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HOW TO MODERNIZE GEO, UKR AND MD AGRICULTURAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION: V4 & EU LESSONS LEARNT Summary: 25 years of AGRO VET negligence and management misconduct in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, along AA-modernization boost, compelled a quality change - triggered, though in various scale, but uniformly in direction, a move toward: cross-cutting, praxis-oriented AGRO VET curricula, under pro- active or modular (e.g. since 2015/16 pilots in GEO) learning formula, inciting co-operation with agri-business and other social and business stakeholders, enhancing business and entrepreneurship skills and capacities, Supported by:

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25 years of AGRO VET negligence and management misconduct in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, along AA-modernization boost, compelled a quality change - triggered, though in various scale, but uniformly in direction, a move toward: cross-cutting, praxis-oriented AGRO VET curricula, under pro-active or modular (e.g. since 2015/16 pilots in GEO) learning formula, inciting co-operation with agri-business and other social and business stakeholders, enhancing business and entrepreneurship skills and capacities, its integration into new-born VET system, to effectively match skills at the local labor market and spur rural entrepreneurship, all against the AA-driven rural regulatory transformation backdrop. The paper brings together practical and easy adjustable case studies of innovatory AGRO/RURAL T/VET educational schemes, projects and programmes from the European Union, including Visegrad AGRO VET transformation lessons learnt.

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Late 1980’s and early 1990's marked the beginning of systemic decline of VET and secondary agricultural education in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, heralding a relative (since the late 60’s the system was largely outdated, compared to respective OECD/EU, at that time) plunge in its quality, compounded by profound and broad economic and social crisis, tearing-apart and bedeviling these newly-born statehoods.

Agricultural secondary schools and focal vocational institutions of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia remained heavily under-invested, fragmented in management structure and its networks, offering anachronic and outdated curricula, at the obsolete, frequently defunct workshops, using rusting-old, ramshackle equipment (anecdotal), delivered by dramatically low-paid staff, absolutely detached from the rapidly transforming agricultural labor market and rural economic landscape at large.

This state of systemic decay, atrophy and stagnation continued, almost uniformly and largely until 2013/14, when the Gov. of Georgia, with donors’ support, developed and adopted the major overhaul of general and sectoral VET and technical secondary education system: Vocational Education and Training Development Strategy for 2013-2020, being the first broad, serious approach to transform and modernize VET and technical secondary education, including agricultural one, in EaP.

Followed, in 2015, by Ukraine, struggling to re-structure and optimize VET’s network and its financial budgeting/management, against the backdrop of overall educational management de-concentration and de-centralization push. Being, at least, partly successfully in this hard-choice endeavor, though still lacking clear, systemic approach to VET reform (narrow-scoped VET law), entailing the agriculture-oriented.

Further, Moldova, currently launching its major VET transformation and enacting cross-sectoral committee (including on Agriculture and Food Industry) partnerships/consultations driven VET modernization model, under on-going (till the end of 2017) EU-founded: Support for VET Sector in the Republic of Moldova.

Current trends challenge educational systems in a fundamental way, the AGRO VET and second-tier technical AGRO education in particular. The strivings for a stronger skills base should be accompanied by learning possibilities that support contemporary and future careers. Fruitful ways of cooperation at different levels will be required to enhance flexible pathways for high-quality learning.

Strategic VET modernization ramifications:

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The EU and EaP VET modernization strategies or focal white papers, as the below, referral GEO VET Strategy, uniformly postulate to ensure and enhance:

• Participation from the business, social partners and civil society in VET system in the development of policy and in decision-making on nature and operation of regulatory, promotional, and financial and technical support mechanism of VET ;

• Nationwide flexible (buzz word) network of well-funded and well managed VET providers (public and private), equipped with excellent facilities and modern up-to-the minute equipment, accessible (current trend) to all participants regardless of their social status, geographical location, gender, physical or mental condition;

• Series and modules of well-designed VET programmes relevant to the current and future labour (anticipating the trends and demand on labor market via consultations and participation) needs of growing and diversifying economy;

• Cadres of VET facilities and institutions trained and prepared in accordance with modern education techniques and the latest developments in their field of expertise, skills and personal fulfilment;

● System of nationally and internationally recognized awards and qualifications (critical) that support

flexibility for VET graduates in their search for employment or their establishment of businesses, whether in the country or elsewhere;

● Possibly high employability or self-employment of VET graduates in meaningful and, where appropriate, well

remunerated and personally rewarding occupations, with the prospect of a fulfilling and challenging career development throughout their future working lives.

● Widespread recognition that vocational education and training is an attractive and rewarding pathway for

personal development, as an extension to basic or secondary education for young people, as a meaningful mechanism for career development for adults, and as a way to further develop talent in new areas of specialization for those needing to take advantage of and respond to shifts in labor market demands.

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Meanwhile, those being narrowly scoped on AGRO VET advocate:

● Promoting training and professional development of vocational teachers, extension officers and

agricultural specialists in both agriculture and rural services, micro-processing as well as the general business skills and legal and institutional environment to run rural business and trade food. Being flexible and mirroring transformation of agriculture and rural business.

