economics course work assignment1

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  • 7/27/2019 Economics Course Work Assignment1


    Economics Course Work Assignment

    The extent to which a countrys prosperity is dependent upon International Trade

    Horace Davis ID #: 0410636

    Auline Smith ID#: 0504147

    Tariq Parchment ID #: 0701996

    Tavar Smith ID#: 0500559

    Craig Williamson ID#: 0703982

    Economics, Semester 2

    TUTOR: Miss S. Nelson

    March 30, 2009


  • 7/27/2019 Economics Course Work Assignment1


    International trade has flourished over the years due to the many benefits it has offered to

    different countries across the globe. When we talk about international trade we refer to

    the movement of goods and services from one country to another. International trade

    accounts for a good part of a countrys gross domestic product. It is

    also one of important sources of revenue for a developing country.

    With the help of modern production techniques, highly advanced transportation systems,

    transnational corporations, outsourcing of manufacturing and services, and rapid

    industrialization, the international trade system is growing and spreading very fast.

    International trade among different countries is not a new a concept. History suggests that

    in the past there were several instances of international trade. Traders used to transport

    silk, and spices through the Silk Route in the 14th and 15th century. In the 1700s fast

    sailing ships called Clippers, with special crew, used to transport tea from China, and

    spices from Dutch East Indies to different European countries.

    The economic, political, and social significance of international trade has been theorized

    in the Industrial Age. The rise in the international trade is essential for the growth of

    globalization. The restrictions to international trade would limit the nations to the

    services and goods produced within its territories, and they would lose out on the

    valuable revenue from the global trade.

    The benefits of international trade have been the major drivers of growth for the last half

    of the 20th century. Nations with strong international trade have become prosperous and

    have the power to control the world economy. The global trade can become one of the

  • 7/27/2019 Economics Course Work Assignment1


    major contributors to the reduction of poverty.

    David Ricardo, a classical economist, in his principle of comparative advantage

    explained how trade can benefit all parties such as individuals, companies, and countries

    involved in it, as long as goods are produced with different relative costs. The net

    benefits from such activity are called gains from trade. This is one of the most important

    concepts in international trade. The gains from trade due to comparative advantage can

    also be illustrated graphically with production possibilities curves, as shown in the

    diagram. There are two graphs shown, one for the United States and the other for Korea.

    In both graphs the horizontal axis as the number of TV sets and the vertical axis has the

    number of vials of vaccine produced.

    Comparative Advantage

    KoreaUnited States

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    The production possibilities curves show electronic goods production (TV sets) versus

    pharmaceutical production (vaccines) in Korea and the United States. On the left,

    Americans are better off with trade because the production possibilities curve shifts out

    with trade; thus, with trade, Americans can reach a point like C rather than A. The gains

    from trade due to comparative advantage are shown by the distance between the two

    production possibilities with trade and the other without trade. On the right,

    Koreans are also better off because there production possibilities curve shifts out; thus,

    Koreans can reach point F, which is better than point D. To reach this outcome,

    Americans specialize in producing at point B and Koreans specialize in producing at

    point E.

    Adam Smith, another classical economist, with the use of principle of absolute advantage

    demonstrated that a country could benefit from trade, if it has the least absolute cost of

    production of goods, i.e. per unit input yields a higher volume of output. Smith put forth

    four specific reasons why a country could gain from trade: (1) mutual gains from

    voluntary exchange of existing goods, (2) increased competition, (3) the division of

    labour, and (4) better use of skills and resources and resources in different countries.

    Mutual Gains from Voluntary Exchange of Existing Goods:

    We can say that when two people voluntarily exchange existing goods, they mutually

    gain, even when though there is no increase in the amount of goods in the economy.

    People benefit from voluntary exchange by reaching a preferred combination of the

    different goods than before trade. Adam Smith emphasized this mutual benefit and

    argued that it applies just as well to people in different counties as to people in the same

    country. But the gains from trade go beyond the benefits of exchanging existing goods as

    trade can increase the amount of goods by making production more efficient.

    Increased Competition:

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    International trade makes the home market more competitive as this lowers prices. By

    restraining, either by high duties or by absolute prohibitions, the importation of such

    goods from foreign countries as can be produced at home, the monopoly of the home

    market is more or less secured to the domestic industry (Smith 1994). Adam Smiths

    analysis of the competition effects of international trade applies very well to modern

    times as there is evidence spurring on competition in many industries, from automobiles

    to steel to telecommunications. Competition from abroad helped improve the quality and

    reduce the price of cars in the United States. It also helped to reduce the price and

    improve the quality of telephones and beef in Japan (Taylor 1998).

    The Division of Labour:

    Smith identified the division of labour as a key reason for trade. The division of labour

    reduces costs since each worker can specialize and develop expertise in a certain area.

    But the division of labour requires that the market for the good has to be large as there

    will be less opportunity for division of labour in firms which have a small productive

    output than one with a larger output.

    Better Use of Skills and Resources in Different Countries:

    This is where smith focuses on the differences between countries. Smith argued that

    countries can gain from trade if they export things that they are good at producing and

    import things that other countries are good at producing. For example, the United States

    and Colombia can gain from trade if the United States produces wheat, which it can

    produce more cheaply than Colombia, and Columbia produces coffee, which it can

    produce more cheaply than the United States.

    According to the principle of comparative advantage, benefits of trade are dependent on

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    the opportunity cost of production. The opportunity cost of production of goods is the

    amount of production of one good reduced, to increase production of another good by

    one unit. A country with no absolute advantage in any product, i.e. the country is not the

    most competent producer for any goods, can still be benefited from focusing on export of

    goods for which it has the least opportunity cost of production.

    Benefits of International Trade can be reaped further, if there is a considerable decrease

    in barriers to trade in agriculture and manufactured goods.

  • 7/27/2019 Economics Course Work Assignment1



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