ecsc conference magazine 2013

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  • 7/27/2019 ECSC Conference Magazine 2013


  • 7/27/2019 ECSC Conference Magazine 2013


    Message fromThe Most Hon. Port a S mpson M er, ON MP

    Pr me M n ster & Party Pres dent


    it s w th a deep sense of h story and cons derab e pr de that i send th s years conference of the East Centra St Cather ne Const t ency of the 75th Ann versary of o r great Party. in do ng so, i sa te the

    fores ght of o r Fo nder, Patr ot, Statesman and Nat ona Hero the RNorman Man ey and a who have been part of th s g or o s egacy anof accomp shment over these seventy- ve years.

    The observat on that change s the on y constant s part c ar y tr e o A of s are mpacted by t change n o r persona ves; changes asc ence and techno ogy; change n the wor d economy; c mate chang

    nterna governance str ct res and nat ona po c es.

    O r Party has been an agent of change. Steadfast n o r comm tment to change and mprov nJama cans, t s no secret that the PNP has been nstr menta n ead ng the nat ona movemfor ad t s ffrage n 1944 and independence n 1962. We n t ated pos t ve changes n o r ethe te ecomm n cat ons sector, n ed cat on, n o r soc a sec r ty prov s ons and a r ange

    mprov ng the q a ty of fe of a Jama cans. M ch has been accomp shed over these 75rema ns to be done. As we mar th s s gn cant 75th ann versary, et s reaf rm o r g d ng pthe nat ona sp r t and ta e the steps wh ch ead s to a br ghter f t re.

    The strength of the nat on es n the v brancy of o r comm n t es and the w ngness orespons b ty for o r deve opment and the we -be ng of the r fam es. Now more thantogether, w th d sc p ne and creat v ty to br ng abo t the changes and mprovements wh ch areto do these th ngs, we w rema n a ways g ded by the se essness, conv ct on and pr ncfo nders and d gent y passed on over the years, and wh ch has made s the po t ca organmarch ng w th the dest ny of the nat on.

    i w sh for the Const t ency of East Centra St. Cather ne, nder the dynam c eadersh p of yo rand enterpr s ng eader, Comrade Arna do Brown, a s ccessf Conference and Gods b ess nto enr ch the ves of a the const t ents and strengthen the fo ndat ons for a safer, more prosp

    May God b ess s a and Jama ca, and we ove.

    Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    MESSAGESThe Most Hono rab e Port a S mpson-M er, ON, MP 3Pr me M n ster of Jama ca

    The Hono rab e Senator F oyd Morr sPres dent of the Senate 4

    The Hono rab e Noe Arscott, MP 5V ce Pres dent of the Peop es Nat ona Party

    The Hono rab e Peter B nt ng, MPGenera Secretary of the Peop es Nat ona Party 6

    Cde. Den se Da eyCha rman of Reg on 4 6

    The Hono rab e Arna do Brown, MPMember of Par ament for East Centra Sa nt Cather ne 7

    The Hono rab e Co n Fagan, MPMember of Par ament for So th Sa nt Cather ne 8

    Cde. F tz Jac sonMember of Par ament for So th East Sa nt Cather ne 9Co nc or A ns ey Par nsSo thboro D v s on 9Co nc or C a de Ham tonPortmore P nes D v s ons 10

    Co nc or Ora G nn ngGregory Par D v s on 10


    REPORTSPeop es Nat ona Party Yo th Organ zat on Reportof East Centra Sa nt Cather ne 13East Centra St. Cather ne Womens Movement Report 14-15East Centra Sa nt Cather ne Const t ency Report 16-19

    DiViSiONAl REPORTSGregory Par D v s ona Report 20-21Portmore P nes D v s ona Report 22-24So thboro D v s ona Report 25-27

    COMMiTTEE REPORTSEd cat on & Tra n ng Comm ttee Report 28-30E ectora Comm ttee Report 31F nance & Project Management Comm ttee Report 32-34i nfr ast r ct re and D s aste r Mana ge men t Comm tt ee (iDM) 35Spor ts Yo th C t re & En tert a nm en t Co mm ttee Re por t 36-37We fare & O treach Comm ttee Report 38

    AWARDEESP at n m Awardees 39Go d Awardees 40S ver Awardees 41Bronze Awardees 42

  • 7/27/2019 ECSC Conference Magazine 2013


    The Constituency of East Central St. Catherine Ann ua l C onf ere nc e 2 013

    Message from The Hon. Noe Arscott, MPV ce Pres dent, Peop es Nat ona Party

    As V ce Pres dent of th s great Party, i sa te Member of Par am Arna do Brown, and h s team n the const t ency of East Centrafor choos ng to mar the Peop es Nat ona Party (PNP) 75th anhost ng yo r ann a Const t ency Conference nder the theme, Hono A powerf Fo ndat on for Today and Tomorrow. Too many t mes choose to gnore, the sacr ces made by comrades n the str gg e wh ch

    t poss b e for s to enjoy a better q a ty of fe. indeed they have fo ndat on that we pro d y stand on today.

    We ce ebrate th s m estone at a t me when the Jama can peop e are oo ng to o r nob e Pawe a nav gate the soc a and econom c t rb ence we face as a peop e. it s a t me when we the cha enges, and show empathy to o r ne ghbo rs, o r brothers, and o r s sters n the str gg

    t s a t me for so dar ty.

    Jama ca oo s to the PNP for the eadersh p beca se they now that even n ma ng d f cso w th transparency, w th ntegr ty, and w th the nterest of the co ntry as o r compass. Theypo c es do not represent pr v eged nterest gro ps. They now that we are comm tted to anat onhood, eq a ty and j st ce. Th s s what o r past represents. Th s s the egacy of O.TMan ey, Vernon Arnett, W am Se vewr ght, Noe Netherso e, Howard Coo e, Josh a Manthe many other sta warts of o r movement. it s the path be ng p rs ed nder the eadersh p oleader Port a S mpson M er. We, the warr ors and foot so d ers, cannot shy away from th scannot betray th s egacy.

    Comrades, now s a t me to renew o r comm tment. Yes, i now yo fee overwhe med at t msomet mes sa d water more than o r. B t, f not s, then who w see to the nterests of ththe d spossessed, of the emerg ng asp r ng b s ness persons, of o r farmers, teachers and other pof the v nerab e, or o r yo th? Who w create po c es so that the average Jama can can maxand be the best that they can be?

    Th s 75th ann versary s the s o nd ng of the tr mpet. lets awa e, ar se and answer the ca . land ma e o rse ves more nc s ve. let s recr t and rej venate. let s re-organ ze o r gro

    d sc ss ss es and form ate so t ons. let s ma e D v s ona , Const t ency and Reg onrob st debate beca se that br ngs abo t the best deas. let s ta e t me to be eaders n o r schocomm n t es. O r dest ny s nextr cab y n ed to Jama cas f t re. O r fort nes are t ed not an opt on.

    So, Comrades, as the ast paragraph of o r Partys anthem says, in steadfast ass rance that God w And g ve s h s b ess ngs o r efforts to crown; let s a be n ted to b d by H s grace;

    oft er race. let s wr te o r chapter of the h story of the PNP, wh e we stand on the sho dewho have gone on before s. A ta cont n aThe str gg e cont n es!

    Message from Senator The Hon. F oyd Morr s

    it s w th a sense of pr de that i greet the members of East Centra St. Cather neconst t ency for the po t ca year 2012-2013. i am deep y hono red to beassoc ated w th th s const t ency, beca se desp te the cha enges, a n mber ofach evements are be ng rea zed. The Member of Par ament, the Hon. Arna do Brown,cont n es to do extreme y we n exec t ng the comm tments he made to theconst t ency n the 2011 e ect on. Sports, ho s ng, ed cat on, econom c

    empowerment and tra n ng, cont n e to rece ve tremendo s attent on n theconst t ency. Th s s be ng man fested thro gh the constr ct on of sport ng fac t es

    n the Portmore P nes D v s on; the b d ng of the Cedar Grove H gh Schoo ; the remova of z nc fences n theSo thboro gh D v s on; the constr ct on of s de-wa s n the Gregory Par D v s on and the grant ng of h ndredsof empowerment and ed cat on grants to members of the const t ency. These n t at ves from the Member ofPar ament have seen over 2,500 nd v d a s rece v ng emp oyment on the var o s projects.

    l tt e by tt e, b t by b t, the deve opment efforts of the const t ency are be ng ach eved. We have to n te tot ze the m ted reso rces to the best of o r ab t es. We have to ens re that we se the tt e that we rece ve

    and transform t nto m ch. The Government s operat ng nder t ght nanc a constra nts d e to an agreementw th the internat ona Monetary F nd (iMF) and the efforts to conta n the h gh debt b rden. Conseq ent y, thereare m ted f nds ow ng n the d rect on of MPs and so the meager reso rces m st be t zed to the best of o rab t es. Const t ents are therefore be ng rged to se the tt e that they rece ve to t rn nto m ch. They m stens re that ass stance rece ved thro gh e ther emp oyment or grants, be sed to generate f rther wea th forpermanent econom c empowerment. Th s s the type of transformat on that s needed and what M chae Man eyspo e abo t n the 1970s when he sa d: "When one cons ders the magn t de of the econom c and att t d narestr ct r ng that o r cond t ons demand, t becomes c ear that the po t cs of conservat sm and t n er ng arenot on y rre evant to o r s t at on b t represent an nto erab e defa t of respons b ty. Man can adj st by t n er ng,b t he cannot transform. Noth ng ess than transformat on can prov de answers to the d emmas w th n wh ch

    we are c rrent y trapped.

    For Jama ca to become a deve oped soc ety, a of s m st adopt a transformat ona approach. The members ofEast Centra St. Cather ne are be ng ca ed pon to adopt th s transformat ona approach. We have to se the

    tt e that we have and transform t nto m ch. i w sh yo a the best for the rest of the year.

    4 Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

  • 7/27/2019 ECSC Conference Magazine 2013


    Message from Cde. Den se Da ey, MPPeop es Nat ona Party Reg on 4 Cha rman

    l et me ta e th s opport n ty to congrat ate yo and yo r const t ents for thetremendo s wor yo a have been do ng for the deve opment of yo r const t encyn the ast e ghteen months. As the party ce ebrates ts 75th year nder the theme Hono r ng o r Past- a PowerfFo ndat on for Today and Tomorrow, i th n t s q te tt ng to say that East CentraSt. Cather ne s do ng j st that and more.

    Yo have made great str des n the const t ency. Thro gh yo r ded cat on, strong w power and q a ty eadersh pyo have der ved many bene ts for the const t ency.