● Upgrading of educational standards and curricula for vocational education and training in the field of

agriculture and rural development eyeing needs and skills demand of both big agribusiness & agro-holdings and micro-rural entrepreneurs, further stimulating and building the functional bridges between two;

● Elaborating and implementing of modular programmes at AGRO VET Colleges;

● AGRO VET as AGRO Regional Centers of Excellency: delivering high quality training and extension

services to farmers and rural entrepreneurs and ensuring system’s financial sustainably;

● Improving access to resources, infrastructure and best practices for the regional and local agriculture


● Boosting coordination and enhancing policy planning at national level;

● Establishing a cooperation mechanism to bring together stakeholders from the public and private

sectors like work-based learning;

● Developing institutional partnership between AGRO VET colleges from EaP and Europe and coordinating

the exchange of VET teachers and VET students e.g. via Erasmus + ;

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Where we are now? The learning and soft skills are a key

According to recent World Bank data 70 percent of Ukrainian, Moldovan and Georgian Agro & Rural SMEs in the four sub-sectors surveyed (agriculture, food-processing, renewable energy, and agro-information technology) report that the education system does not provide students with the know-how, skills and business capacities and job-ethic/culture employers need (Skills for Modern UA, WB, 2017): being, in their view, a critical hinderance to business development.

To give a quote of UA surveyed rural entrepreneurs pondering on quality of majority of AGRO VET graduates in UA

● They don’t know why they work, how to work, what to do at work etc.; But worse, they are absolutely

desperate to have a try, afraid to learn, unless clear step by step instruction provided for each act or procedure, lacking a basic sense of personal responsibility, avoiding any slightest risk, they are somehow mentally stacked in old-Soviet times, though they don’t talk to each other’s, starring at their mobiles. I know we need to blame many of employers, for dishonesty, arrogance and low pay, but I guess it’s changing rapidly.

● Well, the key problem is not even lack of professional, narrow skills, but lack of elementary mutual and

self-learning and flexibility habits, further scare working culture, focused on results, asking and talking to colleague or customer, instead of the imitatory instruction. I always hear: you didn’t tell me that.

● What we expect from AGRO VET is: a basic overview of modern agriculture and rural development and

how the sub-sectors connect, technology used and some (1/2) referential, basic technical skills in principle on how to read instruction and operate an exemplary machine or equipment, and the most important how to learn and look for information, solving a problem e.g. using internet and asking others. Than they may come to us.

Skills for whom and what: changing rural business landscape?

The key, overarching features of current, transforming rural economic landscape are:

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● Global & Local Nexus: the rural business draws on certain locally advantageous resources, products or

peculiarities, while in cooperation with others or in chain with others, cooperating/trading/selling/ buying from, both local and global.

● Competition is though, market, regulations, trends & technology change rapidly;

● Big farmers and agro-holdings control majority of highly productive land, using the advanced, labor

efficient technologies, though there is a considerable and constantly growing room for small-holders, rural micro-producers and micro-services providers, possibly acting in networks or as partners/contractors, under “broad rural income diversification” concept inter alia.

● Locality & ECO/BIO gets a traction, if successfully marketized can be a tangible asset and added-value in

both micro-food processing and services, though trust, traceability, quality, its certification remain the key;

● Services e.g. rural tourism & SFSC & local products, eyeing external and in-comers are highly profitable,

though truly competitive, thus requiring an unconditional commitment to quality (e.g. besides language skills) and a permanent innovation drive;

● Increasing market for general and tailored services for locals & local B2B e.g. maintenance, simple

energy efficiency installations or simple agro-extention/consulting coupled with sales;

What impact on AGRO VET?

On side the trend towards globalized chains, larger farms and tough competition in products and services create a challenge for the VET system insofar as the key competencies farmers need to obtain are also changing. Besides the ability to cultivate their land according to the rules of “good farming practice”, more and more competencies are needed in buying, planning and implementing sustainable production according to market needs, which also requires the ability to analyze markets. Other key competencies are identified among so-

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called soft skills such as communication with partners, customers and in teams, as well as in human resources management. And, last but not least, in a rapidly changing world there is the need to develop “self-competencies”: the ability to get access to information and make use of this information, i.e., to learn in a self-organized way.

On the other drive toward income differentiation and “locality”, bio-production, SFSC, rural tourism and further innovatory rural services requires all listed above and more: innovatory inspirations, business acumen and marketing skills, valuation of local assets, know-how and support on access to finance, regulatory frameworks, certification, further networks, excellent soft skills and self-learning abilities, including languages.

This is a true challenge for vocational training methodology to support the acquisition of such flexible, action-oriented professional competences.

