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EL PASO COUNTY COLORADO EL PASO COUNTY COLORADO 2012 Budget Report Monthly Activity August 2012 Nicola Sapp County Budget Officer October 30, 2012

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2012 Budget Report Monthly Activity

August 2012

Nicola Sapp

County Budget OfficerOctober 30, 2012

Budget Administration 2

Presentation Overview

1. August 2012 Sales & Use Tax Activity

2. August 2012 Activity – Unrestricted (within BoCC Discretion)

- Road & Bridge Fund - Community Investment Fund

- Human Services Fund - Retirement Fund

- Self-Insurance Fund - General Fund (Unrestricted)

3. August 2012 Activity – Restricted

- General Fund (Restricted)

- Conservation Trust Fund - Economic Development

- Pension Trust Fund - Pikes Peak Workforce Center

- Schools’ Trust Fund - Land Improvement Districts

- Household Hazardous Waste Management

Budget Administration 3

Sales & Use Tax Activity August 2012

Budget Administration 4

Historical Sales Tax Collections August 31, 2012

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012% Chg

'07 to '08% Chg

'08 to '09% Chg

'09 to '10% Chg

'10 to '11% Chg

'11 to '12

Cumulative % Chg

'07 to '12

Cumulative % Chg

'11 to '12

January 4,669,476 4,638,369 4,325,250 4,297,569 4,303,519 4,876,907 (0.67%) (6.75%) (0.64%) 0.14% 13.32% 4.44% 13.32%

February 4,780,698 4,852,133 4,393,823 4,570,811 4,891,936 5,145,735 1.49% (9.45%) 4.03% 7.03% 5.19% 6.06% 9.00%

March 5,381,750 5,442,730 4,921,391 5,165,463 5,441,771 5,220,265 1.13% (9.58%) 4.96% 5.35% (4.07%) 2.77% 4.14%

April 5,126,774 5,240,216 4,547,331 4,882,977 5,345,941 6,007,132 2.21% (13.22%) 7.38% 9.48% 12.37% 6.47% 6.34%

May 5,341,924 5,549,282 5,193,361 5,387,615 5,485,436 5,948,483 3.88% (6.41%) 3.74% 1.82% 8.44% 7.50% 6.79%

June 5,982,211 5,937,739 5,604,199 5,625,441 5,961,361 6,137,511 (0.74%) (5.62%) 0.38% 5.97% 2.95% 6.56% 6.06%

July 5,661,302 5,630,748 5,298,458 5,535,362 5,810,745 6,047,484 (0.54%) (5.90%) 4.47% 4.97% 4.07% 6.60% 5.75%

August 5,656,019 5,705,099 5,424,865 5,642,651 5,645,162 6,228,580 0.87% (4.91%) 4.01% 0.04% 10.33% 7.07% 6.36%

September 5,762,129 5,429,489 5,121,831 5,495,533 5,630,597 (5.77%) (5.67%) 7.30% 2.46%

October 5,292,976 5,075,261 4,861,809 5,355,120 5,204,346 (4.11%) (4.21%) 10.15% (2.82%)

November 5,197,507 4,917,786 4,753,762 5,166,106 5,250,686 (5.38%) (3.34%) 8.67% 1.64%

December 6,487,768 5,769,281 5,940,631 6,294,203 6,362,471 (11.07%) 2.97% 5.95% 1.08%

Year Total 65,340,533 64,188,132 60,386,710 63,418,851 65,333,971 45,612,097 (1.76%) (5.92%) 5.02% 3.02% 6.36% 7.07% 6.36%

