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  • 7/26/2019 EEM - Module 9 Marketing Management


    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda

    Chapter 9 : Introduction to MARKETING MANAGEMENTSubject : EEM Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda

    What is Marketing?


    Marketing is about identifying and meeting human and social needs. One of the shortest

    definitions of marketing is: Meeting needs profitably

    The American Marketing Association formal definition:

    Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering

    value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefits the organization and its


    Managers som times think of marketing as The Art of Selling Products,but selling is not the most

    important part of marketing!

    Philip Kotler, said thatMarketing is a Social & Managerial Process by which individuals & groups

    obtain(achieve) what they need and want through creating, offering and exchanging products of value with


    Peter Drucker,says the aim of marketing is make selling superfluous. The aim of marketing is to know and

    understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself. Ideally, marketing

    should result in a customer who is ready to buy.

    The scope of Marketing :

    To be a marketer, you need to understand what marketing is, how it works, what is marketed, and who

    does the marketing.

    What is Marketed??


    Goods:Physical goods, each year Indian companies market cars, trucks, television-sets, machine tools,

    machines, industrial chemicals, watches, cosmetics, etc.


    Services:Service include the work of airlines, hotels, car rental firms, barbers, and beauticians,

    maintenance and repair people, and accountants, bankers, lawyers, engineers, doctors, software

    programmers, and management consultants.

    3. Events:Marketers promote time-based events, such as major trade shows, artistic performances, and

    company anniversaries. Global sporting events such as the Olympics and the World Cup.


    Experiences:An amusement park or a water park represents experiential marketing: a theme restaurant

    that creates the ambience of a village in Rajasthan or Gujarat.

  • 7/26/2019 EEM - Module 9 Marketing Management


    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda

    5. Persons:Celebrity marketing is a major business. Artists, Musicians, CEOs, Physicians, High profile

    Lawyers and financiers, etc. Amitabh Bachchan, Sachin Tendulkar, ShahRukh Khan, Aishwarya Rai, and

    Sourav Ganguly are big brands.


    Places:In the software industry, Bangalore is positioned as the Silicon Vally of India. In the tourism

    industry, Kerala is marketed as Gods own country. The government of India is marketing India as a

    tourist destination through the Incredible India advertisement campaign.


    Properties:Properties are intangible rights of ownership of either real estate or stocks and bonds.

    Properties are bought and sold, and these exchanges require marketing.


    Organizations: Organizations actively work to build a strong, favorable, and unique image in the minds of

    their target publics. E.g. HUL, P&G, Dabar, etc.


    Information: information is essential what books, schools, and universities produce, market, and

    distribute at a price to parents, students, and communities. The production, packaging and distribution of

    information are some of our societys major industries.


    Ideas: every market offering includes a basic idea. In the factory, we make cosmetics; in the store we sell

    hope. creating awareness about AIDS, encouraging family planning, and discouraging smoking, which fall

    in the realm of social marketing.

    4 Ps of Marketing or Marketing Mix

    1. Product

    The terms Product refers to tangible, physical products as well as services.

    Product can be divided in Core products, Expected product and Augmented product.

    A product decision will have to satisfy the following questions:


    What does the customer want from the product/services?


    What features does it have to meet these needs?

    3. How and where will the customer use it?


    What does it look like? How will customers experience it?


    What size, color, and so on, should it be?

    6. What name should be given to the product?

  • 7/26/2019 EEM - Module 9 Marketing Management


    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda

    7. How is it branded?


    How is it differentiated against the competitors?


    Product Mix:

    When a company enters a market, it generally offers one or two product. As is grows bigger, it expands its

    product offering.

    The total number of products and services offered by a company is called its product mix

    The product mix is characterized by the terms like product line width, product line length, and product line



    New Product Decisions:

    Following are the steps involved in a new product development.


    Idea Generation: ideas can come from Customers, Employees, Dealers, advertising agencies etc.

    b) Idea Screening


    Concept Testing and Analysis


    Product Development


    Product Use Testing

    f) Test Marketing






    Easy Identification





    Product Quality:

    Conformance Quality




    Style & Design5. Branding:

    Individual Branding

    Blanket Family Branding

    Separate Family Branding

    Company & Individual Name combined Branding



    7. Guarantee/Warranty

    2. Price

    Price is an important element of the marketing mix. It is the monetary value that the customer gives the

    company in exchange to a product or service.

    1. What is the value of the product or service as perceived by the buyer?


    Is the customer price sensitive?


    What discounts should be offered to trade customers, or to other specific segments of your market?

