ecn - digital library/67531/metadc734456/m2/1/high_res_d/804751.pdfengineering change notice 6. desi...

s 7 & ENGINEERING CHANGE NOTICE FW.1 .f&4 1.m 659'720 .......................................... hi. ECN . ECN Category (mark one) Supplnmentai 0 D i n d Revision 0 Change ECN 0 Temporary Standby Supersedure 0 CanceWold 0 0 Yes (RiI out Elk. 12b) f2c.12d) 2a. Modiflcation Work 0 NA Elks. 12b. 4a. Justifloation (mark one) Criteria Change IXI Design Improvement 0 Environmental 0 FaciiHy Deadivation As-Found 0 Fadinate Const. 0 const. Error/Omission 0 Design Error/Omiulon 0 5. Distribution (include name I.A. Dautel N2 3. Originator's Name, Organization, MSIN, and Telephone No. W.A. Dautel, FFTF, N2-13, 373-9563 6. Project TRle/No.NVork Order No. Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) '9. Dowment Numbers Changed by this ECN (includes HNF-5243, Revision 0 None N/A 12b. Work Package No. N/A N/A N/A 4. USQ Required? 5. Date OYes No 6/13/00 7. Bidg./Sys./Fac. No. N/A SQD IO. Related ECN No(@. 8. Approval Designator 11. Related PO No. sheet no. and rev.) 12c. Modiflcation Work Completed 12d. Restored to Ori inal Conditbn (Temp. or Standby EC& only) Design Authority/Co Engineer Slgnature 8 Design AuthorityICo Engineer Signature 8 date Ir.d date 14b. Justification Details This change is an update, reflecting changes already approved. I RELEASE STAMP hSiN, and no. of copies) 13 2 copies ._ A-79004t51 4-7900-0132 (10/97)

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1 . m 659'720 .......................................... h i . ECN

. ECN Category (mark one) Supplnmentai 0 D i n d Revision

0 Change ECN 0 Temporary

Standby Supersedure 0 Cance Wold 0

0 Yes (RiI out Elk. 12b)


2a. Modiflcation Work

0 NA Elks. 12b.

4a. Justifloation (mark one) Criteria Change IXI Design Improvement 0 Environmental 0 FaciiHy Deadivation As-Found 0 Fadinate Const. 0 const. Error/Omission 0 Design Error/Omiulon 0

5. Distribution (include name I.A. Dautel N2

3. Originator's Name, Organization, MSIN, and Telephone No. W.A. Dautel, FFTF, N2-13, 373-9563

6. Project TRle/No.NVork Order No. Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF)

'9. Dowment Numbers Changed by this ECN (includes

HNF-5243, Revision 0 None N/A 12b. Work Package No.


4. USQ Required? 5. Date

O Y e s No 6/13/00

7. Bidg./Sys./Fac. No.

N/A SQD I O . Related ECN No(@.

8. Approval Designator

11. Related PO No. sheet no. and rev.)

12c. Modiflcation Work Completed 12d. Restored to Ori inal Conditbn (Temp. or Standby EC& only)

Design Authority/Co Engineer Slgnature 8 Design AuthorityICo Engineer Signature 8 date Ir.d date

14b. Justification Details This change is an update, reflecting changes already approved.

I RELEASE STAMP hSiN, and no. of copies) 13 2 copies

._ A-79004t51 4-7900-0132 (10/97)

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6. Desi n VerlficaUon 17. Cost Impact ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION 3


0 Yes I Additional 0 f Addltlonal 0 $ 1 Improvement 0

1. ECN (use no. from pg. 1)


18. Schedule Impact (days)

Delay 0 No I Savings t Savings 0 19. Change i m p d Review: Indicate tha related documents (other than the en lneerln documents identified on Side 1) that will be afkcted by

the change d e s u b d in Block 13. Enter the afleded document number inl iock A . SDDlDD

, I 0 SelsmldStress Analysis 0 Tank Callbration Manual 0 Fundlonal Design Criteria 0 Stredoesign Report 0 Heaith Physlcs Procedure 0 Opentlng Specillcation D Interface Conlrol Drawfng 0 Spans Mulliple UnR 1Wng 0

