0"'" me the exw booth.-, ro l1eed.

By the lim& ii was my turn to race. Ute rest of t.f-.e team. who were bt1Hiant sw.mfl'*'I. had anady dOne the• lengths - eo it was alf down to mt. We were erMdy oheodoftwoothe1teamsI13! :e-newu dtptndlng on me, and thl _. -111l!y on - and lhat W3$ Ult 13,1 thing I nMdoO When I P'Nd'/ felt so necvousl The end of the f1liOe ~'1 oome soon enough tor me. Tho moment came wMn we had to cllmb on:o me Btarllng blOCkl l lOlllS1ed my ....,,.,"'9 goggltl and

wiggled my i .. t around a bit mote lO 1nat 1 was atanclrtg

rifmly on tht blOCk, 1nd T' [ j start pOlltJOn Tho spoctatoss ten silent. 14 ~ &hire was no more lime to think about that. as $UdOenty lt was my turn - 11na I wl.'tt in tht wa*1 I swam e:s fast as I oouti to che 01h1< end ol the pool. "'th the ~is lllO chllfa ol the apectaton nngong'" my_... Wlllwl tteondl, I'd rea,c;;hod the wall - ju-11 in 1im• to twn round ancl lff all the Other swimmers toueh the wall after me! t'd won my length - and the race. on behalf oC my tea.ml 'The wl'IOle

crowd 1100d u:p to chllr • I ~·1 ~ it.

01 cout$0, alltf wt was d ovtr. I dd tAI a tn()IMnt to 1t1.nk at>Out 1he Olheit peopte rd boen comiiieting age1nst I 1s J ISo my\/lC10<y..-.1yo.o-i•1...,, thet briliant aftor all. B\111 wa'S stlldetenr11ned not K> lose my moment ot glOry!

Reading Part 2

Las1 Satutday I tooac pan S'\ rny t.s.t eYet sw.nmlng competdie>n at my tchOOt aga.na Mvttal oth11 sct'IOOfs In

my••••· I'd prt-......ly ""'*" °"t wolll o<ganlllng thett events, but 1hls 11nt my Jtllff'da pwsuadld me that 11 was really 1lme I had a go at SW'T'l'W'l"ll'IQ compet.ltvely- even thOugh I'm not a brilliant SWll't.'mlS. So H was a pretty

st1essful event!

As I wu so tense. I thought ro go eatty to get cnanged and p1epaie. HO\ltt\'llf', I anNtCt et tcl'loOI t0 tlnd tl\t

changing rooms a~eady ful ol llUOen~ omong them tomt of our best 1w....,,..... Flf "°"' appNong ntfYOUI, thoy looked as if they c:outdn"t wu to go out there and get S.tarted I rea1 en; Ir confidence, U: mine w.'IS ""'Y IOw by thM. 9 twas -•.eo by wt\atl saw. Every student in the ec:hool was Mting lhete. pabtntty waiting IO< tht com- to -l My"- 111<1110 to jtl~ "

At •vffY )'Mr 11 lhlll comptt;~ """'°M l'lld dressed up to took P;e th« fa"OUri1e film c:harKters. I c:oukf see bads of wr.rartts. and monsters among the CJOwd. not Lo mtni..on a f.ew aeaeners <Ires.sect up as canoonchl111Cten.l 1of lrhly_.detarm1ned•ot 10 mtn OUI on the fun!

Once ttlt t...entt got atarted. it wn usy co'" l'IOw our school had gaii.d tlllCh a gr1111 reputation fo( sw.imming. I 11 I jAsyovcan..._.t......,pe<lo<moncesreoly Impressed our guest JUdgeS. who COUidn't bebeve the

standaid that even our youngest swll't'WfttfS had achieved.

I was due ;o take part in ~he 61\11 race of the day. tl was a rtl•y lnvolv.ng ttvnl -Cl IO<I people. Eacl> ll3m mombOr had t<> .- one lltlglll .. ..., as they could, so I roall)' ~n"t want to be UM OM""° Ill U1ie team dOwn. I'd trained fOt" the event. so U\31at5e3St I'd be able to

My fint swimming competition

YO<J a1e going to IOad an enlde abou1 1 girl who Is taking pan In a swimming compell1m II her school for tho first time. Seven 5eflteoces have been removed from tho article. Choose from the sonlenoes A - H the one which hts each gap (9 - 15). Thete is one extra sentenoe which you do not need to use. Mnrk your answers on the sepMate answer sheet.

~ tt,.o ~ lht Wiide tm 11> nwac: M-e- yw ~i.1nd wh~t 11 1$ ~1 Thert loOI< ~ ~ oomt!o be-Ion: ~ ~ e~ g.apo ~You nttd '° hnd • wnwntt twl Will fte mtn Mid m•\n wn\e

Reading • Part 2 Test 1 Exam practice

Page 16: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


H Even the SftiWlllllS waiting by the pool had 1t1T1111~ dlcclrat09 on their cap1 .

G That.- nw-. '"°""as I prepared to ju...,-1 ""'•"'11) WOUid lllWt J)(tfen'ed aome et-I

F Wltt»n an ........ -- reeon:IS set by'°'­ ·-,...... complotely broken.

E And .t..,......,......., when I looked out• I the pool.

D However, I knew I'd be both happy and d1sa~1nted orce it WM II OWJf

C But I know If I didoi - a fasnima. our CICMet OPf)Onontt - '"1.

8 1 rMllMd thet 1¥• mt. l"°I' ~ wnn't 8.)(acily d'letr schOOl's beia SVril'M'Wll'B..

~Just lncaMl _l_·t rd I . . J>"t on my kicky sw11mq lhor1s ospoclaily for the event.

Page 17: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Tesc 1 TrMntng I 17

4 - - of 0- 1<nlen<es """~ """'clO!fly - Soc>lw 11)'1 ~ CM ohit>.tlon? Undtrtlne the pirt ot N IUt wtltt't sht wys hL A SN hldnl t-pkt@d so many audlO g\l.cle to ·tUlld i:,, wkt>n. I h wM jHtas.td at tM numbff of art WOf'lr\ iN p ID~ C She 'ell ¥er'f embarrassed about M>methi ng she d.:j n the elbibt ion.

WtYt n mt other two options wrongl

This ert'libition WAS the bigg<'~t rd beeon to One' t p mide. I was pm!y ~ ~ lht numbcifs of people uslnc audoO gu1do<, -..,l<h they lo!t•n<d to whil< L'Wy--..d-.. M ll>e pi<l;"1 $o I had a go. tool ~'WI\. rhf' 1rt work's ftaturtd on tM auid• """""tsattly tht onn ~ moq ~le Wfttt' g~tht"nng. sc II tot quite tnclcy to Set what the aud10 f.Jld• w.n desa"iblng And ol courw beuu$f rou'rf 'M'ar1n,g ~rphones.

t you c.a111lftt"110 '#hat 01h,r\l\S•IOf1 arw Y\'•n1 atio..ic tht ~ - N1 llAally fason.1Mc1 B~i t beetmt so .absorbed 1n l"1M1ng to the gu de tt\al I bumped ir'to 1 coup6e al people as I wabd arouncfr Luddty they d•dn't mind, &bout'i- I~ I picked up'°""" realty useful inJomUllOf\ IO td probibtt' WSf' i cutde apin.

3 her°""' beNW.. ~'ht wu walk.1ng :ai1ound .c Nf opinM:w\ ol the contfflt of tM aud 10 guide'

1 ttw l1nd Of P..:h1b1ltQft ~he la\t Wfnt to. 2 die probltms 'he discovered of UC1n1 audM> ~

2 - ..,. cl lhtt• stnl•ncet """""moot doMIV- -- - '"" Hhot.uon? ~. 111t pan ol tht ...,-. ht - "1iL A ~ bK,i." If 1n1t.tlod by tht numb« of ptopf.t 1hete I Ht" Cisl>kl'd ~ behiviour of the pea~ attend1na. C '1c Kef'pled ee d1fficu t cond1tioni fOf tht Uikt of uw wM..

Wtty.,. lht olhor lWO opllons """'91

• J Rood whll ~ ,.>" tboul htr vl~I 10 an - ,..,.. .,. lno in

- ""' "ll<s •bout

t Rtrtd ...,,.t Joldt S.1)1 Jbout hk visit roan art e>d'ibtion. And llhit Int 9' .......,ht .... llbOut

!ht "'-'mbtn of JX'OPltat thf't t•htbot1on 2 wd\at he Wti gratetu· for. l M 1H'ling1 about art gtntrtlly 4 whal l'lf found most mpttuive about tM riihibccion.

~ wtnt on .a museum trip with the school last Wffk.. lit was ,..., Q'tllffded - onto of tflOSe exhibitions where you ~ 1101 or""'" lookong 1111>e bocb cl ptap.'11-k """""""" '""""- havorcf"' queued for..., IO pt in. But tNnh to our tea~~ .....mt past that bic ft W'd boobd ~ befort'hand but PWfl so t ~~ fwd to r.'°'1t one. we Wt-re hu•dt. H.11v.n1 Slid that~ It -abloiuttty ...m pull.Int up With .ill that for tht1

• ID'pt"Ofn('" Don't scot me WfOl'\C. rm not a erN1 art epen or ft'l!n &hit mxh d a f.-n. bl.it~ pi(t\ll'ei of pec>fWe pMn\ed l'lundreds ol yNl"5 '-80 JV$! touched ~-hn rnt.. lO!hthow .. not l.O sne:ntton h.r11•ng the chance! 10 U'I" Of'llf of the" IM(')(t (;t MOUJ p1ctur~ In tht WOl'tcl TNt\ IOlftrC..-.., I '#Oft'\ forpt M'l I hurly.

In this put yOY: """ Frei k l)irt of lh4! text that \.'...::.. ""•""'1 fW> prom~ wnwnce • NM thn: 1gh cue long 1m. d1"1<.'lfd into ua1on1."' '41 to till lhcw1ef tetts • find •f'lformalioo in thr lt'letS that m.atdln rftttn thort ~

Reading Part 3 Test 1 Training

Page 18: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Rc.tdin9 P•rt J

I' y,fild) pmon wt'ftl tTOIJl'ld 11W,.t1:to0/lt!Mt ~ ., """"Jl«J(Jlt1

10 ~P'«fOlt hod a.big \.'Oil ""'. '°' of «tM'Jn,


@I] ~

ru su [ill ~




8J ED E!IJ 8J [ill ffi

1 a I Tat 1 furn pr<Kli<•

says R was expensive 10 go into the park?

was relieved to d1SCover they had lhings in common with their companions?

was surprised by the size of the park?

took home a lot of purchases?

says they fell excited rather than nervous about one fide?

says''* trip was spo111 sliglltly by the wealhor?

was conce<M<l ll\at noe eve<y0ne had got lo do whal lhey wanted at the park?

had pfaM«I bel0<e lhey 111tived how they'd spend lhelr lime?

ldminld 11\eir parents for tho amounl of planning that had been done?

was happy about the short time it took lo got on lhe rides?

fell they altempted to do loo much during their vlsil?

found lhe lnp disltacled them from lights with fomlly mom'*s?

was l)INised to find that one ride completely lived up to Its promise?

welcomed lhe opportunity 10 wander round tho park whholll their par-?

Which person found a way 10 avoid 1he crowds who \Vere walking around in lhe park?

rn:i lhctt ml)' bt inlomMilOn in more than one s.cclllOn '..:.:.:...of lht ltJCI ...... eppe•n. IO tNICh N QI.Id~

but ~it not-.... t.nOwgh IO bt <Ofrt<t Cht<k ~

\n,1 Reid~ ft5ll\lCtlOl'l5 «'Id tlic lllk ol d'IC tc'XL Ttlirn rt.cl~ fw ~and un6tf1iM key wordf..

You are going to read a ma9<1zine anicle about peop1e·s experiences of going lo Iheme patks. For queslions 16 - 30. etioose from the people (A- O). The people may be c""- more than once.

Mart< yout answers on the separate answer sheel.

Reading • Part 3 Test 1 Exam practice

Page 19: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

\\'C' "-.:nl 141 lhc thmlc park ''•ilh .anothn llm1ly n1y p..'lrC'Oh knt'\V, •nd 1hcu IC'Clltl~C' d.111i:l11('n, i\')' Sl\l('f .>nd I hJdn'I n1C't 1h~·n1 bckirc. '\O I """"., bu doutuful. Uu1 II 1unH-J our they "'cn-tu'.'11111..c: u~ - ~rcdall~·

\Vhl.'11 11 (Jmt 1.-. Ylimllllj 1111ff frorn •hi.' \011\'\·nlr \ho~! Fu'SI W(' Pl in Che p.ld c.tf~ 11nd \Onl'.'d 0111

'"lln "·"~ g<'inJ whrrr, 1.0 lhJt nn·nnl• go• cr11\<; .1bou11nis1o1ni: o-u1 on lht' n1llc-r CN\IC'r or \Vhah;\•cr. I rC'(k.OllC'd (lUf lriC"Nh W('R' 100 rolilc U\ "'l)' \Yl\.11 1h,~y rc.1Uy y.-,1uC"J lh€•Ulh TI~tn .,.,.e ovtnool ..,.,.<'')'1lflC' .tnd ht.wrd immNl,llC'I) lor lh<' <'nd t)l ll1t' 1•:11~ "lwr~ u Yt.J" qu .. 1 ~od '~t•rlcd hJC~"'Jfll5 \Ve m1))l"J .t kw qucun 1~1 w.1y. 100. ThC' ,.,...,..,lhC'r \\.t' 11n ilur sldr •oo - m-l·ltk "hun ;~nd D.ld h.td ('\'en ch«Lcd ltk' j,.,m.:.J)t \\hen lhcy arr.1ngcd lhC' d;,y •marins. C.in 1 inw~llC' I'll be doing 311of11\,11 \\.llrU l'\'C' t:ol l.1J)1

D Kaori

~ham .:ind D.aJ gave u_,. c.ith some 1f'Cndt0$ money lor th1t dJy. :w thcn-'d be- no furthcr ari;u111cnt U''t'f ~U)'Jng mu)(•h.1\-C- ~tuvcnir" lrom thc-m.:11'$\ And le.> my rt'hcf \VC "'C'rt'

J1J11.1wrd 10 \'U oH hy nun.d\•t·\ lnr i>

l•il ... h.icl.d)· 1·,·r t:<•t .in 11kltr l\r111lw-r ,•nd \l~H·r u• .t('('Cl>mr,,nr tnc', .and"" .atl mJ11J1~cd Ill do 1hc Mc .. \Y(' \\'Jl1Utd. lhal \\"I\ tmJl'f)fl.)01 .)~ lhC" rl.l('C \VJS t.tr

inure l'Ji.tcn:1>I\~ th.ln C'\c:n lh)" \VUdcsl drt:arns, and 1h.l1·1 ""')"ng ~lfYl!r1h1ng• D.ld h.ld ~11 \Om,~ ~pcci~I olk" th.11 rrd~ 1hc rnci: ol c.'.Ulr)' - .ind 1hh doubl<'d the- lun. '"lhc'l rn1i1k-d u1 lo sn 1\°l lhC' hc.·.ad uf 1lw- ~Ut'Ul' l1•r lhC' nd(1. l1kt' tcll'l1ritit'). 111.ll "'.l'>

luC"k)'- "'" rould h.l\T W.l1tC'd ho11n (11ht'nvhe. And 11 1t1tan1 I INN&nf t'Tld~~ ~"\('i <In my f,lV•'Urlh.·, Gl)U\I TrJ1in. F\rn in lhe' rourintt r;iin 111.11 \VC: hild :ti

OOC' ro1n1 ii IK'\tr bllol 10 lhnlll

C Tim

~1y f.Jmlly twd m:w.~nl \\"C' .wt down .lit hotnl' "'tlh thC' fri11.-n,k \¥ht1 were ~\1htj: \\1lh U\ .tl\d d1~-u-.'Cd \\•hu \V.9TI1f:d 1,. 6" \'11~1. '4'I thJI we \Vtrtn'l "'"'11~ inYlt d~h1!r111 when we .It'll thC"rc - and 11 seemed 10

werkt All)'\v,1y. II \VC''d tndtJ up ''".lll1ni .lr1>und in the bumln~ hl'at 1tu1 we hid 1h.a1 d.a~·. we'd h.tVt' Ii''"" in 1mu~ll'", I rrctm The" theme p.1rt; \v,;" ilfn,1linj;. n1r roller ro.11.IC'f ... lllC' WOil worth the hijth C"ntr~ncc k-r 11l1ll4'11~h m)· f"-'R'nl\ might nnt il)lrtel U CIJ~nle'\114' N- thf' l.tfh"\l lO 1tw wend. 1'11u I dcu1h1C'd lfl.-it 'it1ll. lud,;1~ ") th<' lr~c\. I \U\pt'Clt'd

the ride '"ould be • d1rrtrnn c'\}."fn(1Kc tnun the \i\Uill '1ut1. lO I ,,,~~ Jctcmunc-d 111 h.Jo,:c 1~ 1n.iny

,:11('1 1\\ l)()~iiblr. I tollll f~und M)"tlf \h.ikln111n lh\' queue, but It \V.l~ dclin11cll frnm the 1hrUI ct wh.i1 w • .,, 01 <'flmr. And "'(' "·tm'f1 di"'1prointtd Once lht' nde 100\; off. lh<" mi''i)l\T k-·~ ind dn11" Ju_,t fori·l"'ct 11\ !'lol4l. in''"' Kil\ .. .ill r-an of thr hin!

8 Matthew

\\'t' \\CUI on • lt>ut~W) u1p tc ii

hugt' lhcmt' p.irl. .JnJ I f«I new tlut we u•.idla lM\C' bun11 oul tuu qukLly. Thr bfll d.a) w.a.) t.an1..,~k. going (In .tibwlu1cl~ t\(f)" ridl.', hn\\t'\'('r \Uf')1 Bui b) 1l'w: fourth

d<l)'• we were gt'llll)J .I hH lrJ ur Wtlh lhc \"'00\tillU

tJlt· to flt In J> JnJn) olllt.attiotU.1) puulblc. And tny

r-tr(IU\ n1us1 have ~IU lo.uJ,. ... ~) th( end ot the I rip we )t't·111t!J 10 bave .lfillJltirJ h.l.U tbe contents ul the -ouvemr ~ho11s~ Bui \\Y ~ • 8tt'•t 11m(' and tor unce Ill)' b101ltt'I'> .)UJ I ktfl:'ot .Ill .lbout the ltuplll arguments 'V<' bave wuh tMh odwr over lri\•l.11 \CUii. Til<")''rc u .. u.ally fmndl)· tiut .- b11 .-inn11r111g f<1r m)' mum and did. np«UUy if we're s1uck .. 0111(•wh<'t<' In lhC' J"')unns rlin - h\.t we were >01ui:1h11c-) en 1hi) 1nr1 Uw1 "'"s .. pily .. ~ h 1nt.Jrn \\!(' illl\\C'd 0111 etn ~ll"I(' of 1hc ndN. fhu Ot\'t:t mind - we '1lll 11l.1n.it.'ed llnl IQ qu;arrfi•

A Joanna

Going to a theme park

Page 20: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Writlftt Port I

HI Jo, Thanka very much fof otfwlr19 to come and pick me up on Satwdly Th11'a rt.aly kind of your dad My 1ra" arrives at 11.00 a m .• 1Q l'I sae you theft.

In tile ahernoon. I llwlk rd p<tler lo go on O Mtbour !lip. U rve - done tt befort and 4 - tXCltong' Do you think we'll - any wildl ... ? I think i!'ll t>t bttt• tllln "-'9. ~Is what I do eve<y Wffl<tnd v,.y, my frlond$l What do you lhln<? In the evening thefe .-e lots QI things we c:oulcf do. Why OOn't we waich • folm 1ogelllet7 If you -~ can bmg some of my OVDI. ~,.. """ watcl'I a comedy fwn. Oo you Ike those sorts of hims? If not. I can llfing -..tl'ollg d•ff*ont. Can you ;11 mt whit I lhOuld wtar for tht rwtrbOur t~p. Jo? Do Yo• """1< • ..a t>t c4ld? Could you wru bock •nd llt mo know?

Se• ro• on Sat~ Sarah


l• c •• 1u1y ,...o wNI • gorl ulltd S.roh wmct fer ht< .,,.,.,., to Jo's wllil

2 LOOI< ., in. P'(lmpl$ ., Ille side of 1h• Mloil. They 1d you what l)Oin1s you must in<:btt in your rtpty to Jo. Answrr [he QUHbOnS bftow 'Mlh a partnrr. 1 Wh•I w.• you say to 111.Jnkjo? 2 Which "°"d you p<efer - 1h•

harbour t10p or aom& lhoppinB 1 Why!

3 Whit th"'I' would 1"" IJct to do •1Jo·i honie? How could you •UUtlt llttm 10 Jo'

• Wh.at tls.t do you nttd to know? So what qutlbOll W(lljkj )'OU loh toas.kjo?

..., __ .... _ ...... -

20 I Ttsl 1 TrMl!ng

SU9Q$$1 ...

Yes-ask Jo

Say whJCh aoo why


11·s great that you're coming 10 visit me on Saturday Mr dad and I w1I 00tile1 trom IM st.ttJOn whtn yov errlvt. rve thought aboul some thllf'lgs we could do whlll )'OU0r• hire. Vnt we·~ have lunch at tlOmt. Th•n In lhe alter noon we col.dd eithef goon a harbour trip W'1ll my tamily, Of.,. c°"ld go ohoppong W · h would ~

Thert 11n't much ;o dO in my town in the tvtnl"tg$. so wt could ju$t stay at my ,_ Cln you lllonk of some lhln s Yo•'O ~ke 10 00 U.e? II tllert onyth.ng - you neocl 10 know befOfe you comt? See you soon!


- 1 lml9Jll• 11111 you """ r«tivtd lht w1'il btlow. Tl!k ll>oul in...,....,.. 10 mese qutsiion1

with a 1)¥1ner. 1 Who •I Ille omai from 1 2 How wtl do you know Ille wrne<? ls 113 fnend? A ie>dle<? A !lfll>Ct<? l What at~ you gotftl to do on Saturd<'ly?

In Part 1 you;

• nad lhtough lht qUf'lt.an. and a ltller/t1nad WJltttn 10 you • read lht handwntttn not11 on tht ltttff/tm•M • write trther a tttter or .n tmillt, II could bt to 11 fr1enct i te.Khfl' or wmPOneyou haven't met • write ~ l20and lSOwords

Writing Part 1 Test 1 Training

Page 21: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Ttit t TrMtlng I 21

7 In Pin t dlt ptompt moy ttl you to •sit • qutsbon. Look at llow Slrlh "'°' dftQ Ind ind .. ect q~11ion1. Wh>t lhould I wut lor lhe hMbol# tnp1- c.n you td me what I should

wtar for tht harbour lt1p7 Now nwlte thtte drrect qut1Uens onto tndrrect qutllions. 1 w1a.becold1 Doyouthink. ·-1 2 Wh«t >Jt.,.. IO"'Sl Do you know -·--·-····1 3 11 yourt°"'n wry aowdtd! Can you tell me 1 • How can I ett b>dt to tht s .. b0n1 Do you know ..... .1 S H.l~ you SHn lhd Nm btfort? Do you remember. ----··-··-··-····?

1 We'dbttn.,.,_galfday. __ wtwerebrtdwhtnweg«homt. 2 Jadt boYghu d'"' _ 6ntd htl petft<tly. 3 Wt <11uJht on eorty bus _we colAd got onto town belo,. It got busy. • G•"'C to !he MW <lep¥tm<nt 11ore was l'••t. "poc1ally . •• • I'd ntvtr

befn inside belo<t

6 The w•y you 1tnlt )'Ollr Ideas togtCll« Is rmportanl 1n lhe Writing paper, Look II Slrlh\ - .... Tht words"'' .... 10 join her idtaS lfC underlined in lhe tnllll Ind reptoted in tht box below. Compltte ... ...,.., ,~with lhtword!Wl th< box.

l l&Jff•"I • txprtsj;ng I pttfttMCf s ,.rus.,, 6 .. ~,,."I why sornt<h1111sn\ pos~bl• 7 apologiilng

8 .. pi.a,,.,. why iomtlhllJ hlppentd

a rm afra'd I can't do tbat

5 Tht prcmj)ts in PM 1 tel you wNt 10 do in your letter or email. Match th< fu<lc11on1 on th< left Wllll 1<11ttnets on tht right that could be ustd to UprtU tht odus. 1 •rm& to pefSuade.......,. ---~ 2 fUllC"b"I somtdlWI&

4 Look •t tht ~ tNI SK.ti u~ on her rtply. How ~s she do the following dlongs? r...i tht phtl<es "' her email and underline them. 1 sugtSt!OrftethinatoJO 3 as.kjoqUtilions 2 1>y whduht pttftt• • thank Jo

4 whatsho1k1 Jo

To dlM'lgt dire« quHdeM IO Indirect questions ~QUHDOnt What's mi. ttnt>- Ooyou lnow

whatlWtmt h'

VH/No-• ::J I) loM htt"t1 - Do,., ~. lcM ......


Cr11>1 Tl)'1oi...,,, ... ,,,..,c11N ....... .,. or 1Qin1nv S(nt(O('(I a )'OU c.,.. ™' Wiii ~ ~ 1.INCtL.Wt yout $.MlM(tS .)tld P¥"•iph$"" ' VMi(fy ol w•ys

Wrklng p.., t

d You\e obsoluttly right about INt. t UnfottUMttly I G>n1 do tNt bt<aUit nl bt away

Sw.mmlng·s much more tX<it1n1 th.vi cycling. I dlW>k. g Plme change your mind and come· you'd~ K' h Whydolitwt gotodlelocalmustumllt'd bt<OCll

b rm really SOtry ror missing""'' pany. e I WM lale for cltus btcaust I missed tht bu'-

b Hew dots SK.ti dtwlop todl ol me pomts in her rtply1 W0<k with a partntr. Cov« lh~ tut. Md tty to rtmtmber what Sarah has wriuen for Hch of th< 1-.ng points. MM<• notts in YO<Jff own w0<ds. 1 tNt>kongJo 3 what lh• sugg•su for the tvtn>ng

rii:t Try flOI tQ r~ on I.Ing~ tom ~ tht tnpul ltld. You nttd 10 11'.ow

¥.NI you c~ dO

Page 22: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

WridngPM I

(Tio• WOOi )'OU""' - ..... cnoucj'I <me for~ loot• the Check! boa~ bCk (/')each pcw\l AS you tbe<k yaut wotk..

22 I Ttit 1 Exo1m pr•ctke

Check! Have you: 0 kleiuded all the p0ints and developed eaCh p0illt fully? 0 used joirn119 words and a range ot different tenses and

swctures? 0 Chtel<ed your spelling and pullclua1ion? 0 Ol)eOed and Closed 1he le1teI/email propeily. e.9. HI Sam I

Dear Mrs Sm~h I See you soon I Looking forward to hearing llOtrl yo.ti


Wrrte your email. You niusl use grammatically coeect sentences with accutate spelling and punctuation in a style apptopriate lor the situation.


Suggest ...

Sony, no - but ...

c~ Milt' .... '°" l:now 'l'Wf'IO JOU ~..,,...., '°· .w1d how wtl 1V" _,.._ Uw "f'N'" own wordS -·~ Im.le.Id cf copying !he etxt n ptompcs.


I'm not surt what the weathe1 will be like at the woeket1d - °' whot you·ye planned for us to do. \"'Mt sort ol clothe! should I bring wrth me?

l'vt hlltd th11 you1 town it very nice. What1a lh& mos1 lntM1t1ng place to SiH: there?

r1 bt com1Ag b)' 1ra1n. 11 wt anangtd. Wiii you a1111 bl 11 1ht train ttatlon tomoet me?

I'm mlly loolc!ng folwald 10 coming to 11ay with you1 I'll be arriving In your town on Saturday at l 1 a.m.

1 You have received U1e folowing email frorn your EngNsh·speaking friend. Lee. who is coming to stay with you at your home soon. Road Leo1s omail and the notes you havo made. Thon write an email to Lee. using all your notes.

c Tipl MMct Mt )IOU ~ COWRd II flt poi\tl 11'1 ,,,.. NlldW ...... "°""' FOiiow the lns1ruc1lons belOw.

You must answer I his question. Write your answer In 120 - 150 words in an appropriate style on your answer sheet.

Writing • Part 1 Test 1 Exam practice

Page 23: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

_,,.,.... I 2J

....... _ by fM' ee ~' ~ would b~ (lhuf'.d.)y) betau~ ~ ptopit ¥<oufd find (Thutsd.l)') 1~ ~I <iUllabl~ l!'VMing btauw

4 - plw>sts """" '.l<XI use to wggesl th• cholot ol .-Ing la< tho dub? CorTlplf't )'OUI' i(k.as Mtli a partner. and ldd tMm to your notes ., Exlf!f'tist 1

n- phrases might be use ~ ..

enf1•f1A!ll•r ·g 1'11Pf'1\iv'

bttath• "Ieng ~IM1C.tt'd l'\fUl'l!l.1-:M mcnlGrlble nt111n9

lc'CP you on h: edge: of )'Our *t

2 ~ l'NSOtli could you gM for rtt()f'nmtnding tl'lit fimt? Add ftm IO )'OUf' noMt In btttist I. That wordl and ~r1S6 might be userut

COilitdia ~l'!'t films seeee fiction \Ye5rtms anoons .n1tw!ed films historical dr¥N ~Is lhf'lllM

2 Look It l:l'le: idt.as below. They can help you to deYeiop yow armiwer. \llltaM 'W'Pt'S of '*" might you suggest from this list?

A MW Engl1tf\ film club 11 starttng •I vour IChool. Your lMCher hn Mked rou to ....._ 1 ....,ort, giving your tuosttttlons lbo\lt

• ~ klfldl ol l\lmt lhe ell.lb lhoulcJ lhow lncf why • VINc:tl ......-ilng w04Ad be bMt to hOld ll'M club • hol# 1N IOl'lool could ,., ttucilntt •bout 1"11 club.

Wrle YQJt report

t l.oc*. at tM &ask befow. Am. dedde whit you want to AY •bout Net. pc.nt,. thtn nett down some brief idea$ for )'()Ur rtpOrt. ~ lhem - ...........

"'Part 2 rt M1ft ti.- 1 quf'.t•Otl a\kins you l0\\'11tt 1 report. n 1 report )'O\[

• a-ve ~ •nl'ormibon. and Include~ recornmendat.ioMor ~ • need to 0tpntSe yoUt ldea5 so that they're easy to follow use ~

ind t'fidi:rip. if a.ppt0ptia1e • usu.vywr1tt kw a specific audience. such as your teacher • wrte b!cween 120 ind 180 words

Writing Part 2 (report) Test 1 Training

Page 24: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Wrttng P•rt 1 14 I T.,. I 'lt•lnlng

• might bt ~ctvlwblc to Y WOWCI not be su11.tble btc.MM:

I p"'l)QI<' lh.l< Whal I lhink ~C should do is IO

Tht: m°'t pol)ll'Ar ~ms iftm io bt r Chr-rtfOt'f 1h1n1t _ In nl)' viM, (Thursc;t.,y) "°'-*I two ee most 5u1rt:>ll> .., 11ru.11 w ould II< 111< mou <!'"""'NY al q

71 Jiln ... m.ikts severat ~a •K011wrk"lldldons. look at tht phr•sct he Wf1: 10 do lhiL tnd ._, lhem ., h11 rtpOI\

r'lle&"l-Ol"l .. .l"I .-t,Muw:-'llQIWIKlrtJM'I dtb,~1'~.Ci.W:WM:lld

\•~ f'IJ'P*olWt,.r..ritw~-t~ ~..-

T)'pt1eof'~tM fortJw~

1"<.1!!1Q:l'l...._- ~~~~lhaoe~~tlwt.Ule rrost~"""' ~s.o1.e~~v.., .. ~~-••da11to.1·tmitlnfha.• VWy C*1 ktllllp PJ ··"' • ..,., ol YQl Mi:K""1A"" .....,. ... d. I ll'Nlrtfcr. Plink u.."" th,brJ,.,Qt flme P"At eluJ::f._.,_,_ 1'l't ._., .....ui, "'" u..~u ~ "'"'Y..-. Th.irac:U1~• u.~~-Ulm'~"'-"'Lm.ary*~ di.bltl11r1lt'1allo"1-or:0...t.ldP.f"Owt


f'1ll•1 .. _bri"'.,vof .. ~.alr\V.tehod11111fM:iii~~l.'tlt..ilL'k.crplreoudl

w!;nca:71 O"Jvr to tlla!; .a.WW WftlllK. ~~ c•f UllrtpMpit-.,t Ow~


I lo!M"l\Jp, I WCI.I;!~ Jr.!! filftc::Ui ... ~ .. -~ NstudK~•tlOO'I Lt.lrt 11tal1"1fJ 1rm11 1""'9 t;,--U.~"'8 Wey....r. to~


t Now look 11 tht ""'°" INr • boy altd .i.lmo has wnttt'l1. He has used oomt ol lho idois from £Jctordi<s 2-S In his wribng. Unckflonf thom.

llNCh«·s .announcements ICh)oj 'M:bi11t !do:JI f'IOhctboard

school magaz1nt Wi>I """"'1.r19 - l(?Cting sludeits

S How could )'OU 1d ...- ma.. lho <lob? Looi<" tti... lcleo!, lhon "" wilh • paltntr Whal migN II< lho ~ •nd crGadvMtlgf< ol ooch woy ol tcllong """- lboul lho -?

Page 25: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Test 1 Exam Practk• I 25

tKAAk i'lfoin~ obolJt nKh o/lJl<W..--


WrMh19 Pell 2

Your school ls thinking ol starting an otter-school club for students to do a spo<t. Your leecher has aske<I you lo wrile a report, giving suggestions about: • which sp0<1 should be played at the club and why

• where the club should be held

• how ot1en the club should moot.

Wrile your report.

\nJtt Stitt with ¥1 inwodue110n 10 \'INI tht rtport wll ee Jbout ll'IC'AJdie re<Oft'lmeftdal!IOM and i.uggnll\on'­ Fiimh your re-port wth a concluding sl•ltrntnt

Follow lho instructions below.

Wrile your answer In 120 -180 words in an approp<iote stylo on your answer sheet.

Check! Hove you:

0 usod paragraphs in your report? 0 considered using headinos? 0 de•>elOped each polnl In your own words, glvf"i} reasons for

youridoas? 0 written an appr"Oprlate conclusion? 0 wriuen 120-180 worlls?

Writing • Part 2 (report) Test t Exam practice

1 In cooclus1on, .. 2 In tho< roport, I intend to liool al)- 3 To sum up, 4 In thk rtport, I nm go1ng 10 (talkab®t). 5 On the "'1ole 6 The pcrpese o( thrs rtport is to. , 7 Finally. .

for C1

I 8 Jaime begins his report with 1 cSear introduction and ends w;th a condusion.

Mark 1he phram below wllh /If !hey can be used for an lnu·odu<llon, or C If l11ey are used to write a concfusion. Then~ bKk ait Jaime's report ind circle the phrais.es from the liSI lhat he USff.

c With• partner, use some of tM phr•.S4!s to makt rtcol'nmtnd&t>ons for tht folk»Ying: ~ \'til1ch spans tht school should provide afttr school b \vt'l1ch other ah er-school clubs the school could s:tar1 e \vtllc.h cok>ur I.he school should adopt (01 a new Khool uniform d wtlith place ntar tht school would bt btst for an tnd·of·ttrm pnny.

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Wridnf P.,. 2 26 I Ttit I Trolnlng

~tt(ly p0opfe dream Of living 1n lhtl;r r1V(Klrite place, amt for IOt'n.t that ~age would definitely be by the sea t •Question 11

Having a home 1here certainly has 1 k>t to offer. For ln,tance., 11 you live there. yov c•n 90 swimming t.n the sea at ony time and tile healthy walks along the beach. What's more. you can enjoy 11 along wilh the 1ouri1t1, bu11hen hive rt 111 to yoursell again once they've gone home. ( • Question 2)

On lhe other hand, we should remember 1h1t, unless you 1re lucty with 1h1 chmete in your country, lho beach is unktetv '<>be watm and sunny all year round tt can be an oioromety cokt and bleak ploee In wlnte<. In adclot>On, you moy llnd lhat you miss the City. with Its bright igh11 end entertelnmenL I • Outttlon 31 Ptrsonelly, allhough I would tnJOY ~ving near the beach on wmmtlllmt. I would 1110 miH everything that 1ho city has to offer, to for me. it might not be the mcesc place to llvo. All in an, I would say I'd prefer to live aomewtlere else rather than the uasede I• Question 4}


b Rtad whal a boy called Ralj)h wn>tt lor hi< answ... How ~mllar Mt

ho> od.., to yours? Wh•t do you agret with and di"9'ft with in hls answtr·?

C!!t Ask )'OUl'ttlr qUtS-llQl'IS it;.( «hew • l>clp pl .. - .. ..,.

Qufftlon 1 Wha(1 thttapK you haw towrnt about! Quf<llon 2 What art tht good"'"~ abcot """&by th• "'l Quf<llon 3 What might be th• dosadv.>nta&" o( living by th••••! Qu.,tion • Wh>t'1 youi ptnoNI °"'"'°"l Would rou lite to liw by


In your English class. you have been talking aboul the different places where people can live. Now yoor teacher has asked you to write an essay, giving your opinioo on the lollowing sta1eme11t:

1h<I best place to live 1s by the sea.

W(ne your essay.

1 a loolt •t tilt t<am task •ncl answtr tilt lour qutstlon1 btlow it. Td< ">out your answtts with • l)Mtntf".

In Part 2 there may be a qUe$llon a!.kin1 you to wnte an es~, which • wWly kw yw<tNCht<. In an """! you.

• givt your opinions on a ctt11 n tape and rtaions for 1hos& opinto1u • wntt btt\.Vffn 120 and 180 words

Writing Part 2 (essay) Test 1 Training

Page 27: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Te<t 1 Trllnlng I 27 WrllngP..,2

, I._ _, { Rtmtm~ I '-------' You (#1 ldd +' td\ltftK r.'f(#

6 U11: lht WOtds Mid phraies you havt lcamt IO dt><ribt lht folowing. d- • - cdd. - T• wsth • J)Mtntr. trrrhng. c(lf')~ Mid. SIMt ~

• tr<o<d (II Ylh.m -t ~an to 1 a ~mfls ~on tht bt.t(h l a busy day l"I a Cfl)' ctntrt ......., Which Ml~~ '"'"l" whll'tt GfW\C

2 a WU\lf!f"S d.ty on tht bfJch col&o<•t•

neptive - it depends - positive

htmg<Clc! sunny crowded remoct hvtly b<9" ighlS peiKeful popular ""' mode<n ¥rCotr4 pollUCt<l piCILX<l(!ut ...., SIOOTiy

SllonrW'9 ~lthy superb .... wchon wilcrng doianco

S Loolt 11lhtWOtdl1nd phr11e1 btlow that can be U!td when de«nbong • pl1et. Somt"' from lht sample •nswtr. Decide if they .-e uswlly positivt or ntgativt Mid put"'°'" on 1he corrtcl box. If 1hey could be e.111tr, dtptiidong on lht siniation, or your poinl of view. dlen put thorn in lhe It dtf>«HI• box.

J • rd fllhfr liw in i) city ctntre thin by the~· • II°"' 1WW11m1ng. I go to the be•clus oftM.,, an S You gn he in lhe tun at the btach.. • you can ao fOf a Iona walk. 6 Vou oktn comt across grtatattractlons at w~t te-som Th«t's usually a funfair,

_ ~·s st41 •I'••• place to go.

4 CompltR me i«ittnces with words a1xl phrasts from tnt box" Exrrose l. SomeCW'Ms mort than one answer Is posstblt. 1 ll1b IMng by the .,., , prtfertht <o!y.

2 The bfodl an be wy crowdod 1n 1ummf<.


-------------··- 2 introduce Y®' own op,ntoo? ........ - J .dd a 1o1mll~ pitct of lnform.-11on 1. on!.~

• MSd a contra"lol pttc• of 1nf0tmalion? - s introd11<• lht rt~soo for wmtth111g? 6 1nttodU<ean t~mple of somethlns? 1 summ.tt1ie what's bf.en \aid?.

Wlli(h ont1 ift U!td 10! 1 intrOductactntra1suuenitn1abou1whatpt0pt.tNnk>.~--~----

mM>y poOj)lt

" on " peoonally

for instance l"I ~

on lhe 01her hand •nd

2 Loolt 11 lht lour qut11ion1 in Ex•rcise 1 t tgtin. How did ... ..,....,. thtm? Clo"' your boolt Mid It)' lo ttmembor wh11Ralph1.iid 6boul •"" que.iion. Talk with a ....-.

l Th<rt ttt I number or u1<!ul linking WOtdl 1nd inllOducto<y phr ... s In "-'Ph~ MIS-. They ort in Ille box below. 1nd undt<ined on dle 1ex1.


Page 28: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Writing P•rt 2 28 I Test 1 ExMn pf<liCtic;e

Check! Have you:

0 used paragraphs to OfV31l<Se yoor ideas? 0 used linking~ and introductOIY phrases to help make yoor

opinions clear? 0 given reasoos to. ywr Qllinlons? 0 used words and phras.s 10< describing things. with advelb$

where Bpp!Oj)riate? 0 checked your Spelling end gramma<? 0 written 121H80~

Wnte yoor essay.

You have recently had a dlSCUSSoon., your Engish class about places to ive. Now yo .. English teacher has asked you to write an essay. giving yoor ()pinions on the folo\"ling statement:

City cenrres are the besl places for 1eenagers to live.

C 1'aA AA essay rs us.ually wruttn fot a tt«htr .net may be •~a Jollow-up 10 I dls,i XWll)'

Pouow the instt\Jc11ons below. Writo your answo< In 120-180 wools in an nppropriato style on you< answer sheet.

Writing • Part 2 (essay) Test 1 Exam practice

Page 29: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Tnt 1 Tr•Jnlng I 29

b WOl1c wilt!•,,...,.,., Choost ltirtt poinu lrom your li11 Mid idd more detoil 10 tt~m.

11,.,, f"'" btU..I l('i tWW ' di /l'tillfJI;/ "'lpf J; 4\A.~s ffJ.i'j ti 1"'' 9/n<li IV•tr- <lld)t' ltlff'lt•I ~"'c'l i

.,.., : ~1 <l'lf,q{t4Ct

1.# l.A..t tJt .!ll:iM i.ot #J~/,f;,l-(4()1.1;; brtf'l u/NJ-t/Citttr-f.J,

11 ""' .. ~ r« 'f""f~'fi

2.a Now )'CM.I nttd co add son1e dctiil - to ~.q>and on~ m,in points. Look 1t thtst tumplrs:

1 , .. .u.l '~"'·

(t1J ""i ff'i#dS IVI t~~·1

\.t ...,, llf {t~Jl<t I~ I( lfl(I l"#M

1 ~ ,.. "' '" • 41"' 4 ll#t.#t' ( «I

1 (U #I trl~•I

1 ltw• '""",,,, .. ,a"' '4Jl/41 ftJI' ...y fwd.vi J lar-a ;J.,J/.J I t.u 1tJI Ad1.d1 t.W tla~sr6",

Cr1¢ Thnlr.: Mliout wflo you art wutlng !ht .nde for, M)d ll'Y lo answeor • lht ~ 1n rhc ta\k.

b Start thonlung .!bout what you could lndud<"' YGI"° • .- about your l;vountt ..,_,.look •• th• oetes below. 1hty may g.vt you somt id.,,. WOl1c ""'1 • ,,...,.,. and •dd thrtt more poinu ol '/OAll own.

Write your article.

Artldts wanttd! W.. or• kioLttg foe afflcS.s obout fovourde '9sSOM 01 Khoolt

What or• 'tfNf fovourii. S.st0ns ot Khoolf Why do YfN ff\joy 1hemt I• ,.,.,. o~"'u yoo clon hnjoy obo.t It.. lo•-• ..... though .... , .. """',._, .. , Wt wl publish lbt best ankle next month.

You have seen tho$ announcement in an lfltemational magazine I()( young people

In Pat1 2 theft '"If be aqueshon asking you lOWfle anartidf.. In 1111 ¥1dt )"OV'

• wi1tt '"•lively 1nd "'&"Bina soyl• . ., tl>f 111t1dn usuoily•wn•d at tHnagen • tndude some of your own opnlons In your wr11"1 • wr1lt 120-ISOwordi

Writing Part 2 (article) Test 1 Training

Page 30: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

JO I r .. 11 T ......

80it ttt i I 0t • l'\Di 'fhC. ~ 1 ~ ..JL-l to "-A.ff

tk)d/Ctt.'ip'f at ~'l(ll ~.--t - ( ..C ee .:_'ta,_ ht.JW ,,,,....,._,. /~'Jt

.... lc.r.~1~..-. .....

r .. ""t ,.~:~ - •~ ~c·~ ~-w..~) x~ W~i ....U.l.S I ~'..C. IC.»c'NI C."}c'jO-Nt ,t....1\1\x:ii i"1l ~ thcl..t

1-tw \;.t~,, ... ('~3 °"' #.t 'Wl1Asl

Al~ ~· "'' kt• - ~ ----- ...

5 Anna uses lht ex~ on !ht nght to grab l:he rtaden interest and !llilke htr ¥bCk men t)tOting to R!.td. Fnd M'id undertint tM ~ooam'" Anniis al'bClt where thtst rxpre$$ions appear Then (1)1 • iPttt senrenc:t$ 1 .. a using Anna's expmMOl'd in ft ('Ol'Tt'Cl k>rm. 1 I'm fOQUlll: r; bon.., • 1n f•n. It'~ VHY interestrni 2 __ ornot.rrn11Dpd0ted.1ssl

J When 1 llnt met my friend. slit 1mmedl.ltely --- a Yf1Y C:h~ul ptfSOt'I

4 Tl><O<le ic.'°" ........ - WiS sport· I coufdn' <tand it!

S Ive wlio ...... lmtthop"""I itu"'l"t...,, 6 B<lghtcolouB In•,_, alw>ys - fotl h•ppy 7 Whil mamstun11M>tt1ngootsumsand~

them fi8htl a Alll "rhal rm "'Vcl•d I\~ mt1 my now mo""


"""oN'i trurq I dorft eopy ao mxti II Ill&< ll>ey''" -=-" C.. IDll of tN> dl)I whoo Im..­ ttrlld. HO\'iff'>W. ' ~ jee; JI bl &bie le ~ w hilt I'm le'l.""I09 c .... ~ }Qt:. t rr.i(Jht even l «CIDt •

IJI09l1IPhY ru:hcl

Ceoqraphy,. cool! tel!eve lJ er nol, twle.:ml.i!rayl uJed to h.11e at sdx:ICll ~ ip,;q...,:t) -~

- ""'f'l9111'1 fn'- l'vt oo Idea eud:y toiir 1 I 1 i IS bJI ell l can 1;ry .18 a. woW goc: I IX!'W

~andsuddenrfWWW1t:L::fmskm~ l'n1nut~rllf~leld"a Wl:8btd-mfc.~beclcxoe!'er' Bi.It 1.\.$te1Ctler'' 1l+ '1 .aemmd Wl"J !lion•Uy ~· ~ l9idy "P- itlld __ _...,..=•01> abolll my-_ Cicb h11 g;Yel\ me mc:o \Ybil milko& the ~ 19!!C.CCR eqoyabM la thal 1'te ~Um S1 I reaL'y eee room ll'• UY

and Ji9h1 "thOl'l. ICd 1111 l:ri<Jj'I- on Iha wan. ilw'</5 mol:o""' r.el cheed.tl and r•ady"' cc:ric«11r re

4 Now md '"" 1rode a 911 Qlod AnN WIOte for lltt ,_ His MN ..,...,"° all tho ~ In ltw Wk?

J Now mok• ,..,,. ,,.... on lf>r tlltft9$ you don'r Iii<> •bou< lf>r lrs!onl. ~ Vfith i p.JrtMf lflCI .ld(f dnot ~ iclt.1tS IO thew notes. r: ,...., , .,. "" . ,,,,,,""" "'"'" ...,..,, .. ,.,..,

11tt: tJit N•I"( / 1"' If llfl 'fif "'~4 1 4 '6rfl

Page 31: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Test1T~ I l1

CheckJ Haw you:

n de<i :QOCI )'OU'_. .... Uly .. )'OU con? D uooc1...,. • to..-,....- engagng •o""' reader'I 0 checl<.td tmoo.q1 your wort< for <ho Md of ""stll<M you Olten

...... 1 D ...men 12G-•81lwcrdS?


Articles uiant•dl w.· .. -"'9 ""---....,-~ you in~ life. UJhoch """°"do you clwf< Jus holpod ... <ho~ How?

W.11 pubi"" <ho best - ,_"""""'

You have see11 the folowY1g ~ •nan tnternational magazine fOf young people.

cTlpl Rt .. ..,,lbt,_,~,."" 4Jit5rlons or lndUde al ft pore n ,,,._ Follow lhe irlslructJorw below.

Write )'(XI' answw in 120 - 180 words ;r, an appn:)f)Olte style on your answershMl

Writing • Part 2 (artide) Test 1 Exam practice

ltia.cntmymum..,.,.- - 2 "'Y fnend bCM1 ~ !cl"" phoM. rt'lol..t ast1nc. which - 3 W. lad to cross ually!My .ood. - • W. 11.o 10 ~ .. N IN!hs ~ ou>Cl<ly wl>lch s Jane lost tr« tnrd ftlNt mob ... wNdl -

6 °"' ""'""' oold .... -..-"'-· .. -.which --- .

6 AlvWI '1ko UWl °wlhich' to.,. htrHf'lllMett tOfldto • • (W} MWf rncrtft ""fCrWtQILIWOICS aboi."f "')' MOit. ~iCJt fi<H boorttd my car(*""<

eom.,,... lho-- the~ in 1ht *·

Page 32: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

UM of English Part 1 12 I Tat I Tr-.....,,

~I Sof'neliMd !he pt(1)0Slric>ft )'OU "Ced eo look .i donn t come wntM<11;i;,1y •"" tl\f' gollf).

C Tipl Wl'ld'I )'OU ltam ~~word, write • 11'1 your voc:ab\Aary notebook \'o\tl'I words lh.c 90 wilh a. e.9- fun - to ~Am; take oH - tM p/oM took olflat~; ~/jcv~ - do youbdfie~ NI ,..,..,

(Tip! MliWl9 WOf'dl Me ofttn vtrbs, but ltltY t•n Mso ~ n<M.lm, 1d1itell~ «lwrtls Of Mt pfv 1sn

• It took a long timt to..,,,.... s W<*d you l•e co come

2 Complttt the ltJtl w.th tht corrta fonn of ~ f1om Exttdst I.

My mum dOW'I\ ( 1) "sptndont a lot of money on whit WI• WWMS.

Sht (2) to the h.,, P""' ol dt~ll'" ,_ cloll>ts and she dotsn' (J) olM\atswiWhlona&ltwmomftlt Thl'.ltom•t.m•s(4) In d~tt:mtntJ at homt' btous.t I low doNi• Inf.Kt Vitwn I ltavt Khool r-.ito(S) fcraploa .. ra.ho<>n~.r.il .. •dy(6) tow Jrt dubatmyschoG MNf l"ve(7) In producing sewral de-sians for outfits.. r'W' ewn (8) to rTittt • jadet b mywH. I di1nk fd!JOO df-sign would be the p«fea JOI> for me be<aule I could (9) ""I <•lent for dfawstg wc.h my Iott of dotht-s. But 1 Viow rt•J a d1fhcult QIHr lo get into and sucas.sdoesn1 Ways (10) __ onty on ta.lent - good luck ts aho tmpottlnt.

3 Cross out dw WfOn9 P"PQ$1b0n in t•h seeeeece. 1 I d\ooit-myowndolhn but my mum always p1ys~ /ro thttn.

2 HlnNh s o&dw 1.tJl•r JS• ct.I who sptea)MS g/ I an tndliV1 coo\:5ng. J My dad\ olwoy> '"Y'"I th>t hold~ lt3ds et /ro wccess, 4 Our i""P'I dub cons.ru m I of peoptt. of d•fft<tfH 416- s U "°" contJnut ro /{«PfKhW. you1 ttt bttttr 6 lb" dotf.n\ tnPf p.vhc1~tin1 In /OldrKUSJ.IOl'IS.,. ct.Ms.

4 Complttt (ht SMlMCH With the correct p(t90Vtl0n.

1 You should ltsttft this CO - It\ l'Nl1 2 I clonl lcnowhM to cltol -- th .. pn>bl..,, 3 vouunilw.ays ttfy. __ M.v1 - sM'sa gre• lrttnd.

- ·- - ObtKI """' SU«ttd ijl .... -"' <¥< ..... .....it b<long - _,.,,.,.

1 to 4 -·--" l on 5 of J "'"' 6 '"'

Useful language Verl>s + prepo<itions 1 Wrice tht vt'ft>s with the corrt'd PIC$10sitiou. Some verl>s c.Mt go with

mort thin eee pttpos.icion.

In this ptirt you: • r••d a teld \l'nth 12 PP' • choose &om b.w' optlOn.J (A. a. C. or O} to fil NCh pp

Use of English Part 1 Test 1 Training

Page 33: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Ttit I Tr.W.lng I lJ

l WNt new t.potu 01 octlvihtS do you plAn 10 hobby/acltvlly)

• TtH mt ~en your tta1n gtls. . and 111 come and meet PJ- flot ~ to atnvt)

S Wt"rt going to wrv. an t)Cptrlmtnt an our KttnctcWs 1oclay.(todo 1

part.c:IA.v p~ of wotk or t~~~:irch, ttc.) 6 Do Vo" th"k Tom wlll tum. on 1lm• lor hockey pmtoctl (to oniYt °' appt.,

oftl<l when not txptcttd)

up 1h• yt•? (10 llMI •-

I hope rh• bus d0t<11l bmlk .~.'L 01 wt'N bt '41t fo<""' ma1N dau Gglhnl (Joi matllit>t.,Wh~I«: to 1top WC<k1ng)

When I ~ave school, I want 10 set.... _my own computer cames bus"m. (to 11111 °' ntablrsh a com~ny, Ofgani'Sahon, ttMI, etc.)

2 Out t.~ft i.ays wt should. . up nt\.,. \.,.Otds tn our dlC'lt0narJH. (to ftnd "''°'m•bon by lookl"I In • book)

up tarly on Khool d<ty<7(1o gft OUI olbfd)

1 Wntt nouns which c•n go with tach of thtst verbs.

ca1cll tHp


6 Choost tht vtfb from the box whld1 goes witJ1 e.c.h group ot noun'" Thtn add mort nooos 10 the groups. I 10. shopping, runn1ng, skiing

,,... 2 10 a pany. ful\ •shower, (enough) lunt to do ""' l IO photos. lh• b~ an tlCAm lptnd

4 IO. football, an lnstrumtnt. ;i trick. on \Omtont go

s 10 money llfllt (doing 5ome1h1ng) play

6 10. __ at1•:wn,apentoso1neont, thebaU(in football) .. kt

m.akr do;

homeYtof1c ~o/iomeont

u .. of En9hfl PMt 1

Useful l.1nguage Phrasal verbs 8 Complttt 1he phrml verbs. Tl1e deRnilions OI 1he e<ld ol eodl ~ttnet

wil help you. Ex4mplt< Do you fond It d1fllcult to .... 9et

a lob OOl6 a differtnce .,. walhlng up a mistake your b6t

)"OUt" hall' I matt-up a face al somtat'lf

~ ., P..c I. IOf'f'te Mtwm ft com<I

- llwy ...... ""' ol""""""' - lnonds I no11t

Useful l.1nguage Verb conccauens S Wtilt the noun phttsts on tM c0trtct line bl!!low.

Page 34: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Use of English P•r1 1 14 I Tm 1 Triiining

3 a If you _ to be btt f0t ltsson.s. -,iou11 be stfll to the htad tt~hetf b Pttut. httt and WAil uni.I Ult tt.l(her anMS. c SCudfntswM\l tht Khoo& to lht lunch bttH.as lO minutH 1$ too shott. d PSt~ don't. ~' I told you. it\ I Stcrtl I

b ~boon...,,.,, lot HMty , ... ,. .. but h• .,_,. yot.

e I my ltalt ~lff to ~on htr first ~y. d ~ ~ _LMwnt school 1o1nc1 sht w.u tltwn.

2 a Lack of YHp u. with tow ltwk of concftltration.

b Nobody an get ~re in ume to stllt at 6 p.m~ so let's. 11 ull 6.30 p.m. c Lessons start at 8 a m. Md they at 2 p.m d 1'hty hM dKIC!td to off 1M ruPf m01cll bt<au,.111• pitch 1uoo wet

a Tht a.rpon hos dt<odtd 10. all fto#>u bKouSf ol m. bad wta1~r.

l'ocus M~anings of verbs 10 Fol t.ad\ 9fOUP of four ~ttntts: (.a-d). choose tht Con'Kl verb from rht bo>t '°' each

g..,. u .. •ldl Wfb one• only.

9 @ COl'l'Mt one mas.tlkt"' tKh or~ s«ilmcts wnttM by exam candidates. I Whtn I Wfl\t on t~ school ttip I made lots. of photos of my frliends.

2 11 ~come., my town. ytM.t ""'JI see it ts a be.wt1ful pb<e. J If yoJ'rt twtd. 11·, Ntd IO conctntratt and you do a lot ol mlltikfl.. ' 'ftitttdllf wt Y*>lttd the S<Jtnct MIMUm in,.tnd of Nking sliopp1n1. S In !ht ott.<noon I si.ytd IWO houn lo"'1na 10 my ll'od 6 Thttit JSn"t tTMKh tme to h.lw s1ghtstttng.

7 EW'l'JOM who toolt ~rt. to tktt l.nguigt: tOUrw was giwn a quest1onna1r1 ill the tnd. I How oft~ do you praictue sporu? t Nowadly\ wt dtptnd o( tt<hnolo1Y. Wt ant l1vt W1th<H.lt It.

10 Altn f'Vt mAdt myhomtw'Of'k, I h.iw 10 http with lht washing up.

a TV S1"1g1ng competition? {to be a partk:lpant)

In • hulf form (to •dd 7 If you w>nno oppty fou paoipon. you havt10 inbmabon to a bm /.an offic.al documtnl)

I 11 Sabtne doesn' arriw soon. rm going to. up waiting tor her. (to stop domg -«Mel

' 1 alwlyJ foowotd to !ht summtr holodoys (10 ftt4 l?CC11ed •bou1 icmtm111 1ha1" '°"'' 10 Npp<n)

Page 35: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Test 1 E11trn pr•ctke I 1$ UJe or Englh.h P•rt t

following term.

The s.tudents and teachers were so pleased with the effect lh.at they vote-cl lo (12) ··-·-lo start a1 8.30 a.m. the

wna1 ttst <fid tht r...arche<t t nd out? lhe percentage of 1tuc.fentt who sakl they wtft unhappy dropped from

65.8% 10 45.1%. They at10 fetc mQfe positive abovt &e:hool end. 1>9c:ause of thi$. thty (10). -·- mort of tlltir

IMSOM and they (11) . ···- moce p1ogress.


to tloop tor more than olghl hours por night rose from 16.•'K to 54.79' during tho study. Tho roso1uch0f1 who

(6), .Ou1 the study claimed 1hat s1uden1s needed to (7) .- ........ around nine hOlHS a night sleeping. This

amount ot slffp (8) ···-- th~m to function property d1.ring the day and, in par1ituf.ar, to (9) ·- . on !heir

The &tudents all t•) . -~ l.n o questionnaire both be tore and alt« the s1udy. The number of them who (S) ...

Over 200 students aged between 14 and 18 took (2}. _ .... In the study at a school in Rho® Island, USA. Aathec-

trian beg nning clas.ws at 8 a .. m •• th•y (3) ..... - lhe start of lhe school clay by halt an hour (1..t. unth 8.30 a.m.).

and mOOd of students.

, In improvtd atttnhon 11 tchOol ttart llm•t hOS ahown that a lattr '""' c11n (1) , A 1Mly which (0) .

The magic of sleep

olA B c~ .:a - c;:I i=­ ~~- O walclled c researched B looked o A revie\ved


(!1pt.1 L001c ac the bdt and read qukkly through !he ~ tt:XI. Skldy lhe YIWds ~fort ..-.d aft~ ~&eh 9'P R.c:.ld .111 the optiOns ¥ld eess (XII the wordi ~ Ir.now MC wrong. Thtn <Nost from lht rtm.t•'*"'9 (IC)C~

f·tj§lj,p 0 ~looked Cat~ lollown/ byOI

For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide wlliCh answer (A, B, C or 0) best lits each gap.

There ls an e.ample at Ille be1Jlnnlng (0).

Use of English • Part 1 Test 1 Exam practice

Page 36: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Use of English P •rt 1 16 I Tett 1 Ex•m pr•cticc

1 A develop 8 lead C result D follow f·§('hip I ~OM" of~ word!' II

2 A place 8 posttlon c piece D port __ .... , 2 11'11 ii 0 bf'd ~ll(nSfJOn that ..,. plllk~r l'o~ll WOid

3 A posiponed 8 stopped c put D cancelled JOlld: bat dtr$ rake "' th4 ......,, s ..,...,, Q/ ~ W'ffaJ "

4 A compleled 8 finished c answered D filled /ol!r.wt<dby to • ~~

• Kofwh wt&~ Mtlt {Hit

5 8 managed c .cl>~ D arrived to~ h phrasol .-etb Mot

A sue<:eeded ""°"" • ,,,,..,,,, (II do 7 • ~,,.Q ' •younttd

8 A sel 8 '"'fried c dealt D based IO IDot • Miit r <on~ ' ... .,,,~ Olk!t~Jl(f),

9 ~ q:itlOI) gen..,.. IM

7 A lake 8 pass c spend D last "" $ ' .,, ~~gt.ft'

, , ,,. ""'°' <olo<.ofe"J with .,..,.,, 8 A enabled 8 let C ensured D rneant I Z 7>lnt' ""°'1l ~ 1MC1Nf19 ol ...,. ""° 7ht 10 • ilfnflW

lomt~IMgap•ciJoo~ 9 A think 8 consider C remember O concentrate

10 A euended 8 appured c aS$0Clated D accompanied

11 A took 8 did C mado D wont

12 A repeat 8 continue C remain D extend

Page 37: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Td I Ti'olnlng I J 1

r ._.,,.,,,_. I ... d'..ridt#wl mua "W¥ Mused '

ltlpl - .... -- ...... - f&d fwt lltKI '9i'lf'I ID dW'dt II --

......., 'lb.!'1 bt .-d mainly 0n grammar --~ ol lf'Wo"1(1

·~ wordl cai lnctuck: pq;cJite:•>. """°~and~ -Al- ~ mat tlSO bt ~on ~ .. ,, • Pll1I 111 plw..wl ""11&. Wii9 cxpresions aind 1)ril'b .. __

ti~ n 'iftitrt•n dur co •> wrl ,.. 10 n to "' ~?Ac of the f.-:t th.)I

WP dKlded to stay at hom~ beatuse of the tt*f 'A'father. 2 d wu 10 ump.n1. dont ro.pc co Ult ,, .. P"'C bop In - IO locs <II

warmclothl!'t J Juan we-nt on the! «h()()I rr1pewn U..'f't tM watnt,.....wd 4 Meg rides her b• ke to school "' ordr1 to sa't'f ~on bus We.

S My ""'"' "Y' y<>u ca• com• ro. 1,,.._11my-..lul1rif ('(OAlll mum says It's OK.

6 Aldttt I• a fll'tl.Sllc Jlnicr. bvt h11 yovngtr t!Sttf hAlin tTMiC.

l Complete tilt 1 .. 1 W<lh ~live""""""" ln>m U....,. I. SoitMltOt ... nlOf't dian one relative pt'OllQl.ln Is possiblt. Sean Spoonet and Louis Speocer art two young pec>p6t (1 J _ --­ h""' ...,..,,1y boon "'med cht ""'Ill\~""""' pub!"'- The Sl<mdlty school >Wdonts. (2) i,.t pul>1>h ng poojo<t ..... _,...,, lo<al peopl• ·• lht tov.n (l) - they Im, "Y 11\.11 O!f)' Nvo ~ had11oWforbu>lne1> (4) lhey.wwd tho~...-. (5) now attracts apptOY•m.1tPIV S.000 ~ ~ Nd no 1f10N1f for .... P'•JOCI Thry hAd lO find loc>I ~ (6) ~ -­ willinR '°~to adverti'ie in tht magnine. Peopho oftM &dr dw ,..,... (7) Sean and LOu1\ th1rik thfy'w btlf\ to tuctmt\11. S.I\\ W!llWlff ts that they study media, business and pf'totograP'ry at school - sutJsecu {I) h>•• h•lptd lhlm In....,, wodc °" w ._

Useful ~e Linking expressions l Choose a linking expression from h box that I'm dw SMT11P rrw111in9

11 the WOfds In lufics In these senttoett..

1 • 1)1><> • ~ 2 a person S a rff:\Ctl ] I lt'I ng 6 l lirtif

In a de.ming Ma~ deuse, what oche' wont can be used lor boCh peoptt ond lhl"91l Completo lhtM wmpltL the <tudoPnt ·--- -· bU>lt the air; the Qr - _ Jot> bulll

Umul language Relative dau~ 1 tn relative clauses. which of the words in the box ere used to dtscri>t­

lhf lhlngs b<low1

In d'li1 part you: •rad atextM.th12g.aps • tl'llnll o( •word whith fil i ttch Pl>COlr~

Use of English Part 2 Test 1 Training

Page 38: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

u.. .. - ...... JI I-·-

- 0 (0) .l.lj_ -. plo<:o lO wti< My whc.•I< ,.,,.,_. m'1M !rip• mt, my Pl<Mb, 1nd (1) - _.,...,_ (1) ol•-·-----and(J) - Ito my tw n W•dd IO,.~ thinp In iud'I (5} - thorl 11r'ntl Wt Mint i•shtJftttlllft 16) - d"" Pl .....,.,. ""'"' .. (11 -11:. iftWd• ........ -·,,,. T>j M.lNI I\. ~ ~ tDtecn peep.~ CM tour IJ'0'4l. (91 cl us hid~ bftn IO lndsa llrtctt. 10 4-(10) --lto<flof (11) cllA W. ... <unyand rlC.(12) clllV.and_...., l100 ..... O._lood....,(IJ) ~llid ·•- (14) __ .. hld_ ..... d Th••-""'1115) """""""°'~_,_ -·'1ll0poooiecll161 ...

7 @ Cross out tht wane won:1 W'I l'httt se• •ta 1CWS "'"'*' t,,. ...n C11 a , nn. 1 f'o·1. 4/iCWflrlfJOdlWMDlill~~~lsetJ'l)ll 2 The food WI my o::u1trr tlt't /It Vtf'Y ClthcKXA. ) Afmitmbrr IO br-., • I ant I tt:' )Ii with you 4 9w •'Tiwecl """.a ~ ft""MI mar 1 w110 """""2 ac tic--.. CMr1!r.,....,, old. S Ever\' )'em" I )'f&l'l lht ni.wnbtt' t!~ stud•nts at my tdQ)f ha ilo e1 ' l.OuKl'doft'il ..... .,,/ .. lduwtMl''M't'l'Cwttltwcu;1; ... 7 I coc.Jdn't rad• twfat l'IA!neWll.) Vf'itten on the po5tf'I b thr ~ • Ptoplt "' 6 I m /Qi I ' above 1fWftp '°° lnUCh..


Useful i.....,... ~ quonllfittJ Ind ~ltiliWiln

6 C4"'4)iwOl tho - ol 1 "°'""I' WI lndi. wllh _,. ,,_ tho - You wil Med ........... ,,....""'°"'~ w.... "°" ~ ... (NlfTALS,

the world 2 Tt. lWliOSILldlir'lts dldded 10M't•mapzinf' ._.... ~~.._,been triter~ k't bus.nm. 3 You P'Obabtt-• - _.. Lo<>ts •nd Stam rr ......,. - Y"" ... ir\ ll><lt ,__

• :hoy --- ""pojoa ""'~.,., _,... S They a.lt'fd C'.10i•4*111111" a:hfttiw 11 thrt m I t • lhfyaMdwn DMtnCWll!'y:

6 ---"'"1'w-very "'""""' S Com~N ...... ._.~WICt'l littk1nof'll'f)f1ta1«1tlrorn~ 1tnd2.

I<• .• . ..tlorilonly-Y"""dd•••!l•SaoW.tol ""I 1111t-.hC>pliercompo!·"C"' wtnd-.111..,. dw• af"4 (1) - htt ap ll'd ....,._ sbl hn *-"won W'W'lrll COnpr!'onl M t'IOmt .L"'Kt lbroild. 5ht blic.arM nwol'lftl !ri 1h11 \port MO yHf1 ICo (2) htf f•thtr . .who Ml - & WW ' .... .... I lor _., ._,., ,_. ...... I""""- <an II"" l\•f{J) .. ~Viti& •It""~.,."*" 11 Mm«. "dlflniWy M _,..,.,. Shi .,a eo I~ r """' .... (4) incttawtwl!rlfW!h.ldhtklttUlhll (S} t.htcoollftuHIOlftlnh•rd lhtw .. .,._..., _ .... --""'(" ,,,. • .....,.,..., ... "*""'" .... - ...... into th11 Nhonll youch tumtoOn.

• Choose (he O)fY'KI W9'g $ Ci from ltle boll II) tu44*k ,_. WiikliKVi about dw a.o \la.detCs °" Piii' )7 who st.Amid • ~

so tt\11 unlfts DW1"9 II> btOuW d~··· IDg!!her .....

Page 39: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

, • ,,.. • PiJl1 ol 0 w,ng ('APl't"llllOlt """"1:lt ~ ll'ttt ~ o/lto «P(Ull(ilfJ

, s ,,,. •• WOl'fl "'°' ~ (0 -- , • ~ OfdWtlt. pm o/ ct 6*'9 up , whtdt h)ftJf'fl ...... I 7 11'¥ u:ntWtU ~OS ~Ill

nnf'(f ~ M YofJnittt/ IO 44 :di Nlill ~ tnirGVIS' ol ~ l("A f#fNWI ... ~ "The: ~('_.....,..,,"""' --h<-/IM""'f ~ ""°'9 '1utfOd' « tM srcrr "'*nm' MWJ'«,,.., -~ ,.~~·-~/flt~ ,,.~ ~ AnlW ~WOid beb'\" h gqp s oims lf tAM ~ #t fM Jft'Vftltt.

• "*"' - , "'°°""" '"'. °""" (OI•• H1 IO ftOMWll wllll".lt't


Use of tngltsh P1rt 2

___ as 10 ha._.. N ,ight to companies havt' pates to sp<>nSOr tl'l• car C20) U$$ Joe's ideas in their products.

Harmon is conftefen1 his cat coutd last (21) V«Y loog tme: •n spite ~a-2). 1he f~t that ifl m.cle from wood. However. yov pn)bebty

wouldn't wcru to ieow the C4• parXOd in the strHt (23) dl'f long "'

WIOltf. Also. rr ih• Cl! caught fl,., COMldtrably (24) of" wouki bl

damaged thnn It tl'l• aame lhlng happened to 1 notmll ¥thte•.

of WOJking and 10 find (19)

Hafmon de11.gned sno butl1 1he ce• for a pro,.ct 11 unjvtfS!'Y 11 wn (17}. hl1 ltu1nuon to ~r1uadt ~pit U\lt wooa ii lhl Dllt ,.,.*91 fOf mak./ng ca11. Instead, ht toys till elms C18) to dtWIOp ntw ways

The hl·tech cftl In 1he plc1ure k>oks llke sometn..no from tne future. Dut n."I 1ctuaUy ju11 made (0) of WOOCf Joe H1r1non. tne min (13). Otvetoped 1no 'Splintor' cai. elllrn1 rt could.,,...., at OV'lf 3ISkM per hour. Harmon carried out tots ot expenments (t.-i) order'° buid as (15) . difft-rent pat1s of Ille car as possibe US#lQ wood. This mcludes tne bOd)'WOfkand ee frame. as (16) . assomecompoMntsof me wheets.

A car called 'Splinter'

Example: @) I 0 I U I TI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

c~ look• lht wotdlbdott M'ld .aer Ud'I gif). ..-.d wy • dtadl!' ~ bid of word you nffd. I you hi* kW\'.- words could fil, wy tKh ~ M'ld see 1Jlillhd'I ..... es ~ seese You ""'nttd (0 ft~ fw wtitimcts bttort #Id ,,..., ,,. .,. \iliohch CIOl'IU!I'\ l'lt "

For questions 13 - 24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There Is an example at me beginning (O).

Write yoor answors IN CAPITAL LEITERS on your answer sheet.

Use of English • Part 2 Test 1 Exam practice

Page 40: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Use of English P•rt l

C Tipl You'I Mtd 10 fOfm d1ff«tn1 l)'Ptt °' WOfds, t.g. noons ~onr - mpOtfOt>C'ft ldjt<lrvtl (C'/fOY - ~J¥0Y(lt.l/eo), yf'tb~ (~ - °"9''""), actwrb> (o<tuol­ «t~ eic,

4 Complete the s~1Hencts with 1 wOt'd termed front the word ln br&ckets. The suft'ixes you need are in exer<ise 3,) Exampl~ For ttiy birthday. I'm going lo a ~.~~{fasl1ion} fl'Staurant.

My best birthday present was a really - .. -(uend) ~ket. 2 I don't pl~y1h.nt game nny 111ore bta1u$t it's so.-····-·- (chlkli l I have a good . ---·-· (relalion}with my brother. 41 He's such a. . .. (chter}person - always ~m11ing and l\o..ppy.

·'1 "1blt -e d "Y ·llA -meu -ky •Ship ·al ·Isl>

Exan1pl1 11>ou9l11 'thougl> bfll\.. 1 drink 6 on gin 2 want ·--·- 7 excite ·-·-·-- 3 obvtous ·-·"'" 8 set I 4 mood 9 friend s hop. ·---··- 10 na11onat ·--··-·--

Useful language Suffixes 3 Add a iuHht lrom the box to the words below to 1nakc anolhC!r wMd.

dil- n1ls· uu lxo.mpte d9U't . d.i649!'..~ .• do 4 unde1st1nd

2 approve , __ ,,,,_ s like 3 behave 6 in.stall ·- --

2 Write the opposite of eese verbs using the prefixes in the box. use efdl prefix twi(e.

Ull- ir- im- in· E,Kampl4! lmpotta111 """"'°'~ 1 P<ltltnt s obit 2 mature ·--··-·- 6 COl(Cct ·--·-·- 3 respo1\11blc 7 Udy ·-- 4 complete --·- 8 retevant ·-·---

Useful language Opposi!es 1 Write the opposite of these adjectives using the prerixts In lhc box. Use

each prerix twice.

In this part yOtJ: • re.td a text \Vllh 10 gaps • form lln "'>prop1i~lf WOfd for tach sap from lht WOid in capi1.t1l ltlttfS Ill

!he end of the hne

Use of English Part 3 Test 1 Training

Page 41: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

1"11 - I 41

r-iib<iiJ twA)Y+ly. ~ riiurt • y • injlM)' ICM + It)' • .af¥ity

u ................ ,

• Now ...... - _,,.,,,the vttl> M!ploy. 1 -(~A penCln v-ho 8iWS you 8 job) 2 (neut• pmon who watks s.omewhere)

3 '""""' • (._iw ...... )

5 - fad,«lJW"".""""'""" ..... job) 6 _ inegw.. odjectNe lo< a penon v.bo doesnl "- a)OO)

9 Choost one « M:lft ol lhlw- YffbS 1nd by to build as ,,....., Mf'ds ts )'OU tin. USof I ...... , DO """' you,

0 corrrpro: I IOf'I • 3djKl ... 1 "'"'- b noun 1111 M<wJ 2 C:Oi"!'lptCttM c ·- 3 Uftl:On'IC)lll!Yvt d novn (a Pf"O'\J • COl'hpirt1t'*f I ,.t~adjtc1~

Useful language Word families 1 look 11 lht - - "°" ,.,, lomi f1<1m U1t ""'1> co ; 11 -

iyp.cl-•--1-WM!s 1··S wldl IYl'f'cl-...i.

Useful langwoge Spelling changes 6 Somft1mes """' ft' ~ chinges whtn )'OU Jdd • ..._to• WOid.

Put Ndi word ..S wfh LUgdl IE:r co make a new word. 1 hilPPV • ~ • 6 sense 1u~ • ~ 2 bet. · r · ful • 7 (Dm~tt • ban • 3 1lcty•lr• • lun•v• 4 natui. • .t • 9 5-un • y •

5 oeeee - iyp. cl - is mming Si sentences 1-S (loo\ - «Li Th<n ~dwm-lht~ '"'"' ol lht- intncbts. Exam.., '"'*do,.. tttp., m.1 o•d wood.ul , oodl..,. > 1 loow P••P'"'Y 1lu< {child) • ti·• bo 1 t of )'Ollt l!t. 2 ,.,.you__ -C<>n 1ha-kendl l It k _~"'°"""that reggae mu~ic Ol!f1l!S "romjatNia.. 4 Whoart~fivour:te_ --f•n)? s wtw.l 15 tfw, ,. 1,h) or. baby elt'phant~

S Don't bur NCO b Anni bec;1use s.he dot'ln't ~)lb ••P music.

Page 42: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

_ .. .,,....,...,,

~ WhM you'• bind.,..,_, fUd ~ ... ~ .,.._.,, llc!iK

p •. ., ......,..,.. d the' ~ind CkJa •I ril ••••·. •;?ror~ t6r ~mud ee pcllt:W (With' all ·tr .. ~t••P'ft•l ~ G..,j tic>"'" Cari - ~ « \olt'l'bl could bt Pil" 1'nSt --~


tnd • wtttt of monty, 1n my~' IN 1)4)

_ ..... r.mte1t--'25t- .onTV. Sfiel'9C9nttylddtd'de91gw'totw

~ll!Olca} - _.c.n· .... ..,.,..,.,.mogm........,

Want to be a teenage model?

I I I I I 111 L

, ........ ~ °""'~"'"""'Ni~ - 11 (.A( .n:'(/!i ~ (lfp .....,_,_ JO M fftf flllWI J'OfK /)l'Of'OS

itrlft1d Jlo.id ~ )W IO "°" 0(1f ~ l'l'W'CrW9 d tt -- J, i!B ~ 1.1!!fa~ ~ ,,_.,,._, JI~ :l"l"~b.rl~ ..,_ JJ ""'111&106 tior £ielt,"'SJ


i,,,'11s* ,_flt.,;..~ - • • • .-'Id OIA 11\11 lilt-.. Yt..l dat'I hwt IO~ ~...ard. ~ JQU .., •• ifl • flP.- mid "" liltollf se: ".l'f'ltt c.,,.,. ~ • flt _,.. M'M nl llt« ~ 01P to ....... ---~-,... ........... ----

For quesllons 25 - 34, read the text below. v.e the WOtd gNeli ln C8?(tats a1 the end of some of the fines ID lom •word tl\at lilt In the gop In tht oame lint There • an example al 11>1 beginning (0)

Wnte )'CU1' answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on your lftlWW thMt.

Use of English • Part 3 Test 1 Exam practice

Page 43: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Test 1 .,,....., I 4J [;.of (1191 ... ,.., •

2 Son'IC' ~'t>s <Mt ee · t t d by tid'ltr .;ttg or to + infil'MllY~ bul thtft • • diange In mQnlf'lg. look .. lflit ~ and. with 1 partner. try to wmtt out the diff~ in me11•19 in "1Ch Pi'f° ot stntt:nas.

Exampf« a I rt 111t11libtr ~ rnygronanv.a. '"'I remtmbtr(now} N f ...wd ha{m uw P""I

b I ruac••butdh>Vdlf ~9fa1'dma. • J rwd«J io 'l'lflf '* W f d"*' r krgtr ., do ..

a rw tn•d 13 aprn tN wn:tcw bt.tl1'1,tuct b I tnt d operq lht ..:ndow buC 11·, \t1tl vtry hot in ktrt

2 a AftttW trli...,. MSSIOI\ VWy"wtrl °"ta pl.iy a prnPf' ""''ch. b 'Thrtt of the ta.,,~ ee pLayircalter the rereeee hid blown M

whistle. 3 a I tpgret to tel 'IOI.I d'iit(Of'JCtn rs ean«'lled.

b I regret tellin& you i;r.e. concert a can~ beclust l'M)W you ..,.. very upset

4 1 H• W<>rVd for .,, to. ll'ld Wn 'toppcrd to Nw. a btwk. b Ht Ntd'5 tO copNvfnC tO maniy-t>rtllk\ clvtlnt the ct.y

5 • Vou nftdto--1>1••• .. ••thyw. b l'ou• pl>olw nllldl dwlfni

I Verbs • ·Ing and to + lnRn•M {rwO ch&np in meaning)

pli<I proml .. dday - """""" """"' """' - ,.. - ••n - a.. ..,.,....,. •'fotd - - ~ + to• intinJtrw

._ lnlf'nd ~nhh

"''""'° pttfct

Useful ling~ ·mg ond to +infinitive 1 Son1e vtfbs lll't fol ed by -;ng «Id totnt •rt folowed by to + in&llbW:. (,... Tht uw ol -ng or1o + .,,,,...,. c

Others an bot folowtcl ~ bod'I -Ing Ind to + lnflf1i~ w\1h no ~ deM lt$1ed In Part 4 in meaning. Write lhew wrbJ t.ndtr' the correct hedi~

In this part you: • rud ti1h1 wntmc:n • rewril• ttw ~ ~ t'-word 1n ci.piul lfttffl se tNt your

&llfM'tn h.- • timllr ITM'il"lti"l-f

Use of English Part 4 Test 1 Training

Page 44: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

44 I T ... 1-

O ~up~ a. make sure" ptf'SOO is OK and has what they need 1 led torwa_! ID '-.._ b chink ol 1n 1dQ °'a pUl-n l CDfftl' up ..o c cl\inr 'rom bt•na a chlld to an adult J tum "I" (.rJ d u-;· ·oo' e.& to an inv1ta:tlon or offer 4 loot it:tO • dYngl' or dMIOP and be(Ome iQlflt,hlnc d1fftttnt

S nm oA d f MTIW" "'iPl)W' 6 put up wf!h 1 bf PC1ted a.bout ~e~mg d\at'1 aoina to Nppen 1 b*-. Jw.~ d h lttfPl Of tolerate somtth1na I •CM1ltOl'lt un~'' I IUl1l dowtn i bf&'n a ;ourney 9 wt ofl j \llif up I h.wt no m~ ol ,_om".'1~""1

~ p., 4 ~ riea: , .... ~··"""'for ..... ' htd fl(pt(Wd " Ill bit • bl hltOrf IO lind °"""":' houw: MUCK • wm tl"lldt frdliet" Nit rd~ '°find Calelk" ~

CTI" r ... -- .. -n:~(t.9.1)1' .. odi ....... """"""' -l lh•llrt~ 1>¥1or• • inhnr.i .. ~

Useful language ~verbs $ MotdlprM -1-10--•19>1-4<.

2 TNt was boOlc rw ner reed J My.,....ob•WUY' - l'OUP' m.-yoyb<a>me. 4 ~...,_is1Dhlld·O'•-- lptik.nglt S JONI ii-- ~ r. cfimbinc - rm ooly a btfmer ' Thi r.im-. 11......,. 1 -Id bo. 1 did"'' i..ush on<t 1 I 'Ht I ddaboul mymatM test- thanlcs for helping me! I f -fl ..- ~ • -ry wett t can af'otd one Mw

"""' bell« tNn W matt di!icult !Nn not_,;, .. Mny H

' aartw•

Usdul langW9e C«r4)ami-m ' Complelt dw ~Witt tht op s.ons tor c.omp.wl«>n in mt box.

J @ O-lht<Drft(l-•""'''"""'-·· 1 thett's no porf'ft ~ /ID 'Miil for hirn atry Songer 2 Somt~Qtlt be bod'lind ~I ro•I~ to W'IOOI. l ft'\ worth Pct r19 / io Jll u ee '""1t becaM you can see a lot betttr. 4 They wttW ~ Nbbllh IWI', wtlc • t wli'lout car1n9 / to cart at 111

~ To.- u.. 0-.11'1 ponlbl< fOltlf /IO 90 thoppong II ••iht 6 Vtt art~ for 1ootir'9 /IO look after the en¥1t0nment.

7 It\ no""',,,_.,/ IO ,W-""" • ta mobilo ..,,~""''""I 8 K ..,_..,..pc1-. <hid<.,, ,,...,,.1.i..1y btm9 /IO bt good 9 My,,.._,,. ....... ffd UO- imd•"9 /ID lmd mt "'°"'I'

1 o Let\ foo.B on ee Nrwe inttllld of Ui1t1.t11ng / co tNiil about the P.' .t 11 I~ to ·-· f"'ff ~I amca;>mleof '°'rig Ito do wtlt iltschool

Page 45: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

.a I don~ hove enough money tor a blrttidey ~nt f0t her. AFFORD I her a birthday pteSenl

41 trs the cap1ai-,·s job to motivate the team. RESPONSIBLE The captain _ __ the tMm

42 Joshua's In a bad mood today, so don' bcthe< to ask to borrow his laptop. POINT Ther&'s _ _ Joshua if you can borrow his laptop as he's In a bad mood today.

11 hfkll ptvmol wt'O """''"' liot d"1t -a~ (cn4( 1"141 l'll!ln fo ~ IP tftontT "')'#lfl

''" hf'lorro IJlf' ~ k'fl )Q'.J ~II~· '111'f'f/rtJ ~ mf wm "'" .,.,, , i: '""Jl'I lk mrr4J OOrw1r wurJ am.:.,.' ~ Jl.'Ofd t'l'.l'llf'f I~ lf('fJrJ¥-"""""",I" 9 f# 11 kJN« rnr fO TM r-11 tt ,"'1tltf( ytl(f) tJrlo'r (tllorrt And which ....ti form~ aflord,

fJ 1:'1111$ an,.,,,.,.~~" 'flf'O"I lrJ rut "'°'111 ·or ti~ not ll good itlPO. ~ trf'IJ<N'P ,tJlrMl\poMt I/I /fll\ C'~,)

_Collum Max••

35 Jonny hes no •ntentlon ol joining the tiookey toom. INTEND J"""Y - tht hOekey team

3e CDt ""' Muoi· che- tMn they ut9d to be. NEARLY COs 11t not 01 tt>oy used to bt.

37 'rm .. .,...,now ond t cen look otter mytell,' sold Holly. CARE Hotly Mid thll she could now that tht'I 1lxtotn.

38 Plpp.'1 ""'""" had plennld to visit Osnmml< \hot year but In tilt end they ""''od Ponugal !llstttd GOING lnalttd Denmark this year, In tilt tnd Pippa's po>rents ... tad Portugal.

39 Callum doesn't run as fas1 as Max.. FASTER

w.tte only the missing woros IN CAPITAL LETTERS on your antwor shHt.

For questiOns 35- (2, complete ttie second sentence so that it h.ae: a sirnilar meaning to the first sentence. using the word given. Oo not change th• word g.lven. You must use between two and five words, onclldtng lhe word given Here '' an example (0).


O Our IChc)oj sports dey ls hold at the on(I ol the summer term. PLACE Our tchool lP()rtl day - .. at the end of the aummlf' term.

The gap can be I lied by the WOfds 'tol<os place', so you writo:

Use of English • Part 4 Test 1 Exam practice

Page 46: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

46 I T"t 1 11-alrq

A ptaud th1t 11 wtnt JO well a g:ratefiJl for h.s brother's help c tel1twd lh.lt ts All OVf(

A IO <ti hom wNUht~......, dOl"I B tothankhunf0twmethlng C to1f'l\l'l1thlm1oa.o~

A o.\ I bus 8 In. boOhhop C at hcwne


B 11Mp u.sistant C aman&gtf

We'l evf'l'VOC!I! 10lid nit "1r Plf!y was I grte& ,uccrss, tMJt rm no·~· I mnn m, broth« offtred to be .,..~d tlW ~but:~ iw _, and pbo!<d _,. ml:"f...W "'4 Still at , • .., , _, bo _, _ parlY tor. w1'lt now I W'~ redy ~ befOff f'o'9YQT1t

an1vtd. kl bt hone£!

4 You - a bo'l IAb>C - '*-' boMdor pony How does hf ff'tl abOUt t l"JOllJll'?

3 You nw a fl' c:ailod Sophea5rc • ~ Whyb Soplll< "'"'I"""'

HI. Mo otl Sopt.< t&-11d h) A'/ 1 "'4 a great ttm~ toC.ly Ind I~~ all VOUf htlp Wt ""ust mHI lo;) lpl."l la:Of'! """'°' 11 :he~c.aJC

Hl low,.IG""s""..i1' bouJhlapa>tbool from i.Nt new stort 111 XM1\ Then on thrwty ~on'.<' I rt.ili1td '' wrm ant 1'0'fd 1 rndy ltm me' 5o ri: g~gtotiMd'lis or-.e ~ totbP boo~fotiop r~onl'!TYW"f.,_.1"CM' rwpt got on~ buS. "you~ n town. do .,OU..,.,.., to ll'f'fl up SOfT'lll'Wi'wR?Gl mt

2 You hear a 1111 a~ a~ a thoppitt trip.

~· 1$ $he l"IOW?

Ttii'I mWc shop''I t>ttn ~ fO( yea:"S - so r.rr d.id "'"' - ... ""'""" wd IOCOOW he« wtltt". he w:t<; .,ot¥1gotf io bJ!( bis t'PC:Oftk_ Yy

b04'" YffY •Cl "'""'~· r.v. '-' 1'<t• on Satu~d.lys to t1m m\'K\'f some ~for 1 newb•~I

t R•ld th ... ~ ol m '';' d- ...-,. •nd ._-d"'ll extracts. for NCh qursbCll'\ <hooM: tht o:im<l ~ from the lhrH options. Und<.tinf ft-., lho-thM 11M )IOU ft • .-. 1 You liear$0meonf talbngabol.t&muli<. "'°P-

Who I> tho~l

cTlpl took art1urt •t ee opCionl" ttCh QuPVi"WI. IO.,._.,_ ~n~lhan..

In this part you: • llsttn 1ca ..;1 lhor1 r«D1 .. i-o, 'widt lld'ff ont Of MO peoP't spe1lun1 • answer a mu t:ple-choi«'~ wcth chree ~for ffdt r'tCIOrdlng

• h•at tM:h rlfCDl'dinc iwli:r

Listening Part 1

Page 47: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Test 1 'ft"eil'q I 47 Lht 1 •ISi P.-1 1

C Tip! lot* carff\llty • the quHtlora. This Ids )'O.I ""1o d ialking ..W eltldf -Nhll infom.K.ion )'OU are listening


2 Look It the- options bdow. A boy is comp.mg two bicydes.

""'' - ""Y' ... """ of - "'' Ol)tions? OX10M thrt (Otf'f(t amwer for Midi ant A an NS•« IO ridt •

I} In noc to dl1'ia. h lltl ride.. 111 ltt ~ d1ITla,,lt to ridt

I 11 ~ rni.Kfl f <11tjlot •

ij "' tpood " ""' ... aood Ii) ~W'I Solt I hit(h« (PH'(I C tt\ ft\Of'e comlorttble •

I) lt'J better llO s1ton Ind 11dt. ii} Ifs not IS ~ to lit Or'! .t '1(f nut.

) ~ Now I...., "' the rocording and ..,,_the question b<low You hear ~ bo'f COITlp;uing hts new tMtt with his dd CJnl!.

W'::at !So tus opfn«:1n of the ~ bi~ ccwr pared With ee okt one 1 A lt1~10~ a J~ much tti\tef'. C !f's more CDl'T'l~

~IS h correct .,,.,wtt? Why are cMottlf' rwo WfOnil

C The cinema whtfll! It WiS shown was coo crowded.

A Tht lllm .s wo tona I The mtAK 1n the film was ee okl-WhiOncd.

s Youhnr•rlph0f11"1a fntnd~t• flrn ~b<>l"itttn. Vt'llli.t dOC'$ Cht prl • .,.. with h« friand .tl)oiJt'

HI.~ ~ JUA ~ to 1hl one-mi to • lN~ t•lm ~ reccmm.ndtd It w;u 1neat. but rm sttrprlWd 'tOJ tnoucf'lt M we:n~ on 1bot..-fkit1 W11 ;&.It OWlf ~r too SOOl'I! A,,d of COU~ there -. load\ of_,, lt>ott,ju<t "youd «Id bot that JUSI adc.tM to U'(' armospten~ for n'lt1 You-·,,.,,. Olbout the - bard 1h.u P'a'l'd in the film. thoupl. They looked as if they were ,.,...,,, .,., of ee 7<ls • j\l<t didnl g.> wtth ee ilm .u'llf.

Page 48: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


f Timi: lry IO 1M fir "1t ll:rT*'D II:. .,.. ~,,,, _ ............. _ to d'IKk 'JOI ...,,.,

You- a girl 111klng to hor'"""' IDOUl a lV POii'""'"" thty both aaw What was aht ourp<l&ed 8bout7 A H featuned someone lhty boll> "'-· B It included a topic they've bo:h i-. studyWlg. c It was filmed close to where they both liYe.



6 Yau 1- !WO fri<>nds talking about st.ting at O reo<rt What do they agree about7 A The wave& there aren't very big 8 Thore are too many peoi>lo. c There tren't enough oompat1ho•L You i- a bOy tallong aboul a loctball matcll lhal hoO f8'0Untt leam played In wtw." is his opinion of the "'~ they played? A They Wet9 lucky to win the mr.ch. 8 They '""'sod a lot at ohMOts to seen. C Tho)' """" baUar than 1l1a - ...,,_

s Wlllf dG h r1 tw:«t ..., M< OW!J r:vrl/'ll't9' t>c ~ ,,...,,. """"'

' Wl&n' 11 llr Da'C ..... ...,. ... dll' ~ __ ,.won! t'MJll', Hid hi I W Jl'Oll ~~ ..... :tt»'

~pl ~ "' NCh ~ blgl'll.,.., .... ..,,,..,.,._ ... _


Ii)~""" .. I - paol)il talking In oogM "'" ..... ~·~-· forqe!..,.1-8 cllooatlhabelt .,,._,,. BorC••

Ustening • Part 1 Test 1 Exa1n practice

1 You he<lr someone lntroduc•ng a sdlOOI smw lhal Is abO.JI to start. Who lo g..,,ng tne lntroducbcln7 A aat\ld"'1t I a t-ller

c ·-t 2 Yau lleat two students wlkmg abo<Jl a tnp they .. golr>g on tomorTOW.

Whef'e are they going? A toaoty B toalolesl c to""' ccest

3 Yau heot a gorl PhOn•ng hot old•r-. Why • she phoolng? A to lllll hrn oom• good news 8 to ask him a favour c to complain about so~thing

4 ""' ~a 111an ~onttng a "''"' pob\j' •11•• oboul a pop bend. w.....1111tnow7 A in a rwcord1ng studio B In a hotel c st a music: lestlval You heot a girl wllong to a triend llbovt l>er - lhal has been In an exhibhloo. 11ow doel ah feel 8bout her palobng? A ao""Y'l(l tbo<Jt mlawkea n ,,_ 8 "'lloved ltlAI people Mft ~ .,.,.., rt c d<llppO!ntod al tho"'""''°" ti go!

Page 49: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

j&meS "!"he rwc:en~ pU;ed ~a IOUmllnft'll th.II toolc place at die cl __._I _1_,1 :in hts town

b t'?\~ .....,. to IM •«Ol_.19 ..t conipkle the stnttnce.

One 1N-~ I donl mjoi, to ll'lldt. ~ k Whtl'I .,,. ~ rmite:l'ln aa:alnst othff' Khools and km of cf)K'WOt'I art thm t ••c. That,,... •• ,,,... a bit MnoouJ • 1111wt1Urt pl~ng, al'lyway. My ptr~u try to COtM,,,. n'luch u ~ un • mymi.m\llwwirrs ~ wilh my~ttt. My fathtr •l'htly1 worb la1e and so can' malt 1l 1'1d MV btothff IJ hey 11 ~IOI~ t~ him to come~ but thtn at a. tflaJly btc m.tlchooe ewnin11 lookttd up1nd ~

wn.. Sl'ttfll.,_,~mtl ·I was f.tntlStld:_ __,

b ~ lJSun ao dw 1E<Glli19 MMJ complde the tnf~rion •bout ....... -· tlmily UIWly .......... ho pt.ys ""Idles. hd t.:."'tJ' t.s. moct'l'f his sister__ his brother-·--- 'h'hdl word rs used IO anirodoce cht ccntrast1,.1nfQf'maOC>n about Jamt'S's brother wt11ch gtveS us tht aMWer?

(Tip! You l'f\a)' haw 10 Mt1t one, MO « la You are going to l:sun to 1lrnts talking about ptaying in a toumemtnt. ltT'tc words Si ll1f' 9IP. They thou1ld

kkn )'OU mam.. b* • che gap in the seruna below. What kind of be ee Arne wordJ as you hear" M01'migl;<ll? ... _

la C- ft ,_,-.9 ta1>< - MCI 0- - 11 qut<tlon 10 •bOut Ill• MWI ~of dM teczcli+ &tfOl"I ~ llt«i. think of two or thtte ....-- .. ""' .. " ilw _ .. 1hooi - <ht rocordlng ialpt MCI ......... IN you die --

)Arflbwu ~ 1owt.-( I 10 jll.l'nOfl& th• spect.11tort at 1 ma1rh rf<-('f'IU)'

rve ~ 1 lcx d spon M khool om the p.ast tw0 yt•rs. mostly r\Jf}:!y -· I've been In the trlm for~- My t~ Y¥' rm l"f'•'r FOCI at ...._ too. 8ut rve ~ sraned c>liyu'll ba~ketbatt wt\lch is a new sport for mrt and I'm ~JN::~ tbM\ ~ ttsf> ,...1 ""1N 'cos I rNl$y f'ftjoy It more, to bf hone«. rm iUt~ 111 ptel up ""f ocNr

_.. .... _,, .... :.;;:.:•~----------

(Tr.;l Se urtll l'llWI' )Vl.f~ If.I~ llllf the ....... ~ 'Yau""" hNr ~ plfl(ft ol l"l'oi+ ...... lh"I -.Ml lkt' ee .... .,..,. )QI

need. but Ihm """ odf bf' °"" ICIM ltllt Ms lht SMt(\"ll'f'

1 • Ae4ld ~ qi • 9 below and lht tll.ttlCI from the rttotding script in &.ttme lb.~ ....... 1es d\t "' Vou..a helf' • boraliJef Joll"""" tMng ~spans at~

James ~ INt • ee rTlOml'f'll 1 j 9 ~ is the sport he

~most t!llWOl"I at school

b Uudalilw die p111 of the tecuci11g sa1)t that contains the- irtSwtr. ~t odwr" sports does Jmm menban? ~ M'ftlt they the correct M'lswtr1

.. ""' ""' '"'" • ,....,_ toa~Wllhor111ormotef.POlc:!l'l.

• write down wordl from 1"4' mordlnt to COl"'lplttt ~t~

• hear h .-.-ers in ee wrr• order as In ttw recording.

Listening Part 2 Test 1 Training

Page 50: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Lllt ..... -2 SO I Tfll I !MM...-

II ~w~o.,,.,_.~ r~.,,,."'91$

11~-.._..~ MifM:ll (ll'1I" • lllOft J.l'.t_~ It) t. ~Oalx:&(fl:dJ

IS~fl~<rt ll"lrJ; ~ IV'w1I tlllf'l' &MM R~~O/lftC~ ~ fO ll'llP ICWICl"..oy'

I tjiiiip

__ _.J!il_1a_, - t!wr come 10"'" llflCIUlly.

L.otna•'OQll 1 tnali..In;•L ~------I!ZJ 11.,,.~-*3t>ol.o• 'lyholpl\,jlorl!.

loma IOCOO\iEOCI$ & ~ -c ._ _.l_ill;,,,J &I I good plaCe 10-

ON-· - a....., - ""by ..... ._I __.1_•5;,,,J] '"""" - NCUld

loma was euri:>tlMd :o r..11wt. W.. hor, - aro koen on tolmQ

L.otno 1wn1 met .~., a - o1 oN'( ( I 11 / a _., .- ,... to 1oo1< tor Ill °"" ._ L.otnamenuonstt'Gt [ EOJ 1001i.ono11w ..... 1or.,,.coma•-

L.otno ""'"I to ttw Nl1Cl!.""Y wt:ll '*' I [!]