Budget Administration 5

Sales Tax – Budget to Actual August 31, 2012

Budget Actual

$ Chg Budget

to Actual

% Chg Budget

to ActualCumulative

% Chg

January 4,537,302 4,876,907 339,605 7.48% 7.48%

February 4,877,600 5,145,735 268,135 5.50% 6.46%

March 5,498,143 5,220,265 (277,878) (5.05%) 2.21%

April 5,444,763 6,007,132 562,369 10.33% 4.38%

May 5,671,628 5,948,483 276,855 4.88% 4.49%

June 6,085,323 6,137,511 52,188 0.86% 3.80%

July 5,851,785 6,047,484 195,698 3.34% 3.73%

August 5,765,043 6,228,580 463,537 8.04% 4.30%

September 5,785,060

October 5,338,003

November 5,304,640

December 6,565,743

66,725,033 45,612,097 1,880,510 4.30%

Budget Administration 6

Historical Use Tax on Automobiles September 30, 2012

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012% Chg

'07 to '08% Chg

'08 to '09% Chg

'09 to '10% Chg

'10 to '11% Chg

'11 to '12

Cumulative % Chg

'07 to '12

Cumulative % Chg

'11 to '12

January 244,815 255,310 187,112 171,793 196,649 288,490 4.29% (26.71%) (8.19%) 14.47% 46.70% 17.84% 46.70%

February 216,415 236,292 169,657 179,168 183,458 234,169 9.18% (28.20%) 5.61% 2.39% 27.64% 13.32% 37.50%

March 286,629 254,175 206,324 215,666 251,491 237,551 (11.32%) (18.83%) 4.53% 16.61% (5.54%) 1.65% 20.36%

April 259,063 279,488 216,521 218,239 249,748 240,993 7.88% (22.53%) 0.79% 14.44% (3.51%) (0.57%) 13.60%

May 274,512 268,159 194,514 225,040 253,778 266,069 (2.31%) (27.46%) 15.69% 12.77% 4.84% (1.11%) 11.64%

June 281,338 246,866 241,688 254,494 262,390 284,740 (12.25%) (2.10%) 5.30% 3.10% 8.52% (0.69%) 11.06%

July 271,907 278,361 227,658 254,623 231,293 284,327 2.37% (18.21%) 11.84% (9.16%) 22.93% 0.09% 12.74%

August 322,707 254,032 228,525 249,370 297,198 287,767 (21.28%) (10.04%) 9.12% 19.18% (3.17%) (1.54%) 10.29%

September 249,456 221,167 216,996 231,897 238,388 280,472 (11.34%) (1.89%) 6.87% 2.80% 17.65% (0.09%) 11.10%

October 275,186 217,338 233,228 228,775 237,170 (21.02%) 7.31% (1.91%) 3.67%

November 218,546 167,163 216,913 204,419 207,330 (23.51%) 29.76% (5.76%) 1.42%

December 176,519 170,225 221,998 200,501 219,099 (3.57%) 30.41% (9.68%) 9.28%

Year Total 3,077,092 2,848,576 2,561,135 2,633,983 2,827,992 2,404,577 (7.43%) (10.09%) 2.84% 7.37% 11.10% (0.09%) 11.10%

Budget Administration 7

Use Tax on Automobiles – Budget to Actual September 30, 2012

Budget Actual$ Chg Budget

to Actual

% Chg Budget to


% Chg

January 213,051 288,490 75,440 35.41% 35.41%

February 189,152 234,169 45,018 23.80% 29.95%

March 260,557 237,551 (23,007) (8.83%) 14.70%

April 259,974 240,993 (18,982) (7.30%) 8.50%

May 261,432 266,069 4,637 1.77% 7.02%

June 270,467 284,740 14,273 5.28% 6.69%

July 244,236 284,327 40,091 16.41% 8.09%

August 276,004 287,767 11,763 4.26% 7.56%

September 246,859 280,472 33,613 13.62% 8.23%

October 253,271

November 213,634

December 225,875

2,914,511 2,404,577 182,846 8.23%

Budget Administration 8

Historical Use Tax on Building Materials September 30, 2012

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012% Chg

'07 to '08% Chg

'08 to '09% Chg

'09 to '10% Chg

'10 to '11% Chg

'11 to '12

Cumulative % Chg

'07 to '12

Cumulative % Chg

'11 to '12

January 63,661 94,488 55,915 86,658 47,274 32,915 48.43% (40.82%) 54.98% (45.45%) (30.37%) (48.30%) (30.37%)

February 30,820 34,628 34,219 94,234 69,279 39,844 12.36% (1.18%) 175.39% (26.48%) (42.49%) (22.99%) (37.57%)

March 31,880 54,412 41,327 99,913 74,063 90,379 70.68% (24.05%) 141.76% (25.87%) 22.03% 29.11% (14.42%)

April 71,747 49,770 84,550 118,571 40,858 114,578 (30.63%) 69.88% 40.24% (65.54%) 180.43% 40.18% 19.98%

