economy group i endorses city (~.i...

- -~ - -- ~- . ~ --- ----- - -' ----- - -- - ""-- / tHE GIlOlU POnrn NIIITING CO.......... PHONE LENOX .MI WE PlnJlfT IT AS WI: err IT. WITHCX1T PEA. oa FAVOR - UVElTIIIJIG .ILU NO a&LA TIOIC TO oua POLICY Special Propositions To Be Voted On In General Election THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF GltOSSE POINTE AND THE FOUItTEEHTH CONCRESSIONAL DISTRIC"I' GROSSE.POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1939 nEe 151939 ----------------,- Economy Group Endorses City Candidates :.... B. OLDHAM, Publisher YOLl4-No.U - (:roue Exaaaeratio ... ? DJ' A. PRYOR When we left tht hurly-hurl,.. of N, Y., tbe thought of the peace and quiet of our hometown carried u. aWly to the e:dent tbat we wouldn't have been sur- prised to see Michigan Central Station littered with cows and chickens-but- we n~glecled to consider the Yale. Michiglln.footb.U ...... eel<-endl Now that it'. over, we feel, (and probably look), li~~ 1O~.eth~~ t~lt ~ew lip .ill.~, damp C::CUd.r • .L.ue \...HY nilU~ lK~1j uv ioU u. .. t;.. rs in guests {or days; ltow many, we can't recall. but oDe mornitl¥ Grone Pointe woke up, yawued, Itretched-and there they werc.; from I Fiaal Garden Club IBlue Devil. Meet Meetilqr .November 6 Fordaon in Lut At Neighborhood Club League Tilt The la~t meeti;:(the Gard~'l ("~".I If Ih, 114jll~. ~ during the past ter at the t\eighborhOOci Club, 17145 four years are any indication, Satur- Waterloo, until the lint of the new day's battle between Grosse Pointe and EI fh C't f G P•t The other special .........,.;tioa coo- year. will be held on Monday, No. Fordson should be one of the best. ectorsuo tel y 0 r?slse olll.e " ......... . . are to ba at upou two .peela propos I' cern. a more or 1esI routiDe mana', vember 6, at 8 p. m. Th~ s.ubJect will AlthOUgh Ford50n h~ld.s the Idvan- 'tions at the Cit ~neral election next upon wbich. howeve!'. it is necessary lG be "Evergreens for }.hch,gan Gar- tage o\'er the Blue Devils In game. won" da'" y.._ '1 11 h f th "p . Tiles y ",ovem""r pot 0 ese sceure an approval by baDot. U V t t dens, by" Mr. Ralph derson of the each meellng .... 11. dosely contested. . l' .• b h at will be submitted to the yate... the q..- rges 0 ers 0 go department of parks IDd boulevards. Neither team cinchinll;' "ictory until specla ~0::51t7n~ ;;r t e appl'O'l' tion of whether the City IboaId ~e a - 1 M , .• Pderson has ebarie oi the city I the final miautes. The real tin-iller was 10f the 0 IC sot ~ . I y. To Poll S Tue..,ay I nursery at Dearbonl and knows oy in l'JJi wnen Ford.un eitcu vul .. 1.1-:3 Our. .uch propo$ltlOl\ ~tcmplatu deed to a piece of property ill Lake- th . f ..... t "nd G--'he ian<i:Court SuW;vI.!.=;.;:.. praetka1 experience which evergreens tie with a last minute pass in the end' e pa"IDg 0 :--IU' 011. ,"'" ------- will thrive in ollr climate and will be zone, streets and the IssaaDce of bonds 111 tl>e The fU'0P'"rl'!' referrCG' to lies at tIae Pointing out: able to answer any qllestions about the . Saturday's game, the last 1939 Border total sum of $12.soo to pay the cost north etld of Lakelalld A~ ..~ (1) Th h t f h Ci f G P . f h care of the ever-een, u.-~ as plant- therefor. This appears to be a much the southerly side of the ... at t e tax ra e0 t e Ity a rosse omte or t e en- D..~ Citiel League game for the Pointers. D' h. Tb ..~:..." .----..... iogs for the front of 10 many houses needed improvement in view of the fact Mar.h ItC e .u ..... ".woa .... _ suing year is $16 per thousand dollar valuation as tom pared with I'n Gros'e Po,'nt. .....ill ~gin at 2 o'clock at the High that the dusl and mud «iB;inating from which Lakeland Ayetlue nalS was plat.- , ~ School Athletic Field. 1m. T1ae $19.60 for each of the pa~t four years i Mrs.. Horace B. Pcabod}'. presid ...nt The 59.Piece Band under the direc. the preIsent unpav.ed c:m:dditiOll'I.i5. high- ted by John Y. Dwyer In . I tt tD eSI nts IVlng on southerl .. end oi tbe !ubdirisioa Wu at ( 2) That the cost uf the city government has decreased frotn Of the Garden Center, will preside at tion of Mr. Kalember, and led by Hu- y unp easan h 0 ere d h J . . b .. lor near to t ese two streets all suc ]effersOll aYenue; tbe northerly eftiI of $S8S,306.95 in 1932 to $346,046.74 for the year ending March 31, 1939, thIS meetml(. ert Strem and Ma;,on BIshop .h~ve nuisance win be eliminated if the elec- a line 240 let Dorth of Charlnoiz. TbiI and to an estimated tost of $333,593.12 for the year ending March On Thursday. Novem~r 9, at 2:30 planned an exceedingly entertaIning t th boftd. po ition. line was tbe southerly ~ of a tria.,- p. m. at the RusseU A. Alier House a program for between the hah'es. F!ve I or. al'pr~ e .. sue pro s ular arca bounded on the lIOftlrwut..,.. 31, 1940; ,"Discussion and exhibition of Thanks- intricate f~at:ons are $che~uled. Da- W ell Reporb the :Blaek )lam. Ditch. This~. (3) That the bonded indebtedness of the city is approximately giving and Christmas tables and table Grasse Pomte s Probable LUle.up: :.. __ ~... ll-L !ar lliee: ""'" dedicated by IIr. DwJ'd' ~n\f\ I'V\n I I' l decorations' wil1 be held. Mrs. WID. Jacl<son, left end; Perroni, I~ft !add~; uoua • -~-- as a PlIblie flUk. 'fUVU,VVV under thl! amount a.t nwrtl: by _aw, 1 :Beresford Palmer will discuss and com- Waldie. left gUard; Carlson, center: CoDditi.oD in Pointe (4) That from 1932 to date the bonded indebtedness has been ment on both tables and table derora- Abrams, right pard: Kammer. right m~e: ~~:e ~ ~~=.= tile North. East, South and West. AI. lowered 44 per cent; tions. Among those who will tnter tackle; right end:, Broden, The health conditions in Grone p;u-\;: pW'p03Ci .. ad deeded tile ~i ter that momilla' everybody stopped , _ tables will be Mrs. 1.. Rothe Farr ,."d I quarterback; PIckard. halfbac",; E),e, I Point .. or... y","!,.;.,.,~II;, ~~, ~~~ :: Ib kt h M er ud his wife ,._*uiug btuuse they didn't tiwC!. , :5) That. for the past SL't years .the annua~ earnings 1n ~he ~~i,"" ~ ... ',v. jaci<5QI1 and tnase. ;'aii~c~; raust, .fullbadt. very ImaU per ce~lt of absenten from l';:c l9t1 : J.;;.: vill.e~ject:ed the park If )'OIl P!!:l geL your mouth open that I slDkIDg fund Investment!, together wlth net gams from security planning to bring centerpieces for tbe Off,cIals: EddIe ~arboar .(u. of ?); any of our IlChools because of iIIu=:;:;I. for __ I CUOftI. The loc:atioa .. d . k' it. labl will ~),f Phil!" 0 Mu11c..... Referee John Nevlne (U of Cm). f I.' d. Th h f polio RYuaJ r . w, the Idea was to put a rut Ul transactions, hu been about 5.3 per cent per year on the average e . rs: I Ip. ~J' .' '. , 0 any ~n e tree a.e, 0 !!t't t!!~*h! dc;!r:b!= ~ ~ L":: ~ Guellt-i-cisms: f -" '1 ~ •. •• Miss Mane Louise At1denoD. Mrs. Umpll'e. Arthur Carty (,6,I!!'l). He!!!- reponeci In October were of a mild type I_~ lJr' Iy •• .:.f .... - .. Ill' .L..pe_ baIan In th'" unn !:II r,.t4I1 1"' ~ "" ~" -:r .'J!lI - .. ~ •• - -,,- II" """'" en e _UoD ~"." 1IiiiiI.-.. •. --- .'.L ,--~._.. u •• -e ..- ~<> <> ----. - ---~---_.- ",.;-'- ~U""o "'~ .. , "we, ]nlian P BoweD and aDyone intere.ted InesmiUlo and are reeonrin'" with ey- indica- •• •~ .... " ......... v..... ,~ ..... '" t" ............ ~I" .... ,. .- '. . po _I .i~e alw aric:r me Diack .araB ....... • male visitor piloting olle &I our most (6) That approxImately $4500 less than the budget was ~~!!t !!!!!y br'.1:ii a centffp:ece if .tile,. wn ------- tica. of DO.bad after elect. was &Ueci in it ... ~ that .. eleput iadiu tDro1l&b the er=d ;1I::~' dUring tbe past :"ear; and Mrs.. George Boaton. the d,rector of MarJrarove Tower Contagious diseues nporled hi Oc- property to d.e north Woald ultimatd7 onto the daDce 11001'. As he passed a 7)..... . -- h the Garden Center, Tux~do 2-021loIDot Dance Nov 10 tober were: six eases of mumps, three be snbdjyided and d~ If a a-k tab '- <--de'" WJ'th and"'ches he put a ( • "at whJle all t ~se, and other economies m government, later thaJJ Wednesday November 8 f h' k tb pol........ hoop -1 ... R>ll ". .' ". '. '. ." 0 C IC en pox, ree 10, .... v W - us tbeD estllbliJhed J,-.. 1Mll1:It .._ few: of the?, In hIS Jl?Clcet- ~'S partller were bemg made the city adequate It prOVIded for all necessary from 1 to S 0 dock 50 that tnOlllt'h Six Marnrrove .tudenu from this iog eOUgh, ODe pneum~ Clw'lc:voia, the Itreet tJIrwIb .."._ .... noticed thU tin-Emily Postuh gesture municipal sen."ices; tables will be prcpa.rcd. ..eetion are lIIemben of YUioaI com- A1tboagh tile aaziety about polio hN. oIirisio. to- tile -a~ ~ ~ aDd asked the muon. "WeD," drawle4 .• Both of th.tse: me~ are free an4. b aal T DaMe IlIhYled, Dr Wan Itiqdt$ tIIid b1iaoI ~...... ........ _..._ - __ "t'", "I)t Iat tiJac we'" _ -': sPb$tantw committee of v~ters_ ~f thc .. Uty of Gnl~se.Po~~, -r-~~~~ +, ,-._ -mea_. fer t e an.n ower .;,. . CIl to a 01'. ~ . .- ue .. nn_ me re::a&:bOii 0 .at ~ ._'_'. ..-Ji 0 _ _ ...:-...... -oa. . _ •.. _..- ' .I -- . ._'- _, ..-. _ _ _, .,....,. t~ hi! tha~ -PPtHd 1,Iam.. C1iester F. Carpenter, Hugh L. Dill, M. D.. D. M. Ferry, Jr., Walter Tax Authority To _is. Mary Ic.thluu ~-dauafJ- I~ of m-s. •• to be 011 dIt ~tIie~'- 'I, .. lIl",ut ~ ungry. c.'. .. Ad.L--- ..., , t f:M d M W c1eJia C side in COlUultinc their doctor. I :' (c.a.iflfI...,'.~i!lMl!'" ;,. ' Another 0. 0. t. g. (from Texas), de- Hartwig and Edward F. SpItzer. Each has played a large part m ~ "' omen 8 er 0 r. an n. en. ; ., ;_ ;! •~;,.,. D -b Ib Schrage, 1321 Devonshire annae, is cided to lea,'e one.of the p:r.rti~s early, the above program, the committee claims. .~JAI licaa C U chairman of the patron eomtuitt .... _~~_ E. R. Vall lCleeck Poetry Week W.. . 10 he called a tlUCl,but when It ea:e There are six to be elected to the council out of nine candidate!., - sisting h~r will be Miss Betty Ken- P--ided at M. E. A. Ob j at .. _ he dismissed it and called another. e ...' The Hon. Wm. B. Campbell. an au. nedy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo a~ Daez .~ "...... k ept this up for sometime until it oc- The commIttee IS calhng upon all these who favor good gov- thon'tv _ U1'ch:""," .~ ••• :,," "";l! "~. \ d. I . "" ''I ...a ••• __ ••_-. "_. au 1\ '. Kennedy 7i Moran rea clU'red to..s~eone :~ ask ,him what -~ ernment economically administered, to include these five among drC5I the ~nd mont~ly meeting of Miss Lona'in Meyer, daughter of Mr. "Menta! hygieue" for school ebildreu An assembly procnm at VuoiI -:on g . I aln~ gOln until" I get a tUl ithe six for whom each registrant will vote. Their past records are the WO~etl s R~ublican a~b of and Mrs. Walter Mlyer, 1417 B~ac"ns- :!oem't mean that the teacher Ieh School to which aD tM childrel1 1lli!rlt with a Texas hcense plate. '1"5 the re.. Grosse POUlte. on "ednesday, Novem. feld .... enue, is on the mU5ic commit- Johnnie M exprcss himself" to the extent illrited marked the dose of J4~ ply. I such that the committee not only feels that they are entItled to ber S. The meeting ..... ill come to order I of throwing spitballs at ner. . PoeUy \Veek. Many mothen att~ ?ne I~al host telephoned all of his re-election but that with the program of economy in government promptly at 2:30 II. m. at the ~eigh- te~lisS ~fary Padelt, d~'.~~tCi' of Mr. "Progressive education" doem't Elinor Corfiehl introd~d the ~ f~len~s ,n the tecuy-weeny hours oikt~~ which these men advocate for the future it would be disadvan. bor~ Oub. 1,7145 Waterloo street, and ~rrs. Adolph M. Padelt, 1265 Bllck- mean what most of th~ public think. gram, telling the audien.:e .that the mormng after the game and as. = . '. and Mil Con\'elJlently be held on the ingham road, is on the refreshment either. poetry selected cODcemed itself witlt them if by chance they were stormg tageous to every taxpayer and CItizen to omit anyone of them for first floor. 'tt Good mental hygiene is good leach. telling a story. teachinc a 1esSOll, ten. f . comml ee, away one 0 hIS ll'Ies~s. As far as we ve the ensuing two years. Mr. Camp~n. the speaker. is well Miss ::Ifary Louise Berns. daughter of ing, and the good teaciler practi:es it ing something funny, makin. as .. h~s? t be;n founChd .)octl Each of the five candidates is a taxpayer. 1m01l-"!I 10 the people of Michigan_ Re- Mr. and :Mrs. ]ulius 1.. Berns, 12<10 regularly. It isn't just IOwething !he ualiu beaDtiful pictures, and apreIIoo e Spl= a VISItor .r om ICagO, - tiring as general manager of the Como, Bedford road, ;s on the program com- "slaps on around the edges. ~ illll' march rbythms. AU the childz"c1l "'~o. (someone told us). IS a Mr. Cum' Mother.' Club Dean \i - H cia Imen:ioLl ~mH::.;Co-, !':~ ",as !nduc~d tco.,u;il<~. . were SOIDec:mcl'!~ions dra .... -n in- the lA and 2B gndes with the mtngl. (Oh, boy!). 'Ve rushed home I 1 urpby ea enter public life. He served severall !oriss Margaret Mary Dal}', daughter for Wayne County te~(':~s :!otten!!;",," .t.acher, Pauline Sagala, participated ia an~ •tore up our pIcture of ~"tI\TCnce Gives School. Show at Royale tCi'm. in the state legislature where he I of Mr. one! Mrs.. Hugh L Daly, 1303 Saturday morning convention of the the program. Tbe JIO-'! which 'Rre OlIVIer and wrote to Y~le,. as.kmg th~ New Trophiea ---,. beame Imown as a kun s~udent of t~x Beaconsfield avenue, i. on the public- Y. Eo. A. r.egional meeting at Cass read, S~ng, :ind dramat~ b! tile chiIoo to come back and play MIChigan agalD Dean l[urphy, Broadway s ace lID-I matters. Mr. Campbell's address ..... ,11 it commillee. Technical High Schoo" dren rneluded tbe foUowillg; T1te I. soon as possible. First to be engund on the new personator. headline. this wtek's show be of the greatest inter~st to stockhold- yAll six are seniors at ?>Iar:rgrove. Presided over by Dr. E. R. Van Huntsmen, by \Valler de Ia Yare; T1te Not to be outdone by the vi:itiDg golden trophies presented b)' the ;l.foth: I at the Clu~ .Royale, fuHilling the en- en and home own en, who will b.. - Klecck. il1pcri.:tc::dc,::': vi Gro5S.eP~":te ~I~ :!.. :! !h~ ~~.,!.,. ~ O!~ firemen, ~any of the home-folks .went I ers' Oub to Grosse Pointe Hil1h .g~ement which he has had tn ~"'I'.. aniea at tne taClS ",mclt De V",a dlS'j MACK AVE. STATION Ischools: the dISCUSSIOn. panel In.c1~ded I Hereford; The Flag, by Mary ~owliloo to:- .... ~: ... ::: :. ':d~:; ::;: C~v~:.: rv ...:':':~I ~ct'ool a, the parent.facu'ty frolic last I smce the club opened six weeks ago~. dose. UNER NEW MANAGEMElIO" Dr. Fntz Redl, educatIonal adVIser at ton: The Turtle. by Vachel Lindsay: mamler. One. sedate and bespectacle.d Monday night ..... ill be the names of c~use of his Xe~ York book.ings in.a :.~,.;. I),:,"lS lii ; C~:;:~.... i!! gi,": :!:~::_ __ lil~ . c..ILl-,w\" Se!:o?!; Dr: Joill' C. SUJan Lane, by Kate Greenway; QiDms e~'" nf .h~ pr,"~!~ ~:!.r~"':", t!:.: ...- !::;; tne nonor boy and girl ot tDe )al'uary I",,-week \"&udenlle tour which he IS I. t t Ik n "Ham and Egg. in Of interest to man" in the Pointe is Sulhvan. \Va)'ne UDlvemly; MiS, O'Qullikin, by Laara E. Richanlsi . . . . d h Id k' .hC B "mmu e a 0 - H' F I .. h' H' h Sh I ..... _ tnh,billons to lhe .... 'nd an e a graduating class. ma 'mg ",11 onstance ennet. ...ur- Caliiornia." the announc.ment of Fred \V, McMann e.en ar ey, .-ers ,ng Ig c ,00, ~{oral Song, by John Farrar; AI'" b~nch of Jc~llions i ust .inside of an de.c. ". . ~hy is packi.n g them in at the Ro)'ale Aiter the meeting tea ~nd sandwiches that h. has rec.ntl)' purcl.ased the ser"- Detroit. and, fro~ th~ ~ross", Pomte ~larchinR' Song, by R. 1.. St ... ~nsnn; ttlC fan whIch ".as golDg full blast. L.t. These beautiful tropl,.-s presented I Just as he d,d at the ParamoulH Ihea- "ll II ._ J d 'ou ma. d;scuss ;ce <tation and "roperl" located at schools, Dr. Manon F"z'l-nmoni, P')'. The Policeman author unlmown; aDlI . b--' b•. M"s J C D n' rtl Ii t . . ,,' I. h h h d '1\, C h.\C an) !. . - . ,. . h' 1 r b' ' tIe sprays of oman cm'ered c,"cry "',)' . J ,. a.o I. rs "'ce pres- ter m _,ew YorK. '" He e was c1 .. . . . e lca cup with )'our :'!ack a,'enue and Harvard Rd, Grosle chologisl; )oJep IRe Bart ell. rorr: 'Y Resting. by E. 11. Tatket. in the car. :;,:cept the ,i~1ian who'per- ('dhent l Ofst,hte ),[Ol~er; Clu.!>,.to 1 :!Ilr. o.-er for four ad<litionalllleeks. )'lur_I::;;~~~r~~er tn Poinle Park. Assoriated with' him in School; Ruth Pace, Ricl;ar.1. S'-h~,.; _ petrated this dastardly trick 3r es a zer, ",sl.<lant prmc'pa • are phv has also pla,'ed recentl" at the In. , I" h . f th t' h' h '11 Eudora Frazee Pierce JunIor H'1'n 23rd Annual Mum . 1" h h' h T'- b'. - The SOIf.t). of A,merlca ICS m "'om. I e operatIon 0 e sta ,on. w IC ..... , Another r.rn«~ Po:n!er, g".Jesting at ": '"c . Ig... "Cy are now emg ternational Casino, where he ..... as re- .t t' ~h' political ,,'ith be known as :!Ildlann', Friendl v Ser- School, and Paul Young. dean of boys, . .d d,splayed In a case on the first floor' d bl I ,. 1'1 ens meres In lOgs , , . l ShowN-!.-~ 1112 a Jwank dInner pa~t)., .... as so carrie . . tamed at ou ed sa ar)' to the A I ton its freedom and open debate and "ice ",ill be his son, Frederick )'fc~lann Pierce Schoo ....,,~UCI'" , a"'ar by the lilting tunes of hil Alma along WIth the first paIr, presented t... n Berlc's place ...-hen Berle ielt to open .h I d';" ,'on a llUGuate of Poinle High :!Ilental hygiene and really prOg'!'es-1 1.1 '" vears ago. . h d I S La ,," c ~s(lmc: .~(..5~1 14 Gr p. t dE t ~,• ...:.- Mater, that he proceeded 10 "ta: .e . 111 IS new co~e }'.• ee ~[y "','cr. Erin" )'ollr friends ant! come to lh.1 School. Both ".ntl.mrn ."tend a hearty shoe edll-:alion aren't jllS! lome!h;ng for ~sse om e a~ a. etI'I .IC.: .... ~ e,'eryone .... ho went throu"h the In-mil' The older cups are no .... filled ".'th He was next SIgned by tl, .. Shuberls lor t; in"ilation to all fri...nd. as ..... ell Ithe "little kids," the @'roul' seeme,; In Hortlcultural Sn<',..ty ",:ffi !tage _he•• room doorway ...... her. he had stationed names of thc honor '!rarl"ate'. ;he I their n ..... Zicgf.ld rollies which has mCC ,ng. ------- Ias re,ident. of tloe Pointe in g'en.ral to l.. gree , College standards make the". twenty-third annual Chrysanthem_ nimse,ii i~r i usl . that purpo,e. I ,c~oors honor girls ar-. J.a'l Rankin, Ito b~ PO.<lpoOC.tI af:er 7ecause so many F_ Jolo Prillti., of tJ.e Beller Ki .... drOll in on them. All a:c. assured, of I practice more difficult with older schol. ~~o.:" .. O? Sat.u~~ay a~d .~~nday, No- An},wa~, It "as all ~erce f~,n ",nd as ~rari[arct Baliour, r.arle Latimer'j foreIgn stars. "cr~. In. t"e c~st. . ea:; en... P.nate R~,1AIIolt 111Z. prompt. courleous and "ff'rlc"t ,pro.• r. I''', ",,! !hc good I<::h~: •••• ~U'llI'JUlll "",u"." .':u ,~, at tile .;0, ellrlltlOrlloocl that hilarIOUScartoon m the ~ew York. Phyllis johnson, Isahdic Brandl. Ro,a- ~ B~.u .. hIS ml!~lIcry: 01 the F,r~t e,'en lnese problems. they deCIded. Gub,. C~ty ot Grosse Pomte. er a few years allo read •. 'Yon F.a<t- . :'.::c ,Schuman, .lean Harel,ng, Janct' 1.•"JllIY S;l .mus ...d Pre.,u.nt Roose,'el!, I 'S kD 'R t .~obody thinks of i[oinll' to a :hir- Tin.' 'S by far Ihe most col<)l'fal of emtrS ne.dnt th~nk .... e tlon t know ~o~ Moffal. Eilccn Beevcr, Alice Horn. I mo~hcr, Dean. has pla,y~d a command I na e ancers 10, t...enth centllry deotist," Dr. Redl de. ),[,~h,gal. fa~l sh~,,: and t.he large iY1lt- to ha\'~ a good t'me'- .... e do-even ,f It B h 'II' t h. \\'.1'1.' "t. I rerrorlnance m the \\ hlle House. and H 1 E t P 1. c'ared ''Xol>od~ should .... ant any teach. na!l'''" at tne CIUD prOVIdes a pufect . ar ara i' Ing on, uOfJ< I I.. n. ~) . .' ur ggs a 0 Ice '. ~ . .. I<llls U:l. Honhart. Beltv Shaff.r. ~Iarlha Clise, I al,:;" tnterlamed the K:ng and ing fo. his child Ihat ;s not also up-to. ~cttlng for such an exh,blL (ConlfnufOll On Paa-e Two) . Helen Jean. ~!Hr Fill, Jane Bait5.j n r . En>:land ...he~ :hel" ~'ere on date and morlern and in line ..... ith the The competitrre schedllie cans for Elizahcth Goodrich. Je.n Trombley, j thlr r~ce"t lonr. _"~I rn h,~ carly twen. ."'''"ererl "rc.u~e poEcc broke "l' 1 and the p"lktmcn b.came largets for be't .ducalional thought." OVtr fiit~. da5ses in ellt flowers anll DR. M. R. SULLIVAN and Catherine R.u1'~;:h. I,e,. 1:1 •. I)(>y fr,,~ \\ Isco~sm ..... nt.d:~ I Hall"\\'ccn cel.hration. .100 aceuralel~. hurl"'d tom.lo' and ell'll". The teaeh~rs ?~scus<:~ .at leHlrth the polt ... d pI3nt~. "'ith many additinnd IN NEW OFFICE he a la\\.\tr. hI' found It morc proli ... en«r P"i"tr Hi:!" SchC'01 <I",;cnr, 1" .,,~ "h,,'p .. T~ '"""" ""t :0'!:'.':' Co:r.;;:,';; .. ,j I'U'II"'I< """'<en", ."m"r,a,'rs 111.rl"I,c arrangement, and ern. TI,C T onor 1 ()\"" ~rr' \'~i1~;-=lm ',rn~l""_ ':lo;~1 ................ 1_ : .... !:.~ 1 ...... t. .. _.1 , .... ~ ~ -..-~ ", I .~ . . . . - .. 1,. )'" ~ r +,' ••• _ ::~~ .":-~ ••• :"U "~._~I: ..... I~~.t :1i~:~t "'nT"t',",.::.,..r!f"~ ;/"'l'~" t:"\"~: ~I C':!. 25 bC"Y5 wC":-c ~;;,kcr. toO the. Gros~e pC't(" ",,-Un one a.notl1('~~ Acnu=v~m('nt'l hTa("('~ C\"rf)' t:-p(' ~nd \.. Ir'et~l trom the Xcv., :,., r~acil.<1 U, IhlS w.rk that! hn'l'. "',111,,,, B""": X'.'.'":: ;,.::.h~c:.~, i~.\... ,.-.;~-<:~i;""" ,..... ; "c'm ,"""'"' I .. rns,c Pointe Farm < l'"liecmcn wit:' i P"in,e F~rm, p~:ic.c stali"n. l"1ot ('Iulrl0i~~ on~ ,anolht'r. should he h~b~' p0";Mm .fO the giant ~xh~bition M, R. Su1li,an. D. D. S, ".ho~e office. Gcor~r Rcl.1nc:cr. Ech:lI1 \\ m:ht, J~, It". pr. :~' ,_000 a ".~ . '. 'rn\lrn ~;;,,< an'; nwr,nrc 10matoc.; I Tilr rr0"tI 'lu,ckly rta.<5rmhlcd ah"nt 'lr ..."ed, tllry s.,r!. Tc.cher< were kmd< .. Inch nltrn mra"~re 2Sl 'n,""", 1M Ihp 1'a.l 10 ,"car. has bren located lellh BI~ck. t)"nal,; 'an, ~!art,,~,. Erl- .. ~rl1 •. (.a~r"I1, "~" l;Tl ,\'~<ln.,,,hen 'M~ r.ol'n .~"i.l<~.• <r',,~ C:;C,.t\;'at. IILc :"':;.:;~j( and "b"n ,iemano, ior ur~e~ In errale a frirndly atmMl'hrre tor mM~ in ~ircllmfcrence. ~ .,.,.:\..", ,' ... ",. r.~I,,- ...1 \1. ~ .. 1... ". jl(T~i' -j;., .... - 17";{(' [n "nAl(c lH'T \\(";er (Iol~,(', I ." . j t I I. . I P'I 1 '..I k' \ fl' .. t 3f ,,(k ,1\ ("nll~ ;Inri Thrt:t MII~ nrivt I ".. '. -'''., ~."'-' <'I., I l ". I ~', .1•• I: '." '. . . rned to) :, d"" n l~. m:rn'CIT'.l h,,>ld. I t~r!r hudd,.s reka 'C were Il/;nored I 'Cv 'n lh""r e .<se<. 'l1" <s lOU "w"r tor . part r"m c Hysanthemum<. '"1St- . Par,nn< R,,~.r D"1r'r ),,'c"l1 "p,17- 'n "rr rlanrr s,a, < fM a ,rc,,"d ,,'~ck. I . . '1 J' ff.' , I.1 ~ J h I ( I" I 'I II' II j~ n(lW r";"tahll~h('c1 in hi", ""';1.:" buHdin" I .... . - - j '.. , I In.'l'. :l1"lo "("i(" hn..1. \" Ijr1\"tn 0 \\ltn I rrnr"'\\f"O t H'lf lom();:rrumrnt. f(':t~nf"l" 01 rr t ,An ('.tr, tI 'l"OU~ 'I a t0r~ \\11 ~r('" rx('rj"ltH"'n~ lr ""e gTOWft ... Ie,' Hunt.r Hrnriee '.v """"" hl-' Tnt '"l'",nrlln,! .ntrrta,nrr, HC r..ll,' II J h h IJ' . •t 11,iJI ~Iack, h<-Iw ...en Thr.e 'file' .... ' , .' - - ',. : I. . , .' . tc.r .::~, ~n,~ fi~r !""C'. I T!,t fier ~~,.,rm,,,,1 .. a< ca cd:" .,(] c(\mIMl.;)l~ e1>,< ./mo'l' .re ~ nil "n t r"'t5 an<1 carn.t,on' .nd SptCIlDe. '''ar I K,"~ h"" •. \\ a',,,,, l)"',,:,1 \ an (,',n-n". ",\1nc:-.n" h.!Ta,; ',"~c,; Chrcr : . J . ~ I J.. h . II . . nri\(' Ann C('lur,illr .. \"'~('I("iatf:'d with I ( ~":"" ". ..' I 1"1,!" ~'('I~:n~'1('r.;; \\crr .~1\("" :h~ nOn tl,r fl<,,1tf(' ~nd ~ nr~ ~('\c:t \\;l( 1nl'tH'q h~ (""('lnltl~("rI "TI :. h("lTln.'r <,nt'. omn, p0h (\f \\lnt('r t1 .. yt\'~rmg hrl{onl=.". Pnek \\'dl,am \I',rhl Rre'",,' Tal-"'l a~rl \rm,j~,,"'" c"",rn,. ,;."("~r,' EI17-. I. .. . 0.1 J \ I . R" , 1 h Tlr'11l1i\"an ;H;nthcpa~t 9o"ill~F" .""'''" d' 'n\rrf.'('h~"':'''''('d .... ('llrC'mrn''lth(''rI01. ('>n~ll('rr""'.,rl\\!'1('nqlT1(""vr('trr'l.t('{l ~nrlf'.trtnhc:tuc:t'I1l~nyrr('l,,('mC::('It ('l:'t l... ("rn', "no,e: ~t'ntra so", '. ,, -, Charlr' \rm'lrn~~ Fric G".t'ciralk ,I,olh 11"1,,:,,, a'~ n.n Ihr rn. <nn" I . 'II I I f '. 1 '. I I 1~ h . . "1 1 . (d . h Po. \\'~tt., . .~. - . .. . J '" 'l1r:' 1M c.-h. and 'me ",I he un- n"l" ranll'~ "nl c ("(1l1lJnlllnl<' to ~y Ir 11 "ren. "I l,n"I'e Irac.,cr, "It.n la, c '''"e"n. "'"".,",r, M I'll ges ,n t e and C.rT Sr',acninc:- ,I.r< '" '"""cal cnmrth'. '.;r',' "a~,c ' " . . 'I 1 . Dr. Snlli,.a~', nr", "'"arttr< \\'i11he a . ' . -. _ "'T'"lr'l ~"r m'(1' .• 0"''''.' '" cnmr. '~(1"n '\' harr,:::-r. tn r,<rn Ilcse 'tressr. anti ,tr.,n<. rrl\~:~ Il'r""rn 'rCI,,,n: . '. " rl'<rm',k, h,- :he r'II1,'1 R,,~ ~lr rl.ocr., ,, I . _ 1 . r. n,-c1at,nn 1,,111' pal,rnl'. The imi'din~ I On , ..... nf "lr nc . Ir",,',ir, ~rr lw" . . ., ..\1 ~ .¥l ;'. m. ,100 ~,'"rll"ttr'. 1I1C .. "" Thcn Ihr l'"iTrrmrn Ihr~\\' te~' Ira< T~"I,rr< ,h""ld a'm tn nnd e lance, .l'n'" \\. ii""I"n. of Gm .. e "mtt; '" I""l: "','" "j ..:i:"d n.:l.~l!iV Dcmf':r:_ co mll~lC ("(')mpl(',C ,"'~ .,' hi. 1 1 .I I 1 •• ". (1( or!, .\n;n,(;", "r<l n l c n"r •. r'l'rc. 1 fi,,"re~ rrl're<rnt;c,<, ",:N,' i" •• h",', . ' '"" .,'''':1 I.' c:,r1<. rloln:::- a 'n',r, h"m" •. Hnw.y~r. Ihr "mr! ew Ine ft-r lh~ ... ah r h,,~< ~nel ",r' t" .r- .\ rx . ar; ...... '" ",,'''e r",n:t: c-f'nte: ~;'''' l-.<t w('Ir.J i., "" .... ~•• c l,r;I;, i ,~-' , :,'_. -- - _.: ""- lor h:ll. ','e, ," a~ F.,"cr :"ar. .rr, Krrr!".,;;! "., h>ck in t',.ir i,rt>. (nm"li.h ,,,mClirinc:-. a"n thr\" can n" C,r:1 F. Il.,-nlan. ,'; :\r ... B~It,m'" 'I ..... '11 .'11" j'o1lll" , Ii.. (," :I,r ",u::c~ ", "'''':'1.: ... rll;'~.j;'j 'i~"'~~'c '~r("<rn:>t'''~ "'ccr', !'.,~ a""',c.'Hrra,,,,"-rlh,.j"rrrrar'n.,f<' Tire r.:::-"t en';.'; "i'rn 111C yn"th<I:;l:~ ..... nh. hy ."ttHhi:iQ' (,~C";l ('hild a( '"'u Thr thr,., :~ f .. tr ~n~~ t"\~('n f, ~". "'i,r,- ... n~"',' :r(\m .11 CrrMj, r"ar h _ 1 /i'r ,1"h l'n.'r< :"C', q" '",:, \\;.; '1".~ The Re .... _ ;. ,:'e o"ly .d.mi';"lr '" -"irer. "., 1ll':"'!I"" ~a,~ n.... ','d" ',l',al. 1'.:1,1" :l"r! \\:,' hr "rr" .'.t\lr,;~v. ~()o ;"c 'l< II,,: )):. :",lij-a!1'< nrw Itn!Ur~ mr.o ,ir:"". in c,''''''''','" 'rll'" mt'<fillm co"en". the ."tire T0 ....... h;"I T'.p,. "'-' ""1r- o ,I:,, '-r," :'1', I (-'-.,: \"\en (). 1':,:;1: ,-.: :',r i.".,,, I \[,,,:.1 hv~irrr m.trr',!, fr(\m t',. IHm~rr 1l ;r'~, "" 1~ " _ ;~:! ::..,11 .Ct ":'.t t'.' 1.r,r::. G,'P, .. i,.lion oi, hilt ra!h~r f".u,,~,' I.;"'", .. ,'..,', ':'P .-f ro." .... P"i .. t~. _";<1, ;. ~d in I 1'" ,""",.,' ,,',,;, d ,.,._',h-. ",,:: ... q',f that ,I! d the a.-rcstrr! j \!a:r p a",' R'.'be,; ,,100":S in Gr".'" I :"",,f,,. "'" em' .. , I': ir0m 10 ~. m. te 1,1' ''''~Ih ~nn cl;cnle,e. !<,,,",~. ,.~; :~:,:,',,~, ~."7 h"m<! lor il. 1<,caJlie... lAc,;.:. "e;c y;.:1; oft •• 0\11,;~oUlh, wcrc r...lea'cd. POint. were dl5lr,buled. l.\).,.m I I I

