edwin gray engine runs itself

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  • 8/9/2019 EDWIN GRAY Engine Runs Itself


  • 8/9/2019 EDWIN GRAY Engine Runs Itself


    world has known this re-c..ation is possible ut hasn knownhow to do it. "When lightning hits the ground, causjng al0-miuion-volt buildup, where does energy come from tomake t from a static charse o a lethal charge?Nobody reallyRi .hardB. Hacl , (nbcrgcr.r . .v iceprerd(nl rn Lnsineer insfor Evclay, explains how the EMA motor system operates.

    "Power from the hish voltasesectior," slys Hackenberge r,isput through a systemof eleckicalci.cuitry to producea seriesof high-voltageenergyspikes- The sp ikesare transferred o asmall control unit, which in turn operates he major moto!unit. The cootml unit, acting n a nanner similar to that of adistributor in an internll combustioa engine, regulates hespikes. determines heir polarity (whether they be north orsouth) and directs their power to selected lectro-magnetsnthe main unit. While this occus, the recycle/regenerationsystem s rechargins he battlieswith 60 to 120-amp ulses.The electro'magncts rc localed on both thc ro tor and statorof the a.gemoto. .At t fact ion nd repuls ion etweenhe wosets of magnetscauses he motor to opcrate and genelatehorsepower.Once n motion, the motor rechargeshe batteriesas a rlult oi the recyclehegeneration ystem. To preventcondensat jonn themaincyl inder, hal f -poundi r i r pressurehas to be maintained. Air is routed through th proeranmerfor iunction0l purposes.When h aftbient temperature s 90de8rees,he molof opefalesat 70degres."In short , he pr incip le f the nginc s to cre! teelcct r ic i tyand rcycleenergyby rhe factor that every ime nagnets areenergizedotf lhe peak of rlansients, chargegosback nto

    ELECTRONICS XPERT RichardHackenberqer,n EvGrayvice-presidentnda formerengineer i th Sony andSylvania,says lect ro-rnagnetsake he unique nvent ionun. "At t rac-tion and repulsion between the two sets of maqnets," heexpla ins,'causesthe motor to operaie nd generate one-the batte.y. Itt not a constantchalge,but a puhe charge f 60aftps or better; thus, the battery must be of hish quality. Thebatteries for the EMA motor ee iurnished by MccullochElectronic Corloration of Los Anseles..Afte. extensiveresearchand testing,Evcray chose he model I tG75 Energy

    2 2

    5INCEHE WAS A BOY, Ed cray hasbeen ascinatody thpossib le sesof magnets nd elect r ic i ty.Now 48, he h,ppl iedsomeunorthodox deas o the chal tengf crer t ingpow.source hai wl I run :n -a.ho-y w r. theenvi ro.meThe 'esul t rs he El lA, whic. needs o fue a-o crealesCenter, which is said to produc maximum powe! for iweight and volune over an exceptionally ong life span.Thisachieved artly by use of an ulira"lidtweight plasticcasehaminimizesdead weidt (energy.storing omlonents cornlrismore than 90 !ercent of the brtiery's weighr).Fe!tures of rhbaitefy include exka.l.rge llates separatedby indestructibglass-rubbe! elaratols and a specially ornulated lead oxidcomposition. Two of the 6-volt batteries are used fooperation, while the othef two serveas a reservoir.MalloElectric Corporation of CarsonCity, Nevada, a! aso naoenajor contribution toward the design f the electronicpulsin

    LONC.RANGE ND POWERFULElectlic-powered ehicles are not new, of course, but rhpoor energy-sto.a8eactor ol batteriesand their heavy, aigt?e have thu. f l r mdde rhem i rprsctcal ror use in anvehicles equidns a long{anse capacity. This drawback hrestricted the inalket for electric power to small limitelerformance vehicles.The maximum range of these vehicwhen driven at 40 milesper hou! hasbeenapproximately 15miles- Range s affected by the number of stops and stalsrades aversed, and acceleration em'rnds.The EMA motor needs only to run ar 500 rlm for thnornal recharging system to work. In facr, its rechargcapabilitiesare such that the Evcray's next version of thenginewon't havean attemator or di r Furnp.The air pum! wibe replacedby bladeson the rotor."The idea of a self-sustaining lectdc motoi," eys cray"at first appeals o go againstmuch oi the theory of eleciric iand conservatio! of enelgy. Th EMA moto! does nohowever,vioiate the basic aws of physics,bui rather utilizthem in a unique iniegration in a system n order o naximiz