    Yo have ept the torch b rn ng very br ght for the Peop es Nat ona Party and n so do ng have bro ght s tobe more recogn zed as a Party.

    As we cont n e to ce ebrate o r 75th year of ex stence, we m st re ect on o r past ach evements, o r r chher tage and the ro e we m st p ay n the advancement of o r party. We m st b d re at onsh ps thro gh serv ces

    n order to f o r m ss on.

    The Constituency of East Central St. Catherine Ann ua l C onf ere nc e 2 013

    6 Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    The Constituency of East Central St. Catherine An nua l C onf ere nc e 2 013

    Message from The Hon. Arna do BrownMember of Par ament for East Centra St. Cather ne

    The occas on of o r second Const t ency Conference n the year wheparty observes ts s ver ann versary, s ca se for ce ebrat on and PNP s the o dest po t ca party n the Eng sh Spea ng Carthe po t ca evo t on of Jama ca and the Reg on. As the party n the progress ve change oca y over the past 75 years, we can fee j st ab

    egacy, even as we recomm t to the cha enge of o r fo nders to ach evand econom c deve opment and berat on of o r peop e.

    A tho gh yo ng, East Centra St. Cather ne s f y w th n the fo dthe advancement of the PNP and the nat on. O r b rth was most a sp c o s as t began w th a resand i g ve yo my ass rance that we w cont n e to b d on th s fo ndat on as we represeof the c t zens of East Centra and Jama ca.

    As we re ect on o r 75th Ann versary theme Hono r ng o r pastA powerf fo ndat otomorrow - et s be r e-energ sed to cont n e the tas of nat on b d ng.

    i a so w sh to than o r Party leader and Pr me M n ster, the Most Hon. Pr me M n ster Portthe con dence she reposed n me by appo nt ng me State M n ster n the M n stry of Fore gn Trade and for the g dance and mentorsh p prov ded by Senator, the Hon. A J N cho son, M n ster

    Over the past two years o r foc s n East Centra has been on n t at ves n emp oymendeve opment of soc a nfrastr ct re and efforts to n fy and p ft the c t zens of the const

    Message from The Hon. Peter B nt ng, MPGenera Secretary of the Peop es Nat ona Party

    it g ves me great p eas re to jo n w th the const t ents of East Centra St. Cather nen commemorat ng the 75th Ann versary of o r great Party on the occas on of yo r Ann a Conference. Yo r const t ency s a very yo ng one, hav ng been created j sttwo years ago. However, yo r b rth was most a sp c o s as t began w th a reso nd ngv ctory, and for th s yo m st be congrat ated.

    Yo r Member of Par ament, Comrade Arna do Brown, s an o tstand ng representat vewho has made h s mar both n h s capac ty as Member of Par ament and M n sterof Government. in h s m n ster a ro e he has contr b ted s gn cant y to forg ng newd p omat c re at onsh ps and mprov ng ex st ng ones, thereby add ng mpet s to

    Jama cas overseas trade. As MP, yo can a attest to the apt eadersh p he cont n es to prov de, part c ar yas t re ates to n t at ves n emp oyment generat on, the deve opment of soc a nfrastr ct re, and efforts to p ftand n te const t ents.

    As we re ect on o r conference theme Hono r ng o r past A powerf fo ndat on for today and tomorrowet s re-comm t to the tas of nat on b d ng. i rge yo to ho d rm to the tenets of o r fo nders as we str ve to

    b d a better nat on. The PNP cont n es to be the party of progress and i have every con dence that we wcont n e n th s ve n. However, to stay on th s progress ve path, we m st beg n to wor even c oser to ens re thatthe Party, wh e rema n ng tr e to ts core pr nc p es, evo ves to meet the demands of a modern soc ety.

    i w sh yo r conference every s ccess and tr st that yo w nd a renewed energy to carry on the good ght.

    Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

  • 7/27/2019 ECSC Conference Magazine 2013


    The Constituency of East Central St. Catherine Ann ua l C onf ere nc e 2 013

    8 Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    The Constituency of East Central St. Catherine An nua l C onf ere nc e 2 013

    Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    Message from The Hon. Co n FaganMember of Par ament for So th East St. Cather ne

    As Member of Par ament for So th East St. Cather ne, t s my p eas re tocongrat ate East Centra St. Cather ne on th s the r 2nd ann versary. i am w tnessto the hard wor and ded cat on that Comrade Arna do Br own (State M n ster nthe M n stry of Fore gn Affa rs and Fore gn Trade) has p t n as Member of Par amentover the past two years. i do tr st that he and h s team w cont n e to wor d gent yand c ose y w th the const t ents to br ng abo t even more major deve opments asseen thro gh the estab shment of the new Cedar Grove H gh Schoo among others.

    East Centra St. Cather ne cons med a part of my const t ency when t was formed and i m st say i am e atedto now that the progress s be ng cont n ed. The yo ng Member of Par ament was met w th s ept c sm anddo bt b t after j st two years as eader he has bro ght projects thro gh JEEP and the Const t ency Deve opmentF nd co p ed w th s pport from government and non-government organ zat ons that has s enced h s detractors.The year was not w tho t ts fa r share of cha enges b t so t ons were reached thro gh the co aborat ve effortsof c t zens and var o s comm n ty/c v c organ zat ons. i therefore beseech the aforement oned gro ps to cont n e

    n extend ng the r s pport to the process of deve opment n East Centra St. Cather ne and n the same breath iwant to mp ore others to throw the r f s pport beh nd the r eader.

    As a co eag e M n ster of State, i can spea to Comrade Browns contr b t on to o r Par ament on nat onass es of wh ch he s we nown, espec a y as t re ates to fore gn affa rs and trade matters.

    in conc s on, i a so want to se th s for m to congrat ate the Peop es Nat ona Party on the ocas on of o r75th ann versary ce ebrat on; they afforded me and M n ster Arna do Brown the honor of serv ng the peop e ofSt. Cather ne and by extens on the peop e of Jama ca. it s a pr v ege to be a part of s ch a great organ zat on.

    God B ess yo a .

    Message from Cde. F tz Jac son, MPMember of Par ament for So th St. Cather ne

    it s w th enormo s p eas re and pr de that i express congrat atne ghbo r ng const t ency of East Centra St. Cather ne on ts ann v As o r Party ce ebrates ts 75th Ann versary. East Centra St. Catherrepresented by Cde. Arna do Brown and the Peop es Nat ona Party n o

    s of part c ar note and s gn cance n th s the 75th ann versary yea

    The comrades of East Centra St. Cather ne went nto the Genera E

    December 2011 aga nst the bac gro nd of a ac of be ef by many, thatposs b e. Th s was s m ar n many respects to the same way that comrades ed by Norman Man ey too on the tas of form ng the PNP

    the r q est to b d a new Jama ca. it s therefore mperat ve that the eadersh p across the concont n a y m ndf of the f ndamenta goa s of o r Party n see ng to b d n ed antowards a b d ng a better nat on for a .

    The demograph cs of the const t ency do prov de tremendo s cha enges to ts eadersh p pthe c rrent econom c d f c t es. However, i am con dent that the stee y w and gr t of themembers of the const t ency w th n and o ts de of the PNP w tr mph n the b d ng othat w enhance the tota deve opment of Portmore.

    East Centra St. Cather ne can rema n cont n a y ass red of my s pport and the ent re const tCather ne PNP fam y, as we a see to b d a better Jama ca for a o r peop e.

    Message from Co nc or Ora G nn ngGregory Par D v s on

    iwant to than yo for yo r cont n ed s pport. i want to enco rage yocont n e to s pport the core va es of the P.N.P. let me ass re yo tcont n e to wor hard to ens re that the d v s on cont n es to enjoy

    ce ebrate o r 75th ann versary. We now that we are not a ways go ngeveryth ng b t nstead of cr t c z ng each other et s wor togetherth s d v s on cont n es to be n the w nn ng co mn for the Peop esa very ong t me.

  • 7/27/2019 ECSC Conference Magazine 2013


    The Constituency of East Central St. Catherine Ann ua l C onf ere nc e 2 013

    10 Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    Message from Co nc or A ns ey Par nsSo thboro D v s on

    As yo r e ected representat ve, t has g ven me great joy n serv ng yo for the pastyear. As i oo forward to serv ng yo for the rest of the term, there s no do bt thati w be engag ng yo the c t zens n order to ach eve peop e power.if we are oo ng forward to the transformat on of po t cs n the 21st Cent ry, t s mportantto nc de c t zen part c pat on at a eve s. The c t zenry need to nderstand that the r

    nvo vement n comm n ty deve opment cannot rest on the sho ders of po t c ans orgovernment a one.

    As po t c ans, f we foc s on organ z ng and engag ng the peop e n ma ng se f f ng dec s ons abo t the rf t re, t wo d b d stronger and more res ent comm n t es.

    As yo r e ected representat ve, i w cont n e to create ways and means to ba ance yo r fe and ma e yo rcomm n ty a safe and enjoyab e p ace where yo w ove to ve, ra se yo r ch dren and do yo r b s ness.

    Message from Co nc or C a de Ham tonPortmore P nes D v s on

    The po t ca year 2012 - 2013 bro ght abo t many cha enges for the comrades ofEast Centra St. Cather ne, the rea ty s that the Jama can economy s nder scarestra nt.B t w th steadfast ass rance that a m ghty God w oo down pon s, g ve s h sb ess ngs and strengthen o r eaders, i am con dent that the Peop es Nat ona Partyhas p t the co ntry on the r ght trac .

    The sacr ces we ma e w soon bear fr t and we w reap o r j st rewards. We nEast Centra St. Cather ne can bear w tness to the fact that ser o s deve opment s ta ng p ace n Jama ca w ththe b d ng of the Cedar Grove H gh Schoo a s x h ndred (600) m on do ar nvestment and the j st comp etedPort Henderson Road mprovement project another forty (40) m on do ars n the Portmore P nes D v s on a one.

    i say to o r comrades and party wor ers rema n steadfast cont n e to do the po t ca wor that w strengtheno r organ zat on and cont n e to nform o rse ves abo t the wor that o r government s do ng to resc e theco ntry so that we can mash down the es that are abo t.

    As cha rman and co nc or for the Portmore P nes D v s on i than my exec t ve members who stood by me andfted me p when t mes we to gh, to the foot so d ers and oya party members i sha cont n e to wor hard to

    br ng yo a good representat on.

