eagle call - summer 1998

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  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    Airport ServicesYou r A irp ort Ma nag emen t P artn er

    (310) 823-7335W, are proud 10 alute anderv the fine men and womenof the ivilAir PatrolLo Angeles County California AirportBrackett PO Compton CPMEI Monte, EMT Fox Field, WJFWhiteman WHPRiver ide ounty alifornia Airportshiriaco ummit, L77 French Valley F70Desert Center L64 Hemet Ryan HMT

    Thermal TRMTacoma arrow, TIW Gig Harbor, Wa bington

    The Hits Keep ComingWithComcast Cable vision


    _~ The~SNEP ChannelGet Comeast & The Disney Channel Today!

    Call Now!(805) 925-9504 (805) 736-3446In Santa Maria in Lompoc


  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    Eagle all i an auth riz d pubJi a-ti n. pu Ii hed lJ1 th e intere t r thm mb r f th e alifomiathe i il

    rrp rari n. The app ran

    verti m nt in th is publi ali n. in-luding supplerncrus and ins n..

    de' n Iconstitute an endth ivil ir Patrol

    partrn II I of thf the pr du .[, and ser i

    ti sMaterial

    h uldMaj. V n h yn,


    sk w [email protected] m

    I nel Br; 1 1 Bramm r.Wing ommanderF r in! ' rmati n

    O F R O U N D E N G IN E SA N D H E A V Y M E T A LBy Maj r ~ II elw II

    r)o hom th sam ear.Th i rep rt r pia. d th e

    ling r c unting gam and real-ized that I h ad n L n w n a T - /


    asy: M nica Museum ofwh r h k p.

    L i n an nl

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    Los Angeles World AirportsFour Great Airports To Serve You:+ Los Angeles International+ Ontario International+ Palmdale Regional+ Van NuysFor Information, call Public Affairs:(31 0 ) 646 -5260

    FL~ f h e r m o i d

    Become an Aircraft TechnicianCity College of San Franciscois now accepting applications for the

    Aircraft Maintenance Technology Programat SFO Infl Airport. Our inexpensiveprogram certifies Women and Men tobecome FAA Aircraft Mechanics or

    Avionics Technicians while working towardan Associate Degree. For application &deadline information call Mr. Brown at:(415) 239-3901 or (415) 452-5000.

    CLASSES AVAILABLE7:30 a.m. - 10:10 a.m. M to For10:10 a.m. - 1:20 p.m. M to For4:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. M to Th.Inquire now for Fall SemesterWomen Applicants EncouragedPlacement test may be required.See college time schedule.


    800-544-00501401EAST FRAN.tLlN AVENUEEL SEGUNDO, CA 90245.4307WEBSITE:www.herberaircraft.comWe salute the men and women of

    California's Civil Air Patrol.Thanks, and keep up the good work!

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    O f R ound E ng in esontiuued

    ofu ..W e lit the

    1 1 rth at ng the .oa '( t w ard P inturnc. tl ing at _.5{)0 feet to ta

    under th .la: s

    s t r u m n tfrom ih c mpa '$\ inging al th e I p f th e igpan I. I finallv Jigur d ut the an-i m in:' rum Ill. and g I rh hangr rruigh t-and -l vel Ili rh t. m ak in gIricn I. ith til venerable w ar ird .

    IT P int Durn . J-p lind mach inc .martl

    r II d in rtcd und r Joe': 111-m und s. und "CPI going nil the \! aar Lind t a ina '-1 I auitud .Th -6/ J sho

    - -


    D IM ENS IO NS ; W ing S pan 42 ' I L en gth 2 9 'G RO SS W E IG HT : M ax. 5200 pounds I Em pty 4 100 p ou nd sENG INE : P ra tt & Whitn ey R -13 40 (W a sp ) 6 00 H o rs ep ow erCE IL ING : 24 ,000 feet (FAA a ltitude lim it, 17 ,500 feet)R ANGE : 600-700 nau tica l m ilesTO TAL T IM E ON A IR FRAM E : 3700 hou rsUSN B u reau num ber 90952Retired from Naval Service in 1957

    J e hizrm diu is r pre. ntu-ti e f th th ousand s o r ded i at d

    lunte r pr r . .i nals thai rnak ~


    n)'live on hnllcngcs."

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998



    Oak land In tern ation al A irp ortSalutes the efforts of

    the dedicated men and women ofthe Civil Air Patrol

    Oakland International AirportThe S C 1 1 1 Franci co Bay Area'Mo t onvenient Airport

    One Airp ort D riv eOakJand CA 94621(510) 577-4000




    Foster~ ...F arms


    IN REDIE TWe a re p ro ud su pp ortersof the m en and wom eno f C ivil A ir P atro l!

    Fo ter FarmP.o. Box 4-7

    Living ton, 95334


  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998



    stow ed it n w e t honor on t 0I ra n L Im n. K:-. IB

    dan er.Th

    ice arena.


  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    A N E W F L IG H T IS D E D IC A T E DBy 1'( Lt. Maureen Pride

    It', b n a I ng lim mingo apprcciauon for granting thth I Iication r Punch Barn l- ., [uadr n perrnissi n 1 u C thead I quad r n 49. B ut on priJ 4 narnc. h ouling said "it w as lik

    the rains st pp d and ih kies g ing back I ur r ~lear ding n ugh r r the dedi-ali n f alif min W ing's n

    ra iJp' plc had either f rgouen all her

    mpli hrnents in II i.ti 1 1 rn r r ally kn w .R

    unit .harrer 1 squadr n c rn-mandcr I Lt. R bert cntncr, "I: 1 1 1 1 r pi a .ed t pres 1 1 1 thi: 1Y u:'I,. I. cntncr pr nl dh uling Bam . Pan h 's daugh-

    ier-in-Ia . \ ith a c rtifi ale r6

    Photos by l" Lt. Maureen Pride.} o > Panch .. Horn .olcr (;uard. L n10 right: 'm Brcndon Hay . / M ric art r. I I L' Ra\ Olundand IA \ I " Melunle 'arter. V Ribbon cutting ul ranch" Burnesd zdication. I fI 10 ri,!hl: ,/ 1 \ 1 1 Eric'urler. Mr. Al'l Lanrlsgaard, lajorJim Br '" n, ' huuling Barne .. I" Lt.Ruben Sentner and 'In Br endon

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    N E L L IS A F B H O S T S P A C IF IC R E G IO NS T A F F C O L L E G E : 3 0 G R A D U A T EThirty

    f rni an ada p n t O J busw e k in Jun I arning III lc '. n.

    rhr ugh riday thda . I ng, C n si s tin g I'classes Ir III to 5 and th n sem i-nar w 1 '1 ,. \ '11 int til evening, rt h se w h had n t b en to ~ h

    ars. th first fc cia s ,1 ' th eI' ut in ~p lied ig-t irne .ulturesho k and s rious w ithd raw al.But all th I ng h ur \V r full rg d hum r a n I camuraderi ' th eil..ignrn III d ad lin s \ cr som '-h w met.

    We ' n l u l lB rdiallr ba x racili-

    ti s. including a " ulk around theflight lin and a c l 'C I k atThund rbird quadr n and til B-_B m r.

    w alifornia student: eresingled out for hon I'': ap t. N un c:B arla .. and L t. rinu\ -urdeddaiions.

    I th graduuti n hanqu t Fri-day. June ~6. th e celebrating stu-dent: h ard cw M I Wing

    mrnand r, I. 0 nni. Manza-narc, pred ict th at tho c ass mblcd

    u l e i he I 1 1 1 rro 's Plead r ,

    Major ;encral Ricburd L ... ngel.commander of Ihe ir Fore Flight'Ie I 'cnl 'r. Edwards FH. partlci-paled in Ihe Group 9 'L . G neralngel : pok w the student ubout coralLl .

    A F G e n e r a lT e a c h e s G r o u p 9L e a d e r s h ip C o u r s eBy 1'~t. Maur ell PridePubli flairs 'fie,.


    Ii n. T hings arc n I alth y cern: d n 't b Ijudge.

    The W inglin If cr .

    III I)'


  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    ....; \ I~ 'r , ()r -I I A o M o l ~~ . - -:r. 'f- It ') ;,

    IATION METHODS, INC. an ranci co - anta Barbara MinncapoJi ew York L Loui an Jo e > eattle > Topeka Wa hin ton D. . Louisville G n va > La V ga

    - AIR RAFT"\ e are p T i lid to. alute the a/ifomia P .K ep up Iii go d work.an Franc' co International irport415 875-1700 F X: (415 871-9092INTE T: bttp:llwww.t1yami.comPLUMAS COUNTYSHERIFF'S OFFICE





    ~IVJff lAff3ff lJ 1 ~V f f 9 A ~ u f f f 1 0 NFull Service FBO100LLJet-A

    Hangar Space Tie Downs Convenient Self Serve Mid Field Fuel Discount for C.A.P. Members(out of truck)Visit our new terminal!Friendly staff & courteous line serviceConvenient LocationVan Nuys 818-901-9550unicorn 123.20

    F o r 9 0 y e a r sPonderosa Telephoneh a s p la c e d d e e p r o o t s

    i n t h e c o m m u n i t i e s w e s e r v e .O u r c o m m i tm e n t i s t o d e l i v e rq u a li t y c o m m u n i c a ti o n s o l u t i o n sf o r t h e n e x t 9 0 y e a r s . . .

