effects of brain disease on our loved ones and relationships

Effects of Brain Disease On Our Loved Ones and Relationships Virginia Sturm, Ph.D. April 25, 2015

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Page 1: Effects of Brain Disease On Our Loved Ones and Relationships

Effects of Brain Disease On Our Loved Ones and Relationships

Virginia Sturm, Ph.D. April 25, 2015

Page 2: Effects of Brain Disease On Our Loved Ones and Relationships

Positive Emotions

Emotional Change

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How do emotions foster close relationships?


Page 4: Effects of Brain Disease On Our Loved Ones and Relationships

Caregiving is Hard-Wired in Highly Social Species

Plotnik & deWaal, 2014

deWaal, 2007

deWaal & Suchak, 2010

Douglas et al., 2006



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Prosocial Behaviors Occur Spontaneously

Horner et al., 2011 Plotnik et al., 2011

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Altruistic Helping Behavior

Plotnik et al., 2011

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What are emotions?

Short-lived phenomena – Psychological

• Alter attention, shift certain behaviors upward in response hierarchies, activate memory networks

– Physiological • Rapidly organize the responses of disparate biological

systems (e.g., facial expression, somatic muscular tonus, voice, ANS)

Levenson, 1994

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Antecedent Event

Emotional Response Tendency

Emotional Response

Reappraisal Suppression

Amplification Substitution

Appraisal Reactivity


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emotional brain networks

emotional reactivity

emotion regulation



afferent representation

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Emotions Shape Our Responses in Diverse Contexts

threat loss contamination unfairness play kinship bond faux pas achievement

fear sadness disgust anger amusement nurturant love embarrassment pride




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Positive Emotions Serve Important Social Functions

• Family of positive emotions – Compassion, nurturant love,

awe, enthusiasm, amusement, calm, gratitude

• Facilitate: – Approach behavior – New relationships – Creativity, generation, and

expansive thinking Fredrickson, 2004; Griskevicius et al., 2010

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Positive Emotions: Restore and Buffer

• Positive emotions: – “Undo” negative

emotional states – Counter effects of

chronic stress – Foster resilience – Are associated with lower

physiological arousal

Levenson, 1988; Moskowitz, 2003

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The Autonomic Nervous System Connects Brain to Body


Fight or flight

Physiological increase


Tend and befriend

Physiological decrease

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The Parasympathetic Nervous System Lowers Autonomic Arousal






increases heart rate

decreases heart rate

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Parasympathetic Activity is Advantageous

• Slower breathing: – Decreases heart rate – Increases heart rate


• Higher heart rate variability is associated with: – Positive emotion – Prosocial behavior

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Parasympathetic Tone Promotes Positive Emotion

• Lower negative emotion • Greater positive experience to neutral

situations • Higher positive mood • Greater optimism and agreeableness • Sweet spot for parasympathetic functioning?

Fabes & Eisenberg, 1997; Oveis et al., 2009; Kogan et al., 2014

Presentation Notes
Upward spiral Gratitude Awe Deep breathing
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Compassion Motivates Helping

Singer & Klimecki, 2014

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Sharing Positive Emotions is Rewarding in the Brain

• Compassion activates reward networks

• Sharing others’ positive emotions also activates reward networks

Klimecki et al., 2013; Morelli et al., 2014

photo credit: ahaparenting.com

Presentation Notes
Can be trained and brain activity increases It feels good to be understood and to share the positive feelings of others
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Gratitude Helps to Sustain Close Relationships

• Important social functions • Find-remind-and-bind

theory • Gratitude solidifies

relationships with supportive, loyal partners

Algoe, 2012

Presentation Notes
Find: new relationship partners Remind: us of quality partners Bind: recipient and benefactor together
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Awe is Good for Your Mind and Body

• Feeling of wonder when in the presence of something vast, large, or hard to grasp

• Associated with: – Cognitive restructuring – Decreased self-focused

attention – Lower inflammatory


Keltner & Haidt, 1999; Shiota et al., 2007; Stellar et al., 2015

Presentation Notes
Cannot be accounted for by current understanding of the world
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Positive Emotion and the Upward Spiral

Kok & Fredrickson, 2010

parasympathetic activity

social interaction and connection

parasympathetic activity

parasympathetic activity

parasympathetic activity

parasympathetic activity

social interaction and connection

social interaction and connection

social interaction and connection

social interaction and connection

parasympathetic activity

social interaction and connection

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How do changes in patients’ emotions alter relationships?