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tHE GIlOlU POnrnNIIITING CO..........




Special PropositionsTo Be Voted On In

General Election


Economy GroupEndorses City


:....B. OLDHAM, PublisherYOLl4-No.U

-(:roue Exaaaeratio ... ?DJ' A. PRYOR

When we left tht hurly-hurl,.. of N,Y., tbe thought of the peace and quietof our hometown carried u. aWly to thee:dent tbat we wouldn't have been sur-prised to see Michigan Central Stationlittered with cows and chickens-but-we n~glecled to consider the Yale.Michiglln.footb.U ......eel<-endl Now thatit'. over, we feel, (and probably look),li~~ 1O~.eth~~ t~lt ~ew lip .ill.~, dampC::CUd.r • .L.ue \...HY nilU~ lK~1j uv ioU u. .. t;.. rs

in guests {or days; ltowmany, we can't recall. but oDe mornitl¥Grone Pointe woke up, yawued,Itretched-and there they werc.; from

IFiaal Garden Club IBlue Devil. MeetMeetilqr .November 6 Fordaon in LutAt Neighborhood Club League Tilt

The la~t meeti;:(the Gard~'l ("~".I If Ih, 114jll~. ~ during the pastter at the t\eighborhOOci Club, 17145 four years are any indication, Satur-

Waterloo, until the lint of the new day's battle between Grosse Pointe and EI f h C't f G P • t The other special .........,.;tioa coo-year. will be held on Monday, No. Fordson should be one of the best. ectorsuo tel y 0 r?slse olll.e " .........