Trip to 11141 lffl IMCt'*Y

I not ...., ,,._,, .........

~,... ~ h nb'cand lliestnl"1c.a, •la N ~IO'** ..... _.,_. Wnd ol ... 41..:11• JGU"N.,,....,,

£!.le!I You will h ... •-........., ...rna Mvto• gMng 11&11< ID lw dasS llb<loJI ""'Iii> IO & - Mne!Ulry. for -tiaw e-1e, eo~• t!MI 011hi10M.

Listening • Part 2 Test 1 Exan1 practice

Page 51: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

T.t1~ I St

a j'l'ioo·--10-1""""9-. .... ..,,.--<idho,...l,... __ ..,.,. .... ab<M •> 0-"""" oprlons A·f "1 l:wOw :Z.. WhM - ho ,.yl '*""_," ee _ .... Does htt.de ltwwmtwordl• thtopdon « ......... wonkf "'···=~clllftrllword\

\ T.. Oc:l'll eeese .. ..-...er ...,. )'QU ~~toftcu•;'t'I~ emact 'bot ml1 heir i1611~ ~JO.l ... fSl!"'f~ ... -d ........ "" ftT'I ,.... "''NI ~ wbith a:ime lllfle'.

1-.... ~ INtmybro<l>erpwmosorno......,.to-"'• htdot<nl normally

2 I waved to that l)e'lOrl bec:a.M 1 lf'loulht A was'"" fntnd - t:IUll d w.asn1 llol:VOf"( - I ) Wt....,..,, - ........... _told"' .... ""'_ ... - bt"f'r\ ~IV toot1"1 bwlrd to it

4 My .1~ bolTOwvd ""T·shlrt ~ ask"'nw. so 1 m1 •bl bull :almtddown&ndro.i-hoflwrl

S My btuthtt'l a.ch I iood foorb•1Vf thlt.,... row WIS N'd K'Ott k)adf, °'pis•""'..,.,,, u. tNldt '°'hit Ihm

6 I w.u really . ~ tl""f wd tht' mMd'I WM QnC.eled. as n W'tS

pouri"'C with rain Ol.ltSldt

+ Q:d JuJ p «Cl "°' iide.

- ""'Y lt19c!lkd 'lhoO<.td

tn this part you: • hi., f't'fd4fti"entpecpliP~"1flbout'*-dttw..p

• maiKh wt-.ai they S1Y '"1h °""' d Px pPOOnl

I Thao~ dKOll>t """"°'-,,. °""*'" .... ,.,.._ - Wl4h ~ frOfn lht boa. Scw:w&a1ci "*'"*"one.....,. .. ,._...

Ustening Part 3 Test 1 Training

h ~ ........ to Linds<oy t-.g ab<M .... .,. __ <id tt ltd .t>out it?

A bo«d-of .... it<>pof I B d••ppo.nlfd by ""° """"' c lmP<l'Uod by1ho ""°" ~" D ~ltYtd ~ YM11 happened 10 thf "*" IClor

E ""'~~1111'1«~ F womf'dcha1thf.hldnl~it~

b look M ~ tilt ansiM'I" COl"f'IH., N •«XW"'og IOipt bt1ctw- ~ other opbOnl 4lboYt wt Ibo illltfitiow:d? \\t')' ~ d.y wrong)

r, went ;owe lhe film with my besl fuencl Shtsald 4 .alp'' eel tobt fatSQsbc- •d hadpOl f't'V'\eiM&r.: •"the magwnes. apporenlly 1 ... olways• bilcooa" <d ...,.,,... a:!Yt..,_., t ........ ....i uo fl"t'llng d6a??Oflled • •t's ~IS p>dn hy'w Sid. Anyway I neeclnt t...W01'1"1fd. 1 bntutic- a. b&t '°" bul gr1111 And "WW''"" etntt w'll.trd ~.i.8_~~ wd (jtn~ k!(i~ lV'ni..

~ but•lJll ~'~ OUl.,,__,_i '":.!-=::;::;~::;-:::::~-----------------

Page 52: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

E I discovered different things to do lnrn - rd expocled.

f I was worried at>out !>ow wo·d ~ 10 tn1 -

o • wns d1M1ppolnted by the ect1·...t• on on..


e t wu glad I gol to make new r-.

A I enjoyed getting to ~..ch up on my telatfves • tJeWS. \1"'~-- ~~-···-­ may l'T'll't'*W'I ,...,.. Nn ont' ~ lrOm .. .., d ~ Oon1 0"°°5lt., cipcoi .... DK.oMt ... ~ .... lOf"lf d ft ...

1\0l"OI •on""~ .. yQU IT'_.~ ID ... --

1 T... °""" h - =-- ... - --­ ~..,,~Vf".

C I Wll 1orpristKI al 1111 1mo'"" ot IC>IC<l In ttl• t\OU~•.

I T1pol ....i .,.__. ,,,. .- "'"'"""""",.. ..._ lhl<!J1, to li'lal yoo knClw wt\11 #'tr .. PfCIPlil" ..

~ t.tlklinSI ab0\11 ~.., d'lrot-ah !ht ... ol °"''°"" ... "'*'...,. __.. kf'IOWy,l\lil !I'll' d!f""""'" •re btMrln lllftl\ t.;ldMnr ll'lf ~ ("/ ¥oonk ., tl'lfl' "°" .... "' -·

f.'i 10 You .,,11 hear live~ ta1111>g""""' r...,ay vipa 10 11.Y1n 1 hO<Jll by a lakt. for Q\Jll"°"' II - Z' .,_ ...,.,, tnl Ill (A - F) Whal oacll -·· 11'/S -- ~ lrlp. UM eoeh tettor only once. Thete Is one .,.-w a.t?s which you dO not need to uoe.

listening • Part 3 Test 1 Exa1n practice

Page 53: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

........ P#t'.4

2e Look• aw. e:G1•4* 1rum ~ i11m MW with Maria,• keen volltyMI ptiyer On ee tJllln ,,.,.... you Wit 1tw WOl'ds.: Why<fid MaN deoditto l!'-"t-t.1~VQlleyb.11J for a Yhlile? A t-fe' p.uen::s ~ hef" d\11 It Wti a good 1de.t. 8 !ief" sead1l!n warned heir dvt she was mis!>1ng coo mud\ &choolwork C Her cod ~her ttwt sN shou>d rest ~ lnJutOO If&. IM IN._,,..,.'°" - . .>

So ...... UQ.ICtl you~ SO «ood 1'1l VOlt-y0,1!1, )'~U 't'i.lP~ ~),MC.f.Otl. ~~Wlllf'\lf)

Wiii. (d ~ rrtf 1q m OM mttrt\, IO l'!lf COllC.'1 w.t) I biC WOfntd .. lhenhl CC) uw 1 wa,fnt. so he was happy to~!ttQ,p11y'!!& CAJ ~ P'Hlftf'\ d:!1f'I~ P...JL~ w~y. tho1.11h theywl!'r• (One~ Nt I wu_ ~~ ~ !)lrit, wJtn.altv I hS!tfl~ to tN-m. I was wd. thot.tJ'h '8J ~l u thouch mv te1ctier~ \li'f"rl" \1r.hi1ppyw1th how I wu.m&.11 ~ g &.t I Glf\ see flow rt was the oght Lh•~ to <IO. a1'd rM bid: .,~;opnl

bdmplc l llmt fll't.Jl:raM hcrirT ca cool dnnlc 111 the ga!den when wt get ho~• , . ._.,t l M-t rwwwcdl-.. t ••~ but IN s;trtp's •ready (.tf!t'n ~1· 2 nw .... al. ee t!m-. ralto( pnrdld.lble,..., my opnlon. l 'Go OI\ romt.,...,,, ~ID IN dftNN • you11 aovt It You Wtll? Grutl • Thi>""'*,.,........., II,.,,...,.,. -dod you do 111 5 'Tm noc. wrt I_. lhM. T~ n- lhfl one·~ much nlCWI"' ' 1l dt8ilt!ll .. .a1fl\ N 11\.lt brob lt'lit Wt,,dow' 7 'You~ mmr to trw p.1t1)' -Mm me I Uin't ~slbly go on my ~i· t t I -wrt 'f'OU. r'4~yOUf'"1~ )'Cl'l'tt hl'w•l'll p1obarms with your hom~tk.·

c T1pt 1bt WCltlt ~ be'(w 1 .. ........ Wlfid tD ~ .. """""~ IOiiLtOIM "-1. lbcli .. .,,,., ... ,~.,. ..... - r>J)ialn p1tr'l.'I 1.h1ea!en Otd« _,, """' """"""' react admire

"-« ,.., •clrM convinct pcrsu.ocl< - hoghOght apprOVl" """' """"'.,.,. ~

1 Work wwt. • pr.nnrer. ~ wrl> from 1ht boJc 'um"""1-stt wNIC ttch penon • MYW'I "'tht ~" ~1 Undttflne 1ny ktywotcts cNc ,,...,,.,.._

In this put you: • Jkten IO• 'ecordlnc .+«ti can havt Otlf I)( mOf• speak en, ta,tJf'I aboilt ttvN mirl!.t.n

Listening Part 4 Test 1 Training

Page 54: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

L ....... l'wt4

cllpf ~-""'11~'" ,.,, ""_ ... ""' ~ Oirct JQU' ...nan ll'w ....- ~ M'd Ill.,, .,,,. ...., you IPtbf!d fW .._ I,.,... .. NIUWr\ ~ ~.blink.

""' ....... ,~~ ...... ~ht -=....,.. ... Mori<

• .,. ...,, ~ .. ""' ·"*'" D:k1I ..ta 6 talDIQ..., ld\lt fwy •• ~ ltia.L ___ ..... _ .... ~ ~ W'dtth.., Illy' ... tO ... ~ iu.. ~ )llaj"N ~ ...

'"'"'' ,. (it' .,. ~ JI rdWJI. Git dd ,.. ~ I' Md dd .... W'fiilo l!'Jwf ~ -

S4 I-·-- A IO~ ..,..,,. °""' PIOPI loclilV wtlO Ille .....,, jugging • 1Dgo1D1ll)edllc:lns10fto>-hit~- c to- I fuP1g QA> 11 ,_ _

30 Whir.ii tonn i111+? pllrt?

24 Tom-nelnl-..••-lnjugglng..­ A ho.,...-._,IOllyltJrllie- 1 ho wn lll<M to - I gl..a dlPay ol >I. C ho-••. UtolbJ•-

25 Tom-lhlltl11w19lg11>Wt'OnQ""*'"""P>-lQ.ho

------- ---

C:iYIJ _ _. _ .,-·~• 1>oyca::.i rom 0--.. wno lo wry good• jugging fll•""''" -Olljocts..., tt>e • ............ u..enc1cm:i•ig~ F0tqo-al·3ll -llell.-- A lcrC'

Ustenlng • P•rt 4 Test 1 Ex•m practice

A IO\Wt4J,_,lb~'ClCOT$'1 'f I b«:o•• maN o.ta Hli wd IO Ol'l lhng3 • e ......, ,... ... .-i o1 '-"*'a• cllllal! .._

21 Why-Tom~ -- 00~ ObfeC!S 10 P'9ClAe will>? A Thlf,. CO ...... c ID...,_ • Tlloy ,. - .. buy c Thlfie- lO CO!:b,

Z1 --Tom•oe -ho'a ,,_,,. _.,.luggltlg _ •bslChoal? A Ho-proudlNlll"°l'"tetoi"f)I I od .... -.. • .._,,._. • .. 1n.,...,.o1 ....... C Ho'llOODUOyCCICillOfltlilQIDnalic»ino;tt-L

21 Tom - lie ll.- l!*ig ec'l l-«J w<l:'I IW ~ oo r. •""' A ho'a lll!l od In lno loal - I ho'l laq.l t IO 1'111--- C ho'a-....,,.wrydiflot!"'<lo&.

21 --Tom-poopewtlO wwt lDlly~

A -I"'" bodr- 1 ~,.,., flot ... c Hald ,.,., ...... OUl

Page 55: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Test 1 'n"ail'lint I SS

( 'T1pt T~ ~•mlnm · ..,... ii eo err•• • l'llfrldty ill'1'1asphc.-c, iO '"*' ll'ld clori't bt n~ '"' 1 QU("ll0n5 art about ~Y l•f• W*lilCh tnNl'IS yQU Wit about~

You and you~ partr'll"f will wait ootsKle the exam room. Someotie (e.1 a teacher)wtli 1iveyoua piece of p;IP<'f wh~h Is rou•{l) • aod which NS rour (2) onll

Useful langu• Giving full answen 2 l1ck (IJ the btst 1t11WM. Puc• mKS (11 w"""""" dwt 1tt noc '°

good You an tick mott thin one,,.,,.,, I'°" k What's your name? 1 rm Ann• M'1bn. c.J 2 AMo.[j 3 ...,....,.,., ..,..,. MM<>n. 0 Where are you from? 4 Spam.I S I Q)'Tlf' from S~1n - from Madnd. N~1 city :J 6 Well lwuborntn~ndblAnowlMin~~

What do you i•k• about lw~ lher9t 1 1",qii1•'""mAll•r-.cttwf)'OM~mcftoctwr10thltt:.•fnrndtva~.o 8 It'( ntw1 bol'Jnl beic-1\M th«t\ b\ 10 do In,,,, oty. M..d llS lhopplftC, dO•nt 1PQl'1\,

10 n1 to me cl1*ftl C P The PfOplf """"'"'· <hop<. -II. "'Y ,._ C...::

10 What I 11te b~ about ttus cny IS a has ft bl!5l food In tlw wtwM <OUt 1ry 0

l'he fi<St tum• ner ask$ you for your names, {S) jou r ma;ic'l>htt-1' and then asks you quesUOM abOUI younelves for about three mir\ut~ The Heond tutamlner w ii till '" )'O'•t m"lalMt~ bu< ho/•ht (6) aslc you anv qUt)bons

., tN- room. Tht first fQrYl ntr w1fl .. '°" k)"' down. Yr' 'Good (•) 1-.-.1 ....... n,; Ind k... I "' - #'<! hill .... ...,.._

Understanding the task 1 Complt't~ ttlO st1•ter1Cld Mtl1 wonil lrom &ht boa.

In lhls part you: • talk toan l!"Ominer • aniwer questJl)J'tS about yourself and J(IUr" ~.e.g. your nAmie, school. interests and

fvturt pluls

Speaking Part 1 Test 1 Training

Page 56: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

I SpMklng '"" 1


J HI_,'-,._.

• Whal dO ycu Ol10Y doitlg .~ .. ecnool?

• - "" ""' _.., l>Ol -- • How "'1 ycu-"' IN nut IChool holidoy?

• - .... It/too - ""' tl<o "'•iolt ., ""' - --·--)Ob dO ycu tq)o lo dO - ""' - -

~t.oai. fir..,.... ........ 1 Work with a ~ l K8 ·· . 1 .., ,, ~ •ri · 81'1$Wer t~ qolL.aon.. .._ unl'Urr., I'll~

Alti; Chi ..,.(nS in.,,, cro.r: 0.1 Oft....., IOQIJtSbOnl

~ ......... "" hrt t I IN'U-. C5 mft.8111 lar WolAPI ol thrte) ~-----.....,.. ...., .. ..n:i IV!lnl

I 1ntet1ocutor Fntol-;;:- ,...d Utt"'~""'" eo1--.g ,_, JCU. • --ycu- • What dO ycu Ille oboo1 llvlng 1tiero?

• --.JQl-Mlject II-~ ·--,...-· .... ? • Do ycu 001 muCll loo•ro _., __ CIO ycu do 117

• Do ycu dO..., -?- dO )'OU .... oboul iw.r.?

Speaking • Part 1 Test 1 Exa111 practice

1 I lovt "'Y kM7' _C\nN'"dwbllct\, lht ww;>,1-.r\oltm_,.. and UWty:

2 I en1CJY most dljea:l. - """" aT I few I doll l f'l'°'1 to much. - tndll ) l~1k81cMo1 _ l"fepbbdfneflds 1htrtsafWays101•co•to~lll

• My- .... ·~-- - C>"tdo""5 .. l-10dom; horn~ I lib frsleq. tQ trMC Mid mH'tlnt my fnends '" IOwn.

' "" ...... gllr .t U ...-er ID f'lr \..:..::.: ..--.. Oonl llnt rtpty Vt'I Of

'RI'- 9) IO IN *9 ~ lf1lf .. ftlllOf'S b ,a# ~

i.uch •" I &t D«.ilel: to and ~ Al ~ 11 Nt t..c 1lY: ~ 6 but t1f~t'M

Useful langulge l.n.ing )'Ol.l" idNs loge!htr

4 Compl.,• tht -• - - lnlm tht box.

nW>d - Sony .-

1 ~ -""' ..,.,.., --1 2 I didn1 'illN.t "°" u.d J -*lycu .....,.....,,

Usefl.d language Aslong ~ eumOi<r to rtpeal the question l Compl"'~ ~ ~ Wlld'I WOfdJ lrom Ehl' box.

Page 57: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

- 1 "Ttoln0'9 I S1 s, ...... ,.,. 1

emns Ill I ,..uun.nt 2 1 thlrk bf'll~ to cat In a mt.lur11nt btitause tl'wfooch nk« lh«9 ) Jbt ~would bf - beaUM It W04.old ~fun to coofr you!' Olill"I food.

ri:i" Vou dCln~ M!lf ~fellow.up '-:.::... ~ to' I wry imponanl k'

"-"'~ 90 ..... ~mtW!

1 I woutd YV that

Useful language An$Wering t~ follow-up question I Coo I ;pltlt lht K'fltmttl with phta\c'J from tM ~

2 8o:h groups of people -·-be ce!ebratina a spec:ial f'lff'!I J f<w t:Qmplit, it's someone). birthday or the end ot rie;r eams.. 4 ThP people at me barbecue are ca14.l.l. fy dreued and thty l'llCn ma.d m..i

~ Wnily 11 the restauran.t, who are we.arlns o;ma~er <lothes

Useful language Talking about similarities and diffeteoces 2 t.ool< pt-. A ond B on po~ C 1, then co.,.,.... Ill< sm1ence '""1 words lrom !ho box.

- look/....,, pe< .. P<lmaybt couldin-..jlt

-•1s) to ~ Plftl'W"' ~t doti.n't

(6] - "'"'" Studel't A findhes. ee euminer asks SMent 8 • quesbOn .about Student As pbcrcs

S.uden1 A should iallt .ibout {l)-.. a"CI ........ , ... betwttn the pho<o< [>.,Mg d>s time Student A a.1so a~ a {4) wruch ._.,.en !ho task sheet

The lint eu'fll.neir .,...es Slvden1 A a baoOletwhchshows{1)_ --­ photos. Student A has to ta.lk about

- pt.o<os ""obaut (2) - -

U~thetask 1 Complele h wntf"'lm w1tti words from the box.

, ........ _ • t&llc abol.i• 1wo pholM on y0ur own • ~your phot'Jt and answtr ~ quinl1on al»Jt th«n • ....,. I W)114uf'(Uon l~l 'fC)Ut P.'l'\nf'f., phofOJ

Speaking Part 2 Test 1 Training

Page 58: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

LT1n1 'T!l'nt 'tf#WM •we to-1Dr19 .,o.i ~~b TNl•P.JO't"'

ldet ol tlQW ,..., ... ,.. al'

"""bon In .. d'dt..


lntetlocutor Now, /Qllddo'- 8). hero ""'your ph0tog'11Ph1 on page C4. Tho\'"- people on holldoy I'd Ike you IO ""'"'*9 tl10 photC)!ll'tll)ho. and My wtiy you think thO poopi. '"' on)oylng !Mir holldoyo ~llN. wNch of lhOM pf .... -you pte10< to Yloll?

'~utor (CSl;;;;;;-;;;;;,.~AJ.ALlk;;'s;your;;;;tu;;;;;m~lflrsl Here .,., your

I p11ctog1"""5 on poge C3. They show people ptayong musicallnslrun*lt .. I'd Rks you IO .,.,.,_. l'1e pliotograpl!S. and SZf how the people In these situations mlgllt be leolS>g

(candde"' 81 which mus~I in- -­ like to•- -ulug to play?


""'°""'note with a pe11:iw on ti .... two tukt. Thin <:hOOM one tMk ooch 111d Ullk about •t lor one "'"'°'"·

Speaking • P.irt 2 Test 1 Exa111 practice

C ~ Don't'"~.,_,..... n Plrt . 2. lisbM llO'flllhil~ '*8W"""' - lfflWff !ht,,......,~ at IN: tnd d ytJ/il p!llW'fi un

S ~ Cristina and Marto .-e two stUdents living ln lht: UIC.. l.istltn to them t8'1<ing about the pholos. .,_, tidt (.I) the-,,"',. 1·: "'1run Exen:iSH 2 and 3 1Nl dwy use.

6 i"i*'• 1 _y Liitm tgain. 'M* dollllln ""'I othtt" expttWons WC" nooct hil woutct be useful for ~ t ' ig hn 1 Cotnpire yow notes wch • p111ntf.

~" 0on·1 ll'Y to *tOllif..,.,, .... \..:..: k.ril Sly~ ii.,......,~

~ ee phca. ..... ...,,.. 1'11' (ll.l~ lb:Jr;Jt lfWIT\ Jotnwntlel to 9'W 'fO'J ,..,.

i::..:..= Focus lnS1ructions 4 l.oolt at the txMn ln5trvcb019 betow and phOtos A •nd 8 on pegit a.

• Whit two di np doftGatddli~ A. hi ... ~ to do7 b W'\.11 dOh C•ndida I hM to do? Mlkt notes •bout wh.M you WO&M uy about the pnocoe. l7(i"nd;;;;;;;A),tsyour.;;;;ln1.Hn•~,.,-you-r-pho-~---~- . .,_ I I people end enlrNfa.

I I'd l•k• you to compin tr. photog<ll)h•. and say wtiy - people might onJoy their Jobi /Candidate 8). wl>ieh ol these Job• do you think - be more dlflicull? .

Page 59: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

~eel .. pol'-'-rel_._y -t, Ac_,_'"'"1_.._

I h"1t yo.in~ ~· ~ wh.K W'Qu'"' NY' "19. but y n. but • '@" lf)I!' Sclmt

I'm not so ture abool lhllt I d"""" It ,.....,,,I ~ t)eobtf lo

! ~ suqestions

Y.'hal do you lhl* aboul ? Shalril I go liW-st' cl""' discussion

Wtwt atKA..t ) Shall WC SI.Wt Wt{h rtlis one? Oo you ,.,,ant IO begli? 'M')' dor'l'1 we .1

Useful language Suggesting, agreeing and disagreeing Z Write Chow expresions for...._ 111• """"'°" - ..-ig sug- und« m. correa heading.

Yot- .,,'111 i-(•) and you d seess th@ topic togechtl' kw about ~ ITllf'llltes.. Then you try to mUe a (5) . 1U OIC to di~ v."ith your partner, but )OJ shol:ld do this (6) -- . 'lbtl and your partrll!r sliould Wiiir rums to Iha!....,.. bath .._ aboo1 ""'{7)­ ~,_ of lime to speilk.

l'Mfil"Stoamll"le' g1\'t'i you a (1} -- N 1h ~I piaures on tht pa;gtt The p.ctvres shON different (2). __ or possrbl•ties. ~ ei:ilJl"Wler then 1elh you wh.at )ICM.I haw to disam, so ;t's very lmportant to (1)-- lo the .....,..,.,_

Understanding the task 1 eo,.,.,..,. ""' .......,.,., with - """' ""'box.

d'°""'1 P*'"' -. -· ....... polA•ly Ide.,

• t:alk

tdC"A1 wtth JOUf pt.rtn• .at l*"'J't1 And ~ 1bout two dlfo(UISkln points Wt tnt Pil~CJW'lyoM. ~twoqutlb0n!.~altopn,..11"d .JbcM! the pklum 11)()U( differtf\t poes bi?"". Jl'rlf opttiiQn\. .II* or diUCfH ma"- su~ ind rry 10 dec1dt somed\1n1 w th .,,at.if ~~er

~ ...... (Otunll,.C11~1 °'°""""°""' rl I~ p!aYlft Mid 111k JIM P9W* ..,,I heilllW W'll<\ -··

Speaking Part l Test 1 Training

Page 60: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


...., I I I I I Con<foda•• I e 3 monuTM

I -lot Thlnll ~

....... talktoHCll tnlMMlod--beln-.-U.,... In tho rrog• 't. Then lloclde wN<h two would be moot lnt-llng All rtgl!t?

nyau-~.,.-.douwmn-1n.-.. ._,,,.. ..u,.,,,._ • .. 1~11 -. ffd\ !)On ........... 1ar,.,. & ,.., 3-··-""-"'- to•h- l 1n1t11ocut0t Now,fdiii;,-;;;.,lalk-..i ~;.;;gtOQOth« lo,..,;;;;;~.--;; - -

...,...,..,.. ,, '"g •b'clhietlttfW1g9toincllidelinlft'll'd •IMl)'OUf ochool wonto to U1 ~ ... 1or -· ~ p/cflla _,_QI -C7 Ill lronr ol co"'"'*'•••

5pNklng • Part 3 Test 1 Exam practice

6 I I'! Ul<M IO""""° nl - .......... nl-q"°'tiOM 1-6-11'< or Ho. 1 ;Jo "'°'I I - to eoclt .,...,,

2 An! 1lwy pofer .,._ UlfV~--athtrl

' Oolfwo/1"9• ....... """"""""*'"'' 4 0o tlwy diKUU all ti• pictl.r'ft1

S Ov lf"'l ope.u fcf mo.t N ....,.......,..,_-"' ' Do 11~ •grH on• c.h111Ct ol tno aa.~? Pf K). whtch 0!'1'117)

1 I ill l'""' to Ctnmanl-- JrylO,_ NJ'* .......... ...,.-.,,,.,.._ IQ. lhollt in ~ 2. l .tnd 4 eon.n JOLI' noets with a l)lf'tntr

5 Look M the rum lnstruclions btblt- ~ N t)llCMft on Pit" 0 • _ ... llw ._.,,,,, _, b \'Jllal two lhl"ll do you""'".,=·

rPlll3 - -

I _a C •tar ..... I'd IU JOU to l&'k llDI! IOlilll!*i(l loglmef for ll>OYI U.. mirAltos.

Here ore oomo dtflwwnt -- that·~• do oltor odlool. ,.,. I' ... < IO _,, c:i...111xx.t...., 4 """"' ... ~·· •• do - ..,.....,, od!Vttioo ontr 1chOOI Thtn OOClclt....,, - oclt.ttiol.,. "°'~ . .,.,. ... for"' · •'°do oftor-

i-------- -

J RcM.·- .... --ON(sl.,mao..J 1 ()K. wt nerd tO - I d«hb\ no-

2 Sa.---- -IOI

4 ~ .... ..., ....... -- ......... - - - ........

Page 61: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

TeRt'h ...... I t

you·~ in.

s One _of looting a.tit a I.ht mcwe homeworic ,o1.1 ~ tht bttltr yOU'll do at ~hoot

to ft'le that same teache'l"S ~ more homewoR: than ot1*1. ·--- tbe .amoul'lt of ~k you get deptnds on which yur

,.t.Mnrs doc« too much homC!'WOrk 2 I wo..ikl - ~er.till "'Y school dOf"ll gtc much home .~

Thi. qt.1"'9Gm In ,_, ~ Ak lor yot

np. llDrll ,._, """" lof 11(1.W

ln""""'H 4"I

TH t'l@'l'Wnet 1s1ts you qut'!Ciaos based on ttw Ul'l'li! topc ash.rt 3. You do not see these questior\S (1 >-·- dOWtl Tht eom """ has a toQI of (2) ... qvest .. -s bi.rt may as~ you Clrlly ~Cl' three ol lhetn. This part Ids aboul (J} or four m nutes The t.Qmintr """' ask 'W'O(J or voi... partner • q_,, .. (4)

Useful langu.ge GiYlng •nd justifying opimons

2 Compl<t• tho ...... """' - -· '""" ... bol<.

Afttt 'fOIY Pll'\N!'t' l\IS {S) a qut"'ltb\, you l'NV ee lSked • d H.-eot questJOn, 0t you may o..,sl<Pd d you (6) w<th )'OU1 partner. 1t helps ·tyou tl'w"kdthe Patt 3 topic

""" diso "Y'd ond oy to (7) -·-- die questions yoo may be asted JI\ Patt .C,

Undentandlng the Wk 1 Compltw <hf. SienlenOtS wllih wonk from d'lt box.

In this ,,.rt you: • • ...,.... Q~Uons tNt are bas.id on the s.&m• lopte u Pwt 3. but tht

quw~•ons foo.n on men sentrJI aM:J«.ts ~1h1 IOplc • NttpOnd to !:he ..,.a..,,ini'r'I qut-.ri0nt. but 'fOU ""V ~to.,,,~ 'fOUI"

p.1 tntf ~ llw dlS0.1)1.lor'l .1\ Ml~

Speaking Part 4 Test 1 Training

Page 62: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

62: I T..U1 Ex.am~

~I•~ 11 dif¥'w:ult tot )O.l Ocln 1 IPf"'d • long llrnf' (hri.!ng ~ I .-'Id dOn I lull ~ 1 cbl t ll;n;ilil1 .,.. '/04ll answc:it ""'"' 111)1 • • *• a" 1m 'IOI rc;1lly ~but I tl.4JPQll(' (W ·1 ~ t ~ .._.NI bffore, bl.It I Vl'fS'

C'- Youdorttctlhe~ lilltlll'll dD#I\ so )'OU flHd ID Ian arl'Ylr ., ltlf' e-x11m1ntf l..-i ID )'Cl.Ir pittnief't ...,_, - bl(a.M lht f'UMll'lff' m., .. JOU ...,,. p.i...,.. lt:M:lut •••"*4 '10$ '*"""' hM ..:i I JOU dOrl I IJndcir\lMld • qut9G\ dt flt tMIYllMff 10,... it. Ulof' ....-01'11 IM~ )(Ill llW ~ '-1 t on PIV• S6

Wo'1C wtth a partner. Take U'l"tS to ask and answer thllw QUestlons

Part 4 4 ,... M• f5 "*"1ltl for groups ot ..,....

I lntMlocutor [ Doyouag'"? • Would ltudento M yo.x $Cl10ol lil<e to Md you? l

have•- _,.1 \Ntlltl do you think? • Who s1iou10 ~• • r.uotnt magazine ·

students"' -.1 • What ~-COl*I ~ bt with pt-.g a magazine? • Oo you tt'or'lk lt'l UNllJ for .choota to Nr.-e a wtl)llt't for

1ludente? • How shovld IChoOls commurucat• lrl'omwllOn to parent.a? • What other ways do you think are bell !or studtnts 10 ~t

Jovolved In school ii;~e?

Speaking • Part 4 Test 1 Exam practice

\: llfl Try to ust one of ltW!' '1Cpmsior6 lur 9JWlnsl an opinion ind p • ... ~ l'NSOI' ror 'fOtJil opnor~

a Thats bt<2t.U' some people Just arei'I verygooc!Ot l

b for oa:nplr. ~ rnight do thi"15 that pi ~ inllO tl'OUble

c >Jf.e, alt Wo" spend all day at sctlOOI I..,........, "'°"Id you need to do...,.. _..,,.._,,1 d The INnl II.,.. 1 mdy •pend enoup ....... - • Bu' of aMVr. Ol'\ly ·t yov dOl'I'\ spend "'°"'" n hcM1 pt./i"I them.

I mN1\ W JO.I only «udy tomt1!11~.,. cs. ... ,..., ~ lo'llet •bout. -


l Reid questiorn .nd ¥iicwu 1-6.. Then cmtch them Wllh lti!SiOnS H.

1 Do studcnrs ga mo~ "°""ework? " my V.f!/N, dM'V do. ..S

2 W?!y do teadif,,. say louc: wort n: good {Of sn.G;mts.? I guess It's btcill.R it hflpi you to team lhl.np. ;:']

l Somt p<Opl< say _gem .. •rt i>od fo• - "'"" ... )OU (h1nJi:7 rd say thoylw not bod lo< - 0

• Sbould Mry itudtnl ~ :o do sport? MyfHllnc••th<y,,_n,~ ..... to LJ

5 Should tht scltool ~ Cle' long« ro ~vt stud"na men Miday' I don't ttill"k ~ r:

6 Wl'ly is •fa~ f ~'don'! how onyttinp so• eftM tcl>Mll I tt'l1nlit tMy could_.., pl borPd and than 1 bid t~ [J

4 ill) UJle-n to atlaiN and M.wco 1nswennt qim ts 1-1 ir'I b«d .. 3. Do you -- thcir 091r.loN7 If ytS. what othf:r ldNs. add JOU llcld to •gree wiV1 tf1tm1 If no. what would"'°""' t0 d1WC'ft?

$ 0tscuss qutsbe>nS 4-6 lft btrtise 3 With your partna:

Page 63: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Tell 2 Tr- I 6l [~,..,,

A Thty'd be.om runn ng (or s~wh•lt I TMy wtrf: crowdfd with alt~ of PfOplt C Thtv tHrned IJl:trtmtly txelbng

D They were m<Mng

W. had d\t': chance to try out IOmf'I d the m~•l'!lfl'Y on dispbY. 'h-n.ch wu vety ~ ~ rtlt tl'ldemndi at ttw 911 1"tto.l'I writ tn tu• JWirli by thf! tlrflt ot ovr v1>1T.. • Jt w• ~ 4Myt arw uw ci«dll Of*'WI&. .so by then•• tn.t tr.aden dllpQy1n1 ~1r gooch had had time to pt used to Jb.KlfnU llU us W1fCnC to wy out lblolutlfy f'V'ef'Y\h n& 1n

- ttin ndes on farm veh.ldes or ti macbries.

r n.1 • v.t.tn ~,. """°""' wonb ., , ~" ~ looi: aNUr .. "'mff'W.t » ay aNI tiVk ...... _ 4 A.Nd tnoChlr .t«tlon of the tC)ll. Wh)' n the llChibWon Winds

dtoo obcd 11 being 'lo full swW!ll'? Choost !he bt<t - IA.B.C«Di

b Now k>ok: at the foix options that yoix titaeher will 9"'t ~ ~Ont is: dostst to your anSWf'f'? Why was it import.an! lo rNd lhe incornpect set!Cttkt ~,

la Look at the ntxt sect:k>n of the text. Wh•t Is thie mosc sut.Jble ending IO lht ~e stnltnee bttow? Comp.1re your •MWtr w.m • ~ f(1I )6l·t. rl'I• btll rh•n!. obou1 tht tl't11b11~

• thtrt Yme lob of JVldel all O'iff tf\f pli(;t. wh11c;h w~ good J$ thty 'Mf"t at>lt tO 1111 w al aboi.lc. tN hii!lflghu of tht e.:h1blt .on - ineluding • mag< 1how and a m n1 Otad. whtrt yoiJ add ~ lelf'o ara.d .._ I d-dn'\ spend k>«'C the-rt,~ I was far more 1nter~t("(l In 1 gia.nt whfft I'd spotted in a corner_ h pomised gR'.l1MMnght0"1tt rht eddl)j- wkh All !ht lojllll - •ncl ot l...t up 10 lu "'""',..11 WOI ,..,... o/'-10 1....,. • t>c s!O<• ol pilD ·~ iOfN chips, althoush 1h@y dldl\'t ~-'~•-<tut . .:.•.:.":.;";::'<>;:..:•.:.• ""'"locl<::::::::od"'---------------J

l • ~,... &t1r kirm d • iQJi .-icn '°" rn.at rod both pl'!S cl ~ togtottw, l"ICf ;.isc cfloow ~ ....... frQtn ee f(v oplllnS

b Now !'Nd d1t qut<bOI\ incl ch00>t lhe bftt _,_IA. 8. C « Ol ~~ J.tl • f;M to the P):'hlbitlon, ht w•i d1uppo1nted co f,nd thm A it was absohrtefy full of people.. 8 ii was lll abOut 1ndusuy C it .ncludtd ftw things from his COUfltty D 1t wiJ full ot m•ch1nt1 from all OYtl' tN WOfld

Our teachers r'K«'tly cook us to an ~flibition in our aty. whi(h they though( '#OUld Mtp us~ our sdMcl!" ~ Whfn t'Yl!fyOnt ti.eard that 11 wM a" indu«nal fllhibitll)f"I. tntwhole C::1-<s ft10W'fdll"d compl.Unlid. is~ aSJtnt'd it WOIAIS tw r .. lly bot!"& 11111 It turnNt out to M full olbtc ind VNllNdwiahmll O'WC'f thtworld. on dnp&.y 1tt ~ bu1'd1np paitkt'd with peoplt - all of wh<h m.cle •or a,...., IM.IW' ~ m lu 1:1i I Wti col"IUC'nfd. The thin I.here ~ed to be little on d from whtr't wt came ftotr\ 'Whth was a

1 Rad tM following ttxt Cities. WNt $Ott of Wtts migtl( they be~ A Ludy &c!lpf T/>I u/r of o Buttr1ly Tilt Monndo SIJ-.

~ Rod lhrol.gll the lollowio'!I cue 1bou1 • boy ulltd i.u. h • i.a or -.1 -.. _.i(I you f111d ..... kl<> 111~? S<lgg<Sl. pos..blo lido lor lho .....

Reading Part 1

( 1-f Ow .. fv iDt ...... )'OU CM ID fM'd M -'WI: .. - • me.A; 'ftd .. l\Jbric. ~ • ..,.. .., " - • ' ..... toot. ""V Mir .-Id q ..-n. Then think lbol.lt wtw )'OU: l'!'lllglll ..,.a. to tl!ld in ~ el

• How many ques.tions do you have to answer in Pvt 1 ?

• W'\11 •· f'\d ot qut"'lt1ons .,, theyr • How ni.ny opllOl'I' d<> you h•ve to c.hoo~ from7

Test 2 Training

Page 64: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

R ...... hrt1

On anothtf" oc \.I ...-it Old wtth rny tamlly 10 lty our dB• f"iQtll. ft.._ 1 COlfll)ltttlV d1tl'..-J ....... "°' Wt wert In otmc;:et complete dwta t ·which wo1 ~lit~· l'a turd tO llttl'nltl how flf fn\11:~ 'Pl W a. Of the otl'*' people ycu~ liiJOM wllf'I. kw 11\R1 matt.,1 Tht Ofll'r ,.,.., you CM~ th• IOCation of )'Our"·'•• ~ tMlnO" ~ on 1he end ol thit ~ ._ ll't .-0 n1UCh f(.t)let to hNt rM kbi 1.4) thlN. rnot'I cldrly thlri ~ WOlM ~ 1n1 da)'.

Kil• trying Cl"I bit a "'Y tmCllOt'lei ~ •.. p ' 'l'J If yo/Ye~ ~I tht kit• tt"11• di 11CWIQ wd dlWlg acroes the aky N'Ct hn'» a IM pnonal '*-1i0nlliip b9t•.., mt and lht kit•, u thOugh wn.t'I on the oe. end of the atrrlg It 11IMt-tomll.mn •...,...to mt fi~• .n ~ttd p.ippy, al ot".w tlmet 11'1 t frre-bwtr•-s cnoant I IYll'I gl'19 my khH d!ferenl twnes ~mel. much to the~ of my .. mlly

I C#\ 't lmaglnt n ..,., ,_. lt)'Wlg krt•, ~ when I· m c;jder_ The ltd ~ Ot11gr11ng and making llOI• iillllO• 19 Nt'I air;1Ullty tly II 81"1'11111tig-ard rve rtcenlly mov«t on to wttl ph:;lloyi111Pf17, ri•inQ 1oamerato11e.:e I dew'!'~ sophlslieeted eqa • '• ie. bJS rve atlII got some atunnrig "'°'*' Nd mi COfll&ldefing CIOlng kilt NtnQ ~ a. ...,..,....., &Urf.ng on the sea. tw"Q pulled alQng by a 1Ute. That'd be•••• ;illf


You orly ha .... to iOoJ. el 1-. 1•~t of krte-flyng t.... '&lf'IO. ·•me. llXn LAP to 1<1t1festlVala..,,,..y,_,&o991 hOw popular kite 4ly.og ha beco'ne. ~A's INSY to ~st2nd '4lltry .. once lhey"'8 • ......,,sfully loonehecf 1 ~e, and_., tt flying under their control. a.,.,..,.,...,. to stop. But it's the plMuw of gamg up at 1 c&Mt blue sky. 8eellnQ ow wi"d Ol'I my lace, that draws~ bacJc b:1't #\Cl eoain.

The first time I llw 1 kte wa .,,.....,. my ftvnily took me tD a kite ahClp 1'1111 told the most c<*>Urful kltm l'<t..., seen We~ one and took •I CIOWf'I to a de&i9"1.td beech neatoy, so •th ro ~ atQl.R:t we could make as '."'1ill'IY '' 1 t"es as we iked without~ seeing us. A Mrong vltnd nl'upped ac::rme tom 1N tea. ma.king OJI $kin 30f9 frOm the sand bk>wlng. en:K.-"'ld. bul we ..,.100 exoted to take much l'IOClC*

The wind WM so fierce. hO 1'11'9r, ua at one stage, v... ll:lMi actuafy S!:St8d pulling me along 8ut cee-• we'd .,eo1 90 much money on t. ttiere WM no """ I was going to let get ......,,_ I 411owed m)'Mll to be puled *"9 ttw bUd'I on my atomKh,. vatt••'Q w'ld., my mouth MI went i.r;t.! 1he .,..&Wty tel to the ground- qli!@-' •C •w:J. It 1001< me~ time llO ieam '°tty lo~es wtl - ~once rd n'O"ld on to con'1)1icated l1'lllt ldla '* oo !lie::lls. From watchtng 01.tw Pl(ICllt. r·o a1."9ady guessed kit• rtyw1g mif1'l nol be• &lmP'e G!'t h looMd. a... .,.t.mt, I"'°'*' rd at least be able 10 ..- ._SI.mot correctly- pull one string b ON dl"ICllOf"I and the otr- ttnng tO 00 S. odw way. SacPy. thOUQt\..,.. I~ 1 kro# WU tMt M 111.tpl on~ ON .-ng. IN 1'11• would aplfl wound in.~~ .. tile sftll"IQI WOUid Qlll tald a 11•. before rt cl"i16t«I down. But thore h11• DM"t""" pcwa. too, ad1 • tht dlty ~ dlld .,_.,,.... ftt!ng a kit• out 1n the~ MO• QtN1 bl; bird .. 1 ...,., ... '"1IN ckwwn out of now!'llf9. Wt~~ telllld v. l>trd had c11srty ~ oonw '° Cf'lldi: OU! wt>111 wu flying Mlt.l"d"' ta ""t·:xy. SO 1""te111.1 or~ f'IPf tlte ta~ wrth hill ci.wt, • l'lft ~,... dot.e with en l'nflm'/ bltd. ho )al,._ etonQ11de It for• whll .. • Wa:$ a wo4Mtl.i llgt'll • tr'fi t>lg kltt flyfng up...,. 9th tuett a powerful wUd CMA:;.n tw.111JnQ W)O cuming In perf«t lwl'norty ~I'll kilt. Then ht juot d'l•i 11 tel• IYdOlntf •• hlt'd come

KITT FLYING - by Stella Kent, aged HI

f Tiptl R6lld lhf ·"'V'! IN ""'* W'.111 lnil 10 ....__ urwtlnwncl .,.._ • • olb:lA

11.t«t HCf'I ~(II--~ tlf'lti:nct ~ to ... )Q.I krlcM' .,,.,. .. you"'~ b ._,,, 1"1

You are goino 10 l'Wld ., .i .... lcie about• girt who -. iu!M for a hobby For qu .. uoos 1 -a. - U>e .,.,._ ~. B, c °' o which,.,.. mk fits be$! •ccordlng 10 lho told

Martt your antwet9 on the ...,..,. answer ltiffl

Reading • Part 1 Test 2 Exam practice

Page 65: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

,.,.2 r..m ......... I 65

I ,.,..fO ~ uns wly otl-P /lftd ""°"' 4"n9 .t 'es W.W 6"""" s,..,, bad; b .iw ~ -· , .S..t l'.l'C' fl'Uf ,.~ - lllhX would tlW ,,.~ hrr,., ~ ~ f>tSn' IO bibko ~

' 1.-.tn llcr1 en«!-- s.-, .w-d IO Jd ftlf' shtgJ Ol tlrr .,.,


& Wh.n doM Slol• llU90Mt tbout lltm!I • kolo 81 "'QM? A She ..ii .. on <11r....,1 -· 10 do •. B She I~ about "'9 oth• people woth her. c She f..,. 11 might be q..1110 donger0<a. D SN la fer more M<ely 10 1- her k•te.

7 Why doOS St ... ,.., U.-"t a 01rong link betwoon her Ind her kite? A She's the o,.. that a 'tel n. B She control& rtt movemenll. c She ,_1_ "" c:ll""V•ng -llltf D $he '8 glVen It Its n.-ne

8 WIW Is Stello t111nk>ng ol 00.ng next? A Ulk"1g photos u11ng o kite B gl"'ng up lute flying lot a while C d-g a off...,. kmd o4 kite D tl!Jung up a ,_ sport involving krtas

fl "low did SI• feel """8n • b1Q bird '*"" towordO her luto7 A a"11ld thM he would otteck her W e lul or edm1'8toon for tw okolflA flyong C oml\lOCI ai r.1 Ila complted to her Iulo o conc.-ned for 0thw b•rd• " tnt .,...

1 Stella s.ays what attracts her most to kite flying rs A the feelong that she's snanng an ... ....,.. ""'1 k>ls ol athe< people. B the chalenge ol 1- t>ow to contml the kote. C the opportunity to _,d tome In 111• fresh air. D ""' exc.rament of beorv successful when lhe k•e '"1ally lloos.

2 Stella descllbes tho .,._ whe<e she first flew a kite • -.g A hogllly ...:ommeo oded by a koto sN>p B dll!lcull due to the weatller. C l)QpYlar with o°'8r people flying koteo. o ourtable lot beginners I .ke he<.

3 W'>e<1 St-'s lO,. began to blow awry on the beal;h, lhe was A dts8ppoontad !hat Silo aldoi't know how 10 honale It. B ~ennlnod to do ln)'Tf*1Q she oould to N1ng on ., IL C --....i abo.JI Ille lnju"8s ln81 •he mlglW get. D angry thal such an oxponsve kJle oouldn~ cope ..,,111 the condlt!Ons.

4 Staila .Omrts lhan w1ien firwl ~ to fly lotoo A she ma(la • bMc mlmke. a she - tt would be eesy. C shedlmeged-llut .. 1n~•-s O ahe wes too afl'\bluoua in her c~• of kil-.

Page 66: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

66 I - l ,.,_.,,

A Thit<hlnefSate 'f'OU·d SttVfry littll~. AS pid be too busy getting usfd IO d\lnp lb 'dw .absenct of.,,.. ry to look dowri al')(f see where )'O\i. ~

8 N.tueh.a lfHt ~t. yotfd pt"" AtnlZlfllJ!lht ot a clear r11ah1 dry NII of ltlt\ W om« plintlS • somerhlnc ~ 'N people N'o'f wet'\.

C Thir ~ bcCaM 11'\ '° q,1tek .. you rr.lcht mwr tfw lOOkm out of EAfdl.'I ~ ~ ooly a (04.lplit of m nuca

2 - ..... _ .... ..,... ,,. .... n- '* ""'-'"""' - - sentenee lrb ._ 91P? Why do ti. od'lt'f' two not r1111

r l-l•ve YoU ~'wondered wha~ It '1lfOIAd be like to 1ra~I into 1P¥.A'Wh1l t;ind or vehicle woukf you trawl 1n7 And what would YoU tee trom the window of yoor crtft et you r•C.CS l'N8Y R speed and arrived in space. way l>tyond the cloudy otkie.s ofEatth? (Ol _. ,. ~·.But howevef thrilling it might bl to get such• unique view of these apeo.al thing$, you'd also have to cooe w;m the difficulties of being .•board a spaoecraft _-:J ladt of n)OC'T\ to move ercund. and lhe lack of gravity, which woukl ma¥• you feel completely \f't'e119t11Jess.

- """9>""' "'"'""''"'

\ r., You may lind INft 15 "'*" "°""""'"""""' ........ H'l'I~ to d'le mtd '1t pno;J'aph - bu& dOn't ;s rNlii:h !hit same wol'ds ~

t You .n fOii"l9 llO t8d about sp.ltt nwl ~a partner, ctw:ck that you know chit ,,. .. wigs al the tollowfng wcwds. Oloow a word and ~ tM mHl"ling 10 )'Cit#' partnet, VOt.W pill1ner" must guess which word )'OU .,.~

• Wh111t ""!i )O.I Mo•; llie patagrapMd P,-;· 2 ~1

• Wt;.a· ""~ tdlTIPles or th•nas to look k>r .t.l try•111 to flPd sentf'f'ICft v·••• rr1tt ppsl

Reading Part 2 Test 2 Training

Page 67: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

T .. 2 EX.ent pract5ea I 6)

Pictures O::ll'Y1t"'9 ba(k fl'Ol'l'I ~r .af't ilbo show Wt Mlrs Mrf twYe bNn hit. bil:iiom ol ~ ~ by mt'U'Ot tf'S - objeas floating"' il)a(t. """'>' ol 1'-" l:e a.r;e toeks - h'nlng t'f; 1url'-., The holes~ Ith On~ Jurfau 11t (fcoatty YtlllbtiP • .Ind, .. tl199"t OM h about 1,800krn wtd•- btg C't'10V9Pt b Nlf of £ur()9f to fll Into!~ IJ .iw a .... ~y-;tf'ITI ol Y.l~"i •bot.it S..OOCkm long. [1 • J ,,, .. lhOtJqhc I !\It the vall.yt ~ whtin tN surface ol N pbNt CJKked .od W·tt pl,llftotd ~p.rt ~smote,..,,. ,rt' dOf'ITl.,t °' '*tping"vok"•"'On on MA uw beggftl ot '#hkh I• 01)'f"IOU1 Mot"I. tl\J'W umes f'liOh• ttw't Mourit lvf~• 'the hi~ •'nOUltt.iiln on f.:inhl

so I•·~ "'' °""' .,:,~ DO ...,don lt'tt wrtac• Clf M~ i:... """~ ., .. hopn tf\M lhiil wtt t\lQpen lrl tho' '"'~ bf'tWHri 20)0 If'(! 203 7. l.!!J.._j So who •nOW\ • M..t\ fhl0'11 twr\ btconw OUt l'liorN OM cl.,- !r1 Cht- ""'',._

~ nowNw a la: o/.1n#om\11JOl"l .owt ~ thris., """~ ol wn1ung t;paa ~~ sem up fton\ b1th Nt n.w l'lowfl ft)ll'ld 'tit pl .. nii-1 ?hr- fint \ur;.cnsful 'fl)'by' ..,,, by• U.Ct ~t.cllfd M..,ll'lft ~ whodt ~ pt\C tfw. f»net In

196S. [!OD" "'"'°"r .nu.lfy landed on uw 'urf k• Md wnt bldl COie).,. p6C'tl.lfft d Mlt1. Th.,- iafto wnc ~ k Cbt .. w"Wh .ilo..wd w•ntht110 014"" tl'\olt>' C>f ittir wrtac. of lht p11iw.

, ..,, thoug"" f0t ·~o 11~ 1"\ltM"" def 311~ """'° 11qu1d ••*on tN~ tlw-f•.fil ]Th.,.1~1 thft. colAd bit "'*' ~ .. se a,_.t ~ lanci. Pftf\llOI f'Wn c 11ncitliHlti.

(jtfy tdlr.t1SC1 Ilsa "'°'"9hl thry '"'•9 d;tift, flnts or'l tht S.Ut(l(f thtOUQf'l tNit Wl'1COPt''- Md ~ft:I wf'M-tt.ot tftoJ

-.-e 1itl\Jltlyc.att~l1 thfi: 11~t1of dV ~ h"1d butt &oany wawr ee t~t [fOPI. •to•~ P'Ct"""" Nt h'1<tfl Wl'lt•

CMM ft°'7' )J»(«t ,#t ~ shoM'I that the<te b no ll!r' of ¥11 Cll\als on th~ turfacir of Man. Of ~ Mgns of any flnn [12 I !And~ r-0t lnNbttal"tS. l~c~ntlyseenutobe no s;lgr1 clllfiron Mars at.al.

But 11.1~ bitcovH ~is no INldena al M¥-hii'lq IMng on Mars now. It doek'l'l mHn d\at dtfftNVf!f was .,,~1"9 lh'lf'lg thet'.f 13 I Sc.lM1:15t5 still :hii* ~ rrwry be bactena di!tpbtntMh the fro2l'n M'fac.to. for ~>"l'lple t.n the large arNS ol lc. In the ~M (A !+tto ~ pote.s,,. Whait"s ITIOl'e, liigflJ ol what look lilct dr~ riwrs on tht wrt.« Sl.J99e'Sf mat thf.re WM~ \IH(ft thitfe.

in our soi... t)"\tf'l'l'I, M..lrs ,,_ U. fourth p.aMl frotn IM,...,,, It rs often calkid W fled

Pbiine1. bK.tuM ol ~ Iron in dw roe.Its on tts turf kt wNch 9'W'1 It • red IPl)tlt1'1'1tll!.

Of all the plaNU In our JOI• 1~. Mlrs ts probabty most •~ f.llrth "'a n&lrnbef of <H11yS. ~ t'Xllmple. rt has se.JSOns 1n the sarnt way thM. Ea"th ~ and h also hM ee .ot its poles,. all:h01..1gf\ tht> ores art MM'f. •1• much cddef. The daY" Nrt wt only

sllghtly ""-· IDO. I 9 j I U"""• E.lr.h, MIB u YOry mid •"<I (loy, ""''"°"' ••• Wil'reftoft"lillr';tafi'a lilt,

The plenct Men

l ~ '<!ntl'rh' ""'' ~' l"l IN ...,,..,...,. mrgt11 ,..,, 110 ~~or,,,_. 1n. ~

m=I" Undtf~ """ wotdi "' Knfl'ncM A-tt Wiltfl. X::::.,. ~ .,_k lhfo ~ ........ I~

p.Yl!Qf'~ b e-.l'* protlOUn.s ~or ~- ltJOi; C:.O,..... ID Mil'" -.y Ill h6 ~IOH .. 4ddlnO • ..... or <ot4' ..... IOft'l1I

You are going to tNd art elC.1ro.et from a textbook about -. Seven _,tenc:es ,,.,.. "- """°"ed lro<'ll rne anici.. ChooM from .,,. -'"""" A - H me one wl>tch li1a _,, gnp \9 - 151 There •one """' ..,,,,.,,.,. wt>c~ you do not nMd to use. ~ your DnaWfll"J on tt. Mpe'9le IMwet' ehMt

Reading • Part 2 Test 2 Exam practice

Page 68: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


..... ,.Plan 2 " I -a rum,....-

L-------------------------~.i"lr~e.......,t.JOo.~tr.i~ ftJI 17W'llte .... ~ ~Ofl<JMcn ~~ ,...,.. !OlfW)

t4Looltl::roc ;aDMd *"1tl(r If! Ofllf' (J/ ~ Clrp&IMil

A °"° p!OP()lll hie i.n lllat Ille mt E Se..., more craft l'*> 1'"'9<1 ot, togttMr oxp1<>""' to tra....i to Mn might attempt to ~ lh one of lta moons. Phobos. sot:i. thore.

F Thut'a about• lat es from NM 'lbtk to Plnsl 8 JI Mn Md once - .... u .. and had•

higher lomporatunl ll>ln now. It m9ht t>a,.. G lhiS was because seierlbtJ.I hed Men hght befW'I able to mantain life. and dark 199""'• on tne-ac.. c However, although the planets ere so sinwtar. H They may iU>' ho.,. i.on somethong that humans stil can't J,ve on Mars.

eceotete lhoug/lr they '"""· but tho!_.,,, rea/lythere.

D Afttt f...net research. It was -d that these were indeed possibl&.

Page 69: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

4 OlOOtilt one- P'rt ol s.tsluili·, t.rxt. and poroplw~ • - l'l"Wl"lte Ir k""flll"l9 the~ me.tiling bu1 UWtg your own words. Then f'8d fC IO your swwiner - an they' find wtuct1 pwt of lhe- ll!'Xt YoU N"'e uwcrr Loot at tbi' f'11.ani-~ Where does 1t ~ ftom In the teJCt> IO- difrtCUJt pra!I of uf io r.r mro our whi~ ~we go away on hoJtdOJt

( how 1n., tr•~? d ~t Sao lai rh1nk.Jab°"1 a!I '1er parenu' prtil)arattOnS?

b NOlJlt try atmwr1ng '"""" questlOlll WllhOut looldng bad( ., &he IPL wi-. .. 1 do you ... ..,." abOlrr • ch• kltid of holid'*Y' Saldi'' f.n~ havt'

Ja R9d qwckty througft tht ttxt. ..ntlen by .11 girt c.ated s.mc..._ "' gitt ,,.. kit• er whltd's-

llP'iolnt more pl~'1ninc eoes .ree my family'J ann1.111 ~Kl'lg hohd.'t'fJ than youd SE!@'" 1 ful -salt l'l'llJ1ttry opent.lOf'I. Absolutely notrung ·~ left to chance-; we haw two of ~ng. or iolW In the case of boots .1nd sl:1s. a..1'd we atv~ set ol! \¥Ith a car so fu9 Nt: ~re's barely room for &1'1y ol 1.1!> to sn, es~ the dos BUI tt's-'"''9YS worth il, ~no ma::er what I Mk for- On holida'9: ot 'tlll'hal 0111t1ge1 Kf CC>tt'WS Mong ... rf'IY favounte brKU1ti. sometfleng to trst 1 Q.lt finger· 'l's instantly prov>de<f_ wChout a momeiiR hes tr.ion ti co ~e to look. But I've no kiu wheth« nr be .. ~ to pt'OVfde the Y.tnf' It nd of~" to my cttilctrt('I when rm o6det as I llJO know all the effort mt po11ents l"t\ll:e ~-leave and I rn1y "°'bf towil2•nc todo .ildio11t ~Wtft

2 RNd tho ""' In -. dot.Ill. Wllidi ol "- optiom motcNtt will! whit Mu M)'I Moue tht pt01i(:l undMirw whtf't you find d\p iln$Wtr tn b WXl

A Mo~ •n11rally dl c, ,~.M~ Li, UW food on otltt: 8 M41f •nd tu~ 1•tr.tt mid• an~ IO pit on ~t• d!M•"I t!'\t pcnic. C M.\11 found lllc! P*.t whete th~ Alt lor rhf-lt pi.-:n~ ¥45 "'t:'t'V t.tt"CC>ml~b*-

c who.it di~ weather 'NIJ , kt? d 'WN.t lhP( a.i.-1

a w!ial ~ nd ol tvft\l it was? b wt>tU diey \lfll"et't 1

cl'lpf Uwdcll1w1•;y.-idv ••• ""'""""" - .... <P<k'l' """"9" h IL!:)lllOge-1., iON of~ i($ ~and ... rud in~ dNll tD ftnd fle I~ :t"" I a.wll. .....,, brwo ~ ... Qlrlftt--.

b Now tty answMng chew ql.lf!sbons without k>ol<Slg bick at ct'M: text.

-· clo you INm obout

0.Jr piim1 Af ihli w1ekcnd WO» typi(&I of the IOI'\ OJI twr\ti my f.t.nMty •~•Y$ IT\at\141f!'I to Nw • CJNt fun, but badty Otf•n•W"d wht- h,ilfU1t )t"ff we ntoeded left .i ht>l'W\1"1 Thi.' pbn wa. (Of• btrbecw, buc ol t1'UtCI wtlH\ ww 1in1V'f'd •t C)Ul'C'"'°51n spot, !l v.u t00w1""y tor thll with J. brtitzo ~nc ott lht s-.. So~ h.MI to lftdeo for 11\e c.-t"l.r food wt''d brought with u,; .. Sl~r.r tqt.i.19*1 ~hes. mAtnfy. but st If uuy, 1td tOmt l't.lt ab:s my IV' ncim• Ii.ad mack>. Wed""° fr,,raouen to brine a"'Y1f'il~ ec s·ton. so ewryth1nc got a brt undy But wtWflr &II 1ust h:t"P'Y to tJe. tog~thef'_ oot in ctw fresh •f. so no one cared af'ld ewn my t111er •'-Cl I postponed our il'lur'fl«IC:S for the ahet>noof\.

I• RNCI ~ ""°'9t O"' tCO(l ..,t_ by I boy ulod Mu. ID get en ktff of wfwt lt'l ~t.

• 'W'\at kind ct trxt do you ne\"'d U) "f'.td "" "'art 31 • l1ow ma.nv questions do yo.., n4?Cd to 1ir;nw!r? • Wh•t do ynu ~ to do ,, order k> an~" quemons1

l•§A•§imi,[,, Reading Part 1

Page 70: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

,, v.tio MtlMcnil ~ prJb1«rJ w'll'I IN """9 tlPr _,,_,, U ~ «J ~ trlOUI /)nng O'lf' "'rftt ~JI',

,. ~ Mo* rid «l1W ~ how OllW" ;«l(1lt' ....., [ fl'lrt!I,~ bi.I MIO war


1• Khl l"l'f W'ftl XI~ ~ ddr. 't iei) ..t Of il"i' M ~ -· EJ

8J G!IJ ~

[ill EL] ~



[ill filJ ru [ill Lill §]

10 I ..... 21um,.,..-

was told the)' ,_,;led to mako • ~ on t110'f dnving?

gal to take part In an ""1ov•ly lhat - olmost canoelled?

to..nd lhe people wilh them behaved differently from usual at the track?

was given IN! opportumy for a tnAy ,.,.,,,o,_ lnp in a very dl'lerent-?

- !heir ...x:ass was !hanks to bewlg sho\wl what to eo?

wspected tne speed llley'd achleYad wasn't as 'mp'OSSMI as they lhouglll?

was concemed that someone w1tn lhem was hawlQ prvbtei 1is?

beCame keen to oo to the track on a more reg~ baSis?

felt embat 1 a 1 s r O' by whit t.Oey hod to waar?

- goion oo dldence by the lnstruotOt11 despite nttal -1

found it hard to remember what they'd been told betore thaf si.ted d,;,mg?

eptDS6K an ambition to uy driving eomewhant ac:iert from

"" • track?

had nsurnecl "'8y' d be far mo,. aaJIX>ldlSlful man !hey acluolly -.?

Which penion wes gmteft.A Uwt aomeone with 1'*'1 vrasn't wonted about t"9ir' own performance?

TI,t Rt 141 ibiO N .... ~t«I ~you Ned NY rlClt a.iw .. 1tw

,.,. Cll'de' In ,.,,. ... ,,, !ht .. ....... 'Ile .,. go;"ll to'"" a owgozlne _. ebO\lt _.,. ~ go-btUl •round • t""'"- F« que1oona 18 - 30 c:hoOM from ,,,. peopi. 1A - D). Tho .-Pl• may be cnosen '"""' than onoa. Mn your-~·"" on~ separwte anawer lhNl.

R~adlng • Part 3 Test 2 Exa1n practice

Page 71: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

-2 r.-pnctl<tt I 71

h: was an ~q day - t wert ..... t!<i

'")'Khoo!' ems, .-.d we~ ~-«t to Stt oow a go«.att is put together, and how' to bulld y0...- own. I iew'nt a lot Jt,IU horl tNt. so 1 dcdded to Jorn t,_ #PUP tNt Meet'J a~ tlwo trl•'l.

fYtry S..u"'-1 to liNm liow to rm Old ~, - """ ll'f"VO'YC my onww \kllh, of courwl 1-m .. ...., to ~tMt

dnwtng .-, Joan "' l°wt'I old enqh, .,yway - wt M ouc lnd'lfcount:rr, •o.-1~1y~t. Myw~.cait1l'l(!I on th• tnllt W;lt COOi ... .- w•· t IJ'loM1 eiiKtly wfttt to 00i, theft th« ""1uttor. W&i(hfd 1i$ •nd t'l"llt' U$

,,..lduml fffdbkl On ovr d..,.....,g, A'llM wn 011.. althoutlJ' thse wt',._ iVMS. foe iniprO\fCi••1t -

1ttemptir19 to be the fast@St rGRt bends. ftw CNle

tt.ig! So 1 hold to slow down. nw hrgtillgr-:t. t~

wa wfwrl some of us \ollftl"~ ~en for a ride .., a )'eflow

Limbotg"llni - » '18)' operult~ luxury $f>OfU ca~ lbat Wfl »n •..PMf'nte f'I ~forget!

D Harry

rd ••Vt bffl'I lttn to ~ ~YI"'­

~ whM I wat sl'Nltl. I had " '°' :ptf.111 Qt I UJtd to dY'Yto Ill the tll'nlt. s.o I aw» I e•pected WM re-~~ ~ for gobr\,,,g. bl.it IT'lil)'M

•as .1 bit too SC-lf"<onfid'!n(. as

toUldl"'t even g~ the or to mow forward htlaly!: Sta. I dd team how to go round <Of'!1f'f'S re11ty <fast - or,. last " Sff!'rlled fast to me. but prObably not to cflie.

tpetuton. My nun sad I'd dore- bt-&anttp. bot thm tht ....... )', gys somethilC pc>'OIW.! I thlt*,, though. I

might ~ llPPredaltd I bit mot9 ~wt-mi I ftrst got: Jl'IU) 1~ (II and-' bft it9 In tht tr•rilng t(liOft\,. I\ a

Wtit\'1 «H)' to kMPlt .. In "'V h .... b4fClf't I'd ~h•.J>°'Y

tr.rd~ I c.!'t t.ty tht uftt) •Ult I had 10 P'fl c.ws waJ pwt1(u&ltty t:ty$1\I' t>tW .. I'm f'f~ .Vad my m~tn

ac Kt.. • cOtAcln i ,.,.. me

c Katie

\"'It'd beiri"I co slmllr ~ as a f~. but I ~J')t'Ct .,.,,. mum n~

likes It that mvc:h. SM nad a go ~ drMng tJ-n time, but She WM 14 slow

chit my brct,_. and I paut<I t.J twtc:e

on tnie S1tM ~ rOl#'ld tM trac:•tl Sht lau&"'«'d llbout. A$ L°"lril,.i, "'°'Ch• t'm rdrV'f'd t0 Uf;

tht t.zst ..,.\led 1.1s to '1~ 1 Sood tlmf. lht ln1,.rue10r Clll"OYe wfth u' round ~hf traci. .- an •:- .111p1o of hO'<*' t

lhcMd t.. done ... I don"t IM'I~ I .....ot.dd haw

r.-n'IM'lbfNd It al t.o f.lUIO..,. wlOQlt th~ fl'lrt tf rht tradl w•.s~ too, m placn., '° •t ont point then...,. a chMc• wt wouldn't be .-Owed to~ .+ttr •II, but

M tM l'ncl t.,.,. decided ii w.u s..ff> tnOU&h to show l.lS

how IO br<lli.e safely., the wtt: I wn a bit. Mt"tOus lit

hrit. bt.'t It wM '""""· Ourl<1p times wwe b~ d1$1)ia~ on ., btg et«tronic s.c.oreboard - and I wa.. 01"11' of the

Wteu! Hot ~. rrry muni definitdy :.oou.d WOl'lie-d It tha~

B Mark

, .....,, to 1tw JO·li.Mt tr•k. "'4ttt tOtN

frlt'nds.. l"d nntt don• l!nyChin& IOi:c.

11'8 btfo(f IO I •.;; 8 bi! "'On<#d ~ I went. ._,. ti\to h!ttl.lCtorS

coutdn't hft.e tl••m nlc•. •nd one• I'd put on mr ~ Mt and got into tt.

go-Urt, ~ tmdc mo tm completely a •JM be'*'<! the wheel TIW go-brt I drove was. In gre-• coniltion -

although maybe not so great after rd~ with It!

1'h• only tli•ng ""3S, things got n'll1<:h mort competitJvt ·~ tlf'f frtends ct\ln I wouid ewr ~ lrfYCincrd - I'd rully IWYl't wm th"'" l!kt Chat ~lore, and I ewn th0W4ht &nc"rw"d be 50me ttltl It orw pcMnC '' one f flMd ti~ • wtin~ 110 lt.-n how to &t't t:N C¥ tr1ooArC. lut I WI• ,., "°"' wom.d ..., , .. WIL One• tlW'd CO'l"- i.ht ••' ~ • ..,,d ~Jt) Juit as,_ •'~f'')'Ol't .. ,. woundthtp1~

A Jane

Page 72: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

_.... ...... I I

I MW! some good ,,..._ The tl"91'·~f!lr. U.. ~. ~"O uMd to ~NICI tri<t achool. •coming io-1"--­ vlttt. I.al I.Au won't hl\11 fnl,ICh I.mt wth ..... buC. tht* WI ~ IAM I phOtO rJ hlW ton"IC&t411 ltilt NI CNngOCI _.,.. __ -......od be !ho --1 WhilO lh4 it Ntnt. LIM ,_ ~ 10 1ittlor .,..,.., I-*> OI hit ... l.

conoen pwkw11•u. °' g1.,. • \1111. lbOUt how lhe wm .. ,_. aong1 Whlcl\ 00 you think tfudent9 WOUid pWw'1 I'd l!kt 10 hotd •meeting nt)(f Fl'l<Wt ar.tt td'ICclf to p1an U-'1 ..-1. WoAI •

you 1>t~10come? ----------------J'L Wth beS1 ~. '*1, i.:.uee .. Mrs Jwt•ton

b ts lhere • dllfcr.nc:e ~ wtil:ing to • "'"'d tnd wnc.ng ao your tNC'hef? How mlghl It .rtect the kind of ~ you uw?

""" """" - ''"" - from Mts Jameooo, the princopal al tno l<>ternatl"'* scllOOI tnat you attend. about a visit to the &d»OI by 8CW""leone weP known. Read Mfl, Je11)9SOl11s tMTlail and the note& you have made_ Then \¥rrte en emaU IO Mn Jat'T'leSOI\ using alt your notes.

1• R9CI thtough lhe in:struetiOns fOI' ¥1 oarn t.asl< b8ow. Thtn ~ these questions Mitt I pattner.

1 Who.:_~ f'l'l\3il to? 2 W'ho t! 1 fl"Of'T'l1 IS c froM: someooeyou tl'IO'W? Ye$./ No

~•t)"'Ol.lrschool' 'Ves/No a friend7 Yes I No a i..c:h«? Ye I No

• WNir types of ~ car you be asked to wfite in Pan 1? • Y/ho IJC mt typcal peoplit )"Otl ""£hl bit wnting to7 • Howma."!Ywordsdoyouhavetownte"'

Wrlthtg Part 1 Test 2 Training

Page 73: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

-21toln ... I 1l

(¥auls4p .... w:w I'd-- flM ro~• ~mn ... lh*l'd . , d ,.... tWI •


, l ,..d'lll~

c ...... HWJ "s a 'M'iJ 1b'l.l • ~ YAMd. be. gDOd ~to Ho.-- > l.l!'I\ I fldt ...e lh:Md

' _)

~ .. ~o:;-i ': .. , .. .., I _,, '9) pftl;l:ld ID ~1r •boul Id~-- ........ , .... ft•trWllO. .... .. ...., '"' YCfY .. h ., ee w_ry t'JI0'-'91 COi 9


ill! TJ'lll I ab\a"Jl""r

l hNpN you've Ro< 10 _,,. • ...,.J0u'"'Y· w.....i you""'°' 10 I" t>r "'Of pl&ntl

2 ~ rti your bn1hdiv WcUd yOl.I ptt(t>r to h..w 1 f~ mal 111 ham.! Of .ott I fltHAUl"lnfl

6 for dte diird poinc in yotx ~~ )'OU haw to s.ly wn.ch of two opcions you prr#tt". Wnte sentences ro say wt.id\ of the tolbq you wauld prtftr. usrtg th~ phr1sn for exp 1g Pttftrences in the~ -.. Add. J'NS()n for )'CU" .....

1 ~ )'OU'I? on hol•cby W:dd )OJ prefer to swim in 1 ~ WMWn~ poot °' 1n a II"'

S f'.cw' h wcond point il"I )'Oii ....,,..,., you haYe to suggat somechmg. Ait'spe:; id to these QutSCaOM ..... • suggtS.tion, USll'9 rhrt ptwll5l5 for " SJ i4•$ in the Rt:m~ boa.

What Jhall wt do on Sarwd,liJl 2 Whit shcUd we wtal' to ttw panyl _

3 Wh.lt: bnd of music should we pay?. -··-

4 kw """ Int po.inc In your ....... )'OU Nw co 1rspond p octJ • •'> ro whM chit""'*"" "'' ... 1c1. 'Nrllt • ~ f1"&POme lO ffCh of ~ wnetnct1, Ulln9 N phraRs for rttpOt 0. 'i POI 'CPJt"P)' in thf Af1' ""',... ~ boJt 1 GJ!Mt#lall l'vtwon"' c. -npttbatll 2 Ir\ not Iona until you CCfT' .. ai1d vtdtl l Would ycK1 li\e toao to a o:inc.rtJ _

4 I dUnii:..,. !hou&d h.t'lel-'1 end-d·trrm Pl"Y-

, - )'OU n..,. Jd<noRtd dw - IO lnciudo in yo..-· ... Mtn Y'(U' '*"'*'about yo\W ldMI; kir ... ,. 1" 19 ""' ~ ~ notf'S 1111 ... ~ (Tht ,.., ""' ""' - _,... y .... ,

7 For lht to....m point In yol.H' .......... )'OU hlw to txplirw-i.....,. JQI ant do G••••ibR' 1 ~•OHl•9- ~tenttnets co u,'whyYo'J CINi'c do the '"11c 19. using ' phr_.. kit ~-"'"D from Che "-1ucs11Mri box. Give • r..son for your ~~:.~.I wl ti. il!l>lt IO ~ ,,,..,...,D"').l:iYll~l J c.n "'°"~to my patty nie'd ~1 _ __ tl'l'l lfr.,•'llO't1 °"' poniblt fof .... ,. • 2 Would you l1•e toao 5hoppute10mcW1wil l How .abouc eo•ng s~~ on Monday after1Chool?

t;;;;~ ..

l 'bl !\aw to choose bef-.n 1WllO ttungs.

L ll -1 'M\at Mt lhey1

~~ .....;


~ -, 4 What dO ~u have to~ few w latt po!nt1

J t

Page 74: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

1• I Ttil2 ~pndk•

Checkl Haw you: = cheek.O who you re wnnng to? !::: In~ a[! four~ 9l ~ ansYM1 ~ used aQOf'OPtio.te language to express each of the lour pcw'lts?

I=< ~ and - ""' .-nall 8Pl)f'Optla1ely? .._ ~ wrttten 1?0-150 won;ts?


Write your email. You muat use W'lrmlll~ correc:t ~enoes with aocurate soe111ng and punctuawi mi a styie appropriate f0t the situation..

No. t>OCau .. "

A~ )'OU know, we·,. ptan'*lg to have a oay .i the city sports cenn soon. with IOts of <iff....t 9C)Orts tletMbll lor ~°'•to take D3rt "·

I CoUd )IOU tel '"* wl'lieh e and Wt\11: your le'l'llll ii:?

We can allo bOCk one epeclot nevr apart f0t "1Udwltt to lry on the da~ Tho choooo II pg~ on""' toke~. 0t '*'II .. dmbio>g ..,,..,. Nldt :n. lPQrta oentt• 'W'Nct\ do 'Y°" ttri ~ wou6d.,,..,.,., I'd l)o.fl ~I" 10metilINlft«~Ott1'hilllaay l pottiblf, ~I Qll\

rftl )OU more 1b0ut V. ~"""'1t.t. Will you bl ltJll 10 c ?



1 You tlav• ,_vod tho follovffl\l tmol from M< 08vld..,,,. U>o -<U tYC!>« al YO<I Int•- ochool, who II Wf tong to o1 the etudants " 'I°"' )'90r 11bOut the rrangamenta for a sports event. Read"""" o .. i(t9ol ,._ email and the oo&es you have made. Then wn:.e att email IO Mr Davidson, using al y<>.1 notes.

r-n..1 • fl:Nd 11 .. ..,..,.. Of' ~ff tnc1-.r l'ICllr\ ~ 11onti)~ 1 _..IAir W> ~ \llWltllfN:I

~~)'OU l\M' 10 b.Judt In JO.II' ""'*""·Mot~ .. ltJff' f'IP -Oft N!~ gm. the ~fl)l"l"'\llJOI' 11W!J 1\11 tor

F<>llOW' the 1na1ruct10fW beiow Tipl -Nd llw .,W\AiiOta to N llll ~ 10 \.:. see l'litlO fie""".~ 11 •·-.m #'Id ..Nt.

You must•~ thia q~t1ot1. Wnte 'fOUI arwwer in 120 -1ao NII e.o .wbOl11 WOf'dll 11n en IPP'~lct Mylt on your •newer aheel

Writing • Part 1 Test 2 Exan1 practice

Page 75: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

b How ICld ' cor • nM &o )IOUr rwlfw As .,.,, of your- Clilnebmn. cry "'"'If 1 seruncir with• ~ lilw Cht.s.: • llGS tkfln1t~ly tht liat miouront rw ~ bttll lo. '\or "'lfWr s.etn ~ • --r fi(m ,,. ,,,,. Ifft

~-=-1 .... OhWllfllCllllW

"'""~'""""""­ fd~if(IAl41N 4SJ~ .. ~lt)'.l~IO -.,1(~.,...,~li\'I/ m ... ii / II> 90 lhrrT

la Wont v.ith. '*"""'°do the~ .. I Ch0(1\.f a CO'flPl- tw pN', • film.•~ or a fL'\t.lUrMIC to Qlk about

1 M•lt AOtfl bltotf ~ btlln. h ~ 10 df'IO'ibt wtlat It Ii. AV wt\at you l1ktd and didn't l1k• •boul k, a.nd whether )Olil would lt"OOmmend Iii IO C>t"'« ptq>I~ in voi.w cWs.

J Wn\l tilt twww. Uw \'OC-1bul3ry and tt:prn'-lons rrom W'\.11td land 1

"'""°9•"9 poedmblt . ..,,.., tcmlying o-m1ncjng -9 .... ,,_.. compi~x saoy tlriltng arb1g ~ tf'lltt\at~ -b _ ... ..,,........,g 11"diOilblf """'119 mnfusing _.,,."' ~ cliedJ hol'l'H:;ilf• '"'Pft'\~l\lf

Vocabulaty Positive and negative adjectives 2 Look 1c the words below" t~t CJn bit wed to give an oprtliain. Which we pc!liilNie?

Which a.'! n~gibw?Wlicti could bf bod\. ck'ptnding on IM context?

,~··· .. "'" ... ""' ""'Stt'Ykt ltlt 1e1on

TN- (It .. ,,,.. .. i!h~ ending

"" !ood lht muqo

f'C' rt1'1lU

ft \Pf'(l11I ttfticts ........ ,.,~ ft locauon

1 Look 11 u .. f:l i if Points you ~ Woll"lt to lncludt il"I 1 ~lew. Put th8n 1nto d• u1egones ol ~ btlow. Somt worch go in ,,...,... dwl one Cllf9D'Y-

'"'Part l there may be1quest;0n "!Qng you10wntea r!Ml!W(e.g_ for an En~ ,,,..azine ncwspaperorwetx.tf"~ lit I rtMf:W you:

• ..,.. • bntf desaiption °'what~~ ~··ns • indude your opn.on : wh3t you ltkfd and wli•t you didn'I; l\t about the t'"'Pf".e'O

• uwally give 1 r«emmrndatlon - SIW' If V(M,I ttilnk olh«r ~ wou'd l1kt ,, • should use loocl dtKrib1ng wordi - think 1bot.1 what ld)«'\Nft ,uid ~ J01J

a:>uldusc • wr•Tf'~ 120.-ndlSOworcl\

Writing Part 2 (review) Test 2 Training

Page 76: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

7 6 I Test 2. "n"llining

1'tp drop d1.11 I ha\'\"n·1 trit'd Jet. because It looks tenifylnal t1w p1rlr'1 alrTJd)' popuJ~rw!ttl tbten and nclt<r1 Jn tht ~rta. W'\di ll'IMM dut C'Yl;'l')'Unfl

swaps W..s anid tl-pL

Ilea: wcc, th.rr. ll a down 1ldt, whkh is tl\Oll thl'tt> ~1'1! 110 m,.sbftl.ftlts •<ni.iable nNrby. 1C1 if you want to buy • drink « tomP food, tw ~ady ror ~ w.1 lk'

All In~ I'd n;ailly ~cP•'lll!'ltnd tt to ocher people who k:wt •uaaand rtdin1 BMh l(s the C(l(lltst p11rk rw ............

II Ilk~ rnr )'uu're a ~btt<hnJrd,ncfltuuc.f'~•dlllwdw new 1k;itl'biurd and BMX r.-t :.i'-lt ~ pw. blim i.tr Incur tov.:n. Tt*l.JJ:t'l"lhttt had !w-m•*~--­ (;1cilltlH (or agct. so we.,.,.,.,. aD ..,.. .. .,_. tfw rerulu.. And we weren't diJappoll:.1trd .. t(s ._,.Ultly brtlhan~ F\rst a( 11\1, the paric ts not Ur froee ditit bli:• ltlltlOQ, to It's 1~.1:1y ~ccnM)lr for ~ple ~fnnt wt. fll tflwn. \Vhat's more. ll'I~ jlllllplatftbalJt m-..ai1111w1s • t>.:ginntol'I or real n:pt<tU. w:th one f'f'.dy +r' J g

Skateboard park

( n..t · T !)' 10 use- lflb'lg wonk. lkt Slflt ~has dont-. 10 ldd smlW ~w.

(MWr"l f'llOft', l)f"fliCIH titnli Of <Of'ltrJi~tl"IO polr«s ~. allfl ot,

b Now tMd the revirw a ~ ciltod Salv Wf'Olf' lor hfr .,_,. While you we 1toMllng. mdMlnt '""'"'*"of~•• og lhngl..

• 01)41\iOM • ~tww \llOl'dl • Wini .otib


r ~ Chertk whO )'(JI.I #'f WI "''9 \,,;,,!_ • )'OVr ~ for .. h r¥f t'lf

youne IWdtfl ol an 11r1tnWJOl\ll ~lll'll'IWfob\llf-. Ot Vol' ••hrf You""" nefd to'* ttw r.r)he IPt..t DI rMMllty ~ .. rmng.

2 Tht'wattrw•r011tlywa111"1 ~~. 3 The ~l.JC'l Wi:"tt q,.!•e fast. HOWf'lltl'. • T~1t1icl'.1ln1ht ma<tilntSMrWsru;l llGdftk

So llffd d'f ... m U>lc bflow

You hove &Hin mis a1Y10Vrctr1•• •* An mn ~'Ill apcwta mRQ"Zir\t

RWltwsWMtMI Do )'OU 16 to l lf*'U t'"tre or t*fic ...,,.... JO'f °'do~"°'°' If .a.- WIM. 10 t-~ lbcMA .t! WtM U1 a......._-.• ..... )Oii ll«e 11M donl .. alto.It It, 1lftCI ......__ po.i"d .- -9 •to OCW ......

ni. be«~ wit bl publ ...... ..i fftOlld;!

\vr11e your revt.w

441 Whitn you n wntlf19 Yo'<J/t' ....,, ~will Med to UM words tnd "PftiS~ 1Nt c.en link )'OUf idN~ Vou wll ntrtd .,.,.,, tot""'-' )'OU .. iddlng l Sfmflar point. or lddeng • COfll/'a(hflf pon ~ lht wn. ,.... L* M lhet turnpti Addln1 a •lmllar point A6dlf'I • conlrlllW,. po.nt Wh.lt'1 more Ort dw ocMI' hind P.M•dt'sth111 1to , • .., tM '•11r,. pnrl. !'lat sorit prar }"lf'fllf. Whilwl ltlOtT. )QIClbl '*" fOIJ1 SM.It' tflm. coo I On d11 orhtr hcuid 1r t ofrtn r:oo D'tMdld IOI IA io J11Cf11t """'

b Comi*ft tMu- ttnlencn..,.... 1 ,. .. ,,, •• pool W'I • ....... Wly.

1 fht twimmu11 pool htliru ~~<twp.. On thP cxhtf N."'CI

Page 77: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Wrtd119 Part a

t 'Tif' . Don 1 ~ to 9'o'f' )'Our fftifw I - tt !ht begnning and ll"ICLldf I 1tto1111eocilllon (usuallf 'lNt ~ ~


I L gtYlln 'IOI.JI ,.,.,., • l1UI?

L. ~-- .. ~ .,,, ..... , ycl<Ar-7 D inctudld yo.II°""" oP'iiOnS?

8 f'Tllde )'OI •«Olii*idlltOl"I?

UNd - ~ ..ottts to odd 11mllor or controlt"(I _, 0 - 120-111()-?

llM:lsw••• 1Y1anyo.z.......,....,cn,,..,_,,.l'I !M'lll do JOU UM I b? Ssn:I U8 l 'f'/4lltlW of the -· "*"9 us ................ .,,,,.og you don' Ike aboul ll...., ~'JO.I'd l8Xmmand It 10 cee- PfJOl)le OI JO' age.

Th9 bas! f9MWS: .. M"l 8 pm

~ · ......, ee ....-wiunanmt emf., to ..- -. )Cl.I

'-.,:.._ rwcl -~ Cb'il Cl")' I JO.I ant lhnk of JOrnf'ttlng ~ l'IM­ «ll.ollJ done or W'tn rtetntly. fust !nfk" SI.ft )Q.I

"""""' ...... - .tSks tor. /WJMf ""' ~ tilt Me In ee .,l'ICIUno!m«'C.

Folk>w the ns1'ructions 'beic:J.#_ Write your answer Jll 120- 180 words In an appropnate Slyie on yot..r BilSWW 8hMl

Writing • Part 2 (review) Test 2 Exam practice

Page 78: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


'WOCIClen p..azzltd St.ff'! ~ d.lmp shiny MIOlw.d k>l1d ,Ut!Clvl

c Now imiiginr ltwil ~ ~ the map and are gGl'lg «l"Cm lht bftd9t. Look at thew dts 10.19 ,.ronts that you could use 10 ttl your '*"Y 'Nhict\ could ttwy d1'5cnbt ""' ft ~ ~ WNther, or~ rttfings? ""-°""'"in lht UlfTMl u~ btlow. ind then comp~ your ¥KWttS wiCtl • pMtnS"

• R8d d'w: t.dc Qfrfuly. Befo~ you start 'Miting. )'OU nted to tpend • ft mommtJ o• .. 19-...i """- moklng brief ncees, Th"1I< >bout,,_ dw1gL

• W't'O ..e )"OI.' wn~'"I the ~.ory for?

• Y-i"hollf!- Tom md 1-l.any? fntnds? 8.'"0thers? HClllW Oid are they?

I _J

'llo<l hlwl - • llO!)'·Wl'i""g compe11uon i.. an Englistl·.._ 111agL::• and you decide to enter. ""'6 _,mull bogon With thl• Mnl..,...

Tom ""'1 Hotry lool<o<J ~fYJlullj II tho map Ind (f)ltl ... Off..,,,.. Ctlebndge.

rn;;f k it'll! Stf'llM(t It !tit llnl ptr10l'I OI \..:.!:... tht lhl'd pH~, lfyo.i .. ~

---------------------. Nl'nH In t.tlt ~. "°" ltGlld \M' tl'lf' WIN "°'"°'" II !ht flfll"f

t•~· .... -•ld<i>flM

ltt P4tt 2 Li~ fftJllf be 1 qul"Stion asl:ing you to write~ short stoN lft J IUW"f pr.

• cor".!ftJf your AOfY from the prompt senteoce you lt't crvtn • l'lftd to tttOW )QI an cse ~sl trnw-s .. past sim~. ~ contftXlU5 Ind past f)l"'l'fect • ~ 1'IH' IQOC:l 6"c:ribsna WOf'd~ - think or lU11;abtf ldje(UWI Ind ldlt'lf'bt,

• writlt t.tlaCI t 120 and 190 WO!d'$

Writing Part 2 (story) Test 2 T.-aining

Page 79: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Tftel~ I 79

4 Th~ i.am ran - 01110 tl'lt ptch. certau'I tney•d win. S ICatf IOO*ld ~ hG cOUStn'' fll:PM~1vt MWWlltch - jl.llt the one hf'd

alW.iys waMfd

6 ).tne wa fi..nous th.at M'fll~tr had bor1'owed her ~rile top. And <J.,mrned eta. doot - as st... wt

3 Jamie kJol:td around

1 ThebaQywasslffpinig. bydwt methoty~ he)tl1&_

2 To everyones S1Jrpt1W Jon re.acted WtY - •n M ttBtd t\e 'd won

a:w6kt1tty ~··dy ..-Ulca;ly

exorfdr calmly ~

4 You CMI use- ddcripOW «fwrbs in yow sccwy to show Che~ dlill peo!* do« say thing,.. Loe* at thew examples.

Ben Rrugped 10 kHp up with hk doe: thew walk lo ttw J*k- 2 Alter~ for w"ial lotltmed lift~. (hey emved 3 IC1ti~ was wait ng patiem:ty. and they stood chattlnt- Beti's

do1w.sbusyd181J"'&Ul>allthe~ In thepatk. 4 -·-Ben f"lhC~ wt.I his dog was doing. it hldcompJetefo,, ~ ~ - Now Wit .... the S.etittliCb with an Oldwrb from dtic box. (Sonwtrmes ~than one llnS\Wr ts poWbk!.)

by~ tl'M Wwir tor a #flw iilOIMJll$ iftftr I while once gqdualfy cMln!I n'med.attly

2. tt- ltnport.n IO UM' Nf'f'ltlvt tenMI ODrrf'(lty when )'CKJ lf't WNnf I 5tOfY

O>mplft• tlv "°I)' - by ""'""' .... - In lnclctt• "'° .... - - ~·•• (Ono ol IN- Mtd1 to bo mode~ Can >'OU -- _,, Thtb.•(1) hol., ~ i.,ft, (•l....i,.INrif)l>(lhttJmeJ"My(l) _ (,..; to the bus smp. lO i:he (J) (NvitJ to wane &I lf\f way lnro lOIM\ £wnWll'tp 'h• (4) (•.,....I•""'""'~-"""'"""" (5) lomngo) to....i "'"' frlftlidol.. ~ mmect. .. :ll!fy (6) (""'Ire) 1:t'11&f'it for their tol\lOUnte (oflw tMif "'" '"""" {7) (I i.w ""'" -1y ... h• <II- <-1 ·• ,.,,.., ...,. {P) - - (""""e) 1hat tt><y (10) (>~loot) at he< 'Wh•l'I-• U.. (11) - -1•") '"'P"'""~V She(ll) - (bt) puzz1fd to , .. m. .. pa1u1 {13) •ollce)ln hedop wtwlt{14) --{goi..,>Suddrnlylhoyall (15) wt)c,_.. 'Congrat.Altion<on,.,,,,,..1he~JOn1'...,. &II { 16) (ihout).

J Vou mq..,. to use words Mid elCP"ft1ilOl"I$ to daaibre t~ when you ~use-~ ckvlces tl.«ft • lht ~ telling 'f04' story Look M these eumples, then use s.omt of thfn'I to ciqnsSIOnl tn ExiM::iwo J lhll kik ~Im dw ~ft"l'l«'S which follow pc.nrs 1111! ... ~

Page 80: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


r.w·...,..,._..,.,_.,_.., ~...., nm:l IO -- h tilt '"'pewn

T.oruwtht'~-',.,..~ .,,~,

r r:.. ~ \\Wn ct : ng n. llor) outtBrn ~ fNkt tu"f )Ql.l Qn ~IO lht Ind

~ tl.ll'llWig CUI ul ite.. Ml/fll bril'I ,..-. ol ticrw JCll •r *'Y • __ ,... __

rn::I To mi!te yo-.. 11ory hPf"Ull'llJ b '....:.:'.:. ltw rH*'r. l'Nle- ,.,., )'Oli.l Blt.lOt .. ~ ~~....,. ., ..~.Cl' 'ti •l'lllll •cNlrta.

rn;;f Cori!IP • )'OU' Sloty 6'om ee ,,...._ P"Of"lpl ~ - dOnl •M

.lbol'I Oflet'Wlg awnp~ -

Chocld H.,,. you: ,......., UMd a range of-' t .... ?

!=I u- ~ ediective9 Ol'(I -? .._. used a range Of tine l/fOt"dS and ~ons? __ dMded )IOI.#' SIOl'Y IMO P8/Bg1"8phe:'? = wrtten 120-1aowon:ts?

Your ctO<y must beQit1 w<th 111• oenttne•t

- Elotlo..,.. lt>O /lot.I•• tor in. ~m ''""· w couldnT bel..,,. het•)'N.

v ... tfNIChor nas aed you to""''"• otOtY In Enghllh '"' lhe ochool magaz1ne.

Fonow the lns:ruc:tlOns ~ ...

wme your ensWfJ/I in 120 - 180 words m an awopnate 9fY'e on you' answer shfft.

Writing • Part 2 (story) Test 2 Exa1n practice

r n.t . Cotttrua an • ..,, Olli 19 ,,..,.. Mefy, ~ Wlf'I • dNt beginl'lf'IG, medic

#Id t'*'9 Makt SJ'f',.., uw pnigraohs ¥lhrf'I )Oii mow~ Md! nora .r• ol N llOl"f


S A.Nd the story that • boy alltd hdr ""' writtwn "' .., at\fllYf'r to thP Wlc on p.tge 78. M you teld. undMint torne ~ ol thew things.

• drtc'l"lpn'if' ad'Jt~ • lime words • aMrt:a that Ottcnbe 1hit ~ ptiople did or u.d tl'\iip • ""1:>5 lin tht p.l\t IWT'll'* pau tonWlvous and p.ut PtrfKt WIMS

,,..,,. l!m .... llrry-•i-foflr •I rt. ""'"d ••n tN a/f..,.... >l•o l<i·ljl 11 r>d b<tn > bc&r1V.

"""'· """I "'1· bul .~ ... ~ u.....t tw bn6)• """" ..... ~,,......,to"''"" .,... thMrol "'4 "''l'" •• - ~ ,,,. ~ .• ,.,, .i. - .. """'~ i-...i, flllAo>) 1'•1 !hi"""_,.., ...it..*• l<M> o{ , '"''",.,. """ ,......,,,,1 ""1'9'"' "1\-:0..,' mxh b\' ~crW tnm ~ 'I~-· .,J,,.,..,., ~~.'°'~on. M0l1 bmfrh1n1 Ul'•kM ltt'lt1tr\oo1 Jt ~"~·I '!iiift: ~·,-..,,,"f.' ~ ... <~ '9'~ ... .,., .... Ir>«. - • wllil< .... do.Ml•~ .. ~ .... "" ... ~,,, .. .,,. oo ,.,.,. !>o<n 1lq '·""'°"'lb..! ml u. • S""'P o{ ~ '" b 6,'°"" k 1'1t1 ~·..t. .t., did 1r"'1 1t.f. but +.t1 tucht-r JM d.Mtl'T.att'. ~ a J>iUW. 'lcmc. on.' trc4 l'w '"t-Mhtr dwufull1

.... "'"'JM ........... !I"""" ,._ """"""~ - .

Page 81: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

ll '-1,

.,,._.,h """"""" 'i.ot¢- ~ .. l- .. ~-'f!yl"t'tw--J.-y......,,,_, -·~~~ ........ ,""'-t,_~ ... ~ f#.+y ~, ~otA'°>' ,.,.... 'boo .. t ... """" ... ~ ..... ,.._ "'-..l ,.._ ,.... ... _ .... C"'#l'l·p-~ftft ......... _._.. .. ~,_~'k-- ~··ir

'9ir~ -~ ~ -c",. ""'~,., ~ .. 's ..... ....,. ~ - .... ., .... .. ,- ~ IO ..... ..,,. °"' !!'¥~ .....,... I~ ......,..If ~ ... ~ ........ -8"..,~WltM..•1:,._ ... _,t..~ ~~ """'""' ;.n. __,,. ,..... ... :ct- '-c ""',...,,. ~·~ ....... """ .. _ .. ~~~-"fl 1-r~H-.c ,_.,,, .. 1'-"""« ~ r .. td~ - r~i ~ ~- ~-,. ... ~ ... ,.... .... ,..... ,...~., ... fie\ ,...,. _, , ~·ft',..., "• ~ ~ _..,.,._...,.~~~,......•ft ~..,,,.... «"" .. ~- ~ ... HoJs 111.eift, -,,_...,.. _,. ~ ... r• .. ~ ....., , ... ...,.. te .. ,...,,.....,.. .. ~

.-.Kw-. ... """"

r n,,;;- ~ ~ J'Cllil i.np 'Pl coenne ~ ...0 brlitf_ Thll' test ol lW "­

tlrt!ds .., .s..-cr "" ..

b How m1oy -111phs kl• U..U tndudtd In hd -

1U)11r,..11g f,Ofllfth•ng ~ btong ~ IOQlog•""ll 9iwl0 I "*"'ng W)'W'lg e ...... ...,,p1.,,ll\l ~·""II - f'Wlt•ng MllWlpC'nlf!nb

Ja Re!ild Che "'-tt!" that a bo'j ailed lewis wrote 10 Sam. Vtlhll fooctions hilS Lewis ~ in hlS letter? Loolc at the !isl •nd dd< (I) wtwit ho has lnckKled. Yoo 0-ld Od< ~ funcoom in t.CJUI. Uncld'lt t~ ln~taL

b --·---your.pyeoSMnlltam v.llat ·-· - l'OU 9"'° horn?

You h3ve JUSt ,_,,od - lltttt frOm on Engl~ lrlond. Sim. r .. ._ ~•.;,..-, _.,,,,...,, ... ~ ..p.,;., "-' .,., .• .._ a·,,,., 1o 1o r" In T .. ..., ,,_ .e, '"T ~-' - lo Ca.< '-- ,; D Odo<.\, ..W ,.! "'1 ,_ .. #"'9 ..do ..,... JfJ 'cf ( ..... i'.Mt Wu' l w

Wrrte your letter

In Part 2 thtte """!bf a ~ion &1ng you 10~11ttta lna~you

• need to open and dose your lettt:r tl'I a wltable Wi1f • may need to givt .c!vic:., suggestioc 11o. .-.formJbOr'I or opinions;~ MA•...,•c or oiler help. • Wfitt bttwttn 120 and 180words;

I \Vol1t tM'!h I pwtner L.0otc It the tolowill ~ Kt 4tll(U lhit an bf> VSfd 9t ata.i. Decide wfwrt )'OIJ -*l.,.."""' --you..,... (O) ,,...,,. (Q • ....,.,

Sony I haven't bfiel'I rn &ouch b 1 wtllii. 1 ut me tncM al your ""'"1.

2 T.1lrl!a1eandwn-.esoon._ I 1¥'b,.._ J tt wa" r..11tyn1t• ro hear f'Om you _ 9 rd ICM' iotmr ''°"''°"llain toQn.

' Drop me anoth~r line W YD" pt f.mfi .. 10 Mlf!V~for~na lift:«. S I hopewh•tlWWl'1tt«1wlllttetp 11 Alhbl:abnoww 6 lkoptyou'ro()I( 12 Fm ...... -lO ..... you/'-"'c"-yau.

Z• Look"' h eum usk btktiw

Writing Part 2 (letter) Test 2 Training

Page 82: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

- ... -2

Dlr«I ~hOf'" bfgft'lng C#I 1 ..,.Alto 'al':! OOlo.t > 1'11-vf' dlfile!wll -.ti°'*~ !ht)' .. ~ lnlO tndrt(t <Vt\ .....

c;.., hr ..- ffl!fti.H- Do 10C) ""°"" • ._. (O't ..... rf"f"'da} ii klh/l ~) - Ori )'INk'lmrll -·- DdlrP ... IN *'t~ - Do ,..,me- Jf tw1ow~ltn.'

6ril lnMct qi;oesriMs and statts1e11S can be uwfi.11'" leaes.. Reid d'le5e exJl"l'IC)les 'Nhich lew.s use ., hn lttter to Sim.

