installation no. 758 ln!itru~lons [ tape oiaur klwpati -...

INSTAllATiON lN!iTRU~lONS [ NO. 758 KlWPAti - PROORAMMABLa TAPE OIAUR GENKRAL INPORMATION: The No. 758 Keypad Programmable Tape Dialer is used to communicate tape-recorded audio-alarm messages over dial-up telephone lines, when activated by an alarm control panel. Two input channels control the two-track tape drive. Channel 1 is the priority channel and will override Channel 2 in the event both are triggered. The No. 758 incorporates the following features: 1. 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Telephone numbers to be dialed can be easily programmed (and reprogrammed) into the unit by the user via an. integral keypad. Up to 4 telephone numbers (with up to 14 digits each) can be programmed for each channel. The user may also program abort options for,Channels 1 -and 2, as well as the number of tape loop repetitions per call. Any or all user-programmed data may be changed at any time. Programmed data is stored in nonvolatile memory and is unaffected by an indefinite power failure. Activity during Run mode is stored in nonvolatile memory and may be cleared (via the keypad) in Program mode. User-programmable memory may be reviewed without changing stored information. Programming and testing are aided by a large seven-segment numeric display. The dialer may be tested with the telephone connection disabled and the audio message played over an internal speaker. A momentary slide switch for each channel simulates alarm conditions to test the dialer’s full capability, including abort options. Alarm inputs may originate from normally-open contacts, normally-closed contacts, or from an input voltage. 316 323

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NO. 758 KlWPAti -



The No. 758 Keypad Programmable Tape Dialer is used to communicate tape-recorded audio-alarm messages over dial-up telephone lines, when activated by an alarm control panel. Two input channels control the two-track tape drive. Channel 1 is the priority channel and will override Channel 2 in the event both are triggered.

The No. 758 incorporates the following features:








Telephone numbers to be dialed can be easily programmed (and reprogrammed) into the unit by the user via an. integral keypad. Up to 4 telephone numbers (with up to 14 digits each) can be programmed for each channel.

The user may also program abort options for,Channels 1 -and 2, as well as the number of tape loop repetitions per call.

Any or all user-programmed data may be changed at any time.

Programmed data is stored in nonvolatile memory and is unaffected by an indefinite power failure.

Activity during Run mode is stored in nonvolatile memory and may be cleared (via the keypad) in Program mode.

User-programmable memory may be reviewed without changing stored information.

Programming and testing are aided by a large seven-segment numeric display.

The dialer may be tested with the telephone connection disabled and the audio message played over an internal speaker. A momentary slide switch for each channel simulates alarm conditions to test the dialer’s full capability, including abort options.

Alarm inputs may originate from normally-open contacts, normally-closed contacts, or from an input voltage.



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Tape.Gartridge Installation: ', ,' .

The tape cartridge unit (No. 614-l, ,ordered separately) is a special endless-loop design (tape always travels from the inside of the tape reel to the outside).

1. Carefully remove tape from plastic shipping bag, taking care not to extend the tape loop.

2. Position the cartridge on the deck below the motor. The reel lock ring should be facing up.

3. Rotate the cartridge and position it so that the locating pin under the reel fits into the locating hole in the deck (see Figure 1).

0 Deck


locating ‘-Hole


O-Screw Hole

4. Move the cartridge slightly left or right, as required, to locate the screw hole in the deck. Look through the cartridge center hole to locate the deck screw hole.

5. When the deck screw hole has been located, fasten the cartridge in place with the #6 x l-1/4" screw provided.




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6. Guide the tape loop around the ttio posts arid magnetic head as shown in Figure 2.

Gbide Post


7. Gently lift pressure roller, and place tape over capstan halfway down the shaft. Return roller to hold tape against capstan. Tape should now be taut against the posts and magnetic head (see Figure 3).




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8. Pressure pad contact with tape is made by oerforming the following steps (see Figure 4):

a. Slide pressure

b. Thread tape in

c. Slide pressure contacts tape.

pad away from magnetic

front of pressure pad.

pad forward until foam


of pad gently


Dialer Connections:

Dialer connection requires connection of the alarm inputs, connection to the. telephone line and local handsets, connection of the DC power supply, and auxiliary and signal connections, if any (see Figure 5).

