ecologic annual report 2012 2013


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Page 1: Ecologic Annual Report 2012 2013

AnnuAl RepoRt 2012–2013

Page 2: Ecologic Annual Report 2012 2013

Doña María Tomás Lorenzo, recipient of a fuel-efficient wood stove, stands with her grandchildren in front of their home in the Chía community of Barillas, Guatemala. Doña Lorenzo worked with other recipients to build several stoves for community members, and also to plant trees to combat deforestation. The new stove will significantly decrease the amount of fuelwood the famliy will consume moving forward; thus decreasing the pressure on nearby forests.

Photo by Dan Grossman

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In 2013 EcoLogic turned 20!

As we enter our third decade, ecologic continues to touch the lives of some of the most vulnerable people as we collaborate with local communities and organizations in Central America and Mexico to protect standing forests, flowing rivers, vibrant coastal

zones, and other threatened ecosystems.

ecologic believes that the people who live near or in a threatened ecosystem are those who are best positioned to repair and protect that system for the long term. We are committed to developing collaborative relationships with our community partners, relationships that are built upon regular communication and consultation. our brand of community-led conserva-tion and sustainable development takes patience and time, but we have demonstrated that working directly at the grassroots level initiates change processes that address the root causes of many conservation challenges facing Mexico and Central America.

We are extremely proud of the recognition ecologic’s approach has earned. this includes recently being designated a “next Century Innovator” by the Rockefeller Foundation, which honors organizations and individuals that establish innovative ways to improve the lives of poor and vulnerable people. out of nearly a thousand nominated, we were one of only a hundred selected. We were also recently chosen as one of ten finalists for the “Solution Search: Adapting to a Changing Climate” contest, sponsored by Rare and the nature Conservancy.

the challenges facing the people and places where we work have never been more pressing: protecting and restoring forests, maintaining healthy watersheds, ensuring food security, and protecting endangered species, while contending with the uncertainties brought on by a changing climate and diminishing natural resources. these are long-term challenges requiring enduring solutions built upon local leadership and solid partnerships.

In these pages you will learn about some of the solutions and partnerships ecologic has helped to establish and strengthen in 2012 and the local leaders who champion them. You will also find information about how in 2013 we are expanding some of our successful activities, such as the installation of fuel-efficient stoves and the creation of agroforestry plots, a conservation technique in which food crops are planted with beneficial trees.

ecologic is a conservation organization that has inspired many to take action and join in our cause. to our many supporters we thank you, for you make our work possible. to those of you new to ecologic, I hope you,

too, will feel inspired, and I invite you to join us in collaboration and support of our crucially important work. to ecologic’s skilled staff, partners, volunteers, advisors, and board members, your commitment and diligence ensure that ecologic continues to make a difference. A heartfelt thank you to you all.

Barbara Vallarinoexecutive Director

Barbara Vallarino, Executive Director

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Barbara Vallarino talks with a news reporter in June 2012 about EcoLogic’s agree-ment with the Municipality of Olanchito and our partner, AJAASSPIB, to expand our Communities Organizing for Watersheds project to help protect and restore the Uchapa and Pimienta watershed.

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Progress Towards a Sustainable Future

Climate change. Habitat restoration. Clean, reliable freshwater. Food security. the protection of endan-gered species. these are long-term challenges that require ongoing solutions. It is not enough to build a fuel-efficient stove and say the work is done. or to plant one tree and hope that others will grow. nor is it

sufficient to provide a community with a waste management plan without helping them make it happen, or to legally protect a mangrove and expect it to be there ten years from now. this is why ecologic thinks in terms of progress, and acts to make it so. progress is “steady improve-ment,” a continuous process of many small steps taken that allow for effective and long-term positive change. And we know that the accumulation of many small steps is what leads to landscape-level change.

over 20 years, ecologic has made meaningful change in the lives of thousands of people in Central America and Mexico. Many of these people are now leading efforts both large and small to protect and restore the natural systems around them. For example, several years ago we began what we now call our agroforestry program, teaching farmers how to plant crops with trees. An early adopter of this practice, Don Genaro of Ixcán, Guatemala, collaborated with us to establish one of the first agroforestry plots in his community. now ecologic works regularly with Don Genaro to demonstrate the benefits of agroforestry to his friends and neighbors and, in turn, inspire them to establish plots of their own.