    Conference Agenda

    Pr vate Sess on

    1:30 p.m. Reg strat on2:00 p.m. Conference ca to order2:05 p.m. Nat ona Anthem2:10 p.m. Prayer2:15 p.m. We come & Apo og es2:20 p.m. Ro Ca2:25 p.m. Cha rmans Open ng Remar s2:30 p.m. M n tes of last Conference2:35 p.m. Correct on, con rmat on & matters ar s ng2:40 p.m. Comm ttee Reports2:40 p.m. Comm n cat on Comm ttee Report2:45 p.m. Ed cat on Comm ttee Report2:50 p.m. Emp oyment & Econom c Comm ttee Report2:55 p.m. F nance & P ann ng Comm ttee Report3:00 p.m. Ho s ng Comm ttee Report3:05 p.m. infrastr ct re & D saster Comm ttee Report3:10 p.m. Po t ca Organ z ng Comm ttee Report3:15 p.m. Sec r ty Comm ttee Report3:20 p.m. Sports Enterta nment C t re & Yo th3:25 p.m. We fare3:30 p.m. D v s ona Reports3: 30 p.m. Co nc or Ora G nn ng Gregory Par D v s3:40 p.m. Co nc or C a de Ham ton - Portmore P nes

    3:50 p.m. Co nc or A ns ey Par ns So thboro4:00 p.m. Report on CDF Cde Haro d B chanan4:10 p.m. Report from Member of Par ament4:25 p.m. E ect on of Of cers4:45 p.m. Adjo rnment4:50 p.m. Jama ca R se

  • 7/27/2019 ECSC Conference Magazine 2013


    The Constituency of East Central St. Catherine Ann ua l C onf ere nc e 2 013

    12 Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    P b c Sess on

    6:00 p.m. March ng Band D sp ay6:15 p.m. Ca to Order

    6:20 p.m. Nat ona Anthem6:25 p.m. Prayer6:30 p.m. We come & Apo og es6:35 p.m. Cha rmans Open ng Remar s Sen. F oyd Morr s6:40 p.m. Greet ngs from v s t ng Co nc ors7 :00 p .m. Greet ngs from v s t ng Members o f Par ament7:20 p.m. Anno ncement & introd ct on of Const t ency Exec t ve7:30 p.m. Greet ng Co nc or Ora G nn ngs7:40 p.m. Greet ngs Co nc or C a de Ham ton7:50 p.m. Greet ngs Co nc or A ns ey Par ns8:00 p.m. The Hono rab e Ar na do Br own, MP8:30 p.m. G est Spea er - The Hono rab e Peter Ph ps, Ph.D, MP - M n sterof F nance9:00 p.m. Awards Ceremony9:45 p.m. Adjo rnment8:05 p.m. Jama ca R se

    The Peop es Nat ona Party Yo th Organ zat onof East Centra St. Cather ne

    The PNPYO cont n es to campa gn for the PNP on the tenets set by o r fothe deo og es and ph osoph es that have g ven s reason to be eb d on o r s pport thro gh advocacy on beha f of o r yo th and the p

    of the PNPs str des to engender not j st hope b t emb ems of act ons fJama ca.

    The PNPYO of East Centra St. Cather ne cont n es to p ace the most empengagement of o r yo th w th ed cat on and tra n ng, ma ng them morand th s emp oyab e; am d the hardsh ps of todays g oba zed wor d.there s a de c ency r ght across Jama ca w th the emp oyab ty prospe

    as s ch n th s const t ency str ct res have been set p to a d that change. For examp e the TEd cat ona Centre, that offers free CSEC, bas c teracy and n meracy c asses. The comm ttemanaged to sec re job opport n t es for over 50 yo th const t ents. We cont n e to d a og ecompan es and ed cat ona nst t t on to enhance the prospects of ed cat on, tra n ng and eyo ths. There are n mero s programs mp emented and s sta ned by the PNPYO n ts of th s grto engage the yo th pop ace; foster ng growth, ed fy ng and n t ng the yo th thro gh m stra n ng wh e p ay ng o r part, to r d the comm n t es and soc ety at arge, of cr me and vbetter men and women, for the f t re.

    Comm n ty based yo th str ct res have been set p across the const t ency, th s has been pma nta n ng o r presence on the gro nd among the yo ths, and creates an aven e to not on y drawof persons to the YO b t moreso enco rage the w of the yo th to vote, and sway those votes to

    s one of the ma n p atforms on wh ch we the PNP won the 2011 Genera E ect on, as we camob zat on and mot vat on of the yo th pop o s. in the same breath, i appea to the Mem

    co nc ors and other comrade eaders of the const t ency not to s de ne the yo ng peop e oOpen the doors of opport n ty, so when we go bac to the po s the wor wo d have a ready beo r yo ng peop e that there s no greater party, to ead th s co ntry other than the Peop es Nat ofa o r yo th, we fa o r f t re.

    Yo rs n serv ce, Andre BrownPNPYO Representat veEast Centra St. Cather ne


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    14 Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    The Constituency of East Central St. Catherine An nua l C onf ere nc e 2 013

    Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    East Centra St. Cather ne Womens Movement

    O r ma n goa s to he p create s e f-manag ng oca comm n t es/gro ps wh ch are ab e to dent fy the r needsand recogn ze the r common nterests, n add t on to represent ng the r nterests of the r d v s on and const t ency.

    We w cont n e to wor thro gh comm n ty mob zat on and grassrootsorgan z ng by strengthen ng comm n ty gro ps and by enco rag ng everyone tobe nvo ved and comm tted to the not on that we a bene t by h gh q a ty ser v cethat these organ zat ons/gro ps prov de.

    We now that comm n ty mob zat on and gro p b d ng br ngs together a theey p ayers concerned w th the we -be ng of persons v ng w th n these

    comm n t es. it a so mpacts the q a ty of the serv ces they rece ve at var o seve s.

    WHY ORGANiZE & MOBilZEit creates awareness of how serv ces for persons v ng w th n these comm n t es wor .

    Empowers nd v d a s to part c pate n systems for change and to become a part of the po t ca mach nery.

    Enhances the now edge and persona respons b ty of nd v d a s and comm n t es demonstrated by oca , stateand nd v d a act on.

    Creates a comm n ty norm that the we fare of persons s the m t a respons b ty of everyone n the comm n ty;and advances advocacy for p b c po cy and eg s at on that s pports and protects the r ghts of d sadvantagedc t zens ( nc d ng women and ch dren) and the organ zat ons that prov de for them.

    How to Start Attract ng S pporters:B d s pport thro gh comm n ty-based rehab tat on of womens gro ps and p an act v t es, p b c re at onsevents and other oca efforts.

    Wor c ose y w th these organ zat ons, and gro ps n the d v s ons to ens re cont n ty, and s ng eness of p rpose onbeha f of these persons w th n the r comm n t es and the serv ces they rece ve from the const t ency by:

    1. P ann ng and promot ng var o s forms of enterta nment for the women and ch dren to b d n ty amongstthe res dents by these act v t es.

    2. To set p and estab sh eg t mate compan es to wr te projects and see f nd ng to mp ement thevar o s act v t es.

    1. P ann ng and promot ng var o s forms of enterta nment for the women and ch dren to bthe res dents by these act v t es.

    2. To set p and estab sh eg t mate compan es to wr te projects and see f nd ng tovar o s act v t es.

    ACTiViTES TO MOBilZE WOMEN/CHilDREN AND COMMuNiTiES:Drama c bs Enter JCDCNetba C bs- Enter Compet onDance Tro pes - Compet on -Enter JCDCComm n ty ConcertsCheer ead ng C bs Enter Compet on

    WORkSHOP ON SOCiAl iSSuES:1. Po t ca ed cat on/ part c pat on2. Gender Sens t zat on3. Comm n ty Safety( Women & G r s Safety)4. Parent ng5. Traf c ng n Persons6. Comm n ty Deve opment7. Domest c V o ence8. Hea th iss es (HiV-AiDS Etc)

    Yo rs n serv ce,lana F n anPres dent

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    The Constituency of East Central St. Catherine An nua l C onf ere nc e 2 013

    Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    East Centra St. Cather ne Const t ency Report

    i am pro d to be ab e to represent the peop e of East Centra St. Cather ne s nce ear y 2012. i fee the r ove andi am rm n my reso ve to represent the r best nterests a ways n a sp r t of d a og e and eq an m ty, and toserve a the peop e regard ess of af at on.

    As a deve op ng co ntr y we cont n e to face cha enges, many of them exacerbated by the ongo ng g obad emma. There are ss es of poverty, ag ng nfrastr ct re, and h gh eve s of nemp oyment, part c ar y amongthe yo th, cr me and v o ence.

    Co ect ve y as a government we bo d y cont n e to wor to overcome these barr ers to deve opment and thef ment of h man potent a and i comm t to fac tate deve opment n my const t ency so that every nd v d a ,

    every fam y and each comm n ty can be empowered to rea ze the r best poss b ty.

    let me prov de some acco nt ng of deve opments n East Centra St. Cather ne and p ans for the const t encygo ng forward:


    1. Cons stent w th the comm tment made to ed cat on, yo r Member of Par ament and h s team ncons tat on w th the res dents have spent Seven M on F ve H ndred Tho sand ($7,500,000.00)Do ars on the Bac -to-Schoo Programme.

    Th s programme saw the p rchas ng of text boo s from rep tab e boo stores. The payment of t t on fees at a eve s The payment of exam nat on fees and so on Over Fo r H ndred (400) st dents were ass sted

    5a. Cons stent w th the comm tments made n the man festo, former Ambassador of Ch e H s Exce encyMr. A fredo Garc a Caste b anco donated comp ter eq pment worth F fteen Tho sand un ted States(uS$15,000.00) Do ars to the independence C ty Pr mary Schoo .

    5b. Cons stent w th the Man festo yo r Member of Par ament and h s team pres ded over the hand ng overof repa red c assrooms and a renovated per meter wa wh ch was mp emented by the Jama ca S oc ainvestment F nd (JSiF) n partnersh p w th the Government of Jama ca (GOJ) and the E ropean un onat the Gregory Par Pr mary Schoo . The repa rs were to the t ne of Twenty N ne M on($29,000,000.00) Do ars.

    5c. The agsh p nvestment cons stent w th the Man festo comm tment s the ongo ng constr ct on of theCedar Grove H gh Schoo to the t ne of S x H ndred and S xty M on ($660,000,000.00) Do ars.

    Th s H gh Schoo s ntended to be a schoo of exce ence; t s env ronmenta y fr end y and mostmportant y fr end y to persons w th d sab t es.


    2. l me Tree Grove Sports Fac ty near ng comp et on.3. la nch of the East Centra Sa nt Cather ne March ng Band w th f nd ng from the Const

    Deve opment F nd (CDF) to s pport approx mate y 300 members. The band meets every TTh rsday at the independence C ty Pr mary Schoo nder the eadersh p of Andre BrownWard as the Band Manager.

