east london printmakers - going underground

1 East London Printmakers presents Going Underground a group summer show ~ 28/30 JUNE ~ Shoreditch Town Hall 380 Old Street London EC1V 9LT ~

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ELP's 2013 group summer show catalogue.


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East LondonPrintmakerspresents

Going Undergrounda group summer show

~28/30 JUNE~Shoreditch Town Hall380 Old Street London



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East London Printmakerspresents

GoingUndergroundAn exhibition of new work


Anna Alcock - 04Jenni Allen - 05

Catherine Barrows - 06Gary Batchelor - 07

Jacki Baxter - 08Goetz Bayer - 09Alison Bernal - 10

Alice Valentina Biga - 11Anna Black - 12Blakkbyrd - 13

Jenny Blanchard - 14Ree Braithwaite - 15

Yann Brien - 16Janet Brooke - 17Rory Brooke - 18Ann Cattrall - 19

Belinda Chen - 20Niamh Clancy - 21

Liz Collini - 22Fabio Coruzzi - 23

Martin Davidson - 24Steve Edwards - 25Ferha Farooqui - 26

Rhed Fawell - 27Tina Fock - 28

Lydie Gallais - 29Dawes Gray - 30Pamela Hare - 31Geoff Harris - 32

Eleanor Havsteen-Franklin - 33Maggie Henton - 34

Emily Hopkins - 35Claire Hynds - 36

Yoko Iwaya - 37Katherine Jones - 38

Renata Kudlacek - 39Yvonne McSherry - 40

Martin Mossop - 41Louiz Nielsen - 42Ann Norfield - 43

Joanna Pawlowska - 44Sumi Perera - 45Kate Poland - 46

Helen Powles - 47Venessa Pugh - 48

Aiste Ramunaite - 49Peter Rapp - 50

Daniela Rizzi - 51Richard Roberts - 52Eleanor Rogers - 53

Katja Rosenberg - 54Italia Rossi - 55

Dolores de Sade - 56Ian Scaife - 57

Linda Scott - 58Euan Stewart - 59

Mirry Stolzenberg - 60Nicola Styan - 61

Judith Symons - 62Jasia Szerszynska - 63

Amanda Taylor - 64Marcia Teusink - 65

Laura Tynan - 66Raul Vazquez Torres - 67

Gini Wade - 68Catherine Walsh - 69

Maggie Warwick - 70Caroline Whitehead - 71

Rosalind Whitman - 72Janet Wilson - 73

Sisetta Zappone - 74

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Anna Alcock ~Child’s Imagination - Cry Wolfscreen print, charcoal, fabric and relief print collage2011

Child’s Imaginationscreen print and charcoal2011

~These works are part of a series called ‘A Child’s Imagination’ in which my children have the starring roles. Each work starts as either an etching, relief print or screenprint and is then finished off with charcoal, watercolour or fabric. Many of the works are unique one-off pieces.



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Jenn i Al len ~Peering 1screen print2013

~An exploration of contemporary religious architecture.


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Cather ine Barrows ~Untitledphoto polymer and mono print2012

~Vulnerability, sensitivity and femininity are recurring themes in my work.Our relationship with the natural world and it’s reflection of our own inner landscape inspires me. I prefer to work on single editions and combine different printmaking techniques to add atmosphere and depth. This multi-layered approach is also symbolic of our depths as humans and the different layers we hide or reveal to the outside world.



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Gary Ba tche lor

~Untitledscreen print2013

~Since graduating from Winchester School of Art in 2007 within Fine Art Printmaking, Gary Batchelor’s new work explores the visual relationship between the use of colour and figurative suggestion to express movement. The combination of such techniques manipulates the outcome by aesthetically simplifying forms, allowing the mood to evolve both effortlessly and timelessly. The collaboration of colours embedded through the arrangement of layering develops the illusion between the subject and the viewer.



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Jack i Baxter ~Enamel Spoonoffset litho

~The influence of the artist’s culinary background and her interest in the architecture of the domestic environment appears in her recurring subjects: kitchen utensils, cups, saucers and crockery. Baxter believes that the everyday domestic items connect with us on a subconscious yet powerful, level. Her work challenges the presentation of the ‘ordinary’, inviting the audience to reassess its reactions to everyday objects and notions of value.