. . are to ba at upou two .peela propos I' cern. a more or 1esI routiDe mana',vember 6, at 8 p. m. Th~ s.ubJect will AlthOUgh Ford50n h~ld.s the Idvan- 'tions at the Cit ~neral election next upon wbich. howeve!'. it is necessary lGbe "Evergreens for }.hch,gan Gar- tage o\'er the Blue Devils In game. won" da'" y.. _ '1 11 h f th

"p . Tiles y ",ovem""r • pot 0 ese sceure an approval by baDot. V t t dens, by" Mr. Ralph derson of the each meellng ....11. dosely contested. . l' . • b h at will be submitted to the yate... the q..-rges 0 ers 0 go department of parks IDd boulevards. Neither team cinchinll;' "ictory until specla ~0::51t7n~ ;;r t e appl'O'l' tion of whether the City IboaId ~e a- 1M, .• Pderson has ebarie oi the city I the final miautes. The real tin-iller was 10f the 0 IC sot ~ . I y.To PollS Tue..,ay Inursery at Dearbonl and knows oy in l'JJi wnen Ford.un eitcu vul .. 1.1-:3 Our. .uch propo$ltlOl\ ~tcmplatu deed to a piece of property ill Lake-

th . f ..... '£ t "nd G--'he ian<i:Court SuW;vI.!.=;.;:..praetka1 experience which evergreens tie with a last minute pass in the end' e pa"IDg 0 :--IU' 011. ,"'"

------- will thrive in ollr climate and will be zone, streets and the IssaaDce of bonds 111 tl>e The fU'0P'"rl'!' referrCG' to lies at tIaePointing out: able to answer any qllestions about the . Saturday's game, the last 1939 Border total sum of $12.soo to pay the cost north etld of Lakelalld A~ .. ~(1) Th h t f h Ci f G P. f h care of the ever-een, u.-~ as plant- therefor. This appears to be a much the southerly side of the t e tax ra e 0 t e Ity a rosse omte or t e en- D..~ Citiel League game for the Pointers. D' h. Tb ..~:..." .----.....

iogs for the front of 10 many houses needed improvement in view of the fact Mar.h ItC e .u ..... ".woa .... _suing year is $16 per thousand dollar valuation as tom pared with I'n Gros'e Po,'nt. .....ill ~gin at 2 o'clock at the High that the dusl and mud «iB;inating from which Lakeland Ayetlue nalS was plat.-, ~ School Athletic Field. • 1m. T1ae$19.60 for each of the pa~t four years i Mrs.. Horace B. Pcabod}'. presid ...nt The 59.Piece Band under the direc. the preIsent unpav.ed c:m:dditiOll'I.i5.high- ted by John Y. Dwyer In

. I t t tD eSI nts IVlng on southerl .. end oi tbe !ubdirisioa Wu at(2) That the cost uf the city government has decreased frotn Of the Garden Center, will preside at tion of Mr. Kalember, and led by Hu- y unp easan

h0 ere d h J

. . b .. lor near to t ese two streets all suc ]effersOll aYenue; tbe northerly eftiI of$S8S,306.95 in 1932 to $346,046.74 for the year ending March 31, 1939, thIS meetml(. ert Strem and Ma;,on BIshop .h~ve nuisance win be eliminated if the elec- a line 240 let Dorth of Charlnoiz. TbiIand to an estimated tost of $333,593.12 for the year ending March On Thursday. Novem~r 9, at 2:30 planned an exceedingly entertaIning t th boftd. po ition. line was tbe southerly ~ of a tria.,-

p. m. at the RusseU A. Alier House a program for between the hah'es. F!ve I or. al'pr~ e .. sue pro s ular arca bounded on the lIOftlrwut..,..31, 1940; ,"Discussion and exhibition of Thanks- intricate f~at:ons are $che~uled. Da- W ell Reporb the :Blaek )lam. Ditch. This~.

(3) That the bonded indebtedness of the city is approximately giving and Christmas tables and table Grasse Pomte s Probable LUle.up: :.. __ ~... ll-L !ar lliee: ""'" dedicated by IIr. DwJ'd'~n\f\ I'V\n I I' ldecorations' wil1 be held. Mrs. WID. Jacl<son, left end; Perroni, I~ft !add~; uoua • -~-- as a PlIblie flUk.'fUVU,VVV under thl! amount a.t nwrtl: by _aw, 1 :Beresford Palmer will discuss and com- Waldie. left gUard; Carlson, center: CoDditi.oD in Pointe

(4) That from 1932 to date the bonded indebtedness has been ment on both tables and table derora- Abrams, right pard: Kammer. right m~e: ~~:e ~ ~~=.=tile North. East, South and West. AI. lowered 44 per cent; tions. Among those who will tnter tackle; right end:, Broden, The health conditions in Grone p;u-\;:pW'p03Ci deeded tile ~iter that momilla' everybody stopped , • • _ tables will be Mrs. 1.. Rothe Farr ,."d I quarterback; PIckard. halfbac",; E),e, I Point .. or ... y","!,.;.,.,~II;, ~~, ~~~ :: Ib k t h M er ud his wife,._*uiug btuuse they didn't Iuo.vetiwC!. , :5) That. for the past SL't years .the annua~ earnings 1n ~he ~~i,"" ~ ... ',v. jaci<5QI1 and tnase. ;'aii~c~; raust, .fullbadt. very ImaU per ce~lt of absenten from l';:c

l9t1: J.;;.: vill.e~ject:ed the park

If )'OIl P!!:l geL your mouth open that IslDkIDg fund Investment!, together wlth net gams from security planning to bring centerpieces for tbe Off,cIals: EddIe ~arboar .(u. of ?); any of our IlChools because of iIIu=:;:;I. for __ I CUOftI. The loc:atioa ..• d . k' it. labl will ~),f Phil!" 0 Mu11c..... Referee John Nevlne (U of Cm). f I.' d. Th h f polio RYuaJ r .w, the Idea was to put a rut Ul transactions, hu been about 5.3 per cent per year on the average e . rs: I Ip. ~J' .' '. , 0 any ~n e tree a.e, 0 !!t't t!!~*h! dc;!r:b!= ~ ~ L":: ~

Guellt-i-cisms: • f -" • '1 ~ •. •• Miss Mane Louise At1denoD. Mrs. Umpll'e. Arthur Carty (,6,I!!'l). He!!!- reponeci In October were of a mild type I_~ lJr' Iy •• .:.f .... - .. Ill' .L..pe_baIan In th'" unn !:II r,.t4I1 1"' ~ "" ~" -:r .'J!lI - .. ~ •• - -,,- • II" """'" en e _UoD ~"." 1IiiiiI.-..•. --- .'.L ,--~._..u •• -e ..- ~<> <> ----. - ---~---_.- ",.;-'- ~U""o "'~ .. , "we, ]nlian P BoweD and aDyone intere.ted InesmiUlo and are reeonrin'" with ey- indica- •• • ~...." .........v..... ,~ ..... '" t"............~I" .... ,. .- '. . • po _I .i~e alw aric:r me Diack .araB .......

• male visitor piloting olle &I our most (6) That approxImately $4500 less than the budget was ~~!!t !!!!!y br'.1:ii a centffp:ece if .tile,. wn ------- tica. of DO.bad after elect. was &Ueci in it ... ~ that ..eleput iadiu tDro1l&b the er=d ;1I::~' dUring tbe past :"ear; and Mrs.. George Boaton. the d,rector of MarJrarove Tower Contagious diseues nporled hi Oc- property to d.e north Woald ultimatd7onto the daDce 11001'. As he passed a 7)..... . -- h • • the Garden Center, Tux~do 2-021loIDot Dance Nov 10 tober were: six eases of mumps, three be snbdjyided and d~ If a a-ktab'- <--de'" WJ'th and"'ches he put a ( • "at whJle all t ~se, and other economies m government, later thaJJ Wednesday November 8 • f h' k tb pol........ hoop -1

... R>ll ". .' ". '. • '. ." 0 C IC en pox, ree 10, .... v W - us tbeD estllbliJhed J,-.. 1Mll1:It .._few: of the?, In hIS Jl?Clcet- ~'S partller were bemg made the city adequate It prOVIded for all necessary from 1 to S 0 dock 50 that tnOlllt'h Six Marnrrove .tudenu from this iog eOUgh, ODe pneum~ Clw'lc:voia, the Itreet tJIrwIb .."._ ....noticed thU tin-Emily Postuh gesture municipal sen."ices; tables will be prcpa.rcd. ..eetion are lIIemben of YUioaI com- A1tboagh tile aaziety about polio hN. oIirisio. to- tile -a ~ ~ ~aDd asked the muon. "WeD," drawle4 .• • • Both of th.tse: me~ are free an4. b aal T DaMe IlIhYled, Dr Wan Itiqdt$ tIIid b1iaoI ~...... ........

_..._ - __ "t'", "I)t Iat tiJac we'" _ -':sPb$tantw committee of v~ters_~f thc ..Uty of Gnl~se.Po~~, -r-~~~~ +, ,-._ -mea_. fer t e an.n ower .;,. . CIl to a 01'. ~ .

. - ue ..nn_ me re::a&:bOii 0 .at ~ ._'_'. ..-Ji 0 _ _ ...:-...... -oa. . _ •.. _..-' . I -- . ._'- _, ..-. _ _ _, .,....,.t ~ hi! tha~ -PPtHd 1,Iam.. C1iester F. Carpenter, Hugh L. Dill, M. D.. D. M. Ferry, Jr., Walter Tax Authority To _is. Mary Ic.thluu ~-dauafJ- I~ of m-s. •• to be 011 dIt ~tIie~'- 'I, ..lIl",ut ~ ungry. c.'. .. Ad.L--- ..., , t f:M d M W c1eJia C side in COlUultinc their doctor. I :' (c.a.iflfI...,'.~i!lMl!'" ;,.' Another 0. 0. t. g. (from Texas), de- Hartwig and Edward F. SpItzer. Each has played a large part m ~ "' omen 8 er 0 r. an n. en. ; ., ; _ ;! • ~;,.,.

D-b IbSchrage, 1321 Devonshire annae, iscided to lea,'e one.of the p:r.rti~s early, the above program, the committee claims. .~JAI licaa C U chairman of the patron eomtuitt .... _~~_ E. R.Vall lCleeck Poetry Week W.. .10 he called a tlUCl,but when It ea:e There are six to be elected to the council out of nine candidate!., - sisting h~r will be Miss Betty Ken- P--ided at M. E. A. Ob j at .. _he dismissed it and called another. e ...' The Hon. Wm. B. Campbell. an au. nedy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo a~ Daez .~ "......kept this up for sometime until it oc- The commIttee IS calhng upon all these who favor good gov- thon'tv _ U1'ch:""," .~ ••• :,," "";l! "~. \ • d.I . "" ''I ...a ••• __ ••_-. "_. au 1\ '. Kennedy 7i Moran reaclU'red to..s~eone :~ ask ,him what -~ ernment economically administered, to include these five among drC5I the ~nd mont~ly meeting of Miss Lona'in Meyer, daughter of Mr. "Menta! hygieue" for school ebildreu An assembly procnm at VuoiI-:on

g. I aln~ gOln until" I get a tUl ithe six for whom each registrant will vote. Their past records are the WO~etl s R~ublican a~b of and Mrs. Walter Mlyer, 1417 B~ac"ns- :!oem't mean that the teacher Ieh School to which aD tM childrel1 1lli!rlt

with a Texas hcense plate. '1"5 the re.. • Grosse POUlte. on "ednesday, Novem. feld ....enue, is on the mU5ic commit- Johnnie Mexprcss himself" to the extent illrited marked the dose of J4~ply. I such that the committee not only feels that they are entItled to ber S. The meeting .....ill come to order I of throwing spitballs at ner. . PoeUy \Veek. Many mothen att~

?ne I~al host telephoned all of his re-election but that with the program of economy in government promptly at 2:30 II. m. at the ~eigh- te~lisS ~fary Padelt, d~'.~~tCi' of Mr. "Progressive education" doem't Elinor Corfiehl introd~d the ~f~len~s ,n the tecuy-weeny hours oikt~~ which these men advocate for the future it would be disadvan. bor~ Oub. 1,7145 Waterloo street, and ~rrs. Adolph M. Padelt, 1265 Bllck- mean what most of th~ public think. gram, telling the audien.:e .that themormng after the game and as. = . '. and Mil Con\'elJlently be held on the ingham road, is on the refreshment either. poetry selected cODcemed itself witltthem if by chance they were stormg tageous to every taxpayer and CItizen to omit anyone of them for first floor. 'tt Good mental hygiene is good leach. telling a story. teachinc a 1esSOll, ten.f . • comml ee,away one 0 hIS ll'Ies~s. As far as we ve the ensuing two years. Mr. Camp~n. the speaker. is well Miss ::Ifary Louise Berns. daughter of ing, and the good teaciler practi:es it ing something funny, makin. as h~s? t be;n founChd.)octl Each of the five candidates is a taxpayer. 1m01l-"!I 10 the people of Michigan_ Re- Mr. and :Mrs. ]ulius 1.. Berns, 12<10 regularly. It isn't just IOwething !he ualiu beaDtiful pictures, and apreIIoo

e Spl= a VISItor .rom

ICagO, - tiring as general manager of the Como, Bedford road, ;s on the program com- "slaps on around the edges. ~ illll' march rbythms. AU the childz"c1l"'~o. (someone told us). IS a Mr. Cum' Mother.' Club Dean \i - H cia Imen:ioLl ~mH::.;Co-, !':~ ",as !nduc~d tco.,u;il<~. . were SOIDec:mcl'!~ions dra ....-n in- the lA and 2B gndes with themtngl. (Oh, boy!). 'Ve rushed home I 1 urpby ea enter public life. He served severall !oriss Margaret Mary Dal}', daughter for Wayne County te~(':~s :!otten!!;",," .t.acher, Pauline Sagala, participated iaan~ •tore up our pIcture of ~"tI\TCnce Gives School. Show at Royale tCi'm. in the state legislature where he Iof Mr. one! Mrs.. Hugh L Daly, 1303 Saturday morning convention of the the program. Tbe JIO-'! which 'RreOlIVIer and wrote to Y~le,. as.kmg th~ New Trophiea ---,. beame Imown as a kun s~udent of t~x Beaconsfield avenue, i. on the public- Y. Eo. A. r.egional meeting at Cass read, S~ng, :ind dramat~ b! tile chiIooto come back and play MIChigan agalD Dean l[urphy, Broadway s ace lID-I matters. Mr. Campbell's address .....,11 it commillee. Technical High Schoo" dren rneluded tbe foUowillg; T1teI. soon as possible. First to be engund on the new personator. headline. this wtek's show be of the greatest inter~st to stockhold- yAll six are seniors at ?>Iar:rgrove. Presided over by Dr. E. R. Van Huntsmen, by \Valler de Ia Yare; T1te

Not to be outdone by the vi:itiDg golden trophies presented b)' the ;l.foth: Iat the Clu~ .Royale, fuHilling the en- en and home own en, who will b.. - Klecck. il1pcri.:tc::dc,::': vi Gro5S.eP~":te ~I~ :!... :! !h~ ~~.,!.,. ~ O!~firemen, ~any of the home-folks .went I ers' Oub to Grosse Pointe Hil1h .g~ement which he has had tn ~"'I'..aniea at tne taClS ",mclt De V",a dlS'j MACK AVE. STATION Ischools: the dISCUSSIOn.panel In.c1~ded IHereford; The Flag, by Mary ~owlilooto:- .... ~: ... ::: :. ':d~:; ::;: C~v~:.: rv ...:':':~I~ct'ool a, the parent.facu'ty frolic last I smce the club opened six weeks ago~. dose. UNER NEW MANAGEMElIO" Dr. Fntz Redl, educatIonal adVIser at ton: The Turtle. by Vachel Lindsay:mamler. One. sedate and bespectacle.d Monday night .....ill be the names of c~use of his Xe~ York book.ings in.a :.~,.;. I),:,"lSlii; C~:;:~....i!! gi,": :!:~::_ __ lil~ . c..ILl-,w\" Se!:o?!; Dr: Joill' C. SUJan Lane, by Kate Greenway; QiDmse~'" nf .h~ pr,"~!~ ~:!.r~"':", t!:.: ...- !::;; tne nonor boy and girl ot tDe )al'uary I",,-week \"&udenlle tour which he IS I . t t Ik n "Ham and Egg. in Of interest to man" in the Pointe is Sulhvan. \Va)'ne UDlvemly; MiS, O'Qullikin, by Laara E. Richanlsi. . . . d h Id k' . h C B "mmu e a 0 - H' F I .. h' H' h S h I ....._tnh,billons to lhe ....'nd an e a graduating class. ma 'mg ",11 onstance ennet. ...ur- Caliiornia." the announc.ment of Fred \V, McMann e.en ar ey, .-ers ,ng Ig c ,00, ~{oral Song, by John Farrar; AI'"b~nch of Jc~llions i

ust. inside of an de.c. ". . ~hy is packi.n

gthem in at the Ro)'ale Aiter the meeting tea ~nd sandwiches that h. has rec.ntl)' purcl.ased the ser"- Detroit. and, fro~ th~ ~ross", Pomte ~larchinR' Song, by R. 1.. St ... ~nsnn;

ttlC fan whIch ".as golDg full blast. L.t. These beautiful tropl,.-s presented IJust as he d,d at the ParamoulH Ihea- "ll II ._ J d 'ou ma. d;scuss ;ce <tation and "roperl" located at schools, Dr. Manon F"z'l-nmoni, P')'. The Policeman author unlmown; aDlI. b--' b•. M"s J C D n' rtl Ii t . . ,,' I. h h h d '1\, C h.\C an) !. . - . ,. . h' 1 r b' 'tIe sprays of oman cm'ered c,"cry "',)' . J • ,. • • a.o I. rs "'ce pres- ter m _,ew YorK. '" He e was c1 .. . . . e lca cup with )'our :'!ack a,'enue and Harvard Rd, Grosle chologisl; )oJep IRe Bart ell. rorr: 'Y Resting. by E. 11. the car. :;,:cept the ,i~1ian who'per- ('dhentlOfst,hte ),[Ol~er; Clu.!>,.to1 :!Ilr. o.-er for four ad<litionalllleeks. )'lur_I::;;~~~r~~er tn Poinle Park. Assoriated with' him in School; Ruth Pace, Ricl;ar.1. S'-h~,.; _petrated this dastardly trick 3r es a zer, ",sl.<lant prmc'pa • are phv has also pla,'ed recentl" at the In. , I" h . f th t' h' h '11 Eudora Frazee Pierce JunIor H'1'n 23rd Annual Mum. 1" h h' h T'- b ' . - • • The SOIf.t). of A,merlca ICS m "'om. I e operatIon 0 e sta ,on. w IC ....., •

Another r.rn«~ Po:n!er, g".Jesting at ": '"c . Ig... "Cy are now emg ternational Casino, where he re- . t t' ~h' political ,,'ith be known as :!Ildlann', Friendlv

Ser- School, and Paul Young. dean of boys,. . d d,splayed In a case on the first floor' d bl I ,. 1'1 ens meres In lOgs , , . l ShowN-!.-~ 1112a Jwank dInner pa~t)., so carrie . . tamed at ou ed sa ar)' to the A I ton its freedom and open debate and "ice ",ill be his son, Frederick )'fc~lann Pierce Schoo ....,,~UCI'" ,

a"'ar by the lilting tunes of hil Alma along WIth the first paIr, presented t ...n Berlc's place ...-hen Berle ielt to open .h I d';" ,'on a llUGuate of Poinle High :!Ilental hygiene and really prOg'!'es-11.1 '" vears ago. . h d I S La ,," c ~s(lmc: .~( ..5~1 14 Gr p . t d E t ~, • ...:.-

Mater, that he proceeded 10 "ta: . e . 111 IS new co~e }'.• ee ~[y "','cr. Erin" )'ollr friends ant! come to lh.1 School. Both ".ntl.mrn ."tend a hearty shoe edll-:alion aren't jllS! lome!h;ng for ~sse om e a~ a. etI'I .IC.: .... ~e,'eryone ....ho went throu"h the In-mil' The older cups are no .... filled ".'th He was next SIgned by tl, .. Shuberls lor t; in"ilation to all fri ...nd. as .....ell Ithe "little kids," the @'roul' seeme,; In Hortlcultural Sn<',..ty ",:ffi !tage _he••room doorway ......her. he had stationed names of thc honor '!rarl"ate'. ;he I their n ..... Zicgf.ld rollies which has mCC ,ng. ------- Ias re,ident. of tloe Pointe in g'en.ral to l ..gree, College standards make the". twenty-third annual Chrysanthem_nimse,ii i~r iusl