1. Connect Alarm Inputs. Channels 1 and 2 'are completely independent of one another; therefore, normally-open or nonnally- closed contacts, or a voltage trigger, can be used on either channel.

a. CONNECT NORMALLY OPEN CONTACTS, if used, between Terminals 9 (CH*l+) and 10 (CH l-) [or Terminals 12 (CU 2+) and 13 (CH 2-)I,

b. CONNECT NORMALLY CLOSED CONTACTS, if used, between Terminals 10 (CH l-) and 15 (GND) with a jumper between Terminals 9 (CH l+) and 10 (CH l-). For Channel.2, use Terminals 13 (CH 2-) and 15 (GND) with a jumper between Terminals 12 (CH 2+) and 13 (CH 2-).

. .

C. IF A VOLTAGE TRIGGER IS USED, the trigger voltage should be nominally +12 VDC (10 V min, 15 Vmax). Control panel and dialer must have a common DC ground for Terminal 15 (GND). Make the following connections:

GH 1 +V Trigger at Terminal 11. CH 2 +V Trigger at Terminal 14.



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ElmEl q mlel . r










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2. Connect Telephone Line and Local Handsets:

Note: Automatic .line seizure is built into the No. 758. This insures that the No. 758 will control the telephone line and that a "handset off-hook" will not prevent the completion of a call to the central monitoring station.

a. Connection of Terminals 1 and 3 to the telephone line and Terminals 4 and 5 to local handsets (for automatic line seizure) should be made via an Ademco No. 620 Direct Connect Cord, which plugs into a telephone company- supplied jack (USOC No. RJ31X).

b. As an alternative, if local regulations permit, Terminals 1 and 3 may be connected directly to the telephone line and Terminals 4 and 5 connected to local handsets in parallel (for automatic line seizure, if required).

c. RED flying leads from surge arrestors should be connected to Terminals 1 and 3, and GREEN to Terminal 2.

d. Terminal 2 should be connected to an earth ground via the GREEN flying lead provided.

3. Connect the DC Power Supply: Make sure the RUN/PROG. switch is in the RUN position, and connect the DC power supply to the RED (+) and BLACK (-1 flying leads. Be sure to observe polarity.

CAUTION: Never apply or remove power from the dialer when it is in the' Program mode.

Note: Power supply must be nominally 12 VDC (between 10 and 15 VDC) and‘musi'bez?c:capable of supplying 4 m4 continuously during Standby and 0.6 A during alarms (e.g., PCC 12 Charger and BP4 Battery if stand is desired).

4. Auxiliary Connection. Terminals 6, 7, 8, and 16 (for use as required; e.g., with a No. 675 Ground Start Module).

a. CP POWER (coupler power) Terminal 16 provides switched +5 VDC when the dialer is active. Maximum total current for this and Vcc terminal (below) is 65 mA.

b. Vcc Terminal 6 and GND Terminal 7: +5 VDC is available at Terminal 6. Maximum total current for this and CP POWER terminal (above) is 65 mA.

c. GROUND START Terminal 8 provides a high logic level (+5 volts) during "dial tone wait". Maximum guaranteed current is 0.36 mA at 4.6 volts and 1.5 mA at 2.5 volts. This output is provided to activate the No. 675 Ground Start Module when used.



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CAUTION: Never apply or remove power from the dialer when the RUN/PROG. switch is in the PROG. position.


Checking and programming the dialer is accomplished by pressing the PROG. side of the RUN/PROG. rocker switch and using the keypad and seven-segment numeric display.

1. Checking or verifying memory is initiated by pressing the "*" key, followed by an appropriate keystroke sequence as described below.

2. Changing memory is initiated by a *'AC" keystroke.

Verifying data and programming data may be done in any order as long as each new sequence is started with a "**' or "#,' entry followed by the keystroke sequence described below.

There are five categories- of data in memory. The next'number entered after the *hVl or ll#,f entry specifies the data type selected, as follows:


Type 1 - Telephone numbers dialed for Channel 1 alarms 111" (up to 4 telephone numbers)

Type 2 - Telephone numbers dialed for Channel 2 alarms “2” (up to 4 telephone numbers)

Type3 - Abort option data for Channel 1 and Channel 2 .., "3"

Type 4 - Number of tape loop repetitions for each call "4"

Type5- Past activity memory '15"

When verifying or checking memory, enter *'*** followed by the data type ("if', "2", "3", "4", or "5") and, in the case of teleDhone numbers, the sequence number-of the call (t'11',~02't, "3", or "4")). -Stored data bill be displayed sequentially on the seven-segment numeric display. This interrogation of memory does not alter the memory.

When changing data other than the telephone number(s), enter *'#,', the data type ("3", "4*', or "5"), and the data to be stored (as explained later in this section). This results in storage of the data in nonvolatile memory followed by recall and display of the'data for verification.