    4. East Centra Sa nt Cather ne has partnered w th the Jama ca Netba Assoc at on (JNAscho arsh p tenab e at the un vers ty of Techno ogy n co aborat on w th the JNA to tr3a. The Const t ency now has three (3) new and fresh y m nted coaches w th a h gh eve3b. East Centra Sa nt Cather ne has a so partnered w th the JNA to nst t te the S a nt C

    Federat on.

    3c. Partnered w th the JNA to r n a netba compet t on wh ch saw the part c pat on pfrom East Centra Sa nt Cather ne. A few of these teams are now part c pat ng n the Nat ona l

    3d. Prov ded sponsorsh p n the form of gears to the So thboro Netba team.3e. The s m of One M on ($1,000,000.00) Do ars was comm tted to the deve opme

    date over F ve H ndred Tho sand ($500,000.00) Do ars have been expended n th s 3f. S pport was g ven to the Chr st an Pen Footba Team to the t ne of One H ndred an

    Tho sand ($114,000.00) Do ars.3g. S pport was a so g ven to the Gr egory Par Cr c et Team n the form of S xty E ght

    ($68,000.00) Do ars.3h. Ass stance was g ven to the Roya la es Footba Team v a a trave s bs d ary.3 . Enco ragement was prov ded to the Watson Grove Footba team n the s m of Twen

    ($20,000.00) Do ars to p rchase soc s.


    5. in eep ng w th the Man festo comm tment, yo r Member of Par ament has s bm ttednames to the Ho s ng Agency of Jama ca for the Jama ca Emergency Ho s ng Programmassoc at on w th Food for the Poor.4a. A programme of Soc a ho s ng ass stance has been ntrod ced and to date over One

    ($1,000,000.00) Do ars n s pport has been d sb rsed. in th s regard, the programmepayment to the hardware pon the s bm ss on of nvo ces for b d ng mater a .

    4b. Cons stent w th comm tment made, yo r MP and h s team thro gh the Jama ca EmergEmp oyment Programme have s bm tted ve (5) projects, fo r (4) of wh ch have been the remova of z nc fences pr mar y n the Portmore Gardens area.

    4c. in eep ng w th comm tments made n the Man festo, the Member of Par ament hasd sc ss on w th 21 R verhead Adv sors, an nternat ona company n the b s nessconstr ct on, the Ho s ng Agency of Jama ca and the Nat ona Ho s ng Tr st to addho s ng n the Const t ency.

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    Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    The Constituency of East Central St. Catherine Ann ua l C onf ere nc e 2 013

    18 Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow


    6. in t ne w th the comm tment to tac e nemp oyment, yo r Member of Par ament and h s teamcreated some 2,000 jobs across the const t ency nder the Jama ca Emergency Emp oymentProgramme (JEEP) Phase i and ii and expend t re of $40 m on. in t a wor foc sed on the c ean ng ofthe comm n ty of So thboro w th over 120 tr c oads of debr s be ng removed.6a. Severa dra ns were a so c eaned n the Gregory Par and Portmore P nes D v s ons.6b. Cons stent w th Man festo comm tments to tac e nemp oyment, over two h ndred (200) jobs

    have been created on the Cedar Grove H gh Schoo . To date s xty (60) persons of vary ng scompetenc es have been emp oyed.

    6c. in eep ng w th Man festo comm tments to tac e nemp oyment over Two H ndred (200) personsw be emp oyed on the project to restore the Port Henderson Ma n Road n the v c n ty of la esPen and l p t.

    6d. Over th rty (30) persons w be emp oyed on the One B on Two H ndred M on

    ($1,200,000,000.00) Do ars p pe ay ng project be ng ro ted thro gh the const t ency.6e. Cons stent w th Man festo Comm tment to tac e nemp oyment an Ornamenta F sh p otproject represent ng an nvestment of Three H ndred Tho sand ($300,000.00) Do ars has beendep oyed n la es Pen.

    6f. in keep ng w th Man festo Comm tments, a Bee H ve Project has been a nched n conj nct on w ththe M n stry of Agr c t re.

    6g. As prom sed n the Man festo, sma b s ness oans have been made ava ab e to m croentreprene r a vent res n conj nct on w th Torpedo loan l m ted.

    6h. Yo r Member of Par ament has dent ed three (3) estab shed b oc ma ers and has s pportedthe r enterpr ses thro gh the Jama ca Emergency Emp oyment Programme.


    7. Cons stent w th the Man festo comm tment to tra n nd v d a s w th n the Const t ency who arenterested n deve op ng a s , yo r Member of Par ament and h s team n conj nct on w th the Tent

    C ty SDA Ch rch a nched the Tent C ty S s Tra n ng Centre n Jan ary 2012.

    Yo r Member of Par ament comm tted S x H ndred Tho sand ($6000,000.00) Do ars to theestab shment of a Comp ter Tra n ng Centre at the Tent C ty ocat on wh ch was a nched on the20th December, 2012.

    Of note s that the H.E.A.R.T Tr st NTA Portmore Camp s has partnered w th the Tent C ty SDAS s Tra n ng Fac ty.

    7a. S m ar y, the Member f Par ament n eep ng w th h s comm tment to s s tra n ng has partnered

    w th the Gregory Par Bapt st Ch rch l fe ong learn ng Programme w th the contr b t on of TwoH ndred and F fty Tho sand ($250,000.00) Do ars.

    Th s programme has forty (40 vo nteer teachers and over s x h ndred (600) st dents7b. The Member of Par ament has partnered w th Camara l m ted to estab sh three (3) Comp ter Tra n ng

    abs across the Const t ency. The rst w be ocated at the Tent C ty S s Tra n ng Centre.

    These are the steps wh ch have been ta en th s far to g ve effect to the comm tments made and the mandateobta ned as a res t of Peop e Power. We are f y nderway, the cha enges are many b t we are con dent no r ab ty that n ted there s no barr er we cannot h rd e et s cont n e to move forward.

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    The Constituency of East Central St. Catherine Ann ua l C onf ere nc e 2 013

    Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    Gregory Par D v s ona Report for the Po t ca Per od 2012-2013

    The d v s ona conference was he d on J ne 30 2013 nder the theme Better days are Com ng. A new exec t vewas se ected to ead the d v s on for the year 2013-2014. The new exec t ve s as fo ows

    Cha rman Ora G nn ngV. Cha rman Roy Ne sonV. Cha rman lenworth RedfordV. Cha rman Co n Mc Far eneSecretary J m Rowe

    Ass. Secretary Me eah l nton Ass D v. Organ ser De or s JohnsonTreas rer Carme ta A bert

    Ass. Treas rer Arch ba d Ferg son Yo th Rep. Camee SmaN.W.u. Rep Denz P nnoc Womans Movement Rep Yvonne CampbeP.R.O. Va ent ne R chard

    Ass. P.R.O. F tzroy Da ey

    E even Coop members:Joan ng, l nva Marsha , kenroy Thompson, Jenn fer Charoo, Bern ce Web, Trav s W sdom, lawrence FreeMontte, A dr a Day Rowe, Everton Tob n, C a dette Stewart, Radc ff Br scoe

    The d v s on wh ch s ce ebrat ng ts rst fteen months as a w nn ng P.N.P. d v s on cont n es to get the s pportof a the c v c gro ps. After one year o r ach evements have s rpassed those of the former co nc or b t th s snot a s rpr se as we a now that a P.N.P. government w a ways p t po c es n p ace to ens re the comm n t esand the co ntry by extens on m st move forward.


    20 Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    J.E.E.P.J.E.E.P. 2 came and approx mate y 260 peop e wereemp oyed for 2-3 wee s nder the program wh ch sawthe erect on of s de wa s n Gregory Par and Chr st anPenn comm n t es. We cont n e to enjoy the pr v egeof hav ng three peop e rotat ng every s x wee s on theMande a H ghway and one person s emp oyed f t meby N.S.W.M.A To do sec r ty wor at the r n rsery atthe Caymanas Estate. Seven peop e were emp oyed by

    Ashtron to wor on the p pe ay ng project n Portmorew th two of the wor ers sec r ng temporary contractsw th the company.

    Dra n C ean ngO r dra n c ean ng for 2013 h rr cane season wasdone two wee s ago. A tota of 51 peop e wereemp oyed nder th s program.

    Road Patch ng At east fo r r oads n Ham ton Garden wer e patchedat a cost of $1.8 m on do ars and 15 peop e wereemp oyed nder th s program for 5 days.

    Sports Contr b t on A cash donat on was made to Chr s t an Penn footbac b and cr c et bats and bags were a so donated toHam ton Garden cr c et team.

    Contr b t onWe have contr b ted three grass wac ers to thefo ow ng comm n t es: Phoen x V sa, Chr st an Gardenand Ham ton Garden.

    O treachO r o treach program cont n es nsp te of o r m tedreso rces. Than s to comrade De ores Johnson whoa ong w th myse f cont n e to prov de a hot mea forthe e der y.

    F t re projectsC ear ng of the Dover Aven e dra n and the Baw soon beg n. P ans are now n p ace tovendors at Caymanas Cross ng to the r new The d v s on may soon see the constr ct onfast food resta rant, and the Ocho R os egh ghway 2000. Th s constr ct on w coOctober. A paper factory s s ated to be badjacent to the Soapberry Sewage P ant. Th sw emp oy abo t 400 peop e when comp

    H rr cane SandyH rr cane Sandy affected Jama ca n Octoband the Gregory Par D v s on was the most

    n Portmore. Seven ho ses were comp ete y dand over one h ndred (100) were damaged.M n stry of labo r gave some ass stance bmore s needed as on y one person whose hocomp ete y destroyed was g ven ass stance 35% of the damaged ho ses were compensated

    En merat onEn merat on exerc se s an ongo ng proa tho gh we are not f y sat s ed w th thepeop e that have a ready been en merated, weto step p the pace for the next phase.