Conceptual Oesign Report 0 InstaUation Procedure Component Index 0 Equipment Spec. 0 Maintenance Procedure 0 ASME Coded Item 0

Procurement Spec. 0 Openting Ins!rudlon 0 Computer Sonwan 0 Vendor lnformatlon 0 Operating Procedure 0 Electric Circult Schedule 0


0 Process Flowchart 0 FSAWSAR 0

Radiation Work Permit 0 Essential Material Spedflcatlon 0 Purchase Requldtion 0 0 0 0

Environmental Report 0 Inspection Plan 0

CriticalHy SpedflcaUon 0 Calibratlon Procedure 0 Test ProcedursslSpk'cMcation 0

Const. Spec.. 0 Englneering Procedure 0 Human Factor Consideration 0

. OM Manual 0 Operational Safety Requirement 0 CRS Procedure

Safety Equipment Ust 0 Cell Arrangement Drawlng

Environmental impact Statement 0 Fac. Proc. Samp. Schedule 0 TlcMer File

Envtronmental PermU 0 Inventory Adjustment Request 0 organhation has been notifled of other affected documents listed below.


IEFO Dnwlng 0 Process Control Manuawlan 0

0. Other Affected Documents: (NOTE: Documents listed below will not be revked by this ECN.) Signatures below indicate that the slgnlng

Document Number/Revkion Document NumberlRevisfon Document Number/Revisian

1. Approvals Signature Date Sfgnature Date

Design Agent






Mher - Signature or a Control Number that track the Approval Signature

- % -


A-79ooo13-3 (10W

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Department of Energy Richland Operations office

P.O. Box 550 Richland, Washington 99362

JUL 2 6 2000

0004026 CC REDr 07/26/00

Mr. R. D. Hanson, President Fluor Hatford, Inc. Richland, Washington 99352


RL has approved the attached Revision 1 of the FFTF AA, as raqucsted by your latta to me dated June 27,2000 (FH-0003266). same subject. This AA contains key tams and conditions specific to the FFTF under which PHI is authorized to paform work. Any changes to the terms and conditions ofthis AA require RL approval.

Altached is the signed AA which becomes effective 30 days follmvhg the &e of final sirplatun of both parties and shall remain in c fkt until rescinded or revised by both parties in accordance with Clause H.58 of the Project Hanfoni Management Conmt (PHMC) Modification M032. The t m s of this AA, if breached in any manner by any party. shall not subject the breaching party to any liebilities, fincs, or prndties not alrrwfy impnsed under the terms and conditions of the PHMC and ament statutes, rules, regulations and ordinances.

If you have any questions, please contact me, or your staff may contact Pete Garcia of the Authorization Basis Division on (509) 372-1909.

Sincerely ,



cc w/attach B. k Austin, FHI W. A. Dautel, PHI G.RFranz,FHI D. B. Van Leuven, FHI


ECh3 659720


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Pape 1 of 1 Date Sept. 25, 2000


Project TiileMlolk Order Distribution

EDTECN Text MSlN MthAll Textonly Appendix Only

Attach. onlv

I FFTF Authorization Agreement

Dahl, Norman R

Dautel, William A

Davies, Thomas H

Doebler, Steven V


N2-57 X

N2-13 X

N2-36 X

N2-51 X

Farabee, Oliver A

Harville, L E

Klos, David B

Zimmerman, Richard 0

IBurton, B F Jr 1 T5-50 I X I I I

N2-36 X

N2-34 X

N2-51 X

N2-57 X

-# &

I Evans, c B 1 AO-26 I X I I I

Station 22, G.C. Perkins -t+s !? IL

Analysis & Support (OPS) 4 '7 V k

Analysis h Support (EP) N2-57 X L ,


I Technical Reference Center I N2-12 1 X L. I I I

Analysis h Support (Maintenace) n .,I c- Y

400 Area Training 4 57 V

FFTF QA N2-40 X h


DOE/RL Reading Room H2-53 X h


ABOOO-135 (1 0197)

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FFTF Authorization Agreement

HNF-5243 Revision 1

Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy Project H d W d MaMgement COntnctM fW the US. Department d Energy under Contnct DE-ACOWRLl3200

Fluor Hanford P.O. Box lo00 Richland. Washinaton

Approved for public rdeats; further dissemination unllmlted

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HNF-5243 Revision 1

ECN 659720

FFTF Authorization Agreement

Document Type: AA Division: FFTF

Key Words: Authorization Agreement, Authorization Envelope

Date Published September 2000

Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy Project Hanford Management Contractor for the US. Deparlment of Energy under Contract DE-ACO6-98RL13200 C;fuofi HMiarrlford P.O. Box 1000 Richland, Washington

. . . . .