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Goetz Bayer ~“Predella” with Jesuswood print, gold plated2013

I Don’twood print2012

~The print shows Jesus with Predella and 11 apostles. But who is Predella? - The girl with the high heels.Short story: well-rounded lady feels being asked, why she stopped smoking. - But she didn´t stop smoking and answers to herself: I don´t



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Al i s on Be rna l ~Double-PipesDouble-Cranesrelief/ emboss2013

~ The work in this series is an exploration of depth and space using repeating motifs. The imagery is based on the construction work done on the 2012 Olympic site in East London. Drawings and photographs were developed, simplified and manipulated to the essential elements of the image and then transposed into the two parts of emboss and relief.



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Al ice Valent ina B iga ~Hungeretching on zinc2013

~Alice Valentina Biga’s practice combines different fragmented etched drawings in a continuous attempt to comunicate with the past and the painful episodes of life.The fragility of these images invites the viewer, however, in some ways it scares the viewer too. The items entice consumption, they implore the viewer to look at them until the viewer becomes part of the sentiments the images represent.



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Anna B lack ~Pedrolinocut2013

Father and childwoodcut2013

~Relatively new to printmaking, I am particularly drawn to portraits and exploring the territory of the face; with a background in drawing I enjoy mapping the sitter through the mark making. I am just as interested in what lies beneath as surface pattern and, depending on the subject, may emphasize one over the other. Although they are portraits firstly, I am looking to capture a connection with the viewer that transcends a likeness.


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Blakkbyrd ~Crow IIintaglio drypoint2012

~From Sydney, Australia; currently living and working in London. Founder and Director of Print Australia, the first international internet portal for printmaking (1999). Graduate of the University of Wollongong and Southern Cross University. Founded the Bellebyrd and Blakkbyrd arts blogs whilst living in Amsterdam (2004). Blakkbyrd is an arts writer and curator who works in a variety of mediums including photography, painting and printmedia. Represented in the Australian Print Collection and in public collections worldwide.



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Jenny B lanchard ~Stack 4carborundum, monotype and hand painting2013Tidemark 5carborundum and mixed media2013

~The four prints are resonant of barnacled rocks and drifting weed . However the starting points were collograph prints which I overprinted and from which I then made paintings.I was interested in how I could manipulate what was for me a new medium. In this case : carborundum. My intention as always to reach a point that was a complete surprise to me.



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Ree Bra i thwai te ~Living Languagescreen print2013

~I have been explor ing co l laborat ive dance choreography that bridges classical and contemporary dance, investigating movement which can be viewed as underground.I have been fascinated with the methods that dance choreographers use to create innovative dance styles and one approach is creating hundreds of sketches of dance. This abstract print has been created from five different dance moves sketched at ballet and hip-hop theatre dance and performances.


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Yann Br ien ~Cross sectionsscreen print2013

~Yann Brien is a french printmaker living and working in London.

His recent work documents visually an ongoing research based on an investigation of the decision-making process, a reflection on the way one communicates with one another, and is inscribed in the continuity of a research linking visual content, language and psychology.

The resulting print work is based on figurative image-symbols and abstract geometrical constructions in which the usual points of reference such as distance and volume shift and dissolve to create an unique experience based on the active participation of the viewer.



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Janet Brooke ~Christ Church Spitalfieldslinocut2008

St. Mary Somersetlinocut2007

St. Nicholas Cole Abbeylinocut2008

St. Michael Paternoster Royallinocut2008

~My subject matter is the urban environment in its many forms, from graffitied streets to the latest skyscrapers. These prints are part of a larger series of linocuts inspired by the Wren and Hawksmoor churches of the City of London.



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Rory Brooke ~Hemerocallisscreen print2012

[email protected]


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Ann Ca t t ra l l ~Lazy Dog in Athenscollagraph with drypoint2013

~I like dogs. I also like collagraphs. This is a picture of a lazy dog I saw sleeping in the sun in Athens. I took a photograph of it, then worked on making a collagraph plate based on that, using card, glue, paste and scratched in drypoint lines. At the ELP studio I made two decent prints from it. I’ll keep one, the other one is for sale to anyone who like collagraphs and dogs.