. that purpo,e. I,c~oors honor girls ar-. J.a'l Rankin, Ito b~ PO.<lpoOC.tIaf:er 7ecause so many F_ Jolo Prillti., of tJ.e Beller Ki .... drOll in on them. All a:c. assured, of Ipractice more difficult with older schol. ~~o.:"..O? Sat.u~~ay a~d .~~nday, No-An},wa~, It "as all ~erce f~,n ",nd as ~rari[arct Baliour, r.arle Latimer'j foreIgn stars. "cr~. In. t"e c~st. . ea:; en... P.nate R~,1AIIolt 111Z. prompt. courleous and "ff'rlc"t ,pro.•r. I''', ",,! !hc good I<::h~: •••• ~U'llI'JUlll "",u"." .':u ,~, at tile .;0, ellrlltlOrlloocl

that hilarIOUScartoon m the ~ew York. Phyllis johnson, Isahdic Brandl. Ro,a- ~ B~.u .. hIS ml!~lIcry: 01 the F,r~t • e,'en lnese problems. they deCIded. Gub,. C~ty ot Grosse a few years allo read •. 'Yon F.a<t- . :'.::c ,Schuman, .lean Harel,ng, Janct' 1.•"JllIY S;l .mus ...d Pre.,u.nt Roose,'el!, I 'S k D 'R t .~obody thinks of i[oinll' to a :hir- Tin.' 'S by far Ihe most col<)l'fal ofemtrS ne.dnt th~nk ....e tlon t know ~o~ Moffal. Eilccn Beevcr, Alice Horn. I mo~hcr, Dean. has pla,y~d a command I na e ancers 10, t...enth centllry deotist," Dr. Redl de. ),[,~h,gal. fa~l sh~,,: and t.he large iY1lt-to ha\'~ a good t'me'- ....e do-even ,f It B h 'II' t h. \\'.1'1.' " t . I rerrorlnance m the \\ hlle House. and H 1 E t P 1. c'ared ''Xol>od~ should ....ant any teach. na!l'''" at tne CIUD prOVIdes a pufect. ar ara i' Ing on, uOfJ< I I .. n. ~) . .' ur ggs a 0 Ice '. ~ . ..I<llls U:l. Honhart. Beltv Shaff.r. ~Iarlha Clise, I al,:;" tnterlamed the K:ng and Uu ing fo. his child Ihat ;s not also up-to. ~cttlng for such an exh,blL

(ConlfnufOll On Paa-e Two) . Helen Jean. ~!Hr Fill, Jane Bait5.j nr. En>:land ...he~ :hel" ~'ere on date and morlern and in line .....ith the The competitrre schedllie cans forElizahcth Goodrich. Je.n Trombley, j thlr r~ce"t lonr. _"~I rn h,~ carly twen. ."'''"ererl "rc.u~e poEcc broke "l' 1and the p"lktmcn b.came largets for be't .ducalional thought." OVtr fiit~. da5ses in ellt flowers anll

DR. M. R. SULLIVAN and Catherine R.u1'~;:h. I,e,. 1:1 •. I)(>y fr,,~ \\ Isco~sm .....nt.d:~ I Hall"\\'ccn cel.hration. .100 aceuralel~. hurl"'d tom.lo' and ell'll". The teaeh~rs ?~scus<:~ .at leHlrth the polt ...d pI3nt~. "'ith many additinndIN NEW OFFICE he a la\\.\tr. hI' found It morc proli ... en«r P"i"tr Hi:!" SchC'01 <I",;cnr, 1" .,,~ "h,,'p .. T~ '"""" ""t :0'!:'.':' Co:r.;;:,';; ..,j I'U'II"'I< """'<en", ."m"r,a,'rs 111.rl"I,c arrangement, and ern.TI,C T onor 1 ()\"" ~rr' \'~i1~;-=lm ',rn~l""_ ':lo;~1................ 1_ : .... !:.~ 1 ...... t. .._.1 , .... ~ ~ -..-~ " , I . ~ . . . .

- .. 1,. )'" ~ r +,' ••• _ ::~~ .":-~ ••• :"U "~._~I:.....I~~.t :1i~:~t "'nT"t',",.::.,..r!f"~ ;/"'l'~" t:"\"~: ~I C':!. 25 bC"Y5 wC":-c ~;;,kcr. toO the. Gros~e pC't(" ",,-Un one a.notl1('~~ Acnu=v~m('nt'l hTa("('~ C\"rf)' t:-p(' ~nd \..Ir'et~l trom theXcv., :,., r~acil.<1 U, IhlS w.rk that! hn'l'. "',111,,,, B""": X'.'.'":: ;,.::.h~c:.~, i~.\ ...,.-.;~-<:~i;""" ,.....; "c'm ,"""'"' I .. rns,c Pointe Farm < l'"liecmcn wit:' i P"in,e F~rm, p~:ic.c stali"n. l"1ot ('Iulrl0i~~ on~ ,anolht'r. should he h~b~' p0";Mm .fO the giant ~xh~bition

M, R. Su1li,an. D. D. S, ".ho~e office. Gcor~r Rcl.1nc:cr. Ech:lI1 \\ m:ht, J~, It". pr. :~' ,_000 a ".~ . '. 'rn\lrn ~;;,,< an'; nwr,nrc 10matoc.; I Tilr rr0"tI 'lu,ckly rta.<5rmhlcd ah"nt 'lr ..."ed, tllry s.,r!. Tc.cher< were kmd< .. Inch nltrn mra"~re 2Sl 'n,""",1M Ihp 1'a.l 10 ,"car. has bren located lellh BI~ck. t)"nal,; 'an, ~!art,,~,. Erl- .. ~rl1 •. (.a~r"I1, "~" l;Tl ,\'~<ln.,,,hen 'M~ r.ol'n .~"i.l<~.• <r',,~ C:;C,. t\;'at. IILc :"':;.:;~j( and "b"n ,iemano, ior ur~e~ In errale a frirndly atmMl'hrre tor mM~ in ~ircllmfcrence.

~ .,.,.:\..", ,' ... ",. r.~I,,- ...1 \1. ~ .. 1...". jl(T~i' -j;., ....- 17";{(' [n "nAl(c lH'T \\(";er (Iol~,(', I ." . j • t • I I. . I P'I 1 '..I k' \ fl' •.. t 3f ,,(k ,1\ ("nll~ ;Inri Thrt:t MII~ nrivt I ".. '. -'''., ~."'-'<'I., I l ". I ~', .1 •• I: '." '. . . rned to) :, d"" n l~. m:rn'CIT'.l h,,>ld. I t~r!r hudd,.s reka 'C were Il/;nored I 'Cv 'n lh""r e .<se<. 'l1" < s lOU "w"r tor . part r"m c Hysanthemum<. '"1St-

. Par,nn< R,,~.r D"1r'r ),,'c"l1 "p,17- 'n "rr rlanrr s,a, < fM a ,rc,,"d ,,'~ck. I . . '1 J' ff.' , I . 1 ~ J h I ( I" I 'I II' IIj~ n(lW r";"tahll~h('c1 in hi", ""';1.:" buHdin" I .... . - - j '.. • , I In.'l'. :l1"lo "("i(" hn..1. \" Ijr1\"tn 0 \\ltn I rrnr"'\\f"O t H'lf lom();:rrumrnt. f(':t~nf"l" 01 rr t ,An ('.tr, tI 'l"OU~ 'I a t0r~ \\11 ~r('" rx('rj"ltH"'n~ lr ""e gTOWft... Ie,' Hunt.r Hrnriee '.v """"" hl-' Tnt '"l'",nrlln,! .ntrrta,nrr, HC r..ll,' II J h h IJ' .• t 11,iJI ~Iack, h<-Iw...en Thr.e 'file' .... ' , .' - - ',. : I. . , .' . tc.r .::~, ~n,~ fi~r !""C'. I T!,t fier ~~,.,rm,,,,1 .. a< ca cd:" .,(] c(\mIMl.;)l~ e1>,< ./mo'l' .re ~ nil "n t r"'t5 an<1 carn.t,on' .nd SptCIlDe.'''ar I K,"~ h"" •. \\ a',,,,, l)"',,:,1 \ an (,',n-n". ",\1nc:-.n" h.!Ta,; ',"~c,; Chrcr : . J . ~ I J.. h . II . .nri\(' Ann C('lur,illr .. \"'~('I("iatf:'d with I ( ~":"" ". ..' I 1"1,!" ~'('I~:n~'1('r.;; \\crr .~1\("" :h~ nOn tl,r fl<,,1tf(' ~nd ~ nr~ ~('\c:t \\;l( 1nl'tH'q h~ (""('lnltl~("rI "TI :. h("lTln.'r <,nt'. omn, p0h (\f \\lnt('r t1\'~rmg hrl{onl=.".Pnek \\'dl,am \I',rhl Rre'",,' Tal-"'l a~rl \rm,j~,,"'" c"",rn,. ,;."("~r,' EI17-. I. .. . 0.1 J \ I . R" , 1 hTlr'11l1i\"an ;H;nthcpa~t 9o"ill~F" .""'''" d' 'n\rrf.'('h~"':'''''('d ....('llrC'mrn''lth(''rI01. ('>n~ll('rr""'.,rl\\!'1('nqlT1(""vr('trr'l.t('{l ~nrlf'.trtnhc:tuc:t'I1l~nyrr('l,,('mC::('It ('l:'t l ...("rn', "no,e: ~t'ntra so",'. , , -, Charlr' \rm'lrn~~ Fric G".t'ciralk ,I,olh 11"1,,:,,, a'~ n.n Ihr rn. <nn" I . 'II I I


'. I I 1~ h . • . "1 1 . (d . hPo. \\'~tt., . .~. - • . .. . J '" 'l1r:' 1M c.-h. and 'me ",I he un- n"l" ranll'~ "nl c ("(1l1lJnlllnl<'to ~y I r 11 "ren. "I l,n"I'e Irac.,cr, "It.n la, c '''"e"n. "'"".,",r, M I'll ges ,n t eand C.rT Sr',acninc:- ,I.r< '" '"""cal cnmrth'. '.;r',' "a~,c ' " . . 'I 1 .

Dr. Snlli,.a~', nr", "'"arttr< \\'i11he a . ' . - . _ "'T'"lr'l ~"r m'(1' .• 0"''''.' '" cnmr. '~(1"n '\' harr,:::-r. tn r,<rn Ilcse 'tressr. anti ,tr.,n<. rrl\~:~ Il'r""rn 'rCI,,,n:. '. " rl'<rm',k, h,- :he r'II1,'1 R,,~ ~lr rl.ocr., , , I . _ 1 . r .n,-c1at,nn 1,,111' pal,rnl'. The imi'din~ I On ,..... nf "lr nc . Ir",,',ir, ~rr lw" . . . , ..\1 ~ .¥l ;'. m. ,100 ~,'"rll"ttr'. 1I1C .. "" Thcn Ihr l'"iTrrmrn Ihr~\\' te~' Ira< T~"I,rr< ,h""ld a'm tn nnd e lance, .l'n'" \\. ii""I"n. of Gm .. e "mtt;

'" I""l: "','" "j ..:i:"d n.:l.~l!iV Dcmf':r:_ co mll~lC ("(')mpl(',C ,"'~ .,' • hi. 1 1 . I I 1 •• ". •(1( or!, .\n;n,(;", "r<l

nlcn"r •. r'l'rc. 1 fi,,"re~ rrl're<rnt;c,<, ",:N,' i" •• h",', . ' '"" .,'''':1 I.' c:,r1<. rloln:::- a 'n',r, h"m" •. Hnw.y~r. Ihr "mr! ew Ine ft-r lh~ ... ah r h,,~< ~nel ",r' t" .r- .\ rx . ar; ...... '" ",,'''e r",n:t:

c-f'nte: ~;'''' l-.<t w('Ir.J i., "" .... ~•• c l,r;I;, i ,~-' , :,'_. -- - _.: ""- lor h:ll. ','e, ," a~ F.,"cr :"ar. .rr, Krrr!".,;;! "., h>ck in t',.ir i,rt>. (nm"li.h ,,,mClirinc:-. a"n thr\" can n" C,r:1 F. Il.,-nlan. ,'; :\r ... B~It,m'"'I ..... '11 .'11" j'o1lll" ,

Ii .. (," :I,r ",u::c~ ", "'''':'1.: ... rll;'~.j;'j 'i~"'~~'c'~r("<rn:>t'''~ "'ccr', !'.,~ a""',c.'Hrra,,,,"-rlh,.j"rrrrar'n.,f<' Tire r.:::-"t en';.'; "i'rn 111C yn"th<I:;l:~ .....nh. hy ."ttHhi:iQ' (,~C";l('hild a( '"'u Thr thr,., :~ f ~n~~ t"\~('n f, ~"."'i,r,- ... n~"',' :r(\m .11 CrrMj, r"arh_

1/i'r ,1"h l'n.'r< :"C', q" '",:, \\;.; '1".~ The Re ...._ ;. ,:'e o"ly .d.mi';"lr '" -"irer. "., 1ll':"'!I"" ~a,~ n.... ','d" ',l',al. 1'.:1,1" :l"r! \\:,' hr "rr" .'.t\lr,;~v. ~()o

;"c 'l< II,,: )):. :",lij-a!1'< nrw Itn!Ur~ mr.o ,ir:"". in • c,''''''''','" 'rll'" mt'<fillm co"en". the ."tire T0 .......h;"I T'.p,. "'-' ""1r-o,I:,, '-r," :'1', I (-'-.,: \"\en (). 1':,:;1: ,-.: :',r i.".,,, I \[,,,:.1 hv~irrr m.trr',!, fr(\m t',. IHm~rr 1l ;r'~, " " 1~ " _ ;~:!:: .. ,11 .Ct ":'.t t'.' 1.r,r::. G,'P, .. i,.lion oi, hilt ra!h~r f".u,,~,' I.;"'", .. , '..,', ':'P .-f ro." .... P"i .. t~. _";<1, ;. ~d in I 1'" ,""",.,' ,,',,;, d ,.,._',h-. ",,:: ... q',f that ,I! d the a.-rcstrr! j \!a:rp a",' R'.'be,; ,,100":S in Gr".'" I :"",,f,,. "'" em' .. , I': ir0m 10 ~. m. te1,1' ''''~Ih ~nn cl;cnle,e. !<,,,",~. ,.~; :~:,:,',,~, ~."7 h"m<! lor il. 1<,caJlie... lAc,;.:. "e;c y;.:1; oft •• 0\11,;~oUlh, wcrc r ...lea'cd. POint. were dl5lr,buled. l.\).,.m







Pick-up IIDd






Thursday, November 2, 1.939








DEAN MURPHYR. maGe tit. Kifll ond Que",. [_." •• Hyrle1'.,1e

D,,'rnit'8 .'Smartest Theatre RcstauTlJntprelHmh

YDUI' N~ MoWIpaStatioa Now Under New

'M ..... t

McMann',Friendly Service

wiab to caD the attentioa ofresidenta of thia c:ommunity tothe fact that they have rec:.nt-1)' IMIl"Chued t!M: atation &ad

property located .tMack A.'Ie. &ad Harna1I Road

ero... Pointe Park


Y !uIp F.. 1. RalnNMd-Y_ Hair LooU Poalti .. l,. Radiaut.1M -eic of Ocihie Sis.. S~ Hair Topic will po J-Hair • ~ '-"-""'Ilol .... it Mil' to _ .. ead k.-p ~latiNn,..........


w. ewdiaD,. bmto ~ to __ tJala .tatioa 7oaJ' I... ~. Eer allcar....... W0 aluJi ....... 4N' at ail u... to naoior e-riooaJ, .ificieut..... COIIWa-.l frieJod1y aenice.



c.ur JaJlUCed An Cit:r MaaacerPainti.rl,. line! dr.Win •• importe4 Dayton', J1'eat 1913 ftood led tilt

to the U. S. between 11130-3-5 wert city to be tht firat lar,. WWJl •valued .t more Ulan 125.0(11).000. the eity man"~~T nl.".

I [ I IIlIh""'"'' IIhil' ""'Ailiil'iill


On Wetloesday afternoon, Novem-ber 8, at 1 o'clock, a cws in .... vina IwiI1 start at the Defer school, Nottinr-ham at Kerc:neval. All WOmen in thecommunity who are interest~ in thisclass are invited to attend.

The enrollment fee IJ anly !ill centsfor tbe course of 11 lellOIl5. For fur-ther information c:<IUMn. Dale atLenOJl: 1034.

New Enaland \VomenSupper Nov. 3

15Z15 Maek AM.



All DaySunday

nn .....-...- .

HI, ...

Call U. for Delivery



o.uL...l'+'~~""'l ~,JI lU,;Ul,;...:...,. _~~'~ :.-~-~-_-~_-~~ ~r-~-~~_-~~.....--.r-- -- __~,---+

Groue E......... tiou r Trombly New. IThe Groaae Pointe- .. I - Lutheran Church(CoaliltUI' f"- .p... 0..) The SB cia .. of Trombly School u __ADd 1I0w lhl we're ill I party. sluu)'ml communication. Tnt bon and Yrl. Wilbur M., Brucker, wife of

moody, we'd like to leU )'ou about Ihe eirls are c:orrespondine wilh Ihe fifth former GOI'ernor Brucker, will deliverJlew Gold Cup Room It the Whittier erade of Freepori, Long Island. 1'!,ey tll addreu at the special ArmisticeStopped in tllere the other oiant on the ire !>tcominlt very good friends. Many O:v services at the Grosse Pointeway hODle fl'Olll the thfatre and found a have received. pictures of their friends. Lu;heran Church. Richar~ School audiosurprisingly cay atmosphere for 'lhC6C They ~ve dlKussed and read many lorium, Kerchval and McKinley, parIs.' The liahlin. is kind to Mlo kinds of communic:<ltion used thrOugh day morninr. November IZth, at 11dam', complexion and the little luther the years. o'clock. Mrs. Brucker, a well knownupholst.Ucd bootlu are "~ry entre nous. [ October Z6 lhey took a trip to tne lecturer, will speak on: "The Founda-There 1I loft, sweet mUSI' ,no:! • ,<!a"~~ :'ll':i1l&a.. Bell Telephone Company. tion for Ll$ting Peace." There will be

:.llIoor no bJgg.e~tban yc.ur husband I golf The mothers furnished the tran'por- special violin, piano and vocal num!lers· f medal-but ill fun. They tell UI that ' . G' 1STh k iI h '. uJ tatlOn, They found out hOw tne auto. The varIOUSBoy and It cout roopsJ VERBEKE'S t e coch t~ 11 ~ur I~ Just ~ pop ~rdbe. matic d~l system works; what the in Gr~~.e Pointe municipalities and

• t ~aus: t be dta

y 7'hes ,ac a ,ma ."1 switC:hboard operator. do to assist' their leaders wi!! be the :;:~e~'= ~! thePoultry Store t 1M leu get a t t YOUllg, peop'. when tbey hal'e trouble. Mr. conrregation at this servICe. The sen-

I Had lunch at AI Green'~ Oft .Tuesday Petz, the mana •• r, prfsented each child ice :wili include a gra~d. processional,FNlIh ~ .... Butt.. and found the place bflmmlJll over with a booklet-"The Birth and Baby. placlDg the Colou, recltmg the Scout

~~. WhoIuaI. llIIII Retail '" ith people wilo'clmt to see the first of hood of the Telephone." This experi. pledge, sinaing the Scout song a.rd ai-- Grace Wtll'bf. bi-monthly fa.ltion ~n(,,4! g~\'e l!!'Ch pupH ;t b!tter u~d.e:,. l"'gi~!'!ce t., tn~ Fl:lg_ Tapcc WJlI he

Poultry DreMed . shows. The models were, Mrs. 10bn standinlf of tne part telephones play sounded al the elole of the service. TheWhile You Wait Bloom, Mrs. Qifl'ord Taylor, Mra. in communication today. public is cordially invited.