How they are doing in the EU: A Bunch of examples

Pszasnysz Agribusiness Vocational School

Location: Przasnysz, Mazovia, Poland

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Vocational education on farm for beginners in Poland:

Professionals who want to receive new qualifications in agriculture, they may acquire vocational education in theory on the on-line platform and go through a 3-month internship on the farm. The programme lasts 1 year. The theory is to be studied online with chapters specialized in plant production, livestock breeding, machinery course, agribusiness, English for farmers and other subjects to be passed regularly every couple of weeks and then the cursus needs to be completed with a 12-week practical training on the farm. The courses finishes with the state examination, which are theoretical and practical exams. The programme gives an opportunity to the participants to see every day work on the farm and a possibility to decide whether it is a good idea to start running his/her own farm.

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Kiel University of Applied Sciences

Location: Sokrates pl. 1, 24149 Kiel, Germany

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Education in cooperation with public institutions and economic zone hub in Germany,

Fachhochschule, a higher technical college specializing in a single discipline, such as agriculture. The Fachhochschule represents a close relationship between higher education and the employment system. Their practical orientation under applauded German dual education system, makes them very attractive to employers. The schools offer an important number of working hours at the companies and public administration.Agricultural Department of Kiel University of Applied Sciences is famous for its agricultural facilities and its close cooperation with many institutions, including DEULA Agricultural Engineering Center, the Department of Agricultural Economics at the Kiel University of Applied Sciences, the Vocational and Educational Center of the Chamber of Agriculture, the Fachoberschule - Fachrichtung Agrarwirtschaft, and NORLA, which is

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an agricultural center of Schleswig-Holstein. Furthermore, The agricultural department belongs to the economic area K.E.R.N. - Region (Kiel - Eckernförde - Rendsburg - Neumünster).

Aeres University of Applies Sciences

Location: Bovenbuurtweg 27, 6717 XA Ede, The Netherlands

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AERES – Institute with tailored-made courses for employers and learning by doing in the Netherlands:

Aeres is the only “green” knowledge organization in the Netherlands. It offers a wide range of education, research and activities in the fields of animals, animal welfare, botany and environment. The AREAS offers tailored-made courses in the Netherlands for companies, government and individual professionals all over the world.

Aeres has two renowned practical training center for agriculture, horticulture and animal husbandry with more than 40 years of experience. The institute us located in the center of the Netherlands and every year it trains thousands of students and professionals. The AERES helps them acquire the knowledge and skills by offering

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practical education in a real life context. The tested teaching concept is learning by doing in training centers and laboratories.

Aeres Farms is specialized in Arable Farming, Dairy, Horticulture and Equestrian. Naturally within the activities of these fields of expertise, subjects like safety, technology, water and environment et cetera are embedded.

Agricultural vocational school

Location: Camino de los Diecinueve, s/n, 18330 Chauchina, Granada, Spain

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Professional training center with internships in food enterprises in Spain:

The professional training center offers an opportunity to do an internship in the companies and it is an educational activity of vital importance. The students learn practical ways of working, using machines and tools,

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which would not be possible in conventional schools. The mentor checks up on the work given to the trainee and transmits him/her professional skills and methods, habits and values of the company, acquired through the years of work. The tutors are trained by the company to be able to guide the students. The idea is to integrate the students in the company and pick some of them to become the future employees. The number of the companies cooperating with the job center at the school and employing its students is around one hundred.

Lille Catholic University

Location: 60 Boulevard Vauban, 59800 Lille, France

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Internships at the companies and in the laboratories:

These periods of professional immersion, carried out either in France or abroad, in a company or a laboratory, expose students to the reality of corporate life and prepare them for their entry into the professional

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world. Examples of internships offered at the University are development of local distribution channels for schools and retirement homes: from farmers to consumer, replacement of pesticides by agroecological alternative solutions or links between animal feeding and meat quality.

American Farm School

Location: Marinou Antipa 54, 551 02 Thessaloniki, Greece

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Food production for sale:

The school has a long history of production, as it introduced fresh pasteurized cow’s milk to Greece by opening the first milk pasteurizing and bottling plant in 1935. The School today has a Holstein Friesian dairy herd that is

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ranked among the top 10% in the world. A state-of-the-art Educational Dairy and Milk Processing Training Center opened on campus in 2010 allowing introduction of innovative new dairy products. Staff and students working in the poultry unit of the School’s Educational Farm are responsible for the production of eggs for retail sale. The school also sells fresh turkeys raised by the staff and students of the American Farm School, available during Thanksgiving week in November, and during the two weeks prior to Christmas.

American Farm School students take an active part in all dairy, poultry and horticulture production, as they do in the School’s Educational Vineyard and Winery that is known for the excellence of its traditional Greek Xinomavro red varietal wine as well as its “tsipouro,” a Greek distillate from grapes. Students also produce and market quantities of broilers, winter and summer vegetables, legumes such as lentils and chickpeas, rice, aromatic plants, olive oil and honey, as well as fresh cut flowers including lilies, tulips, anemones and freesias. Traditional Greek pasta products “hilopites” and “trachanas”, made from hard durum wheat raised on the School’s Educational Farm.

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