As another example, what began as a group of four villages in northern Honduras collaborating with ecologic to establish sustainable water management practices has now turned into an internationally recognized organization—the Association of Water Committees of the Southern Sector of pico Bonito national park (AJAASSpIB)—of almost 30 communities. the people of AJAASSpIB successfully manage and protect local water sources, providing a working model of how com-munities can motivate their citizens and effect long-term positive change.

For almost ten years now, Don Augustin Par Velazquez has been managing the greenhouses at our Forest of the Water Spirit project site.

Yaira Allois has been EcoLogic’s program officer in Panama since 2009.

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Forest guardians in Honduras learn how to fight and prevent forest fires.

Below are some of the results ecologic has achieved since we started out. We look forward to sharing more with you in the future as we move to a landscape-level approach.

A Few of Our Numbers

In our first 20 years, ecologic worked with 627 partner communities.

together, we ran 1,260 workshops with approximately 18,900 participants.

In the area of forest and mangrove protection and restoration, we:

• Produced 2,580,770 plants in nurseries and greenhouses.

• Planted 1,577,500 trees for reforestation and watershed rehabilitation.

• Built 2,500 fuel-efficient stoves.

• Trained 850 community members as forest guardians.

• Trained 300 farmers who currently use 300 agroforestry parcels on more than 140 hectares of land.

With support from the Swiss Re International ReSource Award for Sustainable Watershed Manage-ment, and Intercultural Productions, we created this five-minute documentary about the history of our work in northern Honduras with our local partner, the Association of Water Committees of the Southern Sector of Pico Bonito National Park (AJAASSPIB). Please watch it at:

EcoLogic: Communities Organizing for Watersheds


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Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) Workshopsecologic conducted several FpIC work-shops with the Chol, lacandón, and tzeltal Mayan communities that live in and around the 35,000 hectare communal reserve of the lacandón Rainforest in Chiapas, Mexico. these workshops are part of our Carbonplus for Community-led Rainforest Management project and were attended by more than 340 people. they are a critical component to ensure the local communi-ties are engaged and informed participants in the development and implementation of this carbon credit project.

Soccer Tournament to Promote Cross-Cultural CollaborationIn 2012, ecologic sponsored a soccer tournament to promote cooperation and collaboration among Belizeans and Guate-malans living on either side of the Sarstun River, a vitally important resource to these fishing communities. A half-dozen commu-nities competed and matches also provided the opportunity for meetings of community leaders and for learning exchanges.

EcoLogic Partner AJAASSPIB Honored by United Nations Equator Prizeone of our jobs as collaborators is to promote our local partners in ways that help them gain needed support. In 2012 we nominated the Association of Water Committees of the Southern Sector of pico Bonito national park (AJAASSpIB) for the un equator prize, awarded to “recognize and advance local sustainable develop-ment solutions for people, nature, and resilient communities.” Selected from more than 800 candidates, AJAASSpIB was one of 25 organizations to receive the award and participate in a week of activities at the Rio+20 earth Summit in Brazil.

Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) workshops help ensure that local indigenous peoples are well informed, empowered to make the decisions on if and how a project develops, and obtain direct benefit from it.

Select Highlights from Our Work in 2012

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Planting Crops with Trees: Agroforestry Work Expandsusing the agroforestry technique of alley cropping, farmers plant food crops with beneficial trees (usually Inga edulis), increasing yields, pro-tecting soil and water, and reducing pressure on standing forest. In 2012, ecologic conducted an extensive survey of our agroforestry plots in Guatemala, updating our monitoring and evaluation protocols and devel-oping an approach to expand on the agroforestry plots we have helped farmers establish in the region. thanks to the success modeled by these farmers who have been piloting the approach on their own land, we are responding to increasing demand by expanding trainings, establishing new local sources of inga seeds, and evaluating and incorporating cash crops such as cardamom into our program.

Securing Incentives to Keep Forests StandingIn 2012 we worked directly with farmers to provide technical assistance to help them take advantage of the program for Forestry Incentives (pInpep), an incentive offered by the Guatemalan government for refores-tation activities, sustainable agriculture (agroforestry), and protection of existing forest. these activities will generate approximately $140,000 in benefits to 174 families over time. this benefit is equivalent to nearly two months of the per capita average salary in Guatemala.

Improving Sanitation At our towns for environmental Corridors and Communities project, at the initiative of our partner organiza-tion, the Municipalities of the Central Atlantida Department (MAMuCA), we installed greywater drainage pits adjacent to people’s homes to reduce contamination of water sources by household waste water flowing directly over the land and into streams. We constructed 95 greywater and sewage-water drainage pits.

Reduce, Reuse, RecycleWorking with local volunteers at our people for a Healthy Gulf project site in Darién, panama, ecologic has held workshops giving practical training in composting organic material, managing solid waste and trash, dealing with sewage and providing good sanitation. these workshops are one step in putting into practice effective waste management solutions that include other activities such as the construction of composting latrines, and the creation of an organized, community-based waste commission.

ArtCorps Fellow Isabel Carrió spearheaded the creation of “Wisdom of the Rocky Hillsides,” an artbook of stories and pictures created by the K’iche children of Totonicapán, Guatemala, at our Forest of the Water Spirit project site. Many of the stories were solicited from their grandparents and highlight the importance of traditional forest resource management and the interconnection between the Maya K’iche’s livelihood and the environment. EcoLogic and ArtCorps supported the publication of the book in Spanish, K’iche and English.

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EcoLogic Makes a Difference in Rural People’s Lives Every Day

This is my tenth year of volunteering with ecologic because I believe in our mission: “to empower rural people to restore and protect tropical ecosystems.” ecologic’s focus on rural people—who are all too often

marginalized—acknowledges that individuals can make a difference. By partnering with local communities and organizations, ecologic provides training, capacity building, and resources so people can better organize and advocate on behalf of the ecosystems where they live. I couldn’t be more excited about the substantive impact we are having in empowering local people to become stewards of their own natural resources.

ecologic makes positive change happen.

through learning exchanges, the support of fisherfolk collectives, the construction of fuel-efficient stoves and composting latrines and even through friendly soccer competitions we are helping promote conservation and collaboration among Belizeans and Guatemalans on either side of the Sarstun River as part of our Healthy Fisheries project. In Honduras ecologic provides technical assistance and support to community-run water councils that are successfully spreading the word that the restora- tion and management of natural resources is something everyone needs to share in and can benefit from. And everywhere we place a premium on partnerships, mutual learning, and cooperation it shows.

For the work of ecologic staff, supporters, and board members I am thankful and humbled. I am deeply grateful for the difference we make in the lives of local people and in support of the ecosystems and natural resources on which people and wildlife rely. I have tremendous confidence in our leadership team—headed by executive Director Barbara Vallarino—and in our headquarters and regional staff. the board has high expectations for the sustained and growing impact of our organization.

ecologic depends on its many supporters.

ecologic would not be an effective and influential conservation organization without the support of individuals and institutions that believe in the integral importance of our mission, vision, and approach. Whether it is our agroforestry work in Guatemala, waste management in panama, reforestation efforts in Honduras, or carbon credit development in Mexico, we could not do it without our friends and partners. Be assured that your generosity makes a real difference.

nick ShufroChair, Board of Directors

Nick Shufro, Chair, Board of DirectorsBy partnering with local communities and organi-zations, EcoLogic provides training, capacity building, and resources so people can better organize and advocate on behalf of the ecosystems where they live.

