eagle flyer nov 11 final

 EAGLE FLYER Dear Parents, Families and Friends,  Thank You! I want to thank everyone who has helped this last month! There has been a lot going on here at Euper Lane. I would like to thank Laura Blythe for organizing the motivational program for the students. It was a wonderful program and I know the students learned a lot from it.  I would also like to thank Lisa Spears and Autumn Minnick for the AWESOME job they did with Trunk or Treat. Once again they out did themselves.! I want to thank the army of volunteers who braved the chilly temperatures to make it successfull! We cannot thank you enough. I would like to take a minute to thank some special donors for their contributions to Trunk or Treat. First off I would like to thank Harp’s  for donating the cookies. They are one of our Partners in Ed. and they are always so good to Euper Lane! I would also like to thank Coca Cola B ottling Company   for the soft drinks - Tina and Roger Meek gave us a ton of sodas to use! Yearbook sales are now underway - be sure to order yours now. Thanks to Monica Baber and Blythe Flake for agreeing to head up the Yearbook this year! If you have any pictures you would like to share be sure to send them in! There is a Josten’s app for your phone to help make this easy. The Chili Dog Dinner will be November 18th as a wrap up to the Book Fair. Thank you Paulina Brasuell for chairing this! The Euper Lane Science Fair is November 18th and we need volunteers to help with checking in and setting up that morning. If you would like to help please let me know! There will be a sign up sheet at the next PTA Board Meeting on November 3rd or you can email me at [email protected] . Thanks to everyone- see you soon! Sincerely, Marcie McKinney, PTA President Congratulations to the New Student Council Officers Matt Lee, President Grant Johnson, 1st Vice President Beck Williams, 2nd Vice President Maria Serrano, Secretary Walker Armstrong, Treasurer  Friday , November 4, 2011 Issue No. 3, 2011-12 the Eagle Flyer is a monthly publication ....of....  Euper Lane Elementary School  Fort Smith, Arkansas In This Issue..... Chili Dog Dinner “Veteran’s Day” by Emily McKinney Student Council News & Food Drive Mrs. Glidewell Profile Dear Madelene “My Friend Nadia” by Keylee Bates Science Fair Info Star Wash Fundraiser “The Cutest Boy in School” by Faith Capocelli Emily’s World Trunk-or-Treat PE & Bank News “One Creepy Night” by Madison Blaylock .......and much more

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EAGLE FLYERDear Parents, Families and Friends,

Thank You! I want to thank everyone who has helped this last month!

There has been a lot going on here at Euper Lane. I would like to thank

Laura Blythe for organizing the motivational program for the students. It

was a wonderful program and I know the students learned a lot from it.

I would also like to thank Lisa Spears and Autumn Minnick for the

AWESOME job they did with Trunk or Treat. Once again they out did

themselves.! I want to thank the army of volunteers who braved the chilly

temperatures to make it successfull! We cannot thank you enough. I would

like to take a minute to thank some special donors for their contributions to

Trunk or Treat. First off I would like to thank Harp ’s  for donating the

cookies. They are one of our Partners in Ed. and they are always so good to

Euper Lane! I would also like to thank Coca Co la Bot t l in g Com pany  for

the soft drinks - Tina and Roger Meek gave us a ton of sodas to use!

Yearbook sales are now underway - be sure to order yours now.

Thanks to Monica Baber and Blythe Flake for agreeing to head up the

Yearbook this year! If you have any pictures you would like to share be sure

to send them in! There is a Josten’s app for your phone to help make this

easy. The Chili Dog Dinner will be November 18th as a wrap up to the Book

Fair. Thank you Paulina Brasuell for chairing this!

The Euper Lane Science Fair is November 18th and we need

volunteers to help with checking in and setting up that morning. If you

would like to help please let me know! There will be a sign up sheet at the

next PTA Board Meeting on November 3rd or you can email me at

m m too t hdoc@cox- in t e rne t .com . Thanks to everyone- see you soon!


Marcie McKinney, PTA President

Congratulations to the New Student Council Officers

Matt Lee, President

Grant Johnson, 1st Vice P resident

Beck Williams, 2nd Vice President

Maria Serrano, Secretary

Walker Armstrong, Treasurer

 Friday, November 4, 2011 Issue No. 3, 2011

the Eagle Flyer

is a monthly publica


 Euper Lane Elemen


 Fort Smith, Arkan

In This Issue....