May 48,055 39,439 168,216 86,094 53,149 118,467 (17.93%) 326.52% (48.82%) (38.27%) 122.90% 60.94% 39.20%

June 58,416 41,514 672,453 75,296 81,145 153,708 (28.93%) 1519.80% (88.80%) 7.77% 89.42% 80.54% 50.34%

July 60,108 62,439 107,508 61,711 69,486 130,495 3.88% 72.18% (42.60%) 12.60% 87.80% 86.57% 56.32%

August 64,075 45,443 109,762 101,280 113,510 167,620 (29.08%) 141.54% (7.73%) 12.08% 47.67% 97.78% 54.53%

September 54,510 45,828 80,170 90,823 77,896 88,192 (15.93%) 74.94% 13.29% (14.23%) 13.22% 93.72% 49.39%

October 80,458 62,829 146,308 120,567 123,400 (21.91%) 132.86% (17.59%) 2.35%

November 52,344 52,612 81,976 101,205 86,634 0.51% 55.81% 23.46% (14.40%)

December 38,112 39,100 112,409 88,404 19,763 2.59% 187.49% (21.35%) (77.64%)

Year Total 654,185 622,505 1,694,813 1,124,758 856,458 936,198 (4.84%) 172.26% (33.64%) (23.85%) 49.39% 93.72% 49.39%

Budget Administration 9

Use Tax on Building Materials – Budget to Actual September 30, 2012

Budget Actual

$ Chg Budget

to Actual

% Chg Budget

to ActualCumulative

% Chg

January 72,784 32,915 (39,869) (54.78%) (54.78%)

February 61,441 39,844 (21,597) (35.15%) (45.79%)

March 80,346 90,379 10,033 12.49% (23.97%)

April 75,620 114,578 38,958 51.52% (4.30%)

May 58,700 118,467 59,767 101.82% 13.55%

June 81,764 153,708 71,944 87.99% 27.69%

July 86,868 130,495 43,627 50.22% 31.47%

August 93,958 167,620 73,663 78.40% 38.68%

September 78,739 88,192 9,452 12.00% 35.64%

October 103,977

November 73,918

December 74,297

945,249 936,198 245,977 35.64%

Budget Administration 10

Historical Sales & Use Tax (all components) August 31, 2012

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012% Chg

'07 to '08% Chg

'08 to '09% Chg

'09 to '10% Chg

'10 to '11% Chg

'11 to '12

Cumulative % Chg

'07 to '12

Cumulative % Chg

'11 to '12

January 4,977,952 4,988,167 4,568,277 4,556,020 4,547,442 5,198,313 0.21% (8.42%) (0.27%) (0.19%) 14.31% 4.43% 14.31%

February 5,027,933 5,123,053 4,597,699 4,844,213 5,144,673 5,419,748 1.89% (10.25%) 5.36% 6.20% 5.35% 6.12% 9.55%

March 5,700,258 5,751,318 5,169,042 5,481,042 5,767,325 5,548,195 0.90% (10.12%) 6.04% 5.22% (3.80%) 2.93% 4.57%

April 5,457,584 5,569,474 4,848,402 5,219,788 5,636,547 6,362,702 2.05% (12.95%) 7.66% 7.98% 12.88% 6.45% 6.79%

May 5,664,491 5,856,880 5,556,091 5,698,749 5,792,363 6,333,019 3.40% (5.14%) 2.57% 1.64% 9.33% 7.58% 7.34%

June 6,321,965 6,226,119 6,518,340 5,955,231 6,304,896 6,575,959 (1.52%) 4.69% (8.64%) 5.87% 4.30% 6.90% 6.76%

July 5,993,317 5,971,549 5,633,625 5,851,696 6,111,524 6,462,306 (0.36%) (5.66%) 3.87% 4.44% 5.74% 7.04% 6.60%

August 6,042,801 6,004,574 5,763,153 5,993,301 6,055,870 6,683,968 (0.63%) (4.02%) 3.99% 1.04% 10.37% 7.52% 7.11%

September 6,066,094 5,696,484 5,418,996 5,818,253 5,946,881 (6.09%) (4.87%) 7.37% 2.21%

