edmund spenser

Edmund Spenser The son of a cloth-maker, Spenser was born in London in 1522 and was educated at Merchant Taylor's School and at Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, a puritan college. After taking his degree, he tried to make a career in London, and in 1578 obtained a job in the Leicester house-hold, where he met the great men of the time. In 1580 Spenser was appointed secretary to Lord Grey de Wilton, who was the new Lord Deputy of Ireland, and followed him to Dublin. He spent many years in Ireland, occupying various minor official jobs, and in 1588 he went to live in Kilcolman castle. Spenser came back to London with his friend Sir Walter Raleigh in 1590, when the first three books of The Faerie Queene appeared. But as he had not received a royal pension sufficient to maintain himself in London, he was compelled to retire to Ireland. In 1594 he met Elizabeth Boyle and married her. The poet died in 1599 and was buried in Westminster Abbey. Biografia Born in or near 1552 to a family of modest means, Edmund Spenser was possibly the son of John Spenser, a free journeyman clothmaker resident in East Smithfield in London, though this relationship is far from certain. Whatever his parentage, it is likely that the Spensers (or Spencers) originated in Lancashire, where they would have been connected with prominent local families such as the Nowells and Towneleys. Spenser seems to have had at least one sister, Sarah, and a number of brothers. As a boy, the

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Page 1: Edmund Spenser

Edmund Spenser

The son of a cloth-maker, Spenser was born in London in 1522 and was educated at Merchant Taylor's School and at Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, a puritan college. After taking his degree, he tried to make a career in London, and in 1578 obtained a job in the Leicester house-hold, where he met the great men of the time. In 1580 Spenser was appointed secretary to Lord Grey de Wilton, who was the new Lord Deputy of Ireland, and followed him to Dublin. He spent many years in Ireland, occupying various minor official jobs, and in 1588 he went to live in Kilcolman castle. Spenser came back to London with his friend Sir Walter Raleigh in 1590, when the first three books of The Faerie Queene appeared. But as he had not received a royal pension sufficient to maintain himself in London, he was compelled to retire to Ireland. In 1594 he met Elizabeth Boyle and married her. The poet died in 1599 and was buried in Westminster Abbey.


Born in or near 1552 to a family of modest means, Edmund Spenser was possibly the son of John Spenser, a free journeyman clothmaker resident in East Smithfield in London, though this relationship is far from certain. Whatever his parentage, it is likely that the Spensers (or Spencers) originated in Lancashire, where they would have been connected with prominent local families such as the Nowells and Towneleys. Spenser seems to have had at least one sister, Sarah, and a number of brothers. As a boy, the future poet entered the Merchant Taylors' school, probably at its opening in 1561 under the celebrated humanist and pedagogical writer Richard Mulcaster; his place there may have been secured by the patronage of one Nicholas Spenser, the warden of the Taylors' Company at the time and possibly a relation. While at the school, Spenser was supported at least in part by the generous bequest of Robert Nowell, brother of Alexander Nowell, dean at St. Paul's. The curriculum of the school, entirely at the discretion of its headmaster, seems to have pursued the standard humanist course of the day: boys were taught and examined on the works of Cato, Caesar, Horace, Lucan, and Homer; nursed on the rhetorical models of Cicero, Erasmus, and Vives; and trained assiduously in Latin language and composition. The boys of the school may also have received a few years of training in Greek and Hebrew, slightly unusual for the time. Spenser later wrote in The Shepheardes Calender (December, 37-42) that it was his 'shepherd peres' at the Merchant Taylors' school and Mulcaster (probably the 'good olde shephearde, Wrenock') who first encouraged him to write verse.

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In May 1569, Spenser left school and matriculated as a sizar at Pembroke Hall (now Pembroke College), Cambridge, receiving a further ten shillings from the Nowell bequest to support him. Although he had to work for his meals and accommodation, and may often have been ill during his studies, this appears to have been an important and productive time for the young poet. At Pembroke, Spenser came to know the master John Young, later Bishop of Rochester, and probably met Lancelot Andrewes, the future Bishop of London and privy councillor, who had also been at the Merchant Taylors' school. The most important influence on Spenser during this period, though, was undoubtedly his intimate friendship with Gabriel Harvey, himself admitted as a Fellow of Pembroke Hall in 1570. While Spenser's relationship with Harvey was later satirized by fellow students in a play titled Pedantius, Harvey appears to have introduced Spenser to a number of important connections and potential patrons, including Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. After taking his B.A. (1573) and M.A. (1576), Spenser left Cambridge for Kent, where he acted as secretary for John Young, recently created Bishop of Rochester. It was there that the poet probably composed The Shepheardes Calender, which seems to represent the Kentish landscape and certainly refers to Harvey (as Hobbinol), Young (as Roffy), Archbishop of Canterbury Grindal (as Algrind), and Spenser himself (as Colin Clout); The Shepheardes Calender was printed in 1579.

