early christian architecture


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Page 1: Early christian architecture
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1) Propylaeum- the entrance building of a sacred precinct, whether

church or imperial palace.

2) Atrium- the forecourt of a church; as a rule enveloped by four

colonnaded porticoes.

3) Narthex- the entrance hall or porch proceeding the nave of a


4) Nave- the great central space in a church. In longitudinal

churches, it extends from the entrance to the apse (or only to the

crossing if the church has one) and is usually flanked by side aisles.

5) Aisle- one of the corridors running parallel to the nave of a church

and separated from it by an arcade or colonnade.

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6) Crossing- the area in a church where the transept and the nave


7) Transept- in a cruciform church, the whole arm set at right angles to

the nave.

8) Apse- a recess, sometimes rectangular but usually semicircular, in the

wall at the end of a Roman basilica or Christian church. The apse in the

Roman basilica frequently contained an image of the Emperor and was

where the magistrate dispensed laws. In the Early Christian basilica, the

apses contained the "cathedra" or throne of the bishop and the altar.

9) Clerestory- a clear story, i.e. a row of windows in the upper part of a

wall. In churches, the clerestory windows above the roofs of the side

aisles permit direct illumination of the nave

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Page 16: Early christian architecture

The term early Christian architecture refers to the architecture of the early

Christian churches of the roman era

This is further divided into two types; the basilica church and the alternative

church plans

With Christianity accepted as a state religion in Rome and expanding in

influence, it became necessary for architecture to respond to the space demands

of the new religion

A building used for Christian worship had to provide a path for the processional

entry and exit of the clergy, an alter area, where the clergy celebrated mass, a

space for the segregation of the clergy from congregation during the procession

and communion

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The architecture of the church that developed was not a completely new

style, but the use of available Roman forms to satisfy a new program need

The form chosen for the early church was the Roman basilica

It was suitable for use as a church with no serious modification and it could

be easily and rapidly built at low cost

The Basilica was also preferred because of the emphasis on participation in


The most common form of the early churches had a rectangular hall with a

timber trussed roof

It also had one or two isles on each side of a central nave and an apse at one

end facing the principal entrance located at the other end

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Most of the early churches had clerestory lighting

Clerestory windows were developed to give light to the central part of the


Gradually, the clerestory windows became a symbol of the transcendence

and grace of god

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St Peter was the most important of the basilica churches built by Constantine

The church has a triple entrance gate leading to an atrium

The Basilica had a wooden roof of interlocking rafters

The nave did not lead directly to the apse but instead ends in a transverse

space that is as high as the naveThe nave terminated in a triumphal arch that

framed the curve of the apse

S. Peters, Rome AD 333

Some of the early churches were built over the tomb of martyrs and are

known as martyrium

St Peters is one of the earliest and most important of the matyrium churches

It was built over what was believed to be the tomb of Saint Peter who was a

disciple of Jesus

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