    T elep ho ne In tern et C a blev is io n2 0S '=S I88=3 S ~~P .O . B ox 21 O 'N ea ls , C A 9 3 645

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    La rg es t C ade t E ncam pm en t inth e U n ited S ta te s T akes P lacea t C am p San Lu is O b ispoNEWS RELEASE:C iv il A ir P a tro lC a de ts G ra du ateB' apta;" John ~ . MitchellBy Lt. Io eph , . One to P . 0iil Air Patr I ad ts Ir mall

    I C1 1 -

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    AIRCRAFTERS, INC.FAA Repair Station D8WR369N2210 Palomar Airport Road

    Carlsbad, CA 92008Bill Oaileda A&P / AIMaintenance / ModificationsCylinder & Magneto ShopLycoming & ContinentalAnnuals, 100 & 50 Hrs.(760) 431-7608Fax: (760) 438-0198


    I - S i ( t ' ; p s PR~PANE II LO CA L O WNERSHIP STA BILITY AN D G RO WTH! J"The local answer to all your

    propane fuel. equipment. & service needs."INDUSTRIAL HOME AGRICULTURAL

    METERED & RESIDEN TIAL GASDistributed by our radio dispatched trucks

    - installed with computerized billingsystems for accuracy.AGRI-BUSINESS

    Crop Drying Weed Control> Water Pumping Heating Systems> Repairs MaintenancePROPAN E EN GIN E CON VERSION S

    Thoroughly trained personnelto handle conversions for

    cars, trucks, forklifts or the entire fleet.24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE209-823-764.

    9823 Moffat Blvd., Manteca


    100ll & JET-AUNICOM 122.85


    19711 Campus Or., #100anta Ana, John Wayne Airport

    SPECIALTYRESTAURANTSCORPORATIONi pr ud to fPP rt: titnla,ny men nd w men i f 'the ioil \ir Patrol ]. 'rth ir lifi sa i D missi n !4155 E. La Palma ve.Hi t 250 naheim,(714) 579-3900


  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    C A W G E M E R G E N C Y S E R V IC E S A N DD IS A S T E R R E L IE F F L E X T H E IR M U S C L E Slif m in r -

    sp n ervic '" am]Oi:a o r r relief' .enari at Marina irp n urlier thisar. Th exer is was call II t th ir Fore I de-

    Wing's r adin 'S.

    Il1 0 ' 1 1 . . om _00 P P rs 11 -nel str am d nt th smalllarina irp rt (form rlrh Army's Fritchic Fi ld .ir rc e aluat rs pre-

    s nt d th ilh dual

    d di ast r

    mount u multi- Marin ath

    11 until the ex r-

    trandcd r sidents.ir F r uluat rs uv ard d ': II nt" ratings

    in several area s, in lud ina safct . publi affair. and

    m rgcncy 0 curs \the p rtis and t i ld ne."

    Photos hy U. 01.Bob Beever. .

    iaba Safiari,


  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998



    We alute And upportThe Life assingEfforts i fThe Civil Air Patr l!

    MAtiZAtilTA HORSE CAMPP.o. Box 1302 < ; ; ; ; bBoulevard, CA 91905 .(619) 766-4070(Owned & Operated by t he Manun it a T r i b e ) r-~t Convenient Location "70 miles east of San Diego50 miles west of E J CentroInterstate 8

    FACIlITlE5 EVENT5:30 Full Hookups for RV's Team Roping:30 Primitive Campsites Team 50rtingPipe Horse Corrals Endurance Race

    Showers I Restrooms Competitive Trail RidesRiding Trails I Arena One Day RidesBr ingyou r own ho rse to c amp and tr ail r id e eor just relax in th e clean m ountain air! ~

    G roup rate s for b oth h orse groups and no n-h ors e groups.Open to th e g eneral pub li c . .. N o t ju st h o r s e p e o p l e !

    V isit us on t he w eb:w w w . q u i k p a g e . c o m I M l m a n z a n i t a h o r 5 e

    Ca ll o r wr it e f or b ro chu re and /o r r es erva ti on s.


    DOUGLASSINTERIOR PRODUCTS Full top-grain, anilinedyed FineScottish Leather TRIM-WEIGHTthin profile leather Weight-saving nylon FLYWEIGHTTMcarpet

    Custom carpet program Stretchable woolen headliner fabric Majilite synthetics' Sheepskin More!

    A ll Meet FAR25.853 Full rolls, cut yardage, full or halfhides AJImaterials in-stock andimmediately available

    Ask for samplesl(425) 455-2120 or 1-800-722-72722000 124th Ave. N.EBellevue, WA




  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    P alm Sp rin g s S qu ad ro nG e ts A N ew B irdB

    L ik e k id : .. .w i th a n w toy. mem-bers Palm ~ prings quadron I Iar IiiI . mcwhai mcsm rii' hth eir new ssna I 2. r ntl. de-livered b alifornia ing. B ut thenc airplane is an thing ut a Iand th ~ quadr n hu . w ed 1 1I~

    r alif r-nia',; ing. in lud ing I. red

    Is nand r up 18 mmand r,Maj r "0" rin cr. Both effie rsw r instrumental In Iringing IIIaircraft I Palm Springs. T hpr ect 1 > k s ven years.

    Was it w rth til w ait? [uad-usrnan

    n tad ned airman.

    We NeedYour Help!S E N D N E W S

    input.t r i . s h uld

    I n


    rn thing III anina-P mission, an tdar and w It



  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    P a n c h o B a r n e s C a d e t s T o u rS p a c e S h u t t l e A t la n t i sBy I" Lt. Maflr en Pride Public !fairs Offic r

    Members f PIl1h Barn a-del quadr n.:l- had ill rar oPr> r-tunity tour the :pa e r h u t t lc

    in g F a -'ilil in Palrnd ile. Die, .

    urfa . are th en. at d 'jlh a paint made r:ili 'a.

    ltcr th

    P an ch o B a rn esP artic ip ate s in F ly -inBy /' LL Maul' en Pride Publi flair IjJi er


  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    n17 'Iyin Fortres .. A.. though it were a living thing, people would come to touch it a it

    WATSONVILLE 1998By 1" Lt.Maureen Prid Publi .ffair Offi rulif rnia wa: the Wing and

    Lh '\ ats II ill ruiqu F1th e plac for th ~ largest irPatrol riel I a 'I i it in th n.p

    ai ritydct

    rving a.\ rked stati d isplay s

    a ! ng what was cal le t! " 111e cad-line," r r rring I th runway. atgates he k ing pass) ' and 10, and

    ontiuued ...


  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    ar proud talut th lifi a in

    i f . f c rt if thel il ir Patr l ...

    Thank and k ep upad rk,

    The Air Group, Inc.Air Charter Excellence Since 1980800.233.8890

    Van Nuys Denver St. Louis New York


    We proudly salute themen and women ofCIVIL AIR PATROL Aircraft Sales Aircraft Management Aircraft Appraisals Pilot Services

    SACRAMENTO EXECUTIVE AIRPORT5951 Freeport Blvd.Sacramento, CA 95822(916) 424-1800

    PortervilleMunicipal Airport

    Weore proud 10. alute the m n &women of iutl ,Ur Patrol!1893 S. Newcomb

    (209) 782-7433PORTERV1LLE

    Fuel (209 181~305

    Tahoe's LargestRepair FacilityF u ll S er vic e M a rin a

    M a jo r W o od wo rk in g a nd F in is hin gC om p le te E n gin e S er vic eo n a ll m ake a nd yea rs

    H u ll M e ch an ic als , r e-p o w er s,w ir in g a n d fa b ric a tio n

    U pho ls tery a nd C an va s W o rkF ib er gla s s B o ttom s o u r S p ec ia lty(916) 546-25515146 N. Lake Blvd.Carnelian Bay,CA


    Aircraft Rentaland Charter

    Flight Training Fuel Service16425 Hart St.818-782-0523Van NuysFAX:8 18-9 99-4467 I ( 888 -BO ia IA i r )E-MAIL:

    Fly r igh l@concenl r i c .netINTERNET:

    ht tp : / /www.nyex .com/ f l ightworks

    mailto:[email protected]://www.nyex.com/flightworkshttp://www.nyex.com/flightworksmailto:[email protected]
  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    Wa ts o n ville 1 99 8ontinued , .

    ;) 1 ng Ih tax i ays. Th nigh lals \ orkcd sccuriij uroun 1 thearrcrult all night. ral If artwer II d I transp rt w at r I theFlight n dUI during rh duv. It\ a hot v rk land ing ut in theun and r quircd a lot 0 water, or

    rh Iligh ~ U I at nigh t. lh carl ' ir-.ulut d ith hie a. h a.art wa. a hit w ith adcrs andnior-, alike.

    nc f the areas that cadetsII -17


    as a gr . Isu ce s.1 1 n narn s an b ~add d 10 the list f E qual ifi d

    m rn rs in ulif m ia W ing.T he nut: land ing adct light

    rnrnandcr r th e a ti it) ' \ a. /'ltV ndy Resale . Echo Flight

    rnmand r. H r Flight rgeant'1 1 M gt. Mauh w Baker. h

    ul s did an ut landing j b.Bar-B-Q and dan e \ er eh Id in the armor undaj night.

    real r d. I1lU ic an I dancing t sen j I d yall. lar~{,IIUIU by [41 I. Moureen {'rid

    > n ntire m hi WH~ n ded to uldup on GP lar Clent. Taking instruc-tion frum the rmv ational ;uardmember. cad ts made quick work 0 1 'it.


