effects of fast lons and an external inductive...

Effects of Fast lons and an External Ind on the Neoclassical Parallel Flow, Cur in General Toroidal Systems Noriyoshi Nakajima and Masao Okamoto Natior~al Institute for Fusior~ Science, Nagoya (Received April 15, 1992/Revised Manuscript Rece I Abstract Effects of external momentum sources, i.e., fast io injection and an external inductive electric field, on the rent, and rotation are analytically investigated for a systems. It is shown that the contribution of the extern becomes large as the collision frequency of thermal io tum conservation of Coulomb collisions and sharply dec collision frequency. As a result, the beam-driven par comparable to that of electrons in the Pfirsh-Schluter c ~7~, 1/v or banana regime it is smaller than that of ele and mi are electron and ion masses). This beam-driven a large beam-driven current because of the cancellatio produces a large toroidal rotation of ions. As both el Schluter collisionality regime the contribution of the gibly small and the large toroidal rotation of ions component in the non-axisymmetric conflguration with l Keywords: neoclassical theory, non-axisymmetric system, fast ions flow, neoclassical current, plateau collisionality reg regime, 1. Introduction In recent experiments of Compact Helical System (CH tangential neutral beam injection, plasma rotations h densities and magnetic fleld ripples2). In CHS central can vary according to the outward or inward shift of ・ = 90-95 cm, wher a*** R*.i~ is the major radius of the magnetic axis in the va are negligibly small and they increase sharply if R . "*~~ region where the helical ripples are vanishingly small axisymmetric. It is reported in ref. 2 that the profile an anomalous shear viscosity when the field ripples are viscosity is found to be dominant when the ripples ar viscosities have been concluded to agree with the neoc 46

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Effects of Fast lons and an External Inductive Electric Field

on the Neoclassical Parallel Flow, Current and Rotation

in General Toroidal Systems

Noriyoshi Nakajima and Masao Okamoto

Natior~al Institute for Fusior~ Science, Nagoya 464-01.

(Received April 15, 1992/Revised Manuscript Received May 23, 1992)



Effects of external momentum sources, i.e., fast ions produced by the neutral beam

injection and an external inductive electric field, on the neoclassical ion parallel fiow, cur-

rent, and rotation are analytically investigated for a simple plasma in general toroidal

systems. It is shown that the contribution of the external sources to the ion parallel flow

becomes large as the collision frequency of thermal ions increases because of the momen-

tum conservation of Coulomb collisions and sharply decreasing viscosity coefiicients with

collision frequency. As a result, the beam-driven parallel flow of thermal ions becomes

comparable to that of electrons in the Pfirsh-Schluter collisionality regime, whereas in the

~7~, 1/v or banana regime it is smaller than that of electrons by the order of me/mi (me

and mi are electron and ion masses). This beam-driven ion parallel flow can not produce

a large beam-driven current because of the cancellation with electron parallel flow, but

produces a large toroidal rotation of ions. As both electron and ions approach the Pfrsh-

Schluter collisionality regime the contribution of thermodynamical forces becomes negli-

gibly small and the large toroidal rotation of ions is predominated by the beam-driven

component in the non-axisymmetric conflguration with large helical ripples.

Keywords: neoclassical theory, non-axisymmetric system, fast ions, external inductive field, parallel

flow, neoclassical current, plateau collisionality regime, Pfirsh-Schluter collisionality


1. Introduction

In recent experiments of Compact Helical System (CHS) heliotron/torsatron devicel) with

tangential neutral beam injection, plasma rotations have been measured over a wide range of densities and magnetic fleld ripples2). In CHS central helical ripples along the magnetic axis

can vary according to the outward or inward shift of the plasma. If R ・ = 90-95 cm, where a***

R*.i~ is the major radius of the magnetic axis in the vacuum fleld, the central helical ripples

are negligibly small and they increase sharply if R . exceeds 95 cm. In the vicinity of the "*~~

region where the helical ripples are vanishingly small the system can be thought to be nearly

axisymmetric. It is reported in ref. 2 that the profile of the toroidal rotation is dominated by

an anomalous shear viscosity when the field ripples are weak near the axis, while the parallel

viscosity is found to be dominant when the ripples are strong enough. The observed parallel

viscosities have been concluded to agree with the neoclassical predictions within a factor of


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研究論文   Effects of Fast Ions and an Extemal Inductive Electric Field on the

Neoclassical Parallel Flow,Current and Rotation in General Toroidal Systems中島,岡本

three.In these experiments both electrons and ions were in the plateau collisionality regime.

Plasma rotations or flows are determined by the ba!ance between external momentum sources

(or input torque)an(1(iamping forces of viscosity an(i friction.Neoclassical theories inclu(1ing

momentum sources have been extensively developed for axisymmetric tokamaks3).Recently

the authors have developed the neoclassical theory for the parallel force balance to investigate

the flow,current,and rotation of a multispecies plasma with external momentum sources ingeneral toroidal systems including both axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric toroidal devices4).

