ears quiz night 2010 by steve venner (w6tan). welcome to the ears quiz night !!! a mixture of...

EARS Quiz Night 2010 EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN)

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Page 1: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night 2010EARS Quiz Night 2010By Steve Venner (W6TAN)

Page 2: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!!

•A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical, factual, …•Some multiple choice – others straight answers.•Some easy, some tricky, some to trick you!•But all in fun.

35 questions – in about 30-45 minutes.

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Page 3: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

First steps…

•Form a team.•Choose your team captain.•Choose your team name.

Page 4: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Before we begin – A few ‘rules’:

• No shouting out the answers.• No asking questions once the quiz has started.

• Read / listen to the question.• Answer the question as asked.• Points for bonus questions

• No web-browsing with cell phones / PDAs etc.• Turn off cell phones – please!!!• Any questions ???

Page 5: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Are you ready ???Are you ready ???

Page 6: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 1:

What does the acronym PARC stand for in the following URL (WEB address)?


Page 7: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 2:

If the US has the ARRL, the UK has the RSGB and Finland has the SRAL…

Which country is associated with the ORARI?


Page 8: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 3:


1.What is this component ?2.What is its value ?3.What is its tolerance ?

Page 9: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 4:

Who were the first people to observe and record the presence of sun-spots ?


Page 10: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 5:

A type of oscillator, using a hybrid of design techniques of both Armstrong & Colpitts types exists, and has been dubbed the ‘Armpitt’ oscillator.


+ =

Page 11: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 6:

The land area of which DXCC entities border on, or touch, the geographic North Pole?

a)Canada - VE, entity code 001b)European Russia – UA, entity code 054c)Asiatic Russia – UA, entity code 015d)Greenland – OX, entity code 237e)All of the abovef)None.

Page 12: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 7:

The late Rajiv Gandhi (7th Prime Minister of India) owned the call-sign VU2RG. His widow is Sonia Gandhi… What is her call-sign?


Bonus questions:

1.Where was she born?2.Who currently owns VU2RG?

Page 13: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 8:

In the following circuit, what is the total resistance between points A & B?

Bonus question:

If 5 Volts DC is applied to the circuit, what is the current flowing through R3?

Page 14: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 9:

The original Q codes were created, circa 1909, by the British government for maritime use. What query did QRG represent?

a)What is your true bearing b)Where are you bound forc)What line do you belong tod)What ship or coast station is that

Bonus question:

As used in ham radio - QRG is now a query about what operating parameter ?

Page 15: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 10:

From the Technician class question pool:

Under what conditions are amateur stations allowed to communicate with stations operating in other radio services?

a)When other radio services make contact with amateur stations. b)When authorized by the FCC. c)When communicating with stations in the Family Radio Service. d)When commercial broadcast stations are off the air.

Page 16: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 11:

This is the binary representation of a ‘famous’ call sign in ASCII.

01110111 00110110 01010100 01100001 01001110

What is the call sign?

Page 17: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 12:

The following discrete circuit is equivalent to which logic gate:

a)2-input AND gateb)2-input NAND gatec)2-input OR gated)2-input NOR gatee)2-input Exclusive NOR gate

Page 18: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 13:

In contesting, what technique of operating does the term 'S&P' refer to?

a)Tuning a band looking for QSO's. b) Finding a frequency and holding it as long as possible c) Changing the antennas (Switch & Polarity) - vert to horizd) None of the above

Page 19: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 14:

What DXCC entity separates Kure Island (KH7K) from Hawaii (KH6)?

a)Midway Atollb)Pearl & Hermes Atollc)Lisianski Islandd)Laysan Island

Page 20: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 15:

In what year, was the first telegraph message sent?


Bonus question:

Who sent it?

Page 21: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 16:

This famed Soviet explorer held the call-sign: RAEM.What was his name?

a)Kris Krenkelb)Ernst Krenkelc)Boris Zemlyad)Vladimir Spitzenberg

Page 22: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 17:

If four capacitors are connected in parallel, two of which are 10µF, and two are 1µF, what is the total capacitance ?


Page 23: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

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Question 18:

If you insert a simple SWR meter in your coaxial feed line, and it indicates an SWR of 4:1, the SWR meter is indicating your antenna efficiency. ..