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Financials 2012 R e v e n u eIn 2012 EcoLogic realized a slight increase in revenue from 2011. Revenue from In-Kind, Public Agency, and Individuals increased, while revenue from Foundation Grants decreased.

e x p e n s e sExpenses in 2012 were less than in 2011. While expenses decreased, the percentage of spending on programs increased slightly and the percentage of our spending on fundraising decreased slightly. We expect to see this trend continue as we use fewer resources to leverage higher levels of funding for our work on the ground.



In-Kind Donations 7%Public Agency Income 7%

Investment & Other Income 2%

Individual Donations


program services 73%

Management & General 9%

Fundraising 18%

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summarized statement of Activities for 2012 Fiscal Year (us$)

s u p p o R t & R e v e n u e

  grants and contributions   1,447,727   In-Kind Donations 110,314 Contract Income 123,036 Interest Income 149   Rental income   14,150    Loss on investment in subsidiary   (7,722) total support & Revenue 1,687,654

e x p e n s e s

  program Services   1,322,107    Management & general   155,227    Fundraising   327,539  total expenses 1,804,873 Change In net Assets (117,219) net Assets – Beginning of Year 848,673 net Assets – end of Year 731,454

statement of Financial position at end of 2012 Fiscal Year (us$)

A s s e t s

Current Assets   cash and Short-term investments   260,678    pledges and Accounts Receivable   328,857    Advances   457    Loan Receivable   15,698    prepaid Expenses   17,436  total Current Assets 623,126 other Assets Deposit 6,033 Investment in Subsidiaries 46,021   pledges Receivable, Long-term   61,250  total other Assets 113,304 Fixed Assets   property & Equipment Less Depreciation   28,963  total Assets 765,393

L I A B I L I t e s & n e t A s s e t s Current Liabilities Accrued Expenses 33,939 total Current Liabilities 33,939 net Assets unrestricted   502,954  temporarily Restricted   228,500  total net Assets 731,454 total Liabilities & net Assets 765,393

Annual audits are conducted by Gonzalez & Associates, P.C. For a complete audited statement, please contact EcoLogic.

Pedro Díaz, president and manager of the Northern Border Municipalities Alliance, our local partner at our Indigenous Peoples for Thriving Ecosystems project in northern Guatemala.

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us staff october 2013

Barbara vallarino Executive Director

Margaret Doherty-López Senior Program Officer for Institutional Development

Bryan Foster Senior Manager CarbonPlus Program

Melissa Haley Director of Finance and Administration

David Kramer Senior Manager for Impact, Learning, and Innovation

Laura powell Operations Associate

Gina Rindfleisch Program Officer for Individual Giving

Andrea savage CarbonPlus Program Manager

sam schofield Program Officer for Institutional Development

Lee shane Communications Officer

Regional staff october 2013

Gabriela González García Director of Programs

Marco Acevedo Program Officer for Mexico

Yaria Allois pino Program Officer for Panama

Wendy de Leon Accounting and Administrative Assistant

Carlos euraque Program Officer for Honduras

Miguel valdéz Financial Administrative Officer

Board of Directors october 2013

nicholas shufro EcoLogic Chair PricewaterhouseCoopers

Kathrin Winkler EcoLogic Vice-Chair EMC Corporation

F. William Green, MD EcoLogic Secretary Retired

Joyce Cacho EcoLogic Treasurer Adinura Advisory

Advisory Committee october 2013

Manuela Alvarado López nilo Cayuqueo Alberto Chinchilla Dr. Jason Clay James Crowfoot, phD neva Goodwin, phD Lewis Gordon José Herrero Dr. Leonard p. Hirsch enrique Leff, phD Joshua Mailman Frances Moore Lappé Ian todreas