I dont •-wlly "1<y """''°" to fO 1- se a:sl)c Do thtyknow ~[ft~ yout (nMdJ O."f lrt«wtf I.ht po!fy'

b lUm these into Mired questions, or w~s: 1 .... """'brcthen'

Ooyoua::now -1 2 ti thtrc any hon iie c tk ror t,,. ~ r

Ooyoutnow -- - -1 3 M your P""'" happy about tht pwty7 Doyoublow 7

4 Oo tC'lft,l£m'l •n yow- aK.T·lry dten ID to pait1al C..n 'fO'I tell me - ?

s lhrt patty m.Vt \tart at n ne. but rm notwrw. rm not 1ure ....t\al

6 My .,.,..,u don't want l'nlt' IO IQ but I dont know why dOnlknoW-

.. Look 11 thf w.,- Lf"MI use quesbOn.s #\Cl should .-.d if""''~ In his .,.U• 10 ~ Mfrrrit1 ..ct nvke IUQOf'\llOn"- 1/ 1 wwrt )OU. t'd ~I I~ ... W,,,. dOn I,.. mt )'OU' po-. to ,OCi ,.... up 1 I tJ:nl: )'OU l#IO\.t~ 11,.... do • ..,,, •"-Y-'-.Y

b Giw "'!Ill"''°"' 10 t '"-I tbout "- m..gs I nHd some "'°MY to So etc towf!.I 1/ you

2 ""'fOf)'Oth:ft ,0 do "'Y homewot~ I Why 4cn'( yo11 ,

J ICll'l't find,,.,,. n1obilel tflMtw J"0&4, fd _ 4 rm suppct'Sf'd to bf mff'!' ng,,,.., fn~L bul I'm WI I thin• )IOI.I thovld

Sa Loi* ii the WI'/ LeYM uws a question ~ to shOilt he agrees wtth Sam

~ .. ~ng qui:# ffl'ICt "'""' rlottyi'

b Add qutsbon Q9S to chew sentences. , • 'l.Otlnd'S lib .i gfNl part)'. - -

2 \"4e hold .i good tttnt ·--·· 3 Thrti<t we-re a lot of people, .

4 Vou neeod to as.It 'fOtJf ttKhet'. - 5 You s.hould probably tell your""""'~- 6 ts quite diffio...lt

Page 83: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

r;;:t You n..e~tely 40 ~' \..:.=.._ 10 do ,.., 1. whiCh indudts ttw

liMic JCll,t l'K"ed '° read Mid ch«k ~r --.e' tlf'IM )l'OU haW­ ......,

Chedc! H..,. you:

G ansv.•eted the quesnons il the tetter1 L gN9l1 your Oil""""'* or a<Mce?

- - dosed Ille loner In a suttable way? 12G-180-0s?


Wt-. te yo..ir letter

wftt11 Mt4'11 lf fJIJt _.,,, #wti "1ff fld('tdlt 111.U ht I tlr:1'd 11ttit w-tl rm• i>I older.,,.,..,..,,..,. "i"·'ll "'°"!?- •l>lt do,.., .,_7 Now you 9"' ,..,.- - -r<•IW

N lf.j ~ rf { .,..r, tD tut d 'Of'!Jfl&lftr I ~....,. lo th:n rrrr -~ i.,..,p • "'·' "' • ....., '"' .. """ ,_ ....... m<d ,,

~ ,...., received this lelter !rom Connor, your Ellgl>Oh-._king friend. C T1p! You'-' "_, ond ..,.. '/OJI" _cef Ir:. Sl.Killblt """'· bul don't ..:bliP- IOO much geneni •lo• •11. wcl"> • )'OW""'(ev ~ 'tou rll"ed IO "'4111 dellWlg l'dlh .t'lat'~ ll'l '/046 ('~ qUf'9iOt'I el ......... -

Tlptl i'#ldh~~tC)cfttct

._ W'.o )OU "'" "''!!Ing '° f(l(\4 Oft !fir pc!llWJ It'! !he- qut1illCl"I

W'trM hi'A' )'Ol.l ~ ri:lrid ID dO~

~ •"te i'W~M bek'W.

Write your answer m 120-180 words }I\ en apptOpnete 8¥1 on your en&ww •heel

Writing • Part 2 (letter) Test 2 Exarn practice

Page 84: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

..... ",......., .. , MI r .. 2-

f'ICJ My l'IO wonder no m.a!tef - I would C\'ttt 1..1.•e bilft tmomr 11Nk1_~ Matt:ll'\

how m1ny 'hop' d'lt IOOlrtel in, f")W o:Uont l1f'd any shoes she t11a!d. todotM~rktonicN ·V.1CIKhe1" woninwk It l•J1 nt:rt~

you cant fi"l:t Jnyth1n11n yoatroo'fl • C\a messr ..aod Muftt

for their new CO

Focus ~·ngs of words In context 2 In..,.." t ~which word r1tt bfosl MO\ ttw mww19 ot 4lld1 of th• tour~"

-"""~ whrnrYL'f him~ wt\ilflM1' • my pdmothH l.'Omfi 111 fr'r( hauw.,. sht ~ p. n1e potktt m.,,,.,- b _,,_,,,,._..uptry•nc· - cilliaA•......, c you go 1n tl\eWO'ld. youun~ftnd 1onW01111 ~~ks Enith.sh d ManuNsp.a_tnlb1ilowhertodo '*'tliUoi.

2 tv«q rrwdium (Jf'ner11 famltiar • Un )'DU pt f'M' I • . kle• of...,... tre fib w.ll Aholit? b ~ p6ICt' look \lefY to me - rm_.. rw b@en he'f before. c Whidi si:t' do )'O'.! need - small or ? d ~ timi>ygoesabtoad at leasl once• year

3 ~ media btoaeltast ~ a tltw'Sf ;•s.J'f\ilCU-ints. TVandthf'OOoinc:a:led~- b Tht're is a "'"""'°' -- . on lV ewry hour during the- d.ay c TM toO bat'ld "Ntft &•v11'g a iefles olTV ll'llMliews to get d I ~ -1. red"r' ft.rnny on TV few .a new prnr..

rn::I Ra .... be to bcil attWr. ee '-=-.wordl- ~¥Cl~ ft MIS - ~.,, ....... ~


Useful lal gn g • Phrases and colloc.ations 1 Cirdt 1ht cam<t word ot WOrdi in eaidi seoeeoee,

~ o.."""" ''°"'"hara'°""®',._ - mu<L 1 Wi'IO .. ~best tootbtller of a.II rene I day, 2 ~~was Qncelled b«Guw I owtr19 ID bad~. 3 My pl"1'ICS ~they cak~ af'I lntert.St"' I or my~ 4 'M'!y do SOtM l)IOplt hive a fasci~abQn o/ Ip lnliz1.? 5 Some ptap:ir try m :iraw I pulJ auention 10 U'lel•dC\45 bi;' WP•rirC billfff': clot!\l!'S. 6 Tlw Q)l'l'lplft~"' in the Wef\l showwer. II tryfn& hard I>_. I 1akt the jud8t$' appr?Wl.L 7 r-. JUA ~I rrtcwd hOUMt .. you mt3I camt n 1H rt soon. I I ...,,., ttilo'I -I" ""' Ihm/ ond so low - ~.,Will

• How~ QUeRJOm do you have to a~. •n ~ 1' • ~·i ft11ftY op(IOnldoyrou have to choose tl'Orl irr tllCfi quesaqi1

Use of English Part 1

Page 85: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Tell J: ham pnacd<e I as Us• of lngllsh "-' 1

The amazing Hany Houdini H.tng1ng\.lP9ldodowlt~1i.i JU!IOi·.igl"l'"l'tnormlf"/n'°'t · • (0) olfun....,.cldyW)OUI' hlll'IOl ft .... W 14d tog.-t· • ,,~ If you,,_, ebout. .,. of EMch w... )'OIJ'I dllOCMll'

- hewn not'°" Ill • 4. As"".....,, he Pl ,_ nome to Hor')'- ond _.. on to beco'•lt I W01d·f.arnouaw:ape r ..... In ttet. fCI - earne peopie. ht wa lhl grttirt91t _ ......... ""-·-·

Som'"" HunglllYri 1874, Har!y Houdn 1Wa$ (6) __ in the USA. Atol.nf the age al twelve. he ctevdOPed agrNll (7) in magic~ SW.O 1)611'0<11•19 card tr1cb in smell theatres end at flJl"lfws HIWI')' lllerde•8'0ped ar,amg __. zricks, and theM rtrlly drew th9 pubhc'J: flll - - •

(It how i.. *"'tied 1.C>-wht<i d'llint, l'OPM« honctcunt- the w-:t Harry Houd1n1 w Id C10) ma1'leOI 10 MC1P9. Onct people Md beeome ~to Nt G"tf;kf, hi~ dtv«lp ~en mor. d•l'IQ'I or•. • :iludlno •· ¥ '9 from a~•flleel l.ankl .-ncs cmea. ~ HoUcWd .,... • c....., ll'IOwMln.,.... ht a....r,~ m11nooed 10 Q9l •~ (11) tothilmw1. (121-N'"1vto In eN"WtOWl'l. htwoul0~1t1 L"'ll~ to PY' twndcul!lon h1rn., wtlkoh. ot coi.ne. hi"*" ttoaoed from

c ru = = !ft'"'' O s• aggesbon C plan B atLlude 0 A idea


~-. NrVP • , "' 1n • 111.ank. • 101J 11: not an •~I tn .. Ntl'. croa CM llW> CIPbO" er oplol"ll lh.tl ~ _..,.., ,,. ""°"If #Id ....., Mll.:t • ..-..

Fo _,..,. t-12 -· tM loxtbolow Ind doc:l<iewtd> .,... _,.(A. 8. C or D) be'ol f•lll "°" gap. Th·~•,. an ''""'Pl• 11""' boglr <>g 10)

Use of English • Part 1 Test 2 Exam practice

- Focus Exam skills l For each ..,,...,... - Ch< c....a - (A. 8, C or O)

Harry Houdini, maakbn and f'ICApO artist 1 H.lloy Houdirr i W2l born in Hurwiiry b"" ..._ " e-e USA

A sreioi oP 8 ~ up C broc.:ighl up 0 took up 2 H1rry It'd hi1 btocte Theow«t both -in mll"

A kff'n I blcinatcd C fond 0 1n?11r.-.rrd ) By tlw •of 12, K1ny Nd ptt"kw•otd hi1l'NglCIn<•11n public

A1tll anow c.1,-, O'OOn 4 At 17. ~ bf'IC.lmftl lull·l ,,,..P'of~ ""I''*'-- tak1fttanoffictJob.

A .JWa'ffn:iim B i'Uhef UWJ1 C apert from 0 a:Cfpt ft r

s H.,ry."""' '"°"' - .... (< ............ USA""" Europe. Ae.m~ BalltKled Cattendtd D.appeal· d

6 . ro tna"Y ptq:16t. Harry i.toudini 1114.S 1ht best aape: arttst ewf'

A~ B ()w;rg C Rel...... 0 Ao:0<d>r"

Page 86: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

"'° ................ 16 I 'hit 1 lllM> prodko

1 A Delp.te 11><1 B WN!t'a '"°"' c eutin ... o Ratl1er man f tiiii!!p 2 A !am6ar B ·-- c m-.m D g....,.. ,.,,.._a~

Hairy ,,...,,....,,IO )!w:Bf ~

3 A turned B replo<»d c mo'*" D ct.ogod ilidl ID wl'lidi ~ ......n - ~·ft) 1.t!Ol"iA"f'. m~m#

4 A according to B -by c refef"l'1ng to D sur.ed by l~~~~~

5 B day Cyes Owa ., . .,..,,,

A ..,,. , nvs llfll!O'IS" !'I(' c~ rWrWll

e A ""sedby B grown up c come """' D b<ougllt up • d1Jln¥u' OOlnL"- l'rhiCIJ ~ ~~· ~ .._.._,,~

7 A """' B 11\lerost c hObby o fasonation • l'hS If 0 pn- l'td IJtrt>(t.lCf'S

"""°°' ~~ 8 A attraction e a9"1J&ment c attenti~ 0 approval


,~ ..... (llr ""'''~

9 A No~ e No matter c No need D Nowonder plls0:1Jlf °'"" --~ --· 10 A yet e qullo c stlll 0 llJraady ' ~ p/tlasd l"ttf1 :nt"n m

~ ,oc.r- cNdrood' n apl:ltt>

11 A adver1iSemenl e med.a c broadcast 0 publidly 1 ~ a'lf' of~ llCltl:8" CDl~~by~

12 A -- e Wt\at°""' c -- D Whic- .. $ 1C1ln

•ho...edOC~ .....,, i'tt ~ ._. * '71...-s I) ,.~IO~IGll(ilW9

""'""""" , ~of~ oM:R1 '*'Cit' ~-*" °" cni6'f!'tf ~ .,,..,,., ~ 9 -'Wit I~ wJ ~ ,,,,,,_.oft rior ~,,, ..aJl _..,. ..... 10 .,,,. l"W'Cll'll' Hoc61I OilM:l)'I' ~tom i!l!i ff'.lik1 "'"' ~ hr IVf'(lfPrJ ... MI'S.

, , 1M • .., ..... ""*°"" "°"" 11'1« ~ ~,.. ,. .... fE':l 00 rv. t«::

, l ,,.., 'llllOld '""'" "'")' ,.,..,. ....... .,. ...............

Page 87: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Teti 2 Ti **ll•i$i I 17

l I likf. the beach becouw I can meet rrry frlieftds thc!c 3 Haw you ml the boot I \ent )'Ol.i?

4 Onfy r-~ people in c~dass forJot to do ~·l'f homework. S My liulesister tt\;'*5 M~ loo<! a&o sptcy, but I k)W- 4. 6 Our football tttrn huj\61. wor. as tenth pmt 1,.. & row. 7 Lf1'~ go see -skating rogtwter at ee 'e~ Id. 8 the place twre ~ S.Uyed on hottdiywas nest to me SR.

Foals Ex.am slci!ls 3 @ Clost out "1ese Sl)<llng - made by exam candid.Jles. "T.f"-,. "1«ll )OUI" - .... - •

Then wnte tJi,,r word COl'T'M1iy. ~ mlsspdl word wii IOR )'Cit.I • mlrk. u.mpi. v...,,_.,,_,_,,,_ ~

Matt doesn' mind wich ate wir go 10.

2 ~ Ccitn!a one mistake- in NCh of eese sentences wnnen bf exanl c¥ldidatts. 1 Yesll!rdol) I haw bought two t.ntlSbc T~slwb. 2 Ros~ wet""I to the> fa.ncy-dr~ party looking as a w.tch. 3 'f yo..1 Went on holtday to Ital)( wtur will you do there? 4 The show should have "St&r'«f •t 1930 bt.t It dellyed i:,, ~"'-'e minutts. S Sanwny wants to lcnow abot.it lht!- ~c fetrvaf wh.ch -s, held at the moment. 6 lnmycounuy,ptOPle&tvtpresehtsll'l nwtr ~ :: rc•.s.. 7 Wl>iCI: !>-.had you lwougt. w"I> you today' 8 WPl"-"""l I a~. I -.s g1'Ye a leaflet wh<h cont&lf'lll!d SOl"f\e- lfltaesting mformabOft 9 1 warned to ask ii tt'IP~ 6 poswblc fcx you to comir next 11.eelceid lftlletd.

10 To gtt tony house, go past the> f'tMMlrant tt's name is VIP and then tutn lefl

7 WMn f got h~ someone had ~oe1td my ntNtl bed - Y&itn. _ 8 SC)f"'llK)ne m1-'St M-t SH'l'I tM +ief1 .... tbe

- - .I

.,.. bm pmNa tQ'n 1tw W"b eo M .... ~. e.9 Mt"I' - ii • Mtf'd

Ren It• I Iba I

Useful !angiage Passives 1 Q'langt t:ht wntrnces from acriYe- to ptSslw:

Emmplo ~ r1i,, orr~ - OIW • ''"*' ~Y «Wrybooiy 1 ScN lflOioe se-t nva.~tt.lQ. n1"""'~ -1 _ .2 They are ff'Plh'lf'C tM K'hool heat1rc t.ocbJ - rxe , l seee peope haw said thal "' go.ng to W10W - 11

that }!.'$ go.ng to snow

• TMdentJSt is goira to &ake01.11 mv toottt - My .ootha go1rc -· l~dmtlst..

5 Don' worry. seeeene wilJ Ind VotX oag - Donl worry. your 6 How t\as !hit acode!it llfected him' .... How .. ~ __

• A.re you gfYf"'I wol'O< to choose fn)m I Pvt 2 quesbelns 1 • Why Is ,1 lmp-w1J"1" to tflllJ the mt wry ~.11ly btfOl'I!' you stMt to attSwer the queuioos?

l1§fi1fi!.i!,\,. U5e of English Part 2

Page 88: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

u.. .. """"' .... 2

11 hfw1I "'1sll' cb wt cM I:) ~,,.. tmt~"1 ~""',.Poll' ll or,,,. MEl'Nflf dr )OJ whcl! ~"'~~))":..I' --­ ,.~:'!~rsW'tl.P ptllSIW ~ a:>:ioy-Jo/ ffltkrdd~'

, $ M1W- ee :tlMflln:'P ~ ""'* lllQw .,ott«J t"'* ..... - ,,,....,.... __ ,, '' 11111 d a ~ J.rOf'Vll'I - r 7 ADI'! lb,.. 6 o c:l1t' 1"'11 a ptlSl .,. " ~ ~ """" - 1•ttx.iot!f!da~~ -· ,, lCICll: ttt ~)'fan 090 - hi¥ )'OU~ IPIP fQO rtf!N

N 1'M .s o "1IOfrl ltd iJ ~ aJ

~ ll:b/l!l.t ~Pit"~

J f "'*"°" p ii I 90ft' ~ ....,_,,,

rJ w,,._.., ~~fur !'lit (~~llyouh# - of~ wt. )llOll .... 14YAldi~fem6 r:!trf ltli rt¥b crJt! IS .~ C,, . ....,., i·ti619P

II I T• 2 bMa pr.ake

Ol"lly "*'! recent.y that he Ni& sta1ed to appeat" aimos.t ,,,.,.,., dly Walt F~x. a k>cal talOt' $8Y9 he 1'111$ wa,Chld 1ht erwnal (21) _ ~ O' s. 'I rel'!'WTlbw' In. first 1111'8 I spotied twn. a.be ttwt day (22) '*""teen ~ so extraOl'Oiftllry h rrtf l·fe.. He lookea. unnwil, • tJ<Olaans Wall. The ~ iCJP<*• to be t.atthy. but 8l tN momem the media and IOUr.5tS .. (23} - a&!(8d 10 stay tlWff't from him Conservabelfllsts felt thfft tne S11mll!ll co.Ad be ctiesed away (2.q - TV c.-nera crews and ¢'Olllfds ot photographer$ In bCMrta.

• fnl spoiled .. _._. ogo, ..,..q, l20!--· ..

1'9d, is a boWe OOOhn His body is ~k II o.... and tt. show he must (17) iook9d from birJl: he is., albn:i, (18t _ tn6#'tS he ties a rnediClf

ODl'ldiUOn that caJ69S pai. Sb\.

tt - &ourd (14) -

Most oeiople know 90f'!'leU'ling '1')01,1: dOlpl"lns. Fa exan1)61., ..,,.._ 111 IOI ~-­ us car; say 11'\«t Clolptww ant krlown for bllr'IQ ~telll!J*"t sld frwdy. &A rt we werw .-.er Bed What coio... dolphins ar-. Mw mct'ty peoore (13} - - uy •Oink'? -~

Pink dolPhin found

Wnte )'QU' .-:nS"Wet'S SN CAPITAL LETTERS on yot.r answer sheet.

I I Example: 0 " I r'. ! j ,

c Tipl Far SllilMi" ~ rn:re lhln ant possl* ward Ml Iii the gap but YoU l'l'1iS1 ""* " one 'IOd.

Fe< Q-• 13 - 24, read lhe text below and ll>inl< of tile word whictl best !i:s eaoh gap. Use Qllly one WO<d In each gap. Thet9 .s an example at the bcg«vling (0)

Use of English • Part 2 Test 2 Exa1n practice

Page 89: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

TM12~ I H

Useft1l language ~ular ~lings J Make nooos from ~ adfKlh'n and wrbl.

&ample hJgh ~~·- 1 '°"' 5 . ...,.. ' '°'"" 2 hoc 6 , ......... 10 -- 3 f'Jplil.ft 7 ....... • dtkr.bt • '"'°

1 Myi.-.ntetyp<olfood •Asian,espeo>fly {CHINA~ l l'INw gm l't'lll! your full .. (ATIEND),; the teacher told the di.ss.

l Youcan.iw.y.d<pendon)ono-slle'slUdlt- RELY)-. 4 k- --(CA.~£)ofyouioloi.eyourwctch.

S My n•1,111,.s al""~ telling me- I neied to"""" mcn __ (PATIE'fT). 6 We did lots or JPOfU at sumr'l«camp. Md the mosl---(ATHLETE)

cee was Ct0<<-(X)IJ'1'1)' f\11"1,..,..

7 M ct.f's k~ or Olh« bl'l£UJC'IS 15 .-ery (IMPRESSi 8 ~ .. --tPERFORM_iln~school plllywas boJ~nt ' IC¥1llellyouw.tlhany_ (CERTAIN, d\atlWllJbtthe(eonbme.

10 ltlt ·aoodlh•-.orabadtl ctobt~ V --(AMBITION}?

2 Fill thr Ml in e.Ktt sente:not USWl9 the word in bnclctt\. llic Nd'I suffix ~oner only.

-lit <Jr ... ... Exampl< -"CtptiOM6t. r«q)O""

1 - • soooce 7 pohbcs 2 h-,. s .., ... • boology l .. , 6 e<DOOmKS

Useful language S<Jflixes 1 UH dw suffil(tJ in lhe bo)I tD bm words lhat ""'« 10 I ptnon s IOI) 01


• Whie. 1ct1or~-..:.do~~10,onnll'IPan ... • Wrrv do 'Al netd JO reld 11'1t> trwt atound Nd'I q~to. c.lftfu,,.,. btfrnyou

<*'lrl- . Id\~ 10 fotm ""-.n tht- word on~ t1iht,'

Use of English Part 3 Test 2 Training

Page 90: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

ff I TtOl1-

"'°"" lht CQnlltd. Oo "" wcrdl rlftd.., bl'~ Ol l'llglll~ -··

~ Do\ielbJ~•be~.1 lo,,,u OI past ..-.es?

Eam sldls Wonls In context S -kind of .-cl(,,...,, - •-•or ..-I k-.1«1"' flR

Uw ~ In ~ °' ttil' litf'lttrKfl? 1 ~'tlror• M't tM N.•ru lnts1 Tht of d1e N.ua l11WS IJ 11'111wdfttf1

., """' 2 ?Ny lnd.id«r rNny tnOrlt'Oid •!nllftol .....,,., s. 10m. llr.iH Chin -~· 3 ~ l'ftlift an.~~ eo loolt .- and l'l'MY peoplt~ '*'"'''IS d. tr'ftl"l,:ry

'* nw N.1~...a.1,,.. ~eis°"*'fd llboutlOyean .aco. but'°' decide ~~ ,.....,.. be_.,~ - about wt"{ they hid bttn mat I'd.

S t4<)Wr. ~ r now think t1't Na.tea people crnted lhtm .is tnC!SSll'fl

IO their &Od' » M!f'id Jl.•n 6 The lines wn creat.:i 1n the sand mo.-. 'Chi!'\ 2.000 )'8IW'I ago. '50 I fl.nd

4 that diry can '' II be seen tod.a;y

"4 You GI"' see tht 111.11Ntt fflll bt"ha'Vlour in tflrir nat;.1ral emr1!'0f'l'W'flt.

S My Mea h.aS beatiful C01.1ntl"f5'(ie vid th~~~ an amaz.ng. 6 TI-~nt you for tMwondctfull prtwnt 7 GeTunc to school by bi,<dt ii the blR: meanJ of nn1pon to use a t· ·. "*'f!'&'Y to 1 rotfet ~ rlll'lf~

I saw In your ad-<"ertiSlT'IC'l1t IJ\il there are a \Ot of aa.rvrties tO do at the ~mmer .-p.--

l That wa the IT'IOSol embaras.Wlg dwnc that rim Npperte:i to rTlf' -- 3 Rirpnfin.g accomoda"Xll'\ we wouid p1efet a. hotel rathft Jh,an a campsi~P.

4 JI! Corn:ct Oflf: spdling mor in ~aich of these ~ 'Mitttn by exam ancidatts E.xo.mple I -~ "Nd.in9 o boolc and P 1ts 1ti\ the lit/'«J ~ cet.

c..... - """' ...... ""'""~. get•"""- .. ~-

Page 91: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

II~ Mai -wonlollllrW c.b?•.,. H'6 )'l)tl wl\O It •M fl/ IYOrd yt.WJ ~t+a ~

14 '716 .wld~pictlln"\ Iii) )'llU lw:t'</ ft) n)alr" M <4tc-lNC"

l 1 rfll) <l (I() ~t>Yf mm l'rll"Cll'IJ ~tile NVt1d' ZI ~..,-yo..• hDK' ro ldlre ~" ~ h'on1 llir• ~ ('/ ,ry. W'OntO'I ~ righl'

'' "'1iiJ °""''''""' "'"""' ...... ~ !l"UJIJd' or ~~ JO A~ ""'° W1Yb 1t .k.Wll:r I cOl/rd n , knrow 'a '""' tfW 0 pi.Jml I\ ~

J ' ""' lfJl(1f}r ''"" ~ )QI I\ 7, -'111~ Wf'~.'I fll/Wt II

'""""'' Jl lo tt'llt you 0 l'T'lb ll f1l"fdoa

eee ~ rovtl(W to t:Jtld Jro..'frff ro 1;,,. ~VWlfl of

,_.won:! :w:- ~ n¢(

'' 1his <-1!'to'lllt'S .'loov ~r ~ lfJ (1(1 ('lff.,wt) 0: JJttt.kd

8t (fti\J,' JOmrllr:1rf )o:r

~ "' lrfM-co rllo't ~ A..-TJC ~ lO jl)r IW .. r1 r.tfl f/lfi · v« Jf ~ t\"fl: )KlttO ,, .• 11'1 II

ltlwi.'r.'11 ~11...,llbt-l ~19 '~ (111': '"'"' la>lt , ti('~

,,.,, .•






"'"°'-~ .. ,

(:)ct .. ., ~ .,. ~ S\ oro. "> elk ir.. mountain

- --IO-- Tho.._,,.,, IObohuOO •IO thOI .......

OOUkS be ..... tom ... ..,.

---~ ... .,.)_ ~- ..... -of.,tM

ft ., attaTOt to ~ .. SLntval d .,_. people In a ct)'

- Tho - - - far .... r.... .,., vCages. .,.,

lrOl.l'ld 1..500 .,... ago ._.. - a iong perlOd ot no rain. They

ml.,,. llOu lllf.paf

""'1211- _,, .... _..,...,..,...._.,.,_ • .....,_ rnuE

IC> - f>o 1211 - ,,. U00V hod _, """'"" ">' """"' ClllO•NAllV


.,., "doaco .. ed" ..... 80 _.ago. s.a"'"" fwy ...... "'1nlcied

(27) ClnilOr\ sld ll'W'9 hawe....., l!llr"Y theor4a COi c. 'Iii IQ


P1C*nS .. OWJ12.000 ~Old but were MYSTERY

Lines In the sand


rn:::t' Don'I spend IOo long on a auiesilon If )'Ol.fre nae ~ sa.n ol ht answ«. Go on to m~ nex1 question

and~ t:i;,ck 10 ~ ""* at 1hf. end.

1'91 ~ YfOrd' m...,- l"lftd ~ Dr'tf' Changto f~ 9- ft.­ ~-~IM IOfl'ot ¥1111 nttd more !ft.an orof'

(~ (t,g Sucntl - unsu«M'tf\4

Fot _..,.,. 25- 34 - ""' - -- Uoe.,,. WOid gMf'l in C'i tata al the end of tome of the ... to fotm a won:! that fits in 1he gap In the &WM lnl. 1'lwrre IS an example"'.,.. bogi••l!I 0 Wn:e y(XJI answa s IN CAPITAL LETTERS on yow --

Use of English • Part 3 Test 2 Exam practice

Page 92: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Tell 2 ,. ..... 91

1-ablt '\W1tn\k:m~ts~ W.te lcbi of pt0pleo a~ itiif par\.

jolch•m. can N.&na -·-·'" pm ~- yov1 Cu.siei wtnt to h party .. tierwlf.

Mydi\d - IM .I to ld'loo&.

4 Compk'te dwse seerences using one word Of'ltW, Make sure lht se<ond sencrncc nlf!ill'd, the same fS cht fim. l )Oachim an"'°" ltnd a 'PP" to Nana' 2 C.Ssif' went to :he p.vty on lw" own 3 My dllcl drMs me to school ... I C:"r'f IW•!'n 1km without ltlelpplnl: s Lotsot~'IWlt•t tt.patl.

\ r .. Pllfl 4 .. you oo Y'J'.Jl 9"'"'Nf• but ,otr'r"'1PWM may•~~ ·wca'"M...,. dwng~.

Ex.am skills Vocabulary changes

Useful langu;oge Conditionals and past modals 3 ~ Cross out lhrt wrong wonk in eese ~ written by o.em cardd t

l Th~ If''>~ wvu-d have ~ bt-Ul-f If t1'iere NJ Wn /woi..4 h.:w bttn ~ bn'tt for dSSO'""l"I 2 The wu'U'l•er of d'lt QiJlz nae • ,., .. , t ha~"-" WfY clevtr becws.t the q...wons w«e '° ddfJC!J 1

J Ootht$ liklr \'hat ..,,.gtic Pt I trl!fhi how bttrn popM.t 20 yun aco. Wt ttier look !.ltanse row. 4 Tlla.nki for your htlp I muldr1' /(ant lirlwdont 11 .f yout-.ldnl bctn t"9tt'

s Tht "'"°"would /sl\ouldhl- ... lllrwd at 1 a o'ck)j ~ • th.i'!'• whm 11 nof'ST\dylClru.

6 YoJ torl'r ftttdlt I can'I hovt /tttlf.hfd lh.it bCJlol .1ifMdV • lt'S ~ pa.ft" '°"81

1 I 'h'OU&dl'll tow p'lf I go d'crt •f 11\ad ltncMft fl WlS d.t.nCf"OU'l a ';?U 1Mrtrfl1 r · 11dn'1 ~ .. .,bring •"'Y rMftlY beU\J\e ~·na wu ,,..

4 I w1'ih It \l'IOW mot• Wf'I be<•IM 1 lcwl I

S tr ooly 1 --- ptay OW~ at~ 111 MMJ\u~ • hf!l amu•n& 6 J rat~ .,.,.. . - COf'"IP IOI.Ind on Saci.N.ty ,., I want · "l So ~"°PP•rc then

1 td prt1't'r 11.11 vour lllU)K

2 I ""5h ovt 1INft\

J Ovr r n«r~ti tHct«

10 klud ·rm trying to concer1uneon ""f tl~Y wontf'l.aitp~ 8w11embu1 '4tolCKtbylourpttt. _mh~·•wt...,.twmtvnwwwotdt:~~-

I I whh 11 WW'l rltn•ng • tt fmned 'f'Slt'rdi'y, .tli(h Mli .\~ b • • 1'!11 """"C tod.rr. whtcti If. annoyin&.

2 1f on"' my p.lmltS would ~~So to Jodie\ pwty • 1\5 i.rii:ely my pattir'IU 'Wiii let me IO lO the p.lll'f-

b I wa.~ed W go 10 ee party but rtfy SMtt'"l) didn't let Me

3 N ptefer it V you d1dn'1 tel e•erro ie ~ rm • Pieasedon't t~ ~why rm lalt.

1&1etoday b twasdn.lf)po nttd y(llJ tokl ewryorewhy 1 was &la.

• rd ra.t~f'r my [email protected] Cf'i~ !'!'It scrre money • I f'lopt' that rrry p.a~ give IY'4' MXT'le: 1110ney

b my b1nhd.ly. b I Wll"Jted some IT'o:'lfY but my plfl!f'ltS didn't gr.-. tN llf'f-

Useful language Wishes and regrets 1 Wt\lC doC'l ffCh ~ rrwn! Ode the coma letter ~a orb).

• tto·. ""•ny k ~r-.cn do you tw. to l'f'WfU tn f'w'14, • AJ' .. , )'QI.I ha~ dOnre each q~tO\ yuu )houkl rNd tl'lfl f1m wn:ence ;t.gain #Id

tt.r ·en'.t'f'ICI yf'Jl,/W jd Wl!:.ten. What do '(OU Nld IO chf'<'k'

Use of English Part 4 Test 2 Training

Page 93: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

r ... 2 """""- t n

help you.

ir 'hS.Jtl~~~ to fl/lhcJI ""'* bm 11 ~

""""' S·°"4A1 r."' ~ ~ .~ae~.~~ ,, ~ ~ lttWblbM ' ony ~)Olol rd«ir;,o;u M'dl~ ... JllCI)'.,... ~!fling kom ~ tu .hi:!\~~,_,

'' td/>(f'M" ~ .... Jilil'11t w.'rli ~ or I wish f1tJd If


'' r:,., .• i..,. i:n.x:-n • hOllr fllr11Wi"N>9 ~


38 K you had told me abou1 your hOmewori<, maybe I wAd have helped you. ABLE tt )'OU had told me aboot your homewo'1<. I may ~ -

35 G<iwio "-IO wa..,,1 much fun beca1JS41t-.tby1!1)'1811 GONE t - t my own because•...,, much fun.

36 SOl1i80i'" is buildong a pool at my uncte·s - c in. mcwnent BUILT My Utlda .• at hos hoose at the moment

37 t i. Mel ~ ca•<:h tl>e buo becau91 I got up too Iola. MISSED

rTW"'~ 1rt llllll>fnlr'b tor t"oith ~ Ewin I )'OtJ-r. l'IQftLR)OU' .-..er a o:mct. ~ ~ .. 11C111•&*'1 on ...,. ~ Vtcttt - -,w ;,..,,_. • grt"" """-

Eumple: Co" r TAJ<r 'rt AC•

Wr111 only t1>e ""'""'II -CS IN CAPITAL LETTERS on,.,... --lhtat

O Oii schoc)j spcrts day is held at lhe end of Ille ...,..,,... 111nn


°"-"""11 day .. ""'end of the"""'""" t""" The gap can be ti)«! by the words ~akes place', so )'OU wo:e:

3Q I ~ SO)Y'G......, could borrow my boll• -1 ruly need • today. LElfT · reely need my boke today - ~only• - As.ad.

40 I'm ... - .. mom took him to achoo! by c. bectuM hi w•n't on the bus. GIYEH -'I nun Im to echool ._ .. hi wasn't on tho.,.,,

41 So mariy people . ...,... in the gym that Vt·1 cfi'*1't al have a chance to \York out. BEEH tt ·- fewer people on Ille gy<n, - WOUid .. !>ave had a cllance 10 W<lflt 0\11.

42 trs rot w1 .. -11or )'OU 10 vlM on Satl.lday bec&...., I'm busy. IT I'd prof«__ visit on Sal..nlr/ bocei,,. I'm busy.


F0t _,..,. 35- 42. comp1e111h1 iseeond Hr111noo IO lhol .t hu • •lmllJlr meen1ng to Ille fi"' .., tonce, using Ille -0 _. Do nol change lhe WOid gMn. 'lbll mtJSl use between two and llw words. inclucJng ""' - given. Hero"' an example (OI

Use of English • Part 4 Test 2 Exam practice

Page 94: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

u ...............

b "- ot the optoon• ogojn. Whld> one """"'°' ..n.t n..y bod> lhonl<1

b -look .. lho opao..o. - eoe ~tho closest IO what you doQded -· ,,,. gi<fs opi"""'7 A The colour wll ruJty SlMC hi"'ll- 1 Tho sJtt "'°"' be ,..,, ""i.m. C ~ styte ~a btt Old-fashtoned

c 1.i'i!-116J~entotlwl"\"C~

2.a e"- "t ii} Now lls&irn IO rwo fnends ••ing M>out • photog~ oompe11tlon dle boy took pift If\. R•ild ~ thl'ft opbans below. V,,,•t do Y'O'J Chtf* the question G? A His photOI ~rwd to win M)rne kind of pn1e

& He lhcx.. Id be plft\ftf he dK! 11 : con'le l.ut. C He d-cltl l c:hooie the ricf'lt plcwm to en~

Boy: What do yoo tO:nk of th is S1Aiearer1 My aunt's. ust SC"""l rt to rr-e ITIJSt ad't'lit VE never wom anything ~t ._,-er'°"' bf!fore

Girt: \'~ n~ ..vil see you CD,...lllg_ tlut'1for1.ur~! 1 r;r~ ytlk)w, but it oo.tsn ~ 1U1t h'el')'()Ot'.

Boy': No - ~t'rrf",.,.ty, I hiV'HI t t!W-d ii on yet, but rm not sure l'I fit into 1l GHt ()t\, let say 1t"C be P"'f«I l'of,.OU Vou oor: wuit rt to be too o~ I

JU'U d'!1nli: its no; rea11y the ~tndcf ~~·er that youl"g pecpte -.·ear nowadavs, IS ,t> f!"'ean. my cad 1'1'1-cht Choose something f:.ke that. bl.A net people oor- age.

Boy: H:nm I tllirik you·re right!

• How many V-01'1 ~oM·rcs dO~ ha.... to listen~.,. this. part? • How ft\ill'l'Y Lmes do you hear each recording?

• wr- it k-nd ol QUll!'StlOn do .,,ou 1'f:t'd to aMwer about eacti recordlrc'

1 a Wark in pilirs. look at tht dwilogue. Two MM(b, ~ taldog lbouc a ~ f...:h correct~ reo!IYtS SWNttr that lhe be,' NS 1 (Cltlitt'd RNd through ll'w l~t ~you look I tNrit. .. .,,. °""""' - What is the girl's opinion of the sweahef"?

Ustenlng Part 1 Test 2 Training

Page 95: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

,... 2 "'°"' ,..._ I ts


You ,_ two ir..... talong about a ,_ cJotheo shop In their town. - pl- did ""'git! - there? A : .·191100 crcwdod "" lw to try anything on. B Tho do"* WWI 11 100 uponol-.. C There was too itte choice of COlOtn and sty'es.

You,_ a boy taJlong to a friend about hlS recent family holiday. --400.._.,..? A T~ ltaY9<f In I ploc;e that tied lots tO do. B He la! 1 bog rocm to,..,,_. c One of,,.._-" .. th them.

You,_ 1 boy pliOi•ig lis fl1end WNt IS tho boy doing? A d'Oilddl19 on hoil1111wcrt. ~ta B aM1Q IO<-aboot a fut"'o leooon c gwoig de'.ails o/ - his lnend has ml....:! You ,_ 1 gwt talklng 1bo<lt tho titlt omo silo tJl4d SW•mmlng underwater .

- did "" ftol1 A "°'-• n COUid....,,, oomo diltonce B UJl"Md at ,_ strange It r..tt c ·-tlbOut-.. hor sen&e of 6'9CllOll

u....,. ......


l Wwll r:~ boy IZl)'1 'Al1rc:w ·fut )Q. ,.,...,,.., ; """6. ,.,.. _ ..... , s IM"W~ ~ gafJl')'t:OPl.f ~ bard; ti ,,.,. ~ Oltd lf!d mtJSIC ~>

I l>d""' ""'~*' tnO"lapl' IO/ll~' l"lr~"·Jf'Cti>

1 You - I boy taking lbo<>l 1 opctllrlg IMIOt --tho .-1111e1 A h -hea.ty 11 aftMnoon. 8 The Sl.l'I camll! out betftet!b I Showefs. c " <layed cloudy but dry

2 'Ibo. ·- two - llll<!ng aboot 1 ocitliU i.eeon thoy\•e Just hod. Who·dolhey--1 A 4 - a lo4 hMllr lhan thoy0d ltlougllt. B "WM - i"llaeotil>W tl18n tney•d hoped C It - lftlCh iongor then tney•d Hpectod

3 You'- • gw1 ~ ....... 'lllil ,__ '"' ht( lathe(. 'Ntr( IS ohe l)tl0f""'J7 A to ••auoe a Wt h:ltne B tolel"""klMMlw~ c to .... ""' to tJuy hor ........... ...,.,,.. ..... You,_ two_o.o,,· -g anonlinemusocqulz they0vejuot completed. 'M1ol did tllO girt tl*li< aboot Ir? A The a 4••~ R gave ~·t lfwaya C00'9Ct. B Tho m'"<· • • •od tlbOut -.n t very w.11 known C Tho pllO!OI •t lhoNld _,, ~ ltl0Ugf1.

,,,,,,,, ~I Don I dlOOSit 'ffA' lnrwft Ltnhl ~iw t...d IN

""'O't klct It le•\t 00::•. ~,~ • I( •• ~


7fi '"You .. ,_ '*""" ~ In eight dl~"'9nt _...,._ F0t ...... .,,,. 1 -8. - tho bHI ..,_,,, fl<. B or Cl.

Listening • Part 1 Test 2 Exam practice

Page 96: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

96 I Test 2 Ti' ....


• 9


2 3

• s Whkh ¥tof. do JOU Md diff1nJlt to Jpd1 t<ttp f tKOn1 of t1w words that you m1~'" ~ MUtQ casks for ..., 2

Zit You 41rt goinq ID lsten to Ii boy (lllltd 0tn ulUng llbOtlC hit KhoOI Cnp CO r Tlpll Yau 'lllOft1 nt'C'd ~ !h.Jf\ lhrtr 1n 1n1m.11 p.lrk- ltfOl'W' )'O'i hNr rtw rfl(or(llflg. 1oo1i; .ai 1tw ..-nttnct ~ ..anJt • corn1.i.ret Heh 0ap

btlow incl '""* -. ,,. /or!d ol word ""'mlglo Ill ,,. M' R .. d 111• word• btfc>N .- *' tht 9"P co http >'°" dKidt. W'i~n Ben~ the- MitNI p.a1k, he""',. rc!lv tcm IO .-1tw llvi"I in lht m dd&t ollhc pat\

b 1\!_9 Now IMen to lfw ~ording •nd wnte lht Qlf'l'fd word(s} In the gap. Compn ,,,.. ....- Wllh • partntr Co~ '91'ft, What other animals~ ,,.,.,...,oec:P Why ann t mey carrt<1>

3• f\2~ Now islm ID S... tallang aboul the noxt port d his 11\p. Look >t the senteoce bdcw il'td film ee mimng wont Ben adll'Jts tN1 l!W- they' had 10 &'¢ to WIS thr INst f'f"l)OY<lble part of his ttip to the-p¥L.

b Compal< your-- )IOU( pillll1tt. Do _ _, \.I/hat O!he< pla« was mentiorlitd ~Ben? \fJhy ts it .wong'

4 fr121) II\ "'- IO pr><tlse your spoling lo< Port 2, so INt your lnt41'tlded answeradMr. Ldten 11nd wnt~downUA1eat~ chf 10word"i you he-.ar.

1 6 -

Tiw ..m )":llJ ~In dw g.-p ru: "* ~ ~11"1 l'IW' ~ Rrld 1M v.tlolt seiwa aglllln. • ft won:! in pl.ttt . .., rw;r A.ft' II dots • ....

e museum a ee-re p«k a cave • 00<!1 • l).Jbl< buddng 'fort« ., n1t11..f'lt1cn

• How mal"r'( J9Nbr1 ~you htar In th•t ptt1 of tilt tcsO • How m~ny WOtd5 nU+Myou need to y.-r,te 111 NCti p;i'

1 Imagine yOU n gorig to lest~ to• rK01dll19 tbcM« • tchool wit Wlwl kiruh of pltc1t1 haw> )'OU visited with your schocP Wen 'Mth a paf1nt!f'. Look M this list and tilt about which places you hwit be«'I to. and whit your visit was lb.

Listening Part 2 Test 2 Training

Page 97: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

T.,.2 r.um,....- I 97 U.t •'9 PArt 2

J Lottr ltr ""Ir. TICf""< oJ • K/tOcl ~. kJw ~ (»,,,,., fJ«TI ~ ~ 'ts" ft iMtt'rlcP,

12 neee ~ ttig: Wl'fT rbcl'l(f..._~ ~ ~ h«:J It« .-i ,,_. C4"l"S. ~ oi-ies ; e ·: ~ID ft .4i>T.1CnJ'

rs ,.....,"'1feMr hdrtr."1f~11·1~ ~ Of'JC"'.Sr1¥YP""4·a. IJI!' ~~'r 111,.,_. ClllM"f ~"

••Har)'"""'°""..., OOCli: as l".fkh OM dc"C'or bt-~' w,.-~

____ _,_t 1_1~/he .. w ''*"·

~ 1nlld• c ,_.,.,,of m• ...,~ temp..-~to,..


I 12 j ... tlw- ·-ed """ ... ------'---'Rort..-. W onc-e ltved ,,..,._

I 11 j to .Jae In tne c:.aves :tley v11Mted, ----~~ -------'J._1_0_,J wao "'8 boot - to~ to""' caws.

Han) says t"'t t~ was 01gaili&ed becauM of cna reactlll!tl'I interost in), _:_.::._9 )

Our school trip to Man:ombe Caves

~ locM • lie Ml" 41nd lhiM: llboul. ~ '*1d d "°"* )Q.l l'ft'9N bt gor"llQ to hew. Get t'llO thr- ~ ot ~g nOf o,,.,. ch! •na in .-ore ol lt'C M bUt .-so ft ~C'Jlt after il The ltSll!d lll!ms tClr'!W> ii thrt ~ °'°" tn.:: )'Q,I - """'

~221 You Wiii hoar o boy -od Han')' UW<ong about a guided trip he went on wrth n.s ~ to v1s1t aorne caves. FOf' questiO~ 9 - 18, complete the &errences.

Listening • Part 2 Test 2 Exam practice

Page 98: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

ta I Tett 2 li'arr1k'9

r=---·-~ ~ Sll!a1n<:h 1cw9. It"°" ere ..-...nd M\ ~. W1C ~ the' WCOt'ld

~ t:lt4cn WoJ ""* • - 4 w.:.tt w.;th a partna:. You •rt' 9()ing ID ~ dncribe to Heh Olher •

Jituation ~ 10" _. ont of tht things in options A-F. Try nol to UM' ttw ~words• cM option )'OU'W d'IOSIR Wr4~ somt noees (80-100 words) Md Ulen ~ lhtm to your pa11n« R61te:11)beli to W'Y tile' s.wne thing, but UH: drff('f'tnl WOniL. YOUI f»rtnel' M'IOUtd tty to wed out whidi of the opCionl )'OU llt'P talcing about.

b Cotnpal"t' your answer Mh a partner. Which wonk and phnse ar"t used in the- recording «hit ~ a Wnl!Jlr meaning to tlw' key words 1n the option,, WhlCh WOtd:s And phta:siies are- \6C"d U.. arc WT'lllM to other -1

3 62~ Now liscen to Spe·k« 2 talking about a~ Choose from -~- Wbldl words giiw you tht dues to &he answer? Whch oeher opCIOns cid you consicle" as piosslblit 1nswtnl 'M'fy1 When you h.lve listentel. work with~ partner and M#'nl'Nrist ~I YoU -

t Wort( w1d\ i ~ .tnd '<>ok M the- kt of ot)dons bflow T•lk ibout wNt you megttt etPf(l ~*" to wy .about eidl opt.on

A -plrt.lyfOt&t-tli"la0•- 8 puins 1 d.uopoint1nc birthday praeont ( plinNnJ J. $utpf1)C birVw:lay pl.ft'( M hOmrf D ~---to-rlo<aborthd.ly E accidenta1ly rweal1ftC a ~ binndly pret'nt F hlvi"Ca l).nhckyrr'IQI 1n1.resu.nr1t

:z. l!JE' R8d ...... $f>Nk« 1 • ••Yl"!I •boue • ~ Wlildl ol 1~ oprions A-F atioi¥t is sht t~kiftg ~? Undrf'lirw ..otds lhlt fJNf you the answer, thM Isl~ to wNc ~ 1 s.t)1..

Speakw1 My family and I "-t.!llty •ntfd to r'NI~ my mum~ tarthd"1 'P«i.11- So J. 'eww-wet'b btf~. W#> pf~nn~ to ~vp__, gt1 hf-f" J &O'C:f nf'ddace Vtt hoptd k -.ou'd tie a loltoety Sl#pfise ori the dly. 6uc: [hen I got so m:1ted .tiout wNt ~-d boucf'll that Of cbeece I Nppened to tTW!tlon ow- plM'I to a friMd. not !'&h.s ng that rot mum was just nNrby ar>d couid Mar ~ So Wt comple~ ga.,-e May h IT'ft/SUry. aJthough m usu.II my mum was so thoughdu· um she 7ctended she didn't know lny'lhif'll :\bou: t M'd lll6N:fted te look tolaly surposedwlien sht fuial'.yoPCMtJ ~gift I

• How m•nylhOI'\ cri:mn~ do you 11\ttn U> in Patt 1 dtt.t lrS«11ng msi7

• How m"ny op110Md0Yol' hi!.,. to choiow horn?

Ustenlng Part 3 Test 2 Training

Page 99: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

U.1~.nln51 ,.., l

A I found e.n unUS\181 way of QiiVinQ 90ITleOlle a gift. ~ 1'r1. Al )Ou islM. ~ _,, __ .. $pool«< 1 L l!!J __._,., . .,....,.

~-Ofa.n., ee e I wcxked hard to find °""' wh•I g1f1 to grve !f!CI:*"~ M\iCh ~ '°"' .......... _

s-i 1201 ,.,,,,,, c I wanted to create a very personal gift.


Speaker 3 21 .:otr.., "'1 out ogl:"'

lOW.~6:::"'1(~ D I carefully wraPl)O(! tM gift In a S!l"ciSI way. ~ l'tb- ~ PQl/t~ " "°''

~ .. o/J(l.t atr ....,, t IOC'J

Si>e•••• i 22 I p 1 wo:ndil'

lf~il'lllJ'Jlhr~, E I gave o gift t~ I oould also on,oy. .tmlliilQ,,, .,_. tt .,, ~,

5-1<•5 123 F I made a mlStok.e rsbout the g1tt I gave.

\,Tipl Ta..tf'IPMW-11r>lklenmtoo('l't ... 'S - NI C'd ~ Df' I"°"

meow ee ~ ~ "'*' ~ ~)'Otl ndt gmng some- of )CU ~~NCng-

(])ij) You will hoor live people ~long about Dl""'ll odt• to - people For questions 19 - 23, Choose'""" in. ht (A- F) wl1at each speaker says about a gift they gave. Use eoch letter only once. There is one extra letter wtuch you do not need to use..

Listening • Part 3 Test 2 Exan1 practice

Page 100: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

100 I 1e.t 2 Tr.inil1SJ UsteNng Pan 4

• fj l8 - iso.n to lht fi"'I part ol Sin~"~ R..d lht q....­ .,_..,.. d1oose lht <»Tea option - 1'. 8 er C. Howrdid Sin\oti feel as~ P'a,......dirnOtcl ~7 A ill\UPdat ~ heigh1 they..,, ftvW'C 8 pie~ toge1 so dose to diie-Wds C wotritd by the effe<-ts of tht weatl'ift

C ~ ff)' IO ll'llfMlt' lhf" ql,IUf!Clll'l In )'alS

\,,;.; CW'I ..,. brfott you '°''* ..... _. ... ,., 1 7"ji6) Llit<'n 10 • boy colle<j S.,,.. .... _,, on< ol lf1t '°""' In ~ 1 Then llW#« tll.J quesoan 'Wtwn Simof, P ·' ' ·1is lt1f'f'ICI<; to p art (iw. ..... he WU A Mna.lJ Lhat h• wouldn·11 tl!P t I "°"'""'th.ti h1•'d fOl'J'·1tl,.. ~

c dOubtf "' tt1~1 hed be •bit to uw l:iod pl'lot.oa,

JA i!V~' - rowr Ult Cll)tions A-<:.,., ,,. ~ "°m lh• ,.cordl"ll sa,. bdow. 1..1'"'" 10 lhf not P*1 ol Simon~ s&cwy. and rNd th•s 4'lf'tbon. Wfttt down lhf intwtt II "" lrYtft. Whil 5U!'pmed Simon .11s they n..., ·t11a 1'1e ur1

b How ktolic: .r. the thttft option\. Whlctt ont m.ccNs )'OU1· •nswtr the ~ ~1 Comp.n your'"""""'~ 1 IWlnft. Thtn lo<>lc 11 the audio k. 10 ur'ldMM the Pirt thi1 qitw$ )QI ft~ A t'OW ,, ..ras......., more 1J1d1111c than btinc °" q,agro I how W ht could W'f from llW 'Mndow ol l:tw pla1lf

c -"""" tilt Wl"I[ o( '"" - - .... "'-

Wtwi.,.. 11r1~. ovr pilot was W&ttlf'IC b \d. \'Ve .11dim~1n and w. 1oot: oil mu e ilmf'ly I was .a~<d. - r~ """-cos~ tht watff and fat It'.,.,, ce chtanct W!'R' abSoJutely Spt"Ct.Kul.lt. ~ dw window, below ll'lti 1

of tht ~. I could even tHwWldlurfen down theote., racing across tht surbc:e.. tt was great and rf'm•nded mt ol how I fe.'I aftt'I' the fit'\"t t•me I ft'e" ~ mv saxophont on s.tagt - trwt it was one of the mo~t lhrtll1ng J

I._: ieil.,.sofmyltft! __ ------ ------

( r• W!'lrn Y'OIJ ~ through «ht'*" ..0 QUtSOOf'I$ b(-t.cn ee +<W"-'9 D'l'l. • ,~ about "'""'' )QI an ~to hNr This GJfl ~ )ll:IU

\lr'Clllrsli!'ld ~ill s CCI" "'19

1 Woric wdl a l)it'tner. ~' would )'OU ~ to hear if the l't(:onling ~ .OC-..C SOpjcs I_.? Dmde whtcfl key won:k bft.llW )'OU would hNr for ..m lq>jc. Some Irey words con be UJ<d lor men lhion one tqi;c. 1 b>"t ,.our wallet dunng a trip with fr*1ds 2 pb}'inc '" • conctrt for~ f·m tl.mf

J t.al: l"lgpart 1n an eJr:c1t1ng ""•:ter-Sl)Ofts ~ 4 ,.,.,. across a. lake •n a. sm.alf plar'f

• How many q>(".1~ers c.an there Cit on PMt •r • "iolw mar y questions do you h.aW' to~' What kind of questions'

Listening Part 4 Test 2 Training

Page 101: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

T• 2 Eun' pnicUce I 1 Ot

30 Arff'/ tll•""" that as a l1lSIJit of going to tile -· 5'10 wilt A make gJ!ts fa< lricnds. B do mote art ~ school. C visd sial1ef>es ., Iler city,

28 What did Amy di~ lrom ho< ""'k at the art Club? A She was good at produc:ang cetc-ee on the computa B Sile had a naual flt• for llS#1g colour C She was talOftted al flndlr>g .......... 1 SUbjec:ts..

29 What does Amy 5"I' otx>ut he< teac:l1er at the art c;lub? A Sile dresses m a very different style from 1'mf's sclloolteochers. B She'S lnS?t'O(I Amy lo dO more ...... rd> 11\IO ddlereni - c s11e·s made the stu;lenl$ feel - c:ontr11xr.Jons a-e -·

27 WIJy was Arff'/ COi.,.. 1 l«l about giving a pnosentatl"'1 of her wOl1<1 A Somo ol her pocnns were unfifllsned. e She d1dn·t feel 5'1e0d done"""""" to $how othe< people c Sile tllought tw wor1< _,, iOOk -v wnaonair...

26 What did Arff'/ deade to conoen1n1te ori? A expetlmentJng with prffltmal<itlg B "'"'"""'II her drawing techo.q.­ C learning to pant in oils

24 V.f"'¥ did Arrry ~'" the.., class? A 5ot'oe fnrlds asked het to go w1tt1 U'lem. B Hew mot'\61" was keen for her to learn 10 p<WIL C She wanted to team haw to paint properly.

25 Amy says when sM first f!lrnved at the class. she felt A womed by the number ol stu<leots tnere. 8 nenious abot..t how good the other students might be­ e surprised tbe- some students were QUlte young

(!.- If ...,..... Qfl I lrrvt>l'd~ see ~ ~ ll <Dfl'CL WY tlnwla1 "9 M1V ~ th.II ,,ou lcnoW ll'e dtoflflitely N"Of'IO- " tl'tf<f ll!w- ~ kl'rllf"'O )'O.J SI I don 1 k/lollr ttir .... to. que90I\. Uten tnlk.e ... ~ 9'fSS ~an - )<Ou N)' Sl9 bf' rqht 0on·r ~""' quortl!icrl'; UNl•t•wtitd

tTliii- ~ ee ~.,.. belare ff rKOlding begtns ~NI )OJ w9 ~ *" 10 ~W' Ndi ('Ut W • CDmn .tong m, ttle 1 ewdll 4 This tidps ,OJ to kftp YOl.I' plKC

I·'' '''9 i• ;,\:'>,· dV,.,,.,.., ~ polJtJ .... II'\!' ('o_W,hl'~ ()fld v. .t--.w ..mt., ctl ..... ~~Kt?Jb~ il')~fl~~IDgo _ .... JS v.tab1d Wai1osµI( 1 illlGS" ~,. tt daSs! How (JI({~ ~ Aniy ~::. ~ ctlcs t/>t' my ~ ot/tef' """*) ""°'*> 19 l4td' robt.o' d:J&'lr\ chM M O'! teadW' '#W'Of':' ,"""i::IJ ~ '*"' llll"t"~~"~"' cbM. flliio ltodlfK l"PO( ~ Jt I~

f[l!!I You w!11 t'lear an lflter\'iew with a gi'1 cBled Amr( F..,,er, who attends ., r. cio:111 on Satllday motl'Wlgs. Fa< q_,.,.. 24- 30. ciloooo tho best ,,_IA. B or Cl.

Listening • Part 4 Test 2 Exam practice

Page 102: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

101 I r ... 2 ll' .....

• Are you go.ng lo play ffi'lf span this -end? • What kond al magazJnes do )<)U read? Why?

• Do you l)(eler :exting your lr•Prods or phoning them? Wtrfl

• W!1al was ""' las! film you saw? What clod you like 0< dlslke about .t?

1 ~ wid'I • ~- T.-k~ rurm io a.k arid~ dWM! ~ Ask dw qutsbOnl in t11ny order.

P1t1 1 3 minut• (S m1nutos lor groupt of hee)

lntettocutor Fl'9I of Ill, we'd li<e to !<now somollwlg maul you. • Whol do you lb dOW'lg on holidoy?

IT-. a. l'Hdr to mocnc1 ~ 1r1 mcrt ~ 11-rp!1'1#11 10 'PNk- ll1Jf'fitrJ ~ to ...

.,,.1')'1'9 to mN••ibt• ..... 6-t.M(tg lllC' ,,..,.,... ol .,.. «IClf In • ~ you IM)

Speaking • Part 1 Test 2 Exan1 practice

• \\fho do you 'lpuii: «>in th"' part ot iht lt'Sl"

• \Vhal ~of qi..ation~ w- 1 yOu Nwe to~?

1 l!'\~ Listen to two stOOents doing P•rt 1 ~doh following things.. 1 T~ how lt,;--.g Pvt 1 oGb

2 ~if each and~ gets aw samt ~ions or d•ffcrent ones. 3 wru dowl\ wtwii d'f aoc><S d ~ q06t:IOl't511~

2 ~ llsren agH'\ and .me down 1he wanh/exprnsions )'OU hear hr. 1 au-:nc the ..-.an- !Mr co repeat ~ qwonion 2 ...,..v.ii1•youl ~& ....

l si"lnl • tffO'I

.c IMnc •n ,_,.Pl" s ltl\l'....,_

Speaking Part 1

Page 103: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Test 2 TnWn9 t tOJ

1 Pielure A ........ PM:tutes A and B 2 PKturtA -· PK..tuftS A1nd I } Plclure A -· Plctur•• A .Jnd 8

• ri(h1tfA -· Pia .. .1ttiA 111nd II s Plcti.-rt A -· Plc:turf:"'I A 11nd 8 6 PKtUflA PlcuoB P1tlUl'ftAJrld 8


Pia ... .., 8 P:udtnt is 1efa1itig to. Examp~ P.iaurr /.

4 lh1l~ Owy- hlwtf'I done lhij bt'lore

S !.he - 1 bol Kltfd. ~ becaost Sht's go1nc 100 f.l":L 6 They be eu,otYac ~l't't!'S

l ll1EJ Now....., ro- ...-.rs 111"-'g abcxrt !he - A bnd 8. Crn:ko - (OIT\"d option to show whieh picnn(j) d'M'

lh.at cN plOplt ri t tw plctuf't'I Are """" n1 l.n. • lltftt ln•wbwt> rad'itr lh.tn 1 m.'l•n tOed.

In • des«\ or fN'(bt ltwy rt at ltlot bf.ACh..

1 " 2 II ) Thtoy

......... 4'f)PNr IO be- ~to nt kx*s like iook~/'f'tfl'K h.we' ~ fiipi ciiiUn

rTi:I" Don't s&ift ~ ~~ Mlh 1 \..:.:::_ lhr* • tee f_l(,fll'TW"9' ~ be ...

'° ~ you • btttet' rnft ' pa "" a 'lflde vif!H)' oJ ex;:: cma

Useful language Making guesses about the picttns 2 Making gues,ies -.. dw pctur"H. Complet~ these senettns Wld1 dlil'

txpt't'ssions In the box-

• lnlht ~ thtpcopktareridrngacl)f'('J ttpeoltnOU:lttElflwi1\foutwhttl,

5 The l\Ctivitif'J W\ N pc.ture" •rt po«ibly ou1t.it ~ beaz.rse "'l!'ff·~ A ti(k of :r111,ti ng. 6 I th1t1k tht lbtC'OOlldiu 1 a.... prob.tbty used to 1k.1rfbo.l-Gn&. the people on the- bl~t'l t.ten't

used 10 tnlshobb;

7 ll -be dlir '"' hmie the-r,.~ ndden a b•ke 11~ thiis. 8 I'd rdeonecl~ '•J.esbfausel've l'ltvtrtned" ~Md lthlf'k 1t'sanexcrt1ng1ettvtty

c Tip! MW.t .r dNr -'lich po.ft )IOI.I'"" talbng MliOut: .. ~ JOI' re Qll;ng.,... .,_ piQ,ns to SOfTlfOl'lt ..,_, an., ""' l'Wm

Useful language Deso ibmg the pictures t L- at picU<sA Mid B- _,., compl""' ''--., ~ •

word or phnst. Thit UJlt/u/ "1ngua~ you studied tn TfiC: t Tr-..-.ing w.tl htlpyou.

1 Thttt ltf ~ cbr"C d"'"'1it O\.lldoor 11C11vit1ft 1n d lt1'M pcturt'I. ~ !n I.ht- pect1n.ttlfy~c~ .. tr~1d n1down tht~l"l!ll'I

) I d(')lll know b~but 111 lhl'! f,l!re1 wtlitt't Cl'lifVlw

• How many piCDJra do you ntfd to t11hc about? • What t)o·pe of 1.1.4: do"°"""""" to do when you &ff tllkitls' • Do you have to wy .,,,.V-"'C about )'Our' p..trtner's ptCrurfl'

Speaking Part 2 Test 2 Training

Page 104: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

t04 I ,_1 ~pnafQ Spe1IJ19httl

Candidate B

" I """"'" lnttttoeutor Tlwlk you iClrldidaS. A/. w111ch dmo ol yoer would you pmor to Ylolt Ille_.,.?

candidate A j (! -lmatoly 20 _.

L 1n-utor Thin!< you

~A ~ 1 Minute ~ Jnterk>cutor Thine. you.

/Ca....,,. Bl. Wl>lch of theM ootlvtti11 would you ~k• to try?

C...-te• !!) app'OJOll'lll.ety 20 _ .. lnterlocul<>< Thar* )'OU.

-~ ~·BJ, he"O are your photograplls on - C9 ol the ~""'II appendix They.,__.. doing dllloront thlngo In Ille"'°"""""" rd fut )'OU to~ tho p11otograph1, end N)' how you lNnlc Ille people .,.. IMll"11 In thtee dill• ••t aftuationl /ol rq.11

LOok at uw a.um in:Struc::bOnS below and photos A. B. C tlt'ld O ~lips! JdiOO'l.a ,_Sii"' ft phOa. ut thi*n$I on paqes C8 al'd C9. ~ ec this exam tesl( In pairs "' -.. -"" J'OU an Mr-.,. ~

Danl -- *"" ~ ·~ '-' 2 •mn...efl3i"*1Uttlfor gi~Ol lt1*I k d''rt"'~ ..... OINofWOfdJIO ~-"* )lfAI _,. ID Vy

r lntorlocuW /Ca-• Al. rt .. I""" turn r .. 1 H"'" ""' your photogniphs on - C8 ol 1118 $pea. king

-- They""°'' people doing dlffontnl outdo« actMlleo at lhe-koncl rd lb you to oomp11,.. the photographs, on<f aay whot the people.,. onj0>1ng obout -- Altqit?

Speaking • Part 2 Test 2 Exam practice

Page 105: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Tat2 T ....... I tOS

r T..;- 11 s 'o'CfY ~*"I for """ f!'ld .,_ ~ p.artt'lft D .,..,. k tol)f'lfw and WM


1 Wh.atdo yau hlvt tolrN&inel l ~ldOllac.h p1cturt!Jlow1 J Wliic:h words don't you•now' Y.'hat p;i11ptnsc. cO\M VU" ust1

4 Whit IWO ltitnp rlo "°" hlv• to do?

Focu$ Kffpong the con.ersatioo moving 2 I ")if LI•"" oo cm- ..d M.vm -.g ""1 l of tlv ~ Tal

Ind put thilrw ~""°"' .n Ille °'*"' )*OU hew th«n.

.... , bah .at ltlt l'W•t one. Shalr'Nt' moviron !01n;s pc11,1te? n 'A1'M do )'OU l!\nk ahoul INI 1c1.,..1 M What about thf' fl~X1 1uc:oz bOn'

I ~)Now istal 10 dw 1KOfdiilg 9tn and wnt(' down ft t>cpi'f'f-'5~ L 'flliil I you .-'Cl~ p.lrlfWQf'fl_dKldt you lw.w tor ~-YI/ somcltl.-.g lb OK.

)'Of.I. d d'1CICllllt and rd choose ~l'lgwilh your partneor L«s smp """"'' d sa;ree<na ~Ply\\·irh your partnff'

4 Work with • p«tner. Look •t the eum inSCr\OOnl on Pitt: 106 •nd the '*"""' on _. Ct 0 - Cl 1 of dw Sf>'Along oppetl(b.

( Tlpl V.'htn ~ Qf"l I •a ;a abu • word or prime in ee e>tMf'\. )OU Ol'l ptrapl'W'llit '.tM Olli« MJfds 10 docnbit l'llr wme fW1Q1 D

r D J

J 111 •

'L •;:i le l ·r

[J ,------,

~J~~ ' .

Useful language Practice in paraphrasing 1 ~ ~ IO ee r«ording .ind IU'Tlber lhe picnns tn tht Otdtr _,,..,.,...,.. __


• Who do 'f¢U. ~.1.k 10 e.. _ p1111

• How long do wou spell for? • Do vov SH 11 -e uetSbOI 1nen cir "l"I?

11§1ij16lm!!I,, Speaking Part 3

Page 106: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Sp 'C'fhrt J


(Tioo .... ....- .. ..-­ .,._. ......... a·~ <11 good dN 10 rllk .aeie.t Nd'I pcturt,. )OJ an. bt.l donl "°"' toe in ldt • ~ dDn I Nw lint tD dtwJbt. "'pd.I·~~_., br'°" c:oming., 'fOI ~. h•nd

106 I T ... 2-..,..-

Ctndidettt ~3minutes lnltrtocutor '!her* you

Flrll. 11!1< to_, ouw about how uMlul 11 lt lo havt - thingo In Y"<A' - _.,, Then decide which two tNn9I .. rmot ifTc>ortant to you

lnteffocutor Now. I'd ll<• )'OU lo""' abou1 oomoth1ng together for •bout 111 ... .....,. .... Hore .. _,,., objecb""""' you might find In peoplo'11-- Pllce pidlJtM ltom- CIO lltld Cf I"' front QI ""'dida!eo. I'd Ike 'fOJ to 11 u ., o.t a m11r1rinl want• to nnd out - peoplo JOU< ago '*'It lt'o importJlnt to have in their tl I t DOI 11

Look at tt>o ,,.,,. it>st"""'°"" - and tho pclun11 on pege CIO of the Speoi<Jng -ldlx. then do 1hi9 exam laok " .,.,,..

.... , 3,,.,..,."' - ... ""'""" .. -

Speaking • Part 3 Test 2 Exa111 practice

Page 107: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Test 2 Training J 107 l $peotdng .....

lnterlocut« r ~I • Do you think .rs a good idea to hove a TV In yO\I' .,...oom? ::;~u;gree? • Should ~your age be able to choose what colOUtS to decOrale What do you think? "

ttlE!d" bedloo n witn'? • Some peo!)le ay lhal a udy room help• you to be ""'"'C>g& i "'your ofe. What's yoor

op noon? Thank you. That i$ ll>e eod "' the teot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

\....""" 4fttr )'OU·~ finis.ti~ ·llWM'mf. ~ M* )00\•r Pirtn« W\11 ~ lhiolcs. This .,.... Mili<f' ti~ COl'M"tYllOn \OU1'td m<n: f'liQnl._

Wor1< In• gmup"'"""" If ~ 'h Oeclde who will be the ln•erloclilor and wno will be the tw canddatM. Answer th& questions as fully as youc::an,

'-t 4 4 """8111: C5i tninutM b i;,oups at thf .. )

Speaking • Part 4 Test 2 Exam practice


1 Thlnlc 1bout Ill< - ol dw ""' 3 ....,. pniChCo t..tc (ll>lngt .._...,. In• b«te001111). Wortt wllh • ~ .1nd dtclde what iuues you Ow* ttw eKMni,...,. ""9fM: dr: ~ eo dnam

a ~ li\ttn to 1IUdenls bfil'9 m.fd questions In PJn .. \Mvt qulSOON are they •sktcP 1 2

• Att 1he qiJoG'St.:ons in Part c wmtfft dOWl'I for )IQ.I to ~1 • A~you •nd ~ pu1ner as.tcd the s.ame QUM.-1,0M?

l•§il1§im!i! .• Speaking Part 4

Page 108: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


nn1 f~ing in \'oted ITIOS#;

u~h~·Jc., In her la" high tchoo(, IJ;ht~ V.'lll tUtptl~l.I to N1vt even been ooli~ al all She had spe~t all her a.pare time 1n her attic, ,1,.hlldl she Giii rd ·c;.t,.1~ N1~ht ~tuJ o', •nd h,1J set bc:-self on a track that had noc.tllfl8 ID do wtth W In~ uc:"K"Cl or O\t hutitutic.Jn ti~ pt11lu'inflhy Ior 1i:c: 'Ort cu\ lhrre arid try JI.tr

IC('Jnl ~n1pk. Wt thats me bauty oC ll !Jlle world can snme1imc!; appear a llttle 5CCl:ry, a"'1 JIXI ba1'C IO .1.ct.1\•ely an;k out a va:ntty oi tnlf'llt' Jl r:u t!c In oder

~t lo Ind ymn pl•ce ,nd t\Jk tn I And dta f!Llce ~) have noth1r.g to do wJ.lh your labtl lR tttgt. sdw::d I k:n0\\1• ev~ry time I thous-~ a.tiout !OIT.dNng I W8rlCO! lO du. 1.i.:.c roi:k 1;tirnt11nq or l'n•>wt .. 'iUding or be' 11'1 a b.lnd"' f.l-1rt playtny 41;.(n..t n im.tr-Jmefll, I would• I.Ip and make rnysclf go do ll L kc. I wiU'ltc'\t 10 iea1n cell<,) cmcit, ro I f!:'llled a (:t-1!.o for tour l'ftOl'lllls Dd taught m)•si·ll how h> pl.iy U If you Jumou&h lt*tp. .)'lJl\frc ROIJ'IS to t'ffl'IUally n•T(•W k down "°IN Wnp th<sl rell:I,• ma.kc you h~ · LI~~ refused ro tale I bat k KJt In htr Jt"IUmty. •nd )'Ol.l l'!lliht.., Shit I wt.It mAk('1 her tu dlllcrtr.t ftotti fl'CSl oeic::~ Frum <JUc.Ullonlng !Of pil)5 w~ ft tia•.ed .cans. ao trytng out for cheerlcadmg (~rrneyil was Bf"~ !ohe h.:it 11ui.h('d hrf wtty('lr.to lht world lbgt' AJ • l(!IUll. ht'f U:'tl((~ pettcn;tl!ly, mllliC .nd W1'ISC d Sl)1c ~l't·n6 thlOURh the 11'1.lSSCS o( o&l'ic1' young~ i:. •pc.ab to thost' ntus y,·ho 1110aspire10wdt(1nc and t"~ r itdvant;i~ or whi.11 m;1k.n us d~t, r2ltcr th.WI h41ng u ·vou have to bt un..:orntor\able JI order &a bt suettS.Sful, in wmc \\'¥ Because i! ~ fl1ty In "JOill Ol•mlort ionc, )'OU wl.J nr'iTf do lhc thlftKS M )1Q'I need lodn' Ugh~ I; ;Je.Jrly • gfl1 who dot:ta.1 ti In• bt'.:ause ~he \\•as bom to stand out.

The tiny but IOUgh - pi bctlad ee bright Dilmt '-~ Llgl1I~ tttS hcrxlf 1111 tun-bU. ftml.,Yttlc • .......,.,, ap:M ltlings 111uch l.irg;er IN:n r<r 5hc: ICa • ~ ~ others may see a prd:llcm.. A short rorm d ha ri:ad'I lol'lgcr surname, Po111~ l.J8;tU' came:*"" onp.at)' .. l WI:" IWl'C lhc J.1'I< ~wtll(hquld;l) l><amt p<l'lllar J_·nonw ftXnda and tans. n kind ot ne"' UJ Raperheroes get the:tn' she" §1.)'S r:Atlitf' l'ltVi" tWl"le 1 tt:nk. you ocatc yourself more the WrJ ,cr.i •'W IO be cr.-a Che Cnur¥< a' )'OUI I re. Ind )'OU shouidit1 let the ..arid do that !(JI' )'1'41.

Lights 81"C'W up al' Olef me wutd. brme m cout!t.~ 11001 the Ftllllpp ra to)ln1.;:2 kaU!.t' dhtt fJ!Tllly'I const.1nl lt.tvcb. up um:I her lttt'.AF prm lhc and her )VUngef s: . seer "'"re cduGIU!d al home by thdr paren:s instead (11 g<)Uli lDschoOI 0r.C: C:Z,C:Udnety'Wct"' ITl}' d4d WOLJl'.d tHc Cftf U1c' ~rid Ni wn me dly we p to do musk she rcrx:nbu:i • •ve me 1 passion ror mutj,: in n:y eady days. I gd. a g-.....- whctl I Wi'I!\ l I, anJ reyd.ld Ll.1J&f'I me De ltwec:chcl'dl. .~ I l:111ncJ1<•ICI)' Wfltf~ lht &nz llX'.j I lbt\c'd wrl1rlj COl'l~Y ltler thal.· ltD~ tlm U'le:c,.. so much f'l":OfC IC son:g Wt1Dng than• !cw chords and 5Cl'tt bttS.. I l'Jhl• oJJ<d ~.u.ic """""""'°""........, lll ll. ~ her.tel' rccorciina ~1 """1t ~ ber ID lnelullt Ute sound~ o< dn.mS and tcytJoana lrl her rr.wic.

Wh k Jilli tr)'Ula IO (.xus Oii whM ft 1oo..s. UFa l'>Wdcn.:., £<1<1·"2 ~In~ k1"r1"'Y a putCk !'llfih schrx-1 •r went IO lb~ bl.i:t ICh.'.dl when I \\'b~ )'O\'nger I wookS a "'1:)$ te l:ie one tt.tmg b)' my I• cker de ng my ,,.,.,,.,.¢. Li&!'U rttllb, IU lttl!llngly wilh•>Ul .iny r~. Aptrl trom apdnm; echlnnncntt li>l'e · >lw"Y' got..,.,.,,,- , nnG ru"J- lo I jusl ~~ oome rnenm 1v:rt and eeee tiu& ~on what 1 ln\'Cd doing 1totJ1-,, on to the sobd ~·had~ with ber j~mll~. llgt";IS ~ ablie to h&ni:lle lht- nol-So>SmalJ stuff of

10I I Tett3

Ughts, canadian singer

Queolionl 1 - 8 You are goong to read an ortde abo<.1 a Conad<an ~ called l.lgllts. For quesbOlls 1 - 8. cnoose the ensw• (A B C or D "'*"' yo.i - Its - ocoording 10 tt>t to•t. Mori< your•"""""' on IN Mjl&4 obi ens-.rahMl

Readlug • Part 1 Test 3

Page 109: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

-• I toe

8 fn the text es a whole, wttat rs the writer'a attitude to Ugl'lts? A Sha•~ by i.Jgl1t1'1 oeterm- B Shat- oony 8bQ\,1 llghts'e doffleu<• w'" ot'W l)OOllle. c Sha-hi 1.Jg1111 .,,,11oorn to bol•OYOln-f. D She....,_ Ugnts wA11 nol so unusual

""-*" ,.,_ 1

7 What does 'MQQ • meon in line 68?

A """"°' - peQl>le B feel Lndong c hawlhoamtiruon D in&MMI

5 What does 'If'"""' to in r•ne 51? A tne ~ ot things B tne""'1d c Y""' place D YOIJf lie

a In "'" ,,.,,, ~""' .,. !Old Ulat ~Doi·- .... "'®Id A ,,,....,,...,.acr-moro1nanothe<paopie B IYoiCI doing "*'GI .,,. Cllalikea. C follow oomothif19 up ~It COIChM her - D at''""IJl tobo~....,, rrom .. ...,.,.,.-.

3 When Ligh!S W911 IC hogll school, she was A unoble IC - down '" any par1lcular """'°' B lo&! btCalSO she d>dn't know h« way - C uMOlll>Y ~She haCI nowhe<l 10 sruoy. D lonoly boom• w didn't g11 on with~·

4 What helped Ligln 10 COl)O With htr l)IOblo!rm ao ligh ochool? " 1P1"11 IO- .. ,....,,, •• possoble B ogncwog -ruw111 11131 othlr peo(lll lOICI he< C ..... 'act tnal _. 81 SCllOOI knew '"'1o lha- D tne fact tnat she ijQI on wall Wiii> h<!r family

1 Whet do .,. lwn oboul Lf9hts In th• ~"' -"""? A Shi ~ her new t1am1 re1'1ct1 hw 1blt-. B s... - IO bo 1n corillOI or he<°"" ""-•l C h bell ...... people~keherbett .. brM•of hlrNW l\llT'll. D S•• '-"' lmpnm her lmog.net"" on Ille 1"'"'9.

2 Woo• - UlO -1o11..- about L•ghts'a """'""""'•homo? A Her P••ns °"I haCI time to leaell he< onoe a-. B Her·- .... not. vet'( good - C Her °"'""'" <ept he< al home so she <X><*I -" horeler. o Her tat:he( was tMpOnsibte for in~ her IO rrusic.

Page 110: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

~. ~ ~\Mll\i\llfd, ee O.v" t.mily I~ I imy

a!D'IOl.tt WIN!kl!tld \\~ ff'tt llc'lpltt\. YI• didn't know wlw'~ to look ~OI bkft.' Onlr~ btfott lll(I ~ QIOl'll' l'lllSllf\9. k>f1'Jl'lfl4'1, li!ry hid~ totixtftiln down~~·then. lilanks co the d"f' radlO hl'I'~« hf WNn.. t!.!..t_J ~\d"~~(nbeQlfltlOJta1 ~~ry.The lot.II polk.t put ltitl1 Ml W.pte1o11 c>n the <•w. 014 t'lr hmi arr; tnel'l'lll!'S? Anothtr Nwt'(Miicr.. ~aps. JNb.ls af Rufus's f.mc

..S ...,..,., ... .._, i..i •••d no koowltdQo d '" • [![5&1'\b ~ belove:! bird. ltr ~ 1;111 pi;eonS: Ml! sakl.

7'hcn ~a 1 ltw R!f$S(JI days. a brdktivough OCCUM!d. The famlly

rtt"f'l\lfd • p~ call 1,.111n; ~hrM thll Jlufus ni•Ql'll n.ivt brffl fQ.lhd. A hawk Matet.s\91'5 dtieription- Ceath!ry. wlttl a t.2 rn ~~ . ~ '*"' cllKoYert'd ""•t thrlr >iomr ind ~ncWd In.

Theyknf"# ii w• prot>.blr R.Jf.n..[ 13 r 1swe MOugf'I. \!\'!l'lf

~ IEer tM f"'"ilf ..,..,, rt'unll!rcl with him.

1b.lu$ tOQrl rcwwtrtd fTom hlS ~mltl.l!'C He Mcf I SOfP l!g fe)f I wNli& but wn ~"' ..,.11 Ht Wfm •o 1T,. tf'l'lf'li\ tQ1Utn1mrn1 to

.- ""*"09 pWOt. no< to""'"""""" preu. [ 14 [ ] W. flMnttid CO K"\I "lil"ll b- I bft.' ~ I~. ''!/It jlJlf lhought hf ietdifd IOd'IHI OllC.'SoRtAU\ ffljoytd b#l"I~ (lhiry(QQ(tlim down

•heft d'it WN""!tr is ¥Wml. Hf was * CJive'l lots of hb fe'lt'Uritt trNb.. 'tit tw *Y ttfW!fCL f'll_Pf"!WI wttt..' IJ\lg~ l""'Ogtn. 'Only

.... ""'fl>t1'1\o"

A'ttr ~ t!ti.!tl\ tl'C: f#nlly ntt'dfd 10 thillll. .oolA dgMtt1l1'9

SKIS'l!y l'fteaSlRS. -'We loobd M Wl)'S to protect hm mot!.' said ~ ttP 111a~ worl1rig M Wlfl'lblrcioft 191in I f-M wMlis r.ttf'f durmg tlx~j 15 ~ :tntntmNl'ltirnt.th!f made sur~

thll ~ """"' 11'1. hin'I OiA or their 1'9m.t

II~ ~gteiia:inctmwtllM 'luflA 1A5iml!n bOf1'I a _.,.._..,,,,,_,..,,.w __ .,.. 'Pl- The""""°'") ..... ..widow hadbe!tt ~~for ~1"'1.ICltl

Ind 1"lb lloMd""' '*' t.tsf ICCtU '° thl- .,,,, . .,..., Nwli: ......... u..o.......,,.. ......... ..,..,...( 10 I I ,., l'Wht.ldhnl..'lilld ~ o...n. 'Tlltdwf. ""~""'Y ICltrn: #Id aUlllM.dG9fill ~ ptrOplit.Al"''~ .,. .. bfcont ~.,.,,,.., • °"' P!'OOlt no- 1!11n11 if\

tfld.tionll tor • """' l:O a,""' ee ·~ aMb ~ ..,,,.IAQ brkn-p"'f 'AlfU:

110 I TestJ

•<.<! .. rhr,,,.,, tltol ._ __ ""'" ...... """""" """~"" '""""""'""' . J ...,,wa11yio1Jndsol•

.,,... ondK\At


"""""""" .. -· °' ~ bo<.E""1 ,.. AIM: ttJmi ..

fot thrtwO~d

tNw-.mbltdon Tcmit , __ _,_,,._.._ tO ~ 1!11#'/ Cl'lt ~ whdl (Ml dime ttw spKmfll1 ill'ld fWf\ ~ WMd ft\lll~Md p.lll ... Wmtll.donM' AliM'l~jotl -hp~wgrba;:~~-- ~It -­ ll'ltMt,.~umedf\lfllllb8rt~~~-popglar

........ .,._ ......... ( t] i1o""""""" ....... i!!11"'*""3 br li-'Qll.Cl$,d ~ • CkJ st'!'KS, as Ml as at S90ftS ......... _ ... _dlll_ ....

Rufus the hawk is backl

ou.1lons 9 - 15 Vou,... gOlng to tNd an.,_ about a bird of prey v.ilich is used to fnghten away pigeons at a toonls -- s...n _,..,.. _ -- lrom the artlt!t- Chooso from tt>e "''"IOCOI A -H tho one ..-1 .. _,,,gap i9-15). There IS one extra sentenoo wtl>Ch you do not need to use

Reading • Part 2

Page 111: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

TtttJ I t11 "•ildlnsr ,., 2 L

r A il<Jt thoy !Alko •t off at 11'ght, ao on this e Ho tust trlghtons thom away -,

occ•ston moy Mel no ldM wttero to looli, F They hoWI five other birds. bot Rufus Is B It dodn't happ"" vary o~""· so she wasn t special to them.

st1re what to do G After aJI, how many lost birds of prey could c He wasn't allowed to do any flying, though. tti&re be in one small area?

0 Thot m .. nt tho family hod to have somoth"1g H That's beeauN thoydonl hurt them, bul !hoy In plaoo very quickly, do stop thorn from building OM to In bulldongs. l - -- ~ - - -·

Page 112: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

112 I TestJ

nas gained COi- ce 111rough dOong u.. spo<t7

pointfi out that some~ don't unoers-..and what their span ll'l\'OIYeS?

os ~sed 10 gel """Y frOm 1Mir .._lie?

on,oya foclng uo IO Cit chlllengoo ol "'*'II "* •port?

would I kt t0 ...,,.11>11 01h"" can do'*' ll)Ort In tho lu\Uf't7

-. not like to 8'Wl)'U .vha11hoy oo""' dOOeiy'1

Which person

Question& 16 - 30 You a .. e going to read an art.IC~ in which ~teenagers talk ~ the extreme sports ttwt do. For QueStions 16 - 30, ChOOSe frOm tNI peope A- D). The people may be chosen more lhanOtlOe.

Mark your answers on the separate a• 4•• lhMt.

Reading • Part 3 Test 3

Page 113: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

T .. J I IU

D sam - SkateOoarder

w '"""" rd<cwcllfMef ~ arrr en b Ner: dcn'l Id- tm:l s.. ............ ti ,,,.., nl a:t:Jalt Qk lie ~ I IA ~ 10 '«;>on .,.., - IO ..,.._.. Cbl\ dO ll 10 bt b(-..cr hr1 ClCfel' pc::Qlc. ~

'" .,.,.. 11' lirnl)' - "' -· ... btntW ~ ' boari1 hA rl -:-UV ll .... , fi timpll'r • bl ~ CW" Vy c. b.4 "°' fMrfCltt. 15 eood &!I it W;e-. fr. ": dt&> do"l'tttrilbcaLllb::.rn.ch bcc&aetr.lt CW\.,. rre ac ""~~I hlel'I t.o ~on

,.,, HPl ~ rd - .. ""' """"' • - .,.. f(W c:e.- '' 14 Os L at co.ntl My ,...,.. dO Ohl' rwei. ~ fd """>' nr to lpl"llt "¥ wl'IClfll • °" • llQl:l't)o;vd.~ lflfW"<li ~ '°' *COi ie err:. r">"mP9t

~ 10 P;;.;1'!.bord ~ IU. d ~ I ari't te s.n d ht~ ~ to ~~ otier- peep~ ... llf"Ut: Cl ~ l"le SllTle ttq IOo

c NdlaN - au.rfer 'l"l.e fifl: ~ uMe aim. ~ _. 1 1CCiillty

"""""" ""'1 - .,.,., ... • "" ltd ccct" t\lt ~tt ~ I fnt tre:t I - ... ,.,,...,, ........, .. - ... .,, row 1 'i.11' ~ 1 c.'\. r"' ~ krlOw. .... )Cl.I Qn a;;. do l l J­ M ~ -e-e :ytfle -. er ai f'i 10

I ~ bm(h - a!flo_ WI!£ i(S jl.&t SO!'l''"'i>i-c ~ 6:)­

'Nti!e ,ou'19 on ~ re 1llO"t a .. p'IZla b' ar'"C l'ION. bJI elC!'I ~ I p.11. "' ~ dowt\ for *1 ~

_., ...... P"'~ -'°""""' ... n .i.,. _,I ....W '*"'I - - ""'"n '° dt«r'C ~er t'lt~ u ~ ~ ~ lttn, •'Qld 00 • ~"Mt. tpO"t nU.ead ..., brzet ilboA ~ aJtoiether. ~ ~ ~ pm and rrri tocin blc' 'ie ~llr.f.ld ~be dDlr-t ~~ ~.e"t!flt ~ tC W .tnd .. the li.71'( U I d> IMll d N tme r"' an 'llO'l't ~ ~ ~ wre to m hi ., h U.n. .,,,;.,,.,

RMClng P.wt l

'-~-,.,,.......,,. tt.' ~11"5 i10- Wt WM1 10 111 r.door dopi- ,.... ri.cial snow ee had 1 few lesso!'IL nMr o:::.t~ tc ty tkq. as "" .)ri)r Mr ... ll'ltld tD ~d

Vite-. Wl!!ftl )11 ~ first '1p 10 h> rf'"OJrQIN witl'I tctiOCll I wo.c> of IA

wt'fll t.1'0~£. a..tt Wdoor1 ~rt i ~of ~ 'M! ~rtr·~ f«cd Ofl t"lf: l'ldoot stope, li'ie wm ;:ir·:t·.t" OCQ&Ol'lill roor to l'Od' i;.·!tn' t'".s',rty ld10Cll hid odf-......, peoole ~""' .. ~,., ,_ )ITIUC~""llc.nf\at•t Gp~!!o&ndtQ

~ Plf!1 )'U'" rwo 'MCOl'I -' art-<.!" b' cu dlOCll 1N&A.7ltiboli.howf1Wo.1' If ~IOlilc;l,."'lltth&t~Most: of ~ h!tidi F tloira, #'Id '°"""i.mefi w'9i\ I COIAd pr'! ti Wleo ttlcy'tt talong ~ .wnlll!"I lhrip ~ve done to~ "11!1" thE di!)'. ard ee co~1DttJtois ~ ~ p.w1

ft. :&..1. "'°' .tctii ~ ........ '°~!JI) !ii"~

-- 8 faf't• .. anowl>Oardor

"..c beer m~ .>i:..ie: wee I 'Ill ti~ """ p~rcttJ 'ltlJ ""1' lier I,..

dona: It. ..+ilCh 8 I p~ M I stM11d 'lf(tl mt COcM1\. wi-c> ... I )It QkW U\irl mt.

a.'ld I .a'I b111! r,. £w1'1 tl'C>!Jil I d ~ t aoMr.d•m,mam.r~~· lot, •d I'm 'lO ~IS scnc! IS: u!tld

tc be.Tt'llt~iti tc ot.W;aspect:s al"" Ir~ 1)0,~;r..·.t' I

'""" to be q.<te tt, ""'° I .... - 11) ._ te11·r1 INS ~ u\ i'l ti.- urm« dcr tlJ 00l 1!'d c·a trUl ........., wr rK! .. , c·m IOl"C ~ '° ~ ttW* r.,. ~ Whoo "" "• ""' ,., "' ~· .. "" _... am\lY.l l'!'IC' (Npr>tain io'O"'I t'!'t/ Mh.1 r.; I fl.'1 RO mt.- a.-vj list.er Jt:d rry CCIUSl!'IS f'I~ to )'\'II It~ to~ W-:rrt I flNtliy do.ii'~ walq: ._3feyyi1 {ar_::mc lftown I hopt

1.~ wf'lc~I ~ i'" tht IL1ure.J1 d tlM IL'M to cb tl'd

A Ann ... mountain blkW

Extreme sports

Page 114: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

114 I Test l

Write yo11 email You must use gra.mmabca'ty C00'9Ct senteooes with accurate spelling and ounctuation in a ~·le appt0prtate for the Mu.abOr\.

~.beC:Elute ...

0.. dMe. OOll'V to •• .,.., In .. ln!Wl\l!lll.'lnll f>"Ototl NXI mot'llh. w. ,,. gc-.1~ to osry OU1 nine lr1l")'!!W! 'lltd.l'I Rldentl W\ OCf'W CCU'llt-.. The I 11nt~ -.·Ill bt f'I fr91tn. •nd INy \llltl bit pm'td on I tpl09 ;;;&1. kif Grtat kitllf IClhocJlt SI O'llOr UM 'tllllCW'\d

(Ot tt'll Pf'Otl(:t. yDrJ (e"I Ilk N Atdtntl about I.._. f.,.,. l,,t, their IC:hOOI. or N1r trw 11"'9 ect1vit1Ctt. Wtalct'l 9QPIC .-wld you f"q to oover7

We ean no upload a pl'IOtagaph Ol'l10 N w.ba~e to represont our c:llllll

W"*•ho1Jd0\6'Ph~~°"!!!.:.'~:-::-~~-:---:~~~-:-~,.--::-~~.l- TOll Mr Droke j·d Illa to Mv• t mHCiig IDOUt trie pro,ld at 5 p.m.. Nlrt lueedly Can you co..-.?

1 You have "806tved an emal from your Englsh teacher. Mr Drake. Read Mr OrakEI.& etna1 and the notes '/OU have made Than write an email to Mr Drake. UStng all yiour notes ..

You must ans'W" thcs questiOr\. Write >'°"' an&wer in 120 - 150 .'Yf)rds in an appn:>pfiate sty e on your answer sheet.

Writing • Part 1 Test 3

Page 115: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Tftll:J I t1S - ...... 1

Wote your .-w. 5 Set texi quecb0n$ ,,Seas. note there.,.. no tet text Queatl<Jnl ir'IC*.lded 1n this practioe teat.)

pr~ e1r~ -v Vd'.al YQ1 ~ ard dl&1b .~ 'L '•Vou!d yoa 1'1Cc:aGCrd a~ ocher~ yoaw Ai:pt:'1

Rf'l'iews o!TV muSl<'. pl"Of1Tlmm•1 tnnttld

TV review ltD UI «bca a cas: ,

Wnte a letter anSW'Glnfl9 your friend's quesuons.

• You have._ ... Ifie -ng announcemen•"'"" Englllh-languoge magau>e for teenagers.

flltf p;.rbtt t.._ l tkL)l M ,.,.. to ... r "'k 1-o.i.•. ""'- t~

*1.Y l"H.';'u:r.'t kt l'oC w•.-S. TV...,. 1 do <11W ~-..k """f ~-.1 ~- tt.t't~r· ~1 ~')O.M

2 \bur Eng'ish teactw has asked you co write a story. Yoor stoty l'T'IUst begin 'W<!h lhiS sentence; Vihen Tom saw who was in the C1N; he srruled and walked qu;ckly towards it. Wnto your story.

3 i-- Is part o1 e in• rou M"" re<:G>vod f""11 'fOUI English-opeeklng 1-.d, Phi.

Write Mare~ llO one of lheqUM·iontii 2-5 In Chit patt. Wr.11 your .newer 120-180 -Nortta tn m appmprl.tt• t.tyl• on your.,._., aheet Put 1tJe que11tk>n numt>tr In tnrt box •I the top ot the page.

Writing • Part 2 Test 3

Page 116: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

- ...

U.. of ln91kh Part 1 116 I Te113

to bet«ir h8MISl:S: All tt'ld il"lil)'T'Nl;l.On can be lOld to grow ....... uw. Cit' .... ""-- wf'ICt in llM'!'\ Wll (12t. and taSlUlil' fruit!

_hi Meywa wa llbOt.it 3,000 yMrS ego. Amongst HlettOd CtiOllO - a cacao ll'M fnt <U"..Hattid r,, rvrc. (7)

IN 28.798 oonea they Ot8COYtttd. tlin n two IWI help tit gonot tt\.11. 1n111.1r111e• tht tmell, c;clour •1'0 b«#' of Cd"'°°""""

Scienti&ts (4) _ genet1e studlt$ on stra .. t>&i•liM .-.d CICIO.~ choc:d8te been. This tw:s brought tnem one

~ eto&er to pro~ e'Yen more Ol6co • llt __ ol ._ two treilta. For the c:hooola1:t stvc:fy, the sc.entisls

:ht chbl'OC1ttrt$11cs that al living fl'l•riQI Ctl - - -. one gaa ''°.,,. ntYl TNee dleractef'ls:t.ct ~ .

!'Mist~ 10 diseases In CtMtVrW and pllrita. ~ii°"" A acientlltS •.JIJY th!rl.

othert1 11 t becr11.1tt of the torn• lhlr\Qll lhlt felt

Why do som. foods tam IO good?

Dtiuild e make o A create


f0< quottiont 1 12. ,_ tt>o ltd below 1'1d - which - '" 8. C or DI best foll NCl1 gop TMre 11S an example at tM beg1,.,olrog (01~

Marx your answers on the MParate .,....... lhHt.

Use of English • Part 1 Test J

Page 117: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

1 A _. ""''""' B pass out c -on D pusby

2 A Include B contain c n.f>ve D cono'lt

3 A IVJ)OSe B motive c- D baSls

4 A ~ B reell'4d c lw! D conducted

5 A move B step c '- Dbll

• A B edlt""1• c-.- D "Y'"t _.lli0f1S

7 A ~ B during c - Dover

• A kMP 8 _... c - D piottct

9 A e•:,; :llSed 8 knew c idei~1food D understood

10 A cue B l<klo c -·C)lo D tac1

11 A loose B troo c - 0 wild

12 A ...... 8 l&ad c .... o connec1

Page 118: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

--1><r .. ,__1n1 __ . I won that competition, I've taken hundreds mon1

Oii tnmt I'd end vp winning fll'lt p(ltt • ano1htr I bWw ll dS I good": D'Wli. bl.A I Nia t I lll'y (2t)


like '11tly good ph010I I totntd 1 photOQrtlptiy club at - U'C!Oa-lar .... , ,,.)

Teenage photographer

For~ 13 - 24 ,_ lhe ''""' bobw and think of the wonl whlell best fits each gap. Use only one WOid in _, Oii). Thn IS *' •"""'lllO 81 lho begmong (0\.

Write 'f04JI a ••tWS lH CAATAL LETTERS on the Mper8lt enawtr ahffl.

Use of English• Part 2 Test 3

all the

Page 119: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

TettJ I 11t



oo.w .iust the I• r..encr ~ Tht:ore ate problby ....,. more

IM) - e.aves ·~ 10 Dt •CUld under Clwulft.e'I Nalca


ti ~ ~ MOtlltans tnere .a three other f'32J - ~.rt.Ji.A

caves. One contail'ISrr.agi hfc;all crystals shaped likeCA $ *""the

........ oc ic:e-cooled air to '31) __ lhey can .SU"YiYe tor ,_. • eew SURE




ot hot ~ neert>y, tti• tempetabn lit u-c. II It to

Tht CtYttOlt look cool Ind ic:e-lio:~ but dor'l't ti. ~ Out to the

1bt 1281 ol thooo ~ cryslOls PfObOl)ly - •a -• of

- (27) :ze - r- 11QO Tiny.,__..,_ Ind. CJvtf' !ht Cll'Curiile. 8'rl itJl:"l'Wl'll hM~ ... It-. OIM NI•

~ the f28t __ of..._. gu:itit ttrucuira

d ~ largest netUl'lf ~ .._ found • one ol. hm mM9UreS

~ t 1m And~_,.. mar. t'W1 SSOOkg

The fO) ~ state ol ~ is home to one ol the ...tural

...., idets of the world ... Thi cave Of the Crygmts._ 0. ,. .. ed

C2SI -- In 2000 b't' mnn o,t1ng e tuOf'lei, the ~ ._ about

350m below the Mfacl d ... NliCa Mountains n ............ ~ 170

The Cave of the Crystals

For Q<JeOl""1• 25-34. ,_ lllO ltxi below. UM lhe -.i g"""' In CllP'flWI a1 lho end of*""'• ol the Ira to form 1"""" 1na1 r11a in lho ~., u.. "mo line n.... io en oxtmpi<! at 1ho '-"'"lQ 0). Wnte your answn IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the ...,..t• answer 1h9et

Use of English • Part 3 Test 3

Page 120: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

120 I Test J

40 Thfl\' oil had I IY"'Jt GI)' out, _, ll'oolqi • -· SPITE Thoy oil ht<! a-· doy out ,,,. '""'·

41 My bn)Ul« tM<<ll ot 000.. ""')' 11'.!W 9- lor ho poomo. COMES My brother - _ IOfN: very inlei rJ '9 ldMS fat hiss poems.