  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    WAL*MARA LW A YS L OW P RIC ES . A LW A YS W A LM AR T.~-. (~ Global~Tech Instruments


    ONTRA TORW e are proud tosalute thelifesavingwork of the

    Civil Air Patrol!

    FAA Repair StationG30R208N

    - ervin The uiation01111111111itl) ill e 1975 -

    2050W.Redlands Blvd.

    909-798-9114RedlandsWare proud toalute the CaliforniaCivil ir Patrol!

    (530) 583-69068380 Enterprise LaneHuntington Beach714-375-1811800-563-5388r.o, BOX 1896TAHOE ITY, AFAX: 530 583-0918



    R O BIN S ON R 22S C HWE IZ E R 3 00

    t=Concords= FlightInternationalPacific

    Aerial SurveysADIvisIon of

    Hammon JensenWallen & AssocIates- Since 1928-light Instruction' Aircraft RentalScenic Flights' Charter ServiceAircraft Maintenance Pilot SuppliesIntroductory Flights

    Training programsfor professionalor pleasure flying.Av ia ti on deg reep rograms ava ilab le .

    510-687-9640101John Glenn Drive

    Suite IIConcord Airport


    AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHYTopographic MappingPhoto MuralsBlack & White - ColorOver 200,000 Air ViewsIn Library8407 Edgewater Drive(510) 632-2020

    ~ Parts~ Repairs

    Refurbishing C........:I~ Inspections Component Overhauls 206 Structural Repairs16425 Hart Street(818) 997-7667

    Van Nuys Oakland


  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    O N E S T R IK E A N D Y O U 'R E O U T :F ly in g in to w ire s can ru in you r w ho le d ay

    5. rudy y ur a ronautical hart.for ( bstru 'lion in our flight

    th em " I es are h ard Ie.L k r r upp fling structur < ;u hast wer .

    7. r rc d ccnding [0a lowI v I. c on d u t a high I I puss

    uclo 1

    r -c .nt uh ruligh t crush citedhappen d 'au 'e th e pil t at-

    I hop th e I "C\ i l ips , gatheredduring, me .-0 years f aviating,w ill alert y u t th i. ery l> ri usm nu c to p ilo t. Is,n if'y the un-marked huvurd s y usc. H a e ag 0 I flight ... and d ri't gel wired.

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    WESTCOA~arters, Inc.19711 Campus Drive

    Suite 200(714) 852-8340Santa Ana

    NorthcoastPumpHouseWe Support CAP. t


    asB tic. # 7081061400Main

    WengerAircraftMaintenanceAircraft Engine Service&MaintenanceAvionics Repair

    ~Wetake this opportunity tothank Civil JIir Petroll3333 E.Spring St.(562) 9893620Long Beach

    81AC_ ClO''''I !Jf lJMI1 }Iflf1J"Ir, I 1 M J ~!)Thanks, ? J - : -Civi l A i rPatrol,for ajobwell done!(562) 595-44752459 LewisAve .

    Signal Hill

    ~ U N ~ I ~ ~Y I ~ T I O N

    John "V~LyneAirport19531 amp Dr.

    I p~rE"sOItl 1 1 mYourNorthern CaliforniaCaterpillar healerSince 1936

    I - 888 -PETERSONLand to Eu~ka ~ D ' . C hic o W iUW lD iu Suus Roo. ' >JI J

    Call for a free brochure.CORPORATE AIR PARTS

    7f'41 Densmore Ave.Van Nuys CA 91406Ph.: (818) 7044671Fax: (818) 997-0478


    Weareproud to havea heJping hand in the

    fine work of tbeCivD Air Petrol.(818) 782-48107035Sophia Ave.

    Van Nuys


    24 HOUR SERVICE A irc ra ft S a les A er ia l P ho to gra phy

    A ir A m bu la nc e A irc ra ft M a in ten an ceC o rp o ra te A ir cr aft M a n a gem en t(209) 577-4654



  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    SAFETY ...Are you safeenough to fly?Check it out!

    W hy d a 9 ,000 h ur, non-in-strum II I rated pilot take IT into a9 f 1 ilins and imm diat 1

    th re pas: ng r.nrng" excursi n thr ugh a 'I L 1 d -chok d mountain pu ss, nlv tosrn . h gainst a an n w II '? 11f ur Ii d instantly.

    In. id the fromstrurncnt chart

    r of III in-1 . . . is a listthings 1 w on 't do in an airplan ,

    Th ing: IiI.. n In ing hard IFR atnight in a !-.ingl - ngin . xinul -pi-lot scenario. I promise m :elf inthis lbl thai I illn I Ink IT w i th -ut a c mpl I \i euth r br iefing

    an 1 a c rnplct prclhglu of b th L hairplan and th pil l. II c [uip-ment must be operuu nul and Imust n at I ~ st I n II urs rydays I be at my minimum It : el oftr !" ith In self in advan e. If I

    ..tI ri't' Ii . Ikc ps m h n Iin ~,uI g Ifri k and gin t am an Iut orncrs. The human mind i'a

    slippery sl o r 1 rnptati n, ratio-n' lizati n anti d nial. he li'l i a

    uring our training WI!' allb en u r ugh t i pre-Flight rh air-J1IJn~. But w h pr nigh t thPI ' fl rghtcr? " " pil t" arc ult i-mall), rc: pon .ible r r th " g . -n -g .. d i i n. W rnu I bje li I)'e 'amin e our. elves. tatistic: h wthat pil I impairrn .m and \ euth rarc U1C leading au f r hes.

    xi e Ir m ih drunk pil landthe drugged pil I. th r impair-ment t nd t III rc : ubi l e. m orein 'id i us. Did the pilot sk ip break -1 ' : . 1 'I r h a c a fialu ith a spous "J' ih pi l I under pr ssur 1 g Ih me undaj night" h can be Inthe job ondu morniuu ("gethom itis" )? l las th pil t b ughtinto th e "mach .. image I' him' 'Ias a daring "ell: r th e h . ~ .. w han I ap tatl build ings at a . ingebound and repeal 1 1 1 e 1 : . 1 \ S of phys-s n a him'!

    ..rlif rnia W ing has om lipuh a pilot "11- xaminau n c r-'I~e 'all d th "T a t i ca l Risk Ilan-

    infra tru tun: UUI!4U,lll: t supthe lJ k'. b Ih en tr nmcm ale101 the Iliuh t? lthouuh at Irr Iglance the chc k list seems P ndcr-u: anti conl u ing. a few minutest u d y r AW F30S will reveal it"inil t

    ar a r pil t impairment. wali rruu ing hus th is promising

    n w 'ally t I. me pilclI:' \ ill grumble andvi \\ the R i I.. /lanag "men! latrixu-, aneth r I lit' au .rui ic infringe-mcnt n w hat they consider the i1,. od-grv n right It tI J:. the,pi usc in the air." he' \ - ill be ih epr l I w h 111 "l 11 cd h ncs: 'clf-e va lu atio n. T h ere i no" od -ui ellright to 11 a . " \ \ please," Flying I"

    p nal pri II g pr U , .atcd ( nur abilit rk \ ith in a ,tri taf t ru le s. R e rn em -r that take ur lru ling f r iend ,

    an d l u r n i l i c s u J ft in 1 .0 0 P lindrna .h m v, fraught w uh inertia andfilled with high xpl si cs. We pi-10 1 ha a heav f re: pon ibihty 10e alert, vigilant and sal' t r the

    sake f those w h tru.t 1I:' n ughL 1 1 . i t h u ..


  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    L -16 D eb u tsa s Tr ibu teR DERI K.

    Hi l ri al

    as de i-f th 1 1 w

    ym lil:Pa r r I. th e

    il wasncv and more pov erful cssnn -I ird g. lal. id e s r ic in-.lud d 1 '\ al i nal uard aviati n



    Frederick, MD - he ' P Historical Foundation ha d buted arest Ired IQX l-1118 a. pari o r its 199X tribut tu Ih e SOl i . nniver-sarv of ivil Air Patrol as official auxiliar ufthe .S, ir Fore.Th l16. a main ta of po t, ar ' P from 1952 to 1970. was ahigher-pow r d military ersion of the popular eronca 'hamp-perfect for 10\ -and- sluw air, earch and Iraining operations. irFore 4X - 4H - ' is0 ned and fluwn b y Drew teketee, founder of the

    PHi. torical Foundation, bu e ircraft Di play Program pro-m t th restoration of WW nand 1)0. t-war ~AP aircraft.APHF Photo 9810.1-1

    u n iu a n d b a se ha o k d u r i :.In

    I : 1 -g

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    to,!V~I~~!~p~!!~ing @LYMPIAN MBPR cmod ling - ore Drlllins y .Geotb ermal- puc Tank 2191 Navy Driveev er L ines - Wal r Lin Stock tonBadillo Work - olar tern 209-943-2011 /800-464-4854

    Em rgen y Repai r 260 M i che lle Co u r t469.800 Ametbury S . S an F ra nc is co(916) :aS7.6957 415-873-8200800-899-40LY ext. 1111


    IIAirFliteSubsidiary 0 Toyota Motor Sales,

    U.S.A.. Inc.AirFlite Wishes To Thank TheCivil Air Patrol For TheirDedication And Service.