Interns and volunteersoctober 2012–october 2013

Benjamin Aron Madeline BarrOliver BengleWarren BerryNeil BorlandKristin BrownAmanda DibbleMargaret Doherty-López Michael EspinozaCasey FishCorey FitzgeraldKatherine FriedmanMary HathawayBrooke HowatKay KopperChristine LandivarCaitlin LuptonEleni MarinidouJulia McElhinneyQuin McKinleyBrendan MooneyStaci Morrison Antjelina NewmanJennifer PastoreSebastian PillitteriCameron Poole

William Russell Grace Bryers, Jr. EcoLogic Chairman Emeritus Private Investor

David Barton Bray Professor, Florida International University

Fernando Bolaños valle Chairman and CEO, AgroAmerica

orlando J. Cabrera Of Counsel, Squire Sanders (US)

Judi taylor Cantor President,

Gregory Ch’oc Executive Director, Sarstoon-Temash Institute for Indigenous Management (SATIIM)

Robin Chazdon Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut

norissa Giangola Principal, Coqui Marketing

pat Goudvis Independent Filmmaker

Marc Hiller Managing Director, Acquisitions, GreenWood Resources and International Forestry Investment Advisors

Lauren L. McGregor Attorney-at-law

Lance pierce Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer, Ceres

Marc spranca Vice President, Reputational Capital and Technical Leadership, Abt Associates

Dan tunstall Retired

Shira RascoeKatherine RogersMahala SacraMatthew SarsyckiBrad SmithNell Thorne Irene UribeShanay WalkerEllie Wendell

Donors 2012

in 2012, 608 donations under $1,000 combined to provide $46,493 in sup-port to our programs. We are grateful to these loyal donors who continue to sustain our work. EcoLogic extends its sincerest thanks to the following individuals and organizations who contributed $1,000 or more in 2012.

Individuals & Institutions Anonymous (2)Arntz Family FoundationAtkinson FoundationBay and Paul FoundationsEric BurkardClif Bar Family FoundationCommission for Environmental

CooperationConservation, Food and

Health FoundationDavid CrockerDean’s Beans Organic Coffee

CompanyJim EpsteinBaruch B. FischhoffFondo para la Conservación

de los Bosques TropicalesBob GerberPatricia GoudvisGrousbeck Family FoundationInternational FoundationJim and Patty Rouse Charitable TrustConnie Kapp


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A volunteer team of students from the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University created maps that illustrate a variety of issues, actualities, and trends, including tree cover and vegetation density, flood plains, temperature and climate change predictions, pollution and development, biodiversity hotspots, and fisheries activity for our Cross-Border Alliance for Healthy Fisheries project site in the Sarstun region of Guatemala and Belize. The team visited the site in early 2013 to present their findings to community members, as well as to EcoLogic Board Member Greg Ch’oc, founder and executive director of SATIIM.

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ecologic created its very own

educational game to teach kids

ages seven and up—and adults!—

about reforestation. Jungle Rewild! tells the story of the Caal

family who live in the town of Agua

Dulce. the people of Agua Dulce

used to survive in happy coexis-

tence with the lush jungle, river

and wildlife around them, but in

recent history many of the trees

were cut down, and now the

animals have gone and the river

has run dry. the Caal family are

reforesting an area near their

home and they have asked for

your help. As you plant trees the

jungle begins to regenerate and

animals including birds, frogs and

coatimundis start to return. play

until the end to learn about some

of the wildlife of Central America

and what can happen when

habitat is restored.

Jungle Rewild! was created by

an incredible team largely made

up of volunteers. Communications

officer lee Shane came up with

the idea and did the writing, Vicky

Wei Gao and Meagan o’Brien

developed the “proof of concept”

prototype, Cameron poole created

the story illustrations, Catherine

Aiello the animal woodblock prints,

and Casey Fish the background

designs, and Amanda Dibble

dedicated herself to doing all

the programming. At ecologic

volunteers make a big difference.

thank you!