Chili Dog Dinner

 “Veteran’s Day”

Emily McKinney

Student Council

News & Food Dr

Mrs. Glidewell P

Dear Madelene

 “My Friend Nadi

by Keylee Bates

Science Fair Info

Star Wash


 “The Cutest Boy

School” by Faith


Emily’s World


PE & Bank News

 “One Creepy Nig

by Madison Blay

.......and much m

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Spicy Good Tim es fo r A l l !A Chili Dog Dinner is scheduled for Friday, November

18th fr om 5: 30 - 7: 30 pm in the Euper Lane Cafeteri

Plates are $5 each for a hot chili dog or warm bowl o

chili, chips, crackers, dr ink and a dessert . YUM! You

can buy your tickets early to beat the dinner time rus

or you can purchase your tickets at the door. You willalso have the option of purchasing your dinner “to-go

or dine among friends! An event flyer with more info

will be sent home soon.

After you have enjoyed your chili dog, please plan to

spend some time checking out the many exciting

books for sale

at the Book

Fair .

For some added

fun at t he end

of the evening,

there will be a

drawing to win

a great football

autographed by Ty l e r W i l son , t he Quar t e rback f o

th e Razorbacks  . We hope you will join us for a grea

dinner and a good book (and if you are lucky -- a

collectible football too)!! 

PTA REFLECTI ONSCONTESTWhat does Di ve rs i t y  mean to

you? We want to know! Tap

into your creative abilities and

express diversity through

photography, visual art,

literature, dance

choreography, m usic

com position, or video. Need

m ore inform ation or help?

Contact Dwonne Cogswell

(452-8580 or

[email protected]).

Forms and rules are available

in the Reflections Notebook in

the school office.

Com e on , exp ress your se l f !  

Veter an ’s Dayby Lauren McKinney, Fifth Grade

Check out current EuperFourth Grader, Avery Las ter ,and fomer Euper studentCam eron Law performing inthe national touringproduction of The Wizard o f  

Oz  on Novem ber 14th at t heArkansas Best PerformingArts Center at the Fort SmithConvent ion Center.

Of f To See th e W izard !

Veteran’s Day is a once a year holidaythat reminds us of our heroes and whatthey did or do for our count ry. Aveteran is a person that served or

serves in the Army, Navy, Air Force, orthe Marines. Since we are the # 1 mostfree country in the world, we shouldrem ember and thank our soldiers. Anice thank you to the soldiers would bem aking a kind of hom emade card.They would love it! So, I thank youveterans for what you do or have donefor our count ry. Thank you for readingthis article.


Vete ran ’ s Day i s Fr i day , Nov em ber 1 1

I f y o u a r e i n t e r e st e d i n l e ar n i n g m

abou t ou r m i l i t a r y he roes , ask y

paren t s t o he lp you t ake a l ook a t

w ebsi t es li s t ed be lo

w w w . u s o .w w w . d a v .

w w w . a m i l l i o n t h a n k s .

w w w . any s o ld i e r .c

w w w . 1 8 8 f w . a n g . a f

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Terrific Turnout for Trunk-or-Treat!We just wanted to say a great big “Thanks” to everyone who helped

make Trunk-or-Treat so much fun this year. To all those who decorated

their cars and handed out tons of candy, you were fabulous, creative,

PATIENT, and over-the-top this year. To all the donors, Harp’s, Coca

Cola Bottling Company, Reddy Ice, and Chuck E. Cheese, we are

thankful for your generosity! And, to all the volunteers who worked

there “BOO-ties” off, you are the best! An especially large thank you

goes out to the Northside and Southside students, to the ladies who

toiled in the cafeteria, and to all you folks outside who worked your

shift, plus a little (or a lot) extra - we owe you one!

Laura and Keith Blythe, Blythe Flake, Charlotte Johns, Veronica

 Jenkins, Marcie McKinney, Jennifer Sexton, Paulina Brasuell, Shera

Bean, August Ladd, Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Arens, Mrs. Glidewell, Mrs.

Matthews, Mrs. Kincannon, Ms. Penix, Tiffany Null, The Londinos,

Gary Brooks, Sheila Roper & Cindy Russell - YOU WERE FANTASTIC!

