
Promoting media-based learning to organisations and practitioners through local training and networking events, online resources and knowledge sharing Educational Television in MEDEAnet project 2012-2014 12 July 2012 1

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Promoting media-based learning to organisations and practitioners through local training and networking events, online resources and knowledge sharing

Educational Television in MEDEAnet project


12 July 2012 1

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MEDEAnet project

MEDEAnet aims to promote media-based learning to organisations and practitioners through local training and networking events, online resources and knowledge sharing. MEDEAnet will also exploit best practices of the annual competition MEDEA Awards and extend its existing informal network and support the MEDEA Foundation, a membership organisation that ensures the sustainability of the MEDEA Awards.

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traditional media (television, radio, press)

‘new media’ (internet and mobile applications)

the capacity for an everyday, informal and creative media use that is aimed at participation in the cultural-societal sphere (YouTube, chartrooms, blogs, webcam, etc.).

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Talking about media

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Media and learning

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EduTV participates in MEDEAnet project aimed to promotemedia-based learning to organisations and practitioners throughlocal training and networking events, online resources andknowledge sharing.

MEDEAnet partners will:

organise workshops sharing best practiceprovide a 12-part series of public webinars on related topicspublish annual reports on media literacy and the use of media-based teaching resourcesroll-out a large-scale dissemination and exploitation strategyon media and learning12 July 2012 5

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ATiT (Belgium)

MFG Baden-Württemberg mbH (Germany)

Educational Radio-Television, Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs (EduTV) (Greece)

Estonian Information Technology Foundation (EITF) (Estonia)

ActiveWatch - Media Monitoring Agency (Romania)

Education Group (EduGroup) (Austria)

CANON Cultuurcel, Flemish Ministry of Education and Training(Belgium)

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4 days workshops

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A 12-part series of public webinars

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Promoting media-based learning to organisations and practitioners through local training and networking events, online resources and knowledge sharing

How to integrate gaming in the classroom

First MEDEAnet Webinar,

25 June 2012, 4pm CET

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Promoting media-based learning to organisations and practitioners through local training and networking events, online resources and knowledge sharing

Webinar’s presenters:Steven RonsijnTeacher and educational ICT-coordinator at the Sint-Lievenscollege Gent, Belgium

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Jolanta GaleckaEducation Expert in Young DigitalPlanet, Gdansk, Poland

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Next MEDEAnet webinar

Topic: “Copyright considerations for educational media producers“

Date: Mid of September 2012

Speaker: Robin Kerremans, KULeuven (tbc)

Further information coming soon!

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“Charting Media and Learning in Europe”

– Compulsory education

• Pre-primary & primary education

• Secondary education

– Teacher training

– Higher education

– Vocational training

– Adult learning

– Non-formal education and informal education

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The MEDEA Awards/Media & Learning community in Europe

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MEDEA Awards

annual competitionMedia &LearningCommun

ity of Practice

Annual Media & Learning Conference in Brussels

Media &LearningResourcesd


Media &LearningmonthlyNe


Week-long training courses

2-day worksho


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Media & Learning Conference 2012

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The Media & Learning Conference 2012 is aimed at policy makers and practitionerswho want to to contribute to the development of digital and media skills ineducation and finding new and effective ways to embed media into the learningprocess.

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Media & Learning Conference 2011: participants’ organisations

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The audience during one of the plenary sessions

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Community of Practice

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MEDEA awards

MEDEAnet will also exploit best practices of the annual competition MEDEA Awards andextend its network. The MEDEA Awards is a free-to-enter multilingual competitionrecognising and rewarding innovation and excellence in the use of media in education.

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Thank you

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For further questions

[email protected]

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission