effects of heat on food

Effects of Heat on Food and Cooking Methods

Upload: jhaniece-gay-ya

Post on 14-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Effects of heat on food

Effects of Heat on Food and Cooking


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Effects of Heat on Foods

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• Coagulation – exposure of proteins to excessive heat toughens them and makes them dry. Most proteins complete coagulations or are cooked at 71’C to 85’C


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• By cooking properly, tough meats can be made tender.

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• Acids, like lemon juice, vinegar and tomato products do two things to proteins:

1. speed coagulation 2. help dissolve some connective tissue

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• Caramelization

• Gelatinization

• Acids inhibits gelatinization

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• The softening of fruits and vegetables in cooking is, in part, the breaking down of fiber.

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• Sugar makes fiber firmer

• Baking soda makes fiber softer.

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• When fats are heated, they begin to break down.

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Smoke point – the temperature at which the fat deteriorate rapidly and begins to smoke.

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• Mineral components may be leashed out, or dissolved away from foods during cooking.

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• Vitamins and pigments may also be destroyed by heat, by long cooking and by other elements present during cooking.

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A. Conduction

B. Convection

C. Radiation

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1. When heat moves directly from one item to something touching it.

A. Conduction

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2. When heat moves from one part of something to an adjacent part of the item.

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B. Convection

1. Natural – hot liquids and gases rise while cooler ones sink.

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2. Mechanical – heat is transferred more quickly to the food and the food cooks faster.

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C. Radiation

1. Infrared – an electric element or ceramic element heated by a gas flame becomes so hot that it gives of infrared radiation which cooks the food.

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2. Microwave – the radiation generated by the oven penetrates partway into the food, where it agitates the molecules of water.

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1. Moist-Heat Methods

Those in which the heat is conducted to the food product by water or water-based liquids such as stock and sauces or by steam.

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2. Dry-Heat Methods

Heat is conducted without moisture, that is by hot air, hot metal, radiation or hot fat.