October 5,648,619 5,355,428 5,241,345 5,704,461 5,564,916 (5.19%) (2.13%) 8.84% (2.45%)

November 5,468,396 5,137,560 5,052,651 5,471,730 5,544,650 (6.05%) (1.65%) 8.29% 1.33%

December 6,702,399 5,978,606 6,275,038 6,583,108 6,601,333 (10.80%) 4.96% 4.91% 0.28%

Year Total 69,071,810 67,659,213 64,642,658 67,177,592 69,018,421 48,584,209 (2.05%) (4.46%) 3.92% 4.04% 7.11% 7.52% 7.11%

Budget Administration 11

Sales & Use Tax (all components)Budget to Actual – August 2012

Budget Actual

$ Chg Budget

to Actual

% Chg Budget

to ActualCumulative

% Chg

January 4,823,137 5,198,313 375,176 7.78% 7.78%

February 5,128,193 5,419,748 291,555 5.69% 6.70%

March 5,839,046 5,548,195 (290,851) (4.98%) 2.38%

April 5,780,357 6,362,702 582,345 10.07% 4.44%

May 5,991,759 6,333,019 341,260 5.70% 4.71%

June 6,440,389 6,575,959 135,570 2.10% 4.22%

July 6,182,890 6,462,306 279,416 4.52% 4.27%

August 6,135,005 6,683,968 548,963 8.95% 4.89%

September 6,110,659

October 5,695,251

November 5,592,192

December 6,865,914

70,584,792 48,584,209 2,263,433 4.89%

Budget Administration 12

Sales & Use Tax (all components)Budget to Actual – August 2012




5,780,357 5,991,759

6,440,389 6,182,890

6,135,005 6,110,659









6,575,9592.10% 6,462,306














Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Budget Actual

Budget Administration 13

Unrestricted Funds August 2012

Budget Administration 14

August 2012 – Road & Bridge2012

Revenues: Budget Actual Variance Budget

Property Tax 1,107,470 1,112,328 4,858 1,131,226Highway User Tax 6,238,100 6,601,675 363,575 11,000,000Specific Ownership Tax 2,463,904 2,038,016 (425,888) 3,669,800Federal Grant Projects 268,315 268,315 0 858,381Fees & Charges for Services 498,101 574,134 76,033 831,000Sales of Capital Assets 0 0 0 0Other Taxes, Mineral Leasing and PILT 436,877 356,950 (79,927) 655,315

Total Revenues 11,012,767 10,951,418 (61,349) 18,145,722

Expenditures:Personnel - R&B, Fleet 6,681,252 6,784,846 (103,594) 10,218,386Operating - Administration 269,393 86,434 182,959 462,875Operating - Diesel 933,048 883,026 50,022 1,603,175Operating - Engineering 384,055 144,288 239,767 659,888Operating - Gasoline 255,498 305,469 (49,971) 439,000Operating - Highway 705,920 956,718 (250,798) 1,212,921

Operating - Resource Management 345,478 337,126 8,352 593,605Operating - Shop Supplies & Commodities 1,091,550 1,154,187 (62,637) 1,875,515Fleet Capital 345,562 345,562 0 389,201BoCC Projects 687,757 687,757 0 2,405,809Federal Projects 284,154 284,154 0 717,232

Total Expenditures 11,983,667 11,969,567 14,100 20,577,607

Net Impact to Fund Balance (970,900) (1,018,149) (47,249) (2,431,885)

2012 Beginning Fund Balance 3,938,570Less: Restricted Funds and Cash Flow (1,506,685)

Budgeted Change in Fund Balance (2,431,885)2012 Estimated Ending Fund Balance 0

As of August 31, 2012

Budget Administration 15

August 2012 – Human Services2012

Revenues: Budget Actual Variance Budget

Sales Tax 13,497,287 13,497,287 0 15,997,101Federal & State Revenue 19,558,874 20,179,659 620,785 43,298,999Senior Center 115,933 115,933 0 173,900Donations 1,370 1,370 0 30,000

Total Revenues 33,173,464 33,794,249 620,785 59,500,000

Expenditures:Personnel 17,825,771 18,101,669 (275,898) 27,262,944Operating 17,099,074 16,319,812 779,262 28,737,056Capital 0 0 0 0