Lisa Spears & Autumn Minnick 

Trunk or Treat Committee Chairs

C ostume Contest Winners: Matt Lee, Wyatt Robinson, Makaia

Brown, Addie Evans, Austin Thomas, and Patrick Mush

Car Decorating Contest and Family Costume Winners:



S AY  C H E E S E ! 




My best fr iend Nadia is areally good friend. Herfavor ite color is blue. Sheblack hair and brown eyes

Nadia is dark-skinned and think t hat is really cool. LNadia is very creative, sma

funny, and nice.

My Best Fr ien d, Na

by Keylee Bates,

Fourt h Grade 

D r a g on D r a w i n gby Carlos Lizama, Sixth Gr

Florida is fun. I t has a lot sand and is hot. I t hascondos. I t has a waterparForida is cool.

Flor ida

by Jess Minnick, First Grad

DO YOU HAVE A DIRTY VEHICLE?We have a solution that will give you a shiny vehicle and rais

money for Euper Lane School. STAR WASH car wash will don

$4.00 to our school for every $10 carwash purchased from

November 1st to November 30th.

All you have to do is:

1. GO to either Star Wash location: 8411 Phoenix Ave. (byMarket Place) or 3751 Rogers Ave. (right before Creekmore P

2. GIVE the code of 1111 to the attendant or punch in the c

and choose the $10 wash.

Your vehicle is clean and the school earns money!

Share this info with friends and family - the more vehicle

washed, the more money goes to the school!

1st grade and kindergarten wentto t he pumpkin patch onHalloween. They went in a cornmaze, and slid down a m ulchslide. Also, they went on a hay-

ride. They picked their pumpkinsfrom a pum pkin patch too. Wow,

they m ust have had a blast!

Pum pk i n Pa t ch

by Holli Jenkins, First Grade 

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Thanks again for sending your child to school in

appropriat e shoes and clothes for t heir PE day! I really

appreciate your support . We have been so lucky

"weather-wise" and have been able to play outside a lot

th is fall. We have finished our football and soccer unit s

and will be playing some golf in t he next few weeks. We

have wonderful modified golf equipment that helps all ofthe kids learn in an easy and safe manner.

All grades participated in fun indoor and out door

Halloween games like Witches Tag and throwing Frisbees

at t he pumpkin m an on the wall! Kids who are 8 years

and up have been trying out for the “ Elk s Free- Thro w

Hoop Shoot Cont es t ” which is January the 7th at Darby

Junior High. This is optional so your child m ay or m ay not

have part icipated. Any child can participate in th is event

so if you would like more inform ation just em ail me or

call me at school.

4th- 6th grades have run t heir November Marathon

Club which was a 5 minute run. Congr a ts to Mrs .

Gl i dew e l l ' s cl ass f o r show ing m uc h im p r ov em en t

f r o m t h e O ct o b e r r u n .  

Finally, I am a St. Louis native and HUGE die hard

Cardinals fan so your child m ay have learned a bit about

Major League Playoffs and the World Series! :)

Colleen Orick -- PE -- Euper Lane Elementary

CAN WE DO IT? YES WE CAN!Student Council kicks off canned food drive t his mont h.

The Student Council will be sponsoring our annual

canned food drive to benefit the Salvation Army and the

Comm unity Clearinghouse. I t will be held Novem ber 8th

th rough the 18t h. We will be collecting canned and/ or

non-perishable items to h elp feed t he hungry in our

comm unity. Students should bring items to their

classroom where they will be counted by the student

council before being moved to the hallway outside the

counselor's office. Thank you for y our support !


Madelene ’s Mys ter i

Dear Madelene,

I need adv ice! I

w asn ’ t chosen f o r t he pa

I w an ted i n a g i r l s p l ay

and m y BFF go t p icked ft he r o l e. Wha t shou ld I


Wr ong Ro le

Dear W r ong Ro l e ,

N o b o d y g et s w h a t  

t h e y w a n t e ve r y t i m e .

Un f o r t u na t e l y , one o f t ht h i n gs you have t o accep

w h e n a u d i t i on i n g i s n o t  

g e t t i n g t h e p a r t y o u w a n

I t ’ s OK t o be upset f o r a

s h or t t i m e , b u t t r y t o m a

t he bes t o f i t .