As extemal momentum sources fast ions produced by the tangential neutral beam inlection

an(i an external inductive electric且e1(i have been consi(iere(i. In this ref。4,neoclassical expres-

sions obtained so far in each collisionality regime(ref.5in the1/レand Pfirsh-Schl貢ter regimes

and refs.6and7in the plateau regime)have been unified in terms of the geometric factor.

General formula common to all collisionalities have been obtained for neoclassical flow and

consequently for parallel current an(1plasma rotation. This exten(ie(1neoclassical theory has

reveale(i that in a(1(lition to the conventional pressure(iriven neoclassical current (bootstrap

current)the parallel current generated.directly by the ra母iaユelectric field,which dose not exist

in the axisymmetric system,exists in the nonaxisymmetric system4).Rotations of bulk ions

and impurity ions have been investigated for a plasma in the g』eneral toroidal system based on

ref.4and the difference between the two has been clarified8).

    In the present paper,we examine the effects of external momentum sources’on the neo-

classical para.11el flow,current,and rotation applying the extended neoclassical theory4)to a

simple electron.ion plasma in general toroidal systems。We consider fast ions produced by the

tangential neutral beam injection and an inductive electric fleld as the extemal momentum

sources. Equations for parallel flow,current,and rotation are analytically investigated by

using the m&ss ratio expansion of frictiOn and viscosity coe伍cients.We concentrate our

attention on the high collisionality regime taking into account the operation conditions of the

above mentioned CHS experiment.In the neoclassical theory,the parallel particle Hows are

determined by the parallel momentum and heat flux balance equations,i.e.,the balance among

the friction,viscosity and extemal momentum sources.The friction matrix consisting of

friction coe伍cients is not regular because the Coulomb collision conserves the total momenta.

The viscosity matrix consisting of viscosity coe伍cients approaches the singular matrix as the

collision frequency becomes large because the viscosity coef丑cients become very small in the

high collisionality regime. As a result of it,the contribution of the extemal momentum

so’urces to the parallel flow may change drastically according to the collisionality regime.

    As is well known,when both ions and electrons are in the1/レor banana collisionality

regime,the ion parallel flow driven by the extemal momentum sources is smaller than that of

electr・nsbyε≡爾when窺ean伽iaremasses・felectr・nsandi・ns,respectively.Ofcourse,the momentum transfer to ions from the extemal momentum sources is larger thanthat to electrons byε一1.Therefore,we see tha,t the light electrons carry the current and the

heavy ions carry the momentum in the banana regime.It will be shown,however,that if elec-

trons and ions are in the Pfirsh-Sch1茸ter collisionality regime,the contribution of fast ions

becomes so large that the beam-driven parallel flow of ions becomes the same order of that of

electrons.Accordingly,the momentum transfer to ions from the fa、st ions is larger tha、n that

to electrons byε一2.This beam-driven ion parallel flow can not produce a lafge beam-driven

current,because it is canceled out by beam-driven electron parallel flow.As a.result of it,the

neoclassical parallel current reduces to the usuaユclassical expression,while it can contribute

to the rotation of ions significεしntly.It will be also shown that in the non-axisymmetric to-

roidal system with la、rge helical ripples the contribution of the thermodynamical forces to the

parallel flow is negligibly sma、ll and the ion parallel flow and toroidal rotation are predomi-

nated by the beam-driven component or the extemal momentum sources.However,it will be

remarked that if the axisymmetry is partially recovered in some region as is the case of CHS


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f*~~~~~~~~f*~t ~~68~~~~1~~ 1992~~7~

under an experimental condition, the thermodynamical contribution to the ion flow must be

included. A different case where electrons and ions exist in different collisionality regimes

will be discussed analytically and the similar results will be obtained.

The organization of this paper is as follows. In S2 parallel force balances are given and

the singular behavior of friction and viscosity matrices in the high collisionality regime is

indicated. The parallel flow, current, and rotation are derived for a simple plasma in the gen-

eral toroidal system. These are analytically investigated in three special cases, placing em-

phasis on the high collisionality regime in S3. Section 4 is devoted to conclusion a,nd discus-

sion. In Appendix I the expressions of flux-surface-averaged parallel frictions and viscosities

used in S2 are given. Appendix 2 gives the deflnitions of quantities in Eq. (2). The friction

and viscosity coefficients are given in Appendix 3.

2. Parallel Flow. Current. and Rotation Including External Momentum Sources for a Simple


Neoclassical theories for the parallel flow, current, and rotation have been extended to a multispecies plasma in general toroidal systems4). This extended theory includes the external

moinentum sources of fast ions produced by the tangential neutral beam injection and an ex-ternal inductive electric fleld. In this ref. 4 general expressions, w:hich are common in all colli-

sionality regime (11,,, plateau, and Pfrsh-Schlilter regimes), have been derived for the parallel

flow, current, and rotation in terms of the geometric factor. In this section we apply this

theory to a simple plasma consisting of electrons and one species ions.

First we concider asymptotic behaviors of viscous and frictional matrices. To determine the flux-surface-averaged parallel flow <1~ul!'> and heat flux <L1q//'>, the flux-surface-averaged

parallel momentum and heat flux balance equations are used3~8).

<B F~1> n.e.<B E(A)> <B F.fl> r ・ l <B V n > (1) L ' ' "]=L ' l+1 ' l + . <B F.2> <B F.f2> L o J' -<B 'V・@ > - ・ - -where H. and @~ are the stress and heat stress tensors, respectively. F~j and F.fj(j = I or 2) are frictions of species a with thermal sp~cies and fast ions, respectively. E(A) indicates the

external inductive electric field. The expressions of the flux-surface-averaged parallel quanti-

ties can be found in ref. 4 and repeated in Appendix 1.

Substitution of Eqs. (A. 1) and (A. 4)-(A. 5) in Appendix I into Eq. (1) gives the follow-

ing linear algebraic equation for X:

/1 (X+ G) = LtX + F + EA , (2) where X is the parallel flow and parallel heat flux to be solved, /1 and Lt indicate the viscous

and frictional matrices, which are constructed in terms of viscosity and friction coefiicients,

respectively. G, Ff and EA express the thermodynamical force, the friction with fast ions,

and the external inductive electric fleld, respectively. The definitioh of each quantity is given

in Appendix 2. The solutions to Eq. (2) are given by

X=(Lt- /1)~1/lG -(Lt-p)~1 (F + E ) (3) We can see from Ep. (3) that the parallel flow and heat flux consist of two terms: one is due

to the thermodynamical force and the other is due to the external momentum sources. The

friction force conserves the total momenta as shown by Eq. (A. 3) in Appendix l, which is expressed in terms of Lt as follows:

l Lt I = O . (4) As is mentioned in Appendix 1, the viscosity coefiicients decrease so rapidly as the collision

frequency increases that they become small in the plateau regime and very small in the Pfrsh-

Schluter regime. From this property and the total momentum conservation given by Eq. (4), we see, in the limit of high collisionality regime (plateau or Pfirsh-Schluter regime),


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'l~l /UPFO

Effects of Fast lons and an External Inductive Electric Field on the Neoclassical Parallel Flow , Current and Rotation in General Toroidal Systems

~F ~~' ~~~

p-O, (Lt-p)~1_oo - flnite. (5) , (Lt-/t)~1!e

Therefore, in these high collisionality regimes, the effects of external momentum sources (the

second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (3)) may become significant. The parallel viscosity

and heat visosity given by Eq. (A. 5) are calculated by using the gyro-averaged distribution

function. There is another type of viscosity, i.e., gyroviscosity, which is obtained by using

the gyrovarying distribution function. The gyroviscosity dose not depend on the collisionality

regime. The order of the gyroviscosity of particle spcies a is smaller than the parallel viscosi-

ty by the order of O (p./L) for p~/L << 1, where p~, and L are the Larmor radius of particle

species a, and the characteristic length of the system, respectively, hence the significancy of

the effects of the external momentum sources may not change in the high collisionality regime

even if the gyroviscosity is included.

To clarify the effects of the external sources on the parallel flow, current, and rotation,

let us consider a simple electron-ion plasma. Assurning T* - Ti and using


Tii i J~ Z:ff (6) T** 1 <<1, e= nim C::

as the expansion parameter, we calculate the elements of matrices Lt and p up to the order of

e. Substitution of this result into Eq. (3) gives the parallel flows for electrons and ions, the

parallel current, and the poloidal and toroidal rotations for the simple plasma. We use the Boozer coordinates (c, e, ~, where ip is defined as the toroidal flux divided by 27T, e and ~

are, respectively, the poloidal and toroidal angles. For the simple plasrna the parallel flows

for electrons and ions are given by, respectively,

<Bu//'> = <GBS>. {(L{1) + Li{)) (- eP_~. + ip ) + (L{~) + L{~)) T. }


- (1 + Li~) + Lll)) <GBS>i{ eP_ni. ' (1) Ti } + ip + L34 eZ*ff

+(1 + L{~)+ Lil)) Zf _ fL1 + (1 + ~:)(~)3 Zfnf <~u//f> } { J * N(1) Z*ff Z 33 n

ex (1 + L{1)) {A(No~+ A(N1~} m:i <BE;f)>, (7)

> fTa)( P a) T <Bu//i> =<GBs ' I~ll ~~ e~ + ip')tL32 e'}

f P. (o) T. - (1 + L{1)) <GBS>ile~ + c' + L34 eZ,ff }

(1) Z i v 3 Zfnf } * +{L f _(1+L{}))Z 1+ 1+ ~ )(~~) JN(1) <J~u//f~ f[ ( f 33

11 Z*ff uf n

co) (1) eT.i <BE;f)> (8) + Z*ffLll N33 m*

The parallel current is given by

<~J//> = en. {<Bu//i> - <Bu//*>} + <BJ//f>

= L{~){(<GBs>i - <GBS>.) en ip' + <GBS>,p: + <GBS>iP; + <G > L(o)n T'}

* Bsi 34 i i (Lj~) + L(1) _ L!~)) <GBS>. n. T: 12

+ Z mi ) ( _: ) I N;~)} <~J//f> { + Llt)Zf [1 + (1 + v3 1 - (1 + L{~)) Z.:f mf u

co) (1) e21~*T*i + {(1 + L{})) (A(No~ + A(N1~) + Z.ff L11 N33 } <~E;f)>. (9)

m* The toroidal and poloidal rotations are given by, respectively,


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~~~!-~f*~~ ~~68~~~~1~~, 1992~l~ 7 ~j

1 1 r I dP. + dip ) <u V~>= J+t:1 <Bu//'>- J+tl ~ e.n. dip dip ' (10)

c J / I dP. + dc ) <~.・V0>= J+tl <Bu//'>+ J+tl ~e.n. dep dip ' (11) In Eqs. (7) to (11) transport coefficients are given by

L(o) _ {/1.1(l~~ /1.3) - ~ (~~~ - ~.2)} ~ 11 ~ *2

D*2 L(1)= D N(1)

33 , 11

1 L(o) _ {//.21~~ = ~.3 ~~~} ~~ , 12 ~

1 12 ~ {1~~ I~~ (l~~)2} ~.2 ~ N(1) L(1) _ ~ 33 ,

1 L;04) = ~;*2 ~i2 Dn

1 (1) L(1) _ {/1.2 Ll~~l~~ (l~~)2 J - ~ ~~ L~.1 ~.3 - (~.2)2 J} ~~ N33 , 32 -


N(1)= Dn e, (12) 33

1 A(No~ = ~{~ {~~~ - ~.3} D.1 '

A(Nl~ ~ ~ I (1) .. *. -= - 111 I12 /1.2 D.1 N33 ,

D =D*1-D Na) *2 33 ,

" /1.1) (~ 22 - /1.3) (l~~ - ~.2)2 , D*1=(~ -- '* 11

D*2 - L~ 11 ~22 - (~~~)2] ~.1 ~ ~~ [/1.1 /1.3 (ll.2) l - .* .. -Dn = ~ ~n (~;~ - ~i3) - (~i2)2

Di2 = ~;*2 - ~i3 ,

and tr, 27cJ and 21TI are the rotational transform, the total poloidal current outside a flux surface, and the total toroidal current inside a flux surface, respectively. <GBS>. and <GBS>i are

geometric factors for electrons and ions4,5) reflecting the breaking of axisymmetry and their

expressions can be found in ref. 4. The normalized friction coefiicients l~~ (i, j = 1, 2) and l;.2

are given in Appendix 3, which do not depend on the collisionality. p*k and ~ik (k = 1, 2, 3)

are the normalized viscosity coefficients of electrons and ions, respectively, the asymptotic

forms of which in the 1/,, or banana, plateau, and Pfirsh-Schltiter regime are also given in

Appendix 3. In the 1/v collisionality regime, the normalized viscosity coefficients are propor-

tional to ftlf. where ft is the fraction of trapped particles and f. = I - ft' In the plateau

regime, they are proportional to ~~/~pL Where ~. and ~pL are the mean free path of species a

and the characteristic length of the magnetic field in the plateau regime,' respectively. In the Pflrsh-Schltiter regime, the normalized viscosity coef~:cients are proportional to (~./~ps)2

where ~ps Is the characteristic length of the magnetic field in the Pfirsh-Schltiter regime. As

the mean free path is inversely proportional to the collision frequency (~. oc 1/v~~), the nor-

malized viscosity coefiicients appearing in Eq. (12) decrease sharply with increasing collision

frequency. Note that teams with superscript (1) are proportional to e.

3. Special Limiting Cases

To understand effects of the collisionality on the parallel flows due to the external mo-

mentum sources, we consider analytically three asymptotic cases, i.e., 1) the case where both

electrons and ions exist in the 1/~, or banana collisionality regime, which is realized by ~.k, ~ik

>> e, 2) the case where both electrons and ions exist in the Pflrsh-Schltiter regime, which is


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~~~~7i~-E-m~^~~ Effects of Fast lons and an External Inductive Electric Field on the ~~ ~~. ~] ~~c Neoclassical Parallel Flow , Current and Rotation in General Toroidal Systems

realized by p*k, ~ik - e, and 3) the case where electrons and ions exist in the 1/v and Pfirsh-

Schluter regime, respectively, which is realized by ~*k >> ~ik -e. Note that for the plateau

collisionality regime we need different ordering with respect to ~*k and ~ik. In this section,

however, we exclude such a case.