Total Expenditures 34,924,845 34,421,481 503,364 56,000,000

Net Impact to Fund Balance (1,751,381) (627,232) 1,124,149 3,500,000

2012 Beginning Fund Balance 425,385Budgeted Change in Fund Balance 3,500,000

Less: Cash Flow (3,925,385)2012 Estimated Ending Fund Balance 0

As of August 31, 2012

Budget Administration 16

August 2012 – Self Insurance2012

Revenues: Budget Actual Variance Budget

Employer Contribution 4,476,483 3,984,579 (491,904) 8,178,724Employee Contribution 4,166,667 4,335,606 168,939 6,250,000Fees & Charges for Services 66,667 91,143 24,476 100,000

Total Revenues 8,709,816 8,411,328 (298,488) 14,528,724

Expenditures:Risk & Worker's Compensation 1,685,581 1,852,235 (166,654) 2,640,000Health Insurance 11,281,062 11,523,064 (242,002) 17,345,508Dental Insurance 1,167,058 938,260 228,798 1,750,444Flex Spending 683,483 683,483 0 1,000,000Short Term Disability 101,485 143,504 (42,019) 150,000Unempl., Long Term Disab., Life 428,463 367,377 61,086 716,195

Total Expenditures 15,347,132 15,507,922 (160,790) 23,602,147

Net Impact to Fund Balance (6,637,316) (7,096,594) (459,278) (9,073,423)

2012 Beginning Fund Balance 16,133,423Budgeted Change in Fund Balance (9,073,423)

Less: Health Trust Reserve (4,000,000)Less: Worker's Comp/Building Insurance Reserve (860,000)

Less: HSA/Wellness Reserve (2,200,000)2012 Estimated Ending Fund Balance 0

As of August 31, 2012

Budget Administration 17

August 2012 – Community Investment2012

Revenues: Budget Actual Variance Budget

Property Tax 17,111,305 17,131,893 20,589 17,478,350Restricted Revenue 2,091,458 2,091,458 0 4,432,791

Total Revenues 19,202,762 19,223,351 20,589 21,911,141

Expenditures:Principal 1,234,510 1,234,510 0 6,769,510Interest and Other costs 3,445,256 3,445,256 0 7,858,021Tax Collection Expenses/Fees 265,643 265,643 0 282,175Major Capital Projects * 2,275,993 2,275,993 0 8,264,237

Total Expenditures 7,221,402 7,221,402 0 23,173,943

Net Impact to Fund Balance 11,981,360 12,001,949 20,589 (1,262,802)

2012 Beginning Fund Balance 1,579,797* County-wide Energy Performance, Budgeted Change in Fund Balance (1,262,802) IT Infrastructure and Strategic Moves 2012 Estimated Ending Fund Balance 316,995

As of August 31, 2012

Budget Administration 18

August 2012 – Retirement2012

Revenues: Budget Actual Variance Budget

Property Tax 5,655,619 5,669,404 13,785 5,776,935Internal Direct Bills 1,593,997 1,243,055 (350,941) 2,390,995

Total Revenues 7,249,616 6,912,459 (337,157) 8,167,930

Expenditures:Personnel 5,423,709 5,020,947 402,762 8,295,084Tax Collection Expenses/Fees 84,775 85,141 (366) 86,654

Total Expenditures 5,508,484 5,106,088 402,396 8,381,738

Net Impact to Fund Balance 1,741,132 1,806,371 65,239 (213,808)