Date Release Stamp

Approved for public release; further dlssernlnatlon unlirnlted

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TRADEMARK DISCLAIMER Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process. or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise. does not nsessarity constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof or its contractors or subcontractors.

This report has been reprodme0 from tne Des1 avaioaD e copy Avai able In paper copy and microfiche

Available e.ectron,cally ai hltp w aoe govrbridge Avai able for a processing fee to tne U S Department of Energy and its contractors in paper from U S Department of Energy Office of Sc entlfc and Tecnnical Information P 0 Box 62 Oak Rage. TN 37831-0062 phone 865-576-8401 fax 8655765728 emai. reportsaadonis os11 gou(423) 576-8401

Ava iable for sale to tne pub IC, in paper from U S Denartmen1 of Commerce Nationai Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 phone: 800-553-6847 fax: 703-605-6900 emaii: orders@ online ordering: hnp://www,

Total Pages: f 0

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FFTF Authorization Agreement

A-73M- (10197)

(1) Dowment Number

HNF-524 3 w . 1

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HNF-5243 Rev. 1







The purpose of the Authorization Agreement is to serve as a mechanism whereby the U.S. Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office (RL) and Fluor Hanford (FH) jointly clarify and agree to key conditions for conducting work safely and efficiently in the Fast Flux Test Facillty (FFTF). Work must be accomplished in a manner that achieves high levels of quality while protecting the environment and the safety and health of workers and the public, and complying with applicable contractual and regulatory requirements. It is the intent of this Agreement to address those items of significant importance in establishing and supporting the FFTF Authorization Envelope, but this Agreement in no way alters the terms and conditions of the Project Hanford Management Contract (PHMC), Contraet Number DE-AC06-96RL13200.


This agreement applies to operation of the FFTF Plant in standby and within the constraints of the documents listed in Section 3. The authorized mission is to maintain the FFTF Plant and affiliated 400 Area buildings in a safe and compliant standby condition. The condition of the plant hardware, software and personnel is to be preserved in a manner not to preclude a plant restart.

For the purpose of safety related documents (Authorization Basis, SARs, Hazard Categorization, USQ programs), the FFTF Plant is comprised of

(i) The following buildings: 403 405 453A, B, C 480A, B, D 481 481A 484 491E, S, W 462 IE, W 4703 4716 4717 4721

Fuel Storage Facility Containment Building DHX Switchgear AI, A2, A3 Deepwell Pumphouses Old Pumphouse New Pumphouse Chiller Building Heat Transport Buildings Auxiliary Buildings Control Building Rigging Loft Reactor Service Building Turbine Generator Building


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HNF-5243 Rev. 1




Major equipment which directly supports FFTF systems. For example: 408A, B, C 451A, B Sub Stations 482A, B, C 483 Cooling Towers 4734A Dewar Pad

The Interim Storage Area (ISA) for dly storage of irradiated fuel and the shelter building 432A. Although the ISA is an open area, in the Job Control System database, the ISA is designated as building number 4718.

Portions of FFTF systems not included in (i), (ii) or (iii) above (e.g., fire water loop piping). For systems such as the fire water loop and electrical supplies, portions of systems are not considered part of the FFTF Plant if they can be isolated by one valve, breaker, etc., from the plant system.

Dump Heat Exchangers

Water Storage Tanks


The FFTF Authorization Envelope establishes the limits of safe operation for all FFTF activities. These limits are based on documented design limitations, controls, regulatory constraints, and assumptions or commitments that are required and based on identified hazards associated with the FFTF facilities and operations. The Authorization Envelope includes the FFTF Authorization Basis as defined in Department of Energy (DOE) Nuclear Safety Orders (it. , DOE Order 5480.21), as well as the StandardsRequirements Identification Documents (SiTUD) and applicable environmental requirements. The documents listed below constitute the FFTF Authorization Envelope. FH shall maintain the documents under a disciplined configuration management program. FH shall assure that FFTF operations conform to these documents.