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When changing a telephone number, enter "#'I, the data type ("1" for Channel 1, "2" for Channel 2), the sequence number ("l", "2", **3", or "4"), the telephone number itself, and "#" again, to identify the end of the telephone number. For example, to program Channel 2, the fourth telephone number as 555-6789, the keystroke sequence is '*#I' "2" "4" "5" "5" "5" "6" "7" "8" Wgtl I, II

# l Following this, the display will show sequentially: 555-6789.

When changing data, entering 'I#,', the data type, and the data to be stored results in storage of the data in nonvolatile memory followed by automatic recall and display of the data for verification. Changing one unit of data does not effect any.other data unit.

Past Activity Memory:

When a transition from Run mode to Program mode is made by pressing the PROG. side of the RUN/PROG. rocker switch, past activity memory contents are displayed. This data is also displayed following programming error indication (rapidly flashing display). If the display is clear (decimal point only), alarm activity has not occurred since the past activity memory was last cleared. Display of any numeral indicates alarm activity with the following codes:


Code 1 - Channel 1 alarm message initiated

Code 2 - Channel 2 alarm message initiated

Code 3 - Channel 1 and Channel 2 messages initiated

Code 8 - Ten-attempt shutdown; dialer was unable to place the four "consecutive calls for a given channel required for normal shutdown

Code 9 - Tape malfunction; end-of-tape foil was not detected within 60 seconds

Code 1, 2, or 3 is recorded only if an alarm message is initiated; thus, -if an alarm channel programmed for Abort is activated and aborts before the tape message has begun, no memory of the event will be stored. Similarly, failure to detect dial tone or access tones, on units so equipped, prevents message transmission; thus no alam activity will be stored. A Code 3 can result only if Channel 1 and Channel 2 alam messages were both initiated since memory wanast cleared. As an example, this can occur if a Channel 2 alam initiates message transmission and is followed by a higher priority Channel 1 alam with message transmission. The two events could also have occurred on separate occasions with the unit in Standby mode between the two occurrences.



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A Code 8 usually indicates a malfunction in the control panel, telephone lines, or the dialer unit. Ten-attempt shutdown would occur if units which require tone detection to complete dialing are unable to detect the tones. Control panel malfunctions, such as repeated activation and aborting of abort programmed channels, could, under some circumstances, result in ten-attempt shutdown.

Tape malfunction (Code 9) results in immediate shutdown. Tape malfunction is initiated when the tape-stop strip in the cartridge is not encountered within 60 seconds of a Tape Start signal.

In all cases, past activity memory can be cleared when in Program mode by entering 'W' "5" on the keypad. The display will show the decimal point only. Past activity memory can be interrogated in Program mode by entering 1**11 "511 . The activity code, if any, will then be displayed.

Telephone Number Programing:

Alam activation of either channel normally results in placing up to four calls in sequence with the alam message transmitted following completion of dialing in each case; therefore, up to 8 telephone numbers of up to 14 digits each may be programmed (4 per channel). Pauses of 2.4 seconds may be programmed. Each pause is counted as one of the 14 digits.

,When interrogating memory using the "*" key or changing a phone number using the "#,' key, it is necessary to enter channel number "1" or "2" and sequence number "l", "2", "3", or "4".

To program or change a phone number, enter "#,' to select Change mode, enter "1" or "2" for Channel 1 or 2, enter "l", "2", "3", or "4" for sequence number, and then enter the phone number digits in order, inserting "*" entries whenever pauses are required. Following digit entries, end the sequence with a "#" entry. The phone number will flash one digit at a time for immediate verification. Up to 14 digits may be used, including the pauses. Any digit entries after 14 will be ignored. Failure to enter a final "#,' will result in an error (see "Programming Error Indications" section).

If fewer than four calls for a particular channel are desired, a phone number may be deleted or.programmed to skip that call. Simply enter 11 ,, if, channel number "1"‘or "2", sequence number "l", "2", "3", or "4", and again enter 'W', omitting the digit entry portion entirely. Note that all four sequences for each channel must be programmed whether or not the phone numberFentered.

To verify a phone number, enter "*", channel numnber "1" or "2", and sequence number "l", "2", "3", or "4". The stored phone number will flash on the display one digit at a time, including blanks when pauses were programmed;



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Abort Options and Number of Calls:

Each alam channel can be programmed by the user to be an abort ‘channel or a non-abort channel. When a non-abort channel is in the alam condition, the microcomputer latches that alam condition so that if the condition is subsequently cleared, the dialer will still send the alam message. In contrast, a channel programmed for abort will continue to send its message only if the alam condition persists; If an alam is aborted during tape message transmission, the unit will immediately go off-line (assuming another channel is not in alarm) and will wait until the end of the tape to go into Standby mode. At any other time, the unit will immediately switch to Standby.