    Condo encesWe w sh to extend condo ences to a comrades

    ost oved ones over the year. Most espec a yof Chr st ne k ng who passed away n Febr ar

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    The Constituency of East Central St. Catherine Ann ua l C onf ere nc e 2 013

    Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    The Constituency of East Central St. Catherine Ann ua l C onf ere nc e 2 013

    22 Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    Portmore P nes D v s ona Report for the Po t ca Per od 2012-2013

    O r D v s ona conference was he d on J y 22nd 2012 at the independence C ty Pr mary Schoo . At thepr vate sess on the exec t ve member were e ected as fo ows

    Cha rman Cde. C a de Ham tonV ce - Cha rman Cde. Haro d B channanV ce Cha rman Cde. les e W amsV ce - Cha rman Cde. Andre BrownSecretary Cde. Bever ey lazar sTreas rer Cde. Ezra S bran

    Seven E ected MembersCde. Donna Barc ayCde. Ca vert Barc ayCde. Fe c a Co eyCde. Bever ey EasyCde. lana F n nCde. R cardo D c ettCde. Jenn fer CrosbyCo-opted Members:Cde. Cedr c Croo sCde. ian BrownCde. les ene McCo n

    The Po t ca YearFor the po t ca year 2012-1013 the d v s on of Portmore P nes he d reg ar month y exec t ve meet ngs w thgood attendance from the exec t ve members.

    A w de range of ss es were d sc ssed and dea t w th, as the needs of the const t ents were many. The exec t ved d the r best to ma e s re that transparency and a fa r method was emp oyed to d str b te scarce bene ts andthere was not a ot.

    The po t ca year presented tse f w th many cha enges, w th the state of the economy nder a nanc a cr s s,the iMF negot at ons be ng na zed after many months, many comrades comp a ned of not be ng ab e to copeand wanted a ba o t for themse ves as the new tax pac ages anno nced were not s tab e for them.

    Th s s t at on made t d f c t for po t ca wor to be carr ed o t, as many comp a nts fo owed, a so cr es ofbe ng neg ected and over oo ed. Neverthe ess we rema ned reso te to ho d meet ngs w th the comrades andreass re them that the government s on the r ght trac and better w soon come.

    Bac to schoo ass stanceThe Cha rman rece ved Th rty Tho sand Do ars ($30,000.00) for bac to schoo ass stance from the St. Cather nePar sh Co nc . Th s was sed to p rchase boo vo chers from Sangsters Boo Store n denom nat ons of OneTho sand and F ve H ndred Do ars. An exec t ve meet ng was he d to wor o t the best method of d str b t on.

    in add t on to th s the Member of Par aments bac toschoo ass stance was great y apprec ated, as th sass sted many person thro gho t the const t ency, th swas n the form of payments for schoo fees andpayment on boo sts.

    Chr stmas WorW th A ocat ons from the St. Cather ne Par sh Co nc ,the Portmore M n c pa ty and the JEEP program manycomm n t es n the d v s on had c ean p wor programs wh ch emp oyed many comrades n thefest ve season, comm n t es s ch as Portmore P nes,

    S verstone, West C mber and, Cedar Grove, Tra n ne,Watson Grove, Caymanas Gardens S te A,independence C ty, Grange lane, la espen, l metreeGrove and l p t.G es were c eaned, roadways w th h gh b sh growthwere c eared, b oc ed dra ns were c eared ands dewa s were pa nted. These wor s not on y madethe comm n t es more bea t f and safer, t a so gavecomrades a chance to earn f nds and p ft the r sp r ts

    n the fest ve season.

    Chr stmas TreatThe Member of Par ament the Honorab e M n ster

    Arna do B rown a ong w th co nc or for the d v s onCo nc or C a de Ham ton, made contr b t ons tosevera Chr stmas treat that were ept across thed v s on and made the r presence fe t at these f nct onsand too part n the fest v t es.

    The ann a Portmore P nes Comm n ty Chr stmas Treatwas one s ch treat that was ept, i ndependence C tyone for the comm n ty at the independence C tyPr mary Schoo , la espen comm n ty, the r treat was

    ept on the gro nds of the Roya la es footba e d. A so comrades from the Tra n ne comm n ty. A thesetreats were we attended and apprec ated bycomm n ty members who oo forward to the event.

    Easter SeasonOver Two H ndred Easter b ns were d str b ted by

    Co nc or Ham ton to wor ers and comrd v s on, th s was made poss b e by an aTwenty F ve Tho sand Do ars ($25,000.00)Mayor of Portmore George lee. F fteen ThDo ars ($15,000.00) from the St. Cather nCo nc and donat ons of b ns made to the Cfrom the So th St. Cather ne Const t ency Osay than s to those who made t poss b e fma e th s Easter an enjoyab e one for o r com

    labo r DayW th contr b t ons from the St. Cather ne Par

    and M.P. Arna do Brown of Th rty T($30,000.00) Do ars each; pa nt, pa nt machetes and other wor too s a ong wcontr b t ons, were made to c t zen assocPortmore P nes, Morr s Meadows, West C mand Cedar Grove.

    Pr or to the start of labo r Day, Co nc orrece ved from the St. Cather ne Par sh CoH ndred Tho sand Do ars ($200,000.00) fc ean ng and a drawdown of Seven H ndred TDo ars ($700,000.00) from h s year y a othese f nds dra ns were c eaned n la espen, Tand Portmore P nes. B sh ng of open spaces cof roadways remova of debr s and other act v t es too p ace n S verstone, CaymS te A, l p t and West C mber and.

    A these act v t es not on y boosted the mcomrades n the d v s on, b t contr bs ccessf labo r Day.

    Gro psThe major ty of the gro ps n the d v s onabeyance eav ng one nanc a gro p POrgan zat on. in Jan ary 2013, thro gh efforconst t ency organ zer Jon , seven more grobeen reg stered ta ng the tota n mber of gthe d v s on to e ght.

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    Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    The Constituency of East Central St. Catherine Ann ua l C onf ere nc e 2 013

    24 Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    1. Bon F re 5. P nes l v ty Organ zat on2. East Centra un ted 6. Soc a st #13. Grange Star upr s ng 7. Ster ng S ver4. l me Tree Grove Progress ve 8. Watson Grove upr s ng

    Deve opment ProgramsWor was started and comp eted on the brea away Port Henderson Road n the la espen v c n ty, many comradesfrom o r const t ency as we as comrades from ne ghbor ng comm n t es rece ved wor on th s project wh ch

    nvo ved r ver tra n ng and road constr ct on.

    Deve opment ProgramsWor was started and comp eted on the brea awayPort Henderson Road n the la es Pen v c n ty, manyc t zens from o r const t ency, as we as c t zens fromne ghbor ng comm n t es rece ved wor on th s projectwh ch nvo ved r ver tra n ng and road constr ct on.

    The Roya la es Footba F e d s rece v ng an pgradefrom the S gar Eq a zat on F nd, a modern sport ngfac ty s be ng p t n p ace, comp ete w th am t p rpose co rt, res rfaced footba e d w thspr n er system, chang ng rooms for home and awayteams, seat ng stands for the fans and the ex st ng c bho se s be ng renovated.

    Wor s near comp et on on the Cedar Grove H gh Schoob d ng. Constr ct on s to be comp eted n November2013 so that a f y operat ona schoo can beg n for theJan ary 2014 schoo term. C t zens from a over theconst t ency st are emp oyed on th s wor s te.

    The Nat ona Water Comm ss on p pe ay ng project nPortmore st cont n es to prov de emp oyment for o r c t zens,th s exerc se s to mprove the de very of water s pp ed.

    The Ornamenta F sh Farm Project s nearmp ementat on, a eq pment and s pp es have been

    p rchase from a grant rece ved by the Member ofPar ament, a date s set for m d A g st for comp et on.

    Ass stance from the M n c pa ty of PortmoreThe D v s on of Portmore P nes wo d e to than theM n c pa ty of Portmore and Mayor George lee forass stance prov ded.

    The Co nc or C a de Ham ton has so ght ass stancefrom the Mayor to he p w th dra n c ean ng and other

    wor programs, he has responded by c ean ng the WestC mber and ma n dra n on two occas ons and a sodra ns n Caymanas Gardens S te A and Meadowva e.

    SportsCo nc or Ham ton contr b ted to var o s sport ngevents and ass sted teams w th sma donat ons,Portmore P nes comm n ty rece ved a donat on towardsthe r sports day wh ch was he d on Easter Monday anda s x a s de footba compet t on on labo r Day.

    S verstone nder seventeen (17) and the r D v s on two(2) footba teams rece ved f nds for them to entercompet t ons.

    Roya la es Footba Team rece ved contr b t ons fromthe co nc or to ass st w th f nd ra s ng act v t es aswe as the p rchas ng of gears.

    En merat on and Canvass ngNo organ zed method of en merat on has started n thed v s on, we have fa ed n th s regard, comrades havebeen ta ng n the re at ves and fam y members b t no

    nformat on has come bac to s abo t the n mberswh ch the e ectora of ce has r eported.

    To correct th s fa re the d v s ona exec t ve are nowmeet ng w th the c ster managers to wor a ong w th thePD wor ers and get th s exerc se off the mar , as we asto canvass the st w th the new voters.

    Condo encesWe offer o r condo ences to the fam es of o r fa thfcomrades who have eft s d r ng the po t ca year aswe cont n e to remember them n o r prayers.

    So thboro D v s ona Report for the Po t ca Per od 2012

    On Wednesday J y 15 2012 there was a jo nt pr vate conference he d at the Naggo Head Pr mary SchooSo thboro D v s on. The d v s on was s ccessf n se ect ng the of cers to ta e s thro gh the yeaare as fo ows:

    Cha rman Cde. A ns ey Par nsV ce Cha rman Cde. Omando E sV ce Cha rman Cde. S zanna S ow yV ce Cha rman Cde. Jenn fer CameronSecretary Cde. Ann Mar e V rgo

    Ass stant secretary Cde. Tashawna H gh

    Exec t ve M ember Cde. S mone lov eExec t ve Member Cde. Henrata lawsonExec t ve Member Cde. Andr ea Sm thExec t ve Member Cde. Dorothy Sa ndersExec t ve Member Cde. Patr c a B rtonExec t ve M ember Cde. Sonya HExec t ve Member Cde. Me ba Mckenz eCampa gn Manager Cde. Andrea Sm thCampa gn Secretary Cde. Franc ne ThomasTreas rer Cde.Womens Movement Cde.NWu Cde.PNP YO Cde.

    Yo th Rep. Cde.informat on Techno ogy Cde.D v s on Organ zer Cde.

    Report prepared by Cha rman A ns ey Par ns. S nce be ng e ected on March 26, 2012, the rst scope onder the JEEP Programme, where i ndertoo the c ean ng p of the So thboro comm n ty. The remova

    d rt and r bb e amo nted to 1.5 m on do ar nc d ng tractor, tr c s, and man a abo r. Newand Wash ngton Mews dra ns were c eaned and areas w th d rt and r bb e were removed s ng a tracto250 persons were emp oyed. The tota cost was 3.5 m on nder JEEP one.