Fruer Sullivan, Jane Frazer and June ,_ _ -Meder, They maeMed some vcry at.

. tractive dinner I'Owns, .ports to,. and•• " • II Iafternoon dresses. Grace Wrig:lt pt.IIS

. on huinr theae fashion parade. every$~I(l.""; IOHiJ:.!< TUesday at AI Green's, and we'" .,.,- "on think (!f DO better 'II'ay of gelti",


that luncheon debt off your dllscienc~'/' thao by tikiII&' your .uest tbere to rnel

Volume difficult to in lood likka, good food Ind COlid 1001:-c!lntrol? Poor recep- ing clothe., all in one fell swoop!bon 1 Burned 0 u ttub e.? Static? If Sapw. We have run acrolS • magazine c:<IlIedyour radio has any 1': the ~Staff," which we unrlerstand illIof t 1Ie. e tro?bles, R~

. call uS up. We 11re- published by the Stat Cub, .• sc:ial C1T" r;el; Fra'ncou. Beauty SalonIpair il and replace Repair plli~ion of household help, We found r .....

any p:uls at lowell lnJ5 Mae. i~ chiefl.y for, by, and of" ~d:=,,"e.tie ~~~ c.-.. Peiah' •• ~"' __ !e~ :f ~ O,lI.i. Si. ....prices. TU. %.7. I !!!tantt, :;:; th. Sl.ft" •• :.~ l ..e,o, ..nil HII HI ...... 3753 PUDCh cI: Jud, Theatre BW...

' , I ., , I I • proved to be intcrestinl AND en:igbt.

'Iening, If you elllllloy dOlDestic anillt- II 11111111' 1'111111' II 1111"l ants. we'd sugge.t your reading it-IF _

Hats by SCHOBLE Iyou call get a cop,.1 0 M)- , MARKETFa.r be it from u. to ticatitale to re- • U Ie r s lSZZS KercbeYaI Ave.

mind YOIl that somewbere in the cIis- at .Bea-.a.1dtanct we hm a reindeer! ~,if LE.7786 Week.EacI Spec:iab We Deliveryou can afford to' spend only a 1croning _

on your Xmas-oops! now we've said

I it-presents, we know of I swell little Pot Roast of Beef. 5 .. 26c


.M_Ou_'S__U_R_G_E_R - ..__ 2__3_C

the office of the Grosse Pointe Review, RED HEART,frO!!! no'lll' nn-;\Jst in case you're cur. I ftft~ I:'ftftft A.B.C .... _

:::~iS:;:~~ea;e:=a:i:-a: ~:~ I;;;;;~~~~,..,.~~,~~....,~...~...~.....~..:-.:~S~P,.~erreJ without •~JI unlil she starts harping! (We tru.1being extreme, the new fall that a word to the wives is .ullic:ient.) .'

snap brim5 give that extra II .smartness that men desire. WeaVllll'CIa.

At Defer School

IC~.!~c!!~!.le-.. St. Clair

AJ.o C--.. ....a i:amera S.....Opea • to t

Members Ind friends of Detroit Col.only, National Society of New England'Vomen, will attend the Society's an-

I nu,3i b2.ked bean supp~r and gift salt, iFriday, November J, at (;:30 o'clock, at Ithe Nazareth Lutheran Church, Vicks-b~rll' and Grand River avenues. Mrs. Ir.Horace B. Loveland, president, will be?:C:;C:ll to greet aue~is. ll{rs. Grace

Hauber is in charge of the suPper., For Th•.s Week ONLYTickets may be obtained from illl~'

I::"-sae-. -nc:e-Churcll 6 .....,......I II&~

"Adam Ind FaUen Man" will be the::"bj~d oi ,he Lesson-::.cnnon in all Cleaned & PressedChri.tian Science Churches throuah-oul the world on Sunday, November 5,1939,

The Golden Text (Ephe~ians S :14)is: "Awake thou that .Ieepest, andarise from the dead, and Christ shaDgive tbee light."

AmonII' the Bible citations is thispauage (Romans 8 :16): "The SpiTit iitself btareth ,,'itnen with our spirit,

S D •- that we are the children of God."eer e Ivery Correlative pasSll"CS 10 be read fromthe Christian Science textbook. "Sci.

After 2 P. M. ence and Health with K~y tn Iiv' Scr;p-,

II Itures .• by Mat)' Baker Eddv include

the follo (p. 2S8): -"(oruls have II-------------Ia ,'ery imperfect sense of the spiritual

man and of the inlinite range of hisIce Cream thought. To him belongs eternal Life,.

I"Call UI In Time to Serve Grace Church I

I Harveat Featival

I-----------~I Grac~ Church. Lak""';"I. ~l Ker.1

L EA C H Ieheul, ....i11 celeorate Han'est Futiul J- it the II a. m.• er.'ice, Sunda)', :\ovem.

II ber 5. The chllrch ....ill be bedecked....ilh the bounties of Ihe field. flUit,

D R U G lIn"ain. flO1'o'ers. vcgc<ables. etc. The•. whole sCr\'ic~ ...ill ~ one of praise and

Iha~.ksA'i\ inll: for God's bJusinA's,On Mondly e,'eninll'. l\o\'ember

:er~'~~a::'th: :ha;Ce:tba:::e~t,,..iIl be!!The gene,.1 public is 1m itcd to bolh

""N,hi,, ,er"ice troll <"PI'er, ,\ "\'one I

TU 2 3333 rkmin'1 10 c,-,ntnbutc to any of Ihe I• ~1>0\'f n~mrd 'hin~, for <!<CMalinl<the I

c~LJrch an<! [J.r fDr the .UI'I'tr may do'-------------1 '"'hy hr;nl1inll: (h~111ft to the church'EiI;,~« .. «i:EKSSa~::rdl,. a!:crnoO:l,};o.cmber J,



Pr_t, o....-rJ an" citi_. of Cro.. e PcMate...h •• r. prOllCl of th. Cit, .Dd ita ..




Chester F. CarpenterHugh L. Dill, M. D.D. M. Ferry, Jr.. '

Wa1ter C. HartvJ'igEdward F. Spitzer

To The Citizens of I,

The City ofGrosse Pointe

We heartily recommend, inthe name of good govern-ment, that you do two things


Vote at the election of the City of Grosse Pointeat which city officiais wili be chosen ior the nexttwo years. The polls will be open at the FireHall from 700 a. In. to 8:00 p. m.

Among other officials six councilmen are to beelected. There are nine candidates for the office.Of the present officials of the city the fQIlowinghave consented to run for the council, and weheartily endorse them as five for whom you willvote, each being a tax payer:

The accomplishments for the City of Grosse Pointe of each of thesemen merit their elections.

They have :lided in decreasin1! the cost of city government from $588,-306.95 in 1932 to $346.046.74 for the }'far ending- March 31,1939, andto an estimated cost of $333,593.12 for the year endint(~\f :Irch 31. 1940.

Due to the various economies prac tiaed. the tax rate for the ensuingyear i.516 per tboulaDd dollars valuation aa compared to S19.60 foreach of the palt four years.

As the Grosse Pointe Review of September 14, 1939, stated: «Xo bet-to' ,.., .." 4""'1' ( .. 1., t~ ~ _ .. ,., '''.,.~ .. ".,. t._. -"~"'J"'- 'J> ... ,"eH '-<<lJ ,,~<tU ..UIIJ )J11:'lle(ll») _can am) In g-o\crnmenand at the same time' ::ll1equately providing- for all necessary muni-cipal sen'ices exists than what has heen done by the administration andemployees of the City of Grosse Pointe, according to the last :InT'malaudit of Ernst and Ernst, recentiy filed."

Please .how your aPDreciation by votinJr for theae men and inluringcontinued 'food Jrovemment, economically admini.tered.


Page Three


DIAMOND BRAND 49cWalnut Meats lit.

2 .... 9c• • •THREE DIAMOND

Full 5i ... 23cCrab Meat Ca.


Tomato JuiceCOCKTAIL



SOAP • • • 3 ';:t 10c


Lamb Roast 5h~~ .. 17c

SOAP .10 B~ 38e


• 10 ~49CGrosse Pointe Lutheran 1. .,.__ •. _

Chureh I-



IElectric Mot .......

DUNCAN 4: MeNleoa;lC7~. a' W"'"

"iPto. s-..Tu. 2.1150 T~~

Phune TU. 2.S1S1

Storm Sash91c and up

Walch for formal opening ofGrone Pointe'. Newelt and

MOlt Modern Drug Store

TITUS DRUGKercheval at Fi:..l:er Rd.


WINTER Is On The WayISYour Overcoat Ready?Let Imperial Cleaner. .bow you how thor-oughly we can clean and form pres. yourclothes for you.


AND ALTERINGYours for Quick and Reliable Service



GaOSSE POINTE CABINET SHOPa........01 '- .........

'- M, otrlo • ,..wR_o"U •• , R..-Jria. uel R.&'wJU..

l' "'t tIlatftICUd .. - ......... aNEW FALL TIES I~ ~ •• _"_I.ew_U_-_. __ 1

Hand TailoredFOR SHOWINC CALL j' Auto~il. Bumpin•• Paint.

LIII. Weldinr. RepaiJ'lMuy Lou . MU. H07 I AT REASONABLE PRICES

J "Ow Low o...1ooad ;. lhe A ... w.r"I NOTRE D4ME BODY SHOPa.. Nlqara" LZ 1. It1 Notr. D..... 1 Mack NI. '132_ A.ltw U 111.. ~ .....



"_ Blq ..... L- PriM.u... aohilt BicrcIN PalalMlib _La s...........a.... ••• M Blk. Su,.

It.. Co v.......... 1W LUopoilst.Call .. HI. t47t 0.1& ...

I Free Deli......,. IFAMILY SP!Cf.~~

III lb•• Sc;)c• All Flat PMc:ea NiceI,.I........ ind. HaacIk.claief.• AD Weariq AppueJ

Retal'lled Read,. for lroaia,w. D. AI ICia4a ., ........,.

w. As.. '''''- IsC.-talaa uel Dft,poa


• CcpIin LE. &373

Thur~IY. Nov~mber 2, 1939- M~rBum.Hm~ oo~I~~a~~w~~tili~~~II ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••heveraaes, has proven and Ihis

POlt New. ~:;:follm~~~c~h~h:rs~;::pc~: \:~J~~i~ NEW LOW PRICE 5The Dickinson party was l,e1<l la~1 as time aoes on. Charlie Bishop .houlcl

Saturday Hening, and although the be congratulated for his untirina eROTt,allenuallce wa' not up to expectation, also contributing were: the Marlin

neHrlheless it was a huge $ucceu, The Kielsens, the Judge Thon' •• u, the EVERY DAY AT TOM'S::===':=========", Hoyts, the Endres, the ~kholses, the

5 T U N N I N G '. Thompson. (one POil, "ne unit), theBaken, the Vana den Heuvels, Bish.

S .. lJ.. CDr.oo ..o importrl NHeIJe. e-p the H k th SI d tll

5:~~~;.~;a~oi:~Fi~~::B~ ~;:~i~'f:~::E~~:~o~i~::'d:;:~~/~:i~: 7 Mleghty Super Markets$150.0_0 eley, Zarb, alld a few unattached Le.

lionnalres.ALGER On Hle ume day it was the sad duty I -

of Post member. to escort ComradesNeedlepoint Shop Alche.on and Joyee to theie last rut. 6 November2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 Thurs. Fri. Sat.

16447 Ea.t Warrell ing place. Full military rites were held I DAYS' M T W d0,- 1.:3t •. III. ID 1.,30 p. •• at the gram under the dIrectIon of MIGHTY BARGAI N • on. ues. e.COMBINUWN~R l N~g~~lS Qa~~C~I, Thls~e~der~ ••• •

$4.25 and up I ~B~Jii~J;J~frJfrJnO_~~f/lr1JIPJiilJiilr1J~,~::eo:e~a~~~:,i:~~U1~;~n~;~~~:: p':o%~ i

i!l FRESH FISH IWilliam and Leonard N'df, De N'aey- FELSIiW 'Ii'l fnolol Ia art, Atcheson and Joyce.

W. Meuure ud In.tall E.ti. • .peeJ. ze, .. , ca.~ I Requiescat III Pax.~ak. H~o. fill.. Tr ....t. WI .. te. _ Lom-.M rIair Craig wa. re~enlly NAPTH A

III&t .. Cheerfully CiiVeIl. j ~ f"D • Pickerel. Pueh. t;l. . . . ..... __ • _

I,COUNTRY EGGS I!~~~..~~<l/'S~~:~"~~orL~. Ji:' t~:a:~:t;~!ill westt~n area. The Post WIShes hIm

Fr •• h V.de4 .... dine': - jsueceu In hIS new dulies and regrets GOLD MEDAL 24~-lb. 83CA. L. Damman 'r.... eo.... "'" twic. wHklJ'. A'" I that the travelin. necesaitated by theD! FLOU Rpoulb'y dr .... nI, whi" YDlI w.;t, will curta,l his attendance and active •• Sacko. Saturde.;r. D.lieiou. Butl... participatioll in Post meetings ancl ;pj.i--------------------------------------

Hardware w~;~:;;~7:J.~::,;:';:~.::':.:~:::b::,:'::::MNlcAl"HGAyN"yAND PBICKEEDAN

5Ha,.... Cor. of Wilabire E. J. HOELZER, Pr"l'. ord, Charter Member B,II Van den I

172M MACK Heuvel. who is to moye to Muskegon.

Pia(ree Zi3i II B..t. s~~:r ;::t:~:1 Dam. IPl~~:y:I:;~::r~:::::~;: ~:~~Ar:::t~:: I.TS.H.E.p.ID.ER.A.L.y.SH-O.~.'t.EN-IN.C-3--lb.47...~~~!nlililii!jlli!'~li!lM ______________ Day Jamboree at the Harlung Airport. •• C&JlI _

Chairman ~jelsen must have 67 paid

I BEAUTIFUl! Li!: MUMm;!IMlp'Pi'lillL~ANlj!!fliJillTS~~~ ;'Ial~~;sJ~~n~oo::~;:rd:~:;.) (~~::~~~ II sal'S if he could collect dues in as short OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY 111/

AIao Baby M ..... - AD Colora I THE a space of time as it took for the Sec- SAUCE...... 72 CCHOICE CUT FLOWERS retary of Stale to dispose of 100 303

DELIGHTFUL HOSPITAL BOUQUETS AND OLD BRICK INN VV license plates. national citations IFLORAL ARRANGEMENTS would be Cisy to win. --=~ DEL M 0 N T E

"ALWAYS A CooD TIME" Meeting. fint and third Wednesdays, [ 1III&UI£II.::;'.m-...:"~ " tillw......... oaaiIW --.a.. ,....., _Ii ......... prieea ~

GROSSEPOiNTtiLORisT II~",,:~J_c. __ IILegionToD!",~. • i iii D 1:'..A .C 17::--e- -2 C.. Kny Road NI. %513 We Deli ~ l...... .......,. NI. "7' J I A~stice NIght I .- r ...,

• -- .- - -- ----- i!J _ .. ~~~l!!ll!!J.:Jt! Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_1 He nmth annual ball of the Judge I .g,.... • « A ~ ~....t" ... "V---------------- --------- John Faust Post N/1. !B, :\:n<;i~4"I

r-----.-----.----~-~--~-;-;-----:-;-:-:'-:-._. ~VmBW~HE I~~~~~~~~r~fu- .

Fashionable COIffures II HAR E Fort Wayne Hotel, according to Glen LIBBY'S FANCY DICED I.'BBY'5 FANCY

• L..,. y=r Coi«ure to the fuhicu- BoychsUp';:":"s~ Metal :~elf~~,:o::a:a~:r.ei:h~iSy~a:s,d:~a:tl~ BEETS. • • • La~~ ~:.z* 10c Pork & Beans 2~: 15eNew..... colon IIDdc1aipa aD I GJu. the pm'ious balls ",'ere held in the 1__________________ _ _caaapin to clraw IDOI'e attentioa to Xavai Armor)'. The change is due, says LIBBY'S EVAPORATED WHEAT OR RICE,..... hair. Stove ud Furnace Pipe Shields, to 1I desire to haye the refine- MILK • 4 ~ 23c P -u-II;"FS• Cde 5

- 16126 Mack Ave. Imenh that on!!, ~ hotd can oller. .. • • .... • • CJ ki B S I

. F~dhdm~~the~-~~.~I. ~ • • •a mec eanty a on at Audubon G.--='!! Pomte !'!!!'~ tu .... titipate this yeu in the ball, I'

.-L- tZ3I Niagara 0775 which ...-ill be held in the ballroom

Isaturd.aY, Novmlller 11th. Dance musie!lff B-==5c!d = J.dfcncc -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wilt be furnished by Unaers Elk dab



The Sacredness of Human Life," CATS UP. Lar::~Ot.7~C(ThOll .halt not kill), will be the iub. •ject of the sermoll at the Grosse PointeLutherall Church. Richard School audio HINSO 2 Lara-. 35ctoTium, Kereheval and McKinley, Sun- • • • SO" morning, November 5th. u 11 -----------------o'c1ock, preached by the Re\'. M. Luth. LUX OR FANCY CALIFORNIA

--:;- er C~nuJl, D,D., Vaslor in tIle 5th of ILifebuoy Soap • Bu Sc Fruit Salad • 2 ~ 29~AT"'" 'ORI~E \Y'~~~ II a sents on the Ten Commandments. . _

.n :' .....• 1 11l1. II Sunday School for all grades and J !

E:\TIRE FAMILIES! 1:;~~la~~ ~;;.;'.~~;day:vB;i;;c ;'-;/6 Da Sav-.ngs on TOM'S~.~~.r~.hmily and ~njo~ a s~nday SCh?nl and - y Quality Meats, ~ 1~~~~~m~~_~I.. .I ~ •••_._. •¥ ~ J. "_"- hood. 1~~,;!,,;!f \,.., . In this ~ennon Dr, C"nu~ will ans.",er MICHICAN' FRESP. !>RESS£D 1 II' STRICTLY FRESH LEAN 19.. """ " , Irom Sc.npture the followmg ~UeSIl?nS CHICKENS •• 11>. 472C Fresh Ham s....u

- ..... ~: Does thIS Commandment forbId capltal WhoJe ...... Cr' '." . , k'll" . I' FINE FOR STEWING-3-LB. AVERACE Shaak Half~. ~ p~l~me~J Is I JIIgmwu ~s~l. • ~~ ~_~. _

I '<;~'~"~ liable?

I Tho--;;;;:'" '0' hud to ':d BO-y-Sc--o-u-t-N-e-wl MICHICAN CORN FED FRESH DRESSED YOUNG HEN 11011-1&.