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Brain Diseases Change Relationships by Altering Emotion

Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia

(bvFTD) Alzheimer’s Disease


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Brain Lesions From Various Causes Have Similar Impact on Behavior

• Individual patients have taught us an enormous amount about brain-behavior relationships

• Diseases/tumors/ injuries that target these regions will have similar impact on thinking and behavior

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AD • Cognitive symptoms

primary • Social and emotional

preservation • Posterior: parietal and

medial temporal

bvFTD • Socioemotional symptoms

primary • Social and emotional

impairment • Anterior: medial frontal

and insula

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bvFTD Example: Loss of Empathy

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AD Example: Preservation of Social Decorum

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Antecedent Event

Emotional Response Tendency

Emotional Response

Reappraisal Suppression

Amplification Substitution

Appraisal Reactivity


Loss of Emotion May Alter Behavior

Autonomic Reactivity Facial Expression Subjective Experience

I feel sad.


social faux pas others’ emotions

I feel embarrassed. I feel happy.

embarrassment deficits

in bvFTD

emotional empathy deficits

in bvFTD

embarrassment emotional empathy

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Laboratory Measurement of Emotion

• Physiological Reactivity – Heart rate, respiration, skin

conductance, finger temperature, ear pulse, finger pulse, somatic activity, blood pressure, heart rate variability, cardiac impedance, facial EMG, pupil diameter

• Facial Behavior • Self-Report Did you feel sad while watching the film?

1 2 3 4 5 No A little A lot

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Self-Conscious Emotions Serve Interpersonal Functions

• Social emotions – Guilt, pride, shame, and embarrassment – Social evaluation

• Embarrassment

– Emerges after violation of a social convention – Characteristic facial display and physiological

activation – Promotes reparation of disrupted social bonds

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• Self-representations are progressively more complex across phylogeny (Povinelli & Cant, 1995)

• Self-recognition is seen in highly social species - Human infants (Papousek, 1974)

- Great apes (Gallup, 1970)

- Elephants (Plotnik, 2006)

- Dolphins (Reiss, 2001)

Self-Representations: Uniquely Human?

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Neural Correlates of Self-Processing

• Medial networks • Medial prefrontal


Northoff et al., 2006

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Laboratory Assessment: Karaoke Task


1 min.


~2.5 min.

watch baseline

1 min.

watch self singing

~2.5 min.


30 sec.

Sturm et al., 2008

Facial Behavior • Anger, sadness, disgust, fear, surprise,

confusion, contempt, happiness, embarrassment

• Intensity: 0-3

Autonomic Reactivity • Heart rate • Respiration • Skin conductance level • Finger pulse • Temperature

Page 34: Effects of Brain Disease On Our Loved Ones and Relationships

Diminished Self-Conscious Emotional Reactivity in bvFTD









Sturm et al., 2008; Sturm et al., 2012



n To

tal E



l Beh



• bvFTD < controls in embarrassment behavior and ANS reactivity

• Smaller volume in right pregenual anterior cingulate cortex is associated with lower ANS and behavioral response

* = p< .05

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Embarrassment Examples

bvFTD Healthy Control

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What is empathy?

photograph by Dorthea Lange

Emotional Empathy Cognitive Empathy

Prosocial Behavior

Perception Detection of Socioemotional Stimuli

Facial Mimicry Autonomic Reactivity

Emotion Recognition Perspective-Taking

Affiliation Compassion

Page 37: Effects of Brain Disease On Our Loved Ones and Relationships

Emotional Empathy is Affect-Sharing

• Mirroring of others’ emotions – Mimicry – Autonomic simulation – Rapidly – Without conscious awareness

• Evolutionarily conserved – Present in other species – Present in human infants

• Depends on emotion generation brain systems – Insula, ACC central amygdala,

hypothalamus PAG

Photo credit: Mancini, 2013

Page 38: Effects of Brain Disease On Our Loved Ones and Relationships

• Clinical observations – Intact (enhanced?) social behavior in AD

• Emotional symptoms are common – In MCI (35-85%) and AD (75%)

• Increased salience network connectivity in AD (Zhou, 2010)

– Relates to agitation, irritability, aberrant motor behavior (Balthazar, 2013)

Socioemotional Preservation in AD

• Increased emotional contagion in AD?

Page 39: Effects of Brain Disease On Our Loved Ones and Relationships







Controls MCI AD








Controls MCI AD




nal C






e S





** *


*= p<.01 and **= p<.001

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Right Temporal Lobe Degeneration is Associated with Higher Emotional Contagion

blue= p<.001, uncorrected, and hot= pFWE<.05

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Laboratory Assessment of Emotional Empathy

Task • 4 film clips in which the

character displayed: - enthusiasm - calm - affection - amusement



35 seconds

film clip

37 seconds


Facial Behavior • Tuning of facial expression

to that of character • Total happiness/ total

emotion displayed

Page 42: Effects of Brain Disease On Our Loved Ones and Relationships












Enthusiasm Calm Affection Amusement




Facial Mimicry in Diminished in bvFTD Pr



of P


ve F


l Beh



* *

* denotes Bonferroni-adjusted, p< .05 covariates: sex, age, and education


Page 43: Effects of Brain Disease On Our Loved Ones and Relationships

Resting Parasympathetic Tone is Low in bvFTD



covariates: sex, age, education












Healthy Controls

bvFTD * = p< .05

Sturm et al., in prep.

Page 44: Effects of Brain Disease On Our Loved Ones and Relationships

How do patients’ emotional changes impact caregivers’ health?