  • 8/9/2019 EDWIN GRAY Engine Runs Itself



    Phoros by Jark scagn.iti

    A LITTLE BROTHER, h uncf ionaLcalemodel a1 left showswhat the EIVA proio'lype below ooks ike minLr5 at ier les ndwj thout h exi ra apparatusf the pedestal .Wi ih in !he enginetsel t , n ly threesurracesnrake hysical ontact .

    OTHER POINTSOF VIEW show he contro lboard( lef t cenier) and the standard ransmi$ion f t )d l _ d . l - e do t , e p . o _ o . ) p e . - a y i r o r a n h e - g i nfor PROBEai his laboratoryn Van Nuys, ays heproto iype ashad considerabopeEt lng est ime. '


  • 8/9/2019 EDWIN GRAY Engine Runs Itself


    ELocK DIAGRAI\4F THEElvlA.4hows owenergys ransmit tedrom he our6-volt at ter iospower !ppty)o thevar i5tagesf theenginend etulned,oth he airpump A) and hatternaiorB)areopt ionatqulp;ent . h; ai ' l ump revecondentat ionroundhedrum ndprovldesddd ssurancef air n some nvironrnonh.heai iernatorsnot eedei or moapPlicat ions,ncludinEsenvohiclee,uimaybedeskablen heavyeneratorigs. heelectr icultatorsC),which re ontaiin tho eg6nrat lon_recyclenit , rscapablef pulsingt 200,000imes erminuie, nd hepurrat lont 60+0"120mpss backo thebatirles.

    !h6ro by JeckS.asnerrrGOVERNIVENTRECOGNITTONf the EMA protect hascome f rom var ious ources,nciuding he qovernor f cat i -forn ia,Here.Grayandhiswi fe,Evelyn, isptay cert i f icate fmer i t hey eceivedrom RonaldReaqan.


    ulon the characteristics and jnte[elationships betweelectrical, nagnetic, and physjcal conponents. The EMprototype moto! has had considerable peratinS est time ahas been adapted ro stan{tardand au omatic .au omobDynamometer tests h0ve recolded the r!m,s ot Evcraymotor a! 2550 corstant , he tolque at 66 poundsconstaBrake orsepowers 32.5.Af tera test un of 2 l% minutes,batieryvoltage eadingwas 25.?.Only three surfaces ake physicalaontact wiih the moroa feature which dramatically limits fricrion eno mcreaefficiency. "An internal c;mbustion ensine s only 30 perceefficient," sayscray. "Our engine s 90 percentefficient."prime factor in frjdion control is the so-called ,magnevacuum,r' created in the drun, whjch lireraly rakes thpressureoff of end tearinss a'd allows the rotor ro flo"Our motor creates ower surges one behind he orhe!-imicro-seconds," ays crey. "By doing this, we are able

    djrect the magnetic lux field. The magnetic lux is a coolasource, o we needno coolingsysiem."Gray says he engine s not affectedby iain, heat, cold, aother type ot inclernent weather, or by driving throutunnels- "All this motor needs s oxygen. Tho only exlernmagnetic effect is that anorher field sysremcannot operawithin this same battery system. The magnetic fieorre- ,a,on k J60 degreesl a l 'd i rccr ions.LIGHT, EASY TO MAKE

    The new EMA prototy!e rviltwcigh about 320 pounds, etha most present ntmai combustionengines.t will measu12 inches n diameter, i8 inches n tensth_ Size s linear t





    shsft-Trmsisdon. erc.

  • 8/9/2019 EDWIN GRAY Engine Runs Itself


    horsepower required.) Accoiding to Grav, i"rther 'esealcnshould nak. it po$ible to reduce he sizeand weieht hroughthe use of liSlte! metalsand moresophjsticated ircuitry'Gray saysmost of the motor's components an bc built in amachine shoP with a miu and laihe. The exceptionsa'e the&um itself, the electro-magnets,nd a few mis'ellaneoustemsbought over the counter n an auto supplv store The companvllans to enter itto worldwide Licensingasreements tomanufacture he moior.

