edna maguire school modernization - phase 1 summer 2012

Edna Maguire School Modernization - Phase 1 Summer 2012

Upload: dominick-sherratt

Post on 01-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Edna Maguire School Modernization - Phase 1 Summer 2012

Edna Maguire School Modernization - Phase 1 Summer 2012

Page 2: Edna Maguire School Modernization - Phase 1 Summer 2012

Interim school Administrative office in leased portable

Before AfterOld Administrative office

Page 3: Edna Maguire School Modernization - Phase 1 Summer 2012

New parking lot, Interim Administrative Office in leased portable, construction fencing around active construction site of new campus

Before AfterOld Administrative office, driveway, and leased pre-school

Page 4: Edna Maguire School Modernization - Phase 1 Summer 2012

Interim school with leased portables, construction fencing around active construction site of new campus, warehouse demolished

Before AfterOld parking lot, portable classroom, and warehouse

Page 5: Edna Maguire School Modernization - Phase 1 Summer 2012

Construction continues on new campus

Before AfterOld Campus

Page 6: Edna Maguire School Modernization - Phase 1 Summer 2012

Removed warehouse to build interim school

Before AfterOld parking lot and warehouse

Page 7: Edna Maguire School Modernization - Phase 1 Summer 2012

New electrical transformer, gas service, driveway and interim Administrative offices, teacher’s workroom and restrooms

Before AfterOld electrical transformer, portable classrooms, driveway, and leased pre-school

Page 8: Edna Maguire School Modernization - Phase 1 Summer 2012

Leased classroom, new walkway, temporary railing, and new entry driveway

Before AfterLeased classroom, and pedestrian entrance

Page 9: Edna Maguire School Modernization - Phase 1 Summer 2012

Maintenance shop, interim school, and new school under construction in the background

Before AfterMaintenance Shop, parking lot, and old school in the background

Page 10: Edna Maguire School Modernization - Phase 1 Summer 2012

Tenant rental space, and warehouse removed

Before AfterTenant rental space, warehouse

Page 11: Edna Maguire School Modernization - Phase 1 Summer 2012

Interim Classrooms with Emergency Vehicle Access

Before AfterAlto Field