The dialer can be programmed to call each of the four phone numbers either once or twice.

Channel 1 and Channel 2 abort options are independently selectable, in conjunction with “call once” or “call twice”. The eight option codes are as follows:


Abort Option Code Channel 1 Channel 2 to Each Number





















115” Abort Non-abort 1

“6” Non-abort Abort 1

11711 Abort Abort 1

To program.or change the abort option code, enter I’#” to select Change mode, enter "3" to select abort option data, and enter the desired aborE option code, “OtW, “181, “211, ll3#1, ltjll, #1511, 11681. or 11711. The code will be stored in memory and then retrieved and displayed for innnediate verification.

EXAMPLE: To program Channels 1 and 2 as abort.channels yet make only one call to each number, enter "#" "3" "7".

To interrogate memory for the abort option code, enter tr*lr “3”. The code will then be displayed.



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Tape Loop Repetitions:

After dialing a particular phone number, the tape-recorded message is played over the phone lines. Some networks may take longer than others to complete the call, or some parties may take longer than others to answer the call. Therefore, it may be necessary to repeat tape-recorded messages one or more times. The user may program the dialer to play the tape up to five times per call. The number of repetitions selected will be the same for all calls.

To program or change the number of tape loop repetitions, enter I'#,' - to select Change mode, enter "4" to select the tape-repeat option, and enter ii111, 112i1, 11311, 114e1, or "5" to set the number of tape repetitions per call.

To verify the tape repeat option data, enter "*" "4". The number of repetitions will be displayed.

If more than one tape loop repeat is programmed and an aborted alam results in dialer disconnection from the phone line, only the current tape loop repetition will be completed, regardless of the number programmed.

Progranming Error Indications:

To assist the user in programming the dialer and verifying memory contents, the microcomputer includes built-in error recognition which detects improper keystroke sequences. The user is alerted to these errors by a

- rapidly flashing display of the incorrect.entry value (incorrect entry of I’*,’ or 91 11 # results in a flashing decimal point). Following the rapidly flashing display, the microcomputer automatically returns to the start of the Program mode as if it had just been entered by pressing the PROG. side of the RUN/PROG. rocker switch. As a result, the past activity memory code will be displayed if it has not been.cleared.

Data changes or programming sequences, 'which were properly completed before the sequence containing the error, are not disturbed and remain in memory; however, the sequence containing the error is completely deleted, and that data unit remains as it was before the erroneous sequence was started. As an example, assume that the first Channel 1 phone number was programmed to dial 0 (operator) and the tape repeat option was'progranuned as a 2. The user then changed the first Channel 1 phone number to 911 but attempted to change the tape repeat option to 8 (an improper value). After the flashing "8" error indication, the first Channel 1 phone number would be 911, but the tape repeat option would still be 2.'llowing is a summary of errors which are indicated by a flashing display:

a. Starting a sequence with an entry other than "*" or 'W.

b. Entry of other than "l", "2", "3", "4", or "5" after starting a sequence with "*" or 'I#,'.

c. Entry of other than "1"; "2", "3", or "4" for a phone number sequence number.



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d. Entry of other than "0" through "7" for an abort option code.

e. Entry of other than "l", "2", "3", "4", or "5" for the tape repeat option value.

Prografaning Example:

Clear past activity memory, and change Channel 2, fourth phone number to l-303-449-3700 with a pause following the prefix 1.




User Action/ Seven-Segment Key Entry Numeric Display

Press PROG. switch 2.

"#" 115”

. .5 .


Blank .

. 2. 4.

L. .

3. 0. 3. 4. 4. Cl -. s- . 7. 0 . 0 .



3: C. 3. 4. 4. 9. 3. 7. 0. 0.


Channel 2 alarm has occurred.

Select Change mode. Select past acti-vity

memory. Clears past activity memory. Past activity memory cleared.

Select Change mode. Select Channel 2 data. Fourth phone number Digit = 1 Digit = pause Digit = 3 Digit = 0 Digit = 3 Digit = 4 Digit = 4 Digit = 9 Digit = 3 Digit = 7 Digit = 0 Digit = 0 End sequence; data

stored in memory-.