At flrst, we consider the situation where both electrons and ions exist in the 1/,) or ba-

nana collisionality regime (~.k, ~ik>> e). As is seen from Eqs. (7) and (8) thermodynamical

forces and external momentum sources (fast ions and the external inductive field) drive the

flows of electrons and ions. By retaining the leading terms for each driving term, following

equations are obtained:

{ (d) ( P. A,~ T(o) T.l <1~u//'>= <GBS>. L11 ~~ en. +Y/+ ~l2 e f

- (1+ L{~)) <GBS>i{ eP_ni + ip + L34 eZ.ff } * ' co) Ti

+ (1 + Ljt)) ZZ~ff Z_nfnf <Bu//f>

- A(o) eT.i <~E;f)>, (13) NC m*

f Pi . (o) Ti <Bu//i>=- <GBS>ilen + ip +L34 eZ,ff}

+N(1) D.2 Z mf)(~) l} Zfnf <Bu//f> { f_ mi v 3 Zf L1 + (1 + 33 D*1 Z*ff n* u

+Z (o) a) eT,i <~E;f)> (14) *ffL11 N33 m*

<BJ//> = Ljl) {(<GBs>i - <GBS>.) en.c + <GBS>,p. + <GBS>iP. + <GBS>iLco)n T }

* 34 i i Lco) - <G BS>* n* T. 12

{ Z <BJ//f> } + I -(1+L{~)) Z,ff

+ A(o) e2n.~.i <BE;~)>, (15) NC m*

where L11 ~ {/1.1(~~; - ~.3) - ~.2(Zj~ /1.2)} D}1 (o) _

1 (o) _ {/1.2~~~ - ~.3~~~} D.1 L12 ~

L;~) = ~;~~i2 1 (16) Dil '

Di2 N(1) = Dn e,


l 1 A(No~ lj~ {l~~ - ~.3f D.1 '

D.1' D.2, Dn' and Di2 are the same as those m Eq (12) In Eq (16) N;~) rs smaller than

others by the order of e. Comparing Eq. (13) with Eq. (14), we see that the parallel flow of

electrons due to fast ions and the external inductive fleld is larger than that of ions by the

order of e. As shown in Eq. (15), the beam-driven current and Spitzer current are predomi-

nated by light electrons. However, it should be noted that the parallel momentum given to electrons, m* <~u//*>, from both fast ions and the external inductive field is smaller than that

of ions, mi <Bu//i>, by the order of e. Thus, we have usual results.

Secondly, Iet us consider the case wheire both electrons and ions exist in the Pflrsh-

Schltiter regime, i.e., ~ek ~ ~ik - 8. In this case, Eqs. (7)-(9) become as follows:


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~~:A* ~~~~~tt 1992~~ 7 ~

P: . ' <Bu { co) T' } >==<GBS>i e~ +c + L34 eZ.ff //*

Z Zf nf } * + { f _ L ( i )( ~' ) I Na) <~u//f> Z.ff Zf 1+ 1+ ~f vf 3 33 n

-A(o) eT.i <JBE;f)>, (17) NC m* (o) T; <GBS>1 ePn~i + ip' +L

=- .{ . } <1~u//i> 34 eZ.ff m v 3 Zn m ) (~) I (1) f f <J~u//f> - Zf Ll + (1 + i

N 33 n* u

+ Z.ffL{~)N;~) e_mT:i <BE;f)> (18) <1~J//> = {1 - Zf (o) e2n.T.i <BE;f)>, }

<BJ//f> + A ' (19) Z*ff NC m* where

- 1 L(o) = {~.1~~~ - ~.2 l~~} -D.1 ' 11

L(o) _ I/i2

34 ~il '

N(1) _ e (20) 33 ~u 1

A(No~ l~~~~~ -D.1 '

D.1 = ~ 11 ~22 - (~~~)2 ** **

In Eq. (20), Li~) and N~l3) become the order of 8 and the order of unity, respectively, because

~ek ~ ~ik - e. Equation (19) shows that the parallel neoclassical current is reduced to the

usual classical parallel current, i.e., the classical beam-driven current with electron return

current effect -Zf/Z*ff and the classical Spitzer current. However, as is clear from Eqs. (17)

and (18), the parallel flows of both electrons and ions are driven by the thermodynamical forces, fast ions, and the external electric fleld. Since the parallel flows driven by the thermo-

dynamical forces are the same for electrons and ions in the leading order, the parallel current

due to the thermodynarnical force vanishes. The ion flow due to fast ions are canceled by that

of electrons in Eq. (19). Thus, the momentum transferred from fast ions to thermal ions is larger than that to electrons by the order of e~2. Hence, although the expression of the paral-

lel current is reduced to the classical one, neoclassical effects can be seen in the plasma rota-

tion. The toroidal and poloidal rotations of ions are expressed using Eqs. (10), (11) and (18)

as follows:

<u V~>=- J<GBS>iN+tl I dPi + dc _ J<GBS>iNL;04) I dTi

t(J+tl) en. dip dip ~(J+tD eZ.ff dip

Zf m v 3 Zn J+11 m )(~1) J (1) f f <Bu//f>, (21) - L1 + (1 + ' N 33 n* uf

(o) I dTi 1 dPi + dc _ J<GBS>iNL34 J ( ) [1-<GBS>iN] en, dep dip <~. ・ Ve> = J +tl eZ*ff dip * J + tl