    3250 AirFlite Way(562) 490-6206Long Beach



    ~Engine Service& Maintenance t ~.-'~-'_~~'J\Equipment Parts I& Supplies 'A(561) 59560553333 East SpringLong Beach

    Tri Countie Bank

    ~_10~. Tchuma-530 l34-_191 - \\ illov100 E. WaHler-530 65-55_ - rland

    LearnToPly!Instruction Sales RentalGround SchoolPrivate & InstrumentComputer based trainingand simulatorsSan CarlosAirport620 Airport Dr.650-591-7611SAIJ7AHoIJlcAAlapoar

    is pleased and proudto support the

    Iifesavin!!J efforts of ourCalifornia Civil Air Patrol!


    f } ! ! ! ! I - 'We are proud tosalute the lifesavingefforts of our Civil Air Patrol.So others mav live.2900 Main St.(916) 251-2000Susanville

    TRANSPORT INC.We Sa/ute And Support c.A.P.!

    Modesto, CA~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 . . .Mark RanuioPresident

    Art NishikawaController

    2 4

    THOMPSONCRANE & RIGGINGAll T ypes O f H oists & RiggingsS teel E rection T Ilt-U p PanelP lant Re locat ion

    Ma ch in ery MovingMobile 209-4B2SnJP a g e r 209S2() 'SS62209-465-316124 HOUR SERVICE

    International Fuels Corp.i proud to support thelifesaving efforts of theCivil Air Patrol.903Airport Dr.

    an Luis bispo (805)541-3873

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    Civil Air Patrol Celebratesso Anniversary

    ti n w a a natural r r rhIi n r und d 0

    scr ic s ,dct pr -

    grams.Toda ,p pi lunl r their

    lim and finan .ial r s ur es in s r-i .c 10 ur oururj through

    pia ar relief

    i rp


    IIrI '.\ .ot' ir Education andraining ommund 'eli's ervice


  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    Stratman Aero Service.amp/e tc ervic {or

    ingle.Twin Engine ireron. W eekend s II ; 6 2 0254

    FAX ( 05)964-2L6Z ~101Hartly Platt. oleta :..fi~_-05)967 096

    BIG BEARSHEET METAL& HEATING"Serving the area since 1953." ResidentialCommercial Industrial SALES INSTALLATIONS SERVICE

    42163 Big Bear Blvd.909-866-3707 Big Bear LakeltiSSIIH VillwResortLAKE ALMANOR

    "Be4 i spot OH th e .eakl"C a bin s R V S pa cesCamps i t esR es ta u ra n t S to re ,.', ;.;; :~

    G as LP Gas J ~ "B oa t D o c ll B a a t R en ta ls ~ :; : . " ~(530) 59 6 3 4 3 7 :; ;~ ......~7 457 H w y . 14 7, L ak e A lm a n ar

    q~$kAkP~,jHC.Serving Our A viot(onIndustry With Pride &Dependoble Service981 Airport DriveSan LuisObispo(805) 544-8356

    Advanced PlumbingServiceI I I.erving the areawith pride and qual ity

    workmanship.(209) 723-18022471 E. Gerard Ave.


    G EN ER AL H O SP ITA LTeleNuTSf!F r e e 24 H r S e r v i c e445-3121T &T ConstructionTom Hom, Owner/ onirac tor

    Road Buildin quipm nt Rental(916) 627-3423

    Or) an

    Far Western TavernW alute ur .x.r

    ood Tim e - od Friend .

    (805) 343-2211Guadalupe


    Rental & SalesGeneral Rentals Truck Rentals

    Expert Staff To Assist You(714) 496-4783

    32821 Calle PerfectoSan Juan Capistrano

    I N S T R U M E N T S E R V I C E & E X C H A N G ESpec ia liz in g I n He li copt er& Eng ine Ins tr uments Repair - Overhaul - ExchangeInstruments Available Quality Work/Fast Turn-Time I

    Knowledgeable Technicians Located at Van Nuys AirportVan Nuys, CaliforniaMID-CONTINENT800-345-7599I STRUMENTSWEST 818-786-0300

    SKY TOURSs . . . . . F RAN a s o c > &v A R E AJ -800-938-1900

    Pacific Oil ~Cooler Service ~A Division Of Johnston, Inc.Specializing in Aircraft:Oil Coolers Fuel HeatersValves Heat Exchangers

    626-454-31721430 Chico Ave. S. EI Monte


    Racing Fue ls &H igh Pe rformance Lubr ican ts

    A member of theUniversal Air Cargo Groupwww.uoc-uso.com11099 S. La Clenego Blvd. Suite 272LosAngeles 310-649-5678A .~ = _.- ~ENGNESINCJ CDProudly salutes theCaliforniaCivil Air Patrol.1823 N. Keystone St.213-849-7233 Burbank

    S K Y U A N U l l U P l l O L S ' I ' E R l 'W e a re p ro ud to sa lu te theCAP . In th ei r li fe sa v in g m i s si on s .351 Airport Rd., Novato415-893-9721 1800-680-6930

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    C alifo rn ia C AP G iven N ew M ercyM iss io n b y H ig h G ove rnm en t D ec re eBy Ml{jQr WJ ' " elwyn > alifomia Wing Public fJai~

    rnm Ill.ial ha

    area r S fh is m ark s th e first tim ali-

    f rnia W ing ha rk d ir h thlmmiurarion crvi e , Lt. . 1 ..1 -'i ph L . hizrna ia. ali r rniaWing urn rd rug p rari ns D i-rector. characterized the n plan, L ' a rnassiv effort b P f r hu-

    Ththe alland M .ic iiy . as ill gal b rder'r 'sings hay b .om Lr 1 1 1 Iydang r LIS in recent dvo-.at s r r m iararus sa 1migrants h ay d i d th i Armtempts t p n trat rh'an b rder,

    ~ 'er ..h ayif! urreru of theanal 0 Iar th is

    year.M I 's mbassador in

    W ash ing: n h as urged quick imp le -mcntari n r th program . P andI auth r i t i s ar .urr n tl pUL-ling th inishing I u he n thi:n '\I j i n t en 1 " 1 t make til b rei r'Isal' r place.

    INMEMORIUM:[ g p t g i nR a y m o n d 1 C ip p o

    ( [ : t : 11 9 3 7 ' 1 9 9 8By Major WYI I elwyn

    v 'a soast uard

    R ay T ipp i urvih i. w ifeenique and a nanddaught r.

    H i mancal j service Iwil l nib f rgotten b hi.many ivil ir Patrol Iri nds.

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    "H ig h R ocks " M oun ta in T ra in in gS ha rp en s C A P S ea rch P ilo tsr ar sc r r p

    pil L Ir m thr ugh ut Ih Wh ne th ir sk ill in m untain n -ing at th Iam H igh ItitudFlight lini h Id at Bi. h PP rt and pre ented birra G r up and

    Th rigor ueral ur.

    training r (1-.imulutinaurar h

    rra vadu M untains aroundBi h

    t ai rtradiri n g ack tinc then aImOSI _. 0m m rs have g raduui d a,m uruain re: u pil I'and b-rver.. ntinued ...

    )0 ..Srrawbo s!" I. '01. Jim" 'oli ,"Goin. The rather. f Ih Hi hop HighItitud 'dux.1.Photo by U. Joe One to

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    Wing Chaplain Les Wheeler on theMend Following Tragic Car Crashalif rnia W ing haplain

    (Lt . 1.) Le W h 1 r c rninu 'h is r . er r II w ing a tragiar era. h that to k th IiI ' of hi"

    w if Ruth arlier th i y ar. Mr . .he 1 r w as killed in the rash

    with a big-rig tru k and hap-lain Wh I r a' e relju r I in the a id nt w h i .hur r d n lnt I.uue 5 in th

    J aquin 'til .haplain W h I r is ur-

    r ntly re 0 r ina foil mgh art pa s urg ry . nd h hasn r lea, d y hi. d -

    turn l .ervic .. and Ruth W he I r had

    "H ig h R o ck s"M o u nta in T ra in in gCo utin uc d ...


    'lmemorable e -

    -I I.F r d tails conta t I. I.

    Jam . G in at 760 R7 - 2_ .

    Photo by Altljor Fred Mahadocoll


  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    Fly In BeautifulSouthern California with $:'-:;~~:!..-,.';.~CompanyProudly enlng You ..6 ~ ...For ()Yer100 Years

    513 Main St.Copp ropolis 209-7 5-2211(909) 930-5800 8 1 Host Airport

    Ontario International Airport ~" HotelOntario_-=-:-_-;:-__ ~!!!!!!!!!ijij"J HOST UVeare proud t o s up p or tlh Cnnl A IrPatrol .MEDI-FLIGHT 11Iiiiii~~ 6945 Airport BI d.(916) 922~8 71 a ramentoHttp://www.hotairporthotel.com

    2192 H Palomar Airport Rd.(7 60 ) 4 38 8 42 4 F ax : (7 60 ) 4 38 0 45 118004384354

    Compliments ofCirim.eleElectric Works, Inc.l 01' pr, ua t atut tbe

    ivil i1'Patrolfi r their tife at ing i f i . rt. .Riclunond 510-620-1150

    Z A N U S C O R P O R A T IO N12 59 E I C a m in o R ea l, S uite 13 4, M en lo P ark(650) 368-3301 (800) 347-7783We are proud to supportthe Civil Air Patrol.