Page 45: Effects of Brain Disease On Our Loved Ones and Relationships

Potential Costs to Caregiving

• Increased burden • Increased depression and anxiety • Lower self-rated physical health, greater

health care utilization, greater decline in cellular immune functioning

• Lower self-rated well-being • There are large individual differences in these


(e.g., Schulz et al., 1990, 1995; Dura et al., 1991; Kiecolt-Glaser et al., 1991)

Presentation Notes
About 20% more depression and 9% more anxiety than controls (some studies by symptom report and some by DSM diagnosis) Schulz, R, O'Brien, AT, Bookwala, J, and Fleissner, K. Psychiatric and physical morbidity effects of dementia caregiving: Prevalence, correlates, and causes. The Gerontologist. 1995; 35(6): 771-791. 5.Schulz, R and Beach, SR. Caregiving as a risk factor for mortality: the Caregiver Health Effects Study. JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association. 1999; 282(23): 2215-9. 6.Plassman, BL, Langa, KM, Fisher, GG, Heeringa, SG, Weir, DR, Ofstedal, MB, Burke, JR, Hurd, MD, Potter, GG, Rodgers, WL, Steffens, DC, Willis, RJ, and Wallace, RB. Prevalence of dementia in the United States: the aging, demographics, and memory study. Neuroepidemiology. 2007; 29(1-2): 125-32. PMCID: 2705925. 7.Kawas, CH and Brookmeyer, R. Aging and the public health effects of dementia. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2001; 344(15): 1160-1. 8.Schulz, R, Visintainer, P, and Williamson, GM. Psychiatric and physical morbidity effects of caregiving. J Gerontol. 1990; 45(5): P181-91. 9.Baumgarten, M, Battista, RN, Infante-Rivard, C, Hanley, JA, Becker, R, and Gauthier, S. The psychological and physical health of family members caring for an elderly person with dementia. J Clin Epidemiol. 1992; 45(1): 61-70. 10.Vitaliano, PP, Russo, J, Young, HM, Teri, L, and Maiuro, RD. Predictors of burden in spouse caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer's disease. Psychol Aging. 1991; 6(3): 392-402. 11.Spitzer, RL, Williams, JB, Gibbon, M, and First, MB. The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R (SCID). I: History, rationale, and description. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1992; 49(8): 624-9. 12.Dura, JR, Stukenberg, KW, and Kiecolt-Glaser, JK. Anxiety and depressive disorders in adult children caring for demented parents. Psychol Aging. 1991; 6(3): 467-73. 13.Grafstrom, M, Fratiglioni, L, Sandman, PO, and Winblad, B. Health and social consequences for relatives of demented and non-demented elderly. A population-based study. J Clin Epidemiol. 1992; 45(8): 861-70. 14.Blazer, D. Geriatric psychiatry, in Hales, Robert E.; Yudofsky, Stuart C.; Talbott, John A. (1994). The American Psychiatric Press textbook of psychiatry (2nd ed.). (pp. 1405-1421). Washington, DC, US: American Psychiatric Association. xxiii, 1694 pp. 1994; American Psychiatric Association: Washington, DC. 15.Moritz, DJ, Kasl, SV, and Ostfeld, AM. The health impact of living with a cognitively impaired elderly spouse: Blood pressure, self-rated health, and health behaviors. Journal of Aging and Health. 1992; 4(2): 244-267. 16.Kiecolt-Glaser, JK, Dura, JR, Speicher, CE, Trask, OJ, and Glaser, R. Spousal caregivers of dementia victims: longitudinal changes in immunity and health. Psychosom Med. 1991; 53(4): 345-62. 17.Uchino, BN, Kiecolt-Glaser, JK, and Cacioppo, JT. Age-related changes in cardiovascular response as a function of a chronic stressor and social support. J Pers Soc Psychol. 1992; 63(5): 839-46.
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What are the sources of individual differences in caregiver outcomes


Caregiver Characteristics


Emotional Functioning



Emotional Functioning

Patient Characteristics

Patient Characteristics



Mental Health



Study led by Robert Levenson, PhD and Jennifer Merrilees, RN, PhD

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Disease-Specific Impacts on Caregivers’ Language and Marital Satisfaction

• Couples in which one person had bvFTD or AD had a conversation about an area of conflict

• Caregivers of patients with bvFTD used more negative words than caregivers of patients with AD

• Couples with FTD had lower marital satisfaction than couples with AD

Ascher et al., 2009

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Changes in Connectedness Can Accompany Disease

• Inclusion of Other in Self Scale • Decreases in inclusion predict:

– decreases in life satisfaction and – Increases in caregiver burden

Connelly et al., in prep.

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Positive Emotions

Emotional Change

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Acknowledgements • UCSF

• Bruce Miller, M.D. • William Seeley, M.D. • Howard Rosen, M.D. • Katherine Rankin, Ph.D. • Joel Kramer, Psy.D. • Jennifer Yokoyama, Ph.D. • Alice Hua • Jessica Zakrzewski

• UC Berkeley • Robert Levenson, Ph.D. • Sandy Lwi • Anna Sapozhnikova • Alice Verstaen • Michaela Simpson • Jim Casey • Marcela Otero • Casey Brown • Luma Muhtadie • Deepak Paul • Scott Newton

• Funding • NIH-NIA K23 Award • The Larry L. Hillblom Foundation • Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center

• Our patients, controls, and their families

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