    One year ater, the effect of the c ean ng p programme st stood p espec a y n the So thboro comlength man Programme o t of the Portmore M n c pa Co nc saw the ma ntenance of a the open spNaggo head pr mary p ay ng e d and earth dra ns n the d v s on, wh ch bro ght a fresh oo to thc ean ng of the cross dra ns s be ng ma nta ned. Over the past year, twenty s x street s gns have beenone h ndred and fty street ghts have been repa red n the d v s on. The req est was made for 19 nthro gh the M n stry of loca Government, for Wash ngton Mews, Eban s C ose, and Bever y F at. Tm ch concern abo t the r safety. So far i am sat s ed that the res dents w get ght soon.

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    The Constituency of East Central St. Catherine Ann ua l C onf ere nc e 2 013

    26 Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    Cr meOver the same per od p to J y 9, 2012 the d v s on hasreg stered ve m rders.

    Chr stmas Wor ProgrammeOver three h ndred persons were emp oyed.

    Easter SeasonThro gh the Portmore M n c pa Co nc , twenty vetho sand do ars worth of easter b ns were g ven to thewor ers, a ong w th other b ns donated to the d v s on bythe So th St. Cather ne Const t ency Of ce.

    Bac to schoo Ass stanceThro gh the Portmore M n c pa Co nc , the cha rmanrece ved one h ndred tho sand do ars. in add t on thed v s on bene ted from the Member of Par ament w th bac -to- schoo ass stance.

    Po t ca Year 2012-2013The po t ca year was a cha eng ng one for thD v s on. The expectat ons of the res dents wdemand w th the g oba cr ses a so on a h gh. Twas a so ratt ed by nterna prob ems b t overaon a h gh w th a ot of wor done to the sat sfacres dents. As the cha rman i am pro d to hear thefeedbac that has enco raged me to go on and on.

    Po t ca worOver the past s x months, the d v s ons po ts ffered major setbac s. Thro gh th s new dexec t ve, we w get bac on trac .

    Water and remova of o d ga van zed p pesin the month of J ne 2013, over 13 engths of two nch o dga van zed p pes were ta en o t and rep aced by PVC p pesat l me Tree Crescent and New ands. Peace Aven e sc rrent y exper enc ng s m ar prob ems w th over 400 feetof o d ga van zed p pes to be rep aced. There s a so someparts of Hardware Aven e and Rosemary C ose that arew tho t water. The res dents need ass stant to get properwater ow ng n the r homes. The res dents of Bever y F atare st w tho t water three years after the p pe ne was a d.i am c rrent y see ng to have a meet ng w th Mr. Va ent nefrom the NWC and the res dents of Bever y F at to come pw th a so t on

    Road Patch ngThro gh the Portmore M n c pa Co nc , major roadpatch ng was carr ed o t. Weetom Dr ve was na y xedafter s x years of be ng d g p by the Nat ona WaterComm ss on to connect the Joong S permar et to the rsewer system. Repa rs were done after i bro ght t to theattent on of the Pres dent of the NWC. Thro gho t thed v s on, a s gn cant amo nt of road patch ng was done.The So thboro comm n ty s to bene t from a major roadres rfac ng on Cameta Road est mated to cost fo r m ondo ars. The money s at the Portmore M n c pa Co nc andi am sat s ed that wor w start soon.

    Cross dra n Repa rFor the past seven months, the cross dra ns n the So thborocomm n ty have feat red n the m n tes boo at co nc . ihave made representat on for them to be xed over and over.These dra ns have been ca s ng a ot of damage to theres dents and motor ng p b c. The est mated cost ndamage s over one m on do ars.

    Garbage Co ect onThe co ect on of garbage n the d v s on s of concern basedon the fact that the NSWMA s not operat ng at f strength,b t the major s ccess s the remova of the h ge d mps tethat was v s b e on the New and ma n road. A NO DuMPiNGs gn was p aced n the area. There s a so the b rth of aP b c Hea th Comm ttee n the New and Comm n ty. A jo ntvent re between the New and comm n ty and the Greater

    Portmore Hea th Centre saw over 60 dr ms be ng p acethro gho t the New and comm n ty wh ch w see theres dents be ng ab e to proper y d spose of the r garbagema ng a b g d fference n the comm n ty.

    Z nc Fence Removai have a ways fe t that the z nc fences are a h ndrance to theNew and comm n ty, and m st go. i was as ed by Memberof Par ament, Arna do Brown to s bm t a project nder JEEPtwo, and i choose the z nc fence remova project. it s the

    rst t me n the h story of these comm n t es that a po t carepresentat ve has oo ed to nderta e the remova of z ncfences. Th s project has a ready seen fo r aven es z ncfences part a y removed. These nc de, Dan e C ose,Portmore Terrace, Fearon Crescent, and Power Aven e. Oncomp et on of th s project, the o t oo of these comm n t esw on y br ng va e to the property of the res dents.

    Emergency Dra n C ean ngEach co nc or thro gh the Portmore M n c pa Co ncrece ved 600,000 do ars for emergency dra n c ean ng.There s a dra n ocated on Wash ngton Mews that has notbeen c ean for over fo r years. On Monday J y 1, 2013,wor commenced s ng an excavator. The wor ast for overseven days at an est mated cost of 615,000 do ars

    nc d ng two tr c s for cart away the s t, 25 persons weresed for man a abo r.

    SportsOne h ndred tho sand do ars was spent on sports, of wh chthe So thboro Netba Team rece ved 60,000 do ars forfootwear and the New and Footba Team rece ved 40,000do ars towards b y ng footba s and soc s. On March 30, 2013the d v s on hosted ts rst footba esta. Th s esta saw teamsfrom the comm n ty of New and compet ng for cash pr ze

    amo nt ng to 50,000 do ars. The w nner too home theMayors c p, second p ace too home the M.P. trophy and th rdp ace too home the Co nc ors trophy. The troph es werepresented to the teams by Mayor George lee a ong w th twenty

    ve tho sand do ars. The trophy for the most d sc p ned teamwas donated by JPS. We a so had n o r m dst on the day, theth rd v ce Pres dent of the JFF, Mr. Raymond Anderson. Thedays act v t es were a h ge s ccess.

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    Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    Ed cat on & Tra n ng Comm ttee




    Recogn z ng the comm tments to Ed cat on & Tra n ng made by the Hon. Arna do Brown, n the Man festo for the const t encyof East Centra St. Cather ne and recogn z ng the dec s on ta en at the spec a retreat wh ch too p ace on Jan ary 29, 2012an Ed cat on & Tra n ng Comm ttee was estab shed.

    The Ed cat on & Tra n ng Comm ttee nder the g dance of the Member of Par ament has organ zed and exec ted thefo ow ng Programmes d r ng the per od 2012/2013:

    Career Fa r & Expo 2012

    Bac to Schoo Programme 2012/2013

    iCT Programme- Gregory Bapt st Ch rch- Tent C ty SDA Ch rch




    28 Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow


    The p rpose of the Expo was to dent fy const t ents and the vary ng s s, ed cat on and tra n ng a database that wo d ass st the Member of Par ament n des gn ng programmes to pgrade same.

    EAST CENTRAl SAiNT CATHERiNE BACk TO SCHOOl PROGRAMME 2012The Ed cat on & Tra n ng Comm ttee and n cons tat on w th the res dents of East Centra Saprogramme that revamped the trad t ona Bac to Schoo Programme.

    Th s new programme effect ve y d d away w th the vo cher system and made for a more acco ntabprocess. Some Feat res of th s programme s:

    App cat on start date and End date:

    - in order to contro the process a start date of J y 1st, 2013 was set for the programme to commencapp cat ons and an end date of A g st 16th, 2013 to c ose the app cat on process.

    App cat on Process:

    - A app cat ons are to be done at the Const t ency Of ce.

    - The Co nc ors recommendat ons w be re ected on the form n the sect on mar ed REF

    Doc mentat on:

    - A ong w th a rev sed form boo st nvo ces, stat s etters and schoo vo cher sho d be atand Photo iD and a Passport s ze photo of the ch d.

    - Doc ments are to be cop ed and the or g na ret rned to the app cants w th the except on of the

    interv ew for Tert ary St dents:

    - in order to assess the needs of th s gro p nterv ews wo d be done

    Accred tat on:

    - On y app cants whose nst t t ons and programmes were accred ted by The un vers ty Co n(uCJ) wo d be accepted.


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    30 Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    Ret rn ng App cants :

    - E g b ty s on a case by case bas s for persons reapp y ng n 2013

    Boo Ass stance:

    - S ccessf app cants for boo ass stance w rece ve etters wh ch sho d be ta en to the above ment onedboo stores to redeem boo s. Th s s done n order to avo d any ab se of the process s ch as the rese ng of vo chers.

    T t on Ass stance:

    - The Member of Par ament has extended the Bac to Schoo Programme to encompass tert ary eve st dents. A cheq es w be made payab e to the nst t t ons.

    Top perform ng St dents:- The top GSAT Boy & G r from the fo r Pr mary Schoo s n the Const t ency name y independence C ty Pr mary,

    Port Henderson Pr mary, Naggo Head Pr mary and Gregory Par Pr mary w be awarded a Ten Tho sand($10,000.00) Do ar B rsary wh ch can go e ther towards the p rchas ng of boo s or the payment of schoo fees.

    - St dents s tt ng GSAT, CAPE, CXCs n 2014 w be g ven pr or ty

    Cere mon y- A ceremony for s ccessf app cants w be he d on Th rsday A g st 22nd, 2013 at the independence C ty

    Pr mary Schoo .

    iCT PROGRAMME:Cons stent w th Man festo Comm tment to tra n nd v d a s w th n the Const t ency who are nterested n deve op ng a s ,the Member of Par ament has partnered w th Camara l m ted to estab sh three (3) Comp ter Tra n ng abs across theConst t ency. The rst w ocated at the Tent C ty S s Tra n ng Centre.

    TENT CiTY SDA COMPuTER TRAiNiNG CENTRE:The Member of Par ament comm tted S x H ndred Tho sand ($600,000.00) Do ars to the estab shment of a Tra n ngCentre at the Tent C ty SDA Ch rch.

    Th s comm tment was f ed as the twenty (20) Comp ter centre was a nched on the 20th December, 2012 at a costof Seven H ndred & F fty Tho sand ($750,000.00) Do ars.

    GREGORY PARk COMPuTER TRAiNiNG CENTREThe Member f Par ament has partnered w th the Gregory Par Bapt st Ch rch l fe ong learn ng Programme w th acontr b t on of Two H ndred and F fty Tho sand ($250,000.00) Do ars. Th s programme has Forty (40) vo nteer teachersand over S x H ndred (600) st dents. The Member of Par ament has partnered w th un versa Access F nd (uAF) to retro tthe Gregory Bapt st ch rch w th a fteen comp ter ab n order to extend the r tra n ng programmes.