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Bel inda Chen ~City in the Foxscreen print2013

Forest in the Owlscreen print2013

~Her passion for drawing and art began from a very early age. Growing up in a small family run ceramic factory in Taiwan. Belinda imagined the factory as a giant playground. It has inspired her to create from childhood striving to create dream-like utopia to be enjoyed by both children and adults of all ages.



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Niamh Clancy ~Bee Maietching2013

~Clancy’s work incorporates contemporary news stories, classic fairytales and fictional narratives based on research and site-specific observation. Bee Mai was inspired by a working trip to Thailand, the Thai people’s beliefs and folklore.



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L iz Col l i n i ~Afterwardsscreen print and gouache2013

~‘Afterwards’ is a reconstruction of a text found in Ely Cathedral ‘POST TEMPESTATEM TRANQUILLITAS’ and offers an inverted form of comfort, the calm coming after the storm, not before. It is what we all probably wish for.



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Fabio Coruzz i ~La Societescreen print, mixed media on canvas2013

~“…Provocative and ironic, Fabio Coruzzi’s language describes scenarios of social criticism, reflecting almost specularly the cultural reality of our metropolitan society, sandwiched, as he says, “between concrete and the asphalt”. Anonimous figures, chaotic spaces, urban life’s scenes,women and men in their working environment, athletes and hooligans at sport events, traffic of the city..Life flows incessantly within Fabio Coruzzi’s work and the author become a faithful witness of it…”Maria Vinella – art critic www.fabiocoruzzi.com


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Mar t in Davidson ~Plungelinocut2013Rock II woodcut2013

~My work explores the rhythms and forms of the natural world. The printmaking work is a distillation of drawings from observation and photographs, the final image, a result of reducing the complexities to a more abstract and expressive graphic equivalent.



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Steve Edwards ~Fontibuslinocut2012

~I have many sources of inspiration, but currently my main preoccupations are the outer world of the cityscape and the inner world of some of its inhabitants.

I love the rigour and hands-on nature of printmaking, especially etching and lino. When working the surface of the plate or block, I try to utilise methods that are partly out of my control.



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Ferha Farooqui ~Sublime dualitylinocut2013

~An image that captures the new professional émigré amongst the disappearing landmarks and shifting communities of East London.



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Rhed Fawel l ~Frankie’s 1st Flightscreen print2012

~I use collage, drawing and finally screen printing to explore the deconstruction of images and a process of reassemblage to create a poetical narrative. I take inspiration from nature and from the human form, focusing on human fragility.The pictures create their own stories, as I work on them they take on a life of their own, forming narratives that are completed in the viewer’s imagination. What the viewer reads into each image is as important as what was in my own head as I construct them, they can be interpreted in different ways depending on who is looking at them.



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T ina Fock ~A long Winter



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Lydie Gal la i s ~Azurscreen print2013

~Lydie is French and has studied at Camberwell College of Art. She has obtained a Masters Degree in Printmaking in 2003 and has since exhibited regularly in London. Her spontaneous abstract work hopes to awaken the senses through conveying feelings and emotions. She mixes colours, shapes and textures together to transport her audience into her world.

[email protected]


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Dawes Gray ~Hackney Rebel series of 9 printshand coloured etching and chine collé2013

~My prints are inspired by the life and work of the British painter and sculptor, Anthony Hancock. It has now been 50 years since the artist’s early career and subsequent rise to fame were first documented in the film, ‘The Rebel’. Although little has been written about Hancock in recent years, it is understood that whilst he remained convinced of his own true genius, many critics alleged that his “bland optimism” far exceeded any real artistic talent.



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Pamela Hare ~Destination Stationscreen print and mixed media2013

Thomas and Teddy etching2012

Golden Tagsscreen print2012

~Pamela is an artist and printmaker from Islington who presents urban views, from Victorian to Post Modern. She is influenced by the richness of colours and patinas and by the contrasts of dark and light and atmospheres of iconic buildings. Recent prints include St Pancras, which illustrates its transformation back into a Gothic Victorian cathedral. This work continues Pamela’s theme of tracing architectural fabrics connecting past to present, from church spire to glass citadel.