42 Leah doesn't 'ike ~as much as I do. KEEN Leah.. dancSlg tllln I am.


39 Anna ...i llhe lhought G- l>Od ..,., 11 ttie a......,, ACCUSED

~ I - your pen for a moment, pieaM? Hi. Lee.

38 HI. Lee, cen I bOl'rOWyourC*lfOf auouelt. ~? MIND

37 J•m wil bo late tor OCOOOI ..-11e i..- .,v. HURRY Jim \\'I I be late for sc:hoOi ..

38 01..1r coecn think.s It ahOulcl be .-y for UI Ill') wtn ihil marcn FAR As coocen «J. r. Si'ICMJd oe wy for us to 'NWl U'lis motch.

35 ir1. ply 1-·· know how to ploy,,,. ;.Jllr' KNEW

Wr to only tho '1145lng words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on yo<.r -- ohoel.

Exomple: '-: _o .._I __ ;A•"" "'-·

The gap can be filled by the woods 'tal<es place', so you write:

---- al the end of the SIA"IV'l'l8t term.

For Quutonl 35-42. COi'•~ 1!'11MCOnd~WIOlIOrttetIthM,111mil1t mill)Mfng to the lll'Ot Nntence.

lllln<;l IM wold glV., Do nol chenge ""' - - """ - UM "-1- IWO - '"'-word$, IOOIUd•ng !ho wO'd O'V"' - o$ an ev '""" 0. Example:

o Our !ICllOOl Sl)O!IO day• held at Ille ..,d""'.....,.. ierm. Pl.ACE Our!ICllOOlsportsday

Use of English • Part 4 Test l

Page 121: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

TettJ f 121

1 You twa- a boy malUf'lg a phOne cal. \'t'hy ii M pt!Ol • ig? A ~o a9lc for money 8 to ilJlplain why ri. • l!M C tolel~~reneie

2 '1'btJ tiew iwe fner11:11 t.llling at tcllOol. How do. o. gw1 1..i now1 A l•l'tld B "°llPY c """'°"'

3 '°"" hNlr l*1 of a lTIUllC PfOQll'.,,.,. on '.he rfte'.to. W'r-. !~ the IPMkW1 A i'\aclub a on• bolll C •tNbN<:h

4 ">u r.ar two f'*"!Je tatting abol.it IOm9 •hoee lhly ... in a thop wfndow­ 'M'IT. clo ttlty agree al)IX.il? A The slic:riM n too ~J)r!M. B The hMll ... loo t'iigf'I C The cotour ill too dw'lic.

6 'tb.i helw • git! tjlong to "61' ~ 'M'ly 'S the a :anoY"(i •IM'J hirn? A i.. forgot to buy mtk. B t<e loot tu keys. C Lie (l(ln' send her a mei»age

6 You hear two friends taik_.-.g about a day out~ ...,.,_arethoygoong? A IQ take part in a $fXWt1 ..,.... 8 m wa!Cf'I ei 9C)Or'tS ewnt c to llWI • sportB lt"USllUtn

'1 You Nlr a teactw" tal(ing to hor ~. 'Milt does !lht Wll'l't !hem to do? A i.~t torn. notH 8 w.'lt•.,,lllUV c ,prepwe • ,,,....,.lltllOn

I Youn.ta btotl'ltr a1'd MPflr lalldng ., tNitr kitchen • horn., ....,.,., ... ""' dOMQ? A hMl•ng 14> o plu;a B "*"'<! _ _, c bo•lnQ • cako

u. • ..,,.., l'Mt •

7.lSJ OUHtiona 1 - 8

'tbu ¥\'If' hear peopte tal'clng in eight different s1tuabo11$. For (JJ9Sbon.s 1 -8. choose the best answer (.'. B 0<C).

Listening • Part 1 Test l

Page 122: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

E 1.11 (10IW. AAer tno- ... -. - a lot or

There was a pnze fO' bie be:st.._ _.@: ... 11:.at tne show.

The)l c:nose"' -L Mar• partlaAl1y lked lho ... : _.I _19'-hor Mother WOAI during tht 6hOW.

li£ In th<! price o• the ticket.

To ""'91M lht lMW, Maya and her -0.tritlu!ed '---- __ __,l..:.14;.i! to paople.

fMng 1ho righl :~-----.1.l .;.•3:... was no< u dofficult •• they had expected.

They *·:led' lO eic::ourage peop.e to wear L =11 ~at the beginning of Iha $how.

11 weni the b18l ptace to got kloaa. Mar• and hor-1...-.cl - ,..,_ r

The "'m or tho lhoW - to,_ """"money to buy mote ~I Jii]..i....;1"-'o for the ochool l•brary

The-""° heipe<I ~ "1e 'ash>on show nonnally tauglltLI [~9 l to Moya

Student fashion ahow

~a.--•-18 You wll - o g01 c3ICI ~ tlllutlg about a s..-,1 lash""' show wh.ch was held at her school. FOi' Oli1MliOnS9-18.c:o14)iete theserrt~.

Listening • Part 2 Test 3

Page 123: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Tfttl I t>l

F I prefer lool<lng 8! those •• ,,., ~ Nl\11 laken.

S, nh•5 [ _@] E It's d1fficu t to catcl> exacUy the r1ght "'°""""

Si ,.... [ :J!2J D People take too meny of them.

C I don~ Ilka having my pocturo llil<Aln.

B They may replace other rnemo1 ies.

s.- ... 1 I te I A I hope I'll make a career out of talcing !horn

l'i'I04J Otifflion1 19 - 23

You wlM hoar fMI people talking 8llOut pl'otojjiaphs. Fer" 111lie19-23, c:l!ooM fl'om tho liat (A- F) what oacl> speak<)r says. Use each letter only orce. There IS one ex1nl -- yau do no< need to US<!.

Listening • Part 3 Test l

Page 124: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

ti: •• , .... J

v Whet doll, Richard say about r&tt.1rn1ng to dance ., M home town? A Ho rJends to oo"" the poos1bly can B Ho gooa •""Y tsne he has lime o1t. C Ht .,,._. !o do It every '"'' ye&tS.

28 ._ Is Rdlard's frte as a dancer diff~t now he's al C4ly Ballet? A Ht orty lllS tD leom one part 011 tim. B Hoos-to concentrate on hos dMClng. C Ho - ., procllso leu than ho 1'9«1.,,

211 Whot ooes Rdllrd ""Y about the way he actS a,.,.. _, he Is dancing? A He p1ayt -=Ii character In his own -.ar way B Ho tneo re 11'1ow h~ personal ty when he - c Ho froa oome o4 tl1e rotao cl<ffl<>J•t to P111om.

30 Whot ooa Rlc:llllld hOpa to CIO 1n lhe '""""? A bewme tile best dancer at City BaJet B MC ic> llil own ballol ooml)My C teocn )'Ol6IQ people to dance

211 Wtrf <loel Flichlfd 11y he keepa In toucll ...,111 people., h'9 homo town? A Ho tWOds ~nancial holp from them. B Ho.., .. t011em m<I'• from 1n.m. C He ~ h9 can inspore some of tnem..

24 W'lal MIS c>l!laJlt tor Richard about going tD balet C11SS817 A His - tound n hard to ouppott Nm. e The :eacJ., a W8l'9 not well organi$ed. C Dong-k u wf!l 14 t>ellfl Wl111'"t e.y.

25 ._ cld 1 lriond ~nd out that Rlc11ard dod bel<l!'I A Ho -.O•o<llld .t by cl1MC8. 8 Ht gi zssed it by the clotnes R•c:flard W01l. c Ho na told abovt It at sellool.

~· 0.-tlono 24- 30

Y<l<J w111 i-., """"ow wilh a boy ca•od R>ChaRI, who IS 1lllk•ng ebout h• llfo., o - -. For qlJ0$11ons 24 - 30. c11oose the b"1 .,...,..., ~ B"' C ..

Ustening • Part 4 Test 3

Page 125: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

-l I us

~to A "_.,.,1e1y 20 "'°""ds l11tettocutcw Thanit you.

I lnteriocutor Jn this part of the test, rm goonv ec give each o! you two photogajllls. I'd ll<e yau to talk about your photographs on )QM' O'tM't for about a minute, and also to 8!""$VW a ShOf1 question about yoor partJW's pl-iC)hs. {Candidote A/, It's yoor tum Int. Hore.,. your phoiographs on page C 12 of the S1 · "II Appendix. They ShOw,,...,,.. ······•io in dill-I places. I'd like you to c..,.,.,,. the ptiologi"" ••. and say wll8t the poop,. mi!IM liko llbout swimming In !MM dllforont .....,_ All right?

~teA (!), ,,..,., .. lntenocutor Thonk you.

{CNl<!Klare 8/. do you IH<o -·•••io lndootl? ~B

(!) """"'"'""'"ly 20 ·­ -·r Thank you. Now. (Candld•te 81. hete.,. )OUr ~ on pago Ct 3 of the Spo1uong _,.itx. They $h0w people IHmfno in cllleront woyo I'd like you to OOITlpOl'O tho pl10togi,...'ts.111d soy whet tM adv1nW90.,. ol lN'""'9 In thoso dlflorent Woyl

All nght? CendidatoB

I monute in- Tha11k yoo.

(Candidate A), whlcll of - ways of -.,,1ng do yoo P<Ofet?

lnte<locutor Flnot of all, we'd I•• to.,_ _twig tbout )'OU.

• Wilat do )'OU most tf1joy do6"9 Jn your 'roo ume? Why?

• What did yoo do last -

L• Do yoo use Engl,.ti al all-yoo "'"'"at-? Why? I Why not?

• Do you th•nk Engi'Otl wil bo ....,.. to you " the Mure? Why? I Why not?

• What do yoo llllnk are the best ways lor peopl• to ll(aciise their Engllsh? \Vtry'I

Speaking • Pans t and 2 Test l

Page 126: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

....... ,.,,., .....

• Andyou?

S.•tct ,,., or 11» ,.,.,,.,rig ptOrt'lpf'! R~ af)f)IOPl'lttt•:

• Whit do you think?

lntorlocutor Select onyol U1e fo41cwriQ qu.•~ ... _....,810: • Ha\le Y'O" ever ~ on 1 trip With your due? • Old you enjoy It? Why? I Why not? • Where do you Uwnk .,.. good ptaces to 'tlltt ••

adass? • Do you think it is a good idee for schools to

organise lripo for students? Why? I Why not? • Do you lt*lik young peopl• ...-n more Jn school ex

in t.hetr tree time? Why? I Why not?

• What kind of pl•- do you 111<.o to lllalt wtth your family? Why? TM1l< you. Thal Is Ule end of !ho tesl. -- - --~

• Ooyou8Qt"M?

c..-te• e 3 minvtes lnlMlocutor Than« yoo

lntwtoou1or Now. I'd like )"O\J to talk aoout IOmllthl11Q t0gtlh1t ror about three ·W1U11&.. H.,. •re"°""' pie- of things thot you might - With you for•_.,., tho _...tty_ wtlh your claoa. ~ pJct.;·n lrompege C14 In tronto/cal)ddates. F.rst, talk to eech other about which o1 ttM=M things you might Ike to taale with you Then decode which lwc things would be the moet lml)Ortant INr'9s to tMo with you. Mnght?

Speaking • Parts 3 and 4 Test 3

Page 127: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Test-' I 1J7

f'l.»•'s txprtSSiOn .,.._ decidetllv nett.raf.'Er<. Yif'8I. do Yoll ti1n1cot 31 lhtsr M1 Stwond:ud '!iii b Y;1!tl 11,." Ailt'tYJyq.idly - '011, 11 !liil r>;1l·L (Jct Mt Be~51)fl said, gp:rct.

C1 flflt'lll!IV ~l'f'. M1 l. A 1f'!mr L . +' Mr8011t11n t•1l1.11•ttts~ 10 [tc. 'So. wtcm,.. ... r 1111ri 1t't 1011.11 .dll. Erle Iii.II MCllHd fdj ~ 1 ..

""""" 1tTril,' M1 blnlOl 111'1 if llhd fl 11:'~ ID bar lt'.Jt I ;!11141~1'11vo11':l11fvU1 #1111: ID-•'"'"" Cptllllld lcllRS .. 4), AMlllO, wnll, itil11 ~.frc. ,_DCaNar-:ettt ... ~ ltll oow •i!ent Antiicry ._ td. 1 Im Wu lldMd .,.,~ t'l11n An'l'lll"f dC'F'I As Ere cnM11J111 oJ 1111 "Cf#. 110 ktMa .o wl;fw • • ~ wt·o, "' 1w11v wa'(I. rnecnblld hit :la.dints ll!Cft f'l.lrt llil colleague!. lnM lf'ld.~M'r.oesitld net IDt'lg u at • 41. Mr 8ensor. Wll~ '111 IN~ .... b ft tdiaol nl OJ'T¥lilre:I fl) rnanv of h;s ~llcw tndllrs.. - ~ inaie

b'oWlll(lgeetlle Bhc'l.lt lllS S'ILJdlm: L1llin'Stl ~ ...... ie. '*!It music. 'Mll!l.:~ul Ult .. ...- .. lied OW: same :aatt., dco".lles Mr Be1wi tvid ercoonged bJ dilll tll Cll M \it B w'l•dl "II! in:i1igl't 11iaitv~ tQIJl ~ e •*' e, wid iespect 'Mt 8 'EllC 1n11'1 ~ ·1 CSJ led Nt 'IOI~ llllml

lit Mt~lt twlW111'4j; rn1·rn.11 ll'(lbll_. l0011 tD lta-.w:: loi.nd Mr8tr•JOl'\l'Q:tldll'l;i;r~ ~to-'rQ;llfir tr U\ wu111!1 ~ co gc. • A-•ll'U,.,. tM·i;11at4 .,,d lv'ltNfltMi!i'ISOI a.rrcd ~ f1ie, w11a 1111d i krr;,i, ba Iii t:Jl!':V oew;. .oms M _... '!'IOI t'r.l ltlty t-11d II or•.tt t:lnl So rm • .,.,. IO p.:ll'd .... WOl.b1 I mhl II I cklrl I 0).11 It 11: rt N ktlaf(I rfl'!. H1 I hi;'.11 II So ldmr't Ulil l!Wp::!., fDa'.:i him 10 00 Md Ill k'I• ;r·~ don'IWll'ltl09Qlllfwf Bcsidn.llil!&u?•be gtut.· M1 Blll'IOnc~ I lliuafW wirl fat bdD!rl. hi td(Qllllll

Oo'.'illlll !Ibo.JI tile boys'~

R<0<in9- I

School trip? No thankal v.. 11- .!JSl d .,,_ ..,. ~ • - ..pT'i&s.tl1 rw ., ...

1t:ff ...... :,(1 e-: !It '·I 0- · .~., __ .Cl ~OOtwas~i.tlflt~ 'WJr,'Jll!~ ·:tiM: 8'9'1bc~lwwqa.el!ll~C..t9nb!lfn8:U-rl),l'te b8M heft b ~ '1W1 ..C il"I lhilrS CW~ AtCI ~WI b!Jr.:i a. t:m tar~ 11[ .a.!' 1 .. ~ . '.~!!If ... """Ii) ., ftlf'J.,,.,,. tpCfb Ir! h ft ..... IOllW!';itMQfda ...... ~ _Ol,_'UA lu.1 k.' Mr 8rnsD'I ~ ., ~ .. dla'I '3a1l :n. bu: 'jQf­

t!ll bl!I ~fa flrd: Ilia.fl Iliff Ml m .... n hid Iii ~f\(;XQ

A llwfllft:2S ft.~ ll!latd N b2t trtdl -m tD tdllbll!Dltl ""'°" .-tfrc • n,. •lllllW dr. _,. "'f(o;fl311ffll:!li.lwl!t.,..,.lid:tl'fdldltill~~I r I hit"- L-.: ..... 'lllil'> """' ... "'"°'"'°"' 001 .. looo1 ~·Jt!WV t~· """': -.- to..-.,,_ .. .,...,r ·1- Rq! a'!H tchx!I: rnc.~ l«'Dlr ~ 11: IQl!ll!lfl8I''

lodav oflb daai 11 ·lllOl!lld k r. """a.:.n • lllW F11~ af:er lfl lllCl9di:if lq' ~ b Int' bel 10illd!!d aaJ es d!!! claSI I'll b ft (bf. N t'illO ilrlS rm! U Mr ~ 'Mr l. Vll¥111'm'Ctdb:wdd&dW; ............. .,,.... Mr Bwncn IGcbd ..... c:A:ulfJ- w-·. ~ .. -p't Hel•t.lnf'O ,. • ..,,.._ .. ~ b!teC! .... aidle! '"'­ llrChof!y "'°"' • l'il ....... "'l. t ht JDii 1-;NJW"' 1-,.--a:.m '~ f l11rk pi odd ay ,.._ ~ ~I.act. .,.._ IW...,. - -... .... ,..1115o;1 _ Cb! ·-~ __ ..,, __ ~QC)Od .. ..._•m't1bld ... MC Wllltol'N t.tr

34 &r:;n c:c~l--d:-. 'dNd. •-~ty otMcul 'lr., ~= [ 1 ...... .,*' ,,,_,,.,,,.._,_..,_ID _ t.!1 Blnml"s Ike· _.,.. cw6 d'" 81C b ~ lllld ~ pir-..:led b\o 1!llif ~ .. :o~ 2 &i&d ~

OIHlatiOM 1 - 8

You .,. going IO tNd .,, ··-t """' • now! about IWO tchOOlboy• called Enc and Mthotly FG< qo ......... I - 8. Cl100H Ille..,._ (A II C 01 DI M>Cll you lhtnk n .. best ll()COfdlng 10 Iha te•t. MJr<l Y<><" •• ...,,. Otl the Hp&nte t1MWW eheet.

Reading • Part t Test 4

Page 128: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

7 Whal dotl 'twlllang my.,,.,,.,,_, In line 667 A persuading me to do -Ing I don't want to do B tnreatenong to hu1 me~ I don't ag~ C trying lo s:op "'" trom doong something o pretonding to agroe with me wh«l he doesn1

8 Whal do -. .. 1aom llbo<r. Enc in ~ final paragrapn? A Ht dlalik,. lht _,. IOfla of actMtlao u Alltllony-. B He dOM not trlfJ'i doing II-Inga without his fNlf1d C He rarliy 00. ""'8! Ar111(lf1y tells him 10 do. D He belie.MU- f)l()POSal will be more fun 11\an ~ 8c>ur<I.

8 What are we !old alnA Mr Benson in tne penul:imale po119181)11 ol the !$xt? A He .s s.miar to hG - t>oeau"' ho lad<s •-""ca B H• dotl l'os pb bot'er than the other teachn at !ho-· c Ht NNIQ8I to be bath "*1dly and profata<Onll. 0 Ht hM tO mPe In eflorl to llndertland his &!-

5 Anthony apok>g·- n lne 47 bec8USI A he hat sool<en r«eld of Enc. B ht hat 8MO)'Od Mr Berwon. c ht has '-> <llloiwt 0 hehaS.-Er!c.

128 I Twt4

2 What do /V'ltY1ny aro Enc ~ about In tho pla)'grourd? A Thoy will p<QlloOly Ile 11J«; ... f\ll B They moy •well mUe an 1tte~1 c They 11191<1Y- a bad Nl)Utabon. D They need to Wt to-~ Immediately.

3 When Anthony IW1d Enc go to see Mr Benson, A Mr Benson ar-iy lmows what they are gong to ta., 8bOUl e the boys doo t .._ exactly what they are going to toll him. c Anttlony ii cletermtlld to epoal< bef0te Enc - o the bo\11 are no111n '- to Man the con\'lfl.1tion.

4 w~ does 'tlla1 • "'• to "' n 3-41 A Most SI~ ll'fOI' Ult Upward Bound trips. B Anthon)' ,..,.,.,_ wtry other studenta f-l<e the IJ1ClS. C Upward Bord Is nol a poor-quality trip 0 Anthony W<>Jd nol ll'fOI' an Upwan:t Bound !JiP.

1 Whal dOll J9'! - !Mk wllilt ht 19 1 .. c111ng Ult man ltMOn? A Tht sd10d - lllTangt t different type ol trip for a dllnge. B Somebody 9houl0 t.C the$ludentsoff f0< not CC11"60$8"i9. C The hmong ol ir.e lnP means Iha! some class time ,. wasted. 0 He h1"'°"" ..- ,,..,... haV9 behaved li~e the sluden:s.

Page 129: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Test 4 I 119

MIO~ a M0111e11t 10 CGlmidei wtwt you nted to

pack. In otd• lo f oe 90me

cacnee. a!lrou :~ i your GPS 12 Hett are a lew !hngs you mlgn.t want to conSlder laking a!Ong: walking tt.hoos, sunscrsen, pen rid notebook, plenty of waler. some snacks,

somed'l•f'IQ 10 left.,. bet11nd In the caches If you want to

Ulkt someching out. tt'l IV1'y as llllT!ple .. tt'let. As long as you use a bttle COtnniOn Hl'lH and behave well, you cen ensure a •• "9Sl!iful tnp for yotneH Md thOMI who come after you_ Here ate 1 couple al things to keep •n mind; \'4'ifl!ICIW )'OU~ r•thlng ffom a cache, IOOVtl something In retutn 13 l N81*' leave any of that

behind. No~ la 9llW allowed, and you ITJAI alwa~·s __ ,_ Go tram betng till hunter to betng hunted by hlQtng your OYM CICl'le. Altew you've fCU'ld 118\\1 on your ow<'I, you'll

have a good Idea al what 'Mii g1yt people a great day aut. f 14 j I As you do th•s, jull rememtw to follow

a few *"'Pit 1tepe, Md you'll be hldir.g greot caches In no time. On publie llnd, Cheek wlm me autnority that

manages the land before you hide anything. If you're on ptl'Vale land. nk pemhsaion of the landowner and never lgno<e ""'! . ._ OuO' algns"' fences.

I 1s I ICadlee -..10 be placed., 10.,.1150 metres from ltJCtl other la help With thiS Vour cot'lll't1ner snoulO bt weotherptOOI. M~ the contruner so d cart

he 1cten11nld as a geoeache 3fld not rubbish. And If Y'OU Mid your friends or tomily dO try geoeachJng. have a WOl1dlrh.t tlmel ,.__,

'b.1'1 ,_, to resist h :. , 40 r • to "' on on e 1 ~ cne 1101""" 11 )'Ol.l bMI , .. ,,......,.,about the C8Che rrto yo1

deMce. A a \I geocacNng aa...m.n takes a little

...... •io ... - - ...... "'"" St!ltt by nrading L-. S Jl on Wld °*"' t1CCWOS kJr 1t'le cache )'Oltw ~ '° hJne looll to Me' a"lyone Ns tlacl di'f.Qlltel ~ .. -.......,.fuL I

am n .rd then \Me .,_ aigna;s to dtttr'm!l"ll wn... elCllCdy ,11s.on ft _.?h_ The GPS ~ ~ ror -·io- rlflQO"""' ""'e!! oies In mob. photMS IO"'llt'YiOPll ... -(9 I lao......,,.,. pg Qormeban about a cm:he irito a GPS -..a. I ""'II gudll you D) .. aact P'!IC8 '*'-9 u. cache has bes1 - l>ll-uMly... ol- """""'...,.."' ... __ ,10! , ""Y°'""''-- ... cache. u.y mw'lt ~ betwd for ttie nut pePtiOf" '° ~ 1'hwe lls tllO some paper and a pencil 1n in. box, tope,wsCM .-..- dowl\ in.,...... ana make CGiW16U f dley wart to.

ol--·: •llO"l'Sbb __ .,_

h»>dlig&o~. DWa11111.iCJD ··•~Md nwbd h apot on a map so 118 lhey could find II

tglllft. c "*IO~ geo -caftlg} Ba modlm Ol""t w.ct'I WOfks I'\ I .,..._. W'a'f, Ths II hOW ,.,. ...., ,.,. _ .. lf'Cl-ol ...,. .. _ - - cact.s -whch ....... 2-\ ~ lro.n:I tl'.e YtCif'la rlon'nawlabout a." exact locabcJfi has ~ ·~ to oeoca:::t • og "'*** ~ wdl Cfll!'t8ils and c!Ua&.

In onw to h a c:acne. players use sometning called a GPS--•ioS>tsttml- Thls•epoece

Wh!f don't !fO<A try geocaching?


'fou.,. P'O ID teed ., ..ncte about ilf1 octMty c;:Ojlecf geocach1ng. Seven sentences have been removed from Ille....-. 0-lrom lhe oent""""5 A-H tile one wtlleh fits each gap (9- 15). There Is one extm 88111~""10& wtuc:h yo1.1 do not need to use. Mark your answers on the aeparate answer aheet

Reading • Part 2 Test 4

Page 130: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

RHdlng "'" 1 I


H ti '*I bl any ob1oct tllat is safe and """'°""ale tor aJI the family.

G Using wt.II you·vo learned, you ean start p!Mning whn you'd hl<t to lflavo oomethlng !Of others to fuld.

F Unlell Jt"I ~:or. of course •

E That mogtit moan tt>al ~ 's no oog ... there.

D Most of t"""1 are occ:uraoe to w.t-.n a lew

L_ __

C It's 11100 lmp(lrtalll - 'fO'I eacho Is rot eon'usecl wlll> Ol'e tllal 1<11•-"' else hll hiddon.

8 In Vlal caM you woMI ~ I wa'...,...., ...,..,.,,... '"" '"" pllt!t c ..... ._, "" sal•ng.


Page 131: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

- 4 I tJI

ill cl not the 1ort of production they notmelty go :o?

the muse was tam llilr 10 many peopNi?

they did not l>tlVe high expoctollont of II?

it Wilt better than 01hers they had Men to1

tilt extent of tho help given 1(1 tht students...,.-.!?

• pollllt>OI d11f..,ulty rtgotdlng Ill• cut .... WM •ICC """'Y - wttrl?

.,,, !)0""'1 preplll<ld lor It P6~oCulQlly qulckly'I

a Q1'9111 .tfort wa1 mode to molntallfl tho flow a« lhe pt'Oductlon?

Ont esoec;t OI th• •ctlng Wt'IS 50mtl11'nff weflk?

About Which production doe• the revie_, MY

--------- --- - - -

0Uo1Uon1 1e- 30 vcu aie going to reao reviews of four echOOl <"ma~,.,.. F0< .,,....,,. 19 -30 -from me productlone {A - OJ Tile productions may tNo ·- moro thin onco. Matk your nnswlWI on the MPlf'lt• an1wet ahM1

Reading • Part 3 Test 4

Page 132: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

tf1'¥H'V ""1l tq KN:d pad • 1 CM't' 11-.t P•\t '°"' ye:1n,. I ht' kvt 111& orw -a tbt ftM.t rn1'11nno. 1'it ;!'IO)t

iritl"'t'~l11'f ind thr lll05C ~ ffl ii long tin. l'o el.Id 1,, ·ht •• wwciC t'-M "1Clw ""litl ·..;iw tht prrform.ncf' IMl51 $19 k lft-llrcg. l!t k vr.ry 1Mporl:l"411tJ

pof1•t Out lk~t ""°51 ~ W dlt ~IOI ('(J•1t00111M In~ 'WIQ' to,._~ Iii wu llVI) • tc:.•11'1 l'f'nn.

Doth lcH aad s ; : •• ilCfCr'\ 9M' Ir.tty and .,,,ltt) Pf•(on!'lll'lrt\. k""*'9 er~ lrM>lwd '"rou{Jtlll\11 ll'f' pl~ l'lw: W!t\GJtalld ~ tlf'W'I 'itftlT t't«t'1lr"l1 and wDl\t:d l·~~ ''malt dJt "") ~cil'.N Krflt' <'h)f'l9CS f_t t09"tM w I b- Tiw- ~~ wtw g"':n

$nd D1v1d Fottin MIMd • rw ¥tnir ')'\°:'- tt\ \1111 1 IK!'lt ll\\kl1111.'(, If! JIN two wrds cl ~,a,,;h,. Ont could o,ct

)!ow liitd ttoc ~'bf wtfttd tOQ'lhcr h1 brif'91ng 1l·t 11l'Od:.1lf'loll lo lft .md i.ci. t~ dct(Tm11ia!l•1t1 of all 1llo'l'rt'd tJim to pl.flt ori a MIC:I etdc prtfonnnMl"t'.

D Lett in thr Cail~

UJu;ilty thr JVl)1. , .. , I tn lil """"' JI!" profe59ooai1 J.lftirlut"l!nfll. 8*t 'nt 'lhn:tl) I ~ .. U1r 111" plnwtl' 111

\tttng • gmGJI of )'OUflg actor) pot 4lfl .. ptrfOfmlll'ft

in 1hor11 'rtoool n., pr: °" ' JlftlfluctV. of Ci(lrl')'

JVo1;. 11 \lln1' dtAg wd ti Jl'l1>ilk JrlMIC'lfl'l'J Nll't1.1l 11

\llcl 6 an ~ to hlw MllM fUlll.. This was .an tnt.,w~ prodlkW • ....r dit adm\rltllrly )lad I g~I

llrnor l""'fvrmlrlg IDr W ~ of frifflrh and f11nily. lb lhel't' il't ~ ~ a.r ,.,., ,, &ht pl~·. at lta)l ).111;

ortht role5 had to bt 3harnt ~ r.o actor;.1t was 1 rrt.,1.1101•ir""""' proPr ~ ~l"llf"~ d1.111\1\olng l'if•l't th11" ant ptNlfl ..... flew tharJr'c:l\ 11~u1!1y felt~ nanral Thi> pttfoaw•Kt ~.a real ~t to witch. •rid t"ir,..... flCvPr llftiahitd art I tl\"l i f() l~1flt

ll'11(fir-. M1 \\ttb. wY W abW.:~ 11t••1•r~I -my tl.ud wit ti ~ '\t:,ldl'o:it\ or Ult jWudlidio"l. l OllC(Qll). lik.c:d I.ht IM m1rt1< 11\it wn 1"'f.,,.,, 10 C'lalC 1 fnr;i'!tt>:itng and f1.'t\lt"®\A fl'1'~ Wd dc:!w to ~httll 11IH

1lJ I T..a4

A.lkf oi.: \i.rttU or tit<". ,.i•ool llb) lait )ar.1 ~ bt l)'-1 ,, I clo:f'.'1 't s.:iy t~.al I •ondm!d whtftlcr • "°' Jlttc ~ft c:oeM r11!'flpllt(, Thry hadn'I SU.., bfgr Mnabm

of .aillt%\l•11J 'in\lm llftlllfld Ki ool. fnd Itta l\ir ..tirncr WC'lt lll'rsurt! or what .,..as to comt. kbt ee plly had l'W"I tCDrttd, .1\ 1tir audlrncr wrrt looldl'I tbr dwlr w~ll. I& )ICl•JnO bl.I)' WJ\ pl1)lfl•J Ilic pl.MO. 'fl!h tna±k ' t) ara:td u lntrrtstlng •:lMinpheit. Df ~ tht IUkf'lt't

9ftt , I»''· °"'pn.ally • 1~ .,_, ~ rp11oc1r or Tltr O.'t w;a, 1f)l'tlt\(;l!I)' drlltj!!l'd f• "-" ~ and I.._,. ~1 althou11~ It"'""'" .;;1'' ;,...- c:hlitt. tllc) --.qd m put on a oood p+odvcticwl TIO trt dtSlfl' iaflt 1ltir!r !I'll" of {ntlu!T'IN """ blltti """)' r~. tit Ill)' ..WW. t"(f\" wtt1' \Onk Mil~ ~ ... Sanh Leed ... w.t'\ pnii<"ulan, 9(Dt n rtw lr.'{'fy

"iltit\\. Thll "'" ~~lr11\ an lt'I~ till). .-t1I t llll'!ll'lllf'.1tih l111r Cl\t Ofld I r•ntt .. Ktnb 1'at """11 ~ C"Qltl-.it'l'.ing. Hmmn. st'IUllO ltl5 ~ flC!tl!Mg ibrnt'rM"' lf1~n lhr h·J'ftQfosapkM tf • pbJ ~ \lllti

bul 1.f\llly ., t«"d l'11nu~1I O'Jt.

B Thr Car<

Tlli5 -.s nnr onl:, • :~I 1'1iflltl ~ but • ~tiarcd arAI pruimte>ral ~1'11,l'fl "' 1tt;. PGtD ll!Zkal. ,.,., oclc)t::i 1erompanlcd 1l!c Ytcl''...lt'IO'*ft !IOl9 bratiftllj Tho: \ln1unq ;111d tffttllw '>Ugt set.~ ... ~ IL • .,• pnrn1 bfrl111U11rid fill ftr """.,. nalaun of JR llatJUful ('(l~l111"l'.\. llic bl1ld. tt"QUmU - Wt)

drwutj dol'lt: l~it aodlmtt becaee t'-r ~ Mldirtn for ~to C0111fll'1tfy Jh~I ii WI!\ I AlrpW ..toftl lflr ,..}'t1'!1 l!Ptd ',o¥Q'{I" 1h~ klny, .,....1ching f'Olll Pt W ol ttlr

"•· The ~,,., • or 111it- ~Vi di& as MCI ..., lrt l'!f 'rr..l nr 1ht olily, ""''~Md dwft '~" Ylnt MDI an•J thf kl'l!ij. ltll')· lti&ftn M A/llN hr"'8tntd 1t1t 1udlc11ce .,.,,;o, her t'Ol1f~. "9 1iinplg. darlcing

(l>id •til~l!1F11J!> .a\ 1or.n ••$ht "'""""' -. JUlf. ~ suggn1cd • c•1t1111lf\lW or dioll'lctft ~tb ~<W by .llll 't\'fig"t l'> Ill~ king, tu~ \1ndnm dtar dnpk !Ii)

~ "''"""· Thrrr """' tnl, ~ Ml adnc1I in tht !'!rwl t('j !'t' !hit, Wll• I l1112'qif11 Nw.

School play~ C Seory Play A n.., King •nd I

Page 133: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Test 4 I 133 .............

wra )Oii ietter_ 'ml.I must use ~leafty correct Nrtt~ wfth aocurat& spelHng and .,..,...._in a Slyte •P!l'll!>18!8 f()( the 5"ua!lon.

I .al M ~';"'""~I"-~ t'CIWI\ c.'le'\t-i-c. CM I~ f'loK .... ~t-o ~Ny°"'"~?

Say v1hich and \vhy

Explain ...

I C"N.t,t. ..,,. • .,._ "" ~ \,~ ...s NI M°+o'r, wt ffltV~t'I .. ~

.. Jn."""'-" ... ,..._.... c-~t!r ;._~it:~ lV~. \J'-.ick t..A~A~~t"-k,..itf~7

t ~~~~'°<Ah~~ yr1C. "'M~ k yie: __ ., _

E •io"' d .... 'o "'°.,.. """°""° Thank Mr Grey I ~ r.\c k \.•CJIW A -..1- _.,.,.... .. ~ rrot&f f ~ Sff11111\it1= ... ( ..a.t ~ 'IYC -C ~ ~ .. ~ .... """°"' .. ~ '""'4~'1 '• -c'<o~' --...::_ __ Tel Mr Grey

1 You help to otgZnSe actrv1t.es tor yo.x- English dub at 9Chool and ha._ • ., lnvrted an Aus1rallan actor, Dale Grey, to grve a Q6 to the students in the club. Read Mr Grey's letter and the notes you have made. Then wrue a letter" to Mr Grey, us.no al yoc.. notes.

Vou must MtwWlhls ctJ",bf", Wntt yoi.. ~ tn 120-150worde W'I en flW'OP'iot1 "tyle on YQUr ...... llhMl

Writing • Part 1 Test 4

Page 134: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

tJ.4 I Tell4

"""'" yout ordci. a S.11ex1 Q'*"""• jl>lee..,. .,.. u-""' "°oat 10•1 ~· k'icl.-d In thl• ~teat)

Articles on friend.ship wanted! Friend.sf

Are your rn~ds stmllM to you? Is It important to agree -.i.lh your rriends about

ev 'Cl)'thin g? Do you get on better with your &tends or with your

family? \\trite os an articlr answering these questions. 'The bc$t

articles will appear on our webstte next month!

2 ~ ,,_.. a groop of Engjish studet11S camo to v1Sit 'f04ll school and you went on o ciass tnp wrth them to a museum. Now your Englrsh taac:net would Ii'«! you to write a report on the tnp.

Thin'<aboul • transport to th• tnuSEUTI

• food on the !Tip • \\ltl&t you saw and did at the rnU!'l«Jm

....,,.. you ,.port

3 'lb.I have Md ad"'"""°" In )'O<Jr Engl1.., cl- olJcut t._ p"°"'8 opond tnelr frel time.,_ yout Enpl1'th "'8th« has asked you to ~t• an euay, gi....tng yotJr o,>ntQl'I on the fe)l'lc)w1rlq 1t11ernont

T~ lhO<Jld -nd ,,,.,, lrM ..,,. llludyifl'J, rtJ/tlef !hen w•te ft dolfl'J l1pOIU or orJW.....,,.. .tdMt•• W<>te you -y

4 You 1M the foZlo'winO l'\OC.iet on an 1'!temationa weDMte for teeneg ...

~te.,, anh« to one of the quest.on& 2-5 In ttw part. Write yoLr answ"'" In 120 -180 >NOn::I$ Wl an appropMte sty4G Of1 you( answer theet. P1Jt the questton number In the box at the top of che pege.

Writing • Part 2 Test4

Page 135: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Test 4 I 135 U..vl&l910hP ... t

111) - _why people- 1hlm an h tt21

cm5od ·- 90lt', 1hl

1111-- rt w If ooty look like tr.at from one (7) P'aCe-

-4'ic"ly and 1-.quontly .,,,..,..._ N 1111

.,.. • •n 11• CIOUdt' In • P)

A face in the clouds

o create B QOI 0 A 8Cho0•e

For questions 1·12,IOOd the tox1 bolw-o..-.m1eh.,,.,..r(A, B, C"' Di_ lb_gap. lhero ·s Sl exa.--nple at the beginning (Oj.

M!f1l )'OUf answera on the Hp8ret• aneww llhMt.

-- Use of English • Part 1 Test 4

Page 136: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

....... ~-·

, A glonc• e spo11 c IOOkl o-

2 A _,,.., 8 expose c,..... 0-

3 A rypocal 8 sta~rd c nonnal D~

4 A phase B step c po.nt D irne

5 A 1"'1llrl<! B chance c luck D OIJl)Ol11JnilY

I A Oesi>d• e AlthOUOh c Anyway D-

7 A -"'"' B portlculor c ln<lividual D 1act

• A ~ 8 tnck c cl1oal D-

9 A fa- B usual c freq.- D ,,,.,,,.

10 A - B manage c help D-

11 A B explains c tells D ,_,,~ shows

12 A "" B land c gound D~

Page 137: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

u.. .. '- .... ,

C24) tont CJr91t l.gh:s tlncluding computer scroens!) 'or an h(M.ir befor. you go 10 beid '*' atlO hetp )ICU' _ ...... ........... -.- ... 5'aY"'9

So C21} __ CM we oo? ~ exerci• may hep you 10 sleep bft•er, bol llY '22) _ IO 1 ¢&E! fl9it befcn

bed as ttlill C8'\ nWle c lwder to fall as1eep f"nlsh exercising at t~

• busy time 11'1 ow ..__. For mosa teenagers. the presSl.n to do wet In 9ChOOI Is geMng SZl'Or'IO" . ..o 4 a men dil'6a.tt .,....._ _ fall asleep later and waKe t.c> liattw Tbele a. gas COf"ll: et C20I- IWt ........ •,,, teW'..., ~a person {19)

~ m.o. show that durmg me teenage years. the body's

u.......,.•/ty.N": ~ 90t't (18J-- tntemsl blologlcal dock) tS

a.4c5t tem a s nwi """' aboUt eight and a half to mQ(9 (0)

,.. hows of a(eep eectt night. The nght amount of Ye&P 11 essenUM

b ~ (13t wants to do Wi •school or play sport$

tl'llhOUI ir.oi:wv (141- their feel T981'1agera often used to

(15) O"dlCA8d tor sta)'W19 1.41 ate Bl'ld felling asleep in class.

BA Adil (11f - -1itOWl'I thlll ldoleeotrll sleep patterns actually

Teenagers need their sleep

Example: [o

fot QI 1': • 13 ~ 24. t9ld hll text below and th6nk of the word wh~h belt ftts ead1 gap_ U• orly one ~ In Md'I gap_ There ts an example at the beginning (0).

'Nr'le )QM' AtW'oW"'S fN CAPfTAL LETTERS on your an&wef sheet.

Use of English • Part 2 Test 4

Page 138: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi












IJI I T11t4

catdon plant'& t33l - oepad$ on h lilll•C*..,. ltll'Nl'*"O eecve

O'°C. Ovw a perlOd of 3 - • .,.... In SCIMlJ. ~ CMlon cactus

(34) _ 1 large number of "°""'"'- tar:l'I d whld'I tema1ns open ror flOOUI 24 hOUfl., Thl8 mean& 1Nil the ~ Ca'\ be \15,l«i by bats 11

nog"< Ind by - di.mg Int Clly00'8.

reaches 200 years ol age, and a C32t -

and growrt at t"O' I 6. tnd tome 8.90 have

a wide range ol - and - eo-.rv, IO - (29) - -·

m05I. ceetl l!oww fN9f'1 )'Uf- .....,,. ttnlllr t)'l)M ~ cactus are

1Y111pcrat• from thtm tf\ar Otdl!wy ......_ *> P'OYIOl lhe eac:i...e with

• C26t - -· agllnS1 ~ .,.,,.... ~ C9'l .-0 etor.

enough watt!' to (27') - -- 1IWT'I to _,... tot b"Q perlOdt W!lhOu'I

wry rainfall


to ~ ... v.a~.,. to whk:h 1'14fl 1dapt«:I Wfll IO !"- Ir\ fCll

Cft(;tu1 p\llntt •~ nttdlM. wtlictl " CMt


Ex•mple: [OJ

For questlQno 25 ~ 34, read tho le1tt -· UM tho word given in capitols at the 8"d of...,,. o1 Ille - to form• WOtd that frts In the gap in the .. me lne There IS en enmple a1 the beglMinQ ~~

Wnte your •nswers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on yotr anaw.r ~t.

Use of English • Part 3 Test 4

Page 139: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

r-4 I 139 U..of~-·

-··-- __ late on a school ntgnL Hanna 'A'8S surprised when her parents -

37 Adllfl"I v.·1.t~1 good $lorlea, •rd he eito drow1 groat cartoons. WRITE Nol • QOOd 1tON11, t>vt he ollO <nw1 grNt canoons.

38 ~ I ... tMt 111111 pn nt•ng, I """ember our holiday Oy tile "'L REMINDS Whlnl'\.w I '" th.at I ttle painttng. of oor holldcy by the 1e11

38 Pe<hapO R.,,.. oow _.. ••r• ~n she was 10 the krtehotl, so why don't you ask her? MAY R°"'"' _ when oho was In the kllci1en, se why don't you ask hl!f?

..0 The teactler .,..,,, grve us a handOut at tt~ Md, eo It Isn't wonh writing no1e1 dunng the truk. POINT The teacher will give 1.1$ a handout at tile end, so 'n Wf'ltlng notes during tile talk.

4t AobOte ~Just a few m1n...Ces before tile coach left, so h& nearly missed the school trip. nJRN Robbte _just a Mw minutes b8fore the coach left. so he nearly missed the school trip.

42 Hanna was surpnsed when her parents allowed her to stay out late on a school night. LET

over emonth!

38 OoM wg1ng '"the - choor lnteroot your the t- otked Mltla. WAS l'>o toec"9t osked Mar"

35 1t'a ~°"..,.a month •nct 1 IMt went sw1mmtt1gl BEEN I

Wnte only "'• m1 ... ng words IN CAPITAL LETn:RS on yOYr on•- -

For quesue>ns 35- 42. oomplete the seoond sentonc. se that it has a sJmilar mooning to the first sentence, usirig the word given. Do not chenge the word giYen_ You must use between two and five words, lnclud.,g the ·NOfd V'V"" Here Is an examp;e (0).


o Our school SQOrts day is hekS at the end of the summer term. PLACE OUr school sports csa:y _ at lhl end of the summer term.

The gap can be filled by the words takes piece', oo you wnte

Use of English • Part 4 Test 4

Page 140: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

2 You ,,.., a l1Wl Wlklng ltlOIA a day OU'! Who. the -ftk.er? A a tetchlw

B ·­ C a"tldor

3 You hNr • gir1 ta't..l"lg tlXIVl a Oooi t• ic.y 1hie's t&19t Mlf'I ~~was the docurnll!'lt.'1ry M:>ol..1? A a11q B IMnto

c - 4 You,...,. boW' tllldrO ~ hla dn-1 I'll tchool.

1;.,,, - ho..., '10W'I A exert.ct B f"llfiawd c +sp a{l1lld

S 'V'olJ Nial' a bftiO'• wd •uw tt1••1lQ ut>out ma muse et 1 party. W"lt'lt dO thoy 4IQf90 ebo.111

A howQOOd• •"'• 8 ~ 1A.OU«1 It 'flit\$ C ~ tou0 It •M

e You i.er a gift 1111k•no 10 her father . .,,.,,., ..... """1g?

A 1e111"Q "'« rmtwr riow 10 do ~"·no 8 prorntM'lg her firmer IOf'Mt\•1'19 c perll.lldlng her fat• to do SOl'Mt-q

7 You hoof' a won.. t•dog aboU! •cat. '!Ntiere wa1 the ~ A Otl lhill pavemenl B ~ablneh C "" a 1!l"ee

a Vou r-.r two fn.--:!t tal~ t.bOl.11 •web .... llVhat dOel llw gtfl trwlk mo.ii ir7 A l ,5 usttll.ll. B t is entcrtilll'W\Q C t IS always up-CO-elate

t40 I Test 4

1 You hNt ~ !'lienm lalbig Wt>och .,,.,rt .. .,.., WOlCNn!I on lV? .. go1•

B - c *'"otbal'

~Questions 1 - 8 You ,,,.r1 heat people tahng in e9lt ciffentnt sltuatiOns. For questions 1 - a. dloose the best Bf"Swer i.A BorC·

Listening • Part 1 Test 4

Page 141: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Test4 I 141

He 1kes IO make 18 lor "'5 f-. '------------'

He Is now able to ~------l .... 1_1~:-1oes -v well.

They"'""" iaken on a lour ol one ol lhe .__I __ ----~f_1_e I 111 ther eea.

He thooglll the roapG$ f()f ------~'Lj~5 ] food W ... lhe la ......

Some people on the course had never eaten .r : .... 1-'-4 before.

11.i] from an ext)lf1 was wry lnteresteng. 1.aam1ng -ut .... I __ He was ~sect bV the runber of dfferent 12 ·on the CCK.1"99.

Teenagers learn to cook

~1 Ouestlon•t-18 'W>u w 1t hiNf' n ~ callOd Oen talking at>out a OOOkery eotnft he 011ended For q~s 9 - 18, complete the Seintel ICM,

Ustenlng • Part 2 Test 4

Page 142: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

u ............ ,

SpeekAr 2 I :zo I c It's oomethlng I llnd - 10 dO

Sp.eker3 I 21 I D tt ellowa me to 8'*ld ttme WJth pe<>pe I kN>w.

$peek0(4 I 22 I E It may b6 useful tor my futln career

Speook..-5 I 123 I F A lnend - me to ee II

B My _IS"'""' me to do I.

Speooker 1 C[19] A I'm sawig up lo< sometll°'!j.

~ 0uMtlone 19- 23

'lbu Wll hW fivo ~ W<•"9 lbov1 why~ do 1<>b• et U>e w-nd For qU91tlolll 19-23 cl>ooM '""" ll>O llSt iA - F) wl>ot eech ~ - obout ""Y 1t>ey 00 t,._ -er>d jcb11. UM -h lener only once. There •one extra lenw .tilctt you oo not need to UM

Listening • Part 3 Test 4

Page 143: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Tlttt4 I 143 I' •;ghirf4

29 Wr1.il do v.• 1Mrn 11hov1 M.r. bfottw? A He ti not u l'Nllture u Met. 8 Ht Nt wwtroum11 .ta- concern• C Ho d•ol k• doong wstor sports.

30 Whal - '-'el say aboul her I le? A She has always known what silo wanted to do 8 She w1Sl'les she had a bd more 1.Jme to relax. C $he can't imagine do•~ anything different.

26 The .nstructcws made sure the l<idS: WM\ uf& by A 8'il)"ng away from places where ll1e<o ware dangerous fish. B kaepjng Iha dive - as cloM lo Iha shote u pcu.blo. C toachlng thoom how to boN,,. 1n porticul<ir woyo.

27 WM! doll "141111)' obou1 diving with hor lot""'7 A ~ aea '*' unawa• of •"Y dangers wtlen tnoy were drll'tng. 8 11 IOOk t tne f0t htm to beCOme iess pm1ect1ve of her. C Sh& '5 grat~I tor hiS attrtude towll'ds her diving,

28 What does Mel enJoy about working with the scientists? A She is ga.rvng valuable expenence. B ~ allows her to taJ<• WTI9 off schoot C She Is beong paid 10< doing 90mothlng """enjoys.

24 - dlCI Mel blccme "l11'8Sa.d In dllring? A Her """"" encounooocl her lo"''" R up. B She 'HW11od to find out m0f'9 atiout .. cnt1tur11. c Silt nod lO help ""' _,, •ludy ... lilt.

2S How Old wu ~.tel when ahe gtart«j IOUbe diving u_,g oxygen? A_, B ten c ...........

~ l 0.-tioua 24 - 30

You wll hear an .ntetVteW with a g1r1 called Mel abOut her hobby, di\lJl'IQ. N:w questiOns 24-30, choose tha baS1 -(A. B 0< Ci.

Listening • Part 4 Test 4

Page 144: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

C.nclclatAIA (!) ._oxima1111y 20 secc.m lntertocutO< Thank you. -'------------~

(!) I /7W1Ul9 lntO<tocutor Thank you.

(Can<llai>te AJ, do you like going to Iha ci'*"87

C.ndlclato B (!) Ol>POXltnlle<)' 20 MContn lnt0<1ocut0< Thank you.

-· /CanelidO,.B), here.,. Y°"' OlloCOQrllP'\S 0<1 P1QO C18 ol lhe SoealUng llPl)O<ldo• Tho)l lhoW .-it-.t lYl>O• of -- I'd hks you IO c<>mp0re Ille pMtograplla, a'ld .. y why people tt11oy lhtM dllhnnt ~ of ent...t.al~nt Al ,;got?

-·- ----- 1 minute lnt"1ocut0< Thonk you.

(C.ncfidat• Bl • ..-. do you pntler to oat?

Candidate A

144 t T•4

Part 2 • m.-.utM (d minutes lor Ot°'-C» ot tneJ

rlntot1ocut0< In <"•t P1>n o! ll>t !Mt, rm goong 10 glv• eocll 01 you two phOtognopha. rd 11<.t you to

talk about your phOtographa on your own tor obou1 • m nute. or~ 811'0 to 1n1wer I Chott q-uon about )'O<K per!J1" ' phOtographo. (C.nclodotoAJ, .t't Yo"' -om "'t ...,. """yourpnorc''"'pt--. oo pogeC15 oltht ~·ng ~··They ll>OW l*)pM fftlng In clif!trenl W8ys

I'd like you to"°"""',. ll>t p>iotograp1>1, ond toy wnot tht odvtnta- .. or Htlng In -·dlll--• Alnghl?

lnterk>cutor fr>• of a., we'd like to kno't\ 90fnllth.ng about you. • Wtwo are you "°"1? Whlll do you 'ike llbo\Jt W.Og 11>8t*? • What time do you QM up go to bed on a $chool day?

• Wt.a tome do you gel up go to bed at lhe v.M<end? >MPf? • How did you come to school tis morr0ng?

• Whit ""'you going to do after sc.- today? W'rr(I

• \~hill is your fa¥OUrr.e day of the week? Why?

Speaking • Parts 1 and 2 Test 4

Page 145: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Thank you. That Is the end of lh• test

Select any of the following prompts, as appioprlattt:

• What do you think?

lnter1oct1tor Setoct any of the following questions. as appropriate:

• Do YQ4.I ever do actlvftlff Ike these with your cl.ass?

• Do you •..Uoy them? I Would you like to do them? Why? I Why not?

• Is ft Important to do actlvlt._ with school that are not directly related to academic wot1<1 Why? I Why not?

• Do YoU think It lo lmpor!Alnt to try new thl1191? Why? I Why not?

• Do you agrM? • And-7

4 mln~et CS mir'lutet fOr groups of ;hra&) ...... Condidotos 0 3mlnutos Interlocutor Thank you .

PM J 3 minutes (4 minutes for groups of thret)

I Interlocutor Now, I'd like you to talk about somett·ung together for aboot three manutes.

Here are some pictures of things that you c::oukl do wtth your cJess when you go out for a day together. Place pjr:tureti from page C17 in front Of cand•dotes. F.-st. talk to each other about which of these activities you might Uk• to do with your class. Then decide whk::h two activities woukt be tM most intef'esting to do. All right?

Speaking • Parts 3 and 4 Test 4

Page 146: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Jl¥ ~.:iry IS~. sh7t 1:16Y'O' 11~. '"'I ,,,.o.lOClia ti,'!!~ Inf!' a hCUSC. O•lfHOu\~. tnSeJton 1 hlvt'1h'111rdatlOl.M ... ,\t'~M•xn ~up n;11ncl ldt: SIJlftfl yieari ago. Jl.51 ~e was bOrn !..eaton. Sea TCMm.. I sound Ii cu Sik"r'Cfy In fr'1 ne-.ad Plct:.n"q ~ ~ p&.Jcr. Th:s p.0ce 1 he ,... m ~ bcaoor'l ti& ~ c:n .,o carper and a bo*r t-.. onty ~s whM it 'eoets. 11~e .i cino • itk>tXJ '"""""a l"IOl.AC. d ~bf ft iea

r tncugtu abaJI noc ~ Wurn ,,ta,., I ~1n. rm to1eer. I CCUdJ.JU '¥)Md 11'.llt Ulttt' on my OWf'l. I.Ne th:S ln(fedtble

l'NllJ(AI Jlf ... n try~ Dy !"'If> 'SH Than wt\1t C8il ~id ~· BIA as mesa on the end d "'I tlC'd in he#" :an k11"W' r'VP'Y noct. ~ l"f"i'tn' \illilO\ .1 r

1 ~td ldi1thcenct. t;.1.JIO. Dl"ca.Mrry rJUTI$ roe at' CNs\ mi..m My m!..ITt )QJ ~ aJtt to NttJ tl"iti w.tt t:w') JAi Flfr-1.; \tlJr!. lttvJ ltlC' ~ I le!'l l. th(• 'WO''l" ll gal

In 1 ll')': Nor It{" rut\ li«ll I..,, f.tnlll ont' Ind b<lS ft I <'1T~OMl'J.-id CtlC' lftl ~ ll"IC'WOfk:I CU. Bu(~ Od knt HeNy 1:1l.:tent'd •'Ol'l """"b"ld )""Jg(( ri l,my'*1 ~ ~ up .. l'Ul.f1{(.'(I ""'ISiui I In"' WOC.Xi\ ot •IX»' (JI

D.M1M tr!"~ Nll'J ...,.,...,, I tad '"" ~ Win I. 1)1"~ c c:c:Kj ~ P'l'I rr:o 111ie ~ tit~ hl"1 • k'm ~ fJiecaM It II• tairy cM. Ori-I a t"P1/. lll'ld C lltAU rne

Nd I rvn baO. up the s:rarc; and slam Ch: dOOf and pull ft dl.M.!f arcx.nd ml!' again. -:.l;ll hc»11ng mt- ~ hOt In my nano I DY* f\'("l"'I h:n I knew ill !tW It W<l'lll p;t a pa(t.dg!- t was somt0'*'9 sp«a Vldt 'NCIS Mell.A to cn.1nge- my INO't1 I 0..0. my hNd l.#10eJ She ~ ftl"rj rel oYl"I' Ol'1D my flOt, ""'lgt< .. ..., "'°TV "*""!I.......,, ..., t.ldcd -.,1, to W'\lr 1 c.an optn me envtiopr ¥'° ~ tnr mr fXJW'ff ., SetP OVI MO tranW!TI my ltt IVt4 111lmQ11 ciocs.

146 I T .. J

l\.t.n'l 1t ece ~ Ftr.n. gett.l'lg mlk and ~ a"O r~ at 'JT 'S()f'l"ll('r"..,9 likt t. I Sd)' ia. too CC*i l"IJI I don't~~ 'rm DI(. and I lt..'Y 6'1 l!'IP f:u t.4)5la•tS. vA2"I llle a.r.arn, tmd ilnd' lf'1 Oki \kkey Ml>.M r~ QI'\ JWld v."~ ~ 1ip in"")' Q:.MI and me tm•~ 'M:W'ld ~ S&sday fr.Unit~ TV

Nd rm ~ YI r. lO!d ~J ""'cartoon ca P<tt the Qr'XX:JP. m(l.U h~,. Pit\ Ii ,\~ Dal, """""' I .......... rJv' am:er ot itc k 1'.t'l'tD 1r1 rre f"Wrc:I "-~r bellow. ilrd ee pcm .._rr ng ee llilt'l d pna ~ lea!'.tti, lendnq l.''Wr.t

fU:tfing~~ rre ~ M1Jont1c•ccs•4X'• """I>" Q0! '4). ~,,,... Jl). ~"""'"" Der frk'fld ~ an e-e Oomiric.M R~ ~her dad cr"CI tt'K" ~t« ~tl"g ii flt\~ lrlirlQ mp W'I In CnlnAZlsk ~ ltOA )()meo 11t snrs sprnc1ng M:!y ~1 Wlft. r. Jt I in:Jw' tt v.<lr'l1 "1"ICl'f1btf O'U \hr 9ftS b.10..

&.II. wtll'M I~ !l. I know I IVll b1Jf1l t.i rre p)'.l"r..lrl Ml •n!'f'ign DI.« rt 1sn'"' tol'fl ttU"d ree t'lt'ltr ID e J"liq uo.vr1 ~. ee tlr'd you puc rrag1e ~iurr" 1rt1J)Of"W(

'.I../J., ml O"'lt ~ c.nu "'>"~ -eees wl'h "'C1fb tlcXL.~ her B Al'O ee •'"°19 r.n1 &ro or pir'* ga pen a blY) Q. ·Nfth ~on toe ,, so cr..c my l"W""JP B111~bXs A\W' b!.C Die r.anl? G only nt11t' me ee-c.11,!jf &nesi ve 100DS s,:d o..: ~ t"""' ~of Tre."'>91'\. ,.,ti(tl 11 M..rn1 Old urwnc. eeoe she' Char'l9eo c - tnangieeJ us- w r<'r»~ a "'li""'"le' f\.1..r.i ;>itk~ LC) fr0('1 I ggn i!OOtlf> :i ~

ctxlf: ICep( l ee W"'f )'CU keep a prctt/ lbf'C or Jhell fnxr ~ ~c'l(h ~211:1 ...... ~ I~~ 'Nt!ly it fril In hfl' moud" ~ ::ta.Ge st"C' ltiOUgti( ii namt CCUld male • hil~ ""1lkt •tl'S.

,o\s I 17 .. 1b the ll,;t1_·1; I~ ll"llS SU'gt cl ltY ln51Ct' mt. NO. n:.: fe.w ~ tt'd rbe kind JOU get ori a toll!' <~I'S Dad MieJ gDO(J Ill #".JpPe'd ~ n one siclcn•ng IT'O.'CI'~

in ~ S'cm.w:n /v'IO u~ rrn sl'MI and sarf'd. wncll'lg '"my r nt ..... 1 'oo.s on rhr "'"'d caruttt

Questlons 1 - e '!bu aie 90"'9 to IMd the lifol lJ'lrt ol o story. F"' quostlons t - 8. choose !he • ..._ (A. B C"' o, ""11ch yoy think lho best according to the text. Mat!< yo.. answot1 on !he_,. .,,...,. .-_

Reading • Part 1 Test S

Page 147: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Test S I 14't ...•• ,.,.,

t Whal - ""'plYaw ·~ lil<.o '" In tllo oecond llne suggest? A lho1 l\4um and FRI lil<.o 11'( IXCUle to got out ol lhO nat 8 ll10t tllo -.- - on an - -.. ttll ait la - partlCuler1y lrffh C that M<.rn and FRI may buy IOmOll>ng -I from b- 811<1 mill< D lh8t 111e-. ... cani ~ OUCUV wl!y Mum Nici !hoy wwe goong out

2 How la Ille ,.,.er loeiog n Ille fto! 01 Ille llegilwo"ll of tile otOf(I A 8f1l>OYed lhal M...,-F..., ..... gone out 8 bend with lhe Qr"OWamrnet on TV c cosyand- 0 pl_ to r.e o1ono

3 - -ttll-suggost abcut CW? A U.. hlr 1-lly poslcMls .,.-.glltf\JI 8 u.t lw lamiy ha$ - to ""'Oomonan Republic c that.,,. tie-.: lwldwnlllg o lhol ohe tondo - to stay .n - w"'1 holld<l)' -

4 Wily dod Mum - the -P-7 A II renwded her ol e belc:ll she li<ed. B Shehopod 4-*lltT'l)RM u--. c n -the..,,,. ol oome ..._..she UMd to love. o si.. wanted oome11w>g •-1ong111 tor........,.,,.

5 - .. the "'1er'$"""" ~ .. .,,. pckS""""' lett«7 AnorvouollXCbmlnt

B -·- C 11niuous.....-iy 0 SW>g CU10Sdy

6 Wily does the-er say that Ille "'""*>pe .,,.,...,,juSI a package'? A hecl'!M of tis Sile

8 - ... ~-·- c t>ocausa Ille nnq got anythng in tho post o becausen1&1 ots OOfl'.ents-*! r.e k~'"ll

1 Wiiy does tho _,... tho! ..... • In • fairy tllle? A bec81Molthlconttastl>etweenher....entltfeandwhalllhe's_,gven B ....,.,,,. ta magieal ltfe -- to 1>ocomo _,better C hecousa•'"-""" ll10keyl)OSM'!-Sl)l!Clalpawers 0 l>ecausehlr....,__,,IOl>ecoo1•91Ne

8 How - tile - rw:I - ca..._.. - teling Iler'"'"" abcut ""'key? A She i9 fnght!ned by the IUIJU"'t<>n. B She~toC...-ft-*lmokelwmuml .. L c She -cw"' nol l>Mig _,,.,th her 0 She -- to laklt 1"8 Idea"'"""">'·

Page 148: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

.... ,., .... 1

No1 orry t't'*. bi.A wind end W3'118S keep pAliing h•rn .._,WW<I 'llt'len hi w*1tl to go touth toward tne Soaomon lalands. Ura. big shiOS w«h ~ 8f'IQlllNS. NI rowing boat sld .-rn power .. t10 m11en kw tn.

""'1• I 12 I i-·- """" ......... up - N'I ...... t1e·1 r.c;:h hd neis'!' go« Ai.a:r9J1&.

Fortunately, Erv; ha$ 1 ....,g.1) l!ttle <:'~tm 10 crawt ln!O ""*'9 U'ICt ~ R:Mlf'IO al danl. 13 F0t fu'I, I do wneli. ~ pP'IOM Clll. !'Md, WICf wn-e in M)1 jolJmal a lot,' ........... p- borg II"'• - .. "'11'1- •rd "' ..... w.ater to ~ hc:e·O'«f ~ on• one-bul'Nt ,,,,.... '91.si I rn OLA Cf tnnMd ~ h• .. .,..._ A IOW powtred OMftlftit()n tn.v,hMI temOWI ... ft'cm OOlll'I

... ,., ION een ""'* It, bul " when !he II.In lf'lin., "ce.MOl VII~, .... , ...... heel lOU-..1 dif,tirWnt rmch-. lr.ly ttWI hit hll llD pr.nip

~le not bolhonld by u.""" "'°"' °" - bolng 1*>wn ., 1l>e w.ong <lrocllcn. IT• T ] F« ....,,.,._ho enioys the many birds that \·Is t hm on his bar. at sea ~ birdl; or~ rems er. a CIVI ~an~ cari't ti. far..,.,..,, because thOM bildl: llWl.)'S nMum to the shore a: the ~ ol. 1he cay. Wlw": his :r., around :he world takes .... m ac:tOt$ land. ht en1oys meeting peopte - £!$P8Cially Ctlilehn ..... ha a,,_,..~ VtSi!ed dozens°'

-- - hos story. Eruv .-.courag• all lG lO Mt their eyes on a goal ard noc gl,,.. up. [15 ]

1 'WlCh goeis, v.e ...... ,,...-,

PllOQ•W$, lr'ld wie will be farther alc.'.ll'llQ than wl'IWI w. UMed. e'\iW't if we don't reec:h aome goet&. Tlw:'I cMld t{e1·

••• I -s

F0t tl'le fftl II; of hl'I trip. he bc)'cltd 4,.ee& ka!orntt-.. from S..1100, "'•1tllng10n to Mount McKlrw,o n Al-. wall..::1 1oe -.JIQf'nfftl9& 10-.. e1mp. c11~ s. 19"41 nwtr• to UcKWWy't ~Ind 11\tir 1*yOed tllllc*. IO S.t"Je~ Now In the MCOnd wt ot tw adWl'ltln. he• towtng to ~tr.m..

Yltiy would ._ try to co,.,,,_. a Oiffit:ult .-d yee:

- """''"" goorq sound .... _ .... ~ [10) , ... __. • .,.h""k""'""''-~bo tough parts alOt'IQ ltMI •ay. and tomatim. lhirt might not ewn r.ch tflat WI (loll. But they can have great

acventures and '8arn a lot along the way.

As a see tra..'CU.. &vi; has llteedy faceo some disa~ts and~- Fw ex~e. because he has to row alJoUt 10 hot.rs a day. he bougN along an MP3 ptayer to llSten to mU51C. booka. end Sludy SptnSh

·- *l'/SOfJm89lngmeo""'.l 11 j I

&den &uc; has oeon 'OWlnQ across me Pacific Oc98"I rn a 58'.'en-metre boat {about. the llnglt'I of ttree mni~$1 aince he lefl Ca! torr• on 10J~. He !".as been 'l6edtlg fOf Australl wl'h only Dlrd$. fl,,, W ~for CIOi'•"'*•i 1Wr'linc8

l & I lt:tue--~toooa11"'••Y"""""" "'"""''"' '*>Q °""I ... - •'*VI'· °"· - ... pi., "1cludn clmlllf'9 the talllM PiMIC on ~11, oC the tontftltrtl .alono IN ""'!· to hOl'ICU a fellow cllrftber. Ervt; will !'OW,

a.e ... !k .-.d c*r'!'b IN \llllOl"kl .tthout hlilD fl'Of'l'l l"f


Rowing across the Pacific Ocean

OUfftiOM 9 - 15 You tn g()IOQ co read a newspeper ~rticle aoout a man wno is rQwln{I ecro.e, the P8C''lc Oceen. Seven Mntence& ha.,.. been f1ll'T'OY9d from the article.. Choose from the sentenoM A - H tne ()(Ill which r11 eacl\ gap 19- 15). Then1 i:I one eXlr'D sent\l!f'ICe wtuch )'(XI do not need to Ule. Mark your answers on the eeparate 911:9uuer sheet.

Reading • Part 2 Test S

Page 149: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

T"' 5 I t4'

H He explains 11'181 hi wants to inspire young peoc>lt to drMm us dreams and roocll .­ own g<>lls.

F Tbs h<IS gMllCl l'lnl 1l1e -id record lor the lo<lgest t<ne _,111 - by a &Olo ocean raw«.

G II h<s luck-·· chlnge."" W•ll chee<fulty change ti. plln. and""" to land at Papua NewG-

°'1c. lhere. ""can use na lJtue handhold C:Ol"lputet io m• ilCt to the internet by Wfl'/ of a satelole phone.

O ~ sees the world 119 e loboralory """"' I =Is mucll lo loam and - pleosur8


C As ~ ttiat Isn't am""'1g entM;/1, llw 11 only pan of h•s )Ollrnoy.

II lJ<e hil exl)<ll1ence., Ille Plld!lc Oooan, he lalts Ulem, It may be~- but~ Y<J<I doln 11y, you don't (ct _,11go 111)~1••·

~unately. the oewly dally lropelll """for E I - ;;;.. months has tOtCOd ""' IO "-.> Ulot packed away where t'o safe and dry.

Page 150: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

uo I _, .._,.,.,.,

d1t'ers from 1'1'1081 music of Its •ty"? fil"J r .. tvroo mo•le fl'cm o ftlm? EC m~ appeal to different glf'leratlons? ~

f8iltures music written in an unusueil way'? r 11 I

was made by someone better known kl< ac1ll1g "comedy rt>leo? ~

has an unusual design on the~ ffi has songs which feature striking changes, OI pace? §J=:J is cr1ticiled tor being 1 bit slow overall!? §_J Is ••P<ICled to hove• biQ •uco- llthOoQfl ,,. a fttSI -? ffi II Mid to demonstrate QtNt technteal Sk11? §---:

1-T ' may not have •n 1mmecbate appeal? ~

starts with its strongest piece? ~

Sl.ol'prised the writer with the talent ot the perlomw? ~

was made aver a long penod of t•me? ~

oontalne some pieces the wl'iter had hterd onine? ~

Which album

~ons18-30 You are going to read reviews of fo1.r rn.isic ab.ms. F0t ques-JCWtS 18- 30 c:hoo$8 frotn the productions (A- D). The albums may be chosen more than once Mat1< your answers on the Mf)8ntte answer sheet.

Reading • Part 3 Test S

Page 151: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

T ... 5 I Ut

0 Melisu s.ntos: Lo.e Is TN• r.t""·!>Sln:cs'\~ a!t;ftt,, tow fJ ~ 1<; t'o.1rid to wir Ovtf tl'c: ftetr1i fl~ Wi. fbr ac!rC Nfl'!, I l'lt* S1df lO bf! I il'fll!.

'l'l tirr tit'* pap-lOCt s:r.:;s. &.r. n~ t1'i5 4) r ho'r llto.'id-' ~'"'-' to ·l'c WQrtlll 00-A' sl\c Ot ea l'IO!'t tNPI IDOl pr r ITV and 9\' I •tl"i

(Or!W'IC1r.-rlf' WiZi ll'ft' wt'8 ft llW!d ID~ hrfGf'I Krtt'l •lt tt:.s (tr~ .. WllORcs.ur? ll 1""9·• 11> ~ ~ Kl!~,..,.~ #'Jllr:rw l'!o tl'W' F1 Ul1 door • I WP1.t-U.1 IV 1t11Y111riuc.·

~ Silr.Ds0s Sl'9f"9 t&icf:l ~ !'le<."' ~°" titer ~akd 1n p1.1~lr So .f!trl 11111krnrt11> l!Y' '-ii.JI• sound of"'~"''~ Pt't*1ftnt t'IC C'll::t:i t.n: d ~ '1 lbrl, I -~ b:;)wr. •way Shr .asto.Jrtkd lflr d M ~ 'llCict" 11'11 r<JWf1111I contn1l 1 ltrl i1.'ttl'lllllOl'l'ttr'-"lldnv.r1D1& kctiarUwl'I ttrtlllrKI~ ,..NN~ rodjglld k°OIG n! af"krl ll'<JV'Clig lyt"io. All I'<".,.,.. SPiD llfftp llcf kll to ttl\album will'· I ~·t:ii'.

<lllktlior fl L14Xt • D191 WI cowldri't 1e('(ltrmtnd it m0tt flifily ~ ta 11...S l'a CDdOi:t4 '°"it ~l'tt (hal .... SSI Sol11 lrJ)

..... , lfM 1""9".it'ftlt11:;:cuiw on •tt WQrtd of lll'f'ullf mu;c

n """""' _...,.., .';/ 1'---!t tll"t • ¥ albl.t!r tias ~th l),l!-c;1:ir<li.,q It, ltd 11 di llf'1 H l(Ull."bit IS d~ IJnJvf1·, ti~

tnlrd~ ff'091 IJ'if. Lonlkliri ro;t t.lnd Hol Stuff tie fC\Jn§ t>a'ld ~ .. ~~'-lg t•!:!Xtda;llr .n-t~ ind '((1 11 ..... 1v 11·

t'let Wit txb. 0ot·1 lrt at' fttf't:..Y al:rA wt l.t \l•-i.ecnt11-<-,11"i.ty Outr~ per~"'~ '\Q.I, I'.&~ 6 ~bl.It e1ct4·1~'!1onr:1 'JI dlA. W'd t!'< 'llt1) r:I ttci1 ~tr, Ha( $1~ff has 1t3ri-ol!'d '11.'W

r1rigllti II" ~ ·,. 'n""" "*'\(II.Ir .-rflti 1&1er. ttl Inf~· 8 llf •t zA ~4 bft, grrit:t to '>tart w :ti ~a i..,r1:., pQn;) M:bJram:s111 U: rr-ctu.n: 'f'Oll. But don'! ""°") tb1 Stuff bog! ht A.., fW ~Vow, 'Cn"allbt !_.(1111;'

bJt "''" tta(: Ibo~ t?'IC'C ut .,.. IOll lnlll'f1ef!b ·com~r. for m11J*:, d ~ l'll'fl' 'fO.i rrm to Jw 1.,. ~-t, 111'.JllCSWlf Wt Jttr1 t111,.d 'T11?1e' lt11~ bf 11;s

n ~lt *6ti • iwlp trt [!'Ir 1i"9tf'S ~ 1et11trl) r1f 111'.ft(Wr"(. b.t IOQD .c:ta.t ~I<» dt"l)<t"Wll\l. !:Ji.I 11'-r \Ol"')~anpU.t-f'r.p:.'W ifsllM'° It suddtrty<"l!a~~ "'°I fl.~ Cl(i ~ ~ I tfima1 ¥r1lh IO'!'<' oi ttl!YA' ol!U:lr~ 111¢ nalel l!'lat 11r IOI !~tC a ... JI 1'1!11., 'l'tb~t:t,:

"nt ~ d S: :ice ""'~ re tit perf-(tt1or c;~ 1tf't1ctl - flt r/t':'I lt-3 I•,..,... dnc tcot ICU' Vf'41) IG 11'\1~, N•tov 111 I'\ '1ttC' s.-.r..1'1 eee cf :k ees albt.!!!! ~t ski fl'lllS~ fari~ ~ llvl'

-~l'K SQ Nrd!, ~ W!rM' ID llt "ldla S\IN:if •.o fl('h Ollitl; !l(l l)r'll.:l'l't tJ1 "'" s::u"d ll:llOSt ~"'11. 111 drMo'lstratil'll} offbeat 91. hr ~itlltlit...,..of ltY~fnll lf'lf'lpn\ 4f•1 lll'lf~ vtllM\lol ~ofxeSU'l"'"~ ~ Sl..'ld'.ll'l'..'C lt'tab tlii~mwlt! '>\':JI ill"'

~ mtlbir.lt.m CJ' rul;lunl: ind (.n.11rn £Lll'Optln folt ft'lusk 1111t b l:&:i ll!l)UwJg b::im Ill'« ticald tll'I A ffw Qfll~ h·1tldtS Piil tt.frrw ee l't&N"° 101ht 1b IC\'."lt alt' ,13 horn ~in'!!.

,.,.., dW cdl 1'10 lldDftp ta M1111 -.,vp;.0 !' Al lie l'e\ uld It M ~ °" d-'"' iblm\ """'"a'> wrl] ~in 1nrtrv1tW\ tit wr1:rc; I Id of ct4'a IQr lfW: fJl:iT Ir-•~ .) I mQ tcfy, .,,.l!i(!i ~I". uee ~ c er hamW':tiof' tD.at ~t W"11lr l"lis may lltt't like 1 ~ .._. llO w.."'tt "IUSlt. il ~ IJ('f$ !~ Tt("fl.' I'> fll."lff I .... lllCft!irftt Of\ l!'lll d;;:;n. 1hr: best llO'll ., ~ this 1'11!.61(' IS 1!11cruc· You nay !'IOI 'lod 11 tit¥~ Mf maiw fJ"!Pt ""° 11"111i11ly to~lltf tt .11.d ll!d.,.,,..., W: I~ O"('(' .,Oot gd 11ttD Si.,,dlf!(C, 'fVIJ w1Ji ..............

~ft tlaid llttoi ;m:llOJ51'r M l '1~ for St-ptmibc• 3(1j. for

tV"WMft Uy ... ltlr ~'""""' \0Jr1·1arl w~\ rrl(a'r I Owr &51. tD119 tc"S O'I&' ~ 1or V'1' 11biam 1116 is 'S1.111r1m;;S5Nf a:xt tttr• n ~ ~r"'d 6'rin; ee "1;bv fitt'l'I( 1n ttit ''~(hir, and it 9 fttllll ~--~ti) tftl lfi'f\hll'G(Olllrl~l W'l!1 ue 'fllll9C(l ft"..lld ~ tis llOCt MIOSl make$ 'fOll V4nt -n qi'!

Gitt tflctt l!'ld bd •"'lbw Ull ~' I nsmrtos• tk f~1tllrtlllster<"d10 :tit tlJu'l'I. I went at OllCt IDl:Xt i. ,,.{~ft'llOll fQf ...,y1ng "11\ album w.i.1 lo ltttf l((tQ.'d &owe ~ ~ thr trJ9'<' ht::O 1n MJdr11Jl!t bul dOft N;:( ... Ill ee no.id J.crf(im 1*( how' Slntt t :S. \IJ Jfrfl Sl,INJt'

ll'll pep· Ill t:lr!C' d lll ~ lll'Wf' li»t"lltd or ue lntl'1flrt So C .S!IO~ INS be' WOU1o tw lf'fltcd 10 11cludt uese !illrgs ...... - Ks S:W • W9'll a~ ~ 81111ncrr !!. a rt'mi11> . .1bl'f f#tt't ~ 10 '11 .aKt l'J tDCN°I 11 '19 >ltty ~ I~ IJ!t' .._, C;a lloltl the..,_,, 41111d tllr n>rNit ~SI« Ai'.t'rJl4'. wish c "'tr-.-ml "'l:tt 1as:.r.amfwi.,s il:t ue ee tt;a' _ .......... ""'"""' 1

CD reviews C Hot Stull: S..ul)' A Midnight

Page 152: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Writint• ... 152 I Tett.S

Write "fOl.JI email You "1UJl UM granvnat.i;a~ty correct semencee. with acoorate apetnng and ~B ., a gtyle epPropnate for the snuatc>rL

Yes - suggest one

11~ got to NMp wranoe.., ...t-oi-1.m l'*1Y '°'my c'811l'ltllf'Il'l'lotCtl.1 knOw .,.ou·re 9rea1 at pW'rling Plff• ID olMN hell'(

Do you '!twlk .11:·1 blitt0r '° tna.1c.e the '*1)' Just'°' ria dasl or to ltC P41C>p1e bring friends!()()?

Oo you ~hll'* C'd be a good Idea to hfvt; 90IN gwnes °' comoelltiens a well• danc:wig?

Wt\11 about CIOtf'lel1 $'-'I ' s;..iggesl ......... fOf"1"181 Clothe.? Would you be •ble to here a ct.t on the comput. .,..'.::'.::.~"::,,..;::th:;:l;:s----1- No'


d? If"°· ... mt Mo\\' wt.t tin.~-~=-=-.:..:;:_ .:_ ._., •l*k IOOn. S..WO•t - Sim

Just class. because •.•

1 Your Eng1"""-ng fnend. Sam. has written to you about a Ciass party. Read Sa"'il em&! ard the notM you have made. Then write WI e1'1181i to Sam, using 811 your notes.

You rrust .-we· this quesb()n. \\'nte )OUr 8"'Swer"" 120- 150 words in an app1opoate r.yte on "J04I answer shfft.

Writing • Part 1 Test S

Page 153: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Writfng PMt2

write a '-tter m )CM.Jr frienc1.

S /Viswer one of ltoo lo•o•"'ll two questions based on one ol the .... below. Wrlte tile lett"' (a) or (bl as well as tM l"Ul'tbW s an the qoesnon box on 'fOtX answw Sl'leeL

(a) [autnor / nemo ol boo1<J You have been cbc2mr.g the characters in th.ls story ri Cia:SS. You' teacher has now asked you towr::-+e an essay on this topic:

The most interesbng chsracter m the story. Write your essay

(bl (allthor' """'° ol bOOl<j You have been es)(ed to wrrte a review of the sto.y for your Khool mag&Zllle. Your review ahOUkl explain wtiy you~"' would not recommend t"li"S atory to osnw students of your age who are 18"frung Engh!\.

Write yoot r"6ew

J "'t.Mt.., ""'1'-J 11 ~ pw- ltl"'J'(•:J'· VA.q U ,- t-.11 • JJ r.C" Pl wkf U,.. u..l 111 f....t 'i/}tldi. tlHld. 'r' ~' }ly.

""'·~,,........, l-Ji''rii, 1rA.l.t d(irl ... -~. "~

"""' 'JM f" fr •' __ ,.., -

Wn1• your ototy loo- lfle coropotrlon. 3 Al1 lnterMtooal ~ nn asked you to writ• a reoort on teo~• and music 1n your coc.nry.

Your repon """'*'1 ..,._ ltlt fol.ow.ng qUMtlon.: • Wh<n. -. Olld mw do t""'gort typocolly llaton to muoic In yo.x ooun11y? • Whllt kl- ot rn..ie .,. currontty poputor, ond wily n they popuiaf?

Wnl1 your~

4 Thia lo part of 1 - you,,..... ,_,....i from on E~ fnend

WnM VI o ~ J10rY 1-g M1-.g w11h !tie .. words Af'IOl'!'do bol a ""'1p ~ ortd 'leonoovi.ly lnochtd °" ._ di:o

\Mt'll JNbllah fie bttl ~I Otl OIJT wtb\l\!t

9hort afOtlj 0011 ipetlllon

2 You ha,.,..., 1too ~announcement on a - loo- __ ..

Write an answer lo one ol d'le questtons 2 - S Ml tl'll$ part. Wrrte yo.x answer in 120 -180 wordS in an appropriate style on your aiswze11 sheet. Put the question number rt the box at ttie top of the page.

Writing • Part 2 Test 5

Page 154: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

!Nt""°"'- ,.. __ t. Woowt 1" _, i.- ... 1121

~er Da·1 • I grtflt CIW\Ct llO do thlll '

po&t)Ca but,,., ~.W'IC IO r!Wl'leliC. tt\lt ~'l~ilnt ('ICll -- -ctodalons b'UI Ill So we ha .... to ""'k' (1 ., -


'""'"' ~In QC)'4QtWiWN I. end 1l t&lt Olol..Undt olyow..g ptClpll: g.l. I Pf

Netlonel Tekeowr Day LM1 ~ 11-""' na~IONI l•k«NW Dey w• tot ft~ UK. Pwoml M...,.tlulrnOwo. '$, end ~ OibDrTy, 14,

ICl'IOOlglrll from LOndon,...,.. giwn 1n. (1) 10 ~tome ot ,.._ ~t ~t ~IY'ltnl build•nge It thit

D orought Cl>old B kept 0 A Sperl'


ForQUOSbQn61 -12 . .-1110 te>d below and decl<lewhic;ll anawor (A. B. C or D oest fits- gap. 1-. Is an example at the begonnlng to . Matk your arcwers on the &•P8"lt* answer sheet.

Use of English • Part 1 Test 5

Page 155: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

1 A possblity B luck c opoortun•ty o oecason

2 A coM>cis B t'90lS c- .. O OOft'W"'U'Clltes

3 A ..... B fltllng c 'l1'f D -hon

4 A ooors B Wall$ c -k• D SCl!neS

5 A lad B """"' c run D Ml

• A Piil B Urn• c plaoe D not""'

7 A .. B tot8' c g-.1 Ow-

8 A i<rlOW'odgeabl• B aware c attenttve Dawai<e

• A iltetesled B """" c exclltd Den-tic

10 A 00 B "'""" c QIVe D got

11 A ngt-t B good c sure O well I

12 A B $lghts c IOOICS o.- n-•9&

Page 156: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

154 I .,._s

&do flle mpturltd Uling N (22, - PQPUW ,.,,... .. at ft'IObilt ~. h IOtrnr-e k ... 111 .,. out (23) -

fl'ff copies ol a Iii. lnllt.,. ~ °' u1 • -...1. It"*' c01np111•.,. OtlgiiNlt '11•'1dlllawW\1"11,... "9f'llOtl Met

Of eot. Thia• ffP'Ofil)' (\81 - 089* I\• flst·mcMou lftl.ia11Qnil'\ wt1'Ch ~Of pitliiret Ind Yldto1 at1

ltNdlfy blllirio ~ Ctlt -- mo~ Thi c:tmculry conM ~the 1ec1t~-...n11••11·.-, many~ In

n. "'""""'' '"'--- ut"'9 -- ..._ 1111

The rrc.n A)rlot tot ....... our ,......._J)lt1ll today ..... veu..i ry ~.,,.,•Dy ti ~· '" ,.;ent .,_,., the Pl(:tl.if'•

_., ,,,. _. C•31- - oMI .,_,••"*'by o.-y- "-'"°"by poor onli _..,.,.,..

~ ~ phonte now8dlyt-.0 OOl'ltM'I I (;Ol"'*a, (141 -- ""1'nl IW, ~vtr IOmlrtf'llnQ ntwlWOtlhy

t.ppen•- ~ ·wlU (11!1t - llblt lo take• Pctute of 1-

Photos In the news

: ! I I I I :::J I I : Example: [ o [iJ.,. CT

For quMbOns 13 24 read It.. ••>d -.V and thm> ol lho word whod'I beet 1119 •-gap Use only .,.,. word In _,,, gap. There .s an oxampie at U1e beg1111W'Q (0).

Wme Y°" ans,..... IN CAPITAL LETTERS on your -- -~

Use of English • Pan 2 Test S

Page 157: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Test.S I t57













.,,. .. .._ ... ,

f32) - 1t1 ~ .,.., ~ from troP'CA' rt1l11fOfHf5 n UNO ut pretTWdlu

,. .-. t33t eoun:e d ~ra fQr mtdk::MllM- It• 1...:11 Chet '°"" plilrU

\IA beoorne Dtnc\ blib'e ~ hl'f'e 11J811S8(1 hOW they OOf.Ad Mio be ,._. In

1he (341--"--

.~o1 ......

rich 'W9I of .......... lnc;»-d. !I It .. Id thll• rudoi prvwldili a

The ri<:hness of the rainforest

I I I I I I :f."IJ

FOf' quest1ona 25-34 t9lld the tflx! below. Un tho word given 1n OllP'* • tne end of tome of tho Hoos to fcxm•"tlOl'd N f"' lnhOOf> In tho oamo llno. Thn 11 an,..,._ .. tlW btgio••9 (01.

Wnte )'Ol.W answtr't IN CAPITAL LETTERS on th• ••pafale •n•wer lhMt..

Use of English • Part 3 Test 5

Page 158: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

.... ,,,,,..._. ~

~ the tivn st first

•i l's pooeiblo that Mum dldn'I catch IN 7o'ctock11M\. lllGllT !lum

41 ft -calflcull tor mo to u""°"'8nd ""'film• llfsl. OIFl'ICULTY I

40 ~ atan't we allowed to &al or dnnk n lhe tchool ~ LET Why_ eet or dnnk in U. ld'IOOI M>tary?

0- PlfC"IS. please? &.wY me. would you mind

38 ,.. ,,._,...._to ""''h my .... yon_ POSSIBLY I .. H- • my ea;sey done on wne

311 E>ccuse""' could yco h<lip ma woth IJlese l)ll'OeO. pieae? HAHi>

~ Deel-. 1 ••poet tho traffic lo be u bed es rt -. BETTER Cod -I .,_ lfOfflo

35 111 Crly ~P Jam&S d ycu really want me to UNLESS t _ ~ -·- you reatly want me to.

38 TM ci8SS ... 11 probably be over by four o'ciOd< !Oday. LIKELY Thodaos - - - ''"'-by'°"o'dool<lod.ly.

Tho- can"" Oiied by the~'"'""' piaoe' • .,,.,., ...,.,.

at b et'd of me summer tenn. Our 9Cllool spotts day

f0t questonl 3& - 42-. COf'npleto the MOOnd eeru.a IO thel Jt hM a alrnilot meanll"Q to tM 1nl Nmercit. ~!he -.I goven. Do not chongo !he word - .,,,., must use bot.,.on two ood n.. - .c1Qdng ""' wOtd !IN"" H""' is an •xample ro1.


O Our 9Cllool sports day is held at the end ol lf>e sunrner term. PLAao

Use of English • Part 4 Test 5

Page 159: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

You 0<01 www two rnendl ~ .tro.c 1 lV piay Whal~ b girt lh1nk flbouC. the cJtW> A The K10r9.,... 1»!~4' UW1 lht moughl I fley'd ti.._ e The L'Ofy 1-.d an une·- ending C The COl'll 11'111 Witt Vtl'y ~

2 Yov ..,,_ two "r'll'lld1 talking ~ • new bicycle vvtat II: h boy"9 opinion of It?

A t:•too~lve B II,._ e &ltange appes.,.._ c 11 • • liSll uncomf0r1.:ible to rdt.

3 Your.- a~ talking lo• cas:&.. \Vhat • ,_ ~ tnem about?

A a new t:fttr·llOhool octN'f'/ B a IG••wwwk asslgrrnenr c •d'Ongtto_ti_

4 You """' a or1 !tiling her uncle about a aanoe 9\'ent Sl't 'S going to take pairt W1.. Whas is ate tros.t excited aoouc? A 11 li8CllQ ~ Pl()ple 8 ~ for a iat98 eceeeee c---- - S You- a boy ta>V>g oo "'5 .- phona. IJlltoo she tllkng to? A·- 8 ......... c a~orMt&r

e You,..__ rwo trierldJ talking abo.Jt • book they'"" boUt ,_, What do tf'9IJ ~about? A It ~ '*"' ""'1y 1n plocn 8 h la moN '°' readetl 'MIO .. Ql'tl C 11 n. IOtN Qrfft drGl'ltlflOS.

7 You hetlf 1 IOCll l"adlo lltwn atQ.t 1n ~al achoof W!wl1 IJ ...-11>ou1 ,,,. _

A The twd • 11)'"'1110 - .. <Nd..,, ,_,, I IC)Oft'"ll -· 8 n.. .. more twln1 than 111 notr"lll iot one y.- D'Q.Cll. C A lll1ge IU'l"lbtf OI pt,iptll i'I ON CIMa lhDrt l.,. arne twtMOy

e You nti1t two m.nca 1a11t.1ng .:io..c IOn'9 new n..ghbo&n. How - U10 l>oy ,.., •bout ,,_,, A ~ '° "'"' d!HtrtPI peopo nax.1 door 8 • ilOPY uwi ma dougt ,., .,__,. .,11,11011t C ; ,4 ht 11\o)' <:Oil lltlp tM '-'111)'

U..enan, ,.,.. I

(}'tin' 0-1-1 -8

You w-11 t»v people telkil"IQ in •t ctffontnt 1lh.1111,one. For qu11hon11 .. I Ch>oM lhe belt answer (A. a orC1.

Ustening • Part 1 Test 5

Page 160: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

160 I 1'Ht s

Ben say.a that the January Day next year Wiii be devoted to cleMing up LC ,,,[ti)_,1..,s

Ben says he is now keen for everyone to! L .._I .. 11 ... ] all they can.

One prob<em is that turtles Ihm~ thal plastic 1>a95 are LI ..<l...:1.::..J& • "'"'' favourte food.

Ben was ourpnsed ro learn that Nbbisll kllls more than a mollion ,_I _.[_15_.J """'Y yeat

Ber foond the task much more 13 than he expected

Berf1 team was working on tho I 131 coast

Mii")' of them wore p181lnlng to study L _ Eat unlVOtSity.

Most of tl>I ~o In Ben's teem came from I :::IT!] ond wort•--. Ben WO<l<Od On 11141 proJOCl With two Of hil r TI?]


@o~ 0..0.tiona 9-18

You Y.·in hoer a boy called Bon giWlg a presentation to his ctoss aboot a on.clay environmental pn)feCt he 100k pa11 In For questions 9-18, oon1plete the Mntences.

Listening • Part 2 Test S

Page 161: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Td: S I 161

E This teechf!t' foow us on ourt.1u-opls.

c Thrs t&acher shows us the mlevance of ow studies.

B This teacn"' makes a difficult outi,ect M>.

Speake< 1 i 19

('l~l Qu .. tlona 19 - 23 You will hoor t-.;e cJAii•1 ta'klng abo.rt. ltl!W fa...ourtte teticher f-or ~tiOnl 19 -23. d'OOM from the J1at 1A - Fl the reason Why tt'l8 teo.chlr is the ~ 11' n 1avol.Wite. I.lie Nd"l l.Uer ooly onca. There Is one extra let'4r whl(:h yot1 do no1 need to use_

Listening • Part J Test S

Page 162: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

L'11 •'IPwt 4 162 I TottS

30 Patnck's iavol.#'ite discovery is ~to htrn because A it was fou~ .n such an 1.n.1su& olaoa. B It gave h rn a sense of what the ov.ne(s Ide was •"8. c it was very 'l\'eJI preserved ior ml object of ttiat. type.

28 What did Patrick's sons like best about ttle9' ~to Peru Y01th IWn? A leornlng some Sp""'5h 8 mal<lng new friends C camping 1n the "'°""'""'"

211 What dooe Patnck uy about h<1 oona and hew tl'8Y '°" obclUI i.s -1 A Thayorobolh"-tcbocomo~<&a!OO. 8 Tho OKOtiC loco:.ont '" - ho - hold. 1)111.QW lj)pMI ... lhtm C Thay onioy the pracilCal _, 04 ~ m'1'I tNln ~•I.

24 Patock hrS1 became 1n1 ..... 1od ., """'-wt... ho A ployed In a aandprt ea a ycuog c:llld. B read a news s~ory ebout some in~ finds C found wOl1< on an archaeolcglcal dig.

2S Why IS Patrick's hero lmpottallt lO him? A He worked in Patrick 1s 18\"0l.ilite Jocations. 8 He changed people's app<OOCO lowards an::haeology. C He appt<Ml(:lled ~os IUbjecl from a bn>ad pe.,tpacb..,.

211 What dee• Pa1rick say he d•y<h••• obout? A SOIV>Og. ddfcult q-tcn a mok•no a major d<OCCvoiy C fi"lding an exc11.ng new•~•

2? What ooes Patock say about hos """"19 l'e? A He Is often •tispired by af'C';haec4c • · W •tet81U'9- B Every day is different for him in some way« another. C He spends part ol every day W!1bng _...i -.

~ OuetHons 24 - 30

You Wiii MM 11n 1ntetN1'1W with en erthaeologlst celled~ r.e n. who• tllonO abOul hll work. For <iuosucns 24 - 30, cnoooe Ult t>eot answer IA. 8 "'C>

Ustening • Part 4 Test 5

Page 163: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi




Con-tee _,,..,~20-•

tntertocutor Thank you Now. IC;lnddlitt 81, h.,. "'")'QI#: phCIOi)rllplls or ~Ct 9 of Ille $tlt<lk"'Q appendix. They ol10W otudem. en,oytng mualc fO h•O ~OU 10 compare ll1e pho:ographs. end Hy why you think - people ... hoYlng ogoodtime All not'!?

Cond-B :'l 1 '""'4.lte lnt«locuto< Th- you.

1CandltJ8t• A), which or- oll\Jlltion1 would you prefer to be In? oA •maftlly 20 !<ICOfldS _ ~ -·-

locutor Thank you. -----

Con-teA e I """"10 Interlocutor Thn y<>u,

iean-te BJ, wNch of ""'• le11ono WOUIO you rotho< toke pon In?

hrt 2 ' "*1utN l6 min~ for groupt of ttw•

r Interlocutor tn lni9 part of the wot, I'm ooong to give each of you two photogtopl"e. I'd'""' you to

tafk llbout your pl'IDtog,.aphs on )'Our own tor 1boul 1 t'l'llnUtt. tnd ~ to 111'9W. • 1hcw1 question obout r- ptV!Mr'• pnotogtapl>s. re.ndldlto "I. It's yovr tum Int H .... ore your pt.~ogr-. on pog.. C18 of the Speak)ng 4PpendlJ<. Thty .,_ 1-11 In dlll ....... IOHono et ochool

ro like yPU to 00<"1'8111 ..... pnooog,...,..., - oay how you,,,.... -II feel tlbout - typee of 1-n All "9'111

tntertocutor First of all, we'd Ike to know 90methng about )'OU

• How do )'OU usually &Oend your •·an1ngs dumg the ~7

• Who do you l)f9for to apend - "" tJme wrth - famoly 0< ,,..._? Why? • Wt>at <Id y<>u do last -'<end? • Who'1 ,_ sport would you ike to take up one day'7 Why? • 1-iow' good Is tne place wtl.-. you liw u t• u tels._.. •aclft'3es few teenegera .,..



Speaking• Parts 1 and 2 Test S

Page 164: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Sto• 11 ............. J 164 I T"'S

e - do you think tHCMn nff<I 10 do wtth --""'°""and all0< • clau lrlp?

• Wllot - of piece« do you think.,. oppropoitta tor c- lrlpe - - .,.. not -opritle?

• Wl>tl do you tNnlt about ciaos tripe that Involve being away tnim home f<>< two or I mOf'O dayo?

Th- you Thal • !he and or the 1•st.

• Mdyo<J'?

CandldetH e 3 mcriutes tnterloeutor Tha1* )OJ.

lnttrtocutor N°". ro Ille Y<l'l 10 !Ilk oboUI IOmelhlng togothet !0< abol.t lhreo ..........

H«I - - ~of INngo that you might do on• trip---• Pfaca p<Cllnl -- C20 end CZI In ltOllt of ""'1doclotas. Arst. ialk to Md'I OUMW abOUt whet you could do and learn at eac:::h ot theM places. Then--- be Iii. bell choice tor your porti""'8r dMa. All tight?

Speaking • Parts 3 and 4 Test 5

Page 165: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

16S T ... 6

-vt'·· tPtw t1rt<1 -1111• • lf lbt::14 dql, Mlt (mm ttmr lo C: nw Ille •<,J1..S •llU h"!Q yp ti. !l'l~f- loe>k It to th;i Jtl'lllftft..., Iii~

tf hr.,....._ •1111 boyol lC'Q I" ha IAttwr'J ""diO. Hugo WU abo"'t Ila reii"" io htd v.hft C(lftl4'lhll!I& c•ftht hlt .ai.HrrJ.lon. Otl 1wocldrtt \hd(nfti tt•llb l.tblt' w.u • •m.t!I ,..f'<'I' Of wbtttt ,.ptr ... n.,...d ..... lnQ ~l~f' W,\I~ JIUl(D lt'a!'tl turwa.~ toioan JJ1 _,.., bru~ 011 cbt ~r wJ<e a<l.-.1wtnK .. probl~ ct!.fln:;i il'"l<I [t::alk. k tho'.tght • of a m.us't ~ Helmto:tr-dJ rwcogntttddwlarp,ha\ly·..,.c f.:aturn ot the nnket-p1'1' Tht' •nwinc w;u m~ltkrnL- Tht'T" Wtll .a C•>nl1d(!ft(W ln die UM .11'111 shad ng a·blch m.ldfo If• lb.ink tbilt tbts m.ast !bt" tbC' wort:: ot ... eicpe~d .anl<Ct. ~rbaps .omeone race h1111•1.(. pni;lna tftrougb ~ cow:tl'}"Cdt. 'the a-kin. ~t'l 1n ogmpltcbwtoaJ. had real tll'Xtutt, and tM eyes-' :t wa"" ratt acti.~~t LO have ttt.'ltf!d th\" lire that 51)8rtdl!d f·vm thoR eyn WJtb such• simplt' IOOI. He ~g."lalltd for du~ tankffper b> come owr. Tiw INllD

""l>P~tlwd. "-iping bb hands en his oaplt'CllG. "_.ctlag an ordtt for non i:>od or drink. S.ir. I mu'ldn't help butadllll1~1hl.t0 ~drawlngof)'OU. r .. 11

':nt". who~" r .... "" The man llOOd dwT. de.arty de!l&htN. "Surdy not a 1.d!·pnr1nil(! I m!Qt 1<1V- ,.i•, TIHl Ian~ nised his Und 10 s:op Hup. •rm !l.l1 pleDtd JOU ha\~ Mll<.'N ~h• pottnll but I dktn"t draw It.' "Thm who du.Ir if4>haanl A hdd lll'Pftlred r"-ftJ dw doorfrarrte 111 lhe khch• h•.'J'O'ld bt.it wtlel?. ttoeo c-,pc11t'd ID,... •n mdult .... , lhl IKP 11' • bOy., man~ tl.,.,.,n ~·'"'old . .4.nd J'O'I drPw thlt l"(>t1t'.ld of -,our tamrr. Jtlh.M:! 1 It i\. nn" l1kfo....,.1. I tvppot.r you h""" I &00J IUrlwr/' No.•. I dQtl'tp w school UJ' I <.In r..ad arul wrlto..i I tlS...' NI.I, nn.1 11111'.an trDm.0.ldy m11,t 11..tw oucht )'OU to dr.raw liktt

ll'JLYt'hnW'•1kT Tht< lf11· ~·~t 111.trrniti'"'- 'Hit ti .1\ ..-v.r b"'rn c.011hir. str. I pvc NM "'1\ilt bttl• Pl1J'lf'f t cou5cl ,11'ford. lut 110.11k ht 1'..at Dr\·tt had• lruo~. f.ho.11.ic" '"'tpn<l• ho.., In hl<e J"Orl•ll'I Oii Jir.li:ti(·r

1'be lnnkreopn DOddftt Jl d)e WINJQW •I•· pl.I• •"it 11•:\1! fle)lt lo Ill• souµ. 'A draltf1o1l •wr.tn1t s: r' he IJI•!