The FFTF Authorization Envelope consists of Sections 3.1,3.2, and 3.3 of this document

3.1 Safety Basis:

The FFTF Authorization Basis:

(i) WHC-TI-75002, “Fast Flux Test Facility Final Safety Analysis Report,’’ Amendment 79 and outstanding Engineering Change Notices thereto.

WHC-SD-FF-SAR-007, “Fuel Storage Facility Final Safety Analysis Report,” Amendment 5 and outstanding Engineering Change Notices thereto.

I (ii)


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HNF-5243 Rev. 1

Other Safety-Related Documentation:

(i) Chapter 20 of the FFTF Final Safety Analysis Report contains all Criticality Prevention Specifications, their bases, and the reference document listing.

WHC-SD-FF-FHA-001, “Fire Hazards Analysis for the Fast Flux Test Facility.”


3.2 The FFTF Environmental, Safety and Health (ES&H) Requirements Basis:

(i) HNF-SD-MP-SRID-006, “Fast Flux Test Facility Standards/Requirements Identification Documents (MUD).”

(ii) HNF-SD-MP-SRID-002, “FDH Contract Standardsmequirements Identification Documents (SKID).”

3.3 The FFTF environmental program portion of the Authorization Envelope consists of those permits, control documents, and other legal documents issued by an authorized agency under the authority of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended; the comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, as amended; the Clean Air Act, as amended; the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act), as amended; and the National Environmental Policy Act, as amended. The environmental program documents are:

Fast Flux Test Facility Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 18, “FFTF Environmental Specifications” (Part of the Authorization Basis, see Part 3.1 above).

Hanford Site Air Operating Permit Application (DOE/RL-95-07) for the 400 Area and applicable Notices of Construction.

State Waste Discharge Permit, No. ST 4501, forthe Plant Cooling Water Location: 400 Area inside the FFTF perimeter fence on the Hanford Site. (Effective date 8/1/96, modified date 2/10/98)

State Waste Discharge Permit, No. ST 4508, for Hydrotest, Maintenance, and Construction on the Hanford Site, Richland, Washington. (Effective date 5/15/97)

State Waste Discharge Permit, No. ST 4509, for Cooling Water and Condensate discharge locations on the Hanford Site, Richland, Washington. (Effective date 5/1/98)


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"F-5243 Rev. 1

400 Area Secondary Cooling Water sampling and Analysis Plan ("IF-SD-FF-PLN-002, Rev. 6) for the 400 Area Process Sewer, designed to implement the requirements of State Waste Discharge Permit, No. ST 4501, revised 2/10/98.

Phase I1 Liquid Effluent Program (Project W-252) Wastewater Engineering Report and BAT/AKART Studies, to update the 400 Area Secondary Cooling Water contained in Section 3.0 and Appendix B.6, due to modifications to State Waste Discharge Permit, No. ST 4501.

Draft Pollution Prevention and Best Management Practices for State Waste Discharge Permit, Nos. ST 4508 and ST 4509 @OE/RL-97-67, Rev. 3).

State Waste Discharge Permit, No. ST 45 10, for industrial stormwater discharges to engineered land disposal structures on the Hanford Site. (Effective date 4/1/99)

Dangerous Waste Permit Application, Part A, for the 400 Area (DOEiRL-91-28, Rev. 4).

Supplement Agreement #3, Contract No. AT(45-1)2269 between DOE and Energy Northwest (formerly Washington Public Power Supply System).

Environmental Assessment: Shutdown of the Fast Flux Test Facility, Hanford, Richland, Washington (DOE/EA-0993) for placing the FFTF in a safe condition, suitable for long-term surveillance and maintenance.

Environmental Statement, Fast Flux Test Facility, Richland, Washington (WASH-15 10) to provide information on all aspects of environmental impacts associated with the construction and operations of the FFTF.

Voluntary compliance letters, notice of correction, notices of non- compliances, notices of violation, notices of penalty, administrative or consent orders, or other legal documents issued by an authorized agency with delegated regulatoly authority that contain requirements applicable to the FFTF, including subsequent approved revisions to referenced documents.

