eif 2011 schedule

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  • 8/6/2019 EIF 2011 Schedule



    The Heartland Institutes

    Seventh Emerging Issues Forum

    Thursday, October 13, 2011

    Schedule last updated October 10, 2011

    7:30-8:30 am Registration and breakfast

    8:30-8:40 am Welcome and introduction of keynote speaker

    Joseph Bast, president, and John Nothdurft, government relations director

    The Heartland Institute

    8:40-9:10 am Keynote speaker: Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL)

    9:10-9:20 am Q&A

    9:20-9:35 am Brian Fojtik, Brownstone CommunicationsTopic: Can Tobacco Cure Smoking?

    9:35-10:05am Panel 1 - Global Warming and Energy Fears: End Of A Delusion?

    Events in 2009 and 2010, including publication ofClimate Change

    Reconsideredby the NIPCC, Climategate, and a significant swing in

    public opinion, have shown the global warming skeptics were more right than wrong. But will global warming alarmists simply admit defeat

    and go away? Probably not. Whats next? What is the future of energy

    policy in America?

    Moderator: James M. Taylor, managing editor,Environment & ClimateNews, columnist for Forbes.com

    Speakers:Craig Idso, coauthor ofClimate Change Reconsideredand

    chairman of the Center on Carbon Dioxide and Global Change; Rich

    Trzupek, Heartland policy advisor and author ofRegulators Gone Wild:

    How the EPA is Ruining American Industry; Eli Lehrer, vice president of

    Washington, DC operations for Heartland

    10:05-10:15 am Q&A

    10:20-10:55 am Panel 2 - Budgets and Taxes: Big Changes on the HorizonThe Tea Party movement and the 2010 elections moved cutting taxes,

    reducing spending, and managing government debt to the top of the

    legislative agenda at both the federal and state levels. Who is doing the

    best job at the state level? Who has the best plan for the federal

    government? Is the federal entitlement crisis set to explode sooner than

    thought? What needs to be done?

  • 8/6/2019 EIF 2011 Schedule



    Moderator:John Nothdurft, director of government relations, The

    Heartland Institute

    Speakers:Peter Ferrara, Heartland senior fellow and author of

    Americas Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb; Ted Dabrowski, vice president ofpolicy, Illinois Policy Institute; Wisconsin state Sen. Frank Lasee

    10:55-11:15 am Q&A

    11:15-11:30 am Jay Lehr, Science Director, The Heartland Institute

    Topic: There Will Be Oil

    11:35-12:30 pm Lunch

    12:30-1:00 pm Keynote speaker: David Boaz, executive VP, Cato Institute

    Topic: Bridging the Gap Between Philosophy and Public Policy

    1:00-1:20 pm Q&A

    1:20-2:05 pm Panel 3 - Finally: Opportunities to Transform K-12 Education

    K-12 education in the U.S. has been under-performing and over-spending

    for decades. American students perform poorly compared to their

    counterparts in other countries, despite the fact that per-pupil spending in

    the U.S. is far higher. The budget crises facing many states are finally

    forcing state legislators to consider reforms that promise to transform, not

    merely reform, schools while actually saving taxpayers money. Coming

    up: More school choice, the Parent Trigger, and digital learning.

    Moderator:Joy Pullmann, Heartland research fellow for education

    policy, managing editor, School Reform News

    Speakers:Marc Oestreich, legislative specialist for education policy,

    The Heartland Institute; Matthew Wicks, vice president, International

    Association for K-12 Online Learning

    2:05-2:20 pm Q&A

    2:20-3:05 pm Panel 4 - Obamacare: Repeal, Replace, Reform

    The movement to repeal, replace, and/or reform Obamacare started well

    before the legislation was signed by the president. The legislation

    threatens to bankrupt states and the nation, violates the constitution, willlead to rationing by bureaucrats, and does nothing to bring health care

    spending under control. Thankfully, there are many things national and

    state legislators can do to, from blocking funding of the laws

    implementation, to refusing to create state insurance exchanges, to

    proposing better ways to reduce unnecessary spending.

  • 8/6/2019 EIF 2011 Schedule



    Moderator:Benjamin Domenech, Heartland research fellow, managing

    editor ofHealth Care News, and editor ofThe New Ledger

    Speakers:Avik Roy, Heartland policy advisor; Richard Dolinar, M.D.,

    Heartland senior fellow

    3:05-3:20 pm Q&A

    3:20-3:30 pm Wrap up and adjourn

    5:30-9:00 pm The Heartland Institutes 27th Anniversary Benefit Dinner

    Hilton Chicago Hotel