    4. How will the price set by the company against that of the competitors?


    Pricing Methods:

    Based on the various factors, companies choose a pricing method which are discussed below.

    a. Mark-Up Pricing:

  • 7/26/2019 EEM - Module 9 Marketing Management


    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda

    The final price is arrived by including the production cost, including both cost of goods and fixed costs and

    a certain profit margin is added over it.

    b. Target Return Pricing:

    The main motive is to achieve a target return-on-investment (ROI).

    c. Going Rate Pricing:

    The product is priced according to the price that competitors have adopted. Generally it is done in

    comparison with the market leader.

    d. Differentiated Pricing:

    The product and services are priced differentially based on the demand, place and paying capacity. E.g.

    Grocery shop, Shopping mall, Tour service in season and non-seasonal.


    Pricing Policy:

    a. Market Skimming:

    Price skimming means using a high introductory price to skim the cream of the demand.

    This is done mainly when something new is introduced in the market. It can be a unique design or a

    breakthrough technology.

    b. Market Penetration:

    Penetration pricing means using lower initial price to capture a large share of market.

    This type of policy is adopted when a new company launches a product in a crowded market.


    Psychological Pricing:

    Customer relate the price of a product with its quality. If the price is high, they perceive the quality of the

    product to be good.

    Luxury product marketers keep their price higher than the available alternatives.

    In psychological pricing, the ending digit 9 helps in pricing a commodity.


    Transfer Pricing:

    This type of pricing policy is adopted by multi-national companies. Transfer pricing is used by one division

    of an organization to sell products to the other division of same organization in a different country.

    3. Discounts:

    Discounts are also a type of price adjustment which is done both for the channel members and the

    customers. This can be due to various reasons such as higher production, less demand, high competition etc.

    Types of discounts that companies offer:


    Quantity Discount

    b. Seasonal Discount


    Promotional Discount


    Cash Discount

    3. Place

    Place refers to having the right product, in the right location, at the right time to be purchased by customers

    with as much ease as possible.

    It means the way in which an organization will distribute the product or service they are offering to the end


    The product placement is done through a distribution channel with the help of number of intermediaries.

    Theses intermediaries can be Wholesalers, Retailers, Agents and Brokers.

    Distributing goods to all parts of the country is a tedious and costly task and so even the bigger companies

    take the help of intermediaries to distribute their goods.


    Channel Strategies:

    Depending on the type of product being distributed, there are three common distribution strategies. They


  • 7/26/2019 EEM - Module 9 Marketing Management


    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda

    a. Intensive Distribution:

    This type of distribution is used commonly to distribute low priced impulse purchase product e.g.

    chocolates, soft drinks.


    Exclusive Distribution:

    This type of distribution involves limiting distribution to a single outlet. The product is usually highly

    priced, and requires the intermediary to place much detail in its selling.

    An example of exclusive distribution is the sale of Maruti Cars through single dealership.

    c. Selective Distribution:

    In selective distribution, a small number of retail outlets are chosen to distribute the product.

    Selective distribution is common with products such as computers, televisions household appliances,

    where consumers are willing to shop around and where manufacturers want a large geographical spread.

    2. Channel Levels:

    Based on the types of product, companies use a number of intermediaries to place its products and reach as

    many customers as possible.


    Zero Level Channel

    b. One Level Channel


    Two Level Channel


    Three Level Channel


    Channel Dynamics:

    The channel members should put in integrated efforts for the proper working of a distribution channel


    Horizontal Marketing System:

    Horizontal marketing system shares the marketing resources among two or more related business at the

    same level of operations.b. Vertical Marketing System:

    In this type of marketing system, the producers, wholesalers and retailers perform the marketing activities

    together and a coordinated effort is put for this.

    c. Multichannel Marketing System:

    A single company or firm uses two or more marketing channels to reach one or more target segment.


    Physical Distribution:

    Physical Distribution of goods is an important elements in the Place of the marketing mix.

    Physical distribution means the physical handling and movement of goods from place of production to the

    place of consumption

  • 7/26/2019 EEM - Module 9 Marketing Management


    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda

    5. Channel Conflict:

    Since a number of intermediaries are present in a distribution channel, conflict between them is bound to


    This is mostly because of differing goals and objectives of all channel members.

    4. Promotion

    To attain the sales goals, it is important that the customers are made aware about the product.

    The four major types of promotion that marketers use:

    1. Advertising:

    This form of promotion involves non-personal, paid promotionsusing mass media outlets to deliver the

    marketers message.

    Advertising generally means one-way communication with little feedback opportunity for the customer

    experiencing the advertisement.

    Following are various types of media used for advertising:

    Television, Newspapers, Magazines, Pamphlets, Hoardings, Direct Mail, Newsletters, Radio, Brochures.