This agreement shall be revised if new documents are added to or existing documents are deleted from the FFTF Authorization Basis, the FFlT Requirements Basis, and the FFTF environmental program portions of the Authorization Envelope. Revisions or updates to these Authorization Envelope documents shall not cause this Agreement to be revised.


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HNF-5243 Rev. 1


The FFTF facilities andor operations are subject to the terms and conditions as identified in PHMC Section C, “Statement of Work,” and Section H, “Special Contract Requirements.” The following are conditions supported by the PHMC specifically applicable to the FFTF.






Implement an unreviewed safety question (USQ) process consistent with the requirements of DOE Order 5480.2 1, “Unreviewed Safety Questions.” Obtain RL approval if it is determined, through implementation of the USQ process, that proposed or existing physical or procedural changes and proposed tests or experiments affect the FFTF Authorization Basis or result in a FFTF Technical Specification change.

Follow all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, regulations, d e s , ordinances (collectively, “Laws”), and permit conditions, unless a waiver or exemption is granted by the appropriate oversight authority, and implement the approved FFTF StandardsRequirements Identification Document @/RID). Approval of an SKUD does not relieve FH of responsibility for complying with Laws and permit conditions that are not included in an S/RID. The S/RID is a living document that must be revised and updated to reflect currently applicable and appropriate requirements. Specifically, the S/RID shall be revised in a timely manner to reflect changes to applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and permit conditions. Such changes do not require approval prior to implementation. Any other change to the SKUD must be submitted to RL for approval prior to implementation. The S/RID shall be resubmitted for RL review and approval at least annually. This submittal shall include a listing of changes made to or proposed for the SKUD and the supporting rationale. The annual submittal shall also include certification that the S/RID is current and appropriate for continued use.

Implement an integrated environmental, safety and health management system (ISMS) in accordance with the approved PHMC “Integrated Environmental, Safety and Health Management System Plan,” HNF-MP-003, Revision 2, and all subsequently approved revisions.

Implement the approved “Project Hanford Quality Assurance Program Description,” HNF-MP-599, Revision 3, and subsequently approved revisions consistent with Title 10, U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Section 830.120 (10 CFR 830.120), “Quality Assurance Requirements.”

Implement the approved “FDH Radiation Protection Program,” HNF-SP-I 145, Revision 2, and subsequent approved revisions consistent with 10 CFR Part 835, “Occupational Radiation Protection.”


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HNF-5243 RCV. I

7 4.6 Conduct operations at the FFTF consistent with the a p p r o d applicability matrix

required by DOE Order 5480.19. “Conduct of Operations RcqwrcmcnB for DOE Facilities ’’

If a deviation or noncompliance with the documents listed or referenced by Section 3 of this Agrcanerrt is discovcml by FH, FH shall take actio^ noted in the applicable document. This Agrenncnt docs not impose any new actiom to be takcn by FH.



RL has pcrformcd assessments and reviews in the mas of conduct of operations, configuration manciganent, occupational dcty, nuclear d r y , and quality asmraoce. The results ofthese assessments and reviews indicate that the Contractor is technicnlly qualifcd to perform the current mission of safely opcrating and maintaining the FFTF in a Standby condrnon.

6 .

TIE contractor meets thc rcquircmenU of DOE Order 5480.204 “Personnel Selection, Qualification and Training Requirmntr for DOE Nuclear Facilities,” as Mmcd and dcscribwl in the Training Implrmenlation Matrix


This Authorization Agreement is subject to the conditions specified withinthis Agremnent. and R1. and FH each agree to the conditions contained herein. This AiitIion7mon Agrement hccrnncs cKcctivc irpon signature oftht partieq and shall remi i i it: effxt cntil resciilded or revised by both parties or shall expire upon expiration or termination of the PHMC. The tams of this Agreement, if breacllcd in my manner by any party, shall not subjcct thc breaching puly to any liabilitis, fines, or penaltics not alrcady imposed under thc terms and conditions of thc PHMC and current statutw, rulos. regulations, and ordinances.

/& Ron D. Haxon, Preddent and Chief Executivc Ofticcr Fluor Hanford

Richlnnd Opernuons Office U. S. Departmcnt of Energy

Date: JUL 2 6 2000