'Crrt.dtly; th K·• R-J)l·"1. tat rll • ~tfl(u. •I llw "(*UP- h, WM aood Md heny, full ol tnr« 1nd ft:tJ"C •l>lK 1'hMlk ,..... 'Yoo'IY mott 'Wricc-M~ H"" )'OU riottd.n f,•r todl)'. 11r 1' Utt• tml.k:t-.per aft,-d.. 'fl\1" Bntaes.' tfut•1 ~led. h,1JW ~ ('A<tt the l!ttit1 In fnt<ndl, tOf'l'f'l"r<mon 1 haft bHn d~xus1°'111 DtW p;111n~ it1: t.h" ki'Hl'I uu tbert T1'e ''""'Ju.eper noij,lfll tltousf'l'*'-!ly, wil'inc lll!i blinds en his apron °SQ. 1'JU .,.. 11 B .U<it ?' "'tts. I luv•· a \\1otbhop In Q.cnt.· lbr~ w;~' .a t.l'IM S•l~whilC' f4't.1to ,._..1,~. ~ pbo!> was a tr4lvaitn' inn. cwo macs from tk oearnt viU.-.and lMllgbt 1l was .ahnost~HWC!. ntH seen sat togethw In ;a COrtM'T dttp ln D"IM:f'S<ltxon, p.pe AnOke ~ng thrt:" f.aces from Hugc>•s !ailiq sight. As the ra:.o In tns filtt bild aruwn &.$t« whif'J)i q in fmm EM ~u across the ftat &dd::>. hr had r;helte~d ~th bis horse imdt'!' a tree arw! lrom there lw nodtttd t» Jll[lw In di~ wiindol;.,\11 ol a bmkhng. half• m4e ~htt ;i!rint;t: ~ rnitd.. Now th<1t he \Q'I w.tnn onct' ""1rr and cOiO)'ine a gone! JM.Ill aad comp.my he II.ad • lntentiDD oll,•;i.\l!l'lft uat.11 tbe nl"S1 marnini Ill' Wti rot ~ted :it hon1e until llDmom:iw ~nu.a, Better IJ.> $"'T Mn-tonJ;.;::lit and !I~ °'l;'J W1 (~ Ma~~·M by ~"T'l\'ll'I& at ki::ndlt.imt the! ~I dory. A"I .1 IOAIJ chdd. lng.11 1;p ha hts l'a&.ber'11t\ldlo tJ\.IC: loollrd out ow-1 1hC' 111.t11n of •1.• 1drN. lo111 tiitforT ht" .. fk4 p;muna. Huso had aun:od for t-.ovn M" ndtt9f tcy1ni: hit br't to &H

IGto hts loOG1. Now, f1fty )"!!II,, l.Jtm:;. ll~K la this fll'n:ilh tu wtlh th• rAll\Jtl't'.amlncdown tti~ ~n·Nw1 IM rrolJtd tht•">f"Nrly ~)'' whltft he! tl.!"11 i.-..n ~rdhn$1 ~ lhrtrlM' t'Dtl ·C• ul a prrlOll 11,,. t!l·l:O want J\Ot1 a 1hnpW I: k.,....,,, h"th1nc ""llOY'"' ill•• ... ,,. 1h,,n ••'11M mf"l''Ctl.tnf's wrJ.r 1qt11 .. thn1 'tt look:! 1111i :1~1 11um1· NtJ, wh•t H11tc11 ~d ahliJYI lae.J;#d kl1, mc•r.- thiln any~I IPhe. ._ t" lnow th.tt b had paint rd a lriae alC'IW r: .., hear l;h# W••tds: ·u I• hbn.' s.;,,y ~ .. wa birjtmn•n• to 'Jfow dG wn. p11nc::n1,.. mrirw Uta twoh°'u" • dl~~•.i1 ty bl t~• ,,omh1i• c•trtl ~ lllht. 1111

The Court Painter's Pupll


- n gc><>gto rMd hl•m~ of ••tO<Y Forquesl>Ono 1 -8. et>ooee!~on•._(A. B, c or D) wild! you thtnk f.ts best eoc:ordl"9 to the ~ Mark V04J' •"'9lr0ra on the aeperat. an1w.r ehtet

Reading • Part 1 Test 6

Page 166: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Reading Pilrt t 166 I TM•

e Hugo - '*1 culony """"1sod that Joii.nn A hid no1 - to od>ool 8 llOd - "° much bme O(llcilM1g. C hid ~ hlmMlf to draw. o had used ouch - materlOls-

S In hi$ potUWbi Hugo's arm i:s to A suggosr die true cnaacter ol his suo,ect. B COJ)tt"9 the petSOn 's pnys.cal feat,... accunoto!y. c male• '"'• - - .. good .. possible. o -holsottor'o--.

e WlWI pi_, CIOOS Hugo ••M "OW tnot ho Is oldor1 A He la bocomiig llho<1·1igMld. 8 Ho ""5 ieM energy then he Ueod to have. C Ho ha bogun to .,.. his 1fltllusla11n '"' h<s -• o Ho Is !IA! of ragrwt '"' hd lost youth.

7 What moo! ot!UCI< Hugo abou! the portra~ of tho lonl<eeper? A die professional s10ll of the wort< a h naodsome appeararce of the man c .., uooauai use of chalk and chalooal o Iha CCW1tn15t ~the tace ard me countrystde behind It

1 Why CIOOS lno ;,,,._ noa at tne ~·lndow In the fl111t sentlfloo? A bec&I• he cari see H1.9>'s and has re'lecbons In the windo ... v B bl!cauSe '- arteods Hugo to Stt at the table next to the Window C because 1'18 iS 0011"Q to comment on \Vhat it is Jike outside the windo\•J D becanse be can ... U.. vegetabl• used 111 U.. soup tJ11oogh the wm<low

2 Whit do wo 1Nm 110out Hugo'I day? A He did nol • 11¥h•ng before ""1vlng at tho 1rwi 8 He hU nol had O'l.lCll -1urlty lor conversat'°" C He tm bNn an-• al day D Ho ha_., d~ a wol1q>•o11ct.

3 Why cfod Hugo go to U.. Im? A He had s:ayed lllGn! belon!. B Hef0<6ldijby- C Ho was recornlNIOded to go tl>el9 by anothor trawllar. 0 He - ho WOUid Md cempany the<e

4 In wllot wwy ll Hugo going to surl)<M h• W•fO? A by 14l<'lg lier to thO '"" B by gMlg lier - good newo C by bt'• 9"Q hor an u-tod in•ont 0 by ~..t'IQ home ~ than &he th1nQ tit Wll

Page 167: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

THl:6 ' 167

~ - ptOjeCtB In ... -.td. dlopla\'ed hy ~ !rQn-, 11··~

- dtlegk""' many d..a:c:i o:im. W.. I la lte ~ ~ Of 11Ct1od' ·; .11&@1 1 You ~ .-tmn. Mgltrfy ti1k~ 9 pb::ilm cd ~ '19 (I!

~CftWID0~1.M AJa1sgwU.,'1tJe......,...,.._ C»f•ilM 1 t wo:v~orl111HIJSE1'· rn.CJ~who aW:::e.., • \\°h)t \';'ho Ii:!. In Wl10UI IONWdlc raalds t ts Am like tJl:)Ol~r. exoeipr r•• aa• Uw-Qympjc ~ ilDd. em bJt:;>l an ex39g 'Ibo~ eYelll

• i ..... -big ~ oompl~ 1llb opnnq ll!d cbsnl.J C&@i)X •btmaJJ)ll.116.<liU~waz:lspc I ·1•

@ D E>hili""~"""""".,, _ s:i _., ~ wfrlriqA, IU.:l:Cll gi:vita. lMUi!d14*. ml 4;t 't {bC°J(!ltcp qt!Q.J pria ........,,) • cb.W. I'> mas lboNotd F't1» 0:·10:1.or:is. ti lloddaotnl. aw.don

Wl:a) 'jlQU ""?WW ·1 '"op~ b l:::c! OJ" m rng 111.id&n1t wt::i .... JI bo ..... KA•OW•

.,.die-. ootworlonq- .. - =-s J'.

s::ll!IE'e.. ~ exposu!P. lO -te <WLi: ccrr'D':n:ty IDiposdJly Wft1m9 -1~-d.s (some cf~ could pay JOlJ:' «aw cdlege 1w·ioo br Jour ~) - ~ 91::.enee- ~ •-.rt?tO W'.eor:. wt;Al ~ ~_J ~.i..,,._ _,.., ,.,.,wt; lln1 It "" ·-~nw.-,,.ei:lf • ~ e;rr ..

•e • +i Pan 2

'!be·~· pro.Jeru • p;tgcd bJ ~on.llf from 1he sclw.':!:ic COmrrt.ll"::il'Y J.e:e ~ A ~ af beoetl~

.. ...-~ P"' [! D A ........ •l!J"""" cologtt NCi illfela MYe n \IW'y" ~ WW# )t t;;:lfltlf'e '4.u projeef

~when~ IL"!) + ~ ID 8'"·rtowrsn br coDege lld111r:=:•t1.

l'.'h:ti Jt11J ;:;:1r1r1p&1n II: I klcl! ~lair 'YO'I t'.-·1-.. 6 ~. lfl')U do 'MJlil. IOtc::Mt ee IC a bl;lior lfl'A'A ~J ~m ... _..cs•~CCJOO~lll10,l J nm JS ui n fn!qucnt.y :efe::red 10 • idel rn' TI-.e l:ntel ISD' lS ldttmnst(if"e1 l1' ~ Serrioe. ee. .I ClflOn.\l ~group~.071' e1· • • OC In: ~boo to ~ tn1• tSiEf. Soeo:e Swvio8 ;,d::uru.~.-.: it. D' : i OI 1rmel Young a::&.-~ ibJ ml' J'::le adXXJI fll1~!.1) ~ th-'!~ f~ '1Wc:ll to J:"Ch 6::1J

~IChool 11tJdN1l.i l!.!l J ~Sorvlce 1:.ao 6;; WQID,Jf!ft 1· I~ ll:d patfc4t;lN, indU! Hng tto ~ J 4J.ib>!IJXI klreo;w Nt:wJ.

~ 1108<:1~Ser.-..r.:i:ia;pota: ~·bOn CW t.111 .-dn.11.'UJ!~j lhia~b Ol8I' $) )~J:l.nl. LW ~ ISD":os :t.~ OCl.'.y lfl&billXGi!IO!!:'k:ll!IWr proyeCI :0.t;)EOIXlfl lot !ll<ldenra a(:h!:!: ""iJI! c C".ia workL ~!Op 2-gl: 9Cho,,a -..de!U3 from -=ta IDlel iSEF~ ru are b..:ad ro oompe:e at rM 1cp le II o::Jll'IW!l..cia@LJ It!~- abou'I J.CO « -..-1~. rrorn ~ 40d.:t·~n1 e=:ims.

Science project competltlou for ochoolchllclren l)wy~.'~I ·l.oUMDbOf•.....,1n 1il 'naitbli pn!pU9 ·1•.!IC•fn'~bcx.rii" ·rt ... •h.._J..,., W!Qd.mer. You ~ fml:IC!&.COUlit'Q.md: .._ ""'1BMl f.t1!> "1'8 pu~lc ~bemDll:ll!ild by llo exbbbcmot1J• 11ttdem:I' PQtl('ll lO~ tl.!'1r '»':Ir\: .t.er.lUll!Ol '.1111 ewi:m, C'd ID t'"i:ri..t!:11~ lNerall ~ taeoce A'ilil±~ Cle finest

Ouhtions 9 -15

You we going to reaa a magazioe article about Science compeLbons ror US sd'IOOlch.ldren. Se-.-en sentanoes have been•• 0ted from the article. Choose i'orn the .sentences A- H tile one Whict1 fits aach - 19-15). There• coo-. ••nt<•nce which you do..,. ,_,i to use.

Reading • Part 2 Test 6

Page 168: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

16& I fe«6

A Thoe ox•1bl1DtS.,."""' occ~ e SO. oce lairs are now being l>eld In an by an entouraqe of 11•lkl s. "8Chers, and """ IQ l'<Jl!'ber o! coun 111- al OWi famitm. Ille wor'd.

B Th• grond flna•t of Ill llUllt and rt0•onal F ~two""''* .. consld<!recl tooe ttw saence fairs in tne United St.ates and most pest., c •s compelftlons 1n pre-<Xlilege l!Mwhe,. It the 1n1111n1ama1 ona1 Sc1enoe "-*'°'· and Engineering F..,.

G For example, studeels who partocopate c Pwtinpo IOmtday you IOO n'*f be 1•1Y'led 10 con..,. vat .. blo expwlence along wi:ll

sttend the Intel ISEF a a oon!estanl - grants, scholarsh'l)I, and -- D Thia Pf'ISlogi()ul W«'i! la llolcl ""'"'8lly In a major city, u~ual1y 1n h Uni~~ StJ:tes H In odclt>1lh to all this there ore ~

""'-'<ing rMebngs, sight-seeing'°'"''""' ol OO<nO,,,...,.. judgong round$.

Page 169: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

,-... 6 I 169

II ..., .. 0<1'Y to go .,,_ dUttrlg the """""?

It .. ""1)()""'11 10 g11 tr 10 the - clOM ... the C<lUrM?

111• place - they Cloyed wl8 very C>C>n-uy IC>cltO<l7

they hlld '" -... 1 room 1

lhoy en~ the food?

taking famb objocta w•th you CM be comlcrmg?

11 • - 10 ""-' d1fle-on1 .,.,,_of living?

tMy dodn't want to......., ll the end oC ttio camp?

tn. main tlwlg they en,oyod was ti..-og '" an roamabonal group?

Which person says

- - --------------

Questions 18 - 30

You are 01>"1Q to read some lrrlorrnabOO te~rs pr._ on a website llbolJt thw expenences on summer .,..,_ (spec>al Oducational holiday P'Qg<l!MmOS) '"' """"'Qers. abmad. For cµisuons 18 - 30. choose !ro<TI the peol)le IA - D' The - may be ch._, more 1han eoce. Mark your answers on the MParate ensw.r sheet.

Reading • Pan 3 Test 6

Page 170: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

RNdlng Part 3

O A,,..a. 17, Swnmtr ca.np h1 lll'CttON. Spaifl

ih• KhOOI WR br•utiful ft,~· were • huge numbet of classroom~ end I nevtr had mo1p than tloJ',t people In my <1111. Tht

l..: ~techfri Wf'ff fW~IM, iOd I ... d tNlfy good relaliOnshlps w•th •II of (ha,,,, Th•

"hoof v.o' itqu1ppl>d wim COITIO\lttts with lnterMt ~S. wh<h ..,.., vtty COl'lt;t"l•11t Thtrt Wi'S alU> I f\lt• c1ftl•'I• with • t"1'ece OYUldt and a coot. who Sec'Vld U<.1l>ttit ~n~cu..,inei

T"'• ,.,..,, .... .,,WI• g•••t. l'"frl Wlf I tffrt(f •nd rlc• livit1Q rQOm with 1 ttltllis.ion, a •m4ill bedroom each for the Sl.C of m who Wft't shant19- a coup$e of t>.thtoo~ •f'd 1 tufty tQU•pptd klt(h11n. My hOUWll'Nlltl wtf'e ti! •l'li11ng ...Mt fNlde t.u11.'1 I l1tt completely 41t "°.,,'when I arrived. 1 w•• .t>lt todo the same with the nM studtr.tt. Th1} raperltnet ttugf'lt me iO much. ni. .,,._.,f'O'l.'f'lell.t w..s wry le!d-badc, ~I felt •111mtd11t1ly .cu;rttd"' the- B•rcitlon~ I fmyte, I c•n only say positlw thif19111».n all 1spenJ of the progrtrMI• it"'-·'~ trul')' 1ncr~1b1t lhe bttt t"'•ng w•~ that tNlrt wert w r'l'.1")' people rang f'l9 8Ci'o5J •11,.qn, •nd from all O\IH the world .. vou·J be t\1"11"9 C~ft'UitlOllS with \'Ory dl'4t\ll pt'OPlft.

tro,.,, .11 o.,.., lv1apt, All•. i+orth '''° south An'M'nt• It\ ~·•(•t•ngl

~ enli•e ll!J(per!tnce Wa5 omailn9 Myh~ family wts wrtmtly niCe, and very helpful My Mu tl'1•' ht ptd n1• 10 fHI •' ~ ~ taking mt ovt whh her friendi. JO I got to 'l'IHt othe-r kid' mt age ~ were cot.side

thtc P")l1r•m1'1t ~ tw»t mo1 "-t JUPPll.ct ll'lf' wit I\ tvetyUI rt I titfdtd ltllCI requtsttd. Howtvtt. 1t w•' a bl' <h•Ueng !'IQ ~. thr iNOrked nights, so I didn't get to see htr that ..,..,, Tht ldool klutiion .,,.., 9'"-'~. -"' I lovtd rrvt profnsot, elOCll!'Pt f'o'etYlh1ng got chqed around on my I.Mt wHlr: tl'>tft. M•k• tuft to b""'t p10UfK ~ ~tiut mtfl"lf'l'ltOl fl'O'l'I "'°""•· l'My w1-. bt<o..,._. wondf'fful con...,.rwtion Plecft M wtl H obJKtS that w!ll make you feet bttt9f ~hould )'QI.I

bt(Of'l\e hon'lf'1.l(_k

On t"41 ~t de~. lti<• up to your fffllngtof •~wel'dntn end 90 1tound end 1ntrodUC1! yo1.1rwlf to •lll'IOSt rtel')'Ont. You v. 11 •weoa1e It late< on as 11:·11 help YOll 0rw1op • v•ritd V'OUP ot frif'f'!'h to do 1hin9' w1tl'I.

Ii •••OOtnrl(Mllptoto .. fOll•'ljl.llt Nd dlir bat WM o! ntf 1!1e "'*'' I mtt to fN!'IJ ,.... Pf'OPlt" •nd """'°' t0!'6 of ('lf!W

f!ilndl. t'l'tl'yON' • ~ f1lt'l"ld·'( ~ ..,,, on f'fti/ f.nt *t' 'lhf<'t ., litast JO

~No ::r~ ~""' ~""' c .... 1°""' ia 'iftry • d t •dci•t M "°"' ,.,.., be .._ 1liete tt• d~ 1!n1oU _.,.,., ~ .-.d ttw c-. • • thoi1 M fide f10Mt ~ na ate .round tr. •M.

Theft n ~4)' l'OCll'"'S """'°' ... ""' ~• but "" ~ 1._ WI e fNcli.ft OM viNch i& .a. Nlf ht Md n..-e ..,.. ~ ~ ..- mr rC10m Md •t """'i b;; enou;ii ...... ~ hid loG t:A e'lh SO«t". I also had e blthtoofa end ~ In .,,. "°""' ~ no w.'fl (OnN('llOn The two:N.i'" "°"' the- MJ ..... "*" hllpful ~ ht\ IWhlt mMI "'Y ,.._ lt't ff"f 90.Thri JOU lo"ffJ """°'to .Ill of )'O'.I Wt Nl*.,. 9fl v...t 1'** you!

Uy .,.. , Ml!vl'I Pt bt °'*' 10 ""' ~ u-. •"Id ~~ m ~ bt't!er OI won. - rt\ Just dif~f'l'll' I hNf'i d'-1.. f0i04WIW1t MIO I tfw\t t' t goodqYOtt, kt~!

I Joi< ... 14, -- ._, io C., D'Ai~ moa

fl ---rdglw""tlh"'OtObt 0.0 ~ ri;f'1 Ct! S t«ond. I l'M'I. the rM11C

Iner~ "°"" f?'Ol'I .. .,Ol.nd the wottit n... ~ wto·f'ft't \trmt.11.tt ... ~ ~ .,, dwi·9" '#ll'fe ,...ii, low.ly. •nd

'ltlt art ~ niQte. lJt --- tMdt ~"' lllilOl'tl\ P't to. Tht ~ """*' • ,..,.. '°" mlgM"' ltt 'wd to tt'lf PfOpif p.11 mMt. ~ U> ~Cl"'!~ ·tMl'f Going~ t1w1r btc*•"" htirt. Tht locAon M-4 ltrnOllpl'leit ..,, tNty Mt ~ ....mr"I: • bledtn ,,, .n. Mt milt! ...,. )OU g.et pl.Keel ...

... ripe: int\ n-t PllOP't JOU "'"' ii-, ~oft will bf, tol'N

of tht lnOll: lncNd:blt '"'* """' """" In "°"" f'f'11rf: lilt. Thetw ...,, q ~ c! Lw J '9" or UloUr'tl"'J t.ri: -er at •~ rd s., tofl'lit' of .., Wf"( bf« fnend5 ira tf'f ~ ""'°'Id Art now .,....,.,. ~tor 'POl'U..,., 1CtNtin. •<e had• pool .-Id• bri,rttMI co.or\ tOOll a., ~ air'ld Mo Nd~~ ............ coutd 9) an. v. Cltr ...-:mos•., and -. in • nice caff °' do anyU-iig •IM,... plir.....:L

M-1 ad'vk .. 1 hat i'O I ptOmde you won't 'C9ft't it

" a.to. 11. s.s.- • ._ .... -sto ...

Page 171: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Tfft.6 I 171

W1:e yOAI l•tWr ""°" 1'0\ft! UM gr1mmauc.ally c:orrect sentences with eocuratt spelling end punctu.ation In a a~ appopna~1 tor 'the ibUl'l'JOn,

I tn"' ~·.,. gtJf r"Pf(Vna I/,,...,~_, im~VTYrtl lllkl1 eMtf Possfbfy wtdtJ )«I !•W ,_ c!m IN:ill' ID ']'~ t.ftt-f" ~tJ.r' ~ / loot fan.on! IO ,_.,fr"'" I"" _, f'l'Ktl .. lolsl


~"1 pcnta Mr.1 nit ":t.t.11" d m!&caf irWrVrv.t tJ1"1 I t..atft cir~

- .. 1' for "" P-""' ..... """"' - ~ '!"" - t ldt'l 1-.fM :iu... at tthotJl t..fhtr or mr I.WI (Jr tdt1 (WY or,., othtr ~. been•• ... .we~ -....:..;_::,__:,.:..:.._ __ ~ "" ""' - (ii. goN '"""" ,. "'' .. ,.. ""'"""""" ........ ,....,.,,·~ tn?

1 YOIX Engllsh-spea:.ong fr.end Kim has \\lritlen to you ebout h1$ p'8nS to learn a musical: .nstrumont Read pen of Kim's letter and die noces you have made. Then wnte a k!tter to Kim. USing al your notes.

You must answer U"lls QOeSuon. V/nUJ yout answer 1n 120 - 150 wOfds .n an appropriMe styt.e on your 8ftlwef'ShMt.

Writing • Part 1 Test 6

Page 172: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

wrtte a tettw !o your •·tet1d

'Tf'YI ~ ""\'.101o1,t- ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ~; • ._, ~ Y"- .. !:°"'lis'" ct ... fJ. 1 00\~ 1:\.c ~"-' .. ......, y""- ~ • "-'~ 'e<c""-"'lc ~rr _, .. c .. t c:-f H-.C' ... ,.ii\""..,..,, '\>ir.e"'•"~ \+ir, ""re ,...,~lt111rly od~. <o M )'f'k t\.. ,_\ I woi.J,1 "'\)"')' "CAil °"It?

........, .... 1 t72 I T..t6

Yhtt1 a review tor tt'le webl!·..e. 3 Ni lni$molion.:.I hM•leO* meoaz.tne Is Mlung for articl .. on rho tnerne of anr.,..uno ot unusual ,oumeys..

l'Mlt 1n .- IOt 1ne maq.,_ ~ o jowney yau hwo ,,_ ond ..,,iolnlng what - It -•h-.g or unuowl.

Wlfte yo<Jt "'1lcle

• You M· v e bMr\ dltet.dS'lflQ lhe aoiplc of tne medo r1 clan. Your teacher has now 8IMd yoo to wr1t1 ., euay dttcUll:Wlg the following •tatemll"lt

n_. ore plei1!y ol TV proQ..,,,,,,.. ono ,,.,._ lor cf>ldrwn ond lo( - but 8*e.,.. not "'°""" _.,,,...Of,,_, .. wllich ·-tho,_ ao</ 1171111"8'1S o/ tee- \Ynte an e,..y for you- teacher.

5 - one of U1e i-wlog '"" qu"""°"s basmf °"~of the •-bolow. Wnte 0.. letter '81 or (b) as -..II a;s h numl:)a' 5 1n the questQfl box on )'OU" a,,,.... sheet.

(a) !•uttv I name of book] A .,._ COmc:>ar'!Y rs CO'\Sldenng iii.eking a ~m of the book you have read and h8$ ~ maders to wri:te a report on wriether the bOOk would tnake a good film. ~ repcwt snould atso expla!n which scene you feel >A'Oukl be partia..:arly ef'ective on Am.

Wltle your rvpOrt.

(b) !a,_ N11110 ol book]

This is part o! • letter whk:h you recer."' from an Australian friend.

'tel vs wna: yoo tt>n ct a cor.ioutargr.le you~ weft_~ .In lta epeo.a_ ieatv.? How• fCi)8l1 ts ll lO p1ay?

Reviews wa1tedl

2 You see the k:JAOw1no annol.W'K:er'MOt on a computer games "'~-

\'Jrit• an 81'1t.wer to one of ~• QuetlM)nS 2 - 5 1n this pert. \Alnta your answer '" 120 - 180 words "' an 11>prcp<1a!e sty<e on 'JO"' answer -l Put !he q.-uon number In the box Bl the toP of the page.

Writing • Part 2 Test 6

Page 173: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


whfie thtrw n owluUIW) ... (12)

1r1fO'(ab1e as Wiii es .,,.u.

!Mi' 1101 c ork. •t~ro{Vt

8u9inM9 l'lee heel., flt on Olf'l8I'.....,. too tng!WI a:udlrill a!1t ptanrq 10 ~11 l(Wne ol lhe11 btet

(7) - ~ • 1 Z +~ ..... ...,.. Cle§9I 9h.dlrtl.,. ltarttl'lfil a mail onttY pla&t.C trock9ry but'Mnau

fn fl) , two 15 )'WOid .. ....,..._ ,.._ llt21ild •bi 1' .... Of tl°M'Jlr'own Nilling a cor'1')u1er app that hetpt

they ~ a f'!9c:OOOoctllllil'1 f4t For lhtlutywtritaw,.....beetl~ pt - • ooe•••r t"1111. MlltGetmen toy&.ln November last year

"*"own bus•nnt at the aame time ........ uo.na ,. I0(\11.

d.,... 0-.. The l)"09f'9rnmt has t>.gun In tht Vear 8 German ciat by leall'W'lg at>c:JJt Ol>--1 • (1)

a htlld start 111 buS1ness. They are 00.ng th1a

Busineu Is booming at school

D gettJog c~ 0 A go+ng


F<>r quesbons 1- 12. ,_tho te><t below and decode Which..,,._ (A. B. C or D) best fits each gap. Thent Is all example at the begn*'G co:~ Marie your ariswers on the •tM•bi: •11S•• liheet.

Use of E1191ish • Part 1 Test 6

Page 174: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

174 I M6

1 A I>! B - C ploc:o D ooctloo

2 A lot B - C lake D ruo

3 A up B di c out o down

4 A l)enof11 B payTnOnl c piof.t D wlon 119

5 A ,_ 8 .. lirg c kee'1 D eager

8 A "'""' 8 impacl c "'""" ... D tnvorvtmeMt

7 A - B ~ C uotNJ D art1flclal

8 A conclusloo 8 partcUar C oonsequence D addltjoo

8 A contrd 8~ c f1)( D IUlll)Ort

10 A l>elihood B cpdor1 C chance D oppettunoty

11 A obsol<rtely 8 \t'.°")' c partK>Jlarty D totally

12 A won. B jOl)I c tabOur D caraors

Page 175: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

• TMt6 I 17.S

thel ot the earlier ""11on of the Cato

''" - - lho tec:t tNt lhl NW C.to hU nn Jn·bulll oamer1. Thi• can (1&) ·---(111

al irst ti~. -- ft point of this was. However. Its potential becaf"!le

ObYioua (11) - - we Med out• CCM.CllO of g.ames tNt used t.ti1a new

...... '° vea;t effect.

Is also a rear touch pod. We weren't ksrt a 10.Ch acreen OOt (14)

lhl NIW Cato gal'MI COM«MI It th.'lt n

A new games console The ht ttq ., MY tot

For QI•• · • 13 - 24, .- !hi '"' be'°* and lhll\k ol 1he w<lrd whoeh bcs1 1'13 oach gap. U•o only ono ~., -- n-11 an example a11ne beglnrung (0). ''t\'ftt.e )'CU' a: cz9115 JH CAPITAL LETTEAS on your answer 1heet.

-- ---- - - Use of English • Part 2 Test 6

Page 176: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

U..of .......... J

ot ltljuy. M>/ am. cl oc.nt:, It ee rNlkl It 10

176 I Tttt6

tMi ti IM&ef"IS tTle pea \ht neKt Oiympc:a

tt'le gym evety dlr;. I know ~ repeating the wne La 1 may feel a l>t

'31) -··- at m- bU. rlt sciD brings WtOm'IOUI blMl'Jtt. I concent•ate: 80Ae


partcUlarly on www · hd C32)

example: [~ !_sli:;IH:r.sl j I I I I I I I I 1 .T

and lound I (30)

in a match. Al f\f'st I was a

- yoc gM when you beat st#ted a club. I ;A b¥e ee ~of (27)

'f()Ur own record cw. bert« soil. a (28}

straining every~ IO~ ~tsheiavtorthan ft ..qi:: 'tars 1hemae1Yes

are. It's a tnAy {25} - eicperlence_ Helen Jewel expialns why she

'eels such C28) -- lo"~ $POl1. 'I got Into Im scnool when a teacher

One of the roost ll"!1IU'ISI A ..


For quesbo<1• 25-34. ,_ Uie text below UM !tie~ giv.in in captJlo 111"" md of tom• of IM.,_ to form a wool tti.i t;Ts In ""'gap In the .. ,.,. h. ~ Is an exomplo at.,,. begomong 10). VJme your an~wtn IN CAPITAL LETTERS on you- -wer sheet.

U5e of English • Part 3 Test 6

Page 177: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Teti: 6 I 177

40 The pollee offloer made fl'tlety one oe us Qt.·• a Atement. ALL We ~ stst..,_ l)y 1110 police cl!.cer.

41 I'm 8'rald l"I only telum at midnlgl!t tc>cilgt:t TILL I'm afrad I IOC1<QM.

42 'Lers conuct ow Old Engllsn reac:n.: sad Sara. TOUCH Sara suggested _ OU' old E.ng11sh teac:Nrt.

you d100M IC loern b)' hoort

35 M""" "'go<>g lo Mg me on STival "' lh<o ""pc)rt. SOON Mane ia QOtng to nng me at lhe airport

35 rm ..,.. lftat O-VO Ml gel a leodo'lj roll "' u.11m. BOUND O.O.V- n l•chng role In ltit film.

37 How WOWd )'Ou tuwo tMCtect It you wore lTl•? REACTION Whal _ .. ii you..,,., me?

35 Amy la l.nd;nQ II hard IOOI"""' wt1iCf! c_,.. to dO ,...I, MIND Nrr, ~ hlMOQ dtlicuhy wlioch courw 10 do noxt

38 Vol< ·:an chooM whichr.'flf potm you like to learn by '*"1, MATTER

Wnte ortty the tniSslng won::ts fN CAPtTAL LETTERS on your e~r eheet

r:or quesbOns 35 -42. complete the second Slf'!tence so d'at ft nn a M"!'lilar ~Mll"lg to the first sentence. using the word give-n. Do not change the word given You must use between two and f'tve v.•Ot'OS. including the word grven. Here is an exaMple (O•. Example: O Our school sport.I day .s held at the end ol ttie summer term

PlACE Our ochool sp<>1S day _ at the end of the S10TWnCf wm

The gap can be filled oy theWOtOS 'takeii place', so you wr1e~

Use of English • Part 4 Test 6

Page 178: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

,., •og~t

1 You ovemeer two Monc::s talM'lg •bour • comoutergarie. -OO:hty--..1 A The graphics ~~I)' good B !If 4 tn0te tJte1ti1"9 than ~ eerlw *1ion of the gatr'l8 c "'Ple game is bet:er than tile fim .ca beMd on.

2 'rb ,.._,. a radio teOOtf*" tal!Qng on a nau. ptOQrnmma. "II 1-1, t!C ,_ IXC>led IOo..! Mia' he saw? A It •unusual lo .. de>M-UO th al ~ t>'P* of fah 8 T'ht ftlh w11 0010 a:i1ting un~ aaillt, C The I~ Qil'<• ""'*' ~tion 1bOuC whit tlM fft

3 VOu owll'T• 1t-=twWklftg10 a tt .dwYI. Wtm la fl talking lboul? A IOITIOthlno the a.a.it forgot to dO 8 IOl'Tlethlng the tlUdet1I ""st ~ l:O tchool C IClmethlng tht ~ did lhat plMMd h teachtr

4 You owemeer two "*1cb :alking aboul: • IU'Ve'J. W"'at IS :he boy mos: SU'p"IMd about?

A Cf"« studer1C.a' lll::tc ol knowledge lbout t"8eS B CJCtw 1.~udlrits. Nlbety to J)ley • QS1'N: C ~ tlUOll'lll' illd: d tnthua • ...,. tar nlllll8

e 'tb.J f*1r • boy iNWlig • ~alt '' tgc: """' .. "°'°''"II lo? A·- 8 ....... ._ c a IChool fnend

8 You .... two ~nende ..-ig about a tooltdey. Wt- .. dd uie girl &Pend tw h°*.lay in ._ W1l'f ~ Ckl? A She warned 10 try tlOl"nethlng di'ferent. 8 She was keon to~ aome mo"'lly. C 9'e wee p6"'llAded to by her broirw

7 VoJ ,._.. 1 bell redo siory 8bou, a IChocll prqeict 'l/t'W ... .,. msi"I .,, of~ pt'OflCt?

A to gr,. thlChlkhn elli:-ton~ n tM•:•OI"" e tG tiNCl'I the dA:hn a1Jou1 ht111.~ 1W'Q C to d9Ytllop thrl cl'tlcnn'I CIMll"• ...

& 'rtM.l hllt a bay t~ '*maltier aboul a loClilt)all ma1cn. How OOM the boy t.- mout hi& trlllr'CI a.t'a perfotrrlftl'IQe? A gild that n. lcCll on olay1ng des!Jtte a ~lom 8 ar;YISE!d that he drd nat ac()t8 # gic)ll c pleased that ee dd ~flf' than~ expected

171 I t.est•

moo, Ouootion• 1 - 8

You .,.. """ peoplo ta.l!Jng '"eight dHI...,. 5'1UOllCH1S F0t q<Mtlons 1 - 8 a- the - .,,..,,.,,. (A B 0t Cl.

Ustening • Part 1 Test 6

Page 179: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

___ ,.l.;.;15"";."""" a ~r

~lhllrk. Sophie uya her 10.-10 onart< •• me [

The leMt da,_ous ahatks ate tne ~~-- ---~'~1_3~l OflM.

Sophie says that shtn:s have been around fOr' I 11 years..

Soplllo - tho prqect t>eeauae "8r '. I u I ouggeoled It

Sophie" eh8t1< pro)oct

~-- -- -- - --- - ---

@O!•OU.11'°"18-18 You v.ill ._,a gWl Qllled S«>l>lt giving a pr-tlon 10 her c1 .. s about 1!1a•ka. for-lono 9- 18, cornpltte lh• aentfllt'ICel.

Listening • Part 2 Test 6

Page 180: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

F This abJm is bettal' than. the ta.st one released by ttlese singers._

Speak.,. 5 i 23 ! E The SOt'QS on lllis aloom come from a show I reslly 8l'IO)'ed.

D I IOVe INS albl.lTl beca.,.. ll>e &°"II' are perfect 10 dance to.

Speeker3 21 I

Sl)Oal<er 2 [ TIOJ 8 The W'Of'ds of the songs Ott this altx.m mMn more to me than tne tunes.

A I onjoy the eongo on lhos _,,. boc:a.Jse ""'linlle<s' vooces ore 90 """"""

Speaker I [ Ttij

li'ioe I o.-on1 19 - 23 You w•tl hes" five 1tudents ~ abOUI a musie ll:>um. Few questions 19- 23 c.hooM from h 1st (A- FJ YMlch of the opinions uch speaker ·~ UM tttM:h tr.tor only once. There is one extra letter which )'OU do '* need to use.

Listening • Part 3 Test 6


Page 181: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Tett 6 I 111

30 Matt.in sa)'S tnal. ti he hed not bec>Jl.Tie an actor. ha A cO<Jid haW WOl1<od lo' "1S bto~ busm-. B woUd ~bly h°"" become a teacher. C mlgllt well ho.e gone into lite pobce.

24 What does Matin say about his iMeralt In superhero ~lme 8$ a child? A Ho was more fascinated by ttlem th.lfl others In his f.afJ'lily. B He wanted to fmd out how U"e effects we... croa-:ed. C He found th8"' ..... lnterest.nq than sport

25 Mattlll says tllat the T ogorman chiwac'.81' he plays A has dltfetent oual•t"8S •n the book than the movie e enjoya populanty with aucttenc:es of atl ages. C IS l.flUsualy com""""tod ID< a "'°""' -·

26 How does Martin say toe helped develop the 0<'9'f'8l script? A He n1rodueed more humour JntO ._ B He halght"Aflld the te"81on 1n S()(l"'9 of th& acenes C He ouggestod an.,. chlw"acW fe< ""° oc...,.

27 WllAI does Martin .. y i'3 the Mrdoot pilr\ ot playYig No ·~ .,,,,ractot'? A adapting IO the role •• he Is not • nttl Ally brave - B leamong how ., do complex gymnastc trt<:ks c bocomtng •11 enough to ptoy mo ro••

28 Motton U)'ll ,,,.I he MOOI •ll!OYed g,,,_g up In Conada bee .... II. he hood a lot oe coua.ns of u -~· •go Ill.,.. B ne Nici cont.ct with chldrln ,rom many ot"W counui.. C ho hed U'W opport.r-lty to do outdOOr pursui:s.

29 How did ._......, say he got Into t11Ctlng7 II. He was inaplrwd by a "°"Pl• ol r*'1s he so.,. B He got .._.,., tlwovgh a jOb 1n a lt>eelrt ccmpony. C Ho enjoyed act.ng In plays .. a student.

----------~- ~------~

~i OU..llono 24 -30 Y® win heor an •lttefVlt!W with en actor cated Martin Raleigh, whO pays U\o Cf'\arectAr Of Tigorman In • new s~hwo f1tm, Fot qu.tlona 24 -30 chooM the best answer A, B or C1

Listening • Part 4 Test 6

Page 182: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

J ,,_...,,_,, ... , l Condldate A

011Wf0.<"'81oly 20 soconds lntertocutcw ,,,.,. you. -~

candidate 8 ~Jr m.nuN Interlocutor Th-you.

(CSl!dldtJta AJ, wl1ich or these g,..,..,a of people do you ttmk ts doing a moro cM!icult task?

ln1etlocutor In tl>os part of the lest. I'm goirlg to give eoc;fl of you two l)h<Jtogrophs. I'd >l<e you to latte about your photogl'aphS on 'f04X own for about a mirrute. and 8iSO to .-is•Ner a shor. questoon about yo<r patt.- p11ocograp1t /Card<llJto AJ, lt't your rum ... t. ~ are your l'll<*>graphA on ~ C22 of tile S!>eokl~ ~ppencllx. They &how teen1g1rs end antm.11. I'd Ille you to co._. tile ""°t~-. ono uy how you think the t-or• .. 1-.g Al' rigt>t?

~ate A (!) r mmute lntettocutor Thri you.. (Candidattl BJ, whlcll of thue situations would you _,. be in?

~-8 (!: approxomstely 20 S«:ondS lnterioc:utor Tharik you.

N.,.. iea-r• B1 •ore.,.. your l)hotog"'!)O• oo page C<3 or""' s~ •PoWldlx Th<ly .._young people -Ing thlngo I'd P<e you ro com.,.,. tho 1)11otOQFllOh1. 11'<1 aay why YO<I lhlf>k tnoy .. doing tnoao tNngo All nif>t?

• T• me abOUt the house o- flat that you tve In. • tf )'CM.I COUid oh.-.ge one dltog IOOUt the hOuse or flat you 1h,.• In. what MXJld II bl?

• How Conver'lient fie your home In terms ot publie tral'ISQOrt and OUl8r fac.il1tlea?

• Vlho dO )Q.l lhink you .. most Ula In yo.it" fQmily? In w.+.ttt wava?

• Oo You - ~· as <IOk1g tile .. ,,,. job as oryone .... In'°'"' !°""V? Wtry oo tile ~done !'Y ott~n Yo<Jf 1..-..y lPPMI_- oo noc •PPMI - to you? _

- r Ho<li• and !am>ly l Interlocutor Fi1'$1 of all. we'd hKe 10 know S011iecning about you

Speaking • Parts 1 and 2 Test 6

Page 183: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

1'w<k you. That Is rt>o 4'1d of tile test

• And you?

• Do you AgtM?

s..ct.anyoftl'le~wig • P'O'T"t.s. as: approp,.;,,re-

• What do you uw.?

Interlocutor Se'eet any of lhe ft:allMot ig QUost.aott.s. as aopt'Opl1·are:

• Whet would you uy ta the bdt prnent you p«sc)<\8lly h ... - -•l•ed? Why?

• Why do you think -lo Ilka to GM oocll otho<..-.-ts?

• HOw do you lNnl< • t-mlaht ~ ffftina - they.,. -.t to rotlro? Why?

• It's somedmes said thet It'• bett« to ~ than to ,., ..... Oo you agree? Why I Why not?

• When do people usualy alv. each - ..-.unts In l")UI' C0<1ntry? What sorts of presents are - ~I?

C•ndldotM 3 mlnu''"

lntertoeutor Thin!. you

Interlocutor Now. I'd f ke you to ta about something together for about ttwM minutes Here ere some picb.n!s of things that yrou might buy 1or a teacher who Is about to redN after many YMl"9 teaching at yow school Pllc:e pictlJflJS from f»t!111 C24 in front of C8'1ddates. Frsi, :a.I~ to each: ottier abOut why eech of these pre:tenta mlght be a IUttabte gtft fot '°'' a g n1 who le ebout to retff Then decide whlch would be th• beat chok>e for the -'· Mftght?

Speaking • Parts 3 and 4 Test 6

Page 184: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

,'\',·v.·11 1bv ,..,,. • lroJ' .ta. ..._., 4 fi~ •t!lll/l _.. dut lrttl !.nmd'I• klol ... pl.1W!l 1111. .. ., • NJ, "l''J"j"" •• .., ,,.,, ""'"" ~ W..,, I .... •p!lt!y .-.:crti<lg ~ • h f9tllll ""*I hllYll (IOl'le dW ~ ll'ld II llo .. l'I~. p.!d ...... -..id l'\lf'C*'I. I Nilr\ h lllm!'1 I~ t.e ~ ~ trlhri9f i.O 10 'l(hitt. •I Oo"!l knew.,.,_, ..,.lt-i;taftli;lhl. 11·11wa tell .. t""'IC..,...~.tt>ll'IQl't'*' oi wll:Lbuti9tht*"<!N blltlw.,.... "'°"' I...._ M:t klantCltJUllflt-~ Ml.itO"l-- lw!l1M 8o ... ~IOIOM,.,..,. Nlr.lw ll'W'IC. ..... 1 ... tow 111.., oo r'I.,.,.....,.., Ftgll1 bi 4ollll' • P'l .W. to 4-:r frlntJ ..... 1Y ,....,, ... _. ,..,,

,k.1,\- Aft ,:f'W _, dw _,1oru.-.l ~ Gft Hi Tom._,_.~ Bof• V--., c9cl ,.... w 11111 ICWIC:e P.<4'• M • °" lV Int fllO"lt 1 Girt• I did,.,_... t:i .. WbiQ. _,., c? Andi ._.m.Jt ~11W *N !hinf Wei lbeM ~about on llie ~ !!Joy I lllY!w.

.,, , •,;"""",...,~ d1-w.,1,,,.,... ....... 1 Jl'l\"••tlw7 --· 8<¥ Ao .... '°" Nd. OON'J day~ Oii+. 0•1 IW"ll& I,.. lt!DU<'Md IN ..... WOU<I 0. iao ... ..... 9o-f: w.l,. lftDkrie11 .. ~ IO~c!J!"IQ Q·• lftalOf\ -'*' td II ~ ....... tlllt»~. Qin: Al IMll 1'1111: ~ ~ 11,. ll:liadl d altflCI OOft!OflllUO!'&. hJllQt'I II Nlltf' 11'11"* yuu t.> Ml.r~ 'JOI_.. •J111f1G ~ Tilt 0"1~ a.1.~-,,.. Mo'u M hi ud WIJ.JQU9 I(_ l'M bill acx;,..a.-d In• ...... fllo•v: tkrlft. Wrt.,.111'#,tty liO fli'' to.,,,., Ol lllOla. ttot.QI!. aio-'1 N..W to"*"'"°' .... M pl-.;111

011\ Hrn, 91-t ~4'1:,:1!'1111>•1 llW IDllU""°'' Qo..llRlL nl .!!G'l'l = ,, fl'1 "*" n, Boy· I di.Al IWll .,.,... 11olklfd {,r\. No.tu; I dd ~ la&.J1ll'll100Dlt..l£l«W'tw"' !Nut.IL. ~l'.Wllfl..Cl=., w 111!!1lt:l!lJ.ll1:11 e¥1 nolllr«. l'IOQ 'N

.wd'ICI, 90 ballo.c b ~"'-"It• •-...I•~ 0 (1!)11'() to be a t'N1991Ye I'll.. fn.m'Qllld 10 ,,__... l*n ""- •~t .:irr.. ltlrl:'d.~ ol *OI- blbt ltll!t:lllEm.il' ~ ~~ n Iha~ M..ll;uiw. 1'1Wj•dlllilr'Jll9'y bnn lfW ~d l"W ..... r!NJ. TJ-e ciowd• NM! ti..-_. lltO';lar !tits~.,_..~ num~ or llllnlllOUI Cll't ... lltiS ~f"O h.,.., llllllQlll. 90 l"-Y ~be ~-Md. "'~ ,... ..., Cler'!'.!" "°""' /-j,y )'.., litt.r • tPf .-lb.,• 1r fr•r•nl"""- .-.. ,,...,..£. 1Jt.<1t A.11 ..,...

Ill' .. ,. GAii.-... U- ~ Jst fad J.. ~ ,..llftlqf? Boy ... ~ ·- 'fOIJ',...,.. ti,. e'1d d ,..,. lel'Cd ... ~l!lboUr.f' ltwl ... pnnlJ Yteril .. ~ ... ~ Oirl. WIJI.~.,~ w•~ndlQ,.....,..l ... ~ltyedas '""...,...,,..,. ~ w'lh t. tllll ron..,...,,. """"'Iii•..,.. Plo.lQ'lt

9ov' Oi, (b1, ...., .. ,ONfli•Wdti'mrn~foe-11'•1nO­ -.. .

1 U I Test 1 Auclosalpl:

LISTENING PART 1 Troo•11g (':_'•02~J Mv f'llN tlllie'I pd) cool - l'll't 4*1 llJI: I tor .,.. _,. !.,_ I clOllld get 10 td'ooll e tall mt1"1t •Mlb' It olt" """' ... bu1 9'f9')' "°'*'0- ft tot ....... Cl!'- C, #tf'ovu"lt...,..... • .. 'T<ll9CC1r!'pte-., it:wi fllyddbkll'>Cll'.....,.l~GOl-.dtD'll·~,_ . ..-Lmua "M' - Md p11p pelrm!'" w "'t.llDIJl.JJ..i io___w_n_ Gil.Im' .. ~' ~ ...i··. ~ .. "*'I. tlUI • .._. .. e(Cl' .. IP.- b it.c:ir.Oft""· ...... ll'"lr•

l!l!1.~ Exam practlc• Ou,.. ... _, ., .. h,,,.,. ~ it,,. .... "" ''\It•~·~· llitif"' ~.!'WT,

lf'i\lo "~.., IJtrri../1#( 11'»1.

WllCort"& ~ 10 out~ .,.._CIMOITIWlc• .,4 .. !lope ,oi/l t!'ICl 1 11 lf'VOYilbll M....,W A lol of llilrd worl .. ~P'G0"1 Wlkl<l lfle...._., ........ Ind .... "WD, .... _...., ,_. llYI ne IOI ot h:lin.-. .,..,_ 'f6u 10 ....,ar. WlfllO ........_ W.'N •bOVI 1Mcf1 ID _,_ • IW'ltl» .. IO - .. OU flMvltit ...,_..In ...... .,w,; ........... - flt.vi...._ ... 11icW\..., I .. lht!Til,.,.. I eteH *tJ, ~ bitvt If Ql.f Ir 1 W '* ldf>f.;i. It.or ft/~ • .., • n ... s it)tj ao - ~ ..... Wflt. '"" .,....,.. .... ,.,.. .... ,.. ....,.,. ,, tll.111{ .,, ,.,.,,., .,. S!~ - ,.,...,..._ ..,.. ,,.,.,,. ,. eo,· M ~ b I yo11lfl Cfl,b W9 tw CiiibW. H•11¥1 C)or.1 ~ io ..... w "'-"n•dlt1~ ...... t)'M'.C'ttii. - Ort 'llllilf\ 1_._.ir .. -'ii M ........ ._.,,,. lor:Ud ~ ~ .. !thtl,.., &)y' ...... 'Mt, Wt. "* .. dot\1 Iii'( .. M"ld ot .,,...1!19 .... 111N. O.;f !» Q1D tit W,r "*'.......,I tm:m of! b IM rd ltm1 M.l!IWJa'tJlg.Jl)l!11f~ Qr Hlnft.• ..,._ 1 W1p IQ lloaly ~ WOl~<l I ... tie.- a bettar "-- tit lt'1il lir"- d ,_ BIA ll'ltl'l I we- .,.., .. 11.L'°t .,_ pPIDIOl 111'1'1'1 tvpi'lg D -.1Dft'IQrro"" ..,, ...... _ "'" Mi;wAIW•pl.f'ltlM'11~•1wr'orloWt...-. •Ttr• I~~' G~: 1o1i • .-..1't f.onl. I W!Oot~ N90 l!Vt•.:.Ul1 of ... Mblg COi ::: "*' l •11.....:l ... JIQMMow. ·~, ,..ay ..,,.,.., ID ... ION.-Ull......,.1.~....._llVll~lwada 1111y till Id. MYWb...l C:. dltfl •!t<tJMl" d:a .i.t\ot~ IQ ......... 4 "I'd bf Ot'MlLQo.. m*1-WN IQl!ll l'llf~., on bla~ I /'tlltt_.,.., bt.1~W..toll"'''Mln'ln-- ~1·11~ .... be • QOcd IM "ftN '"'""" know - 1;.-...,., • - ~11111tt: ,, llli6ops; .., ;1~·111 P"I' ._.. 1t·u.. .......... E ~ _,.:r-. Trr1igl"11 r1 be •ftt IO ~ Hf'lhlloi Mrlllld.. 11tt?u1.,... _ lllbJIT'l lt'lty'.,.. ')#......., ·1COfdoriOlnl'llM

Audioscript Test 1

Page 185: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


lt~2 ...... p1916 ..

{'jO!;J • ......_ :1ito ~ in .,,. .. W9l'9 11 ... lcMWI\. "° rd ..-c1tc1 - ..... '*10nnl.rw:ia OIJt "*',,. d(Jn"I "8ppfW\ ...,..., Mt boolw l\llCI...,..,.. l)lllr' 10 ... J. WCI he'CI _,.., ,,._till *101A It M .. -. llWlg!"'llll hlO*l't~ ... ltlll&.illQ.QQJlll.Ab1..l4 lllr:o pl l!:wF • m- lwnl ~«""'1' ll'llllr Jl'l'1 .....nt • • beaw !Nn ~"lid Md, !ti~ oail'«'

~Exam practice Q.ntions J,_2.J p;oe ~1//,,,,....~ •f"l:t'l'f'· ....Jb'ltg .... _l'Q~ .. p.fl<)~'iRa

A'~··'""""'". _, ro """'*' c.lb'9 we • that -,..,g cy • taM ~ Die llM '*"a• N ~......,,.•I ....-l9d CIA. a tot~ {hi: wlllillt. W¥1M Jhet Olr IMri.ly twcl P<amed b .II .. ePft Cl.II pf C. a.-. g;pg>t soi 11.mw.00r tt'IQldllrlt«IJ.a nl.Jl9rl(t Um Eb dtJ "'i* 14 hX • tt't *""G b tl)w #1d IQR!wl L9 Mwt• l:!d C -wt "'CW - twrlf, Ard c.o.uw .. OIJI' IOCl"lllt .... '° big. (fly ...,, ....., ! pm.JdY .. ... ,~•~1 fwt:i IDf lhl ._ 01 h ~to..,. wld tall to 1.11 ltlQlo'I _....~ ~_..,lshld~11Dr~9td"l'"f~"sida~UIO to a ~ta.. wet- "Y une:• ft IU'lt.. rt a~ 1ot.111or Mw"lbc:I ~ IOthl9 ·II · h ti'(,,... .. I love lorV QI!•

~. Wt r. lol.f'ld. '"'"""' Jir,.,,..;. I'd 1

•f"CW;:':CI hQn Rmllf • sjln • m 11)11 twit. Ir...:: my OW"' .... fJW all IU!isliMIOhltlOWl ... llil"<d-;11'111 .. A1CIPMI}\

cu 9l*lt llil0111~ wt ro O'lill-t--.s s~ A!•i·..,.... ,_.d 11....,, be9r1 ,......,~.M '-'d~ .,., ~to ~rg..., ~ N N'd l\lf111C11191' fiO* • 9'Q Mt OIM'I rood. lolJf ~ tll!!alrtJr~m!:t•no•• e•~I\~ bwtl'*1y,. ... IQW i:i,o.....,. ....,,."*' wftO brw.91' '*" ... IO .... *Y•lf'llll'f._~,_....,,~,Mdhe._.., --- nw.. ... l)egilr'l I:) pt. bt I ""V'). 91<1 lo~'°' ....... Ill)

-- nw. ... • lllO t .... "'....,,.... ~10Wl'l - 'Wlr.-. lM""' ...,,.,.. .. IOlllO tt..r •b•~ tJr i(Ji;4,.rM• ... W. w..-.a-1 llilmlnQ far IN~ ... .-N'I .. i\."tJr<I I wna'lw .. ~ lih:llr'll1lllt .l.JfluDIOr;;1tlal 111 IO It'•~ ..-, l'tl:~ V• lmlG.IL hlJCllOI IJOJ"N l!!--.d ri ~ h WtC"l .... "Y ...,_ .. IOtl d 1t1ir9 """"°"'Clo. JN *"MIU!w1n..,,.rrmey ~ llQ:l'•~ tl'.!irWJ tq..., •Q!'jta ll!!gllill.~ ~....,,Ip IOMI O'lf .JQ.l.Jw ~ 1W Ot11lati.;~' • .ttll:.CCl&ld -:Z. blil..:!l.rl' 'lb.l11t111•go(l(I-... ~rm•,.,,, -.. """' ir. -.ct.-y a-."'°" ... .., ... .,...orl'!e f'Oll1l·.l#•~ e..- blA: lllW cou1i.u,to1.,-1tity Cll:ln1 rr-.10r111.4' ~c-itrllfWI ..... Of~~,,,.,,._..,....,.. to ... .,, ...... .,.._.For • .....-. t.blgrww1,..lDI Ddri~'*"* CIOWltd. i....- "'4lft • l:ilO ~ kw h °"""" And l'.'e1 ftt(.. Kf!IMl'Qlftt l"fl.bt«!'d!'I aJ:IQ-ll!:.!:ld) J'Dttan»• "2M! St>-,_/!.., ........ golllr' .... l)Qns'?

5c.ntd ~ - - -1here --9"1'f-- 9t.i- ... ~ -CliLKt~a ... ~ MR!l, wJ*:ibme bnd Ir IT" C«ll""'­ ~,. 9GllC!IOWl'I a ~ .... Ir caayau _,.to tQok It*"'! .., O"l lrl• """"""' 'Nit AW ...... :t. #'Id IOr.'lt '*-'too. 0..QVOt tDid US INl h bab't "'*'- or pUpa. «*'! '"""" ...,.,.. lhfr .. on.-,..,. dey C*1. A.'ld hy're 1"°.,.,. u.r ll!Olhet M lt!! a I I ...

RIF'l@C! IQllAd'W' Son'l8PfoCl'W9 ~'90w..,_ olC - 'thfY lldO'ltlW 1"- eel.Ill .at lt'l8 •icb.11ary .. .n '911.., WI 8l"d tne!l!W'i. tut t t tr ,.. ortv .ct! '? .. So .... ..,.,...,.... far ..ii,,, .. l#G hy'r.c*:J WIOU#'ltD COl)l:..-tolkl food r.._~ lllllicl •*""- ....ily l~Q fx:ls.ao.lf .... Wllf'I .. a1..,,.. ,..,., ~. ~ 9Ulrrc:ta. rct,_,.,. .:1~ -- twc1 • "*9 llki: ___.. bul I Nd r10 .,_ - .. l!!hnor -w!'Kl'l la wwmy 'tr ft' fd., "Wllrd,.. ti!.., .. Cllen tiw-" ltw9 ....... btTJla...t'llCll CM" ..... CblA:iiuJ.

The Pl•"'° Mid a.~ lt'ltl wlcS. ••n ..a c..it..::h"- loud Id .... OI~ llu119i.ig.ttv .. 11"1~ rl90i11 ...... toMI. ... W'19'1'""' "9l!d • ..... I~~ ... IO lac* far .,,,,.,......Mt t•d~ hHrn- wti~.an:r rtt:ll:ld.tQOt ilUnl -or• roo. lfil'fllch ...,., --..!Id f'lllf , 90 toce!

f\01,I ei..,,, p!'Ktlc•

Qw1do11tt-t8 b ..,// tw- • .~ cilJ/l!d L#rw; JJwrr Jnl."trl 11 ... m,,,,. dm ~- lk.- tr1p lo• uol .•~· ... ~,,.. VOii ..... ""'tW'18't lornt Myen.., .....,. '° ... JIOl,.I all teo.11 a l'lpl ••ernOt"o._,,lty t ..- ioa .... ~ Cir! - COlll tiO' tar ....... n. ~. plae..,..,. ~ OI ......, _. C#l _,\I.,,., ... ~ to 00 bfldll ilm W!e ¥ro10 IQllil\. I'd~~ .000..., ("'f "°"""'CU>. bA I was SO: or hOllV Ol' N ~ M !'f'N •• Qd':l wW!t,,.,. 1Qm•RL. .. ..., M!'9,. ot!Qt • - bmw Md 11-veeri

USTl!NIHO PART 2 hlnlng Ot~·•c..,..pep"91 l!i ~'lb !!loo .... '"l lfi061Jb ... ,,. piDUd of "'f pw!Olii&C4 ,, WWI...__...,

.. """'1· ....... ~.,..... .... ~ 9"de.ca. -..•NW irw.·d i:o41 elol C>I" ~OOf'Nl'WIOWlllCl'I ... 1~ ~ not to _,.. !fie IO"ll)OI P'O' tot .,_ ..-C:hM. 1U to Hild "9 'IOJll......-il •I h n.tt'I m21 llliit..a lt'I nont r 1N C .... dlOltln, -~~ Mcs.c .-ty . ., • ...,, ... ~ h 1cur11-11. P ig #Ci. trwiom • ... c:illl<trtrn._ piltvt'IQ ...,. .. Ill' ... IC~. tu! it hlllplld,, • t-..t ,..., ... 1'1 N _...._

(Jirt I ~1d'll tit .. _..... rd l.-i ...-, lrOllJt\ I l"OuCrl • ._.be WI ••'lOlt•Cllll.l'ltry ·IM ttll'f I lllWO""-otd ._bn-'t.,hblckVD.11•J, D'l't. d'n' ·Ok,14 hrr,.:u_ - 8c¥: Htv YO'fl,. f..,,..._ I uoctni NCOQI .. .,... oft,..~'"•. lfQ.ig!·~

Gir: No, Wll0d~r-• fV~••1"*" l"d'vt ...... •!l'l\i ..... ,.. bl· ,, .• ~ Ol.,t ., .... , .

Page 186: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

SPEAKING PART 2 TullnHljj ~~ • 1!•;y,.,,A . Of CNll'I• ... )CM.I """' w .... .,. "°"".. ' ... rlleiy lf'ICIW ~find"'*"* td ... ,.,... to ......... 1.1~.aq.,...., n....., ~,.,.be~*'"'' Mdl l*9Gl'I .. inti.

SPEAKING PART 1 Exam practice

~2 1 wt.. .. Pl """" 'l wt. do )Q.I .. ancu: llwlg hf"e'7 3 'M'llf's "/(:!'I~~• ICl'aol? \'lhy? 4 """'-do you ~ **'G .. ,.., te:l!DdP 5 How ltd yo.. 9l)6nC. - v.~ ~ ~ •.t:JUnlr'es ¥oloi.id p flm to~,. n ltltt ..._,

Wer~ Arid~ .. )'OU're ~~ you i.- lmll IOft ~ lea be9'I blQ5.. i:kJr," JO.I? 'My cto )'O&I .,...,.. .... '>

lans:W.t., ~ ·~•Yo'J·,.a~-...,..,.l!Ott.ald b UM And)'OI- C*'lbu'J' ~II l'wt'61G•9'itty dm'oQll ~. ao ...-. 9EJ!X1 b .. 'If Pl(lpla Atw; I try: I G*° 9M1trr 110 ,.,. n D l)IX;Ul•'l«l19lil.0..1MC.lhla.vlriil;u.J1'11naw.f"'_.~ DIO.b !W..., lcr_.,C!t 11"11~ Ml'° - .. yQI ..... Pl"ol"~ rt.,... !ICl'lad 1howt. How do yat.l ... "*"1 Jcrt °'· 11'teoo1 to~oatw ~ mr •ka. t•~,,.... ,.,.., "" 11'11 Of!9¥ OM • "'V MhOol wO' 91 ~ 'l(ltor' • ti< .... ,_ .. f#C;CI; ard ........... ., or\., ma,be tor - tlt4n$ tf'J'( _., not_.... llr'Clf9.....,.. I al>1or,.....,,,, W;.1 .... abt.U gnt11ng I.,,,.... rt~ al n!I w ,_..,.., W IO .. t;,.t ,_,'! ... ......._ em;to b•tq.HL..Cll.lhdii'la.-ObrJ &&' w:wi rm dOl!lg ti.It ' - , ,.., ... Ydllnet Jll!m: ~'t'M.D .-n::.­ Cll.wt!lbt lt9'.:m. lW!!W llllfll2!: .,.,.. a. So-.t\ln~ irw 11g11 pc:.-C., W?

TO<l"t'. WWI, let s tee - .,..,. ~ IN dlr I -ae CIUI -"' "" ~ ori Int I'd .... ll'll......, to-=tl ~ OOIJ&,.. tome .\IQCll'IO .... Thfy Or'lfy-..ittrlCl•t 901~ _..~ •ll ~. I WM ttlOWl'lg "*"Illy~~ n>- l·d ~ IOdO Jt~tast-Sl'IC!1..,...Wpi1;pc#1• •I •!f!l IO w ,.,. IM 'Wt ltd 1 00- !fx ,,.. ""! - I ~ tl'll '*' Claf'I Mo/ CO:Jallll 9"11>.ql17CI beoarN ·~ to ?l'-r "'" .. lt!r!Jttl M I ..

In!.,...,.,.. Sa_,'/.-. b '*1f* ~IO lililm ~? l't:im:" IM, I ,o.i Wll:f! :"'It '/C4J rui:• rt9F *'' .i n..,.,.,.a.11·(1()1(.,... i;..~~IDl bba'lll~ ~·ll"G•--·Ul.n&:'I ~...blll'mlJll!llllllt<IQ, 8o1•1• ""(lyt ... nod*#CIJf'ld lkea-.C::.r. bAtl' .... b II• CV>! tol'*On.,~ Ano ....,., - ·~ ll*f .-. OIJI .,.... N .... wl..,. up .. • J*4cl Ml'll-Clfl:'f.' .......... <: .-~I .... ·II)~·_.,,,_ In cto 'ih'1t - 11f1Y I '°" """" to ••,,..........._ '"'""""' So~,,_. b,... ~- T~ At"( .. ? loM w.11, I ... '°M"tl llt.to.ll 1 ,,_ di.- _,,,. toOr'I r.. .,.._. ..,._ ~ .. Cl':)l..rt ... IO~ pac:d9. llO -.r"d tie ;oocl. r.,. MW!....,.• W P90P-• '1 ""I - wl'd111 -.0 tSD I~. to .. OGvd 00 I~. 11111» C pla ltar'9d a.ii TX.miDofu.t ~ •~~~Tl~ llnKl'll l:*sll fcr-1".e:C!rA.SI I'll be QOolll,i.. ....... _'1...f .. ~ If'!~ Thrlca, lOf"'-

116 I Test 1 Aodlaa tpt

LISTENING ""llT 4 l")lj,} fom pr9Clice

Qelt•llo" ?.-i..-JI ., ... ,u...,.,11,~~.-,.,...,11<tr1n..o..-." ..,.,, W17 l'"'"'-'lw,.,,. rtli,......1ftMll nl;rtti 1"9 dJiro 11"•* .... 11-..w,--..it~ ~eMI'" 'Toclily r., w•!t -:OM o..tori .-.0 .. <iO' _.. ......- ---·' T~ ThVI rf;l'fl _._..,~ MdJW'f9,..,,. goocr-.. 11. ....,"!:Yoo. -..it? T .. UI "°" :rou OOI stanfd. Ten: \Vel,.., '111 ....... ......., .. ~· .... ~Ill cnlOlln'* .-bJt.._, 1..-~1,_,_,,......., :iotui ... ago. 'Ntdld~et~. 8"0uQI! . .-dmt...,_-=:toers-= I ... .....,~ b.t .... !'I ..... It,..,..~ N • WPM) "Tlil ~·~l\'.JZUl!l lt'l'l.LlllL.JliillMcl flCl!r 'OftO!W'• Mr I - IQ C" h I ft.'n.CM!tl,..,, trd OP' _,,,""' ....... ~l ... )Q.l~-- ... 1)(.:llllnQ.liahl

"""""" ~on. 1Ool....,1111 -.i kllaat. iii Ul8Qm'dorl Or-.rerd ,.........~ ~,..; "*'*'O.,... b#ls e a 1kfta. l)at i.~ ~ ,...._ ldal'l't~ Ir.at•.- ldoWa bil 4betlJ..,.. ~I 1 P'3llfl wrott1J ao 'W 111•1 b , .. nzr !rt at IL tn I ;aa40U41 ..tlf'l lhllr9 WM_...,.., --.i IO~ .. ~ .... bl~

.,, •.• ,,, .. «d•wt•t ,,....._ ~orfy--' ~ - no.. ......... "'1'll'fl .... ioc:.: lltlOf) Olellf'9.,.,. tu'nlO CUI to 0. ft!le arid ""' t)'Ol!'W"t )00 • Ott Cllcydlill

~~ .. J N bMll.~ to vy _.,...., apQl'IS. tot.., by• i.. <1tMOtrftc'I•~ .. fl•awioe•eow~ Uy ..,,...~ ..- '"'1v ~. bolt..., 1 .... O"I ... • •l'l'W'l Ntyw•., ftt okW DCr'ltl" #'II .... UICi ,,.,..d.,.. .... - n.-" l'ft1 • ~ &IDL.IQ..bllva.i.a l"ll ctwa 10.m.&.- 11Jl.11....,_IJ:.2i2ll·111Lm.Jiart2tlll.la.a. ..... v lf'!l!r .., ,..1~ IOng,.,,., IOI"'- IP'llfll. '*- Cl'OyelMW.,_e ...., • - ponr ,.._, Mv ll'wdl I bit ''*" W II ._.,,,llbr'Vb*ION ••bec*.W9'.....,,~ ~ ..... 0.. r..:11.._ ~~Irle .... Y4t huol ....... ,.,, Giid..., i:wll'riMCI. and IN.....,_, .on h ..._._...~,rd ...._ ·rr1...,.... • 'lt-•I • -.ilct qi" toads d Dhotmb mt" 9d'QO Pl'O!llCI &1ml fun M tn 'fl ·4'1m'l 1 IQC 3*S oc Wiit ,_, 10 trWlll JO ~ i:.,. '#.,,.. • ~ bi.ll"CJll tOld "' 9f1 10 h hlM*ll """" • ..tlicti ..._, OWi 10 bt M Of ,_.,.,Is. '1Vrn .._,Dad .... dlliifMO. bA I 'tW,l ;n •«• 0-Wt~ I •on w:.11;°' PN*J0!'80t:y dCN. -"OOC1'1-"'YMerm ww.,.."f ii :ec ~ I got bee.lo. _, ldlOOI -! Tl"9~1tel.,,, ........... b-.:1 .... d'I • ....,.~ ~n. a.......,_.,,.,.'*"' m........:tw Ni M'O bee». ' Ol!f pr M gw lldt ol N - KlQM IMW. Dr '»LA.WU wn1y Me ltt m "rA!)QM +s I 1¥M Cc! Qt Cl'!' &• It ... h • ll'ICIGra w•'cl Ml~ II .... ,_., QIAl Wiiii 110 C-:Q

MIUrW1 Tt.~li'l'•NMddn'f,....t:l<•MIQI "· ~ 1M ~ 1 I OIUd fNt Wiii to.11'(1 °""Wit'!. Myot.11y. rd .._ k*"8 QI b0Cllil9 l!f,tl .,,..-.. m I ••OK Vy~ ...., I lull ... ---1 tnllted 11 • f\Milll! ., lnM.lld-

Page 187: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

~1 t AudloKript I 187

0..!'11!1 I lrir* ..... do,.,,......., I' )'OIJ 8 ~ tarllaU '°"" 1tflC ..... ,.... f'\1)'1)1,.., ..... o ~ a.v •. t'lw'l nol lW "-":>cutrr 'M'll dO .,.._. --., Maito1 Mlllao'. I IN* trW't tf\Je. Ne .... ton •"w• Y'Olol etn"f GO .,_,..~ °'"' .... WMk. ,,., hlr..-~ b Oll~

~uur~oo~..,..,..._ ~ •OOod ..,,...,.,,.,., ..... , UM:o: [rift,, I.,.... bilCalM I ·-.fps lo a.'IOlr I st~ ..... ~IOOCI- _,,.1 n.ioc..-- Do JO.I#,!,., er--i.t o.t'IL CO! ;. Md...,....... lbJallilb ooni fl!Wtl ....- "°"' i'I Cf- to ~ need ., do • ~· n.:ni.e. WCet\OCUIQr ~people..,~., Gl"'N'S •re cea: b' jlOU.. w.rdoYCM ... _, c>m:t'll: .,...,.,, dO'I, INiy-- _, ..,~ ....... or.-..,, ..., good....,"°"" Vf'l8t do'°" f'IW:kOtl, MM:o1 U.00:.1 NdlQr< l'llre's~ W!0l'l9 wilt-paying WI - ...,.... as lcni; .. 'JOoJ cb'li '*' t'W!l'I 11! °'i- lilo.S'_,.... oec.­ ,..,..., beca.8e. "*"not,,.. •. hlllltlly

~ n-..wi yo.i. 1bt s ne ~ot ttw test. c:nst~..,..,. )'Oi.o

Sl'EAKINO -T 4 TfWnlng

('i ·~)4 nWlocutor' Do...,. fllll lDo'NCI\•••·-- ...... CfliWWJ

loWQO Wel,.11'111,.t. If-~_._ ..... hn ~'S ~ ..

~ o¥fll'I 1"*'91 • ""'"• O"Mina CNrM. 1"~,.,,.., IW: "'~ ~·• dor'I'..,. doic<o ,_ Wno ~ IO lht.'t:n Mt' tnl!T"t ""'*"*'C> tflln ftDf _ _, o--... , .,.., • ""' Vou .... to 00 """" u.eo 01(,. _, ll'tlitlJ!Jdl • . •no! ~11"""" PIO toalCIH.-.o-,.._..,..,~.,.·itspuw 1 '*"·~•tt•y ... \«It,.._ .e llC?ICU

Olmbnl: h'll I cm!• )'OU ....., Nia )Q.I _,do" I~ 9' .. ...-.'Id ... __

~R~ °'911!'11: OK. I"'* "feclfW Ol'I ht OM #'fl 'llbll Qo n1 m -...,p11yillg:CIDllp!llW ..... , '"""' 1111"1 ~., .. at. ~ IOOIW'\... .,_,,.....,_ f*'l-..,..1 Pt~ll(lD-'ld ieoiA t#O hQn fl#tll'f l*Y',"" ~ - ..... Na.OK...- O'!Cl'l ..... _.,.l,,..., ..... IQOl,Q'. .••• ytllj

SPEAl<JNO PART 3 Trolnlng ~·. ~w. ,.,., f"d ,... to 14111; .tDAI WDTOl'll inq lc:QdtlOf for llbOiit l1lrM .......... 1-1 ~art~• ... •l.dat'll'll *1 llW lillNCi ri1.i. talll. lO ..Cl\ otll• ltQ4 W'ly II ...,. !19 inlf)Ol'lll'll ID do ht!le .Jll!llnnil afJ'ffl!m .. liOllOIJI. n.t .-.Oe ~ twO ..... !Mhnol~atil ior ...,....tt IO 11.:t ..... dlol)I Al"O'f1 ~' ()1(.0......... ..... ...,.Kn .. pct.,.,,..., C.t NI' .... I Winlo rl"• .._. ~ ltVIQ lO do ... term Is pourh~oeca.. .............. ,_ yo~,_...,~ you do°"*.,...... ~no• You ....-OOf'IO ""-Oo: I 8QNe- Ard ill!O ,au'I pi Ir»~ >Mll'l ~ ~ II )'Cll.l 1'4'¥M'1doN ~lioa••Ofll, Bui_... •bce1t ltlia~al .uierns OOfniJ ••en..., tieni:111 Oislm• Will. hft .. 1,,..,....,.. '*»!JM ......... nttd 10 ~ 1.'l8J' ~. IJ'CI n 900CI ;o1111111..,.. '/04JI.,._. '/Out "-'di U8'00. I .... wtw 111)!.1~ IM ; ... IP>Me ~b.dera- tt'e or.J)la"M ~ll--danQ&OoiCWt belier 10 lllilila. Q'9U'lo; lit:.!lllJg llJl'1 C:?t ht Volqbll-. r'IQI rela:lr9. "'4#00: ""1 eooi'1 •OOOd..., lo··"""' Cl'.-h; nae) >rM)' IU. NG f l'Qt.l CllltyccmpJl«Qat'W ~ «:ftOol •..... ._person, llw'IJOJ night• nor.e.ocdlad._, - ~ ~ ttillt docs.., l*IJ)le to~ lfthe)> .. t9d. bad .., ........ Crm1rwa: Mir,oe Why ee ~ l*'lk ~rwig TV ,., 91"· t:19 ~I'll '°students .... ~ Mrta: 'Nilll n *"' .. '° ~ oo~.,,......1.....,.-k)I' -.leq!l()I':, Ol 1Clf an!~ Crtticr'la 'M.. t !ge Ano allo. tofl'lllr.a ,cu ear ·.-n new

""""" lillreo: .,,,,,..,. o;tit.

C"Slm· &m.- tiaveni .._,tboUI lt1ilorie)'9l MMO--he ~ t!.....-Vto P'tPft' __..,.. V.""f ~that be ln'pot-:r:?

Cllstnii OK. liot"I pil:t ... --- r->piit llho ~WCI'..,,..., thl:tnl~ 11 Of a Of~_.... e 1QOwr•nn•101 .... Y.+'iicf'I - .-wt "• • ioclll*lO .,.,.. • lln " .. ~ IJlll*o ... fwit'le~l)tl• .. ~ap - •IDt- ,_.., l:«>iueell'le'lgat!oe101-. ••I ._,,_~1lli0r'lli OJ1clocn.M h ~¥:1W ~~,..,..°'~lo snei IO ~ plecee for Nt WOl'k. AN:! lho. lhl two Jc1t1t .. ..,...., e-:a.s. wc:.1111 <J ""'-*'1ell "WW be Wt·~ .... a ... lill4 P'ldcO' .... .,.. mll;;I ,..., T<" ...-.e .. 1f<li4\ Ill! f'I• .... M I• 111 k>p, I ~ JO)' tr>• N ,_'°" CiOIM be •11•n'"1 ..,_fl• IOb ~"' i..1111._...,.1k1o. .,.... .,..,., 9!llDot '" h 4'111 • fl<t ~. tile d 0 4.t'4!' S'*I DI .-ijl!I_, f h lilJOlll..,,... ~ 1»4)d ~VI rt 91111 ... _., • ............ ~ ~ Hlr1i»ib n.. ~ cn.c.. N11wt Mllm. rlo::.'t Cl' ...... Jlf'I• dO VU" lhr* wo.lld.11• ft'W)?W lt!!$:ull1 MMOO Will, I «kin I,..,...,.. blot~,__ l<.1 "'914 •bl ol ..... n; tolOdl .,._ llrl lO I g.-N .-1 ICC>• .... #!cull Or Nll'Jcriey•c t IOO""*GF" •rttk)' •>'Tlfl(ln'- Ila• •.ampl9 I ,o.i'fll lft"°"""G ~,......._, .1r"1 -r.11.1"..g,.. "'"' -,.,.,. .. ._.YOOCMI....._

Page 188: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

rl Wot )QI ...... I N.:I ~ IO- l"lt 11re- ¥lf'lll *'- fG1 .. -~OK'? 9y-. a.JI h~· Jlbw kw,_,,.,.. #.man._,.. • ...., ....rt' f"" .,.\¥ jlnl

; '••~ ltUrNtllWpfllud.e...t11• ~ HI. ICarirl. Dia )IO'I dO tr'lll fl'Ulic 1J.iir I ~ )Olll 0.-t -.in-" 1 "°"Ir" 1 w- bids axiui. ~ .. ,.., -~~q Iii

Boy. RNil'/' I VIOi.lli'll ll"'Y.,.,. p-.rty st aol-& aa d e"'9ll h O"llll llbQt.n ph:;lt:ls ol b9nca.

Grt Wiii. fTll)W I Jw; don'I lq'IQllllr W'laO. acrw .:::..0 b:ilc ille. Aad ..,.,. ol -«-. q • Ool-1....,. 101 00Uldrt1 ~. ""-11 get the.._,. ~IJ ~ kA d !be !w41M91 Jldl;!)i llbg.d 0~0- ..... WCL - I f!'W,, )<OU to to lcJMlls ot CIDl"IOel1S I dorll ....,. OI) i.. Roy: I~ yau·• nghl Oh-'· .,._. l.dl. i.t "1'Nll

"'" J<• ~ ,.../f'WJ, .......... ,,,,., ... ,..,.., ,....." llM~tUMittlff~( ~· 0oy: WNI dld)Gi fi*ol lr'll.,.. d;ilrlll .. lft ':t1ll Cll'/°'""- 1.m(! ~:Wal.'.,.,_,,...._ 11>goandha.e •b)lo. • .ol~­ Sal.l"day. n..1s a ._._..ety d ~ ew.. .,, ...... S---Jfto ... ~~!!IW~c:dl:::ll#- Soy. v.h, bu! tlw pnce ta;s <ooimd a bl tigtl ID me.. Get 1M hl'S.,.. vou'lfil'ld 11'1hatr~111 #'d n 'Mlfttl Pt'Jq •or men t:ir c;iocl slull" I f"lvhl '*"- to to lllGlll" Cll't • clllrcnldwf,...,._,. E..'lltRll.i:»QblitA 1•Sc 1 sat'la~_l Q<d...,;nmwMM tiny" Will, i. mt ll"IOW ..._. _ rl WM tod .\u )W.\,...""' •'bJw,., •1"ftrel •bolll A.IJ 1«rtt1follllil(i' ~ ,.i.,, "'°'*"., ~<t ~ Mow' "°"~ bWJ Boy OK. ...,_,". OCllSIOtO'I ntocias. ·-. bt ....... - t'IO lOlll'J fl:lr ,,....,,_ Gt!; SoJrds. bil ~ Boy TM!'s ble&IMYoU bw~ ntown! &A we ...c fOr..,_ andr1v9'•hll wnOICdl~...cr.~ft ... ...,. ............ Ort b9n mort ~ Boy: vv.r. mv min bid • r r Pn 1o corJ1 - 1 1t-iow""" 1r.r1 ""' ll)Or1'l-..,. lg hi DICC" mn1 • Ptt P"111tl-.. ••••nMmrn •1QAQ:""'.., ~....-ii..o ............ _ • .....,.,.. lM. do°I" .. ..,.... .......... «'IOIO"I ... ..,_

_\;,...,. r-~.,..,,,,._...,,,.,,_. n.,.,..,_, ..... , Hi. G~ " I Mes.. ,.,,, .I'* "W'91'9 llbau! edlOci. SOfo\o "°" CICllUktll be ttw. today-~ 'fDU'M ~ _., ~ I.ML rwnt 10 w QI• ma "'* ... ....,.. • » 1w aanva Mr .l.an&£MQ MO l"9 Wtaen down 1l'lll .... be tr.hn; OJI P"C!'Q1 in1ht *ecn. tu I••'* N hi.., ams_ had"° do~•~ bffoiotwt.,,..,.., $oan yo.; lilll mek"tl># whm ldrd Cll ~~I dr:li'"l Wrd _,.,...a to.non b .,...." fnll Ol..l •'t ~Cat ET.e ... OK?.,..°""­ ,,... .. '-'"•pl lilrlbq ""-' *""' ,_ .... -- ....... ..:.., -"-"- How (jJtl,,., frr'I"

LISTENING PART 1 Tt'Dlnlng ~lc~M91fM\

8I!Jz• Boy: rm,_,.,d~tcl wht'lliutpl ; '4)11y OO"fl*-;:JIOl\I ..,,_, G11tlhecnt'fOOll' 8rl leee>'let~- lhtdlOMW'd! ptlCdOI yOJ tlJ:lukt p..t ti, dlct'l't ft? Boy: Mnm, and..tltl!'I I locMd II ti...,.. t thOual'll I a'IOeld• dwq .. ...,....,. G.,, WtA, to~ llM• I ~ 'fOl/d done bttl#' or. 'IWI t"llt. bl.11 ll'WI., ~ #l't k"IOWw'IM on. ~-- Jfl(llot ~ i;. .....

Bov: Bi.II ~ng • ,,,_, w!ll'll I ti·~ L~~ IOllllr.'dl'O. Gri:Wflll,~.UD.-~ "10111d:n blm mcn..ltl., ont ,.,,HI BJt at •st )°'O'I cM-1 '1 llDl"ll

'""' 80)". Not '"uctl lO bl prQUd al, ~.11 lt1 Gri; I gue91s not -

~ Exam practice

Qu1:s1k>n1 1-8 o" l(•lf ~ .. ,. • ~· tiJ/.lJ't'l ••'~'"' • !rf"'rhlfl rwnt lfJi,n "Q' tlol'" "-ltAt' II•• 1 Wwt .... ~up 11'1 ltlt fl'lrnOOI' '°Olay'"·~·" Nd l'IO Id"-""''*' ... d got 10 no ti'ld WflflOIA _,.....,... w......,. qlntit l)'Op...C to tell• • b"Nk ~ No '11lllci'i • " ra"'4 Bui 11' fact .... ~ te> ~Ill "1~!\ N ""'°"' fNll~ ,.,lhoul J10ppnQ 11.laol-:~ '.G..f!Ml»1 ='"It dQ't'I lt:!11.a•Ttttdd11lhllllm(•rj Miit! .... ,.., 9'tY ' Arfrwltr, rrnglad"" "''*" dict'l'tQtl poetpMed beeaJ!le of the •atl'ler. ~"wt W171!

""" Yoa ~ :wo far-ub t.al.biw .bout 1t lrit?ftt /tut1't rhC'J' 'IOI! JM'<'I 6Gd. IJ'hlat '*' ;Ji.,.· bolJr ttgrtt1 Boy: Phew! r'rlQl8dOW' ~ce lnson) av. fortt.OtY. nn't )'OU? I~ .... d,..,... pt to the.,.,__ rm ,...ny ~ Ori: 'M!ll, thlll .. bKllM It ...... (lWf °""'* i..on lodlY • '* tlwt)I ~ Of"i 10' OYll' l'!lo'Q hl:lln, CIOffni: "'I w• ~r'1*d, ll~Jh • 1'0 ,..i1y ..... ot:t •bolA ~°"' blll°"91 C .... 90 L Wll.,. Cd 11oow1_1o'Jd. ILll blr!W 1'111'.1 I de. 8oy ~btUlllu'.l!tDrQneirlOllCm&. .,,. 1. tetc1n.1111Q tl'l!'lc. ~ • 1 !'Mlly 1Mct .,.,no 1t1t r'llOd.l h ~Mllll).

Girt: I g~ - I!!& DVD In h lt:lftlf'Y't ~, °'""· 11'1CMgt\ ••• Boy. tti..i-cbn't 1tnow llbolJI_ ''*- ,.,..,, Yo1t AMr a pi kint.'W a 1'0.ICC'.llla.il ~Jot- lirr fa.:1-: ff.'ir/ is slir piwori;,"81 HI, 080.111 Fiona. Haw )Cltfhitfled wcrk.)'91? As you know, l'"I ~ng out W1M ny Minds in'°"""' 1111« Oii - tht.'lks IOr hl""Oif'/ kif !he l:CIOC:Wl. by ihe way! So I WM •OI Oii"~ 'II II )'OU oo.td do ~fott!'& l'w ~ ~- ~t~. IOQ:lllD vw '>!y •!QPM lbt --hoi'N al'IGM1.IOnl.1f1nM1'12:

Audioscript Test 2

Page 189: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


Pt~ 1 ... p .... )

71'fz41J ..\"'o•llitn'J a waa ttw ...,.......,,. ~ "*"°' leit\l;)oi'hllfY . ..., ~ .,.,,_, I 10 tie ~ but no Gnit cc;UO ~ wl'lal • ll"Ol.td do10 t -Of--- ~10 ....... &uwe.CllddlO.Jl'LA_ tntll•. ti• tw.dt Ip F Ip bs.lJCI!• QI• I I .,.

_,~.,_,, ... •OW;a9'we"all~n._c.,...,.­ tJ*lll day nw .. as Nd)' ,.... to do - w --1t1 11 ..,,. ri. ._on • r.-. wt'lfll'I .,,. Qml..-rto lie" llYflll mm, ertchld m 1tW fqI! ~u~,...!IOf'Utar~ ~ Eum prac:lice X.11-M -trvJ .. J.11." tol!flrrabuwcr1"-"'!flfllb ,. • ...,,,,.,,_,,... ~.,..,., My~~ brndlry WllacaT!•'lg...,. but I .ttll hldn'1 * l • ed ""'* ft"d .... I'd l'1ougt'f motJt taking,... to OU" ~car. .-id b."4flO 1'91' 1D11m d.:. u.m - tn.n I coud ....... eom. ~ &.it ..-.ot we ...,. ._. eo.wy SllNday "ef'll'llf'f, .,..... odr., ....-n "*'11 port. Tllefl IM m r. tdM a« emtig«w -.f~S & "IY*D bi.c.lkntwllhe'dlflie"luonlld• cone:.-: st. """"1 _,._, to go to. ao 1 OOl lietllClo ror bcr:'l OI • • ._ ..,-. b 1?'.0 as • __,,, ~.,.,, l!'<ICU'l!fl blnc:t, but l •·• .., ot< -*'9 - ~ trON l'Tlp(lf"ar'.,.,., .,.. ()1.-ed -

Test 2 ,t• • setpt I 189

I w• .,pnMd ti) llind 1181 hCllYe we .... f'I W19CIC'rl~ ay. IPl!'l frorw • I'll Jhlt ,., r!mt 'e'9" I wtjm • .,.._.i 10 nlm.l"f • bl ID90I rte rt And .... W.. llt() • watethll ..... ~.mo a K¥'f '*tk ,_ .. ,..1:11(::111; d ctie e.... Nffdm• 10U'f.'100t9-"1 ~ »•~-- ~ nie.._ ... ..., \It lO IOc:fl • ir. ....... IVdir. b-nlbc:N: I!'

rl'>t~ fl'1d ..,....,_,. ....... ~...,.. .. tlOIAd .. ., ti-er. .... • Cl),....., PtGPt t!llrll .... 'OCll. - ....., - •"'-'· :rd......,."' "'19"0'4l IPOJC!hl S..., uw 1 "IOtM _, ~ rocll. bA ldlct1.l.._...._... 'Aw l!W!!:tng ,._._.. .... •11. :IWl&tvdl tt'aiOOkad l..Jld. .. _. nl~ 9ntl I••• bll .,.,baJ a.O .t'9l'I I 'Wd to Mt It•• "-'- lllftrtr».,._. ,_.<*\'I~..,,.,., •I It. I ~l'lttclllA ..... .-.,.c. ..... .....,11__,·1\"9d ftw ~no, IMI ~ .. O.._-.ii.a-9 IW INC.... !wt onct ._...,., 1 .... .mg "*' lM ~l~V!J ..,,.,.hill d Cl' I De ?'kM Nle!!wl II• h lntnpWalw;a d !Tit mrt !ll(ltJl!frt.a*rk 'nz:rl'9r121. Aff..-._..,,.. 01A ol ._ c.-.-. weWWtl: ""°a ofWOO'llln ~ dCIH bf. II .._ .,.. Old mll 11'111 tlld we btllS' Pt> 1 •4d 11)' .... 11..,,.. qndt wtcl IO ft'ldlo• otirn WIO llo..lf' b ~ tk,.. ... L l'I \11.:l lO .,., Q'""tJ'd :1111. y.n dr ~j"IM • • • dMIQ. llllM ~ ..,_, _,,,... Tlllt "'- Plt1d011t 11111111 911 ••......,n .OOut .. IUNry Cd .,..,..., 1Nlt ..... .,.,._,. "11),e' .. __ wei. ·~.,.....

CJl>OI•• al lht W......,.. wt'10 hi~ "'"° ......... Jbw Jltft. .... I • .., I ... w ,..J1'ClrDID!i la' ,,,. l'\"8Zl.Otl..n. ldft..bWl\.n..·d~·1rtb...,..llSS.DOdla.ai.1tau ..... n ..,,,, Dn•Jf'i"..b ~ g:I ~r:· .... IOUllft. r"' hcc*'f 10 to ._,., llQ~ln 1gio ~ \1\1111, biolll In ..,. ,.,..,.,,. . ._ l'1tl .. • COi- Of b0Qii9 IO l'llllftW!d 1111e O\' •M I ._1• lJw h ON Iii clllld Hl<tiflr! WOtfd -'Cl ~ llJl9 Cll 0.C... 1C1C1U1 l'te .. .,_ 'b.11 h l':""IW..W.J.t·.w-~ '°IU • reotoe .,,. Cd• hl¥t ... Jfltlclt .... 11~-

.,. ,,,.


&!.!'lb I ...._,.I~ Jot"~ IDCU l7lp ID~ #*'W ,.rtt. Our .en. M(I k6:f I.Ill ..... d be INdl.fllCIOOI ....... ti .... •ptidlilv tt'lt'-.r- •• •ad,.....,~ l"ltJ11111,. Ard

; ; o ey ... ...,. hO tor"'e G• "'Ml IWI Nd 9\flf ~ f!iglll h WW()ll'*'tC)t h o«e. t'tl hliQlll llf'l(:-.n. 1n11 I •Lllinlr •dr1 wWl1 to._.. wlltl:)ull ... !'IQ ~ IM r1:1 t...,.. NI -.CIOl)ldono,. .. "'4 DOn 11...., ~ -...we1 _,.. •lllt• .._.~onlhtedQl_lhf.._tOl_..'I.....,

•~w.i1>-d!C* 1':110-1. Wt!I~ • • -· --.f'Oll""' 9'e Olr1', .. '*'ID 111 .,_I WO"*'-!. w.., .. ,,,,. Ott f'OM. M '""''"' w...rt .. _,•I'd .... ..._ ..,d I~ fur,~ I! "1•111'1 ... t~0..1"'4'- tlto~ "" • sr.M fOf fllnl.W· ... .,., - IO'nf '""' 10 IPl'id (lr'I ... ~ Nrt..-- In .. Ql'lll lft h ~ wTlil;tl •• l""fY OOCll All• ... ~ Mhlid °"' cte. p;cnlC, MO II"' ~· .. •I~ It l9tild IO~ 110 M a!I ~"'Iv I lfWl1llr r 1,.,_ Nrll--. U· .. Ml ....., ..... 11/t '°'""kl' .. 0.. ......... If• ... 9'9 loJW pclllC ,,; ,,._. -"Olt - ~~"'· 1~..-2 .......... )...-.4mm~ I iW!lfon t ""-*i#l f ..,vtn::nMl1' & Ille~ 11 I"- 10 Ffl/:lf.JOl'f

t'\~ Ex•mp~ Qtieuw.•• •·If! :ro.e ..,. ... ,,. • ..,,.,JtIH '""" w/11""'-•r .. wmr.w •·•1t- •I# llb nA,~11• ~llN..,.tl! ~ Hiio . .,.)Oi4' ~._.... .. tw.yM.-..., Mdl Wlr'ltlO lelya.i

llllOllf 19' N10ttW1 ldlOall O'lp !GI olaet ~ Mat1*1\ _,.Id- hU aomt "'°""' C8W'M bllcM< lht l"OUM .......... OOOlml 111>-: Curl..,.., ...,.Ol'!rw.. ~ 8d.Jllily ...ei-.am--. :ua NII!~ ttoOtcO'IO!w •Nw.rll9d IDtllf>•ut-W,_ lf'IOU!l'll .... d .. ,., .... tor~ tut!;lctsl"-*1.,,., "'"'°'~·DI. T"le ca.. ~QI.Ille iw hm CM W'OCll eocu MOC~ iita • dleide "'°"* .... d tni• ... thai.V~ i:o- ;ran_., be .. moll CQ'I•,.....-, ~ then "• rmtNll - ·o - eo IJll taxil ilom .,. -IOn., It!•~ llilatht..tr.dJi'9. ~Jlboll"1• trulbla to eer OI Or'l tA1 ld'IWllU'et 'M'wtn - •m...O 111 .,.. m.,.-. • •t...., to ,_ • bll """'°"" • .. ~ tt..., m.gt~ bt,...., tr!"lll ~ Clttk. ln1~ ~- h <:aYMal Nd COIDl.nd lgh!t ll'ICIV B'fh *'Pl 1..8 Ill I .... ID.ii~ J!o!itd 1$ t"ll'f~W IO He t* ltlecwtc -- rn.dti. hi WV.~ ... .:uoc. .,..; .. OIAdfl ~\d. gnc. ..... ~ tmt us ,,. c:a'eS '"*" beer- ~ ~ -..mar. tot llOlr:J &e.oco years. Ttwy'd brd ~d""' tnwe lll"d 90IM ~ ~ Wti ... tlOOl........,#"?\'red:::S~.lwd..a.Jll.ara&.

I can ~ti. ':t"9 ™"' • mr ~<="*..net\._~ wamm ut tor, 1Ytlrrnnng UiW ,.,. rdony11.11t......-n 10-..m bJt 1- k..-i toijl,,. I• IP $omt ~ PtoP1t fn .. QrolA> _,, fit*' -~-d~ blllln dDng ti for ago. rid.,,.,. gO( lfG'll. 8Cl'c. .. POCll.l ....,.didn't .... l'dm.11t1g19.,.., 'OUI Olf I ..... 81.11 l:a$nl.aall ltlzald ~ •-.dd.-iff)'Ol.I,.. ~,,..,. .-,or• •"'f tl'O'e' Du 1,.. Qpl ~ on r. wA11 ot 11""1 poet on ..... ~~ •e1t.,1~wl!•d"'..,.y»F-andl~d

Page 190: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

WJ Exam pntetlce b...,yfJlwor111t._.,...,~ ... !lt•pimiWif."'J'~ . .to ..,.Js • .,-! a..,.i "'" ~. -"18!- ........,iew.: Todai, Of s...dly S&dWll$ l'IT' iaiklng to ATft'f Fimhot, _.., g09l to e S:lll.rd1y er! cilM • a et\ll:to In htif c*)' Amo,·. whit ~ ,,:.. JOf'l lht ~ it't -. enc OlllC81 ~ .,...,..,, rriy l'"U" .-i;ow. paint .. .., ....... .,_.,. Nin '*""' ..aund .. hCIU9 bl.It I jut llltUtl'\ 'lf1fV OCJC1C1 .. ..-V ?lltl'TI .... ly. .cs I_.. lwMn • • IQIDUlll~ rg,11..M)r ...,.._ &1Li21.-tnm., I Ck1rr1 ._.I'd- Q(IOll ._•tll....,.... ,,._, ~ ac ,.. ~ O)JI) IOd Mt eca,11; IN an orr.- #1d • Mli.""'1tPlrltcl I •itdlDQflt .... ,..,.. IO~*'"" 11'111, to ro IMI ~ oboul """"" CM,..,, ...... ~ ......... ~ -· tr.'Y•.-: Aria hclWdO JO.I'- .__)GI .... Qcf IO lhe -..1 Nffy. Wee. ......... I ~I ro tMttceWIO..il'I. ti.aMI .... It'd N • 1>9 c:1eM.. ..e 'Oii d r~ but• toOrl •I GI°' .... I fQllrd WM!l'8 "9t lUd'l I ncie 8111:osp•s lhll I .J11t"'-9cl. I - ~ Ot'll 01 Ole OlldMI orw. ttlers. !II.fl tot. d '*°" Nd 9C1C .,... Mt Gi4 I I '41 r: -.iprnere wilt! ew-1, like bQ toldllrs 10 c.'1\1' "'-11'C111 II\- 80,.,. !X!C!eE*I tlW twy'S: .. > t 1'*1 a& bUl ..... lfl!llNed • Nr__. I «""d 911& tt., ..,..'\ - so ... w••"""'- Hec .1 •••. ~ dd lne -.:f'l6I' .. "°" • Wt( O" 8'YJ'll"9 .. P9t1Clhrfio'lt? ,,.,.,.,. .,..., b'8k:.., dlooell ~- ~ ... , ... .... ·~ot l•, otk....cl 10eJllllflOt't ll'IOt8. WClll .. ,..,_...,,..,.CO.... I kNmr I "'1W1Vfl\' OCliOd Ill dlMflQ. aol lOoll.,1bt...., •lff9-..1 ccaild ~ Cll'l l'lllMCI .. ~ &lt:l-"'*'D PMI 11.1.'le ~IA- .... ~·J~Ul!llllD'l lbl!IQl.flf\

r ""' .., ex..~ """" ""°""!\ 1n1 .. u • n ... •• ~-Ulk_'!Ure ~w • ·'-1,,,. #tieh blll!lr ttwi paltltr'IQ.,.