    Otto's InstrumentService

    Aircraft InstrumentsR ic k O tto & R ich ard D elm an - O wners

    OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIATheA i r Ambu lance Servi ceo f No rthe rn Ca li fo rn Ia

    P roudly S alu tes T he C iV il A ir P atr olIn Our Mutual Ded Icatio n ToSav ing Uv es .OMEMORIALM ED IC AL C EN TE R1700 Coffee RoadModesto, California 95355(2 09 52 6-4 50 0 1 -8 00 -6 92 -5 74 0

    Our Management& StaH are proudto support ourCivil Air Patrol.(707) 252-35222000 Airport Rd. Napa

    'J(J~ 'Itt, 1~,Proudly supports the C.A.P.!

    2210 Palomar Airport Rd.Carlsbad (760) 438-6800Southwest GasTHE CLEAN ENERGY PEOPLE

    ~. Serving the entireJJI . I area with pride...,., and quality service.Barstow (760) 256-3571BigBear [909) 866-4656Victorville [760] 241-9321

    S izz le rSteak Seafood Salad

    T H E H O M E O F S T E A K L O V E R SOpen 11a.m. to 9 p.m.Seven Days A Week(760) 922-3808

    1101West Hobsonway, Blythe

    MARJPO A - YO EMlTEIRPORT ~ (760)344-6738 Brawley

    24 Hour T xaco Fuel 1---- -:--:-:--:-:-----1 : 1 [ Rental C O M P lIM N f S O F . . . F ligh t 10 traction ~-~ J L W H b AircraftM:linlenan..., Ont1. a IM VA lie I'.JA ON DUTY - S U ~ V Y 0 ~ -

    F ree R id es T o L od ging lice"sed f"Calffol1lla 6 -- Nevada

    ' CABLEAI~' J ! e a / U 10 t J ) . 4 'Weproudly

    salute te~ lifesavingR U N W A Y ~ efforts of

    Civil Ai Patrol.(909) 596-1871 I Brackett Field1100Puddingstone Dr., La Verne(909) 982-1579 I Cable Airport13th & Benson. Upland

    1 1 1 1 designed mobile. systems ind., inc.Distributors & Mamifacturers

    of Mobile 01flcesPortabl Bulldln sR nt - Lea e - Bu - Repair800SouthHighway 33

    (209)8926298 Patterson

    6 ~ N o rth Je ck wtth(9161 U t-H7t Portola

    (209) 966-2143wy. 49 .,4 Mi. from Mariposa

    P. . Box 786 Maripos . CA 95 8

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    I.NDERGROUND,ICONSTRUCTION CO., INC.Engineering Contractors

    5145 Industrial WayBenicia (707) 746-8800Fax (707) 746-1314W OO D G RO U PTU RB O PO W ERServing the area with prideand dependable service.828 Donald Douglasloop N.(310) 392-8090~ Santa Monica


    ROTARY TUBE SWAGING1/60.0. - 5 0.0. Capac i tyB en din g F la rin g - E xp an din g - W eld in gHo t & C o ld A ss em b lies - M a chin in g(310) 323-6695124 W. 157th St. Gardena

    Newsletter of Record for theAviation Industry Since 197913ll1_aaFa: 131111352 1811A_ f tills ....I -1 1 I I I: . . . ~ . C D I I sat. 2 1 1 . I : I n 1 I 1 ' J aty........... La AIIQIR ~"1..fJ1m

    LOUFIEJ..DSF. t De tgnated Fligbt Examiner

    Call 1-800-HOW 2FLYHangar 908 OaklandInternational Airport


    AI's Shas'fl1$ep'tie 1l'a"kSe."'vi~PUMPING & CLEANINGResident ia l- Commerc ia l -tnaustns! C om pelltiv e P ric es E sc ro w In sp ec tio n S p ec ia l C ommer cia l R a tes - P ro fes sio na l,E fIlc ien l & C o ur teo u s 51a ff916-365-4295or 243-3025Anderson

    ~ Redland Community';:J:f Hospila.1P rovi di ng qual if y h ea lth c ar e 1 0 t he c ommuni fy .

    ( 909) 3355500Em ergency D epartm nt 3355600Patienl lntor rnal lon 335-5502O u es t o n s b ou l b illin g & insu rance 335-5534A bo ut yo ur s ta y w llh u s 335-5521Adml thng3 50 T er ra c ln a B lvd . R ed la n dsAmerican ValleyAviation ~

    Specializing In LockheedMilitary Aircraft Spares:P-3, C-130, C-5WE SHIP WORLDWIDE916-283-0711Gansner Air Field QuincySkeet's' N S URANC~S ~RV ' C ~ Sm a tlln llia t p a yn n en 'loVi m o n lh ly p a ym e nts

    0 i n le r es t c ha rges S a fe d rive r d ts ceu nts tha i c an s av e y ou m o ne y(20))526-15"9 37 C o ffee R d ., S u ite 2 , M o des to~Iueri~~u. !lIlY rM

    II~~~~"2501 Airport Ave. ( W I' ~ ~~ ~Santa Monica ,YO3 1 03 902 099 -.:.~ ''W8S~lke~eWiJ.

    /lilt, P a h o L /M

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    Porco Runs ForNational ViceCommanderB Major Wyn S Ill:WI

    olonelforma \ inghi

    The "Right" StuffBy I"~Lt. lie Tra uiin Ln

    \I er ugU.IIO

    eagersreetin eachmember o r~aliforniaWing Group25' HunorGuard.

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    Marin RanchAirport- Private Airport -(415) 4530212

    Smith Ranch Rd., San Raphaellie Down Spaces Available

    '" '" A v ia tio n F a c ilitiesWU I n co r po r a tedSMVIIl{) Orange C ou nt y F or O ve r 2 0 Y e a J sFlight Training Center4119 W. Commonwealth Ave.Fullerton 714-n3-0741Sun Air AviationWeare proud to uppori theCalifornia i il Air Patrol!

    {805 987-899650 Durley Avenu amariUo

    (J I G ~Q U ~ G J ( 3{3 Q ]E J C SO a J ~ t 5INCORPORATED

    A E R I A L M A P P IN GP H O T O G R A P H Y & E N G I N E E R I N GR E P R O D U C T I O N2832Walnut Ave., Suite ETustin (714) 832-20nSCHAEFERAMBULANCESERVICE

    BLS PARAMEDIC, CCTandAIR AMBULANCEI800-58ZZZ58Van Nuys - (818) 786-87' 3los Angeles - (213) 468-1600

    We are proud l--~:--:-----:::;:------::---,---jto salute the lifesaving efforts 'S O t Im /W O l j IW tE ~ IK e .of the Uc n26232C1?.ACivil Air Patrol Serving the area wttt: pridefor we too are and quality excavating.

    dedicated to (909) 867-3417saving lives! Running Springs

    R e d . - - A e J U J .Aircraft MaintenanceService & Repair1745Sessums Dr.(909) 794-3244 Redlands

    Arctic Air Service, Inc.


    S IE R IU P J J lJ IF I l J , 1 V IA T IO J VDavid Bowen - OwnerW e are proud to salute theCalifornia Civif Air Patrol!1300 Poppy Dr.Wi llits 707 -459-4122Compliments froma friend ofCivil A ir Patrol

    Is Proud To Be A Part Of TheLifesaving Efforts Of Our

    Civil Air Patrol.Thanks And Keep Up

    T he G oo d W o rk!8101 Lankershim Blvd.

    N. Hollywood213-877-21044

    Weknow asimple wayto achieveresults.Simply: Attendmeetingsregularly.

    Recruit newmembers.

    Accept aSenior LevelII staffresponsibilityand do it tothe best ofyour ability.

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    C O N F E R E N C ES E T F O RF R E S N O

    lthough f v detailh a e e n re I as d, th i.


    friend' and mak newnes. Plan 10 e there toupport ur famil ... andit' fun.

    ne n wrinkl thisyear i the ace prance of"plas tic" I' r paym nt f

    nferen e and therfee. Th W ing F inanceOfficer. apr. Micha IKathriner, announ d re -cent ly that many cadetand . en i r acti it i ca nn w e paid ith Mas terCard and Vi a. We hareprodu d the new

    W F rm 14, w h i hcan be used for this pur-p .e. f w aill nrinu I ac pi

    ch cks and mone onJ rsf or p aymen t.