Zn ~rZ mi v. 3 N(1) f f <~u//f>, _ f L1 +(1 + mf ) (~u'~'f ) 1 33 n. (22) J +tl

where <GBS>iN E <GBs>i/<GBs>T ~ I (<GBS>T is the geometric factor for the axis~mmetric toroi-

dal systems4)) and we have neglected the term due to the external inductive electric field, be-

cause Lj?) is the order of c. Because V~ - ec/R and Ve - ee/r where e~ and e6 are the unit

vectors in the toroidal and poloidal directions, respectively, and R and r are the maior and


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~~*~t~"--~-・^~ Effects of Fast lons and an External Inductive Electric Field on the

Neoclassical Parallel Flow , Current and Rotation in General Toroidal Systems ~~ i~, ~l~

minor radii, respectively, R <~i ' V~> and r <~i ' V0> have the physical meanings as the toroidal

and poloidal rotations, respectively. The ion parallel flow due to fast ions in the Pfirsh-Schltiter regime (Eq. (18)) is larger than that in the 1/v regime (Eq. (14)) by the order of e~1.

Thus, the ion toroidal and poloidal rotations due to fast ions become large as the ion collision

frequency increases. Let us consider the two limiting cases in the non-axisymmetric toroidal

system. In the non-axisymmetric toroidal system, the helical ripples due to non-axisymmetry make the normalized geometric factor <GBS>*N Signiflcantly small4) and the total toroidal cur-

rent 21TI inside a flux surface is very small compared with the total poloidal current 27TJ out-

side a flux surface. In such the case, the toroidal rotation due to fast ions is predominant and

Eq. (21) reduces to the following equation:

<~i'~~> - RZf )( _:) I Z n <Bu//f>. (23) v3 mi :: L1 + (1 + (1) f f N 33 n* mf J u

In this case the thermodynamical contribution vanishes and the magnetic field dependence of the ion toroidal rotation can be seen only through the term of N(313) as follows:

<~i '~~>0c-N(1) oc I (24) 33 ~il '

where ~n in the Pfirsh-Schluter regime is given in Eq. (A. 12) in Appendix 3. Thus, the ion to-"

roidal rotation is inversely proportional to the ion viscosity coefiicient ~n in this limit. On

the other hand, the poloidal rotation of ions reduces to

<~i '~6> - I dPi + dip~ _ ~rZf ) (~~) J Z n <Bu!!f>. (25) m v3 ( [1 + (1 + ' (1) f f N r 33 n * ~ en. dc dip ) J m' uf

In this case, the thermodynamical contribution rernains. In CHSl) central helical ripples along the magnetic axis can vary according to the out-

ward or inward shift of the plasma If R . = 90-95 cm, where Ra*i* is the major radius of **rs

the magnetic axis in the vacuum fleld, the central helical ripples are negligibly small and they

increase sharply if R . exceeds 95 cm. In the vicinity of the region where the helical ripples "**~

are vanishingly small the system can be thought to be nearly axisymmetric and <GBS>iN C:: 1.

In such the case Eqs. (21) and (22) become (o)

<u e >c~-~( I dPi + dc _ 34 1 dTi RL )

t ¥ en* dep dip t eZ*ff dep

RZ v 3 Zn J ) (=: ) I (1) f f <Bu//f>, (26) mi _ f [1+(1+ N 33 n* mf u

+rZf v 3 Z n <~i ・~6> ::: - rLco) I dT )(=: ) I (1) f f <1~u//f>. (27) m ' [1 + (1 + ' N 34 eZ*ff dep ~ 33 n* m J u As the gradients of the ion pressure and temperature, and electrostatic potential with respect

to c, i.e., dPi/dip, dTi/dip, and dc/dip do not vanish on the magnetic axis, the thermodynam-

ical contribution to toroidal and poloidal rotations of ions should not be neglected in the

non-axisymmetric toroidal system with axisymmetry near the magnetic axis. Note that what is mentioned on the toroidal rotation is applicable to the parallel flow.

Finally, we consider the situation where electrons exist in the l/v collisionality regime

and ions exist in the Pflrsh-Schltiter regime. This situation is realized by setting ~*k >> ~ik - e.

In this case, the expressions of Eqs. (7)-(12) do not change, except for

L(o) _ /li2 _ e (28) N(1)

34 ~ ~il ' ~il ' 33

Note that the coef~cients including N(313) must be evaluated using N(313) in Eq. (28). In the case

where ions exist in the high collisionality regime (pik - e), the terms with superscript (1) be-

come the same order as the terms with superscipt (O). Thus, the ion parallel flow due to fast

ions and the external inductive field becomes the same order as that of electrons. As a result


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1992~~ 7 ~

of it, the mornenturn gained by ions is larger than that of electrons by the order of e~2. This

result still holds when the direct interaction between fast ions and thermal ions is negligible, i.e., (v*/~~f)3 << 1.