Stored data displayed. Stored data displayed. Stored data displayed. Stored data displayed. Stored data displayed. Stored data displayed. Stored data displayed. Stored data displayed. Stored data displayed. Stored data displayed. Stored data displayed. Stored data displayed.



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Now interrogate memory for Channel 1, third phone number.

User Action/ Seven-Segment Key Entry Numeric Display Comments

rc*u 11~11



1: 3:

Blank 9. 2. 1. 6. 7. 0. 0.

Display remaining from last operation.

Select Interrogate mode. Select Channel 1 data.. Third phone number. Retrieves data. Stored phone number

is 921-6700.

Now program tape repeat option for three repeats. Desired keystroke sequence is ,*#;I 11411~ 113ll.

User Action/ Seven-Segment Key Entry Numeric Display

0 11 # “4” ‘1611

11 11 # ll4ll “3”


4: Flashing 6.


4: 3.

Blank 3.


Display remaining from last operation.

Select Change mode. Select tape repeat option. Accidental incorrect

entry. Ready for new se.quence. Select Change mode. Select tape repeat option. Set repeat option = 3. Stores data. entry = 3.



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Testing the dialer in Run mode can be accomplished at two levels. The first, off-line testing, allows 'the user to check alam input circuitry, dialer memory, execution sequence, tape drive, audio quality, and tape-recorded message content. The second level testing, on-line testing, allows the user to test the above items, as well as telephone line integrity, ability to detect dial tone, and ability to successfully complete calls on the telephone network. Each level of testing has advantages; however, on-line testing may be prohibited in some areas.

Off-line testing, with the PHONE LINE/INTERNAL SPEAKER switch set to INTERNAL SPEAKER, disables the dial relay, thus preventing connection to the telephone line. The audio signal is applied to an internal speaker for user verification of the alarm message. Dial tone or access tone detection is not possible with the phone line connection disabled; therefore, dial tone detection is simulated in this mode so that tone detection waiting periods are eliminated. aen a "*" digit entry is encountered (a 2.4 second pause), the full pause period will occur in the dialing sequence. Performing off-line testing is described later.

For on-line testing, the dialer should be programmed for a phone number(s) to which a test call has been authorized. With the PHONE LINE/INTERNAL SPEAKER switch'set to PHONE LINE, all tone wait periods will be observed. Where tone detect is required, dialing will not commence unless the appropriate tones are detected by the dialer. The audio portion will not be heard on the internal speaker but is transmitted on the phone. Performing on-line testing is described later.

Momentary Test Switches:

Two momentary slide switches, CHANNEL 1 TEST and CHANNEL 2 TEST, can be ,used to simulate alarm.conditions normally communicated to the dialer by a control panel. When these switches are used to activate the dialer, the digits of the telephone number being dialed are displayed on the seven-segment numeric display. In all other respects, these switches act like normal alarm inputs; therefore, these switches are useful for checking the abort/non-abort characteristics of the Channel 1 and Channel 2 inputs, as well as the priority scheme. Channel 1 alarms have a higher priority than Channel 2 alarms.


The dialer can also be tested by activating it via the control panel. This serves to check the integrity of control panel-to-dialer communication. The display, in this instance, will not indicate the digits of the phone number.



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Performing Off-line Tests:









Set PHONE LINE/INTERNAL SPEAKER rocker switch to the ItiTRRNAL SPEAKER position.

Set RUN/PROG. rocker switch to the RUN position.

Manipulate CHANNEL 1 and CRANNEL 2 TEST switches, as desired, to activate the dialer and simulate alarm conditions. The yellow LED indicates the "dialer active" state.

After all calls are simulated, dialer should return to the Standby mode with the yellow LED off.

Enter Program mode by setting RUN/PROC. rocker switch to PROG. position to check that past activity memory corresponds to the test sequence.

Clear past activity memory by entering W "5" on the keypad.

Return both rocker switches to their respective PRONE LINE and RUN positions. The yellow LED should go off; if not, dialer is still sensing an alarm condition.

Performing On-line Tests:

The procedure for on-line tests is identical to that for off-line tests except that the PHONE LINE/INTERNAL SPEWER rocker switch is set to the PHONP LINE position. Remember to program appropriate phone numbers for the test.


Physical: Width: Height: Depth:

Electrical: Voltage: Current:


12" (3045"cm) 12*@.i30.5 cmj

3" ( 7.6 cm)

12 VDC nominal (10 MC min., 15 VDC max.) Standby - 4 mA (at 12 VDC) Alarm - 600 mA N.O. 0r'N.C. contacts or voltage signal (12 VDC nominal, lO.VDC min., 15 MC max.)