edith watson - agenda.strathconard.ca · ross jameson , richard opala , jim abram ... a credit card...

1 Edith Watson From: Jim Abram <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2018 7:57 AM To: Tom Yates; Edith Watson Subject: Fwd: NVI MPAC: Annual report link and October room block information Please accept the following as your representative on MaPP. This is the annual report for the MaPP process. Jim Abram MaPP rep. for SRD Sent from my iPhone so please excuse my fat fingered response Begin forwarded message: From: Josie Byington MaPP <[email protected]> Date: July 26, 2018 at 7:49:56 AM PDT To: Bruce Storry <[email protected]>, Bharat Adhikari <[email protected]>, Christina A Mardell <[email protected]>, Rick Snowdon <[email protected]>, Jim McIsaac <[email protected]>, Dan Edwards <[email protected]>, Kim Wright <[email protected]>, Ross Jameson <[email protected]>, Richard Opala <[email protected]>, Jim Abram <[email protected]>, Larry Samson <[email protected]>, Charlie Cornfield <[email protected]>, Heidi Soltau <[email protected]>, Dennis Buchanan <[email protected]>, Jeff Long <[email protected]>, "'Councillor Leightan Wishart'" <[email protected]>, Fred Robertson <[email protected]>, Nick Heath <[email protected]>, Peter Stockdill <[email protected]>, Mike Kelly <[email protected]>, Rob Clarke <[email protected]>, Chuck Ashcroft <[email protected]>, "'Don Tillapaugh'" <[email protected]>, Todd Russell <[email protected]> Cc: John Bones <[email protected]>, "'Witt, Andy FLNR:EX'" <[email protected]>, Alexandra Barron <[email protected]>, Scott Harris <[email protected]>, Barb Dinning <[email protected]>, Leslie Driemel <[email protected]> Subject: NVI MPAC: Annual report link and October room block information Hello NVI MPAC, We hope you are enjoying the summer. This note is to advise you that the final NVI Annual Report 20172018 is now in your Dropbox (see the 5Annual Reports folder) and at this direct link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zrcbsz6rygyi7md/MaPP_NVI_AnnualReport_201718_201800706.pdf?dl=0 As well, for those of you who are attending the October 1011, 2018 NVI MPAC meeting and PMZ management planning workshop at the Maritime Heritage Centre in Campbell River, we reserved a room block at the Comfort Inn. The meeting will start in the morning of October 10, so some of you will need to stay the night of October 9. If you haven’t already done so, please RSVP to Josie if you will attend the meeting. The room block details follow: For check in: Tuesday, October 9 and check out: Thursday, October 11, 2018

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Edith Watson

From: Jim Abram <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2018 7:57 AMTo: Tom Yates; Edith WatsonSubject: Fwd: NVI MPAC: Annual report link and October room block information

Please accept the following as your representative on MaPP. This is the annual report for the MaPP process.   Jim Abram MaPP rep. for SRD 

Sent from my iPhone so please excuse my fat fingered response   Begin forwarded message: 

From: Josie Byington MaPP  <[email protected]> Date: July 26, 2018 at 7:49:56 AM PDT To: Bruce Storry <[email protected]>, Bharat Adhikari <[email protected]>, Christina A Mardell <[email protected]>, Rick Snowdon <[email protected]>, Jim McIsaac <[email protected]>, Dan Edwards <[email protected]>, Kim Wright <[email protected]>, Ross Jameson <[email protected]>, Richard Opala <[email protected]>, Jim Abram <[email protected]>, Larry Samson <[email protected]>, Charlie Cornfield <[email protected]>, Heidi Soltau <[email protected]>, Dennis Buchanan <[email protected]>, Jeff Long <[email protected]>, "'Councillor Leightan Wishart'" <[email protected]>, Fred Robertson <[email protected]>, Nick Heath <[email protected]>, Peter Stockdill <[email protected]>, Mike Kelly <[email protected]>, Rob Clarke <[email protected]>, Chuck Ashcroft <[email protected]>, "'Don Tillapaugh'" <[email protected]>, Todd Russell <[email protected]> Cc: John Bones <[email protected]>, "'Witt, Andy FLNR:EX'" <[email protected]>, Alexandra Barron <[email protected]>, Scott Harris <[email protected]>, Barb Dinning <[email protected]>, Leslie Driemel <[email protected]> Subject: NVI MPAC: Annual report link and October room block information 

Hello NVI MPAC,  We hope you are enjoying the summer.  This note is to advise you that the final NVI Annual Report 2017‐2018 is now in your Dropbox (see the 5‐Annual Reports folder) and at this direct link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zrcbsz6rygyi7md/MaPP_NVI_AnnualReport_2017‐18_201800706.pdf?dl=0  As well, for those of you who are attending the October 10‐11, 2018 NVI MPAC meeting and PMZ management planning workshop at the Maritime Heritage Centre in Campbell River, we reserved a room block at the Comfort Inn. The meeting will start in the morning of October 10, so some of you will need to stay the night of October 9. If you haven’t already done so, please RSVP to Josie if you will attend the meeting.  The room block details follow: 













   Josie Byington Communications Assistant and NVI Planning Assistant MaPP ‐ Marine Plan Partnership for the North Pacific Coast  C. 250.816.1934 [email protected] www.mappocean.org Skype josiebyington  MaPP Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/mappocean/  Material and opinions contained herein are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the position of the Marine Plan Partnership for the North Pacific Coast.  

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