    1 9 9 8 C A L IF O R N IA W I N G C O N F E R E N C E R E G IS T R A T IO NT his yea r the C alifo rn ia W in g C on ferenc e w ill b e held o n 11, 12 . 13 September 1998, a t theF res no H olld ay In n C en ter P la za , 2233 Ven tu ra S tr eet, F res no , C A 93721. telephone 1-209-2 68-1000. T he ro om ra te is $ 66 .00 ea ch n ight fo r s ingle, d ou ble o r tr ip le. T he c ut o tf d ate fo rthis ra te is 18 Augus t 1998. T he b otto m o f this fo rm is fo r p aym ent o f the co st o f the C onfer-en ce regis tra tio n a nd B an qu et to C a lifo rn ia W in g w ith y ou r M a ster C a rd o r Vis a.Registration atWing By 17 By 31 At

    August August DoorConference only $20.00 $25.00 $30.00Banquet and Friday Night SocialConference, Banquet and SocialConference Only Cadets


    $40.00 $45.00$50.00 $55.00$20.00 $20.00$35.00 $35.00$45.00 $45.00

    Banquet and Social Only - Cadets $30.00Conference, Banquet and Social- Cadets $40.00Am oun t enc losed _A r iva l da te, tim e. m ethod : _D o you n eed transpo rta tion from and to F resno A ir Term ina l? _N am e: Telep l1one: U nit: _A ddress : _CALIFORNIA WING ES EXERCISE 111 SEPTEMBER 19981 FRESNOP a rtic ip a n ts a re to a r r i v e b y a irc ra ft o r vehic le o n T hu rsd ay o r F rid ay in tim e to s ign-in b efo reth e s ta rt o f th e c la ss ro om p res en ta tio ns (10:00 o n F rid a y). P a rtic ip a nts w ill r ec eiv e s ix h ou rso f b riefin gs o n the fo llo wing C AP E S s ta nd ard iz atio n a nd s afety s ub jec ts a s rela ted to the ex -ecu tio n o f C AP E S m iss io ns . T he co st fo r this a ctiv ity is $ 10.00 p er p erso n fo r su pp lies .

    a . C AP R egu la tio n T op ic c . C AP F light O pera tio n sb . F A A R egu la tio n s d . S tan d a rd iz a tio n an d S a fetyY es I p lan to a ttend this a c tiv ity _

    r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~T O P A R T I C IP A T E I N T H I S A C T I V IT Y Y O U M U S T B E R E G IS TE R E D A S A C O N F E R E N C E A T T E N D EE

    Credit Card Charge AuthorizationIauthorize California Wing, Civil Air Patrol to debit m y credit card account listed below for the amount listed below.Type of Account: 0( i S A ) 0[fB $ Amou n lReason lor charge:o ActiviIY:. ----...:=::-:::r== Participant's Name: _Om 0 1 A c t - 1 1 1 V 0Materials Purchased: Other: _

    __ l__E J c p D a l e (M o n lh i Ve a r l--- -- AcxoUiiiNu,,;oo;----am e as II appears on the cred it ca rd : _

    B illing S treellPOB Address: _Bil l ing Cily. S la te. Z ip Code: _I e i e p n o n e - _

    S l gn a 1U r 8 0 1 Card o l de r IIlhis charge is to pay lor an activity. please attach It 10 the acllvlty application.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~AWG Form 14 M 4 . Y 9 8 Local reproductionauthorized5

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    B oo k R ev iew :L A S T F L IG H T O V E R N A M

    Palm Springs MemberTurns Out Another BookB Major" yl l elw 11

    Maj r llred Bu .h k. :1 mern-b r of th e Palm prings [uad r nII ha: just published his fifth h k:LU,\I Fliglit \'el" 'all/ It: an a -l i o n ad cnrurc sto ct in the~ l rm da f th e V i C L l H l l 1 1 War,

    Busch ~ \ rit in a . I11p lling

    buildines come lip fa. He releasedJour mi-; tiles, III se '0111,\, theound thcir far tet. Ex; losions 1I'er('gnin. I-It Iml [I d file fH ) 7. ()I (J/(II J tWIII",\ lilt! pu lled ou t il l asteep - limb. TIle ~rt(lrJJllm('r kickedill. Til ' pressur 1f')1II pulliug : 's"pushed against their bodie , II [elt( i t . . the [1101/ was coming ap 1 1' 1 0 1'he ams.E er one of Bu chck ' 7_7pages is fraught w ith acii n, Wril-1. n IiI-. a n vel but with til uuth 0-

    n w postwar erman ir -or 'c.Hi. training br ugh t h im t th e

    nile uues h re h .onvin .ed a

    ng d in thI' , h unu ual tr an sl er Will

    ItiLa, t Flight Over am is , ell worth readin .

    hat happ n t m e. and. it i with u.

    ATTITUDETh I nger I Ii . th rn r 1r aliz th irnpa I atti tudeill lif .

    It i'm r imp rtant than app aran _gift nThe rcrnar abl thing i-" ha e a hoice e cr Id y f

    ur liv s r ard ine t11 attitud w mbra f r thatday ,

    W ann ur pa l.We ann t .han Lh fa Ithatpl w ill a Iin a rtain ay , W i ann t ch ang the

    In itable.T h on! thine. e 'WI d is play n til on ~string eha . nd that is ur s u i tu dI 'm nvmo hW a re in charg [ ur a r titu d .

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    A n n u a lA w a r d sB a n q u e tBy Major Fr d MahadoconPubli .ffair Officer

    durinz th PI,'1 Y ar al ill) annualaward banqu l.Th e ern " ush cld in earl) May al th e hil Inn1 - 1 lei in Pinna,

    Gu 'I 'p aker for the c cning11 r d all. a T us k- 1 1 1 : 1 imum I arning cap" iI" His

    final remarks t the cadets w re."Be c I r lin I, bUI think blu :

    Widrig, liza-


  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    Escape For All Sea onWe are proud to a/lite L izlifesaving effort of .A.P.41935 witzerland Dr.Big Bear Lake 909-866-7504

    IdJt\Timber Haven'ctD' LodgeA haven among the Pines877 Tulip Lane, Big Bear Lake909-866-7207 or 866-3568MODESTO STEEL

    Delivery AvailableFrom Local Warehouse Stock209526.5306

    1424N.Ezn~ald Ave.,Modesto

    S c h a e fe r D ra f tin Q an d D e s iQ nWe've buf lt our repuTation on qual ityproducts and dependable service.

    Michael R. Schaefer(909 ) 585-3005 B ig B ea r C ityUltl'aSccurit Scr\'icring uic area w lllJ pl'ld !

    548 E. 1\lisalSalinas(408) 424-4093( { " T ~ ~ l (O ~ H ~ Y I ~ T IO "N E W & U S E D A IR C R A F T S A L E SInsurance & Car Rentals4 08 -4 2 2 -7 4 8850 M o rten sen A ve. S alin asMarqie', Mer r y -Go -RoundB A R B E " C U E R IB S B A R B E C U E C H I C K E NS E A F O O D S P E C IA L I Z IN G I N S TE A KS

    F U L L W I N E S E L E C T IO N760-876-4115212 S. Main, Lone PineDarrell's Body ShopServing the area with

    pride & quality service408 Main

    Taft (805) 7654337 j'IIJIICIJII.'" Ailll t:1J..l'l'l1llSANTA BARBARA AIRPORT404 MOFFETT PLACEGOLETA (805) 964-6733

    AvtronicsWe Are Proud To SupportCivil Air Patrol!415-593-6046701 Skyway, San CarlosBenefiel AppraisersR e sJ d e n t i a i - C o m m er ci a l

    Industrial(909) 790-9554

    34455 Yucaipa Blvd., YucaipaNice4~R~

    H w y. 3 95 & 4 th S t., Lee Vin in g, C A(760) 647-6477We are proud to saluteour Civil Air PatrollOrbic HelicoptersF .A .A . C e rt. ln s t. C om p etitiv e R a te sOpen 70ays & Evenings818-988-653216 700 R os co e B lvd ., Va n N uy sBURGER KINGWea re proud to sa lu te the life savingeffor ts of th e C ivil A ir P atrol!781 Quintana Road(805) 772-5758 Morro BayVAN W IN DENpueblo CArden Center

    Where Dual it y & Ser vice Go Hand In Hand1805 Pueblo Ave.(707) 255-8400 Napa

    Air Logistics Corp.t rw ; Ar Proud To SupportCivil Air Patrol3600 E. Foothill Blvd.(818)795-9971 Pasadena

    Armstrong Technology, Inc.Ser vin g th e a rea with prideand qua li ty Se rv ic e.1121 Elko Dr.

    Sunnyvale 408-734-4434909-866-4565Big BearLake

    lo ca led A IS n ow S u mm it

    M o u n ta in R e so rt

    Steven H. BakerConstructionServin th e a rea w ith p r id anddependabt (vi e.909-585-3779 BigBear LakeBAYRIDGEBUILDERSN ew C on tru ctio n A dd itio nR em o de lin g. F in e in te rio r F in ish :(909) 585-8874 Big Bear Lake

    R.E. Coulter Crane RentalWe are proud to supportour men and women in CAP.

    1101 E. SpringLang Beach (562)595-4555SMP, INC.er ling tbe area withprta and integrity

    1230 anta Monica Blvd. Ste. 116310-820-2031 W . Lo An elesPacific AirLogistics, Inc.WeSuppor t G .A .P '!805-251-65812 67 63 O ak A ve., C a ny on C o untry

    Ronald D. Jarrellis proud to salute theCivil Air PatrolThanks & keep upthe good work!

    Monterev Mortgageerving Tile Area WithPride & Quality ervice.320First St.

    Gilroy 408-842-3557P E R F O R M A N G E A I R(760) 789-35932 4 5 0 M o n t e c it o R d . , R a m o n aWea re prou d to support th elifesaving m issions of ou r C .A .P .