Page 24: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

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Question 19:

From the General class question pool:

What is the maximum transmitting power a General class licensee may use when operating between 7025 and 7125 kHz?

a)200 watts PEP outputb)1500 watts PEP outputc)1000 watts PEP outputd)2000 watts PEP output

Page 25: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 20:

Which satellite monitors the Sun from a stationary position between the Earth & Sun?


Bonus question:

What is the name of that stationary position?

Page 26: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

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Question 21:

In the circuit on the right, what is the approximate power dissipated in R2, given that the hfe of T1 is 100.


Page 27: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 22:

Which DXCC entity extends the furthest North?


Page 28: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

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Question 23:

What is/was required to qualify for the Elser-Mathes Cup?

a.Be at the very top of the DXCC Honor Roll b.Set a new CW receiving speed record c.Have made the first trans-Pacific amateur 2-way QSOd.Have the first amateur 2-way QSO between the Earth and Mars

Bonus question:

How many times has it been awarded?

Page 29: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 24:

What are the outputs Q1, Q2 & Q3 on the logic circuit below, given that the inputs are A=1, B=0, C=1 & D=0?

a)Q1=0, Q2=0, Q3=0b)Q1=0, Q2=0, Q3=1c)Q1=0, Q2=1, Q3=0d)Q1=0, Q2=1, Q3=1e)Q1=1, Q2=0, Q3=0f)Q1=1, Q2=0, Q3=1g)Q1=1, Q2=1, Q3=0h)Q1=1, Q2=1, Q3=1

Page 30: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

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Question 25:

The informal ‘Q’ code QLF refers to what type of signal deficiency?

a.Splatterb.Chirpc.Poor CW styled.Hum or Buzz

Page 31: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

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Question 26:

What is the approximate resonant frequency (fc) of the tuned circuit:


Bonus question:

Given that the circuit has a Q of 100, what is the -3db bandwidth.

Page 32: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

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Question 27:

From the Extra class question pool:

How is Forward Error Correction implemented?

a)By the receiving station repeating each block of three data characters. b)By transmitting a special algorithm to the receiving station along with the data characters. c)By transmitting extra data that may be used to detect and correct transmission errors. d)By varying the frequency shift of the transmitted signal according to a predefined algorithm.

Page 33: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

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Question 28:On June 27th 2009, PI9CAM at the Dwingeloo radio telescope in the Netherlands made a successful EME contact to Australia on 23cm.

What was the minimum power used during the contact?

a)30 µWattsb)3 mWattsc)3 Wattsd)3 KWatts

Bonus question:The gain of the 23cm antennawas 46.2dBd, what was the ERP?

Page 34: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

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Question 29:

What is the name of the Op-Amp circuit?

a)A non-inverting amplifierb)An inverting Amplifierc)A voltage followerd)A unity gain buffer amplifier

Bonus question:

If RA is 1KΩ, and RB is 10KΩ – What is the output voltage if the input voltage is 1V?

Page 35: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 30:

The Echophone line of radios was produced by which manufacturer?

a)Eicho   b)Hallicrafters   c)Gonset   d)Hammerlund

Page 36: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 31:

Who wrote a play, with a title which contains 2 of the names in the International Phonetic Alphabet?

a.William Shakespeare.b.Neal Simon.     c.Oscar Wilde.     d.Robert Frost.

Bonus questions:

1. Name the play.2. Name the British rock-band who had a song with the same name.

Page 37: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 32:

Which Pacific Island is home to 3 DXCC entities?

Bonus question:

List the 3 entities (1 point for each)

Page 38: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 33:

How long must we wait for a Sunspot to reappear after disappearing around the limb of the Sun?

a.88 minutesb.2 daysc.13.5 daysd.27 dayse.11 Years

Page 39: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

EARS Quiz Night - 2010EARS Quiz Night - 2010

Question 34:

In bygone days, all Soviet hams would ask you to QSL to:

a.The Kremlin b.The Politburo c.Box 88, Moscow d.Siberia

Page 40: EARS Quiz Night 2010 By Steve Venner (W6TAN). Welcome to the EARS quiz night !!! A mixture of questions: historical, theoretical, operational, geographical,

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Question 35:

The organizational meeting of EARS was held on March 12, 1973, in Room 60 of the Escondido High School.

Who was the first club president?

Bonus question:

What was his/her call-sign?

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The end… almost!The end… almost!