    The safety featuresof the EMA are mplesive There'snofan, no exposedhjsh voltase component larts, no exhaustfumes, no fuel lanks to eiplode, and !o water reservoirsoclog u!, freezeor overheai.Evcrav believes he reliabilitv ofthe engine will be excellent, and maintenanceshould beninimai because hereh no carbon, waler' vaniish or otherimpurities-which occu! normally as a result of burningoil orSasoLine-todal]1age arts.There s no carburetor o cleanand;djust, no oil filter to chanee, o sas ilter, smosvalle. gaskets,radiator, water pump oi iimine chajn Plug'in lvpeconstruction makes eplacingparts quick and easv Grav savsthe trainitg time for EMA mechanics s les than that formechanicsworking with a standardeieciric tnotor and ar lcssthan that for thosepre?aring o work on internrl combustionenglnes,The EMA also favors the eardrumsof mankind lts noiseemission s far less hen lhat of all other power sources, ndGray claims there will be no increase n noisc as the ensineages. n fact, electric-motornohe is almos! mperceptiblewhcnproperly suppressed.Perhaps he rerson Edwin Grav, now 48, has been able tocrcate such an unconventional engin is his unconventjonal

    "Onlv those in the scientific world who understandthe iheolies oJ physics are able to comprehend howour motor works, There's only a handful of suchpe$ons."education.One of l4 chjldren,he besan inkeritg withmigneisanilelectricitv sa bov.He cft homewhe! he was15andserved year n theU.S.Armvbeloret wasdkcovered ewas nderaseandhe wasgiven nhonorableischdseDunns

    EMA-4MOTORPRELIMINARYESTDATA12 volis dc (o r a 24 voli dc svsrem, maknguse of a 12 vori 'tandril sbrlei noior)

    32.05Foolpounds/ntnuie 1.05?.650F o o tp o u n d s /s e c o n d ? 5 6 rb . . ( i n c lu d e s

    c2" lonc r 13" wide x 22" hicn. (This islnclddine conuol unil.crli.der, wNch crn !. teprkag.dinio.9"

    B.lrely Voltaee Reading 2b.7 vons

    Ad b ie n r re mp r r tu e 3 4 d c s F s o n s t ' n L

    Condu.rion/% pound (llow lbrowh) .ir360 do$eee-au dkecllons dudng motor

    H,th lohDeratur. bcdrln..rerle r2 bsarinst

    !ully r.cule'lull drsign sal.lv ie.!ur.s

    No direci !c.dtn3 idkon-ulthoul shl.ldinl.no toude! than 6ndllkitchon ap9rirnc8.6.s,

    Sihpl. puih bullon-sl,andald 12V a!t.r

    Rhsostil pnncipl6 wlth swllchable RPMranrs 1600.1 00-1960-2660.3350.Molor nounl6d on wh..L.d i.st stahd-no

    ih l t year, he al tended an. t . .V, " loa fo! advancedenEinief lns. f ter lhe aLLac( n Peol Harbo! he rcenl i " rcd, r , i r imeinre: ,ne rhe Navy. Arrer {rNns rh 'ee yean ofconbat duty in the Pacific zone,he retuhed to civilian ii '.and found work in the field of mechanics Resuminghisexperime[is with electro-magntic aower. he scriouslvcxamined he theory oi enetgvused senaryvspent'After years of ftsearch and experimentation,Gtav con'ductedhis first tesi ol the EMA motor ir t96 l. The engme anbrielly and then broke down Discouraged ui not defeatedhe cmstructed a scoondelecho_magnetic otor, which ran ioran hour and a half bofore ailing.A lhird lrototype nn for 32 davs attached to variousautomotive iransmissions and tes! equipment lt was lhend,smarl led o, analysrs,rd detdi red