    HowardAviation~Inc.FAA CAS #EM3A480L T03A874L

    1911 McKinley Ave.(909) 593-2596 Laverne

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    S q u a d r o n 45 N a m e dS q u a d r o n of t h e Y e a rBy 2 1 1 1 / Lt. DOli O'ToQI Public J T a i r Officer


    nights a!

    'j\>UAir Pain I Group I command Jr. Major D. Fr lnger,pre: cuts the Squadron uf Distinction award 10 'apt. R.Scull Hodgin .. command r of March Field .ump ite quadron 45. ul Ih Squadron'S. ward. iohl 01 1 March -3.


    CONFERENCE11 - 13 SeptemberFRESNO


    Pllttlt Now 70Att.ltdf9

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    T RE EC E E lE C T R IC , IN C .S in gle T ree L an eS usanville (530) 257 -2 4 32Two Good Roofers

    Thomas Home Center(707) 839- 222

    1685 Sutter Rd. McKinleyvilleU n i t e d R i g g e rs & E r e c to rs , In c .12 22 2 E . F lo ren ce A ve.56 2-9 44 -6 22 1 S an ta F e S pr in gsRtl6EHSAVIA!fltlft909-597 -44457000 Merrill Ave. #21, ChinolLtINllOW AIR llCllDE)lf

    See: www.rainbowair.com~825 E. SPRING ST.LONG B E A C H 310 4~4-0119A(JAForkliftSAFETY CERTIFICATION

    9 09 -3 5I H9 62 15 98 4 A liso D r., F on ta naAwning Care PlusMetal & Canoas AumingsLafayette 707-426-9040Mid-Cal Ag Aviation

    (209) 846-8689853 S.Sonoma Ave., KermanBay Area Upholstery615 Airport Blvd.S.San Francisco 650-583-5143Orson Construction

    3009 Sleepy HollowDorris (916) 3973911HAROLD L. JAMES

    2 ti(20 92-4121 C rc ranWally's Tire &Wheel

    1020N. Madera Avenue(209) 846-6621 KermanSea EScape Motel

    15370 Highway 101 N.(707) 487-7333/ Smith River


    R a d i s s o n ~ n n (9 1 ) B r a c hG "I e are proud to be a p art oj tb etifes illg effort oj our C _ 4 . P .600 Marina Dr.SealBeam 562-49~1S01FALCON CABLEVISIONH BO S HO W TIM EM O VIE C H A N NE L

    D IS N EY C IN E M AX909-336204726261 HWY.18 RIMFORESTRarnettTransportation

    W ar proud to saJut the li f vingeffor o r t h ivil ir Patrol.

    (909) 3379512 Twin Peaks

    AMCASTPRECISIONOn/01'io Division11000 Jersey Blvd.Rancho CucaJDonga(909) 987-4721

    MarPowell Painting Inc.

    6090 Lucky John Road19161 77-2862 Paradi eNorthland Cable TV4010 Hwy.49, uite A(209) 683-7388 OakhurstThe Avionics Shop

    5045 E. Andersen Ave.(209) 252-7967 FresnoLakeridge Marina Inc.

    Worm gg Tackle09) 7 7- 3ngerMarshall Electric

    E ;F,RAI. (iTR..\ Rcamore ~vc.Kerman 209- 3-2661FE ATH ER R IV ER W ELDIN GAND FABR ICAnON

    411 MAIN STlIEETChester (916) 2583741


    ~ . Leland Ayers(ri]s proud to support~ the Civil Air Patrol!ST. FRANCIS ItOTEL &DINING RPOM

    830 MAtN ST.SUSANVILLE 9162574820laktwoob j l b m o r i a l ~ark&: .funeral J ! ) o m r90 0 s a n t a F e A v e.. H u gh so n/(2 09 ) 8 8] 4 46 SMikes Aero. Inc.Virgil Parrett FieldAngwin (707) 965-2411ilv f rm . lic,We are proud toSupport the Civil Air Patrol!

    Valley Flood Lite Se rv ic e, I nc .7 009 V aljea n A ve.Van N u ys (818) 7 85-8850B & D EtEC1RiCCounty Road 56Alturas (916) 233-3312

    Yehnert Helicopter, Inc.104 Airport Dr.Upland 909- 85-3618E S & S Co.P.O. Box 742Plea anloll (510) 462-4393

    ChinoValley Aviation7000Merrill Ave.Chino 909-597-3212Costa'. North Fork Garage

    57703 Road 225North Fork. CA 93643Haley Flying Service. Inc.

    erving the area wilh pride.(209) 836-0213 TracyRosasco Motor Service

    42257 5th St.Knight Landing (916) 7356419G r eg's M o b ile H ome R o ofin g"Se rv ing Nor th er n Cal if or ni a S ince 1975~(916) 873-0538 MagaliaAMERICAN EAGLEServing California & Beyond

    (800) 433-7300

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    Reprinted from Membership Services Mon/hl, May 199Members ReceivingNew Membership Cardsand Renewal PackagesC ivil ir Patrol m mbers hay been e ing a

    "fa .. n APIffers a numb r f

    1 r ivthe P N ati nal Exe utirized a n w format. hang includ add ing ther gi n de ignati n. u in th 'tal abbre iati nrather than the (W -digit de in the chart r num-b r. and add ing the member iD ar c de n theb tt rn r th ard . T h e hange h ul pr epe ially helpful during rni i n inv I ing v 1-

    ( C ] ~ V I D L A \ J O R { ] p ) A l n R { [ ) ) ] Lnil 1 I hit 'i\ Air F irce

    r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~

    PT .JOIIN Q MEMBERER- - _ 1_ 4. 78

    d Thru: JAN 1999

    1 1 1 P'member h ip ren waJ package. It ha: a n w d ignand will arriv ith a 19 - wallet alendar."Th wall t aJ ndar i a mall t ken f ur appr -iati n for each member pa 1 ar f v lun-t ri .m and ommunity [vi 'aid AP a-ti nal mmand r Bri . Gen. Jam' . B bi k .

    If you desire more information on theCALIFORNIA CIVILAIR PAfROL,

    please complete this form and mail to:California Wing Civil Air Patrol

    p . O . Box 9117Ontario, CA 91762

    Name __

    A d d res s ___

    City State Zip _~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~41

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    J & H BLUEPRINTING& DRAFTING SUPPLIES624 w . C om m o nw ea lth, S uite A , F ullerto n(714) 870-4150 FAX ( 7 14 ) 8 70-4503Patterson 'l~ S e l W i a

    _0 -8 2-82 12549 Sperry Ave., Patterson~ lA u e r s k i 8r b O A r ~ r e n tA l s

    4117 7 B ig B ea r B lvd _(9 09 ) 86 6 -56 89 B ig B ea r L a keART'S CORNER05-763-9903400 Ha r r i s on St., Taft

    A-l Hick Septic Service(209) srr -1479ModestoLA-SeOINTERN A-l'ION A-L4 15-6 68 -3 77 0/ S an F ra nc is co

    AmericanTire 'ros8750 E I Cam i n o(805) 4 6 6 -3 121 A ta s ca d eroDonovan Do tr

    209-67 -2031~Iadera

    M o d o c C o u n ty S h e r i f f ' s O f f i c eS h e r i f f B r u c e M i x & S t a f fP r o u d l y S u p p o r t C i v i l A i r P a t r o l !r o ~ m ~ ~~~c~m~1l( 9 09 ) 7 3 5- 19 8 01903A A via tio n D r., C oro n a

    K im D a v id s o n A v ia tio n , In c.2 701 A irp ort A ve.S a n ta Mo n ic a 310-391-6293H IiH 'l'RUCK CEN'l'ER760-248-7065

    Lucerne Valleymaskk. C r-eek . In.b:1325 Tollhouse Rd.(209) 8 1-3323 Shaver LakCDPLASTICS805-922 -59952 6 41 A irp a rk D r., S an ta M a r ia

    Modesto AvionicsI Airport Way

    (209) 575-0910 Mod to2

    A - 1 T E U - C O C O N S U L T A N T S707-257 -6700

    1310 T ra n c a s S t., #3 20, N ap aBig Bear Thrift & Treasure

    4007 4 B ig B ea r B lvd .B ig B ea r L a ke 909 /86 6-4 3 3 6Trinity COUI l ty SherifJ's Dept.Sheriff Paul Schmidt 8'Staffa re p ro ud "to salu te th e C .A .P .!XXJ 7 f : . n F L O R i S t(7 07 ) 4 4 -3 8142 9 9 I st. S a ce 4 , C res cen t C i

    I - in ~41545 B ig B ea r B lvd .