, ;;-,~';~;;,hO~~l::i:;,:n;;~~k~~:C."I.. F.Smhh. "~,, C,',.". T U R KEY 5 ..-q, ....... lb. 29csteak, fish or frog-Icgilinner~ u~vu~~p~~s~r,nowassisu~na-I.----~-~---~~---~_~~ I~~ ~ __ ~at such moderate prices..... .... •. tiMa! rhrector of training for the Boy

Th. Cily.Wide F ..... oaa Seoul. of America, Vlit1 conduct two It:l9 KY. GENUINE SPRINC 21cimportant meetings for Cub l.. ders of ILeg of Lamb • • ....Sid's Ca f e the Detro;t Area Council next ,,'cek,Thursday and hiday. ;\o\'embcr ~ and I

S. McQUEEN, PROP. 10. ~TR!CTLY !"RI:S:: SMA"" Arf.U (..:LEAN

1 ... ..Ip k L. R152.H E. W-arren On Thursday enning, "e meets "'Iln ~ tII .t Barha.. NI.......... all Cubmasters and Assistants in Room I' 0r 0In oasI 124. Central High School. 2,425~ul(edo,~ _Ian Fridav a!ternoon, Sm:th ",,11 con-

J :I and" .... !'~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! " # 1" c1uct " s."ion for the Dcn ~Iolhers 01 I.. Ihe Cubbi~!l' program at the Ingleside

----- " jCluh,35 Atkinson a\'enue near Wood. RUMP OR STANDING RIB S. 5t k 23. i" DRINK :~~!~d~e'~:;:~~a~<~;:::~:~~~,~~s::~;;;~,Roast of Beef.. f... 23c WISS ea s 11>. cThat Good Coal ~ c 'S . d Cat f?o. TeDder Juiey SIHr B~f CUT FROM T.£ND£lt JUICY STEER BEEP'

I ~~.'~ ~~~~~'-.----------.------.--~------••-.----.:-a': ~Ir,' Smith i. the aUlnor of "GamesSINCE I" ~. and Recreational ~Icthods" and "Games ,

AYIHOKiZED Di~TKiBUTORS ~ r I and Game Lcadcrsh,p"-Iw" hook._____________________ ~ ' It"Cd In many parts 0' the I\'orid. He

A. a Iife.fo1ll "'.i......1 of GrO"" ~ I ,ha< scn cd in many ,en"t kader ca-5...e ......, Cob P 1- I Bobe-:"'n BEER :".oriti •• and tall~ht (/1u"e, in ,co<.J:in:l:omt. I ""I"'ctfally .,,!!,;t yftU> UUCII ~

..... Ce>h I fwl order Ilftd raaralll ... 1tt'Jc 1\\ h,le at C":"mhia Cr.i •.~r,it, ..

~':=ta;. ..-allCl • " I .0Ip Stehr Nat SiDUreIy your.. \ . and -lor i ~[j,< Yn'nne Ankkv, l!aul1hl~r "r Dr.Ie..,.... 5t'" Hat " • I anI! ~!r<. Jerome Ank1cy, oi MIi Lake •....... Valley AatllNeito ~"A, . I poinlr. ovenue, ,m',,,. /1n the prmlmg Detroit's Greatest Independent SunoorMarketa

< _... _ //'!!.:~ ...~,. ,THE BEST ! cn'l1mlller fnr th, "'pn0more At Homc ,,-

Bak;;:Whlldln'Coal CO~~, SERVED :~;:~"""".~'c''''''""U''""''114922Kercheval Ave. Alte:Road~, I WHEREVER! ~'.i+y an" D"r":"\, :<ii.,rl'. 7;.~ Ri- I 1(200 E. Jelrenon at Newport 12011 Woodward .t Glendale

Yoar Orden Are Appndated PL. SSOO ~ I QiJALITY COUNTS "-,I )~;\,,;. ,I, ,,,' Ice, no ~fr, R,:,,', ]. I 7938 Kerdu~val at Van Dyke nellr Maxwell.....~~'l~~~~:lJr::&;I!!i~~W'I2i:l:~.:;;~r::"""'-!J j .. : ~rr:';:.ff.;;'..;i~.;:r~:<':;;"I::;;~~,7~;:~:;:~116322 E. WalTen nr. 3.Mile Drive 71'24W, McNichols at Pennington

I . ._ , I.akeland. ),1&. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


, I


Thursday, November 2, 1939

IHome Furnishing

Cl.... at RiebardWaYJIe Univenlty Adult Homemu-

ins Do:partment is o/ferins a veryhelpful and practical course in homefW'nilhinS at the Richard school onTile,",. morni.... at 9 :30. The c1allwill llleet Den Tuesday. The clul i.held in the playroom on second [loor.AU Iadie, are welcome.

Eutm ..... PI'eI~.teriu Chur~

Faith LutheranChurch

The cnureh School of the Gro,sePo;r,lc l'njl~ria!'l Church {njoyed a"htful Halloween rarty at the home,,; ~lr. and :-rr,. Lee Palmer ia,t Sat.urtlay afternoon.

The committee in charge was: ~rra•Dorothy Angi,';nr. ~fc,. John R lItl cr.and ?fr<. Stuort ~!an.on. 3«j'fed by

Ii:ydyia I\crr. \\ :Iiard Krcr. ~r.. j0rje~e"Clls. (,er:r"de \\ he:,I-". \\",r'<1\ri..$(i'a1i, XArm.l .T~rt.; ....;n. ~.:lr.1" TIC'de •... "110 ser,cd the rcir~.:lmCl1ta.

The Church School meets :tt 9;~a. In. A nursery and the second S~

lion of the school for the younger de-partments ar~ conducted during theboUT of morning worship. Janiot HighYOllth m~b' at 6 p. III., High SchoolYaath and Jadson B. Y. P. U. at 6:30p. ..

Cadillac SocietyCAR. Hay Ride

M.uah LuthulUlChm-ch

The Reverend 'Varland Zwayer,minister, will preach this Sunday at

Iboth the 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. 01. serv-


~~t J~:rsc:..ur:th t;'Se~o:~:;:oa/ i:~~~view •.

! IrIS morning subject will be: "Atten-tion 1111 For the «!!vcninQ' !if"rvir ... b,h;r'h

I is hel, beginning this- week. in theunctuary 11", .... ill speak on. "Lot"'Vile."

JefferaoD AvenueBaptUt Churdl

E. Jefferson and Philip Aves .. RoyD. Linhart, Pastor, Wm. G. Wacke.Assistant.

Sunday, 10 :45 a. ill..-'Vorsbip service.The pastor will preach the sermon andboth choirs will sing.

9 :15 lI. m.-Bible study classes forevery age. In these groups tho:: Bibleis appplied 10 modern day situations.

6:.10 p. m.-Young Married Couples'Oub luncheoa.

8:00 p. m.-A religious colored !nO"'.

ing picture entitled "The Good Sa ......aritan." '\lI'iIl be shown by Mr. HJert

,_.- , Rasbach, a theological student at Capi=tal LTnh'ersity, Columbus, O. Mr. RaJoob;.d~ is a pionee:- in tl:.: field or It:-

ligious moving pictures and directedthe picture he wjJj show here. The film-ing and eostuming were done by MGM:professionah. The congregation andfriends are cordially invited to comeand see a Bible story in pictures.

IEvery Thursday, ;:30-9:30 p. 10.-

Boys basketball t>r;:tti,~ at Clarkschool ''Ie invite yOu to ,,'orship atFaith Lutherran Church. We preachthe Old Gospel for modern limes.

Sllnday School at 9 :45 a. m. Mr.Hugh H. McNeill, superintendent.

At 11 a. m. Dr. Carl E. Kircher, pu.tor. will speak on the theme, "Go, Ye."

Christian Epdeavor groups meed at6 :15 p. os.

At '7:30 p. 1It.-"First Steps On theWay to Succcs.: This is the firot illa series of sermons to young people.

Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. we will COI1-

tinue the study, "The Signs of th.Times."

Member, acd guests of Cadillac S0-

Ide!~', C!:£!~:e~ ::f !!:c American Rev-oilltion, will attend a hayride Frida,.evcning, N"ovcOlber 10, meetinG' atMay', Riding Stables, Eight Mile road,near Farmington road, at 8 o'clock.The party is being planned by RichardRlI!.ell. Tl"f'",her "f th ... t',terla;nment

I' committee. Reservations arc beinl'taken by Ruuell Allman, Jr., chairmanI~f t.h~ ~e:nb:rs, flf JO,h~

- CaUl )OU<:> ~U(';U:LY. \,... 1'\ • .t\... dllliVt: .i::a4,ll

been invited to attend.

Southeast corner of Kerche,'al andLakewood a,'enues. A. H. A. Loeber,pastor, 1434 Lakewood avenue. Tele-

1-:+<:'::;: !.:::o::.: :::!21.On Sunday, November 5, the con-

gregation in its service will obsen'e theReformation Festival. The service willtake place at 11 :15 a. m. T'le Sunday

ISchool ....i11 meet at 10 o'clocK.The Monthly Bible Hour, under the

I auspices of the YOll,lg People's Society.will be held next Sunday at 5 :15 o'clock.44The B2.ptist C-,:.:.!'ch'" ""~ll b.c th.e si.ib ..

IjCe! to be discussed.

A new membership dass !M beina- organized Thursday, Xovember2. at 8 p. m. The cia,s ""ill have it'


.3i.i.""iQ un;cting n('xt 1hursday e\"oen:nB-

The GrONe PointeUnitarian Churcli


; - - .. - T ~; • :':=' • - ....::-:. _ .-... • • •

No 0

Yes 0

INSTRUcnoNS: Mark. ero.. [gJ in the ~ 0 fo!Lrwma thapropoaitioa for which ,.oa wiIh to \'Ot~ Before IeaYiag the IaootIa foldIMdJot so that iDitiala of iupector caa he ieeD from -wde.

Norbert P. Neff,City Clerk

Official Ballot

CITY GEN.ERAL ELECTIONTuesday, November 7, 1939

City of Grol.e Pointe, Wayne Co., Mich.

PROPOSITIONProposition to borrow $12t500 to paY'the coat of pav-

ing Chalfont Avenue, 26 feet wide, from Fiaher Road tothe Eat line of Rivard BoUlevard, and alao Goethe Ave-nue, 26 feet wide, from Fisher Road to the easterly line 01Private Claim 586, between Univeroity Place and Lake-land Avenue (it extended) and issue bonda therefor inthat amount.

The iorm of Bajjo~ shall be as follows:

Propoaition to borrow $12,500 to paY'the coat of pav-ing ChGIEuiit Avenu~ 26 feet wide, from Fisher RNd tothe East line of Rivard Boulevard, and also Goethe Ave-Diie, 26 feet wide, from Fiaher Road to the euieriy iine ofPrivate Claim. 586, between University Place and Lake-land Avenue (if extended) and iaaue bond. therefor inthat amount.

Proposition to horrow $12,500 to paY'th'e coat of pav-ing Chalfont Avenue, 26 feet wide, from Fisher Road tothe East line of Rivard Boulevard, and alao Goethe Ave-nGe, 26 feet wide, from Fiaher Road to the eaaterly line ofPrivate Claim 586~between University Place and Lake-land Avenue (if extended) and issue bond. therefor inthat amount.

Voting upon .uch proposition. will be at the ahov~ C~.tral Polling Place, the Fire Hall, at 17140 Maumee Ave-nu~, the poll. bei.:lg opan al indic.ated above.


3 i[I 5

City of Grosse Pointe••


MayorCity Clerk

The qualified e1ector. of the City of Groue Pointe, Wayne County, Mic:Liean, are herelly notibed that the Replar City General Electionfor the purpoae of electina City Official. will be held on

PROPOSITIONSba!l the Council of the City of Grone Pointe Be

AuthorizecI To Tranafer and Convey the Following De.aen1Jecl Property?

-.~ t!::t;=t:;f , -'..'•...1 Couri s.wi~ of pari of Ciaim _""Itet.eeu Jeff_ A..... _ Black Marsh Creek. City of Groiaepoillte, w.,. CoaatJ. ~ leconled ill Liber 41 of Plata, pap 57,W.,.... CaaDt,- R.cGn1a. &teaa i1MI .. t

Beginning at the Nortll\:asterly corner of Lot 51 of Lakeland Court Sub.division: thence along the Easterly line of Lakeland Court Subdivision, N.Zlr oW' W. 44!.5S feet; tbencc along the center line of Black Mar$h Creekbeintr also the Northerly line of Lakeland Court Subdivision, S. 18. 09' W.Si'9.67 leet; thence along the Westerly li"e of P. C. SS6 being also the \Vest-erl,. line of Lakeland Coon Subdivision, S. 29. E. 47.47 feet; thence alongt!-~ :-:.:.~!~=:--!,;, :;;;i. .,;.! :....:.~i .:::: .u~ ~l v: :".;..~d.. :ii-.;. C"wit Sw~ •.~;ilk..u,N. 6:. 12' E. 416.904feel to the point of bcgill'ling."Tbe above des.n'bed parcel being the land designated as a park in theat.v.e desuihed. plat of Lik.el.lnd COLU'tSu1xlivis.iuil.

EXPLANATORY NOTE: 'rID. INopEillt,; "ted .t the NClI"tMrIy .... oflaW'" A..... __ CMeded ..,. the ViIIqe of Crone Poillte in 1m....... 11MViIIqe !lOr the Cit)o of Croue Pointe ... uaertecl au,. Oaiaato it ... tIutt dale. Boda tINt ViIIate IInd the City ••••• the proper tJfor tantiaa ... all tau ... 1m haft been DUd Sty the cnntees in thedeed _.tioaecI ... their ~ ". coa•.,auee DOW PI opoeM iato nIDOft qautAlu CODCeInin, the tide ~e,.ecI Sty the 1m cIeecI_to c:fJnfir!l! that title.ii tile ~e,,1tDCE is .ppto.ecI, the City will 1'eCIeiTe. Jeed for.tnet .....poeea cofa.. PI Oi* t,. wIIictI constitutes at .. ioa of Lall:eIandA.... throacIa the PI' ope t)' 4Iaa iIlecI ....

ShaU tlM! Cnu!!dl !Of !:he City of CroMe Poi-.te BeAuthorized To Tranafer and Convey the Above DescribedProperty?

Official BallotCity of Graue Pointe, Wayoe Co., Mich.CITY GENERAL' ELECTION

Tuesday, Novemb~r 7, 1939

INSTRUCTIONS: Marte. croea [B] ill the 8qlIU'e 0 'oDowiq theII! ii!l !mOib f:= which )'va wUL io 't'Oie. Wore the booth toWIWIot so that iDitiaIa ~ bupector QD he ieel frcm oatr.=.,

No 0

PROPOSITIONSJiaII the Council of the City of Grone Pointe Be

Authorized To Tran.fer and Convey the Following De-KribecI Property?

-AD that put oIl .. lEeJend Court SuIMImaioa of pet of Pmate Claim 5aII)oiq-, Ntwwa ........- A...... Black M.-.II CneIE, at,- of Or-p Wayae Coaat7, ~ recOIded ill LiLer 41 of Piau, pqe 57,W CoaatY Recarda. -.nw ..:

.BesinainB "at the Norlhusterly corner Of Lot 5i of Lakeland C'c"~rt Sub.dirisicm; thence along the Easterly !ine of Lakeland Court Subdivision, N.2lr I(f)' W. 441.55 feet; thence along the center line of Black Marsh Cref'kbeiD8' abo the Northerly line of ~~!1d C'?u..rtEu~.d.i~is~on, ~. W ~ W.!'9.~?~_.; ~~~:'= :!-=--.; ~~; .......c.::::- .;; ::~:":.~~:r -_ =~ ~~~n l!,",~ ""'~~ ..._

erly liDe of La.keland Court S'l1bdirision, S. 29. E 47.47 feet; thence alongthe Nortberly line of Lots SO and 51 of Lakeland CoW't Subdivision,N. 61. 12' E. 416.94 feet .to the point of beginninS."'tbe abon described par<:el being the land designated as a park in theabove described plat of Lakeland 'Conn Subdivisioa.

PPI.ANATORY NOTE: 'This prooperlJ-. aitaa!e:! at the Nortb--ly C&d ufI.d" A...... WU c1eecW ~ tile ViIIqe of Groae Pointeill 1m_Neither dae vm.p tile ~ of GroNe Pointe bu uaerted aa,. CIaiIato it .... tI.t BotIa the ViIIqe .. the CitJ ....... the ,...,.t,Iw ' 'M t.-. ... It27 paid ..,. the ~ ill the.... t" I.,.6eir _ n.e ClOD'., woce BOW Pi CJlIOWlI isto..-we .. r ref • era the title CllMmlJed ..,. the 1m deed _to ..... dial tidlt.I'die CAlli • ., ia 2 S ...... tile City wiD nceift ..... for .treet par-....... fa plOp t, whicb c:oaatitata aa ext-aioa. of LU...ndA_ throqIa the PI... t)' dac:riI»ecI aIMmt.

The form of said special ballot will be as follows =

Yes 0Shall the Council of the City of Crosse Pointe Be

Authorized To Transfer and ConveY'the Above DescribedProperty?

Tuesday, November 7,At the rare Hall (Central PolIing Place), ]7]45 Maumee Avenue, &etween St. Clair and Neff Streets. The poll", ()f .udi election beiDa' open

from 7:00 o'clock A. M. until 8;00 Q'd~k P. M., Ea:t:m Standard Time.

Candidates for the Following City Oflices Will be Elected:Six Councilr:1en Assessor Two JusticesTreasiirer Constable of the PeaceNOTICE OF SPECIAL PROPOSITIONS

QaaIi6ed elector. in the City of Grone Pointe will ballot on the foDowiDa' Spec.iaI Propoaitiona at .ueh regular City General Election onaach elate:

he- FOQr




- .- .

- . -

Thunday, November 2, 1939 THE GROS'!. POINTE REVIEW Page Five

I :


instmments, you are requested to cometo the duG on rlluud"y afternoon. andcontribute your abilitiu to the pro-gram.





5tHl, lor ,'Picket, for ~Win, '01' ftODCIID7'

M.t .... or ....auu- Li.. FOlta, StMi .. Wood, P. • ,......... ~

~~ENBA~!~ I!ENCEp~2: Il 1 F I '*'

The re.poaae to our recent UlnOUDeemeDta .... Mea IDOItcratifyiag. To our cu..tomer •• both old and DeW, we pledcecoatmued adherence to our eltabliahed policy of o'erinCoaly the be.t in quality meat. ud l1'oceria.

Notice ofPublic HearingProposed Amendment to Zon-


(2) Such apace .&aU be uaed by the aIIattiac hu....oralyfor acce.. to the rear of auch lNameta aDd b,. the cut_-era of the abuttm.. buaine.. for free pa...Jcing. The parldacahall be 10 arranged that there ahaJI be at all timet &Ii opeapace between the rear of the buaiueN builclia .. ad the apIlCeused for parkinc 01 at leat twenty feet to be uaed few acaNto the I"8IIr of auch buildin ...

(~) .. ~o .~ct~ of aD,. kind, iadudin, aDY ,.. pump,etc., 'ba.t.l IHo ""'«:1_ UPVIlaud. ~ ~~

(4) No bu..ineta of any kind IhaIJ be coaducted 1JPCl" I.ath open space nor shall any dwlr,re ... made for uy....-tPaa.

(5) No such space ahaII be uaed without. written per.:rJt ~in~ 87'Gt~d fur. lhe UN of tfte aeme by the buiIdiqcomiluSlloner of the Clf;,- of GroaH Pointe: and UpoD the ....prov.1 of the council. Such permit shall not be iuued unJeuand until the owner of such property placu the IAJDe in._e.saft!tllry L"d clean condition with adequate hard IIvrface aDd~alDare. and. erects .bet~ .•u~ parkin, apace and adjoia.!~r p!'~~ ~ • !'e!ldtr.t~ ~tlict, and .Jon ..... any puW.iclidewalll: WIthin the property hne, a wire or metal febee DOtover .ill fed in Mi,ht and 10 conetrnrl~ ~h!'.! ~ie!~ "o4"":nnot encroach ,"pon lach adjoin;n .. property Of' aidewa1k, 11Mapplicant for .uch ~it mu.t agree tn aLide~ . .u the P"O-vi.ions hereof. Failure to keep .uch apace in ~ CODditionherein required alld to .hide by all the proviaiona hereof shaD~ ~use for c:ancellat~ of the permit &,. the bai1clin, COllI.mlSlloner after ten daY' written nnti~ ~ upm:t t!-.: ~to whom the permit wa. iuued.