    2. Sales Promotion:

    Sales promotion involves the use of special short term techniques, often in the form of incentives, to

    encourage customers respond or undertake some activity.

    There are three basic categories of sales promotion: Consumer, Trade, & Business.

    For Consumers: Free samples, Coupons, Rebates & Refund, Price Packs, Premiums, Patronage rewards,

    Point-of-purchase coupons, Contests, Sweepstakes & Games.

    For Trade Promotion: Discounts & allowances directed at wholesalers and retailers, Free Goods, Push

    Money, Novelties.

    For Business Promotion: Trade fairs are organized.


    Public Relations:

    The opinion of the public is very important for the growth of any company.

    Here public means the customers, shareholders, suppliers, trade groups etc.


    Personal Selling:

    This form of promotion involves personal contact between company personnel and those who have a role

    in purchase decisions.

    This occurs face-to-face or via telephone, online interaction via video conferencing or text chat.


    With industrial revolution, marketing has evolved in different phases. Different phases have given rise to different

    marketing concepts

    1. The Production Concept

    2. The Product Concept


    The Selling Concept


    The Marketing Concept

    5. The Societal Marketing Concept


    Holistic Marketing Concept

    1 Production Concept

    The idea that consumers will favour those products which are available & highly affordable and

    organization focus on improving Production and Distribution efficiency.

    For eg. Computer maker Lenovo dominates Chinese PC Market through Lower Labour Cost, Mass


  • 7/26/2019 EEM - Module 9 Marketing Management


    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda

    This concept believes that production of goods is the most important part of marketing activity.

    According to this concept consumers will buy goods which are easily and cheaply available.

    Companies that run on this concept focus more on the production process to produce goods efficiently.

    These companies do not even give much importance to features or services.

    2 Product Concept

    The idea that consumers will favour products which offers the most Quality, Performance, Features and the

    organization should force its Energy to making continuous product development.

    For eg. Manufacturers of Mousetraps in Old days now with better solution with Chemical spray because

    Attentionis necessary.

    This concept lays emphasis on the quality of product and the services provided to the customers.

    They work ruthlessly to bring about innovation which can provide superior quality and services to the


    It is important to understand that the markets today are shifting from being product-centric to customer-


    This concept soon be realize that a product cannot just be sold based on its quality and other factors.

    Market communication is also very important for the success of a product

    3 Selling Concept

    The idea that consumers will not buy enough of the firms products unless it undertakes a large scale

    selling and promotion effort. For eg. Product benefits Insurance, Blood donation etc.

    Marketers began to realize that just producing goods of superior quality does not help in capturing market

    base or gaining profits.

    It was more important to sell the product rather than manufacturing it or packing features in it.

    Selling is more important for the product for which the demand is low or it has declined over a period of


    In sales concept companies produce goods which they want and not those which the customer want, such

    companies have to face the problem of overcapacity.

  • 7/26/2019 EEM - Module 9 Marketing Management


    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda

    4 Marketing Concept

    Marketing Management philosophy that holds that achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the

    Needs and Wants of Target Market and Delivering the desired satisfactions better than Competitors do.

    The problem in selling concept became the basis of marketing concept.

    The marketing concept taught companies to recognize the needs and preferences of the customer and

    design the product accordingly.

    Selling was required because the companies made products that they found suited for the markets.

    Selling means finding customers for the products that companys produce. Marketing aims at finding the

    right products for the customers.

    The attainment of company goal by meeting and exceeding customer needs better than the competitors.

    Marketing concept is based on three factors:

    1. Customer Orientation:

    The corporate objective should be defined with the motive of providing customer satisfaction.


    Integrated Effort:

    In providing customer satisfaction, the entire staff team, team management committed towards the goal of

    providing customer satisfaction.


    Goal Achievement:

    The employees and the top management should have firm belief that goals and objectives can be met

    through customer satisfaction.

    Difference between Selling and Marketing

    Selling Marketing

    1. Selling is done with the intention of

    benefiting the seller.

    Marketing is done keeping in interest of the buyers.

    2. Selling is the process of fulfilling a


    Marketing is the process of establishing the needs.

    3. It focuses on short term goals of thecompany. It focuses on fulfilling the long term objectives ofthe company.4. Selling means finding customers for

    the products that companies produce.

    Marketing aims at finding the right products for

    the customers.5. Selling is just a part of marketing and

    so it is a much narrow term than


    Marketing includes selling & it makes it easier. It

    also includes planning, pricing, packaging,


    5- Societal Marketing Concept

    The idea that companys marketing decisions should consider Consumers Wants, the Companys

    Requirements , Consumers Long-Rrun Interests and Societys Long- Run Interests.