    9 09 -86 6 -2 57 4 B ig B ea r L a keS I l I T H U _ T R U C KR EP A lR ,IN C .(8 05 8 31-6 4002 13 0 S . U n io n A ve., B a kers fieldGUYS &GALS CAREERAND SAFETY APPAREL68100 RAMON RD. UNIT A-7CATHEDRAL CITY ( 7 60 ) 3 2 4 -9 1 70ARDAX SY TEMS415-591-2656906 ent T. an arloBear Concrete

    Commerc ia l & Residential909 -86 6 -6 56 6 B ig B ea r L a ke1k,R~ oIllppk V~

    I lI Z e P I U U I d 10 S ~ tk(J ,. . eioil. /lilt. P a i J z o L !$usbj (cblf,al1

    ( 90 9) 8 6 6 -6 4 134 21 51 B ig B ear B lv d., B ig B ear lak eG I R . d H V I J I 1 . ~ P J

    4 90 Sky L a n e D r.H o llis ter 4 08 -6 3 7 -1151Creek Side Inn

    ( 15) 9~-:! 113400 E1!amino Real Palo AltoriI\ Circle K (Store #358)~ 540 B ig Bea r B lvd .909 -585-2626 B ig B ea r C ityB A Y S I D E E X C A V A T IO N(7 07 ) 4 6 4-6 7 804 90 E . H oo ver A ve., C res cen t C ity

    BlueDiamondGrowers209-545~602M & 0 loe Manu fa c tu r ing3140 C Pa r k Rd.B en ic ia 7 07 -7 4 6 -14 45Pruett C onstruction(916) 623-2160P.o. Box 1269, WeavervUlet e a a r ~ID[H H r l O r l4 5810 S ta te H ighw ay 39 16 -2 86 -2 2 25 T r in ity C en ter< . L e i n ( < . L O nag

    (909) 7 921LVillage Mall, Big Bear Lake

    ~'~IZI~4 3 7 W . Fa i rw ayB ig B ea r C ity 9 09 -585-56 81Mathews H ON EY C OM PA NY060) 326-44801213 E. Broadway, NeedlesS T A N I S L A U S P L U M B IN G

    Modesto209-527 -4997GLiDlE lER INN

    ( 56 2 ) 4 3 1-3 02 21 400 P ac llic C o ast H w y ., S ea l B ea chA & G W indm iller P ump209-877 -4889North Fork.S W I S S O ~ N f C O R P O R A T I O N( 20 9 ) 8 55 -8 2 053 19 55 A u berry Rd., Aube r r v1AOHtilS 6rollil Rock Co.606 9 H w y . 9 9 W .C o rn in g 9 16 -82 4 -0191Sunrise Ca re & R e h a b i l i t a t i o t t

    Center for Red B l u f f9 16 -52 1-6 23 2 555 L uther R d ., R ed B lu ffO O Z Y H O L L O 'V L O D G Ef l09 8G G ~ )G 914 04 09 B ig B ea r B lvd ., B ig B ea r L akeG a t e s M a c h in e r y S a l e s , I n c .827 N. Tehama St.Wi l lows 916-934-3382

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    0'''D';''9 MatD,;~es7CAP Promotion and Recruiting

    8y Suzanne HolmesW e arc in the busiest eason of air how s ..md other

    spec i a l c n rs \ her P m ark eting. and r iruitinsopportunities a olin I. \I h n rd ring murk ting mate-rial. for sp .ial 111 , b . urc t al l \i at I ast 30 day sf r r c il t o r ur rder, To help' ns r e ur rc-ourccs, sh ipm ents arc sent ia third- lass mail. If oun d t place till rtf r. I l ea. c mpl tc th e Marketing/R .ruiiing R qu S I F rm ill this i. u r E /g li ' III

    O r U l Mar b ) I) 7 is s ue o f Get the Pcint! an d fa x it t334.953.4_ 5.

    Emergency RenewalsIt's 1101 t urI I say .umrn ertim is appr a 11-ing. lcrnbcrsh i] cr icc. r utinely gel: Ions o r call.

    an I fa s trying I get last minute m rnbei h ip r nc -als '0 u cadet or ~ ni r can ~1It nd all encampment. a

    fu n t i n. r g t airlift. If" you ar running ut f timeand need to rene NOW , us e th ern rgen y f rm b -I w . Rel11 mb r. EMER N I Y. us purp ei.n l I r plac IJ 1 uandard r n w al pr e '.

    r-------------------------------------.: EMERGENCV MEMBERSHIP RENEWALSII' u nc d t r new R l HT om let L hi 1'01111 and send it w ith y ur r n w al paym 11 1 tttATIOttAL HEADQUARTERS CAP/DPPR, lOS SOUTH HAttSELL STREET, MAXWELL, AFB, AL 3611Z-633Z


    H. RTER _s _

    D - OL l\'T R TRIB TION _ T T L _PH N _




    LS RE -wG (334-95.V'i I I)

    yBNOTE: r y t us th is r rm for I giiimate 1 1 1 rg nci s nly, 'U has "110sl my card /d idn I gel a renew aland the en ampm J1( i th i. v e k nd" situation. W e ill w rk with you if Y u re i d your ren w al andjust f rg tis nd it ba .k . but it st ps th pro ssing r th r, on-lim ,m m r pa p rwork .L J


  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998


    Civil Air Patrol 3 34 -9 53 -42 45 F AXMa rk etin g/R ec ru itin g R eq ues t F o rmMarke t i ng & P ub lic R ela tio ns 105 S ou lh H an sell S ireel, B ld g. 7 14 M ax well A FB . A l 3 6112 -6 33 2

    F A X O R M A IL T O M AR K ET IN G /P R W HE N C O M PL E T EDare, _

    Reque 1. ., . '1nll le: I'liooe: _Shippill!! ddress. _

    Cia)': Slllrc Z ir ' _Rnn I"!' Ilhlll of RCtIIlCliICr: Itcl!iulI: Squndron:P la as e help red uc e o ur c os ts by requ es lin g o nly the a m ou nts y ou w ill n eed . P la as e a llo w 3 0 d ay s fo r rec eip t o f m a ter ia ls .

    Q.UlIllliryHItHty l!wwtlto . '1i"r flm(.:.hlll'C~': J Cnder Bro hure-,o c. I'Fuct Shcerso I'AO Kil'

    A,b SIIe! l'lii!1;1111,,1 FI)' rsSenior Flyers

    ':J (. I'M I'J()'I

    ~lIdcr I'",Icr I'I'I!:J :lItlcl I' stenrd I'll,_j Villo 1':>:\

    Ilndio !'S.\


    Order I'I'fJL'CSSL'tl Il)': _ UIllC: _

    Mull"d Ii)' ~Iuilroom): lIllie:Ma t a ria l De s c ri pti on s S q ua d ro n /W i n g Q u a n tity M a x im um s :

    500/1000e ni or B r o ch ur e2 c olo r, 4 p an el s e.n io r rec ru itin g b ro chu re

    >-e,0 (..) 0 I-0:::J:e,LLICI)< W....Ie,

    C a d et B r o ch ur e ( re vi se d 10/961 50011000ful l C OIO I, 4 p an el c ad et r ec ru illn g b ro chu re w ith d eta cha ble r etu rn c ar d

    C A P F a ct S he et 'r ev is ed 1/911 50011 000b la ck a nd w hite. tw o-s id ed f1y er- a ls o 8 113 ila ble in Ihe a d s lic k p ac ka geP r f v81e P I iO I r e pr in tex cellen t lu ll c oto r P riva te P ilo t a rtic le o n C AP

    50/100A d S lic k P ac ka ge 2/4f iv e c o p ie s 0 1 ea ch, u selu llo r rec ru itin g p os ter, f ly ers o r p ub llc allo ns , In clu des Iw o a ds a nd the C AP F ac 1 S heet. c am era rea dy fo r rep rin tingC a d el F ly er 500/1 000b la ck & w hlt.e, B.5x11 r ec r uit in g lo r mS en io r F ly er 500/1 000b l ack & white, B.5x11 r ec r uili ng lI ye r~1~~ InC AP P ub lic A tfa lrs P ro gra m M an ua lC a d e! P o ste rs P a ck age 1/2c a det r ec ru ilin g p o ster s. 5 co p as o t th re e d iller en i p o ster sC ad el P os lc ar d P ac ka ge 2/4c ad et p ro gra m p os tc ard s s ty led a ller the c ad et p os ler, live c op ies ea ch 0 1 t hr ee d ille re nt p o s 1l: ar d sA ss oc ia te M em b er ship B ro chu re 25/50c ad et p ro gra m p os tc ard s s ty led a ller the c ad et p os ter. live c op ies ea ch 0 1 t hr ee d ille r en t p o s tc a rd sA s so c ia te M em b er sh ip B ro c hu res p ec ia l C A P n atio na l- le ve l m em b er sh ip

    25/50PSAs 1/1ra dio and vid eo pu blic serv ic e a nnou ncem en ts - vid eo a va ila ble In tw o fo rm ats - u -m aue ta pes m us l b e retu rned to N allo na l H ea dqu arters .


  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998




    ADMISSION TO INDIAN C ANYONSAdults - $5.00 Seniors - $2.50 Children - $1.00Equestrians - $6.00 Students & MUttary - $3.50Season Passes & Group Rates available.

    INDIAN CANYONS tnformation:(619) 325-1053SMOKE TREE STABLES information:

    (619) 327-1372 Palm SpringsOpen Daily:FalJIWtnter: 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

    Spring/Summer: 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.Prices and hours subject to changeTRIBAL COUNCIL OFFICE (619) 325-5673

    Dat 6asilto & Biltf_OIn Hoopa OPEN 24 HOURSFriday & Saturday

    OPEN SUNDAY THROUGH THURSDAY10 a.rn. - 2 a.rn.


    Highway 96 Hoopa Shopping CenterCASINO916-625-4048 I BlttGO 916-625-5198

  • 8/3/2019 Eagle Call - Summer 1998



    Hold The World OfGeneral Aviation In ThePalm Of Your Hands