. (6) .U,?n ill ceuinr to be UNd for 'lICh PUrpoN a. spec.lfie~ herem, ~lI use .•hall revert to the use proYided for in thdordl:'lance pnor to lis use .. above.

F) . Thil amendment .hall he effective ten clay. af.puhhcatlon."

In compliaDce With the requirementa ofthe Statuto, notice i:hereby aiven Gf a publichearing tv be held in the City Council Room.17150 Maumee Avenue, at 8:0. P. M. E. S. T~on Monday, November 20, lS39, fGi' ~ P=~pole of determining whether or not certain3JI1endmel1b to the ZONING. ORDINANCEof the City of Groue Pointe ahall be made.Such proposed amenclmenta being as follow.:"AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDIN-



addiDa Sectioa VIII A .. 'oIIcnn:Set:tion II. (A) For the JIUI"PGM 01 tIaU o.cBaauce tile

City of Groaae Pomte i. he,.,. cIiYided halo tile fellowiqdiatric:b:


The bcHmdaria of Kid diatricta abown .... the at-tachecl hereto and made • part of tIaiI ordinallllCet are ........t..l,ll ... ..,t_ ,,~d "lAP beia .. da~ted .. the "BUILDINGZONE MAP," ud said map aDd aD notatioaa, ret__ .-other infonaation mDWD thereon ahaD ..... if tIM matter-. adiufOl'UlaUoa Ht forth it., Mid ..... were aD '-11- deacrII.Iherein. .-"'-

The rear of the buaiDeta froatqe in tile KercheTaJ A...aua portiOD 01 Local Buaiaeu Diatricta IbaII .. 11Zfeet '"-tJae front lot IiDe oa KerchevalA_,""

SEcrlON VIII A(1) Whenever the rear of baaiDeu propa ty ia Local

IBuiDaa Diatricb ~ DOt face upoa • puYic atreet. there IDlI)'... u open apace ill the rear thereof to be ued .. IIeeiDafterdeai~~~ The further boemdary JiM of !Ud:: ~ Ip;I.CC IhI!:Dot uteDd mort! than 251 feet frc:a the froat Iioe of the ......mesa 2:oae.



on your friendly .upport. Iis responsible for the theatre parti.,II you Will telephone us, Nlaeara 0"3 held every second and fourth Fridays

we will delil'er a baa' to your home and 01 the month. If you ha,e any specialwill call for it when yuu have filled it llalent, such as playing or otl)erwith articles of dothi<;(, etc., which you -------------------_------_have discarded. I •

'rhe junior Girl Gt:ards are seekingnew iiiember~ for their club. Anygirls interest~d in hiking,, winter ~f'IOrt~, elc,. are wel-COme to join. The ages are 10 andover, Thi. club meets every FrIdayIrom 4 to S p. DJ.

Everybody is invited to attend theCranberry Jam given by the Girls'Clubs of the Neighhorhood Club. The

I;::b:: ~~;~n~~th~; .•::n~: ~~~;' :;u~ Ip.!!,!. T~i! dance ".dH t;;:.!.:t. the pb~eof the regular WooI ....orth Dance this Iweek. -A junior girls' bad.etball c1us isbeing conducted on Wednesday after-noolls from 4 to S p. m. for all girlsbet,,'een the ages of 12 and 14. Here's}'our opportunity to learn the funda-m::nt.:i u[ ltll.3keibaH aLid prepare torfuture team ....ork.

I vlrls interested in dramalics ilre inol,.ited to take part in a clan held everyThursday irorn 4 10 5 p. m. This group




the •••• Oft ••

14Zt5 £alt Jcff~U)n

Election Propoaal.(CoGWlued frOID I'...e OM)

r ..,-


.,kY'Tone~. !caf.tone~. inoss.tont~ . . . m~rhr~.blended 10 a ne ..., richness. ill silk.soft. 1"'[1'0811 ffelt. \l'e (on.\ider the "SequQia" the sCll50n", moM .

distinctive to .. 'o hit, II OTHn KNOX MArs . '.5, 'l,~'1O ANI>'2O II . .J


.....-...-. ....I"1m .... III tll. Irtt18ll OpeaT_ '

Will.' '.pellnt. - Willd proof,JD!AL lor Gou. ~ ' .. CIlICIell ...1f&w'n


I"mil IAllllnGULF JACiET


. ..Coop~rB!!.!=

Harlow J. LingemanFLoWERS


0 •• D ....k_AlI ...ark ............Geyman Refriceratioa Seniee%II Mor .... Rtf. NI. tM$

Be.ltJa Proaecu-To protect ciliHIa of the United

States from importatioll ctf cliH ...from abroad. the fe<!eral publichealth Bertiee lul year inapec:ted15,094 velselll catr)'iD, 1,818.117 per.sona. Only 1,1.7 of theN vesaearequire<! fumi,alion.


ItM~rflt "M~M win I::~ ~e~:t~e.-: ::'':':'i

room in YolR' hom •••• The Detroit ecn.onCompany does no! seii light Adaptor1.See them on display Of deportment stores,

hardwor. stores, lighting filCfllr. __

Of electrical dealer). They or. avoilobl.

In a wide rCrlge of styles and colon fOtnery room in your house.


twist of th. wristl

15118 .t W.ybum

RacIio T.... Test_ FREEIa Our MocIem LUoratoryE""trical Appli• ...,.. SerYie'"

ROBERTS RADIO SERVICE'11121 E. W ...... II at Bedford

TU, J.455Ier- Poiate .,",enD_

Eat ...... leme.ExteDliofl .rvice .peeialists reo

port.e<l live .tock mad. ireaterProIffS' in North Carolina during1938 than in an,. lither yfar ot thelut cIecacle.


wit" a



It'l as easy as tt!ls to enlov a ~ht.pleasant, w.lI-l;ght~ room, one :n whic:h....~k ll~ fc:.ter and ca.ier. ~ light

Adopl~ shown here screws into thelOCket of YOlK old lighti"l fiJrtur., lustlike a lamp bulb. Fitted with a 15()......ottSi Ivered Bo...1 lamp, the d'lfferenc. it

makes in your lighting Is surprising I Tnll

NeoPfl', ill .., 15 .~ful ,_ laue I offft'eCI .ueJrAM4UING VALUES I

SGc, 7Sc and $1.00 Deliahtful Dinner.Steak, CIllcIceft, FiM, Reub, .te~ .t t1reir ..., t I

:Me. 4ic ..... Me e-.a-. I_ Luac ..Delia- Steaka, CIr_ ..... special F_harea


Complete and Distinguished Bar Service

A B1eS S 1•n g 11123MuI. A_ at D..... aJrhoe• Pb .... JU ...... 1317


Window Shades

Nt 67..

CLEANEIJ A!m RENEWED-V...a_-BIiada ~ .. MUe to Ordw

BUY NOW Price. Are Riaiq


Air R&i4 !IIleUeliAnc:ieat Graeco-Roman tomb. and

.. taeombs may be used at air raidBelter. in AI"'xandria i1 • recom-m!!Ddation of the local eommitteecom_ into effect.

Miller MaUro. Co.R••• at1rr&' ." all IdHa .1 M."" ....

PiDo.. • Bex Sprilip0.. D.,

New M.t....... 8M SprUoI'_ KenJre ... J lA ..... T*

The ptoponl at this election is forthe City to rive a deed which will con.IirDl the deed given by the Village. Thereuon for lhe approval is that a legalquestion arose coneern;ng the validity Standina-s of ~ei,hborhood Club

Fou. In SlIM, IlaIHr. of the 1927 deed because it was sup- football leagLlu:Foxe. have been killin, 80 mea" d J b . f h .1 f

lambs nl~ar Ballinrobe, Ireland, that porle on y y actIOn 0 t ~ counci 0 I JlIIlier.the farmer. have notlfled eOWlb' of. the VilliI,e and not by a vote of the W L T PIfieials they will ,Ive up sheep raa. eleclors, It Wit decided tllat the title Jr. Lions " 2 (l I) 6

ling unless somet.'lini is dOM to 'Pre. v..ould l.e in doubt unless the conveY-II Red \\"ing5 " " 1 I 0 J

I I P."., ---. II ,'ent the slaul!ht.r. anre was confirmd by the voters of the Dodgers 1 I 0 JN I., City. The grantees in the deed given Rams _" " ".. 0 2 0 0 I

M~!:-'d I I R.... -:..ocw. I i R U 5 5 ELL ' :~i~~;a~~~:;nc t~~~d:;~~:r~~~'.l;t~h: ;~~~~ I ~~:~~~~~~.~ November 2-Red Winlls ItII ponl to conbrrn the title should not VI. Dodgen.THE B E AUT Y BOX t CURTAIN carry there will be a question as to the Friday, November J-Rams \'l, Juuior •

51 OAK STREET ' validity of any future tax a<sessment. Lions. ,--.- _

w. Carr., • e-p~ ~;I~BREE eo.....!i... I I m ~L~~N~R~ Ilh~f~. ;;i~.,,~:~~tr;:.~~hi\~~~!e~e \\~~;a;~~ 1(1,,j' ..lh .. ,.,._.._~~.~ ..l.~....... ! 0 ~ ~ - W.e t"-ha n k )' ()UIf. -H. "-' I' , -- n.... T Wed J ..e ~. ~- f if the new de~~ is given, .rlu' all reI;. \\'ildcats " , " "_ Q.O 2.... "'7'" _ ... D _.~ ~ lIena.. ud Ceaniq C\Ir- 1 -

P'" Th ~ Fri. j dents of the City oC Grusse Pointe. Be.... . " 0 I 2We ... ladudecJ E..eoWl.I' . boia. and Draperiel They are: Mro. Anneue D. Keane, The Lions remaIned in .ole lIo,ses-

14727 Kerd.e..aJ Mra. Elizabeth D. Whalen. Mrs. :\[elin- sion of nrst place when they 4eftaled~ It"! A.lalaad LE. 8Z75 ! da D, Parker and John Vincent Dw)"er the hllrhly regarJed Doda-cr. ~(j.!.l

.1 .......· · '0: · · · · · .• Art In.titute To I~~~;t~il~~a~. o~a~~:inJu~n~~r:a:~a:~~ ISh W over for two of his team I touchdoWDS.

REFRIGERATION . OW ar Sce~el The first came in the innitial stanza

SERVICE and the second in the third quarter.Some Of the most spectacular war Ray Miller. star end of the DIl I&,Hs.

piclures ever filmed will be shown at caurht a 4O-yard pass and raced thethe Detroi~ Institut .. of .....rls. WOOd: remaining jQ yards to score hi. team'sward at Kirby, Sunday afternOOn ana Ii t touchdow and keep them in theeveni~ ••Nol'ember ~, when A. T. H~ll, r~~ning. Bob n McQueen was by farJ~., forel~ correshPond~Dt and motl~,nI t the best ll""ound Kainer of the day. Hepicture pnotolTap eT, lectures on ut the ball in .eorine tlOsition for bothCover~d Asia" a: ~:3O and "The Fli'ht- ~f Millia'an'l touchdowns and Icoreding Lines of ASia ,at 8 :30. one himself on • lS.yard cf.d run.. Hull brings the. only pictures ~f both The Raml 19.t their second came in

Sides of the ~onlltct bet~een C~lDa a~d two starts when & reviud Red 'Vinll

F ,.1 Japan, showJn~ actl~n p~c- team came b&ck strong in the Iasl halfun. tur~s of hoth arm'e'. H,~ mnl,nn p'~. and .cored Lwo touchdowns in rar:idDirector. tures are so exceptiona} ~hat he Will order to gO into the lead 26-6. On the

I a.warded the coveted Nahon.1 Head- last play of the game Joe Rivard,Punch & Judy Theatre Imer. Club plaque for the best foreign husky fullback or the R.1nn took the~ ",.., ~ ..- - newueel coverage of 1'f.>9. They iDow ball two yards behind hi. own goal

-- - • -'_L Rd. NI 389" II104" P'lLA_ ......~.... I t I b b' d • h~erchevaJ at r IlJ11er oa ell ac ua om Ing an machine gun at- line &nd raced 102 yards for • touc _

L 5885 Itacks in the front liDes and cOl'er Mon- down ....hich proved to be the most

Sanda.,.Mon:~~~~f!~~~E~. __:;s;:v 5, • uad 7 'I ....~.DO..~__• -M .0 11~~a,p~t~~~:u~~:e;l1:o~n~~~ ~:r~t~?t :~~:t~:~.larRfv~:d o:ll~h:use::::v::a~~:

I..w nJ:oI'I IUMU ......UW \,;UMI:o I - ...U..':....r....;:• ..;; - ~l._gi~.e ":,.~,-~ment,o.t nll,llinn! of ~hin-I extra point makng the ~~I l:orl: read [I

W~-_.JI_.,_Th-_.JI-'1 November 8 and • j I -----~.... I.~~"'ILl! "leu Iam,lles, nomes, umver'\ :!6-13 in favor of a h'ghiy 'blll'';';.;:;!!......- -- Sits .. and factories into the interior. Red "'ing eleven. 1

FREDASTAIRE ..... GI~GER ROGERS Mr. Hull', motio11 piclure lecture is I The Cardinals are holding first ,,!a~. ,."'HJ: 5TnRV "11' vFRNn", ..... !.!"'~('AllTL'F:" I'r---~'-~~~"""------

I ---'I~po~sore~ by ,t.~e ~VOTld Ad\'enture lin HII! Mid(e1 Loop but. b=....e jU,stIFricla'1.S.t1n'My Nuvem&.r 1; - 1& Il P.A VE YO"..JEVE-It ,:,erle~ tOe PUOIIC leCtUre course at pla~'ed the Olle lame, Duung ine

'. RANDOLPH SCOTT-BINNIE BARNES WORN A the Detroit Institute of Arts. Bears 33-0. With DOD Place, shifty"FRONTIER MARSHALL" halfback of the Cards, doing mOlt of

5.to1l P. M. CIerrda FarreU "TORCHY RUNS FOR MAYOR" II New York Style PrnaJeao ItadIam. trser the running, the teague leaders com-I

'!'ht United S::tas is ~e world'. pleleiy outclassed a Iiinter ane! mcx"I'-_iQ&& '¥-n'Ml"lilliiiill .CARNATION CORSAC"JE7 larI- collsumer of radium. per~nced Bear team. Place tallied 18

Let U. Show 11Ica to You! ..----., 10f his te~m's points ....ith runs of 65_ Neighborhood Club yards, 40 yards, and 1 yards respec-

lti\'ely.e-w- c_ aD .-rb' __

~ Y (&.II.. I...:ast to r~incl the ~eigh- The Rangerl, Saints Ind Oub Fif-tIse --m,1) 0- C)r.. ~b"",:, Thnft Snap nelps to nnance teen are alrea~y preparina' for thecIrid,e-.... at aa. ~ the NtJgbbo!'booC Oab and we cOUDt cominS basketball aeasoD. The Rallg-

-- - lers and Saintl. were members of tile"Oub" league last year. The FifteenOub will be new as a team but theboy. that go to make up their aarc.,atioD are all fallliliar faces aroundthe dub- Such fotJller hilh school!ita~ ~! uHO'!!~y" Yar!ackt '.Bo!!ebe~dhHotlaban, Don Morrison, 'Gea. Roberts.Gee. Braund, Frank Queenan, andButch Beeverr will be the nucleus ofthis new orpniution as far as ,athlc!iccompetition is concerned.







S44 R i....r. •.....1SUI K...u......1 A..-M...,...

Thursday. November 2, 1939

TrIlDIt'adou Sa .. i•r ..Miem.a. H... d Picked S..&.etBdUa.il_ ~a..,.B_

CouIlI1y Club, From S.1.ctMTomato.

Na..,. Beau ..... flood 1Myou! Aok for Midair"bean. at Jeroe ...... 501.... tiledi ff.reace I


-- -- -----_.-

Harold E. Sil1m2r., attorney ilt theDavid SlolI building, has recently ac-cepted an appointment on the member.ship commitee of Hanllan Y. W. C. .....according to Jason E. Stoughton, whois chairman of this committee. Yr.Sillman has been a member of HanDilAY. M. C. A. for a number o£ yun a(~4has been aCli\'e in promoting uumetOUl"Y" projects,


Tomato Juice3 N~nZ 23cCa.,

KrOIe1"t. Coantry C;ab IiScore r anl CrealDt'ryRoll i teecl n..




Grapefruit 5 fw 25cFANCY

Celery Hearts '-'. 10c

ACCI'" ""IS AMAZINg au.t.NTIlIOY.,.,. JCftlf"" II,"" tTXF.,I ....... lv'bt1.,1'. O.Rtn"m~""'14IlI' .• "'1.,..1 (~t.,.,.,t'1' .",l! .. Will rt,.. " FR££ ~"'''IINT '".!I'd....f' , .. ,I of.1'M Wlmt tttfn. 'rc.r".... C'f "tc41.


MORTGAGE SERVICEFHA ••• NOI!.FHA • " _ BaakiDr Bn>.... t Direct to Y_

..~% IDtereit • • • Loweot Mell.tra.- CoshN_ Hom.. Fiu..~ ••• Old HOlD" ReG........

We Have Catered to RetiredMen and Women for Nine Years

A ......Ieno, diaa.ifiBd "~L Luari... oimplkl~. Rat.tht t"" llI.. t frueal .... alroed. Q.iet, ~eet Mftke.TIM cJooe.t ..... _Dtial aad b'aDaiht laotel to e.-.. Pointe.

European Plan From $Ut WeeklyAmerican Plan From $11.00Week.!y

E. Jeffenoa at Lenos

..,., rc t\.Lr . ...)n -'" "'..'"_......rmt\f~BE~NS. _..... .. .. .

u...~ ~ft!" M~ 'e:- !:::::!!=; !:;~~, va A .... ~.. IMORTGAGE SERVICE CORPORATION"

1145 Nati_1 Balik Baildia ..... CHeny IBMCO_po ..... t~ fop MAN'UF_4CTURERS N....TIONAL BAN~ .

He..,.,. Co Hod_ WalterM.o.iIoty5ZI8 Nottiqloaaa Uta N G. P., . ITUsecio Z.JII$ NI 1.. ,

'I I' • I I r I

speaker at the fifth annual Intcrn~' of the international Y•. M. c., A. co~.tional Dinner to be held at Hannan Y. mittee on foreign rclallons WIth fort'lgIIM. C. A. on Saturday el'ening, l\o\'em. student,.ber 18, at 6:15 p. m.

Many, many more Canned FoodValvea at Krolfera Thia WeekI

Kror.r'. A......... IeKIDNEY BEANS .2 XG I cans 15cFrIl .... Plaia' .FRIED CAKES .•••.• doz. lOeAt Krorw'o-ll3t New PackTomatoes, Com 4 Xo. 2 cans 2ScKro ....... Quick Or Reru13,.ROLLED OATS _., 1ge. pkg. 1Sc:KrOler'1I FawlGu" PureCHOCOLATE DROPS ••• lb. lOeEd .... StroDr, Dan'"CANVAS GLOVES ••.• pair IOcPlIrt' Pen•• Ra"MOTOR OIL .••. , qt. can SSe

FREE DELIVERY1'1'131 lCt'r'tll.... 1 An. 151!7 M.d, A~_Pla_. NI. 1MI-1St1 HI.... n 1117

~711 Mack A~ LeUas •

F.mOlll. For CaJ<e a .... PasbyIVELVET FLOUR. 5 lb. sack Z5c

Iii:ror ..... Guannteed COUJltry ClabBaking Flour. , 24}-:;-lb. sack 75cKro...,r. Fa. .... Clock Loaf I.CHEESE BREAD 16.oz. loaf 10eD.lieiou, W"ol.olllt', Krof8'l'"HARVEST CAKES .•• each 17eHot.Dated for F ..... bn .... !Spotllcbl Coffee, . 3 lb. bag 3gec ..... by Club, Frea".r, Cn'pierSODA CRACKERS 2 lb. pkg. 23eKr..!t'I", MiRcle Vala.BIG BEN BREAD .z lb. loaf 10e


F ...... Routed, Salted

PeanutsJb. lOe

Cookies~ 10c

1nlS Muir A.._!'fl.,u. 11$4

ISm i.. Jdu._ A_MU. _J

Kitdoelll F .... b, A..