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Geof f Harr i s ~Thigles (Subatomic Particles)etching2012

Emptiness and Formetching2012

~These ideas have their roots in Dharma


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E leanor Havsteen-Frank l in ~Nebula IIetching2013

Satoris IIetching2013

~Eleanor Havsteen-Franklin’s work makes reference to macro and micro forms. Each composition brings together layers, textures, surfaces and formations. Her etchings are formed through an interaction between intentional linear drawing and conditions that generate randomness that occur within the process itself. These complex and yet delicate works have deeply textured surfaces which Eleanor explores further with the use of stitched threads, echoing the drawn lines and extend from the print as if emerging from the image.


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Maggie Henton ~Some Lost Street Names of ShoreditchInstallation: paper, acetate, pins, threadwall mounted installation, dimensions variable2013

~This installation charts my attempts to walk in Shoreditch follow an OS map dated 1872. A process of getting lost in a familiar place. Some of the streets have disappeared and some have been renamed.



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Emi ly Hopk ins ~ink on paper2012

[email protected]


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Cla i re Hynds ~New Perspectives; Panoramascreen print2013

~This piece explores the experience of walking around a planned, pedestrian town centre, namely Stevenage. The canopies that dominate this town become viewfinders in this panorama, forming framing devices that create a sequence of beginnings and endings.Up close, the constantly changing horizon imparts a sense of transition, each component part had corresponding counterpart. As you move along the concertina new images are revealed and the viewer is reminded of turning a corner in the town centre.



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Yoko Iwaya ~Cat-trapetching2013

Meow Meow Catsetching2013

~I presently work mostly in etching. In my drawings in preparation for making prints, I like to observe the sometimes comic and mysterious behaviour of dogs and cats in our lives. Often we seem to share the same feelings, but on the other hand, I also enjoy projecting my own stories onto them.



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Kather ine Jones ~Centrifugecollagraph and block-print on paper2012

~Contradictions between safe and unsafe, secure and insecure are a central focus of Katherine Jones’ work. In much of her previous work she has focused on a recurring greenhouse motif that simultaneously represents nurture, protection and suffocation.

In recent pieces such as Quiet Town and Centrifuge she turns her sights on the playground as a vehicle for describing these contrasting themes, focusing on the places designed specifically for the process of childhood play and experiment.



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Rena ta Kudlacek ~Fairytalescreen print2012

~“Fairytale” is a series of collage work, developed into screen-prints, reflecting the imaginary version of memories.The German romanticism burdened memory as a suffering of the present, calling it melancholy. Flowers an important element of the work, representing symbolism and mythology of meanings. The notion of plants having meanings is traditional, as seen in the play Hamlet for example, in the passage beginning “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance, ..



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Yvonne McSherry ~Cedricmixed media2013

~Since graduating from Brighton in 1998 I have worked mainly with photography but always like to draw, paint and collage. These mixed media pieces include a little newsprint but are mostly my own work and not about found imagery or necessarily have a narrative.



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Mar t in Mossop ~SoftMachine # 4screen print2013

~Martin Mossop is an artist printmaker based in North East London. His printmaking often originates from oil paintings. He works mainly with photopolymer gravure and screenprint. His work is influenced by film, photography, dreams and music. His prints are held in private collections worldwide.



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Lou i z N ie l s en ~Criss-crosspapercut screen print2013

~Between two points is a line.A storyline.A footpath, a desire path.A line of thought.A memory, a connection.An invitation, a friendship.Lines criss-cross the landscape and patterns happen.In this web of lines all things hold together.Some lines are fixed and strong,some are as fragile as paper.