--.~--~ '° ..... l'Ml"Y~ /ltM ... 8'* • rsw ~Nd ID ah'•• ,,.._,_..Of.,._ )'OIJ Gdof\119 toh ... of the p10- ls.,_ ,..,., kry. V... ..0 I 4sb ._ wnnt 1'I dO tJ CM!oAtwl w!lt! Pm plW '*"'•rsa;r m•r;n -·=n'fgl ~ - ti.It'""' wt'lll'..., PfQPll ll'owed ~ ~1 '811 lftOI btclll' .. qi.-.'-'" ,,.....pllC_ MO'l't c..i COl'ftOlll'ecl At.s I GICI • l'O PA:• lor Oii ~..., ,.,,,. • .wch lhougnl --- ""-"~ $0 ..... vou clilab'..-.id ~ IDCU( jOl.rMd •.,, .,..i ~ ........ 1.-q ,,. ..... ., #flt: 'Mo\ O'W h'IQ f'd ,..., cir,,. t»fo"9 ... ' IQ ~ .. "9 CIOml)UW ll'l(I tf!8"! 1.aing: .,.. .. _..111 tdll I • 11 ... • Diian .... """8'!nol4" l"\111,..,.; QtAi1 I bll ol l'ltlr; I' kam l!!Mlh.m:: 11~~ wt«J;o~UDod 1Rkt11l a.no. OJ "°"" ~.,.... w..q, 1''119 dlOIM toml Wtye.....,o.y a..qam bb 1.,....... ~ Ancl .,.. .. )ICM" ~)kW?

,,,,,,: 0...: SI-. WIOw9 an b!NI tor aboUt Cl ""1.-t lrt.Sts. arll1 _..._...._. i-.JI 10..:JuptOOUI ~~I t..n'I -. ir. *)fat. fM Jbt !l)DQ M'S IW if pw M'Y8n.tfle._

.... dif!!lr!m .... I)« .. '•• 0111:ltmldo~ M 1twv CiW'fl OQ & t!XI •)It fWWI Mi f "Ltl;m.Jl)lt. Sh& oo.nilOoltilM .. 0.,,1 1---l~an...aws .. ... ..,... ~and..., ~louied hit ~in r.ct 11'11 .,.... f!ll0'9 w. ..., f'nllN ... er.• Jill plain bladl: mo. d l't -


lfil_611 WIWI I l!'tl 111J NnCIL f tl'at lllllr!O 11 be ~ l)l.lt ft'Ol9 elfd9d 'l'\el'l lflt"lll'Q. m I t*2 no io. -.Nit n WOolld Oii a., 1..,.....,. I'd C101 ~ • D'!'9 m·~ '°""'tor tl'8 .-. ,,__"rt l)'lhl~ lllQUll)rrw!,, .,,,,,., '.u:G1"'"Cd Dtt• ~ "10" • me "'

(fly 1 Jo.,_ - 1001

l'flnl• I~ So """" .. )'OIJ ,.., .nan yau we..: :., .,.... ., IN d .... l Sifl'Olc \\fel. lftef ..... d.,....., ... !tit-..,.. plbc Mned h Ol#le ~ ""e dl'!"ibecf • bl "4*' •rwo a. $ky l.Wd -.. ._.. • 110ng --~a. ;;cum. o : llllr ll:'!I a;:ef!IU a M wncrr • !I !If....., .... whG,.. mt flltlrt•lW!rS!t& ~ OIY 1*11'. .,,...., It al!~ Aro O*t'IQ II" •9"'111 ..... 19 COi ¢ ; 1tr ......,t ID t*r\Q Ir! 8 Olg $ flrW ,. _ )'O'. ......,. ..... *,.,.,.\IP ..... ~ ....... tr. Mllril. btA ...... 9"' ,., •• .,.. 'Pl ... .....,..

~,~.· I!~- ,...r!y tFft Mii~·· br'lt'dli; e'ICI l"OV'le ,,., h ~ ICl'ltW v.hlt .. Qi¥e 19" we.......,. bVJ ~n«dot'OOOlll:a '° y.o 111 :O !)t ti• Ill dtlww!I M!Wh!m ,. fq lw. So I a.med ll'woJCfl • bat ot Ofd P'IO'IC* r.l tier~. ~ theM treol!le ~ l!r'ld.,.,. -1UC'C h pr* lrrto • tlOc)I(. The ~we I "'Mi.-d • tM llll ll'H'llM I htCI ~n;w _.., t l'I. tc I drho .,. P8ftllrnt Ot'\ • •l'lrNt d Cl'!,._ :Ill*' 9'G UHd lhlll:. R IOOllld .......... ti.A ll'lllftl lfdni l'l*'d •SIC_.,.._ l'll'llM Wt1lt' I'• bot111._ ~tac"., I~ .. ,..•,_.,_

/i/-J ~..,., ,.., bWI ... ...,.lb!' •ci- ~" .r.-... .,...o...,. In NP '-¥0 Jr"' tt-•P I ft.:t io.,a of .... °" I. ....SI..,. n ..,."'""" '4f'l ta.ct 11.Sno~ 90 l'!"VOlfl/~..._ .. .,.,. - 1U9l "" It ' "*'~ ... Cf'l It rd .... Qlilta pilClllO Cl .,. ..... Jil a.it~ Ill• Wldld It.~ PIP.. - JIU;&Jll. .,._ tn..O to ~ ~ _. iflll"iled me. bUI l ll"""-flll'l IJhlillQ&. I.ISi iW 'tW bT..YP..md bot.411thll b rvalft:a So ~i.r. •·'WI , ., '*" - ""° JS k.pt .. OllW Cr'll ~ _, I W""9d 10get900 .. *'li10 aiebrat. 'tTCh:W tlroll>s'S g~ .... "'l8r.m IOld ,,,. ..... d become,,_, qen O'\~

cari. to• ~'lO'tWQ • • r-=- nc11; ~ psfect._ om IQl'll8d ,.,,Pfl'!o',«\ljlt1!!!00-'0'-tr'i~ ride. P.'!lqf,. ,., - enc1 be .. ~~Nywa'J ~ .t: #I to lft<11ote ...,,. I i'llo'l1 l'Nll» a ,.,,.... nrd :""'$! *'• ...,.. taolllly Old~ .......... •llC"· .... bCMI *'! "' ........ w11111 .. optr'lllid• ~ ..., • ..,.- • -.1 ....... ~ et1 •

t.v• - ~ .. mtM,...,., ~J My~~ Md~ ll*'QOl'lfll:W ....-. llbal.a wriM p,.... I v.•pigto .. '-""•~ha~.-., I Mltp IJC)C l"Jl#1d lO QIClnO hfto • oOr*Ol l'!'Odlll CW,_..,. I hr.Qlld ... ..... !Mi ....-d ooc ~I lr!iea4il c ~ dl~l iook _., ~ eo 1 r -tr! r ii nw• 'Vn 'MR.blnl Ip ooa rw gl!t l!!!IP.d'' em ml ts; lp9ll 11"1M'."h ram •M'hM ~ lltl. lOO ltwg:t't-~ lo"'f SllJl"•l 'led. IOI ot • .,,,. Orf¥ "O .t IOLftd Ille ,,_, loo

Page 191: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

T ... 2••.,0dittio..O'\><lpl I 191



°"' I~ aw of lfleso n my~ on hwal. rs...., !lot iOC\lllr4 • yi:uself ·..mtn you"nt ~ )'Oii tu ,... I ~ to haYe dli3 ~ d gMi'lt MC* Ir! my lllOOTl- 'fbi «*' _..,.,,. 1haTI A!OIJf"d MU/ and lt'lf)'',. ""'•lo*"*' 'i:::r ........... Of scir'9 en. ,,.., IU..h's•goodlrd•to,_..~of ..... b~~or ~ ar othor notlc:•on - If ycu ruom's q1.ite daft, )'OU SQl'IW!~ i-.-s • ll'ftlll. ~..,.. lb t!lil 90 )'<"-can"*' In bed. - II ~ bl flll to have one oC NM tic.di: -. JOa' llOO"' lor ~ ... 11')1 t1f Iii.,,._ W!lh 'fO.I' lr.nd9.

"' I~ ~1'11«19 lhil ~ttl=> _..,, .,...._ AltiC Ol'l-eapedaily V.l'efl .... "9 IW:t CN ..... ~ft,.... can Vn h ~up~ lolA.

'-""'""'' ••w1tn1 ' In I two !)IC~ I Gm\ ... ~ ~Olldoof' .... 11 ~lf!Oand "'*9•1drdOI ~ ...... -· ""' • ...,.,.. t In tlltttii<'bn 11 ll'lttoo. It~ .. ..._ 9'Wl ... ~ twlQlflll l'lloC IOOftlw tfld "- .... llJI\ ,.. bt · liMI 2 t llM tN 1!!1)N11t1iol'l llW! N ~ In .._ "'°°"' pain .. dnhO thl• ICtl\.rty fol' .,.,. b* ... .,..,... #Id·~· .. O('WW!mrl~ °"....., ,.,. ..... ,..., 8tudwit I• M'/tt'lt Nfl CIO U. ~01 Imm ..... , ... 1'11:11.dt .... do 1"4111dtl*lll~IClf'!l'I·• rd lt~C-. °"*. - .,. -- ...... ~l-dlrll 2: rd..,. ... •,_., tc:Mt''**- •yo.a - GC1'Q "P'l" #Id )'Oll •M1 on, ";Oii oo.i0 o• ~ a, .... -..iQ't "' .... .. _ , .... 8'.wwil I: I dor'l't1f1il'(o. ll't I QOOO .,..., ........... tlllaaiM )"OU mlgt!I d~..._ 01 •e......,,. M p:u. Su 8'UOtrlt: AcfJtlly. I woutlr'l ~ .... i...s1090 el\tteb :.ono 11mt"""'Mw11rio c brcll'W'O. Md ,,. othtf" ~ IOob""" blA I'd bl '#Clfl'.S _,. ......... _, bWlg OOl"lll'Ol.

SPEAKING PART 2 Tr11inlng pµi)J

SPEAKING PART 1 Trelnlng l"I~) 1-2 EICW'!I.,.. r- 011!1, V.•'G lbte tnow IG"l!lillNPIO 11'.oA ,CU. Wl'lltll IN~ 11'M. Cr111111111 ~~,,... rm 1tru1111y f•n!YI U.bot'I bul IC.. llD l.OIOaJI ..._, .. ~ t..anr1w Ara ~u,, M#cof thttO: ._..,. tltn~OMll •roin tw, Ila.I ..... C*f\ ......... tr:r _,.... ~ \fmltOO )'OU 11111 lt>G.lt~ .... ..,,...., Mwaa: ~. I dltln't Cllielll 1'-f f .......... Whtll ee )'OIJ ... lbOul Mio "'"' u.aoco °"' 1t111 tect lhat .i• • b9 ""In .... .-. b.­ ,,...'-' ll"ll!lll W ..... .w\ds

l'"ll#loo.ltar- NtJ 'M'lllt flt>oul 'r'l'• c..t'-1 ~I'll: fl't 1 good J)llOI b OOf'IO ~IOI ...... Sll'llC!icw'll I'~ Oltl'l tO v(t;a/ ~ Cl:I ---- ..._ txarl*i• WliM ldrd of "'Ir"' c:to )'.II; r10r -*-I ibU " ~Ctmina1 Oniu:ni: 'Htd, I -..0 ~ IOtl Ol ""91 It •DY- I ... or""°"°' 11111 tMCSnQ,,.. c~ ,....,... f.klf'IW'llr: 'M'llt Wll N '-! book yea. ~. ~ MalOOt 1·"' I~ ~ri1Jl'llCf1 book Cllt.:IO-.GOlll . .-..ct'I-• dlltect!,,.. sr.oty M( ~ IN 'llOl"d Of ~ E..........- How~ MWdoyo.tspenduslr'IJa~. "8rl:o7 Maro:• ~ .i:xiu1 ti" hOll a <ilY WmQ ,. .... n.s t:.caulo- c;inl)' I'~ CM~ at bcnl ;at I .._.let.._. C ..ei my su;tar

~ Whietl cbyou p!'efer. 9C*10 llON~OI ...... • .._ • nome. Ctls:m? ClillnL ~w:itctmg M'T'IS.: tr-. cw.na. axft• .. ..,_ Arr!OrlC6n movies, I aan.,..,.. w.t b .,,.., ICt a:rw cu. on 0.0

l'i!jJ E>cam pracU.:. VMet do you llct d~ on holidll(I In )'QI goVig lo pllly IJ"Y IPOl'UI Ch• ••-'~'"n Wl"1'I ~ of "'JIG*""- do YOtJ ...,, wtJr1' 00 )'OU PtWt leitllf'9 )'OUr &iands or~ e..r., Vtl'lp'1 Wlwl - ttw llM fthi yio1.1 .rw1 ~ dld.,ou a.or~ -...1

1..._...,_.,. Soh<wiOO Y'OJ lf*lll.)'Oloi'1 \IN ....... _..llliwre.,. ~Well l'Y••"'-fy IUl1.cl flOk"9tDlled'r,.__ #'d b*ho .. l'le.,..,b•.qt...,.. _, .o.MI,,.... .,,. .... ~. 4nd l:m..Q'ilfalOt{nQ dqnp.,,,,. M.d! I• M 111 .tt1 tcr•IDl"'1rwwflen tens· mme P"' .a~..., ,....,.,.,. I ~n't go '°h WI~ n llltV. ~ • ld"Od. '!tlOUQI\ •M lult Of HQplt cto h IChxl _.. t:10 ll"O\ M r'YI • 1'11 ,.,_T)y~O)'IO Wll"lil I' .....

,,_..._, ni.'I Vf'9lt, Miy! n.w. for_.,. •WI

Page 192: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


l'l\RT 1 ~Qvntioos 1-8

"" h~roli ..L"g•,.,._c11ll W.,•Mpo\ti ... ' N. ,n me1 r OCllDl\1Cll'IOol_...,,'°"""~1 .. .- 11'11 cMWM. ~ r'll' line#ld VII lllm -v-i -t ,,.. WPJ!md t0 wrmn irwwt; ret~,..-"ny W .. .., II :tW1 OK11C*'l'l9111 t'tl ~ !lcnlo~I ~'190l ery ~ So )IOU, CCll.lic! giQI; me .ip n abaut _.. ~ II ,or.. - - JICl'I ~· rr:;IT"br ._..on )lllU' •ll)'home ,.._-..orll. d::ltli too? nw.q, Oto. .. )\111 u..

""" JD. 1-or,,_./rWtltJI to1lh•• ~ 11-~ tlwptjrd now1 Boy HI, Jo. ~ - yo11 dlr'Cle dM&" Giit- Good,. ~ The ,..._ ..:,i,., II wr, stnct. to I W a bll ~otr.w ... h•~~~sQMC!k)hw ..., yo1.1 C... ... n'll got1Q ID tlMld'l l.9 lclmiml 81¥"" bGI. ycu;. feelk'IQ ad I «ed no¥1. W': yoo1 o.t r wecJ to ct 'tWClm 01.11 ._ ny elms. rm l'IOI. "°"""' .ttri .... ,.,....llf«t'!lil' 11/WV:,""lma:JIOJL ,....,...,., tr\d M~'t $IOI) ....-rg, fllW" I I go In fMlngi :.:! and a tli. "'1Mfabe..

~ .,_ laNr pM1 II(• llJ.llfK',..... "'I' Oii ""1 #Odlo. lrllin u tM .,..,_., ~~I dQnl ~ ah!M "l"N· but r"' '*"1g e --..c Wl"lll I icJwo "'Y JQb cin o.y, I .. ~• and I ._..,l ~ ~ ...... ~ "' ,. """ .. ~ :::trt .9" tti. "' "'' Sz a. Mi 'WO'MI~ ~ bandll. ._...-.y lln.t,k"'ID'# ltwm-~·w ~ Oit\';1!'9. ~ "'°""" ~ OOllill'} ... )'fl&r. Md f!Oti¥. '8fftlg .... ~ ... • «'Oll'd lilt d l'IOt. cbd ift the •!<>A. "Wrt golrQ .. plly ~ ~ fur"ola - "'°"'' llOOI' .. .-ietl"(I on,. ~.,,..'II •lift~ ~hY:.ro V.att. - - ._ ... ",.two}ltab w.'ta.,..,,.; .1{.-r~1 t"9nr• •41'<Jr ...... ,. ~. "-""""" ...,? ~ • I l!t.11 "'-tOrlOll, do'°" GM ,. I*""' l.i • l'llva a Dail. .. .,..,.._ ..,-,. OK. ~ • lhOl • ~al~~ JO.I .. , I lf'cl.4tt you'd.,,...., '°' ..... ta,... GMt ldOtl"t"*'CLrMl',,,,...1Y11eo~. ,. .• ,_.....,., ... ll:IO!ill. n., looi( OOi' Q!lll':lila, too ' ... , •k•...., hi;f\ ......

.., "'" """ fllll Grtt\Wl.,h ............ HVt.Clon1ptlri? Grl 1: Net, ....,_ 1P101 too, met r~ 1~11 • .,.. I'd. .. ..., m • Cil 1'l.ICi! 1IO'f a.I Git t. Wei I M] •tt ltlfr(r1 WOr1P! i\. - ... Ato1r • Jt1I Wll"I #d~ fwvtlt,. ~"'""~"#_. .... .,. Wiii. I C10 "** ,o11 t.o.lld ._.. • o * •iboud e .-roMJ ... I» ltlllf I .,,l ltlloll. rt 1'1111 OOi• t . !'HI')'. M )O.I hid to 00 w l.c .... Mot¥ )'Cllotd piCUd lO .. """ ord -..1~ °" .. way ,.,.. AJ·..i.,-.•OlllllW ... W'ld,..... ........ ····TJ·mt ~~ ·---~N.s•oobo~w.tnop ..,.,.. 'l'(hl.,. •I'm o.i ...,.d itlt•llCI..., tnd '4'Clt ~tot' )'lll(.1hJll ._,.._ ""1t I Sii"'°">'°" .,...,,M 1az1<bo4•rll

Audiosaipt Test 3

191: I T~lt) Al.idlO•O\ft


li'I~ 2 ~ !)a. t ~- W!W )CU' f-..nds .... libOIA 'IQ' IQOll'I? Oi3r:M Ohyp. ..,,,..iy. ~ ,o.. r,_. oame 1011C1 ~ "°"' "°""' YQll '*"', ~ "*" liO ... yo.Jr '°°"' • ""'"1bl9. ~ 1 k~w ~O!'~nl'a .....io, bill I _..'Ji0'6 tOO'll .....i be. pb:» 11-illl "fOI .. ~ ,., ... h .... -.0.,.....lftDll lins ft t. Don"I Jal l'Wtk IO. a...'? Cridra. ThM's a .,.:id OOIMI

~"" .... .,.,"'"•"a ~--"V·~ ... tw Jll'W OJ .,.,,

Mwax F1 n ............ e "'°"'Ml""")'~ md I mri1 Miii. ol ..,..,_,._....,.. ~1,.-..,.. _,C>'llll'I~ NIO .,. .., owr -rum. l'Mn*w: Dl>~..-.Cfl_.,.1 er-: \'ftll. l"l'l'I • ~ Ollll(I "'° ""~""'* I Wllrk c lfV'C bl_lO,.....~todW•8a111"'1CCOl~flrltw'ICJll~ ~lnd ..... ..,1'1"'1~- 1.Jr!'hr: $NUd..,. )'PJ .. b9 ....,,........., tot c..,.,. "''* bd'IM:lm? Cr-... 'l\lell, lhlh 1Cn>f4:1'11'9 '!11r ""'1' ~ • 111. I ..-.., lldt l1'V "°" b.111 tb'T" ... O(>lr~ ~

~ ~ .. \IOI. ,~ JrrAM:o' M#tO' ldOl'll,.. "'°9t~~ ao•~..,. 10 ~,_. -- ~ Thar* 'fOil. na.l 1• .. _.,,Of IN 111i11.

O.U.: I~~- 8iJI...,. l)8il'8l"'9 ~'I let l'W ._. Ole ... ~ tOQl'T

MMco. ~---'*'l"'W'l&I ~-nq.)I mtg'* rn"l eow. Hnm. uwwwt_,. to di> ,.,._..101 \. Wei\ II""""" - ~ V.... t>ut ,_ oon't,..,,. nMd • delll. 1 dD a kit d 14 1r; on "'11 ltl*)P to• m.11 .. f'I"'/ reon .,, UHU.. ..., " WOUIC s:.118 up 9'**

~ QI(, w• t...t ID mail9 • OIClelot'l l'(Mi

~ iNa1. I'° ·• .. bolt'l IO'M abol.tl 1"" -.~.IM .,... -


et--.: trn root.,...,. about'* ill 'f(N mils h ~ "°"' COlld ~ ul) wlb IC* Of hOfeil I\ '°"" '#ilt. .. SNt !ta MQ N> ?A ......... M.w Niii. ~...,,..a TV r1 hW ,_._don't tt.yt Ef ) 'yo.,it ...... OT~ ._II~ IO .-:Jo ad~

~l Cr .... So,~ .... )'CIU,.,toMln?

M.o:r Sure. !Mw•vou tt'lf'B..l&lo'.lltll&..-:! .\ ~...-. QI.Al ~IA r ,u. ma tr1t ot ~ •t 119'f, CNlnE leg,.._ f ... mne .. ._..,,.._ &lt~'!hl sl'.-aleilf ~.,,to 000 tir tcrNOn9 OUf .,._

MaUlt tNrilt 90 klo- It wOU6d - '** 10 .... or'>lf ""'°"- ...... *1. .,.,_ so you can tl"CW :t. c ..... VM.~i*Etm -...~ Maoax,..... ~ 1 lt'Mill bl WCIJCI t...., QIOO(I to ...... '". ~ 90 you ca'\ pi.y dlr".S ..., '/<A.JI ...... ..,._., .,.,. CU'fle

Page 193: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

,-.,. J Awlow lpo I I tJ


(l'loi °''"' .... 19-JJ r. - ........... lw f'ttflllit ........ hc ... 1,..,.,l'f'plu. ~ , 1!0¥e~•ld bo:IJiiA•~m-.~"11 ol•WJ Isa Incl ~ ,.,. al p:JOd 11'"*9 ...... tlld ..,. "'f an(I ,...,.

If t''" Oft 11r¥C ........ I .. "°~ wr.. ~ t~ Nll'l Qlt N c~ l~ .. otett OI Oic1l:rw °',.. .. t IOdt pr.;ny..., ... .,,,.,. Ol IWI'! ow- fl60tllt .... 1')11 ~ '° I'll,,. • Olmtl'• ... 1'*"'. dDl\1 lllt';. ~II I"'* l!li"Q, I .,,_II,.._ l~·~·illlt--.Adl)lblcllr1t•tW-~-- 11W1t- tti!J(I~ • - ~on Ufbo,flCll-..ll'lllft..J.l:llln, "*':-ftllb _WI.UC:. )Q 1oola • ..,, .. ~l I nt •rel IOtlOll 01,,....... • too ~ \o OCM"ll • tncl ""P ll'ltll'lda ,..,., • ll'll (JI"""~""" to..,. Ott« tnd ~ti ._""""'"er~ I l'lllt-OI' ~ ,...11, bl.I ~~'lflllbhtitnoa.i,mf*• awlMl'>''PT'

Al Ir ... ~...,.a euoceeefi.l ..-ling. 'M rwd a lol ol bl -.d abor.rt two hLft:lrW PfiCIOlt CW!'&. '#1111 Nd IO~ ~ ~ d ~ ... h GIOt1 ,_. IOO ~. W. l'tldtlrougt>t ad90I b)d ond~.._..,<1 ec1-w~· tglW!>Com bu ""1l!W.....WDlwtOQ!')t1'11m1. We cAclol1 tt't1M....,. ..... ..,.. tf'ltl!.JCJI; '#ti 9Mhecl .... Ind~...,,. .. " a cP Jll ! I d, ,.... ., "llel.,.._ ~- .. ~ goong todo• ..,c

Orie IOM wo act ... •wt- to dl'I '°"*"'N;I l\.rl "'0111 91 .. I C W &IQ Of .. ...,.,.. l'o • Cllck*s to ~ 'Or bml..:, ,.,.. ) • tht.a:r&..tr~~~.w• ,, iaJr.t .... Ol!t~fJQJr.,..' __ ,r.n,.,.lllOtl9d ......... ., 9111)' 1Nkl'e3 a.. •• .,, ... w: .... 01 lhtlr .._ •II: OIJI toO.a Qr ...... IO h ~

.,,_...,.,14-..ld bt-dlllloa to~ Mt~ ... ~ U'llnQll. - lU(ld MO l'l'llotlfe. IOOlt UI 8Qll9 to ...,..... O"t - w. .. ..,_.. ~-..1Qa.ti1111:1.,•l'lil¢!M:au'fl mm....-. ,.,.....,,"111 tl«,. flwli• atHcalill(j HiMI ti Olif ... WllO'I • '*'f ~.,. Vllllrl' ...... l:O~ .. t-wit ......,. toCIOOI Wit._,,,_... tt-.1 Cf'OOe WOUid be'° .-f ti wit_.._, p.:c:llt ff'O!fl 0..-. ,._--.., Ill~. W•~ID _,....,,... ""-· otoon. O:i.'Y"'Y'Mm• *'-•JQ.m. en'""*IO-cutt n c tt•..,...nhJ0m.rt.""'•rd ..... Of,,__ #Id .... ~k•"* prlnlld O'l UW!\. Mt - cu >AP~ In Of!'. ctmdl «"'~ .. tlCllli ndo ltl!DI to.., .,... ~ ll

Wt dcldld IO dwgll fttMt Ml'Kil tqr MJ ld.Q 'tt l - lr!ClA A lgod fi:r'be •. Wllll donetftd .. OW~~...,..,, bJt )Oii flild lo~ .m ...... tnd I> o;:w 11 • ----~tly A el!.dW'4 loe::ll~ CC191 l!'!IH pouwll.

w. ... .o•l!Cllld """'"' .. 9Vlr\f'V ol hel!OW ~.,.,,..,. Sant 1"0Pf tied W'll ue ~tor h-"nu- oe. ~Adi. ~ .._ OWi\ DIAli1i'IO 1'*"' tclQeller to O'llMI a loot th.1t ... fas~ or(111'9'1111. MOit Ol 11• ~ _.. atur:i.-Q _ .. ~.clti ..... ~-ti'dU..~took'*" eoo. M1.J1MD .. O!lt Of lhlrl\ anc1 aht hm gl'Olrt t.ri ·~"" cobr.,.T..,..._ .._. k:IClfntteL ~cmua_ ~ .. ettudt'.,,.. '° MJ'bttl ~·, moe-! Wt'dClecus!led~·= 4"1lJQl\ll:ir'-i:.l ~bW'CI., dlcldtllM Shoub"'9yet-rl'w:Nt.tu9'11lwu toooo14 ~. toi~-1'..t~~,...oc~eeci,:.t ol the lllow. 1ha worked~ .... •f'l9J""'91'$ •OAI tctioat. S'ldweie.-ygood. Md11t tt'it..-:1 oftr.. ng. blm1 Q!'lft "' I pize,

l'l\AT 2 ~ Qot<oloo• •· 18

• • o-/1/Jt. (lrlc-./lftl A.llJ~ illAu>.C ,,,.,,,,.,,,.,'hf/illlt~ ~~ •-"' . ltd/• ... r1,·A.Jaf ... !..a•~ 1"°9. "lY tOhoo£ '-' l fl'U,... Qt'-' ~o1--.~lbou11" ... "' W'ld ... ~ ..... ..,..,. .. .., ,~ ...... , • OOoCI ION. tutdfy ll'CJl.Clf\. Loa D.ml'JLW"lt!: 'lfMtwlpH••.,. .., ...... M.11. H•~"* r.ud>H ~II) ft la!Owt .... •IOI.._ I Wt -~·- to ..... eon. ll'lUf1llV b 1J .. tehoOl ,,... tct'Oal lb*'f ...,... ,_ ~'10ol<l. 1iut ca.a·,....,. mmw 'OJ)I)' tor. m:neJQ ... A~lllbJtllno WI d f'Ml_..,tlDnit.,....... ~o.t It ........ 110.,. INd IN....,. t0t •""'tlP"'lflOI\. ~«I• ... lllo\ .....,.,... W'IOllgll .. **'' llNI .. ,ch It- II IU llDO p $ WI 1..- Ill -. '-cl, ft~ l1Qll .WJ11· :w·zmm..-.in ._...Of,.,,...,..our

WI 'lid~"'* MIN .art d ... Md W1!:llf'I ~ IL

Grt Ml"!T mn..-11: I bt greet! 9oy 9--l'Wl l'Mll p:.pcorn -n.- ..._._~~'*"'Do p •en• l'Clel. MU'lt ,..,_ us P'O'"'" n- "X> mM It • l'lOf'!lf - Gilt SM.,,,,,_, Ila. it..., ..-..ybedl W.11 lull,.. IO

• •1•111MtoQet~out Boy;~.,,._,, '2W h,,, O!«! ll'WI ... ~

Grt: 'NI, I .... a good.-.. Wt.- 0> yoc; '**""' st'aild 1-. b dl!IMn'I I ~ &otl'l9 c.k$l

8nrr: YMh- Ut'S malclt Of'llil

Girt w.ll lcwi't llfllr• at., bJt ll:lr• tht tditYe H'llt lGb.1* q::il;!Q lg Q'WI' e,y~ ... lod

s.-.~·" lbw ""'41' • lltlilrrbcr Mlhow Jo kr tM..,• ..,,.,,, """'. -Ill' ...... lo "'' • ,_,. 11atri c..ru1v . .-.yon• . ....- r"' OCl"Q '°--'.,,.... .,..,. doirV b 11'11~m.iP11i01 weel(a. l'w l'Mt«I,,,.. d,..... ..i<n •come lr'd Pt p~oo• O" qMct co•« ltd ..et -~•••••L. n...•non..., ~.,.... ~ ck:JMtd.w~ IN tllitt, 1)--. ft~ dg"Nyou~ ":II hend Tiw\ re rtkeyiow 10 rw OM or )'OllQW"J Of'l.,,ait. ~--.01odro ._,.,. • ..,°'"*ltll....,., Youlmai.kt .... f1fc a .... 1trorot 995«'(9 )llQI....,. ..,..., wtl:Wwi - and tne lnc.Mlt. ol OCU1le- I hos;» you'U llM bt ~tet9llltl0. llr'ICI trA' the d 96. - ._ A('QP'• ~r-' ...utN ......._ ;,, tlwv tilcbc" • .....,, SJiar """ dwy ®•If& • Doy. JUll 1rT191 !ho~ .. voo?Cool.. Wl't r1

.... ""',., . .,,... Jr•,.fflh ll (lb051 • ""~ ... """" """ .., , ~ I'_.""'" IOokt!Q b¥owd lo .... lot ..., Git So Ml'2W'I QOOti lay" 11'1 - ,,.~ w...,, ~ blOU. Wlf'( llal ,... «:r'*""' bc1i. hltl ~ t1••~ .. ~ QI N _,..,,. tnc1 ht IClofilHI ..., • "'W' rir=t"lt'. I ,.,...,.

Ort Ooa,.. ~pit)' bM ::-S?

Dor: ~ 1M root "")' Wiii ... - • ovo .. hll llPO"lt "'"'*"' .. wtnt ID•••now9,,_,Ill11"941,....,.,.,..,.... Wd ....... Ml'I ~.,,...to ClOP1 ~

Page 194: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

PART1 ~Q11 .. 1lo°' I -8

""' r,. ~ ,_ frWltb ,.., . .._ :lfW "qi'/ ., •'wt .,......,...( «>11 n 7

..... """""· W'llt. O"MI lf"Klll Ht't M:I' ....... ~ Qi'! ._. "-'IQfW!t.91'1hll 1...-PIJll ~...,,... •• ci·.iy

~ .... --~ '°" Alai'(? I clO!'t l('W:J# No Clllt'l'IO NI 10C!11 kll"me :.'LillLL ftlf •no">d a·= m•cm.lP*'I' tr '*'in;..,~~ .... C»t· Will. ' ""'" r.'w OOod at .,. Oii tPOrlS- .._ P'l)IJ fOll ~ ,.. .. °"' ~ "'° ,,. .. P'ltlY 9000 II. .... 4 ll ••• , Borr I ... lcx..M I» OOod • ~ 10al'

Audioscript Test 4

A' 'TTJ'" dn' #to gka •tt bt't! 1Ms1 '1Fllll A-.d h ,,_, ~IWcoMG"ded""'*" Soyou'19a~dtnc9'1'!' hJU dew•- Mclw ,,...,.. • Clv a.re. Ooyou Q9I' in louc::h..ell '*"'* If\ 10'I' l'a"ll llO'illn't ~lrlt. ldo. Of.,_ rY9~ttell!tw.11! Cl)' Wet. biwl I bec9rftil ... dlnctr ff'! ,..... .... td'OOI ~ ~ dcl ~ • bl ., l"ll So d .. good to liRP Ir' tcuc1',...,, h ,,_,.. ~ r.ced N M h ...., btglhnt.'lg. Ind ~ -.qe M8 90 !l'l\dl. I - "Mpl IAPNl-Y9="9~~ - IMIMt*lf 00 yo;i ..- 00 C*:\ tO ~ homl llOWl'l IO 4ar"om't ltdWcf: II .. Nrd ID dO ti.i b«l&.llt _,..,. Ult boallltd tl Ct, ..... ilOI' Jl"lll'Y""" "" ......... tv ...... t ....... bl'9llk In ,.,. .,,....,.. "",__,...,, n §0.!!'tt.lleSJlt~• r>tr1rmt,.. ., llWI ...... Ol,...... lrot ·- ~"""' II• ..... .,. lbw~•~ ... l'OW )Oii.,. I poo'tll olli - ~i,"'851.ldo'IDe»b ,,......~llCWtlllf!tl~ • ...,,,-,·~pp.........," !WI ........... bill<* "'Ol!lt "'Cl:lll"lf lektn'\ ~ "'.;dlflilCMW>', .... ""' llCt'IOOll tl'll!9 .... ~.,... ...... ~lnd-~•Ott'laht .. ~t-tow. bliof'I • .,.b••• = ro • WOl')YCI ebolll .,..,,. ""' btAll "*- ..... OOod" ll'liOUgh, --- fd pr1'QIMd ftlll.01\ ........, 1M Oftl'IHn 'MllAd b11 OK , bi.IC .,.... Ill City 8tlltl. flCtlt Of ... I ii I~ PtcCl'tl M ~ ~ wtm hly ... to do. ~00.. .... .,., ~ How '*'111 l tel' ""1 to ~ )'OU'l'e Aict.d 0., lf'CI pret.:nd to be~ ....... 'f0'/19 Owc*litP Ali;:Fllf'lt It ..ud be ....,.. dl!l'iclA IO hidl 'fO/iJI' ... ~ .. ~ .... -· ~I p&ly iottddl'lflfWa. ...... ano ~ lhougltl ,_.to beoom6 lhe CNrle'let II\ bl bllll, PfW1 of ,._ .. come OU(,, IOO. lhll's~""*mrlr"nl'i'l'A•mle 1111 11,tunN Ml)' 9Cl'l'leCW!eei9ie\llOM do ti ~ -~1"'1 °""'Mil. D M• wtw h'rpp)L ~Md lfliftlll Wl:ll.lld._.,., .. 1000 lntne fWn? Aii:hY¢ Vltll., rd l&c IJOSl)'t wW11tobel1~ ~I just don'\ ha\19 tt. pllbenee. I hope n _, • aiy 9allllll tir a Ian; cne.. and ~ •VoOd et c.'I ~be,.._ A;ricl i!'lln onemt­ C's a ~ bJt ClsW'W C8l1 comt wa- rd h m ,,,.., • d'tlQt Q'!'jQllW """'ftl ltd Iii"" Olher ~ lb ne the _,... IOrt Cl cr.ioes ~NL n a tw'«MUC llilll •• - ... ~ ...... good lid. Adilld. a"ld ..... )'Oii tor ....-.; to"" ~~yo.II

PART4 ~Questions 24-JO

., 'k .I/ ....... •Zll"IWll'd• boyoo/Jt4 ~ ·41>" ~ ...._,_,,q,;.,al»/Id._ ~ •'ia'tediilg'lled tot.. 1f..,...olcSRldwd °"' rllU ndlo 1IXll'J' IO W :..is me.JI hll t. • a ml« csanc:.. Hi. Fl.iChlrd, ffw* )'Olol tor oomri; to--.. to "' RkNrd: Helo. R 9fMt. 10 DI hlnl IW1 Val,i'ft~· '••a....y)Oimglge. ~~I 1(1'1QW )GI ..... ..wlldvi*v to blilll ~ h yq;.11 ,.,..,. tl;Jfllll •"'tn )OU_. .. .,.... otd . ...,,. WU ltS ... .,

Rltha1:l Wt ._, CF"lll lNdWS ....... IM no flCl.>i.. flO ....

-- ....-ii .... e-.... n...,"' b9 °">' """"· tor ....._ N"* hl'4 l)alal .._M .. ~ard '*'do hit ICldttftic ~ inthl .tltt'l'OOft_ E~ .,.._ • l'O'IC*'dt,...... .,....., ..... ...,...,~ In •'»mt !DcKh'PntW.-. , =-•eo•wt-ato ....... '¥4) 8"(11ny p_.... Nd'° NllP,,-..1 IOI tr: ...... w.t Cid~~ tllttll! ....... iNy" 'Oll1Cfo.ll "°"' dell*•'? ~: E:'"'Y~ iri.. lCf'lootl-..e MlOfl"IY~ dtA•. I 'dMll._.~--T..,,,.on lrCI fd~CNf'91""° ........ ~I fail,,_. wP..n ..... C..... l'CW'd 11'1111""' .,. ... ~ .......... ())l·•-,hft:I WJlll& b!:lmlnlO'I"'" &LdftO"IO'&.CllJl:ald.hC"lllJW~ blkLI ..... ~tilrlll'i9-L:.Mlll.O"I ....

;loO'vrihn- I tr:IYt OOlr'IO iD 9111-.. a'1d 9W"9 wNI ._ IJIOlleMicinD er do- I tflf#t ~ h -rt fioy ctplft a S*i1ct ~ Sor'N ct• .... pf u ""'' """ • Ire btfl\Wld rd kM to be 111it to do IVl '"rM'J. I -** l lllOAcl bt • .,_ ,cit. IOdG. bJl I "IO!lfr"'.- not pld~ .,,....., Somlti!NI f ~ 111 phcllOI OI ,.,.,... rid..-..:: 'Oh 'Wi. J loc* 1.W~OICI 1 '-I*"' ••ap(lll,ftcff"'ft!!tn?· Al h '*"-. "'°"""' r ._ • <llQllll' • ...,..,,,.10 bt "' w. pt1Q110 Md hi --r 1 •row 1._ .....,..,.._ 11.,..,~ akll-. tu.,,..,~• ~ o'iOb)t Oii wMll 1 .. M1 .. ftn 09' •ft I ·e '* ... IDt&'hlll-~"".,.st!s''' •nttt• de Wt!!P« IWJWM l'mO""y NfM W!W! I 11 ret1 !MOC ~--# ~ t "JOii 111 mr ,..,.,.. piet,,... - n "*" n • 11:1t • v.-n - ""' tlll'UC:tl: Ill( ''°""""""').Ill trw pit - ,,..,. ol ... I Mf,. l!!re «)bl!d »mi•n..l'tJO<*M...,..1'.!ft 'IOI -.i• • ._wn•r1Ct lDMt.a1 _,1pDt•10m•·t:M.J'm.. ~lfllt'lllri.90f!QMl!w!I Wlert""' U.!. I ort•rt JM' OIQO ""'" .......... •10.. • '*"-' J"lan wNi. )'Cllol_. l'I N I~..._ ft d!lllNll'Cllbll~ ...,.. .... ...,.QllUllCI pl ; .... #'10 co.Ao,...... ~Cdollt. _, So ,.,.,., PIGPll f'iMI flMoWIQ "*' own pricitlM takant They'.- ~ hlppr tot9rlltiadtOI or-~ "'-'I tll"'Wt II carom to t•u1ael'.-..1Ny-N'6t.lW'ld ... )' ')...,. lter~P'IQIW NJ W, ta1 IOOft'I ICUly IMld l ~ 1 ..... 1"1"11 qtMFod • f"lllMng "'Y...,.,. iOClk ~ In • pctin. end I low<e ~ ... !1f1M pl g1ci'6 a' W01(I If' ;an.n. or boob. I 'M!'1! 'P 00 - "*'*'...twnrm , p>•lenl-h)ko!•Mltr•IO.to&.&. .-. r-.... MCel(8'1•e1••W. f'wbeenlOoU"Clfor "9111ptrlec -

Page 195: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

1 .. 4 4~· ... ·-..tloA"' I 195

PART2 ~Qu"tM,11, ,_11 r.,.. ..,,IJ Mw'• ~, wa...t I>- ..... .._•"""""'_.It


I 1wwt lt-oi.gltt I'd be,,.~ •toO". ~CCV.- ..,. n.rtl 11\d "'' ..., ....... ..,.1.-d ·-,.. blc&M twa9' I !owie ...,la. I eOUlct'l'I W "'YfW'9 ~ ,,,__~-to tt 0..ldecl ah# W*T.#1 IQMrl - m b....., ... IQ do thlm oo !wawn. lPIOUgl'. w, .....,.. .._,,QLAI! good. eo I 11!1"(1 to90> lllo'lg w. IDclilld on h...,,.... ..s b.tnd • OOh9I which!WI~~.-._. ............... ~do Ol'll-dll)', 1~, (1111 11' Of... W, .. me#' I wl!ll\ ttlOulCI tie«» rt' 1p rw p ....a w • " "" OJnng .... ..,.,.,..,... ~ When we got t""90f' h hi~._..°"°"" "Mid.._., Wl!Yed. w. ...... tPll lMD p.e» KW .. to M .....,._ IleJab:t_ •••b. !wt'°...., ,.,.., _ ..... COIC!ln...,O'C °" Wl°ktlgt'CYP)'Ola ..... n MV-4'l~~ I .. _. II SOI Wlirillllt

wlWI rm~• tr.., 1 -· pap.J.o:vt11, we"* d tiMMg•• !toll me...._~ rd,_,_..,. oC t"'leCIOl.fW on ltlelrwiebett •• ....,. , lwt;l ·=- ....... d. !IQ1Dlai,. !llA"*1- )'OU 00!; plet'C)o Cl hlllp ht_, a'-d I ~ ....md II W. '-ml how to~ acer.e ii'! .. ._~ kid ._,... • ,.altycool-)' eo ;• ... ~ i'Nr..-•• ••~ taiely, wl'9ctl WllS i « r. I klfd 41( h'OUgtl N QO.ne

frlmi ..... snon tillkt °" ,0 • ._.~. • hertll .,,.;~1rom~,_.e1 ... wc:na.1 .c«••wn -*1#1¥' ttalwcnm••l-qwm~ ~l.,._,'l'~ds9•ou:,.aci .. flat ll'l)'sell °"' day', I ttoi• 9"'IN')"Onll an o. ocuu ie.'111 a iDl SOftie people, r-=I ._.. ~bill!Df9 - Hume - ...i __....._, .eio.:t.,.. •Cl ' act to new dishm sid 6:iods.. rd,..,.. ,....._, ... -e torr.,. dlffmlnl ways of COCll<"O'lf ~ I .. GOt11 .. 'I'*" lllUCI\ to be honesl Bui M "'9t I'd U 1 ...... ' :.1J1k_ fCilimt ot !f!t , ttwlt 1 tt!l.lalty ~ most e1-. ....,. • "*'-. "'1td .... no QN10'110911t ac:~to 11111111'1•tllaillcM ........ ~·'Id11111.

Girt V.. todo 1 a.it•~ 11:1 c.-. d ~ , .... ,.._,,..

8o'( 11·1 N)I ~ ~ b ,..._, -..;f'\. I 00 IOott'IO' .-11 Wflnt 10 l\l'(J "'ll ...... ~ OQl"t on.

(]11\ V.,. i,h4 mN'mtdfM ra


"""' r\JIM ,.._,,,,, ~·"' ;.ia'<'IZ «-- • ._ """' ... ,.,, ,.. · llw.llt11~11Ulllfl•!e• fNdr:'t~•mN~~ I VfM 111'11'10 on 11 Ntrdl, ., tied.. -,,,..1 bc:b::l t0, lt'IO h Qlll ....... tll"'f ir.., "'*' tldl.hg .,,.. ...... kMM. O!'I r·~rio ~•!ht sie r+="tw:m11ta:D. N "" a111n1 riovtatd. ltm iAlb:I m.,. n01•1 W'h. • .._,.. lillflVll!'IQC II Nd fo.lr(I. 1-•tll!--.d ... C lnl!IH UI~ N ltltCI. btA II dOl't ~ l'I di.,_.., £,.., y,,., ,.,,,, ,..}'rlftJ,,,....,. ......, HJ~"'-~ '41 l"'I Ml..t ~ '°' 'Mfll'l ll't•IOOd ,.....,, ....... : lcwflty oeogl'll)tlr P'...-il..._, ._ ..- Oirt I'"",...,.,"'""""" bll'd~ I ccUCI-. Ol"I .. bUI I ct!till'I ¢flt(_ I wr. rfl1 a 111t i:IONd. ~ 0o )'Ol.I? I dO lool

,... )'t.11--~ _...,...,...., • .,..._ .. ~ .. - ,.,, ..,........,., "•II "91111'.I\ tnO 01 CCU._, e. ~ f!'lt _.Of (JUllJ.UOl'll•ll_.,..._...., I lln•••t••IO- l•1100M ......... .,. .., i..o10 .. 111• •"4'0lr , .._ .. .,. Oii rw-. too, Of"°""' .. "'*"..,.. 4111.,.tbo<tt W.... -a~,__, DOI rvt JU• r.tt: mcll.M l'l'IMIBlJIM' ~ .... mg . nlJ.w1 .... m, ICMO"I• tnOft lmlf1ll.111.11QDI o1WJ .,.. .. a lPJlld 0 a;:f ~ 1Aal Olftr:I• .. Old pclcll allaP r..., }';11t AIN' I,,,, t;rlt;lls ~ • ....... f .... ) }lof .... "~.,, .., ,._ I .. , ._,,

I"""* 'fO,l'd ~_.,..,I.• - ttlCll'Q ID .... "'°""' QUdOIJ ...,..,.. . "°"" .,.,, ll:llt ..... to ...... ~ IQ~

owa1)f ~ -- '" ""' alfW'lftO ~ ~......,. Clll"Q« andtwM rt-., llMI ~l'ift!JnlQlbtm '"'""'•he..-•== Nd • ..,.114' ....... Jorl'o..nlOQlll 11'41\Wlt...,. "" ""°" • tDOll .,,.,. -. tfo.Ad...., hone l'lll•IWHll •l"l lllOA• ... N!IOI' I~~ t'lt ,.., ,. ... ., t"" .. .,. • ·~ """'- -- - ., ., dn.-J. Hft tiin .. fttl-1 ~ ~ ............... .,... tlEll: "'*..,... _.,,..,.. '!nldlyt _ 'IO.JOCSti _,,...,..,.,,,,..~ .. ...,. .. af\N llM111411e ... I &id •I ... QJl9 .....,.., "°"' lnCMt'P Bui t •• qu1i. "r:11"'9 P1lln '* "'°"*'4i ft~ , ' ....... I .. Q')' l'IOl IObe ~ .... .-.c t:ir l!WP"e ,.... Dwl I'll'! ''" r1ptu.m•1. ...,.,..... ,.,. me mn •·M '*, ·u 11\00w. Jri.tOr «*JI- ...... l'dc hi 'tw .. t. ()fl(_ , .... IW Attr' fl~~_.......,...,,,_ "'1111ld'.lr., .t /"'Uft lf'Jwt"' diwy lJll'W"-'- ... Grl w.11, * ,o...., hr~

•Sor:-· I dd. -,,..,. .,... too_,,,,_.._.. "'°"If' Yo.I cOVld,,.,,..,. hw ... ~ Giii: rm l'Cll *" ll:IOl.I M.-1..,..,. I - a~ 1oO kM.ld .. 11rw.~w••rt•-Od!9c'P,,.an.d.z ~ IJllQ . .,..., • WW'!l ...... ~..,., ~ ... r:1 Gk!: ldci'rl lhf*.t-P* trtr..,_.h'l'lh J!llLllllltll, bJl I~ dlf!c*'9 tot.......,,. Boy- 'ttll; l/l!llt/lfS do. ..... ..,... '*"""' ~ ~ .. Wll. )'OU~..,. ~tna. ....... °''Ult 9~~t'-'91D'/Ofl~ ..,,.....,. s.. ,.,.,..,,.l'rl~·- 1

M.v: Wt-y dor\ yai go 1'k:M'1 !'!WI ytll./d ,.IW'f rnol9 dwioe OI gll!mg gocxl tdiiles. ri. 0....-. .. t.""""' D'9 .... or\. Qrt I t-151 den' ,,,..,.10. rt bl: h. "f .. CM 00 oA rwJI ml i'll)ur e-ec MM-: Wit(~ I Ii,.,. ,o..' bt lllid I ycu don'! Qtll .,,.,.11C~ llley'M one Of'°'~--- And ... aboA. '/Ollf ll'_...1 Voll j)Ct>lt

1 '*" 'tt:M09'l ~b 19"1 k!Ot GH: Well, I wm1t lO. :U ,...,..,,.,,. t !Mj1a1~:LIU - A gel~ ..,.""' Mar>: ~ b'IOW '''" tll9J' mdtJ -.. .... )lQl.I q0-1 0111· On Deel. ... ~

Page 196: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

PART 4 lJ\09 Qunuoos ?4-1e lbCf •- _,_ ~1rnW-•'th • ...,,~<td#"tl/tld.h11d.,,,.

'"""' ." ....... fhter.~ t'n Ill'\ the~ Ql't a -.t'(W Wll"fdlr to• tt MM 'Vw"i. an •· ... , -....0• tit.a lpsrdi MC* OI "-"" 1rlt .JI (l;i; M.lo, Mo"i

"" "' ... te ........ 0 '°" beCoNt rit...s ~ «M'4Q,.,.,, M.I: """°''"" wP n_. N bMCft. ancl re1 ~ hOiMI !ti ... ... t41ow .., ... l!Ooi:l'IQ .. --. Ind., flt• ... w- ..., ~ ..... hV .._,...,_.I'd wot: 'Nl't' IWi ..._,I- oltW n.,.·,. 0091 lb" 1 Y«· ..,..,_,~~I • Id ft WICI---. ....,_..., • IDCIPI. I --Old~ .lamJ IQnl~Clh'....-1 "*'W•~u-.__~a.z '*"liM • ···~,,,.,,, flOf¥ - ... ,_ ~.,.. ,,.11«1., ~be! .... ..."'°~' .,._.i I~~ lolliltl'fl bclb9, _...,... Al!lli ul*'to ~,,. WidM A .. • IOt Of .. t....._ -..urnQ a ....... a...1 t*l IO _,.,. 0-- .. ......,, ,. ... b _, ....... Ol()'gln rd (ltV9 ~ (~.

t/j~Bl.·~Js:lum.JF1t"l~t':ttc'I .. ..-i llt'uJ - Ol)l.ile#11 00 .... ..,.. .., l'AeMi I I'll,,_

~. ,,...,....1111,,..., ·~ \Ml: It & l-.iCJCIOllt, CIA .... .-. •• e. I .... 01~ b;JifGr e. ~ Thlty ~" .. _,.,on-"" IL ll'O.l;t\ A IOI d linM,..... ,,..,... c • I Md II\ tk J,,_ ··~: Qld}'OUty•.llMI....,, tH; '-,....., DI t ~-'*-ION' htr'.ic-....atit.JrDt. Nio11P!Cugl\ I,,_...,.--~ W\ wt_.,.., tOld '1lflOJ.. Om& llUYl.Jld, ll!l.htf'l lllO lotd.bl M lprm M •t..Jll.lhO':r. .... wt_MMDni~Andl'-••b .,,, .... .,,. ... 10\'W - bll'..,. OllCl"'9 ~ l1f~Md0d)'ca1....,,11~•n~? W: ..., .. did .... d CIDtlM too, .. t. Cl<JU!d .. Wl9\,.. M'IM ·- C*;I MDIJlj\ ~. q~ Wll fl. A: ""11 ~ r.'CI ~too p; ~ bA _,flie1Nfllowac !ff(llAlla lOt of,,.__~~ 1¥"(..,~dSO<.l~lti. ..__... Ql.l!tmzrwd"Xz' mt•bt. nu~lh:at.._ ,,,...,,,,,,...,,..,. "11~• lo.....,.. 00 po.; do,_. wN<t ,_.GO~ Mfl'I Mii ~I Co.M Cl~ ... MO&q\ I )OINO • P'O'JO d I~ , • ._....,._.aclltltoaWlllNIP~'*.-,._~ Wt • ~11 ... fQ1"1- ..... "' ...... bllt,..., ofU9 -.-.cl,,... #'d.dlMIN•ft1*MaOM' u !Qa:&,,.t ' ' 1.ltlb.. •JL,n An;, .... ~ ._,.,, llie aOllt 10 dO tt-11 for a !!Ying M GO~-..,.,.,,_ #Id ClllUl'4: l\af\ b ._.,,. ~

'IO Q1tf UDon as...oay ,..,..ng . ..ow••• w rd....,. p..c t. t!Wlgir9out •iflol'lflf'°'.._ DUI I ~1"1tieWDl1tlt 11'1 .... .-Id! .f,_ .. , I help ,... pa,..,..· ft_.. wllh it-. c;:iompuairs. I ,....._, 11"1 ~ lb: (IUrOl:lft'ICll,lllil'. home ..... ~ ortl of .... hwd -.cl 11 OOlld t'lllllp ~ .,ftli""'"' My .a_, •.d I :1 ..... OOof <I& W Iv...,., lo. I '!I* I'd .. jg ilo K:OS'lire .. 'hit,,., I 1

19!"9Gt-lQ It)• .,,,.weer pnc~ n~ IW'CI 9CA -d- A."' rni no( aJl"YI ..... Ill• al- but I c.'I ~do ..,. Wit! w v lo """" " a- lNm !"VWf too. btce.M ~ dor\1 ...,. me..,.,y rnKH Bui c ~,..I la'\OO lo l'lt ~ Ind"-' 90l't "' •irg

196 I ..,_ • Au6Kcripl

~-J I~ tr!)' Wld91'1 flll tl'WIP •IO I ~·t dillltult fiCI' ,.._to WI ob.,_~ ... ..._,n .. -Ony I td~ toNlpoi..tOll ii ~y l•J'il9MclOI\ I -.d -Y• •~a WWII lo .-..rid l'\M-..0 TO I hit W wen.._.. tOO • tO I ll'l'J'\l"Cle •YI,... '~ ... wtM.aa ce • .,.. h()(....,bl.lnai.ao .. M'"""'...,'•••sw.~ 'Niil .. I•~.,_..,... n't lliulf ILica.. !"lllJ/Ntfl Mlll.AIQ. h"'1?'r ...ti• t Ju;!U".1.0:ll!M?t -...1c...,,..wcr1 bt ~'" • -- ,,,;i,.,., ......... lid _, I""""' nto ""'"tvlo'* .... Mt ......... ~!t-d rlghl • lone a I 011,., 0;i <I Iii .. ~ 11"'1 l'llOt to.....,. • bl fl ~'°"*""'"''-I to°'" .. "'t fNl'ldl. I mwi ....._, Of't~l'l~-···,,...l.lfl ...... .,... ... 1'.od )"N. ~~I dD.,... aD d tt'll .-.i #!Cl i.ao-. iflt -- " ......... OI ....._loo. Olea.- ........ ~ ... 10 ... -"°CM'...., ·-- ......... fllll! _, I MIP"'t l!Ull 11/t'ddlld •11h N l'QI....,.._ MC> w .... lllf•WW onl&rday tftOI"! .. 1'wyMidtdttl!·1...o ta, ....,.d.,...,.. • blfdpQl;kAI{ lnO!lt'f ~· kl•lf!lil.111.a ~nl IJ'IWJO Mm b ape tar llm:EmllO\'dSo I JAi ._.... tct i.c: ... oo .a.« ... ~"" • ....._....,...,, h c.ar. Ne T.,­ fW'/1M tcr 1t. ....oi 111.-t 1t lilft, ._ ....... v. t.ca.i11•I ....,,

·- ... ,. .. , 1/v...,_,..( ,,_, My..,a_,,..~.,.to..ar11inh.it.i:,...,1:1tt ... lh..,­ ttnd"'t I~, t- .... ....-. todDo jctl!••~ • "'V loo i. 8vt. '-", ...... titM ~.,.. '°*'"' l'CU'I • ....... (lj'\l~.:WiWlO•l .. C-W.,..~. GU!IU..ld,~Nmll'IWl.l ..,M' ....,.,..m; • ..l'fil..ma a let'!' ....,, • ..., 1 ~'l • rwnnm ac._ -1 ......, 1M tWf/111'111...-..adl:lhotipOl't, S!Cl'"flOi • an.. 01 ocu-' l'Yt-" 1 let. l\oUgl' h ~ fd ..... to do IOI CCl"'llQ ...,...1 Cllln .- '*'-""

PART3 ~ Qua:CJ(ln"I Jt-li

~1t1t-·; ·d ...... ,nd ..... bi.( I -*71.t --~ #1d llfllln~M ...,,..., ......

lw:tfw m*"V - did _.too.-~ Vlllt .,_ _ ~ .. dktll QC • .,,r-=anru b9Dlll.M IOl'!lf of"' ..... t'OJllO to bt !Ilia-:! n lf'i• 'Jlclw& BJl 1*" Yo'&'lt 1 ft m l'M2K ~:id!G#)I or Ill°"' WW w111 • rw11y r--ivw "'1' Hfo .,_,_, --. t'oW ID d'OI* '9 bnl 1'9'1Cf1tnts b CM.r .,_, Wt! .-.ct. co..ple 1:1 • l ,.,.... "'1 fte ~ .... hi.,,, 1•cc•• •id tiurno S!J O! O.Jt "PWI 9"d "9'blbi9 ~ "'*"­ ~I r.,.. ln:lw ... IO frl. '°'- lll'd ._ W my ,...._~ll'Jt b'!! •••••MC hit,..., out "Oi. of,.. dtltl-. or di- lf'd ~been P"tltfy pe&lent ~ r .. mert. • .,._ • lh. My' COi.iii\ #Id ,,. •"'""' .,,,. ...... Covpll al tTf• _.'Ile -..J P'*lliMtor"W ..Cioel tllg!ll!W l"t ,_,,... .... Wfwt ff'Y tlWld9 ()()n!• °"'• rl coall for "*" # ~ ~ laJ!d to""~ 111'1:1~rd9W'qt .. hll whWt tt.r'• °"· 1'111 .,... ...,, .,...ei1!'1G ~ j -

1 = p~ .... b: Imm.ii .. "*"9 •,.. -.,..,, .., '1'1¥ "l'Vtl .. OK~ I• s "J llll • o.'I IP ~wdt,1 tCI I .... try •Ai41ilc <I!-.. #'l'Olto.11 SQCr\ •• • lll)'Clll ,,.,_, b My._. h11cfs ~

Page 197: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Gtt. '*"- JhlO WSW Cm kXtt'll £Q!'W!li to t QI .a Thefl <t .,.,, .. '° ..-Y~l'Q .. tfoflt Ol eff u-.:.. oeo-.. flw Xw ,.,,..,.. ~ rJn., •. ., ,.__,., -·!lfk ,._,,.. ~ .._,. M 111U111Jl •' Cl\ 11111 lhll19. aa M~ I "I 1111• Atn'1 !*'"1 ._, wio.. ne 11-.:li °'""" wt-o .._ n ~Gr- 111..,. *"1W t:mi1;kol,,. 111 hit ""&nm•.,.., 1..:1 torhfy .......... \Ir"" ~ ""'..,.. 90inQ to ... .,.,.• 11111 "°'"9 tu! hes liil'JI ~ .. ~to I 'Mii'!'! t­ bclt. .. lllW He ITl.n! _,..,CS\ ...... .,,,., S "'81MI. l-4opl ~-· OK.. Clf'\)9,1 illMl'T I Kl .. mcdt "'"" M •\IMiched olt qt _,.,..,,.'¥ L.-w hlr • ~ 11..,. .. ,.... MC"r ~)QI ..._ve tar "/Oii Win. 1-orl Sir )- ....... ,.../tfrri• ... illl *-' ...... l/trr'W h(Jl/t IWd. W1-11Jt/tq9'tt--t7 Olr!I: I hlo4'1 tt19' ._. ~ smr ..,.VMI: Did }QI .n!OW' • tool 0t I• If IOnWI ltlirt'• ...,._ ror ... ? lay v.Q, 1-.. • .,, ll ..... '°°· ~ w-• !I Cl! htt M.tM( 1rD4'1 " e9!lOl:9 • tit d flt ll!'l1lt IOO. I ...., lio;.:I .. ..................... Ot<t 'fal..,.. r,... w1fl yw...,. 11naugrc.., ~ • Oit ,.....,_ .... l_lt•·~·~ (q: "tW.. I'"' •11 to.,..,., fno #lllh.,...,. bv h ••r• .......... ,,,...,.,,., "- }&v .lit II' 0 b "',.... M"!IJ....., "" .,....., sJto,,/ WW .. "",,.../"'-'-' ,ti,. .-11-1• T~ • l#oQIQr lcf>Obl 11'1 Milon flllghl W betylr.wll W .,.. ttwr Nvtoclobe "'"" in.. .. l'llC&_lfll ot_r.rr-a ~ _.. 1. '°" o1 .......... ~ ....... 11th .. .,.. Mol'llt. New""°" ltie hMlf~_,..tafa/WllUll~.~lbN n 0¥9' h-1)'.,..,. of lllledllf'IO "' .. ~ ~ lkWN ...ct\ to., to~ ca.11 w ,, • .,,..,1,... a r-.s ll.- d*1nw· r " .... khOal.. ..,, ..... ti .......... .,..~ Thi~ .._,. "'~,.. ~.,.~Ill .. l'lllO .... to(Cwl • ..., da f-*"° lilft,. wllrlnll~~~-11,_,c~lht4' _ .. ,

Mitt "'9. lc.rialnly- a. I .,...a yoi.-'l 1:1•k~w:ntOl. ... K,U_,.. - ,_,

r ... ootii014'1ir~ ••;pmtal 11 wanl IDWl)U.. 90(llfl ""°"all~ ,.,, a The..nioi'aCIDnlidcW'-te "'llkrV ~ C"llflOll .... ,...,. ~upb; ; 0!) d1•b tol'!'le ~ ~ - 9Pldai-99(Wte lralfW'O pett °'~ Ot--...0. Bui~ ,...Mfdeltll&~ ...,t to git fCJl,lfi.:-. Whlll 90.lld ... ., J'l)li? ¥.0.M p.. ~ .... ad •liQtol .... ec:t"tt., So, lhet;&Cd••• .audllkl)Qlel to...,• agD-.11 ....._.,,_,,..,_,, "f(Nwanl- _,,1'151...,. ~ 9!l11k. I ,,...;I ID W.11 In ftte lhrlQ ..,.Ol'Oill'. pie.. ... Englllh i.biir!ll--=it'Qr)Q.W"~4)i!Qi 0A . .,,'1118Mallntrw\. Ol(7 - re. -.,. • ..,, Jt/.tlfC ,..,, M&t ""-"'*'. 'l'Mtt ~t _,..,_ It '°" .. JO tdrpa11 li&- "'-'r.r U W ,,,,,,.arJtM ""°111? GM- Have '°" "leate about ... dmioe ~ my 4*tS Is uir-9 JI IO(, Unet. Setn? ,..,, 00il'9 to be__, b • 'lllhotie W'Mk:' ~ .._. )'CU'"""' ...ct )IOI.; _, ,.., .-0 llboJr k. Inn 1 )GI

.... bit ,.,.... tlCCIA Oanr::rog In -- Ol to "*'Y ~ lflcx9"'? Gr· A bit. I air>PO• BiA lt'I bl M ...-.ti'IO ..oerience. ,,,...., ti."'* Ol N41ir good~ tom •ow.' 11M: COUii'°)' t.. ()w !Metler ...... ,..,_ btt .... by Wllkhl'C '*"on-_.. h. ~!)C~IQtllt.

PARTI ll.lS7Q•nctlon!I 1-3

°"' r11( ~ ,_ ft-fOlib f'1.llbc ""-' • rr r'- n 1'• "" tlw,,,, 11rurA-"""' • rf111·' 8cr( W... did pou """* .oout .._ P'l'I m TV ._ ~I'll? 011' ..... I qi.- llo:eo I.. I ~, ttn aboaA ti• INM er:llOl. I ~ht!" •tie.,..,. '~ ..... "*"I lol I don't ... h ,.,.. _ h .... w. w hitn.

Boy I lu'\ow _,.. )'Olt_,_ 1U h '*1C .... CJ*QOM I #10l.IOl'1- lt Mii • wMt ..... at N lf'ld.- OM Oh,, I'd gt,_,.,_. WOIM ~ Nf-., l'w.iu;t\. liR'dd. ~.bMtl.l..,..we'M:ll'lt1'*'91:·0,lfllE-h~tlll nQlwd eo.....-.1 80'( Do )'Oii l'lir*. fid' I c.'!l 9mf tl'lll .. "l!Oul:if'Ts'lnldo 1tte

"'" }:,,, ,._, two,..,..(1MAt,.,...,11t ..,.~,, "1111/Dl.\1 ,.,..<'~ .... •(It?

Oil': ,..,. .. .,. • n• a.i. .. ~Vol.I~ 111 Boy- ... IW-.... 0-- I llO Mt· I ,,...... ._... (Oii a tOfVllll QI!\ I Mow ... 11 .. .,,....1. l._alni:t<Of N cw .. ll'IOdllf9"d II 00te Niii)' .__ -no. ..... IOOlll •II II 1191ict1I De M •lfWI Wld

r.d. "*'""" Doy 11'1 ltw I WIOW •I._ C OUI II,_. ... t,- 90C(I. AttO Int ...,. ... ~ lm!Xlt.lll'tWh.cn!'!!'acrw"«M.llllht. ~~tbli'..t .Jll..M!fil o..-~ Or\. I donl ir.-.- ..... -., v.n • fll'-• to bl:*• bll 011r--.11r1111o.. MVW., .. 11!11'8 • M--. I*.,. I. .., ... ~riled to ... ,,_ )iltl Al.- N ........... '".lbw lfl • dimi IJ'W I• /t, ...ei.., ... j,;.._,

Audioscript Test 5

I erlO)' Kl'od. I clr'l"l _. lot. lltlll to~ rrQlt QI Mr...,. ti\ 11\e ....... hr:y'(IJl:lnlch ~ llu'illd11Qa tht llM!I •

"""' ti+tu •••• n.. lOUl'dt WM'I Oo )'(K. ......,...,, ~or "*99.. Sid. I so, .. .,,.,,. •nl-'lld " V.. ._.. l'•nQ6 111 )'OIJ1 M.t w.t rw gne: • IJlllit tJtCllt'$': •no ~ one d ttioM 11~W'lllT'l$l'llnntd Ht~~too.bulhem'l.100 k8SI an gcil"9 ..ancltr ll"lt we\lllC JI._ flOt 7* ht dceWli «*II ebaA •a IW. - n rac:t. """--a QE!btt q a fl'QlP &ng m RPO Qlllilll[t,pdh. TS--- II ... ~~ «l'e ... ee •bl et • ?~Ard,_ •.. ~d 8"°'""Of)',1 tt•i= c ... 11 itW ,,. .. Ar4 wtwn: do You GO 10 felllX ""*"' )OU'>e not al sd'loof "-.,. \kli: ldon't ... fl'llJCfll lrnefOrMexlrlg.Nilllly. w rtdoeln'I ~ '!'le tiec:.uM I «'VO)'_._ I do., 'fUCl°'.1 c:a'l't t.liew I-ow tudty I M'l llO ""9 ~I do. md ,.....,. .,._ appor1ur-...._ I sugpme d I Clldrti Pw °*"!"(I bedoingWt•dWig-. • ....0 I nigMti.~ thllt * - lt'l C*'tek'll', poa;ltlle - EM rl.a lJ..b~ltwJ.. Me I m p ltyl! b; • ltlt Aif" t!'IC9 h '"&.

lnl.--er Will, cti .. J'CU, Miit, " glllCld luck, ,., .. .,_,k~

Page 198: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

PART3 /l'i~ q ........ 1 .. 11 ~ "', ·' ..._, ~ , c~il._ ji1ldltif .. 1~w dwi' ,,..,u,.., ~ ......... .... hlrd to...,.,,,.,"¥ IMJ.11' • ...,. • .,....molll ol h °"" • h--- *"'~good. .......... ..,b\ild fvt...,.. lo""1 ~. WI tlft h 1'1111'11 i.:t• I JllJllilt eh•,_. Iii !"'r llMX.,_ ~ ot .. i:n. It• rw>t ~'Ill Wit "IOb ot pll-. ... IOl"'l9 'NCf"41f9. II .. ._,... ht ..... ,,.,.. I !DI• n II' h ................ dll9I: l()a •ti:l Mt.lw d !eerzq hi ~ ~ .. hlld t\n'>. ~of"'~ ,.. -·ci.,., ... nathl - 11P8r1 illQln ~ ........... IC. Of OOl.rM - in the ..... WO'tll

.,.,,i..1 Ut~•*"""o.cti .. 1,19; ;W11.He111tlol9•r.l ~ .iu!f IDOUt '**' .. CYel' h .orld Md,.....,..... i!'lt w.-. .... lt.-n e"1Q ,~OU! l"lllft. Oddb ~ ,,. Miwt' .......... huge .-no,ir4 ,..,, .... b.Jt n. .. ~.tam; .... eo11'*'•1olr- ldon"IW~y•Clf!IQlll~ ll'AlW •\If\ 8'.cC!X.Jm11r.P!lt I ar&r•m•nw•«v ' Mp e Pup e spnc...-.d - ...... t'r,' ~worlt abjel;;t ... .,. ....... '..,.. '6licl • Ca* his ta.'I Md ll:MICI ....,, .-Id <I ... t(lsbfdiarwl I lilatlilc ;.ni'"iijf'!ucftt.ltef" ..... .- ........... ,1

~tDJ Wost peoplt ......-tv lroatie. ~-.:>Ml m OI fUolr'I)' etorw tr"3 ~ ...,-.'t 'JOO R"Q ""'ci.s. But l .:t.Jllltv Oflll/fl1' • • • whp , 1Mtner!mi1w end,...,m•wm•qcgntrW RI! wf-4 Cm !'!!Rf lo be dop; I ti)IF DC)+ t!W ttwyy 1w;tw • my tr r:• t.AMoiWgo"9'Y"qudd)o ..Ch""'~ l"m #Ways.ti0~in ..... 1'"''-"n;. l~b1estome. tlbl).rt lnela&s. N aoon ll'ltt a alDI> to• •d,,..,.., ai:hlil. I'm l'IOll *"'Y lboUll litl& rw ...., N.ttt:WY ~ 'Nd' tw10te aru he -- ... .., .... My f8ooior..tle tMc:'*la"'J ~ -.:r. ...... ._. fifty, bA ,. °""' 9111190 ~. CCll4llt d ~ ,go. ke Mel • rob~ • ~ OOl'l'IPll'J be4cta OClmlfl9 to quo- .tlooi ll"'CI ~­ ...,.,,.... .00 • .,!1 Qf d"' $@.! He;t)enl4e•••Mn 1l!f!I! !w 0<1rtlftlWK:!M11 .. .,.,. Ns.1-..e.,,..,. l:llWIOU't 8000 • O'lt! - .. tllA ...n N __..,"""°.._,ii .. llll"d MY W*fMr ~- letsote. t'ietle'leteflrlies,• -I~ bJ1 S'1!'ino!: "'t111c-.1ot .... \I~ -.iw krl9 ~ .. -r "111: c-. .. ~good""' S,.... .... J lhlYI not1' tr Mfll al ebQl.il llf'W>tr"r -~IMCNr' ... ~ ... It • blCOl'ftil • ~ -"" '"f19lf ..., tlle('S .. dl::lwllli '° 'RV J~--*""' ..... ,.., ....... f!W IW'ltbleai.- ,,., ~ ........ 10 \IM9(j ..0 l'l'I~ I ctrac ....... - _,'\.lt'lr'lk. 1&11 WI mlrllla.lD~ .... 11,g MNre e Of m, I l!QPt I Olll\ Cle .. good Ol'lltOll'/• .. • ""'°'9 •an~- t1'1o14'\ I'd .. IO .,,_.. lor I~ -

~•ft •• ...,,. N •lllW "'°"'~!'I I II kW -...Yan910 l:lit JIW .. Of t"lit #"oll(WWllllf'I! [aclat.....,., ,.,.,, 1Q .. rJri "'* . lll~lt cmMl-._ ltocpe flDU"lllOOthl _.,.. n I*~• It..,._, ,,-..Cl' ... 11'- llot II hltaO-JtU .... ,~ ...... k C yOU"d Ike to jelll'l N IAlot"l l*'t h .. Olr •11t .,.., ··~ 1111 Cl\ .llr~ I 11t",. ~Itri p.11' ........ )bl tn• • Jbirt OC. d bt • Qtil :.; rwbbl!lh..o,4 oUwn. ,..,.... • •.., •• in IN yM". I\ Jlot'le ~. lfld eWI WI ba OiN*d 10 deltmt wp

••• I TtitcSA· I ....

I ft'lltlll W'lll 1Jtg,Gt1 lwp elO,. q11M1 •*7 A pip~ "" lo1s q1 1'fllot:rv lnlsh. :an • - ...,.. Ml. ro ,...., ••••lid ~to911 in~,.. .. ,...,, n~ti.v.. ..... N tht .al ot th9 o.., ,_.a lmll Abcil.c l'lt ,..._,,,.,..,. ClfN WOl1t •"d °""" dclll!Q ~ - Md~ - ...,.,., ...., tlllCI rti• "l'N't 11,. AOI o-.• • Vldl9d ~ ,...,.,. fl!W!"I~ llf"J - I n::1n7! ,,,,.,. ....,.. jlW Ho.> Gl'WSf\JI Iii. - lcrnl;limlt C• ........ aaJl,dl9goll~14) lri ..... ..a cit ow.. tnl• ~"""' .. h9 1r1111 ~ fltllllk l)QO& ... ..,.. ~~wfjch l*SlJIK> M IQ• ,,.,..,,_a bi;~ r u-. _ l'O.wCll ._.

PART2 ~ QuttUon11 f-ll ~ .,,.,;: "Nr r r...tW Rn P11t • ,,..,.....bdolll to 1" ClfllO tlb ;1,1 • ......, ~~· .. t..il 1"V«J lw ,.. ..... ,,.,, ilt M. •~• ro •· ""Fnia • ta1k to l'oOU tcdlr•-.C • ,.._.,. ~N-9 prOfliel I lt;d ~., ~ ~ It'' ,,.,, ~ Ullcl Ow·O- Oo.t-~ #Id ts aim ltlOcltsh~ ,...._ • ..... w•• twd ~ 1bl...," smmw:! bt, •"*1v •'*'> Jg.I..~ tJ.;lof ~ YCd1 ~!WI. Ila...,.. " ...... wt!1i1l•cwyw .... lon. I hMl'O .,.,_ ltt WQI''< "'°"1 my ..,.._l>CMI whO t"9d Clo WW-' toMe.,... 9QO. ~wnH"' ft.tt*K' -.uv'td • mtt cc mv m ·r• » ~ ~ ftllUDI. IM • WOl.llllkl't f!WM!r • fall ~ patlO"I '/Oii OW"I ..... d .,..._,,... ....... 'llf'll\ ... ~ .... n...,. Qtlof"<llOl.lM ... and,_. get dh'ded 1lfllO ,.,. um.-. E••P•.,mt•~..,._.~. ,, : orn lhMt..,, ma ;~we-• vwt ~~timr ..... o..bilJilf.t!'O I ...

_, bmA ,,._. •"- ,._ 1).6....,. ._..mo peoi* ~ O*la. ~ tnd tne USA n. ~ 4rom D01k1 _.dang IWIO~ cci.n. <1Mtw.al'd f"9Y ._,ii WM•\lf'f*-WIJ bp lllrlQulot Ofae111:. •Will• (b 9Cl"IK::l cg uteU.. Ptetty ~Jeh ftW)'O!le Gr! ~ ....... ..,.,-.g • go to I.A '*1,... or Ilia .,_. af!• Oio °' e.o peoole are "'°'*"' IO Nudr a •t • 1:1.rtOJli&il(u"tir::u1!~....t'O$> • *''"'~-·II~"!) i.1. ~...,... ""' Ot attxt a COt.t* m pWW'lirlQ to do n:doO'J MoeC ..,. Wf!'e .woitDrQ on ~· siaulh COllSl of ._ CC!ur*)', b..t ""WM ...qr!C(!1; m rw w1 he had C pick up all !ht~ 9'111. we COiJd 1ne1 on h ~ d)'CIU"d bo ~•how mu:11 ..... ....._to\ P.,. l'lt'M hOU'tl • C ;' W OM no.iund •ncl ~ -- po.'ll fNe Nol. VtlttNtJ yo&. Qllil- ., 1lwt otwt t...-. ~.tit .... eecf'I- bl.II 1"'71 t!wt ~ "'-

.,.., .. "- ,.. .ftiMlll ~ ,,,_,, .,_, .,.,, • 41;\A••• llc>w ....... !.111' .. 1-1-.i -...• GH ~JOI.I",_, I'll~~" ,..i. ,._,.-,

lor: "-.. ...... IQG, ,..... IM"'I ,. .. ~ •• IC"S. '~ """'. ..,.,~,,..,...,.,., •O"t CJ1; Go.•~ 9*tlc )QI .. btGal9 ...... .t."l "-1 M ~I ft'I t'IOll ••"r .._ lh<t .-nt ICll'ta ~ tNrV1 N,,.. 9fln ~ .... 4>f1 Nip N'll). b ...... ""'" ...... ,... ...,__ ftcOt Ny'll mi • ~ • h DtoP"t wi-o ...0 t~• ._ ir... Ort: ...... .,...,. .... or• tor:,,.. ........ peapre ..... ,.,,....llO ........ and~ ~ ....0 do_ CM OMieJ tr•• Ill'~ .... , Wl'llcl' •,...,...-Cot.,.._

-rv o.-~i. ...... ~ *"6 ltwl'

Page 199: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

199 Tctt6Audl

PARTt ,,.06,Qwution!i 1-41

""' h ~~ rw ,,,_,,, wtbiw ebnflt •a·~ l:<t"-'t .,_ "'' .,.. .,...., ...... 9o)o ""*-do )'CU u..: oi: s,.,, ... ,.,, ~-oarn-1 'b.l.,.,. h cne bUed an !:'Is'~ ~rm "'"'1 ... s.w mt 'f'N' Grt Wei, II S ¥lfJ(y e**"O to Oi8I).. i9n ~ a'?

&cy-V .... ll a 1'hOugh I don't ttilr* Q 411 ~- • U. OriQwlll s-r- '"' l'ICllf ~ wty. ~•nnMt«t• "*",. a.I•~.~ . Girt n... r.t,• """"almmt .... •It ,ou'l"9 tooklftO ... ., •rtl"o - peiopllJ,.,.. thwi-. c;o'l1:IUI• ~ Bcrv: I !vmw. f"4 ~ ~ ~ltwlO .. a.

""' ,.._, W,,,,. •1Wlli4 lflr:f"nr 1alb.., .. 11 ,,.....,/#'Ofll'(f-••' •lo· u,., t':fd#J "'"*' ..,,, .., ...,, ~ ~ ~ 8*rwc!I ,.. 9'1Cll .,...... M'ICl.lf'V ti~ ~·Hit lllOlot IDOlll ~~- .. ora11gi1 JDO!ead "911tlWI .i-.... °"" .,, ,,. 9'r'll1 a"ld ltWI '*"l'"G • ~ totMlt TIMl r..: "tbr'Vtdt!w~tQll'1ail .. l'OCllll., 11'1 •l'IW"'lrit ID~ II ~ ll'10 M> ,,_ -... m • t-.tltr ....,. ~it::. •n: gt •'fi?" ·---= for~ •• ......., ld~JQ Qo, - ·~ ..,...,...,.,. nf ~ "*'""" 9i1d'1 bel'lilYCM ,_ '""6ou-'¥ ~ "'l"O"otd b\.t Ill ...... ,...,. .,.. .... OIPILrtd er- 'l'dllo ,..,.. l'W...,.,,W.,r• ti&,._.~ IQ Ill~ ..,_,u..,tielltJ16.0.it111 Op lfWY CPlillf'.ll IQ ""! .. "¥ .... .-0 C"IOM.'*I O'Wl': ., IQ ¥f>Qtf ,.._,. Dor-\ tOfglM to Wb ._.,, ~ will\ )'OU t()l'lllgtrt a1 I lb:'lk ..... CIOud i. (It~~- .-Id "l9Y ccxAd-- go,._. .. If )Olt Wt Iller- har9. ,,,.,.,._,,. ·~ __., t-.o.d to tll'lng OU' NtllOt) clJn '°lit.. I~ Ntd I wa...,. ft;::: I !eel l'h9I pou'd ,.....er""'lbMld » br---tg l\elft alOftQt ~al h Cllti• ,,._,,bs9 o:I N ~--"O'd wt 1':111')'0CllA:I br't'IO =·«•ion. '°"Ol)l. ,_ JodW°"'"""7Th<Y.1 /i'f~ ~ -- a~ ,,.,, ar • ~ -r ~trl tt'-1"' Gr O:d)OLI,...., ** -- ..,, .... ~ ltlOUI ... ~ 8'>r: •.• ..., .... '°"°'-~hldrMCWl'l r.iil ... df/'l.,..-Q~tn0-.: 1rM rd.~ ...

Audloscript Test 6

Irr.~- -Nt«s Yo.I' ._,our'"» IMCl'IQ ii N 1"lds ya.. .,. f"ledet Pllrrldc 'Wei, 1...,... --.'ll"t • ndll dt OI/'" N oonr 01 Eth'P'­ n._ oUICll'l peope bUtt e 1a.\• fllil l*loMI' Me -• "* c'a • ~ lndnig pea. ,ft ... plJICe ......... ~ ~ COl'N [Ii,_ a... h lO drr 1i.c ~ .... tr\«t l."AJ"'.ncl,,. ho JM.al.a. WWW"1Wi ,,..,... Hl"-~ ...... m.w. ....... ,...,....oi1: ....,,,, OI.,. "*'VI"" d ~ /ltlwJ,..,. WM•~ mn "kll'C of N "O.M PW! •......,.~ .. ft· ~IWd I ....._.i 111..o. an:I t,;odci W hDweU, .. i UCle'l!Mr'lilf't 700\' ... tOO WrO,..'dNdclaf'thitlllyw:ldll ~ .... ~-·1111""'"' on.­ Arel ,_,. ...,.. froi.n.t a. • ~ .._. M ,..,.,. •"''.,, on .t lJl't ML lsuMldllllr ..... ~~rt 1p l!IQI 11 pwe n ttft.

IYl't - ;, 1· . Mlilll

•• a ! . Do '/04J fW'I• 4heV'll bec°""9 *C~isb too? PWtr-d: Wtll. I a.cipoee M:I I J1w-......,,11111 t!IJI ~ to :tw'I' •~~.JP with I.~ OQ1b i!l!I t 00 QA ga

cfiri;.bc«n ... 1rp:sr•dtw itll:~lir'*'R•l'P~. b:J~. wt'M;tt It ....-...iJ. CltO:US.. I }'DU'N golrg llOC. a orottiSSiarwlt ~

PAAT4 ~ Qw<tti••• U-)t

,,,,... °' ,.,,,.,.....,,. Mlh M ............ ~ "'1£·,I l\ltrlct G,' "' "u '4iliw ~Ail -.i _..._... l ,, •• ,...." ... -. llOde, t,,.,... '9111C* ~ - ~. """"W'!llll ........ .,..., ..... ._., ll'tilrt;k. I wmr11 at.:wtllfV ~y 1r11......-c:l lrl 9'Ct 'i;;. t 1 ..... lft') .. -=?t .... lfl.r )'CU'1- •llT'cMit ti<)m to - • &Cf Fl QI l A"Clllll1eto .... tt.fl!'~Whe>'ll~n• ...-.ape II• flAft wr.J·..,fQlltt 8• 11 ~I ... ~to bl ., ..,)tl M4 I --f00d. . .a~-"' .. wt'9n ..... ahoMtnftft.l.Dul•_t:JIO-.a.J>QhMylpDMPI 1..­ ~ h .._ '°'1"• cf "'1 W!)!'ll •CC~ got ~ .. • k'G91 lf'i\WIJ* ..,. abca.ic .... d19. I a - M's MW! !w r:t 5 Na'* era I~~ I'll ... _, n !he "'*°"r W\r'ld ........ lhlt'd bMrl ....,._ So -.1y 1 b«*""4 '"°" '"'......, In,,_.. ~ r ...,. .. In °"'""' Ille *-"'1<iQt - bl.I I MYio b ~. 9111 oo .. t. cit9WC9 on "'t' OWi' _,._

~er\'~ Oct )'Oii ~ ..... hero" ~l~do~·~.......,.v. ;;gt• 11P1C1aliait Ql"I ~ ...... Ir")' 'WO s a ;pr •ho~,,..,,_ i'l<r" 100~ IQ(.\. Ke was......, a ;-olag 9' d lt..i. ..._ Hil .......... ~~rd tawaJi. nm C!f•ht t:m ?Gi"' 9' Ow MW'ld «Id wcrtd tilstary. l'1otto oeope ..W h word. n.t #fl'i OI ~ • :1Y9s .all/ aopMll to mt ., ...,. -.J~tne N he "IMn'I ~mer.al '!he..,.. lhll I..._ ... _ .r'll«V~ /hado ~ d~~ OOll'IO'"' ~ Aetl.ally. •ltf" I l'; )t 1t • l)eSSicn, 10 ""'*' .,.. ...., "k ... ...... •d J ~......,. lkie IO 00 IJ; ~ ~ lllbo.JI ,_, Wl•llWt t1119ooul(I big-ft'°~· Md...,.. dil~ -­ rivii llrd "*- 8'lt I~ b.L'Dlia ~It ID l'l'lllllP"le how t ll'llgtlt one e1., De lllJllt '° OJI to .,... ~ ot one tJJ lfl* ....,......,_ ea...t now,__ IMO"' ._ .,_, pi llilNJW ~ 1111.cmfW •.wu&l) iii.JM Chl!P'!l!r ,. t ...... ,, ..

tie~...-: Haw WOUd '°" OM0'1bJ • r,plCllll • n tna• ~lf"O ... hlo1tt11.. I 1TU11-.. .. ..-rwww.: a •• «Jri't,...., ,,..... • "°"""" ct 1y I tAl'1d.&Jalpl lr'nt.Jl'.Q'l!JI !)tW 'WY*'li~ ~Jl'tlllllZll~~-!r...,K» ...... ta.lllilart ;'; tlll•Wl'!Omq"'lt M ,., at!...,. CCW'OW!llt. OI' e¥1'f fl._..._... .. a o~ ~ Md~ I """'*- weir.I' I~ .cl llO.......,. ..... I 1l'y tr'ld ..... IO Tt!il!: p..- lO ftoln ti-om "'1NI ..... 111111 be~- Ultd WI...,.. ff!1 ~ 11XM.

~~: --.. P>a.,.1\loO.,..... 80!19.. Do 9'1t¥'.,., goon OO• •'It! rou" ,..~ een..r.., .... ,...., b ~. """" "*"' ..... , ....,...,., tloidty .-iltt ntt Md ""I .... _..,., WI ~Ill IOo. V;e eeeeee • a di; ., P9r\i kit two"'°"""' ll'ld .,..,. ..,.,,_, L ~both laaMl sane Sc:9i..-. • .chl)o1 to,_..., •t)M IQ M • hmw *>'"' kxa1 D aod l!M •• ... imcfe I swup .. .,,..


"''d ~ mv~ ... Cl-oud n.to""'9 oe llt* to eticw.-niy fvtuot__,15to.~~IMrrw!Q111.

Page 200: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

PART2 ~0""'1 . )t;,. ,.-" ._,. • Jl•'• ,, . J. ·1..a..., _,.,,. "~.J#rlll lO A.-, ,1..., l~.~ • ..ts Hot, ~- ,., 1111;~ projed. I Oldd911 IO ti.CUI~ 1tw11a. , .. gc:il'IQ 9000 4 •• ...,... ""'tironw 4id .... llill .,_. WPA11"I• A ltflouldqotareca,...,•9.-..i•ld l'tlfMl'"[C;!i ~M« t' MMM 1''4 lfu)'t ~ t!Wn .... lt-~a .. .,. .... 1111 l~to...-d'I I gicit MOit "'"" lrfli:nMllOt" 1l'Ofll 11'• ~ Of" «MIN I '1 «I • .,._omlld_.91'~ Mll~NdtoolNth~~ So llW'!. I Qoagled 11f•llfW..,..; ir.1111:1 •IO• Q"'1191 .. Cllilltd )ft w ~-II.con- Tl'llll:'I • good ,,.... felt • .Ill• flt)t;l,lt """ ..,.,

ii" A/ywfr11.QW mmt Q(l'ltlll&Jc Mil'!C' • '81 m.t de1 PD lblt•. $twlla .. aJCf' .....nrig c;J'N"""' lb&.P ;_, "') lld lpt 11t longer :l'lltl tli.nlf't *9. ~'\lie beiel"I en 1191'1 ID' no mer&..., atloJt 3.6 JlllllOn ~ lilUt tor ~'" ~ g> m!m .,._, TheY've ~M)t'lgood ~V"• ~ lmlll*-aeedtc~ lnN •1so~,,..... 1'llily ••on a diet al llt'I at'd w ua;u • lqOQiptw....- ~ ..­ l~ to.w:I fw h:(#M!W!QW .... JNIWll.»A!Xh 1i11C11J1L Tu9y-.Oeet ..._b~ M:m~to.,... tM..it I ~f'latsi...1~ Acallllly, nlllt .. .,.. .. ~ $aroM' _...,, .. o-r• Qlllrlts. C~'*"-· -~•MM 'i'*'O wop., ~llll'JIHtmitl. ...... ~.for~ .,,. ...... INt'llOt• " ; =-" ttwtc. lhllJ ~lly lotd on ,:11.,.1on. • -.y ~ .. -- n.. ,., 1:f1"' .t-'<l. 9'WI ....._ W'llCft .. lllid IO b• Mi.,., ~'a fa C '411 a4.bL4 .,_._...Eia.-JOQ._fQr.lit9'111f'll)'MW ...... _. -~ ...... ~· o!WI ._hi.,.,. n ~- 9'111" lhld Of w-n - orl¥ ........ PtOOlre • .,.., ... ~. ~ IC'llCll Md 1W9n~~•'> er· ,,...,....i &•itw'" INIUIO't'I..., '*" .. f"lll~ U.,. do Yf"li•l--~or"~1.-;a..,.._.mOMW·11 1twn D Nl ere d...... 'If. fi. _... .. 6llld !ht AldUll'. n. ~..-.., Ol 81" ~ .. tindllngncl sw;1,,,.,. .,. lll"'IOtlg IPleM. ,,. ., tn!M!!!Q4 .... gC ltw p pc- - 9' W ..;.t, lrnlllS tl'le Ne el Brrttillrl. W'I 1*:I - tWI tw'" '"IQ lcill a. , ncr ... a!wb '' • rw 1w 1pki v ho ttwa, Mt« ..::ti• long~ It '11(11.M;I be VW)' sad 1-.Y ~to bliOor'rllll ..-.::1. n- l)l'Obl9rn...,, thortcs.. ~.Is .......... • eig 11m10 twwl'rt• nm~ t1-a tflllt'dCln't..._.._. )'CUllQI i.int ~ - "' ...._ ..... "MtJIL. mariy .. '*41t bt •• ..... -... ~he. ctiara '° .,,...,_ SG. l>lb'I sl'lowt J'O'J tClfM *""' ... tllln 111)' ~

PART3 ~QuHtlnao l<>-1.l t._ ............. , jt ... "*"~ .. ,~ .. ,,,, • .-.:••·' ""''*" .\)tifu'6' ~ 1--.1 .... *"' ·14111toti.S.C"' ~i'.r)' Tlw t'~ a.wt I~ Id"'- -o't. .. lfWV N,.. IUCl'I.,...,. 'f°"'* •Di.Ill tl'fill 41bnl • ~ w'tdlil 1ht ~I-~ .... f"IOll ol ~ ~· .,.Ttt' •• *"" •M«*t#111-i.cb. 1m rm ... ON

200 I T .. 6A· • tolpe

'1w ,._ Jwwe ba,~1t6• ~JI~ 1 ...... ,. Iii' lillllrJJti -~ Of\ hi t.,.... 1Wo frWlda ff'Ol'ft ~ n I n.d tame µic. ~ ~ SMl'M: l.ttW tm!C1! 11'119 af'lynQQ"l .-d I :1-tt* I mty , ..... ~Mr~·~ tfWe I 'IOPe)QI,,..,.. !ifOI I 11!1 I "'IMd It~ a ..:w'l IG a O;; and mt,...,._... be fur'lau5 f I C2Df' t ..... II wWt Me. I s QOl mJ ,_.,. inldt - ·twt. Jdm 11ck?"lll 1L ..,.,. ""..a Atta hes "8xt doCI" end.,_'"9 golt!glopop 111 Int lh"'IJ tl;n'OiOW mcll"l'#'IQ ee ... t"s.1hr&.

"' r- .-ia .. ,,.. 11ww tol.blt'f 111-I .1ioldo-.< JJlty ... t:irf 11,,,,.W ""' fio/1.J.rry ... l1w ~ t.ltr"""' Bay Did )O&land :rour br'OdW'-"" a good~ at IN~ Comp?

Girt: ...... t ... QI'-' W. co.ilC ~ ..__ w•~ IOdo. He ..,..,. b t"1.-..~1 'Yd I dime~ GellO"l 8-: WhM "*"-)OJ OldOtl toOO...,.-, Did"°""' biol,_ ..... -- OH:~ I pe!WAllilld fW"'I. IMO ID0..11 I .. a T -.. Ii.... 11191:11 be~ c.oaneN Wlf'll1 te .... a _....." ._....._ WIOJtO')l I don'\. tu I- S*'• t bl .WC• wtbltft:iiUl'S'Chs ltLILl!tt!W (J..1ng l'.t U1n1. vQ..11!111 •I~ M toOl'l MI .. ...u ... ui ii

Dor.'""''* 1Vll1-I • to.ll'ldl ~­ s ....... Jbw """'' • J.J<W '*''"........, .. ~ • .Jw.,.,J ~r.

1IJ "1t .,., ..., ....,J1t ~l,tl!I ,,,,., l""Jm 1

Otldl'WI. Gr.-i!I~ 5d'lool i..... ).1111 ~. ~ .... l'ICM' II) .... hullhy ..,_, The bGCik COl'8rle • ""91 °' .... (ff' e11• ...O:.....:IM. .. ot-.:t\medMttl 'MOia tt • ....,.... Wll!!I mf"loant ...., pl iOtugo""" a erd Ii~ ..,. .n Cl98illlCI bJ 1he c:t-1'drwn too. n. boOk • .... ..-.s proCIUCt °' a ~«;>W' t-w;ia't:in.to• Ogtbtm+- 19 Nm 11m1crr y.qk!ng 7 , •• no YOu eer1 see tone ~ '°'01" th• boo11 #llCt ._-n ,..,,. •bra.a I on O.Jt wec:.c.. £..,., - .... ~ bny :idJU.g"" ~-ohlifu •foolhd ...... H.,.,h3 .W b-n·jrd .tto.l ~Ofr1-"....,:; JJl'riumm:w'! ""-"'.Hor;; ._.. IOc:ell ~et-le? Bo,-: Good. VJ. tim • fM!Cft wilt\ S.. ~: "'$c;l-ool:. I llCI0'9t! .....,,,. Well dONll ta ' ...., beet'? Could ,. ..,. IOdey7

eo, ... ,,. Cid btcl( '° llO'l'l'4', .... <id'l't ~ b~ • ... Mt IJP l'fllO OI tM ONft '-"TI 'rMIRp)d!

aor:-. ht~tto.tta:"I :IDli:a.t--•"•" ... ,,~ b ....... t>1 .ll'l.J!:g", ....

Girt. ,.,.t'I n;tt. ~atnMtti•<ftM't lt'l(NI that tlw«lf*_ .. ...., !M lo tt-. Cai_, P"'• l''llly 11., CIOl'!'te llclM horliil Cf9*'JI ... l'nt llU'Pl'IMd. _.,11 )'Wl I WIOW ioe0t ol _.,,..,..nee. hy \llilllt,. .. M In rflilt acu•!,,_ IO ~It'll.-- tl;w I&

~la!dl.r:t.,.ootU:.,.Mr!'l•~'l.OCIUl"ll01d. 'O .. C'c to !:81.d..Cl!laJ.M'MUhL 0-t Cl'i. rd.., ...,. ~ 1io 11J1a.r u lliud'I •...,.°'"•Dou! tur liw\ua •c

Page 201: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

1 - I JOI

........ ""-"I IMO"'' .... t~ot- • ... ...ey Ii::;:: brftOWl"lllM,!lllQl..,,tlad~ .,, .. .....,. lttJI I Niltf!n. .. .DJW1"*'WfK•lnh C'D*' t 'W"1Q ... .,...,m:s.'"1renrltt•l--1~~ldl.J11"1t_ ~ n.. ... 1co1iveof "°"* -'*"' 9W C#tabC d..lml -s.,. ....,..., IUNll)' ~...,. • go • • tio.d but $ 4 4 ... ... I' l'lf 11'4m Of_,...., Ila wi.t'\ll'lllt'lln:tffl .... ol~a• J '*o' ~ .... .,., ..... 10 .. """' 11110..,. Of COl.ltM. blA ....... ,...,toiyillhf)lll9"1'lll'ol~- _k»j!}JL •= 1:#) Cel!j b'lc:k1"t • Ill Ni tcpoo !11C1 ~Ill dQ. AroJ I hl!Ytl to oap ll'lt' crwe COOi ~ lllCll •ti"- t,,. 'That <I0.11'1.iw.ys..,........., • "°""' o! .. ...., .. ~•«111!\Q- wedoelcl( fl,....__, ... 4 • - .... ..,'"~ ..... w.r? ~ I .... a.,- Oil•ftclhood "-"'- I~ .0 RI~'"° 1 .. 91>._. e.. abta1Itir...aotdllrnlJ..,._I~1oa .... t ....... tithOol .tllcl\' tlf'l~ 1M .. 2 hp,... .. ,,.... <XM!Mldlnlat~ RMC • 1 swi mew mt 'OC'• '*"'*» 11 ,.1grn1 '"lllo=na -- - tw .. Atld we Nd attOIGfOlll _. _. ..,.m: holn ~ ..... rl.l*8t• ~~ •tfilt . I So h:twad you gal -.m ~ Mlrtn: ..... fd ,._~II, tl"'O.IF I...,. ililWOOOr'IQ \oh ~..O riem.w.. lttl.d«I ...,_..• ~ 1M .-p~ h 1nY ttvcltnt<hnl OT~ .. <;t .. , Abt if \j ! Mf QD wgr!s MI!! , :Cg p I 'Z wo1sf:!a.2n IJn m=pt.r twwg ~ !5K!d lwSMPY at ':'tetlll'MI I dDaG .-. QN l'l\Tll ......., tomeont .,.... I lilCI t Jl,5l Wit frcm - Ir'• I I 'MWl.OJld)'OUh8Yedor.lp._...1 tllCO'l"<ea • • -=-. do )'OU thilil? t.tr.r-•li"e:ri'I owi 11.d(y enou;l'l10~n 9-por 1,

r111 -~--- _,.. l'O "9.V.do1141 ""tOIO- • pc*e Cllfioer .dN'd ..... bMd,,... ~ tollOW~ 1r1D ... "" mu111 std all ll'ly .... '; 4ft1e11::9'1 ... ,tot"let'lktl0of~.,..b1Qo: ('"11nl0, ._,,. o1 a...~ tlilly llPPMft<I to """ .,,, 0 trctw .. IQ

imgq::t #'Id he ............. I~~• lab .. t'"'-901 Qlll)y4l#l'c:IM lw!rl«e

··~ ..... - •• !Md: ... yOIJ llC'lAl!ly Nd~ .. ~ °"'" ......