New Bea"tiful "Re ..eri."


5 :to 15c

Butter Knife& Sugar Shellwalo All" l;oaf 2~c

of Krar" • to'Clock Bre,d Onl"

Fl.esh Roll Butter

Bay •• " Kr_ ilem, like it ..well _ or lor".... t.Ioa. aD"other braad or rehanl .nu ......_tio. iD oril'i •• 1 cODtaiaerDud pt free "..... other !>r.ndWII oeI1, n-r........ of prieoo! I


Leg Of Lamb Ib, 2ScPORK LOIN

ROAST 3 to 4.1b. Rib .. 17c...... ra ..e F:ndr~::s:: n~::5$:::D STEv...l~C

IfiChickens lb. 21cCUDAHY I,

Sliced Bacon 0.. 25c Iii

AD worlr:clone in oarown aIlop.15 yean auMack aYe,.

Karl Kellerman153t6 Mack Ave.N.... BucoculMLI

r... perf-eetiy BaJ-ad

.s.... Slidl CuoUae

I>irt:r, _ .... tIoick... in colO_I ... , ;. ROt .. Ie f_ wi..ter dri-vi ....e- ia aa4 I.t .. 10 ,.... cra"kcuewitJa d... Inola wtorr ....._ GoldnSWL



:Jeff_ .t City Limit. J

CALL MU. 1m IF..- Pick... a'" Deli'l'ery I

liD Muwo We S,.IIIOIlI'


Plua 1317

H. Buckeridge & Son

AU obatruetion. rerJlCn'ed from ,.oar doned Mwer or dr.inby oar MOlIIen

ELECTRIC CUTTINC MACHiNEBef(>reyaa di,_ break fIoora c.aalt lI~Eatimatea Free

Complete PJumhin, aM Heatin, Senice

15108Kercheval Avenue At Maryland

Aec:ieo' ~A loom demonstrated at the Saint

John, N. B .• ezhibition this year andowned by 14n, C. H. Clarke, Otta ......W31 shown It Sussex in 1881 atthe lint nhibition to be held inNew Bnmsw1(~k.

Save This Acl-Save II NowP-I-A-N-Q

T... ~. $Z.5I; rep.;", parb, .......-.331.Z diocoa-at. a ,..n' •.....-a.t." wilL faclOl7; wod_ ••1aip pu.•• t.....Freel Merry

I Blocked Sewer?I

i Call LEnox 6740

Notice -Voters!of the City of Grosse Pointe

In appreciation of the progremve workwhich the Administrative and Legislativebodies of our City baa accompliahed in regardto Better Government, leuer taxes and a finercommunity, your attention is called to sbowyour appreciation by caating your vote Tues"day, Nov. 7th, for a continuation of thil pro ..greu"


These men deserve your indorsement:r1ayor Mason Rumney

(lncumbeul Couac:ilmaa)

Norbert P. Neff( Inc:umbeat)

Council: Chester F. Carpenter(Incumbent) Preferred

Hugh M. Dill, M. D.(lacumbeal) Preferred

Walter C. Hartwig(Incumbeat) Preferred

Ralph B. NettingPreferred

T"i. nnlice ;1 don. led "1 • veup of I•• p")"" of Il.e City of Cr"'MPOll''1t .. tt)t.Uy 'n "t""~r~ "nc!' ~rr"rr-..,~,i...e of rOGCl I'Oft"n""t'ftt.

D. M. Ferry, Jr.(Iacumbeat) Preferred

Edward F. Spitzer(lncumheat) Preferred •

Assessor Neil BlondellTreasurer Theo. G. OsiusConstable Charles H. Locke

Justice of the PeaceFrank W. Lindemann, Jr.Joseph P. Uvick

ReVl.~w Liners TYP\\'RlTER-t:nd~r\\'ood, Itandard SET oC 2 French dM'S, beveled edge Alec Templeton Will IR~\'el, Wagner and Sousa. Nearly 5,0?0-.; size: Ilood condililJn, $17.00. 1378 Bu. plale glass, brass hard\'ouc includcd: Be P ted At children from 22 school systems will

cOllsfield, rear. I Mahogany dres,ing table; J pair reaen be guesls at this concerl,-----F-.-.-l. --- GE.ii.iiA~-SHEPHERD pur!,ics; ped. ~mn o~er~dr~Ptl lined. MJ Ri. Detroit Symphony~ igreed llood stock. luperior intelli. Hrd B ~~., ~1 •.:51 .• _._ .__ __ _ _

gence. Seeing cye breed. Loyal pet.! l\uRl.E GAS ~rOVE-l\early Dew. y W CAN t James Hansen, I'ice president of Ken.BE ..\UTIFt'L ROSE da,'enrort. Dun. watch doll'. Palmenkohe Kennels. 2~ Reason~ble. Phone TU. 2-4824.. Alec TempletOl1. whose lame both as •••• 0 e. drick Manufacturing Company and

c~n Ph)'fe. Like new, a)~n chair, lamp, East Park, Rosel'ille. CROCHET~D bed 5pread, 3176 Coplin. a mUsical satirist and as a mu,ician chairman of the World Service com.table. .-\;;;;':-;;',:..\ent. XI. 00-18. r"', . . FOR SALE-Pri"ate Library 100 to ISO of unusual allainment is a matter of Charles W. Lorenzo of Grc,;~ Pointe fHillee of Hannan "Y," slates that stud.t CYLI~DER 4 cvclt 8 H P at 900 \ Ed.R\ FIXbE period 1I1'Ing room sUIte; books, m~ny old and first editions. Nt common knowledge. will be prescnted and a prominent Detroit allorney, 11..11 ents renresentatil'e of 20 different na'- D' '-. ',' .' ". • • IDnene, edroom, fi.replace ~n, rug~, 054J. _'_' f h h made available a handball trophy which "R, I. ~1. motor. B~I1t'ln gOlernor. mIrror, new con,ole plano. \\ ,II sacn.. - ---- -. -- as s"",ut at hI-o 0 t e tree concerli tions will be guests of honor as p..rt"neto; 2 or I re"uclioll~ R~cently lice. 134-Z1Hampshire (Chalmers). \ ~.~IfcIY of household furniture. Call scheduled bv the Detroit Symphony is to be awarded to the ",inner of thec" ..ned and n,'crhau!e~. ~ l. ),10. _. .,-- --- "-.- "- .... " '" ,......, Orchutra in Ma50nic temple for the Lorenzo Handball Tournament at Ban- o£ an inlernallon testll'al celebration.

. .-;-, PIAXO in fine conditior" 1\llxophone. S'H,GLE BEDROOM ,uite (bcd. dress. coming week. The blind 29-year-old nail Y.!lf. C. '\,' !lIr. l.orenzo is a memo Arrangements (or the dinner are beingCHEVROl.ET. ~9~1 Spon .Coupe, pn- J)ouble spring cot: brass hed black .r, chifferobe), small bookcases and II f made !ly the Mothers Club. Charles,'at.e owner. I'al~ cond,tIOn. Phone ebony clock, camehhair overcoat., lar"'e misc-lIaneous. "',"1.• ,.'" Eqlish geniu5 of the keyboard will be er 0 the DU;ll1ess ~[ens Club oC Han-

""[ ""1- • , " ."....... "Y" "h I b t" Hurre)' w~s for 'Hally j ~ilrs ~h.irl:lan~nmgs. ••. vv <.. _ .il~ Cl,el:'. TV. 2.3129. BRE ....KFA~T- ROOM SET, $10:00-; hurd at the first in the suies of Youn!!1 n~~ 3.n.", as. ong. cen an ea Illl"!' _

D."CHSHt.:~m, 6 hlonths old, house-[ "5fiNl': pI ECE walnut dining suite, 0<:- breakfasl room .set, $5,00: boy's bi. Peopl~'1 concerti at 10 :45 a. m. Satur- ast,c parhclpant III thiS sporL f II • II II •• II

broken. hro" n, \,ure bred .. Reasoll' casional tahl~. rocker. 706 Rivard IE)'c1., $7.00. 4\17Lmcoln Rd. . day, November 11. and at the first of The tournament plilV \\'ill nn Start You.t"D~ya"le. 21817 Te:l ~l,le. St. Cla,r Shores. Blvd. TV, 2.9720. SEI.L OR TIHOF,....lll1!,lcy WIth .m~11 :ht P'lp ..l4.r-pr;.<J :;.. t~,J ..y u;"I., CUll' ~Ionday, !\ol'embcr 6. J. B.-vol.; :'1.".11 Ri h W'th ~

" •• • • apt. on 3rd floor in Grosse Pointe, certi. thaI same evenn,... The other ,tiller, ph.nical director, Slates that he 'I g t... I aI I , • • ,. • , • _. • • cost $65.000 for business properly, lug. II b h _/

I GARMENTS SERVI",rD BY US I er apartment or 4.bedroorns. 2 bath ollcrlDg of the week wi e t e sec- e"pecls about 30 men to enter the tour. Body M......... Hair Y'-'S:o houses and cash. Address Box !4, ond program in the series of Free namcnt. Those men already regi,tered I aDd Sealp treated aDd ~ --.......LASTLONGER*,I Grosse Pointe Re,';e,,', 15121 Kercheval Concerts for Schoo,I Children" to be are; Ralph Tobbee. James Cathcart, dr--u.l A • . '\

I .~ t Z m" dn.sday ~ovem -- • • •• mmuc:ure '--::7/_¥'\. HFor Rent pay ... a p. ., n e.. • Chades Wortley, Karl Koch. William I )'uu will 1M pl'uud of • • • ~------ 99 . --~~=~-..,.---.--.,...- btr 6. .\smus. Eugene Zawacki, Herbert Norolt A Bram-MaJ .. ,e for ner"ilIi.'. Saita, Topeoats, Ladie.' Plain C . IfOR PARTIES-Aut.omali~ pb_ Victor Kolar will conduct all three ri<. Howard ."SlnUS, Pcter Cucchelli,1+ lected feet,~b w ~ deoaod.... ........ "'"". .~'t:;..~i:.::';:::.~:!'~- M'"'''' ..... Ed", >b ... , T"". Ed•.", Z,""". Oob .. , L;,k ,., D IMiaor Repurll FREE Cury II RF.\'T'-OR-LEAsE::7Ol)-Rivard-Oil ~lIueatiOt:lal director, will lecture at the Raymond Breigh~ I DONNA'S HAIR & HEALTH STU 0U M k CI & T I burner, in.ulaled. 7-rooms. TU, Wednesday afternoon and Saturday 1691%KERCHEVALpper ac eaner ay or 1-ms .. ....,....,:--,- morn;r.K proKrams. C".arles D. Hurrey. o£ l'\ew York l ro. Z.%l~ , , "

17457 MACIe AT NEFF f OAK ST., Sl-Larg~ DIl.plex. slo,'e .orl Since Templetc.n first came to these City, a \'oorld tra,'eler alld student of \,.- TV. Z41Z1 w. A1ao Tab 1.aadr)o all heat, not decoralello Garage tn- shores in 1935 as solo piani,t with JaCk International Affair., will be lhe &"" .. ,t f BROEDEu.. PLUMBING AND HEATING

'---------..,...,....... •• • • , •• ••• " , , b • :!uded. $JO.oo. Hylton's orchestra he has been an IRCICXDI for Real ovmvhelming favorite of concert, re- Specialisb in FUl'DlICe Cleaninr aDd Repairinc 11

....TTRACTIVE furnished apartment I cital and radio, His succes, as cnter. CUltom Made COMPLETE PLUMBINC SERVICE 1,Party Day. and Night. Are Here Again for couple or single rooms in refined taintr and artist combined i, unique SUITS lU %.3737 zt75Z MACK jA smart new hair Sl}'le will add glamour 10 private home. Garage. Oose to High in music and for senral CROSSE POINTE WOODS-

your afternoon 0: formal gOWn!. School. XI. 0536. ---, years he has enjo)'ed the distinction Need nol be ~~============================::,;.A new Permanent to give your hair the TWO HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Pri. of appearing before capacity audience5. exp4mai ...e!Wbody" to hold thue stylts securely-$J.5().. \'ate bath. $35. 47 Oak street, Grosse When Templeton played with the or-$10.00. Pointe Farm,. I chestra last year, demand for ticketsA Fadal with OUr lovo:ly "Ell'5ian'''DreDaratiofl TWO ROOMS aDd batl •• heated utili.will impart to your skin. that radiant glo';" every. ties included. Adults. References. ,,'as so great a special repeat perform-one stril'es for. $2.00. Course of 5ix, $10.00, TU. 2-3522.. anee became necessary. This, too. was

SPECIALS FOR MONDAY UPPER FCAT-=Fve rooms, balh~idt' sold

1IIti0.u... Hot Oil Scalp T"'bre.t, drive. gar3ll'e, 5.26~ St. Clair. Grosse At lhe Saturday - night pop concert...... SJaa.iooo Wa _ _._ ...$1.. Poin~e.:_)~Quire.524 S~air. __ ._ Templeton "'i11 be soloist in the Schu.

Facial Make-ap -- - .$1.. WELL ventilat.ed room. Conveniently malin A Minor Concerto, one of theCardinal Beauty Salon located. alt!ll I. 6877. . . best.loved of all the important works

lQ3i MACK AVE .. AT THREE-MILE DR. .2 LA~t.jr; ~~UMS ~Icely f~rnlS.hed, for the-pUtno.. He .,..ill follow this withII complete kncnen equIpment lor hght I '..ap.. T...... ,. ..... nunda" E........ ..,. AppoUltmMat housekeeping. 1452 Lakepointe. In unscheduled series of ImprOVISl'PHONE TUXEDO Z-_ Femal tions and musical c..ricltures, theI~O~~ ~anted- _ • Nsbow" that Templcton fans "flock to

.NURSEMAID W'Sncs care of small see and hear.i- children. TU.2-6482. This' holiday concert (Armistice Day) ,,--;-,--- --,--;". I"ELAINE MARIE ARNDT \) LADY wants washing and ironing and will take on special significance be- f


housework. TU. 2.8252. . • • . .. ••••• • y - .th ID"Nrl;" ST D n _ ..----- - - .'--'.-' ---~IlU,t' of !he Worl<l premiere Of a worle r n-mtense OUr \ WI~."'-4UIv ~... E~P;o~~;;;,;~~ai;~'tf~::I::ng~:e~i entitled "Armistice Day,~ by the ~ew I GOOD GULF PRODUCTS


after dinner. Home nights. Must be York composer an~ mUSIcal authOrity, $325 and up/" ll'ood plain coole. Two adults. KIagara William J. Reddick. Ba~ed On a war Call. I: •

.. ... ~~./ 3565. -----__ , ,oUf'in b" .. r.....t~in In"" T. Will.-.;;"l"l.. -.I D._ ...R'o 5""'_1 "I... '" ~ ~rr;fl ./ IJ E~t'r.~l~.Nl.~D German rnr~_wants I~n ~lishm~n who. i5 •said to -ba~~ _~ .. ,,~y I clcaulD.1:\'Dr?~nr day or general bOlU~/fallen ill the World Wa.r. "Armistice Kercheval-CadieuxtI ....i work. !'iI.6223. ". Ph f ~ h .

~~. ~ v_t.'" I 0- - - -------Ia d - Day Is a antasv or tenor .nn art- S

Cli,.'Jo' ..oSIC!!lv u.- RELIABLE w"man wants un ry , e' h ~" - er-,;ce IIf~ ~ '\)~ ~:~ work h d... ill own nonie; everYlhinll1 t::m; ::c.OI. m;.,; C :QnlS a::d .u.. Q.' " •

~' .A.i-~ci cP t5 ~~-"" Idone separately. Bf'st "f rr, ..rencC'. I<:1?,,!tra. Frank WrIgley :ras pr~pared 19a K=:-cL.r..l _i c.-... J IJ

~ _'\,V'.~ .~~ /' TV.2.Z7'J'J. the chorus and tbe solouu -..111 be C. HASELBY NI.llnV .....,.U~VJ f'"/' Aparbn t W ted Avery 0.-, Detroit teMr, and Walter IV..n~_.~ L- ENOX 7639 ....!!!'_- ~ - - Cassel, Ne,.. York baritone. Reddick • ,~r~a~~- YOU~G-h';;inf''' ;"an. single. dcs.ires chanced on the poem in a magazine in K ROC E R S TOR E SA,...- 919 BARRINGTON RD small furnished apartment or bache- 19ZJ ,alld be, ..... impressed because of" Cor', quarters, independent. GrOllse --- 0 I K

" Pointe preferable, Call NL 700J, 9 A. itt dramatic pouibilities. 11 r"quires 0 y rogersM. 10 5 p. M. 17minutes to perform. M k Th~D

JR d Board Other cOill~itioD' on this evening a e II ar

oom an __ protiram wiII be a first pedormance iu • S ,' RrvARD-B'LVD .• near Jeff~noll- Detroit of Michael Brusselmans' Suite log tatement.• Modern new home, re6ned family.

A{eals optionaL Unlimited phonc serv. for Orchestra. on the Caprices ofice. Garage space. TU. 2-1262. . Pagani~i. aDd Wag'll" Prelude toBACHELoR quatten. £ollr. li~ NDie Meistersinger." Brusselmans is a

congenial men. AutOlDa~ic heat, bot Belgia'n contemporary .ho 1VaS born",ater, sho gara~e... Unusual pro. ill Paris February 12, 1886. The Sat-position. _ TO. ~2O.l2. 'wday monaing concerl is titled "Music I

I' Blocked Sewer. and Mooch" and in addition to Tem-IBEFORE you di~lta;:...AiiOil- pleton u the feature, will include

structions removed by modern dec- wor1<s o£ Wagn~r, Bizet, Novak,tric culling machine. H. Buckeric!ge Gounocl, T5chaikovsky, While. Grieg.& Son, LE. 6740. 15108 KerchevaL St Ponchielli and Schumann. Templeton

Muuc will play the first movcment of th.e.~-~~-- -.. Schumann Concerto and present hISDRAMATICS and danCing. Pnn,te and . .. .

I clas, lessons by professional teacher ,"comparable.lmproVllatlOns..with staRe and social experience. Miss The follow,nJr comPO•• rs w,1t hc re!'.,

IJ<,,'ard. 1077 Beaconsfield, before noon., resented on \Vednesday afternoon's1\lU. 4682. program: Grieg. ]amefelt, Tschkovsky,

!EL\\"OOD ESGEI.} fnrm~rlY' .,.ith~. Ippvlito" .. I..-;;iiO"'i' Cow-nodi Goldrn~:,k.

trait Conservatory of Music and De. ''mil Foundation Music School. finestpiano instruction. 1342 !\otlingham.

I !\I. 4271. WAR DECLARED!MuSlC-Leib Conservatory of Music.

I e,tab!:shed i:t l?lZ. Voice, Piano, Save 2c Per GallonIViolin, Harmony and Theory. 1495C

East Jefferson at city limits and 989Barring1on. Join the Graue Pointtstring orchestra. Violins, and banjos. Before purchasinga .tring instrument it is ad.,isable to 7 Gals. for gee

Iconsult an experienced tearher. PhoneLenOx 9305-6 to 9 p. m. at the leillCons.rntory of Music, 14514 E. Jdfer-son Ave. c -- __