    These are the steps wh ch have been ta en th s far to g ve effect to the Terms of Reference made and the mandate of theEast Centra Sa nt Cather ne Ed cat on & Tra n ng Comm ttee.

    E ectora Comm ttee

    S nce the oca Government we have moved thro gh fo r e ectora cycEach Phase asts for s x months;- Apr to September and October to Marc

    n Phase 25 n March 2012 and we started phase 28 n Apr 2013.

    Cont n o s reg strat on

    At the end ofphase 25 at March 31, 2012, a tota of 496 new e ectors were adthe December 2011 voters st sed n the genera e ect ons.

    Phase 26 proved very b sy as a tota of 567 new e ectors were added.

    Phase 27, wh ch ran from October 2012 to March 2013, had a tota of 434 new voters reg stered.

    Phase 28 to date has prod ced a tota of 234 new voters.

    Th s s a tota of1,729 new add t ons to a voters st that now stands at22,423 for the const t ency.

    TransfersTota transfers n have been a most the same n tota as transfers o t and has ca sed no not ceathe tota s. However, beca se of the t me t ta es for transfers, those made n the ast three montw not ma e the next voters st and may have to wa t for p to a year to get onto the voters sthe voter nds themse ves n no mans and and cannot vote.

    Remova sit was reported to the ECJ that approx mate y 800 votes were padded nto o r st b t o r caab e to s ggest approx mate y 200 s spects. To date the e ectora of ce has removed183 voters that they w

    nab e to con rm as v ng n the const t ency.

    S tt ngsFor phase 27 a tota of 22 peop e were s mmoned for s tt ngs. Twe ve(12) were reta ned and ten(10)

    Phase 27 S mmoned Reta ned Cance ed

    Externa 10 6 4

    Cont n o s 12 6 6

    Yo rs n serv ce,Haro d B chananCha rman

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    32 Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    The Man festo: The P anF ve P ars for Const t ency Deve opment1. Ho s ng

    2. Sports3. Ed cat on4. Emp oyment5. Comm n ty based Tra n ng

    Ho s ng Ass stance for soc a ho s ngZ nc Fence remova (jeep)Deve opment of M dd e ncome ho ses(NHT, Pr vate sector)

    Sportsinfrastr ct ra Deve opment

    Deve op ng Sport ng Comp exes Deve op p ay ng F e ds Deve opment M t P rpose co rts

    Ass stance to sports C bs Gears and eq pment

    March ng Band

    Ed cat on A ocate a poo of f nds espec a y for ed cat on Prov de s pport for a eve schoo s Ens re that at east one schoo s made ava ab e

    to st dents w th d sab t es

    Emp oyment Estab sh ng a prod ct on f nd, Agr c t re,

    iCT, Entreprene rsh p.

    Deve opment of cooperat ve movements n agr c t re Sett ng Ornamenta sh ng Bee eep ng B oc ma ngTra n ng Estab sh re at onsh p w th Portmore HEART

    academy for comm n ty Tra n ng. Estab sh ng a mob e ab Joc ey Schoo Ass st comm n ty n t at ves

    Port Henderson Brea Away Port Henderson Brea Away: it s projected to

    be comp eted n an 18 months t me frame.The mp ementat on agency s Ch ns Constr ct on.Va e ass gned, JMD $21.000,000.00

    Wor has started.

    B d ng Projects independent C ty Pr mary Schoo : Th s s a ready

    approved by JSiF. The schoo w need b oc s andother mater a s as we as an a d t needs to bedone so as to ascerta n what steps to be ta en norder to proceed.

    F nance & Project Management Comm tteeConst t ency Deve opment Presentat on

    Prepared by: On e Jones MSc, BSc, D p n Ed c.Const t ency Projects Cons tantCEO: New imp se Cons tants llC.

    Sports Project l me Tree Ova : M n ster Agr c t re and Sports

    Deve opment Fo ndat on w be the f nd ng agency.The project has been tendered.

    Sports Project Roya la es Footba C b: The c b needs a

    e d pgrade. Foresee ng a November t me ne.Doc ments a ready s bm tted as e w th SDC

    Sport Projects: Chr st an Penn, Cedar Grove,

    Watson Grove, Caymanas S te D, So th BoroHard Co rt. Proposa s are expected to becomp eted by the end ng of November and a 6months mp ementat on t me ne thereafter.

    l me Tree Ova : (Cr c et F e d) Both F e d & B d ng need wor . O t of town. la son w th k r .

    Be ng done nder S gar D vestment F nd). M n ster Agr c t re and Sports Deve opment Fo ndat on wbe the f nd ng agency. The project a ready tendered. Roya la es Footba C b: F e d pgrade. Fenc ng

    and Co rt pgrade. Contact person: M chaePant on. Contact Pearson-SDF & Hers n SDC.The c b needs a e d pgrade. it s a part of thepr or project.

    Ham ton Garden Cr c et Ova : uSD 25, 000.00 sass gned to f nd th s project. The f nd ng agency sthe H gh Comm ss oner of New Zea and. Wor nvo veare the cost ng of the stands, p tch, mar ng o t ofthe e d, ght ng, e ectron c score board, etc.

    Chr st an Penn, Cedar Grove, Watson Grove,Caymanas S te D, So thboro CRT: A these projectproposa s are be ng deve oped. Once approved a 6months mp ementat on t me ne thereafter.

    iCT Project So thboro Comp ter Tra n ng Centre:

    Proposa be ng deve oped for the constr ca new state-of-the-art comm n ty tra n ng

    iCT, s s tra n ng for const t ency Gregory Par Bapt st Ch rch: The ch rch

    retro tted. The proposa a ready deve opeds bm tted to D g ce fo ndat on and uSFend of the wee . Va ed at JMD$3,000,000

    Tent C ty SDA Ch rch Comp ter Centre: Project wr tten, f nded (SDC, Member of Par

    imp emented. 20 comp ter aboratory

    Act a va e ate mar et rate: 1.8 m o Cost Spareheaded Act a cost: 750,000.00

    ( nc s ve of cost to p an a nch)

    iCT: Mob e lab Proposa be ng deve oped for mob e ab

    Approach has a ready be ng made to JuTCfor B s

    Camara Jama ca s on Board to s pp y andretro t the b s.

    Tra n ng Programme w a so be deveCamara Jama ca Fo ndat on.

    Agr c t ra Projects Ornamenta F sh: located n the Portmore P ne

    The necessary nances are a ready n p acth s project w be sed as a p ot projeRADA. imp ementat on s projected for th

    November. it s ass gned JMD $300,000 .00Fo ow- p can be done w th C a de, boarmember of RADA.

    Bee H ve Project: Th s s bas ca y a trathat s a ready n progress. An dent catpart c pants s needed; two persons have abeen dent ed. The amo nt of JMD$600,0

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    34 Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    s ass gned. App cat on forms are ava ab e.The proposa s to be s bm tted to the m n stryof agr c t re.

    Other Cedar Grove H gh Schoo : Th s project s a ready n

    progress. The t me ne ass gned s 18 months. itwas started n J ne 2012 and s expected to becomp eted by Dec 2013. Cost assoc ated sJMD$660, 000,000.00

    Road Patch ng: Th s s a JMD$12,000,000.00 project.

    imp emented by NWA. To be done nder the JEEPproject. Z nc Fence Remova : There w be an

    n t a nject on of JMD$7,000,000.00. Th sprojected s mp emented a ong w th HAJ. S bm tproposa to JEEP.

    Fearon Crescent, Advent st C ose, PortmoreTerrace, Power Aven e: A these project proposa sare to be s bm tted to JEEP, Jeep 2 Projects(Pre- Chr stmas )

    Dan e C rc e, Passage Fort Dr ve C ar es ,Meadowva e, Hat e d, C ar es lane, Chr st anPen, Gregory Par

    Meadowva e Dra n: Th s s a Gregory Par s dewa project. May Constr ct on ltd. is theconstr ct on agent. S bm t proposa to JEEP.

    A ready started

    long term Projects Ho s ng Projects: Th s s n co aborat on w th HAJ

    and the M n stry of Ho s ng. A 18 months t me nes projected start ng w th meet ng the nvestors on

    T esday, October 16, 2012

    un vers ty/H gh Schoo Project: These are s ated tobe mp emented 12 months post p ann ng phase.10acres of property are needed to b d schooand n vers ty. Arrangements are been madew th NCu. Meet ngs w be he d rst wee nNovember.

    P ct re Frame Man fact re: 6 months t meframes ass gned.

    Proposa a ready started

    M sce aneo s Projects East Centra March ng Band: The proposa s to be

    s bm tted to Chase. To be mp emented beforeend of November.

    impacts improved nfrastr ct re increased emp oyment increase job creat on opport n t es increased tra n ng opport n t es for yo ng peop e increased q a ty of sport ng fac t es

    To ch S mmary 2000 Emp oyed n yr 1 2 b on SPENT on projects Ed cat on 7.5 m on spent Over 1000 person ass sted w th ed cat on

    infrastr ct re and D saster Management Comm ttee (iDM)

    The iDM Comm ttee meets month y at the Const t ency Of ce Shop # 9 Jet Pdates and t mes have been xed to every rst and th rd Monday from 8 - 9:30

    The comm ttee cha r s Mr. Verdane Wr ght w th Dep ty Cha rs Mr. HaroM ss C over Roberts. The comm ttee now cons sts of e ght act ve membeacross Portmore. Representat ves from each d v s on s c rrent y be ng socomm n cat ons between the comm ttee and the comm n t es w th n thThe comm ttee was organ zed nto two s b-comm ttees to a ow grmanagement of ts operat ons. The two s b-comm ttees created are infrastr

    D saster Management w th the Dep ty Cha rs Mr B chanan and Mrespons b e for each respect ve y.

    DiSASTER MANAGEMENT D saster re ef was exped t o s y g ven to r es dents of Wash ngton Mews, Portmore lane,

    Tra n ne and Portmore V a after the passs ng of h rr cane S andy n 2012. A the g es and tra ns were c eaned proper y and t me y, red c ng the mpact of h r D saster Management Expos t on was s ccessf y staged on S nday J ne 30th at Portmore

    F e d. The event was stage n partnersh p w th the Portmore M n c pa Co nc as t waof the M n c pa tys 10th Ann versary Ce ebrat on.

    iNFRASTRuCTuRE Port Henderson Rd repa rs were comp eted s ccessf y and arrangements are be ng made to

    the road to the p b c. Roya la es Sports Par footba e d was res rface and a m t -p rpose co rt was deve o Z nc fence remova was comp ete n the areas of Power Ave, Fearon Crescent, Dan e C r c

    and New and. S de wa repa rs wer e sat sfactor y comp eted n Gregory.