Mli'tr!; ... tdlerl't lt·~"'IMOIW~..,.,...,_.,__. d"'Pid! WG IClldWl'!lf-1 .... l._p: t •'010 ll'llket-. fl'll h. I 11*1• I .,.,,._Id...,. rwa • klC .._. t~ f r.t,.., ,_..a• lltlll!I T~ II..,.._• .. MO dlt a.:in:._111 .. D'Itcaa't.i..-1oom~a1n. m 1a.1,..,..1'.-~1arwrig90ltllt0fl" .. ...., ~---~""""..,..

~· ltt.!!- Q•ntions 24-JO l"9 ..JI kuT a.111 i·'IN'l'Vlf"I> ,.,,a • ....,. ~Mort.• Raltrigla. "6o,,.,... dw cibiim.:1n-~ k •- -tW"""'° fiJwr. Ra I I TOday Oii OW'l);<)(>QA 4 fM tl*CI IO '-ll'O lrolll'll.!'I ~..., OI t'lt pop.Jiit T~--Oll Mfll'tlf\ you ..., • _._. aipel'tlero. Win )OJ....,. 11'1 ~ e.. ~ y(ll,t....,. a k."'1 ~ VM, I Cl""°" upwald'I~ S$ 4W• 8'w:f- Jltc1~11d .,,. ... way.,.... CO!Ad ~·It ........ '"°""' ... 1111\ .,.. ,.. __ Ofl "'• 01.11 , .. »I' l .. aar. d "" .-i poMld all t:t.el' ...... or _,1hng llke hit. It ..,. .....,..11"3'e 1t101.t IPOl'11 IA 01r.:....-r;J(jby.lMllllt;illl.l ... ,lftlN'9 t..abr#JO'll~ _.l!bOwat~• n,,.m ......,....,. ,,,. T"IQ+'l'llU'I tMIOltl .......... .....-; v-'9 llgO Did l'Olil,..; ...,.. .. eohld too1

_.. n Jlll!ti<;IAH Ot)l •tJ l'llf'fl beln.lCDJI ""*......, .. some - ......,, ThM'.l Wl'4! te elbm .... (IA b M6, ~ ...,, lhl rule it.11'1 IW"t) 00- IDa. I 1P'9' ..., 00 a IOilr lhlll ...... ...,,.,... wr,,..,. lt'llll rd_..., ee ~•'IQ I CtltJd to ....... bit ........... .., tiller~ 1"11 '1111 llbl.ta oW' 0 7 t... I~ II. 11 .. ~ -=o1Cf lltwm llM IN111 ~ • • - • fOOd • .,., lltt l'Nt - •• '900'd•'IQ d 11'!9 ttio.- t'>f'Y ., --- ..,. ...... O!\ let11t " h lPW!g I ICI >¥1-.11 I~ ..... _~~ Pol lOl'IQI 11't llWr'fW'..,... Cit c.er.., J*lPlii" ..ari; tu ...., .......o q,in. dlll~ llQM .. ~~ ....., ......... OPnOn. lhetU..

, we• lie.bi trJtJ ara. · _...Mll.Jo.rtclaon..ilVIQ. hln.,,. h.111\ llyl ....... ,__ t-rd ~ ... -l '**"" lhtlunclOf~,au.~•IW'ICl11:tl'll)' ~ llbWll'l • lh•o:ne bV "'- ,... ... ~It eu ......... 1,.., bit~'*"'....,....,.. IO"'ld I. 'l'Ou C#l't ...... IMheWOfUt wr')'...,,. W ..... ...._,.....__MI,.. ~fttoM(QllQ .,...,~ U.~lnlt. ......... tcll1'e0f In. lnelul,...,...""' I htk ll09t.,. '"­ ~ "'*· 1"'9{YI OOI • ~ .. , ..... IMgll tnor. f'WI ... or• w111ten by tri. _...,.,... .....,. TY...., aays 1"9 -- ...,..., rwe.-i~clybrlw1•~ ll..b.bd-br:Thl ' ma an:f Ii• IJ:ilJIQ PJ nw- M:I ~ hitern~NJ wt ¥;» Th• 90.'lgl •II ._.,. mdt r- lr'U - tt.y•,. ... ., ........., tnd cewr • !Ind 1w ~).Ill,.;,.._ ,i.t'IH towel ..... Oii t>e tong• re Ql'9et 1o mnc. •...,. I hill 1 act.Allty prefs hon. ht .,.OU )J!ll tit~ rd ..... D. Md h COYW Cit h lilM!I; • - sblir.ng loo • ad .. crijNi lillm. II wa aetu1lly dlei;r:lld by N group llw • I • • *-r rilll a _, ODllaQtl, in lid. -·· Ur 11Jwcut16&1bull'l? It I"..- lo be-. ... e,, lbe Cdlras, 11•s got -.di • 'lrQt cl typos of sorgs C11t t - .90n9 kPn ::IO!)Jbr 1hows, to"119hll in.good la dance~~-~ got sud'! ,a .-dM'l'lfl"lk- M ...... • - _._,. ~ ¥iel. lhoH -

7 7

•• lt'Mt.orttl h.mes r.o.~ - WP "ri IN!htC we+ I ;41;- Thlyft thoughtful ..,,,._1UD/!;11kl'(n.n., 1tsrwotapa: ' \;•oll(r10w11 ~,.._tu rm~ they'f't: goli"g to be~ DQ. 1'*' l'llXI .eu--i • ~ 1111en!WKI nw: ft'IDl'At _ , ..,.. --

Page 202: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Training A* s111Ueao llD lhitlll about b' the difr~ -.d$ 1r1 Ille l~·q ate:mt'd • 1118ctr'ettdolhe) .. <t:'/ fer .....~ .._ cllft9ll(lm a. WU 119 llro.lt ..._ lll!lf .. wnt« .It alki• ....... "'Mdlcr fY981l. 1*11 • fullft. l'lmou•-. •llCIW ... , 1be •"1111rt 11 ....,lift .. I toJ _,,lti1_.. MUIJ7 _,,.~ ... ddol lab nuk ~II" bit *1/.Jf'9(' ~tlf,l,ifUW. do..~IJ (!ll 611 ··""' -- Oct ~ti• nplahl 9" 1.v, '-"' tholilin (Ill~ ~'IO 81'1C Pf'li.• I •11ir·. i.1111 flrct t(I,_. ~rm._.-~ Wvtlw' nu. ii pdN tip ...... jft l'Mft"l• l.

11 ,..._ '°"" ~ --~I On 1'111 .,.., 1-.1 J N ,;_,, 4 .,,_I If I Air St.......,~ •#lilt),_.·~• I M 7~ •N#fln-./NWMlt

-- A !WI ~m .-.::-ti M'JIM'I ~~ ~ bMr ~ lr'd __, in. ;.int)lecl ~. #!flo .. eiiira ~· .... dOM rttJI rlMd 'JO M .. 'MO. C.C.-. oon.:I .,.S\\'e' .fl Pat1 2 ,....,_ 2 ~


tO ....... t.....,,,..,.NIWlflllMll NG.W ....... llo .. __ Z8 ,__ .• $ AdOy .... aftd .... ol ....... roMIM -·· 3A_,,,_...,..,.....o,_,_--.lfto ofW - 4C -- ,...._,__,..,...,........, _..,.,,.,..,.. __ ,. ,., .. poorba4am- 58 ni.y,........,....,....,,.Nflll*t_,.._d9>' tG .. -- tA ...,....,.l1a4'0A 4d._..,__,....~ - a:A"""'1 ... o/.....C,.....,,... lllllC I I 7C'- ,,..,.......,., __ •A ,..._,......, """"" ,.... #ttl,._ ..aled •• --

E.X..-n prectic:• rt.- ...S .. .....,. t"!iat ~ .... w - lhol: *"k(PR ~mtbr rr,11 (~ lk:tl 11.'1 lir>nl .. 'he -..ualcs - ti.. irk. t(I .. dlty - d..r- "''* &'tw ..... -11\ollll '111111ISM.,_,1 t.- 1..- .. toed 1!.._..,lhem1 •1.1Ulid.t)·•pmil•tt - .,.,,flt'..,.c. n..~ li'!Cm ID 1111.1~ .a )'Ill •twm :llf)' ... fl11Ubd -.i Chat JOU~• .. lo.'11 oltMI ~1·1,,_. W'ld *-cha: -' ktpk"'l llf'•f"Cilll Tiit)' - •h~ q1;.id)r ~· ...... t'-irdcuatai!la.~ btf...-. by ..... ·-

6 ~llJ W 1\c' _11t .. ~ .. ....._ tliem.....,. •D•

""'"" •• .,,..._ .IH.fDlll'lt .. im......... •4 .......... , .... ...,._'d...eo...--_ A•~l-llhltd ............ ~ • .,.oraw•DA 0 ... llo do ... beet....., c • M'l)'I§. ,_ ..... ....... 1*'1-• llholll ol....,,.,....

i edlcl.nc:l JWI ~ _, D ..s .,,.,.,,_ '- ........ ,,_., I091fkll0 !lie_,.,. - outai._.... ...... "**"' "°" llarv .. ._,. .... Nd • .-.y~

201 I THChet'\ Mota Test 1

I!':.":~ .. ~- ... . _ _.. ..... toll.. __ ,.~ ~ -~"~ • fl,,,_,~ .. ., ti#!

$ A* u.dtntJ ID W "I ...... or !lit Wfller \ .-rude a &'le tell ... kn:~WO • f.W9&

4.a11t Siu.SC- find b .,,.,.u • •.lio qqa1lllln.. ._ c~ "'''h • pwtncf. f"'1It.aID111!\ •·.it....., llicl otflO Ofll'i(llll .. WI~

I c,. CCtl'Kt p,. gud9,... ... ...,. ...... ,,,..,llO~ ._.. eCl .Jpp'OK" 9W DO«. fA.s ttTO'IO' OK..-~ - .. ,.,. ... CliMr; ,,...,., ,.,...,..,... .... _,,.,. .... .,,,..,. .._.

84W1'Q"9-lt.....,. 09: Jrue. c.lf ,, .• riot~~ olt ... ..,.. o•-OW>D- lt'1,.,,,. ..,, o: ._,..,.,..... "'94WICJori 1

,) A~~..,.-.. llO Nld !he ... MCll!.m.t.i•o,.,..._ thrll' .,,,..,, .. tlw dild. q!lllllJGlll.


, b.,,....,. •IMl'O • M:ildaaN IO__. tOMS IWI ,, ... ~ OPit'tnd "-"· .. .,..... ""'.,,..

la. ll T~ll ...xrn_,..,, look ~Aall)' Ill at qu-- ...... wu ..,.., ; ., ~ llwm liCI ta~ alx9 why llw Ol"ltt .._ ~ •ptu:.. ~---


c •~ The,_. rolled'1fflvffd~ o1-. w!tltl llnd ._bog--., (A 11 mirongo-a.-**'IJ" ao. ~._,,to - ll~dc.. .-d'.. lftildidrt'l a::tllllf)t~ 8. ~ ~ ..... lll"D"" ~#louglit h.-ipwoullfl ,. ...... IJIM; .. it ....,'l D.ls ""O'YI ~IC.,._..,..,"' mt i'#f ..,.... ,,..,. IMW/Wid.J

-- , ~ ,.,.... Pt•fl .. 611,...... ~- ..,,.,.,., '°'' • ......,,,.,,,.,.1J1111(VWV .. 00 aoiorll ...,. ~

.ICJ(l' " IQ• ~·.-...··~·-·--'""' • ...._ .... .... ""'"" ..,,., ..... • ,,,,b,,., ·-~111111.-~ •11 fMrol-.no--=•

Training 1• Oct a....errtt 10 ltad 1hf'Ollllll ditc - • ~to ge. • ~I

'VIC;W t); ~l lt°I ~ 1'-' 116Jc ... liO., dii""'tflo * qu«t""-. •nd k ~ to ah--e l'ICIMIOG8 fcir fiat ~

llo Wha. ~11 ~ fir~c~ t'-ta t11m.,... U.. llnh md lry tct 1mr111..,,. •lull .., tan ra.at1hcr

-- ·"· ~.1 ~o,. ~ --.e-arioce ~ ~ OO'llllCI .,, ..... ~PM I l'kt!WI Z merb

Part 1

Teacher's Notes & Keys

Test 1 Reading

Page 203: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

THdlet"I Notes Tat t I 20J

BA - 19N ,,_,,,,,._ ............. ,.....,.. ~1'1# .. 00,,.... <ti __. ""7Plf ac ., ... ,,,... ,....,. ........... ,,.....,....,...~ -- • 0 ..,, • .....,,., ..,, lfNy..,. }Uaf .. .,. - -.o-K• ""'*'. ..... .....,,..,,,,.. ..,...,....,..., :» e 111e .....,.~....,,,. _. "'•,.........,....,. ,.. ... ~-,..,.....lflltt/!f----

fill 0 """" - ~.....,.,,..,,,,,,.,.... .... , \ ,., .,. endl!I .._,..,.... _...,.•-..-.Md_,,..,, t c'r .,.. • .. "',..... '"'...,. . ...,...,. ... ,, c..,.,.. ,,,,,..._ - .._.,to .. .,,•--'*·,., ....... •• • Aird - ........... " dk ..... °"°" ,,.. ,.. ,_. e/t, .,.. ................ ,,,.,'°"*' ......... o.w ...... rt A ... IW MN "'I'....,,,,_. MW/ I"""'' .. .eouf ""- Mvpfd ............ ,..... ........ __ ...,.~~ JOA .•. a, ... ..__,, - - ......., •Oft t.d.., wtrll ,_ .....,..,..'°.............. ••J ~- 2' C ..., ,,....,..ol,.. .,._ ....-,,..,...,._ a.co••l••b:""Mloo. ,.., ..,_ __ o«M,....-d"how-ao~ %1 c-... atdDcdMd.- c11..- .. ~ ..... fl).,­ ..,...... ..... _ _.... DI Illy__.,.,_,.......,_ Ml-..n flt......,.._.. 9'M ...,....,..,.,.,....,....,..,.,, .. , r~-e.dlD • ..,.., - tf'liff .......... 't ................. ,,,-. .. - --- .. ..,,__,.,,.,, ,....,. ~. aA ,..,........,..,.... __ ,, 1t u••tltlt .... .,.... .... *"' ,,...,...,, .. -.m•.,.,,.,.,... •• I 1 .. lleu/td,.,,_,,.,..,.... M ... ........,., Ol.lf If.._ .... ...... IN .... 111...,...,. .. _._.


" A.sit ...at11 io dloMit 11..i corrta ttat~ Cid tlllem to 1:1.1 ... .,. mt ldler~att n:mg

ASc:~~-.~~.11)'-~ot ,,,,..,. ..... ldr:t ......... ,.. W'W'!(J-ftdoan"t .. tllllt .,,._~ 11'la i.1 p , ,,. .... ,.,,,,,., ... " .... dl'l'i(;IM ... ,_ • ._ t!lie or.. ,;,. __, .. 90t IJIWl'te ~ . .t C• w...,.- 6"t ...,.._ .... "~or,,_,.. ft ........ ~ -~..,.dlll*'I "*"'..,._.•no -.i~ltl .. ....,,,..,.,.....,, • .,., J 11\J

l*'-Wlhe ,.,_.. • •• ........... ui.1-.0.. ...... ........ °',,.,,,,,.. """ 11 pc/t.S•-• ,...,..,..,,.,,.., .... rw ....................... '11'11 ' ,,. ,..,..~,.. fo . """'~ ......,.,,.. ....

~- '~ '~ ,.. dlf ll:d .id--~...,. c.n ~lier 111tqr- ... ~ wtoi.-.1 bil1111 1'eck 11 llK' l<f'I If tn1o1cnb •INCP •1lb ~di.,. ..cl ti· le t'llC:f'Wtec'd ...... I• l!iwJ'lh 0.-... ti!•~- .. mid • ~. l•lf -.11mple _.,l•W ll'Mt. Ask ll'rtll llD CICll..,.,e .... ,t~CIJ'll•N.

J At.I. ......., to drloow $m. """' -.ICI* O.C ..._..,call& ..,, .... ...,. ~llif ..., l>l'll :.I "" ......

C • C:Of'Ntf. Hit /WOVl'l'I• ..., ,,,.. tirlllitl•llo ... • ~ #"'1 WI ~ .... ,,. .... (lllt.......,,.., .. t; - • _.....,,.,,. ...m~._...- .. ..,,_,,_ t' t (A•--'9- ~,_.,,.,,tll:IN r11ar _.._.,.,, ot~ ,,..,_,'t,.,. --~ol~,,....._,b,....,,8 .. ~---· ..... ,.._o.cbol_.....,ll,..._.,_!MdwslwdNtiMri WWtt/~,~hf•'•b'Oclblt~N~....._b41t,_ _.,..,..,.,,.....,,....,

,.....,1"9 Cid...,'- kl nMd Cf*CU)' d11'*" 11'. trc:i&t •nd dlla ... It tho)'~ 111,_U .. qllftb)ftJ ........ "'!mir'K -~to IL lli11 •ill ~Ip dwnl W - w·h;u ~1111 m tllo)' U.. ta .. " •. 1\ie ... )fO LSiJy 1f.ldnit1 C'M ft'lalll • p:ncnl CGldont • *'t1r lillilck. It. lnOl1I quklJy tlwy • I: hr .Mt IO doh lliilk. aa thifY .. 1.n..,. 9h:h orb k'OUlll k'llb 11 .. mD11 t.l.L'.ly ., CIOllCaia eio mfllnnatu• ~ see l0Gut1;, b. ~ sr-..._ w uaderlme _,. key -*im!atli09 dial hcl(d ~ •dtioo&c. tit:lL t!'I• °"' be llillCftll .... t.ca n-un.g 10 It i- ... tbs lllllk ro (ilect ~. Saldc:eu can c:cn'lpetl: lirlc -.btf's .. pa.n IO tet 1flhq 1111\'f aoc.d die -.C iaf~ ror each fll'OGllP'.

, .., 1-~· _,atlWdN __ ..,..,.._,.,...,... ~ .... , ............ ,.,,,. ... ~~,_,..,,~ 11• ••4 90 tr.,r'OfJkl--'d tll•.-- ... lfMlth .... ........... ......,,,_. fri.tM 4

, - .s Iott. llOf • ,,.., "" """""'· ., - ,,.., ,......,. "". ,., .. ._ ~.,,.. _,._ .,..,.~ .,,,..,,,.,........, ..... J .. - ,.... "'°'.,., ., h#lllOlf,...... ,......... ........

-- •'1-lltOrw~ ... .i-.:rtt.'1tP'tG 1¥:tby1$•.llt;c c!olw l'NlelllfV ..,..,.. ... E«'i CO"ft<'t ., . ..., ., r .. a ,._ • .,.. 1 ~


EJcam practice

ltE rOH ffT J2A DC f4G f.58

z AD.-IJ(D1-,lk1t...lh" ~ .. PPP-'~ .11~1.

l••••w••--• ,,.....,'* r.-.ct• e•li•otwl.1.,..7

·' S,t111!¢11!1(l1r-:·•tht ,,.,,... •C'"" ~ ro 0 •• , ... ,., lbr lCXt. Get lhr19llOUl1 .. ah.a"41)'6c\1Ch... '''" ... """•

c .. c.,,.,... .... """'9111'9 " -.dla' ~ .. 01 ... llllOWll Nt lW 14°)(l•JI ~.,.....~ 'A 11..,..-... b,,_111'1 lltfw ... (lllO'"' tl'IMI •• "641. Aolio. tt cio.MT m-• _.... - ~do.- ~--' litOil' t.nt:O~- ,. ~o.c...e fMP'W'OUI"~ ,_ ·~Ufd ,,... .... (0 bt~ •-.O .... 'fKr ..... ....., ~ ... ¥nv dlM'IJ -" at'l'la6 tat tll.m\ as --.I ltt h *'b .... hg.WI

Teacher's Notes & Keys Test 1 Reading

Page 204: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

li111ning I Aftct_......lw\.,.,.lt!'lttllllil, ....... ,...,chcdllhey

' t and wNI tlw)- b• .... "" ~ 2 ~ (lilc llUdtftni CO ~k kp:l·cr 1Dr1alc "tl.tl!t ba:tl ..._,.

anddif'vd.'"'lr ·ltnr*-- Thea ... ~ r-r-•dl.ln:-. tdelll weh ji¢ ""' (I( dia dMs.

6 Jlllll!lftt!\n:pwt•llt'!eUlf11k'ef••cdlcm-~ Saidc::iu ~Id urw:l~rhl'C' ,,.,,,,,. .. ~. #".,,.,_g_ ~fil-.,.1.rr,J Jin#°"' dirMtll4(JWI'-. '1t,,,, ""'°'• ,,.,,,,., ..... MIC.ial-~.t~

-- Cl'ICOM '"'• •._ic ....,,., 11 <.:11;iC19ol l ... q> ltOi L 'f"* ...... ng .-t.-, '9:lo.i.- Oil' It•""°"' Cllrddlir!• ~ IO..,.itlo tJO-llO -· [ai;."i q .....,.., :in.,, .. J'llPI" Cl..,• IOI-' 'fWti.•

Part 2 (report)

--­ _, ... h..., lltet tolhf .,.......,,..,. to"')' ........... ~ t"' ,..,,, ~ ........... ,,,--*If' f(W,.... Lli'!lbrt_,.,.. ,.,..., ~ .....,,~ ,.,, •• .,. .. loolbMll)IWllN, b•(f,,.,.. ,,... "'"'""' ~ ..._., .-. .. ~ -- llOlll ~.., ....... ,.,~-~ --- ... Of14"'111o - u.i.,. llUllSllM, .,. • i 1¥ *"' or 9h dl!V- rt..,__,,..,... C»C. .,., _ f:nikl...., fl(! t-ll'IJ""' ltl'IM'll c .... .,., ~ rOU'ld.,. ""3ps. #lft/fJM i..~ eool .. "'9........,.. eot'd twlv,_,.., T..-....Mtd ,_.111 ..... ~ r-,,. ,.,..,. ' •• =·"' plat:-. "" ,.,..,. • piroOablf - w t~11te 11D~Old ~ - Md IC,_. a Jl'WI! ~IHI,.._.. JOO:.' -.,.d11n·r-po ...... ~yo.Jr.,.,., s..""" toCWI'

' , ... ·--- ... ,,.., ... 7 Uai~ M-tll'J ~ tu'I ee tidl&l b ~I lrlda~

.,_....._ 01, .. ,~k11urhc ~ d1NCt---.• • ttnf1 ot f'll*, ...s Nit""""" thit ~ c..s. ·coow )'(".J tr.I me

',and cut up de rNI olr\o..,,. ai«decl m:t ~ dlie imdi«<t q .... 1:.o11(or•11llt"llC'ftC1. A* lrlldoncr '° PIJl m..im"' lbc ft&bto.C.

J04 I TM<hfr• Noc• Twt 1

' ("" tOI iOl4mu IO c:ic-.u- the llC':"!lcn:ics 110 1.1-1 cm!) ;M f\a.uon. se .,...c-. ao.t a.cn ask tt.it too."nw ~ w1lh kw own on~a Wfon.., Uo .a.. eaercttt..

I a,. ~ d 4 ~ • • • • 1. •c-

- ., 7'. 00 ¥0U

I f...,,,.~.,.. t.lfJOU__, .,ICM 2 r t'ur.11 l"r1 pno.W ID - f$IW «1Uld al.SJ '4• T'(I ,.,,.,_

.J 0o )'OIJ """* .._ ..._do )Q. tv-1. """'c:1or ~ - .a. '.Canyout1111,,,._ ?~Coulo'J'Ot.r- 7' 4 l)wnq '"">' ~ fOf' ~

IS.. .Jo--',_. -Jal IOI'~ IDOlllllK"l l'W...,. ~ fr.!loll. ....i ,,.... ,,., ,,....,,...... 3 .,.11",...,..,.... ~"*' .. .,.."""'... $ ' • ....,. -- :1,GI .... ..........,. llW augoMf1 -~ ..... OWOI.. ,_.... ~""~ .... JI.Jo llllOI#,,,_.,. .. .,.. .Jo l!botll ,,.,...I Ille~- attd..,.., ......... - ...


.._ ... ...._. , ,.,.. ~ ...,,. ,,.,_ fOI 0"""*'°'9 Ill) ~ atflfl ,,.. .. m& "'8fli ~\""'d 2 rtt,..,_. 90 tftOQf)lno. • ,o.iw gor..,_ .._,..~ .,.,....._ ~ 8"0PS .,_ '°" 3 lMl'J dorl'f .. .,..,'t IOf7'f cwtls? O' J01,1 CV1M .,._"" '°""" - !Pod'.,..., yo.Jr~..,.,...-. <fJil!!Mdl ~ -~ lbl"J'OW,,.....~

~ 11 -=r:t" ei7''1Dm. itli; U""lf'<.-1X11 *" ~ asedew di• tilt ..U 1• "'frrtlcr. le •!-~ ~at dlt (~U:teal ir1..:. lr\lwy .. io ·fnlll:Je· ._ cmm:1·1 oee ~~Ii 1 i "*• <i""klJ .._.h th.c tfllll·' rr•llri·~.,. • t.- U:m.t ind lkndl'kll• tbelt ...__~ lri rmo. I r-OtYU:r•• ,..Jcrilf. 1sJ atW ,__. ~ ,, IM •n.-.n. ~ rrtc*•l. e.,s. t.w di• ... i.,. .. ,,.... • Fil2I to ..... 1 .,._?

I , n •• ...,..,, • ...,. ... ,. ..._...,... ,, .. ,.,.,...'"""'1 ,,. .. .......,......., • .,,......_,, ....... , ... ~__.,_.,.,.,.. .. ,, ,.,.. ........ ~ ..b.

1 (1111 lblJt"011., olf'tt di5cN:et ~ •l'.k:ll , ..... ,_ wn1¢. (•ft 'iic t->sd

Trwfning '°'": RCltliJld t1111ddl1S thll lM -.iiL'leacr m Pan 1 ar ~ fca:une ~ i.;idl •a phi:)m. dft.wuti-c.-.:bcdide « alh·crtiucc:1<••. Ab~~ .sudl •-"''A. ~-S- and~ "'"" d90 be­ nc-~uded

--· an.co: •~ t~~J~h0fl'!lf91!W\10..ora.. c. ttt __,..,_r. , ..... ~ •. Each~ on"* CltS)el' ,..,._ tcMIM m..t,._

P•rt 1

Teachet ~ Notes & Keys

Test 1 Writing

Page 205: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


i A,fllu., 1t -.Jcntt ...,"~•I lb..-n lill lk'm kl jl:0:$!1f'.I' lhrir .,....,.._ A!-, d llllM., ..,_ ••f!G't'ut Jh1..,.1v1 mil f!Cfll" ... c09lr:..tt 1« •nr ,,_. Jr1 dao '• ~* · bm.

:::- ,....,__. ..... ' b'lil

.,.... ~ ~,.,,,.,~~ ..,,,..., ........ dM1Mee.-~. Mid·~· a.pMt ·- ...................... ,, a"llC.l.w - ~OOl<t. ~. ~- _.,,..,.

' s. ..... Ct.'914 k 1icbil .. """' .......... .,,. thcW d•.- Jtlion .- cldl om

4 A*.._f,)f,1~• dat·H...-.r"-.1 U ICb•(••-..la .,,., ~.,.,,. .. ,.,._ 1 1~ aQoJ"'-O!fW"W"1 JM11t•}Pw....,WI, ••1'1/'ltl '-..,. ""0'9 I lfl ~ • tat_,_.


I f llWIJ" IJIMP# .a ,.. ~ , --~ ...... ., adr1lton .. °"' ... ..,,..,....,~- •• fA:'.11'-..:W ,.,, ....

• '•r: blJ*'I_,, lll•ne-\,.._.1,....r lie lllM4:lK•,•1<1 poe._._,.. •• 11e.ltl.llh•11C•1t'c 1.

Tnllnlng •• "-'* ...,_. ~ .,lckl)' .... it.,,.,.. .... laftl1 lbei1

mtll'IWlllC •llllt ltwy h...,. ••. P"Ull n a.y altlt.t11kicintt" -attr:lo. .. powblo 11111 !le hi..t

I~-·-- ~ T:t.nQa,,,._ .. Ow.ha..l" .... ~ a.i-..; JOllCIM,.~ ~J:,.,, ,_,,1*11*.,.,,. .. ~Md .....

--·~ ... , Chooa• .. 1m111 "°"' • ~°' ""'-- ~- lh•• n• o ~h(:'-ari ,,........., Cr\c:1C1111,.,...11owntit1 .... 1• - ~ Ql.*1,(11'1 ""1!119 Piii* c:(ll'r*I eqUlf l'IWb

Pef12 (e'*8y)


Wridr'9 ..... 2

-­ Al'TVl4CHOO&. CLW .... 0 ......

Ow ldlOOt .It "'°"""" • ..,. ... .,_-#lflrOOI dill! ... ~ .llt do•~ 1"' ~ olM "IPO'f ff IOW" $$ 11' aoo..it • ....w.b .. fiPO"- - -· ., ll'ly""""" loo ... ..,.., ll4t - _.., fPOrf /lW,,.,. .billp" ~"""" .,,., k'ltlol .,.,_... ~ m.r ,,...,. 0.

......... t ....... ~--- ......... ............... ,,_., •M •e~ tiDQlll.,... • lrM"'t.., the clWtcOtM l.W Hrta.- -,.._ c'OUltl 11"' IO M ~ Ir N9 • IODIOM pifm If' flOOd CMdfl'.IM. At &"'4t l'IO,_., t .-it tA-.1 ot1 I illd tq ......,..... IO -Ca&Jl/I.,..... ~ ,....~ ... .,..,...,...,,,_, "•fwd,...,_ rto• o.._.._.,. ...... b9 ... ID~-- 90 _,,.,I .,.... .. ll'OlilO' dlO " .... "'-'· c-n• f , °""" ..,.. , -""-..r..,,, -~~If ... loQ, " .. be --

Exam prec- l'lw i.mJ>llr lilft....,. ... ,.,. od ......... lt111"1. lli1 .. ~ .. ...,. lhomld I')' to..,, ••llllD the word hM 1ho 91W lllry .-rt11£. ~t• fl'C'..., ''-'ll...oefllrrmn. ll\..._ lO._thilll•rttodiad ..._ 1t.f'\'C •ltady- It•

I A ..... ..t Rit;lm1110 1 W ''"'cir two 4Ul'Jlf"ll't - pat.11,. ;,ibaal tllc tl'<tll(''I o(dM riJ. C ..

llC ZI 2¢: 41 IC., 7C ......... wftk:l'ti .-m. - "'· NllOlt .,.,. #Nfpeflfl - ,,.. ,..el'1' • ID -.. 1b amt '41-

............. • "'""' ..._ -~ '"'».-.b000&4 ~.,. ,,. ,,,_ 1porf'J' -~ ............. ~ ........ ~ ... .....,...,.,.. .,,.,., ""°"' wi'IOo,,,__ ~.,...,.. • Mw r......, - .,.//ddO 11 to .,.. aii1 "1"~ .. _.,,,.... 9'901'_, M dbrll ,_.. .. ~ .,._,,...... '' ,...,,._ •If '"""'tie flit:,... .rJ'ld coiDo:M'INlf~'f.., ...... - _..,, Jlit. .... "'°*" flOOtl ....,,, ..... ltll~#laf .... l'IOIOW~"'l,..~fc.o,._,,.,, ... .. ._..~bXt"'-MdN lltJof'CM N _.,,..._, 11 ........ ,.._..


Teacher's Notes & Keys Test 1 W. lting

Page 206: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

-­ ,,.,,,,,. tlflo'W ........, n.e ~ ,_,, ~ --· ... -- ,,... ~ .... ..., M'e • ..,, ......,.... ~ IUC'A)t

FOi ~ .,.,. .-.-cs ............. """"'""" .. ot pootl-...tc. ~-....,....''*""""~ __.. .. M ,,..) Clllllt ~ """°" .,._,...,,..,. .....,. •4» I twl • ~ endN...-...., Dll9' ......_ ,..,....,..,°'" .. ,.,... _bmJll _,,_ tcflOll( ,,.., ,,. ............... ~ tJlit'I ......... llliD( P'l9 _,....,,,... IWllJlllC .. K,._, '"1 If> ""Y ,,.,.,,,,.., tuo. MI.,,_. I_,,_'°,_ ........ ..,..... ,.._..--., '""'..,.,.,.....,... ,..,'"",.,,... ~ ~ uc; til ..... ,_W,,....ltlemOo & 411f't1Cloupw.,._ ....... ...,,,, 01.--.... ',,_.. ....... "'l'tftlft .nc)......, - IQ:I, °"" Mf .......... M le--.,-..- MNltl t111 ...... ~ ll'!Wloul ,_;

• 'ror..r.d~" - ,_ .... .... ~ .......... I . Cl! , ,... "" 1 .- t .... ,, "*"

6 Jtt~.md lllJ"-t'I ')Ill ... _ ol1o'll.d lu ti ..ilmOC$ •11~rr wt.c11 ~hr) nl M 1ldr.l _.., .....

Tuilnlng l•tl .o\lk IClllllrlDtl t>J co.er tt11:..._ili lb N._ lllakit thar ,,.,...

•1*''-..._.t>11NllW.1• 11 Wbca 111'7~ 11 lb ... - h· ... iMir ..... (di~ willl *-r Oii Clw ...... ,..,. t.h.ft a11y •l&hllflal tJ.m !MN lhlit i-., t•ld-'

1 .\ EllCl'I •r '*- YOll c(Uid r• th• ia I .,...., i•tsnM •1 •Jrt,o bf.rd,~ C9ll \lit I -"it._......., .. 1rudi::nbi o(..._ to lt.tclty .. iia lht•r..., _,.._,.bl{.,,.~ t11n wnune.

" (let trllldwilll 10 ma:h .. f'#lljp'lfhl ii Allllll \ wtick .,. ... q~ '" -.c Clllk.

5 Srudcmr. w die :lelll<afl oonum..111 me cs:~ io Anm\ «nMI. u... Ula s I !ht ' •ICU w.m kolio-.

1 1.-.~ 2~Jt 3....-cl 44-1to ..... j,,.,., 5 ,..,"*"" , '!! ........ , ,... .. ''*"..,

flltktw141~ o-oce. o.... us.. 'rOI"' a ~or-..~1. Na h!W"lg ~m~on N .ice- Car.did.,.. ro.ct to ~1•1ao _,,_ e.cn ~~ thll :MIPI" c:rie'I equal ~.

Pert 2 (article)

Eum practice -- n ""* ,,_ .._.,.people bot .. Cif)o' ., ,. ,.. ,,_,. tt.f'rl .-a ., ... ,,.,.. r,,,.,. ,.,c#r,,,.,,,, .. qa..r ~ o( - OOlll,,,..,. ,..__ theciirh•• tattooer.. ,,.....')J)tflftlyolau•:Ww• .. llDr ··~ - o--1' ~.and caMs ..... ~ .. '""~...., ... ,,... to dlooM "'°"" ...... ~ ~ .. .,..ny ""~ .. ,....,. ,. ..,.,..,~ ~ . O't ,_om. ri.wi. ,,. 111f)' c..,, ~f"IOflrMd ~ '""• .. "'" .,r~rwt .. .,,,..,.. , ..,. ~.,.,,_.,,.,~ ..,.._,..,,. _ ... ,., _..,.., ... .... ,., ... c.ri~ ta41t .i/f'lait ,......,...,,.,.,,. .,.,. """'" ~ tJ,. C11)' IOI,_......,. M!Nf

Teacher's NOtes & Keys Test 1 Writing

Page 207: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

I: ... ~~=•OUI ~.pro-. I SICINI,.""" lllOl:i. "WIOll w•WI ~ y0ur "-'I i.p, Vte wo# 'COid __ .. ru.s. (OUT~·~~

-- illO'lif)t: "*""' • __,, 8 ~.._.,.Chu e:maw llldenb haw' llut flll lll tlW

CWTk1 verb C• • .. r1"t ~ > or the oiamicl prl'pot.itJOt. C- • U111 -.. .-pie)

I , .. .ttoolt , ·- ,.., ... 11111 ..... , ... 10111

9 (!) P'o!MIQ ..... IM.l .... fl 1't111k ... -~ .. ._~ ..,...., •hll .,.,., \1ltttcolb.wli-)n hrr8a INft wirJ. or 6-

, """""!lit• ..:tf!lll\-.bll__,,

l , .... .,_rooA ,,_,_,.. .,._ ...... 4~-"°""' ·~-.- fNMf-flO 7•-11t ,,,....._. to1-- tOmlldll-darle

Gcc ... lO Matt two '-ts m dlcw 111111abtlary ••,.d•Us. alld ..... 1lwm ,_,. umt dlic,. w e a1t a...pr of .w a1'd • Tllf ._. 111 ~ ~ c.n be r.:aic:. Cl'I ti•~ .i uscJ to ~ dlete culloali ...,. Dnrl ..-.~ b)- 1-iol&tilc. up oet CMI ...... aid lfll ... lk-lO 10 U1 __., (11' Jn.

4 c.,..,.. ttlo r•erct. • * town a:a4 ~ d•:\ *ir ¥re" I "'rlr• 1r- die)' lui'f'W ...,., t•l atl ~11 lllJ add •tt·fM to., lbtl.

J ... llletoie ., '·~ ........ ,...

If ~· ·••• h · •r ....r..aill)' _.... D'.lf111Vl\.M.. 9'rik thN .....,,.,,. l'l!l tJlllt lloll'd 1~1 t* _..II lrO add lkiln Ii> !he: Cll"'"'l'l'.t.,.crbt: go: -•mmmg. a 'lfil, ndm&, --.e ai...: • t100ll C-. 1 laugh, a lnM.~ • wwdehall ...... IOll.. Jria.iathe llM: a t.haoc«. c.tftll•c:hlqr: (al). an m1t'res&';nJe I.ii . .-.., a ,.. C10«et. 1 illlitp bn:11h. can . .t-.aric,.. ("") ~ 8fW\lt> . .Wila IJllmd )'WI lt1" '·11fe ... '""' ...

1 ..,.II fl..,.,... 1111 C11i'h"b0 C8 kit OWft. It. (:(Ill'!,....,. 6rtt ~•·1th.,._.

E.dansloo Aftor """""lct1111. ~m "· 8* ...-...10 ..W ~ cic1mpln f4 ~--

S All Mllllu:1~ •• llbll ,,, re .,..., ... a parrncr

I~ """"'......-..~ flll4Q.. ,...., • O'l'bc "°""" w. ~- . OI) ""°"' • /d'. .,.wt .. ,... ~ ,,,,.. a..r. flM ,.;,I -

&teMlon AJ ~- .• 1111po..: .. r.llltfCuc .a . ..i mlla.knh maMM "'°" .., __ .... !MM'.~ ~·tin&

.a ~n~ ~ Ibo curtW oo lbc-•t ~ *'n Choe~.,_ .....-Vrt.,... p.rt11•.

I••""''"" ... 4At .......

Ekt.n1ton ' tr lilt: YI". • ft- • t U"rl. -ur .! ... e txw.l Oilll lli'lu.l(nta lilt~ .. !:wilt • ' ' 1btm *h.M .,,. Clll Wti. the: lal. ~it...,'* tbc ..-. • die bolt!I. ct 1"'it-....-, ......,,. fk>t$ff) W'f"l't" of ..... ) MfosltKM.

J A& S!l.Jaiils tit complcti: dlr; curnk ....,. a prtncr ~ ..._ trudmt.s -...Scro._. 6e "'"«lni prtpo• .......... ~n..-c Tile l.ey ............ CClm!Cl ....

I,.., Ziii' ,,.., '"' 5n;i ·-

E-.sion A.l.k. •udent..11 ta tenlC!Ka 9811C -De oldie. wdl' (TOii:! C-1

J ~nu ~Ku the~··• Cbr comet 'f9ba.

I •lllllAlwt , '·~ ·~ ..... '"'°"' ,.,,.( ~·-- H>O.S-

J'ID1n1 _°"'., d ~mn.:• •-1na ~t»N ~·l~Jrw ll'lll l"oe- • -r10 c-r rd. c • ~,.,."""' "' '11*1 """ w.' ind •kll fd"' fol-1td..,.tlr r- ltd. llftrr-1. AK..._ lo tt) In• tlw .amc (Of~ 'It I«~,,, and fff"'llolj# ,., #lpt,/~1 _.Jew'

r~-..n,~.,._~_.... , .. ,,.~ ·- • ..._,~ .... Ill" ·~iot.ll\lNI .... ~ .... ~

T...,.ng ""'-•ncLor !ilwpn:f'OJ.11>419...,. ake ere o,_ ..ocl ul,.. 1 E.r.ml ca..~~ mnu-....-. wilh.,_

Allt. ~ · ~ b:tcm I . ..,._ dwvcrta'llkb p•n~ INtt .... <tncpt: onalld*9dlockdltll'WI With • part-or

- .... "'"*"lltd ~ t..i OQtll~ '' .,.,_ .... -..o""""' by 1: ~lt-«'.toite ..... t.ci\ r:Dl'l'NI ..... "' Pwt ' ...... 1 INl'll..

Part 1

TeachenNotes & KeYS Test 1 Use of English

Page 208: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

4 l,,.t .. flts C~ lk _.m. wid' I JW'tlld'.

I ' fl!lll'W'ler ... 2 e.c.... 3 inllm 4.,.,., I IO l'llf . .,_ .. S Sn.derlb CCll!pl$ Ille~ - dtei.r CM'O and .... tfletlt :bw~···~ l '~'"'•""ci' .. ,,.,,,..to,.,•to 1 o"'"v fc' I dt.e (0 i bee..- ol 5 U ting U :J .. """ .. I .ti--~ 10 I •.,,,...,. --

• Ap:1"' JOI• fM '° lllldml11 *'1 I..,. -.I h tcllt lllnfWI>· f1t4 cw~ lf'l"'ll.,, na lo .. pp.), it wllaiab rfnicrln. •""-die .. "° ..... l-.MllJ•-a .. , .. , \j..,..,..1 .. ,11 of. k'.lll if. • ... 1u110k.li r.., ltl11 ,,.iot~ IOll l 1t- c8'ldlllio~ •"'- ftD lft Pwl 2 •• ~ -~ thml 1•"' ,,...,i:oari4elly .......... ••otccn.:c ~-.., di1 .,_ • wWi cN ....iin, of1lw k'd.

I ' lt01'f -' °"" .I TM' 4 WNW f A f '°'4 1 Arl()ST ITHC ,11/0t'a tOA ttAU ''IWR'f f~~ MT~ ti AN ,.ANY

l C'"":k.tfudc:·l~m>· 'tw~q(NClflfrr*.ina e~,......11 ..,,.,.._,. .....,.trw ·he ''trCMt

I , J111•;io~tif-•t•1 . latllw'Qn ,.....,....

l S?UDenls rad*~ c.ef.ilfy ll!ld ha 'i"I ~ ~ na-.: J'lf'JllllW'I'. •"Yre r.n ~~ wt' rn'8ble.. llli tht.-m 1o wmr ~ 1ltn11•1 .....

I ' ~ '..iw... ~ .w.. • ~ • wlltiirA ._._""-' 7 "'l'IJ' ·-·

Training \\"'"" *"'" ll'h -~ W11J;6c ~ DM,._,,.I

1r .. St1""'1' 11 <:>11lllllfl 10 tlwf .. 811 ..... tn'W Aw.......,..,.,,,. "'9M npb1r-;111l...,,. 11 c=- lw ca: ikld ~ 11"'"' ID tlw ahjlict fl( •~c ""'0#' Jurfi.Jo.fl- l1_1At-Nr•ir1.Jr..:..,iltortlw NV Jor /Ii,~

I ,...-. 2wt» 2wfw-h .. ~ ,...,.,,. ·~ ~ ,... .... ~ .. , °'" .. ....a -.:W-Dofio P«Jpfe""'

--' A•'1111f«:<~clO.t•t4t11•~gt2 .... ..iJ. &.cl- •:f" .... I ...,,,_Ir! P~ 2...,...... t ri-il.

Part 2

• \\.1'ydo )'09 thillk~ c-..1 be• l"l'flO'Utl• pm1ol .;lec!p"

Sc-.dt• o.n Wnk 1111 du: rwulll ol the lllfYC)' lat bouw•OIL

208 I Tor ;her"S Hates Test 1

&i.nston J tll.. AU ittu.Jtll!I • '"'7 ou.1 • 11 .. ~ •I~ •J

~ ....... T'hc rot••"• .c.i .. t.-.1:9"' ~. It.Ilic!• it•"•···~·· f ie1f ,,... lue nl .-.t1l"Cl.l

• Now 11uey ~". _.., - )'DI.I tlttp" • ScofN ~l•u.)'dtflll• ........ ,,.., I" ...... ,,..,, ...... ... , ... , • r)(IM. the~" llf .. - .~ ...,,. tTll.i('." ...... ,-011

'*"' • Wi.1uil! )Gii iib D l'Llf'I l!lc J..'ilool dllv liltO"! ~lly-9 J W'hy llOll? • Oo)IOllch':ml'o' ... )Uu'tcaeket»"

fC"~rMUlt#VJIMd .... ~._,,,,.P JI rorr• rotNd•• ,.....,,,.., bJ ~ llOI "'' 2 0 ~ ptlct'M'itl,.,r '*' ~ ~-- .... ..v ~tom Qllt De~°" M. t.M twee.,.,...... .... so ¢Wt"IOf ""COt'l'«":f ...... JA 'cnl'f A •'ld'C ~t'- iON of~•~°"' IM __, ~ fO hfdlo"*' bt-'111 k)~ rflts ~) 4 0 ~ ,_,c:.n be lbM:l..t br In ID 1- hs .._,,,.,, $·(~ .• ~ .......... .,....,.~by ... ~'-"~"'.,'"" &It ··- Kt!NtUl'tlO."'- Ull'"'eel .,._ elt."-1 ....... a....,..,...,. ~C'(. ....... ~ ~

'°""'~"VII' ... fllllM. OM M NIJ' Qlf')' e.ll'f I •~I 7C ,.,. .., 1'1d• .,,_o .._.. ,_.,. ~ _........._ ,,,._ .. ....,,...," ,.., ,...,,, ..... lort •*•11 ... ,... ,_,,. ff• ,..,_&'bll9 to _.,._.,~,.......,, •flfllikf), •O ,.,,...... ......,..., .,..,....,..,....~.°"' ~ ..... ""'*1• .,,.,..,, • •-.'I' ~I/I .. ~"',.. ........ ........ ~.) .... ~.., f1lfJI ...,.,.,"""' ....... ......,.._ '° __ ... ...., 1Mif - •r l(;&'INONI do_.,...,...~.,..,.. l I llOf' to.\ W. ...... l'f'NIO IOft'llOl'S ... ..,_lf'\lllg. -.:1- .... lf'Yt ~ - ID dt l&M" 11!1 IQ. ti 0 IMll ~,,_.lrS ~by HM m·111:in- rl!MM • ~DJ O(('JI .MOut). WIJ ~ 1• ... llO de lt#td ~ '~fOf!WJg IO b., fO"'- !Of'Wy .,.,._ WN 90 IO __ _, ll1td ..... l'IO pl~ .. ~--0 1o llcal'ow 1r. - _,. l//tt.-d ,_.....tu' somecne..,_.,, • .. , .. ~ 0( .,,.....,....,,... lf/l#lt "° OCf«t). - -

I ·----""'..a t.Wi ... Wd _., r1C1""1y--.c~_.~ ·~ lf (oNy _.,.,. f!lllaws .... ~ .....0. ,. • ~

Exam prectte• Panlticmmtl~ r: 'ul1wy.•••"""Jpr-f11,1r11•• ..... dli1•• ht~ n. lfllCl'1•J"'I• • N P9"1atl.i11· "''1 Ill lbt-"" 1111wrb1I•111 .,_Tl~ lbl'IC flllC-). h•I m ~ ,..i , .. lmlM .,_Jt'Cllt U.11iady t11 c.U11aDt l'Gllm,. l&fi«tl'l'ltt .•. 1---. . I~ -- OI' C>"'"''""' -

·-- lO Oo *io lntqlllClll!nR toprller- ~& •. cl-. Alie ...._die

.iini=R..c ir. 81'*1'11S ~'CUI~. corteft •lldptNffJO!'l"'­ '* r:llden!;lf •iWrh prqCllll~ CJa) bir added tit Pfll 10 c~ l phn.nl Wlh di• mmn• ._ _ •~pGTlpofl,..

If·~ o .... -. .. ¢*P "~ a11 b •Ill id COICC!Oi tle'• ... ,., . ..,...,.,. .,......,. c•"""" .,.,,..,,,,

Teacher's Notes & Keys

Test 1 Use of English

Page 209: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


Ext-Ion ........... If• dcti1toWTll'1C111.._.. ... dlc~ l·•ll'Mill l,Olllll

•l!lf· ·•• M!flM:W 7.•nrd .. octM-1 t.:f o(N cl..-to •rilf K'flt_... w.., ,,... ••1<h IMllild fn•ra' "V""' 1'1 e...- ll


I ' ..... ,., ........... ·~! ..... ~ ...... ,. "' I M<'*'fM t ~,,.,,..,

~ ~llho ~ 1tw 1d1mot111ry11> h._., 1i.. ton ..... I ..utciCI 1 artol I.


I ,I••,' :::·,...=~I~ J llldl"r' • llflftlfll I_..,_._. 41 _..,,Mt (I f WWW I UW')' • .....,. "1.611111J

Exten1lon H'1fll ll:.Jll~'ll!fal!>.lf'l ID111.h....- •lulr CM N hi• wi·h ... ~ ·.wet c.s /IV.....,,.1"°1l JllJ•""""'-'--'"tlttrfltotJ. """"-"'- • Dr. lilllrttt11'11!f&rihon lo .... ~ bo-.. ._,ti.inl•flll 'Ptll• ..


4 IU6: "'*"• -.,,. '"""""•_.,.fl( lht ~t.- b ,.,..ttHI 419~11-lt.. .. ul t'wltl llP ll•c di~t>OUcy .. findai1) .,,..,.. tlwy M't l~

I • hWY '~ "'*-"""' .. ,,_,,.,, • ~ • ""~· <t n.k M l~liolbib liriiPt 1.-. litd ... _,..t"l I .. r1 al ~ti. ..

!'don _,, ,,,,. dlf -~·119 .uni. r. ,, ..... fm •• ,... .... ,,.. ·tw 'lab bll 11n c... lh• • rhlllll t>11ll11 ia """--..J '-"


,,...,.,.. ,._ fMO!ft• ... ,&.p J~ ~ 4ptt,s"91111t ,...... .........

Extenolcn V.'nt~ ~""' ~t•r~....,l•rtl!!boanldliMtll..t thrc •ulJi•f"ll, 11nJ.t ~to ..... itlr. ••pllnlOIJ"O<iplberl! 9111ICI' .. G••rrm ~utttt.

l :;tadt-Qlll Cl •lfipiclc .. Pl!'l'rilc (la.,..,, llWR Ill' .. f..dn.

I '~ a • ....,'~,.,.....,..,..,,,.., t-.,;rw ,..,..._,, .......... , .......... JOI\!!~')-

I ·-, ............ ~. J -~ ........ ~ ............ ......... ,.,

EKtenslon (;cl hdrtnU llO JKQllrwe Mare .u<11J1lrn v( ..s,,ec:1,._ diM lltr UJI' pr:dlJlll --. •ll'. ... anil-14 ~md *'t."11 ti.I .,, 1111· left rr-·~ lllJ¢;tn.ft llq ·w ac w~ 'lhr ~1 'r .•11•1 .._ Cldtai J!t.-., lihr"i• lht ._.,, .. Ifie ... ,er._.

J ~ .. CGmr Jrk Cfo..e t \Cl'dlrt oa 6dr own _, Ihm di«• ...., ~ wtd1 • pmrtncr

Ti"llnong I lir4n·· ·•m:·k1tlht•Wrditrti"~

I , ~ '"'"INllU'lt .a.......-i.- "~" __ ,,... ... ·~ ·~ 7i.voW,.- .......... *"

--· A 1-1 COl'IUl!"ll'IQ t0 OIPto f;_Mo;~ t11P '°""""°-l(iJ la • 'lliOd. The i.t-flN cl "9 tttinbf ~ .. 9JYlf't ........ .is .1d ...... , tMt l/'-¥v*d tO ~ '"' ~ ~ "'"'' ·~·•n·"'8fW!Pw\j,.~11"W\..


Ext ......... /uk &11'9dl ttl .. d$f I,..,. C'J ..... l)lftWI It.a. Ml!.!111 • bu•iJtiewl tltqo wouki l•lr 10 IClrt. • 1 rn'iew IO( J ~ 6'y i_. '-9 •I 1r.t9* .... IOR!l>OW«l4.ttlll' ,.._,,.... •\lfllt. lfl_. -..h lilllll. ~ft•~ k"W Y..'6 • )Cb'I 111111 try kl f1 Im .. _.


'' Mfl)m<Ar (tftl9.., • .-.,,..,.. ,.,.... c--. .. -..,. ,,.., ,,,..°"'"~ ,..~. ·~) '",,, tt.11• ~ C>,~ h-ood' fD °"""' ........., .. ,..., fS~NY;..w.•V!t,_,,,,.,MHrll ......,...,,,_,.., fl ftln(. ilr*fnO lfllfllcll .- Ill'-. IO ..... ""40f e 1i10 f1 NO'T/MWJI ~II rw.t9 ........ ,.,,., ._,.., _,.. -" IO,_iL .... W p«ltfll# t1Wt"9..,.,.... IN ......,O,WOOfl .. t'« ,,,, ..... ~ ...... ,....,.,,... " ........ ......, ff~-~ lllldl• llllMt.OI ttANIOHElll1t....,...,....,.....,_. llf,_., .,.,,.~ ......... ,.,,__, ptr00 .. 1/1 &po - .. ,,, .,.. ~JO ,... "1lflmi If A .. "~ arM:llt wel!loft1Mow~ ,.._..,,. tJClil'/~t~IN,,..,.,.-fl ... ,....... Of.._,, toutlffllftl ...... "' _ ~ ,.._..., ,,,.,. ...... , ,,,.,,tllbf-. ... "' ..... ,...., ), HM:>AC .... ~..,.._......,... rv • IW'WCMMfll ...... fr.JM Ca( It,,.... .... e "'ltJ

Extenalon @ •l\t M\l'kW !be .... 6' Ju ... •,..._,to~ • .m .. ·,., tro llllha. tktt ~ .-...W atuite Jl cr...-iti ftMI

·'<ll'r- "'"' •llll"C an.J.1 k-tn• ·h·• holidill)" Cl•kt...., "''"' sitl• • tl11' b11 _. 2) llils11"1C lit pr'9llrJe P.'f'le MF tin I .. bol~eJ /n,;M Q;lf ftCINIQr pl(ltt lilt vCftl A .. ,,,,.,.,.,. "~" /# fllf IW ,_f ·,, · \.·ai°"lll!IC·''I.; iQ4t,,. .-r· WOl'f1/ ,,, .... ,.,, ,,.. •'1411~...., ... .-~ ,.,.,,.~ .. •

., (!)Si .~tntJ..Jflil~n•14ltil•l')'llloon.1 f.rw. Ir -1·~·~D

,,,._.. •• '• """'° .. ,.., •-'r ,~ , .. .,,..

Tucher's Notes & Keys

Test 1 Use of English

Page 210: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Use ol £nglhh Part 4

Exten.ion Wt1111t ~er a1*4:cc::stMtcomllilt~i••irT~et'1ln-.l 'l!lllt lhcta .in t.e kwd or• rO;I~ alwdL Dmd.i: tlii: dlP "''° ...... nd .. lhc>n'l llO ~! t\e t'flt'ft. The Jlnt tam IC)

~ .U lk i:mm ~.,..1y ~w-er

Extension n,. ·~ (llr!N • f.JlftCtm'll I 11111 2 cmn be ~-t~ hf P"ll wdt:nt1 • Cit.·- o( writ .. ta-<k. c JI .-rite .,. fnu Pllft al. ll<ICW) ,. w111e ~c Dl~n.,. 11Tic;!e, .,ci119 •• lrl:ll'!J l'>fdlnre YClti. .. pi.MMe_

l @ "* •"*"-,,,Ml! ... ~"" ca"tflllr ltc"­ lideM'lll ifw O'l~I W'fb fona.

I , ...w.io z to...... ,, ...,,.. .. c..-.;o • eo ., • IOCllW!p

1 phOtVlg • IO 0. •,......,. flO ~ 11 do/IV/

t • 1 mid • opwi ,,.. w:....-.""' r cGUlctl 'f ...,. l. f• tD .,,,.,_ lo .. _

0' Of,1""'90 ,._ ~ lf"shot iotl!e<'Olt """" dlalll ~ •arMw•IC*. (e lfll'IO ... °"""' ..... ,,,, .... * ...... °'~~) 2. /fl,'IJll .,.,.,.Nttl •.... ......, ~ tlltd ,,,..,.., Nv"*1 • ~rl9foll l-10dow11'lr9alld.,.,..m4bw. ;p -) tr 1'lle _,. _ ~ M1M,,.,. ,..,_ blN- M .,._., lllw;I

,,.... ot fN ~ cer'I""'*' ID ,,..,. (• lo dlll ..,.........., #td "' ea")'on doeJ9 .. _,,. ml"lrJ 3 a t'm tel">' fO 91,.. fVll N _. ,,_"re~#~ • f'1'! ~ >GI' Mtt-.. "'°"' """,.,,. t(ll'1)' '°' ....... b rWI MW')" .... I IJlal'9 fOtl u.,. ,_,,_, .. ~ii ...... P

bw-w rrn ,_ ~t JOIJ. f•l'Jllt°"'YaDOllf '°''*' .. .- tfltd - .. • He..,,..., ..... ~,,..,. iwt~ -- .., "-II• t:lfMll. (• frCI "OIO...,. ~!Nog 11t Cl'dar ID dO ~ ... b,.,. tlllles lDO ~ ~ duJ'"9 N ~,_Ga WO .... rl'l'-llMdlf ID dOpd/Jangit '• .. ~°"'"11 ~ fOfl­ ~ dolr!p. °' .... "' .. IWilJ/f (II tJCIOIG) fa If-~,,_, J'Clll t.,.yourpttO,.. Wlff'r'C*- (•rm...,. )Oii to OD ,,.._; ,, so.m.on. ,_. - ai-,. ,..... phale (• ,,,,. f'eMJr\7 fOI/.,.., - •:; fltfN/ido.--..tM I'• llCt ~....., ,.,,.... • .. ...

.,,,. ..... ...,, tnv.Mt """"- ~ dW'll ............. .... ,.,~.-~~ _,,,, ..... .o.lh'o..: ~ ,,.., ..,,. .... ~....,..... pr9'Md. ftlont ofllll; M ._.,,. • lllfll• • ....... (iwC~llft~tJl'-"i, Mlil'f, ,,,,.., ~

1 Cin ~h di.: l¢W'IU tbt...,,.. dlll. cfi«li:rfll !Ni~'*"" dto en.cc rn ~ft

,.._."' ·- MJtO!fw .J.~. "- r.1.dent1 ~ :.ry., W!:Wtc ou1 dlr difr~ rn .. lllMI, ill mch pair .r xnlalcn..

110 1 TNChen Notes Ta 1

Training lutD ~ Dflro •11U nt.:$.Aes wi& ._ -.d llO + &h1111tw~ tunnei. f;."lt'.CIUl'JWl! ~ID l't'CUfd m lhdr~IW')' llOlcbooh: tumf:"• ol vat. llilllt DU ""'JI anti \'td. tbM tat;:e: to + lllfintlM: llcisc vtfb lw-*ca:i k ttmfM.--ed b)o .a&1,. .. udenti to~ 'C:lt'ltllCOl(c:id!cr m..-l:ua or••~ eurc1'1e).,_., 6w:" "~

-- ~'It :m;;u,.T~ qi.-1>0l'IS. mdl llrih I...,_.., ~Jlf'IC>&8"1d I ~ MCO"ICI ,...~e"IOll llO b.t Coe'S)l'MKI in ~ .... o to, ... won;h, ~ ';! ,.,•':acii • Ol 17'Wl kP1 ... ~f Eae'\ W,.._,1 ~ h Part <I...:-... -41 lo 2 'fW'ks_


~ ...... ~~ .. ~~l'IOllltU.........., ...... ,,.. .,.. • -..deo ,..., 211adlo..-.ft""31."\ 11.4 .. ~ ........ ~ ... ..-. .. , ,,, ~-- - !Nf'I - ~. ,.,,,_,. - v ~IJ'!'W)!Mo\'1'19 /'kdl. all• ll'tfJ 10/" ... ,,..,.. "'"""" ,,, «"""1; note ....,, .. I.JI( l"Clftf!\ ,,,,,.,. 4 ollw> ., ...,,.. ,. .... cu1~USEn;iflll'..,.arnom t' •"'°"*'~-Mt~ Al'IO,_. • ......,...olV.ls,.opa; C l .. c+ } JI S-cwt\..11 { 1 ,.., ..,,.. .....- l'W)1- ... -It/II f{JrMrle ,., ,.

Ol'\'ytlMl:lil'l~~...atr1e...,.. tu/for .,, ....... ...... ICJ' ~. ait'flo ;r. ,,., .. """" ...... ~. 'I:") -~'Nglm""~~,,. ·Ullll '11>.. • g 11111) ~. ~....,,,, '"*,,... _ r.Gcftll"9N 19Ql#'lld,..,.. - ,,_,_,,.. - ~llNslONI- ~· » IU'l)•-'aor'<g ~-- ........ drop. 'e' In...,,...., .J3,.,gttt fMtA ... t11Ml'Nl'•l)la&'r!Q ~ .. .........,, ' .. i..,.. - -) 34~,..... .,.._.._e Cl8lli IC/'looft. 10 II_..-~ ....

' .,... ..v.. ""- .... ., .........

Exam practice

t ~ ..W be ~d llO M:IOrd nt• -.w.ds 'Mfh. ''*" ranaor ~ 10 tiulW ut 1 b•cr~ r1e111rc oe1r1iaw ~ dmrl.,c 'Wllll ·~·ID(lfl -- *'""a(!~ "'10J'fa;,,...«.t0t. d ..... ~ ~

8'frKt.:a!f l'Do.•~..-.~m..n•e I)<. ....-­ lmP"ll-...~~~~~.~~w ~(1(1.......,..~~-· 4'4 ~.dbcou911g ~~~ ......... .....,,,~~ ··== """ ~ .b(ri'IQ_. OOIW. ~

Teacher's Notes & Keys Test 1 Use of English

Page 211: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


·--"°' ,.,,....,'O .,,,.,. • ..,,.,., ,,,_,...,. 'OllDwtd ~ ~­ · - ......., :Jif""*fr • fo,.sol I ; o • ~ 1t -.~,,,.. ~ • ••• -.n.~Nif~r.ar-1ftlr"n.o rtotm-.. NB~lw ...,,"'Olf#....,Ot~ .. Q ..... ~.- ,, .. ,.~I ot..,_, ""*'" .._~*'b> to,.._.,.., - T'W"-'Ntt ...-nc.lt-.ct ..-Ch. to_,,..,,_ •o DI~.,,_....'°' ftl ..coftll _..,,...._, HIJ i:...,,.., ! ,_.. ~....,..,. r t'1o »1111.-.1D...__,111~or• .. ~........, eOht• l1llliollNd 11y '° 1rt Oldlr' to be • .,,_,.,.,. W '*'""'1- ND ol I P11 fO t'iiJ,lt _,...,....,DI «~J .. ..., ... ~,.,_.,~it• ... compa"a- ...... .,, ... ~ ,.._,. hU llJ dlatlpt IO a f!Ollll) .,._,., •ftfWdl • ~ ,_..,.,J//*leJ,_,,'t ott.M~~ ~ wtd ... ,., f .,,.........,.....,... •tllotd "- ..... ,,., ,,,.., ,,. ,.. ~ """" .. ., .,.... ........ c.i't .,,.,,_.,, ... _., "' • • •c Oho-l ~_,,_,...(IM 11.,... .. ,,....,..., .... 11.,00 •• ,.,....,, •• , • .:m.vw•:Alljlll 4'llO~tl'nJ I•.,,.~• ,_..,,....,_no"°""'~ f(iJ ... •+ ""'~~""°"-"~ .. -- .... ~ a.. .. ,_ .... bMn .. ,...,"""4 .. ,,.. .,,,, .... ,,...., (ti"""' "' ..... ~ 0. lb"-"'d "1 ,..,,,,,

u.. °' lftthh ..... 4

Exam practice Rt'!l""lldttudmll'°" • u...t .ho:"" v.~h.,.._.,_,.,1111 UW,ul"l' bdma....,an1c1t.

p.n.wl ,ubl, fllo_,.bm., ~va.)

• 4-i~·wt.t k.JldolWOfd die k.fY-.llld IJ Cc.s- • ~ • ..un. ~ICl.'.liwJandwfa.Jl~W1o-- 1ttc..g apq ? •a.an...,, hm)or.t.111 slM.1uW C<9le btfott Jt(C-1- die •-t -.fiMttvc ,...,,

• look• for any wcabutary c;'AfllCS tee ~ 1 c &- ~ ~ - _,.~,_ Odtcrcblltgcs f!Ollld be a ..ab to a ~ \'C8 (q /n:w- S<trOM4.'ll' a lH~aprta.ic. (c-& ., ...... -1"-~ llO),

'"'tr •r *""' .-. .. ~- ~' ...,. 11 irrlll *"'~puts far IUrbft&-

Extenlion ~- • ..... 'k. ·• N _.,. • wrnoe '1r ad! Of 11- i-..s *" ·-I··· ,1-.. 1. e•Hlflf •fl da.u fsf flw ho!·•"...ti <i1ftl.hnltM ..._."'""' 19 •I in U.. otr, • 1- ll'lk-11 1,,.,. • I wllt •,.., 1r Ii ·J" .. ,,.. • ,.,.., ~ _, nt'"l ... ...,1CllOO ~ Md lt>ffl ,.,.,r ... , •• ,~wit~ +.dr~ldcn.

S ~-I• CCll'l'lplrl<i dw ncrcho ill f*R· Tht-) •llll I ... 1 clk·11tmo~to-ll'!6c1n If-..~

''•I• at 411 •I If' 7• Id ei 10• '

·~-. ..... u- % .... ..,,,,,.~ .:thOit:lilr .. ,.,_ d'l'llr.utr Nit I """1i! bfotw U'lM • 'IOf,.... •• ~ •• 1-...-rlld llWI •., ....... ve •

.. Jtn1- the- l'CSic '*' IDr ~lfl'e.'l ..... t ~ 1'¥1!1;

lid)«inc .. - .... •adj«b\'-e '"' - 8..:.tel.:ltWe • ~" IAf ... )•:r-+~ It-ff -+ 14tcui. e • dt.­ !N IMM+~~

PDllll CM lkN jat', ........ 111lld ""',.~ CWI .. "'* .., .an:. II ~ difl'mace bef'Wl:!al ""O ... s~ ... eotnpidc * ~.:iar <* It- ,..... 11115 chcd: R-elr aMmert • 11Ja • -

TN<her's Notes & Keys Test 1 Use of English

Page 212: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Ex•m praebee .IM,_., •A,_.,,diit "fl 19Mo.....,.,INlli. lJuf'*"t ,._*It Wit/~,., OD-I tO.....,.., '*1)or- '' ,,,.,, , , ,,,.,,.. 12 ltovds,J I -- lood .. _.. u !SMOrJb-.adl r.r- A:ICll:~'r -.;tdto ~ llD l.oml.i tS!bdll~..,., ts Ui:dlc WWWMI I tlllClet W.-.«..ome •P •CW!~ N/lood'*'-. OVl'4itlltTQ9'• ll)'Jl'»ltood.t w ... Mlt th• - ,, f'Crii191dty} P*'fY .. __

.t.-e Ga lllftadiRa totlmlk ...... •·hail tan..! 1'11wtlf"ll h Medal •nd .tw fMI __..n, el ~1 miPll be. n. ~,,.. hl.t • t. • ...,~ •nd ,.. ~·*' t.rri.. ..-. ·•r•wt • rl~)Clll. n. ak lbcm ltl .... ,,_. """'~ !Mir--~ -.i ihc<.1• •)' u&a. p•ld!ilil• .....,. ... \lpwtd!

I ..... Nflfn"""...,,.. ...... ., ~ ... •lot"" _..._..,....,. •1,o«tld Wld tl»Ol'MC&'.) 1*"'9 ~ _. ... ,. fl('flt::9"d...,.,.. h tlilif..-ntJ

Training la.1rtlr..-mi.~··h!C!lb1C'.llioc.i.lllalhrt ..... ,--.il

11'.1di.lt'\t_.to411f'liin ...,. 1)1..,. ar1'. .- c.•11td. I h• ••~ (or Olll rcni1t1 •.ti pl!f to rbll lhl IC>I..,., .... lile tdlr1 tWlf a.tn.• lo .., C<ll'ftn ill; !ht bl

I .,,,. . ..,.. .. :0 w. .,., ,,,..."' "'Oby """' IWw*' 119

111-.opillps '"°""" ~-·-" .. Diuft ..... , r. . ....,,.... "'"' ,.,.i,. .,,., ,,,_.,f'b.1119 ._.. ""'" ....,.,..., .,.. ,.,,.. ,,.,... _,, la Cid -.dcr.s ..,,~•c • lhe ..d that c·•wd M tlw Pl'

HI• ft,~ ta1ruJr' Cl-1c'1 \\o"':i11 Glllhe:t ,_'hitir. are Uicn10....,..111t...,_ t.cu ~ •pua.

I TllltHJ•""""""'· .,__~..,..._~~ooes. ftll ,_ --- ti.A "'* Ml ,..., ....... worts taftl. .. ,.. '*"" ll/lWW:J"' file ~

~ Studab hltat flllllor>mpkR tM •lfl1'lllb00 ._Jama\ ,.,,,.,._

I-~ If .art; /tis....,.,• Tl» .-c)I; NI~ If .... llJlllC";; /'1111 ~ ..,., .. ,~ n. "'°"°'~ •m 11 m Dw•v .. ,~ .oout ..w1'1 Cll"Olf'llll>•'tx.r",

-- ... ~- e1 M.:t illMllYl'lQ f:1.,..._. ~rs ,.ilh 11) ..,..,.... IO comp'• C..::11..-t...., aiit Pe., I'...,. 1 nw•


IA ZC ~ ..,_.O)t/'fl#d t: .... ._ lall,.... • Mfoy..ir IO 90mew'!- - D toowa. 8tlf ...... ~~~lo tfte Ml(• ~~,....·be~ft:I~ ,. <C IA •• 18 i;l 11 Wl'Otlp~M..,.. M •m 'lll.-..dto bM C is """'Of'llf~ ....... ltrldO'l(f-bottw INrT MW!', ... ~thil tlllatn} IC

Exam pt11Ctico lf.ammd •llJ..• kl NM ql.lict)y t"lr;.JU,.h an l'ic .-=.ilMI-.! etp:icm klllRdw rc:rdi11fDr1"- to siw: '*'t liaill k>~ ....... Uicy'N .. '° h•• 1(1

-' M* lllrw lli"11o.1nm ._Md .... e.-- •N .. liit.c :)f't..._ ~ !lwJ' h..,. ID,h1t IKIWd~ ~rl lb:tll b.~h·~ lheir ll'lllMl'li ...... ,.,.

I a'"•~~,;,.,,...~·• iNn~rwr '° , .. ""' .... ~ .. "' ~,,.. ,...1,,,. JMd l\'I y.f. (: .. ~------· •MIWfl.,MW'llllllNl'<I


' 0 ""bo.. "'" ,.., l'llit}vtf...,.,.., ,__ ,_. .... S..f..-y.lO....,~-,,,.,..,..-j ~ A. If'-. or)"""...,...., ,.... . ,... ,,,., ,,. .,. ,... aw ,,,,,,...._. '. .. ,.,,.,..., 41cr-.,,_,1 ... 1 .. ,............,.,.,ry,_•wMlll1110• - ,.._~,........,..,.._,,_.,,..,..., .. -~ ' 8 Mw -""" ..eio.i1 .. fl:d' Ollnd __ ,_,_Art ... ~ fllOulll. ,,.,.,.. ..,... ., • ...,._ ..,...,....., _,,. 1Dt.;.,., ddrt'I .... .,,. ... •t ..

Training r~11 .. ~J-• l1-11'1•1t11dllpCi:.atf:,y.W.as1MJ hlll 4•,.ko11efct.Dt ........ l1l'lo&IWor•a1UlCDt.lDt ,.._~f Mk •f~I to ..J imd -.inm:mile--h W:U 1111,..,. n. Iii: llOI' ltDdmt II\ .. pair.•( .... it. IQ.1 •lul• d.c ~fl• C- l•!tM. ..J ........ Of!lJcm. ,..,.. nlld bds ii ll i. ICl&afly I :den I'*! tr! JUwll :"'Cid .... 'lcll•1 Ra11d tllllk'll 1 IP mark iill lht -.1 w~ lM) loultld b .......

-- f1gllt"""' uiwN-.. ... ,lllCS fl'ctwfllllO' ........ ••e<w'QM 1*w_, W.-Klll"Q IJIM!t.tn bct\CDl-9d., .......... ~,.....,., rwll..

Part 1

Te~ Notes & Keys Test 1 Listening

Page 213: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


DC •• •• ...

Exam practice ... MBIA•.,..,,.~ lbtll: ...,, ... ,~,_~ ~r9flld ,,...,, .. fO ~ ~ ~ ... ..., ,_,,,,., he ..,..,..,....,..c • ....,,.~,_._....,...~..,w ~ 9111/1...,_. SI ........ _.,.._.,...,.,

•A""""'**"" .. -.... UW11 ... • OOd'I a ..sc. •ir ... '"' ,.. "..,,,.. tlf'1 .. ..,. .. ,.. ~,. ~ ..... _., .., ...... !'I.,,..,... ...... ll!la~J

ta.11 O«:t tt"*-i1s..ien::1~thefll('ll._. of 'V't ar· briare ~do die ..,k. •11m ....Old ti.."-. IC m11ch 1n., reo-nJille ,_.,,

I am -oni o_... ... ,. ...,,, "ll'.-rt't • ll'lclu$lf'Jmy ~ .... ~(le. .wl!W~ CS""Q'llf'**"~Milrfe .. cOKll .... ~atlnt. he l'llM.--..0 llte - Al-. llntlat ,..,~ ~

'll"alnlng C"• llliden~ ltl cMtl 1111y ... ,...... • ...,, 4'11omir1-.. and t•irij Ml)' .,.,, 9llti

i. r.~ • Wllllllt, e.,,. ft'llll11od Mdt.ti.,. ct-..rla w•••I' l'l'l'f;al1~ dtie •1ef. wfllk.h 6-Jlll1_. l,.. h.- In,.. -- f ~, ,.....11oe - ,... ..... , ,.,_,. .,,.,rJ

I trer• «MM, 1~· fO!f• ........ ~ • .., ,.....,.,..,...iq ·~,._,...,..,,.,..., _,,.11_,,.....,.. tw.r.j . .,,.,.,.., ....,. .... .., , ..,, ,.,.,, _,...,. -J ......... , ..... ,.....J

-- A"'°"~• ot lll':IC-1vat.ing ~'ll9 ~ ~ -..e-i m~l·~~~IOflll hmcoro-eci ..._ •n Pan'~ 1 ~


... ,~ • ..........,,ti.nd .................. lfllt'_..,. o1 ......... ~_,,_....,.,,....,.._.,....,..., "? ••a.- .... -... ......... ~ . .,.""f01«1~11 ......... -~ "'" ...,..,..... . .,........,,,_ .._...., '°c,.,.. .... ~"'- ""'r'CI' "' • ...., .. ,.,.._.,. ,,_,. '*'...,, .,. ......... , "~· ...... _...,....,. °"°""" fl) ... .,.., Ml.,.'-'-· •• Wf\V'9.....,. lailll'. ~ .. ,.. dlllPl1 mM9Qn ......... .,,...... If A~-.r ..,""1'0ll:Mrb>nl'W_....,,_.~.,. dlMDe .. die."" ..... ..,.. to~ ... °"'.,... ,. • '""°""1 • .... n...- - Mwldt. O$lf .,.. Olcft't't ..... ,,.. 0 ll....-if·~~-j(pOl'ft"DW'~llW91,..pwl•1tblCI Nt- IJ!#lu/, 'IOt ...._ «f'nl'JllJJ Z2 OHIJ'd llM• 9c.-iwa tct-pho/lM.. t-.. -1 .._ a.r -· ~-., • .,. ,.... °"' IC" WfOl'l!1- ,..-.. ........ .tiut ,,..., ... ,,,., ..... o.11.tp ..... ., • ,...,., • ~: 8 .. ~-~~..... OylWl~ ...... ,.p ... to tc'IOol. buil ... '**t'f ~,_ ..... °" ~ ~Fr..,. "l9CI Xi tnlW/CfOM fhl ... bJ" boll. Md• ........ • ._,.~ H .....,._ wMlwud,_.,,lt"dbe.,. ....m. '8 • om>t'g-~_...._, to~OUf-.,IOl'l()~fO ~,.._~A .. WfOIV-sr.ac .... ~*1t/J ...,.~ Clilif 9'11!'dai9sr'r _, _ ca.QIW.., _ ,,.,_MWS.J


I A'*' - 00.-.d b..:-.aiiw Of .... .....,_. ot•- .... ~....., 11 did JO~. bot. td lllind o/ Jost ,,.,_. C,. llHt mid,' fS IS ~ - ,.. ..,.,, IM..-......_ •kif MNt .....,-..,0,.. Moct C"' ~ • 11$ Oup«'IWpreltl~~ bu1 &'llefad'l'I~

bib Ad, .-Jfm lo .. ,.,. lhc 1r,1-.;t l•r11 Gel*'" tDMls •11 91 wlala ,ot1C M 1t. tr,I ... )" .. iM lo!lllMt', Dd ~ CIOIYl;-.n 'll'Ml 11,.,.._. IMdw)' ~·If' h .-. ~ 11t1 _,., JCt ft( •!~ NCIOf'lli 11g -.:npr. 'l4M ..._ lh• l<l .-1 tlw ,_..,,iqacflpl •Mt If..,. ~OCfte..:t.


E,,.__ 1urp\Md at tftll ·~ • • ...,, _.., r.·d MPKW IA4 MO lllloaA but• Mft"I0-5'119-.5"1 borWd"'lht ~ .,.. ...,.. rt .., • ,.,,, .,,.,, but fl"Wll"' •• •••t.lO •d Alut ••-g•in ...... '! ti'' Wid&IJ"~l9fldlrlp-ltfllNdOllf _,

Tl'llinl"9 C !oeck 111111 MM.at. i.di."t'Dnd .. man1~ or all lbt ~ "' 1i..i "IOI'! ftl(lll ull - • ~ • ~ I roe IN be«. l9J ..,.._..•'}'ill -.1 lilt w-.lld It. CW•• GM1p1ct Ill a.m­ .-UW ol~n ~ iaifli1 ~I ~ .. 'f. n.tr ,_,lMf hM .. ,.-.l. 1 ...

I , ....,,,. ,.t.rn...., '.. $ = w 4 ... ,,""""" . ~ . ,.,..,..,,.

T-- flire lhort u~ ~. ~ M in,,fl1pte .,,.,_. .......... f.8r::_ • ee-eet a'115- If' ,_,,, S ._... 1 'IWfrw


n'iNC!ler'is Notes & Keys

Test 1 Listening

Page 214: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


..,._ practice T1il. A• C111dlillate A 'I ..... °" Boat rt [111)1 ...._ . ><e yo1111 ro<'r41 pnc1 .... -1ru11m111. bat ., ii I ...... •IZICIOA w'l$i ~ - •llji, 1 pilrflO ~ ..... I ~ ~.ct die 11111« ii I J"'UP o( lbt:r!..b pilJlllfl ia I blNl iJ ~\ ....... di" k-S. af ruae du:·y'ft f'lrt •DI ii ~ difTCN9 Ill<! pl ii plrjwig c.lAMcal mutC. 'Mltmf 1hc f!irll.dl are on.,..._. 1ndftint- .. you ~~pl,,.._ mck m.AC; the pt:'ll cClldter loott ~iGt Wll'llt 1nd mt\ p-oblbly ~n~q 11 di~ toplr)· 1111 p1iM9 ..di ...... tbe tnm~ - ~ JUlt ptaoymg f.. furl

6 \\ n11 on tail Nott!._. nPNM.ioflt wbidl ....-... IV\o'I' Klli:J ....... - 9lld .. ,, .. "ltq 'kvt Miilled

I rm""'...,.,,..,....~ ~ . .., .1.,. - ..,,,.., t1ri1cwii-. !NJ' a.,~ rd a..- Nf. Jdcwll ,..ift ... 0...1, Os ~O"* IMA:l.lb•.....-

' I Thoe_.... .... ~~ QiiiifM rdMii ..... W:i.rclilolii«I• ,,..~ .. ,,.,. ,v .

I • CllndlMlll A._ 11:1~._....,...,111Y _.., "'lf1l'W ... ....,,.. ·~ ~ • _.. ~.,. ,,_,, • Mtrll._,. al 1.11 .,_ 0~18MI !O..,'""*hfll .... /OIM_.I,_,... ....... .. ,...,.~.

I , .,.,..,,,. ... 11111 ·- .......

Trolnlng I \·, ...... ti lllim tho pp1 in IM mitcflOMh-1.-.w 1 .. ,.t..;1•1t.

, ,,.._ Jw tllW\WaWWW 40li_.. ....... .........,,,

1 ,..._.. t1nm.k:i11_..1Waltlry,__'t..,., n•1 :kW! 111dwpt..,., ... Tlityllf.cltoC111mpn1ht~l'i1difta *- 1111har1 wrUuand 'ltfuit\clin'r1•

--· /¥1 l!'dwlial bllQ IUf'I tor ~ ClltlCllcl.._ ~ • ~ .._~ lfOM .. 19(0f'CSCllJ 1 ... °"""".,..." woaed on """' per\/4 Na ll'll'CaqlOUt l,.. , •. ,..... sl


l t 4 I TNC:her\ frr'oteS Test 1

Extension ~:Qi-. it'll-- Wf!t>; '-111\P te .. lc.'t.riMccl, 111.-.: ·'"~ hinl~'). Ad plll'll 10 MM lhror « bw 4'0!1<1111 ~ r.•.,. bo ILtked "" Pl,.,.. qi1ca. lm'!ll'A .... wnR ~--.rn r•,.mdflirln~. Saadrti111bc9....,. _.a ditr ... ,__. •111t -.d aftJ"-. -- C'•aq 'Oft ~T" ... dc.'ID IOlt rllll' -.rllllfi - p..'opic 9 D ps!J, Thtw nt,ec11\'C .. • fllld o. •ma• p(Ml."tie abol.a die olba f'l'Orle ...,._ \\'bolt~- Kt.-v11y M<irulor ~ cltr.ng t.V ..........- 18'111; or a;roupwiwt1 ''to~tt)' t.'nte 61' ""*' lff"UP'.- quc"tt1ca °"the bo.wd llrtld 4iimlM lbc - ·~

J Ti4l•t .-.1heydti111.>l k»t1"111l•tl1111tyul'J11~1 t.:i n'J'flll • 4••01 tft. ~JCl\tll fiII I" !hr 1£dttiila Wiii .J• ..... Ghc-. ~ dw;t lllllMl"t Wl~h

•r-u"· ....

11....,,, ,._ a rtllC#I I,,._,

.t S...for• CIOl'!lr1• • c~ 11'1,..,..

I St11Jc;..w &II "lllll trU•l"11'Mlfll•1• 6t t1;1·.c:cs tltl•• e. plJIOL

,,~, ...... '""'° ·~·--·""'' J Tri! •I~ th3t lhr t1111·nDwn ,., . .,.. tD ht• ...... uw fliml> o(

tac•••h- Ont-"' ...,..,onl ........ ell~ llfoC..,..., SmJ~'llll 'Mft ID ..... ~ '9rill!' '11>1'd .. iltis ..... ,..... 10

Olt llltt• .,_ ......

l t.t ~,~.I,.,~.,.____,, I.I t.t '1.1 a.1 • 6,._il • ..-.kllf.,,, ... u..lllO'~lfl ....... "

Townlng MiU l•ll'C .. !JfJ wdM11rtd*Y will .. talq .. A!"Nbal Id ia. r•h's lar II\ I'"""' n(*- If dlCft i- 111 ~ ....... ('(-i.,.i-\.ad M •twn •ilbt l.uprorlt •lhoJ\ior:1 .. the IMll'lol-ocor • .,.,llb .. :1•.-s.,W.,1~. *'"'te• .,,.. ,htif Sl(l&.

-- A~ ;~ttl•~•O-"csi~. e.r..d.J••we 11t--..d °".,_.~·ice~..,.. W--r.Oi·-~·

Part 1

Teacher's Notes & Keys Test 1 Speaking

Page 215: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


• ,,,....... ~~ ~ .... s

I. """"' ........... ...,,.,,, •Sit' ....,.these.adMal ll'l!IYbe• .. ~--""-•"" s:t~ _., .nlch -.o~,.., ....... fJOI~

Ex-n .4..ak •t1Jcont1 •adJ P1'-CA.P'•l•41• '°.,ti .. le I~)

I ... ·~ ... ,.. °""""' a ""'*"'"f' I lil!IOW _,,.,I'°" .._,, M ,_ 11 ,,......, ..._., ..._ ,...,....~.,11111ot-wat.t11,,,.. ·- ... ;cll(ll ..... llDOi ..-.-1J IT'ftat .. nplc_ '''WO-~tt'°"'I

l Sri~_,. la ..... and poi die G-,tctflO•l<t unJc::r Ille ~t. ........ l a. c ... cr~,.,......._,ov~..,..,.gCklf '''""""•

&n .oar..111 Nt 11 ~II ......... ,_~._ .•• I ,...._ OUf - Aqr9Wog: I,...... ....,.,_ tllJI" 11 ,._ ............ I Thi,.,..,,, ~ I --

Extension Atk ti~ to ldd «lilcr op-asiont. k> k 11$Q Ill £xeo.c 'SC 2.

TrMntng I 'Ill· f.lJ • .. f•if!ll • ..... MCI hri, ..... ph°"1L

1 • 000 ,.,... , .,_ • ,,.,.._.. , ....... r.wt • "'°"~ , ..,... 1 .,.\ Mid.. r.in .... """ •• •llt'ftllllH)fl.l t.mdlt' .... ~, ...


I $Mrll"f ... ·r r'c,·M ~ ,.....,, $lr9# I f0Mf1100,.,., ..... ~? ! "'61- IWt..., I'#'* ....

~ '' •• --~-''""*'10yourw.t..,.., .'1 ... ... -1"""1 '*'"'t- -·'

-­ "~~lol'\~!l•cm O;' t• C..d(llilin.,. Clf'l tMlr 1*10i6WICA ~Ill h 14 .. -.r.-..;t


5-1r19 • .,.,

Extantlon (""" c.adl r-- of fll.llW••ft 1c"kiw1111P-11• rid ~ llw'rl. to .. ..,, I,..._, 11111 .... f'Or mcfi IUi:: lhcrt, ~ trbo&dd iekc1 ""'CUii OUl 1WO Jloctlltft ..-t.& I' .wc- rel.al<d..,. ...._ (O! !Mlk. :Jcttti. «JiUld be pref"111ed lly cht tee: l1u M-fcn die lcsia}

A•k 'tllldcalt 10 W e.r; ..,_ ..! ... tlll • ki;. ... +=>UC QlllC«lc& c.,g q_. .. ,_~ftn.ldb.Je ........ of(. )'? ~,....Wdw,.,,,J~,'1""•r~ .. ~.,,.,,,.., )" ~·u·tf~tc·P.,a~..,,_.,..,.,,O~J1«1W't ~ thta _...•••di a dit"l"ttnf pertntr. twuna cmm to try OM 6cw" penat'r J -* .aheeL 1bit ktala wnia Ibo• ~ g()«I ~ 'pln5n lhal Utti: penatr ... Mia C:O.np!I~ di• ........... 'fLi: :Isl ... OU 'X ~o! lenod sr. Miid lat!d ipla ID later .__....

('tMJ~ A 1 tpMttti.._ The- blrMl •.-nbcft kd a;. Jlbtvic.<~.Jlll thlrimKI~ wkre:-• die airt H ~11111)' t:mccal."11l *!WI sbe 11\ttt}il 1llr ft:t::!llC ~

-- ..., k'adkr It ""*IWrc md th daimm't ..... .., male r.riaab-4

a.-ow .•. .., If )I,.,., .. Nlte'lt an Imo I .. t.1iPwalCPI.,.-bf1t ,.OloL1J ~Si~ ... ...,, '".,..."' 111 ,. C•·• ,,..,eo.J.J r'·'" '' '""" ~1.....t.4!(· li.ih"lltt°"' • .,,, dt £1 _....,t6/1 ""1 plimiili1i1 tr• IW'tr-J. <>r. ~'"' ·~w+ivyo~ ~··lib n. 1 ... trl,...,.. l .... U\.terllnll• (e..i ,_ ,tw.,.. .. ,""«fl..tt" .L•t 11 ~ llo ~ wr1· 6fJOI/, I"• ... ,..,..,,, ,t6 llW ,.,_.,.,,,,,,.., ... , .... l«flj ... ,,_.,

f•"- 8: C w.ce 8\ pl••" Th"7 hr>'I" ~hw tllWlllfl.'.A (Ill blfi4J} WTlh friftidli. W fOll( .. I • mlrr bol•J.y 111. • du ""'"1 .ail die "''-'r • • Cllnpllt .hc.\idll)o. ill bc·•h r1c.11~ they lo'*• lftbcJ'"~ li4"81f • sr- umc. hull .. poup llknnJ•rr fn•l'9'-') brl·iltla"1id MOT~b$i-•I•• ... tbe~~ - amllp«' ..... rmW-1' ~ ... blllC '*"i. 1i11.1:"9 r'CIUlld lbe C911"6rc, pbylirf m•ic _. -'1>e C'\WI

~ 'l'tiere&s the ocher f!'l"'IJ! WC ill &fiet MQllll".aim. .-dine ~ tm1c do.ls wt:'lter .. .,. 111d 11-1ey 11riiPt be• iq k:uols. die ll1tn bik I.le du:y'tt "iay-.1 ma COllJ cblet or- hold IO die)' CiM Ft ... um al lilc:atdofthc cb)' and Jha tlcepoimforuN), ..-1e: dlic­ c:aapen. ~ IO sftp• ln. ::li.e. ~ •111Kh lmf'hil: be u~~k -.d ~ it'1 n•l(l' •I Dljllt_ tt'llo.

Gi.lfll.1.Ji:J,, B , fl'•~ Tiiey an loolr. Ille IM)"R Cllft'.IYUW: lwrine a tio11da)t widl ~ .... wbz UV>y ...-1 IO 4n Uld •!"Md 1111~ •li.l lo '"-

QJJWWrot A J ~ Jrdomify .- otlhr p!dm llltd c ~ 1 "*°"•lily )o\.111 Mtll.U pre(« IOWV.1t 1hcapbcit(e 11 /'.I,,,.. t•tfO~...,,. ~" Jtl/1-t M f1't'Jfll tUtil .. Jo.JJOn uJ ,,,.. Me '' 11111 (Jr IM I I - 9bJ )'O•• woulda'1 li.M u.o •·rt• ,a..Ct(c ,.1._._. ''''•..,,,. .. a,./ J 6Jt. 'rllftr'.'1' ll M1.3UW I h1t/lil}•• ,,.'f'PflltJ I .,m «·lrl~eJ,...11

Teacher's NoteS & Keys

Test 1 Speaking

Page 216: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

_ _ r Na, ,,. .,...... ,.,,,,,.,..,,...._ ICl'IOot ll!flt. I -. ....,..v .. ,.,,.. ...., .,,., .. t ""Iii ICilooL f .....,.. "- .,.. .n ,,..,., ........ ··~ ..,."...,..""'' ............ _ ......., .. ,....., ._,, .,...,.. ,... . ,..,,,_,,,,."" ~ .. J ......... het ,...,.,,,.,....Md~,..,. ' ... 0.0.­ ,.,,. ,...,. ..... ......,. .... ..,, ftlf., .,.., llllfY !Wa .-.

"°"* ,....., ,,.. ., .,.... ,,,....,,, ""' .. -.... fO ...... • .,.., lr'I • IOOd ... '° COl!WI"'*- .. tcllaoL .....,..,. GM ... • i*i l 0 a OI Wld '-" l ...... 1-. e.c.-1rat WWW) I ,_ «ClllN IO e W •1 .,.,. ~ rou """"..,,.IO~ ff Md ... l'lfl,,.... :pea•••• . • f.otli o1 ... ~ l(ftodlf'.,,..ilt 111 .,.., ,.., .......... GGIZ*!i« ,,..,. W'ld ,_,.. .. •l\.IOllWW~ .. ~...- fJf'lie,...... ., "',,,., ....... ftW -- • -""""9 ...... ,__•a ffl{ll{lid ~to dD, 11b11 ,,.r --~ID ....... .. yow flCltool 4'1 ...,.. ODll'iplf#IDnL Mid ,.,... ... ~ •' .,. __

Eltampnctlce lb.._..., t>te rum f!QC¢ic• 1Mt in re1ai for arlNfl'I .-(dwwJ '"""• tlwy tit-""" 1114. ........ 11 .. d'll)' ~ ....... 1hl 11 .. 1"19 -62.

.................. • s.i..lO......,. ..... IW# •• ....,,,,.,,.. ~- .....,,,,,...., ~lolf '°"" pf9 ... ,..,. IPil'I' 1/1/0fM ..... ...... ,..., ; 1 ' ... ,. f ,,.. "">' fj\WIM, PIM< l' 00 .,.;w1 In """ .... ..,,. tcftoot. fOI ,...,.... ,,..,,.. ...,,..,. ~ .... • ...,..., ... ~- -~ '° ..,.,,..,... ,,..,. ftllilif»I' ni.t ftf;t/'t!f 01 • 9001/I .0. A~r #Ill, .....,... lo"" aN ,......... I l'M llOt _.. ~.,,.,.,Of • f'OO .,_, ptltlll1lft ._, .a#tool .....,.,. bllf.,,....,. .. --- tu ,.,,....~ Md .. ~,.. ~ ... l>«ll • llCllOOf.,,., • IO'IC' ...... • W..,• ,,.~,,.....,. .... ,,., ........ '*Ol!Udo ...

""""" •f/lolr'W ""'llOllMIO..,...,, ..... .,...., ... ",..,, llllil1arf. ~ """"" I Ac,_.,. I ~l Hlil • 1' • ~ ,...._ ti«*~,,.,.. .. .....,.. -""""" fO 11111) .... """' ~ \lllele:IWlp I'\(

l ~tt..>uWbr....,c-"9!1~1bte:um1n•••"-"4l'li1f.'lf• \Viftt oli·lni."CIOll .. m.lt lDa,._ ~..,._ .. Tllq' lb.II'~ be dMccM'.qed 1"'1•11'1.,ftMlas 'I ~!>.isl' S~J(::C• cc-1 ~ lbc r •.::rciw. I• dwcl +e r •~....-r• • 11.h a ..........

' '~"~' ......... ~~ , .. , ,....,,. "'~ ,_, -' r .... n ~ .~1c11 ~~·bl• .-.ldll .,.., .,,.,.,... hy , ... er, •• '""' .,..,...,,, ...

Oo rht'I' fl'111 ,, .. ......,rill dlla. S.t*na t.hM oampkl9 1M c:11«11w b) r...t nj tlw 'lllllll.MClll -.1 IJ'INlml ~ ..... ~tl'Ullil Ilion ....... C:(Jf'ftll;il fftl>,1111 rrmn .. hfhl. l·..t '°''""' ltc II :r• ••If 10

I•~, ... ,..._ .. ..., •.• - ....... d ... ,.,. ,~

Trolnln9 I S,.._• C: I • the s• t• 'llw w'*"l<:n kltNr llw rhc*1._

-- ,., d1K1.lllliOI\ (11'1 W1f'"CI ,.__, to P1r1 J C.1.;>tGill •• .... Md: on.,._, 1•••"'~"~' wa,..c:o• """Oo,Ghoul mo. '" 1"1*'11,119 ....

P8r1 4

EJtam proctlce Sr.k-. do die a.am j"t:ICl!Ct' •• •n f'll• IW lf"'llll':t .ti: .. l'lc{.,,. 1..., ~ 1)( 1Mlk. l'M1i fl' llft llw)o led~ It. l(J'9 °" fl'lrl't j v 91d 6(1

'! \\. It frll M Miatld 1to.c- o~ .t\ldl 1b1~11 ~ ik!lllld

.,.,"· ....... llft') whidli lllll)' )WWI--

I ,.,,,.niotl • ..,.,._..ti/ .... ..,,.. •• ""*'"'''""""'"' l...-; .. ...... .., a~"',...., hi'W,.., °" ,,..,. '''

,_... ,.,... , ... •No,.,lallo~Ndl~ NoW ·~ wtltl't ....... ..-..r~,.,..,_. II-,. dllf'll 0.-i.a ....,,. .. .,,...,....., • IOflCI. ,,.,...,.... lbio' ,..,.,.... I }W f M:i.. n..,.-.. ..... on Olllt ... ....,.,.. ftOa'l9 IO• c.ilfJ ellr1' ...,....,,.°" 11'1•.-:oNl/MMlOtNNfll ~ ..... MIW>,. wtt1r.,..,._ "'*"-~~ Mtl9..,, .......... ""'--- ~£41 ...... •l'Mdl• •flt ... °"' ....... c,.__ Ir.,.,,_ ~O•lf tar"-"" kl 41111"UU ,,._ ~n,,,.~,·~

TellCher's Notes 8. Keys

Test 1 Speaking

Page 217: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


""""' pr- 1 • c JOI ltO JtH f)ft ,.,., tfA

~--4:0t"l'te(..1'Je/ir0~ ~ - rt. .cir-us__............,,.,,.,.. bMW _,. o.,_; IJhe dbllidr---~ _._.tJ,,. -IPKlll • .,_~ _,IW\Clt ....,._. .._. andB fll:lMMt ~ ..,,., fN "9cf L'i.r )"Cltl Cl" UC~ li0«/llll ft19 ...... ~ ..,. .... 0......-1-.--,,.~--- ' ~ rr-,,.,.~ ..... A ilf ""OllO do-.Y llt-.il!'t* _.,-.co #Uf ~ .. ,,.,, .. ll'Ws~, .. ~ trd~llllllMflOMd.-- .Aal. ,.,..,,.,._..,. .. °" ~ ... _-"' ,....,,_., ftl()l CIOwrl ., .....,. ,,..- c•wrwio ...... ,._~._..._~.,,._Ne:&"' ~A,....._,,,......,;,_., AM.o llDeu.-ori ... ,..,,., "'""'-' ... ~~ ..... ...,,..... ,..,_,,...... ~ .........