Cong r a t u l a t e you r f r i end

and m aybe p rac t i ce l i net oge t h e r . En j oy t he  

p r o d u c t i o n w i t h y o u r B F

a n d m a k e i t t h e b e st e v e

Good Luck !  

Best W ishes ,

Made lene  

Thanksg iv ing Break i s

N ov e m b e r 2 3 r d - 2 7 t h t h

year . Fa l l Par t ies w i l l b

on N ovem be r 22nd !

Happy Thank sg iv ing !

D on ’t f o r ge t t o t u rn i n you r Yea rbook o rde r

fo rm by Decem ber 1s t ! And use th e FREE

yearbook app on your iPhone t o share p ics !

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Questions & Answers

with Mrs. Glidewell

by Morgan Anderson, Fourth 

Grade and Ashlynn Johnson &

Lillian McCombs, Sixt h Grade  

H o w l o n g h a v e y o u t a u g h t ?26 years

What d o y ou t each? 

4th grade, all subjects

Why do y ou l i k e t o t eac h? 

I love kids and I love to watch

their faces when they learn so

thing new.

Mrs. Glidewell's birthday is

December 2nd and her favorite

color is blue. She likes to readher backyard. Her favorite bo

is "Wher e The Red Fern Grows

and her favorite movie is "The

Princess Bride" . Mrs. Glidewel

students say she is really nice

and an outstanding teacher. S

if you get her for fourth grade,


CORRECTION!!!!!Mrs. Pankey's favorite color is

GREEN, NOT PI NK! We regre

the error in our previous issue

Mrs. Pankey recently att ended

Southside National Honor Soci

Induction ceremony and 2 0 o f

he r f o rm er Eupe r Lane si x t h

g rade st ud en t s w e re i nduc t

i n t o t he N a t i ona l Hono r

Soc iet y - a p roud m om en t fev e ry one !


The Book Fair is landing November 14t h t hru the

18th and will be open both before and after school all

week and during the Chili Dog Dinner on November the

18th f rom 5: 30 to 7:30.

Are you a fan of the D ia ry o f a W im py K id  books?

Students can pre-order a copy of the new Diary o f a  

W im py K id Book # 6 : Cab in Fev e r  , scheduled for

release on November 15 th. Preodered copies will be

delivered to t he school during the Book Fair or, at the

latest, the following week. The book is $8.49 plus tax.

Order form s will be attached to an informat ion flyer t hat is

coming soon!

Students can also shop online star ting Nov 8t h and

continuing thr ough Nov 28th. Just go to the scholastic

website at s cho last i c .c om / s choo lbook f a i r s  .

Make your online w ishlist for parents or grandparents and

check out all the great books that are available.

Readingisoutofthis world!


Calling all Scientists!The Science Fair will be held on Friday, N o v em b e r 1 8 t h !

1. All ent ries must be brough t to school on the day of the Fair.

2. Please bring your projects & completed registration form s to the tornado

shelter between 7 : 30 and 8 : 30 a .m . The Fair personnel must check in the entr ies.

3. There will be PTA volunteers available to assist wit h setting up ent ries,

but t his is ultim ately the responsibility of the entrants.

4. Judging will take place between the hours of 8:45 a.m .-12: 30 p.m.

5. Classroom walk-th rough if desired will be from 1: 00-2 : 45p.m .

6. Winning entries will be clearly marked for public viewing from 5: 30- 7: 00 p.m.

during the Chili Dog Dinner.

7. Entries are to be removed after 7:00 p.m ., Novem ber18.

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On e Cr eepy N ig h tby Madison Blaylock, Second Grade 

One cold windy n ight Madison and Finley and Jacob

were looking out of a window and saw something

lurk ing in the dark . Jacob said “ it’s a goblin”. Madis

and Finley screamed and hid in their bedrooms. Jus

then, Mom and Dad pulled up in t he driveway and o

 jum ped the goblin. Mom screamed “Oh! No!”. All th

vampires, werewolves, and goblins found t heir victim

Finley, Madison, and Jacob went to their backyard -

was fil led with werewolves. “Oh! No!” they all said

and got att acked by werewolves. The three kids ma

a formula and drank it. They turned into humans

again. They made more of the formula and tur ned

everybody into humans. 