    Severa major projects are be ng comp eted and many are n the p ann ng phase. Conseq ent y, of nfrastr ct re and enhancement of d saster management capac ty n the const t ency has

    mproved. The year 2013-2014 oo s to better th s years ach evement as the MP Arna do Browserve h s peop e w th a never before seen ded cat on to mprov ng the r we fare.

    Yo rs n serv ce,Verdane Wr ghtComm ttee Cha r

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    36 Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    The Sport Yo th C t re and Enterta nment Comm tteehave been very act ve n a n mber of areas; wecont n e to dr ve th s great const t ency of East CentraSt. Cather ne forward w th the mandate g ven to s byo r member of par ament, the Hon. M n ster of State

    n the m n stry of fore gn affa rs and fore gn trade,thro gh partnersh p w th a n mber of donor, yo thadvocacy and GOJ agenc es. k dos m st be g ven to

    MP Arna do Brown as he cont n es to steer the sh p ofdeve opment aro nd the const t ency that aconst t ents there n may bene t.

    SportWe had many s ccesses th s year as a comm ttee nthe area of sports. The St. Cather ne Netba

    Assoc at on, hav ng been set p, has managed tos ccessf y host the St. Cather ne Netba Compet t on,sanct oned by the JNA; th s ed to fo r (4) yo ng ad esbe ng ca ed p tr a s, to represent the co ntry at theh ghest eve , two of wh ch are from the const t terms of footba we have a n mber of teams thatrepresents s we oca y and we w be g v ng thema the s pport to ra se the bar and set foot n thenat ona prem ere eag e, teams s ch as Roya a esand Chr st an Pen FC. We cont n e to do we as aconst t ency n cr c et. the recent y conc ded SDC

    20-20 cr c et compet t on saw the Portmore P nes CCand Ham ton Garden CC both advanc ng to the S per8 ro nd of the compet t on estab sh ng themse ves aspart of the Portmore cr c et ng ped gree. We havefac tated the deve opment n those areas as we , andw cont n e to engage nterested const t ents ntra n ng and ed cat on for the greater good of sports n

    the const t ency. O r a m s to ma e sport a so rce ofearn ng and not s mp y a prod ct of recreat onaserv ces, as sport cont n es to be one of the wor ds

    ead ng nd str es. The Ref rb sh ng of a ready ex st ngsports fac t es have commenced, a at an nternat onastandard, w th the capab t es of host ng matches andevents of the h ghest stand ng. Two s ch fac t es havea ready been made o t nto a pend ng rea ty, the

    pgrade of the Roya la es C b Ho se and footbae d as we as the l me Tree Cr c et Ova s set forrenovat on, both deve opments are now at an advancedstage as a res t of the ass d o s steps ta en by MPBrown. Teams r ght across the const t ency are n dyerneed of ass stance w th gears and eq pments; wehave ta en steps n th s regard to ass st, thro ghpartnersh ps w th Food for the Poor and other donoragenc es as we as CDF f nd ng from the Of ce of theMember of Par ament. Stemm ng from the re-emergence of box ng n Jama ca, we are na z ngp ans to mp ement a box ng and marsha arts program

    n the const t ency, from wh ch ta ents can beg n tofoster at an ear y stage.

    Yo thin re at on to o r yo th pop o s th s s the area wehave cont n ed to p ace the most emphas s, as t s

    engendered n most f not a aspects of o rconst t encys growth agenda. O r ma n goa s toengage o r yo th w th ed cat on and tra n ng, ma ngthem more mar etab e, and th s emp oyab e. Werea zed that there s a de c ency r ght acr oss Jama caw th the emp oyab ty prospects of o r yo th, as s ch

    n th s const t ency str ct res have been set p to a d

    Sports Yo th C t re & Enterta nment Comm ttee

    that change, for examp e the Tent C ty SDA Ed cat onaCenter, that offers free CSEC, bas c teracy andn meracy c asses. The comm ttee has s ccessf ymanaged to sec re job opport n t es for over 50 yo thconst t ents. We cont n e to d a og e w th n mero scompan es and ed cat ona nst t t on to enhance theprospects of ed cat on, tra n ng and emp oyment of o ryo ths. let t be c ear that o r f t re, s o r yo ths and

    we m st ens re that we g ve them the foc s needed.

    C t re and Enterta nmentWe nd that the effects of c t re and enterta nmenton peop e once organ zed and proper y pac aged, whave a reso nd ng y pos t ve mpact n East Centra St.Cather ne, ev dent from the const t ency Street Dance;of wh ch the SYCE comm ttee was ntegra n theorgan zat on and exec t on. An event we are hop ng tohost ann a y. We cont n e to oo at areas o ts de of

    e s re n c t ra and enterta nment feat res, b t w ththe a m to create an atmosphere w th the necessaryed cat on and tra n ng that w see o r const t encyprod ce some of o r co ntr ys greats n m s c, dance,and drama. D sc ss ons w th the S stren TheatreCo ect ve have commenced to tab e a project that wprod ce s ch an atmosphere. The const t ency s hometo many m s ca ta ents, and t s on th s bas s that p ans

    are afoot to set p a m s c st d o to he p n thedeve opment of these ta ents. Recent y, Jah Bo s, ares dent of the Gregory Par D v s on s ccessf ycompeted as 2nd r nner p n the Magn m k ngs and

    Q eens of Danceha compet t on and contwe oca y. Ta ents e those need to beand g ven the opport n ty to grow, wh ch cagenerate ncome for the const t ency. The EastSt. Cather ne March ng Band, now boasts ovmembers, and have not on y become a ho sehothro gho t the const t ency, b t a so a weprogram geared towards, r dd ng the const t

    many soc a s, by way of channe ng tho r yo ng peop e to a pos t ve process.

    Pr mar y sport, C t re and enterta nment cbe the n mber one cr me and soc a defects the const t ency, as they serve the p rpose of bpeop e together wh e re ax ng certa n emotbas s we a m to cont n e o r wor as a commthe dr ve of ma ng East Centra St. Cather nto ve, ra se fam es and do b s ness. As to engage the yo th pop ace; foster ng ed fy ng and n t ng the yo th of Portmom s c and ed cat on and a so to prov de athro gh wh ch a yo th can earn, exerenhance the r m s ca s s, wh e p ayr d the comm n t es and soc ety at arge, of v o ence and to prod ce better men and womthe f t re.

    Yo rs n serv ce, Andre BrownCha rman

  • 7/27/2019 ECSC Conference Magazine 2013


    The Constituency of East Central St. Catherine Ann ua l C onf ere nc e 2 013


    Portia Simpson MillerPlatinum Award PresentationFor over 50 years outstanding contribution to thePeoples National Party

    Bertha Gibbion Constantine Broadbell Myrtle Dennis

    Rose-Ann Allen Agatha Thomas






    The Constituency of East Central St. Catherine Ann ua l C onf ere nc e 2 013

    38 Honouring our past A powerful Foundation for Today and Tomorrow

    The O treach and We fare Comm ttee compr ses Cha rperson Bever ey Swaby andmembers Haro d B chanan, Bever y Easy, Bever ey lazar s, Andrea Sm th, lenworthRec ford, A drey Baxter, Andrea T ng ng, Verna Stewart, Donna Bart ey, Fe c aCo ey, G en Andrews, S zanna S o ey. in add t on, the Gregory Par D v s on has anexce ent oca program for the feed ng of the sen or c t zens at the oca eve nChr st an Pen and ts env rons, r n by the ver y reso rcef De or s Johnson.

    These comm ttee members are the rst responders to any rgent need forass stance and ass stance for the most v nerab e n the const t ency and act as asoc a safety net for the o d, d sab ed an nd gent.

    They have responded to traged es s ch as acc denta deaths and res and bro ght gr ef co nse ng and ass stance,attended f nera s and prov ded genera s pport.Wor ng w th var o s organ zat ons for the d sab ed, the comm ttee has managed to arrange the prov s on ofwhee cha rs and wa ers and cr tches and have been prov d ng food and grocer es to severa n desperate need.

    The pass ng of H rr cane Sandy stressed the reso rces of the comm ttee to the m t. We were the ear estresponders, ta ng peop e to she ters, d str b t ng tarpa ns and g v ng o t emergency rat ons. We got ass stancefrom Mrs. An eta lee b t, d dnt manage to obta n any reso rces from Food for the Poor.

    Thro gh o r members we have been ab e to g ve ass stance to severa fam es and prov de prescr pt onass stance to nd v d a s when the need ar ses and w cont n e to do s o for the foreseeab e f t re.

    Yo rs n serv ce,Bever ey SwabyCha rman

    We fare & O treach Comm ttee

  • 7/27/2019 ECSC Conference Magazine 2013



    Portia Simpson MillerSilver Award PresentationFor over 30 years outstanding contribution to thePeoples National Party

    Andrea Smith

    Ezekiel Bennett

    Maurice Logan

    Audrey Baxter

    Fitzroy Daley

    Radcliffe Briscoe

    Beverley Harding

    Janet DaCosta

    Reneer Johnson-Ayre

    Beverley Lazarus

    Jim Rowe

    Rose Codner-Bennett

    Carmelita Albert

    Judith McFarquhar

    Rose-Marie Grant

    Carmelita Easy

    Kenston Kerr

    Sylvia McDonad

    Delores Johnson

    Lana Finikin

    Valentine Rchards

    Denzil Pinnock

    Lenworth Reckford

    Donna Barclay

    Lesline McCollin

    Errol James

    Louis Barton

    Errol McKenzie

    Lyndiana Sloley


    Portia Simpson MillerGold Award PresentationFor over 40 years outstanding contribution to thePeoples National Party

    Beverley Swaby

    Claudette Dixon

    Claudette Stewart

    Clinton Johnson

    Donald Brown

    Doreen Edwards

    Marcia Melephant

    Theodore Brown

    Vivian Matthews

    William Swaby0

  • 7/27/2019 ECSC Conference Magazine 2013


    Notes _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



























    Portia Simpson MillerBronze Award PresentationFor over 20 years outstanding contribution to thePeoples National Party

    Angella Gowe

    Marlene Housen

    Audrea Rowe

    Maureen Brown

    Carmen Johnson

    Maxine Smith

    Carol Anderson

    Melva Braham

    Christine McAnuff

    Normalyn Gentles

    Damian Anderson

    Omar Edwards

    Denton McLeish

    Patricia Burton

    Dianne Byndloss