    For eg. Short-run as Wants and Long-run as Welfare like Johnson & Johnson company having Honesty,Integrity and company prefer People before Profits, so the benefits to both Consumers + Company

    Companies began to realize the importance of including the benefits of society in its marketing efforts.

    The offerings of a company to its customers have a direct bearing on the society as a whole. So apart from

    finding what the customer wants it is also important to know the implication of such a product.

    To be in the race for a longer run and be profitable as well, the companies are aware of their corporate

    social responsibility. In this regard the companies are especially concerned about the environment from

    where they use resources. E.g. Pepsi Co. India believes in Performance with Purposehere the area may

    focuses on Replenishing Water, Partnership with Farmers, Waste to Wealth, Healthy Kids.

  • 7/26/2019 EEM - Module 9 Marketing Management


    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda

    6 Holistic Marketing

    Philip Kotler and Kevin Kellerdefined Holistic Marketing as:

    The Development, Design and Implementation of marketing programs, processes and activities .

    Everything Matter in Marketing


    Integrated Marketing:

    In this, marketing efforts should be fully integrated to communicate with the customers.

    All the 4 Ps of marketing i.e. Product, Price, Place and Promotion must be take care of.


    Internal Marketing:

    The participation of employees at all levels in a company is ensured.

    For a marketing communication program to be successful, it is imperative that the junior employees and

    the middle and senior management should work in proper coordination.

    Internal marketing involves the process of Hiring, Training, and Motivating the marketing staff so that they

    provide excellent services to the customers.

  • 7/26/2019 EEM - Module 9 Marketing Management


    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda

    3. Performance Marketing:

    The marketers are held accountable for the financial, social, legal, ecological efforts of a marketing


    The marketers are asked to justify the financial gains that a campaign has achieved.

    The societal marketing concept that we have already discussed comes into picture.


    Relationship Marketing:

    The long term profitability and customer loyalty was the main focus.

    This was built through catering to the needs and wants of the customer for a long period.

    Customer relationship management is the most important area in marketing. It is achieved by integration

    of all the areas of service such as marketing, sales and customer service.

    Relationship marketing can be defined as the process of creating, developing, maintaining and enhancing

    relationship with customers and other stakeholders of the company.

    ** Market Segmentation**

    Starting point of Market Segmentation isMass Marketing.

    Market Segmentation:

    Dividing a market into distinct(separate) groups of Buyes who have different needs, Characteristics andwho might require separate products or marketing programs

    Market segmentation is the process of Dividing the market on the basis of tastes and preferences along

    with the paying capacity of the customers.

    It can also be defined as the identification of individuals or organizations with similar characteristics that

    have similar implication for the determination of marketing strategy.

    Market Segment :A group of Consumers who respond in a similar way to a given set of Marketing Efforts.

    Modern days of companies are trying to position their products according to the specific preferences of the

    customers. For eg. Car segment available in High and Low price segment.

    For eg. Coca cola company following Mass marketing concept and having large number of Buyers of the

    same products. The company creates awareness through variety of Promotional strategy so that it coversLargest Potential market + Lowest costs of the Products + Lower prices compare with Higher Profit

    Margins but Companies are now a days turning to Micro Marketing Concept

    For eg. HUL launched soaps like Lux, which costs around Rs. 13 targeting the mass base of customers and

    has also launched Dove, which cost around Rs. 27, targeting the upper middle class and high class segment.

    Need of Market Segmentation

    Over a period of time, customers have become very particular about the needs and preferences. A

    generalized product cannot satisfy customers from all segments.

    So market segmentation helps to categorize the market base on the needs, preferences and paying capacity

    of customers and design the product which is customized as per the need of that segment.

    Smaller companies do not possess the required resources to cater to the mass market.

    Market segmentation is used to categorize the market and then position the product in a particular

    segment only.

    Importance of Market Segmentation


    It helps in better understanding of the customers needs and wants.


    It catalyzes innovation by identifying the needs of a particular product.

    3. If a product meets and exceeds a customers expectations by adding superior value, the customer normally

    is willing to pay a higher price.


    It leads to two-way communication among the potential buyers and the organization.

    5. It helps the marketers to distinguish one customer group from the other.


    It helps in maintaining good relationship with the customers.

  • 7/26/2019 EEM - Module 9 Marketing Management


    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda

    7. It helps in retaining the existing customers and attracting new ones.


    It helps in reducing cost / expenses on various marketing activities and increases market share.


    Improves service delivery standards.

    Bases for Market Segmentation of Consumer Products

    Before segmenting the markets, the companies need to take care of certain things and have a clear

    understanding of some basic questions related to segmentation.