Four t h Grader Sam anth a  Craw fo rd says “ Chr i s tm as  i s com ing up so f i n i sh hoe ,hoe , hoe ing in t hose ga r -  dens! Get th ose candy c an e y u m m ie s ( a n d c oo k -  i e s f o r s a n ta ) r e ad y t o  g n a w o n ! ”  

BANK NEW SBank deposits in October

totaled $1,119.56 with only 3

bank days. On average, 100

Euper student s are making

deposits on each bank day -


Remaining bank days with

Team One employees will be

on November 4, 11, 18, and

December 2.

Team Two t raining will be at

Benefit Bank on December


VOLUNTEER WANTED: The Bank is looking for a par e

volunteer t o help produce Benefit Bank comm ercials f

the Eagle Eye News. The commercials are planned o

Tuesdays from 12: 20 t o 1: 00 and are filmed live on

Thursday morning from 8 to 8: 30. If you are

interested, p lease contact Margaret McClellan.

Par ro t D raw ing

by Nicholas Watkins, Second Grade 

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Et han Arn o ld :The Cut es t Boy in Schoo l

by Faith Capocelli, Second Grade You know it 's Ethan Arnold. He has the cute face,

the cute hair..t he best hair, I th ink. I m ean, "Have

you seen him ?!" HE I S SO CUTE! ! All the girls lik

him , even m e!! !! !! He loves sports. He plays spo

on the playground every day. Most days, I swing f

like 2 minutes, then my friends and me go cheer fo

him . Thank you and good day.

Heal th TI PS fo rHea l t hy K I DS

I n t h e Sou t h w est T im es Reco rd

on Oc t obe r 30 t h , t he re w e re

s om e g rea t t i ps f o r k i ds and

t he i r h ea l t h . He re a re a f ew !

1 . Sw i t c h t o l ow - f a t m i l k . Ou r

c af e t e r i a o f f e r s sk im o r 1 %

on l y , d i d y ou k now t ha t ? YEAH !

2 . Tr y t o e a t a t h o m e m o r e t o

avo id fas t - fo od . There a re

hea l th y fas t - food cho ices bu t

m any c ho i ces are h i gh i n s uga r ,

sa l t , f a t , and ca lo r ies .

3 . Enc ou rage f r equen t hand -

w as h ing . W e t a l k abou t t h i s a

lo t in c lass . Make sure yo u u se

s oap and w a t e r f o r 20 s ec onds

a n d u s e a t o w e l o f s o m e k i n d t o

d r y !

To your ch i ld 's hea l th , and

your s too ! ! ! ! From Ms . Or ick !

No Talking People!!!

Emily’s Worby Emily Maxwell, Fourth Gra

Eth an Arno ldPhoto by Faith Capocelli &

Julie Garcia, Second Grade 

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Rem ember t o v i s i t us on l i ne a t

h t t p : / / w w w .f ss c.k 1 2 .a r .u s / s ch o o ls / e u pe r / f as t fa ct s .h t mor

Check us ou t on Facebook - j us t search fo r Euper Lane PTA!


PTA Boa r d M ee t ing - 2 PM

B a n k

B a n k

B oo k Fa i r ( 1 4 t h t h r u 1 8 t h

C h i l i D o g D i n n e r

B a n k

Sc ience Fa i r

Fa l l Pa r t i e s & G r o u p Pi c t u r

T h a n k s g i v i n g B r e a k ( 2 3 - 2

C lasses Resum e


PTA Boa r d M ee t ing @ 11 A

B a n k

B a n k

PTA Gene r a l M ee t ing &

Pr o g r a m @ 6 : 3 0 PM

B a n k

En d o f 2 n d Q / S e m e s t e r



Classes Resum e



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The Eagle Flyer is published monthly by Euper Lane

Elem entary School. Subm issions to the Eagle Flyer

should be m ade via email t o [email protected], or

in paper form t o the school office. Deadline for

submission is the 25th of each month.

Fr iends on t he Playg round

Photo by Morg an Anderson, Four th Grade

Wind Ch im e

Photo by Eugen e Sing le t er ry , Four th Grade

We have ano the r f un ska te n i gh t

p l a n n ed f o r D e ce m b e r 8 t h f r o m 6 t o

8 PM so m ark you r ca lendars . Cost

w i l l b e $ 4 p er p e r so n ( $ 2 w i l l g o t o

Euper Lane) .