But the that all changed. More people came to the area and manny did not

respect the way of life in the town of Agua Dulce. They cut down too many trees

in the jungle. Without trees and plants the hot sun dried up the river. Without the

water many of the birds and animals disappeared. And without the trees, water,

birds, and animals, life for the people of Agua Dulce became much more difficult.

The Caals and their neighbors want to change that. Right next to their home is

an area that used to be junble. The Caals and their neighbors are going to plant

young trees there again to help the jungle return to health.

But it takes a lot of work to plant trees! Please help us and see what happens as

the trees start coming back.

Kendeda FundJoe LevinePetra MillerNew England Biolabs FoundationNew Hampshire Charitable

FoundationNorcross Wildlife FoundationO’Keefe Family FoundationOsprey FoundationFernando PaizSuzanne PowellPutnam FoundationRainforest2ReefJohn ShaneThe Community Foundation

Serving Boulder ColoradoTowards Sustainability FoundationFernando Bolaños ValleVirginia Wellington Cabot Foundation Marc WeissMark Zimmerman

Ambassadors Donations provided to EcoLogic’s Ambassador Campaign are used for general operating support. The investment that Ambassadors make allows EcoLogic to build its capacity, which has a direct and positive impact on our programs in Central America and Mexico.

($5,000+)Bill and Linda Green

($2,500–$4,999)Diane DeBono Schafer

($1,000–$2,499)Claire BarkerDan TunstallDavid B. BrayDavid Schafer and

Diane DeBono SchaferJudi CantorKathrin WinklerLauren McGregorLisa LeffMartha TaubNicholas A. ShufroRay GrenierSusanna Badgley Place

In-Kind ContributionsAlphaGraphics WorcesterKay KopperCasa Viva TronconesFaxon Green Elegant

Floral & Event DesignGrafton Street GrilleIndigenous DesignsInsource Services, Inc.Joe LevineNicholas A. ShufroPyara Spa and SalonRed Sox FoundationTaza Chocolate

Corporate sponsorsCell Signaling TechnologyEastern BankTrillium Asset Management

pro Bono Legal servicesGoulston & Storrs Counselors

at Law

Jungle Rewild!

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25 Mount Auburn street, suite 203Cambridge, MA 02138 usAP: +1 (617).441.6300 • E: [email protected]

Regional office

5a calle 14-35, Zona 3, edificio las tapias Apto 202,Quetzaltenango, Quetzaltenango 09001 GuatemalaP: (+502) 7763-5682 • Fax: (+502) 7763-5683

Annual Report CreditsCreative Director & Writer Lee shane

Designer David Gerratt/

IllustrationsCatherine Aiello, Casey Fish, Cameron poole

PhotographyLee shane, Andrea savage, Dan Grossman, ecoLogic

EcoLogic’s New Website

ecologic has launched a new website, and with it all new content, photos, graphics and more! After much

exploration, we adopted a design and imagery approach that uses brighter colors and graphics inspired

by the places where we work. We aimed to create a warm and inviting feel, and incorporated many playful

touches (check out the lizards, butterflies and other small creatures, and see how the donate button moves!).

We also added more substantive information specific to the region and the places where we work. there

is a biodiversity catalog so that you can find out about some of the endangered species native to our

project sites. And there are profiles of our local and international partners, as well as cultural and historical

summaries of some of the groups of indigenous peoples with whom we collaborate.

this project was led by ecologic’s Communications officer lee Shane with help from operations

Associate laura powell, and supported by an invaluable cadre of talented volunteers and interns whose

industriousness and enthusiasm made much of what you see possible. We hope you find it provides the

information you are looking for, and will encourage you to join our team as a donor, partner, volunteer,

Facebook friend, and fan. please let us know what you think. We welcome your feedback!