eabhnat ní fhloinn: measuring effectiveness of mathematics support through student feedback


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Measuring Effectiveness of Mathematics Support through

Student Feedback

Eabhnat Ní Fhloinn

Dublin City University

5th December 2008

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Overview of Presentation

• DCU Maths Learning Centre

• Records Kept

• Student Survey

• Conclusions

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DCU Maths Learning Centre

• Established in February 2004– School of Mathematical Sciences

• Funded by HEA Strategic Initiatives Scheme (Student Retention) 2004-2006

• Permanent fixture since Sept 2007– Funded by Faculty of Science and School of

Mathematical Sciences

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Records Kept

• Registration Forms: – Completed by student on 1st visit to drop-in centre– Name, Student No., Module & Course Codes– How found out about MLC, Why coming, If online

resources used, If mature student

• Attendance Forms: – Completed by student and tutor on every visit– Student: Name, Student No., Module Code– Tutor: Name, Date, Time arrived, Time left, Topics

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Records Kept

• Data inputted by Director into database

• Advantages:– Keeps student occupied when first arrives while

tutor works with other students– Students often forget student cards etc.

• Disadvantages:– Time-consuming to collate data– Waste of paper!

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Reasons for Records

• More accurate picture of operation of MLC– Director present for 10 hours out of 22– Can assess

• busiest times

• how long students stay• most common topics

• Paper trail– If issues arise, know exactly when student

attended and who was present

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Reasons for Records

• Research– Students sign and date reg form so data can be

stored and used for research– Can focus on modules/class groups and study

how often students attended and their exam grades to assess effectiveness of MLC

• However, records only give part of the picture…

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Student Survey

• Anonymous questionnaire– Given to 1st year service-maths students

• 20 questions– Mixture of Likert items and open-ended questions

• In 2007-2008, over 400 respondents – More than half had used MLC

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• Answered by 437 students

• 40% felt they “always” or “often” had difficulties

Did you have difficulties with your maths course?










Alw ays Often Sometimes Rarely Never





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Specific Aspects of MLC Rated

• Very positive feedback on:– Refresher sessions– Drop-in sessions during semester– Revision classes

– Drop-in sessions before exams– Online resources

• 70-80% found them “very useful” or “useful”

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“What aspects of MLC’s service did you find satisfactory?”

Number of Responses

One-to-one support 79

Tutors 38

Online resources 26

Timetable 22

Revision classes 21

Friendliness / Helpfulness 12

Facilities 11

Notes 9

No appointment needed 5

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Selected Comments

• “One-to-one teaching very helpful, and I wasn’t afraid to ask questions as I would be in lecture.”

• “I enjoyed the fact that the people were very friendly and that they went out of their way to help me.”

• “The online resources meant I could go at my own pace with things I found difficult.”

• “The revision class before the exam was extremely useful and made me feel more confident.”

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“Any unsatisfactory aspects?”

• Too many students, not enough tutors– “You could be waiting a while for help...I was

completely lost and needed someone to sit the whole time with me.”

• Distracting when other students around– “If there were lots of people, it was harder to


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“Any unsatisfactory aspects?”

• Certain tutors not helpful– “I found some of the tutors couldn’t explain things

properly and were disappointing.”– “There was one guy who was very patronising.”– “Some tutors ‘too smart’ and not helpful.”

• Other aspects:– Room too small

– No full solutions for exercises

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Reasons for Not Using MLCNumber of Responses

No need / no problems 124

No time / Too busy 34

Timetable clash 15

Too lazy 15

Tutorials were enough 8

Unsure of timetable 6

Heard it was unhelpful 4

Unsure of location 3

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Selected Comments • “Didn’t have time as I live too far away from college.”

• “Assignment groups & lectures clashed with MLC.”

• “Laziness mainly, too busy having fun and didn’t commit to any work outside my regular schedule.”

• “Didn’t realise extent of problems until close to exam”

• “I hate maths. And I didn’t think it would help.”

• “Heard from people who went that it wasn’t worthwhile going – waste of time.”

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Some Observations

• Necessary to combine survey results with records for most accurate picture

• Example:

64 students said they attended refresher sessions and rated them...

...but records show only 56 students attended!

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Some Observations

• Another example:

Some students mentioned trying to attend but room being full...

...but records show room was never full!

• Conclusions:– Students unsure of difference between names of

various sessions– Students can be put off if MLC seems busy

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Conclusion and Future Work

• Mixture of records and surveys give more accurate picture of operation of MLC

• But anecdotal evidence also important!

• More efficient method of recording data being investigated for DCU