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Ann Nor f ie ld ~Cutting out the dead wood 2screen print2013

[email protected]


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Joanna Pawlowska ~Black Tower, Panama City, Panamaprint on aluminium with mixed media2013

~Joanna Studied Fine Art at Central Saint Martins, where she graduated in 2010.She works in a variety of mediums including painting, s i lkscreen print ing and photography.Travel l ing extensively, she often finds inspiration in far away places.Joanna’s subject matter is mostly connected with being ‘away’ from home and feeling of being ‘up-rooted’. She lives and works in London.



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Sumi Perera ~MIND THE GAP X Installation of artist books, prints & fragments open-bite acid etching, aquatint, drypoint, sugarlift, monoprint, laser, stitch2007-2013

~An installation exploring the beauty of gaps, which exist within the underground spaces in London, and ‘gaps’ within cartography. Her work is exhibited internationally and won prizes: Birgit Skiold Award for excellence in Bookarts, Gold medal International Bookarts Competition, Seoul; 1st Prize at Shelter USA; etc. and has work in public collections: Tate Britain, V&A, Ashmolean, Oxford; Yale Centre for British Art etc. She is a fellow of the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers and Designers Craftsmen.



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Kate Po land ~Kensal Green 7 (Yellow)etching2013

~In my latest series of prints I buried etching plates in different parts of Kensal Green Cemetery for a month. The natural acids in the soil ate away at the zinc of the plates, so that when I print them, they produce images of the unseen corrosive subterranean life there – like CCTV for the soil.



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Helen Powles ~Council Flatsphoto etchings2012

~The artist is interested in recording aspects of the built environment in her locality. These ‘council flats’ in Tower Hamlets show how important providing social housing once was. Each one is an icon of its particular era.

[email protected]


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Venessa Pugh ~Long Way Homewoodcut2012

~This print was made in response to reading about desertification and soil erosion in the Sahel. Aggravated by climate change, rain patterns are disrupted and the soil cracks in the dry season. High winds and a lack of vegetation makes mulching difficult and reduces the ability of the soil to retain water and to remain fertile. A child I support in Burkina Faso has had to move with her whole village. This records her journey.


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Ais te Ramunai te ~Teenagerscreen print, lino cut, monotype, collage, pencil2013

~Aiste Ramunaite graduated from Vilnius Academy of Arts,exhibiting worldwide since 1983.....Sometimes I say No to all the Rules of printmaking and use screen frame,presses as a painter to pursue excitement of Unique ...



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Peter Rapp ~The Krakenlinocut2013

~From a series of prints inspired by “The Book of Imaginary Beings” by Jorge Luis Borges.



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Danie la R izz i ~Every Day I - Crocsphotopolymer etching2013

~This print forms past of a series of works inspired by everyday objects surrounding our daily lives which we depend on and use on a regular bases without giving a second thought to them. This series tries to draw our attention to the vital importance of the unglamorous and unexciting.



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Richard Rober t s ~Arthur Toms: Meat Pies Live Eelsscreen print2013

Tom’s Bakeryscreen print2013

~Ric hard Rober ts is a member of East London Printmakers and teaches printmaking at the London College of Communication. Although specialising in printmaking, Richard also uses photography, book arts and typography in his practice. Like his hero, photographer Eugène Atget, much of what Richard does is concerned with typological themes. Whether film endings, abandoned cinemas, shop fronts or old signage, Richard tries to capture the texture of history in his work.



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E leanor Roger s ~Man bird sun hill 3screen print2013

~Artists statement I make work in lino, screen print and etching. When I draw it is fast, simple and cut throat and I strive to hold on to this quality within my prints. I try to be honest in all I capture, and aim to create images that are inviting in their hope and strangeness.



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Kat ja Rosenberg ~Becca’s Bookslinoprint2013

~A Londoner’s personal twist on his locality, depicting non-existing shops and infrastructure - is it the past, or is it the future? A collaborative piece, with the concept by filmmaker Simon Ross.