4. Conclusion and Discussion

The effects of the external sources, i.e., fast ions due to the neutral beam injection and

the external inductive electric fleld, on the neoclassical flow, current, and ion toroidal rotation

are examined intensively. When both electrons and ions exist in the 1/v or banana collision-

ality regime, Iight electrons carry the current attributed to fast ions and the external induc-

tive field, while the heavy ions carry the momentum transferred from fast ions. It should be

noted that the parallel ion flow due to the fast ions is smaller than the parallel electron flow

' ~J~~ due to fast rons by the order of m./mi . As the ion collision frequency increases, however,

the situation becomes complicated, the reason of which comes from the momentum conserva-tion of the Coulomb collision and the property of viscosity coefflcients d,ecreasing sharply with

increasing collision frequency. Especially, when both electrons and ions exist in the Pfrsh-

Schluter regime, the parallel neoclassical current reduces to the usual classical current. How-

ever, the parallel ion flow due to fast ions becomes the same order as that of electrons, and

the momentum transferred from fast ions to thermal ions is larger than that to electrons by the order of mi/m. . As a result of it, the ion toroidal rotation is predominated by the paral-

lel flow due to fast ions and the contribution of the thermodynamical forces is negligible in

the nonaxisymmetric toroidal configuration with the signiflcantly small normalized geometric

factor or large helical ripples. Thus, the ion toroidal rotation is inversely proportional to the

ion viscosity coeffic_ ient. If axisymmetry is recovered near the magnetic axis by shifting the

plasma as is the case of CHS under an operation condition, the contribution of the thermo-

dynamical forces remains there.

The results which we have obtained for the contribution of the external momentum sources to the parallel flow, current, and rotation in the Pflrsh-Schluter collisionality regime

may be qualitatively applicable even to the plateau regirne if the quantities in the Pfirsh-

Schltiter regime are replaced by those in the plateau regime, because viscosity coef~icients in

the plateau regime are enough small compared with 1/v or banana regime.

Appendix I . Expressions for the Flux-Surface-Averaged Parallel Ouantities in Eq. (1)

The flux-surface-averaged parallel friction <B ' F.1> and the heat friction <B ' F.2> with thermal species are given by3)

N "b *b <~u//b> ll J [ <B ' F.1> _~ r 5 <~q//b> (A. 1) In 112 - <B ' F.2> I ~b=0 L 12"Ib 12"2b - ~ pb

where l,~,P (i, j = 1, 2, a, b O, , , N) are the fnctron coefficrents between specles a and b (a O

for electrons and a ~ O for ion species). Since the friction coefiicients are independent of both

the magnetic fleld B and the collisionality regime, the expressions in Eq. (A. 1) for parallel

friction forces in terms of the parallel flow and heat flux are the same between axisymmetric

and non-axisymmetric toroidal systerns in all collisonality regimes. The friction coefiicients l,~j~ (i, j = 1, 2, a, b = O -N) have the following relations:

li",b = Ib~ (A. 2) ji


~ I~b=0 (i=1 2) (A.3) b=0 *1 ' ' N which ensure the total momentum conservation of the Coulomb collision operator, i.e., b~0F.1

The flux-surface-averaged parallel friction and head friction with fast ions are given by3)


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~~*~t~~~~~~o^~~ Effects of Fast lons and an External Inductive Electric Field on the

Neoclassical Parallel Flow , Current and Rotation in General Toroidal Systems ~'~~' ~I~~

<B ' Fofl> n.m I l Z{ nf = *[ L_ I -<B ' Fof2> T・・ 3 J <Bu//f> for electrons, n

v3 ~ (A. 4) n a e2~ 1 1 f ) * ( * <B ' Fafl> = m + m <B'Fofl> for ron specres il3 N nbe2b

f~ b=1 mb

where v// 3 Ic m N nbe;mf ., S v3 ffd3v 1 v3 ~ ~/~ * ~ ' -3

~ 4 m 3 ~ fv//ffd3v f b=1 n*mb T*' ~ The quantities with subscript f denote those which belong to fast ions, v* is the critical veloc-

ity at which the drag exerted by the electrons on the fast ion beam is equal to that of back-ground ions on the fast ion bea~n. Here the conditions vT. >> I ~fl >> vT. for a = I - N have

been. assumed where ~f is the beam velocity, vT* the thermal velocity of electrons an~ vT~ the

thermal velocity of a species ipns. The heat friction of thermal ions with fast ions has been

negl ected.

The flux-surface-averaged parallel viscosity and the parallel heat viscosity have the fol-

lowing general form

( P. .¥ <Bu//'> + <GBS>~ ~ e.n~ + c ) <B ' V ・ n.>] _ Lll.1 /1.2] [

・ J, L (A. 5) - 2 <Bq//~> <GBS>. Tea

-<B 'V ・e) > _ . ~ /1*2 Ila3 _ _ 5 P where l/~j (j = I - 3) are viscosity coefficients and <GBS>~ is the geometric factor, and the prime

denotes d/dV with V being the volume. The viscosity coefiicients ll.j have the geometrical

dependences of the magnetic fleld and depend on the collisionality regime. The magnitude of

them sharply deceases as the collision frequency inceases without regard to the existence of

axisymmetry. However, the gepmetric factor <GBS>. is deeply affected by whether the axi-

symmetry exists or not. In the axisymmetric toroidal system it has the com~non expression to all particle species in all collisionality regimes, which is expressed <GBS>T4). In the non-axi-

symmetric toroidal systems, however, it depends on the collisionality regime where the parti-

cle species a exists and is smaller than the axisymmetric one, i.e., <GBS>* ~ <GBS>T . The mag-

nitude of it roughly decreases as the collision frequency increases. The asymptotic forms for

<GBS>a in each collisionality regime can be seen in ref. 4.