Spenser may have been employed by the Earl of Leicester as early as 1577, perhaps carrying messages to Leicester's brother-in-law Sir Henry Sidney, then Lord Deputy in Ireland; this speculation is very uncertain, though Spenser claims to have witnessed the execution of Murrogh O'Brien in July of that year. By spring 1579, at any rate, Spenser had been accepted into the employment of the Earl of Leicester, and was living in Leicester House on the Strand. While in Leicester's home and service, Spenser came into contact with Sir Philip Sidney and Sir Edward Dyer, then young men at the center of an artistic culture in Elizabeth's court. With several others, including Harvey, Daniel Rogers, and Thomas Drant, these men seem to have constituted an informal intellectual society called the 'Areopagus', discussing matters of law, philosophy, and poetry (for Sidney's inclusive, 'architectonic' theory of poetry among the disciplines, see his Apology for Poetry). It was at this time that the well-known printer Henry Bynneman put out two short volumes containing letters exchanged between Spenser and Harvey, letters that discuss trendy intellectual topics of the day and give a good deal of biographical information about Spenser's new contacts in London.

Probably through Leicester's influence, Spenser was in July 1580 appointed secretary to Arthur, fourteenth Lord Grey de Wilton, then leaving England to take up office as Lord Deputy of Ireland. Arriving shortly thereafter in Dublin, Spenser accompanied Grey on his famous and tortuous overland march to Munster, where the Lord Deputy's forces besieged, captured, and executed a much larger and better provisioned Papal and Spanish force in the Fort d'Oro at Smerwick. In March 1581 Spenser was appointed clerk of the Chancery for Faculties in Dublin, probably a sinecure post inherited from Lodowick Bryskett, a former travelling companion of Sidney's. He obtained a lease of Lord Baltinglas's Dublin home in 1582, and in August 1582 leased New Abbey, County Kildare, serving as Commissioner of Musters for Kildare in May 1583 and July 1584. When the lands of the attainted Earl of Desmond were set out in plantation in 1586,

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Spenser was allotted 3,028 acres near Doneraile, including the old castle at Kilcolman. He seems to have moved to Munster sometime within the following two years, perhaps in the company of his sister Sarah, although the royal grant of his estate was not confirmed by fiant until 1591. In June 1588 he inherited, again from Lodowick Bryskett, the post of Clerk of the Council of Munster, by which time he certainly appears to have been resident near Cork, where the Council met. Spenser was at this time, and for many years following, involved in protracted legal wrangles with Maurice Viscount Roche of Fermoy, an Old English neighbor financially and socially threatened by the incursions of the New English undertakers in the area. By 1589 at the latest, Spenser appears to have made the acquaintance of Sir Walter Ralegh, at that time living on his Munster estate and serving as mayor of the city Yougal. It was Ralegh who, reading through Spenser's draft of The Faerie Queene, encouraged him to join him on a trip to London in 1590, where he presented the celebrated poet to the Queen.

Spenser used his time in London to publish the first three books of The Faerie Queene, and seems to have attempted to secure enough court patronage to make it possible for him to remain in England. Although the Queen promised him a handsome pension for his labors, her generosity was questioned and moderated by the intercession of Lord Burghley, whom Spenser went on to lampoon in Complaints, printed and almost immediately suppressed (or 'called in') in 1591. Judging from a commentary on the scandal recently discovered in a contemporary letter, Spenser seems to have returned to Ireland in the early months of 1591 as a direct result of the offense he had caused to Burghley. Resuming his residence at Kilcolman, the poet shortly thereafter fell in love with and courted Elizabeth Boyle, daughter of James Boyle, himself a kinsman of Richard Boyle, later first earl of Cork. On 11th June 1594, the couple were married, an event celebrated in Spenser's Amoretti and Epithalamion, published in London in the following year. According to Amoretti 80, the poet had completed the second instalment (Books IV-VI) of The Faerie Queene shortly before the marriage, although it was not to be printed until 1596. Spenser returned to London for the publication of the second half of The Faerie Queene, and probably remained there for almost a year, living in Essex House (formerly Leicester House) in the Strand as a guest of the Earl of Essex. It was probably during this stay that he began work on A vewe of the present state of Irelande, a treatise on the social and political reformation of Ireland. Shorter works published during this period include Fowre Hymnes and Prothalamion.