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I t a l i a Ro s s i ~Untitledscreen print2013

~Italia Rossi‘s practice explores the space and the presence of the body, using subjects and imagery that derive from architecture, graphics, geometry, movement and identity. Her work deliberately mixes 3d and 2d aspects, combining drawings, etchings, photos and installations to create metaphors of processes, diagrams of things displaced in the space and maps of localised events in the time. Italia Rossi trained originally in Architecture. Her work has been awarded and supported by the British Council.

http://italiarossi.tumblr.com/[email protected]


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Dolores de Sade ~Chorus and So Onetching2013

~Dolores de Sade is a British artist who trained at Royal College of Art. She has exhibited across the UK and internationally. She was recently awarded the Royal Academy British Institution Award and the Birgit Skiold Book Award for excellence in book arts. Her work is held in the collections of the V&A Museum and the Government Art Collection, as well as in Thailand, China and Japan.



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Ian Sca i fe ~Parklinesdigital print2013

~In my work, I’m interested in exploring the interaction between shape and colour, and I’m often inspired by the synthetic colours and forms of manufactured objects, and by commercial processes. My digital prints are worked out on an Apple Mac using Adobe illustrator, which allows free experimentation with a variety of colour and shape combinations before output using a high end Epson Stylus Pro printer on archival quality art paper.‘Parklines’ began as a series of sketches of the markings in a car park, which I’ve fragmented into a series of interrelated geometric shapes and colours.



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L inda Scot t ~Untitledmonoprint2011

Sans Titremonoprint2011


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Euan Stewar t ~Twelve Angry Men I-XIIwoodcuts2012

~Twelve Angry Men explores expression, identity and the feeling of being both a part of or apart from the crowd. The subjects are football fans, whose heightened aggression and elation constantly fluctuate throughout the course of games and seasons. By putting these contorted, semi photographic faces through the expressive filter of the woodcutting process and exhibiting them in a sequential format, I want to confront the viewer with an extreme display of human nature.



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Mirry S to lzenberg ~Genya’s White Sauceaquatint etching2013

~Mirry’s ventures in 2d and 3d illustrations take on various forms ranging from artist books, large-scale time and sound based installations, printmaking and collage animations. She has a Fine Art Sculpture BA from Brighton University and an MA in Animated Theatre from London Central School of Speech and Drama. Her installations and performance art shows have showcased in London, Dijon, Paris and Brussels including the Arts Depot Gallery; London , The Tate Modern and Le Consortium; Dijon.”



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Nico la S tyan ~Hoxton Hall Exteriorscreen print2013

Hoxton Hall Interiorscreen print2013

~Nicola Styan studied an MA in printmaking at the University of Brighton. The Hoxton Hall series of prints represents Styan’s presence through her fingerprint at the only surviving Salon style Victorian Music Hall inLondon. The fingerprint enters the hall in ‘Hoxton Hall Exterior’ and performs in ‘Hoxton Hall Interior’. Her book ‘Fingerprint Remembers London in 2012’ illustrates the fingerprint participating at the Olympics and other memorable events held in London in 2012.



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Judi th Symons [email protected]


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Jas ia Szer szynska ~Utensils IVlithograph2013

~Jasia Szerszynska’s work has been shown widely in exhibitions in London, Japan and New York. Her work is in public and private collections including Manchester City Art Gallery, British Council Japan, Courtaulds PLC, Curwen Studio Archive and Bank of England.The Utensils shown in this exhibition are part of series of six lithographs and follow on from her solo exhibition “ The Kitchen Utensils of a Spitalfields House “ at Box Gallery, Princelet Street, London.



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Amanda Tay lor ~Headlandmonoprint2012

In Betweenmonoprint2012

~I studied printmaking at the London College of Communication in 2001, I am a member of East London Printmakers where I have been involved in a number of group shows and have annually taught collagraph printmaking at the ELP studio in Hackney and in Italy. As a printmaker my favourite processes are collagraphs, lino and etchings. My Hampshire roots have inspired me to create impressions of landscape and abstract forms. I generally produce small variable editions.



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Marc ia Teus ink ~Quotidian Traces 1relief print2013

Quotidian Traces 2relief print2013

~My work explores presence and the passage of time, often using found objects. This old cutting board shows traces of chopping and cutting in preparation for hundreds of meals. Its accidental marks record daily actions over an arc of time in which multitudinous events might take place in a household (in this case mine), from celebrations to births and deaths—not to mention all the less remarkable days.