    1. Does the segmentation strategy help the company profit in short and long term by increasing sales and

    market share?2.

    Is the size of the segment being targeted ideal?

    3. What is the level of competition in the segment that the company intends to enter?


    How many segments of the markets does the company intend to enter?

    1. Demographic Segmentation

    In demographic segmentation, the consumer market is segmented based on variables such as gender, age,

    occupation, income, social class, family size, and nationality.

    Taste and preferences of a particular demographic group believed to be similar and so the positioning of

    the product is done accordingly.

    Here we will be discussing the variables used to segment the market.

    Gender:some products are segmented according to the gender. There are brands which have products

    exclusively for male or female customers. Age & Life Cycle Stage:tastes and preferences keep on changing with age and life cycle-stage. Toys,

    Games, etc.

    Income and Social Class:tastes and preferences change with social class as well. E.g. Cars, Bikes, Cloths,


    Generation:with succeeding generations, the buying pattern of customers changes. The new generation is

    tech-savvy and analyzes a product based on the features and then makes a decision to buy the product.

  • 7/26/2019 EEM - Module 9 Marketing Management


    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda

    2. Geographic Segmentation

    Dividing the market according to geographical areas such as countries, states, cities, regions and zones is

    called as geographic segmentation.

    A thorough knowledge of the demography and taste and preferences of that region helps the marketer to

    develop products that are best suited for that place.

    Rural and urban markets differ on a number of important parameters such as literacy level, income,

    spending power and availability of infrastructure such as roads, electricity, telephone services as well as

    social and cultural acceptance of people that affect market potential and buying patterns and habits.

    3. E.g. Times of India in Rajkot gives Rajkot Plus to add the local taste with the news that is nationally and

    internationally circulated.


    Psychographic Segmentation :

    - Demographic segmentation identifies the group of people who will be inclined to buy a Mercedes car. But

    the reason why that group likes to buy Mercedes is made clear by Psychographic Segmentation.

    - Here we will discuss the Psychographic variables that affect the buying behavior of a group of people.


    Life style: lifestyle is a very important parameter which affects the buying behavior of individuals. Based

    on the work one does, the need also changes. The mall and multiplex culture has emerged in the urban

    areas because people there are interested to spend some quality time even during shopping as Sports,

    Outdoor or cultural trends.


    Values:Marketers use beliefs and values to determine the buying behavior of a group of people. Values

    mold the buying decision in the long run and if the values are taken care of, the customer may turn to be

    loyal customer and be profitable for the company.

    E.g. McDonalds introduce Mc Aloo Tikki in India & then Non-vegetarian burgers.


    Personality:The personality traits such as ambitious, sportsmanship, aggression form an important

    buying motivator. So when companies design or communicate about a product, they keep in mind the

    personality trait of the target group.

    E.g. Sporty person attracted to sports bike, Axe, Wild stone, etc.


    Behavioral Factors Segmentation

    This kind of segmentation is done for existing customers and is done on the basis of the usage of the


    This kind of segmentation can be done only for the existing customers as their buying pattern has to be

    observed before making the segmentation.

    This kind of segmentation is done mainly for product driven organization.

    1. Benefits: Consumer market is segmented based on the benefits that the customers seek from a product. A

    company can place different products based on benefits sought by the customers like quality, speed, services

    etc. for E.g. Liril soap for freshness, Cinthol soap for anti body, Dettol soap for germs free


    Occasions: Markers can also be classified based on the occasions on which the product is used. Different

    products are best suited for different occasions like regular or special occasions.

    E.g. Archies & Hallmark cards forValentine day, Mothers day, New Year,Birthday etc.


    Usage Rate:Products are used by users with varying frequency of usage with the measurement light,

    medium and heavy. Those who use the product rarely, intermittently or regularly. Marketers target the

    customers with heavy usage of product.


    Attitude:of the customers is also important factor in behavioral segmentation of the consumer market.

    Customers are classified as positive, negative, enthusiastic, indifferent and hostile according to the attitude

    of the customers.

  • 7/26/2019 EEM - Module 9 Marketing Management


    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda

    5. Loyalty of the Customers:The customers can be classified based on their loyalty with the company.

    Loyalty of the customers can be classified into four types.


    Strong Loyalists: E.g. users of Mercedes will never be attracted to any other brand.

    b. Shifting Loyalty: E.g. user may use Colgate, Close-Up or Pepsodent.


    Switchers: Users keep changing brand based on availability, discounts and added features of the product.

    Bases for Market Segmentation of Industrial Products Few approaches have been advocated on industrial market segmentation.

    Some of the variables based on which industrial goods market can be segmented are: Demographics, Operating variables, Situational factors, Purchasing approaches and Personal


    Here we will be discussing the variable one by one.

    1. Demographic

    Demographics are used to segment both the consumers and industrial goods.

    But the demographic variables are used to segment the consumers and industrial markets are different.

    The variables used to segment industrial markets based on demographics are companys size, industry and

    customers location.

    Company Size:The size of the product selling company is an important factor while segmenting industrial


    If the company is small and its manufacturing capacity is less, then it will not take orders from huge firms

    as the order size will be large and the company may not be able to supply the order on time.

    Industry: The working of different industries is different. So an in depth knowledge of the industries givesthe marketer a basis to segment the market. An industry may have so many sub industries in it.

    Customer Location: The proximity of the customer location is yet another variable for the market

    segmentation of the industrial products. The vendors of TATA are mostly located in the surrounding area of

    the manufacturing plant of the company.

    2.Operating Variables:

    Company Technology, Product and brand-use status Customer Capabilities

    3. Purchasing Approaches:

    Organizations purchasing Function

    Power Structure

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    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda

    Relationship among buyers and sellers

    General Purchasing policies of Companies

    4.Situational Factors:

    Urgency of Order , Product Application , Size of Order

    ---- Product Life Cycle----

    The classic product life cycle has four stages : Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline..

    1. Introduction Stage : When the Product is introduced sales will be low until customers becomeaware of the product and its benefits.

    -Some firms may announce their product before it is introduced, but such announcements also alert

    competitors and remove the element of surprise.

    -Advertising costs typically are high during this stage in order to rapidly increase customer awareness of

    the product and to target the early adopters.

    -During the introductory stage the firm is likely to target the early adopters. During this stage the firm is

    likely to incur additional costs associated with the initial distribution of the product. These higher costs

    coupled with a low sales volume usually make introduction stage a period of negative profits.

    - During this stage the primary goal is to establish a market and build primary demand for the Product

    class.The marketing mix are..

    Product :one or few products, relatively undifferentiated

    Price :Generally high, assuming a skim pricing strategy for a high profit margin as the early adopters buy the

    product and the firm seeks to recover development costs quickly. In some cases a penetration pricing strategy

    is used and introductory prices are set low to gain market share.

    Place :It is selective and developed as the firm commences implementation of the distribution plan.

    Promotion :it is aimed at Building brand awareness. Samples or trial incentives may be directed toward

    early adopters. The introductory promotion also is intended to convince potential resellers to carry the


  • 7/26/2019 EEM - Module 9 Marketing Management


    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda

    2. Growth Stage :This is a period of rapid revenue growth. Sales increase as more customers becomeaware of the product and its benefits and additional market segments are targeted.

    -Once the product has been proven a success and customers begin asking for it, sales increases further as

    more retailers become interested in carrying it.

    -The marketing term may expand the distribution at this point. When competitors enter the market, often

    during the later part of the growth stage, the may be price competition and increased promotional costs in

    order to convince consumers that the firms product is better than that of the competitors.

    - During the Growth stage , the goal is to gain consumer preference and increase sales.

    The marketing mix may be :

    Product :New product features and packaging options; improvement of product quality.

    Price :Maintained at a high level if demand is high, or reduced to capture additional customers.

    Place :it becomes more intensive. Trade discounts are minimal if resellers show a strong interest in the


    Promotion :increased advertising to build brand preferences.

    3. Maturity Stage :The Maturity stage is the most Profitable. While sales continue to increase into thisstage, they do so at a slower pace. Because brand awareness is strong, advertising expenditures will be

    reduced. Competition may result in decreased market share and prices.

    -The competing products may be very similar at this point , increasing the difficulty of differentiating theproduct. The firm places effort into encouraging competitors customers to switch, increasing usage per

    customer and converting non-users into customers.

    -Sales promotions may be offered to encourage retailers to give the product more shelf space over

    competing products.

    - During the Maturity stage, the primary goal is to maintain market share and extend the Product

    Life Cycle.

    TheMarketing Mix decisions..

    Product :Modifications are made and features are added in order to differentiated the product from

    competing products that may have been introduced.

    Price :possible price reductions in response to competition while avoiding a price war.

    Place :New distribution channels and incentives to resellers in order to avoid losing shelf space.Promotion :Emphasis on differentiation and building of Brand Loyalty. Incentives to get Competitors

    Customers to switch.

    4. Decline Stage : Eventually sales begin to decline as the market becomes saturated, the productbecomes technologically obsolete, or customer tastes change. If the product has developed brand

    loyalty, the profitability may be maintained longer. Unit costs may increase with the declining

    production volumes and eventually no more profit can be made.

    - During the decline phase, the firm generally has three options :

    1. Maintain the product in hopes that competitors will exit. Reduce costs and find new uses for the product.

    2. Reducing marketing support and costing along until no more profit can be made.

    3. Discontinue the product when no more profit can be made or there is successor product.

    The marketing mix are:

    Product :the number of products in the product line may be reduced and surviving products to make them

    look new again.

    Price : prices may be lowered to liquidate inventory of discontinued products. Prices may be maintained for

    continued products serving a niche market.

    Place :it becomes more selective because channels that are no longer profitable.

    Promotion :Expenditures are lower and aimed at reinforcing the brand image for continued products.

  • 7/26/2019 EEM - Module 9 Marketing Management


    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda

    --- Demand Forecasting---- Demandsarewants for specific products through which ability and willingness to purchase the same

    products which offers satisfaction.

    For eg. Many people want Mercedes cars but only few people are able +willing to buy that.

    - Market Demand :

    It is the total volume that would be bought by a defined customer group in a defined customer group in a

    defined geographical area in a defined time period in a defined Marketing Environment under a

    Marketing Program.

    Market demand is not a fixed number, but rather a function of the stated conditions. For this reason, we

    can call it the Market Demand Function.

    -Company Demand :

    It is the companys estimated share of market demand at alternative levels of company marketing effort

    in a given time period. it depends on how the company s products, services, prices and communications

    are perceived relative to the competitors. If other things are equal, the company s market share will

    depend on the relative scale and effectiveness of its Market Expenditures.

    -Demand Forecasting : It is the activity of estimating the quantity of a product or service that consumerswill purchase. A demand forecast is the prediction of what will happen to your companys existing

    product sales. Through Multi-Functional approach which helps the Inputs from sales & marketing,

    finance and production should be considered.

    Importance of Demand Forecasting:

    1) Planning and Scheduling Production


    Budgeting of costs and sales revenue

    3) Making Policies for Long-term Investment


    Controlling Inventories


    Achieving Targets of the Company


    Planning for Finance

    7) Planning for Labour

    Criteria/Features for Good Forecasting Method :


    Accuracy :it requires maximum accuracy because various important plans are prepared on the

    basis of forecast. Wrong forecasts may create trouble in Business and result into heavy losses.


    Simplicity :selected method must be as simple as possible because if it is difficult who is

    engaged in forecasting will not do his job properly and there is always mistake in solution for



    Availability :the objects and scope of forecasting should be as such as the relevant informationare collected immediately with reasonable accuracy.


    Stability: The stable figure helps to forecast the idea about the future changes are expected to be

    minimal and are reliable(trustworthy) for planning.


    Economy :Here the Forecast is directly related with growth of GDP(gross domestic product)

    because costs must be weight against the importance of the forecast to the operations of the



    Utility :The forecasting Techniques must be easily understandable and reliable to the


  • 7/26/2019 EEM - Module 9 Marketing Management


    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda

    --- Demand Forecasting Approaches ---

  • 7/26/2019 EEM - Module 9 Marketing Management


    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda


    It is also known as Consumer Market Survey

    It is the most basicand least sophisticated (difficult)method of all the Forecasting


    Customers are asked about their Purchasing Plans & their Projected Buying Behavior..

    Customers are directly contacted to find out their Intentions & Intentions are recorded

    through Personal Interviews, Mails, Post/courier Services, Telephone, and Questionnaires..

    Here, Largenumber of Respondents are needed to achieve results.

    Merits Demerits

    Simpleto understand and Easyto


    This method is most popular among all


    A direct communication with the

    customersis possible.

    The method is Effectivefor Short-Run


    For Long-Run sales this method is not

    Suitablebecause customers have

    Changing nature..

    Household consumers can be identified

    through this method butit is

    impractible &costly..

    Basic limitationis measurement of the

    variables is under management



    The method is also known as Sales Force Composite Method.

    Sales force are allocated according to any area, territory to collecting data.

    Sales people is asked to project their sales because he is the closestto the marketplace so he

    also know what the customer wants means Estimation.

    Salesare the Lifebloodof the Companyand Sales people are Lifeline.

    Sales force surveys gather information related with Sales Force Collective Knowledge which

    Experiencesabout customers & support information, tools, training and other resources your

    sales people need to Boost Sales.

    Merits Demerits

    The sales force is aware of the ground

    realitiesof the area in which they


    It is In-house methodso the cost of this

    forecast is less. It is actively involved in the forecasting

    their morale increases which helps to

    improve performance and achieving

    of Targets.

    Many time some people underestimate

    how much they spend and

    overestimate how much they sell, it

    may prove harmful to the company as

    the production process will be basedon the forecast given by the sales


    This method is not consider while

    changing scenarioor the effect of the

    competitors product on the demand.

    The method has noScientific


  • 7/26/2019 EEM - Module 9 Marketing Management


    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda


    It is more focused approach to Demand Forecasting .

    A Panel of Expertsare identified where an expert could be a Decision Maker eg.An Ordinary

    Employeeor an Industry Expert

    It is Systematic, Interactive method which depends on a Panel of Experts.

    The Principal is that Forecasts from a structured group of Experts are more accuratethan

    unstructured group of Individuals.

    Merits Demerits


    This technique can be used in a wide

    range of Environmentfor eg.

    Government Planning, Business &

    Industry prediction


    Expenses : It savescorporations money

    in Travel expenses, there is no need to

    gather Participants from far areas,

    generate ideas from the People Best


    Information : It is compiled on the

    basis of Pooled(collective) Opinion

    rather than Field work, so Information

    is obtained Quickly


    The Method is Somewhat Time



    This technique can be difficult for

    researchers to design an effective study..


    There is possibility of Biased(unclear)

    Judgmentbecause to get immediate

    benefits that may not give thoughtful



    To test Multiple Marketing scenario and select the most promising for expansion.

    First testing is always necessary for introducing a new product or service..


  • 7/26/2019 EEM - Module 9 Marketing Management


    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Prepared By : Pooja P. Chavda

    Time Series Analysisthere are 4 Methods .

    Time Series Forecasting Method Description

    1.Nave Approach

    --- The method assumes that demand in the next period is

    the same as demand in most recent period but demad

    pattern may not always be that stable.

    --- Eg. If July sales were 50 units then August sales will be

    also 50 units but not more than one month/day/year

    2.Moving Average (MA)

    It is a series of Arithmetic means and it is used if little/no

    trend is present in the data.

    Simple Moving Average

    --- the method uses average demand for a fixed sequence of

    period and is good for stable demand with no behavioral


    Weighted Moving Average :

    --- The method used to reflect fluctuations more closely by

    assigning weights to the most recent data means the older

    data is usually less important.

    Note : W = Weights are lie between 0 and 1 for a total of 1.0

    3.Exponential Smoothing

    The Method that reacts more strongly to recent changes in

    demand by assigning a smoothing constant to the most

    recent data more strongly,

    Where, Ft+1= Forecast for the next period

    Dt= actual demand in the present period

    Ft= previously determined forecast for the present period

    a= weighting factor as the smoothing constant

    4.Time Series DecompositionThis method adjusts the Seasonality by multiplying the

    normal forecast by a seasonal factor.

  • 7/26/2019 EEM - Module 9 Marketing Management


    A.I.T.S. - - - - Rajkot

    Merits Demerits1.

    As it uses secondary data, so cost of data

    collection is not there.

    Past may not be future same like, demand is not a

    function of time but a function of price, income,

    population, etc.

    2. Statistical Demand Analysis.. (Causal Model)

    SDA uses a Mathematical Technique known as the Regression Analysis(weakening, failure) which

    relates a dependent variable to an Independent variable(eg. Price, Advertisement)(change of graph inincrease/decrease order)

    This Method s are based on a known relationship between the factor to be forecast and other External

    Internal Factors ..

    1. Regression

    Mathematical equation relates a dependent

    variableto one or more independent

    variablesthat are believed to

    influence(control) the dependent variable

    2. Econometric Models

    System of Interdependent regression

    equations that describes some sector of

    Economic Activity..


    Input Out Model

    Describes the Flows from one sector of the

    Economy to another, so predicts the Inputs

    required to produce outputs in another..

    4. Simulation Modeling

    (Recreation or Reproduction)

    It is among the more complex technique..

    Method tend to work best for Revenues

    that are heavily on economic factors like.Business License fees, Income tax, Retail


    Thus external data representing relevant

    economic performance indicators are usedto predict level of revenue expected

    Merits Demerits


    It is more reliable because the

    correlation is established between

    Variables and demand.


    It is difficult to define all variables which

    affect the demand.

    ::: Important Questions for GTU Exam :::


    Explain the Marketing Mix with 4Ps of Marketing.2.

    Explain the concept of Product Life Cyclewith four stagesDiagram.

    3. Differentiate : Marketing v/s Selling


    Discuss : Marketing concepts in brief(All 6 concepts).


    Explain Market segmentation with their Basesin Consumer Marketsand Industrial Markets.

    6. Demand forecasting? Explain various Qualitative andQuantitativeForecasting Methods.