2012 Beginning Fund Balance 1,223,458Budgeted Change in Fund Balance (213,808)

Less: Cash Flow (830,000)2012 Ending Fund Balance 179,650

As of August 31, 2012

Budget Administration 19

August 2012 – General Fund (Unrestricted)2012

Revenues: Budget Actual Variance Budget

Property Tax 17,605,754 17,594,387 (11,368) 17,983,406Sales and Use Tax Collections 42,571,499 44,834,932 2,263,433 54,588,103 Sales and Use Tax Audit Adjustments 0 (66,835) (66,835) 0Specific Ownership Tax 666,667 666,667 0 1,000,000Other Taxes 113,843 252,258 138,415 155,000Intergovernmental 547,243 1,043,640 496,397 1,359,609Fees & Charges for Services 99,399 204,902 105,504 170,700Traffic Fines 246,365 166,594 (79,771) 350,000Assessor Fees 26,886 26,210 (676) 30,000Clerk & Recorder Fees 5,257,294 6,446,885 1,189,592 8,668,250Coroner Fees 174,840 196,840 22,001 380,500Sheriff Fees 659,817 692,028 32,212 1,303,213Treasurer Fees 2,781,497 2,892,839 111,343 3,144,000Public Trustee Fees 23,465 28,919 5,454 650,000Development Services Fees 533,333 761,374 228,040 800,000Park & Recreation Fees 437,895 462,873 24,979 502,000Parking Fees 166,414 147,751 (18,663) 244,690Interest on Investments 0 63,612 63,612 0Rent Collections 67,452 60,684 (6,768) 105,609Internal Direct Bills 472,657 472,657 0 1,201,349Miscellaneous Revenue 40,445 118,807 78,362 114,900

Total Revenues 72,492,763 77,068,025 4,575,262 92,751,329

As of August 31, 2012

Budget Administration 20

August 2012 – General Fund (Unrestricted)

2012Budget Actual Variance Budget

Total Revenues 72,492,763 77,068,025 4,575,262 92,751,329

Expenditures:Personnel 48,321,399 48,240,060 81,339 73,903,316Other Operating 20,805,246 17,248,013 3,557,233 31,456,375Capital 1,608,631 1,608,631 0 2,868,205Transfers Out 24,671 10,000 14,671 37,007

Total Expenditures 70,759,948 67,106,705 3,653,243 108,264,903

Net Impact to Fund Balance 1,732,816 9,961,321 8,228,505 (15,513,574)

2012 Beginning Fund Balance 32,862,225Budgeted Change in Fund Balance (15,518,474)

Less: Restricted Fund Balance/Cash Flow (9,910,228)Less: Transfer of Road & Bridge (1,950,000)

Less: TABOR Reserve (2,097,282)Remaining Operational Reserve (3,386,241)

2012 Estimated Ending Fund Balance 0

As of August 31, 2012

Budget Administration 21

Restricted Funds August 2012

Budget Administration 22

August 2012 – General Fund (Restricted)

2012Revenues: Budget Actual Variance Budget

Restricted Fees & Charges for Services 4,422,046 4,358,720 (63,325) 6,483,938Intergovernmental - Federal 519,667 1,513,237 993,571 761,975Intergovernmental - State 5,425,024 6,206,594 781,570 7,954,580

Total Revenues 10,366,736 12,078,552 1,711,815 15,200,493

Expenditures:Personnel 4,179,310 4,077,937 101,373 6,391,886Operating 5,510,258 4,520,720 989,538 11,644,916Capital 2,142,378 2,142,378 0 2,467,508Transfers 0 0 0 734,732

Total Expenditures 11,831,946 10,741,036 1,090,910 21,239,042

Net Impact to Fund Balance (1,465,210) 1,337,516 2,802,726 (6,038,549)

2012 Beginning Fund Balance 9,699,226Budgeted Change in Fund Balance (6,033,649)

Less: TABOR Reserve (3,267,524)2012 Estimated Ending Fund Balance 398,053

As of August 31, 2012

Budget Administration 23

August 2012 – Conservation Trust Fund

2012Revenues: Budget Actual Variance Budget

Intergovernmental (GOCO) 602,880 681,893 79,013 1,200,000Interest on Investments 6,565 229 (6,336) 10,000

Total Revenues 609,445 682,122 72,677 1,210,000

Expenditures:Personnel 651,902 751,814 (99,912) 997,027Operating 96,292 124,891 (28,599) 239,950Capital 0 0 0 0Transfer to Retirement 0 0 0 44,525

Total Expenditures 748,194 876,705 (128,511) 1,281,502

Net Impact to Fund Balance (138,749) (194,583) (55,833) (71,502)

2012 Beginning Fund Balance 581,066Budgeted Change in Fund Balance (71,502)

2012 Estimated Ending Fund Balance 509,564

As of August 31, 2012

Budget Administration 24

August 2012 – Pension Trust Fund

2012Revenues: Budget Actual Variance Budget

Intergovernmental 210,000 210,000 0 247,000Total Revenues 210,000 210,000 0 247,000

