easton’s 5 history themes. a theme is a big idea that is present in almost all of the history we...

Easton’s 5 History Themes

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Post on 02-Jan-2016




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Easton’s 5 History Themes

A theme is a big idea that is present in almost all of the history

we will study this year.

We will focus on one theme per unit of study:1. The Byzantine Empire2. The Islamic World3. Sub-Saharan Africa4. East Asia5.The Early Middle Ages6. The High Middle Ages7. The Renaissance and The Reformation8. The Scientific Revolution and The Enlightenment

Easton’s 5 History Themes1. Interaction between humans

and the environment2. Development and interaction

of cultures3. State-building, expansion and

Conflict4. Creation, expansion and

interaction of economic systems

5. Development and transformation of social structures

1. Interaction Between Humans and the Environment

a. Who lives where and why and how is that impacted by disease?

b. Why do people move?c. Why do people choose to live where they do?d. How do the natural resources impact technology?

1. Interaction Between Humans and the Environment Example

Immigration into the USA – Over the past 200 years many different ethnic groups have immigrated to America. Why?

2. Development and Interaction of Cultures

a. How do religions develop and why do people practice one religion over another?

b. How do people develop values and what will people do to protect those values?

c. How do science and technology impact the development of societies?

d. What does art and architecture say about a people and their culture?

2. Development and Interaction of Cultures

People practice many different religions – How

did these different religions develop and how

do they impact the people who practice


3. State-building, Expansion and Conflict

a. How do people organize their leadership and how do leaders achieve power?

b. What rights does a nation have and how do those rights impact the relationship with other nations?

c. How and why does leadership change?d. Why do people interact over long distances?

3. State-building, Expansion and Conflict

The American Revolution – Over 200 years ago, British colonists decided to rebel against the British king. Why?

4. Creation, Expansion and Interaction of Economic Systems

a. How do people make the food they eat?

b. How are goods exchanged?c. How is work divided and

organized among a people?d. How did the emergence of

industry impact societies?e. What are the benefits and

limitations of a free market economy?

4. Creation, Expansion and Interaction of Economic Systems

Food Production - How do people get the food they eat?

5. Development and Transformation of Social Structures

a. How are men and women treated in different societies ?b. What role does family play in society?c. What defines ethnicity and how have different ethnic

groups interacted within a society or region?d. How is society organized and what is the relationship

between social classes and economic status?

5. Development and Transformation of Social Structures

During the 1960’s many Americans fought for or against equality for black and white Americans. How did that

shape the relationship between blacks and whites today?

ActivityUsing your device, work with your group to research 5 examples of historical events that fit your theme. List the examples and write 2-3 sentences for each

example explaining why it fits your theme.