By the time that A vewe appeared on the Stationers' Register in April 1598, Spenser was probably back in Munster, disappointed with his failure, once again, to secure court favors. By order of the Privy Council, he was in September 1598 appointed Sheriff for County Cork; the letter of appointment described him as 'a gentleman dwelling in the county of Cork who is well known unto you all for his good and commendable parts, being a man endowed with good knowledge and learning, and not unskilful or without experience in the wars'. His tenure of this post, which itself might well have led to further elevation, was destined to be short. The 'upstart' Earl of Tyrone, Hugh O'Neill, had defeated the Queen's army at the Yellow Ford of the Blackwater in August of 1598; by the following month, all of Munster was in rebellion, and Spenser and his family fled to the city of Cork for safety. He was shortly thereafter dispatched by the President of

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Munster, Sir Thomas Norris, to London with messages for the Privy Council. Arriving late in 1598, he took up residence in King's Street, and died there, according to Ben Jonson 'for lake of bread', on a Saturday in January 1599. It is not clear how a poet so well-loved by so many, an official so highly-regarded by so many, and a man so politically well-connected to so many, could have died in the fabled penury to which Jonson later testified. Camden recorded that the Earl of Essex paid for his funeral, and that poets carried his coffin, throwing their verses and pens, along with many tears, into his grave. His tomb is situated, appropriately enough, adjacent to that of Geoffrey Chaucer in Westminster Abbey.

Spenser was known to his contemporaries as 'the prince of poets', as great in English as Virgil in Latin. He left behind him masterful essays in every genre of poetry, from pastoral and elegy to epithalamion and epic. Although his prose treatise on the reformation of Ireland was not published until 1633, it showed even then a shrewd comprehension of the problems facing English government in Ireland, and a capacity for political office as thorough as his literary ability. Milton was later to claim Spenser as 'a better teacher than Aquinas', and generations of readers, students, and scholars have admired him for his subtle use of language, his unbounded imagination, his immense classical and religious learning, his keen understanding of moral and political philosophy, and his unerring ability to synthesize and, ultimately, to delight.

Ose biografia e shkurter

Edmund Spenser

Edmund Spenser was born in London in 1552 or 1553. The Spenser household was working class, his father a tailor. Little is known about Spenser's family, although it appears he had a sister and a couple of brothers. As a child, Spenser attended the Merchant Taylor's Free School, where his education focused on the new humanist movement. Spenser received a bachelor's degree from Pembroke College, Cambridge in 1573 and a Master's degree in 1576. While at Cambridge, Spenser was a work study student, earning money to pay for his meals and lodging. After leaving Cambridge, Spenser worked as a secretary for the Bishop of Rochester, John Young. During this period, Spenser composed "The Shepheardes Calendar," which was printed in 1579. Also in 1579, Spenser went to work for the Earl of Leicester, where Spenser became acquainted with Sir Philip Sidney and Sir Edward Dyer, both of whom were part of...

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Amoretti and Epithalamion. Written not long since by Edmunde Spenser.

The complexities of Spenser's compositional practices were lost on later readers; Robert Aikin is typical: "The Epithalamion composed for his own marriage, possesses feeling as well as fancy, and wants only judicious curtailment to make it a very pleasing piece" Works of Spenser (1802) 1:xlv-vi.

Robert Southey: "The epithalamium on his own marriage is one of the very finest poems which was ever written; were but a few parts omitted, it might be pronounced perfect" Annual Review 4 (1806) 549.

Anna Jameson: "The Amoretti, as Spenser has fancifully entitled his Sonnets, are certainly tinctured with a good deal of the verbiage and pedantry of the times; but I think I have shown that they contain passages of earnest feeling, as well as high poetic beauty. Spenser married his Elizabeth, about the year 1593, and he has crowned his amatory effusions with a most impassioned and triumphant epithalamion on his own nuptials, which he concludes with a prophecy, that it shall stand a perpetual monument of his happiness, and thus it has been. The passage in which he describes his youthful bride, is perhaps one of the most beautiful and vivid pictures in the whole compass of English poetry" Loves of the Poets (1829) 1:231.

Henry Hallam: "The English language seems to expand itself with a copiousness unknown before, while he pours forth the varied imagery of this splendid little poem. I do not know any other nuptial song, ancient or modern, of equal beauty. It is an intoxication of ecstasy, ardent, noble, and pure. But it pleased not Heaven that these day-dreams of genius and virtue should be undisturbed" Literature of Europe (1837-39; 1882) 2:223.

Edwin Guest: "The broken stave was closed with an alexandrine at a very early period. The following intricate specimen ["Open the Temple-gates. . ."] was used by Spenser in his Epithalamion, written on the marriage of the two Ladies Somerset, daughters of Lord Worcester. It may be considered as compounded of a ballet-stave of 6, a peculiar ballet-stave of 5 with three terminations, another ballet-stanza of 6, and a final couplet — the first and second staves receiving

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band from the rhime. Each of the three staves breaks its last verse" History of English Rhythms (1838) 2:394-95.

Aubrey de Vere: "I have heard Wordsworth remark, more than once, that in its long and exquisitely balanced stanzas there was a swanlike movement and a subtle metrical sweetness, the secret of which he could never wholly discover; and the like of which he found nowhere else except in Milton's Lycidas" Essays chiefly on Poetry (1887) 1:46.