Expenditures:Personnel 161,500 153,824 7,676 247,000

Total Expenditures 161,500 153,824 7,676 247,000

Net Impact to Fund Balance 48,500 56,176 7,676 0

2012 Beginning Fund Balance 655Budgeted Change in Fund Balance 0

2012 Estimated Ending Fund Balance 655

As of August 31, 2012

Budget Administration 25

August 2012 – Schools’ Trust Fund

2012Revenues: Budget Actual Variance Budget

Intergovernmental 66,667 42,747 (23,920) 100,000Total Revenues 66,667 42,747 (23,920) 100,000

Expenditures:Operating 0 0 0 100,000

Total Expenditures 0 0 0 100,000

Net Impact to Fund Balance 66,667 42,747 (23,920) 0

2012 Beginning Fund Balance 39,810Budgeted Change in Fund Balance 0

2012 Ending Fund Balance 39,810

As of August 31, 2012

Budget Administration 26

August 2012 – Household Hazardous Waste Management

2012Revenues: Budget Actual Variance Budget

Tipping Fees 439,803 432,065 (7,738) 931,392Interest on Investments 1,171 124 (1,047) 1,800Scrap Metal Recycling 0 9,595 9,595 0State Revenue 0 0 0 0Other Revenue 3,333 8,000 4,667 5,000

Total Revenues 444,308 449,784 5,477 938,192

Expenditures:Personnel 184,389 204,863 (20,473) 282,007Operating 388,651 347,726 40,924 637,237Capital 0 0 0 0Transfers 0 0 0 18,948

Total Expenditures 573,040 552,589 20,451 938,192

Net Impact to Fund Balance (128,733) (102,805) 25,928 0

2012 Beginning Fund Balance 436,378Budgeted Change in Fund Balance 0

2012 Estimated Ending Fund Balance 436,378

As of August 31, 2012

Budget Administration 27

August 2012– Economic Development

2012Revenues: Budget Actual Variance Budget

Community Development Block Grant 241,190 241,190 0 871,373Enterprise Zone Contributions 2,543,482 2,543,482 0 5,000,000Economic Development Marketing Grant 0 0 0 12,500

Total Revenues 2,784,672 2,784,672 0 5,883,873


Community Development Block Grant 255,710 255,710 0 871,373

Enterprise Zone Contributions and Support 2,766,721 2,766,721 0 5,021,250Total Expenditures 3,022,431 3,022,431 0 5,892,623

Net Impact to Fund Balance (237,760) (237,760) 0 (8,750)

2012 Beginning Fund Balance 202,171Budgeted Change in Fund Balance (8,750)

Less: Cash Flow (150,000)2012 Estimated Ending Fund Balance 43,421

As of August 31, 2012

Budget Administration 28

August 2012 – Pikes Peak Workforce Center

2012Revenues: Budget Actual Variance Budget

Intergovernmental - Federal/State 3,376,989 3,376,989 0 7,254,054Total Revenues 3,376,989 3,376,989 0 7,254,054

Expenditures:Personnel 2,346,136 1,860,843 485,293 3,588,208Operating 2,405,528 2,247,209 158,319 3,665,846

Total Expenditures 4,751,664 4,108,052 643,612 7,254,054

Net Impact to Fund Balance (1,374,674) (731,062) 643,612 0

2012 Beginning Fund Balance 0Budgeted Change in Fund Balance 0

Advance from General Fund * 1,000,000* Advances not to exceed $2,000,000 as Less: Cash Flow (1,000,000)approved in Resolution #11-164 2012 Estimated Ending Fund Balance 0

As of August 31, 2012

Budget Administration 29

August 2012 – Land Improvement Districts (LIDs)

2012Revenues: Budget Actual Variance Budget

Intergovernmental Collections 74,333 139,084 64,751 111,500Interest 0 173 173 0

Total Revenues 74,333 139,258 64,924 111,500

Expenditures:Operating/Treasurer's Fees 74,333 42,898 31,435 111,500

Total Expenditures 74,333 42,898 31,435 111,500

Net Impact to Fund Balance 0 96,359 96,359 0

2012 Beginning Fund Balance 97,345

* LIDs include Rancho Road and Budgeted Change in Fund Balance 0

Falcon Vista 2012 Estimated Ending Fund Balance 97,345

As of August 31, 2012

Budget Administration 30