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Laura Tynan ~Snowscreen print2013

~I previously studied history of art and completed a master’s in Medieval Art and Latin at University College Dublin, Ireland. I started printing in early 2012.


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Raul Vazquez Torres ~The Employee And The Bossscreen print2006

Buy Lovescreen print2012

Blind To The Corporationsscreen print2012

~Studying graphic design was the stepping stone to creating my own art. We live in a world crowded by objects that have come to us through merchandise and publicity. Through graphic design, I became aware of how objects are transformed into big personalities, often with a divine power. Corporations, globalization, advertising and mass production are subjects addressed by my artwork. I like to express the way corporations use and abuse advertising to seduce and manipulate the masses.



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Gin i Wade ~The Spirit of Carnivallinoprint2013

~Gini Wade had a long career as an illustrator and writer of children’s books before taking a slight swerve into printmaking. She completed an MA with distinction at Aberystwyth School of Art , and is now the lithography tutor at the Sidney Nolan Trust. She exhibits her prints internationally, and her work is held in various collections, including the Wellcome Trust Library. Spirit of Carnival celebrates that magical time when the mundane becomes extraordinary, and the world is turned upside down.



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Cather ine Walsh ~Yellow Lichen textile print on grey linen 2013

~Catherine uses screenprints and block prints to create artwork inspired by patterns and colours found in natural forms. She uses low-tech printing processes to create artwork and textile prints at home and teaches these processes in community classes.



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Maggie Warwick ~Boxed Setetching2012

A Fine Balanceetching2012

~Etching, the adding and taking away, the intricacy of the mark and the solidity of the etched plate create a kind of alchemy that, for me, is endlessly absorbing and exciting.My work looks at objects of beauty and sensuality, seemingly solid and timeless but embodying a vulnerability to the elements and erosion. It is about protection, preservation and fragility and, ultimately, about the inter-relationship and inter-dependence between regeneration and decay.



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Caro l ine Whi tehead ~Blue Bird ‘Still lives’ series collagraph with relief print2013

~Recently I have been working on two series of prints, “Still lives” and “Gloom of night”, all of which originate in drawings made in natural history collections, primarily those of Harvard University, the University of Bergen and the Natural History Museum at Tring. I am interested not only in the specimens themselves, but also in the environments in which they are displayed. These displays often result in unintended juxtapositions, provoking actual and metaphorical reflections.



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Rosa l ind Whi tman ~Expulsion from Paradiseetching, hand coloured2012

~I am exploring the ‘feminine principle’ in traditional medieval imagery, much of which is associated with alchemy. In many European manuscripts, woodcuts and engravings, of this period, the Biblical representation of Eve exerted a powerful cultural influence: the effect of this is still with us today.


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Janet Wi l son ~Nautilus Black & Whitecollagraph2013

~Janet Wilson lives and works in London. Inspiration for her collagraphs comes from the sublime character of the natural world.


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S i set ta Zappone ~Pescia Mapetching, craquelee2008

Nocturnalsetched, pressed lead book containing 9 images hand printed in varied etching techniques 2008

~Defined as a “Jungian neo-surrealist”, the work of Sisetta Zappone has been described as a unique style characterized by a solid arcane background. Subjects disclose a dense imagery of both the painful and the humorous, animals which seem ferocious are often revealed to be ultimately pathetic or impotent,a darkly funny view of our inner lives.Sisetta graduated with highest honours from the Fine Arts Academy in Florence. She then studied at Bisonte International School of Graphic Arts, earning herMA as a master printmaker. In 2010, she moved to London and worked in several schools and printmaking studios



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East London Printmakers is an independent collective of artists based in Hackney. Established in 1998, ELP celebrates its 15th anniversary this year. The studio was set up with the aim of providing a printmaking resource to promote the creative potential of practising artists and individuals in the local community. The spacious studio provides open access facilities and courses. It also organises exhibitions and events for the benefit of its members.

designed by Nick scottwww.narcsville.comcover image: Richard Roberts

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19 Warburton Road


E8 3RT

6 till late.

W W W . E A S T L O N D O N P R I N T M A K E R S . C O . U K

Invites you to an





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