Appendix 2. Definitions of Ouantities in Eq. (2)

The quantities in Eq. (2) are defied as follows for (a, b = O -N)

Ft :

Ff :

EA :


F ~~: <B ' F~1>, t 2a+1

F ~~ <B ' Fafl>, f 2*+1 EA 2a+1 ~~ eana <B ' E(A)>,

V2~+1 <B ' V ' na>,

r Pa ' ) G:G2a+1~~<G > +ip , BS a¥ eana

X : X2a+1 ~~ <Bu//a>,

ab ab Lab In ll2 ~ J L , ab ab 121 122


Lro Lt ~


F ~~ - <B ' Fa2>, t 2a+2

= B 'Faf2>6ao' F ~~ < f 2a+ 2

E ~ O, A 2a+2

V2a+2 ~ ~ <B ' V ' ea>,

T~ G2a+2 ~ <GBS>a ea '

X2a+2 2 <~ql'a> = ~ ~ Pa

Lou . ON L L11 IN L


(A. 6)

(A. 7)


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~i~pl*~A~~~~~ft ~i~68~~~~1~~ 1992~~7~I

/1 o

/1*1 /1*2 /ll ~~ J ~~ L , /1* /1*2 /l~~ (A. 8) ll

/1 N

6~o I for a = O, = O for a ~ O.

Appendix 3. Friction and Viscosity Coefficients

In this Appendix we give friction and viscosity coefricients for a sirnple plasma consisting

of electrons and one species ions. The normalized friction coefficients up to the order of e are

given by

-** -.. - 3 l =-Z*ff' l 11 12 ~ ~ ~ Z*ff' (A. 9) 13 ' I~;=- ~/~+ 4 Z ~ ~/~+ 15 vTi - ( ) =- ) , ( "' 122

*f f. 2Z*ff vT* '

where 'vT* and vTi are thermal velocities of electrons and ions, respectively, therefore v lv - Z:ff e.

The viscosity coefiicients up to the order of e are:

for the 1/v or banana collisionality regime

f t

~.1 = { ~~T L In (1 + ~f~) + c~}, f .

_ f /1.2= : { (A. 10) 5 3 ~} , 2 ~~: - ~ In(1+ ~1~)+ ~~ c

f _ _ ft f39 ~/~- 245 In(1+~f~)+ 13 c.}, /1 ~3 ~ f, 1 8 4

for the plateau collisionality regime

A ~. _ _ ~~ 13 ~.1 = ~pL 2, ~~2 =- ~pL ' (A. 11) /1*3- ~pL 2 '

for the Pflrsh-Schltiter collisionality regime

~~ 2 205 ~/~/32 + c. 5114 ft I = ~ps 267/40 + c. 903/80 + c~ 36/5 '

~. 2 331 ~/~~/32 + c~57/2 -= ( ) !l~2 - ~ps (A. 12) 267/40 + c. 903/80 + c~ 36/5 '

~. 2 1045 ~f~/32 + c.81 /1 3 = ~ps 267/40 + c~903/80 + c~36/5 '

where c*= Z*ff for elecsrons (a = e) and O for ions (a = i). The fraction of trapped particles

ft and untrapped particles f., the mean free path ~. of the particle species a, and the charac-

teristic length of the magnetic field in the plateau regime ~pL and in the Pfirsh-Schltter regime

~ps are given by

3 <~2> 1 1 - J[ l ft= I T B~.. o I - ~ B ~d~,


f=1-ft' ~ =T v . ~ ~* T~, 1 _ <DT (t/lp + /It) I _ 3 <(u'VB)2> (A. 13) ~pL <~2> ' ~ps2 ~ 2 <L:2> '

where r.. is the Braginskii collision time: T!~ = 4/(3 ~~) ・ 4lrn~ e~ In A/(m~v3T.),


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~~*~t~"~~'~'F~^)~ Effects of Fast lons and an External Inductive Electric Field on the

Neoclassical Parallel Flow , Current and Rotation in General Toroidal Systems ~~;, ~l~~

~/~ rn'V1~ (tm + n) J. 13~~ sin [27z: (mOH + n~H)] 2 ~(~) ~ (A. 14) t/Lp + /Lt = -T ~~0, ~~0 Itm + n

B~~ is the spectrum of ~ in the Hamada coordinates, i.e., ~= ~~~~~~ cos[27c (m6H + n~H)].

The spectrum of 1~ in the Hamada coordinates is easily obtained from the Boozer coordinates as shown in ref. 4.

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