  • 8/9/2019 EDWIN GRAY Engine Runs Itself


    magnetic orceswith lhe EMA motor.Dick Hackenberger, ho comes rom a more conventionalbackground,complinents Grayt .aw geniuswith 25 yearsofdiye$ified functional and man2sement experienoe n theengineedns ield. He holds an EE desiee rom NortheasternUniversityand is a seniorensineer n the Institute of Electrical,nd Elecrr .n icEnsjneer! .Hackenbergeras neld posi l ionswith the Sony Corporation ol Anerica and Sylvania Com-mercial Electronics, and he tus sened as an engineerinsconsultant o the U-S. Na!y-Other Elcray officiak include Arthu. M. Lanse, vice-llesident in chargeoi public relations,and GeorseC. Demos,vice-presiden t n chalge of marketins. Lange has served nmanagementand public relations capacitieswith both Fordand General Moiors. while Demos hls worked as diyisiongeneralmanaser o! Control Data, director of malketing forRCA, and president fhis own manufacturine i!m.

    RAISING A FEWEYEBROWSThe electro-maeneticmotor has attlacted attention fromimpo.tant governmentagencies,rcludins the EnvironmentalProtection Agency, the Air ResourcesBoard, and thDepartment of Tlarsporlatiod. Govrnor Ronald ReaganofCaliforoiabst yea! presented ray ard his wiie, Evlyn,with acertificate of merit. OtheN indicating interest in rhe projectarecongessmen al ry Goldwarr. r . ,EdwardR. Roybal ,DeiClawsof,and JamesC. Corman, U.S. SenatorAlan Cranston,and statbsenators lfred E. Alquist and NicholasC. Perris.John Brogan, head of the Environmental ProrectionAgency's advancedautoriotive lowr systns developmentdivision,sayshis 2s-'nan taff has ooked at approximately20altemate engineproposal!each week for the past two years.He says nearly half of the proposalsare fof "perpetualmotion" machines; hat i s, machinery that would produceconiinuous novement without any outsideenergysource.Theconcepl of perpelual motion violates aU known laws ofAccording to Evcray, someexperts biieve he EMA is !perletual-motion eneine and is, therefore, invalid. Giayhimself refute! this belief. "The EMA inotor is definitely notperletual motion," he insists. "Only those n the scientificworld who undrstand he theories of physics are lble tocolnprehbnd ow our motor works . There'sonly a handful of"The p.osrammef directs which magnets are to beene4ized for what length of time lnd in what pola.ity. Therearc several ttractionsand repuhions aking placeat the sameThe search for the clean engine has seen the federalgovernment ontribu! $23-million o th develolment of newensines n the past two years.General Motors, spent $36-million last yea! alone. and Ford laid out $2Gmiilion_SenatorJohn V. Tunny of California has ploposed tegislarion rodivert $90cmillion from the Highway Tlust Fund inro athree-year rashprogam to developa cleanengine.Meanwhile, Edwin cray. after 12 yeaB of researchadddevelopment,believeshe has found th answer for a coln -paraiively meager$l.l-million. Time will tell whethe. or not


    A cooperative ffortbetweenparapsychoogyandthe moreconventionalieldsofscience ets i ts sightsondiscovery n a.. .

    he s ight. o

    l{EtT]{DISTARCOATIAETTING WHAT MAY BE A PRECEDENTthe ongoingsearchor Atlantis,an expeditsponsoredby an Amelican univetsity wconduct an undemeahunt for the legendary,,lcontinent" this summer, Two hundred educatstudents, cientists, arapsychologistsnd aymenwparticipate in the six-week project to be hetd Cadiz,Spain,northwestoI Gibraltar.Leading he project is MaxineAsher,educatioconsultant o PepperdineUnive$ity in Califonia ahead oJ the AncientMeditenaneanResearch ssotion. Co-director s Dr. Julian Nava,vice-chairma

    the LosAngeles iryBoard f Educarior.''Therb has never before bcpn a large, intediscipl inary,cien[iI ic xpedirionor Atlantis ndsea," saysMrs. Asher."The bestthat there hasbewasa smallgroupthat went to Bimini in 1969 undManson Valentine for the CayceFoundation.Thdid find somecyclopean-typeemains, ut they onhad a small amount of money and had to stop thresearch or lack of funds. Outsideof that. ther


  • 8/9/2019 EDWIN GRAY Engine Runs Itself