Training ' >t:folr_"'f "'~"' ,,.,. ....... _. ... ~- l:'lf.:.l11t d.:l•tlM)' 'rf ...,_.). T1> •l*"'J. .ip O• I""°'*" Y'"-' OINld p. ._h r..,. '1l -*"''' 1 frw WOlhh • dlik).. Ind ~ ~ die p..trt •rtlt anal]"'°"" 111-9 '*-*!*'"IO npla1111 thr!r •'llllltl<t. ~ th.i k)· Rl«'nl 1m1 .... WOl'dl iia lJciz voabl 1..-y n.:.unl boot., Titll dliml dw'J ,,-.,.u mccc _,,. ol die Mw WtlAh .. .. Wl(Jlt.1ft1 ~- - cum 1CU.

z Alk. alldt• .. ~" '"po.in wt.) the ..... (-.o opbom - ... 1.-....._

-- Al*lCI ... .Jl'l'IW'llr."fl-..... .. ,~~~,.. ........ It'll F'k«I fl'I I jlr!~ OfOW, #11! #I D-'n lllf'll9n('A +.t Ol)lie r'1QC _, "' be l,IMd. c,~ ., C:.'"9C1 ....... "',..., t ... ~ 2 ~


Exom Pf8Cllc• (re 20 :s• <fA •• fA 1C 10

4 AA SCl.tdimts to compsc and C'qllal" ,,_ zn,a-ns.


)1 CJd .-df·1L• to C.Olftl*1! I lil't Ml .... J _

It Vit'l#c! lllPflt'l•••A-·D C'k'l\Jlllo') lbt 1111o.lCllll.l tu tt ... Mel.._ lbnn •·h h cue b cl~ tu wt&al-.,. Ilia-we Wf1Ud' hpa. .. iw •'f'll(JM mi.-ai!Oll Wnp •I .. CAltdl1d(.a. t.r WJ. IMd ':I·• .-.dir d:o bell " ... ., •n "1W o( th( ndc• 'lll«t. 8 Yllll:ldl • mac•c •bo'w. ' c mun& J1'1l'"'l( looJ. 0 ... - ~·he..,

1 ,4 , _ - P'IOle. "'-ad '1'l • ..,,, whaoi- - ,,,., If hW ..., to ,,. -

Training <Id -..dt111~ ........ 111"-1 .....,.., A* Cht111 ....,,, .,,,..,,.~ rlwy...,.... •1.~ ,,, W le ce.-h led, ..... fU"'(\I«,, A 1--.i, F:_..,.c . .il!J bt,.i ol 1 9CMI ,,,.._.) ., "11->g ...... c• .... Q, ... ,.~ •nl·~ about tic... toa'll't"lf *"" ...,. ~ )n'j. dai~· ... IKr)

11w L.,'r •1 • •"11:rft! could hir P9f1 • 1f • t:CTthook cw 1 mlflJlllt Mtlicls. I :\ .. ~kl be fxlml ... W\(,llnTUI ml 111boot •lwft buct«fl• lh-e. food...., mid ~J'-', wloun, -.:en IO.nn-e.l. ~"""'d r~i.Nlotftn;f~"#ll ._,,_ 1"' MCNTIWllo Sb.,._, .comld ht a in_. Of a~ h c•ld be tad. OI ........_, wctJa i:tfortttaboa .. l'>tiJ:l114. io..ari. CW­

'J)(W'1a ~1iliblc- ?a Get _.,,,.. • 1'.t lbn:lqtri dte tint -.t cb9caM dies an.-.n.

AS a f~ p&lt'l .O tua- a tide and wr. It tOme ~ excnple• Clll dw ~nl.

I Ir OOWlld oe _,,..,act °' 6c'llil:w\. ~ ~ o. ""'*" • - " • ICllOOI ...,.,.. .• "° .....

It I:!~ Qdmlll lo rnJ dll' .,,. .. ._. C"tt'C''ll")' lira Y.1' h (1lla 1f111Jul!, ai(l;'orJ.l!I ..... toll 'S. ..... :tllf'lll 10 f!lllld d'IC ,.. t-'w illlc0E11r1t11o ~··e. \\lndi. ~ .. lfiU OOl'TIC1-t ltni!.._ dit ~ .... n pr,rlllly ta ""J"Ol1mll'~ t....-r •fl ·~o "~cw """Y ~ 1o IN.,., Ira ltm .. oa!)' r M 114.tl J.r..e "'" ~.'·~lbulll

-- " ~..,.... bt tVi• ~lioic.~hoM (al'I ~ .,...ri Pwi 1 ~I lfl 1•'Q

eamer'S NOtes & ys Test 2 Reading

Page 218: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

214 I TN<heO Notes "Jest 2

Exam practiee

I 1f B 17 C 11 0 29 C: a> A 21 C 22 If 23 .0 afll A .2S C X 8 ZJ 0 29 A » B JOO

h.'b Ap.in act trudenb ro 11ry ..., ~the cp.1111idns 1111~ rdi.•rruia ID die E41 •hit cu they m;all1

l·-·---- b 11Mr &:1•at.enrNo at•••>t.l•'i/-dler".-.p ,,.._.,.,.., c""""'",.....°'c:.. dS...- ... fact,,.., e'l9J'bt.ip~ ••• ,."'•" ,..,., OUf.,_.,'ICnowll ..... WOllk/~ll(I ~ '--11..

4 Cid ltUdenu 10 ,.,...br211e each psi o/ the k'.Cl, 111d dilien -=d; • pU!'$ ID iclr!lrl'y wtld fW't each ane bzs ~Md. 9''ttle ap one or two CQ1f1PIC$ to s1'utre w1lh lllle di!~

I - . _ _.,, _,,,,,,~ • c:.- so Ml"*,,...,,__,..,,_ *5r

.. ,,,.o.r .. '°"'

1 Get a11denu to a:rl1ua .,. cy tt-..c: other Uf'IJmn: ;att 111CClf"ta:t_


8 ....... _.,.,.,~--~ .... , ..... ~ .air; -·· -"-..,....,and,,.. --...--,., f!w ..... u rnt. 1A it wr::ang-'-4wt• ~ n .... Wild ....... c ll ~ - rn.yo ~to bl"to'lf~ ...,"'" llttd•~ ... Ml'ld)C. ~'"° ......... }

I··-·-~ b n..y..,. IO di. blCll e I! was 'IWnl:f)o d r,_,. lil•fjOloOI,,_,,, Mndwlct'>•.,. ~•'t;l Ollle

~ng lb ~ ~..,"'.,. 1n l·ft a: thit um 10 anau thcr

~ tbi• lllOll'J ....... 10-.. di¢tr ... -·· 1

""" &( dw tint. and 10 ~ cocVy llaw" mocti •ey h.--. .,._ It a.'to lllO'WI iWftl .W. llicy "'.,. D¢Cld. •rad M<W cwcfuOy Tl1ey ..;n find tk *' a.ch .-10 '1Dl"lr""e n IW)' cu qudl> bec:omt , ........ wMt 15 ill Ilic lnM ~l ~ 10 °"""""" lhrir _._.,.to lbc ... ::otl 1M.

-- A fll:M Ot ~- l'O". W1111 ti~ 1 5 ~~it ., ....... IQ QUesber'a F.-:b ~.......,.., Pin l -.c:411\1ts i m:n..


Teacher's Notes & Keys

Test 2 Reading

Page 219: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Exam practice T1w ~a~ Ml pr~ 1a ans-c:r11wi1 • "''lbia lk •x•rd llllllll. aid hM addrtldld. ~ padl WI lht.-SU(ll). with aood 4IC'IClopl'lt111. n. U}' ,_.11 arll! -*'rlnwd •the llOl -- 0.MrO. ...... l-**Ovwtfl'llrww•••••r•._aty__.~ ...-.w ...... ~-~~IO/t. l'llno!*')t~twhad"'-"'• ....... ah.o/ itlr ,._ ,_... 111W1 l'rr. Jn e 1i11ca1~1UM I illllllril.U. ~ l'lft,., """'>" f/Md., IC. ... I'd..,, Wd"9',,.. .. l(lf!l9 - "-...., K..,_ )'Oll .... t -- fOOtl ~ I tlW* tlC)$J c 2

, ,... b<Nnew Ip.,.. 1 .. .I/ ............ '* ~ ....... IWfllllldh •- °"' ~- t'dM9 at hMr .._ *"°"' #Wt-.n~M 9 .. I '®11t•Ptd) 0 - """ ... , ......

r w ........ I~ lwot!'t .. «Ml •0011111 llD J1flU' f>#TI ~ ,._ ~Ort,,.,..,.~, ... 21'1'11Mi!y ~ Dclf lc.ot1 COtlW ~- '~· ~ - ,,.. akWd•-1 ~ ...... "*,.,•to ICD'N ~, ,_,. go •11om....-dtiti-~


_ ... _ f l"r:I r-ter- • .-""' llt • ,_,.., • ~·'""pool 11111'1er ftlart .... ...._n-"*'.w~ 2 fd«'fay •.....,,,,...,at II~_,,. m.t.,, • n ft -- JI l .... lf'dO.,,.,,.,,_ •totJy--~ I'd.,..,_ 11t my ~~

, W,.dM't .... fO -~·-,.,...,..,,.,of..., li'llNod --~ :It_.. Wf ~ __. WlellWW "'*"" a.:au. Itta .,i-"V lobe - 3Howfrbour ~-..: "'*'...,. roa.irce to1

··--- .. ·- '

_ ... _ '~..-....i TMn-• .... *'"'-*' ', ......... '""' ~ iCIOtlttf ..._Cl' .., _,,..fifO .... )'OU. :trw-...ro-~ ", ....._ thllt"s.,.. ..... '"' .... tobetw)' ~

luoz .,. .... .... J the ...... '" .. twd,,.. ~(NI. .. irrw. ~. ,,,. ••l'I .• ,.,pool·•-""' .... .,... .. - lit tlChroo( Ovt­ ... I *4' ll'JiGldWlli '9cl'M): .. .1Jb'*7 - ~ CIR._ ... ,.,_ ~ •t•m• ,,.., ,_..he ..... Wtd ,.,,.,. • .- • wo.o 'O(ll!'I ...._.. """ ... ~ 1Jilo111 ,..,.,.,'° ..... ·~ :J&~ woe#~,_,., to ..-:fl the*"° aflter ~ ~,... t.llr-...N ... .. ••• , w,..,.,.,. Wl/Or-*V ,,__... ~ ''"" ..... -. ... ~ ~' ..... ,....._. ,.,,,,.,_, ttw ...,.. , ,._.. p -.ai.r PK'6Ce.

4 for ... lf.'1'11"'-'I, \ll(ft rt \UlfFIDd llWW'Ca bel.-. 1""t .,,.,...,"'""~fin.nm l[lllM'f'_ "'~ <lf'..,."' llbk 111'11!9 a. ·-he: tios4 Ct-ed. N lbq rr n111Jcirw .. ..,. o1 W1c rt-.r-mtM~'~

J ~Wuf IUl'e ~""'Olk ........ t IDo:mtlt Uf' ... h.1119 ID ib-ckip lbt paiD&s • Y, as dwy cai.

s·;: .,,.....,. .... z )tw,... fO ...... ,.,_ to ,... ... p/l(>fe. Hf'flle""""' ~J' fhlt 1-~ ainc'e-- -·t .. Kl'loot Jlbv ........ ~ ~-.,..,.. vjcMoOr .,,.,. ....... 4 )bu.-. '° WW•~ ...,. 10" OM'J corw ID !tit ,,_.'Ip.

?ti Get .-le~ ID feld - '* 1'"'4 ilea 11nr-·ue •• c j_1; aboal ~ •iMit lhey """" t.:i da

• Ot1.:C" suden11..,,. 61.el • bolh bcrult. ched. lbe~ to 9c." •1th - and tbal .. '°'.if:~ atOtuld. .. ('._ fot a.. 9. "-·ow .tame o.ai:nrll:'!I • 11w ~

• GM cawkrlCI Ml)e Cl ....... of6ie- ddf("**" ~ fonDll and illliwriW ...,.,ap: •lien. 1hr:y ..c 1m-.1hcy 9'0ed io ,,, ')Cf ,..,*r M' ..,flQJ._, ftQ(llllidcf wbit:*:r dlt !11r-,..ate Ibey 1R .... iJ 911iuhie

I The~· yer,- to row fNe.lls .. bo ,,._. ""1rAI a'lell" Ule ~ 1"0i' ll'liflM"'" • • flttfld. ~.:aoy IN .cieQ>'; • -. Md wldlrvdrour....,. or...t

'lhllnlng la In P'1r1I,rCNiM~10mid 6c41 ...... 11 lllc .. oftllr

D'l'lltaRfu!l).rmh« ... toiQI tnif:h• •• .... b pa cheat~ r.rormaoin ~ fto h lcncror cmail is fnR aN v.°'Mll W~ il Thc1 rwed40W ck# ... the. be-tin they bep:i Wffit!&tih& :heir·~

11111 ........ ~ Zf- )'QU._,.,. l'k.....,.,,.. )Ck.M" lld'*:I: _.. ~ Ho<•~"-

-- Ont™ ·WtCMlll O'\.-cill.O •no~....,.. 10 ....._ C8r'ddll&t l'etid tow• l»-1&<> WCJrlll [C'l ~IClflCWl .... PIC<W ca'flM~f!'Wta.


Teacher's Notes & Keys

Test 2 Writing

Page 220: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

......,_ .,,. .. ~ ........ ...-- °"""' """ .. '°' ..... ,,.... ....... ......, .... kllt ... yhilr ....,.. . ...,..,.,,,., ,,.,,,,,......., ,, ~..,...,.,....""'..,...."'•c.-..~10~.-ro.,... OI ... If 'I _. fo H llillClll °" It. -4 .,._ ._ "'9 _.,. "-' r _., ....... ~..,. .. - ... ~~- ... ---.-... ..................... ,..,.,,,,. ...... ...,, .. ~ otlWs ~ .. ., ....... ,... ... .,. tNp. °" ........ ..,..,. l'do~ •Joi olatme Ol'I tltf .....,_ .,_,I INllMI~ .. ..._ my,._WOf\ to .11 doef~ • ...,.,..,..,.L8ut.dlna(l'd,..,•«i»woald.l. for ....,.._ --~, .. ~ ... (:l'O....,&fOfM,. ""' .... ,,.. nib~ ""-I/Seo:'

Exam practice n. candidlik ., .. .._,. iii! ,.,..,Q it. .,rd i....1 - ~'n"$ ..• \c ....-_ Jt ...._ I god1ntrodrlmi» ... ~Oll;b k •I~ 1>r nlql.Mllf: ~..:I lfk:W.. Kwal ., ....... •..-,t• poirri.. T\oc 11 .._a cl- Nl'!llftllnt...-- •1111 • ..,>d coac.~t.elOCL

._, <ke-..Jm1.1111•·l1<1at1\l•mftlir...,lba••rn~ ••11'1 I s-mtf. A• claacll 1•1 d.,._ llll)' f'l'ftlC9il 1"4 ct.;k •iltlb« \tW)' ...... """* '")' 1.inbd ..... ...ii 'lit ................... ~ ... ,...._IO'J.•..._ . ...,,...._,y-. •d~n

.,...,...~ ...... ··dd•edt;fW ... llJ'~·t. ... ,,,. c.-sf,,.,., tw- ~. Ollilcr.\Otl9W'Ol'dll: ~"'"- ..... ,..re ..rr 0 4 l\il'I Cftp: ~ptlllltllr;CG811MI """""g.....cta: ...- fi'sfo/C wtwll """'-......,.,....... t""'1t: '*""-"; -'Wet'!• Nr: Ma d

'• 11 (kd: Ifill WdcnlJ ._ ~ llMI oflhc ~.....,. ..-!i.Nf to,,,,.. ia tM at'li;:la abcwt. ••n1a"' .ny tum1,.- of l1"Jd 911~ un ._ Nolild. 'W°"ltl'I ..,. tt.... fllilMat. ch'~ tlml•ld ·~·n4 """'~ *"' ,.~ ,iw.c .,.,,"'""' 1r ..-. bolt toKlri 01hn•n ~. pttn ot~n.Aa.i'OCllilc: ,_r•·h o61r\ .. ,n-tiuc Old)" it (hey re.a ~11tw • .,.aa ..._ ,,,. Ndl ~ m 11w ,.u .,,_.

• [licit ..ne nlll!l"ml W- I.he ct.. 10 p1111 C1n iht boanl • ao,,,...._


es; ·.,,.__. I D'MI poo _,,,,. .-y- ~ 2 It was c:Mlllfl' 3 by ...,. "'917 CtOwded 4 tllf)' -- CM1ltO 10 °""""

. ' ·.._. Pl'ls<f!W' Jl!iUll'W"9. Olli~. aiD:IOttliorv., ~ ~ ~IJ.·~ ,. ... TlO•~· 41:0: .... ~~. ~"'9-"IC!' .... •4 ~~ ~· . .._...._ • u c con"-*"a ~. ~ a>Ni g • ~~ ~ _.,,,,.... "*')I --a . ... _

l Chcck ......... tt i.--- wi.. dw __.me.,. 11~11\j • f"'l!lm-E.rlaWi di~ 1r-=c-,. 111 p.a. Fl e.r:m 1r1 -=11 de:Kribc ene oldie worm. or IJ'l"C Ml -.p.lc flli 11. P..i!'CR rnu<1 IJN!MI Ille wcni.

Training C.ier -.dmls IO chcclt lllr'ough die: 'l\Udt &Ud Jmkc> lllft d»ey­ ,,.. id tilt.,......... l!lft npl-.ion• hm ~04

any -.di "'llidl art~ AJt llilldn'llS ID do lk torl.lftC t!:len:.- ll!ld 0.. ciumi:-e dlN 1t1.-n. Ott~ 10 ..,Wn e.r ~ 11.-,. d1-.,rcc oa what lbty ~ J!UI •WION. --- ~ .. ,,. ~ h ~ fl'liit lWIC. .. ~IN ..,.,, Of~""" ,_. ........ '"""' ,,.. ,,. ......, .... ,, ... ,,. ~ ~ .... """""-,...~

-..:1 .... «tDl'l. ,... """" ~~ OOC°"·ifM6"11')' ... Md\!$.,_~_....,~ h«id."""

"'"' ......,,., ao- ""'°"" ,., .. ..-e ·-~ Clf'N .. -- 'nocC. ... ~ .. ~ .. mu*. ,,,. bc"Mlo!I Cl)I~

-- ~ Ol'ie ial llt)ffl •dJDiOD d f,vV If lfu1& ftlili lr-..io *«1~ ~- tht-"' c.roo .... ~ • .....,"' llO-llO - C.:1\-on m lllia pillP9' c... ticJJlf "'ii• .;a,

Teacher's Notes & Keys Test 2 Writing

Page 221: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

..""'-"' .... ..,,. ...,..- ...... ...,..... .,.~, w...... ........ ..... ... '*~ ........ "" c .. ,,..... ....... ,,, Bl ~ ~-flt>. .... ~,..... him ....,. """ • ..,. • ll'tlrlr droof'. ""- ,_,, a. .... """11 ,.., ,.,,,_. ..._ .,...,,,. Cluf ~'f- M JOI 01 " .. Ml..,,.. !tie ... and--.d .. ,. '*"- ,.,._.."4' ....,0 ,., ....... *""atwt..-.J--- OllN ~-..... ..... -·.,,,, "°"" .,..,.,. • rwl nlllilDtt M •- -.tN. ,_,. - ---~---~ao.M#._..cr ...... ,_._.., .... 1-t .. ..,,_~-"••llO•' ~...,-~~ .. ... II.-,.,,.... f,.._ - '~ • .,.. fO .. _,,.,..., ......

Exam practice

4 A4. lllD<lir=JI tD Nf"1f'1tt 1>.-anw 11!'4 tk-~ ri~

~ .... Cll ~ lll'W'JI ............ --~....,. nm. ~ Ali»#) ~· ...,~ wq *1•·-~s. ........ ID~~A)- ._,..itt,,_~~. ~ "' .,...-._ ... ..,.,, -~"-*.W. -- ~~ ~did ... """N ~ \!Wtlil., ~ ......... -,' 4\9..... ~ ~lftl*f~I, ..,......._ 'tl'-"C.fW

w...., ........ ..,,,

.,, .......... , 1\11¥ ·~ ..... J ......... ~)'~.-. 4M'I~-· .. . _...;;.....,,....;; ·-

4 :U..:-. a.n> ml11.'ftllllnt mu_., 111111 ~ta.lcre& lta'O't p.i ia.. ('bllllk •• itiey 111ll) uf\dmland •II.II ;I·• ...i .... t.,. me. C- .._,. iai11F4l..., CIOllMll •-Mn .,,. lfllp! ilpC&l • Wi11'4 !tl ..... .,.,

1 (ict 11>1• - .. ,~In Ill) t'W nm-lllt "' .W....., 111111 c6ei k •1"" • r.,11• c· •• ~ .... 11 .. ..,. ••hOlhcit in•lrc....-a .....

I J ft'! 21..- .. ~ • _,.., • ...,,... .,,,... 1-. ..,,... .,. ~·......,·~ 10---~ ,, • .,,,,. ., .. IJl\td~/llta.94 , ..... ,_.,tit~,..,...,...,

\ ()i\(11 ~.fl....,. ca·1rtr1rdi '.ht ~-ll --- 1(11le)' ca111 wnw 11p •l6 e.!~~'tl aiMCr'll. e..1 Jtlt.• Jr I..- 11••h•• 2:

I I~ ~··-~·41 ,.,. ,,,,.....,,,. .. ., ... ~

Tr•nlng lb T lw •! unitf'iitll or Wfflrll.,..~r n k> •ho lea lltd llary

•re. "I.It tc .._.,. • •·krml• n•'"' 1hr """ .r,,,,,. C:ll• Nt' thot ~ m 1&. II ra;r !Ibo ~1,nd tl-.en Ii.lit .. ltafy b

~two nt ICf S"f'(lllk. """ .... PM. lllld ~ .,..,, -,.... ..... -. 6t)- .ti 1l ldn' aodOrDlal I} i.l p ;,i1to 'll"llt pttw111 T l'lallW91 111,.. h *lfJ' The ;1('rlflh..,. .... tt(l.ft\,,, tO ilfiou!A l"C' Ct WWW ... 119 •t'll'"lll dft lllllf'y.

' tt....1111Jini1.1 bi• :lw: ....... of •IJ • WDrJii hcforf It!"' ~tlltt. t.-oiunp •i-. io ""°""~MW C.:• • tbbt ~·watiullliy111_••ll °""'*•Y ••.Nf M ... ~ ..,_ i:.1 ..... ~ da.ffcri.11•b I~ ..... ;; '1m ..._._

I~~ .. .....,.,,~~ o..""' ioild. ..... ,,. ft>ft: ~ .....,, '""'91/ll .......,..., .. .,.,.. """"'· alr:KiClt' ,..... ~- ,,....,,. ,,_,..o, ,.....,vs. ~ .. ...,,,_,

-- o...~ .... ~ .~,,, n ... q~:!Qt'9. Tti• hi.-ng 91Cbot~nf'IH~ o.nc;,-.,....,to.ii.1ao..1eo - .... ~ .. ~ oi .. pepe!" c ~,.,..~Ill 11'-"0

Pwt 2 (story)

Teacher's Notes & Keys

Test 2 Writing

Page 222: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

EJc•m pr.,;.ttoe -­ .. _ •• fllOd ID ,_ l'IOllt ,..,... -"" ..,, l'ltt _,, J'IU'~ fliMrl ,_,..,,

pr'OO(Mlf '°°"" ~ ·~ ... .......... , ........... ,,., ~ ,,,__,,,~ fll' m.ril ,_" M ..,.,.,._#Id fll'll mo_,..~ lll10rlf ........ .- •. halft'~•IWICMO.Ml-~ol ..... ...,. ,.,.,... Of~ ....... -"',,.,.,,...,.. ,......

I 8ltd ..,....., So,..,....,....,...... .,,......,,. ,..Mid,,.,., ti, ...... - OJI .. ~ cl• lllPl(lp *'Otll .,. ,......, _.., attd lftholL fLlllFll Pfll ...... - - Wflt' A>il,... .._,.,..., ..,,... ~' Ntd "...,..,.,,.. ll'lial' ,....,.- II., yourscD .. ""..._ ""'1"".,,,.., .,,., • l'IN ..,,,..~ ... IOOl'I aod ,_ _ "- Ila. """.,., on' ---

.. I ' OO..'r.lr1 •ddll1 •' ,..,..., ,,..,.,., 4tll:Wl1,...., ·~"'°*''••'flt? ..

.~• •114if(Oll wr....._ ,___.,.,.1.,. __,.....,..., 1:1 .. --. ...,.....,,,., .... ,.. .,......, b""'V.,. l!Clc: ...,. ...,.. ....... I*' .. ,....~ CWl't _, ~~._...,,....,.,...,,.,..,,, ~tJwib~- ....... .-...:,. ............... ,_you...,..,, tilM"9~ (It,..,.,.... nr..o ._.. - ,,,... ,_ ~ _,. dl.1 Jl'C"I - ,,_- ,_,.... DO Jllt;lt.,.., up .• ?; It ,a. dlt a.r,. CNf' """" aoon)'j

Jb n;,, l'na. lhllknts W ~ _...,. flrK pllalf1lllhs we neeckcl (I~ lupe.11-' f~ I ~of.ss:ulet ........ di~ _ ..

(~"':.=,,._.......,,.. ..... ..,~w1

41> Wmt•• rea Oil u.~·a11~011theti.nl

lb Get~• di....:- U.r ~ \\M ,.\lUld die, 11o t1t S..'I -1.-7 [~ lhefTI II) at~ ... L°K ll1r.llt.tdl l'h.'llB IM f4l'C9'' J."1*11 o( YWlft, Try llld IUl!;ft-C •~y• •1 S.. alwl IDI mi.- cOllW ~lni#

l• Male m ~i:, • • md .- di' 'll!lld• Wiii'\. Mon: lllq- tqa. tMS !My re• «:firubee or •aample nf each ~1 \:lldatts ... Id tlt.:t chc flr.lCMM ~ Ttk IDmrf!M f'tonll lhe lat ere ..... " • hnctdl..

T"*'lng I\:........ .11 .... ~u.illitll ~.a- 1l"'=a .... ~ .,,. lenttf. Pcfl'ft Iii.:-' "'' • •• dw ncraM, clial th&~ fl "'P¢W11 llld cl'"*' a 19'h:r aa1 dwy"re !'llni:lar ••L"I,,. ,,,_ Clfl die 00.rC .. d ib:lllS ~1 U.Setldlct'ttqlDtPlbt •••:1'* b.

I ' 0 :t C 1 0 4 C IC f 0 1 C IC t C JO 0 '' C llC

-- CNJm.l Olle ta'llo to'l'I • ctiob or trve e ....eD11. Tbll t~ 9DClaft ~·Oft''"' <lllb!f. Clt>d ..... nMd 10 - ,,....,'° -- t· ·Jl--1'" .nOo11~can\MtiQlllll ..... ,

Patt 2 (letter)

Teacliii"'s Notes & Keys Test 2 Writing

Page 223: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

T~'i Maces Test 2 f 22J

J @ 11 llllbllkftbt.y111.Tl!1Donrm:tec.~ci.by ld.:ins. • •i.ng • m.t.11>nc a ... int Slildtna ._ c::bnd• Iller -'trf ... 1t..,...

Training u.: lhc oamplc • tur1md -*-nlt ot • btiic rules for COila".n.m.a ~ ta11C8CC:l: 10 N ~ plilfl pcdciple ( + a,. __,_t Ood!Sb rwo.,...OC11• 1Dgethcr .....dtdir--. Gt WlltC a fcv, eumplct (I( .-M ---.a, Oft d!ie hnUd ... .. •'*- •" "9llCr1 dt•..,,........ .,,.. b """ c;,ll.lJtn.bl dlin ~ !h<l aat'!llt or.a I p1tlte

f I"' tlllltl ·~ - ~ fby __,...J. a""~,_._ • ...,,,..,_,.._ I• "*t ~ ~ N n fC*w • ""°"' .... ,...- . ...., ,.. .,,, .. ......, • °""" ...... J'Ollf- ,,.,. '*""'•'-MM~br'-«;:~ 1 ~ ,,. ,.,...._ ,,,,,,.,., .. """'~ ..,.,.....

, • • t1tw-..1,...,. ...,..,.,,,

-- 4 rvJlllllCS ....... CIOa- C1.rtan-ig 12. ~ ~ W-"I • .,sww .. p., , ........... , ~


tu. Extanalof1 AS~ •lber., ~" 1 moder..._, rnnPdanft!IC'apl: .t.llC f<t,J. Dll.,.J 1Uai11cl l" "' \11111 llw lldi•r1..._ • l';ie C...m 1Ull all.J bmlt11.:ta ...... ''""" ,, 'liJtM.u.in., ~., au.-n ~ •far 11 ~ lk)' thll.Jd ~ 1"'-'C .... ~raplilc1I -.11 •htlm f>o pcr-.1'11 k1G.: 1-icb .. ~ pnr.,,._ ~"'~Owl\ Of*ll..tlll .tuu1 llti1 .... lfM,! ~I kind of

4AkN!lfAsJ/JO~rN¥Mo/...,_,_.,,.__,,0. ~ ~ .... ~,,..,,. ..... Grft- ••tsdlr _,_ $Afolll)-A l"lll .. ~ol ... lomt_.llQllt!W~ _.,_ • 0 .... - .... ""' ... ,.,,,_ - "'' """1'hJ Ir ,,. USA. """ ,_,_.ti rt. l.M. Md,_......,~ ....... "k bll M.,. -·- ,. '°"" ........ ' .. .........._., .. w. ........... ., Mil • ...... .,,... ""'· _.,.,. _.,. ... IMlllJ •C/IWr....,..tlcNtCllllDt1,_,...-fllrfw llllfltOlr'I_,. -·~ -~·'" . ......, ..,. .. ..,. .. ., .... ,....... ••iw-·--- .... - ,.....,.,__,.. ........ .... ,. . ...,,.,. ..... llOC ft"-_,.,_ - .....,.. ..,., ,.,...., - CM NJ',_ .... ,,..,.~ ... .._.._...,,.._Md ..... " ... -)- ,, o~,, ,......,.Optoor hr~,_,....,..,, fZA(hllld_-.y..,... ... anM/tl ... ,_..,....~ ., __ M'tll._,,_,....,.e..... -­ ...,....,. .. _,, --~,__.llrirc:t ,,....,


Uw flll E,.._. Pairt 1

fCl'tM ..... 0tM,,_....,._ufMI__, _,.._...,,, ,., .. ,........,iJ,....°"'°"" _ .... ~. ~ .,,.., .... ,.....,..,.,,,.,, -uid-- ~ .......... ,~ l......w_.,....,_,, ~ .... , ,.,...,....~ o1..,......,..,...,.,~ 1 o,.,. °""..,kl~ 10111,...,,., bl.I .. ~ -­ f9,...,-C•..-.dl ..... - A i ... MO ro ~MfO ~-~ti

IEJ!tenolon l.>triPr rhc ct.. tl"o r... r~ Md JM ac:ti •"*P eee er dw ... .,, • ...tt lh.-.m bin!:-:. <ln'n•r- ~ r ........ ...,,... ,. • .., .... die_... 10 ltw ._ Tllo .. 1cnr.ce CM bw ciK.aa.ecd II-.! tlw d:IM &Jr die~ ....... IO.., to.,......_ 3 lliit e..aa. ·nu~ 1bt91pe: or dx c:u11n ~ 1.1 .. AG;

...._ sllky haw~ ofHo..chm (a.d whac Ille)' know .... huaL Ched drleyubdc:taadoa.prGrtrst Tllc qu~ •'ill ah6 ~ 5111dnu GO thiaaiboUl ...... Opt•- are ript or Wft111C ,_, ...t.yl .- Ibey comr: IO du lbe u1m1 practice .... To nll'Dll ~ taeik..,... ~ .. !ltudMa au •Tllc lll!lllk!n.;a --.e1w ~ •T"X& opliOM hft td-lftke.

r•A 20 s e ... •• •o

Tr91nlng ran t ea- DlJ cotoc..1 -. npocwt) f'll,.., ._ ronta!a ff"~ ._ nn..t1.-.. c.nttt_.. m•Obl w·111 -., A• r.lfdcllb 1o11 ciidl ttie oonm 1l...,...e1..., ._di.cl tihr 1_..: 'lnl1'i 1 JW'tM. Pat.111 •11.1 .. in q~ ~. 6 •d 1. b.'61l~t,, snminac1.:.l!J. bu• ........... CIWll'r;:fll ~ 'hlf srC! co&oe.tillel~ We NI)' - "'1tw "Ito 11na.

Ir, WUl'( .. 1~-ii .. )-.,.) ~-•l'U1', --- (butC ..... el.Jm• Md l'l'ther *M k1-l/ar ~ J1Chc-,a').

I • ..... 2 _.... ., ~ ... 1or a ._ , ... , ,,.,.. , w u..

l •~.-!en"' 1..._ ill chc ral w.1. -.can~_,,. 1rc awrea licc:au!19 *)'IR libr- orily~ '* ... '"lb lbr 8M1UW of Ille ttU. l.adui1 dlt '"' caodW.1" • ...-....e ~ .... , ..... w ~-111 C181Ytpkllr the~ ..i "* dit(.:k ... *'"U.: wkli1,.....

I '.~ ...... b "°""- c .,_,_,.. ... ,.,.. a.,.,_.. 11,.,.,.... • ,.......,_ d.-.ot , ........ ~MtOt~d~ ••-•"t • ...,INl9!' CIJO,~ __ _.<Nrf

-- A'9'0dffect ~ l .... OIW'l#*lo 12 9llPI rd tollowed by 12: --- heh t°"91:! .,...,..., Plrt I,...,.._ 1 ~-

P.wt 1

Teachei 's Notes & Keys Test 2 Use of Engfish

Page 224: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

u.. .. _ ..... ,

T!tell lf"e ~~-fol~..- ...e 3°' ul ._. IOiD • !he pp ,.... Ille CIC'l'Tttf -i km

S ~Cllb ~ mftlc l!IW;m1 *IU111n1icb ,.,i of lpc«lt .. l:ial •-*Pf'· TU will help d·•~ 6cm hm wrillnl -.C fial ~ lbe)' 6iaftlc of wltHI lhe)· _. :he roec MN.

J l'O.Jf!,,,. 111,1 2~i\m~lfle~••n OClllJ ,, ,..,_{~go tl»llC"9tpldw9j

.. "°"""' (1* -.... #'Id~ nctc.aN' L'I•""""' 1$ llt"(/U!ll1 6 roun (rlwJll Nleicatfl .. ,_ lolam: ID • _,_. eftt/ .la p/llr'llf e ~,....""••!!'It...,...,.., io frtltde 111•• • ~ rd ~I ,,,.,. It Js • al)ed'Wj

l _..... WriW•)ll'll .... 11 .. f'C* WOl'dli.nil ct.;\ Wit .......,..,,,. . .,...,... I f ~ I-' .J INP~ <f ot90"Qll<M f •~11t .,,... ... ......, ,,...,, ."""' .... JO~•"*-

• C-) l. • 1111 cmd1.i.t ~~· Clhm:.M lhe ~I*' of ~h ., · .-.tll lom •aw._ iar a lfllWllOa hoc- M J -rc&aa -. llw cuf'Ciw CQll.111,. • ime com,,_ m1..,..11.,._ S....l.!etl. ~ 11rc-ct lhe _,nl wtUct1 a ir11:omictl) tpell •mdl _..,...

I J.,..m-.i1 z....,ow, a Jlec::ccw"I~ .f-llrtJj wr Sbe&Uf#.111~ 1~ •....:~

.._..,..,_, .... Attr.1~_..~ ........ CAA(_·~ C9'911..._ Ct~~ ll"CMil'9 """""' ,.....,.,.,. ~·•PJ .... Jilllillire • AflJffCSS;Aop lf,tilll(lrlp '.~~...., PllW'OMt. ~ ,. ..... ..., CrlttAJk ~- ,....,.,>'

Ex1en1lon (lei~ kl f..,. ir...n wurda fMDi Ml·I V, C'AIE., l'i\Tll.Nt JMPll~S. Pl ill'QRM _. (l]tJAL'll

Extension In pm:i, - llludmb liO • ~~ a hsl el ~'e ~ IO llbcfile poaipk 1lllflodo a c.tlUI JGb Cir .ctl\'lf). AJk llllrra .. wri1t 6c r;)IOC .-ords orlhcw-tl~-* te,. l'*Jl,_. _ ~ Tlcy cltftl nci.... dies fiW f'OOt ....... looM" ..... w\o baYe ID froms fw CllllTeel 111.11a 1r ..-.u c11ootc- .- _. llpd!i,. ~1-=11...., re. could 11.lJ'l"IJ toml" other canirlel (Ci .. ~. ---Jll:'f_ ,..Jt**,, ilttww?I'' *'"°""· ...,111('1Dr). 2 Go Uttwp IM"'*-"• .. Ji« IC\11~ in ldattit) H lhe ~

.eds a~ er •n ltlll,lkll9C. ~ i1:m U lirl .. _.on._ OWB •nd cmt:k _,, _......, •1lh 1 ~ 1r Drithc1 s-mcr ~ • ....- . ..,. 6.•Jld blk • • wiord la• dict ... ry

I . cw- 2•~ .t ..... ~ • .,......_. .... "* 7Ap a •pu;WillWllN ·~ 10#~

22A I T~Note.Test.2

Training I Swdcnts "'Or\.,,.•~ in .me die corrm -

I f wig.,... Z'*°'lr ~w.tr.ir 4~~ 5 .,.,,,,,,,,~ ·~ 1 pca)llQln '~st

-- A l<'icta;rr.air•rog 10 91Cl"1- Ea::hOCI ~f'!<l~~a ~- n:. $W?!.S ot ee 1'19Si"G" WOICIS .,. 9 ~ bos.dl: the teltl 3l"d !'"Ii.• .,..., "'8llQllld to llOm'l trw ............ ""1:lld £t... · I CCll"f9C1 --- ;ft f'Wt ,1 f'9C•V9S 1 .... ~


, J WOUlb tTNt " lt<I ""' CO'ldtiofW """" .... ,,...,.., ,,., .,.,..; .... ,., , .. 'll(l. M'kl lltf'" ..,...... ....... (liyf" ........ tll'Wla. ,,..,, (l!W Ill. ....... - ..wt). '°"°""*"tit" • NU\ IDOll, ..........

"""'""""' 8lllO --~ In ""' - ....._ ts OCPlf'l'Na # ,,..,,,_.,,, ~., •,......... ll'llC""'" ,._, ,....,....P-'~J ti M'40Cl'""" 'ltf TM~ ..,.,._,_,.,...JI• .......... 1)1,f "'-...,..,... .,. M-~---J t7 HA\o'f" (TllOI Ill• p.-1t1odlll ~ ,.._ • ,.- --! fl WHICH (TN9 M ,,....,.PfONJ"" ..,._._,II,. .. ..,, Wed ID ~-~to--~t'Ot--•...., ft WA!,,.,..,_,_., ..... \4: - • ,,_, ,..-k- 1/0IT (h • llfllfll• t!'ltliltlwwwao•l .....o:-etole~ .. Ne-... .,. -- wt¥«t ., lfl• ..,.,._ ill• c191.11•. '-• - ,,... do(pl'WI ......., fD.,,,.., ........ _,.. c:lly .. ~"O...,. ,_.,.,,,,,, tt ONiM.,. the~n °"".....,.___.,.I) :lZ AAO SIMt perfect1 2t8£1NG~ca• '0'1~ ~ ffl'( 'h'"Odl~ IWIO' could cNle ... ooeitlJol __,.,

Enan0t0n N'* do'lm Cil!rt'm111 ~i1rC CIT\'lf''!, Ill 111-...• WClt1I 'i\nt.e vttm..• •int 1bao ........ a1d ,. •11t1-lia Ill• c:ttfW'(., .,,

) @ ta.Mc-'rLwetolN!1ma~llk"CC'rG~liu1 111:111 I'* 11 ,..t, (at a ~'~n ~ ol 1 lplllU1111 •n .... n. oorc. C>OftWftl 1GlftC ~ =b f P•QP. Selc1- (lCDCd l,W .r!l'd whitll iii •lb;Ol'I- ~I Iii .. ---- ,, llft'Cfl 2 i-:-.- .J ~ .. .,,.,,. • bet • .. 1 *'f"tlW' • "'*"

,,_ 2111o~ ..... -. ~ 3...,., ~,_do IOI 11,...,P°"~ ID .. ,_, .. " "'" ,,.,,,,.,, tiy 1-'Wch • N(neN'd ·-ma')' QIC~ 1 '-" w-r bn:allslf'•I • , w;H fllNn • • ~ •• ,, .-.blll fOM!o- .... ,,...

Teacher's Notes & Keys Test 2 Use of English

Page 225: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Te~ Notes Test 2 I 225

,.fll,, T lflll~ wttm- lht 1111.- 11111fofir: t11t1 nwop111i. tor -'.1•i.

EJl1m pr'ICOO. Reale.! lt»Jr11a !Ml ..-.1.- (mr11116-.'~•1)1 "'*"'a. l*'I ... ,J.,.

f E,,.... '*I.;,,.,., JOOWI ._..,Oll/6.,.tM dallltilltJ, 2 Mbuld' fOU '°ii- f3UI',,.,, oolowwt'I ,w.,., ,...dor., • My .-iris~ he( jlO'tl'Mpei'JNd""' .. ~(i f ~,.,,,,.,,_.,'"""'If j ~ • '""'°""Ila .... ,,.,, _ 11.-nfWI fft,,.., ~

4 t:~n Cl~...,. f«• cm .. ~·lJQI llT~ ~ .... hrl '·Iliac r~ tb111-.::.llul41')' -~ li'lll~ ''"° M 1k•Nl4 fh11-1~ltc wll llclp -...kntw. • l.Jirmf') lbe ~IM)' dlllieet 61! llff M'ldrJ i9 6t CYll' f'tl~tlet t.l.•L

, , °'°""'*· '"""' , by 1...-. .. .. .... • • ,,_..

Ext-..n YOl.l~do• ill.fllo~~lO~dw-~-lt·fYll ... ~ ..... d<•· ~ ~11h )OW...,..,

l,,Kl -..ienm mlknt• th~ <ol&li5~t~nacic • ........ tier.ea th.c• .. ..,_._.....t• Jf.n, -,_, nl/ ,._ '-ilrl'• l)td ,_CUI,.... bAI~ ~ llinv ~ lwJ .,...114,, ,_., • N ~ c1,.t ,_. lwr b .,..,.., Theft pfirouc't\c hmiE: '.J1ft ... f"' ~i lhis •INCllft, ~.I ..

tbtt ......,11: $oliM_.,., "')' .,._ I W Ill) I>!~ '"-,/trt_ •· ., ..... ~impll ll'ntC., - .... ,_ 1.i~ ()f"" Mn t- A•"'-• l:llO ,_ l\M'lldt el tlw 111AM1 _.,., ,,,_, S-1111onb ....... ....,. ..... 1o11 • .,..,. ... Wfll,,_ .... , ct...-l .... .,.,..,.. •·rh • pstNr . I lbt 4-li ...... •IUll f.-lty'll t< .. r,,,1 1 ~· . . ("1 llit dmi•I

?Y.'1...W}'\->11 .... U1'NIOBI' w ..... )'(Nf •• , ,, '°"' \l,'11uld .... \jaw t

) \l.'1:1,.. C'oct - '10~.C 10 do A ll1P.1 0 ... )"*~ \l,'11J,.., C"ood '

4 ~It ~icq ..,,.. .. pM1'l!L My-is


l ("~ Snldee ft;IJ ... 'CrWWlt'l-nct -.i.rv * <.:41mect form UI ad! quallon

1 1 lwid OMlt 2 .... , 3 .,,,. ,.. ...., • ...,., 't • shoulllf $c.'t ~ *1#tJ/!ld , .... ~ •dldf',tf!Md tD

u.. of English Part 4

T,.lninv lwllllrl".f!11d-Ollher~l<*'"'h•aen::ie.Wl~

tr-..111-.111.a '"''~'l''Ml'lhl41 ...... w;Gi9twh'* cl1.q..S1~dil'ni*for._.1ha1 lb$.1w ., .,,,..

:i,._. (•ll'!'lr'W llf -.-,111•) - I wtJA •pa.I ~~If' er , ... ll~tl

""" ''"""'' • ocinu...,1- I •.\I • ,_ pvrr• (•11r1r't., ¢01111~·

')ru.-..-1.,,......qo..-it! '4wt1h1,.n"tfl'

,,,. •• J• ""

1 !\uJaab (ill'l1f-- lbe ---~llCPI wl .It I .... ~l~C .. ~ ..-crb, dim ch«&. thcu ~ ~I f*1*I"

, .... ..,........,l ~ .... " $~ ·~ 5t:i0Jlcf • .,.,.,

.,.,,_ EQM MP9rwii. ~'°""' wci,... • 1-1• ~Ind a ~WIOl'ldW'lte!'Ceto be co1;:f1ttd ft ttl'OWM ~ .... QI ......., II I~ 'lo-V 'itoQnl' CAIC!ioorw:l..-'" P.,, .. ...-... .... 2~


• ,.,,.,,,,. flM ""' ~ ,.,.., • flOlllft ,... "' ...,..,,,. ......,, .. ,.,.. .,.,,........,....,~ ·-. ".,.~ It 1114 NflA' - IJID tt.. .. ~,.....Mo r» ..

Zlw~~~~ • l'l'UOI,..." l?»/IOO-" ....... flt. ,.,,. ·• • ~­ . ..........,....,,.~~ JO~ (Pllnlf lll»t. - it ""*""1 e,o • MJtl _.., • .-... ".., ............... -.w. •-- IP"'lls -1 »~•h<Oc,_........,.c.,,......-• · *' - 00 Geil} llO tom! 1N'adllwe1 ~~,~~-..-~b)'....,.,.,,t'Wl!Olllt ~--"~

I IOUflOt fNB ....... I~ .ag.M'\. .. llnlll II~ ~-~,._... .. • ~"*",..('.,,_..a. •• ,,.,... prw/brlt ,.....,.,. --.. """"..,. , c ..-. bJO .... •aoM tor--.....,.... coul!tro't .- ....., .,,,.,,.., ...,. c..-ct}

'*" Q • ·~b.W .... a..,....,....,,.,. ..ei-.-..w..- -o-•~.....,

I loc&k l­ ,,,_ ...... ,_ 6 btliCW"

eacfiei"'Slilotes &~

Test 2 Use of English

Page 226: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

226 I Te.acr.::r's Noca Ttst 2

a,...,'°',..,,.-.1..-1~"""'**"'' '°" * .... ,...~."', ... .,....c..1 ,....,... (flltd,.,..,~ .. ,,tllttl -1..,.,1,....,~~- ""'-- '""*'"""",. 14'N:lpl ... my .... ..,......-,..,.,........ 'IWOllf.....,,,.. M ~OO'll'-- _..,...,...._I ,.. '9 "-*111 •,.,. Wol't ,, -...r - ,.. ~ 10 . ...... • """' TNs. --- IMll"l\ore .. ,.. """ -- n. ·~ .,..'°"'*"'.....,., -...1.ou.. ,,.,..... .-lllcJI: ~• IMI.., .,...r~otflllllllt) n 1 ~·1 fOl -.MMl!O l IWl.-."-eed flftls •th• w "" .., .... ..., ....... n. _., ,.,,4. c:A.. lfllf• ~IS nMdtlttl" tflt#Olliftd~J 3'11ft9 OM!tl .. .tofboll •·fwlCW COii~·~ .0 tfltt e l'IGf 1..-.iv I 3rd CO~!IQIW- ilt~ $7_ could lilt h..a... scmtlot arid trJel ilt .,.., ..:Gftd ~ ..... ht.,,.. MCd#I ·~'trlth .. -Or.t ......... , » ....,, fol' 1-11_,/wltl16 eo (H8 ,....'t ,.,,,,, 1 iny ,.,.,. 1t • F•• .... •ll)'Cdl'!"ld tJtll-"'1*0...,,.,ult.lt•-'" aoQlds lotlp. ~,.,,.,. COlml' .. ~ ""°""" oPCtlPI' br 08tl1 -.,.ot. 11* fmt'l 11°"". ra1.i,.,,.t ,,..,.,. , .... ,,....1,.,. .. 11'10 .,. ,,. ...... 10"""' .... , 'T I «11"1111 ~ ,-.,.. """'. - •• i;,.,,_,,.,..,.. ,..I.IN doNi ,.,,,,...c~, ,,. ......... f'CIC~C'"-9 . ...,...,.a,;cw .. ~ ....,......._, ., ,,, .. , ,..-..1!"'.1 .. e. lld cos ·~ """" .... llt'\ild'ln ,_ .. , a"" J,..., ~T •did ..., !'IM " .- ... Pf"lllllllwl,,,.,., • ,, .. pllSl ..... ....., ....... - _.,..,..,. -- .. woukl,.....,. MOft'liw """'°" *-)

Teadler'S Notes & Keys

Test 2 Use of English

Page 227: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


Ti"aink>g !~"~ ""- ~e"lty JUI .t.i~ the lpelkm-.,;11 ···lw." ..n.1111 l)JldoN .\ I. •1t1 thimt to chi!lk .tli!Ut .. •tta=.

-- ",.... lftGrt 11.........,monomgu... -"' h "''toPii """""'nv Q- cac~ ~t...., 1,.. PWt 3 ,_,,... 1 'TW'k.

Part 3

•~fl)o',...,,."_,_...,_,.....,l>v,,_:smo....-ry ll!fo(• •'l,/,.......,,ri,: M*'11,,,. ;n?9 .,..., "* •40i IM91"1abowlff9""'1..,.,,.,tw ,,,.._,, fO~,.,..__,_ '°"IMM!"">'would_,~11;1~1 huia~,,.~ ,,..,....,.,,._,_,~~-- ,,,_,_~ _,._, 1ac.. m-- ~.,,_., llntl/JIOlll(ll'y . ..., •- ... C'Olns .. MoMid ... ,..._,,.,_,be.n...., ,, ...._.,,_, _.,.., • .........,... ~~.tit lnQl'9 ~

Dut!W_.. .. ,.........,.90,_ ... ....,.,, .. ~~#ltit . ..,.~ ..... ,. ,.... ,,,,,,.,,,,.,, I ; fttOtJ(/l't •y - ... .,... Of• -- "' ... ~- ~.,.,,,., ,.. • •II) --· •~our~.., ..,.,..,,,.,,..d..,..., •t.ooin•iJ 15 ~'lrn..~ - mce..._f'OI"~-'· bUl'lllll -· ft~ tr.,._. w«l ID CtMf (9l'tl ·-"""'· ....... ......,, lM ,..,,.,, -- • ., .. (• llilldJ ~,,.,.,., ,,.,_...,,...,...~ ............ #td,....,.,.-. our~ ... .._...,.,.,._. ._.,,,. Wlf'alfNS./

11 '~"°'""' (1tt.....,...,........ Wotflf" ... A:* oldNA. M ,,.,.. ,, ••• "ldw;;OWld' - ...... a....~

l 8dort dl.y :.sen. .. "" .... ""hcdlcr Ibey~ look- .. far ~hg h /fWor dl.f/!W

I Mehr' nn- ..... ., trWGlt t'OOllll in ,,. ..._.,.. .... Mer ....

,,,.,,. AftC:h, "- h tw pobw: fJtl l!'w 64'• ""* --~· The_..,.,..,, II IWOl'9--- M ~llf""9A ii,.,.; ... ,,,. • .,.,,..., '**'-•-coot n. ~ - '"'!Mf~ .. ~ .... a...

• ~., ....," .. tMy ..,, • .-d boot ,,, ru 'lbt<T tpd:ir:p '" b eou&dt.a ~bed bm llW'"~voc:lbub.ry boat. ,.,.,ic• fleyC9 kttp 11ila tbe1ll a.d p....-., Mi',~ fi"'C: 41dbni,a-,.11't~aitq~rmarf(l' •< I*! .,. the tell

111•4 s2,.._.:J~•~ta1r I . f~ 7•-cw S1:11Cb ·~ 10,..,.1)'

Trai~ Fatiour:ap ~'"*·~ '" fWlll •u11P at,~• eo 1:qria,111 .rPln 1.. Md thim ,.11 "I'll"__,,,,,... licl«c ... ~ ~ so ... thql.ni• ... k1ni!Gf1110nfW) #\!.._.}Ch. TryllWs•11 lihlott ..,_.. •-l6llW-C1U'llr•11~tn • .. ~ .ntm.. hlb F.Jtd fr'"l"1 adtnta., l•lld .t ~Ill -'cd »II tte pp

t>t.ftirt die)'~(•~ P,,...,,. -..n

I .,.,.,. "°""" ,.,... ,,. ,....... ,,, ,,. ..... """- °""' .... , ..... .-A """"'"' o..- .. ....,,.,o.-...., """" , .. ",,.. f/llldldleql~ .,.,._ ~ ·~ ....,,,, ...., ....... ..arog Dw ........... ,..,. !;lit r.llftheJl#'ft, ..,.,. _.,. .. ~ ..... -- ....

.... _ A""-~ OI *!I~ !rUt9tf~ IP8&•..,..Ml'l 10 •I'll-.:: .. m °'"1Jll'Te t.lc:l'ICt7"111:l ..... II' Piii"! 2 ~ 1 fNA.


Exam practiQe t Ct .. "cldn.,t-iJ 1---.17._'f,,_."'J'._e, ~...,, ..... to'..-..__, •• JC(_-.lfal,_~...__ ... _,bofN_.,.,.,... .. _,, •• SA,OiP~-·-~>••MllclllftrMr~ ... S I ....... .,_,. __ ,.., ~,......,,,__, • c ,,.,, ......,. ,,,.. ,,,,,,. ,, ,. """"" .. OOflllitl,.. ~• ,...__n .,..,,....._,,. .. .,.,,..,..,.,, 1A ••

Training I a Ger ..... .., dl1111k .tiout wbm lhc pt MYS lllJoul lf)t

~\cotow. ll•md ity\c. b:$h¢~jpolll:ivt CW mpllVC ~·bn;n·•

I ~o~ :7.~ ... ....,., • .....,. rti.t ,_,,., ~ -

la/b kcai:.1! ~ ... ky '-t to li.uca liCI bl* tip:•bn ID ~-·~ I ,,.~"- W!let • ..,bOllt ... llbollf? ~ ~

A- t "*'-Id. af ._, U....,,. I *•' J'OU _.up-. ......... ,..._.,.,.,.,........,........,,,,... .,..,._ ......,


Eillt't st'aort <Jl'lfllllited ..nctll 6-oT- ""'°' : ~ ilM• "' ~ ~imnc:!l'lg~. Eadi ~...,..."'Pan 1~1 "-"

Part 1

Teacher's Notes & Keys Test 2 Listening

Page 228: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


MC-..•~·"-MtiafOIPIC~llll~,._....,.,_~·r .. .,.. 1111 B It WfOn9 • Arr>y'I....,.... ._ ,,.,,q a,r ~409Ml .., .., - ..... ...,. "" Aoofly ., '-'"J •• •A• It~ .. ,,,...,,.. ..... ..._,., rPf/ld • dr~ to loo*..t for w •i:io-. tudO: C • ~ .. .,,_ uy1 .,Ill~".,_.,.,. ............ Jft.lC& lifltftlr ""-',......, •·"' .,.... ' n• •• It C (A At-0"9 .. !Mt' Ml<JhW' ...... ,_ .. ~ '"9fl'ol

-~ .... 111 ....... ~•-MIJ ti..-..c 1111...,..,, ~­ ~Nil lrtW ..,..,~,..,,....,.,nw., Duf.,,.hi ... 'f dor'9lf!llt•'MJ ...

,. 0. 1o!Uikn~ '° canr.n 11fllllfto Md wn llrltll ~11'11* .. ...,. ii 1hc1t ...... words.

I c- ... -- ~ ~ .. ,... i.cw.. btMllflY• • got-. IAll ~ .. ,. ..,,..,.t'-:r ..,.. ~ """""°"" ._ll'ownd. cur,,....,, w ICQiW. IJ IS~ •/w l!Onc.s ,,.,,..,., tJqf *'""" T _,. ,_ ... lf/lllJllMd.1

• N'17wF1~1•4rllttll>l°°"'11 ... ~•·a. \\'kli0111•rdin t.lwir.....,,.Atll11,...t0.::ill..Y~•l•ftb~ ~ ... ,, • ., hCW'd •d•flrt• ,_, d ....

I ..... ..,_.,... ......... .eltd --•.-c.- .....,,.,. """'°' t fA. _., ~ .... 0,.,.,...,,... ~but lf._t!Of .,..,...,,,,._,II/Ir.. C.tt ""Ol'O- ... w..-o ol tllll' ~ ,_.,, bior*,.. ~ ,. ~ ...... •• lldllu'llWsJ

\ii A• lbldr•·~ to~~ dto-w«to ltw -!....,. t.• Ot1 _,..,._, 1 ,..,.....,..,. ,,......, ,... ...,,"-",,,. "- -~- ..

~t.1b ICllll ~t ~ ...... ..,.,h -•Ir\ 0...,.., Nw tent4 W ._., i:~ ff! O.C11l ID p..r «un1p&es tit aplaill 1~« dlcioa or ceira-llfJ' b ...... o(..., wvri.a... ltfttl,..,. W.1" JIUI. Im) f"-'9 ~ imt lbca ~..i.y ftlC'4Hll A4t ...... ta ll6d - ..,. ....... 1 .. of dtcir 0-.•

~·---1or1rs.._.,..,.~ 'polee, ~.Or*'IC. "'°""" ~ ~ .... olll••. ._ 2~ llllQt . ..,.....,, ...... ~ -ivsfO(• ~ - .) ~.tac.. ......... • pillOC. _,,_ ~off, ......

l Dcf0tt ~-•~Ml slUJlliu • rKlk' dlwrsi lhc .....,,..,.~ OW.. P"'C c~ 6t ,....._thee ro~tt -.th a rur-tr'·

I CIA It """'"¥ - tr. #Ill a M tlllnOUI. )(.It ,. -. "'*"" ~ ,,_ _, ~ .... 1-~'tM.lfA1tM'wd110,idl.,....,._ ftfltfOflido. .. 811~ .. ,.. ........ .,...,.. ....... ~ WHUIJ" .. N lte .....,.._.. ~- •1 .. fl\\qjl.J

T,.l,..,g I lk:bit ~ 1oM M ~Uy ..-.rd• •the llioa. a.l 01M1t ID

'''llClrte w"i• 11~ I -<I M>uid bo UC' -. hllr ""'~ dwy 'I ~I\:· ID iwl II·•~....,. *"ti,. Honie At) .,.tt•U.u..-,

C'~CllClt-1 ->' ofth .. •h !lp1

... ,_ ... ""'-'''"O:.J'•,J-tll O!' tp• "'"°-""'"'"' JllCIP9ding lifll!IOQrl.. -~" 9Yer" fftJ~Cht+A ~

b.1' C)f~ ~f'I "''"" "'°""""' '"*"'-.


rta fThe .,...,... ~ ~51 ...,..,... u.i"'., 11'1.r,,. .,,....... coutd,.... .,,,.._ IDO ..... f ,.,, .... .,..,,. ~ "° .... .,.,. °"'>' ~ ._,," Sr...., alllcM,.,,.. l,DltWI llCQfl '°' bGM of ....... ..., ... ""',,....,_, __ ..... ~.OE•.....,; .. c ""-- "' • -...ott ol 1WW11P'9 .... )ll't - ., 0. tlut..,, Coll._,.,. - • ,_._,-""., ~ ~ ,.,.._.....,. ""°""""""".,..~·pl\ .... c.eic--.. 4*': ....... ,_,,,o~to~ _..,,_.._,~-­ rot :O ,,,..if~j ~ E 17>!• _.., ~ l'MIClr!f' • ~ •Jro F' our,,.,-. d1ot:Jltl>g., ~ _.. ,,.r.:raJ ,,_cine, so'ls~J ZJ A I~_.,...,.~~ JilM:C. ., MB. ~she~ 11#10 ~,.......~..ors ~ ~ ...,,. g4 She 41$t'I' '"'°"* "*'1.__.. ro ..,d ou1 ...,_rt' to ~ .., B .is •f'Oll9..l

.. An.-_.... ll'ftlr li9lr kt rl'olH • l•l .s.tmn •t.l wn•--. tboof: ... ·~-Fl lb-1r .. In l"U'I. ID ... 1'4tr "Ii - r. dldf ,.,_..to jlllml 1111' .... ,IOL

Ellam pnct~•

J A• '.<:I lllcab li•i. ul dttm kl mllkr a "'* t.r chit -..rd• ..t pis:l<ia thM C"•-.. dici ~ At.o 11.C thnit 1fk)• "-rd Uq •otdt • ~· ... --.1¢ hm om tidier oCw IJ'(i<'m.


c,._..,_..._.,,..., .. ,..,. ....... ,.,,.,. ,..,._, ..., ... "' • ..,..,....,...,. __......, °" "'-"""' 011'wpoa-~ ro~ A, ib:DWt'fllFy •~,,,.,.,,,.,IO ....... • ...... (fftfiy'C all "",,..,....,., bi!( fft(! 1""7',..,,, l. £: • ""'"'• ,r ,,.,,, NI~ MCNf.. llOf Mil~

h 0.. c.Jeaa aci -....;w 1t ca oa.r w11a1 Sp.ar I ..,.... .,.. Jrt t!'ll)' •..:-1f» yat"'I• •'ltidl ~ ar ph.-..e~ Pt 1~ ._._ff' A• Idle)' lilu-n •l 6cfTI • tJ9k """°"' .t.1c~ ollhe 04.'kw ,,...,.,.. •• .., .... ai1r.11;119t bwrl .... l tlw ..... " ..,... ,.,_ 1r1~ln '-'~ W!'Dllll1

.. A-.\ ... ntt IO OOl!IJ*C dlar ~

£,,,, c'-- f 11........., tofklc.......,or,f' 1...,. _,,.... h '! f -- ~at.'d pf'nSO.t 91117lflrt(l "'t'~ MO"*' Gphonr ,....my""""')~~{;;. YIPICWW~- Q)Oo'fD; Ir_,. .......... ri:inn~· ~~pr.., .. "'*"'ct

Test 2 Listening

Page 229: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


'00 cciuld p6ly dw reconha ... n SW. the. .. 1~ e t\J,.. Ull'IC. Jb;s ~ IOtfnJ: ~ q;pr • Q!!llCd ,. ll:atm& me ...,a (S. " .. ,,_ -q. Jturt r~. 1rya1g 1(1 llDL:: • dee~ ({)K 'It•~• -tr" deculfNI •-•.ad Clllliun&" ttuge;t>ron •h .. 't!aU 1"" trl.r~ •·Aw~ , )

2 h • ill'f w lilr ,.in fll •"'*"t1 .., trme rra1....cc ill ... .,. • .,. COll'ICDllilia nw,· nocid to---" tDfr1bcr. ..... to IDlcp lie COl'"'lllll\l Oii ft!tw'llll ..... t1111U Miii I0- ~114m&:llblentotbe~l· .. •l'llly..111tw c~~·on•'ll'll• erdlr Ill wflidl ...,. ... fwm..

I ' wri.;- (Ofll'fW" llftOllll'- ..... , I I fllll _. .. fJW Mid ON t JM"MI~ ... ,,., ...... ~., • Shllll' .. ,.,,.,...Olt .. t1111•tt1 .. ,

' Scudn,,. "-"i ..... ••..! lialC "'-n Dia t•PIC .

1 ..,,,,_ JIOIK,..-tnr- s..t.· 1_,...1,Nlll ...... -. good ..... , ~

•uo •=111 ,,,,._,_.., ~ /)Mftl'ft'! n. not'° 1;nMloclf 9NI( l'ln. but .....

Ol.-al , .... lf't'•U.. .. •lllllrmitt thPu:'Ja"l ""°">' ,,_, kal bori.•09'11;1.••-•'**"I• ••-.rJ Ji\tc.·1b11.,.. to •- «ltlln ,_. 11> dai:"t\be- ..tm dlcy _,I ID .. )., nnt1 tll.m fltll b:IM iiell•I ... .we-.!ruic (<'If~· St~ ~IDite ~ vlil..rnbd di~ pkua aooor&ri1 .. llx anStt,. .. 1a ~ aiar U1itm.

I , .._.. 2 ~ - ~ "°"'°',,.,,, ·~ ..., , .. , IPcr:J--' ~ stlllOn

-- A•.wo- .. .,auw •W•IM"hci.od.-.. ~1'1!111 .. ......oon """' p.1"tf'Wl11ric. "''°""°"' t1,.

' "'"""Ult' ·-


Exam pre~ Sllridcnts » the cx1m ~ tat c ,_. or &nJUP' or cbla.

l Pl111 dw ..-irlc • lhc rec.'f6n. anid c hd tNI ~ lll"derund ft) llilf ..,_ a A 11\d D. hdoro r._,. ·"II qmm,,.. .. ,,.

I , l'reiuo. A 2 lllr:fl.ft 8 $~A Md B .f Plrc'twe 8 • Pil:tw. A a Ac!WW A attd IJ

J ,.,~ -1Jll~ lhf .... llom 'ttt'i~ IJ• • ..,,.,,,_ .... Ito I' .. '"'"' .. " .... k..., lfMIM'" widl. ,...Ulft I , ....... ~,,...., .. ,,,,,,.,,, .... ,.. ... ,,."""'" .... •~•-ro

.... ·~·bl.It 7_._......,..""'1., •. ..,.)11,, .. ..,....,

Tl'olnlng ~ •tudierlls ... dWy •hom:J ... ~ ~ iillllil..,, aee .. ee p1<-wra. Thty arc ft!IQ\.l•red llO ~ ~ t1an.llntla .,.._1 J11foeaccs,. and~ dleci-i- pn:nbcld • ...,... me J'C'lft'L

......... 4·~ 11 11vo..i ·~ l•l'f'f tor -.:ti '*"6d•. 'ttt•lfl • l:lrlel ,...ponH l"'1l'ft lf1• llC!Of'd C••ddlol.i C.11 I 11'9WOWCIOl'l .. ~a~l .. 14 .... 111,119·-·


Exom pnctic:e Studaltl 1* tlll"M to-* .nd Ml'l\Ol'U lhe cum prll(t1ot ~

\iorr-.r Dllr-:lts .tlile Ibey~., ... :m: !'Mk. - "'*' ... 1 (cw nllfll('lcJ oi .,00 l&n&mse 11ocl ·.:n fm ll'!lrc'O"'t'llX'l!IU, .... di~ ltie.e -.!di the: wrtKik ..... tbt .._ Plw, die nawd•f!W L"'Kl .a. thr ~ wlrlo IJIW "mode.I·~ m lk n1n .,,.~....,tub I<> 1111....a' 6aw ~·

Y"""'" ..,_,II •the ............ pDI& Wftllt OD the:~ II• •nf'l'I! ldw lq(!,....tlll MH "'*"'

l ... °" r!•'f"'C t!lr .. •nflat ..... -~ ....... *'-".l&J dlr"l•(I 'Jmdtlwl!QIJl!tlll..._teqw ' llw)'1n1,a. .... '.r:wc ._. ·• .. ~

',_,,,_,_._ I.,.._, t*'fOy fl!ldllll Otl lllM. I­ I 1'111t't ._.1191t , ...... ...,.. ... •Mt "'-'• ......... ad! -

Tl'alnlng I ~I IN M reo:'lfdllll:-.nd lil&e'n k"I chedi. ifd!tc oiDlkial.cs

~ lhc ...Wqoet'- iw ddfetm ma ni.e, *1kl"""' down * ~ ~beeta!Mler am..._

-- A Oll'ft&•1111n .._,......,. ti!• ...,..,. Mt #'Id .-:ti c.-w:tdate.. C.ddwl'waie ~ Oii: "*'S!*'P '*"'*~I IN 14-fl'W'llM ... ,

P1rt 1

T@acher's Notn & Keys Test 2 Speaking

Page 230: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

~ ......

Ex-pnctice S!lldmu A """C'um prlC*«Wk il""""t:A'd"""", w1th.ie ltUtdelwt p....,_111w ,_.. of 6c E•llllilwr. 8ctioR ,-i.e,. do the im:, _.. ~-,. lllltdmand ~up.;:- ra1t~ &2 .-id 107.

Elrttnolon tlqfhe NICOJ'J•'lt; tp•n..S .. ~ llllllkntt•bl~•' btbe---. ..... A•• """11•.,.11 !ky a,:rM or \Ii ..... wQ dtt ~1111 ~- od'li-11'

:\.w. u..Dy lM q11e1tlio9 ;-n Part 4 "udl lbrt kl wtJc11-. for ~ llOlll Llit- swtin1 pc.nl olteoena&.: kids 1l~ m..­ <m *" homr kfc ee emimi. aid~)' he tu'lle"' ~ q - 11 Ille t(l(.9 wt!CrT llUll ~Cl:'I •ill do.-- lnmw llC'lnr.ics lllllCh ., computer pmh. 1-eclQr • rmmc. CU

Tnolnlng Allho,u&h II q oftca ddl.-h r,. ,., • .,e p-..ip 1.1 llc trur, ....,1.,. mid keep a I w1y- d1-.:nsiDil ..... 'tudct• f-.:1 IC:d!C"nj Jlttid. to .. 11w-an: el the iiiifOi we: or ~t..,. ~~ -6U • l.4' oflk IOtal .-t.. pai by dw ~ii :bea...--.!tbal ,,.~ , ..... ~putnct Md u\"lltcrll •-'*~ dilimk. ll~ l'c...atdccl

Sm.._ ~ q.oi:IM- and try lo pmkt two er thfff qllt!l(i(*. tfic~ ... ~ 1111J1hl be aslced •IM IClf*: oldie Put J tuk. l'Q.-. IJcts h q~ cc.Id be __ I,.... )Ulq ~ )11~'( ii dicn .-,, a.- .noporam 11 • • tb ,_, f'OIM',. bO¥r tmr"(tlrll II i. It! bM-. JDUf tM'11 tpac11 • ~ ...... ...,_ plll'Ulb

1•1 • ".:fd, aU JV1ti"',c.r1oca. de 1 S•1 J«!l 11.im to ltlC l'COllrdtq: aod inr ,jc....,o lbr tbrot

qu..,t llN U1e cum1• M~..J

I r ao.. ",,,,.,,., .,,., "°"" *'-""" ..,.. __,, t'OI"' "'°"' 7 JAt.,.......,...., •• r .. ....,.,..~...,. OfDl'IW ., .. ,.,.,

3 lf'a<llM PtOPle '°"'" ·~ - - clNoWW a'M' -·

Pert4 -- ,\ ~It'"'"- ....-1 ""' tclPl(:s ~ -. Piii'! :I c.ri.1 ......... _...., 'Jll l! .. ~ • <•.,._.,!Fil.it,,.. ,,ofl'lo~-

Exem practk::e ~"~' • dlC'~Jlt"ldiet• •,_ .. po.pi orlboee bcf..,re t.'wo;· do Ulc ask. Mitt MC llW)' ....... ti Lip:m ti the ·111p -r llw "'•illl pa;;~ ..,e .. Oii pap '9.

t ~,..,,.. ,., ......... .,,,., ·~ .... ,., ...,,.""'* ~ IJW* ft lll\OCll9W IO,._. #'I )OW NCfWI , .,,..~ ~: ~ ..... :Ntra. ..,.,,..-and~ too•1 A,....,,,..,_, CrOft NJt~. ~ 3 $1lidWit"t o- ~ 4 ~,_..IO t• #JooJI ~_.,.....e,,d~ N'lp .. fll'ld .,...,~ ~ ""° - ,..,. --~t. ,_,.

' t1<tlbJl•1'~•d1- ... ,_.~.---.1-. ... ,.._.. rnn .. ca..

Teacher~ Notes & Keys

Test 2 Speaking

Page 231: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi


1• ~.r.. I"'" llllr ll 111 lJ In

II h li Silla

11 ..tiar I,. eo IS t,­ lt """"' lO "'lh 21 M

Paper 3 Use of English ,.,, I

IC JA JC 40 'a 6A 7ff 10 9 C: 10 It. 11 D ll B


oPu r"'i1t lh.mb '- J"l'tlf ~.Ir -pf ID hew"-,..,.. Y111m 1-1 doft-1

~ lll""'- with my pan:nu cidwr. "" I ~ '- it ~.~ ~ oi my &imdi cfoot h;m- co do~ .. hdp ia: dx: i:.o.-c - ..... my ~.o ue IW: p;w. and I.liq opus 1n11 oo ltdp 1 b.t. lik P\11 rf'c Nbbilb. out and do t.llC ~ UF I lhir.k- dlu.:J fat ~

""" lu """. f"Wp.nntl olrol't .&usg yN •• "' ~ dut ,_ d •r'1 hrn "°"free"'°"'• .U. dk-n ,..,.,,,., .. ~ eoraip&..n.. I dro. .,/ cs l'W' ..... '"" ,..,... ,.., •r-- l!W! h ....., -l'ft "'"" lllflC Wl ""' ,_. wJ?d1 TV I(,_ 1, .,) htlf'> tlul Im N•'t r-111 5nd rh.Kdalat .1.~1i.tllk11n'l '"" 4,1fioi1'" ....t rtt. "'"''-.. rou •if.f>•,.... M.I,, '°'~ 1 .. A,_ 1 .... 1ktllb I It.I~ ( dllnk. .oM'1poJ , ,..,,_.. 4-lft ll(llDCtb as • \dp.

An,...,. paJ kd mJ In .. 11- ~,..., .. ··~-

°""' ....... Mr lllit, \.fy \'f ....

Mf l.Jfo, ·~ Mlll#ll lhe IWWof 1 m"* ~ OG TV is.., count~ and ID 1:11 opuUoo le ii orooi oi lM bot 1V chows -. F.ftff wnk, I dilf'umt ~la Jil.mftl fuf I J.v. .-1. d:w: bs P8"" whkii .,.. ohtn dK !Uwiler. •~ ._ duol:fi Ille i..--bitt ~ Thc:-..dr.Q ~al dw. lDIUic. die pctu'l liatrf9 .. dio .... tlllP d..r. ~th-~·~ 1.-J filncua. 1•1 tti!I ··~· ., • - ... "" 1lwy Jd .ocl wl--'llrw lilq .,_ I - llW !.I ...... dw .illy rlli.,..., .JewJ .. dwii(rin*. 1«-'11.nll\.c kK.~. :.d11 ~··· pea 10 hr.:11 pl nwla I~;.-, &11J ewn bnr" ..... I lint &m.i.; .... _,,.

lf10m:e dw IO~of dwpeopk fib mmic I lwe. md d.n\ ic ~ 1-c- I blc bod .. Dup-. th.u. Mf Ufa. MJ ;\flAr ii "" &YOlldk lV ... 1 w.x&i arotVJr- fUIOn:JUnd a co mr lftnlF" who l.ilid '° linid - aboui -- maic. Of ,._ :ib:s IO wiah dillm:nt pcopk: ..... -fll fut:

..._ lw llJUJltp <1"4. llt r.., laM flMINW hilt-JlycMncitJ. 11114 ~~ iw 11irwr -<ll•I 11'11 .,, .. ..,.,.~ ... 4lii&ni MloJ ~ .... dl. TV JMOV•ll" ,..,, h• t,~. twft ~\lie__.."'" WI 111&.p! 1..ci1,.,


Pm2 Swq wi.., T11m -who - m die ar. ht itnilcd and ~ fi<Jiddr T•~ It. He m:.vp!scxl 1bt lllnd GM fa.cc. d .u ~he - plauc.d t(I .. bi. iv1o1iJlllO(bcf Htoprl!Cd die di.I« r. hd. llt.J ..... f"I Olll ol ch. ur •lid -1-.J IO'lfttdi tM b..- with him 11'1<1 lilt fll('lha,

illt 'riitetJ tbmi Jb..tat on..r J ""1111h, ~.1 ti 'It"""' litwwcn.t'y •h.-1> llw11Qi Ct.1ml:1r, c;1,, ""''ol.toll hlt mtJd!,rr ~ dw rht·•tt, ~11ol hi\ lft<>thtr ..... 111:.J go and ktdi her frtim her lirdc LL 'Thi• dN, th.­ ll,.dMlmir~ lfw ., .. f')l"J 00 lb.1~ 11\.iG !iof t .. rd wb• 1()1'1'11' •1'' ¥l'Cft do1n.rto ha ILK. AMtiup T~ """' h.a1>9r IQ ~ htt, tw- l hlr WQnic:d (b hr would rnlu blf; f.i_"""ll(t n· ~.lad ind hr.ie co'° •iniFt ~ mu JChool •n~ ol tbtdloJ--.!ing wiib his fncmb, which -

Paper 2 Writing ~.,, ....., Ot.at ~t.r Onb.. llwllcJOCI lor )'Ot.lt r:m:tL I'm. wty eldi:M tbolll FainJln~ wi1b i:his projea. ~ Ir'' mch 1 pxl iOca: io mmouniau .!th pt11pk who !»Vt" cb.~r lr.o md cclt:m"S. lu &r • dlC' u:iplc: Is COflDUtWd. I pmoMly ..,iJ,J pn:licr to bow .buu1 die swdc:na· 6amily Ii~ bcoiix C'i:ii kll!C:mllld in'"""" S"l'rlr la otbtt COWIUio ~ Wlr time If bo-. I'll P".Jbmit fi.-J (l\ll I bit ..,.Nl lbca1 (._ t•ttlr kt1Viti9 .U ......

P.,~1111"1 ftit rhncu. l Wnk 11 womlJ hf pr l'Q put I J"l.tl!lffli•l\lt '"'*"II 011 t!w 'IOCh.ut. •u eh..11 pro.,a. (llft WI~ wt' ,,.,..., 1 linaw I'd

• 111:.t ro "''( whtno 1.W 01ht1 uu<b" .u.. Ul.'l!Onu11.iiwl)'. I M..-c !Oo1b.JI 1nu1.111ah1 tc.bool Oft l!k..Lvc. • I Dlll11 Cillll'lt m rhc- mft'l1"1.JI s o'dixk. 11iiiett1::11 ~ JOll.U)UIJ



Paper 1 Reading

"'"I I 8 ' " JA . " 5 • 6C 'C 8 A P4"J ~H 10' ll A 12 £ 13 G rs c IS D OUtr.llCIOr: 8

""'J 16 0 17 c ... 19 A ,. 0 ll u uo lJ A ,. c lS O l6 A n c ,. . ,., c JO A

Test l


Page 232: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

!mid '1>;."e ~ow-~ p.dred I·-~ atld a Vita iii• spedll 1.1C1.

Wide i:hr m~ 1'-' ""'c ._ 1 J1np wlw1t - caild t.,­ -.:1m..11-.,.. .. n '-wY· llw< gM....,.. 'lllll' C}IJ \of...,... ..i at1 l&ai••-. rl.cc .,.,,..I, 11114 ... , 1 ...... chob b efi\1 tdi" 1'1"' ~..term .a 11•111 • lr1rn .ti-1 1ht w.,,.~J,,.,,.,_.,,,! __ ,.,.....,,o_J ,l>ldaa ,,,.._..,..,._ J •"- .. dry lrm.-J :;l:t ~,... mp. 'C\ r"~ ,. .. ,. wht-1c -~t11111 i.lllilllrl\.-.•i ... -• .,-an-11.i.. ot .......... ,,._, ... ,.id\_ rid "6.

<>wra!l. -. -. • .,j(IQ&ll.lf.al '"r• .it ., .... ..r , .. ~·I ..:. ._, ~' ... tlwlGld be dlJll'C. ••1b - 'fl'*r¢ smr 1, -mine - .,r'­ ~ .-...t IOlid!. ... , pm-a. Pmom.lly. I ~ M ~1U CIUI ftttr,~ ~ ...... cbc ... W-',T. ~II

Fini ol .. I~~.._ I tpwt" lhu .n.dtn!ldo ~ 10dtt '.l<JtM

90rk tbft te.h11':'J .nd 1C 6f ~. ltaar,;ho.ac .,i<.J."' ESGn -~·-U;ojudwliocm-11~1l~....,.,~~ P""rlc ~ ._ ,(~ 11p11d.aJ.e11t I~ dm11 ..tun11md. thca W't •IU lie ....,..I .... ~ ... ,. i.. dot ft.1iwe.

~~ dlar .,..«!wt .. ,,,,....~ an: .1 ............. ... .,..,. • .i .. 4 ....... of d.,. (\1111"' j- ...,.., 11-111 .-i""' _..,,.._. ... •" ar.d\ol1y' W-14o 11J -0.jl'& • .. llf ti- "f",.... d11111 ...... d. waih ,,....._ "*' .... ,....1, ''f ..... 1.1~ _.,,""""'fall .. -Nlllf. Uld MQlk .. J•hr. "'*""" ,,. ..__ In ~~n. - au""" lit'·~ .... ""' Ill 1115', -'iikh hdp .at rrtdnrl.p ~ l.'Oftl96,11! .., ~" ....... """"' hncW ~ Dftl! tlwml 'aitthtt k • only-. oc- 1 wb ·k '""'° ul dltt!! . .f :al VC:-- Qt an. ilugill#J iricDd: ill: Out k-1, MOii" 9/ 119

...,.,...._. .... r-11. r.asoMrw•<lm"J' tuJ f"t"1'~• mit 11rt1dr., .-! -.-r i£. \,.,._ ... tllltT CM be- ~II a IUl:ICL

J:wooa 1lwft-. '11.o -.Jri;n .... fo•11 ~t'" •",......,I -,. ._ lo lht~tudw m.--~)011'\l-ar.1 ... ,...,t.r.ablc. (b dw.., ........ ~ ..... .,_id; •• 1.,.lfit)am. IO.n:l'ed >ao..ll ac dtMl 45 .-Jr.urcs W,.. ~ - thou.Id ~ ld1: Ilk ;mQWU!I earlier, in otdd •.mod• n .. ft i.ou1.

II# fw • tW. cf)"* ... lo~ I d!lnk Wll wuulJ ••"'7' '-W!l'IMm ~l.fo • • .-rar HMnf .- ,,_of)'UU8r.1, - ....lid- !lb• "lr.d- l!flllfl' Mo..1 r- a .d r- •U,._

'The: c-.. ......... , hOE ~lb.- - cmtft' ~ i.,.,.... ~ l.! .ad .,z.., np.outsdt_. sa-1. \Ou ma .IJO aiir a a». ol aiuinc.

°Wt' uc- •..-cry awtC ...._ rnea:ills )'Olil- .a ~

.... " flilllgmfy

/\tt, ...... &•m•e111Mp1111•0·rM · • Lat1 .... -.it c1M ..- •,,,,.Or, '1...- ••Ill• poiipM Li~ 111.1 k:a in •II'- "-Ji .q

lll I TNCher'\ Not. T4ttt 4

Paper 2 Wribng ,._, Dor. M, t;..,.. T"-11.,.,.m~b'IP'--.:11.1-•r..J 'Pftk 10 _, f,... doh. Ju,.. ~. r .c pY<: ,_ f<•<tw W:u *' ..._ w ~" ...., .. ,11 IONd rhc .a. Thctt~•"- thmy niem*elthect.h, apd lioen rweilc iothuen ~ llld. Wt' haw- a kw cl yow Iii.. m ~· alllf ..i!l' cnimftd u-!

Paper 1 Read;ng

""'' IC 2. 30 ·- SA • c 7A I B

"""'' •o 10 H ll • 12 ·' ,,. 14 G UC

-·· ,. c , .. II 11 19 A JOO 21 • 22 c 2J. l• ·" "c >60 DA 21 8 2'I A ,. c

Test 4


IJ D JO r 21 ft 22 F. 1J A -· u e: J1A J6C C'A Jl6 JtA tOI'

It liglto I 1 ~' ··~ ., .. It rJ.atkGIPf

IA ,_4n'IC617C.: IC JB ,,,,.., . -"-' ,,,.....,..... 17 DJ

Paper 4 Uatenlng ,.,, !

-· lS -•h 1 I law. 3' tar _ , _ c.'Oidi ..

,- dht domltldoa it(IC t.:.?y

,. do J'lllU mind '6 3' -.um L~u oi ori.ng

... tn tpi•J ol

"' O •!"Jn .. • wii!h 41 11ku)..,,Ol


Page 233: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

THilMl"l Notes Td S I Z>J

l• ,, .... :ki~ll(tl a... ,...,,, ,~ ... (.- • ._, flllm. ,..._A dfU partf mww!1 ~ faa t"li'. 1'4 io.,, • ..... I .... ,_~ .,m, IC "1n fuit !Le-ct.. !lcaA..- die:a ~ U-ad!i ocbtt..d,_ tw.,..•pcd ~ii~~­ ~it peo!*'~ •ng hWndJ ..- doat it- myoflC' ._

J dal 4 'i u...U,. i.. •.haw -- ~ J liM ..... am p.n:ir

w'- ,.a l!ilw '°.,..a hdoun or• SMtp." .io.. ·· lr'.ll"l ~

..... ~' hAnds • • .. st.t tilt! k ...i;r funny. J(J _. lift1t• I~ "->r!IC: kl (.-.I Joi.ha. I IWM. • rorrr­ ....,. ,... ,, ............ ,..... ,...,.... •4 l>t P"'• r.JI! 111.,.. .. _ "''~..., •~•r•·•• .. wca.&. My~ - lar••l'k1 ....... W>ll>IJ be kw( loJ i-.

$pcil. Jlllli ""'°"' ,._, 5<wy A....t. _., dspt..b. u.d ~ li:nockcd• dv door; \111'­ .tx.... - 0-,. S.. lntd updhu f~ pt'P glOllp tint ~ tl>F"'C'an ~ 10 fier Jldioo: ~ ... !M:Cf ipc:flt .I fCl6 It - tdioo) ,,,fim k- nod-od ~ b.d been.- the~

FF www.1w1....._o...n,t.ut-w ... .--...nn"'o'OO$. I W. Amand. wi.lW tA.:d bmi .t •.dstt ti thr ~ whtn 0-., -.-i....., il--J'l"'•- Ofwurw,IDDt 1l 1lw INlha. kmcl.'lbrrcd U. •'Id 11.t •MY wh~· a ab. M-fr bop lie .., ..,..J .. 1 "'11....,_itc.i"""ra.d1•11""" • • W....• "'- ........... _. '"" ddy J,,,! Nl'lf' bptlllfl ........... ~ ~•on.I ~..,."""" dw wldir _..tt1,1 • ~-,11<1.l1Jl_. kdl~rt 'CA9t ill.,' wld 1 d.ip WIJi;,e. lu *-""" 1t. "'°"'' ,1,. wu 11nicl by IM1 frinlll, ..ii,_ Htr ltft"9 nnJJ,.-1 ......t 1h1r..,. .._ fll•eml .tit ,1cciiinl lllt be..t•ll"f. ~''·

22 c 29.

17 A

"0 21 c uo


1• a "' . •• c rs c

... 1}. JO.

Paper 1 Reeding

""' II " ' • 8 SA s n 'A • 0 r ... ,z 9C 10 II II A 12 G IJ r. ,. 0 15 • ,,,,.,

Test S

JO A ,. . ""'' It o 20 1J JI t ll A 1J I•

""'' 141 15R »C Z?l• 28A

"-'­ .,, ...... 11 •• , IS ll'l!Wn ·­ .,_.



"-r4Lls19nlng _, l~ 2A JC 46 SA 6C ,.,,,

JS ~·1 I U....-. J bc:cn ~F fur I >n ,. ._.,Mw ..... 1·11~• .- ... _., I t'-•(SI .M. ... "''* )I II N'.ti '* 1- .)t .., t..o~· - r-"..,. ........ ,di .... "°"""''"' 41 61n·11 did,_ "'"' 1141 wd U Pl<Mlar

_, ,, .... ,tkic

14 '"""' ,, ht

t:'tt- II"' .... " .... 11111.111~ J) 1, ...

""'' 1' .&Iii.Ion 26 def ....... w. ·~11'11 ,. b<llJ JI Ga:a$illaall, 32 ,,,,,.. ... -""~


Paper 3 Use of English ,..,, I 2CJA4C$16ll1181 t A 10 C II B IJ 0

O.ef 1ht IN-...., IPll d. ....... with._ .... <J-.11 (• ~ • ~ ICDillfJ'll"~I~. drio.p.imd I lltml•.•t~,,tr1.,•• .._~ _. lfll'll•ot,. ..- fllll'r•ltwti. J.."! •"w ·N..,.. ,....~ltwb• ~frim61rr ..a. ... ..,...,.-..,., N~ D.,C<1fl• 6- W lllllW ,.....,.. .... - 1ro1.w.t.., 'P' l11J! 1hrf _.. alw'J' aM llhr wk•ll4fll..-.•-.., t-• ..... TV1 ; n llds.f.._ - -~ .:ln'c tu-..• -h Ill nA: IDeud

1 F - writ 'llilh - llVS'llben J.., t°31'11ilf, a- die-~ ill"t .­

... I pl'fltt • a& .abouc w· "' - ifriends. t-,. 1n ~ i111~ • -.edi!Umt~


Page 234: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

Paper 2 Writing p,,.,. I

""'"' 'llu.b b ,.- Ima Ir - r...rlr ~ '- J'Ollf" n,__ I ... k ,...~l,...i;,: p fw tfar plt.W. h'' I pa ~M~

,.. ar ony II •ldt. ,.....,, .. d ~ it illlll'll6icn .. on die ""'-h. Ill • "'"'" <'ll ...... v ... cui·1 Jn ... ,.....,....

Paper 1 Reading ,. I I lll , . • n SA •• '" IC ,_1 •C 10. II f 120 ''A 1' H "c "'"J 16. 17 0 II C 1' A .. " 11 • ll c lJ D 2'. 2' c "8 Z?' A ,. c 1' D JO.

Test 6

P.r11 24C 2SC MA ?"'A 21tl "C lOI

,.., 19 C 20 1J ll A U f lJ Ill

II "'9mill.~ .. ,.,, 11 m:;«k

l\1J ' 'lt'odsl Clr•~i; 11 ··~f'h I\ lln(-R.-111'lte9Wr6 It r•wat

1 c • t; \[. '" 2 B JI 4 A

Pel)er 4 Ustenlng /'.,. I

,,,,, ' '~ •• 11\•'flltll • •C lildp I J·~ 1.<nt.. 3' • s..!r I • 11-. 'l• j"' -.w~, .. titt.l~"'­ Jt uia\ pl.MiMy ' p1 39 siv1-.; I- a "-d wi•h

40 clo11'1: tbq In •

"' w~r~ni1m, 42 r • DOll"-"~r

17~bfy ... ....._ n........., _, 2~ q~ .. lllmod 21~ • .,... JI Wit.Tu <i.ty ... .,. ..... ,.

P- 3 Use of English l\nr I I C 10 j • < D SC •A 10 •• 9A 10. II C 12 D

Prt2 I.) k~ l'li ..... Jo 1'"' 16 • ... ~alrc/lf """ ., ,,._. .. ~"' ,.._ 21 .,.,, u-~ u r., 24 ........

Ill~ a 11• _,. od.tr Clwnllft ...... S... 1-ies IQ

IWik. M.w •n•n l.ttn to mllllic ••w- ~ ~ l\q oi­ l~ -~-- w\ai...,. _4ni"--hbiwd. a...n. F. aafl~. dWJ' .... ....t.; _,.arc: ~u.g d,_m_ '-"' tlCiI..,. IO

.d»o.: .iod wl.c.n 6ry ... d.rg diicu- ho:!!~ 'lhq _., liMm Oil .n ifbc! or ?I~ u.t..up ~ ul dit'IQ .ho lir:i:o m Melk. di.nth on me ....-.0. Mati., •~.....- • ._..11111.a:.Ullic IM •nil goto w-t if .u,.-111:11~1hce.. •d"C~ .­ fnid¥1111 •1"d. Wier a! 1f'. m • .;,. Tq_ 'Ike.and xhx T¢'1·•1tat m;r., .a.-.. ..t _.,_.. \I ... "' NMbk. So..r lib hlf .... ll(llDC jza. .-W f.:A. i'-1 !f1l!M I~~ 9f nuo1 y late ~Ill Clln'tulr II\ .. ,., .... diNt... lJ1tf IJlat • m, Uf" .. MW:i•I• -t..v1•1t1J *'""' tthltik~ .. k.,..,.,.-.Lclilla ~llmlllPI 11ipk 1(cr••1.a..1-. ,._,r . ..., MMdt. ,_, 0-S-h. Th.~,... i.,.. w lft-. J1 IPM tohnr rt. -r-'nd:lil k.~ ,tf ,.....,.,ins1t.i..w_ r da.11~ }'Oil -.J'ir Ud ltw .-n ....... q_,., ~ • lrM. AJI ct. -... Miii adicoi¥n hPf 1"1: 61f'om1-., fK. .-.!'llr 1'hc ~rti. a!... haw a~ QMl'lpluml .,._. ol~ di.Mi F-"11..t.-ul.da ._ II la,c --\~to· lllil""'ditfamr - k,tm1,

Afc.'w>IJllil ll'(KI aiJgt. tb.k ic .auld be .Mia.ii 10 fr( t.-d CO .t MW

Al~ I d.111) t'-k ,_will: W w, "-0 iD p~ A11d tpdliiiis and pt'llO.lf'datiQll no: -" ..n W,a f.:igljib. r ft 1'111 .llioill. .... "-" o;aa!y .. _,... .. ~., • ~ r..m die~ ll • lpdl wWch i. ~..t. m-. ~.I chial.

h "'"""'"---- llll'J..,_;irllOl. I ..._l!lc JCl -ar- f'lllUY b._,l"J M ~not& Y.• aa ~ti.IN ... "9 P'l.oll' i.•I~ ,.,.. j r- keep 11 .. ._....,.. f'I -'i; .... ;I( J'DUI UIH!1paltt ~

,,,. .:.I pt kJb ol l&Wfu.l ot7fl l&taimc r'**- dct dull •11 ·~ wfdii ~· ... J .... , .._ htfp!J., , ..

So podliaL.fi 1• ' ' ""'""



Page 235: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

,...,., ... JI A 21 0 Uf 1.lC

""'. MA 25 c UA l7 8 l8 c ,. B ...

Twd•'• Notes T- 6 I 235

10~_., ... ,.u 11-FJ!bl..-, ... il. .. ... .,~ II .LIQ

....... 11 t lO ~ J...,. I "441U1UO,l)(IO ., ...... I' .i.u-...t/ •i& 17 f"ac,fx \Oc-)

.... tA Jll JC 4C' "ill 6A JA I(: ,,,., P-r 4 Listening

,...,. J, .. --...1~.n:- .... )6 .......... ,.'"

)1 -~1.;, 7"11C' ~_,. lwvt .... J! -1,.l-rkt••nd ~ 39 ._.tlllttrnl 1- )"wtut~

40 -at • cn.tdic: I • ai:~ •1 -111l k bclllc-.c1-Ji!m.r..,l1m -.;JM&:f'.r

42..-J·•lut. ,..J-,,,j~

l7 .., hinicmrn' >O --.i!il" ,, ··Wii•!P!ml

2' ni•t-..'-9 29 ii'll.ublr ll.e~

., _, __ JI .... l• ,,..

IS wt.at " .. JJa...-

........ , ... u ~~

""rr 1 I). 11 i.. 21 "'

"'"' lj- lt dttlpll•IUI' JI tmrl"' l• 1f..11!

a D •• }A 'C SC. II(. J28 2 " llC

P-r 3 Use of Eng&sh 1'<• I I 8 '.

• • '* mddam .ae lU •O WYi._ f :ywwwm •~ G•"""""1. My &ior ......... N'M'......,.., dl'!ia.1'7 fi~ .aftW~·lt •-.teh""' TV w. .. ~-.nl•n•••1•1old\lnp .. &dl1ft,1111~11...._ lltecaa, ft IY a...,,, ~tldm&J,, Go114-t•r C\Dl'ftAty • .,.d 1'-n"" 111.-,.. ,,1..,. "'ti- fol' .&c. l!k.c Iii Iii• ditfr1at • l•t • en..rdca p I bs tr• """_.., ,." ... "°"".....,. ... 1i.,. lhu -.pt..Iorcamrlt,.-(~lau '1n mab-up.W.i..11111 .,,. w.n ..t i:u .. ,_,u.i... ,... 1·ft.r u""~ I ..,..,.,.JJ low,._•" a

.. ·,!cf .. +,., ··of-i; ~..-.--it , ....... f'tm2 i..- M me. die l~ WfftPUr« prne :an- tLc biol A pwc ullc:d ~t. b o:Mlfk. fn~ ~ OIW o( _., r-....ri'"-.

Boggk Ii•,,._, g;a.c. y.,_,. ~ g,,... 1nrNt11 ~ • w.4-•m ,.,,..pd .. I ~r~f<illl' .,td. Y!)Vi fun..: •font N l'\•llJ' wlWlib (I( J - 01 ~ llreut. ~ c-. 'i\,. ••ll •11 Wi!'i .., ,_ , .. c.."-e r;rld INt .:,.,..11.ftt lean tr-~ -lt lw t,.ud•l"C 1l1M ,,.. l.t,trt a Neiw•fulf, 1'tTtiQllJr OI' ... 1-••111lr - •J'J •'-., 11 ,,._. la I 1 •IN NU ••d.~M·'1'9yuu11froer h•mii--.. Y.• ICIOtlltd,,... ... 1_.. ,,_,. ... 1, r- ...- .. r• 11• pr n.,..rofliD,_J.,,,., .on1&.T111111p)1 ,..,,., .. ·•r '°"o'~' .il - fOll • "- t•I • •ht .. ,. ,.,,, euW h.!~ W lll'ftJI I•...,. rN-,... .-...,. iWatL II'••.....,"""_,• pl.q •"' ,,J .... 1ryt.s 1., a biftj·" ... -.

• ·~ J ... plat_.. ..... fl('fl-1\J ...... -- ....,,"'. ·- 1.b...., <111 w Wiil,_., lit""8 a ... c lt.n Do or 1t•ru*'n'!: k., .......... it,t. ...... TnwJ1.,.. .11 •'-r -.:i"-1; 1114 ,,.._;._ f.- oa ,..,..u o-dl.ary ;o._,. c- ~I dim! ... be w~ "'°'' do-• 1r> ~r anc!. ta:"8 to -..str..r& ~ l1will1md 10 lie dw mOflf 1.1u.ulll

~-)"I fOll ~due .temd- la J"ICI' mind. I ~Mbet vftotidlv. fw -.i£*,. dw ilnt DTW 1- ~ .,.fKn I -etghc """'old a ~lied 10 lc:cland lll"lta m:r pamm w.: ~ br .. l'o wiluch I lr..-l ~ ~1111- II IODk dutt d.,s co p. diitrc- tnJ 1 l1:roed lri1 \at mwl nbtn and '-JiQf dit -"~el d.o -·' w i.,. ~ •- ..._.,. 11 ... .,/)II!,_ 11 .-. l1fhiron •.k""' • 1r1l....,u 111d I 1·111 .. th.I""''"~ I •lld dM adi.-1 darun. or bo~ 11•r-fllP~111.n • <1cn•lt,...a.t ,.a ti.d 1 t'lf (q11 J'l.IJI:'~ ........... ...,, ... f-

t. t'ia.i - • ......,. ..ici,.. pl.ou 1t1 ... le Wtlfl • -.... --. .,..n, 1114 IM;..J~,... l"'.oab M ~ 9"I • t!.!nl 1ha dtc jElll.rlM)' iJ-er •• ~t *,., olrJw .... W.., f,w-. r_,. h .. U'Ut ID wy tiwa d. - m.o.iert'1' cfl"V !' .... _.. .a n"..Mlit ..-id-...~~~ p!llblbihcJ witJi aa aJ,Jll ~ r. •·*'-l Ho.Yer, wha r''" P' i- • _,.r1'1thrtt ii ..sly• ahc:lf''illed Wltito mip&t- .i1!WIO M d.Jdrm, 'Jlw,_ - Jf.o ~ T\' drieolr.d:J ~-iJ.ld~ 8...i- II j1 righc •cl.-. rlw thnt "~ _.. -.P ptoen,_• ~incs rtMuor.J &>t lft<l~~ I ana.11 de noc diiiGl tha chat

II "'IT ...u, 1J~"" tG b.ftlit111i!n Mth cdrr peo,•ki. nc bt ,,_, ft11t '"t' ,.... C1M JI• i1e-lp •" ~ •llwt &ni .. tw~n '°''' ........

Y·•• l•J • IO 91'!•! l .. rJ '-" ,_ I'! c,t.1 k pid rn•-.h • pn'"""' ,., *~··"·- ma111h•·c1mc. 'i-vco-•w..lW-..t<-1-J.i& """"° • pl.t~ lll"1« .ai. r • .tr.w • 11111f-· • r ,_. ~,, ~ llt pncrlc I ~ N., .J<lf IL.it ~ It fHX 9"" .. ~ J"" (Pft

111\llD .. Wii• "".c. IJo •••at toaa end let mic lin- ... puu•• p:si.n11 --



Page 236: Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi