effective volunteer recruitment & engagement, presented to carolinas association of chamber of...

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  • 1.Presented by Katherine Swartz, CAE
    Greater Columbia Chamber of [email protected]
    Those who can, do.
    Those who can do more, volunteer.
    ~Author Unknown
    Volunteer Recruitment & Engagement

2. Todays Outline
Understanding your issues
Why do people and companies volunteer?
Why do people stop volunteering?
Building managed process to volunteer position development and engagement (with our business members in mind)
RMRR: Recruitment, Management, Recognition and Retention
Case Study
Additional Resources
3. Understanding your issues and needs
4. Think about this. . . .
Civil society and the concept of democracy in the United states were born from a spirit of voluntary action and a commitment to bring about change. . . to see a wrong and right it, to imagine what is possible and achieve it.
The nonprofit sector provides some of the most meaningful models of what it means to live in a civil society.
In turn, effective volunteerism yields benefits that extend beyond individual organizations to the volunteers themselves, and the people and communities they serve.
Advancing business togetherAdvancing the community together
Source: A Guide to Investing in Volunteer Resources
5. Volunteering in the United States
Percentage of adults who volunteer: 44%
Total number of adult volunteers: 83.9 million
Average weekly hours per volunteer: 3.6 hours
Total dollar value of volunteer time: $239.2 billion
National value of volunteer service hour: $21.36 (2010)
Value of volunteer hour in SC: $16.53
It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference. ~Tom Brokaw
6. Why do people and companies volunteer?
7. Why do volunteers volunteer?
Meet a need
Contribute expertise
Make a difference
To feel good or feel connected
Build skills
Build network
Access to broader range of perspectives, skills and resources
Because they were asked . . .
8. The Business Case for Workplace Volunteering
They want to do good for their community.
It fits the companys traditions and values.
It improves reputation and image.
It is important to customers that the company demonstrates good citizenship.
It helps recruit/retain employees.
It helps build employee morale and job satisfaction.
It helps build teams among diverse employees.
It allows employees to develop new skills that are useful in their real job.
Source: The Points of Light Foundation
9. Why do people stop volunteering?
10. Why do people stop volunteering?
Poor management (2 out of 5)
Competition with other organizations
Lack of discretionary time
Lack of leadership opportunities
They didnt feel their gift of time made a difference
Ineffective use of their time
11. Lets build a volunteer program with our chamber business members in mind.
12. Volunteerism:
Accomplishes real work
Strengthens democratic and civic values
Connect people
Sparks creative problem solving
Supplements existing resources
Provides broader range of perspectives, skills and resources
Volunteers are a necessary and critical resource for healthy communities (included within chambers).
Volunteers are not free. Investment of time and energy on both the volunteer and chamber.
13. Managed process based on open communication and a spirit of partnership
Set your organizational goals.
Internally: Agree on scope, schedule, budget, etc.
Business approach to time: plan, plan, plan
Know who on your staff is going to manage the volunteer relationships. And, just as important, who at the company will champion your needs within their organization.
Make contact with an interested volunteer/ company. Think early about building a long-term relationship, not just about the one-time transaction.
14. Align your goals and the volunteers/companys. Be sure the expected ROI is attainable and fair to both sides.
Have items available in writing.
Make it EASY to get (and stay) involved.
Plan, plan, plan and plan some more. And do it jointly.
Implement volunteer team building.
Implement the project the proof of good planning is a plan that works!
15. The day after? Sorry, you are not done yet! Measure the results against the ROI goals and the specifics of the plan.
Results & Reporting Back: obtain and give feedback
Celebrate your success.
Finally, dont forget recognition and publicity.
Ask them again (and personally)
Ask for their referrals
16. Recruitment >>> Management >>> Recognition >>> Retention
How do you recruit volunteers?
17. Recruitment How-Tos
Publicize to all members (transparency) and ask personally
Establish a direct connection (think back why do volunteers volunteer?)
Help volunteers see the benefits of volunteering with your Chamber
Establish CLEAR expectations
Time commitment
Roles and responsibilities
Resources needed and provided
18. Vol Management
Information and Communication: Sets the tone for the decision to volunteer
Training: sets the tone for the volunteer experience
Three Touch Strategy: before, during and after the volunteer experience
Feedback: Lets volunteersknow they have a vested interest in your chamber
19. Effective Management = Retention
Follow through on your commitments
Keep an open line of communication
Make it clear how volunteers can support your chamber
Make it easy for them to get involved
Make their experience meaningful
Ask for their feedback
No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.
~James Allen
20. Quick & Easy Feedback Survey
Would they volunteer again?
Did they feel their efforts had a positive impact?
Was the event or project well-managed?
How were volunteers welcomed?
In what ways did the experience meet their expectations or not?
21. Why recognize?
To appreciate them for their work and efforts
To motive them to set and accomplish new goals
To encourage them so they know what they are doing
To publicize to others different projects, programs and activities
Ultimately, member satisfaction, renewals and referrals!
Appreciation is a wonderful thing; it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.
- Voltaire
22. Creative Recognition Tactics
Breakfast of Champion Awards, Chamber Partner, ROSE Award (Recognition of Special Effort), AchieveMINT
Regular Volunteer of the Month, Quarter or Annual award and feature (peer recognition)
Presidents Volunteer Service Awards (100+ hours and must apply with a 501(c)3 FEIN
Social media: tag photos, shout outs
Notecards: ItTakesTwo.com; PositivePromotions.com;
Media Releases: best sent with a photo
23. Award/Event Opportunities
Corporate Philanthropy Day (4th Monday in February)
Random Acts of Kindness Week (February)
National Volunteer Week (April 10-16)
Make a Difference Day (4th Saturday in October)
National Philanthropy Day (November)
24. Case Study: Revitalize a Committee
This committee (membership segment) has been declining in membership and event participation for the past five years.
The committee has struggled recruiting members and getting members to attend regular meetings.
Recently, the committee chair and marketing chair resigned due to job changes.
The programs for the current year are already planned and the last event is in June, leaving the summer months for planning for next year?
What can we do to revitalize this committee and get more volunteers engaged (ultimately more memberships , vent registrations and overall satisfaction)?
25. Next Steps
Dont panic: stay in regular communication with current committee
Research: understand the issues internally
Benchmark: with other chambers, associations and NPOs
Needs assessment: surveys of current, former and never-been members
Referrals: Ask team members, board members and other leaders for referrals.Ask former committee members to serve in an advisory capacity.
26. Additional Resources
Giraffe.org: people who have the courage to stick their necks out for the common good
Caring-Institute.org: promoted the values of caring, integrity, and public service since 198
PointsofLight.org: embraces service and civic engagement as fundamental to a purposeful life and essential to a healthy world.
IJOVA.org: International Journal of Volunteer Administration